Bulb onions. Onions beneficial properties and contraindications How to care for onions

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Onion appeared more than four centuries ago. He came to us from Egypt. Onions are an indispensable vegetable in cooking, as well as medicine in folk medicine. Onions have a peculiar smell, and thanks to the phytoncides it contains, they are effective against pathogenic microorganisms. It’s not for nothing that they say “Onion cures seven ailments.” Onions improve the taste of dishes and promote the absorption of food.

Onions are not difficult to grow, but sometimes it takes several years to obtain a harvest from commercial onions. Onions are grown not only for personal consumption, but also for sale. This activity is profitable, because under the right agrotechnical conditions, collection and storage, onions may not lose their presentation until the next harvest.

The best onion varieties for personal cultivation

When choosing an onion variety for planting, you should take into account its characteristics. This must be productive variety with high keeping quality.

The best varieties of onions

Aleko . Average ripening period, the bulb has a pronounced purple. Ripening occurs three months from the moment of planting. Characteristics This variety of onion has a lot of greenery and high yield. Pros: rich harvest, long-term storage, sharp taste.

Golden . A medium-ripening variety of onions with round, golden, flat bulbs, which is why it got its name. The bulbs of this variety are of different diameters, weighing 50-130 grams.

Timiryazevsky . This variety can be grown in northern latitudes. The bulbs are dense with a flattened or rounded shape and snow-white flesh, weighing 50-70 grams. The husk is yellow-golden.

The best varieties of onions for storage

Sturon . It has high-quality round, regular-shaped heads. Gives a rich harvest.

Stuttgarter Risen . Early ripening variety. Ripens 70 days after planting the sets. The head is round and flattened, weighing about 150 grams, the flesh is sharp.

Orion . The variety produces a rich harvest of round, even bulbs weighing about 200 grams. Ripens early and can be grown in northern regions. It is considered the most common variety among gardeners.

Growing conditions for onions

An important quality of this vegetable is its frost resistance. Its seeds can germinate at low temperatures, and optimal temperature For good development is 15 degrees. Adult onions of some spicy varieties tolerate frost, but for sweet varieties frost can be a threat.

It should be remembered that onions love nutritious soil with a neutral reaction, as well as abundant sunlight. Neighborhood with weed grass has a depressing effect on onions. Requires watering during the period of active development.

It is better to plant onions in an elevated place, and the soil should be nutritious.

It is necessary to prepare the soil for onions after cleaning land plot from last year's plantings. Loosening of the soil is carried out to a depth of 5 cm. In September, the soil is dug up again along with superphosphate. Since onions are planted early, the area must be fertilized with humus after the snow melts and beds must be formed.

Onion propagation methods

There are two methods for propagating onions: seed and set.

Seed method

This method calculates the sowing of nigella - onion seeds - into the soil. As a result, the seedlings will be ready for next year. You can either buy sets or collect them yourself. For this purpose, in the spring, adult heads are planted on the seeds, which by the summer produce arrows with inflorescences.

After flowering, black seeds are formed, which must be collected, dried and stored in a bag until planting.

Before sowing onions, the seeds are sorted, selecting large and healthy specimens. To germinate, the seeds are soaked in a manganese solution and stored in burlap until sprouts appear. Seeds should absolutely not be allowed to dry out. Sow the germinated seeds to a depth of 2-4 cm and mulch using humus or peat.

It is possible to carry out winter sowing of nigella. The seeds are buried 2 cm and then mulched. In spring, the seeds germinate. The winter method allows you to get seedlings earlier.

Sevka method

The sets are sorted and heads up to 3 cm in diameter are selected.

Then the bulbs are soaked in a growth stimulator for ten hours and disinfected copper sulfate, diluted with water.

The bulbs are buried 5 cm into the soil at temperatures above 10 degrees so that the seed arrow does not germinate. There should be 10 cm between the bulbs, and about 20 cm between the rows. The soil is mulched with peat.

Onion care

Care onions implies:

Watering. The crop needs to be well watered from May to early July. Irrigation is done once a week. This is the time when the onion develops well. At the end of July, watering should be avoided so that the bulbs are not watery.

Loosening onions

It is necessary to loosen the soil to a depth of 2 cm to prevent the formation of a crust or to remove it. In addition, loosening helps prevent onion diseases and the proliferation of pests, and also reduces the growth of weeds. These procedures enrich the soil with oxygen.

