Lunar nodes in the signs of the zodiac - how to calculate. North lunar node in the horoscope: your mission in life

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The two nodes (North and South Nodes) (Rahu and Ketu) have karmic and spiritual significance, though not real celestial bodies. In each sign of the zodiac, nodes linger for about 1.5 years. The knots make a complete revolution in 18.68 years.

We are born with certain rights and have certain obligations. No one has complete free will (with the exception of saints).

Karma is not a punishment, but certain obligations leading to spiritual growth. The nodes determine our karmic lessons and our mission. We are all different - even our initial physical differences are described by nodes - and why some people live seemingly easy lives, while others are forced to wage a constant battle for their existence. The moon is the symbol of the soul, and the sun represents the spirit.

Nodes are keys that help unlock secrets. South Pole this axis reveals what we came into this life with: our strengths and weaknesses, our accumulated good and bad karma.

South Node (Ketu) is the baggage that we bring into this world with us. The South Node can be seen as a weak spot.

North Node (Rahu)- this is the path that needs to be passed in this incarnation, this is a challenge, it is always difficult to learn. But moving forward brings the greatest happiness. Life rewards us with misfortune when we try to get back on the old path to remind us of our purpose and intentions. Indeed, it is the people who offend us the most who push us to learn our karmic lessons and move on. When we acknowledge this, we will begin to understand it. If you have ever experienced the feeling that you have an old soul, then you are most likely right about these feelings.

Checking the correctness of the path occurs for each person at the time when the Lunar Nodes return to their place. The first time they return after 18.68 years - this is the first check); for the second time, the Nodes return at 37 years old. If a man goes along the path of the Setting Node on a low program, then he receives a blow that he may not survive. Therefore, the age of 37 years becomes fatal for many people (Pushkin, Byron, Mayakovsky, etc.). The third test comes at 56 years (this age turned out to be the limit, for example, for Julius Caesar, Nietzsche, Hitler, Beethoven). For a person, if he follows the path of the Setting Node, during these periods there is a shake-up, if on the contrary, then this gives a change for the better. In the last lesson, we talked a little about nodes, found out that there is a north and south node.

North Node in Aries, South Node in Libra

Based on a sense of harmony, justice, the ability to find mutual language, get along with a partner, the ability to easily create a family, he must cultivate fearlessness, courage, determination, pressure, actively form his own "I", act without looking back at the search for compromises, nor at the point of the opposite side, but actively act independently. AT past life the person was simply a reflection of other people, because he wanted to please and please everyone, to reconcile everyone, and to find some compromises for everyone. He was a pawn on a chessboard.

Now he must become a strong personality, living for himself, defending personal and spiritual freedom, independence and independence, fearlessly making this or that decision without advice from outside, he must act actively and decisively, independently, and if necessary aggressively. It's time to realize your ambitions, not paying attention to anyone. A person should be equal to Aries, learn from them courage, fearlessness, strive for dynamics, for leadership, for the ability to fight with an “open visor”. Try to express your point of view clearly and unambiguously, without hiding behind the notorious public opinion. Minimize the number of superficial acquaintances, less attention devote to secular life. He can become a star, a great military leader, a president, a revolutionary. However, the sphere of application of forces is not so important, the main thing, no matter what a person does, is to take on the role of a pioneer. Fate will put in such conditions that you will inevitably have to take the initiative into your own hands, take important decisions, to risk.

Such a person does not like to live alone, but he wants peace. He needs to be alone a short time to build up your power. His greatest lessons are to get his head to rule his heart, for he still melts too easily at the slightest attention.

North Node in Taurus, South Node in Scorpio

Relying on best qualities Scorpio (survivability, ability to adapt to circumstances, lack of fear of extreme situations, a person must develop strength, stability, patience, the ability to create, accumulate both material and spiritual values, you need to pay attention to your health (massage, exercise equipment, physical exercises).

Such a person needs to strive for harmony, for accumulation, increasing energy, for smooth relationships, in some cases - for a family, for agriculture. In general, to earthly, lasting harmony. Learn endurance, patience and business acumen. Dedicate yourself to the affairs of life: to establish a life, to strengthen the financial situation. If it does not work out right away, do not despair, because over time such a person in the business world will feel like a fish in water. In addition, you can do painting, singing, theatrical activities, needlework and gardening. And the best thing for such a person is to go to live in the village.

He may appear outgoing and friendly, while actually planning some mysterious risky intrigue. He needs to learn not to waste and not to waste his strength. His achievements in this life occur when he loves the land on which he lives and appreciates the source of constant nourishment and support. You need to get the realization that the wealth in the universe is so great that a person will always have the opportunity to realize what he wants and at every moment is surrounded by everything that he needs at that moment. Such a person has chosen an exact program for himself: to protect life, to strengthen his body, which is a temple for the spirit, to follow the appeal: “a healthy mind in a healthy body!”

North Node in Gemini – South Node in Sagittarius

You need to take the most direct part in the life of society, even if at first you will be very clumsy. Explore all possibilities. You need to strive to be a versatile and interesting conversationalist. Life will develop in such a way that you constantly need to be involved in the lives of other people - strive not to be alone. You can become a gifted writer, teacher, lecturer.

It is necessary to gain the simplest knowledge, become a student, obtain information, synthesize, look for accomplices, friends. The image of the viewer of the cinema of the magazine "I want to know everything." You need to learn a simple and unbiased view of the world. You can play the role of a mediator, but by no means a mentor. Learn to see the world through other people's eyes. Such a person, in order to understand why people do not listen to him, you need to put yourself in their place. Eventually, he will come to realize that everything negative qualities, which he attributed to others, are traits that he does not understand in himself. Learning the art of communication, one feels the need for self-education.

We must learn to respect the rights of others. You are restless, always in a hurry, busy with a lot of things at once, not bringing a single one to the end. You will have to learn to live in society, take care of everyday little things, listen to the views and opinions of the opposite side. Married life will seem like weights on your feet, you will need a very patient partner. Great optimism and enthusiasm, strength and energy can be great helpers.

The bright path of such a person is the path of a student, a listener, a path of receptivity. Such a person needs to be a mediator, communicator, guide. He should actively enter into connections, strive for the new, constantly learn the lessons of life, introduce new methods.

North Node in Cancer – South Node in Capricorn

In their young and young years, these people do not shun means to achieve attention and recognition of the world around them, to receive the approval of society. Their insight, precise judgments and accuracy of criticism are striking. But on the other hand, they cannot bear the slightest criticism addressed to them, for some period of time they will not let anyone close to them, they will not accept any advice from outside, they will not listen to consolations from the outside.

Based on the best qualities of Capricorn (self-discipline, determination, self-concentration, the ability to wait, the ability to catch up), you need to become receptive, emotional, alive. You are faced with the task of discovering and feeling what feeding and nurturing are in the whole spectrum of these concepts, learning how to take and give.

Choose family life with all its worries and troubles, strengthen the sense of duty and responsibility. When making a career, pay attention to the family, clan, traditions, become a patriot of your country and create your own world, home. He must turn the cell into a full bowl, where it will be cozy and comfortable. When everyone aspires to you, you feel good, warm, satisfying. Perhaps you will leave your family and go for new experiences, while retaining dreams of material well-being and the desire to play a major role. The more you focus on your career at the expense of your family, the more unreliable and unhappy your life will become. You must learn to nourish and nurture and turn your attention to home and family. For example, you can become a great cook and have a happy family life, enjoying the role of its head.

