Musical skits on March 8 for schoolchildren.

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The program of school evenings dedicated to the holiday of March 8 traditionally includes many beautiful and kind messages addressed to girls, mothers, grandmothers and teachers. Schoolchildren also prepare various concert numbers: songs, dances and, of course, skits, which are usually of a comic nature, and therefore are especially loved. In elementary schools, skits are usually dedicated to mothers; in older schools, they are dedicated to girls in their classmates.

Possibly offered here skits on March 8 for schoolchildren will be useful for drawing up a concert program or original congratulations.

Sketch for March 8th for schoolchildren “How to congratulate girls”

(Based on “Three girls under the window...”)


3 boys,



Necessary equipment: chairs, desks, poster, diary, pens, notebooks, books


Cosmetics, high heels, jewelry.

Only boys take part in the skit, and each piece of advice is followed by a demonstration.

1. The first thing is figure - You need to keep a tight rein on yourself, to put it simply. there is nothing.

2. Emphasize your individuality with makeup.

3. Mesmerizing gait.

4. Clothes. Be as open as possible (expose your shoulder by moving your sweater)

5. Shoes should be elegant.

6. In intellectual competitions, answer all questions briefly and clearly: yes, no, it’s not me.

7. You must have good vocal abilities. But it is not recommended to perform Ramstain, Rasmus, Okean Elzy, etc.

8. Don't wear too much or too heavy jewelry. Heavy earrings will pull down your ears and in old age they will be knee-deep.

9. To win, you shouldn’t risk your health and do a lot plastic surgery to improve your appearance - better go to school, they will scare you there and it will better than any suspender.

10. When entering a modeling school, do not run after the director and ask “Well, take me.” A girl should know her worth.

You can learn all this at our model school “Grace”.
You can end the number with congratulations to all the girls

(Source: website

Congratulation performance in verse.


Boy, Girl

Boy: Our call is terribly ringing,
I fly out into the corridor...
Me and one girl
A conversation ensued...
- And my dad is a champion!
He goes to the stadium:
He throws weights up -
Will be the strongest in the world!

Girl: Even though men are strong -
They don't know how to bake pancakes...
You men are klutzes,
educate you, teach you,
And parsley from dill
You can't tell the difference!
By the way, who does the laundry at home?
God didn't give you talent...
TV "consuming"
You lie down on the sofa!

Boy: The man is of no use?!
Isn’t this talent given to us?!
Who nailed the shelf in the kitchen?
Fixed the faucet in the kitchen?

Girl: You don’t feel like cooking borscht,
Don't fry the cutlets...
You should run off to work,
Well, there’s no point anymore.

Boy: You, thorny thorn,
You don't know us men well
Every now and then you shed tears.
And also for no reason...
You say barbed words, timid...
Dad is the head of the house!

Girl: And mom is the neck of the house!

Boy: No, there is no need to decide in a dispute,
In a corridor conversation,
Who is stronger and who is more important...
It’s just... mom is the most tender of all!

(Source: site

Sketch for March 8th for schoolchildren “And in our yard”

( Author Kruglova O.N.)

The guys sing a song - an adaptation of the song from the movie “Carnival Night”.5 boys and 3 girls are participating

If you leave the house frowning,

Remember that today is a holiday!
That any acquaintance is ready to congratulate you,
Or even a stranger you meet!

And a smile, without a doubt,
Suddenly touches your eyes,
And good mood
Will not leave you again!

Youth 1: Women's holiday!
That's the reason
That's why we'll eat!
And hearty congratulations
Happy day to all women!

All: Congratulations! (balls are thrown into the hall, fanfare sounds)

A young man comes onto the stage with a portrait of Yesenin and reads:

Young man 2: You are my Shagan, Shagan!
There's a girl in the north too.
She looks an awful lot like you
Maybe he's thinking about me.
Shagane, you are mine, Shagane!

On the other side, another young man comes out with a portrait of Pushkin and reads

Boy 3: No, I see you every minute
Follow you everywhere
A smile of the mouth, a movement of the eyes,
To catch with loving eyes,
Listen to you for a long time, understand
Your soul is all your perfection,
To freeze in agony before you,
To turn pale and fade away... that's bliss!

The next reader comes out with a portrait of Blok and reads

Boy 4: I called you, but you didn't look back,

I shed tears, but you did not condescend.

You sadly wrapped yourself in a blue cloak,

On a damp night you left the house.

I don't know where your pride is sheltered

You, my dear, you, my gentle one, have found...

I sleep soundly, I dream of your blue cloak,

In which you left on a damp night...

Another reader reads with a portrait of Lermontov

Boy 5: Oh heaven I swear she was

Beautiful!.. I was burning, I was trembling,

When the curls running down from the brow

I met silk with my golden hand,

I was ready to fall at her feet,

Give her freedom, life, and paradise, and everything,

The next one reads (portrait of Pasternak):

Boy 6: Loving others is a heavy cross,

And you are beautiful without gyrations,

And your beauty is a secret

It is tantamount to the solution to life.

In spring the rustling of dreams is heard

And the rustle of news and truths.

You come from a family of such fundamentals.

Your meaning, like air, is selfless.