Weeding onions

Weeding the beds is necessary regularly, because weeds have a detrimental effect on the onion crop. You need to remove weeds while they are still small. Otherwise, the overgrown roots of weeds can move the bulbs and damage the roots, as a result of which the onions stop developing.

Onion feeding

The first time the onions are fed 2 weeks after planting, using a mullein solution or chicken droppings with the addition of urea. The second time is fed two weeks later with potassium and superphosphate fertilizers. The third time fertilizing is carried out when the bulbs are reached. largest size. This time complex fertilizing is used.

Diseases and pests of onions

Onions can be affected by a host of pests and diseases. The most dangerous ailments are considered to be damage by fly larvae, stem nematodes, and bottom rot.

For good development of bulbs, you need healthy green feathers, which are damaged by tobacco thrips, onion secretive insects, false powdery mildew. It is also necessary to protect the crop during storage, because it can be ruined by onion mites and gray neck rot.

Collection and storage of onions

Lodging of onion feathers and drying of the neck is the first signal for harvesting. This happens in August. The onions are pulled out and left to dry, then moved to a dry and ventilated place to dry completely.

Completely dried onions should have a thin and dry neck. When the onions dry well, they are collected in boxes and sent for storage. With another storage method, the tails are not cut off, but braids are woven from onions with an woven rope and stored in a suspended state, for example, in the attic or on beams in a barn.

There are such varieties of onions as sharp, semi-sharp, sweet and shallots. But this is only a generalized classification. In fact, each group contains more than one variety.

Semi-sharp varieties include those vegetables that have the most a large number of scales. Onions of this group are not dense, so you need to be careful when harvesting so as not to damage them. Sweet varieties of vegetables have excellent taste, they can give good harvest. This species is grown exclusively in the southern regions.

The spicy variety of the vegetable is early ripening and less productive. Such onions can be stored for a long time due to the high content of essential oils and sugars. The spicy onion vegetable is covered with several layers of scales at once, so it is harvested exclusively with the help of agricultural machinery.

Shallot includes more than one species. There are both semi-spicy and spicy vegetables here. Basic distinctive feature This variety is possible to grow even in the cold season. It is quite possible to plant it before winter; it is a cold-blooded vegetable.

In fact, there are quite a few varieties of this vegetable; there are about 400 species. Therefore, for true gourmets, there is always something to choose from. Onions are a source useful substances and just a nice addition to any dish.

Properties of onions

Few people know that the properties of onions are both beneficial and healing. This vegetable has good bactericidal and antiseptic properties. It perfectly fights viruses, promotes the absorption of food and increases the body's resistance to many infections.

This vegetable is widely used for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. It helps to cope with atherosclerosis, general weakness due to colds, decreased sexual activity, etc.

In medicine, it is used to combat scurvy, and is widely used as an anthelmintic. Fresh juice of this vegetable with honey can cure bronchitis, cough and even fungal skin disease. This ingredient is also recommended for use for dermatitis, to remove warts and calluses.

This vegetable has many beneficial properties, and all because it contains not so little active ingredients. This suggests that it is necessary to consume onions. After all, it can eliminate many diseases and prevent their development.

Nutritional value of onions

What is the nutritional value of onions or how much benefit is contained in one vegetable. So, an onion may contain a gram of ash, 0.1 grams of starch, 8 grams of mono- and disaccharides, 86 grams of water, 0.2 grams of organic acids.

It mainly contains useful components such as vitamin PP, H, E, C, B9, B6, B5, B2 and B1. This vegetable contains the most vitamin C, as much as 10 mg. The remaining components are contained in a smaller volume.

In addition to vitamins, minerals are also located here. So, this is nickel - 476 mcg, nickel - 3 mcg, aluminum - 400 mcg, chromium, boron, fluorine, manganese and copper. Naturally, there is iodine, zinc, iron, potassium and sodium.

For an ordinary vegetable, this is a very rich composition. Because not all root vegetables have such properties. It can get rid of many diseases and at the same time prevent the development of new ones. Therefore, you should not neglect the consumption of this vegetable. Onions are a storehouse of vitamins, beneficial minerals and other components important for the human body.

Calorie content of onions

Those who are always afraid of gaining weight need to know the calorie content of onions. No, it is not high, but, nevertheless, it is still worth having this knowledge.

So, in 100 grams of this vegetable, in addition to a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, there are carbohydrates and proteins. The nutritional value vegetable does not exceed 41 Kcal. Therefore, there is clearly no need to worry about extra centimeters at the waist.

