Little mousetraps. DIY mouse trap: types of homemade traps

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Rodents are the main enemies of dachas and country houses. They not only destroy grain reserves in the barn, but also sometimes chew through electrical wiring, spoil valuables and bring various infections. There are many devices on sale that allow you to quickly get rid of small pests. Homemade mousetrap from plastic bottle It works no worse than a purchased model, and it also saves money.

Advantages of homemade mousetraps

DIY devices have a number of advantages over ready-made traps and electronic mousetraps. If there are small children or pets in the house, then simple trap may be dangerous. They can pay attention to toxic substances that look like seeds, eat them and get poisoned. Or damage parts of your body. Advantages of a homemade bottle mousetrap:

DIY structures can be disposable or reusable. If you compare them with each other, then reusable devices are better, since several mice fall into one trap at once. Once the mouse falls into the disposable mousetrap, it will have to be taken out and the device reinstalled.

Mouse bait

Mice are smart creatures and they won’t go anywhere in vain. Therefore, even the most high-tech device will be useless if the bait is not installed. Before you make a bottle trap, you need to take care of a good bait. What mice like:

Plastic bottle traps

A mousetrap made from a bottle has a simple design. It can be collected in three ways. Materials you will need:

  1. Two liter plastic bottle.
  2. Metal wire.
  3. Stationery knife.
  4. Stapler and glue.
  5. Bait.

Let's look at how to make a mousetrap from a bottle at home in a few minutes.

Method No. 1

This is the simplest and quick way making a trap, which will take no more than 10 minutes:

Once the mouse falls into the bottle, it will no longer be able to escape.

Method number 2

Due to the unusual design, making a trap using the second method is a little more difficult. Manufacturing technology:

  1. The bottom of the plastic bottle is cut off and long teeth are made along its edges.
  2. Each tooth is bent inward. There is a small hole in the middle.
  3. The structure is securely fixed, and the bait is placed inside.

Once the rodents crawl for food, once they get into the bottle, they will not crawl back out.

Method number 3

The operating principle of this trap is based on balancing. Manufacturing:

When the mouse goes inside to get the seeds, the center of gravity will be disrupted. She will slide further into the bottle and fall down with it, hanging on the rope. Do-it-yourself mousetraps from a bottle are reusable structures that can be left unattended for several days.

Construction from a bucket and a plastic bottle

A mouse trap is made not only from plastic bottles, but also from other available materials. Making a mousetrap from a bucket:

When the mouse stands on the bottle to grab the bait, the container will turn over and the animal will fall into the bucket.

From a bucket using the swing principle

To make a trap you will need a five-liter bucket. If there is no bucket, then use a saucepan or any container with a wide neck instead. Manufacturing technique:

When the rodents reach for prey, they will fall straight into the container.

From a glass jar and a coin

The trap has a simple design and is easy to make. The jar can be replaced with a small saucepan, glass or any other container. Manufacturing Description:

  1. The jar is turned upside down and placed on flat surface. Having previously attached the bait inside. Scotch tape is used for fixation.
  2. One edge of the jar is lifted and a coin is placed under it.

The coin will fall and the mouse will be trapped inside the container when it tries to reach the bait.

Glue mousetrap

A good and quick way to catch a rodent is to make a glue mousetrap. Plywood or a plastic pallet is used as a base. It is smeared with a special glue for rodents. Glue is sold in the store. The bait is placed in the center of the base. When the mouse tries to get to it, it will stick to the glue, and it will be impossible to peel it off from the base. This trap is considered not very humane and unaesthetic.

When gray rodents appear at home, the owners use different methods struggle. Ready-made and homemade traps - good way catch dangerous “neighbors”. It is important not only to correctly place the device for catching rodents, but also to know which bait for mice in a mousetrap is the best.

Useful tips will be useful to all owners who are faced with the penetration of gray pests into a private house or an apartment. The most popular baits, production homemade trap for rodents, what should not be put in a mousetrap - this is only a small part of the issues covered in the article.

Causes of mice

With the onset of cold weather, the risk of “uninvited guests” appearing in a person’s home increases. In summer, there is enough food in fields and garbage dumps, and mice are less likely to get into apartments and houses.