It is useful for you to take an example from people born under the sign of Cancer: learn from them patriotism, loyalty and traditions of their ancestors, interest in history. We will have to sacrifice ambitions for the sake of close relatives, remain faithful to the religion and traditions of our ancestors. Only in this case, you will have the opportunity for a quick and easy career ascent.

You must learn how to give support as well as receive it. Many people with this knot position experience a strong family burden to know the emotional needs of others. You need to learn to sincerely apologize if you are wrong and not take advantage of others if you are right. We need to learn to forgive the mistakes of other people, to treat them more condescendingly, to conduct a dialogue on an equal footing.

Cancer symbolizes the stomach and food as a biological heat factor. This means that in order to succeed in life, we must feed those for whom we are responsible; return to the roots and traditions of their ancestors, people, to the traditions of their family. You need to be a patriot, an altruist, honor your elders, live one life with the people, study national roots and history.

North Node in Leo - South Node in Aquarius

Based on the best qualities of Aquarius (susceptibility to the new, to the non-standard), a person must educate in himself bright personality, become an egoist in the best sense of the word. Should light up, light up like a star. you need to become creative personality, an artist, you have a wardrobe and there are so many hangers, and each has its own image - play: a loving mother (father), a passionate lover (k), best friend, angry neighbor, beloved teacher, mother-in-law bitch. Put on all these images, shock everyone.

From the very beginning of life, one can observe that this person has few friends, but they are faithful and devoted. In relations with people, on the one hand, they love them, because there are those in relation to whom one can show strong feelings of a guardian, and on the other hand, they do not accept, because they really interfere with work, which they always have a lot of, they are especially a big hindrance find themselves in undertakings of a creative, constructive plan, which brings the best fruits only when they are engaged in it in solitude, when all their strength and energy can be directed towards a single goal, dedicated to a single cause - a great, global one.

However, during periods of solitude, one person can still be with a person - the closest, most beloved. You must learn independence, overcome self-doubt, and build strength within as you prepare to become a leader. Your desire for friendship only scatters your energy and undermines your ability to develop self-confidence.

In this life, circumstances will force you to be independent - at some points in your life you will not have anyone to lean on, but it is these periods of isolation that you need to accumulate strength. Take an example from Leo: learn from him optimism, the ability to be a bright creative person. Become leaders, life should always boil around you, new ideas and brilliant projects should come from you. And remember: you must be responsible for your every step - otherwise the embodiment of your ideas will bring a lot of trouble to others.

Very often such a person has no one to rely on until he realizes that if his life is to be better, then it must be created by himself. Highly capable of strong leadership in this life, this person must learn to overcome all doubt. He should be more goal oriented. When determination takes root, there will be no stopping on the path to success. such a person does not like to settle down on something secondary. Much thought is devoted to the future, in fact, he is used to living in it, until one day he comes to the realization that "today is the future of yesterday" and that nothing will exist in the future that is not created today.

Many people with this position of the Nodes go from poverty to wealth; big changes come after the tendency to overlook turns into the ability to observe! You can achieve happiness if you find something to devote your life to. He will achieve the highest achievements if he subordinates his personal will to the service of humanity. He may wish for solitude at times, but he will never live without people, as he thrives on their admiration for his accomplishments. He believes in justice, but is quick to forgive when people admit they're wrong and will never hit someone who's lying down. It is necessary to strive to live in the interests of other people, to live for children. Such a person is designed to inspire others.

North Node in Virgo - South Node in Pisces

Relying on the best qualities of Pisces (mercy, compassion, unrequited love, monasticism, helping convicts, orphans) Relying on tolerance, understanding, all forgiveness, a person must become reasonable, prudent, enterprising, be able to appreciate the little things, calculate everything, be able to organize production, process . Be methodical, punctual, attentive to detail. It is necessary to strive for clarity, rationality, for clarity in work, to cultivate a sense of duty and responsibility. Preceding tendencies, such as dependence on others, as well as overwhelming self-pity for lack of achievement, are obstacles to be overcome in the current life. He must learn that nothing will happen in his life until the tasks and goals are clearly defined.

In the first half of their lives, they still believe and dream of an idealistic, utopian world, where justice, conscientiousness, joy and happiness rule. With such a philosophy of life, with such a position, it is difficult and painful to live on Earth. And it is required to develop and strengthen a sense of duty and obligation, measure and responsibility, to engage in the systematic development of one's own spirit, expanding the spiritual horizon. These people know how to go with the flow and read between the lines.

The main task is to serve society, painstaking and disinterested work for the benefit of others. Most often, these are the most workhorses, whose gigantic contribution to the common cause is appreciated only in the minute when the worker himself leaves. In this life, you need to learn how to be selective about who you will help, master practical planning and learn how to set clear goals for yourself. Make sure the people you choose to help are worth the effort.

You need to learn how to say "no".

North Node in Libra - South Node in Aries

Relying on the best qualities of Aries (courage, energy, enterprise, fearlessness, the ability to stand up for oneself, protect the one who is nearby), a person must devote himself to finding harmony, peacefulness, justice, and an active social position. He needs to strive for balance, tranquility, harmony in relations with people and the world around him; try never to rush into anything, not to get ahead of events. It is necessary to cultivate self-control, goodwill, remember that all their actions must be balanced, calm, wise. Their bet is on wisdom!

People with an ascending node in Libra should be extremely fair and balanced in relationships with others. It is possible and necessary to show activity only when it is due to the interests of other people. This man with a strong spirit and unshakable will, active and energetic, cruel and merciless, who was feared not only by strangers, but also by his own. In any profession, in any business, he can become a pioneer, submitting new ideas and creating all the necessary prerequisites for their implementation.

True, now for this he needs cooperation, employees, partners, co-authors. It is not easy to work with him, because increased impulsiveness and emotionality, conceit and arrogance interfere here; agreements and contracts are often violated, laws and rules of fair play are not respected. Here it is required that deeds correspond to words, the promises are fulfilled on time and on time, so that a person takes responsibility, respects the rights of other people, pays more attention to trifles Everyday life to avoid disharmony in relations with a partner. One must invest one's strength and energy in more concrete and noble deeds, completely abandon delusional desires, strong passions and animal instincts.

With this position of the knots, much needs to be learned about self-sacrifice and the needs of others. Many are stubborn and self-willed. Listening to others is new to them and they find it uncomfortable and undesirable, feeling that it makes it difficult for them to move forward. He often changes his mind, and loyalty to one cause is not one of his virtues. He knows that in this life he must give rather than receive, but from the bottom of his heart he finds it difficult to cope with such a task. Until he learns to share, there will always be something that will hinder his efforts.

Such people have a very pleasant appearance, which is part of the karmic lesson about vanity. Any remnant of narcissism causes difficulties in marriage.

North Node in Scorpio - South Node in Taurus

Relying on the best qualities of Taurus (the ability to accumulate, the ability to create), a person should not be afraid to take risks, sacrifice a well-fed world, "and the eternal battle, we can only dream of peace." Destroy everything old, rotten. This is a very serious knot configuration and you will have to confront the depths of passion, sexuality, obsession, and the struggle between good and evil.

If you rarely envy the material well-being of other people, if you have learned that money cannot buy truly important things, then you are at the right pole of the axis of nodes. You need to purposefully, systematically and cruelly fight your shortcomings: greed, greed, hoarding, laziness.

Considerable losses are expected in this life, you will have to put up with suffering, taking them for granted and deserved in a past life. Now you need to go forward without looking back, without turning back, boldly and bravely, even at risk, choosing as your companion and assistant a true friend and comrade, adviser and mentor, faithful and passed on until the end of your life. What a person gives to others in this life will be returned to him tenfold in the next life.