100 grams contain only one gram of protein and 9 grams of carbohydrates. So, there are no harmful things or anything like that here. You can eat it in any quantity, the main thing is that no harm is done. Because some people are better off cutting down on this vegetable. Otherwise, there is a risk of increasing the acidity of the body and significantly increasing blood pressure.

In general, there can be no reason to worry. This vegetable is healthy, not expensive, and also low in calories. So, you definitely shouldn’t look for shortcomings in this product. After all, not one vegetable can boast of such beneficial properties.

Contraindications to the use of onions

The main contraindications to the use of onions are related to some of its components. So, heart patients and people suffering from liver problems should beware of this vegetable. After all, this product is spicy, and it is quite capable of damaging the mucous membrane if there is already any inflammation there. In addition, spicy foods negatively affect the functioning of the heart, which is why some people should not eat this vegetable.

The most harmless contraindication may be bad smell from mouth. The thing is, it's not that easy to figure out. Therefore, if a serious meeting is planned, then it is better not to consume this vegetable.

As mentioned above, it has a very negative effect on the functioning of the heart. May also cause asthma and increase blood pressure. This happens due to irritation nervous system.

Abuse of it can make you sleepy; in addition, the vegetable is harmful in metabolism, because it promotes the formation of gases and mucus. Despite the fact that the vegetable is in a great way get rid of many ailments, he himself can cause them.

Chemical composition of onions

Rich is also chemical composition onions So, here you can find both vitamins and minerals. Onions are a source of vitamins B and C. In addition, it contains essential oils, as well as zinc, fluorine, iodine, iron, copper, cobalt, nickel and other components.

That is why onions help to cope with many diseases. The vegetable is enriched with iron. This element can be obtained in its entirety from any variety of this product. Simply put, no matter in what form a person consumes this vegetable. It will still be useful. Useful components do not disappear during cooking.

This product is also rich in potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. There are a lot of vegetables in green feathers folic acid and biotin. Onion juice is simply full of vitamins, essential oils and carbohydrates. It is worth noting that the spicier the vegetable, the more useful components it contains.

The composition of the onion is truly incredible. Therefore, we can talk endlessly about its beneficial properties. So if you need to cure any diseases, you should consider onions as the main medicine.

Onions during pregnancy

Is it possible to eat onions during pregnancy? There are and cannot be any restrictions in this regard. After all, it contains a huge amount of various vitamins, minerals and other elements. Therefore, you should even eat onions during pregnancy.

The only negative factor is bad breath. And even then, it’s quite easy to get rid of it. After all, a pregnant girl’s body is being rebuilt to prepare for the process of childbirth. In the first months of pregnancy, the immune system weakens and needs to be supported in every possible way. This vegetable will help perfectly in this regard. It is rich in vitamin C, which significantly strengthens the immune system.

Vitamins B and PP have a beneficial effect on fetal development. This improves not only the condition of the mother’s body, but also the child’s. Therefore, you should not neglect the consumption of this vegetable. It has a positive effect. Because onions are a source useful vitamins, as well as a powerful tool in the fight against many diseases and viruses.

Onions during breastfeeding

Usually onions breastfeeding does not pose any danger. But still, there are some caveats. Thus, many foods can enter the child’s body with mother’s milk. Therefore, it is still worth considering the use of some of them.

So, while breastfeeding it is not recommended to eat spicy foods. Because milk can change its taste and the child may not like it very much. He can simply refuse milk. Moreover, do not forget that onions and garlic do not always have a beneficial effect on the stomach. As for the baby’s digestive organs, they are clearly not ready for spicy food.

From all of the above, only one conclusion emerges: this product should not be used while breastfeeding. This can change the taste of the milk and also negatively affect the mother's body. Therefore, it is still worth taking these nuances into account. After all, onions are not such a simple vegetable as it might seem at first glance.

Allergy to onions

In some cases, an allergy to onions may occur. But this occurs mainly in childhood. Why is this happening? The fact is that it has a rich composition. This is why some types of allergies can manifest themselves.

So, people suffering from vitamin C intolerance should not eat it, because this vegetable contains a lot of it. Sometimes included in chemical substances cause such a reaction. Naturally, they end up in vegetables for a reason. Most likely, we are talking about unfair cultivation of this plant. As a result, harmful substances got there.