In late autumn, the harvest is harvested, the remains are eaten, frozen food waste is not to the taste of rodents. What to do? Go in search of food and warm shelter. For this reason, mice and rats enter cellars, apartments in high-rise buildings, granaries, storerooms, and private houses. From basements, rodents reach not only the first floors, but often climb higher along the floors. Rats in a chicken coop also bring a lot of trouble.

A simple test will help you understand how high the risk of encountering mice in your home is. For each “Yes” answer, score 1 point, for each “No” – 0 points.


  • Do dirty dishes often end up in the sink?
  • Is it always dinner table Do the owners wipe themselves immediately after eating?
  • How long does a trash can with rotting waste last?
  • Are there any spilled cereals, flour, pasta, or seeds on the shelves of the kitchen cabinet?
  • How cluttered is the pantry: a lot of garbage, old things or not?
  • Is there a garbage dump or food waste bins near your house?
  • Is it easy to find freely available water (pipes are leaking, there are often wet rags on the floor)?
  • Are crumbs on the table or kitchen floor a common occurrence?
  • Are containers with bulk products tightly closed?
  • Does the housewife buy flour and cereals “in reserve”?
  • Are there holes in the baseboards next to sewer pipes, in the floor, walls of the cellar?
  • Do the owners keep poultry?

Got 3 or more positive responses? We will have to urgently reconsider our attitude towards order and pay more attention to protecting the home from rodents

How to get rid of and preserve food supplies from harmful bugs? We have the answer!

Read the page for useful tips on how to fight whiteflies in a greenhouse and preserve the harvest.


Mice bring a lot of trouble to people:

  • they chew through bags and bags of cereals and flour;
  • leave excrement among loose products;
  • carry pathogens of dangerous diseases on their paws and fur;
  • damage wires;
  • scare household members;
  • attack poultry, steal eggs;
  • rustling at night in the pantry, under the stove, disturbing sleep;
  • excrement scattered on the floor dries and releases substances that provoke allergic reactions.

Various types of trapping devices are effective in catching rodents. Important point- to lure a cunning creature. Not every product is suitable for attracting mice and rats. There are several myths regarding the most delicious bait for rodents. What is the truth and where is the fallacy? Let's figure it out.

How to attract rodents

Strong, pleasant smell - required condition for catching rodents using ready-made and homemade traps. The product must be natural: rats and mice cannot tolerate chemicals. For example, cheap smoked sausage always loses to aromatic sunflower oil or toasted seeds.

An important point is the quality of the bait for rodents. Old lard rotten fish, cheap smoked sausage, rotten cereals are bad options for catching mice and rats. Cunning creatures are always more willing to eat natural, fresh foods than chemicals.

TOP – 7 products that attract rodents:

  • Salted or smoked lard. The popularity of the bait has been tested by many generations of owners. Important condition: use aromatic, fresh lard: Rancid, old bacon is unlikely to attract picky rodents.
  • Vegetable oil. Perfect option– an unrefined product with a clearly distinguishable, pleasant aroma. Moisten the crust of bread with sunflower oil or dip a cotton swab into the oily liquid. Many rodents react positively to the aromatic product pressed from sesame seeds, but sunflower oil is more attractive.
  • Grain, baked goods. Many owners believe that fresh baked goods mixed with whole grains or bran are a great attractor for gray pests. A simple trick increases the effectiveness: moisten a piece of bread with unrefined sunflower seed oil. Treatment of buckwheat, millet, rice, and rat poison enhances the effect on rodents.
  • Cold smoked fish. Another popular product, like a magnet, attracts rats and mice. High quality bait is a must. Rodents quickly feel that the owner spared them fresh fish, put in old, rotten food, and avoid the trap.
  • Sausages. Not a bad option if there are no other products from the top of the rating. Unfortunately, most sausages contain flavorings, flavor enhancers, chemicals, and preservatives. Smart rodents will rarely covet a product that doesn't contain many natural ingredients. If you choose sausage, it should be homemade, with a minimum amount of chemicals.
  • Smoked cheese. This option will help you catch a rodent: regular cheese has a less characteristic smell, dries out quickly, and is less attractive to mice. Smoked sausage cheese is exactly what you need.
  • Raw minced meat with onions. This option is suitable for attracting rats. If the owners do not know who is rustling under the stove or in the pantry, but from the damage caused they guess that the rodent is large, a mixture of ground meat, onions and rat poison. The main thing: add a little poison so as not to interrupt the aroma of natural bait. Also use finely chopped onion in moderation: for about 10 parts of minced meat – 2 parts of a product with a bright aroma.