Boy 1: Oh, so many tender feelings
You called it in my heart!
Oh, how many young men died in those feelings!
And we praise you for all matters of the heart,
It's great that the school brought us together
With the beautiful half of the planet.
We will praise the school for everything!

(A girl (dressed up, painted) drives out in a car, almost hitting the poets. Squealing brakes. The girl drives and looks in the mirror)

Girl 1: My little mirror, tell me and tell me the whole truth. Am I the cutest, the most rosy and the whitest in the world?

Mirror voice: You are beautiful, no doubt about it. But take it a little to the left. Stupid, stop! Right now. Where are you at the red light...Slow down!!! A pothole, a ditch... You are beautiful, no doubt, but the world has never seen anyone dumber than you.

Girl 1: Ah well! Nasty toy! You are no longer my girlfriend!

The second girl comes out: (conduct a dialogue in modern jargon).
1st: Yo, friend!
2nd: Yo-yo!
1st: Why didn’t you come to the party yesterday?
2nd: Yes, the ancestors tore their brains apart. They tried to push through the notations again. I don't give a damn.
1st: Well, what, will you drag your bones to the party today?
2nd: Partying is a sacred thing!
1st: Then ride, ciao!
2nd: Poki - poki. (The girls invite the “poets” to come with them, but they refuse!)

Boy 1: Of course, it’s funny for us to see and hear this.
It's a scary movie at times.
The boys and I watch part of it,
And deep down always
We dream, of course, about Juliet, the one - ("Juliet" comes out(girl in a beautiful dress)
Beautiful, gentle and simple! - (to the song “And in our yard” and all the poets leave for him)


Sergey,Mom (Sergei), Barsik (cat), Ilya,Denis

On the stage is a disheveled, sleep-deprived and grimy guy in pajamas.
He goes to the chair and takes something wrinkled and dirty from it.

Sergey: Ma-am! We should congratulate the girls today. Did you iron my shirt?
Mother: Good morning, son. I stroked it.
Sergey: Hello! Which one?
Mother: White.
Sergey: White?
Mother: White, white.
Sergey: Was mine white?
Mother: Of course there was. We bought it last year. Don't you remember?
Sergey: I do not remember…
Mother: Are you still on her New Year dressed, remember?
Sergey: On New Year's Day - I remember. And after that I don’t remember. And... Is she white?
Mother: Of course, I washed it. It was lying under your bed - I had a hard time finding it! Have you brushed your teeth?
Sergey: Ah, so here she is, where she was! It was Barsik who dragged her there! (Throws the dirty shirt under the bed and puts on a clean one.) Well, just wait, now you’ll get it from me! Barsik! Barsik! Kitty Kitty Kitty! Come here!.. He’s eating something in the kitchen again.

Fat Barsik enters. Chews.Barsik: What?
Sergey: Get out of here!!!
Barsik: (Leaves).
Sergey: A pig, not a cat... Ma-am!
Mother: What, son? Have you brushed your teeth?
Sergey: Yeah. And Barsik too.
Mother: Good girl! Did you wash your neck?
Sergey: Now, I'll soap it up! (Takes a stick). Barsik!!! Come here!
Fat Barsik enters. Chews.
Barsik: Well, what?
Sergey: What-what!.. Nothing!
Barsik: Ah-ah-ah... That’s what I would have said right away. (Leaves).

The boy takes his trousers off the chair - also dirty and full of holes.
Sergey: Ma-am! Have you ironed your new trousers?
Mother: I stroked it. And a jacket.
Sergey: Do I have a jacket?
Mother: Of course have. (The guy throws his trousers under the bed and grabs the jacket with the sleeve torn off.)
Sergey: Well then it will be a vest . (Tears off the second sleeve).
Mother: What's cracking there?
Sergey: This is me doing exercises, mom!
Mother: Ah, well done, well done!
Sergey: Today is the eighth of March for the girls, I prepared poems for them, I’ll read them now, do you hear? (combs his hair).
Mother: I hear you! Nice poems!
Sergey: What poems?
Mother: which you have prepared.
Sergey: Ma, what are you doing there?
Mother: I'm making a pie, son. You won’t come to congratulate the girls empty-handed.
Sergey: Why pie? I need flowers!
Mother: Flowers in the hallway. Money for lunch in the nightstand.
Sergey: What about the briefcase?
Mother: Right there, nearby. They're calling, open the door!
Sergey: These are probably the guys from the class... (Neat boys enter with flowers in their hands).
Sergey: Oh! Who do you want?
Andrey: We need Sergei from 9 - "A".
Sergey: I'm listening to.
All: Seryoga! Are you?
Sergey: Well yes, I am. What do you care?
Denis: Don't you recognize it?
Sergey: Wait a minute! I'll find out!!! It seems like you and I were on vacation in the summer... Exactly - in a camp!..
Denis: What summer? We are your classmates. Andryukha, Denis and Ilya.
Sergey: Very nice... oh, I mean... Guys, is it you? Well, you've dressed yourself up! Did not recognize…
Ilya: Look at yourself! ( Sergei rushes to the mirror, sees himself, combed and neatly dressed, and faints).
Mother: And here comes the pie! Oh, Serezhenka, you’re so smart, you’re unrecognizable! Did you forget the flowers?
Ilya: No, I haven't forgotten. Only I’m not Serezhenka, I’m Ilya. Serezhenka is lying there.
Mother: Serezhenka, I beg you, please don’t lie around in the hallway in clean clothes. Wait until school.
Sergey: Mommy, I didn’t recognize myself! What will happen now?
Mother: Nothing, nothing, nothing... You'll get used to it!

