Lunar planting calendar for March of the year. “Coniferous Phytoumbrella”, “Rakurs”, “Pinocid” - unique preparations for the health and beauty of coniferous plants

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The most favorable days of March according to the Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for March: 1-3, 11, 12, 20, 22, 29-31

In March, a gardener has a lot to do. Winter is leaving, and step by step we are reclaiming space from it: we warm up the beds, set up a nursery on the windowsill, lay out potatoes and dahlias for germination. This is the period of sowing seeds for growing seedlings in the house and the beginning of a new season in the garden.

Work in the garden according to the gardener's lunar calendar in March 2017

In March, you can prune berry bushes and fruit trees if you did not have time to do this in the fall. The work must be completed before the sap flows and the buds begin to swell. After trimming the wound, be sure to lubricate it with “Rannet” or garden varnish, you can use oil paint. This procedure can be combined with the preparation of cuttings for spring vaccination fruit crops.

Strip tree trunks and large branches of dead bark. Disinfect and treat winter damage with garden varnish: frost holes, cracks, rot, rodent damage. To protect against sunburn apply garden whitewash, if you did not have time to whitewash the trees in the fall or the whitewash was washed away during the winter. You can wrap the lower part of the barrel with white non-woven material.

When the sun is very hot and the ground is still frozen, there is a risk of conifers, boxwoods, and rhododendrons burning. Rake mulch and litter from the tree trunks, water the plants warm water in several stages until the water melts the soil and is easily absorbed. To protect coniferous plants from sunburn, wrap them in burlap, leaving air vents.

When warm, sunny weather sets in, ventilate heat-loving plants under shelters: roses, grapes, hydrangeas, clematis, tree peonies.

In late winter or early spring, fill the greenhouse with snow. This will help create a supply of useful snow moisture before planting, activate beneficial soil microflora, and restore the balance of temperature and air humidity. Before planting the plants, the greenhouse must be thoroughly washed inside and out.

In garden beds, do not wait for the snow to melt before stretching the film over greenhouses, tunnel shelters and warm ridges. Regardless of the weather, it is better to arrive before the end of March. Under the film, the snow will melt and the earth will warm up faster - this will give you the opportunity to sow cabbage, lettuce, radish, arugula on prepared beds in April and get early harvest green crops: radishes, dill, lettuce, Chinese cabbage.

Deadlines for gardening in March according to the 2017 Lunar Sowing Calendar

  • sanitary pruning ornamental trees and shrubs: 13-14, 18-19, 27-28;
  • do not trim:6-7, 25-26 ;
  • treatment of plants against pests and diseases:

What to sow for seedlings in March?

March is the main month for any gardener, the time for sowing seedlings of vegetable (peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, eggplant, celery) and flower crops.

Favorable days for sowing seedlings according to the 2017 Lunar Sowing Calendar

  • tall varieties of peppers, early ripening varieties tomatoes, eggplants: from 6-7, 29-31 March;
  • early varieties of cabbage, cauliflower, cucumbers and melons: from March 25 - until mid-April;
  • spinach, salads, Chinese cabbage, mustard, dill, radishes and early carrots- V southern regions can be sown in heated greenhouses from the second half of March;
  • watermelons: 16-17;
  • eggplant: 6-7;
  • legumes: 31;
  • roots: 13
  • cabbage: 2-3, 20, 22, 29-30;
  • cucumbers: 1, 6-7, 29-31;
  • pepper: 6-7;
  • tomatoes (tomatoes): 6-7;
  • forcing and sowing greenery: 7, 22
  • flowers: 4-5, 20, 22, 31.
  • You cannot sow seedlings: 15-17, 21, 23-27!

If these dates do not coincide with the sowing dates or your capabilities, then all vegetable crops can still be sown in other conditionally favorable days which will be in March: 2-3, 11, 20, 22

Favorable days for working with seedlings in March according to the Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and florists

  • pinching, pinching tops, shaping bushes of tomatoes, eggplants, peppers: 13-14, 18-19, 27-28;
  • watering: any day except 4-5, 13-14;
  • application of complex fertilizing: 4-5, 9, 13-16, 18-21, 23-28;
  • 4-5, 31 can be fed with dry fertilizer;
  • treatments against ground pests and diseases: 2-3, 8-9, 18-21, 23-24, 29-30.