Knowing little tricks will help owners catch “uninvited guests” more effectively. There are foods to which rodents react less strongly.

Mice are less likely to touch the following baits:

  • dried cheese;
  • a piece of apple;
  • chocolate;
  • cheap, low-quality sausage;
  • old lard;
  • dried out baked goods.

How to catch gray pests

To catch rodents, manufacturers offer several types of devices:

  • mechanical mousetrap;
  • live trap for catching mice;
  • containers, cages;
  • electric mousetrap.

How does the simplest and affordable option traps:

  • The mechanical device consists of a clamp, a trigger and a holder. All metal elements mounted on a wooden plank;
  • Before starting the “operation”, put on gloves. Mice and rats smell well, understand that a person has been here, and do not touch cooked food;
  • To charge the mousetrap, take bait from TOP - 7 and place it on the trigger. Check whether a piece of lard or bread is securely fastened, otherwise the cunning rodent will carefully take out the treat and run away without affecting the trap mechanism;
  • the next step is to cock the clamp. Carefully place the holder and insert the element into the trigger. It is important to ensure that the holder slides off easily at the slightest touch;
  • It is not always possible to charge the device quickly and correctly the first time; several training sessions will be required. It doesn't hurt to be careful: the pressure hits your fingers painfully;
  • After charging, the device is ready for use.

How does a mechanical trap work:

  • a mouse or rat smells the bait, touches the treat, grabs the trigger;
  • then the actions follow a chain: the holder slides, the clamp releases, the mousetrap slams shut, the mechanism firmly presses the rodent;
  • If a large rat “pecks” at the bait, it can drag the device with it.

Advice! A lighter one is suitable for catching mice. wooden structure, a product with a metal base will help catch a rat.

Where to put the mousetrap

Helpful Tips:

  • The optimal time for installing devices is evening: mice and rats do not like daylight, quietly move around the apartment or house at night;
  • It is important to inspect baseboards, corners, cluttered areas, the perimeter of the pantry and cellar. Be sure to place a mousetrap next to the mink;
  • to catch rodents, place several devices along the walls, under the oven, behind household appliances, between the wall and the cabinet, near any openings in the floor that are not yet covered. If there is space between the pipes and the wall, place a trap there too.

How to make a device with your own hands

It's easy to make from items you always have at home. Minimum costs, maximum efficiency.

What do you need:

  • bucket with water;
  • a sheet of paper, a notebook cover or a desk calendar;
  • bait with a bright aroma.

Learn how to clear out rooms and prevent insects from breeding.

How to get rid of bed bugs yourself? Effective methods of exterminating pests are described on the page.


  • fill the bucket with water (about a third);
  • place on the floor at the edge of the table;
  • make a structure like a house out of paper;
  • place the pyramid closer to the edge of the table: half of the house is on the tabletop, the second hangs over a bucket of liquid;
  • Place bait on the edge hanging over the container with water, level the structure so that lard or a piece of bread does not outweigh the second area;
  • The principle of operation of the trap is simple: the mouse smells the bait, approaches it, the light house tips over, and the rodent falls into the water.

Preventive measures

Mice and rats often live in basements and attics, enter homes from landfills, or move from field to home during seasonal migration. Why do some owners constantly complain about the penetration of rodents, while others practically never encounter gray pests?

To solve the question, you will have to remember the test from the first section. If there were too many “Yes” answers, you need to correct the situation. Preventing the appearance of rats and mice in your home will be successful if there are as few positive answers to the test questions as possible. There is often no escape from being close to a garbage dump, but regularly removing food waste, maintaining order in the apartment, getting rid of holes and cracks in the floor, walls, baseboards, and not filling your home with bags of cereals and flour is a feasible task.

