Is it possible to grow tobacco in an apartment? How to grow smoking tobacco at home

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At home, the matter is not at all difficult, as you might think at first glance. The main thing is the desire to work and have 1.5-2 acres of land available. This area is enough for you to provide yourself with tobacco for a year. But over time, your appetites may grow and then you will look at your capabilities.
I myself started growing tobacco spontaneously. A friend asked me to order tobacco seeds for him on the Internet, since he was on good terms with the Internet. I thought about it and decided to order one for myself to try. Here you can read about. And now it’s been the sixth year since I will grow tobacco in the garden for smoking and believe me, I have never regretted it.

Pros of growing homemade tobacco

Smoking your own tobacco is much more pleasant than these store-bought sticks with unknown filling. Plus, to all this, you get a vast field for experimentation from different varieties tobacco, various mixtures of tobacco varieties, various sauces with which tobacco can be fermented, i.e. here your imagination is not limited.
And now, smoking your tobacco and taking a sip of your homemade wine, you experience bliss and a sense of satisfaction.
I hope I have convinced you to engage in this noble cause. You yourself won’t regret it later. You will also get savings on your budget; at today's prices for cigarettes, it will be significant.
If you have decided to grow your own tobacco, I suggest you read the description of my experience on the pages of this site, and we will start with.

Growing tobacco in an apartment

Is it possible or not? People ask this question. To be honest, you won’t get anything good from this idea other than initial experience. There are no smoking qualities, but the bush itself looks cool in a pot and perfectly complements the interior.

Do you think growing tobacco at home is difficult? Not at all, just read the articles on this site and most of your questions will disappear. The main thing here is not to repeat the mistakes of others, although after reading these articles, there will still be mistakes, but not so global.

If you have any questions, ask in the comments or write by email.

Even in something like smoking, for experienced gardeners I want to stand out and develop my own product, which will be significantly different from what the manufacturers offer. But the differences will be for the better or worse - it depends on what efforts are put into the matter.

The main danger of smoking tobacco grown in your own garden is that you probably cannot know how much nicotine it contains and how strong it is. Although this does not stop heavy smokers and many of them consider that, even though it is strong, it is nevertheless homemade.

Growing tobacco on your own plot is a simple process. IN general outline it is reminiscent of growing tomatoes. Another question is: for what purpose are you planning this activity? Tobacco is used both for smoking and for agricultural purposes. Let's take a closer look at the issue and consider a well-known and popular variety of tobacco!

For growing for smoking purposes, the Virginia variety is very popular. Those who have tried smoking this tobacco claim that it is quite strong and pleasant to the taste. Plants of this variety do not require special care when caring and do not require pinching, since they do not have side shoots.

Tobacco, like other crops, is grown by seedlings and without seedlings. Which to choose? This depends on several factors.

1. On the climatic features of the region. If you live in the south, then it makes no sense to grow seedlings at home; sow directly into the ground.

2. On the volume of plants grown. For large areas it is absolutely not advisable to grow seedlings. If you are planning to plant an entire plantation, then it is better to use greenhouses or a greenhouse and sow the seeds directly into the ground.

3. From the purposes for which tobacco is grown. At small area and in middle lane, the most suitable would be seedling method.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Since growing seedlings is a more labor-intensive process than direct sowing in the ground, we will consider its features. Let us immediately note that the seedling method of planting gives the harvest much earlier than when sowing in the ground.

Seeds remain viable for a long time; it is permissible to use not very fresh material. If you're growing tobacco for the first time, you'll probably... a large number of you don't need any seeds. The seed material is very fine, yes, and it is difficult to call it seeds, since it looks more like dust.

The time from the beginning of growth to planting in the ground is 40-45 days. Sowing of seeds is carried out dry or slightly germinated. In the first case, the seed must be scattered over the surface and crushed with a mixture of humus and sand no more than 0.5 cm thick.

To germinate seeds, place them in a damp cloth 3-4 days before sowing. Keep the fabric damp. As soon as the seeds hatch, sow. This method accelerates germination by 5-7 days. The seedlings grow faster and are healthier. If it is not possible to sow immediately, then the seeds should be placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. There they can be stored for 2-3 days.

Before sowing, dry the seeds a little and mix with sifted humus and coarse sand. Then sprinkle on the surface of the soil.

What is the best way to sow tobacco - in common or separate containers? It's just a matter of your convenience. You can sow in a common container, since the material is very small.

You will need approximately 8-10 cm of nutrient substrate. You can purchase ready-made soil mixture or prepare it yourself. To do this you will need turf soil, humus, a little ash, coarse sand and sphagnum moss. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, sift and pour over the potassium permanganate solution.

