Mini-business for baking bakery products. What is needed to open a bakery-confectionery

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An analysis of a commercial project for the production and sale of baked goods can only be carried out if you have ready business plan for a mini bakery with calculations of gross profit and all costs associated with this activity.

Ready-made business plan for a mini bakery with calculations

These economic indicators make it possible to calculate the profitability of a business, as well as find out over what period of time an investor will be able to return the money invested in the development of the enterprise. Based on the obtained values, we can draw a conclusion about how promising this activity is in our country and what place it occupies among other areas of small business.

In addition, in the presented article, the reader will find tips on registering a company, get acquainted with the main advantages and disadvantages of this activity, and also study the main stages of organizing the work of a mini bakery, starting with analysis market situation and ending with the distribution of profits.

Studying competitors and target audience

One of the axioms of the foundations entrepreneurial activity states that any new business aimed at making a profit should begin with a thorough study of possible competitors and a search for a free niche in the market for products that interest you. The main suppliers of bread and bakery products in almost any city in Russia have always been large combines and bakeries, focused on meeting the demand of more than tens of thousands of people. Naturally, it is almost impossible to compete with such giants in this industry.

But this is if you focus only on the traditional range of products produced by large factories. What will the business plan for a mini-bakery that will produce non-standard bread products made according to original recipes show? This is precisely the point, one might say, the main “highlight” of this commercial project. For example, in order to launch mass production of baked goods made according to a national recipe at a large factory, you need to do a lot of work and invest serious money. cash, and a mini bakery is much more mobile in this regard. That is, if you work hard on the assortment of your future enterprise and do not spare money on advertising, the products of large bakeries will not compete with the products of mini bakeries.

So, the first potential competitor no longer poses any threat to your future business, but there are other mini bakeries. You need to study what products they produce, where and how they sell them, what target audience they are targeting, and also find out the monthly sales volumes of bakery products. Having received as much information as possible about competing companies, you can begin to draw up your business plan. First of all, you need to study your potential buyers. Knowing how they live, what they love, what income the target audience receives, you can make products that will be in 100% demand.

For example, you will work in an area where the majority of the population are retirees and representatives of blue-collar professions. Their income is not large, which means they will buy inexpensive but high-calorie bakery products. In addition, during the holidays you can organize the production of cakes and other confectionery products on a small scale and individual orders. Knowing the approximate range, you can choose the most suitable equipment for your enterprise, that is, begin next stage business organization.

It should be noted that regardless of the economic situation in the country, political upheavals and other objective circumstances, bread will always be in demand, and this is an additional argument in favor of organizing the work of a mini bakery in your city.

Registration and registration of permits

If the study of competitors and the target audience, as well as preliminary calculations according to the business plan, give reason to assert that opening a mini-bakery is promising business, you can begin registering your company. If you decide to create a legal entity, it is best to register an LLC (recommendations from experienced lawyers and entrepreneurs). How this can be done, we read in the article - “”.

Most often, this organizational and legal form of activity is chosen when the founders of the business are several people who do not want to risk their personal property. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, in the event of bankruptcy, the founders of an LLC are liable only to the extent of the company’s property. To register a legal entity. persons must have a legal address, authorized capital, payment of state fees and notary services, opening an account in a financial institution, making a seal.

Register as individual entrepreneur much simpler and cheaper. In this case, there is no need to maintain cash discipline and hire a chief accountant. You don't need legal address and authorized capital. During the registration process, you must submit an application stating that you will work under a simplified taxation system, and also select a code for your future activity (according to existing classification). In general, the process of registering a legal or individual To open a mini bakery is no different from preparing documentation for any other field of activity. Very important point, which you must take into account when creating a company: the tax regime in each region of the Russian Federation is introduced by the municipality, that is, the level of your mandatory contributions to the state budget largely depends on it.

The entire range of mini bakeries must comply sanitary standards, which is confirmed by a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion issued by Rospotrebnadzor after conducting an appropriate examination. The same conclusion is issued by this state body for the production of products. All mini bakery products must have a certificate of conformity, which guarantees the quality of your baked goods. In addition, you are required to obtain a conclusion from representatives of the fire inspectorate that your premises comply with fire safety standards and requirements.

To ensure that you do not have problems obtaining permits from the SES, you must comply with the following conditions::

    It is not allowed to place a mini bakery in basement;

    it is necessary to have sewerage, ventilation, as well as cold and hot water;

    the enterprise must be equipped with storage and utility rooms, including shower and toilet;

    The walls must be tiled and the ceilings whitewashed.

Compliance with the above conditions will make it possible to avoid fines and frequent inspections by SES representatives.

Equipment, hired personnel and other production issues

Before you start purchasing all the necessary equipment, you must decide exactly how you will work: produce bakery and confectionery products exclusively for sale in wholesale quantities or simultaneously organize the work of a retail outlet.

In the first case, you need to purchase:

    flour sifting unit;

    dough mixing machine and sheeter;

    a special table on which the dough is cut;

    proofing cabinet;

    oven and baking cart;

    other tools.