Sketch "Wonderful Mom"

The mother sits at the laptop, the child stands next to her and recites a poem, at the moment when the mother must say her catchphrase according to the text of the poem, he shoves her in the shoulder, the mother takes her eyes off the computer and says: “No problem!” and turns back to his laptop.
I'm not a problem child
I tell everyone about this.
Even my mother confirms...
- Really, mom? (shoves mom)
- No problem!!!

I don't want to have lunch now!
I'd rather eat candy!
Smiling, mom will say

(shoves mom, mom has zero reaction)
Mom will say... (shoves mom)
- No problem!!!

Brought four deuces,
And there are no fives at all!
Mom, don't be silent, what do you say?
- Everything is fine? (shoves mom)
- No problem!!!

The house is a terrible mess,
Cream is smeared on the floor.
I don't want to clean up!
- Is it possible, mom? (shoves mom)
- No problem!

I know what a mother is like
Everyone wanted it at once!
Connect to the Internet
And everything will be... (shoves mom)
- No problem!!!

“That’s how we congratulated...”

Characters: 7th grade students Seryoga, Zhenek, Max; girls classmates Sveta, Irina, Dasha.

Props: three briefcases with soft toys

On the stage there is a fight “Who will win” between Seryoga and Max (clasped hands and butting head to head, briefcases lying nearby).

Zhenya (gesturing expressively): Press, Seryoga, press! That's it! Hey! What have I come to say! Enough for you, whoever I’m telling! (pulls friends away). Do you hear what I'm saying?

Seryoga (wiping sweat from his forehead with his sleeve): Well, speak up, don’t be shy.

Zhenyok:Guys, do you even remember that today is the eighth?

Max: Well, eighth! And what?

Seryoga: Eighth, ninth, tenth... Are you teaching us mathematics?

Zhenyok:It's March after all!

Max: Well, March. And what?

Zhenyok:Well, you give it! It's a holiday after all.

Seryoga : Zhenyok! Well, sorry, friend (pats him on the shoulder) High five. Congratulations (shakes his hand).

Zhenek looks at him dumbfounded.

Max: Zheka! (Offers his hand to him) Congratulations on your birthday. As they say, good health to you from the Health Center, sharp vision and keen hearing, a good C in physics, a diary without any comments.

Seryoga: And so that the girls love you and carry you in their arms.

Zhenyok:Are you congratulating me?!

Seryoga: Wrong question. Who else should we congratulate? Me or what? Max, tell me.

Max:Zhenya, of course, forgive us for not giving you a gift. It completely slipped my mind. But we'll buy a gift honestly!

Zhenyok:Are you going to congratulate me like a girl?!

Seryoga: What are you doing, Zhenya?! We weren't going to give you flowers or bouquets. A real kid will receive a real gift. For example, a laser. Zhenya, do you want a laser?

Zhenyok:Well, I want to.

Seryoga: You will give Svetka red eyes.

(At this time, smartly dressed girls quietly approach and listen to the conversation.)

Max: Would you like us to give you a spider like this? Just imagine, when you put it in Svetka’s briefcase, she will squeal!

(Svetka squeals).

Sveta: Does this mean these are the gifts you are preparing for us?

Seryoga: What do you have to do with it? It's Zhenya's holiday.

Dasha: Zhenya, what is your holiday, if it’s not a secret?

Zhenyok:No! I told them that today is the eighth! I told them it was March!

And they... mathematics..., laser...

Max: So today is March 8th?!

Seryoga: Well, Zheka! Well, let me down! So I would say that today is March 8th. He fooled our brains!

Irina: What else can we expect from our boys? Let's go, girls. It's not our turn to receive gifts.

Seryoga: Well, I do not! Some people don't underestimate us! For a week now we have been bringing you gifts instead of textbooks, so as not to forget.

(They take toys out of their briefcases and hand them to the girls.)

Sveta, Dasha, Irina : Thank you, boys, for your congratulations. We love you very much!

Girls and boys hold hands, boys read congratulatory poems to mothers and teachers.

Happy spring holiday,

With the first flowers in this bright hour,

With a festive drop,

In good spirits

We sincerely congratulate you today!

Please accept our congratulations

On International Women's Day!

Let your mood be

Always blooming like lilacs

May your life be wonderful

And the children are always happy

Let your home be cup full!

Good luck, happiness and goodness!

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Photo gallery: Cool scenes for March 8 - for school and kindergarten - for kids, schoolchildren primary classes and high school students - Examples of humorous and funny skits by March 8th for mothers

Funny and cool performances for March 8 both at school and in kindergarten will help to complement various scenes in an original way. They can be dedicated to grandmothers and mothers, talk about teachers. There are really a lot of ideas for creating an unusual scene for March 8th. Among the considered examples for high school students, children, primary and secondary school students, you can find interesting options. Comic performances will help to carry out extracurricular activity really fun. And all the women present in the hall will definitely leave the holiday in high spirits.