Take containers from drainage holes and fill them with soil. The room temperature for seed germination should be +25...+28°C. Decreases can lead to poor germination. As soon as the sprouts appear, it is advisable to lower the room temperature to +23...+25°C.

Seedling care

So, you have decided to grow tobacco through seedlings. If you have already sowed, now it is important to provide the seedlings normal conditions for development.

Besides temperature regime, watering is very important for seedlings. Moisturize little by little but regularly. Look at the condition of the soil. Overmoistening also has a negative effect on seedlings, as does drought. Water with a small stream from a watering can with a sprayer, because light seed material is easy to wash away.

The volume of soil in containers is limited, and accordingly, the nutrients become smaller over time, so the seedlings need to be fed. For tobacco, mineral, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers will be most suitable. In principle, you can use a solution of chicken manure diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20. For the entire growth period, as a rule, two feedings are enough.

A week before planting in the ground, it is necessary to begin hardening the seedlings. Place it on the balcony or unheated veranda. The time of such a “walk” should be no more than 10-15 minutes for the first time. Then, gradually increase the plants' time outside and by the end of the week, bring it up to a whole day. Thus, it will be easier for plants to adapt to new conditions and they will more easily tolerate planting in open ground.

At the stage of 3-4 true leaves, the seedlings are ready for picking. If you sowed in separate containers, then wait until the plants become 15 cm in height and plant them in the ground. In this phase they should have approximately 6 true leaves and developed root system. 3 hours before transplanting seedlings into the ground, water them generously.

Preparing the site and planting seedlings

Tobacco is demanding in terms of illumination of the site, but the place for the crop should be in light shade. If you don’t have one on your site, then you need to build a small canopy. The material for this is lightweight but durable. You can install a mobile greenhouse made of agrofibre. This covering material helps maintain soil moisture, but does not interfere with air exchange; moreover, it is easy to open and ventilate.

Crop rotation is important not only when planting vegetable crop, but also tobacco. The plant grows well in soils where legumes or green manure previously grew. Eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes, Bell pepper. The crops suffer from the same diseases as tobacco. Tobacco can be returned to its original place no earlier than after 3 years.

Proper site preparation is an important factor when growing any crop. What is needed for this? Deep digging with introduction organic fertilizers. This can be humus, mature compost or rotted manure. The depth of digging and embedding of components is 20-40 cm. It is necessary to carry out such an event in the fall. In the spring, loosen the soil and apply mineral fertilizers.

Prepare holes for seedlings at a distance of 30-50 cm. Sometimes a further distance will be needed, depending on the variety. Fill the holes with 0.5 liters of water each. It is important to leave free row spacing, since the tobacco bush turns out to be quite spreading. Dense planting provokes the development of diseases and is a suitable habitat for insect pests.

Do not bury the growing point when planting plants.

At the time of planting seedlings in the ground, the temperature is very important indicator. If it drops below +15°C, the plants will stop developing and the leaves will begin to curl. Night temperatures below +5°C can completely destroy plants. Wait for stabilization weather conditions, take your time with landing. Optimal time in the middle zone - the third ten days of May.

Features of care

The main requirement when caring for tobacco is weeding. To cultivated plants If they grow and develop normally, they need to be given enough space. Weeds take nutrition from the soil and are carriers of infections.

As for watering, the volume of water increases as it grows. Like seedlings, adult plants need regular, but not excessive watering. The row spacing needs to be loosened so that the soil remains breathable.

When seedlings are just planted in the ground, the main danger for them is a drop in temperature, while during the growth process the plants are harmed by heat and drought. For example, at + 35°C they slow down their growth and stop developing. Of course, in open ground conditions it is quite difficult to resist such factors. As mentioned above, a greenhouse with an agrofiber cover will reduce the risk of crop loss, since it prevents the complete penetration of UV rays, creates an optimal microclimate inside, allows air to penetrate and does not accumulate condensation.

Fertilizers for tobacco

During the entire growth period, tobacco needs 3-4 feedings. The first half of the growing season is the most suitable time for nitrogen fertilizers. Subsequent ones can be phosphorus-potassium or complex, mineral. Remember that you should not overuse fertilizing, since an excess of each element entails adverse consequences. Thus, excessive application of phosphorus will lead to premature aging green mass, although its moderate use will promote flowering and speed up its onset.

Abuse of potassium will provoke bad smell tobacco, which will reduce the quality of the finished product. Although potassium is important element, when growing tobacco, you still shouldn’t abuse it.

From folk ways it is advisable to use chicken droppings. Dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:25. You can add a little to the solution wood ash, everyone knows that it is rich in minerals and is very useful for nourishing the soil.

