The best varieties of pumpkin. Butternut Squash Soup Recipe

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There are many types of pumpkins. Of those used in cooking, three groups can be distinguished: large-fruited, nutmeg and hard-skinned. Each of them has its own varieties and subspecies. Hard-barked greatest number types of pumpkins, as well as squash and zucchini. As you might guess, they got their name because of their hard peel, thanks to which the hard-barked fruits have a long shelf life. Their bark color is light with orange stripes.

The large-fruited one tastes significantly inferior to the hard-barked and nutmeg ones. It has dense flesh and also a thick peel. The shelf life of large-fruited pumpkin is about six months.

The most delicious is nutmeg. There are many subspecies: elongated Turkmen, oval Indian, flattened American. It has bright orange flesh rich in carotene and a huge number of seeds. Due to the high sugar content of the fruit, your hands get sticky when cutting it. The birthplace of nutmeg pumpkin is considered South America, where wild species can still be found in the forests.

butternut squash


  • It has a high content of vitamin A, E and PP. And it also contains all the B vitamins. Of the microelements, the most a large number of in magnesium, potassium and iron.
  • The butternut squash stalk has five sides that widen towards the base of the fruit.
  • These plants are most productively grown in the south, as they are very thermophilic.
  • The most common fruit shapes are oval or round.
  • The pulp will vary depending on the variety.
  • There are usually a lot of seeds.
  • It tastes sweet and aromatic.

In order to get the harvest in time, they try to plant nutmeg pumpkin as seedlings.

The most popular varieties of butternut squash:

  • Prikubanskaya.
  • Vitamin.
  • Pearl.
  • Marble.
  • Muscat de Provence.
  • Arbatskaya.

Prikubanskaya has juicy and soft flesh. The fruit itself grows weighing up to four kilograms, which is not much for a pumpkin. This early variety has a very good performance productivity. As a rule, it matures in no more than one hundred days. Pear-shaped with light skin. The flesh is brighter in color than the skin.

Vitamin pumpkin is a late variety. Its ripening period is one hundred and fifty days. Large fruits reach seven kilograms, and the shape is most often oval or cylindrical. The pulp is dark orange with a huge content of carotene. This variety is extremely useful.

Mid-season variety Muscat de Provence ripens for about one hundred and ten days. Pumpkins are small in size and can reach three kilograms.

The dense orange pulp is very sweet. Excellent natural desserts are prepared from it. In addition, this variety is considered the most resistant to diseases. It is stored for a long time, until mid-spring, which also makes it commercially attractive.

Variety Marble ripens a little longer, and the weight of each fruit is twice that of Muscat de Provence. Externally, the vegetable is slightly flattened, with a gray-green coating on the peel. Its taste is considered the sweetest among all known nutmeg species. Therefore, this variety has found wide application in the food industry.

Variety Arabatsky the most common among mid-season pumpkins. The fruits of this species have an elongated shape and weigh about seven kilograms. Stored at least three months maintaining all its qualities and beneficial properties. The pulp is light, and becomes brighter towards the middle of the fruit. The skin is thin and yellow.

Variety Pearl has very large fruits. The shape of the pumpkin is cylindrical, the flesh is thick and soft. It has a very small nest with seeds inside the fruit.

The ripening period is just over a hundred days, and the fruits are perfectly stored at low temperatures.

How to Grow Butternut Squash

When planting, the seed and seedling method is used. Seeds are planted in December under film. This is done as follows: two seeds are planted in a hole. The distance between the holes should be at least eighty centimeters, and the depth of the hole should not be more than six.

To obtain seedlings and subsequently plant them, the seeds are sprouted at home in April, and when the sprouts have three leaves, they are planted in open ground. During germination, place the pots with seeds on the windowsill. It’s good if the windows are located on the south side of the house, otherwise you have to illuminate the seedlings with a lamp. The temperature at which seedlings will feel most favorable should be at least twenty-five degrees.

The first shoots can be seen a week after planting. In warm weather, take the seedlings out onto the balcony for a short time for hardening.

