Lupine white knight landing care. Lupine as green manure: a quick and beautiful way to improve soil composition

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Name: comes from the Latin word "lupus" - wolf and is explained by the ability of these plants to survive even in the most unsuitable conditions.

Description: the genus includes about 200 species growing in North America and the Mediterranean.

Annual, biennial and perennial rhizomatous herbaceous plants, rarely subshrubs. The leaves are palmate, on long petioles, collected in a basal rosette; stem - arranged in the next order. Flowers in racemes, white, yellow, blue, purple, pink, cream, carmine, red, purple. The fruit is a bean. Depending on the species, the number of seeds per 1 g ranges from 8 to 180.

The variety of perennials is so great that it is difficult to opt for a particular culture. Most flower growers, especially beginners, want plants to bloom longer, please the eye. bright colors and, preferably, did not require much care. Lupine belongs to such plants, but flower growers, as a rule, are rather indifferent to it. Apparently, this is due to the fact that forms are most often grown, which, in terms of the color of the inflorescences, are close to wild, original species. We are used to the fact that lupine is blue, and at best blue with white or pink. Really interesting garden forms lupine has a lot.

As seasonal annuals grow:

Lupine hybrid - Lupinus x hybridus
Dwarf lupine - Lupinus nanus
Changeable lupine - Lupinus mutabilis var. cruckshanksii = Lupinus cruckshanksii
Hartweg's lupine - Lupinus hartwegii
Almost unknown in culture, a number of species lupins from North America:
Arctic lupine - Lupinus arcticus
Silver lupine - Lupinus argenteus
Brewery lupine - Lupinus breweri
Broad-leaved lupine - Lupinus latifolius var. subalpinus
Lupine lepidus - Lupinus lepidus = L. aridus, L. caespitosum, L. confertus
Nootka lupine - Lupinus nootkatensis
Of the perennial species in culture, it is more common Lupine is multi-leaved. Abroad also grown Lupine tree(Lupinus arboreus Sims)- perennial plant 1.5 m high, with white and yellow flowers, blooming in July-August, unfortunately this species does not hibernate here (zone 8).
Lupine multifolia- Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl.

Homeland - the northwestern regions of North America. This species is the most winter-hardy and unpretentious, therefore it is found even in the taiga zone of European Russia (southern part), grows along roadsides and in forests, is included in the regional lists of rare and protected plants. We can say about such plants that they have naturalized, that is, being foreigners, they have won a place for themselves in our nature.

The plant is perennial, herbaceous, 80-120 cm tall. The stems are straight, strong, almost bare. The leaves are palmate, on long petioles, with 9-15 pubescent leaflets below. The flowers are blue, collected in many-flowered racemose inflorescences 30-35 cm long. It blooms in June for 20-30 days, if you remove the fading inflorescences - again in August. The fruit is a bean. seeds irregular shape up to 0.6 cm in diameter, remain viable for 3-4 years. In 1 g up to 45 seeds. In culture since 1826.

It has numerous garden forms and varieties of hybrid origin with flowers both monochromatic and bicolor.

"Abendglut"("Abendglut") - Plant up to 100 cm tall. The flowers are dark red in racemose inflorescences up to 40 cm long. Blooms from June 30-35 days. Fruiting.

"Albus"("Albus") - Plant up to 110 cm tall with white flowers in racemose inflorescences up to 30 cm long. Blooms from June 35-40 days.

"Apricot"("Apricot") - Plant up to 90 cm tall with orange flowers in racemose inflorescences up to 40 cm long. Blooms from mid-June 30-35 days.

"Carmineus"("Carmineus") - Plant up to 100 cm tall. The flowers are red in racemose inflorescences up to 40 cm long. Blooms from the beginning of June 30-35 days.

"Neye Spielarten"("Neue Spielarten") - Plant up to 110 cm tall. The flowers are pink-orange in racemes up to 40 cm long. Blooms from June 30-35 days.

"Princess Juliana"("Prinzess Juliana") - Plant up to 110 cm tall with white-pink flowers collected in racemose inflorescences up to 40 cm long. Blooms from June 30-35 days.

"Roseus"("Roseus") - A plant with peduncles up to 110 cm tall. The flowers are pink in racemes up to 40 cm long. Blooms from June 35-40 days.

"Rubinkönig"("Rubinkonig") - Plant up to 100 cm tall. Ruby-violet flowers are collected in a racemose inflorescence up to 40 cm long. Blooms from June 30-35 days.

English breeder George Russell began work with blue, white and pink HP forms. multi-leaved in 1911, when he was already 55 years old. Thanks to his fanatical determination, he soon created varieties that won gold medals and prizes at international exhibitions. In Russia, one-color variety populations isolated from Russell hybrids are widely used:

"Burg Freulen" with pure white flowers; " Kronloichter"- with bright lemon yellow; " Schlossfrau"- with pink (white sail). Plants of the population are distinguished by a rare and very spectacular brick-red color scheme" Main Schloss"; carmine - " Edelknabe"; blue-violet with a white sail - " Castellan".