On average, the production capacity of the above equipment with a full furnace load is about 1.5 tons finished products in a day. Sometimes entrepreneurs buy ready-made dough from which they make baked goods according to their own recipes. This significantly shortens the production cycle and also allows you to save money on the purchase of fixed assets. The only expensive equipment left is an oven, a trolley and a table for cutting dough. But, as always happens, this method has its drawbacks. First of all, this concerns the quality of the test, which affects the final result. The buyer can forgive and close his eyes to mediocre products once, but if this is repeated systematically, he will go to your competitors. Remember: it’s very easy to lose a customer, but to win their attention you need to work hard and persistently, and without any guarantees of success.

We have looked at everything you need to open a mini bakery if you are engaged exclusively in the production of baked goods. To organize the work of a retail outlet, and in the future, perhaps an entire network of specialized stores, you need to buy:

    display case and boxes for storing money;

    special cabinets in which finished baked goods will be stored;

    refrigerators for confectionery and perishable ingredients;

    safe for securities and money;

    cash register (the issue of its acquisition and registration is agreed upon with the tax inspector);

    furniture and other equipment.

If you yourself deal with personnel selection issues and carry out general management of the enterprise, you will not have to hire a manager, and this, in our time, will allow you to save a decent amount of money every month, the amount of which depends on the region of residence. Among the employees playing important role In a mini-bakery robot, a technologist occupies a special place. The most important thing – the taste qualities of your products – depends on it.

Do not spare money to pay the labor of a person who will make quality products. In this business, there is very effective and truthful advertising - “word of mouth”, especially if there is a retail outlet selling baked goods. Then information about delicious buns instantly spreads among buyers and you are guaranteed high sales volumes. The “word of mouth” marketing scheme works similarly when a manufacturer produces low-quality products, in this case no advertising tricks will help you, your target audience will go to competitors after 2-3 batches of tasteless baked goods.

In addition to the technologist, bakers are needed to work at your enterprise; their number depends on the operating mode: for each shift - 1-2 people. To ensure that the premises always meet sanitary standards, two cleaners are needed. If, in addition to the bakery, there will be a retail outlet, salespeople are needed.

To keep records, perform all cash transactions, prepare and submit reports to government regulatory authorities, as well as pass inspections, you will have to hire an accountant (and pay him a good salary). Well, to carry out small tasks, unloading/loading work, it is better to use the services of a handyman. This personnel is designed to work in one mini-bakery with a retail outlet. In case of expansion of production, it is possible to make the enterprise more efficient and productive, but for this it is necessary to use equipment that is much more expensive.

Economic indicators of a mini bakery

Let's move on to the main things economic indicators, which will allow us to determine how profitable it is to do this business in our country. To do this, you need to calculate the profitability of a mini bakery, and then find out the return on investment in this business.

To organize a business you need:

    complete all documents and purchase equipment – ​​$50 thousand;

    buy furniture – 1-2 thousand dollars;

    make minimal repairs - $5 thousand.

All one-time costs amount to 57 thousand dollars.

Fixed monthly costs include:

    rent – ​​$2,500;

    Utilities – $600;

    staff salary – $4,500;

    unforeseen expenses - $400.

As a result, all monthly expenses amount to 10 thousand dollars. Experienced entrepreneurs claim that the invested money is returned in a year and a half, and the profitability of this business is in the range of 30-50%. These indicators are very high even for a stable economic situation and at the moment it is difficult to find an industry that demonstrates similar values profitability. Analyzing the parameters of a business plan for a real mini-bakery with detailed calculations, we can conclude that one small enterprise will return all the money invested in a year and a half, and in the future its minimum stable profit will be 3-4 thousand dollars per month, excluding the salary of the company manager.

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Baking is a popular product that is in demand at any time of the year by consumers of different ages, professions and financial status. Therefore, a mini-bakery can be interesting as a business, profitable and stable.

If you're interested in the baking business in general, you might be interested in the idea. If the volume of your investments is limited, or you are interested specifically in the concept of a small enterprise, then opening a mini-bakery, which will be discussed below, is more suitable for you.

Check out a few ready-made business plans mini bakery:

1. Business plan for a mini-bakery with a payback period of 5 months. Download mini-bakery business plan
2. Business plan for the mini-bakery “Pyshka” with a production and financial plan. Download the business plan for the mini-bakery Pyshka
3. Business plan for a mini-bakery with a detailed description of the organization of work. Download mini-bakery business plan
4. Business plan for a mini-bakery from a fairly detailed course work with financial calculations. Download the mini-bakery business plan with calculations

How to open a mini-bakery

A mini-bakery can exist either separately or as part of shopping centers or hypermarkets. Some entrepreneurs who have opened a mini-bakery prefer to sell their products through mobile points of sale (these can be small vans or car trailers).

Business registration

To register a mini-bakery, the best form of individual entrepreneurship is suitable. In some cases, it may be more appropriate to register a limited liability company right away, especially if you are planning to expand your business in the near future or are establishing a company not alone, but together with a partner(s). When completing the registration forms, you will be required to enter codes for the activities you intend to engage in.