When landing in open ground choose the right place for the pumpkin. It should be warm and light, as this vegetable does not like shade and excess moisture. Also, choose a planting site that is as dry as possible. After all, the fruits will be on the ground.

The plant is not indifferent to organic fertilizer. It was noticed that this plant gives excellent harvest if you plant it close compost pit. When planting, try to add humus or compost to the hole.

Water the pumpkin sparingly, but do not allow it to dry out. In hot weather, shade the pumpkin a little with dry grass or straw. It is also advisable to adjust this plant to produce larger fruits. Once the shoots grow more than a meter long, remove all but two lateral shoots. Their length should be no more than seventy centimeters.

Variety Pearl cultivation features

Muscat pumpkin Pearl has its own characteristics when growing. If you take them into account, you can harvest a good harvest in the fall.

First of all, you should choose a well-lit, warm and dry place. Pumpkin loves areas surrounded by some bushes to provide protection from drafts. The soil is preferably light, clay or sandstone.

Seeds are sown at the end of May or at the beginning of June. Before planting, they are soaked in a manganese solution for twenty minutes and then treated with a fungicide.

The holes should be one meter apart from each other. The depth of the hole is no more than five centimeters, and as soon as the sprouts appear, they are thinned out. When the first shoot reaches fifty centimeters in length, its top is cut off to force the lateral shoots to develop more actively. This is especially true in the case of cold summers.

Twice during the summer the internodes are sprinkled with moist soil. Thus, adventitious roots will be formed, which, in turn, will affect the quantity and quality of the crop. Pumpkin pollination takes place at temperatures above twenty degrees and average humidity.


Watering a pumpkin just at the root. This plant is drought tolerant but likes to be watered regularly. It is especially important to prevent the soil from drying out during flowering and fruit set.

As soon as the pumpkin has formed a sufficient number of ovaries, watering should be stopped and done as little as possible, otherwise the taste of the already ripened fruits will noticeably deteriorate.

Ripe fruits are collected in dry weather. The tails must not be broken off or cut off at the base.. They are left about seven centimeters long. If the weather is sunny, keep them in the sun for a few hours.

Store the harvested crop in a warm and dry place. The storage period for pumpkin is quite long, but after six months, the taste deteriorates.

Pumpkin diseases and pests

The most common diseases that can cause maximum harm pumpkin are melon aphids, bacteriosis, powdery mildew, root rot and spider mites.

Many diseases can be avoided if you carry out crop rotation and remove weeds in time. Do not leave the affected parts of the plants, but when removing them, also treat the place where the pumpkin grew. Practice prevention. Most of the diseases are of fungal origin, which means they occur with frequent and excessive watering.

Butternut squash has juicy, fibrous yellow-orange flesh with a pleasant flavor. This melon crop is the most delicious among pumpkin plants. The shape of the pumpkin is oval or round, wide, and the texture is ribbed. Each fruit can reach enormous sizes. The crop of this variety can be grown both for personal use and for sale.

Butternut squash variety Vita - fruits

Types of butternut squash

Butternut squash happens different varieties. People who have already grown this product recommend three varieties of this melon crop:

  • Vitamin nutmeg pumpkin grows weighing up to 7 kg, has a cylindrical shape, orange flesh, rich in carotene.
  • Kuban pumpkin is an early variety, the fruits are small, grow up to 4 kg, the flesh is juicy and tender.
  • The Zhemchuzhina variety is a crop variety whose fruits grow in large sizes (up to 8 kg), with tasty pulp.

Variety Vitaminnaya produces large, aromatic fruits

The fruits of nutmeg pumpkin have a delicate nutty aroma and rich taste of the pulp.

This allows the plant to be used for various culinary purposes: preparing porridge, baking and frying the pulp, baking pies and muffins.

Planting a pumpkin

Growing butternut squash is a process that requires special conditions and effort. First you need to select a plot of land. It should be well lit by the sun, have no shadow, and be well protected from the wind. If the soil is rich in groundwater, then such a field is not suitable for growing melons, since root system goes deep underground.

Growing pumpkin seedlings will speed up fruit production

This crop is grown using the seedling method, which is prepared in April. To do this, soil is poured into the container, small holes are made into which the seeds are poured.