This position of the nodes contributes to the achievement of success through extreme conditions, through abrupt changes and changes, fractures and rearrangements, through self-sacrifice or even self-destruction for the good of the idea, for the good of people. You need to actively fight for justice. It doesn't matter who your clients are - people, animals, ideas. The main thing is that you resist evil, lies, slander. dangerous situations as if I attract you, so life teaches you not to chop off your shoulder, to spare and protect the weak. If the lesson is learned, then the person acquires inner harmony.

North Node in Sagittarius – South Node in Gemini

Relying on the best qualities of Gemini (the ability to work with information, contact), you need to be contact, find a common language with anyone, become a teacher with a capital letter, breadth of outlook, be able to gather people with your energy, keep them, become an authority for them.

Such people are distinguished by the freshness of perception, the ability to work with information flows, the ability to find a common language with any person. It is necessary to engage in activities aimed at uniting people and entire nations, to promote the mutual enrichment of cultures. The mind of a philosophical warehouse, all his knowledge must be invested in pedagogical and scientific activities, where he can expect success, popularity, social career, material benefits, especially in foreign countries and in cooperation with foreigners.

You need to become teachers, lead a whole cohort of students - even smarter and more capable. Your goal is higher knowledge, seeking to gain wisdom, truth and devotion to any one belief. You can become a spiritual teacher, a philosopher who helps other people understand that we can live together, getting rid of prejudice.

You came into this world to realize that all belief systems have common roots. You understand that we are all on this journey of life together in search of our connection with the source. It is necessary to choose an activity aimed at uniting people, mutual knowledge and penetration of different cultures. Such a person is a leader, first of all spiritual.

North Node in Capricorn - South Node in Cancer

Relying on the best qualities of Cancer (emotionality, adaptation, the ability to feel the mood of a person) without being afraid to go forward, up, achieve your goal.

A skilled leader, personnel officer, psychologist, relying on his intuition. Boss, master of his craft. Early in your life, you may be shy, easily depressed, and suffer from stomach ulcers due to increased anxiety. In the future, you will become a leader, but first you need to overcome the limitations in your family life. You need to learn independence and self-sufficiency.

You will be gravitated towards those who do not understand their own emotional problems, people who are ready to cry on your chest, and you will heal their souls by absorbing their emotional problems. Self-discipline and perseverance are yours strengths. You can become a business owner, architect or organizer, respected and responsible. Nothing will be impossible for you if you set a goal for yourself and work to achieve it. You need to be brave, take a sober look at the world around you, and not react too emotionally to everything.

Such a person can eventually play important role in the affairs of his country, state, people or become an exemplary father and family man, thus striving for the growth of the spirit, for the expansion of the spiritual horizon. The best thing is when a person manages to develop his own individual goal and boldly pursue it. Strive to clearly realize the goal, to develop purposefulness, you need constant concentration of thought, constant self-improvement. The path of informal leadership is needed and it is imperative to be an example for others. Develop a sense of patriotism and devotion.

The north node in Capricorn in women gives an unusually strong search for a father figure, and in men an awareness of the need to fulfill the father's role.

North Node in Aquarius - South Node in Leo

Relying on the best qualities of Leo (strong nature, strong-willed core, the ability to defend one's own, to push through), a person needs to break the old framework for the sake of a new idea of ​​​​innovation, become non-standard, unusual. Renounce selfishness, vanity, posturing, close attention to his person, he is so strong, work for the sake of the idea, for the sake of friends, for the sake of collectives, party interests, to become a revolutionary.

It is useful for you to take an example from Aquarius: learn from them free-thinking, altruism and an unconventional view of the world. Strive for independence in judgments, strive for friendship, for everything new, do not be afraid to experiment, look for new ways. No need to cling to the past, live in the future, look ahead and only forward, and luck will definitely knock on your door. A struggle between one's own life and selfless devotion to humanity.

This position of the nodes causes great difficulties in marriage, because a person wants to dominate those who are close to him. You need to practice modesty. One must learn more about the world and sorrows before ascending to a higher level. Fulfill your mission - feed those around you with the warmth of your spirit, radiate the radiance of the Sun to awaken a spark of creativity in them, use all your wisdom to make this world a better place. You have a great potential for ingenuity, especially if you plan your strategies based on your own impartiality.

North Node in Pisces - South Node in Virgo

Based on the best qualities of the Virgo (the ability to organize, debug, take into account any little thing), a person must come to an understanding supreme harmony, divine love, to make a discovery for yourself that not everything is measured by reason, real discoveries come in a dream, they are built on intuition, and then a system of evidence is built. He needs to become disinterested, not petty, be able to forgive, not be irritated, merge and dissolve with the world ocean. Develop intuition Creative skills, harmonious fusion with nature, with subtle cosmic rhythms.

Such a person needs to strive for art, aestheticism, contact with upper world, to absolutely harmonious relations with people. Live by the sea, become a chemist, a water seller, a perfumer. Learn to be more modest, do not try at every opportunity to prove your own superiority. Be tolerant of others, show love and compassion.

Your path is the path of a true believer and you will have to perceive that which cannot be touched or felt, and this is no joke.

Let's touch on the topic of the lunar nodes in the horoscope (birth chart) of a person. I would like to note right away that this topic is primarily for those people who believe in karma and their karmic tasks, as well as in the idea of ​​reincarnation and destiny. Lunar nodes in the horoscope are fictitious points. They show the experience and challenges that a person faced in a past life or past incarnations. Also, the lunar nodes in the horoscope indicate the tasks that are given to a person here and now. With what mission did the human soul come into this incarnation? What are the important lessons for man? By studying the lunar nodes in the horoscope, you can find answers to these questions. We can conclude: the lunar nodes in the horoscope show the purpose and tasks that a person faces according to fate. If you do not believe in fate or predestination, then, by and large, it is not worth considering the lunar nodes in the horoscope accordingly. The stronger the lunar nodes are accentuated in the horoscope, the stronger the influence of fate on a person. Especially on those topics that emphasize the lunar nodes in the horoscope. Nodes can accentuate either a certain axis of the Zodiac Signs or some axis astrological houses. In accordance with this emphasis, much can be said about the fate of a person. For example, the case when the lunar nodes in the horoscope accentuate the axis of the 4th and 10th astrological Houses - the theme "family - career" is karmically included in the fate of a person. Or another case when the lunar nodes in the horoscope accentuate the axis of the 1st and 7th Houses, the axis of "self-expression and relationships with other people." Accordingly, along this axis, in these areas, it will be most important for a person to resolve all emerging issues.

South and North lunar node in the horoscope

The lunar nodes in the horoscope are a single fictitious point, which is divided into two component parts. There is The southern lunar node in the horoscope, it shows what has already been gained by a person in past incarnations. This is the one past experience, these are the topics of life in which a person feels confident and they are given to him well. Accordingly, a person will try in the current incarnation to broadcast and make the most of the accumulated experience indicated by the South Lunar Node in the horoscope.

The second part of the node is The northern lunar node, it shows in the horoscope the tasks of a person for this incarnation. This is the necessary experience that a person has yet to receive in life. The task here is to find a balance between the North and South lunar nodes in the horoscope. It is dangerous to go only into the experience that has been gained through the South Node of the Moon, because such a tendency deprives a person of the opportunity to develop. For example, if the South lunar node in the horoscope is in the tenth astrological House, then the person, most likely, will simply be given the topic of a career. It will be easily implemented in professional field, but it is dangerous to focus on only one profession. After all, the North lunar node in the horoscope will be in the fourth astrological House and the task for a person will be: to learn how to build relationships in the family. His mission is to work on all situations that develop in the family. Also, such lunar nodes in the horoscope indicate the need to study their ancestral roots and traditions. Although this may not be easy for a person, because there is still no proper experience here.