In addition to single-colored varieties, today there are unique multi-colored variety populations with a wide range of tones and shades from white to purple: Abendglut"- with a predominance of pink; " splendid", where, along with plants with a pure color of inflorescences (white, yellow, pink, raspberry, purple, dark blue), a significant number have two-color flowers (with a sail of white or another contrasting color).

Among the new products, the low-growing variety population is very effective " Minaret". With early spring sowing in the ground, these lupins bloom in the same year in July-August. Plant height is 50 cm. The inflorescence is a large cylindrical brush up to 30 cm long with densely arranged flowers of bright colors.

Lupine "Lulu"- the most precocious mixture of varieties among perennial lupins! Aligned compact bushes 50-60 cm high. It will delight you with a variety of colors in June and again in August, if you cut off faded inflorescences. "Lulu" is beautiful in various flower beds, goes well with other perennials. Unusually unpretentious and resilient, photophilous. There are 40 seeds in 1 g. Sowing can be done directly in open ground in April immediately to a permanent place. Blooms in 13-15 weeks.

Location: prefer sunny places.

Photo Shakhmanova Tatiana

The soil: lupins are undemanding to the soil, grow well on any garden, but reach the best development on loamy, slightly acidic or slightly alkaline soils. On alkaline (pH over 7.5), leaves turn yellow (chlorosis). Very acidic soil must be limed (an indirect indicator of high soil acidity is the presence of horsetail and coltsfoot on the site). For this, finely ground dolomite or lime flour is suitable at the rate of 5 kg per 1 m 2. This amount is enough for several years, so liming is carried out once every 3-4 years - in the fall after harvesting, in the summer for fallow, in the spring before digging or in winter in the snow. Peat (5 kg/m3) must be added to alkaline soil. Lupine also grows on sand, as nodules develop on its roots, in which nitrogen-fixing bacteria accumulate nitrogen. Thus, the plant can do without nitrogen fertilizers.

Care: in the first year, the soil is periodically loosened and weeds are removed. In the spring of next year, they are fed with mineral fertilizers: 10-20 g of superphosphate and 5 g of potassium chloride are applied per 1 m 2. In old specimens, the root neck rises several centimeters above the soil surface, the middle part of the bush gradually dies off, and the side rosettes stand apart. To preserve the decorative effect and prolong life, plants spud, which contributes to the development of lateral roots. However, specimens older than four years are usually replaced, as their flowering weakens. Lupine tolerates frosts down to minus 8 ° C, but a sharp change in temperatures in spring and autumn is fatal for it. To prolong flowering until late, dried inflorescences are cut off until seeds have formed. The plants grow new shoots and form inflorescences that bloom in August. regularly cut wilted inflorescences. Old bushes should not be replanted. In places where the winds blow, lupins must be tied to a support so that they do not break. Support is required for plants during the flowering period. You can tie the flower stalks with a cord or make a wire structure in the form of several loops. The tree-like form requires shelter for the winter.

Photo Popova Annette

Reproduction: seeds and vegetatively. For seedlings, seeds are best sown in early spring in boxes or milk bags in the usual flower crops mixture: peat, sod land, sand (1: 1: 0.5). The substrate must be loose enough so that water does not stagnate. Water moderately. Before sowing, it is recommended to mix the seeds with powdered nodules from the roots of old plants in order to accelerate the development of nitrogen-fixing bacteria. After 8-17 days shoots appear, but, as a rule, not at the same time (for friendly germination, they are covered with damp gauze before sowing and kept in a warm place until they peck). After 20-30 days, when 5-6 true leaves appear, the seedlings are planted in a permanent place in flower beds at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other. It is advisable not to be late with this, as young plants tolerate transplantation better. You can sow directly into the ground in April, as soon as the snow melts, but the place for lupins should be ready in the fall. Plants will flower next year in early May. The best way to sow seeds is before winter in late October - early November, after the first frost. The embedment depth is 2 cm. From above, the crops are sprinkled with a small layer of peat. In the spring, after the snow melts, the seeds sprout together, and the plants bloom in August of the same year.

With seed reproduction, the color of the flowers is not always inherited; in order to preserve it, they resort to vegetative propagation. The division of old bushes in perennial species is addressed in exceptional cases, since they have a tap root system that goes deep into the soil. Three- and four-year-old lupine bushes easily form side rosettes, so in the summer they are propagated by dividing. Transplantation is well tolerated only by young plants.

Root rosettes are taken on cuttings in spring, which develop from buds at the base of the stem; and in summer - side shoots formed in the axils of the leaves. Renewal buds that form at the base of the stem are cut out with a sharp knife along with a piece of the root collar and planted in sandy soil in a shaded place. This is best done after flowering. After 20-30 days, roots appear in the cuttings and plants can be planted in a permanent place. Young plants may even flower the same year.

Usage: in single and group plantings with other perennials in mixborders, planted in groups on the lawn. Spectacular in bouquets, but do not last long. The Lupines are the soloists of the second row. Faded lupins do not look very attractive in the height of summer. Therefore, in a flower bed it is better to plant them in small groups, and not in the first row, but in the depths of the flower bed. Give them a place behind perennials, which will cover lupins with their lush foliage and bright flowers.