While the sprouts sprout, they need to be watered regularly warm water. You need to fertilize the plants twice. At the end of spring or early summer, seedlings can already be planted on an open plot of land. The distance between plants should be 60-100 cm, on each of which two or three ovaries ripen. Additionally, the seedlings need to be protected with film so that the crops are protected from frost. When temperature regime and weather conditions return to normal, the shelter can be removed, but returned during cold nights.

Pumpkin flower and ovary

Growing melons requires regular watering. The optimal volume of water for each plant is five liters.

Young pumpkin bush

Required condition good care- This is feeding, which is carried out several times:

  1. On initial stage growth before flowers have appeared (mullein infusion, superphosphate, potassium sulfate).
  2. During the flowering period of crops (potassium sulfate, wood ash).

You need to harvest the nutmeg pumpkin before the onset of autumn cold weather. A favorable time for this is September, when there is no rain or wind. The fruits are cut carefully so as not to damage the bark, leaving a tail up to 5 cm long. Melons must be transported carefully so that they do not crack.

Harvesting - you need to leave tails on the fruits

Butternut squash varieties should be stored in a dry place. Its surface hardens, changes color, and the flesh turns orange.

It is recommended to consume pumpkin after some time, so that it has the opportunity to ripen and acquire a special taste. At optimal conditions culture can be stored all year round, so you can prepare pumpkin porridge or dessert in any season.

Features of growing some varieties

Pumpkin cultivation has general trends, but depending on the characteristics of ripening, some crops have additional requirements. The fruit of the butternut squash reaches a large size, the stem is covered with hairs, and the leaves have a pentagonal shape. Vitamin pumpkin is late variety. Cultivation from seedling emergence to harvest lasts about 130 days. Because the bark is very thin, the crop must be given the optimal amount of time to mature.

Vitaminnaya pumpkin bush

The size of the fruit and the taste of the pulp are influenced by the sun; the more ultraviolet radiation the plant receives, the richer the taste will be.

The Kuban pumpkin variety grows within 90-140 days, gives bountiful harvests. The fruits do not reach very large sizes in comparison with other varieties, but a large number of crops can be grown in one season. This pumpkin has a thin bark, and there is a lot of pulp in each fruit.

Unripe fruit of the Zhemchuzhina variety

The pearl ripens the fastest.

This crop is grown in 100 days. Each plant produces about 6 shoots, which later produce smooth and large fruits, the weight of which can exceed 7 kg. When the harvest is harvested, the pumpkin is stored for a long time, and the taste of the pulp becomes more multifaceted. Regarding the benefits of melons, the pulp contains a huge amount of carbohydrates and a minimum of proteins. There is not a single gram of cholesterol in pumpkin. The plant contains vitamins A, C, E, B6, as well as useful minerals.

Variety Pearl - mature pumpkins

Negative factors of growing pumpkin

Describing possible butternut squash diseases will help prevent crop loss. There are several diseases for melons and melons. When fruits become infected with powdery mildew, spots appear on their surface. They attack leaves and stems. As a result, the leaves become yellow, dry, and fall off. This disease occurs due to a sharp change in temperature between day and night.

To avoid this, cover the plants with film at night.

Powdery mildew on pumpkin leaves

If the soil is not sufficiently moistened, the pumpkin may also get sick, so water the crops more often. There is danger powdery mildew in the second half of pumpkin growing, at the end of summer, so you need to make sure that the harvest does not go to waste. Anthracnose disease occurs in plants that grow in greenhouses, closed areas. To a lesser extent, this disease occurs in fruits growing on open field. The disease spreads systematically: first brown spots cover the leaves, then the stem, and if not treated, then the fruits. Ulcers with plaque appear on the surface Pink colour. When anthracnose reaches the root, the plant dies. This disease occurs when there is excessive humidity in the atmosphere. If pumpkin fruits are intensively watered during the hot period of summer, they may also become stained.

Muscat variety Altayskaya 47

Aboveground parts of the crop may suffer from ascochyta blight, which results in black spots. They cover leaves, stems, fruits due to high humidity land. Frost can also contribute to this. It is necessary to cover the crops with film to prevent the development of disease and crop loss.