This is all a very important topic of karma! And this topic is too complex and voluminous to raise it within the framework of this article. You can read more about karma on the page:.

Ideally, we should rely on the accumulated potential of the South Lunar Node in the horoscope in order to be able to solve the problems that the North Node poses. When the lunar nodes in the horoscope are strongly emphasized, for example, they make important major aspects to the planets or are located at the corner points of the chart. In such cases, the lunar nodes in the horoscope will have a very noticeable effect on a person's life. If the lunar nodes in the horoscope are not aspected and are not at the corner points of the chart, then the influence of the lunar nodes will be minimal. A person gets in this life the opportunity to choose, he can solve problems on the North Node, or maybe not solve it.

Lunar nodes in the horoscope and relocation

A frequently asked question: does the relocation map affect a person's karmic goals? For example, when the position of the lunar nodes in the horoscope changes in the relocation chart, and they fall into another axis of the astrological Houses. Here we can give the following answer: it is important to understand that the tasks for incarnation are still given to us at birth. And moments personal choice Unfortunately, they do not play a significant role here. Therefore, relocation itself, when we ourselves choose a new place to live and think that this will change our karmic destiny, is not so.

Lunar nodes in the horoscope. The position of the nodes in the astrological houses

Next, we suggest that you already determine exactly where your lunar nodes in the horoscope are. Understand what they are talking about in your case. To do this, you can build your personal horoscope by using astrological program"Antares", how to do it - read on the page:. In the figure below this text, you can see the symbols that denote the lunar nodes in the horoscope. Next, find these symbols in your horoscope and determine in which astrological Houses the lunar nodes are in your horoscope. In this example, the nodes are located on the axis of the fifth and eleventh houses.

Axis One - Seventh House

If your South Node is in the first House, this means that in past incarnations you were a person who was completely focused on yourself and on your personal interests. Such lunar nodes in the horoscope say that your past was actually connected with yourself, with the topics of self-expression in the world. In the past, you may have had a tendency to draw attention to yourself and demand something from others for yourself. Your "I" or in other words "ego" is the main fundamental factor from which it is difficult for you to abstract and pay attention to the needs of other people. With such a position of the lunar nodes in the horoscope, you are used to relying on your opinion and your beliefs in many life issues. And the opinion of other people is of secondary interest.

Accordingly, if the South Node is in the first House, then the North Node will be in the seventh astrological House. As you already know, the North lunar node in the horoscope shows our future and guidelines for spiritual development - those qualities of character and areas of life that need to be worked out first of all. When the North Node in the horoscope falls into the 7th House, it brings up the topics of partnership here. In the second half of your life, you will increasingly go into the topic of relationships. Especially after the age of 40, there is more of a need to be in relationships with other people than there was before. There is a growing desire to build communications and relationships with the outside world. When the lunar nodes are so located in the horoscope, life itself makes a person shift the focus from his needs to the needs of the people around him. Topics of agreements and obligations assumed in relations are raised. A person learns the correct interaction with partners and the outside world. Learn to see their needs and learn to match those needs with your personal needs. As a result, a person who has the lunar nodes in the horoscope in this way no longer closes in on himself, as it was in past incarnations, but feels like a part of society. Such a person knows how to integrate into society in such a way as to achieve social success in it. He knows how to build harmonious relationships with people around him and with partners.

Axis Two - Eighth House

If you have the South lunar node in the horoscope in the second astrological House, and the North in the eighth House. This means that you have an emphasis on the topics of well-being and personal property. People who have such lunar nodes in the horoscope, as a rule, know how to manage their personal finances. For them, what they possess (what is their property) is of great importance. From birth, such people have an emphasis on their own resources, money. And everything else, including the material well-being of other people, does not bother them so much. But what is in this case, the North lunar node in the horoscope falls into the 8th astrological House - it means that such people will more and more participate in the second half of their lives (especially after 40 years) in the big global financial picture of the world. That is, perhaps they will work with loans or with collective resources or other people's money (for example, partners' money).

Axis Three - Ninth House

The situation when the node of the past (the South lunar node in the horoscope) is in the third astrological House is a very interesting moment. Man is born conditioned to the society in which he lives. But in the second half of life, fate itself pushes a person from this limited environment into completely new realities that did not exist in life before. For example, these realities may represent the society and culture of another country. When the lunar nodes in the horoscope are on the axis of the third - ninth House: this often suggests that the second half of a person's life (especially after 40 years) can be associated with travel, trips abroad or study foreign languages or understanding the cultures and traditions of other countries. For a person, this is a great opportunity to go beyond the rigid social conventions in which he lived before.

Axis Fourth - Tenth House

When the South lunar node falls in the 4th astrological House, and the North lunar node in the horoscope is in the 10th House. In this case, as a rule, a person in the first half of life is more of a couch potato. He came into this life very burdened with family ties and family circumstances. Such a person has a close connection with traditions and his family. The lunar nodes in the horoscope on the axis of the fourth - tenth House speak of the great importance of the family for a person, but this family will not always be good and it will not always have a positive effect on a person. But, nevertheless, these family circumstances will be extremely important for a person. A person, as it were, is born in these domestic circumstances, and often these circumstances burden him and do not allow him to develop normally. In the second half of life, a person comes to the conclusion that something needs to be changed and begins to focus more and more on the topics of the 10th astrological House. The 10th House in Astrology is associated with the professional sphere of a person, with social advancement. Lunar nodes in the horoscope with this position will encourage a person to get out of narrow family framework into society. Nodes call to realize themselves in society, to express themselves in their work. Therefore, the difference between the first and second half of life will be obvious. It's like in a fairy tale, when Ilya Muromets lay on the stove for up to 40 years, and then suddenly decided to take a sword and go in search of adventure.

Axis Fifth - Eleventh House

If you have the South lunar node in the horoscope in the fifth House, and the North lunar node in the eleventh House. This position may indicate a person who in the past was prone to risk and adventure, for example, it could be a gambler. Such lunar nodes in the horoscope can still say that a person has developed a strong creative potential in the past. A person is accustomed in the past to engage in various types arts. Or it could be an actor entertaining and amusing the audience. In this incarnation, a person already from birth has acting skills and an understanding of how to behave with an audience. There is a creative playful charisma that does not need to be learned. A person in the first half of life can succeed very well in creativity or in the field of entertainment.

But, when the lunar nodes in the horoscope are on the axis of the fifth - eleventh House: in the second half of life, a person will feel how the topics of the 11th House are turned on for him. These are themes of friendship and collective activity. The 11th House is associated with responsibility towards people who are your friends or with whom you work together as a team. The lunar nodes in the horoscope on this axis are directed to the fact that a person gets rid of superficial adventurism. And he became more and more involved in the social topic, for example, he implemented projects that involve teamwork. For such a person, projects are useful for personal and spiritual development, where the support of friends and like-minded people is important. When the lunar nodes in the horoscope are on the axis of the 5th and 11th Houses: the second half of life will already be somewhat associated with some kind of adventure or personal creative realization how much will focus on interacting with other people within the team. A person will already need the ability to see not only his personal, but also collective interests and goals. Such a person is called upon to learn to work in a team.