Work in March with indoor plants according to the Lunar calendar 2017

This is the time to plant, replant, trim and feed indoor plants. First of all, it is necessary to inspect all indoor plants: cut off dry leaves and faded flowers, wash the leaves with warm water or wipe off the dust with a soft cloth, replace or rinse the mulching material. Expanded clay, colored decorative stones, pebbles or shells are washed in warm water With detergent, while small organic materials It is preferable to completely replace with fresh ones.

Water and feed houseplants in March more often than in winter. It is advisable to spray many crops with warm, separated water and, if possible, arrange warm shower. This will reduce the risk of diseases and damage by pests and improve flowering.

Favorable days for caring for indoor plants in 2017 according to the florist’s Lunar calendar

  • replanting indoor plants: 1-5, 11-12, 20-22, 29-31;
  • landing corms, tubers and bulbs; planting for germination of tubers: callas, dahlias, achimenes, tuberous begonia, gloxinia, caladium, hippeastrum and amaryllis: 2-3;
  • planting and replanting succulents and cacti: 10;
  • watering: any day, except 4-5, 6 (until 16.00), 13-14;
  • complex root and foliar feeding: 3, 7, 15-16, 24-26, 30
  • fertilizing with dry fertilizer: 4-5, 13;
  • treatment against diseases and pests: 3, 8;
  • trimming: 13-14, 18-19, 27-28;
  • cannot be trimmed: 6-7, 25-26
  • cuttings: 11, 20 (dahlias)
  • Cuttings cannot be taken: 6-7, 15 (after 18.00)-16, 25-27.

Photo in the article: Shutterstock/TASS

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Photo gallery: Sowing calendar for March 2017 - Table of days favorable for sowing lunar calendar gardener for March

Today's gardeners enjoy using the lunar sowing calendar in tables and get a significant harvest. But it didn’t even occur to many that for the first time such information was prepared long before what was known and understandable to us modern world. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors discovered a direct influence on the entire living world, not only daylight– the Sun, but also the night one – the Moon. Using primitive cropping patterns and primitive charts of lunar phases and zodiac signs, they provided a plant-based diet for an entire generation, successfully growing the first popular crops. Hundreds of years have passed, but useful knowledge has only deepened and expanded. As in past centuries, today a rare gardener will determine favorable and unfavorable days for sowing and planting without using the sowing calendar for March 2017.

Gardener's lunar sowing calendar for March 2017: features of use

As you know, the Moon accurately controls the ebb and flow of the sea elements, the level of groundwater, and the juices that fill the plant. And there is no mysticism in this, only long-established laws of nature and the universe. In certain lunar phases plant growth subsides, and then - with new strength accelerates. Experienced gardeners will never start planting on the waning Moon, despite all the tips sowing calendar as of March 2017. Indeed, during the new moon and during the waning phase, the groundwater level drops, and the planted plant freezes in anticipation of the full norm of life-giving moisture. And after a couple of days, the night star begins to increase. In this period groundwater rise - and the sprouts resume active life. This principle is quite simple and primitive.

In many ways, agriculture depends not only on the phases of the Moon, but also on the sign of the Zodiac in which it resides on a particular day. Eg, female signs are more fertile (Pisces, Virgo, etc.), and during the period of male signs it is better to refrain from replanting and planting in open ground. All of the above factors are the basis for the accurate construction of the lunar sowing calendar for March 2017, which dictates tips for caring for crops and seedlings in the garden, in greenhouses and even on home windowsills.

The importance of sowing calendars for gardeners and gardeners for March 2017

But is the sowing calendar for March 2017 so significant for gardeners and gardeners? After all, you can grow crops for your own pleasure without any lunar schedule. Nature will be able to make sure that the seeds germinate and the plants bear fruit. And the farmer has the right to engage in planting and other work on any suitable day with good weather. But, alas, in such a time any guarantee of rapid development of crops and abundant fruiting disappears.