Prikubanskaya nutmeg pumpkin variety

Pest Prevention

Another threat to butternut squash is harmful insects. To avoid crop destruction by pests, a description of preventive measures will help you. When growing the fruits of Vitamin Pearl or another variety of pumpkin, an invasion of melon aphids may occur. These insects feed on pumpkin juice; the leaves of the plant dry out from lack of moisture and useful substances. To control pests, special preparations are used, descriptions of which can be found on the Internet.

Sometimes, to kill insects, you can get by with an infusion of chamomile or wormwood. You can distract aphids from the crop with potato or tomato tops or ash.

Slugs can ruin your pumpkin harvest

Slugs are dangerous for pumpkins. They lay eggs in the soil and then eat plants at night, making a hole in the fruit. To avoid slugs, usually the area where melons grow is fenced off with burlap and burdock is planted. During the day, insects will accumulate here, and in the evening they need to be destroyed, which will help with ash.

By adhering to the recommendations for growing nutmeg pumpkin, fulfilling all planting and care requirements, getting rid of pests and diseases, you will get a rich harvest of melons.

Pumpkin is healthy and beautiful garden culture. Fruits contain many useful substances, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and fiber. There are several varieties of vegetables grown in garden beds. Today we will talk about the description of nutmeg pumpkin, the sweetest and most delicious. Let's compare its two varieties: Vitamin and Pearl.

Plants form vines of considerable length - up to 6 meters, on which fruits are set, usually 2-3. Plant 2-3 seeds per hole, planting them to a depth of 10 centimeters, or seedlings. Guaranteed to ripen in the middle zone if grown seedling method. This culture loves sun and warmth. It is recommended to arrange the plantings in rows.

The best soil for this pumpkin is light loamy and sandy loam.

Care includes pinching side branches and the main stem. It is also necessary to carry out a full range of agrotechnical measures, consisting of watering, loosening, weeding, and regular fertilizing. mineral fertilizer. The harvest is harvested in September-October. The harvest must be harvested before the first frost.

Vitamin pumpkin close-up

Vitamin Pumpkin is a late-ripening variety. Large, slightly ribbed, slightly elongated fruits ripen approximately 130 days after planting. The size of the fruit reaches a weight of 7 kilograms, and 5-kilogram specimens are common. The fruits are characterized by satisfactory keeping quality and transportability.

The light orange or yellowish thin bark hides the crisp flesh of a dense but tender texture of rich orange color. The layer of fibrous pulp under the crust reaches 10 centimeters. Ripe fruits contain large quantities of carotene and sugar, and therefore they are used in baby food and therapeutic diets. Juice, puree, baked goods, and other vitamin-rich dishes are prepared from the pulp. High taste qualities allow the pulp to be consumed raw.

Description and characteristics of the Zhemchuzhina variety

The plants are distinguished by their powerful growth, each producing up to 6 shoots, each of which produces a fruit. Fruit weight oval cylindrical can reach 6, sometimes 8 kilograms, but not less than 3 kilograms.

The bark is smooth, thin, orange in color. Underneath is a thick layer of dark-colored pulp. orange color. A small seed nest is formed in the upper third of the fruit, the rest of the space is occupied by pulp.

The dense fibrous pulp contains a lot of sugars and carotene, which is beneficial for growth and vision.

Close-up view of pearl pumpkin

The cultivation technology is the same as for other nutmeg pumpkins. The only note is that in view of the formation of a powerful bush, it is recommended to leave a space between plants of at least 60 cm. It tolerates a decrease in temperature well. The harvest ripens in 100-120 days - this is a mid-season variety.

Pumpkin stores well and even improves its taste during ripening, although after six months of storage the quality of the fruit begins to deteriorate. From the pulp, rich in carbohydrates, carotene, vitamins and beneficial micro and macroelements, dishes for baby food, delicious low-calorie diet dishes and drinks are prepared.