Partners: well combined in mixed plantings with hostas, irises, nivyaniks, lilies, delphiniums, astilbes.

Beautiful perennial flower lupine is familiar to most of us. In some abandoned areas, it grows so much that it can even be mistaken for a weed. In fact, this is a wonderful plant that has all the positive qualities:

  • Long flowering;
  • Beauty, decoration;
  • Unpretentiousness.

Who doesn't want to grow a flower like this? Plus, it's not hard to do. Pair simple tasks- and multi-colored lupine candles will appear on your flower bed.

Lupine is known for his roots. This system is pivotal and in some cases it reaches 2 m deep into the soil. On the roots there are peculiar swellings. They have an important task - to absorb nitrogen from the surrounding air, and then enrich the soil with it, which is located directly under the plant.

The leaves of this plant deserve special attention. The fact is that they resemble a palm tree in their shape. These are palmately compound leaves that grow on fairly long petioles. Even after the lupine blooms, these leaves will not spoil the flower bed, but on the contrary, they will decorate it.

Lupine inflorescences are apical brush, which sometimes reaches almost 1 m in height. Concerning colors, it is very wide. Lupine flowers can be white and yellow, pink and cream, red and purple, as well as different shades of purple, blue.

Since lupine is a legume, its seeds resemble beans. Depending on the species, they differ in both size and color.

Types and varieties of lupine with a photo

Today, lupine species number in the hundreds. Nevertheless, only a dozen of them can be called garden and decorative. Most often these are perennials that grow up to 50-150 cm.

The most famous species of this plant in nature are the following:

It is also worth remembering such types of lupine: silver, changeable, tree-like, dwarf, etc.

As for varieties, most often only a few of them are grown in culture. For example, the variety "Princess Juliana" grows up to 110 cm, has long tassels of white and pink flowers. The flowering period reaches 40 days.

Another variety is Apricot. This plant has orange flowers. Inflorescences reach 40 cm in length, and the plant itself grows up to 90 cm.

Lupine has one interesting property. It is an excellent tool that enriches the earth and even helps turn it into black soil. The fact is that the plant has a very powerful root system that can loosen the soil. In addition, lupine roots have bacteria that help saturate the soil with nitrogen. Thus, soil fertility is greatly increased.

To turn lupine into fertilizer, you need to do the following. First, an annual lupine is sown. This can be done as soon as the ground thaws: from the earliest spring to the end of April. When the peduncle appears, you can not leave it. Flowering in this case is useless.

But to dig up the site - it's time. At the same time, everything goes into the soil - lupine leaves, roots. You need to dig deep enough - about 1 spade bayonet. Also, greens can be cut with a flat cutter near the soil itself. The roots are still long time will enrich the earth.

Immediately after such digging, the same lupine is sown again on the site. And again it is dug up during the ejection of the peduncle. After 3 such diggings are carried out, even the most clay soil turns into chernozem. It is worth noting the fact that lupine changes the acidity of the soil, being a natural deoxidizer.

The timing of planting lupine depends on how exactly you are going to grow it. For seedling method seeds should be sown as early as possible. The beginning of March is the best.

But lupine is sown directly into the ground a little later. By this time, the snow should melt and the earth should warm up a little. The month of April is more suitable.

There is another way - sowing lupine before winter. In this case, this process is carried out in October, in the last days month.

Lupine seeds are sown for seedlings, usually in colder regions. To do this, use the deepest containers possible. They must have drainage holes. As for the soil, it is best to prepare the substrate yourself from earth and peat (2 parts each), as well as sand (1 part).

For better germination, lupine seeds can be scarified. This is a special violation of the integrity of the seeds of the plant. It is made with sandpaper river sand and in other ways.

It is better to sow this flower immediately in separate containers. The root system of the plant is built in such a way that it does not like transplants. And in adulthood, he practically does not tolerate such procedures. Seedlings can be seen very soon - after 10-20 days. But for this you need to support desired temperature- about 20 0 C. You should not expect that all seedlings will appear together, this plant is not very different with such seedlings.

When the seeds fall into the ground, it is better to cover the boxes with a film, which will provide the seedlings with everything the necessary conditions. When the plants are 20 to 30 days old, they will have their first true leaves. At this time, it's time to plant them in the ground. And you can’t wait for a long time, because you risk damaging the seedlings, it will take root poorly and start to hurt.


You need to carefully select a place for lupine seedlings. Most of all, this plant likes sandy loamy soils, as well as slightly acidic or slightly alkaline loamy soils. Before planting, the soil must be prepared. To do this, you can simply loosen the top layer with a flat cutter or cultivator. Then you can enter organic fertilizer. For example, Biovit is suitable, etc.

It is necessary to plant seedlings rarely enough to leave room for growth in width. Depending on the height of the selected varieties, the distance between lupins should reach 30-50 cm. It is desirable that the site be bright, sunny and spacious. Hillocks are great.

You can grow lupine and sowing in open ground. To nurture beautiful flowers, it is worth preparing the ground before the onset of winter. First, the site is dug up - approximately on the bayonet of a shovel. Then mineral fertilizers must be applied to the soil. It can be dolomite flour, superphosphate or ordinary ash. As for the seeds, they need to be soaked in foundationazole (50% solution).