Suitable bait for mice in a mousetrap, knowledge of the behavioral characteristics and taste preferences of cunning rodents, installation of several traps are the main measures for catching gray pests. A simple test will help you understand whether there is a risk of rats and mice settling in your home. It’s easier to keep rodents out of your apartment than to hunt dangerous “neighbors.”

Below is a video about how to make a mousetrap from improvised materials and what to use as bait:

Rodent infestation at home or in the country is a problem that people encounter all the time. Effectively catching a mouse at the scene of a crime is a troublesome task that requires special ingenuity. You can buy a mousetrap in a store, but it is impossible to deal with cunning animals using only one simple device. There are many ways to make a mousetrap with your own hands. Self-made traps are in no way inferior to purchased products and are in many ways superior to them.

Advantages of homemade mousetraps

Not every person is capable of killing a small animal. This is the reason for the variety of trap designs. Bait is placed in each of them. The smell of the bait attracts the mouse to the trap, and you can use a homemade mousetrap repeatedly. Many inventions for catching rodents are designed for reusable use and do not require charging. You don't need to watch them all the time. One simple mousetrap can cope with several animals. She is left unattended while the owner is away, who removes the caught mice after returning.


An unpleasant odor appears a few days after the mouse is inside. Leaving the device unattended is acceptable, but not for more than a week.

Disposable traps

A disposable mousetrap needs to be charged after each capture of an animal. It is made from materials that are always at hand. Plastic bottles, rope with a loop, bowl, bucket, different types noose - everything will be useful for this purpose. The tools you will need are an awl and scissors.

The simplest design- a trap with a slamming lid. To make it you will need:

  • a jar with a volume of 0.5 to 1 liter or a plastic cup;
  • nut or coin;
  • rope;
  • bait.

A bait is tied to a nut or coin on a short rope. The coin is placed edge-on, and a cup is placed on it, the edge of which should rest against the edge of the coin. When the mouse climbs under the cup and begins to eat the bait, the rope twitches, and the cup falls and prevents the rodent from escaping.

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You can improve the design by replacing the coin with a more stable object. A rectangular shape is cut out of flexible plastic or cardboard sheet. On one side it needs to be sharpened: this will make it more convenient to attach the bait.

A do-it-yourself mousetrap made from a plastic bottle is also suitable as a disposable design. You will need several items and tools:

  • bottle 1.5 l;
  • meter rope;
  • scissors;
  • awl.

Measure 5 cm from the cork and cut off the neck of the container. You need to pierce a hole on top with an awl. Through it, one end of the rope is attached to the bottle, and the second is attached to the table surface. When setting the trap, the bottle is placed so that its bottom is behind the edge of the table. When the mouse climbs inside to grab the bait, the trap falls under its weight, hanging on the outstretched rope. This trap is called gravitational.

This humane mousetrap allows you to keep the animal alive. It can be taken in a bottle away from home and released into the wild.

Reusable traps

A reusable mousetrap is easy to make. It is checked regularly, once every couple of days, removing any mice that come across it. Thanks to imagination and ingenuity craftsmen There are many different designs. They are made from scrap materials.

The swing principle

A mousetrap made with your own hands according to the principle of a swing is the most simple model. You need to take a large container with a volume of 5 liters (a plastic bucket or a large pan). A piece of wire is attached across the edge of the container. Instead, you can use a wooden twig or knitting needle.

You will also need a small board made of wood or plastic. The length of the board should be less than the diameter of the container. A regular school ruler made of wood is often used. If it is not there, the board is cut out of hard cardboard. It is positioned so that one edge touches the knitting needle and the other remains in the air. A mouse bait is placed on the other edge, and in order for the animal to easily climb the board, the device must be installed closer to the edge of the table. When the rodent approaches the bait, the ruler will fall into the bucket along with it.


Such traps can also be reused. To do this, the balance board is attached to the wire so that it arbitrarily takes its original position.

Spinning drum

The rotating drum is based on the same design as the “swing”: a bucket and a ruler-bridge. The goal is to throw the pest into the water so that it will choke. For this you need a drum that will rotate. A plastic bottle or an iron can in the shape of a cylinder is used as a drum. All that remains is to make a hole in the drum with an awl and place it on a knitting needle, which will serve as a continuation of the bridge.