Comparison of two varieties of butternut squash

To compare two varieties - Vitaminnaya and Zhemchuzhina - we will draw up a visual table

Butternut squash variety Vitamin Pearl
Appearance of the plant Long lashes up to 6 m Several lashes
Preferred soils Light loamy and sandy loam
Temperature Heat-loving Heat-loving
Planting methods Seeds in holes, seedlings Seeds in holes, seedlings
Number of fruits per plant 2-3 Until 6
Ripening time 125-130 days, late ripening 100-120 days, mid-season
Fruit shape Slightly elongated, slightly ribbed Oval, smooth
Fetal weight 5-7 kg 3-6 kg, sometimes up to 8 kg
Bark color Light orange, yellowish Orange
Bark thickness Thin Thin
Flesh color Rich orange Dark orange
Pulp consistency Dense tender crispy fibrous
Sugar content High High
Carotene content High High
Keeping quality and transportability Satisfactory Good
Recommendations for use Baby food, therapeutic diets. For making juices, purees, baking. Can be consumed raw. Baby food, therapeutic diets. For making juices, purees, baking.

A comparison of Vitamin and Pearl nutmeg pumpkins did not reveal a striking advantage of one type over the other. If Zhemchuzhina ripens a little earlier, Vitaminnaya has a slightly better taste. The pearl is stored better and longer.

As for yield and transportability, these indicators are almost the same for both varieties. Plants of both varieties require the same growing and care conditions and are heat-loving. Only the shape of the fruit and its size differ.

Butternut squash is distinguished by juicy, fibrous, orange-colored pulp with a characteristic pleasant flavor accent. Among pumpkin crops Musk varieties are characterized by a particularly high level of sugar content. Thanks to these undoubted advantages, nutmeg pumpkin has gained popularity among gardeners.

The shape of the fruit can be very different and reach large sizes, but the taste of the fruit invariably remains high. Both Vitamin Musk Pumpkin and Pearl can be successfully grown, both for personal consumption and for sale.

A large variety of musk varieties makes it difficult to choose, and therefore the analysis of the features and advantages carried out in this article, comparing them with each other, will allow you to decide for the new season.

Graceful beauty butternut squash, or butternut squash, unusual shape, slightly shaped like an hourglass, can be a great addition to your diet. It is valued for the sweetish, nutty taste of its pale yellow, nutritious pulp and numerous beneficial properties. In Australia and New Zealand it is known as butternut squash, but American Indians many centuries ago they called it “the apple of God.”

Almost all parts of the plant are edible: fruits, leaves, flowers and seeds.

Butternut squash is surprisingly low in calories, has no cholesterol or saturated fat, and is high in fiber, protein, antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals. That is why many nutritionists advise their clients to eat butternut squash dishes to combat excess weight and high cholesterol.

  1. Vitamin profile: A, C, E, B6, K, folic acid, thiamine and niacin.
  2. Mineral profile: calcium and magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium.

Butternut squash is also high in flavonoids (bioactive plant compounds) such as α- and β-carotenes, lutein, and cryptoxanthin-β.

What benefits can you get?