When should you feed? The first subcortex is carried out 2 weeks after planting the seedlings in the ground. The second - after two weeks or when the plants reach a length of 20 cm, the third - during the flowering period.

Diseases and pests

The interesting thing is that tobacco is its own healer. If you find a leaf roller in your area, spider mite, slugs, moths, aphids, then you need to act immediately, especially since there is a proven way to get rid of insect pests. Prepare a solution from dry tobacco leaves. Take 500 grams of leaves for 10 liters of hot water, brew and leave for 2-3 days. After this, add 40 grams of grated laundry soap and let it dissolve. Irrigate the plants with the resulting liquid. It is advisable not to wait for pests or diseases to appear, but to carry out such measures as a preventive measure.

Tobacco cleaning

Slight yellowness is a signal that the leaves can be removed. Tobacco harvesting occurs in several stages. It starts with the lower leaves, 3-4 pieces each. from each plant. During the second assembly, after some time, you can remove 5-6 sheets.

Cleaning should be done in the evening before the dew falls or in the morning after it has completely dried. The leaves need to be strung on a rope to dry. When hanging the leaves, make sure that they do not touch and that there is sufficient distance between them.

At first, it is better to dry the leaves in dark place, at temperatures from +25 to +35°C. Air humidity should be 70-75%. As soon as the leaves turn yellow, they need to be moved to dry in the sun.

If you follow agricultural technology and crop rotation, harvesting and storage rules, you will probably get really high-quality tobacco. But remember that smoking has a negative impact on health. Although tobacco can also be used for economic purposes, because it helps in the fight against pests and some plant diseases.

Avid lovers of inhaling cigarette smoke or growing on their own plot exotic plants have long appreciated the benefits self-cultivation tobacco Self-grown tobacco can then be used for smoking.

By smoking pure tobacco, you can eliminate the cost of purchasing cigarettes from the family budget, which from an economic point of view is tantamount to deciding to quit smoking. In addition, tobacco growers claim that consuming pure, tar-free tobacco poses fewer health risks than those who regularly inhale cigarette smoke.

When starting to grow tobacco, you should first of all remember that the characteristics of this product vary depending on the soil in which it grows. The plant adapts perfectly to any climate and any type of soil. However, when growing tobacco yourself, you need to be prepared for the fact that the taste characteristics of the finished product may differ from the characteristics stated in the description of the variety, since these qualities of the plant largely depend on the condition of the soil.

Additionally, the type and characteristics of the soil in which tobacco grows will affect the texture, size and color of the plant's leaves. For example, the leaves of tobacco, which grew in soils with low moisture content and water-soluble mineral salts, are particularly large in size and light in color. The texture of these tobacco leaves is thin, and their aroma is almost unnoticeable. However, in clayier and siltier soils, the tobacco leaves will be small, dark, aromatic, and have a dense texture.

Therefore, before growing tobacco in mass quantities, it is necessary to take into account many factors: required amount workers, the degree of soil fertility, the need for fertilizing, and so on.

By classical technology tobacco growing, common in some areas of America, seedlings are first grown from tobacco seeds, and then the plants, which reach a height of ten to fifteen centimeters, are transplanted into the soil.

After transplanting the plants, weeds are regularly removed from the fields where tobacco grows, which helps stimulate the growth of tobacco leaves. If you need to get elastic and thin tobacco leaves, create a canopy over the tobacco special materials. This design creates shade as well as sufficient humidity necessary to grow a plant with the desired characteristics.

There is an opinion that growing tobacco creates the same dangers for the human body as passive smoking. This opinion is erroneous and has no basis. The process of passive smoking can be described as inhaling cigarette smoke along with air environment. Growing tobacco eliminates the production of cigarette smoke. Accordingly, the statement that second-hand smoke is a threat to tobacco growers is incorrect. Moreover, there are cases when farmers who grow tobacco decided to quit smoking because they were already in excessive contact with tobacco leaves, and they managed to get tired of it during their working days.

In this post I will cover the process of growing tobacco on country garden.. Curiosity and curiosity again... I wanted to see the whole process from planting seeds to obtaining raw materials in the form of tobacco leaves, which I am going to later turn into pipe tobacco (this will be in a separate post). In March, seeds were purchased, by the way, I found them with great difficulty in a retail chain... and the process began... in the photo are tobacco seedlings at the age of 2 months... these are already strong sprouts, initially I thought that they simply would not survive, by the way, many died in the first weeks , the seeds themselves are so tiny, less than 1mm in diameter, that it was simply hard to believe that something could grow from them...