Axis Six - Twelfth House

If your South lunar node (the past, in fact, is the karma of your past lives) is in the 6th astrological House. This situation may mean that in a past life you were a "hard worker". And up to 20 - 30 (sometimes even 40) years old, the theme of work, the fulfillment of your labor duties, remains for you. The Sixth House often creates such conditions that a person may lack personal freedom, he is accustomed to being in limiting circumstances or in submission to other people. Also, the sixth house is associated with the topics of health and healing. The lunar nodes in the horoscope located on this axis often indicate a person who in past incarnations was forced to constantly strengthen or treat his body, or his activity was associated with healing, treating other people. Such Lunar nodes in the horoscope often indicate a person who in the past was used to working hard, working hard and in this life a person maintains diligence, shows in the professional field high results. Such a person has an acquired habit: his on your own and work hard to achieve your goals.

The node of the future, that is, the North lunar node, will be in the twelfth astrological House. The 12th House is the House of secrets, mysticism, sacred things and phenomena (psychological and spiritual). It is associated in Astrology with the theme of solitude and withdrawal from public affairs. Therefore, people whose lunar nodes in the horoscope are located on this axis, in the second half of their lives, more and more go into seclusion, begin to lead a more hidden and isolated life. Often such people go into religious activities, turn to God or begin to engage in occult mystical practices. With age, themes of faith and spirituality become more and more important for them.

I decided to make a selection of materials from the network on the topic of Lunar nodes in natal chart.

One of the methods for determining the destination is to look at the position of the Lunar nodes in the natal chart. The lunar nodes are the points at which the moon's orbit intersects the plane of the ecliptic, they are located 180 ° relative to each other.
The ascending lunar node is also called Rahu in Vedic astrology and Dragon's Head in the western. Rahu is the future that you need to strive for, the necessary stage of evolution in the current life of a person. The descending lunar node is called Ketu or the Tail of the Dragon. This is the point from which a person starts, this is his past experience, which he has already gone through. Thus, having seen in which house of the horoscope the Rahu point is located, we can understand in which area we should apply and develop our forces. Rahu is responsible for the future, for expansion, for expansion. Ketu represents the past. It is believed that the one who manages to cope with the energies of the lunar nodes will open the gates to spiritual growth.

Rahu - as an indicator of karmic tasks for this incarnation, areas of life where we can succeed. Rahu is the energy of expansion, it opens up new karmic opportunities in this life. In particular, the position of Rahu in the chart shows the area of ​​new growth in this incarnation.

The house in which Rahu is located deserves the closest attention - a person must direct his development within the framework of this house, work on improving this house. This is the area of ​​life where a person has huge opportunities but afraid to take a step. But if he overcomes himself, he will receive a reward in the form of a stunning success. At first, it is usually difficult, but then a person will be able to achieve a lot in this area of ​​​​life.
The dispositor of Rahu (the ruler of the sign he is in) controls the expansion of the energy of Rahu and his position also shows the area in which the person will develop in this incarnation.
Two signs and two houses, which are occupied by Rahu and his dispositor, determine the path of the soul chosen for this incarnation, and in terms of karma, this is one of the main decodings. These houses are given Special attention. First of all - to the house where Rahu is located. Usually this house brings good luck to a person.

Ketu, the setting node, shows the events of the past, the consequences of which are present in the present.
The sign and house where Ketu is located show the area in which we worked in a past life and where we have deep realizations. This is the area where our true talents are located. Ketu represents the gift in which we have reached perfection in past incarnations, as a result of which we quite naturally come to the same in this life.
A person's talents in this life can usually be easily deciphered through the dispositor of Ketu and its position in the chart. Ketu symbolizes our achievements. In most cases, a person's talents are directly related to the indicators of the planet and its specific position in the chart; dispositor of Ketu. If the dispositor is Ketu, Venus a person has artistry, talent in art, Saturn a person has organizational skills, the ability to serve others, Mars management, leadership, surgery, Moon emotions, psychology, pedagogy, Mercury astrology, Sun leadership, medicine, spiritual knowledge, spiritual psychology, Jupiter pedagogy, teaching.
The two signs and two houses occupied by Ketu and his dispositor are the key to unraveling the talents, abilities and basic nature of a person. Ketu shows what we have taken from the last incarnation. For example, Ketu in the house gives intuition, a penchant for philosophy, deep insightful abilities, shows that a person worked a lot on himself in a past life.
The connection between the two karmic controlling planets (the dispositors of Rahu and Ketu) usually determines the path that a person will progress in this life.

The text was compiled according to an article by psychologist and Vedic astrologer Rami Blekt. AT full version you can read

What is needed in order to determine the purpose of the lunar nodes?

1) Know the time, date and place of birth.
2) Determine what time zone (GMT) was at the time of birth in your area. You can see if you are from Belarus, then it will do.
3) Next 3 options:
a) The easiest is to use the site He will immediately give an interpretation of the location of your Lunar nodes in the signs of the zodiac.
b) Make a natal chart in one of the online astroprocessors using the Western system
c) Compile a natal chart according to the Vedic system But for a beginner, this chart is quite difficult to interpret.
4) Once again check whether GMT is indicated correctly in the compiled map (I seem to always set it correctly, but sometimes it gives out wrong).
5) Find the location of the Lunar nodes (house and sign) in the map and determine the dispositors.*
6) Read to yourself your favorite information on the links.

Astronomically, the Lunar Nodes are the intersection points of the Moon's orbit with the ecliptic, or the path along which the Sun moves relative to the stars. These are really peculiar knots that link together the two most important cosmic principles - the solar and the lunar.

The sun is often associated with a monad, a spark of God, a kind of spiritual center of the human essence, which travels, reincarnating, from life to life, accumulating some experience in each life. And the Moon can be compared with a material, mortal shell, built from earthly matter and playing the role of a temporary shelter for the monad - the Sun in this particular life.

In Indian mythology, there is a story about a demon (rakshasa) cut into two parts. The upper part was called Rahu, referring to the head of the dragon, and the lower part was called Ketu (dragon's tail). The upper part corresponds to the direction towards the North Pole of the Earth, therefore it is also called the North (Rising) node. The node located on the opposite side is called the South (Descent) node.

In astrology, these points are indicators of karmic accumulations and spiritual potential. They describe the mission of a person and the destination to which he aspires in the current incarnation.

Human life is a movement from the past to the future. The vector of this movement is directed from the South Node to the North, from the Descending to the Ascending. It can be said that the Lunar Nodes symbolize the lunar-solar process, or the path along which a person masters the circumstances of the Moon and approaches the goal of the Sun. The line (axis) of the Lunar nodes in the horoscope can be compared with the river of life, along which each of us swims.

Only the flow of the river here is rather directed from the Ascending Node to the Descending Node, and in order to reach the goal, you need to overcome difficulties to swim against the current, otherwise those who swim with the current are always carried back to the South Node, in which everything is so familiar and mastered.

South, Descending lunar node and its meaning

A person does not start his journey on Earth from scratch or from scratch. Prior to his current incarnation, he went through a certain part of the path and gained experience, which expresses the Descending (South) lunar node.

This experience can be bitter or positive. In any case, a person feels some areas of life are more or less mastered, and it is easy for him to do what he is familiar with and is good at. Meanwhile, getting in touch with the themes of the Descending Node and living within it is stagnation and movement in the opposite direction. It is necessary to make sure that the experience of past achievements turns into a solid base for future conquests and advancement in life. The past cannot be completely rejected, but one must move forward without looking back all the time.