Before sowing, shallow grooves should be made on the site - approximately 1.5-2 cm each. A distance of up to 50 cm is left between them. Then the site is watered. Scattered seeds need to be slightly covered with soil. Mulching is best done with peat.

Seedlings can be expected in about 2 weeks. After the appearance of no more than 2-3 true leaves, it is time to plant the lupine in a permanent place. If it was sown in the right area, then during this period the plants are thinned out. Between the bushes should not be less than 30-40 cm.


Lupine can be propagated not only by seeds. Another way is vegetative propagation. It allows you to better preserve the shades of colors that you like. Divide old bushes rarely taken. They have too long roots. But plants that are 3-4 years old are well suited for this.

Root rosettes are best suited for cuttings. They appear at the base of the stem from buds and are used for propagation in the spring. But the side shoots that form in the axils of the leaves are more suitable for cuttings in the summer. This procedure is carried out after flowering, and the roots of the cuttings appear in about 20-30 days. Already throughout current year plants from cuttings can bloom.

Lupine Care

Lupine is therefore the favorite flower of many gardeners because it does not require special care. If this is a perennial species, then at first you only need to periodically loosen the soil. Weeds will also be removed at the same time. As the lupine grows, its lateral rosettes begin to separate, and the root neck peeks out. To avoid this, you can take measures - hill the bushes.

It is necessary to monitor the age of the bushes. So, if they turn up to 5-6 years old, the middle part of the plants begins to die off little by little. This significantly reduces the quality of flowering. Such bushes must be removed, replacing them with new young plants.

If you have chosen high varieties of lupins, then it is important to take care of the supports. The fact is that with strong winds and bad weather, the stems can break, bend.

As for flowering, you can extend this period a little. To enjoy it almost until the very frost, you need to promptly eliminate the inflorescences that have faded and withered. Don't wait for them to dry. If everything is done correctly, then perennial varieties lupines can bloom not even once, but twice during the season.

The plant does not need to be watered too much. He prefers moderate moisture. The key to beautiful and long flowering rather is good soil and lots of sunshine.

When budding occurs, lupine is susceptible to aphids. Later, it is attacked by larvae of the sprout fly, as well as nodule weevils. The main control method is insecticides.

The most terrible diseases for lupine are rot (radical, gray). Also, the plant may suffer from spotting, fusarium wilt, rust, mosaic, phomopsis.

Most of these problems can be avoided by observing agrotechnical requirements for cultivation. Lupine grows best after cereals, and in one area it can re-grow only after 3 years.

Lupine is a very interesting light and moisture-loving flower. By different sources There are about a thousand species of this plant that successfully grow in various parts the globe. The flower is able to survive in difficult climatic conditions and absorb nutrients from the most disadvantaged soils. It is in high demand due to its useful properties, because from it you can get valuable oil - a natural antioxidant. Often it is used for cosmetic purposes.

Popular varieties

Lupine is a unique flower from the legume family, whose representatives are perennial and annual, shrubs, semi-shrubs and herbaceous plants. Lupine has a tap root that extends two meters deep into the soil. It is covered with swellings that absorb nitrogen from the air and saturate the soil under the plant with it, the stem is herbaceous and woody, the branches are upright, creeping and protruding. The leaves are alternate, located on the cuttings, the inflorescences are represented by a brush located at the top of the stem and have a completely different color from white to purple.

In the conditions of our climate, gardeners have mastered three types of annual and one perennial lupine. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Lupine multifolia

perennial plant used in decorative purposes. Varieties of this species successfully take root in cold weather conditions, it grows even in the undeveloped taiga. The stem of the plant is upright in height, can reach 1.5 meters, the palmate leaves are slightly lowered down. Inflorescences are long about 40 cm in the form of a candle. This species is undemanding to the soil, grows even on poor nutrients soils. The plant withstands low temperatures, but it is better to cover it for the winter. The most popular varieties of multi-leaved lupine:

  • minaret;
  • apricot;
  • roseus;
  • castellan;
  • albus;
  • carmineus;
  • edelknabe;
  • princess Juliana;
  • Schloss Frau;
  • abendglut;
  • rubinkenig;
  • burg Freulen.

Almost every one of these wonderful varieties of lupine belongs to the hybrids of Russell, a famous English breeder.

Lupine white

An annual flower capable of self-pollination. Representatives of this species grow about two meters in height. The plant has oblong smooth leaves with a little hair on the reverse side, inflorescences reach 30 cm in length. The most common varieties of white lupine are:

  • degas;
  • Desnyansky;
  • gamma.

The only disadvantage in growing white lupine compared to other species is that it is demanding on the soil, because its root cannot accumulate alkaloids. Many varieties of this species cannot fertilize the soil, so they need to be fed. That is why white lupine is actively grown and used as a food supplement for cattle feed.