The seeds were used from the variety Nicotiana tabacum L (Virginia)... since they were the only ones that could be found. Of course, I wanted to grow Turkish (oriental) tobacco, but there were difficulties in finding seeds. As the tobacco bushes grow, I will add photos, the most interesting thing will be what will come of it …to be continued…

Tobacco is growing with terrible force, another 2 weeks have passed and this is what has grown...

In 2 weeks, at the beginning of June, when the threat of frost in the Moscow region has disappeared, these bushes will be transplanted into open ground... and the main thing is that the weather does not let you down. Tobacco does not tolerate temperatures below 15 degrees, and at 3 degrees it generally dies. I think 2-3 bushes Leave it at home on the balcony and see what happens. the end of July, the tobacco bed at the dacha looks like this...

Some plants reached a height of 60-70 cm, some less... I didn’t visit my plantation for two weeks, some plants bloomed during this time, which affected growth, the leaves on them remained small compared to others... this is what a tobacco flower looks like... I left 8 plants on I removed the seeds from the rest so that the plants would grow...

All June the weather in the Moscow region was on the verge... the temperature at night was often +5-7 degrees, I was already upset, thinking that the tobacco had disappeared, all June the plants showed no signs of growth... but still the plants survived... and even in the July heat have become very strong and grown...hope that in August they will grow to 1-1.5 meters...and the leaves should begin to ripen...

Tobacco - universal plant.

The infusion will help in the fight against pests - aphids, thrips, and copperheads.

Dried leaves in the closet will repel moths and skin beetles.

Tobacco is widely used in folk medicine and homeopathy, and it’s just interesting to try to grow a small plantation on your own plot.


Seeds tobacco so small (0.1-0.5 mm in diameter) and whimsical that they should only be purchased in specialized stores.

Most likely, you will be offered only two types of tobacco:

"Virginia" (Nicotiana tabacum L) and "Rural tobacco" (Nicotiana rustica L).


Tobacco seeds are sown 5-60 days before planting seedlings in the ground.

It is better to take the soil from the area where the tobacco will grow later.

It needs to be disinfected. Fertilize with superphosphate (6-8 g per 1 liter of water) and mix with sand in a ratio of 1:5.

For growing seedlings, 100 g cups with holes in the bottom are suitable.

Place one seed in each and cover with a 4-5 mm layer of soil. lightly press and spray with warm (20-25 degrees) water from a spray bottle.

Water the seedlings through a tray.

Water frequently at first, keeping the surface moist but not over-watering.

When the first true leaves appear on the plants, water no more than once a day, allowing the soil to dry out a little.


It is advisable that water does not accumulate in the area allocated for the tobacco “plantation”. It is best that it has a slight slope.

Plants must be reliably protected from the cold north wind.


Tobacco loves loose, well-drained soil fertilized with organic matter.

Rotted manure or compost is suitable as a fertilizer.

Water the area thoroughly to remove weeds.


This plant cannot withstand temperatures dropping even to +3 degrees, so plan to plant it towards the end of May. When the threat of frost has finally passed and warm weather sets in, so that the plants are large and healthy, plant the seedlings. leaving 20 cm between plants and 70 cm between rows,

When planting in the ground, make the first fertilization with slurry (1 liter per 10 liters of water) with the addition of 60-80 g of superphosphate.

If you have sulfur powder at your disposal, make a solution - approximately 70 g per 10 liters of water. Also good result will give spraying with such means as neoron. kinmiks or sulfaride. Take it into account. that treatment with sulfur preparations is effective at air temperatures no higher than 20 degrees.

During the period when the inflorescences are growing, spray the bushes with freshly prepared garlic infusion (take 150 g of crushed garlic per 10 liters of water) or concentrated infusion onion peel. Repeat spraying three times with a break of 5-6 days.

Plant perennial onions or garlic between the bushes and do not dig them up. The phytoncides secreted by these plants will repel pests.

True, one should not count on such a measure alone; it is good as an additional or preventive measure.

Feeding the bushes at the beginning of the growing season with fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and microelements will help to resist pests.

The tobacco bush took on its familiar form as early as 6 thousand years BC. e. Its homeland is America, it belongs to the nightshade family (like potatoes and peppers).

Yours Latin name - Nicotiana- received tobacco in honor Jean Nico (Jean Nicot). Jean Nicot was the first to introduce tobacco into France and made it popular at court.

Tobacco appeared in Europe after the discovery of the New World. Christopher Columbus (Christophorus Columbus) in 1492.