North, Ascending lunar node and its meaning

The ascending (North) lunar node just shows the most necessary and right direction movement in the boat of life. The future can be frightening with its unknown, and knowledge is constantly lacking. Moving towards the goal is often associated with mistakes and misses, and the tops sometimes seem unattainable.

However, you need to move in the direction of the Ascending Node. This will mean the desire to fulfill their life mission of the current incarnation.

Analysis and interpretation of the lunar nodes

Lunar nodes should not be considered separately from other elements of the horoscope. They can enhance or emphasize common sense and the message embedded in the birth chart. A comprehensive study of the lunar nodes and fundamental astrological factors will help to better understand the life patterns and fate of a person, since in this case it is possible to draw parallels between the current existence of the native with his past and future.

Analysis of the position of the Lunar nodes is very important in the study and solution of karmic issues and tasks. The sign of the zodiac in which the Descending Node falls will indicate the habitual style of behavior and lifestyle of the native, which are rooted in past incarnations. The ascending lunar node, the astrological house in which it falls, and its sign will tell the direction in which a person needs to develop in the current life. Understanding the vector of their development will give the native the opportunity to get rid of the problems of the past and fully realize the creative and spiritual potential inherent in him by nature and fate.

Lunar nodes in the signs of the zodiac

Ascending (North) Node in Aries, Descending (South) Node in Libra

A person with the Ascending Node in Aries has the task of a leader and trailblazer. The descending node in Libra will incline the native to compromise and diplomacy, but this is the wrong way. In order to fulfill his destiny, a person cannot look back at others and hope for support from someone else.

The path of such a person is bright and unique, but it is the path of a loner. You need to develop wrestling qualities, determination and independence. The crowd can be led only by the brightest, personable, energetic, self-confident person.

Ascending Node in Taurus, Descending Node in Scorpio

The karmic task of a person with an ascending node in Taurus is to develop and improve talents and abilities. It will be good if the owner of the horoscope chooses for himself an activity related to art. It can be painting, architecture, literature (poetry), singing, etc. The creative nature of labor will allow the native to develop and grow. Creativity can be applied. The native may be interested in gardening, animal husbandry, love the land and build houses.

And, on the contrary, if a person follows the path of the Descending Knot, that is, he does what he is accustomed to, life will become meaningless, and most of the karmic knots will not be able to untie during life. People with a Descending Node in Scorpio should not get involved in intrigues, undercover games and seek only profit by interacting with partners. They are encouraged to develop solidity, diligence, honesty, practicality, the ability to enjoy the beauty around them and create harmonious images with your own hands.

Ascending Node in Gemini, Descending Node in Sagittarius

The mission of a person with the Ascending Node in Gemini is in any intellectual activity. This may be the work of a writer, scientist, translator, journalist, etc. A person with such a node should also develop communication, mediation and commercial skills, even if it will be difficult for him to do so.

Undesirable for people with the Descending Node in Sagittarius are activities related to teaching, philosophy, religion and travel. In this life, it is important to learn for yourself, and not to teach others and give advice. It may be found that the knowledge of the native is too abstract, and they cannot be applied to solve specific problems. In this situation, you need to communicate as much as possible, look for new sources of information, quickly respond to changes in the world around you, using the skills you have learned recently.

Ascending Node in Cancer, Descending Node in Capricorn

ascending node in Cancer says that in the current incarnation, the owner of the horoscope needs to direct his forces to create a family, cozy home and a solid rear. The mission of the native may be to maintain family values, serve the Motherland, express love for the Fatherland.

The owner of the Descending Node in Capricorn should not devote his life to work and the realization of high ambitions. You can not distance yourself from others, limiting yourself to dry business relations. By showing gentleness, kindness, caring for people, the subject will be able to fully realize his karmic tasks. In business and in life, intuition and the ability to emotionally perceive everything that happens around him will help him. A person who does not limit himself to strict instructions and rigid plans, acts spontaneously and trusts the world, will act in accordance with his karmic destiny.

Ascending Node in Leo, Descending Node in Aquarius

A person with these nodes should be more attentive to society and the phenomena occurring in it. You need to learn to see the creativity in others, but you can’t dissolve in the crowd, forgetting about the uniqueness of your own personality.

A person with the Ascending Node in Leo must discover his individuality and develop those talents and abilities that the Creator has awarded him. Having felt himself realized in society and needed by him, the subject begins to “shine” for other people: to give joy, to charge with positive, to love, to create for them.

It will be good if a person with this node chooses for himself an activity related to creativity, the stage, teaching and learning, and management.

Ascending Node in Virgo, Descending Node in Pisces

A person with a Pisces Descending Node tends to go with the flow and overburden himself with other people's problems. Meanwhile, he should not be too soft, vulnerable, sensitive and divorced from reality in this life. The ascending node in Virgo requires the development of practicality, high efficiency, and a sober approach to business.

It is advisable to choose for yourself that field of activity that will require the use of intellectual (analytical) abilities. The owner of the horoscope, who is well aware of his karmic task, can become a successful writer, scientist, administrator, doctor, etc.

ascending node inLibra, Descending Node in Aries

The owner of the Descending Node in Aries is used to taking the initiative, acting energetically and solving all matters on his own. In this incarnation, the native needs to abandon this style of behavior, as this can lead to slipping and wasting energy.

You should choose the path dictated by the Ascending Node in Libra, which means acting diplomatically, taking into account the opinions of others, looking for partners and creating trusting and harmonious relationships. The meaning of life can be associated with business cooperation and marriage.

In addition, Libra is a creative sign, therefore it is favorable for the owner of the horoscope to develop in the field of art.

ascending node inScorpio Descending Node in Taurus

The owner of the Descending Node in Taurus is talented, works hard, loves comfort and a stable life full of simple earthly joys. Meanwhile, these karmic developments must be left. Moving along the path of the Ascending Node in Scorpio means not so much working on your own as directing the efforts of others to achieve your goals.

The native in this life needs to develop insight, strong-willed and wrestling qualities. Don't be afraid to lose what you have. You need to be able to take risks, because if you invest in a promising business, you can win several times more.

The mission of a person with an Ascending Node in Scorpio will correspond to financial, political activities, as well as the work of a detective, criminologist, athlete, military.

ascending node inSagittarius Descending Node in Gemini

A person with a descending node in Gemini is accustomed to a mobile lifestyle. He travels a lot, studies, communicates. However, in this life he needs to become more elevated and develop philosophical thinking. The fuss takes a lot of time and energy, and the solution of the same type of tasks does not develop at all.

If a person decides to move along the path of the Ascending Node, then he will be able to avoid many problems: dependence on the opinions of others, getting bogged down in details, lack of independence.

It will be good if the native chooses a teaching or scientific activity for himself, independently generates progressive ideas and spreads new philosophical concepts.

ascending node inCapricorn, Descending Node in Cancer

A person with an Ascending Node in Capricorn is recommended to cultivate determination, diligence and the ability to achieve goals despite obstacles. The descending node in Cancer, symbolizing past developments, can lead to overly emotional behavior, isolation on one’s own. inner world and personal needs. Meanwhile, you need to get out of the shell, where you feel comfort, coziness and peace.

A person only realizes his karmic task when he reaches certain heights in activity, whether it be politics, science (mathematics), creativity (architecture) or anything else.

ascending node inAquarius Descending Node in Leo

The owner of the Descending Node in Leo knows his worth and knows how to demonstrate his virtues and talents to the public. Meanwhile, in the current incarnation, such self-centered behavior should be avoided. The ascending node in Aquarius indicates that the native needs to focus on the people around him, help them understand and accept themselves, and unleash their creative potential.