Interesting skits for schoolchildren on March 8 - with video examples and descriptions

All schoolchildren prepare for the holiday on March 8 original skits, which will help to beautifully congratulate all the women present. Therefore, in short speeches you can talk about your beloved mothers or grandmothers, and about teachers, head teachers or other school employees. It is imperative to announce before the issue who exactly it will be dedicated to and what will be discussed. Sketch scenes for schoolchildren telling about girls in their classmates may also be included in the program for March 8th. Diverse performances will help to pay sufficient attention to all representatives of the fair sex and lift their spirits.

Ideas for interesting skits about schoolchildren for the holiday of March 8

Addendum to festive scene dedicated to March 8, a song can be performed in any style. For high school students, for example, you can learn an interesting rap about this day or about those to whom it will be dedicated. For example, in a story about teachers, you can talk about how hard they sometimes have when working with lazy students. And here interesting scene about March 8, dedicated to the grandmothers and mothers present, can describe them daily life, hobbies and relationships with your loved ones. An idea for a beautiful introduction to a cool scene can be taken from the following video:

An interesting sketch "Time Travel" for the holiday of March 8 from schoolchildren

When drawing up a script for a festive event on March 8, you can also use very common ideas that are discussed in modern films. For example, you can play out a cool scene about how a simple flight to Moscow on March 8 (the chosen gift) turned everything upside down and led to time travel. An entertaining performance will help you forget about everyday problems and plunge into the world of cool adventures of the actors:

Video example of a skit for March 8th for schoolchildren

Funny scenes for March 8, created on the basis of modern TV shows, will also delight those present. For example, you can consider competitions between various psychics. Such performances will help you laugh heartily. And fans of such television shows themselves will be pleased to see the school interpretation of their favorite program.

Funny scenes for the holiday of March 8 for elementary school students

Students are always ready to please grandmothers and mothers with cool performances primary school. They will be happy to devote their time to learning dialogues and rehearsing with friends and teachers. That is why children in grades 1-4 can choose funny and amusing performances that will help reveal their talent and simply surprise the women present at the event. Sketches about family are perfect for this task. They may include different representatives of relatives: from the children themselves to parents and representatives of the older generation. Funny scenes for March 8th will definitely appeal to the women being congratulated.

What funny scenes in honor of March 8 can be prepared in elementary school?

The boys can please both their mothers and their classmates with their brilliant performance. For example, they can play up a funny situation when boys, preparing for March 8, cannot figure out what to give their girlfriends. You can see an example of such a number in the attached video:

Funny sketch "Family" for March 8th for elementary school

In the modern bustle, many parents forget that they should devote more time to their children. Primary school students will be able to talk colorfully and funny about such everyday situations. Among the group of children, you need to distribute the following roles: mother, father, child. A cool and very interesting skit for March 8th at school will help many parents reconsider their behavior at home and put off all “urgent” matters to communicate with their children.

An example of a funny sketch for March 8th for elementary school students

Both the daughter, the mother, and the grandmother are similar in many ways, because each of them copies the behavior of a representative of the older generation. Similarities like these can be used to funny skit. It will be especially interesting when selecting characters for a comic rhyme for the text.

Cool and funny skits for kindergarten for March 8 - examples of performances

The children in the kindergarten begin preparing skits with particular enthusiasm. It is very interesting for kids to play out any situations and transform into their parents, grandparents. It will be no less interesting to tell them about your life, at home, in a group. You can also prepare funny scenes for children on March 8 in kindergarten, which will help them turn into princesses, princes and kings. It is recommended to support such performances with frequent rehearsals and work with the text. It is imperative to prepare appropriate costumes: this will help little actors easily transform into their characters.

Funny sketch "I want to work" for kindergarten for the holiday of March 8

Some children would be happy to start working so that they don’t have to get up and go to kindergarten in the morning. These kids can take part in the funny skit “I want to work.” In it they will be able to talk about their classes in a funny way modern women. The capricious princess, who tells her daddy-king about professions, must describe how much she wants to go to work, what she will do in the future. You can study the form for submitting such a number in the video hint:

An example of a cool scene from kids in kindergarten during the March 8th holiday

How to give your mom a cool and beautiful gift for March 8 if you are constantly distracted? Either friends invite you to go for a walk, or you need to do important household chores. Because of such “obstacles,” little Vanechka can’t make a beautiful mushroom for mommy. A cool and original children's scene for March 8 will definitely please mothers and grandmothers will enjoy it.

What can you tell kids about in a funny scene dedicated to March 8?

Not only beloved mothers, but also grandmothers need to pay enough attention on March 8th. Little boys dressed as grannies will be able to talk about what grannies do every day and how they have fun. For example, you can play out a scene in which grandmothers will sit and communicate under the entrance. And the unusual dance of the “little” grandmothers can complement the cool scene:

Comic skits for high school students in honor of March 8

All high school students want to have a pleasant time and enjoy the sincere delight of the audience. Therefore, they resort to various tricks both when compiling a program and when writing texts for skits. For example, very often they play up the everyday life of teachers, copying them very accurately and originally. But high school students pay no less attention to themselves. Adult schoolchildren are ready to laugh heartily at themselves and at their fellow classmates. Therefore, creating comic scenes on March 8, they are considering all sorts of options that will definitely please all the guests present at the holiday and will make them laugh during the performance.