Please note: if you plan to sell products in the same place where you will manufacture them, then you should indicate the code “Activities of restaurants and cafes”. As an additional activity, indicate the code “Retail”.

Location and size of the room

When choosing the location of a future bakery, it is worth considering the fact whether baked goods will be sold in the bakery itself. If you set up production in such a way that freshly baked products will be delivered to other points where they will be sold to the end consumer, then the choice of location for the bakery should be based, first of all, on the possibility of quick and trouble-free delivery of baked goods.

And if you will sell baked goods in a bakery, then it is important to find a place characterized by high foot traffic. The city center, places near recreation parks, shopping centers, office centers are ideal. When you have decided on the area, it is worth talking with its owners about the prospect of purchasing the premises, of course, if you plan to engage in this business seriously and for a long time.

Regarding rental prices, it is difficult to determine specific figures, since prices in different cities and even regions can vary significantly. For example, in Moscow, the cost of renting space for a mini-bakery will be approximately from 8 to 30 dollars per square meter.

In order to place all the baking equipment and organize a small hall for sale, up to 140 square meters. There are also very small bakeries (that’s why they are “mini”), which cost much less space.

The sanitary-epidemiological station and fire inspection will put forward standard requirements for the premises: mandatory presence ventilation system, sewerage, utility rooms, bathrooms, whitewashed ceilings.

Purchase of raw materials

In this business, it is important to establish contacts with suppliers who will provide high quality raw materials and deliver them to you on time. However, keep in mind that every food product tends to spoil, so purchasing raw materials in huge quantities will not work. You simply won’t have time to make baked goods from it and sell it before the raw material is no longer suitable. It is recommended to purchase the first batch of raw materials immediately before the start of the mini-bakery.

The main raw material is flour, and if you want to achieve High Quality finished products, use only premium flour. You will also need yeast, vegetable oil, regular and vanilla sugar, salt, raising agents and thickeners.

Your products should be interesting to the consumer due to their diversity, so use all kinds of additives both for decoration and to impart special taste properties to the product. It can be raisins, almonds, dried apricots, peanuts, fruits, berries, chocolate, jams.


The main person who will organize and direct all the work of the mini-bakery in the right direction is the technologist. You cannot do without a good technologist if you want to achieve success in this business. The rest of the bakery staff will be bakers, cleaners and cashiers.

As a rule, a mini-bakery is managed by the business owner himself, but if this is not his only enterprise, then it is worth hiring a director or manager. Since a mini-bakery is a small enterprise, there is also no need for a full-time accountant. Typically, bookkeeping is outsourced to or hired by a part-time accountant.

Equipment for mini-bakery

To answer the question “How much does it cost to open a mini-bakery”, first of all, it is worth considering the cost of the equipment. All equipment necessary for a mini-bakery can be divided into two types: that which is intended for the production of products, and that which is intended for its sale.

The price of equipment for mini-bakeries may vary depending on the manufacturer. The prices given in brackets are average for this type of equipment. To directly make baked goods you will need:

1. Oven ($15 thousand);
2. Dough kneading machine ($7 thousand);
3. Electric proofer ($1 thousand);
4. A special table for working with dough, for example, for cutting it ($1 thousand);
5. Dough rolling machine ($500-600);
6. Flour Sifter ($300):
7. Carts for finished products ($200).

For a mini-bakery, one piece of each equipment is enough. To sell baked goods, you will need to purchase commercial equipment, namely:

1. Showcase;
2. Cash register;
3. Cabinets for storing finished products;
4. If desired, tables and chairs for visitors, if the size of the room allows.

All trade equipment will cost about 4-5 thousand dollars.

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 600,000 rubles.
  • Net profit – 70,550 rubles.
  • Initial costs – 1,000,800 rubles.
  • Payback – from 1 year and 3 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we will compile detailed business plan mini-bakeries with calculations.

Description of service

The organization is engaged in the production of bakery products. The assortment will include: bread, bagels, bagels, crackers, muffins, muffins and buns with cottage cheese. Please note that the bakery will not engage in direct sales of finished products. The sales representative will be responsible for the wholesale sales of products.

Market analysis

Bakery products are everyday goods. In any economic situation, people will need to eat. In addition, bread has been an integral attribute of any table since the times of Rus'.

When opening your own mini-bakery, you need to decide which stages will be included in production. There are several options:

  1. Full cycle enterprise. The organization will be involved in the production of bakery products from start to finish. That is, the dough will be made in the mini-bakery itself. This option is suitable for those who are ready to invest serious money now in order to receive greater profits at the end.
  2. An enterprise based on the production of bakery products from semi-finished products. In this case, the production is exclusively engaged in baking products from ready-made dough. This option requires less investment than the first. But the profitability will be significantly lower.
  3. Open a bakery as a franchise. This option makes it possible to obtain a ready-made certified production technology. The profitability will be slightly lower than in the first option if production volumes are the same.

We will consider the first option, as it gives more prospects to the entrepreneur.

Today, the main production of bakery products occurs in factories and large bakeries (61%). Almost a quarter of the market comes from private bakeries (21%). A 13% share comes from supermarkets that independently produce baked goods for sale.