Coordinating important processes with planting calendar schedules is another matter. This way, the stages of plant growth and development will take place more harmoniously and measuredly, and the harvests will delight you with quality and mass. In fact, tables for sowing, planting and caring for certain crops help save precious time, materials and nerves spent in agonizing anticipation and hopes for a miracle. With all this, there is no need to strictly follow the instructions of the popular “cheat sheet”. It is enough to adhere to the basic rules and avoid any unfavorable days.

Lunar sowing calendar for March 2017 - sowing seedlings and caring for crops

Thanks to useful tips lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners, any farmer can plan his sowing schedule in advance, choosing more or less suitable days. Thus, in March 2017, the following crops can be sown:

  • Cucumbers – March 9
  • Tomatoes – March 20, 25, 31
  • bell pepper– March 4, 14, 31
  • Greens – 2-3, March 9
  • Eggplants – March 4, 14, 16, 30-31
  • Radish, daikon – March 15-16, 19, 22
  • Squash, zucchini – March 4, 8
  • Onion– March 17, 26
  • White and cauliflower – March 20, 25, 31
  • Annual flowers – March 3-4, 10, 12, 20, 25, 30
  • Perennials from seeds - March 4, 5, 10, 12, 27-28

Favorable and unfavorable days in the lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners in March 2017

In order to be able to navigate favorable and unfavorable periods for carrying out certain processes in the garden, you need to learn more about the influence of the phases of the Moon on living organisms.

Thus, at the time of the new moon, the development and growth of plants stops, and all vital juices are concentrated in the root system. This means that there is no point in replanting plants or sowing seeds.

During the waxing Moon, life-giving juices rise from the roots to the tops, and active growth. It's time to plant edible crops aboveground part, transplant seedlings, spray and process.

The new moon is a moment of crisis for the plant. In summer and autumn, at the time of the new moon, it is better to harvest above-ground crops. And in March, in this phase of the moon, it is better not to touch the seeds and seedlings at all.

In the waning Moon, vital juices begin to move in the opposite direction - from the tops to the root system. It's time to plant root crops and trim shrubs and trees.

Favorable days of the lunar calendar for March 2017 for carrying out basic gardening work

It just so happens that with the arrival of March, the snow begins to actively melt, and all gardeners rush to inspect their lands, prepare tools and planting material, and remove natural debris that has collected on the site after the winter. But then comes a period of active action on sowing, planting, processing, care, watering, etc. And all processes associated with living plants have favorable and unfavorable periods, dictated by analytical data in the lunar sowing calendar of the gardener for March 2017. For example, below are the optimal days for intensive watering, pruning, composting, etc.

  • Intensive watering – 3-11, 13-15, 19-23, March 31
  • Application mineral fertilizers– 8-15, 17-8 March
  • Application organic fertilizers– 3-5, 21-28, March 31
  • Vaccination – 8-11, 21-23 March
  • Planting, sowing, transplanting - March 1-3, 8-10, 13-23, 26-29
  • Loosening, plowing, hilling - March 3, 8-15, 17-22, 31 March
  • Pest treatment – ​​March 1-4, 21-26
  • Composting – March 1-3, 20, 26-31
  • Pruning of trees and shrubs – March 1-2, 22-30

In March, the hottest time begins for owners of personal plots. The lunar sowing calendar for March 2017 is very busy, and although it is not yet time to plant many plants, a huge amount of work needs to be done in the garden in order to have time to prepare the land for sowing herbs, flowers, vegetables and other fruits and vegetables. ornamental crops. On this page you will learn about auspicious days in March for planting according to the lunar calendar and what work can be done in the garden on each day of the month.

Lunar calendar of landings from March 1 to March 15, 2017

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Aries

Fertilize the plants growing in the greenhouse and on the windowsill, cultivate the soil, and do weeding.

