The best thickness of a wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks. Features of insulation of walls made of expanded clay concrete Minimum thickness of a wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks

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Today there are few countries left where they are not used in construction. wall blocks from expanded clay concrete. But even where this technology has not yet gained much popularity, attention is increasingly being paid to its advantages.

For those who want to build using of this material, you have to be interested in such a parameter as the thickness of walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks. Only by determining its values ​​can one achieve maximum effect in terms of heat and sound insulation. The rest of the quality of the walls will be ensured by the physical properties of the building material, which is not afraid of corrosion, damage by rodents and insects, or fungal damage.

Thermal conductivity of expanded clay concrete blocks as a factor influencing wall thickness

When calculating the optimal thickness, you should keep in mind that this material is quite warm. It has been experimentally established that it reduces heat loss by 75%. This allows you to avoid making the walls of buildings too thick.

The basis for the heat and sound insulation qualities of expanded clay concrete blocks is the structure of expanded clay - a light and fairly strong porous material obtained by special firing of clay (clay shale).

The degree of thermal conductivity, respectively, and the thickness of the wall made of blocks directly depend on the concentration and size of expanded clay granules in the solution, which also includes cement, sand and water.

What is thermal conductivity? physical property? This term refers to the ability of a material to transfer heat.

The volume and rate of heat transfer from heated bodies to colder ones is calculated by the coefficient of thermal conductivity, which establishes quantitative indicators of heat passing through a body that has a base area of ​​1 square in 1 hour. m and a thickness of 1 m. In this case, the temperature difference between two opposite surfaces of the object must be at least 1 ° C.

In accordance with the concentration of insulation, concrete from which blocks for walls are made are divided into structural, structural-thermal insulating and thermal insulating.

They have the following characteristics:

  1. Structural. Used for construction load-bearing supports and building structures various types. It has a density of up to 1800 kg/m3. Thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.55 W/(m* ⁰ C).
  2. Structural and thermal insulation. Used in the manufacture of single-layer prefabricated panels. Density – 700-800 kg/m3. Thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.22-0.44 W/(m* ⁰ C).
  3. Thermal insulation. Used as insulation in various installation structures. Has a density of up to 600 kg/m3. Thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.11-0.19 W/(m* ⁰ C).

In addition, the larger the aggregate granules in the solution, the lower the thermal conductivity of walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks. Accordingly, this factor also affects the thickness of the stone.

Thus, the use of expanded clay concrete blocks gives builders the opportunity to erect buildings quickly enough and with a significantly lower load on the foundation. But in order to achieve optimal temperature regime in interior spaces at home, for example, in middle lane Russia, it is necessary to lay out walls from expanded clay concrete blocks so that their thickness is at least 64-65 cm.

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Popular sizes of standard expanded clay concrete blocks

Modern manufacturers of building materials have mastered a large number of different types expanded clay blocks. But the most popular in construction today are products with dimensions of 390x190x90 mm and 390x190x188 mm.

Most often they are used in the construction of residential and production premises, as well as many objects civil engineering. With their help, both load-bearing walls and interior partitions are built.

The simplest calculation shows that in terms of its dimensions, one block with this porous aggregate is equal to the volume of approximately 6-7 ordinary clay bricks. Taking these parameters into account, we can say that the use of expanded clay concrete blocks not only speeds up the entire process, but also allows builders to save on masonry cement mortar, the consumption of which in this case is noticeably reduced.

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Wall thickness: example of calculation depending on the operating conditions of the building

To accurately calculate the most optimal thickness of a wall built from expanded clay concrete blocks, you need to use a completely simple mathematical operation in one action.

But for this, builders-masons must know two values: the thermal conductivity coefficient already mentioned above, which is indicated in the calculation formula by the symbol “λ”, and the heat transfer resistance coefficient, which is directly dependent on the type of structure being erected and on the weather and climatic conditions of that area where the building will be used in the future. This value is indicated in the formula “R reg” and is determined according to the consolidated standards in SNiP 02/23/2003 “ Thermal protection buildings."

Thus, the thickness of the wall under construction from expanded clay concrete blocks, marked with the sign “δ”, is calculated using the following formula:

δ = R reg x λ.

For example, you can calculate the thickness that expanded clay concrete walls of buildings being built in the capital should have Russian Federation. Based on the fact that R reg for Moscow and the Moscow region is officially set at 3-3.1, the value we are looking for for a wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks with a thermal conductivity coefficient, for example, 0.19 W/(m* ⁰ C), will be equal to :

δ = 3 x 0.19 = 0.57 m.