The main competitors of our mini-bakery will be:

  1. Large bakeries. Their main advantage will be mass production, and therefore a large number of products. The demand for their product is quite high.
  2. Various hyper- and supermarkets, as well as other stores that deal independent production baking. Each of them has a small production volume. They satisfy the demand of their customers, but cannot provide large volumes. Often their products are purchased under the influence of immediate demand (spontaneous purchases).

The main advantages of both types of competitors' products will be that they quickly respond to market changes. They are also able to increase the range and volumes in a short time. Another advantage is that such organizations use high-quality raw materials for the production of bakery products.

It is worth noting that the main disadvantage is that both competitors use additives that make the products look better. But because of this, the price of bread also rises.

At first, it will be quite difficult to find stores willing to purchase products from our mini-bakery. Main competitive advantages will be:

  • provision of fresh products;
  • quality of bakery products;
  • acceptable cost.

Potential buyers will be small shops and stalls.

After the main consumers have been found, the entrepreneur may think about opening his own bread shop, which will serve as additional income.

SWOT analysis

When opening your own mini-bakery, you need to carefully analyze all factors. They are usually divided into external - independent of the entrepreneur - and internal - which can be influenced.

External factors include:

  1. Possibilities:
  • Free access to necessary resources.
  • Little activity of competitors (their work is not aimed at fighting).
  • Use of new technologies and developments.
  • Possibility of increasing the variety of products.
  • Increased demand for goods.
  • An increase in the standard of living and, as a consequence, the level of income of citizens.
  • No number of new competitors (due to the fact that there are barriers to free entry into the market).
  1. Threats:
  • Changing consumer preferences.
  • A sharp increase in competition among existing manufacturers.
  • Alternative products may become available.
  • Increasing requirements for manufactured products.
  • High sensitivity to the conditions of a newly established business.

TO internal factors can be attributed:

  1. Strengths:
  • The company employs only highly qualified personnel.
  • Only high quality products are produced.
  • Using effective advertising.
  • Debugged technological process.
  • Using the most modern technologies production.
  • Working with reliable product suppliers.
  • Use of the most modern equipment.
  • In-depth analysis of consumer preferences.
  1. Weak sides:
  • Self-financing.
  • Undeveloped strategy.
  • Lack of product distribution channels.
  • Inexperience.

When creating a mini-bakery, it is important to pay attention to the following issues:

  1. Increasing the range of products. At the same time, it is important to take into account consumer preferences and make your products targeted at a certain circle of wholesale buyers.
  2. Development own technology production. It's important to come up with original recipes and use only natural products during manufacture.
  3. Development of a dealer network, the possibility of opening your own sales points. If you don’t have the funds to open stores, you can think about collaborating with a chain of stores that also recently appeared on the market.
  4. Try to provide yourself with individual orders in advance.

Opportunity Assessment

Our mini-bakery will be open seven days a week. Working hours will be different for different categories of workers.

So, bakers will work in two shifts on a schedule of 2 through 2. Their working hours: from 23:00 to 09:00.

The second category of workers will be a sales representative who will be involved in searching for clients and delivering products. It will be open daily from 7:00 to 15:00. You can do without a sales representative if the entrepreneur himself takes on these responsibilities.

There is no seasonality as such in this type of business. Demand may decrease in the hot season, but only slightly. The organization can find additional wholesale buyers at these moments.

During the opening, it will also be necessary to hire a professional technologist who will help set up production. As the range and workshop expand, his services may be needed again.

When choosing a room for a bakery, you need to decide on the required area. We have chosen a full-cycle enterprise, so we will need a room with an area of ​​at least 50 m2. If you plan to bake from ready-made dough, then the workshop can fit on an area of ​​15-20 m2.

When choosing a room, it is very important to pay attention to the electrical network. It is better to discuss this issue with the technologist. He will tell you what power will be needed to operate the mini-bakery.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. Registration of your own company. It could be or. OKVED codes can be as follows:
  • 15.81 Production of bread and flour confectionery products for non-durable storage;
  • 15.82 — Production of dry bakery products and flour confectionery products for long-term storage.

If you plan to sell own products, then the following OKVED codes may be needed:

  • 52.24 - Retail trade in bread, bakery and confectionery products;
  • 55.30. Activities of restaurants and cafes.
  1. An entrepreneur can choose either UTII. In the second case, two options are possible - simplified tax system “Income” 6% or simplified tax system “income minus expenses” 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  2. To work with cashless payments you need.
  3. Find out if there are tax holidays in your region. They are provided only for certain types of individual entrepreneur activities. A mini-bakery falls under manufacturing activity. We remind you that tax holidays can be obtained by an entrepreneur who has not previously conducted his own activities. There are other conditions for receiving benefits (percentage of income, a certain taxation system, and others). The duration of such tax holidays cannot last more than two years (1 or 2 tax periods). More detailed information can be found in Federal Law N 477-FZ “On Amendments to Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.”
  4. You need to understand that a mini-bakery produces products for the population. This area is strictly regulated by various regulations. They will need to be studied and complied with before starting the activity.
  5. It is necessary to strictly comply with the existing fire safety standards, sanitary rules.
  6. Documents with requirements for product quality are subject to study.
  7. Remember that all equipment must be certified in Russia.
  8. Licensing the operation of a mini-bakery, as well as obtaining SEZ permission for products and premises no need.
  9. It will be necessary to conclude agreements with relevant organizations for disinfestation, disinfection and deratization.
  10. You will need a contract for solid waste disposal and laundry services.
  11. The enterprise must have an approved production control program with a plan dedicated to the sanitary measures taken and the control of production technology.
  12. Logs should be kept to record disinfection and carry out general cleaning indoors.
  13. All workers must have medical records and undergo a medical examination in a timely manner.
  14. Do not forget that all bakery products must have a declaration of conformity with the requirements of TR CU 021/2011. It is valid for 5 years. Certification centers can help in obtaining a declaration, as they provide consulting services.

Marketing plan

Pricing strategy:

The cost of products should not be inflated. It is better to stay at the average market price or slightly lower. The latter strategy is advisable to use only if the company will not incur losses.

Marketing strategy:

There will be no advertising of our mini-bakery as such. Product promotion will be carried out by a sales representative and the entrepreneur himself. Their main tools will be making preliminary calls to potential clients, sending out commercial offers, delivering booklets to stores with price lists, and negotiating with potential clients.

Thus, we can say that advertising costs will be reduced to the costs used to produce booklets. The share of these costs in total costs will be very small.

Another advantage of the work will be that the bakery will work on pre-orders. That is, there will be no stale products or goods that will need to be written off. Everything that is produced will be sold immediately.

Calculation of projected income

Production plan

When choosing a rental premises, remember that it must meet certain requirements:

  • There must be a working ventilation system.
  • Place a bakery in the basement it is forbidden.
  • There must be sewerage, as well as cold and hot water.
  • The premises should have a warehouse and a toilet.
  • The ceilings in the room need to be whitewashed and the walls covered with tiles.

Based on these requirements, as well as the standards of the SES and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, it is necessary to repair the premises.

You will need a set of equipment to operate a full-cycle bakery. This will include ovens, cabinets, dough mixers, tubs, sheets, tables, shelving and so on.


Organizational plan

Financial plan

  • Profit before tax: 83,000 rubles.
  • Tax (15% according to the simplified tax system): 12,450 rubles.
  • Net profit: 70,550 rubles.
  • Profitability: (70,550/600,000)*100% = 0.12%.
  • Payback: 1,000,800/70,550 = 14.2. Therefore, the project will pay off in a year and 3 months.


An entrepreneur must think in advance about possible risks and do everything to avoid them. They are usually divided into external and internal.

External risks cannot be controlled, but measures can be taken to avoid consequences. These include:

  1. Cost growth

Today this risk is especially relevant. This is due to the constant increase in prices for raw materials and final products.

An increase in the cost of raw materials used will have a negative impact on the company’s revenue – it will decrease noticeably.

You can reduce losses by concluding long-term contracts indicating a fixed (not floating!) price for raw materials. In order to respond to price changes in time, it is necessary to constantly monitor prices.

If the situation has already happened, then you can compensate for your losses by establishing more high price for products.

  1. Growing number of competitors

The probability of this risk occurring can be assessed as average.

If new competitors appear, some consumers may refuse the services of our production. This will reduce sales, and therefore revenue.

It is possible to avoid possible losses, it is necessary Special attention pay attention to consumer loyalty. It is worth thinking about developing qualitatively different products and using the most advanced technologies.

  1. Seasonal decline in demand

The probability of such a risk is average.

A decrease in demand will affect the number of sales. It will decrease. At the same time, the bulk of costs will not decrease, which will inevitably lead to a sharp decrease in profits.

To prevent such a situation, you need to take a competent approach to finding clients, correctly distribute your production capacity, and develop an effective product promotion strategy.

  1. Changes in regulations relating to this industry

The likelihood of such a risk is low.

It is almost impossible to avoid it in advance. It is only important to be prepared to recycle existing technological maps production and assortment revision.

Internal risks can be controlled, some even eliminated altogether. These include:

  1. Incompetence of personnel, their low qualifications

The likelihood of such a risk is high.

As a result, sales may decline significantly. The enterprise may even become unprofitable, thereby increasing the impact of some external risks.

To avoid this situation, you must:

  • Study your resume in detail when applying for a job.
  • Hire people with experience.
  • Build a training system.
  • Improve the qualifications of employees (conduct personnel training related to the use of the latest equipment).
  1. Technological risks

The probability of this risk occurring is low.

It is important that the technology used at the enterprise is effective and the production process is streamlined. It is also important to promptly check the condition of the equipment and repair the slightest faults (even those that do not currently affect production).

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!

A bakery as a business is an opportunity to realize your wildest ideas, so the question arises: how to open your own production, is it profitable or not to bake and sell bread yourself?

The production of bread and bakery products is a process that will always find its consumer. How many famous sayings are dedicated to this hearty and tasty product! People living in the former space Soviet Union, they eat absolutely everything with bread – it’s both tastier and more satisfying.