Roderigo de Perez, one of the members of this expedition, returned to Spain with a new smoking habit, for which he paid with his freedom. The Inquisition explained the tobacco smoke coming out of his lips as being possessed by an unclean spirit and sentenced the unfortunate smoker to prison.

Addiction to smoking in different centuries and in different countries cruel punished. In Turkey, smokers were executed, in Russia they were punished with canes or even cutting off their nose and ears, in Persia they had their nostrils torn out, in England violators were driven around the city with a noose around their neck, and malicious smokers had their heads cut off and put on public display with a pipe in their mouth, in Chili was walled up alive in the wall.

IN kingdom of bhutan The ban on smoking in public places was introduced in the mid-17th century and is still in effect. Moreover, since 2004 there has been a complete ban on the sale and use of tobacco.

Paradoxically, in propaganda tobacco and smoking played an active role doctors.

For example, back in the 16th century, the work of the Spanish doctor Nicolas Mondares about medicinal plants America: it described miraculous properties tobacco in curing many diseases.

Catherine de' Medici, Queen of France, treated migraines with tobacco. Also when French court It was believed that tobacco helped with toothache, aching bones and stomach disorders.

And at the beginning of the progressive 20th century, doctors recommended smoking to pregnant women as a means of weight control.

Despite the widespread approval of tobacco by doctors, there were those among them who were aware of its negative impact on human health. Back in 1622, the doctor and botanist Niander wrote the work “Tobacology,” where he described the harmful effects of tobacco on brain activity.

In Russia until Peter the Great smoking was prohibited and punished death penalty. His father, Alexey Mikhailovich, introduced this ban after a fire in Moscow in 1634, the cause of which, according to everyone, was smoking.

Peter the Great repealed his parent's law and legalized the sale of tobacco. True, at first smoking was allowed only after smoking pipes. By decree of Pyotr Alekseevich, the first tobacco factories even appeared in the country.

At the beginning of the 20th century, with the beginning of the emancipation movement, smoking spread among women. Then the mouthpiece was invented - for the convenience of smoking ladies. It prevented tobacco from getting into the mouth and protected the paper from lipstick.

At the birth of the famous artist Pablo Picasso (Pablo Picasso) An interesting incident happened. The midwife who delivered the baby decided that the baby was stillborn. But when his uncle came up to the child and blew cigar smoke in his face, the baby began to cry.

We can say that smoking gave the world an extraordinary personality.

There is still an opinion that smoking reduces the feeling of hunger. This is related to the fact that after the spread of tobacco in Europe, the French government considered the possibility of replacing part of the bread in soldiers’ rations with it.

The First and Second World Wars strengthened the smoking habit: tobacco was included in the mandatory diet of soldiers, and smoking was even encouraged to relieve nervous tension.

US President Franklin Roosevelt even declared tobacco a strategic wartime commodity.

After coming to power Adolf Hitler (Adolf Hitler) An active anti-tobacco campaign began in Germany. The Fuhrer was convinced that “tobacco is the redskins’ revenge on the white man.”

The German nation was held up as an example of non-smoking leaders: the Spanish dictator Francisco Franco, the Italian fascist leader Benito Mussolini and Hitler himself. They were opposed to heavy smokers, leaders of the anti-Hitler coalition: Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt.

Tobacco and smoking today

Tobacco contains over 3 thousand chemical compounds . Some of them are carcinogens that can cause cancer growth.

Today the world knows order 120 treatments tobacco addiction (only 40 of them are used).

Russia is the last country where cigarettes are still produced.

There is an opinion that smoking cigarettes is not as harmful to the body as cigarettes of the same strength, since some of the tars are retained in the paper mouthpiece.

Some anti-smoking advocates hold statements:

Nicotine kills 36 types of microbes, 8 of them harmful.
- Nicotine first destroys old and weakened brain cells.
- A smoker develops a deposit of tar on the inner surface of the lungs, which makes it difficult for air to reach the alveoli and promotes more active blood flow in the lungs. For those who do not smoke, this effect is only possible when playing sports.
- Smoker's cough is a useful breathing exercise.
Back in 1959 in the American scientific journal suggested the possibility of obtaining a tomato-type plant containing nicotine. The hero of the popular animated series "The Simpsons" Homer raised him under the name "tomak". In 2003, farmer Rob Baur implemented this in real life- the tomac plant actually contains nicotine in its leaves.

The fact that mulatto beauties roll tobacco leaves into cigars on their bare thighs is only common myth.

The authorship of this legend belongs to the French writer Prosper Merimee, who collected material for his work “Carmen” in Spain. One passionate Spanish girl with whom I started love story Merimee rolled cigars for him on her hips without getting out of bed. This wonderful story was not only included in the book, but still lives on.