The bait is spread on the bottle or attached to it with a rubber band. The smell attracts mice, and they climb onto the drum. It starts spinning and the animal falls into the bucket. For those who do not want to kill animals this way, there is an alternative. You don’t have to pour water into the bucket, and when a mouse is caught, it is released away from the house.


The principle of the trap is to let the mouse in, but not let it out. A simple trap is made from a bottle. The top is cut off and the edges are turned into long narrow triangles (5-7cm). The cloves need to be bent inward and the bait should be placed there. The rodent will easily get into the bottle by squeezing through the strips of plastic, but will not be able to get back out.

There is also a more complex model of a trap. To make it you will need a wooden box. A round hole is cut out on one of its walls. The distance between the bottom and the hole should not be more than 5 cm. Steel wires are attached around the perimeter of the hole (inside the box). When the mouse enters the hole, it will fall through the wire and end up inside the trap.

The same design is used if there are rats in the house, but the size of the hole for rats should be one and a half times larger.

Plastic bottle traps

Another bottle mousetrap that can be made quickly, in just a couple of minutes. The container must be cut into two parts. One part should be longer (with a bottom). Another part is inserted into it, with the neck inward, after placing the bait. The neck is lubricated with oil so that the mouse can easily slip through it. If she slips through, she won't come back out. The two parts of the bottle can be attached to each other with tape or glue - and you will get the best express trap you can imagine.

Glass jar and coin trap

Improved trap design with slamming lid. You can use a pan as a container, and instead of a coin, take a large button or metal washer. The edge of the container is raised and a support in the form of a coin is placed under it. A thread is attached to the support. At the end of the thread there should be a hook on which the bait is put.

The container is supported with a metal or wooden rod. A thread is passed through it. The mouse begins to pull the hook with the bait attached, the thread stretches, the support falls, and the rodent falls into the trap.

Trap from a jar with cut paper at the neck

The principle of operation of a trap made from a can with cut paper is the same as that of a cut plastic bottle. The difference is that the paper can be changed at any time, updating the simple design. The jar is placed vertically, and a ruler or board is placed next to it. The mice use the “ramp” to reach the jar and smell the bait. The neck of the jar is covered with paper cut crosswise. Falling into a paper “trap”, the animal slips through the cuts and falls into the jar.


Outwardly, such a trap resembles a beehive. To make it you will need a wire spring with a ring at the end. The spring must be compressed and secured with a strong thread. Once inside the hive mink, the animal will begin to chew the thread to get to the bait. Loosening the thread will cause the spring to straighten and the mouse will be destroyed.

On a note!

There can be only one wooden body of a hive mousetrap. For greater efficiency, several sections are made to catch several rodents at once.

With a springboard and a bucket

One of the options for a mousetrap with a ruler. It is placed above a bucket filled with water, and bait is placed on the edge. Instead of a ruler, a paper tunnel is often used. The operating principle of the design is also based on the loss of balance under the weight of a rodent.

Glue trap

Glue is a well-known product that is always available in stores that sell home pest control products. Thick cardboard is smeared with the composition, and bait is placed in the center. If the mouse hits the cardboard, it will get stuck and will not be able to come off. Such a trap is inconvenient: both the owner of the house and his pets can accidentally get caught in the glue. A reusable glue mousetrap can be made from a shoebox. A hole is cut in the side, and cardboard with glue and bait are placed inside. After catching the mouse, all that remains is to throw away the sheet of cardboard along with it and replace it with another.

The “mice fuss” that the owner hears in his house is unlikely to bring joy to anyone, because with the appearance of these pests one can expect a lot of troubles: spoiled food and packaging, chewed furniture. The likelihood of various diseases caused by infections often carried by mice also increases. It is necessary to immediately take measures to exterminate rodents on your own, so a story about how to make a mousetrap with your own hands will be of interest to many homeowners.

Advantages of self-made traps

Devices made from improvised materials have many advantages over ready-made mousetraps or special designs. They are convenient and safe, because it is possible to catch a rodent in a box or bottle at home at any time of the day or night, and residents do not have to leave home at all. Application chemical substances With strong odor always negatively affects small children and animals living in the house.