  1. An excellent nutritional product for pregnant women. Butternut squash supports maternal and fetal health through its exceptional nutritional value and high concentration of folic acid.
  2. Combats symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), such as mood swings and abdominal cramps, due to the presence of high doses magnesium is a mineral that maintains the hormonal balance of the female body.
  3. The digestive benefits of nutmeg pumpkin are associated with the presence of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber in its pulp, which improves intestinal motility, promotes the proliferation of beneficial microflora and removes toxins from the body.
  4. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease because it contains high amounts of magnesium, which minimizes the risk of strokes and heart attacks, and potassium, which fights high blood pressure. But that's not all: vitamin C and beta-carotene prevent the oxidation of cholesterol and its deposition on the walls of the arteries: excellent protection against atherosclerosis. And folic acid in butternut squash is involved in the breakdown of homocysteine, an amino acid high level which in the blood can lead to a heart attack.
  5. Butternut squash in the treatment of cancer, like many other herbal products, resists oncological diseases thanks to the pulp, saturated with powerful antioxidants. Scientists know for certain that beta-carotene reduces the risk of developing lung and breast cancer.
  6. Strengthens the immune system, protects against colds and flu thanks to a complex of natural vitamins: C and beta-carotene. Add to this the plant polysaccharides of butternut squash, which, according to the latest scientific data, have antibacterial properties, and you get powerful protection from infections. And you can always get additional zinc, which is necessary to improve immunity, from baked or fried pumpkin seeds.
  7. Good for eyesight. Replenishes vitamin A deficiency in the body due to the high concentration of beta-carotene, protects against a whole range of eye diseases. and as part of this product they fight cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.
  8. To strengthen bones, it is important to ensure not only a constant flow of calcium and phosphorus into the body, but also manganese - mineral matter necessary for the absorption of calcium. These microelements increase mineral density bones, all of which are present in honeydew melon. Meanwhile, vitamin C allows the human body to produce more collagen to build healthy bone tissue, thereby preventing the development of osteoporosis.
  9. A healthy prostate in men is another reason to include butternut squash in your family's diet. No wonder the extract obtained from this food crop is popular herbal remedy to combat benign hypertrophy prostate gland(BPH).

Cosmetic benefits

I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t want to have healthy skin and beautiful shiny hair. Butternut squash is ready to help here too, because it is rich in provitamin A, vitamins C and E. These compounds prevent premature aging, maintain the natural level of acidity (pH) - a natural barrier against acne and skin infections.

With regular consumption of this variety of pumpkin, you will no longer be afraid of early wrinkles and age-related pigmentation.

Among useful properties Butternut squash has one benefit regarding the beauty and health of hair. The biologically active substances of this product promote hair growth, protect it from fragility, strengthen follicles, get rid of dandruff, prevent the appearance of split ends, soften and nourish an overly dry scalp.

To enhance the positive effect, use our tips for making homemade pumpkin cosmetics.

For weight loss

For those trying to lose weight, butternut squash will be a delight. This is one of the most delicious low-calorie foods with a good dietary reputation and high fiber content, which stops a rumbling stomach and hungry impulses to rummage in the refrigerator. Protect your body from overeating.

Choose heavy fruits with flawless, matte skin that produce a subtle “woody” sound when tapped. A shiny, glossy appearance indicates immaturity - such a pumpkin will not be sweet and pleasant to the taste.

Whole butternut squash should be stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area for up to 3 months. When cut, to maintain freshness, it should be wrapped in paper or cotton cloth and placed in the refrigerator, but for no more than a week.

Butternut squash provides a lot of opportunities for culinary experimentation. It can be baked, steamed and stewed, pureed for soup, ravioli or risotto, prepared as custard, added to pies, pancakes and muffins.

Undoubtedly, any type of pumpkin has a rich vitamin composition and other valuable properties. However, it is the nutmeg variety that is especially popular among culinary experts due to its nutritional and high taste qualities. Some compare the taste of the pulp with melon juice, and in our article we will look at the sweetest varieties and varieties for growing in Russia, including large-fruited ones.

This article describes the main characteristics different varieties butternut squash. This will help gardeners decide on varieties when choosing seeds for the new season. With the modern assortment, it is wrong to give preference to one type, because the merits and taste can only be assessed by comparison.

Butternut squash differs from other types of fruits even external signs. The fruits are formed elongated in the form of a cylinder or pear, and five sides are visible on the cut of the stalk.

The vegetable got its name thanks to noticeable nutmeg aroma, which is heard when cutting. The peculiarity of the variety is also visible on the seeds; they have a dirty yellow or brown tint.

Varieties of butternut squash

Late-ripening culture, the growing season lasts about 130 days. The lash forms long with a wide oval fruit, the weight of which reaches 4.5-6.8 kg.

The structure of the pulp is crispy, but tender, with a sweetish taste. The skin is thin, the thickness of the bright orange edible part is about 10 cm.

Planting is carried out by seed or seedlings; it is better to plan the location of the holes in rows. Features of care include pinching the side branches of the lash and the main stem. Harvest in September-October.

Medium ripening variety with growing season 91-136 days. The length of the lash reaches 3-4 m, the weight of the fruit is pear-shaped from 2300 to 4600 grams.

