Setting up the front door lock. Adjustment of Chinese entrance doors

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Everyone's home modern man needs reliable protection. The main bastion of protection for our homes is the entrance doors. When choosing products, it is their ability to stop intruders that is the main criterion for selection.

They must cope with a serious task - they must provide reliable protection residential premises, office, cafe and so on.

They should protect not only from robbers, but also from aggressive influences environment. They should not allow wind, cold, rain and street noise to pass through. To do this, it must not only be of high quality. it must be installed correctly.

Currently, there are enough offers on the domestic market. There is such a variety of them that each owner will be able to choose for himself not only according to financial capabilities, but also based on the degree of its safety and appearance. Since competition in the market is quite high, manufacturers try to make their products as high quality as possible.

Advice! Beware of fakes and low-quality doors! You should be wary of overly cheap copies. At first glance, they are no different from regular doors reliable manufacturers. But they are made of thin metal, which is very easy to open.

Do not hesitate to ask the seller about the origin and quality of the door. Request a certificate. If the seller refuses to cooperate, feel free to pass by. Even if it's very profitable proposition, it doesn't suit you!

So, you have purchased a door for your house or apartment. You are satisfied with the purchase. It meets your aesthetic taste, it is massive and is capable of protecting property from intruders. But, you don’t know that your door needs systematic care.

Incorrect actions or normal operation may interfere with the operation of the door or lead to its breakage. Let's try to solve this problem. In order to extend its service life, you need to perform periodic preventive actions.

  • it must be lubricated regularly;
  • it is necessary to pay attention to its appearance;
  • you must periodically tighten the working elements, as they quickly become loose (this includes fittings and hinges);
  • it is necessary to clean the crossbars from dust at certain intervals;
  • If necessary, it is worth changing insulation and seals.

By following these simple and not complicated operations, you can significantly extend the life of your door and avoid financial costs for troubleshooting. The main cause of failure is incorrect adjustment.

If it is adjusted incorrectly, this can lead to the following consequences:

  • if it is adjusted incorrectly, the mechanical parts of the hinges wear out faster;
  • improper adjustment can lead to sagging;
  • also possible different kinds breakdowns, such as lock jamming (see), etc.

Adjustment steps

If, over time, you find that your door begins to creak or is difficult to close and open, do not panic and grab your phone in search of a repairman. By following our advice, you will be able to handle it yourself and understand how to adjust the structures.

Preparing for adjustment

In order to begin adjustment, you will need following materials and tools:

  • 17 mm socket wrench;
  • spark plug car key;
  • regular lubricant;

Before you begin, carefully inspect the structure of your door. You need to clearly find out what is the source of the squeak. Usually it's either hidden hinges(see), which need adjustment, or this is friction of the canvas against the opening.


We can divide this stage into two conditional processes:

  • Firstly, everything may turn out to be very simple and prosaic. Perhaps dust got into the creaking hinges. And you need to adjust the hinges. To eliminate this problem, you need to blow out the hinges and lubricate them.
  • If you have hinges with an opening angle of 180 degrees, then you should perform this operation with the internal elements.

Sometimes, you can get rid of the problem with the help. If there are extraneous noises at your door, or you feel that it is leaking, use rubber seals.

Adjusted design closes tightly

Advice! To adjust, buy a thin seal. In this case, it will not interfere with free opening/closing.

The seal must be glued to the inside of the door, on the contours. Do not stick the seal along the entire length. It is advisable to do this only in places where the door touches.

  • The second case is more labor-intensive. Check to see if there are any visible abrasions on the door. After this, listen to different places on the canvas for squeaks. After locating the creaking area, proceed with adjustment.

Loosen the front hinges first. Next, based on the creaking location, loosen the hinges and move the canvas relative to the box.

Having completed all the above operations, you can tighten one nut at a time, simultaneously shaking them in order to install the hinges in their places. Then check to see if the squeak remains.

This is done by opening and closing. If the squeak is still present, repeat the steps described above. If there is no creaking proper operation is not observed, congratulations - you have learned how to adjust the door and have learned how to do it yourself!