An example of a comic skit for the holiday of March 8 from high school students

Very often, the preparation and actual celebration of March 8th is quite different for boys and girls. This topic should be taken as the basis for a comic scene. It's worth taking care of correct selection costumes, playing out different characters (housewives, doctors, athletes). Such a “hodgepodge” in the scene will be positively received by all guests. You can complete the scene with a joint fiery dance of boys and girls.

Ideas for writing a comic skit for high school students in honor of March 8

For many high school students, not only relationships with teachers, but also relationships with mothers and grandmothers are quite unusual. Excessive guardianship of adult children can be taken as an idea to create a cool and truly funny scene. Its appeal lies in the simplicity of its play and the ease of showing everyday situations. Perhaps, after watching such speeches, mothers and grandmothers will reconsider the features of their care.

A universal comic skit “Holiday Quarrel” for high school students for the holiday of March 8

In a very cool way, high school students will be able to play out not only the congratulations of women, but also a comic holiday quarrel. Such a performance will be even funnier if boys play both the male and female roles. In addition, with the poetic form of the dialogue, the viewer’s perception of the original production will be simpler. You can take the example sketch as a basis or use it for the holiday of March 8th. A funny performance will not leave either teachers or parents indifferent.

What cool scenes for mothers to prepare for a school event on March 8th?

By composing texts for funny scenes that the mothers present will definitely like, you can play up funny everyday situations. They should be presented as funny as possible, so both middle and elementary school students can use a variety of tricks: including jokes in skits or simply assigning female roles to guys. Such techniques will help you play out really cool scenes on March 8th for mothers, which will cause a storm of applause and will help you beautifully congratulate your beloved women on the upcoming holiday.

Cool sketch "Dad as Mom" ​​for mothers in honor of the holiday of March 8th - for high school

In most families, on March 8, mother’s worries (washing, cleaning and cooking) fall on the shoulders of father and sons. You can play out such a situation in a very funny way by including your beloved grandmother (who is the mother-in-law) in the situation. Such productions are attractive due to their maximum realism. In the given example, you can familiarize yourself with the features and options for playing out the proposed scene.

An example of a cool scene for the holiday of March 8th for mothers in primary or secondary school

Primary and high school They can play up both the relationship between parents and their relationship with their mother. For example, you can put on a performance in which mothers will see how boys are ready to help them on the March 8th holiday. Numbers can be used as a basis funny jokes or real life situations. You can learn about the features of staging such cool scenes on March 8 in the video example provided:

Funny and humorous scenes on March 8 can not only bring smiles to women, but also help them take their minds off their everyday worries. Cool numbers are ideal for kindergarten, primary and secondary schools. But high school students should be offered interesting performances who will help show them their parents, mothers and grandmothers. Students can take one idea and use it in their own way to prepare for festive event. Some of the scenes discussed for March 8 are also suitable for corporate events. For example, male colleagues will be able to act out a family quarrel on a holiday or play out a modern TV show. Having carefully looked at the examples offered, it will not be difficult to choose good numbers that will appeal to all women.

The hall is elegantly decorated, the guests have taken their seats, the children are waiting outside the door to Assembly Hall. To the spring melody, the presenter begins the program.

Presenter: Hello, dear viewers, dear mothers and grandmothers! Today we met again in our festive hall to celebrate the first spring holiday - a holiday of goodness, light, life and love!

So here we go!

To the soundtrack of the song “Today is a Holiday,” several boys from different classes come out at once and are located throughout the hall in a checkerboard pattern, facing the audience.

1st boy. Hello, beloved ones!

2nd boy. We all need it!

3rd boy. The teachers are great -

4th boy. The women are wonderful!

1st boy.

Let winter be full of excitement,

Spring has come to us today.

Our beloved ladies!

2nd boy.

Among the first days of spring

All over the earth, for all people

Spring and women are alike.

3rd boy.

Spring is a time of warmth and light,

It's time for excitement in the blood.

And let these words of hello

They sound like a declaration of love.

All. Happy International Women's Day!

1st boy.

Dear mothers, grandmothers and aunts,
It's good that at this hour
You are not at work, not at work,

In this room, look at us!

2nd boy.

We love you very, very, very much,
Very, endlessly - this is not a secret;

However, to put it briefly:
You were not and are not more beloved!

They leave.

Dear girls, mothers, grandmothers! We congratulate everyone on the first spring holiday, International Women's Day. This is a holiday glorifying a woman, a working woman, a mother, a homemaker. There is nothing brighter and more selfless in the world than the love of a mother. Mother's love warms, inspires, gives strength to the weak, inspires heroism. In all languages, all over the world, only one word sounds the same, a great word - mother!

Everyone sings the song "Mama"

Mom is the first word

Mom gave life
She gave the world to you and me.

It happens - on a sleepless night
Mom will slowly cry,
How is her daughter, how is her son -
Only in the morning will mom fall asleep.

Mom is the first word
The main word in every destiny.
Mom earth and sky,
Life gave me and you.

It happens - if it happens suddenly
There is grief in your house,
Mom is the best, most reliable friend -
Will always be by your side.

Mom is the first word
The main word in every destiny
Mom gave life
She gave the world to you and me.