As mentioned earlier, the scope of application of masonry elements made from this material also depends on the density of the building material in question. Thus, SNiP 23-02-2003, already indicated here, determines that when using blocks with a density of 500 kg/m 3 in the process of creating insulation units for door and window openings, attics and basements, the walls of these structures must be at least 0.18 m thick, subject to the mandatory finishing of the main wall with facing ceramic bricks. If, for example, blocks with a density of 900 kg/m3 are used to install the same units, then the minimum thickness should be 0.38 m.

Thus, experts recommend that when constructing facilities in the central regions of Russia, if we are talking about single-layer expanded clay concrete walls ah, focus on their thickness ranging from 40 to 60 cm. In this case, it is necessary that the density of hollow (with through and sealed voids) blocks is about 700-1000 kg/m 3, while for solid (monolithic) blocks the specified the parameter should be more than 1000 kg/m3.

Thus, knowing the parameters of expanded clay concrete elements, you can build a house with walls of such thickness that would ideally ensure the durability, safety and comfort of the home.

The use of expanded clay concrete blocks in the construction of houses, cottages, and low-rise buildings is widespread in Russia due to the high performance characteristics of the material.

Advantages of blocks: the path to building quality

Famous positive qualities building material are its low thermal conductivity, high moisture resistance, resistance to temperature changes, rotting, environmental Safety and low cost.

The thickness of a wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks can be determined taking into account the type and purpose of the structure, and the climatic conditions of the region. Wall designs differ in the thickness of the block masonry, insulation and other features.

Features of wall masonry

Determine the main options for laying walls:

  • Outbuildings (garages, warehouses, utility rooms) that do not require heating can be erected with a thickness of half a block, that is, 190 mm;
  • Residential buildings must ensure heat retention. Considering that expanded clay blocks have low thermal conductivity, the thickness of the walls in areas with warm climates is half a block or 190 mm. This kind of house requires external thermal insulation for creating optimal mode inside the building.
  • In areas with a more severe climate, walls are built as thick as a block, that is, 400 mm, but it is necessary to insulate the building using insulating materials. In cases where we are talking about single-layer expanded clay concrete walls, experts recommend focusing on wall thickness in the range of 400-600 mm;
  • During construction two-story house the walls of the lower floor are erected from a one-and-a-half block, that is, 600 mm, which makes it possible to give the building the required strength. The second floor may have more thin walls;
  • Internal partitions and load-bearing walls can withstand loads if their thickness is half a block. This is enough for good sound insulation and creation comfortable conditions accommodation.

When starting to build a house made of expanded clay blocks, you should calculate all parameters and quantities of materials with maximum accuracy. It is better to entrust such a task to specialists in order to be confident in the strength of the structure and its compliance with regulations and standards.

The required thickness of walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks is selected depending on certain factors. The functional purposes of the building, climatic conditions, and type of masonry are taken into account. It should also be taken into account that the thickness of a wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks with no insulation will differ from the dimensions of walls sheathed with insulating building materials.

Expanded clay concrete blocks with a fairly light specific gravity, have good strength characteristics, which makes it possible to build a building on a light type of foundation. Such walls have good sound and heat insulation. The thickness of walls built from expanded clay concrete elements will depend on the following factors:

  • Under what conditions will the building be operated, for example, will it be a residential building or an industrial enterprise?
  • Climate conditions in the region where the house will be built.
  • Another important point is the choice of masonry.
  • The thickness will also determine the moisture resistance and thermal conductivity properties of insulation materials.
  • It will be equally important to take into account the layer of finishing materials.

What are the average thicknesses of walls erected in the central regions of the country? For such an area, it will be enough to build walls from expanded clay concrete blocks, the thickness of which will be 40-60 centimeters. If construction will take place in regions with colder climatic conditions, walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks must be insulated with special building materials. The result should be a wall pie made of expanded clay concrete blocks, insulation and cladding.

Expanded clay concrete walls come in two types - load-bearing and partitions that do not have load bearing. Vertical bearing structures experience heavy loads and serve as support for the ceiling and roof. Not load-bearing partitions help to divide inner space for rooms. The choice of construction type depends on the purpose of the walls. External structures are load-bearing, and internal walls can also be load-bearing; the only difference is that there is no need to insulate them.

Thickness of external walls without insulation

The thickness of the walls will be determined by the dimensions of the expanded clay concrete panels and masonry options.