The main thing you should remember now is that any door requires careful preventive maintenance. Don’t be lazy to lubricate the hinges and blow out dust at least once every six months.

Types of adjustment

Adjustments may include:

  • Lubrication and adjustment of hinges.
  • Tightening loose fittings.
  • Replacing the seal.
  • Adjustment of door closers.
  • Removing dust from working parts of the structure.

If you periodically carry out such preventive work, which will not take much time and will not require a large investment, your door will retain its decorative and functional properties for a long time.

We will talk about how to adjust metal doors with your own hands, and in what cases this is necessary.

How to adjust hinges

Poor performance of hinges can be caused by their mechanical wear, accumulation of dust, sagging of the door under its own weight, etc. As a result, problems such as creaking, tight closing, friction of the door leaf against the frame, jamming of the lock, and the appearance of drafts arise.

If you don’t want to call a specialist, but don’t know how to carry out the work yourself, we will tell you about it. If repair and construction work continued after installation, most likely a lot of dust and dirt had accumulated on the hinges.

Therefore, before you start making adjustments, thoroughly blow out the hinges and lubricate them. WD-40 automotive lubricant is excellent for this purpose. If visible abrasions appear at the ends, and the creaking does not stop even after lubrication, This means you need to tighten the hinges.

How to be in this case:

  • First, loosen the screws on the middle hinge and, while rocking the door, listen to whether the creaking is coming from above or below.
  • Depending on this, loosen the corresponding loop, move the canvas towards the box or move it away from it, depending on where it rubs against the jamb.
  • Retighten the screws and wiggle the door until the hinges settle into place.
  • Open and close the structure several times to check how successful the adjustment is. Repeat all steps if necessary.Some hinges with a steel ball inside have an adjustment screw at the bottom. It allows you to adjust the door position vertically. To do this you will need a hex wrench.

Cleaning and adjusting locks

How to adjust metal doors if there are no visible signs of subsidence, the hinges work normally, but the lock has started to jam? Most likely, the problem is in the castle itself (see). It also needs to be periodically cleaned and lubricated.

This is easy to do if the lock is overhead or can be removed from the door without disturbing its structure. Otherwise, this work should be done by a specialist.

Adjusting door closers

In the past, springs were often installed to ensure that the door would close even if you forgot to do so. But now their place has been taken by those who are able to treat products more carefully.

They also contain a spring, but it is placed in an oil-filled housing and equipped with special mechanism, which makes the door movement smooth.

The ease of use of the door also largely depends on the correct operation of the door closer. Therefore, we will tell you how to adjust metal doors with a closer.

In general, its adjustment should be made by a technician during installation (see), but during long-term operation, as a result of fluctuations in ambient temperature, the oil in the closer may thicken.


  1. If the door begins to close too slowly or, conversely, quickly, turn one control valve clockwise or counterclockwise.
  2. When it is necessary to change the slam speed, the second valve is also turned clockwise or counterclockwise.
  3. The tension force of the spring is adjusted by turning the nut in the desired direction.
  4. If it is necessary to adjust the valve to prevent the door from swinging open sharply. Its adjusting nut is turned counterclockwise to reduce the opening angle.
  5. If the door needs to be left for some time open position, it needs to be opened 90 degrees and the lock tightened. The lock will be released automatically when the door is closed.

Attention! The control valves should be turned no more than two turns, otherwise oil may leak from the closer and will have to be replaced.

What to do if drafts appear

The reason for the appearance of drafts from the front door (see), the penetration of noise and odors into the apartment is not always its distortion. More often than not, this is due to a worn-out seal, which is always installed on metal doors - how to adjust them in this case?

You just need to tear off the old seal and replace it with a new one. rubber band required thickness You can buy it on a sticky base at the construction market, and stick it along the entire contour of the vestibule.