It happens - you will become more mature
And like a bird you will fly high,
Whoever you are, know that for your mother you are
As always, sweet baby.

Mom is the first word
The main word in every destiny
Mom gave life
She gave the world to you and me.


Give women flowers

Whether for a birthday, in the spring,

One at a time or in masses -

Give women flowers.

Fragrant flowers

Suitable for any occasion.

Coming to the house, leaving the house,

Give a feeling of beauty.

Give at dusk and during the day,

In the square and in the corridor.

Those with whom in love or in discord,

Decorate with rainbow fire.

When a woman is sad,

She goes to her kingdom,

And here medicines are helpless,

But the lily's fate is near.

And you need to give flowers like this,

To put such meaning into them,

So that a gentle heartbeat

It conveyed their features.

Among the endless bustle

I call again: get up!

Forget yourself, don't forget

Give women flowers.

A. Drilinga

Song about mom .

After the song, a group of primary school children read poetry.

1st girl: Happy March 8th, happy spring holiday,
With the first rays of this bright hour!
Dear mothers, we love you very much
And we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

1st boy: If mom is at home, the sun shines brighter,
If there is no mother, it’s bad for one;
I promise you, we'll finish the holiday,
I will hug my mommy tightly.

(children arguing about whose mother is better)

2nd girl: My mom sings the best

3rd girl: And mine tells fairy tales!

4th girl: Don't boast, because you don't know
How much affection my mother gives!

2nd girl: I have the same mom's nose
And by the way, the same hair color!
And even though I'm shorter, I'm still
Both our eyes and nose are similar!

3rd girl: Joy and sadness for sure
I share with my mother again and again,
Because a daughter is for every mother -
Faith and hope and love.

4th girl: Like two drops, we are alike with our mother,
And when we leave the yard,
Passers-by often say,
That she is my older sister.

2nd boy: Well then it’s my turn,
Without hesitation, I’ll say it straight away.
Mom and I are generally one on one,
I even frown stubbornly.

Presenter: You don't have to argue at all.
Believe me without any hindrance,
I confirm to you in detail,
Your mothers are truly the best!

1st girl: And now relatives, loved ones, affectionate
We congratulate you on this important day.
And wishing for beautiful, fabulous days
We will sing a song for mothers.

They sing a song about mom.(they give mothers gifts made with their own hands).


The month of March, like a schoolboy, skipping

He rushed towards us, so mischievous.

Get out the bouquets, boys,

Congratulations to your classmates on spring!

Where there are flowers, there the frosts will recede,

So that the streams ring near schools.

Don't forget to add mimosas

In the morning to the teacher's desk.

The trees have exposed their crowns,

Forgetting my winter dreams.

Freckles sparkled provocatively

There is springtime laughter on the face.

The sunny bunny jumps on the desks,

Bird chirping floats from above,

From smiles Merry March

Flowers are appearing everywhere.

Telegrams, postcards, greetings -

March is approaching its eighth day

Don't forget, boys, bouquets,

Congratulations to your classmates on spring!

V. Shumilin

Scene "Three Mothers"

In the center of the hall there is a table and three chairs. There is a doll on one of the chairs. On the table there is a tablecloth, a dish with four cheesecakes, a samovar, mugs, and saucers.

Presenter :
Dear mothers, dear grandmothers. How wonderful our guys are today, how kind and sunny! But, unfortunately, this does not always happen.
Our children are often so stubborn!
Every mother knows this.
We say something to our children,
But they don’t hear their mothers at all.

Boy :
Tanyusha came home from school one day
She lowered the heavy briefcase.
She sat quietly at the table
And the doll, Manyasha, asked:

Tanya enters, approaches the table and sits down on a chair, taking the doll in her arms.

How are you, daughter? How's your day, fidget?
You're probably quite tired of waiting for me?
Did you sit all day without lunch again?
Walking without a hat? You'll get a belt.

Go to lunch, spinner!
Eat everything, get better while you're young.
For dessert there will be cheesecake!

Tired mom came home from work
And she asked her daughter Tanya:

Mom comes in and sits on a chair next to Tanya.

Hi dear! How are you, daughter?
What in School journal received?
Perhaps you were walking in the garden again?
Do you have to walk through puddles?
Have you managed to forget about food again?
And so on endlessly, every day!
Oh, these daughters are just a disaster,
Let's go to lunch, spinner!
Granny has already called us twice,
For dessert there will be cheesecake!

Grandma, my mother’s mother, came in here
And I asked my mother:

How are you, daughter?
Tired, probably, after a day?
Just half a minute to rest,
The profession of a doctor is very difficult,
But my daughter needs you at home healthy.
You can't go all day without lunch.
You know it yourself, you fidget.
Oh, these daughters are just a disaster.
Soon it will be as bad as a match.
Let's have lunch, spinner!
For dessert there will be cheesecake!

Everyone eats cheesecakes and drinks tea.

Three mothers are sitting in the kitchen having tea,
They look at their daughters with love and affection.
What to do with stubborn daughters?
Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!

1st presenter: Yes, this is how it really turns out!

2nd presenter: It even became somehow sad.

1st presenter: To give this to your mother, to make her feel better? A? (addresses the children) Who has any ideas?