The gardener's lunar calendar for March 2017 does not recommend planting anything on this day.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Taurus

You can thin out seedlings vegetable crops grown in a greenhouse and on a windowsill. Don't overwork yourself on this day.

Flower plants can be replanted.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Taurus

On this day, according to the gardener's lunar calendar for March 2017, it is recommended to sow tomato seeds for seedlings early varieties, cabbage, flower, peppers, eggplants.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Taurus

This day is lunar landing calendar as of March 2017, it is favorable for sowing plants. This period is also considered favorable for health and a suitable time for creativity. Think about what changes you would like to make this year to the layout of the Flower Garden, what new crops to grow in the garden.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Gemini

Today is a good day for preparing decoctions, infusions, tinctures, etc.

It is useful to fertilize plants growing in the greenhouse and on the windowsill.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Gemini

According to the gardener's lunar calendar for March 2017, this day is suitable for gardening. If the weather is good, start cleaning the tree trunks - remove the old bark, clean the cracks and cover them with garden varnish. Whiten the trunks, remove pests.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in the sign of Cancer

For flower growers, the lunar calendar for March 2017 recommends that on this day they start replanting those plants that need it. You can fertilize.

The right time for pest control, tillage, weeding. Continue working in the garden, especially since the day is considered favorable for physical activity.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in the sign of Cancer

In the greenhouse, plant dahlia tubers in pots for germination and cuttings. Lunar landing calendar as of March 2017, he recommends sowing ornamental onion seeds for seedlings on this day. Place begonia tubers to germinate or sow seeds in boxes.

Take care of the plants and beds - pick vegetable crops, remove weak and diseased plants.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Leo

If necessary, start cultivating the soil in the greenhouse - weeding, thinning, pinching, spraying.

At the appropriate temperature, you can whitewash tree trunks in the garden.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Leo

According to the gardener’s lunar planting calendar for March 2017, this day is considered a day of working on mistakes. If the seeds do not germinate, replant them again.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Virgo

Unfavorable time for working with plants. It is not advisable to water.

  • Full moon
  • Moon in Virgo

It is not recommended to sow, transplant, or pick - now is not the right time to work with plants. Be attentive to your well-being: this day of the lunar cycle is one of the unfavorable for health.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Libra

The gardener's lunar calendar for March 2017 recommends cultivating the soil in the greenhouse on this day - weeding, thinning, pinching, spraying.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Libra

Continue fertilizing and fertilizing the plants in the greenhouse and on the windowsill.

According to the gardener's lunar sowing calendar for March 2017, this day is favorable for planting pepper seeds late varieties, cauliflower and broccoli seeds for growing in a greenhouse.

This is the right time to plant root crops for forcing - parsley, celery, onions. You can weed the beds and cultivate the soil in the greenhouse, and, if necessary, transplant and fertilize.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Libra

The gardener's lunar calendar for March 2017 recommends cultivating the soil in a greenhouse - weeding, thinning, pinching, spraying.

Lunar sowing calendar from March 16 to March 31, 2017

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Continue cultivating the land and weeding. If necessary, you can replant the plants - now is the right time. It is recommended to feed indoor flowers, if they have weak flowering or did not bloom at the proper time.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in the sign of Scorpio

According to the recommendations of the gardener's lunar sowing calendar + for March 2017, this day is favorable for planting lettuce, spinach, dill, and parsley. Engage in thinning, remove weak and diseased plants.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Sagittarius
  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Sagittarius

On this day, the gardener's lunar planting calendar for March 2017 advises sowing late varieties of pepper seeds, cauliflower and broccoli seeds for growing in a greenhouse.

You can weed the beds and cultivate the soil in the greenhouse, and, if necessary, transplant and fertilize.

You can plant perennial plants.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Sagittarius

Good day to prepare planting material. This day of the lunar cycle is considered favorable for any endeavors. You can sow radishes and force root vegetables to get fresh herbs for the table. Also, flower growers according to the lunar calendar on March 20, 2017 are recommended to plant bulbous crops - tulips, daffodils - in pots.