When installing a new front door, it works perfectly, does not creak, and closes easily and effortlessly. But after some time problems appear. In this case, adjustment of the entrance metal doors is required. More often, people turn to specialists because they believe that debugging is difficult. Knowing the repair methods and its nuances, you can handle it yourself. Big advantage V self-adjustment the fact that when re-debugging you will not need to pay for the services of a specialist.

In order for a new door to work for a long time without repair, it is necessary to check during installation that the weight of the door leaf and maximum load on the hinges. If the value exceeds permissible value, then sagging will occur. It will cause the lock to jam or cause constant friction. structural elements. This is fraught with complete breakdown of the entire structure.

Constant monitoring of the condition of the door extends its service life. It is advisable to adjust the narthex twice a year when the season changes. In the cold season it should be more dense, and in the summer it can be loosened.

Main problems requiring correction:

  1. A creak appeared. This can happen due to friction of the canvas against the box, or a lot of dust has accumulated on the hinges.
  2. The lock closes with force. The reason is subsidence of the canvas.
  3. A gap became noticeable. The hole occurs due to wear of the rubber seal or misalignment of the lock.
  4. The door is hard to pull shut. In this case, you need to check the condition of the seal.

If you figure out how to adjust the input metal door, all these problems can be solved independently.

Required Tools

To repair the canvas you will need a small set of tools. To adjust the input metal swing door with your own hands you need:

  • sealing rubber;
  • screwdriver;
  • socket wrench;
  • hexagon;
  • file.

Basically, all problems are related to sagging of the sash. They are often solved with a single key. The main thing is to know how to debug correctly. Oil is useful to eliminate friction and squeaks.


Any problem can be fixed. Often you have to try all methods to understand what exactly is the cause of the breakdown. Sometimes it is enough to replace the seal or lubricate the moving parts to solve the problem. More difficult situations may require a complete change of the box. If the entrance metal door good quality, then it is basically adjustable.

Eliminating the squeak

If a characteristic squeak appears, there may be several reasons:

  • due to sagging, friction began;
  • dust has settled on the hinges.

Although the sound differs in tone, it is better to start with lubrication and cleaning.

To do this, use a clean rag to wipe the hinges, removing dirt and oil. For more thorough cleaning, it is better to remove the sash. This is easy to do if the standard type detachable awnings are included in the package.

If the canvas cannot be removed, then most likely the hinges are rusty. You should not use a sledgehammer because it can damage the metal. To remove it you need to buy a special product. The spray distributes the cleaning agent and begins to break down the rust. The instructions usually indicate the duration of action. After the product has taken effect, the fabric will be removed from the hinges without effort. Next, you need to completely clean the awnings and apply new lubricant. All rubbing parts, the ring and the hinge pin need to be lubricated.

Sometimes the cause of the squeak is the demolition of the inner washer. To fix the problem you need to replace it. An engraver or carbide will do.

For permanent hinges, you will need a syringe with machine oil or liquid lubricant. If the canopies are hidden, they must have a hole for injecting lubricant. After applying the oil, you need to distribute it. To do this, the door is rocked and closed and opened several times. Usually after such manipulations the squeak disappears.

Eliminating friction on the box

If the creaking sound remains, then the reason is improper contact of the canvas with the box. To fix this, you need to carefully inspect the door. Scratches or abrasions should be visible at the point of friction. To align the sash, use a key to loosen the hinges closest to the worn area. Next, you need to bring the blade as close as possible to the fastener and tighten the nuts responsible for the adjustment. Then check to see if the squeak has disappeared. If the desired effect is not achieved, then the actions are repeated.

Eliminating a loose vestibule

A loose porch creates a draft in the apartment, which causes discomfort. There are several reasons:

  • the seal has worn off;
  • the canvas has shifted horizontally;
  • the door frame was warped.

In the first case, the gasket needs to be replaced.

Sash misalignment is corrected by adjusting the awnings. The canvas is raised and fixed by tightening the loops.