Boy: Let's collect for mom
A job like this
So that all the work
He did it smartly.
And washed and ironed,
Fried and boiled
And the kitchen floors
Swept and washed.
So that I can mend
Torn pants
So that he reads at night
Books for my sister and me!
And, coming home from work,
Mom will be surprised:
No work
You can go to bed!

Presenter: Yes, our children are resourceful, you can’t say anything! But the guys probably know: to make your mother happy, you don’t need to wait for miracles. It is enough for you to take care of mothers yourself, help with household chores, and speak kind words to mothers. And of course, to please with school successes.

Competitive game with children "Helpers".

1 show jumping: sew on a button - who is faster and better.

2 competition: create a lunch menu and select the necessary products.

3 competition: swaddle the doll.

4 competition: sing a lullaby.

Song about spring.

Congratulations from boys to girls.

1st presenter: We continue today's holiday,
We congratulate our girls!

2nd presenter: We would sing separately for each one,
As long as we sing, let’s say it doesn’t matter!

1 boy: If he ever teased you in an offensive way,
Honestly, I'm very ashamed.

2nd boy: And I’m not out of anger, out of habit
He often pulled your pigtails!

2nd presenter: We are all badasses, because you know it yourself
But we won’t offend you anymore!

1st presenter: We ask you very much, you will forgive us
And please accept these congratulations!

1st boy: I confess - I won't lie,
I tell you the whole truth:
As soon as I see Yulia,
I feel in my heart: I’m burning!

2nd boy: I want to tell Tanya,
Moving his shoulder towards her,
About the weather, about football,
And who knows what?!

3rd boy: Olga is there - the soul will perk up,
Olga is gone - she looks sad!..
I'm so drawn to Olga
Feelings sensitive magnet!

4th boy: Everything is very helpful with Katya,
I don’t need others Katya:
Both in fact and in fact
You couldn't find Katya better.

5th boy: I look at everything as if it were an icon,
I can't take my eyes off the lovers...
Dasha, Dasha, Dashulya!
You know how much I love you!

6th boy: You are God's gift, beautiful goddesses,
You always excite my soul!
We stand now, bending our knees,
Everything is in front of you, blazing, barely breathing.

1st presenter: Let the spring rays on this day
People and flowers will smile at you.

2nd presenter: And may they always go through life with you
Love, health, happiness and dreams.



Seryozha, Sveta - students of the same class

The action takes place in the classroom after school.

Seryozha. You give me the floors, and I’ll wipe the board.

Sveta. I compared it, it's better the other way around.

Seryozha. Well, okay, I’ll water the flowers again.

Sveta. I found a simpleton.

Seryozha. Okay, plus I’ll put the chairs on the desks.

Sveta. I don't even want to talk.

Seryozha. You're a bad housewife. I won't marry you when I grow up!

Sveta. Oh, I scared you, I’m going to die now. Okay, I'll wash everything.

Seryozha. And I'll wipe the board.

Sveta. Just sit down. (She grumbled.) The pocket on the jacket was torn open. You can't get enough jackets. It's good that I have a thread and a needle.

A musical number is being performed.

1st presenter: Today is Mother's Day, but grandmothers are also mothers?!

2nd presenter: Of course, and therefore now is the time to say kind words for our grandmothers.

1st presenter: Happy holiday, grandmothers, mothers,
A woman's heart cannot grow old
Don't let mental wounds bother you
And you shouldn’t regret the years!

Girl: Very much my grandmother,
Mommy, I love you!
She has a lot of wrinkles
And on the forehead there is a gray strand.
I just want to touch it,
And then kiss!

2nd presenter: Guys, I'm not rude to grandma.
Because I love grandma!
So let's congratulate the grandmothers,
Let's wish the grandmothers not to get sick!

Girl: There are many different songs about everything.
And now we’ll sing about grandma!

Song about grandma.


Wish people kindness

Wish people happiness!

Give women flowers

And warm sympathy.

Don't reproach with trifles,

After all, all life is a moment,

Love women entirely

For women's patience!

And, living to see gray hairs,

Without reducing the ardor,

Love women, men

For courage and strength!

Let only joy enter the door,

Open these doors!..

And there would be no bitter losses

Absolutely out in the world!

Let love rule the world

And holy thoughts,

And weddings are celebrated again,

And golden weddings!

May your dreams come true

And all misfortunes will disappear,

Let there be a lot of kindness

May there be peace and happiness!

Yu. Orlov

Instrumental music is playing. The readers and all the concert participants come out.

Readers(read the wishes one by one).

Be happy!

Be loved!

Be lucky in everything

So that all sorrows pass by,

To bring only joy to your home!

So that the sun smiles

Friends were true

Everything was decided

Everything came true

Forever - from "A" to "Z"!

I. Yavorovskaya

We wish you everything that life is rich in:


Life for long years!

On whole year will leave a mark on your soul!

A song is being performed.

The guys sing a song - “And in our yard” there is a girl alone

Youth 1: Women's holiday!
That's the reason
That's why we'll eat!
And hearty congratulations
Happy day to all women!

All: Congratulations! (gives everyone chocolates)

Young man 2: Spring and a woman...Oh, how similar they are!

They excite the heart and give new life.

Their character is changeable, but still,

They carry with them tenderness and love.

Spring is capricious and capricious in March.

Stingy with affection, rare warm ray.