IN pure form no allergies occur. This is mainly preceded by the content of vitamins and minerals. After all, some people have an allergic reaction not only to vitamin C, but also to vitamin A. Therefore, before giving this product to your baby, you should find out whether he is allergic or not. Because otherwise it can lead to serious consequences. Onions can adversely affect a child’s body; this fact should be taken into account.

How to store onions?

The most common and well-known method is to put onions in tights. Firstly, it will fit a lot, and secondly, it is convenient to store.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to wooden boxes. You can put the product in them and send it to a dark place. The main thing is that the vegetable does not have the opportunity to grow; for this, certain conditions must be observed.

Wicker baskets are great for storage purposes. None special conditions, it just pours out into the designated place and that’s it. Fabric bags and special nets for vegetables are suitable for storage.

Naturally, the most the best way is storage in nylon stockings. It’s true that you shouldn’t put a vegetable on the ground. It is advisable to find a good place where you can hang it.

Onion - one of the most ancient vegetable crops.

In China, Iran, and Mediterranean countries it was known 4000 BC. Onions came to Russia from the banks of the Danube at the beginning of the 12th century. Onions are a perennial plant. In the first year, a bulb with a diameter of 1-2.5 cm (onion set) grows from the seed. In the next season, large bulbs are formed from it, producing flower stalks-arrows in the third year, on which inflorescences with seeds are formed. According to the nature of branching, all varieties are divided into small-, medium- and multi-celled. Varieties are distinguished not only by their nesting properties, but also by taste - into spicy, semi-sharp and sweet. U different varieties onions and the methods of their cultivation are not the same: some are grown from sets and selections, others - from sets and in an annual crop from seeds, others - only in annual crop sowing seeds or seedlings.

There are many varieties of spring onions, the most common of which are:

Arzamas- mid-season; medium-sized (2-3 medium-sized bulbs weighing 60-90 g, round-cuboid or rounded in shape with yellow coloring of dry outer scales).

Belozersky- mid-season, small-nesting. The bulb is flat or flat-round, purple with a dark red tint, pungent taste.

Bessonovsky- early ripening, medium-sized (3-5 small bulbs weighing 35-65 g). The bulbs are round-flat, the outer dry scales are yellow, the inner ones are white.

Danilovsky 301- mid-season, small-growing (1-2 bulbs of semi-sharp taste, flat, large with dark purple color of dry scales and faint purple color of juicy scales).

Annual chavsky- early ripening, small-sized, semi-sharp taste. The bulbs are round or flat-round, yellow or yellow-brown in color.

Rostov onion- early ripening, multi-celled (3-6 bulbs). The bulbs are flat, yellow with a pink tint, weighing 40-80 g. The taste is pungent.

Strigunovsky local- one of the most common onion varieties. Early ripening, small-growing, pungent taste. The bulbs are round, light yellow, weighing 100-120 g.

Spanish- late-ripening, small-growing (for salad purposes);

Lugansk- late-ripening, small-growing (medium acute);

Kaba- late ripening, small-sized (taste closer to sweet);

Karatalsky- late-ripening, small-sized (semi-sharp taste).

Currently, onions are one of the most important vegetable crops. Bulbs and leaves are used as a seasoning in the canning industry, for salads, vinaigrettes, mushrooms, vegetables and meat dishes, and also as a spicy-vitamin snack and flavoring additive to soups, sauces, gravies, minced meats.

Most often, onions are consumed raw or fried in lard or vegetable oil until golden brown. Raw onions perfectly complement sausages and meat products, cottage cheese, cheeses, bread and lard.

Useful properties of onions

The bulbs contain nitrogenous substances (up to 2.5%), various sugars (10 - 11%) (glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose), polysaccharide inulin, phytin, flavonoid quercetin and its glucosides, fats, various enzymes, calcium and phosphorus salts , phytoncides, citric and malic acids, vitamins (3.75 mg%), (60 mg%), (50 mg%), (0.20 mg%), (10.5-33 mg%), and essential oil with a pungent special odor that irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose.

Home integral part essential oils are disulfide and other sulfides.

Onions release special volatile substances - phytoncides that kill ciliates, fungi and pathogenic bacteria. Volatile phytoncides destroy diphtheria and tuberculosis bacillus.

Fresh onions increase appetite, promote increased secretion of digestive juices, stimulate sperm production, excite sexual desire and accelerates menstruation, has a pronounced diuretic property and is used to treat dropsy.