Fresh bread in big city It's quite difficult to find today. Most people are accustomed to purchasing this product in supermarkets, where its quality does not always match necessary requirements. There is no need to talk about the variety of baked goods in such stores - it is unlikely that you will find a fresh, still warm bun with which you can please your family.

A bakery can be found in almost every major city and even small village. Large enterprises cover a vast territory, which is why it is much more difficult for them to comply with all the preferences of their consumers - there is an emphasis on mass production and providing all categories of citizens with bread that is in demand.

At the same time, the profitability is obvious - private production and reaching fewer people will help satisfy the needs of almost everyone, while giving the consumer the right to choose from enough large assortment. Having your own bakery can be a real gift for both a small village and a large city, where people have long missed fresh baked goods.

Relevance and prospects

Bakery is a multifaceted process that requires detailed market research and good advertising. If the quality of your product is high and the store location is convenient, the consumer will make the good advertising– information will be passed on by word of mouth, and a random passerby will not be able to pass by.

Mini-production is profitable because it is much easier for it to adapt to the immediate desires of customers and rebuild its equipment. Baking bread can be just the beginning of a large business - the store should not be limited to only this product.

Collateral successful trading there will be an assortment. Every person wants to pamper themselves not only with simple bread that goes with any dish, but also with original pastries, dietary products and confectionery. In this case, the quantity of baked product will depend on demand.

The bread business will be successful if you have chosen the right premises not only for preparation, but also for selling the product, provided it with the necessary equipment and raw materials, and, of course, found a baker who can be considered a master of his craft.

A creative approach doesn’t hurt - experiment, add something of your own to production, and very soon your brand will become recognizable, and product production will reach full scale. new level.

As a sample you can download it for free.

Starting capital and documents

A bread baking business requires an initial investment - you will have to fork out money for renting premises, purchasing equipment, and wages for employees. All costs will depend on the scale of production you plan. For a small bakery, three hundred thousand rubles can often be enough, but with increased volumes the amount can increase several times.

On initial stage It is important to understand the calculations related to starting production. Home business will require a much smaller amount than a full-fledged bakery. Costs for the year will consist of the following categories:

You can register as an individual entrepreneur and open your own enterprise under simplified conditions, or you can expand your opportunities and create a limited liability company. Planning and expenses are not much different, but each type has its own characteristics:

  1. A sole proprietor is legally responsible for the operation of the business and will suffer serious financial losses if the costs and profitability of the baking business are high. If the business is profitable, the project is justified.
  2. Registration of a person as an individual entrepreneur occurs without the intervention of lawyers in a short period of time, and a limited liability company requires the services of a lawyer.
  3. as an individual entrepreneur it is much cheaper at the stage of registration and registration legal entity.
  4. It is much easier to bake yeast-free bread and any other product and sell it by registering it as an LLC. This way you can easily change your field of activity without limiting your capabilities.
  5. Bakery products produced under the LLC design will receive greater interest from partners.

This makes it much easier for a businessman to deal with the registration and, if desired, liquidate the business.


It is important to collect the following documents:

  • Documents confirming the completion of the examination and establishing compliance with sanitary standards.
  • Certificate of conformity allowing trade in homemade bakery products.
  • Documents received from the fire inspectorate on the fire safety of premises.
  • Permits for the supply and sale of raw materials, products, bread machines, large production equipment.

It is necessary to collect a package of documents immediately after paying the rent, as this will reduce the time before opening the project and will allow you to realize your ideas as soon as possible.

Choosing a direction

In order to decide on the type of activity and correctly calculate your strengths, you need to take care in advance about the direction in which your company will operate.

Today, a mini-bakery is the best option, if only because large enterprises have long occupied the niche of such trade. If you have small expenses, you can take your business to a larger scale, but for this you need to develop a project in detail.

If the city has large production product, and your plans include baking an analogue, it is unlikely that you will quickly make a good profit and be able to steal a client. In this case, you will have to reduce the cost of the project, reduce the cost of the product and salaries employees.

One of the popular trends is considered to be a mini-bakery, which produces unique products that are very different from those produced by a large brand. For example, baked goods do not have to be sweet - many people use cheese, garlic, and even meat products.

The best option There will be a combination of a bakery with a cafe or fast food restaurant, where customers can not only purchase fresh buns, but also enjoy them in a cozy atmosphere. At the same time, the menu should include a complete lunch for all categories of consumers, including small children. Don't forget about dietary products.


Starting even a mini-bakery from scratch is quite difficult, since you will have to do absolutely everything from scratch - look for a suitable space, make repairs in it, carry out the necessary communications and connect equipment.

It is not profitable to set up a small production in a large space - if you have a lot of unused space, you will simply spend extra money on rent. The room must be suitable in size and type.

At the same time, it is worth thinking about household places where employees can spend personal time during lunch, as well as a locker room and a bathroom in which all communications for washing hands and cleaning hair will be carried out.