Lupine blue

An annual self-pollinating flower, which is also called narrow-leaved, its stems reach 1.5 meters in height, and the inflorescence can be not only of blue color, but also pinkish, white and purple. Blue lupine is frost-resistant, unpretentious in care, early maturity, it is highly valued in the household. Varieties of this species are rarely used for ornamental purposes, they are suitable as soil fertilizers and livestock feed. Before planting plants for these purposes, you need to learn about their characteristics, some of them accumulate such an amount of alkaloids in the root that it can harm animals, but just right as a fertilizer. The following varieties are popular:

  • crystal;
  • hope;
  • rainbow;
  • knight;
  • siderat 38.

Lupine yellow

Another annual, the stem of which does not exceed one meter in height. The leaves are palmate elongated, inflorescences in the form of a spikelet have a yellow and orange color. This species is mainly grown as a feed additive, its fruits are saturated with protein, which is very useful for animal growth. Among them there are also varieties that are strictly forbidden to give to animals. To date, the most popular varieties are:

  • reliable;
  • overexposure;
  • torch;
  • Zhytomyr;
  • Grodno 3;
  • prestige;
  • Demidovsky;
  • academic 1.

For decorative purposes, flower growers have chosen to grow such perennial breeding varieties of lupine as fireworks and lulu.

When to plant

It is recommended to plant lupine seeds for seedlings in February, in which case the grown seedlings can be transplanted into open ground as early as early spring, after all the snow has melted. Growing lupine in this way, flowering can be observed in late July or early August.

Preparation and sowing of seeds

To grow lupine seedlings in containers, it is necessary to prepare the soil, for this you need to mix sand, peat and earth in a ratio of 1:2:2, the mixture must be loose. Then you can sow seeds mixed with powdered tubers located on the roots of an old plant, this will accelerate the growth of nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

seedling care

When growing lupins from seeds at home, the seedlings need to be properly cared for. You need to follow the basic rules:

  • when the first shoots appear (after 10 days), remove the film;
  • water moderately;
  • loosen the soil;
  • if natural light not enough, to provide artificial.

After the seedlings have five true leaves, they can be planted in a permanent place, the main thing is that weather allowed to do so.


Lupins are unpretentious to the composition of the soil, but when transplanting them into open ground, peat is recommended. Flowers love sunny places. They do best in slightly acidic, slightly alkaline and neutral soils.

On alkaline soil, the flower will turn yellow, to avoid this, it is necessary to apply one square meter five kilograms of peat. If the soil is acidic, liming with dolomite flour will help in an amount similar to that described above. This procedure lasts for 4 years. This can be done in the spring before they begin to dig up the soil and in the winter in the snow.

When planting seedlings, the distance between plantings should be observed, it should be at least 50 cm. Perennial lupins grow slowly, so empty places in the first year can be planted with annual crops.

Further care

In the first year of growing lupine, care is not difficult. The soil needs to be loosened periodically and be sure to get rid of weeds, and if the root neck of the flower is exposed, add earth. You can feed with mineral fertilizers.

Plants need hilling after two years of flowering. After five years of growth, the plant ages and loses its decorative appearance, it must be removed and a new one planted.

If the flower is constantly exposed to winds, it must be tied up. To keep spontaneous reproduction under control, inflorescences are cut before seeds are formed. Watering should be moderate.

Pest control

Nodule weevils and aphids can cause great harm to both annual and perennial flowers. If they are found, treat the plants with special preparations (insecticides), effective means garlic water is also considered.

Treatment for diseases

underlying disease damaging plants- anthracnose. To cure, they are treated with fungicides (ridomil, mikal). They are less likely to be hit fungal diseases if it happened. cut off the diseased plant at the root, new shoots will grow healthy.

Gathering New Seeds

When the lupine fruits ripen, cracking occurs and they fly in different directions. To avoid this, the seeds are harvested when the beans have turned yellow and have just begun to dry. This must be done selectively in several stages.

To collect seeds, you should choose only healthy plants that have shown themselves in all their glory and are not sick.

Perennial lupins in winter

After the end of flowering and the collection of lupine seeds (in October), the leaves and flower stalks of the plants are cut off. So that they do not freeze in winter, they are spudded and covered with a thick layer of sawdust.

As a rule, such measures are enough to save plants from frost even in the coldest regions.

Wolfgrass is one of a thousand representatives of the legume or moth family. Despite the fact that it has been known for almost 4000 years, progress in domestication is still very weak. AT agriculture only 1 perennial species and 3 annuals are used. As decorative - about 10 species of more than 200 known.

Lupine species

There are several systems that subdivide cultivated lupine into species.

First option. Growth division into dwarf shrubs, dwarf shrubs and shrubs.

Second option. Sorting plants by two subgenera and their place of distribution:

  • American group, subdivided into North and South American;
  • Mediterranean, including African species.

Third option. The most common one is annual or perennial lupins.

Lupins Red Rum

annual species

White lupine (lupinus albus), yellow lupine (lupinus luteus) and narrow-leaved or blue lupine (lupinus angustifolius) - these are the plants used in our country as a fodder crop and green manure. They are unpretentious, frost-resistant and can reach a height of up to two meters.