Meanwhile, rolling cigars requires a flat and hard surface, and it is actually men who do this. Women participate in only one technological process: Removes the main vein from the tobacco leaf. At the same time, they actually place the sheet on their knee, although not on their bare knee.

The only one Museum dedicated to smoking(and not only smoking tobacco, but also hemp, and in general everything that can be smoked!), is located in Paris.

The museum presents the history of smoking, as well as a collection of various pipes, air fresheners, and mills for grinding dry leaves. There are even greenhouses with tobacco bushes. In addition to such interesting exhibits, in the museum you can get information about negative impact smoking for health.


If you are not a purely city dweller, but have either own house, or a dacha, then you will have to constantly deal with the need to process wood. In small quantities, you can get by with hand carpentry tools, but if you have to work with wood often, especially if you decide to start construction, then you can’t do without a woodworking machine. Read completely "

If the summer, and after it the autumn, turned out to be dry, without sufficient rainfall, pre-winter watering fruit trees everywhere in the garden it is necessary. Its time is the period of leaf fall, in October, while there are no persistent frosts. This type of irrigation is also called moisture-charging.

Late autumn watering has great importance for safe wintering of trees. Moistened soil freezes less, which means there is less danger of the root system freezing. Drying of wood is also dangerous, which negatively affects the foliage of branches, the formation of fruit buds and, ultimately, the yield of the next year. Read completely "

October is the time to prepare a place for winter sowing cold-resistant vegetables. After deep digging, the soil is loosened and filled with fertilizers (humus, compost, ash). They form beds because in loose beds the soil warms up and dries out faster in the spring. The grooves are cut. It is convenient to do this with the edge of a narrow board with rounded edges. Read completely "

Lilies are perennial flowers, but they cannot be grown constantly in one place either. Over time, the bushes thicken, the flowers become smaller and degenerate. Therefore, they need to be seated after some time, preferably in a new place.

When is the best time to replant lilies? Here a lot depends on the variety - the fact is that lilies bloom in different time. But general principle like this: at least 1 month must pass after flowering. At first, the bulbs are severely depleted, lose weight, and become loose. Read completely "

Of all the local root vegetables, carrots are the most delicate and require special care during storage. How to preserve carrots until spring? Depending on your capabilities, choose one of the following methods. In any case, you should not hesitate to plant it for the winter - root crops removed from the ground easily lose moisture. Having cut off the tops so as not to injure the head of the root crop, but also without leaving any greenery, the carrots are sorted out, and those that are cracked, frostbitten or damaged are discarded. Then they are placed in rows in a box and each row is filled with clean river sand, the humidity of which does not exceed 25 percent Read completely "

Those who have not yet managed to restore order in cucumber greenhouses need to do this before the onset of persistent frosts. Since the causative agents of most cucumber diseases are stored on tops, roots, and seeds, all remains of dried plants must be burned. By the way, you can put green borage in compost only if the plants were healthy, without fungal and bacterial infections. The roots should also be removed from the ground, dried and destroyed by fire.

Experienced summer residents They claim that growing tobacco is no more difficult than growing tomatoes.

This plant is thermophilic and lends itself well to cultivation in the south countries. But it is successfully cultivated even in cold regions.

The germination and final taste characteristics of tobacco will depend not only on the selected variety, but also on the condition of the soil on the site and the abundance of sun.

Do you think that tobacco is grown only heavy smokers? No, this crop blooms beautifully, which will decorate any area, and can become a means to combat some diseases and pests common in the garden.

Which type of tobacco to choose for growing?

There are many varieties of tobacco. But not every one of them is suitable for home grown. If you are new to this business, choose those types of plants that are adapted to our climatic conditions - leave the “exotic” varieties for professionals, I plant them in entire plantations for the further sale of tobacco leaves.

In world tobacco growing, the plant is divided into 2 types - cigar and cigarette. In our country it is easier to cultivate cigarette-type varieties. We list the most popular varieties of tobacco that experienced summer residents choose for cultivation on summer cottages or at home:

Trapezond 92. Resistant to viral diseases variety. It is famous for its short growing season - harvesting can be done 100 days after planting.

Dukat Crimean. This is a large plant with fragrant leaves up to 1 m in length. Ripens quickly.

Trebizond Kubanets. Grows in 105-135 days. The variety is characterized by an average yield - about 25 tobacco leaves technically suitable for processing.

Virginia 202. Early ripening variety, excellent in strength and aroma. Resistant to diseases and withstands negative environmental conditions. The leaves contain a lot of carbohydrates.

Samsun 85. Mid-season variety, reaching maturity 105-110 days after planting on the site. From one bush you can collect up to 50 leaves - a high-yielding plant species.