If the problem is in the box, then solving the problem is quite difficult. First of all, with the help building level its position is checked. The following procedure depends on the mounting method:

  1. On the eyes. Adjustment is difficult and is often done with a hammer. By carefully tapping the protruding places, you can achieve alignment. The main thing is not to damage the metal.
  2. On the anchor. First, remove the cover to gain access to the fasteners. Next, use a screwdriver to loosen the anchors on the side of the blade adjustment.

Eliminating sagging doors

If the door begins to touch the threshold, most likely the bearings and ball have failed. For adjustable hinges, it is enough to lift the canvas by unscrewing the bolts.

If debugging is not possible, you can do the following:

  • install the washer;
  • replace bearings;
  • change loops.

The choice depends on the specific situation.

Eliminating the door gap

Another defect is a large gap. It often occurs if the iron door is old and has never been repaired. The reason is mainly due to wear of the rubber seal. To eliminate the gap it must be replaced:

  1. Remove the old seal.
  2. Check the distance to the box along the entire perimeter.
  3. Post new material in the grooves. In places with large indentations, a thicker layer is needed.

If with sealing rubber everything is in order, then the reason is backlash. You can adjust the fit of the sash using the antennae of the plate. Sometimes tightening the hinges helps.

If you regularly monitor the position of the door, problems arise much less frequently.

Misalignment of lock tongue and plate

The front door should provide security. If the lock closes poorly, this reduces it protective function. Constantly touching the plate wears down the crossbars and damages the mechanism.

To fix the problem you will need a file. Procedure:

  1. Determine the location of friction.
  2. Grind the plate so that it does not interfere with the lock tongue, but also ensures a tight fit of the blade in the closed position.
  3. Move the metal away.
  4. Use pliers to adjust the antennae.

At the end, you need to close the door and check the mechanism is working.

Adjusting hinges

If the hinges begin to work poorly, then most likely:

  • the door hung under its own weight;
  • the canopies are mechanically worn out;
  • excess dust appeared.

This leads to blowing coming from under the door. The canvas begins to rub against the box, sag and become difficult to close. Problems appear with the lock mechanism, and creaking occurs.

You don’t have to turn to professionals, because you can fix everything yourself. It's best to lubricate the awnings first. If this does not help, then you need to follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Loosen the screws in the center.
  2. Determine the location of the squeak by rocking the canvas.
  3. Loosen the canopy on the sound side.
  4. Tighten the screws and shake the sash several times.
  5. Check the quality of the adjustment by opening the door several times.

To adjust the canvas in height, you need a hexagon. You need to find the adjusting screw at the bottom of the hinges and set it to the required position.

Adjustment entrance doors It's not difficult to do. The most difficult thing is to determine the cause of the breakdown. If you understand the basic principles of debugging, you can increase the service life of the product. Regular monitoring of the condition of the door leaf allows you to avoid serious problems.

A metal door has a number of advantages, including high strength, exceptional durability and reliability. But a steel product has one drawback - significant weight. That is why, immediately after installing the door, it is necessary to adjust all its elements. Also, adjustments to the fittings may be required during the operation of the product. This should be done immediately as soon as any problems arise with opening or closing it, or if creaking or grinding noises occur. Next, we’ll look at how to adjust a metal front door on your own.

The list of problems that are most often encountered in steel structures looks like this:

  1. The appearance of an unpleasant creaking or grinding sound when turning the blade.
  2. When closing the door, it rubs against the door frame, damaging the decorative coating at the end.
  3. The appearance of cracks, gaps, the sash does not fit tightly to the frame.
  4. The door closes tightly, it takes considerable effort to do this.
  5. The lock does not work well; it is difficult to close.
  6. The closer does not perform its functions, the sash closes jerkily, not completely.
  7. The canvas is warped.

All these problems can be fixed on your own. The main thing is to be careful, have patience and simple tools for repairs. It is enough to have hex keys and wrenches, a file, a screwdriver and pliers. The materials you will need are machine oil, in some cases glue for the seal, as well as VD 40 aerosol.

Most best option- this is to make adjustments entrance metal door and twice during the year: in winter, provide a denser vestibule to conserve heat, and in summer, if necessary, you can loosen the fit of the canvas to the box.