Ornamental annuals include: hybrid lupine (lupinus hybridus), changeable lupine (lupinus mutabilis), dwarf lupine (lupinus nanus) and Hartweg's lupine (lupinus hartwegii). In general, they are more demanding on growing conditions, as they do not tolerate cold weather. Have a large number of garden forms, varieties and hybrids.

perennial species

Multi-leaved lupine (lupinus polyphyllus) and tree lupine (lupinus arboreu) are the most common varieties in Russia. They have fully adapted to climatic conditions, although the latter is still recommended for the southern regions. Thanks to D. Russell, a huge number of new varieties with bright juicy colors have been bred.

Of course, the plant is represented not only by the above listed species, but the rest, such as silver lupine (lupinus argenteus) or Nutkan lupine (lupinus nootkatensis), are extremely rare in our country.

Seeds, how much they cost, what they look like

Lupine seeds vary in shape, color, and size, although they are generally similar to those of peas, beans, and other legumes. It is an inexpensive plant, as most people continue to consider it a weed. The cost of pure seeds starts from 10 rubles and directly depends on the number of beans in a pack. There are sites where you can buy lupine cheaper, but for this you should order a batch of 50 pieces.

How to grow from seed

Most often, seeds are used only in cases where it is interesting to do breeding work or you don’t want to spend time planting. Therefore, in the first case, seed is carefully collected and selected. But in the second - lupine quickly becomes a weed, which they try to get rid of, without appreciating its beauty.

A cleaner way to preserve the varieties already on the site is cuttings. But in the absence of a mother liquor, you have to use seed material. It is best to choose perennial species. annual varieties more demanding on conditions, and due to not the best germination of lupine, this can become a problem.

Harvest the fruits as soon as they turn yellow and begin to dry out a little. You should not allow them to ripen in the garden, because, having scattered through the flower beds, the lupine will quickly turn back into a weed, losing all the purity of its shades.

For your information. That is why hybrid varieties are not used when growing seeds - already in the second year the plant returns to its original form (purple shades begin to prevail, and white ones disappear).

To obtain seedlings, which is relevant for the northern regions, seeds are sown at the very beginning of spring (mid-March - early April). This allows you to achieve earlier and more friendly flowering of lupine in the flower bed.

Prepare deep drawers with a drainage system. Fill in the prepared soil. Plant the seeds. And expect shoots.

The depth of the drawers is not critical, smaller molds can also be used. A good option would be to use disposable cups (only drainage should be done). It should be noted that the root of the plant is quite powerful and goes deep. Accordingly, in case of untimely planting, it can be deformed, which will directly affect the quality of the grown plant.

The soil mixture is made from sand, soddy soil and peat. The recommended proportions are 1:2:2. Some flower growers recommend reducing the proportion of sand. In fact, the proportion is very arbitrary and largely depends on the quality of the sod land used. Looseness and friability remains a prerequisite ready mix. As a top dressing, you can add a crushed old plant (lupine).

Seeds should be planted individually, at a distance 30-50cm apart. Ideally, each bean in its own box. You can pre-treat them with foundationazole 50% sp. Be sure to check the date on the package, although lupine retains good germination for 5 years, it's not worth the risk.

After disembarkation, it is recommended to water the containers and cover with a film to ensure optimal conditions. Approximately through 2-3 weeks, which depends on room temperature and plant varieties, the first shoots appear. Planting in open ground should be carried out after the end of frost, approximately the end of April - the beginning of May. Try to guess the time so that the plant has at least 2-4 true leaves. More weak seedlings must be protected from strong winds. Within a few days, the lupine will quickly get used to the new territory and you don’t have to worry so much anymore.

It is important to remember that when growing pure varieties (to collect seeds), the plants should be separated from each other, not allowing them to cross-pollinate.

Planting in the spring

In the southern regions, planting seeds immediately in open ground is practiced.

Despite its unpretentiousness, there are still a number of requirements that must be met:

  • decide in advance on the place for disembarkation. Preference should be given to an area with diffused light - lupine can tolerate direct sunlight, but in partial shade, the shades of flowers become much brighter. It is recommended to protect the plant from the wind, or to tie them up during;
  • prepare the soil in autumn. Be sure to dig up the ground, apply mineral fertilizers (a couple of tablespoons of ash is usually enough for one bush) and create a drainage system - in this case, flowering will come earlier;
  • maintain the acid-base balance of the soil. With alkaline - more peat is introduced. With acid - lime or dolomite flour, at the rate of 5 kg per 1 sq. m.

Landing before winter

This is one of the most simple options, which is very popular with both beginners and more experienced flower growers. A clear advantage is that no subsequent planting of seedlings is required. And the place in the house is better to use for more heat-loving plants.

Seeds should be planted towards the end of October. In this case, the lupine will not have time to germinate. The planting depth is no more than 2-2.3 cm. Top must be mulched with peat, at the rate of 5 kg per square meter. As with growing at home, it is recommended to adhere to optimal distance between seeds - at least 30 cm.

Some sources recommend planting two beans in one hole, but this is not a prerequisite. Since lupine is unpretentious, in the case of some seeds that have not sprouted, it will be easier to transplant.