The main advantages of a do-it-yourself mouse trap are the low cost and availability of all components, because it is very easy to find a plastic bottle or bucket in the house, and they are reusable without extra expenses. In the event of a breakdown or failure, there is always the opportunity to try to make another model yourself.

Secrets of preparing bait

Whatever was done homemade mousetraps, but the main thing in them is the optimal one, thanks to which the mouse will want to climb there. Despite the famous children's fairy tales in which cheese is the main delicacy for mice, this is not entirely true. with the same pleasure as bulk products with a pungent odor:

  • sunflower seeds;
  • bread crusts soaked in vegetable oil;
  • croutons with sesame oil;
  • pieces of fried lard or sausage;
  • buckwheat, rice or wheat;
  • nuts;
  • fresh meat.

On a note!

When installing traps, it is important to provide optimal ways to approach them so that a mouse in an apartment or house can easily reach and get into the prepared device.

Types of traps

There are many different ideas, how to make mousetrap designs. They can be made from ordinary materials that can be found in every household (see photo of mousetraps).

From buckets and cans

There are many options for such traps. Below are the most popular traps:

  • The simplest mousetrap is made in a couple of minutes from glass jar by 0.5-1 liter. You need to put a bait on a string inside it or attach it with a twig. The jar is turned upside down, and a coin standing on the edge is placed underneath; it is better to choose a larger size so that the animal can slip inside. Such a structure is very unstable, and at the slightest movement of the rodent in an attempt to take food, the coin falls and the jar covers it.
  • Making a mousetrap from a bucket of water is quite simple. Additionally you will need: a ruler, strong wire and a knitting needle, which is attached across the ruler and used for support; it is placed on top of the bucket. The lying ruler should reach the edge of the bucket with one end, and the other should hang in the air and the bait should be placed on it. The bucket itself is placed so that the animal can climb onto the ruler, and then, reaching for the bait, falls into the bucket, into which you can pour some water. If the bait is firmly attached to the ruler, it will hold, and then the trap will be more effective and it will be possible to catch several mice in a row.
  • To make a mousetrap from a bucket and paper, you will also need a piece wooden plank, along which the animal will climb up. Thick paper or a sheet of whatman paper is placed on top and cut in the center into several segments in a circle, and a piece of bait is placed in the center. The mouse climbs the bar, tries to get food and falls through the slits in the paper downwards, where water is poured to a depth of 5-7 cm. Similarly, you can use a 3-liter glass jar.

From bottles

Plastic bottle traps Plastic bottles are the most popular material used in making traps. They are usually made from one and a half, two or 5 liter bottles, but you can also use a glass one:

  1. A very simple and easy to use mousetrap made from a plastic bottle, the neck of which needs to be cut off in a narrow place. The bottle is placed on the corner of the table so that part hangs over the edge, and the bait inside it lies at the bottom. The trap is attached with a rope, the length of which will allow it to hang above the floor. Having climbed onto the table, the mouse will penetrate the bottle for food, the center of gravity will shift, and the trap will fall with the caught animal, hanging on the rope.
  2. Another mousetrap is made from one and a half rubles - plastic bottle 1.5 liters, the neck of which is cut off a third of the height at the top, and then turned upside down. The parts must be secured to each other with wire or glued together. The bait is placed inside the container, and the throat is lubricated with oil. The mouse will definitely reach for food and fall down, and will not get back out.
  3. Another trap from a plastic bottle is made like this: half of it is cut off, and on its lower part, near the bottom, cuts are made in a circle every 2 cm in the form of pointed petals, which are folded inward. After the mouse climbs inside for food, the sharp teeth of the petals will not allow it to crawl back out.
  4. You can catch a mouse in a bottle not only with a plastic one: for this you can also use a Champagne bottle, into which you need to pour 25-30 ml of sunflower oil and, rotating in a circle, distribute it inside along the walls. The bottle is placed at a slight angle, resting its neck on the brick; it is better to secure it. A mouse, attracted by its favorite smell, climbs into a bottle of oil, from where, sliding along the greasy walls, it is no longer able to get out.