  1. Panels with parameters 59x29x20 cm are used to build a 60 cm wall. In this option, you only need to insulate the voids in the panels.
  2. Blocks with dimensions 39x19x20 cm, the width without insulation will be 40 cm.
  3. The products are 23.5x50x20 cm, then the masonry will have a thickness of 50 cm plus internal and external plaster.

Expanded clay concrete products can be solid or hollow. The dense type of block has greater strength and is suitable for creating a load-bearing structure.

Thickness of external walls with insulation

The width of the wall will depend on the purpose of the building:

  1. When constructing a warehouse or utility room. Laying is carried out in one layer with a product width of 20 cm. The inner surface layer should be plastered, and the outside surface should be insulated with a ten-centimeter layer of mineral wool, polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene.
  2. In the case when such a small building, like a bathhouse, then the installation will be similar to the type of masonry in the utility room, the only difference will be that the thermal insulation layer will be 5 cm.
  3. Laying in three layers is carried out directly during the construction of a residential building. During the work, a small distance is left between the blocks. The total thickness will be 60 cm, the inner part of the surface is covered with plaster, and insulating material is laid in the gaps between the panels.

Let us consider the construction of a three-layer masonry with insulation material and cladding made of silicate bricks:

  • A wall is erected from hollow structural and insulating expanded clay with a width of 19-39 cm;
  • The surface is plastered indoors;
  • Install a slab of mineral wool or expanded polystyrene, recommended density is not less than 25. The thickness of the building material will be 4-5 cm;
  • It is better to use fasteners made of polymer or metal;
  • IN mandatory construct a ventilation gap;
  • Facing brick 1.2 cm.

Erect multilayer structures Without arranging ventilation gaps it is strictly not recommended. The outer part of the surface serves as a vapor barrier. Condensation forms on the outer surface of the insulation. To avoid the formation of dampness between building materials and to remove the formation of vapors from the structure, ventilation gaps must be made.

Thickness of partition walls

How thick should expanded clay block walls be? Interior panels intended for partitions are produced in sizes 39x19x9 cm.

For example, if a partition expanded clay concrete block is used, the density of which is 600 kg/cubic m, then optimal thickness will be equal to 18 cm. When using products with a density of 900 kg/cubic meter, it is recommended to use a partition thickness of at least 38 cm; additional finishing is not required.

External walls that bear the load are built from wall panels. Structural blocks are used for the construction of any type of floors; there are no restrictions on performance properties. If structural and thermal insulation products are used, in individual cases it is possible to install an armored belt in the place of the upper rows of masonry and the ceiling. This technique will allow you to evenly distribute the load.

The thickness of the walls for bathhouses and garages allows the construction of reinforced concrete floor slabs. For such work, special construction equipment is needed.

The thickness of the masonry of load-bearing walls made of expanded clay concrete for 2, 3 storey buildings should be at least 40 centimeters. These are the most suitable dimensions for the construction of external walls where reinforced concrete floors will be built.

Wall thickness for different regions

The laying of expanded clay concrete blocks for areas where cold climatic conditions occur is carried out in this way:

  1. Build two walls parallel to each other.
  2. The structure must be connected with reinforcement.
  3. The insulation is being laid.
  4. External and inner side the walls are plastered.

When building a house, builders use general rules and standards that state:

  • in the northern part of the country should be at least 60 cm;
  • in the central zone from 40 to 60 centimeters;
  • V southern regions from 20 to 40 cm.

Calculation example

To calculate the optimal thickness of expanded clay concrete walls, you need to know functional purpose building. If we take into account the regulations building codes tives and rules, it turns out that the width must be taken into account with the insulating material and be at least 64 centimeters.

Walls of this thickness are suitable for residential premises. For correct calculation consumption of the required building materials, it is necessary to take into account the total indicators of all the walls that will be built in the building with all partitions and floor heights.

All indicators need to be multiplied. Approximate thickness values ​​are also taken into account. cement mortar for screeds and seams, this is approximately 15 cm. The number you need to get is multiplied by the thickness of the wall, and then divided by the volume of expanded clay concrete panels.

The result will be the required number of products needed for the construction of walls. The approximate cost is calculated as follows: the number of blocks is multiplied by the price of 1 product, then you need to add the cost of purchasing thermal insulation building materials.