Holly 316. The plant, compared to other varieties, contains a small amount of nicotine. Ripens late - up to 120 days.

Dubek. The variety comes from Turkey. Named the best aromatic tobacco in the world. In the middle lane it will not show big harvests- Suitable only for growing in hot climates.

Country tobacco. Frost-resistant and unpretentious. Suitable for growing not only in an open area, but also on a windowsill or balcony.

Anniversary new 142. A fast-ripening variety - the harvest can be harvested 80 days after planting. Resistant to many diseases.

Buy tobacco seeds from reliable sellers. It is unlikely that you will be able to find them for sale on store shelves - look in online stores or from private traders who cultivate the plant. The cost of seeds, depending on the chosen variety, ranges from 30-100 rubles. for 50 pcs. And in the future you won’t need to buy seeds - 2-3 bushes of the plant will produce enough seeds that you can sow a hectare of land with them.

Choosing a place to plant tobacco

Tobacco, if provided optimal conditions for development, can take root in any conditions. The best soil for the plant is light, loose, pebble-crushed stone structure, with a high humus content. Tobacco will not grow in swampy, too wet areas. The culture loves the sun, and therefore, select unshaded areas of the garden for planting. Cold winds should not blow here - they will be destructive for the seedlings.

When choosing a place to grow tobacco, consider crop rotation. It has been established that the best plant predecessors are legumes, grains, winter grains, beets, perennial herbs. But it is not recommended to plant tobacco in the same place after nightshade and sunflower, since these plants have similar diseases - there is a risk of infecting young plantings.

Sowing and planting tobacco

Just starting to grow tobacco? Then start by cultivating a few bushes, rather than whole beds - test your strength and see how well the chosen plant variety takes root in the given climatic conditions.

Tobacco loves warmth, so you may not get a harvest if you sow seeds directly into open ground, since they will not hatch in cold soil. The best optionplant a plant with seedlings.

The seed material is very small, which makes working with it difficult. And despite the fact that it is easier to plant dry seeds, it is better to prepare them in advance in order to achieve quick germination. To do this, 3-5 days before the intended planting of seedlings, soak the seeds, wrapped in a soft cloth, in a warm clean water. Here you can add a couple of drops of tartaric acid or a few crystals of potassium nitrate. Leave the seed material in this form for a day. Then rinse the seeds, drain off excess water and leave them in a warm place to germinate in a earthenware or enamel container (also in a cloth). Moisten the cloth periodically. After 2-4 days, the seeds hatch. Do not allow the formation of a sprout longer than the seed! When most of the seeds hatch, they need to be thoroughly dried and mixed with sand or humus. In this state, if it is not possible to start planting the plant “right now,” the material can be stored for several more days until planting.

Start preparing seedlings for growing tobacco in February-March. By the beginning of the season, the young seedlings will already be strong enough to be transplanted to " permanent place residence." The scheme for sowing tobacco seedlings is as follows:

Fill the pot or seedling box with nutritious soil.

Water the soil before sowing.

The seed placement depth is no more than 0.8 cm.

Sprinkle the seeds with a mixture of humus and sand (3:1).

Water the soil (overmoistening is not allowed).

Optimal temperature, necessary for seeds to germinate – +25…+28 ˚C. You can keep a container with seedlings on a windowsill or balcony. When the first shoots appear above the ground, it is better to lower the temperature to +20 °C. Plantings should be watered regularly. Do this carefully so that the seeds do not go deep into the ground. Feed the plant 2-3 times mineral fertilizers(for example, saltpeter diluted in water).

Pick at the stage of 3-4 full leaves on the stem. The seedlings will be ready for planting in open ground after 40-45 days. A week before the due date, begin to harden off the young seedlings so that they gain strength and prepare for life under open air. Stop watering the plant a couple of days before.

Transfer the seedlings to open area in May - when the threat of late spring frosts has completely passed. Do it like this:

In pre-prepared furrows, make holes up to 30 cm deep. The distance between plants is 20 cm, and between rows is 70 cm.

Pour 0.5-1 liters of water into each well.

Place the seedling together with a lump of “native” soil in the hole.

Sprinkle the roots with damp soil and tamp down a little.

Sprinkle dry soil on top.

Now, in order to get high yields of fragrant leaves at the end of the season, the tobacco needs to be properly cared for.

Growing and caring for tobacco

Best temperature for the growth and development of tobacco – 18-24 °C. Some plant varieties can easily tolerate cold conditions - up to +2 °C. Favorable soil moisture is 60-70%. In low light conditions, seedlings will develop poorly. Similar conditions can be provided in many regions of our country, which is why summer residents take up the cultivation of tobacco.