How to care

Caring for lupine does not require any specialized knowledge - it is good plant for beginners and those who cannot regularly look after flowers:

  • gently loosen the ground regularly and make sure that it is not exposed root system. This is especially true for biennial plants, in which the active growth of lateral roots begins;
  • in the first year, remove the weeds, in the future, the lupine itself will perfectly drown them out;
  • high humidity is required only during the period of bud formation, otherwise the volume and regularity of watering are individual and directly depend on climatic conditions, the planting period and the lupine variety;
  • be sure to cover the plant for the winter.

To increase the flowering time, wilting shoots should be removed in time, which will also help prevent self-seeding of lupine.

Despite the rather long lifespan of (perennial) lupins, it is recommended to remove them completely after 4 years.

Review of the best varieties of perennial lupins

Despite the fact that not so many types of lupine have been cultivated, the choice of varieties and hybrids, which means shapes and colors, is quite large.

The opinions of flower growers and farmers are similar - the most popular annual species are white and yellow lupins. They are good sederats, unpretentious in care, not so prone to disease.

For example, Degas, which is a variety of white lupine, is very much appreciated for its good yield, resistance to Fusarium. He is not afraid of overstaying and calmly tolerates excess moisture. And thanks to its small growth, about 90 cm, it is resistant to lodging.

In fact, many flower growers prefer undersized lupins. Varieties with a height of no more than 50 cm are very popular. For example, Minaret having huge selection by color forms. Or Pink Fairy having a very pleasant aroma.

If you are interested in breeding this beautiful plant, then we advise you to turn to other varieties that are rare in our country. For example, small (up to 40 cm) arctic lupine, the flowers of which have various shades of blue. Or changeable lupine, with a long flowering period (about two months) and changeable color (lilac petals gradually change to dark red).

Lupine in joint plantings and its use in landscape design

Due to the fact that the plant gets along well with others, you can come up with a large number of color options. If the lupine is planted in a row, then in the foreground they will look good,.

By planting a couple of perennials nearby, for example, or a bell, you can achieve interesting transitions of a blue hue. And when using cosmea and lupine Schloss Frau, all neighbors will pay attention to the pale pink cloud.

pink lupine

The first varieties of garden lupins were bred by British gardeners, it is not surprising that lupine looks great in gardens in English style. Its slightly casual look, giving the impression of a natural meadow, goes well with rough brickwork and heavy shades of a typical English landscape.

Garden in the English style

Lupins in front of an English style house

Very often used to decorate backyards.

Pink lupins in the garden

It can also be good for creating a garden in an abandoned romantic style.

Lupines in the garden in a romantic style

At the same time, its inflorescences, similar to candles, can look solemn and noble, and are appropriate next to well-groomed paths, lawns, flower beds, hedges, stone borders. In this case, sparse plantings in one or two shades (white, yellow, wine, red lupine) are good, where the beauty of each individual flower is clearly visible.

White, pink and lilac lupins as an accent next to a stone path

Red lupine goes well with clipped hedges and arches.

White lupins in a mixborder, where the main accent that sets the mood and softens the aggressive beauty of lupins is delicate pale pink poppies.

Very handy for creating borders.

Dark red lupine in the border

A mauve border with lupins, roses, clematis and hardy geraniums at Sissinghurst Castle Garden, near Cranbrook, Kent.

A border of lupins enlivens the monotonous line of the fence.

Powerful lupins successfully replace the curb of shrubs.

Red lupins create a series of vertical bright lines that beautifully interrupt a solid wall of greenery or buildings. It is very convenient to enliven the landscape near the walls of fences, houses.

Red lupins as the only source of bright colors along old wall. Without them, the landscape would be dull.

Red rich color blends harmoniously with mature in green leaves and grass.

Red lupins look great in coniferous compositions.

Another option for using red lupins.

They can look good in single plantings. lush bush dense foliage, crowned with candelabra, will successfully replace any other shrub.

Lupine burgundy in single plantings

A mix of lupins planted as the only bright spot against a background of greenery

They are successfully used in mixborders and here the imagination is not limited. The only rule is that lupins require space. They are bright, noticeable, they must be balanced with other powerful plants.

A complex composition, a little fragmented, but lupins give dynamics.

Thanks to the colorfulness of lupins, you can create bright and sometimes unusual color accents.

White-yellow lupine sets off the dark deep green of the needles.

White and light yellow lupins slightly dilute the contrasting combination of bright yellow and bright blue flowers.

Spring color combination: lilac-pink-lilac lupins.

Autumn landscape: rich yellow, burgundy, red, orange shades of lupins.

Vertical lines of multicolored lupins unite flashes of bright poppy heads.

Lupine is amazingly combined with wisteria, it is a pity that wisteria does not grow in central Russia (although there is evidence that winter-hardy varieties of wisteria have begun to be bred). Pictured below is the famous Kawachi Fuji Garden in Japan.

Wisteria and lupins at Kawachi Fuji Gardens, Japan

Diseases, pests, seed collection

About some moments of caring for lupine - on the video from the Florist-X blog

In 2014, the Japanese company Takii seed introduced a petunia with a striking salmon-orange petal color. By association with the bright colors of the southern sunset sky, the unique hybrid was named African Sunset (“African Sunset”). Needless to say, this petunia instantly won the hearts of gardeners and was in great demand. But in the last two years, the curiosity has suddenly disappeared from shop windows. Where did the orange petunia go?