The subject's mission is not to isolate himself and his individuality, but to unite with friends and like-minded people in order to achieve common, humane goals.

The native can choose activities related to people and society: work as a psychologist, sociologist, journalist, writer, etc. A person may show interest in unusual, rare specialties (inventor, astrologer, space explorer, test pilot, etc.).

ascending node inPisces, Descending Node in Virgo

The owner of the Descending Node in Virgo knows how to put everything in order, analyze and put it in order. Meanwhile, in this life he needs to develop completely different qualities: psychology, intuitiveness of the mind, the ability to abstract from details and exist in a situation of uncertainty.

In many situations, rational thinking and ideal, well-thought-out actions can lead to mistakes. A person will benefit more if he trusts an unexpected insight, uses his imagination and shows creative approach at work. People with a node in Pisces can realize themselves in the field of art, as well as in religion, psychology and the occult sciences.

Ascending (Rahu) node in 1st house, Descending (Ketu) node in 7th house

This position of the nodes indicates the need to turn to yourself and your origins. Having known himself, having understood his goals, objectives, desires and motives of behavior, a person will be able to fully interact with others and achieve success in partnership.

Often with this arrangement of nodes, a person experiences difficult situations in personal life. Partners (both marriage and business) are attracted to him for a reason. Communicating, living and working with them, the native resolves long-standing problems, stretching from past incarnations. In this case, you should not change your partners like gloves, choosing a person better and more promising. By changing from within, we change our immediate environment. The kinder, more merciful and spiritual the native becomes, the more positive and conscious his companion becomes.

Ascending node (Rahu) in 2nd house, Descending node (Ketu) in 8th house

With this position of the nodes, a person needs to be careful when it comes to money, movable property and financial investments. Mistakes made in life will affect the financial condition of the native. And vice versa, the more good deeds a person does, the more prosperous he will live.

A person with a Descending Node in the 8th house does not need to rely on the resources of partners and others. You need to develop your talents and abilities, build up skills, work hard. This will allow you to gain independence in material terms and avoid the temptation of money.

Ascending node (Rahu) in the third house, Descending node (Ketu) in the ninth house

A person with this position of the nodes will find his purpose and place in life if he actively studies, gets to know and communicate with others. In order to become happy and successful, one does not need to graduate from several universities, undergo an internship abroad, or defend a doctoral dissertation.

The information necessary for life can be the simplest and most accessible, and it is not necessary to look for a Teacher in order to learn how to cope with the simplest tasks in life. The knowledge gained in the process of interaction with the outside world can be applied immediately, in everyday life. This will give the native flexibility, maneuverability and the ability to quickly navigate in difficult life circumstances.

A person who has done and is doing many good deeds can quite unexpectedly and free of charge receive the information he needs. As punishment for atrocities, the native may be slandered and slandered.

Ascending node (Rahu) in the fourth house, Descending node (Ketu) in the tenth house

The node in the 4th field speaks of the need to invest in the family, respect traditional values, and keep in touch with parents and children. It will be good if the subject resolves the issue with his own housing as soon as possible and creates a comfortable and cozy atmosphere in it. Cooking, raising children, organizing a harmonious space are favorable.

The owner of the horoscope should not be ambitious and overly pragmatic. Career aspirations in life will be difficult to realize if a person does not have a strong rear in the form of a family.

In a broader sense, the Ascending Node in the 4th house symbolizes service to the Motherland and love for one's country. Recognition and success will come to a person if he chooses the profession of a historian, military man, politician, etc. and will faithfully fulfill his duty.

Ascending node (Rahu) in the fifth house, Descending node (Ketu) in the eleventh house

A subject with a node in the 5th house will be able to realize karmic tasks if he devotes himself to any creative, stage, public activity. It is important to give time to children, to find time for entertainment, favorite activities and sports. The meaning of life lies in activities that make the soul joyful and cheerful. The positive energy of a creative person will ignite and inspire the people around him.

Often the owner of the Descending Node in the 11th house is forced to solve problems related to friends and the team. To do this, you do not need to look for their location of like-minded people and devote a lot of personal time to them. The more happiness, friendliness and enthusiasm the owner of the horoscope spreads around him, the more people he attracts.

Ascending node (Rahu) in the sixth house, Descending node (Ketu) in the twelfth house

The owner of knots in these houses will face the need to work and serve for the benefit of people. At the same time, the Ascending node in the 6th house directly indicates that it is necessary to provide specific, effective assistance to others. It is important to be hardworking and efficient at work, and then you will be able to avoid many problems - spiritual contradictions, lack of meaning in life, instability and illusions.

In this case, you do not need to engage in self-digging and searching for light within yourself. Nor should one sacrifice oneself for the sake of others. A person will do the right thing if he chooses the path of a practitioner, an innovator and an active figure.

If a person follows the right path and does good deeds, then he is distinguished by good health and can even heal others.

Ascending node (Rahu) in the 7th house, Descending node (Ketu) in the 1st house

If the node is located in the 7th house of the horoscope, then the person needs to direct all efforts towards the formation of harmonious relations with the marriage partner and the establishment of successful business cooperation. Focusing on the goals, desires and needs of others, you can take a fresh look at yourself and overcome your own psychological barriers.

A descending node in the 1st house will indicate that a person does not need to spend precious time promoting his ideas, caring for his image and realizing his own ambitions.

Things will go much better if the owner of the horoscope finds good partners, outlines common goals and achieves them in joint work.

Ascending node (Rahu) in the 8th house, Descending node (Ketu) in the 2nd house

A person realizes karmic tasks by managing other people's financial resources. It is always a risk and a great responsibility, but the faster the native overcomes his inner fears, the stronger and more successful he will become. You can't be content with what you have. We need to increase our resources and make sure that they increase the influence of the individual on social processes. Politics and business will be typical areas for the realization of karmic potential.

The owner of the horoscope can choose any dangerous activity for himself, build a career as a military man, surgeon, athlete, rescuer, stuntman, etc. These and many other professions teach you not to be afraid to look danger in the eye.

Ascending node (Rahu) in the ninth house, Descending node (Ketu) in the third house

A node in the 9th house indicates that throughout life the owner of the horoscope needs to constantly expand his horizons. Do not close yourself in the usual circle of acquaintances. Knowing the common truths will not make it possible to make a breakthrough. In order to get closer to your life goal, you need to get higher education, travel as much as possible, engage in creativity (including intellectual), communicate with representatives of various cultures.

A philosophical view of the world and numerous achievements (in science, sports, religion, politics, art, entrepreneurship, etc.) will allow you to start educational and journalistic activities.

A person acting in accordance with his karmic task can experience joy and good fortune while abroad. If he commits serious misconduct, he may face accusations against him and litigation.

Ascending node (Rahu) in the tenth house, Descending node (Ketu) in the fourth house

People with a node in the 10th house need to find their true calling and realize themselves in the profession. In this case, in life it will be possible to find the desired stability, well-being and joy. There is no need to hide your ambitious aspirations from those around you. A node in the 10th house will reward those who are able to set goals, work hard and strive to achieve the highest peaks in life.

It often happens that the owner of the horoscope deals only with solving problems related to home, family, real estate. Despite the efforts made, the number of questions on these topics is only increasing. In this situation, you need to approach the tasks from the other end. Finding a high goal and working hard for an important mission will help you find people who are ready to help and support in difficult times.