Your expectations for growing tobacco may not be met. But the reason for poor germination and yield does not always lie in the selected variety and quality of the seeds. The condition of the soil, day length, humidity and air temperature - everything is important when growing tobacco! How does a plant acquire its final characteristics?

The color, size and texture of the leaves depends on the composition of the soil.

The aroma of the leaves depends on the humidity of the air and soil.

The leaves are imbued with a special taste due to free air circulation.

We list the basic rules for caring for plantings when growing tobacco:

Watering. Follow the rule “it’s better to underfill than overfill.” Experienced gardeners make do with 2-3 waterings per season, spending 5-8 liters of water per bush. When the plant has grown enough, you can stop watering it altogether.

Loosening. During active growth, tobacco needs regular loosening and removal of weeds, otherwise the plantings will become overgrown.

Feeding. Proper application of fertilizers shows excellent results. For good yield, it is important to maintain the optimal ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the fertilizers used. Immediately after planting the seedlings, you can fertilize them with slurry containing superformate. A solution of sulfur in water is also effective. After the inflorescences appear, many summer residents treat tobacco with an infusion of garlic and onion peels.

Topping. Removing the inflorescences and outer leaves helps increase tobacco yields because nutrients will not be spent on flowering, but will be used for the development of valuable leaves.

Pest and disease control of tobacco

The smell of growing tobacco repels some pests. But there are still “specimens” that the plant attracts. Caring for bushes will mainly consist of fighting diseases and pests.

We list the diseases and pests dangerous to tobacco:

Peach aphid. A common insect species that feeds on both wild and cultural species tobacco Aphids suck the juice from the leaves and stems of the plant, thereby worsening the final properties of the raw material and reducing the yield. You can recognize aphids by the sticky secretions that they leave behind after their “meals.” Having noticed the first signs of the pest, you can treat the plantings with a solution of metathione or rogor.

Tobacco thrips. This pest eats not only tobacco, but also other cultivated plants. Insects eat leaves, reducing yields and transmitting dangerous diseases. To avoid pest invasion, no later than a month before planting, treat the soil with 12% hexachlorane dust. Spray with a diluted suspension of metathione or rogor three times during the planting season.

Black root rot. A disease that most often affects seedlings, but adult plants can also become infected. Tobacco leaves wither and dry out, and the roots die off in advanced stages of the infection. Watering the soil with benlate will help prevent rot. The drug is used both for prophylaxis when cultivating the soil immediately after planting, and when the first signs of infection appear.

Blackleg. The disease can completely destroy seedlings - the affected stem base becomes thin and gradually dies. The bad thing is that the causative agent of the disease remains in the soil - the next “batch” of plantings is also infected. The black leg is more pronounced when high humidity and in soil with excess nitrogen. To prevent blackleg, you can try spraying seedlings with a 0.3% suspension of 80% zineb.

Powdery mildew. A bacterial disease manifested by the appearance of a whitish powdery coating on the leaves. Tobacco leaves turn brown and lose their aroma when dried further. From powdery mildew You can get rid of it with a 1% suspension of colloidal sulfur.

Mosaic. A pathogenic virus that changes the color of tobacco leaves - light green blotches appear. Later, the infected areas of the leaves die. The source of infection is plant debris that was not removed from the site before planting. An effective remedy against all types of mosaic – 80% polycarbacin.

Bacterial grouse. The disease is accompanied by the appearance of oily or wet spots on the leaves, which leads to plant rotting. It is very difficult to get rid of the causative agent of the virus, since it can persist for some time even on gardening equipment. Summer residents are helped by mass spraying of plants with 0.5% Bordeaux mixture. But better disease warn by observing crop rotation.

Since pathogens can remain in the soil and on equipment, if an “infection” is detected, it is recommended to treat all working tools and, if possible, nearby areas of soil. The equipment is well cleaned with 40% formaldehyde. It should then be kept for 3-4 days under a tarpaulin at a temperature not lower than 10 °C.

Tobacco harvest

Already in August you can start collecting tobacco. Some plant varieties need to be kept in the ground a little longer - until the end of September. Lower leaves Carefully break off the tobacco and keep in the sun for 2 days. After this, the raw materials must be dried for a couple of months in a dark, damp room - a basement will do.

The process of preparing tobacco leaves for use is complex. To obtain aromatic cigar leaves, their fermentation is necessary - aging the raw materials in certain conditions. Depending on the selected variety, the process varies in terms of temperature and humidity. Tobacco produced at home will certainly differ in properties from products purchased in a store.


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