Wooden traps

Mousetraps These traps are easy to make yourself:

  • The most common mouse trap can be made from a plywood board measuring 10x5x.15 cm, with a metal wire frame with a spring attached to it. There must be a hook for the “yummy” and a latch, which after installing the bait must be hooked to the hook. When the mouse tries to steal the food, a spring is activated and pins it to the wooden base.
  • A wooden house mousetrap is made from timber measuring 180x100x60 mm into several cells (up to 5). First, you need to drill holes in the beam for the passage of mice with a diameter of 3 cm and a depth of 6-7 cm. You will also need pieces of wire and thread No. 30. You need to make a loop from strong wire that will attach a noose from a thinner piece of wire to the house. For fastening springs and hinges in wooden block drill holes.

In total, several sets of loops, springs and nooses are made according to the number of holes. A thread is needed to tie a charged spring. The bait is placed inside the holes: when the rodents try to get food, they chew the thread, the spring, together with the noose, is triggered and the automatic trap holds the mouse.

Electronic mousetrap

A do-it-yourself electronic mousetrap can be made by an owner who has knowledge of working with electricity and similar devices. It is made using a soldering iron, an electrical circuit and an electromagnet. Usually they come in two types:

  • , into which a mouse is lured, then the door slams and a signal sounds about its appearance in the cage;
  • a killer mousetrap, which, after an animal gets into it and the motion sensor is triggered, destroys it with a discharge electric current, there is such a diagram on the Internet.

When making electronic devices, you should remember the safety rules when working with electricity, so as not to get into a life-threatening situation.

Traps with glue

Glue-type mousetraps are made using special glue, which can be purchased at a hardware store. A sheet of cardboard, plywood or hard plastic is taken as a base, it needs to be smeared, and food should be placed in the center. Getting to the “yummy”, the rodent is tightly glued to the base. The disadvantage of the device will not be entirely nice view and the shrill squeak of a dying animal. You can make this glue yourself by mixing Vaseline, bitumen pitch, rosin and pine resin.

Almost everyone is familiar with the situation when a mouse starts scratching in the attic or basement. Despite the fact that it is a pest, many people feel some pity for the tiny creatures and do not want to kill or hurt them. Of course, if we are talking about an attack by a whole flock on a barn with food, then there is no room for compassion. But in order to catch a single mouse, a humane mousetrap is perfect.

Methods of catching

There are actually quite a lot of them. It’s worth going to a nearby hardware store and they will offer you a choice of several devices with which you can get rid of annoying rodents.

  • A live trap is a kind of humane mouse trap that does not harm the rodent. You can purchase it or make it yourself. A reasonable question arises: what to do next with the captured creature.
  • Special glue for rodents.
  • Ready glue traps.
  • Poisons. Of course, the poison works flawlessly. Another thing is where the rodent will die and how to find its body, which will not emit the most pleasant smell.
  • Cat. Not always reliable way, because some pets tend to quickly leave the place where they saw the mouse.

The worst thing is adhesive backings. The rodent will be alive, but its fur and thin skin on its paws will stick tightly to the composition. Therefore, if you are looking for a humane mousetrap, then this is clearly not your option.

We do it ourselves

If you are in the country and there is no store nearby, then you can make a device for catching a rodent with almost your bare hands. A humane mousetrap made from a plastic bottle will serve you faithfully. Any mineral water or juice bottle will do for this.

Moreover, you don’t need anything else to succeed. Open the lid and carefully pour a few tablespoons of vegetable oil inside. Place the bait that is suitable for roasted sunflower seeds. The smell will attract rodents. This is a humane mousetrap, because other than slight bewilderment, it will not cause any concern to rodents. The bottle is placed at an angle. It is very convenient to fix it with books. You can lay out several pieces as steps along which the mouse will climb into the bottle. Be sure to secure the edges with tape to prevent the bottle from tipping over. Otherwise the mouse will simply run away.

Operating principle

Humane mousetrap This design is best placed on steps or on shelves. In such places mice are caught very quickly. The mouse climbs into the bottle following the smell of the fragrant filling. And it doesn’t let her get back out vegetable oil. For the same purpose you can use glass bottle, for example from beer.