Calculation of wall thickness with insulation

Such calculations will differ from the classical formula. Because you need to take into account the heat transfer resistance of each material separately, then add them up and compare them with standard numbers. For example, we take the city of Yekaterinburg. The thickness of the walls in the Ural region will be much greater. Calculation of the normalized heat transfer resistance Dd is equal to 6000, to maintain the temperature inside the house equal to 20 degrees C. Calculation formula:

Rreg = a ? Dd + b = 0.00035 ? 6000 + 1.4 = 3.5

If the thickness of expanded clay concrete walls is 60 cm, with added 10 cm of insulating building material will correspond general requirements. The same principle is used to calculate various combinations building elements.

If you wish, you can save on expanded clay concrete; for this, it is recommended to take 40 cm blocks and 1.2 cm insulation for laying.

One of the most important appointments external walls any house is protecting it from external natural influences, weather phenomena and creating the strength of load-bearing structures.

Construction material expanded clay concrete is inexpensive in price and quite simple to install.

What kind of material is this?

Expanded clay concrete contains expanded clay in the bulk - it is foamed and fired special clay with cement and water.

When enough high level strength, this material is relatively light in weight. Walls built from expanded clay concrete, in contrast to structures made of concrete, have good heat and sound insulation properties and much lighter, which allows you to build a house on a lighter foundation.

The period of maintaining the operational properties of such walls can be approximated by age 75.

What should be the thickness of a wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks?

Thickness of expanded clay concrete walls depends on several factors:

If we take into account natural conditions, then for the central region it is enough to build single-layer block walls thick from 400 mm to 600 mm. For regions with colder climates, the walls are insulated with thermal insulation materials.

Types of designs

According to their purpose, walls are divided into internal and external. According to load distribution - load-bearing and non-bearing. A load-bearing wall is a wall that experiences a heavy load and serves as a support for floors and roofs.

Non-load-bearing divide the room into separate rooms. From the purpose of the walls depends on the type of their design. External ones are mainly load-bearing. Internal walls They can also be load-bearing, but there is no need to insulate them as much as external ones.

Masonry options

It depends on the size of expanded clay concrete blocks how to produce masonry for residential premises:

  1. If the blocks have a size of 590:290:200 mm, then the width of the wall should be 600 mm. In this case, only the voids in the blocks are insulated.
  2. If the blocks have a size of 390:190:200 mm, then the masonry should be 400 mm thick without external finishing layers and insulation.
  3. If the blocks have a size of 235:500:200 mm, then thickness of the wall being erected is 500 mm plus external and interior decoration plaster.

Laying walls from expanded clay concrete blocks also depends on the purpose of the structure itself:

  1. During construction warehouse, utility rooms, not requiring special insulation. The wall is laid in one layer along the width of the block (200 mm). The inner surface of the wall is plastered, and the outside surface is covered with insulation (mineral wool, polystyrene foam, or expanded polystyrene) with a layer of 100 mm.
  2. If they build small building, for example, a bathhouse, then the principle of masonry is similar to the option of masonry for utility rooms, only the insulating layer will be 50 mm.
  3. Three-layer masonry is performed mainly in residential buildings . A small gap is left between the blocks. The total thickness of the wall is 60 cm. Its interior is covered with a layer of plaster, and insulation is placed in the spaces between the blocks.
  4. Laying expanded clay concrete blocks for regions with cold climates. Installing outer wall, build two partitions parallel to each other, which are connected with reinforcement. Then insulation is laid between the partitions, then they are plastered on both sides.

Expanded clay concrete blocks can be solid or hollow. Full-bodied more durable and are more suitable for load-bearing structures.

How to calculate?

In order to understand what the optimal thickness should be for walls made of expanded clay blocks, we must understand that The thickness of the wall directly depends on its function.

If you adhere to the regulations of building codes and regulations, then the floors and walls erected from expanded clay concrete blocks must be thick, necessarily together with insulation, not less than 64 cm.

Walls of this thickness are suitable for residential premises. In order to correctly calculate the consumption of the required amount of building material for the construction of expanded clay concrete walls, you need to know the total length of all walls of the building under construction along with all partitions and floor height.

These indicators are multiplied. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the approximate thickness of the cement mass for screeds and cement joints (approximately 15 cm).

The resulting number is multiply by wall thickness and divide by the volume of the expanded clay concrete block.

As a result we get required quantity blocks that are necessary for construction work. To find out the approximate cost of the expanded clay concrete wall being erected, you need multiply the number of blocks by the price one block plus the cost of purchasing materials for thermal insulation.

Expanded clay concrete block has a number of advantages: lightness, ease of installation (the area of ​​one block is equal to the area of ​​approximately seven bricks), high performance properties, all this makes it possible for this material to be more in demand.