The thickness of the pulp is about 4 cm, the skin is thin, creamy when cut. Pumpkin retains its quality and presentation for 3 months after harvest.

A plant with an average ripening period, the growing season is 115 days. The cylindrical fruit is characterized by a slight thickening at the end; the weight of a mature vegetable reaches 6-7 kg.

The skin is thin, the edible part is tender, juicy, and sweet in taste.

The culture is resistant to drought. Used fresh and processed.

A plant with an average ripening period, the weight of an average-sized pumpkin is 4.5 kg. The growing season lasts 115-127 days.

The dense skin of a gray shade (light and dark) contributes to a long shelf life, until the next season. The bright orange sweet pulp does not contain any additional flavors; the nutmeg aroma adds a delicate taste to any dish.


An early ripening variety, from germination to harvest it takes only 65-80 days. Fruits are densely tied on a long vine, the weight of which before being removed from the garden is 800-1500 grams.

The pumpkin crust is quite dense, the flesh is low-juicy, breaking down into individual fibers, which is how the plant got its name. There is little sweetness in the vegetable, but it absorbs seasonings well. Sometimes the pumpkin flavor in a dish is not immediately recognizable.

Muscat de Provence

A high-yielding, low-maintenance variety whose fruits reach weight 8-10 kg. The skin is thick, which extends the shelf life of the vegetable without losing valuable properties.

The pulp is aromatic with a honey taste. The lash of the plant is compact in size, its immunity resists various diseases and pests. Growing season – 120 days.

Is different high yield And long term storage (up to a year).

Young shoots intensively form long vines on which pumpkins weighing 6-9 kg. The growing season lasts 100-110 days.

The skin of oval-oblong vegetables is covered with a waxy coating. The layer of pulp is thick, sweet in taste, and has medicinal and dietary properties. The plant is tolerant to bacteriosis and powdery mildew.


Mid-season crop with a growing season 110-125 days. The weight of the vegetable reaches 4000 grams, the skin is smooth with barely visible ribs.

The pulp has a dense structure, tastes sweet and juicy. The lash is formed up to 4 m long, so when planting, the following scheme is used: 70x70 cm. Polyanin is resistant to diseases and adverse weather conditions.

Popular varieties of large-fruited pumpkin

The ripening period is late, the growing season is 118-127 days. A cylindrical vegetable with a thickening at the top hangs when ripe up to 9 kg.

A thick layer of bright orange pulp after processing is incredibly juicy and sweet in taste. Storage duration is about 4 months.

The variety is characterized as high-yielding, resistant to diseases and drought.

Big Moon

The growing season lasts 115-130 days. A powerful vine is formed; to obtain a large pumpkin, only one ovary is left. The weight of such a specimen reaches 70-80 kg. During normal cultivation, the weight of the vegetable is about 20-30 kg.

Peel medium density, the flesh is tender, but retains its structure well when heat treatment. The use of pumpkin is universal.

plant with early ripening, growing season lasts 90 days. The weight of the pumpkins reaches 20 kg with conventional agricultural technology.

The crop is responsive to fertilizers, so removing a giant vegetable from a bush is quite possible. Young shoots cope well with adverse weather conditions, in particular drought. Diseases and pests are not dangerous.

The shelf life of the crop is winter period at proper conditions is 4-6 months.

The weighty fruit hangs up to 20 kilograms, although records of up to 200 kg of one specimen have been recorded. Plant late dates ripening with growing season 125-140 days.

To obtain giants, you will need to fertilize the soil well and maintain moderate humidity. The culture forms a long vine; when planting, a distance between holes of 100x150 cm is maintained.

The bright yellow flesh has a dense structure, the delicate taste is filled with sweetness.

The variety is tolerant to various diseases and pests, withstands adverse weather conditions.

For growing in summer cottages in Siberia and the Urals

The growing season of the Russian woman lasts 90-100 days, the fruits are characterized by juicy sweet pulp and melon aroma. From 1 m2 more than 20 kg of crop is harvested with the weight of the vegetable 1.9-4 kg.