The right time to apply fertilizers in the greenhouse - on this day the root system of plants is especially active. This is a favorable time to feed indoor bulbous flowers, especially if they have a weak root system. Be sure to feed winter months those indoor plants that bloom in winter.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Capricorn

The twenty-third lunar day is considered favorable for completing things and unfavorable for any undertakings, so try to complete what was started yesterday.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Capricorn

If the weather cooperates, the garden can be pruned fruit trees and shrubs, pruning ornamental shrubs- lilac, hawthorn, honeysuckle and others. Remove pest-affected buds berry bushes.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Aquarius
  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Aquarius

This day of the lunar cycle is considered one of the most dangerous for health. Take care of yourself - avoid physical stress and try to get more rest.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Aquarius

If the weather is suitable, you can work in the garden - pruning fruit trees and shrubs is recommended. Inspect tree trunks, treat cracks in the bark, remove nests and egg laying of tree pests, remove pest-affected buds on berry bushes. If the weather is suitable, you can start pruning ornamental shrubs - lilac, hawthorn, honeysuckle and others.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Pisces

The right time to apply fertilizer. You can feed indoor plants that bloom in winter.

On March 26, according to the lunar calendar, flower growers are advised to water indoor plants moderately. Don't forget about medicinal crops and herbs.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Pisces

Be attentive to your well-being, because this day of the lunar cycle is considered unfavorable for health. The lunar sowing calendar for March 2017 does not recommend sowing, replanting, or picking on this day - now is not the right time to work with plants.

  • New Moon
  • Moon in Aries

On the new moon and on the day of the penumbra lunar eclipse This is an unfavorable time for working with plants - do not sow or plant. Before planting plants according to the lunar calendar on March 28, you can place plant seeds under the moonlight - this will improve their germination. It is recommended to place weak indoor flowers (or those that do not have enough sunlight) under moonlight all night.

Take care of your health, the day is not very favorable.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Aries

The lunar calendar for March 2017 does not recommend planting on this day, since this period is not favorable for working with plants. The second lunar day is a favorable day for cleansing the body, take care of your health.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Taurus

In the afternoon, if the weather is suitable, you can plant garlic, onions, leeks, shallots in the soil, and sow the seeds of carrots, parsnips, radishes, radishes.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Taurus

Continue what you started in previous days - work in the garden; Fertilize the plants growing in the greenhouse and on the windowsill, cultivate the soil, and do weeding.

Work in the garden and on the site in April
April is mid-spring, the time for nature to awaken. During this period, plant buds begin to swell, from which bud buds, leaves, or both, then appear, depending on the type of buds. First on garden plot currants, gooseberries and honeysuckle begin their growing season. If you did not have time to prune these crops in March, then do it in early April before the buds open.

Some gardeners are forced to keep seedlings on windowsills facing north or north-west. Young plants, as a rule, do not have enough light - the main factor for normal growth and successful development, and as a result, instead of thickened and stocky seedlings, gardeners sometimes get elongated (too elongated) plants, especially tomatoes, the stems of which become thinner, become brittle and bend. It is known that from such seedlings one should not expect timely and good harvest fruits Therefore, some gardeners are in no hurry to sow seeds in seedling boxes, guided by the principle: let it be short in height by the time it is planted in the ground, but not thin and not a meter high.

In Rus', April was called “blooming,” but it was not deprived of popular nicknames: “awakening” (sap flow begins in trees and bushes), “birch maker” (preparing birch sap), “snowrunner,” “light up the snow,” “play.” ravines". Month spring primroses, no wonder Latin name"Aprilis" means "to open": the buds on bushes and trees open. The first greenery appears in the meadows, forest clearings and among the bushes, the first flowers open their buds.

With the onset of warm April days, the rapid development of nature begins. No wonder the name of the month comes from the Latin word “aperire” - “to open”. In April the first spring flowers bloom. Therefore, the Slavs gave it the name pollen.

spring weather very changeable, it would seem that real spring has arrived, the snow has melted and it’s already plus outside the window, when suddenly a sharp cold snap sets in and a rather thick layer of snow falls. Of course, it will soon melt, but, alas, it is impossible to work in such conditions. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to time gardening work to coincide with a specific date...