From a small room, you can make a sale through a small window or a mini-hallway - this way you will save space, but will be able to perform all the functions of the organization, comfortably serving customers. Project with small ovens does not require a large space, but bread from a Russian oven and bread from a tandoor require separate rooms for the production of products.

High-quality equipment, just like good room, the key to the success of your organization. You can purchase it gradually as needed and possible, or you can purchase it all at once. The small bakery project involves the following positions:

Position name approximate cost
1. Bake 800,000 rubles
2. Dough mixer 280,000 rubles
3. Flour sifter 20,000 rubles
4. Pastry table 4000 rubles
5. Electric mixer 4000 rubles
6. Dough proofing equipment 55,000 rubles
7. Dough sheeting machine 40,000 rubles
8. Hood 20,000 rubles
9. Blender 3000 rubles
10. Electric stove 20,000 rubles
Total: 1246000 rubles

It is not recommended to purchase low quality equipment, as it jeopardizes not only the product, but also fire safety. In addition to the above, you will have to purchase additional furniture, display cases and cash registers to sell products.

Video: how to open a bakery – step-by-step instruction.


The employees of the bakery and the adjacent store are people who will provide the consumer with a tasty and high-quality product, as well as polite service at the time of purchase. At the same time, each employee must know his job well so that there are no misunderstandings in the future. Pay attention to education, work experience and availability of a health certificate.

Note! Without a valid health certificate, specialists are not allowed to work.

Among key employees, which should be in every bakery, the following positions should be present:

  1. Production technologist.
  2. Cleaning woman.
  3. Accountant.
  4. Bakers.
  5. Loader.
  6. Packer (optional).
  7. Driver.
  8. Salesman.

Payback directly depends on both production technology and the type of product produced by a particular enterprise. At the same time, you should not save on advertising and equipment - these are the factors that guarantee you a profit in a short time. Payback calculations must be made in advance so as not to lose money; for this it is recommended to hire a qualified specialist.

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  • Product Description
  • Selection of premises
  • Supplier search
  • Marketing plan (sales)
  • Financial plan
  • Which OKVED to choose
  • Production technology
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for opening a mini-bakery producing bread and bakery products, with production capacity 878 kilograms of finished products per day (12 hours).

How much money do you need to open a mini-bakery?

By preliminary calculations, opening a mini-bakery in a rented premises will require an investment of 2,613,000 rubles:

  • Basic equipment (rotary oven, refrigerated cabinet, etc.) - RUB 963,000.
  • Auxiliary equipment (racks, inventory) - RUB 150,000.
  • Repair and arrangement of the premises - 300,000 rubles.
  • Truck (Gazelle) - 700,000 rub.
  • Advertising budget - 100,000 rubles.
  • Legal registration persons, permitting documentation - 100,000 rubles.
  • Costs for launching the project and other expenses - 100,000 rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 200,000 rubles.

Product Description

The production capacity of our mini-bakery will be (12 hours):

  • Pan bread (0.5 kg) - 1000 pieces
  • Sliced ​​loaf (0.3 kg) - 800 pieces
  • Pies with filling (0.1 kg) - 700 pieces
  • Village loaf (0.68 kg) - 100 pieces

In one 12-hour working day, the enterprise will produce 878 kg of bakery products. The average selling price will be 32 rubles per kilogram of finished products. Thus, the estimated cash turnover of the bakery will be 28,096 rubles per day or 842,880 rubles per month.

Download business plan for a mini-bakery

Selection of premises

Our enterprise will be located in a separate production facility with an area of ​​85 square meters. meters. Of this area 50 sq. m. will be directly manufacturing facility(baking and molding workshop), the remaining part will be allocated for a warehouse for raw materials, a staff room and utility rooms. The rent will be 45,000 rubles per month. The premises will suit everyone Sanitary regulations and the standards specified in SanPiN “Production of bread, bakery and confectionery products.” All communications, including water supply (hot and cold), electricity, ventilation and sewerage, are in good condition. System installed fire alarm. The walls up to 2.5 meters in height are tiled, the rest is painted with non-toxic paint. The room does not need major renovation. Only cosmetic repairs are needed, for which it is planned to spend no more than 300,000 rubles. The main costs will be associated with the purchase of equipment and production inventory.

What equipment to choose for a mini-bakery

The basic set of baking equipment will include:

  • electric rotary oven (RUB 460,000)
  • proofing cabinet (RUB 250,000)
  • refrigerated cabinet (RUB 40,000)
  • dough mixer with a rolling bowl for 140 liters (RUB 100,000)
  • trolley for rotary kiln (RUB 35,000)
  • flour sifter (RUB 23,000)
  • rolling bowl from of stainless steel for 140 liters, 3 pcs. (RUB 55,000)

The total cost of the set of main equipment will be 963,000 rubles. In addition, some of the funds will be used to purchase additional equipment: shelving, loaf rollers, a pastry table and equipment.

Supplier search

Currently time is running search for suppliers of raw materials and ingredients for baking products. First of all, you will need to arrange a supply of: premium flour, vegetable oil, sugar, salt, compressed yeast, stabilizers, food additives and thickeners. All raw materials and ingredients are planned to be supplied from local wholesale suppliers and farms. IN staffing table mini-bakeries will include: technologist (1 person), bakers (4 people), general workers (2 people), production manager (1 person), sales manager (2 people), driver (2 people). Accountant services will be outsourced. The total wage fund will be 160 thousand rubles per month.