In this way, you can catch not one, but several rodents at once in one bottle. If you catch one mouse, you can release it and return the trap to its original place.

Catching a mouse with a jar

This is another simple mousetrap that you can make yourself in minutes. You only need a liter jar, a 5-kopeck coin, a small bait and a piece of cardboard. On a flat surface you need to place cardboard, bait on top and a jar turned upside down.

On one side, place a coin edgewise under the edge of the jar. Choose bait a little larger than a coin. The mouse will climb inside and drag the bait, thereby moving the coin. The trap will slam shut and you can do whatever you planned with the mouse.

Disadvantage of this method

We looked at how to catch a mouse in a jar. But this method has one drawback. If the rodent decides to eat the treat on the spot, it can safely leave the trap. Therefore, it can be improved a little. To do this, it is recommended to attach the bait with tape at a height of 3 cm from the neck. The rodent leans on the wall of the jar to reach it. It is at this moment that the trap closes. In this case, it will probably remain inside.

Plastic container

Today we are looking at the most effective ways how to catch a mouse. Not all of them can be considered humane, but no one invited rodents into your home. It is convenient to catch mice using a plastic bucket. To do this, you need to make holes in the container and insert a knitting needle into them. First you need to put a plastic bottle on it. It should spin freely and quickly. The bottle should be coated with beaten egg or porridge. We bring a board to the container, which will serve as a bridge. When the rodent climbs onto the bottle, it begins to spin and he falls into the bucket. You can fill it with water, then you don't have to think about what to do with the mouse.

The simplest design

Even a schoolchild can assemble it. To do this, you need to build a box with an open top and without one wall from glue and cardboard. We make a hole in the side walls for a pencil. Now we need a bottle with holes. Bait is placed at the bottom, after which the bottle is fixed in the box. When the rodent gets close to the treasured pieces, the bottle is outweighed - and the exit to the outside is cut off. Now little creature entirely in your power.

Tin Can Trap

You will need a regular can of tomato paste or condensed milk. In any of its walls you need to make a hole the size of a coin. In this case, the cloves should face outward. The rodent freely penetrates the jar, but the cloves prevent it from getting back out. All you have to do is add bait, and the mousetrap is ready. Post these homemade designs along the perimeter of the basement or attic space and don't forget to check them regularly.

Mouse repellers

All of the above methods are good for combating individual representatives of the rodent family. But what to do if they constantly raid your home? How to get rid of mice in the house forever? Today we present to your attention a large number of ultrasonic devices, which are very helpful in the fight against gray invaders. These devices do not cause them any harm, that is, they can also be classified as humane methods of rodent control.

The effect is obvious: annoying rodents simply avoid your home. Exposure to certain wavelengths causes panic in mice. Sometimes it even leads to loss of orientation in space. As a result, they will rush around aimlessly and forget about searching for food.

When choosing mouse repellers, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • A high-quality device in a private home has the “Ultrasound Frequency Adjustment” function. More advanced models then regulate the ultrasound automatically. This does not give the rodents the opportunity to get used to it.
  • Don't expect one device to protect big house. Sound waves cannot penetrate through upholstered furniture and blackout curtains. Therefore, if one device is enough for a small apartment, then for a house you will need at least two, and maybe three.
  • Be sure to check specifications purchased device. Some models have a specific range that guarantees their trouble-free operation. For example, if you decide to place the repeller in the cellar, then it may turn out that it is not suitable for working with low temperatures.
  • There is no need to skimp on the device. Cheap models may have a limited lifespan. In addition, they may malfunction.

Things to remember

To prevent rodents from visiting your home, you need to not only come up with mousetraps, but also prevent them from appearing in your home. Unsanitary conditions in the home should not be allowed. Close the trash can and take out the food waste container on time. Flour, cereals and seeds should be stored in special containers with lids. Regularly check the condition of baseboards, floors and door frames. Promptly seal holes through which mice can enter your home. Monitor the activities of services that deal with waste removal.

Preventative measures are the most important in order to protect your home from uninvited guests. But if they have already appeared on the doorstep, then measures need to be taken. To do this, today we looked at several options for homemade structures.


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