Onions have bactericidal and antiseptic properties, fight viruses and accumulate the life-giving energy of the earth. Onions improve the absorption of food and increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases. It is used for gastrointestinal disorders accompanied by insufficient motor and secretory activity of the stomach, for hypertension, atherosclerosis, general weakness and colds, and decreased sexual activity.

In medicine, onions are used in the fight against scurvy and as an anthelmintic.

For atherosclerosis, onion juice with honey helps well: take the mixture 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. This juice strengthens capillaries and dilates blood vessels.

IN Ancient Greece onions were among the most frequently consumed and favorite vegetables. Moreover, the Greeks already knew several varieties of this plant. The onion-honey mixture was used by Greek beauties as a rejuvenating facial mask.

Onions help get rid of worms:

Infusion: chop the onion and add 1 glass of water. Drink the entire infusion in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 3-4 days.

Fresh onion juice mixed with honey good remedy in the treatment of eyesore, bronchitis, cough and fungal disease skin. Onion juice is also recommended for neurasthenia, insomnia and rheumatism. Fresh onion pulp is used for influenza and trichomonas disease, for the treatment of dermatitis, against mosquito bites, hair loss, to remove calluses and warts. Baked onions are applied to boils, and freshly chopped onions are applied to the temples for headaches. Leeks are recommended for use in cases of obesity, salt deposits and kidney stones.

Alcohol tincture of onion has a diuretic and mild laxative effect, prevents constipation, relieves pain, and helps dissolve sand and small stones in kidney stones. Onions fried in butter or boiled in milk soften coughs and promote expectoration of mucus.

Dangerous properties of onions

Not everyone benefits from onions. It should be used with caution by heart patients and those who suffer from liver diseases.

The most harmless contraindication of onions is the unpleasant smell after eating the vegetable. If you have bad breath and you need to go somewhere urgently, you can neutralize the onion aroma by eating fried Walnut or parsley. You can also chew the crust of fried bread.

Onions have a negative effect on the heart, causing high blood pressure and asthma. This happens due to irritation of the nervous system. In order to reduce the effect of itching, burning, and watery eyes while cutting onions, it is recommended to run a stream of water or wet the knife with it.

Excessive consumption of onions can make you sleepy, and they are also harmful to metabolism, as they promote the formation of mucus and gases.

In ancient times, onion juice was dripped onto the eyes, which supposedly helped to clear vision, but today this is not recommended, as it can harm the cornea. But all the warnings apply to the use of raw onions - in the form of tinctures and juice. And when stewed and boiled, it is almost completely harmless.

Onion tincture is contraindicated for heart and liver patients.

Onions are perennial herbaceous plant with a specific smell and pungent taste. It belongs to the Amaryllis family, since it is essentially a monocotyledonous bulbous herb.

Botanical description of onion

Onions are annual, biennial or perennial bulbous plant, with a fairly pungent aroma and taste. Most species of this plant are edible, however, there are also those that are not eaten.

In the first year of development, a bulb is formed, which in the lower part is a shortened stem (bottom). Depending on the type, the bottom may have one or more bulbs with red, white or purple shells. The shape of the bulb depends on the type and variety of onion and can be flat, round, elongated and spindle-shaped.

The leaves of onions are erect, linear (sometimes belt-shaped), succulent, basal and hollow. In cross-section they can be round or oval. The stem is thick, swollen, up to 100 cm tall.

Onion flowering occurs already in the second year of development. The flower stem (peduncle) is tubular, hollow, 50-150 cm high. The flowers are small on a long stalk, collected in inflorescences up to 40 cm in diameter. Number of flowers yellow, pink, purple or white, located on a common bed varies from 50 to 900 pieces.

After flowering, a fruit is formed in place of the inflorescence - a box with small round or triangular seeds inside. The color of the seeds may be black or brown.

Types and varieties of onions

All types of onions can be divided into two categories: edible and decorative (although some types belong to both). Edibles include:

  • bulb onions;
  • shallot;
  • leek;
  • wild or Chinese onion;
  • chives;
  • wild garlic;
  • garlic.

And this is not the entire list edible species Luke. But the decorative ones include:

  • Schubert bow;
  • Dutch onion;
  • Regel's bow;
  • bow bow.

In our latitudes, onions are the most popular. It is widely used in cooking and also for medicinal purposes. All varieties of this onion are divided into sharp, semi-sharp and sweet.

Sweet onions (“Yalta” or “Spanish”) have a delicate taste and good yield, but they are not stored for a long time.