The plant is medium-climbing; when planting, an interval of about 60 cm is maintained between the bushes. For 5-6 months, the pumpkin retains its taste and commercial qualities in a dry and ventilated room. The pulp is used universally.

Cold-resistant early-ripening plant with a ripening period 85-90 days. The Smile culture is a bush culture, forms up to 6 small shoots, on which 8-10 pumpkins weighing 0.8-1.2 kg.

The bright orange flesh is crisp but not juicy. The vegetable is incredibly popular among chefs due to its sweetish taste and melon aroma. Harvest The flesh retains its qualities until March. Planting is carried out according to the scheme: 60x60 cm.


Table variety, suitable for fresh and processed consumption. The growing season lasts 96-105 days. The average fetus weighs about 5 kg.

The seed nest is small, which indicates a thick layer of pulp.

The plant tolerates unfavorable weather conditions (drought, cold, heavy rainfall); even frosts down to -5 degrees are not scary.

Early ripening up to 105 days and strong immunity allows you to grow the crop in the conditions of Siberia and the Urals. The plant is medium-climbing; when planting, the following pattern is used: 60x70 cm.

Pumpkin weight reaches 3-5 kg. Main taste characteristics: juicy, sweetish with a pleasant honey aroma.

For the Moscow region and central Russia

The growing season lasts 100-110 days, one hundred corresponds to the average ripening period. A bush of compact size with a large number of ovaries, from which pumpkins weighing 7.5 kg.

A small seed nest is located in the upper part of the elongated fruit, the rest is orange with a red tint.

Planted by seed and seedlings with an interval between bushes of at least 60 cm. The culture is responsive to organic fertilizers, characterized by cold resistance.

Golden pear - early ripening 95 days. On each lash, about 3 fruits are formed, the weight of which reaches 1.8-2 kg.

The taste has a chestnut note. Harvesting begins in August; up to 10 kg of vegetables are harvested from 1 m2.

Culture is responsive to fertile soil and organic fertilizers.

Mid-season crop with a ripening period 115-125 days. The plant forms a powerful lash, the weight of the fruit reaches 3-4 kg.

Strong immunity manifests itself in resistance to diseases and cold climates.

Mid-season variety with a growing season 110-125 days perfect for growing in open ground summer cottage in the Moscow region or central Russia. Elongated fruits weighing up to 3 kg.

The peculiarity of pumpkin is its unique taste, sweetness and delicate structure of the pulp.

For gourmets

The elongated shape of the fruit is more reminiscent of a zucchini. The greenish-yellow peel is of medium density, the flesh is juicy and sweet with an apricot aroma.

The weight of the vegetable reaches 5 kg. The harvest is stored for about 4-5 months. Cooks often use the edible part to make purees and freshly squeezed juices. The product, rich in vitamins and minerals, is prescribed for dietary and therapeutic purposes.

Popular in our latitudes, Gribovskaya pumpkin with early ripening 85-90 days. The bark of the fruit is smooth and slightly ribbed, the color varies from dark green to yellow with greenish splashes. The dense orange pulp has a high taste.

The weight of the vegetable is 2.5-5 kg. When planting, use the following scheme: 60x70 cm.

Butternut (nut)

The productive variety was bred by Italian breeders; the growing season, as described, lasts 90-100 days. Oblong fruits gain weight 5-9 kg, the small seed section is located at the bottom of the pumpkin, so the layer of pulp is thick.

The taste of the vegetable is appreciated for its tenderness, sweetness and juiciness. The product contains an increased amount of carotene and other vitamins. The vegetable is used for therapeutic and dietary nutrition.

Mid-season variety with ripening period 110-115 days. Powerful plant forms a large lash, so when planting, the following scheme is used: 100x150 cm. The skin is thin, the flesh is dense and incredibly sweet.

Fetal weight reaches 3-4 kg. The culture is characterized by good immunity, manifested in the form of resistance to diseases and adverse weather conditions.

Each variety has its own taste characteristics. Ideally, in addition to your favorite species, annually plant a new hybrid, which will give your favorite dish a unique note and aroma.


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