Watch the following video - laying expanded clay concrete blocks:

It is one of the types of concrete. IN Lately this material has become increasingly used for various works: construction of cottages, outbuildings, garages, etc. Expanded clay concrete is also used to fill the frame of multi-storey buildings built from reinforced concrete. Expanded clay concrete is so popular that it is used in almost all countries of the world, or rather, already made blocks of expanded clay concrete are used.

Order expanded clay concrete blocks on favorable conditions by calling us at:

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Those who have not yet been able to appreciate all the advantages of expanded clay concrete are already beginning to notice them. Those who decide to start building a house from this material should carefully study the issue regarding the thickness of the walls of expanded clay concrete blocks.

Let's figure out why this nuance is so important.

Dependence of thickness on type of masonry

The thickness of a wall built with expanded clay concrete blocks primarily depends on the choice of masonry type. In turn, each type depends on the weather and climate. It is also necessary to consider how much the building will be used. At capital construction Others may also apply Construction Materials: brick, cinder blocks or foam blocks. The thickness of the walls of the future building will also depend on what kind of thermal insulation of the room will be needed. In addition, you need to take into account the thermal conductivity and moisture-repellent properties of the material used.

Depending on which masonry option is chosen, the thickness of the walls will be calculated. In this case, both the internal and external layers of plaster with which the walls are finished are also considered.

Laying options:

  • First option: the supporting wall is built from blocks measuring 390/190/200 mm. In this case, the blocks are laid with a thickness of 400 mm, without taking into account the internal layers of plaster.
  • Second option: the load-bearing wall is laid in blocks measuring 590 by 290 by 200 mm. In such a situation, the wall size should be 600 mm, and the resulting voids in the blocks are filled with insulation.
  • Third option: when using blocks of expanded clay concrete measuring 235 by 500 and 200 mm, the resulting wall will be equal to 500 mm. In addition, layers of plaster on both sides of the wall are added to the calculations.

Effect of thermal conductivity

Scheme of a block made of expanded clay concrete.

Before you start any construction works, you need to calculate the thermal conductivity coefficient, since it has great value for durability of the structure. The resulting coefficient is necessary to calculate the thickness of walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks. Thermal conductivity is a characteristic of a material that indicates the ability to transfer heat from warm to cold objects.

In calculations, this characteristic of the material is shown through a certain coefficient, which takes into account the parameters of the objects between which heat exchange occurs, as well as the time and amount of heat. From the coefficient you can find out how much heat can be transferred in one hour from one object to another, while the size of the objects is 1m2 (area) by 1m2 (thickness).

Different characteristics have different effects on the thermal conductivity of a particular material. These characteristics include: size, composition, type and presence of voids in the material. Thermal conductivity is also influenced by air temperature and humidity. For example, low thermal conductivity occurs in porous materials.

During the construction of each specific house, its own thickness of future walls is measured. It may vary depending on the purpose of the building. To build a residential building, the wall thickness must be exactly 64 cm, which is prescribed in special norms and rules for construction work. But some people think differently, and I do load-bearing wall only 39cm thick. In fact, such calculations are only suitable if for summer house, garage or country house.

Example of calculating wall thickness

The calculation must be made very accurately. It is necessary to take into account best thickness walls built from expanded clay concrete material. In order to make an accurate calculation, you need to use a special formula.

To do this, you need to know only two quantities: the coefficient of thermal conductivity and the coefficient of resistance to heat transfer.

The first value is indicated by the symbol “λ”, and the second by “Rreg”. The value of the resistance coefficient is influenced by factors such as weather areas where construction work will take place. This coefficient can be determined by building regulations and standards.

Thickness future wall indicated by the “δ” icon. And the formula for calculating it will look like this:

δ = Rreg x λ

For example, you can calculate required thickness walls for the construction of a building in Moscow or the Moscow region. The heat transfer resistance coefficient for this area has already been calculated and is approximately 3-3.1. The thickness of the block itself can be any, for example, let’s take 0.19 W. After making calculations using the above formula, we get the following:

δ = 3 x 0.19 = 0.57 m.

That is, the thickness of the walls should be 57 cm.

Majority experienced builders It is advised to erect walls with a thickness of 40 to 60 cm, provided that the building is located in the central regions of Russia.

Thus, having calculated simple formula, you can build walls that will ensure not only the safety of the structure, but also its strength and durability. By completing this simple step, you can build a truly strong and reliable house.


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