Then the sun will laugh in excitement,

Then suddenly it frowns like an arch of clouds.

In April the temperament is not so obstinate,

The crimson dawn burns on the cheeks.

The warmth of spring is more generous, and the ray is more playful,

It beckons with its lush greenery.

A woman is beautiful if May lives in her heart,

It blooms, in spite of all the cold.

Warmth of soul, the sparkle in the eyes will not disappear,

At least many springs counted down her years!

Another young man comes out from the other side

Boy 3:
Her wealth is heart and soul,
He has a multifaceted talent,
And a star is burning in the sky for her!
Even years have no control over a woman,
It's not even a secret,
And for children, like a mother, she is wonderful,
And for a man - the clearest light.
Her soul is trusting, open,
She is in tune with the destinies of people,
And the cup of life is not finished at all,
And every year the appearance becomes cuter!
Yes, a woman both loves and forgives...
And he boldly makes his dream come true.
Always beautiful woman It happens!
Know how to see this beauty!

The next reader comes out

Boy 4: I sing of what is eternally new,
And although I’m not singing a hymn at all,
But a word born in the soul,
Finds its own music.
And, not obeying my will,
It rushes to the stars, it expands around...
Music of joy and pain
It thunders - the orchestra of my soul.
But when I say it now for the first time
This Word is a Miracle, the Word is Light, -
Stand up, people!
Fallen, alive!
Arise, children of our turbulent years!
Arise, pines of the centuries-old forest!
Stand up, straighten the grass stems!
Stand up, all flowers! And rise up the mountains!
Raising the sky on your shoulders.
Everyone stand up and listen while standing,
Preserved in all its glory
This word is ancient, holy!
Straighten up! Get up!.. Get up everyone!
As the forests rise with the new dawn,
Like blades of grass rushing to the heights of the sun,
Stand up, everyone, when you hear this word,
Because in this word there is life.
The word is a call and a spell,
This word contains the soul of existence.
This is the spark of the first consciousness,
Baby's first smile
May this word always remain
And, breaking through any traffic jam
Even in hearts of stone will awaken
A reproach drowned out by conscience.
This word will never deceive you
There is a being hidden in it.
It is the source of everything.
There is no end to it.
Get up!
I pronounce it:

Boy 1: Oh, so many tender feelings
You called it in my heart!
Oh, how many young men died in those feelings!
And we praise you for all matters of the heart,
It's great that the school brought us together
With the beautiful half of the planet.
We will praise the school for everything!

(Girls come out (dressed up, painted), almost knocking over the poets. The girl drives and looks in the mirror)

Girl 1: My little mirror, tell me and tell me the whole truth. Am I the cutest, the most rosy and the whitest in the world?

Mirror voice: You are beautiful, no doubt about it. But take it a little to the left. Stupid, stop! Right now. Where are you at the red light...Slow down!!! A pothole, a ditch... You are beautiful, no doubt, but the world has never seen anyone dumber than you.

Girl 1: Ah well! Nasty toy! You are no longer my girlfriend!

The second girl comes out: (conduct a dialogue in modern jargon).
1st: Yo, friend!
2nd: Yo-yo!
1st: Why didn’t you come to the party yesterday?
2nd: Yes, the ancestors tore their brains apart. They tried to push through the notations again. I don't give a damn.
1st: Well, will you drag me to the party today?
2nd: Partying is a sacred thing!
1st: Then ride, ciao!
2nd: Poki - poki. (The girls invite the “poets” to come with them, but they refuse!)

Boy 1: Of course, it’s funny for us to see and hear this.
It's a scary movie at times.
The boys and I often watch
And deep down always
We dream, of course, about Juliet, the one
Beautiful, gentle and simple!

The song of Potap and Nastya Kamensky “And in our yard” is performed

Hey, turn on the music, Joseph Kobzon sang it,
Come on, raise your hands and sing along with us.

Oh, hello sleepwalkers!
Sit, sit.

And in our yard there is a girl alone,
She is inconspicuous among her noisy friends.
None of the guys notice her.
Op. I look after her - there is nothing in her,


I'm a hotter girl than Monica Bellucci
I dress in Prada, well, in extreme cases, in Gucci,
I drive a coupe and always drive it with a leve.
What does it mean - there is nothing in me, Haa?

And I keep looking, I don’t take my eyes off...
Here again in the evening I am standing at the gate.
She walks past from the bakery with a bun...
I stand and remain silent, and the offense takes over!..
I look after her - but there is nothing in her
And I keep looking, I don’t take my eyes off...

Mink coat, short skirt,
Sochi and Alupka are delighted with me
I'm only at parties V.I.P.
You're not catching up, so look after me, Haa.

I look after her - but there is nothing in her
And I keep looking, I don’t take my eyes off...
Or in the morning - she knocks her heels, -
Having forgotten about everything, I look out the window,
And I don’t know why I need it so much...
I look after her - but there is nothing in her
And I keep looking, I don’t take my eyes off...

My boyfriend is a boxer, his grandfather is a prosecutor,
My sister is a famous theater director.
And who are you? - You are writing a yard music.
Do you know who my uncle is? - Well, who? - Joseph Kobzon. - Oops! –

I look after her - but there is nothing in her
And I keep looking, I’m leaving now.


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