Semi-sweet varieties (“Azelros”, “Karatalsky”, “Krasnodarsky”, “Stimul”) also have a delicate taste and good yield, but they are stored a little longer than their sweet “brothers”.

Spicy onions, such as “Stuttgarten”, “Eldorado”, “Yukont”, have a pronounced taste and smell, a short growing season and excellent keeping quality, so they are ideal for storing for the winter.

The effect of onions on the body

Most types of onions contain special substances - phytoncides, which effectively kill pathogenic bacteria (even such as Koch's bacillus and diphtheria bacillus), fungi and ciliates. Onions are used as a means of preventing colds and flu.

Phytoncides also increase appetite and stimulate the production of gastric juice. This is especially true if there is insufficient gastrointestinal activity.

The abundance of magnesium and potassium in onions also helps the body cope with hypertension, atherosclerosis and decreased sexual activity. Eating onions is also very important for women with menstrual irregularities, because the biologically active substances in this plant help restore hormonal balance.

Using the Bow

Decorative onions are often used in landscape design. Particularly in demand in decoration are the Schubert and Christophe bows, the mountain-loving bow and the giant bow.

In cooking, onions, shallots, chives and leeks are most often used. With his participation, delicious and healthy soups, side dishes, broths, smoothies. Garlic is also used as a seasoning. The most famous dish, crown French cuisine- onion soup.

In folk medicine, both fresh onions and baked or boiled onions are used. The latter is especially effective for furunculosis and hemorrhoids. Fresh onion in the form of a pulp is used for small purulent wounds, cuts or burns. Raw onions or garlic are also used as a preventive measure for colds.

Central Asia and the Mediterranean are supposedly considered to be the birthplace of onions, but there is little accurate information about their origin. However, to this day it can be found in the wild in the territory of modern Turkey, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan.

ABOUT healing properties onions have been known for a very long time. There is documentary evidence that the builders of the pyramids ate it Ancient Egypt. The Roman soldiers also had it, who used it to fight epidemics during military campaigns.

The biological name of the onion, allium, was given to it by Carl Linnaeus. It has the Celtic root all, which means “burning.” But the Russian version of the name “onion” has two native roots from the Indo-European language. It can be either “bow” - “bend, bend”, or a similar sounding “ray” - “white, moon”.

Bulb onionsperennial herbaceous plant belonging to the onion family. The plant's homeland is South-West Asia.

One of the most common vegetable crops. Used in cooking, medicine, cosmetology.

Did you know?The ancient Egyptians called onions “the plant of the gods” and were convinced that the whole world was structured like a large multi-layered onion.

Calorie content and chemical composition of onions

Onions contain from 8 to 14% fructose, maltose, sucrose, and 2% proteins. The bulbs are rich in vitamins B, E, ascorbic acid; The composition contains the flavonoid quercetin, saponins, phosphorus, iron, as well as essential oil, the presence of which causes a specific aroma and pungent taste. Iodine, apple and citric acid, pectins and glycosides.

Onions have a calorie content per 100 g of 41 kcal; 100 g contains 1.4 g of proteins, 10.4 g of carbohydrates.

Important!The sugar content in onions is higher than in apples and pears, but despite this, onions are an excellent fat burner.

Useful properties of onions

The usefulness of onions for the body is manifested in the fact that the phytoncides that onions secrete help destroy pathogenic bacteria and ciliates, and the volatile phytoncides kill diphtheria and tuberculosis bacilli. Onions stimulate appetite, have diuretic, bactericidal and antiseptic properties, and increase the secretion of digestive juices.

The benefits and harms of onions for women lies in its ability to help with delayed and absent menstruation, to cure algodismenorrhea, but at the same time, pregnant women are prohibited from using it so as not to provoke a miscarriage or dangerous uterine bleeding.

The benefits of onions for men reflected in the vegetable’s ability to heal inflammation prostate gland, improve sexual function. In addition, onions, according to doctors, are a good adaptogen and help with jet lag. Onion juice relieves pain from a wasp sting.

Important!Onions contain flavonols, which prevent cancer.

Use in folk medicine: treatment with onions

Onions are very popular in folk medicine. Onions are used to treat a myriad of diseases: colds, bronchitis, hypertension, genitourinary system disorders, joint sprains, helminthiasis, gastrointestinal disorders, atherosclerosis.