22.02.2019 11 625

Lunar sowing calendar for March 2019

With the beginning of spring, gardeners and gardeners have a significant increase in work, both on the site and at home. It is necessary to sort and prepare seeds, take care of greenhouses and create favorable conditions for young seedlings. Naturally, organizing the work process can cause a number of difficulties, especially for young and not experienced summer residents. That is why during the planting season it is recommended to use the advice provided by the gardener’s lunar sowing calendar for March 2019.

What gardening jobs should you not forget about in March?

The list of “March” works is quite extensive. The quantity of harvest and the health of crops will depend on the quality of implementation of many of them. First of all, you need to remember the following steps:

  • Be sure to plant young seedlings of peppers, tomatoes and eggplants in separate cups. This measure will allow you to get healthy root system and will greatly facilitate the transplant process in the future. Remember that immediately after transplanting the crop, you should not expose it to the sun for 24 hours;
  • sow a second batch of tomatoes, which will later be used for canning. Also, do not forget to sow flower seedlings for transplanting into open ground;
  • to get early greens, you can sow dill, parsley and lettuce in special boxes on the windowsill;
  • check the gladioli bulbs after wintering and get rid of any sick or damaged ones. Also, do not forget to carefully examine the dahlia tubers. Place healthy roots in boxes with damp sawdust. If the sawdust dries out quickly, moisten it with a spray bottle a couple of times a week, but make sure that it is not very wet;
  • Sort through the potatoes that have been set aside for planting. Dispose of rotten tubers, and healthy ones thin layer put it in boxes and take it out into the sunlight;
  • inspect the indoor plants. With the onset of March, many of them began to actively grow and require replanting;
  • Sort through the seeds you purchased earlier and check them for germination. If necessary, purchase the missing seeds. It is best to take products from different manufacturers.

Despite the fact that there is still snow in March and frosts are possible, nevertheless, you should not forget about inspecting the garden plot.

Favorable days in March 2019

You can understand which days are the best to start gardening work by looking at a special table. Although the dates given are advisory nature, most experienced summer residents are happy to adhere to them. Indeed, plants planted in different time, may not only have differences in development, but also in yield. This is due to the influence of the Moon on our planet and all life on it. So, let's figure out when it's best to do planting and other work in March, and when you should abandon them.

  • Favorable days - 8-12, 15-19.
  • Neutral days - 22, 23, 24, 29.
  • Unfavorable days - 5, 6, 7, 21.

Below is a table that discusses favorable and unfavorable days for each individual crop.

You can be guided by the data given in this table, or you can build your schedule depending on the availability of free time or personal desire.

Lunar sowing calendar for March 2019 for gardeners and gardeners

What to do at the dacha in March?

The first trip to the dacha in March should begin with a careful inspection of the trees and shrubs. In general, the list important works in the garden it might look like this:

  • If there is too much snow on the branches, be sure to shake it off. Otherwise, heavy wet snow can damage plant branches, leaving you without a harvest;
  • if you see damage on the branches or trunk, be sure to lubricate these areas with garden varnish;
  • trample the snow firmly near the trunks. This measure will significantly complicate the approach of rodents to the bark of shrubs and trees;
  • With the onset of spring, rodents begin to actively reproduce, which is why you need to place traps or spread rodent poison on the site. In this case, you need to act as carefully as possible so as not to harm other animals;
  • Dig grooves in advance to drain water. Pay special attention to places where it usually accumulates;
  • If the snow on the beds with strawberries and wild strawberries has melted, bring it from other parts of the garden. This way you will protect the plants from unexpected frosts.

Work in March is quite varied, everything must be taken into account important points and don't miss a single point. With the help of the lunar sowing calendar, you can correctly distribute your time. The tips given in it will be useful not only for beginners, but also for experienced gardeners.


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