In the horoscope of any person, there is an axis of fate that can determine a life lesson or a fateful situation. This axis is determined by the position of the Lunar Nodes. What is the actual role of these very nodes in the horoscope?

Not everyone manages to find and understand their true path in life, we wander for a long time in search, like blind kittens, we cannot find our destiny. If a person cannot find his own way, then the Almighty does not leave him. Throughout life, we are sent many signs that indicate the path of life. One of these signs is astrology. With the help of which you can easily find out the fate of a person, it is encrypted in his horoscope. Fate is described by the position of the lunar nodes. Lunar nodes in the signs of the zodiac play a huge role. Each of us needs to understand what it is and how it works.

The lunar nodes of the horoscope are the vectors of our destiny. Is not heavenly bodies or planets are the points of intersection of the lunar orbit with the ecliptic (mathematical calculations). The fact that there will be two such points of intersection does not require explanation, it goes without saying that they will be located one opposite the other. One point of intersection was called the head of the Dragon, the second - the tail. It is also customary to call the node ascending (northern) and descending (south). The entry of a planet into a house, or a sign, is called ingression, so to speak, a transition.

The symbols of the lunar nodes are bowls. One is empty, and the other is full, supposedly filled with knowledge of past lives. Nodes perform a full cycle in an average of 18.5 years (17, 18, 18.5, 19). The movement is clockwise. And in the horoscope, the Nodes are opposite each other, respectively, their location in the zones of the zodiac is appropriate.

The north and south nodes in the horoscope are in opposite signs (houses). For an individual explanation of the horoscope, the location of the nodes, their belonging to one or another astrological house, plays a huge role. The value of nodes is difficult to overestimate. We can say that they connect the Sun and the Moon. There are several opinions interpreting the intersection of the orbits of the Sun and the Moon. In esotericism, this intersection is endowed with fantastic meaning. Mathematical calculations are associated with dragons, in which our souls were embodied many years ago.

Descending knot - symbolizes the cup filled with deeds from past lives. This is something like a person's karma, of course, this is not an entirely accurate comparison. The South Node carries information about deeds, actions, views from past lives, not specifically one reincarnation, but all. It also stores information about unresolved issues from the past. A person practically cannot influence the habits that have been built up for hundreds of years, which are transmitted from past lives.

With the help of the South Node (Ketu), one can easily determine the abilities and talents of a person. This, as a rule, is what is given to us without much difficulty (these are all the achievements of past incarnations). It is not recommended to dwell on the reactions, habits and practices of past lives known to us, as this will not lead to anything good. Simply put, a person finds himself in a dead end, does not develop, does not improve his soul and his body. The South Node must be used as a repository of valuable information and nothing more.

The north node symbolizes the future of man. The ascending node or Rahu is the vector of our destiny. He shows us where to move in the future, using his knowledge and skills from a past life. The North Node is a kind of clue on how to correctly use all the opportunities provided by fate. The position of the node in the astrological houses indicates the favorable behavior of a person in certain situations, with the help of which you can open up new opportunities. In other words, these are deeds, goals, aspirations, abilities that you need to discover in yourself.

Properties of the lunar nodes - karmic force, accounting reports of fate, dead and living water, past and future.

Lunar human life

The knots go through a full cycle in 18.5 years. When they return to their original positions (18 - 19, 37 - 38, 56 - 57, 74 - 75) in human life turning points occur:

  1. The first turning point comes when a person turns 18-19 years old. During this period, the nodes return to the original. Before a young person, new opportunities open up, plans for the future, views on life are formed.
  2. The next period is the period of human maturity (37-38). He has already done many things in life for which he needs to be held accountable. A specialty has already been obtained, a career has been built, perhaps even children have grown up. This period is quite difficult. The man is not yet old, but he is no longer young either. The peaks reached seem too small, and new ones are no longer quite within the power to take. This age is characterized by adultery, a radical change in work. To summarize, this period in life can be characterized in one word - change.
  3. The next cycle of Lunar nodes (56-57) also brings a lot of changes to life - this is probably the most difficult stage for a person. This stage can be conditionally called the awareness of old age. As a rule, a person develops depression and disappointment in his life. He still cannot measure himself with age, understand that all goals have already been achieved and the peaks have been conquered.
  4. The period 74 - 75 is characterized by the awareness of old age.

Such transits can bring into a person's life both new and significant relationships, and interrupt existing ones that no longer contribute to the set Plan.

Lunar nodes in the natal chart

Today, you do not need to do not simple calculations in order to determine the location of the nodes at the time of your birth. Each of us can determine the position of the Lunar nodes at birth using tables (which can be found in any astrological book). But do not forget that this is only a small part of the information, since in order to compile a more accurate table, it is necessary to take into account not only the date of birth, but also the time of birth.

The development of a sign in the natal chart depends on the characteristics of people whose North Node is located in twelve horoscopes:

  • The North Node is in the constellation Pisces. Such an arrangement of nodes contributes to the development of such qualities as pedantry, a penchant for analytics. The man pays great attention to the little things.
  • The North Node is in the constellation Aquarius. People born under this arrangement of nodes should remember that their goal in life is the self-development of the spiritual side. You don't need to elevate yours. It is no different from others. Spirituality for such people should be in the first place.
  • The north node is in the constellation Capricorn. Very vulnerable people are born under this arrangement of nodes. Emotions play a big role for them. As a rule, they realize themselves in a career. People with a fairly active life position, common sense.
  • The north node is in the constellation Sagittarius. Very talented people. They do not come into our world by chance, for them there are no indestructible problems. They are well versed in everything they do. They can realize themselves in pedagogy.
  • The north node is in the constellation Taurus. The most important point the lives of such people have material stability. People are able to comprehend the secrets of creation and the meaning of life. They sometimes lift things up so high that they seem to be worshiping them.
  • The North Node is in the constellation Aries. The struggle plays a huge role for such people, they are sure that the truth is on their side and will defend it in any way. But the right approach to life is a completely different approach. They need to learn to listen and hear.
  • The north node is in the constellation Virgo. Justice, kindness and mercy are the second name of a person born under such an arrangement of the lunar nodes. But the sad thing is that all of the above listed qualities do not bring any benefit to their owners. Such people need to set simple goals and follow them step by step.
  • The north node is in the constellation Leo. People for whom the present plays a less significant role than the future. They strive to achieve everything in the future, but the main task lies elsewhere. Namely, to live here and now.
  • The north node is in the constellation Cancer. People who reach their ate by any means. Sometimes they are even unfairly cruel to others, they do not allow weakness to themselves or others. But their task is to build a strong family.
  • The north node is in the constellation Gemini. A man is a philosopher who cannot live a day without adventure. The main hobby of such people is traveling. But the main task of such people will learn to be executive.
  • The north node is in the constellation Libra. People for whom feelings come first. Dreams and more dreams, that's what they live for. They just need to live in luxury.
  • The north node is in the constellation Scorpio. People born to please everyone and everyone. The main goal of such people is to become more rigid and despotic.

Lunar nodes show the way to a person in our difficult life. They lead us to the place prepared for us by heaven. Perhaps these are small messages from the Almighty, helping us to find peace of mind and follow the indicated path. One person perceives the lunar nodes as strict mathematical calculations and does not betray them at all. The other is like a vector of fate that you need to follow. Whatever point of view you pursue, you need to remember that this is not just a scribble - these are ancient teachings that not a small number of people followed, and it may make sense to listen to these teachings. Maybe they will betray your life of that long-desired meaning.

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