With a runny nose

Using a bow will help with inflammation of the nasal mucosa.To do this, you need to finely chop the onion, pour 200 ml of warm boiled water, add a tablespoon of honey and leave for an hour dark place. Rinse your nose with the resulting mixture 6 times a day.

Will have a positive effect on the patient's condition onion vapor inhalation several times a day for 15 minutes. It is a well-known fact that honey with onions softens the nasal mucosa; its benefits for rhinitis are very great.

To make sure of this, you can try one more recipe. onion infusion : 2 tbsp. l. crushed onion, pour 2 cups of boiled water, leave for 2 hours and strain. Add 1.5 cups of honey and 2 tsp to the infusion. sea ​​salt, stir well and rinse your nose and oral cavity 3 times a day until complete healing.

For stuffy ears

Keeping in mind what vitamins are in onions, you can come to the conclusion that consuming it can actually get rid of many ailments, one of which is ear congestion. This unpleasant process can be caused by several factors: otitis media, sulfur plugs, colds, etc.

Can cope with congestion onion ear drops.To prepare them, you need to squeeze the juice from a fresh onion and dilute with vodka in a ratio of 1:4. Place in ears morning and evening. In addition, you can make a paste of onions, wrap it in cotton wool and place it in the ear canal. However, these drugs cannot be used for purulent otitis media.

For sprains

Effective for this type of injury is onion and sugar compress. These components reduce pain when stretching. First you need to soak vegetable oil gauze, put onions on it mixed with sugar in a 1:1 ratio, and at the end secure the compress with a tight bandage. This product should be changed twice a day.

For boils and abscesses

Traditional medicine has long known about the benefits of onions in the treatment of furunculosis.

Onions draw out pus from ripened boils and accelerate their ripening.

The onion, cut in half crosswise, is placed in a frying pan and kept on low heat for 10 minutes, after which it is applied to the affected area.

You can bake the onion in the oven, layer it into plates, remove the film from each and apply it to the boil. The plates will have to be changed as the pus drains. There is another cooking option: After baking, chop the onion to a paste and mix with laundry soap.

Onions help relieve suffering with an abscess.Boil the onion in milk or bake in the oven, then quickly apply it to the abscess and bandage it. Also, baked onions are mixed with grated soap, and the resulting mass is applied to purulent tissue inflammation, replacing every four hours.

For hypertension

Onions are used in folk medicine to relieve hypertensive crises. Favors lowering blood pressure mixture of onions, honey and lemon zest. Squeeze a glass of onion juice, mix with one glass of honey and 100 g of chopped zest, take one hour before meals three times a day for three months. The mixture normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system and strengthens the immune system.

Fresh onion juice for flu

Fresh Juice will contribute to recovery from the flu. Grate 50 g of onion, add 2 tbsp. l. vinegar, mix thoroughly and squeeze through cheesecloth. Add 2 tbsp to the mixture. l. honey. Use 1 tsp. every 30 minutes. Onions are very useful for strengthening the immune system and protecting the body from various infections from outside.

Onion tincture for bronchitis

Onion tincture– a good expectorant for bronchitis. It’s easy to prepare the tincture: put finely chopped onion in glassware, add granulated sugar and leave for room temperature three hours, three o'clock. Take the resulting drug three times a day, 1 tbsp. l.

Onion juice is often taken for bronchitis and its benefits are very tangible and proven by the examples of many people who share their stories on the Internet in various forums. There is one too tincture option: Dilute a glass of sugar in 1 liter of water, put on fire, bring to the consistency of syrup and add 2 onions with peels. Boil the tincture until the onion is halved. Use the resulting juice 2 times a day before meals, ½ cup.

Onion infusion for worms

To get rid of worms ethnoscience offers this recipe: Finely chop 2 large onions and pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 12 hours and drink the resulting onion infusion 30 minutes before meals, 3 tbsp. l. three times a day. This type of tincture is more suitable for children.

Adults You can try this variation: Pour 100 g of chopped onion with vodka into a 1.5 liter bottle and leave for 10 days. Drink 1 tbsp. l. an hour before meals.

Blue onion helps treat the liver: improves its function and is a preventative against cirrhosis

How to use onions in cosmetology

Cosmetologists have long paid attention to the abundance of vitamins and minerals in this vegetable and use onions for the beauty of hair and skin.