In our family Bell pepper love, so we plant it every year. Most of the varieties that I grow have been tested by me for more than one season, I cultivate them all the time. And every year I try to try something new. Pepper is a heat-loving and rather whimsical plant. About varietal and hybrid varieties of tasty and productive sweet pepper, which grows well with me, and will be discussed further. I live in central Russia.

Meatballs with broccoli in bechamel sauce are a great idea for a quick lunch or dinner. Start by cooking the minced meat, while bringing 2 liters of water to a boil to blanch the broccoli. By the time the cutlets are fried, the cabbage will be ready. It remains to collect the products in the pan, season with sauce and bring to readiness. Broccoli needs to be cooked quickly to keep it bright. green color, which, when cooked for a long time, either fades, or the cabbage becomes brown.

Home floriculture is not only a fascinating process, but also a very troublesome hobby. And, as a rule, the more experience a grower has, the healthier his plants look. And what about those who do not have experience, but want to have a home houseplants- not stretched stunted specimens, but beautiful and healthy, not causing a feeling of guilt by their extinction? For beginners and flower growers who are not burdened with a long experience, I will tell you about the main mistakes that are easy to avoid.

Lush cheesecakes in a pan with banana-apple confiture is another recipe for everyone's favorite dish. So that cheesecakes do not fall off after cooking, remember a few simple rules. Firstly, only fresh and dry cottage cheese, secondly, no baking powder and soda, and thirdly, the density of the dough - you can sculpt from it, it is not tight, but pliable. A good dough with a small amount of flour will come out only from good cottage cheese, and here again, see the “firstly” item.

It is no secret that many drugs from pharmacies migrated to summer cottages. Their use, at first glance, seems so exotic that some summer residents are perceived almost with hostility. At the same time, potassium permanganate is a long-known antiseptic, which is used both in medicine and in veterinary medicine. In crop production, a solution of potassium permanganate is used both as an antiseptic and as a fertilizer. In this article we will tell you how to properly use potassium permanganate in the garden and vegetable garden.

Pork meat salad with mushrooms is a rural dish that can often be found on holiday table in the village. This recipe is with champignons, but if possible, use Forest mushrooms, then be sure to cook it like this, it will be even tastier. You don’t need to spend a lot of time preparing this salad - put the meat in a saucepan for 5 minutes and another 5 minutes for slicing. Everything else happens almost without the participation of the cook - meat and mushrooms are boiled, cooled, marinated.

Cucumbers grow well not only in a greenhouse or conservatory, but also in open ground. Cucumbers are usually sown from mid-April to mid-May. Harvesting in this case is possible from mid-July to the end of summer. Cucumbers do not tolerate frost. That's why we don't sow them too early. However, there is a way to bring their harvest closer and taste juicy handsome men from your garden at the beginning of summer or even in May. It is only necessary to take into account some features of this plant.

Polissias is a great alternative to classic variegated shrubs and woody ones. The elegant round or feathery leaves of this plant create a strikingly festive curly crown, while the elegant silhouettes and rather modest character make it an excellent candidate for the role of big plant in home. Larger leaves do not prevent him from successfully replacing Benjamin and Co. ficuses. Moreover, poliscias offers much more variety.

Pumpkin cinnamon casserole is juicy and incredibly tasty, a bit like pumpkin pie, but, unlike pie, it is more tender and just melts in your mouth! This is the perfect sweet pastry recipe for families with children. As a rule, kids do not like pumpkin very much, but they never mind eating sweets. Sweet pumpkin casserole is a delicious and healthy dessert, which, moreover, is prepared very simply and quickly. Try it! You'll like it!

A hedge is not only one of the most important elements of landscape design. She also performs various protective functions. If, for example, the garden borders on a road, or a highway passes nearby, then hedge just needed. "Green walls" will protect the garden from dust, noise, wind and create a special comfort and microclimate. In this article, we will consider the optimal plants for creating a hedge that can reliably protect the site from dust.

In the first weeks of development, many cultures need a pick (and not even one), while others need a transplant “contraindicated”. To "please" both of them, you can use not quite standard containers for seedlings. Another good reason to try them is to save money. In this article we will tell you how to do without the usual boxes, pots, cassettes and tablets. And let's pay attention to non-traditional, but very effective and interesting containers for seedlings.

Healthy Red Cabbage Vegetable Soup with Celery, Red Onion and Beetroot - A vegetarian soup recipe that can also be cooked in fast days. For those who decide to lose a few extra pounds, I advise you not to add potatoes, and slightly reduce the amount olive oil(1 tablespoon is enough). The soup turns out to be very fragrant and thick, and in fasting you can serve a portion of soup with lean bread - then it will turn out satisfying and healthy.

Surely everyone has already heard about the popular term “hygge”, which came to us from Denmark. This word is not translated into other languages ​​of the world. Because it means a lot of things at once: comfort, happiness, harmony, spiritual atmosphere... In this northern country By the way, most of the time in the year - cloudy weather and little sun. The summer is also short. And the level of happiness at the same time is one of the highest (the country regularly ranks first in the UN global ranking).


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