Which tax system to choose for opening a mini-bakery

As an organizational legal form it is planned to register a limited liability company (LLC). You will also need to open a bank account to receive and send payments by bank transfer. The simplified taxation system (STS) will be used as a taxation system, 15% of the enterprise’s profit. Licensing and certification of bakery products is not required. However, you will need to obtain a declaration of conformity for manufactured products. Services for obtaining these documents will be ordered from a specialized company.

Marketing plan (sales)

The sale of bread and bakery products is planned to be carried out within one region (within a radius of 50 km). Literally 10 km from our enterprise is located Big City with a population of 550 thousand inhabitants. Despite the great competition among bakery industries big size population makes it virtually guaranteed to find sales for our products. Potential distribution channels include:

  • Intracity retail chains
  • Specialized trade kiosks selling bread and bakery products
  • Confectionery departments
  • Cafes and restaurants

Sales managers will be hired to conclude contracts with potential customers. Their responsibilities will include daily personal meetings with managers of retail outlets and catering establishments.

Financial plan

Let's move on to calculating the main indicators economic efficiency operation of a mini-bakery with a capacity of 878 kg of finished products per day. Fixed monthly expenses

  • Rent - 45,000 rub.
  • Salary + insurance contributions - 208,000 rubles.
  • Utility costs - 50,000 rubles.
  • Advertising - 20,000 rub.
  • Fuel and lubricants - 30,000 rub.
  • Other expenses - 20,000 rubles.

Total - 373,000 Variable expenses

  • Raw materials and ingredients - 25% of production volume or 210,000 rubles. per month.

Enterprise cost structure

Income The calculation of gross and net profit is presented in the table - forecast of income and expenses of a mini-bakery:

How much can you earn from a mini-bakery?

Thus, the net profit at the end of the month of operation of the enterprise will be 220,989 rubles. The profitability of a mini-bakery with these indicators is 38%. The return on investment, taking into account the period of reaching design capacity (6-8 months), will occur after 17 - 19 months of operation of the bakery. What is the optimal indicator of a business plan?

We recommend download business plan for a mini-bakery, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged finished project, which you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Step-by-step plan for opening a mini-bakery

To start any business, the first steps, of course, are drawing up a business plan, finding initial capital and monitoring the consumer market. Ultimately, it is the demand for your products that will determine the profitability of the project. So, step by step plan opening a mini-bakery consists of:

  1. Search starting capital. In addition to your own funds, you can turn to a bank for help to issue a loan; there are also certain government programs to stimulate small businesses.
  2. Registration of an enterprise, which includes choosing a form of ownership and taxation system.
  3. Search for premises.
  4. Business model of the future bakery - marketing research in a niche, development of a unique concept, plan for starting work.
  5. Designing a future establishment - depending on whether you rent a ready-made premises or develop it yourself.
  6. Purchase of necessary equipment and furniture.
  7. Preparation of equipment - installation supervision and commissioning work.
  8. Personnel selection and training.

What equipment to choose for a mini-bakery

The minimum set of equipment for a mini-bakery includes an oven in which the products will be baked, a machine for kneading dough, a flour sifter and a proofer in which the dough will ripen. It is also necessary to take care of the method of delivery of finished products. At the beginning of the activity, you can purchase equipment domestic production, and in the future, as the business develops, purchase more reliable and modern equipment. Initial equipment for a mini-bakery:

  1. Dough mixer MTM-65MNA.
  2. KhPE-750 oven.
  3. Proofing cabinet ShRE-2.
  4. Sifter PVG-600.

In addition to the main equipment, you will need tables for cutting dough, trolleys for finished products, and to automate production - a dough sheeting machine.

Which OKVED to choose

According to the new species classifier economic activity OKVED-2, instead of code 15.81, code 10.71, 10.71.1 is used - “Production of bread and non-durable bakery products.”

Documents required to open a mini-bakery

Add to list necessary documents includes a document on registration of an individual entrepreneur, permitting documentation, and a current account. Opening a current account is necessary for making payments to entrepreneurs, owners of retail chains, shops and cafes.

Do you need permits to do business?

The sale of food products is prohibited without the appropriate permits. Permits include:

  1. The decision of the sanitary and epidemiological station for production, issued free of charge.
  2. Permission from sanitary and epidemiological supervision for manufactured products based on the presence of a conclusion issued by Rospotrebnadzor.
  3. Fire inspection report.
  4. Certificate of product conformity.

Production technology

When producing baked goods, pay special attention to the quality of raw materials, especially flour. It should be only the first grade and purchased immediately before the start of production of each new batch, since flour is a product with a limited shelf life. All other raw materials: sugar, yeast, butter, flavorings, salt, also purchase only from trusted suppliers who are responsible for the quality of the products supplied. The entire technological process consists of kneading the dough, leaving it in proofers and directly baking.


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