For dandruff

Onions have been used as a means of combating dandruff since ancient times. Onion mask has a beneficial effect on the scalp, saturating it with microelements and vitamins. 2 tbsp. l. Mix onion chopped in a meat grinder with 1 tsp. alcohol, rub into the scalp, cover with film and wrap with a towel on top for 1 hour, then rinse warm water and wash with shampoo to remove any residue.

You can offer another mask recipe: 2 tbsp. l. Mix fresh onion juice with 1 tbsp. l. garlic juice, add 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. l. cognac Separately mix 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil and 3 drops of rosemary oil, combine the two mixtures, mix, rub into the scalp, wrap the head plastic bag for 20 minutes.

Helps solve dandruff problem onion peel. Pour 50 g of husk into 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 40 minutes. Rinse your hair with this infusion after each wash.

Did you know?Blondes are not recommended to use this product due to the risk of coloring their hair.

Dry dandruff will disappear after use castor mask: 1 tbsp. l. grated onion mixed with 2 tbsp. l. castor oil and add 2 tbsp. l. vodka, rub into the scalp 40 minutes before washing.

To strengthen hair

Rubbing fresh onion juice with honey and cologne added to the scalp before washingeffective method strengthen the hair structure. This mixture is rubbed in, covered with film and a towel, kept for three hours and washed off. The product makes hair silky and strong.

Next mask improves hair growth and helps against hair loss: 4 parts of strained onion juice are mixed with 6 parts of burdock root decoction and 1 part of cognac, rubbed into the scalp 2 hours before washing, warming the head, and rinsed off with birch infusion.

Onion peel strengthens hair and its benefits for the roots are enormous: it thickens its structure, makes it shiny and glossy.

For skin care

Helps moisturize dry skin onion and oatmeal mask. Cook a thick porridge from ½ cup of oatmeal, add freshly squeezed onion juice and 5 g of honey. Mix and apply to facial skin until completely dry. The mask has a tonic effect and nourishes the skin from the inside.

The following recipe will be needed for girls suffering for acne and excessive oily skin. Cut a medium onion, squeeze the juice out of the resulting pulp, and at the same time chop and squeeze out the carrot juice. Mix 50 ml of each juice, add 1 yolk and 20 ml olive or coconut oil. Apply onto face using massaging movements, rub in gently and leave for 20 minutes. After using the mask, there is no feeling of tightness, the pores narrow and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

To protect normal and combination skin from the harmful effects of the environment, there is onion and yeast mask. 1 tbsp. l. dilute dry yeast in 1 tbsp. l. milk, add the juice of 1 small onion to the mixture, mix and apply to the face for 15 minutes.

Many owners of freckles would like to get rid of this manifestation of pigmentation. Will provide assistance when lightening freckles this mask: Mix 5 ml of vitamin C in ampoules with 50 ml of onion juice, 25 ml of apple cider vinegar and 75 ml olive oil, add 10 g of honey, half a grated apple and 1 yolk, mix thoroughly and beat all ingredients. Apply the resulting emulsion in a thick layer exclusively to areas with freckles. Wash off the mask after 15 minutes mineral water room temperature.

Increases blood circulation and makes skin cells work 100% onion and lanolin oil mask. 1 large onion must be mixed with 5 ml of lanolin oil and 2 tbsp. l. honey, leave the mixture on your face for 30 minutes, then remove with a damp cloth. Onion masks should be made for 3 months, 2 times a week.

How to store onions

For long-term storage healthy ones should be selected large bulbs, which are not damaged.. Small and unripe onions should be put aside and consumed first. Store onions in a dry, dark place in a breathable container, preferably in a specially designated box in a closet or pantry.

As containers you can use wicker baskets that allow air to pass through well, wooden or plastic boxes, helping to save space, carton boxes, in which holes are made in the sides and bottom to ventilate the onions, paper or fabric bags or polypropylene mesh, ensuring free air circulation.

Sprinkle the onions with chalk or onion skins– this will protect against germination and further decay, the chalk will absorb excess moisture. You should regularly inspect and sort through the stored onions, removing infected bulbs, and also check whether the vegetable is damp. Damp onions must be dried on the floor or in the oven.

Contraindications and side effects from onions

Undoubtedly, there are great benefits from onions, but this wonderful vegetable can also cause harm. Onions can irritate the digestive organs and increase stomach acidity, so Contraindicated for liver and kidney diseases, stomach ulcers, gastritis with high acidity.

Onions can also have a negative effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system: it irritates the nervous system and provokes a decrease in blood pressure. Dangerous for asthmatics too


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