Quite a lot of problems arise with goods that come from China. These doors are popular because affordable price, but many craftsmen do not undertake to adjust the iron door, so the owner will have to carry out the maintenance himself. They need to be lubricated first, and then see if they need to be adjusted. The fact is that Chinese manufacturers often save on factory lubricant. When buying products from this country, it is important to pay attention to all components. 2 compensating washers should be installed under the supporting pins of the canopies. To save money, unscrupulous manufacturers put 2 pieces on only one loop, and only one on the rest. Due to the uneven distribution of the load from the mass of the sash, it warps very quickly.

How to deal with gaps?

A fairly common defect that appears over time is gaps. In this case, a gap is formed between the canvas and the box. Gaps can be noticed visually or due to a draft or heat leakage from the room.

The reasons may be different:

  1. Seal wear. If the tape has become unusable, then there is only one way out - replacement. It's not that difficult to do this on your own. It is enough to remove the unusable seal, clean the door of its remains, and go over the area where it is glued with a solvent. After this, you need to carefully attach the new seal. Many of them are produced in the form of self-adhesive tape. Before gluing new tape, you need to make sure that the gap is the same around the entire perimeter. Otherwise, additional lining should be used in the most problematic areas.
  2. Sagging of the sash. In this case, the problem can be solved by adjusting the awnings. The door needs to be lifted and the awnings tightened. If the misalignment of the sash is due to the fact that the fittings are old and already worn out, then they also need to be replaced.

Before adjusting the metal door, you need to check how significant the gap is. This can be done using a sheet of paper. All you need to do is place it near the box and close the door. At normal operation and the tight fit of the sash will make it very difficult to pull out the leaf. If it slips out, then you need to eliminate the gap. Otherwise, the heat and sound insulation properties of the door will further decrease.

What to do with the distortion?

Another reason for the appearance of gaps is misalignment in door frame. This is the most difficult defect that is not so easy to eliminate. To do this, you first need to determine the offset using a building level.

Then steps are taken, depending on the fastening method:

  1. If the box is fixed with anchor fasteners, then remove the linings to provide access to them. Then use a screwdriver to loosen the anchors on the side where adjustment is required.
  2. In the case when the frame is mounted using lugs, it is much more difficult to adjust the iron entrance door. You'll have to use a hammer and tap problem areas, constantly measuring the level.

It is best to tap with a hammer through a wooden plank so as not to damage the metal. Sometimes such tapping leads to cracks in the layer. polyurethane foam, so it’s better to treat everything with foam again after adjusting the box.

Why does the door squeak, and what can you do about it?

An unpleasant grinding noise during door operation most often occurs due to the fact that dirt, abrasive particles have gotten into the hinges, and there is little lubrication in them. These are the fittings that require regular inspection and cleaning.

You can fix the problem on our own, it's not at all difficult to do:

  1. But, before adjusting the steel entrance door, you need to remove the decorative protective covers on the hinges.
  2. Clean them from dirt, dust, wipe off old lubricant.
  3. Rinse the awnings with gasoline, you can simply blow them with a vacuum cleaner or with a hairdryer.
  4. If rust begins to appear on the canopies, then the products need to be treated with VD 40. This is not a lubricant, but a softener for formations on any type of metal (rust, salt accumulations).
  5. Wash the hinges again and treat them with a rust remover.
  6. Lubricate the canopies with machine oil or other product specified in the instructions for the fittings.

If possible, for better and more convenient cleaning of the canopies, it is better to remove the door. If the hinges are of a hidden type, then they must have a hole for pouring lubricant. In this case, you will need a syringe. After lubricating the hinges, the door is opened and closed several times to ensure the oil is evenly distributed.

Sometimes the problem is due to the fact that one of the elements of the awnings - the sealing washer - has already worn out. In this case, the fittings will have to be replaced.

Another cause of squeaking can be skewing of the canvas. In this case, the sash will rub along the end, this is determined visually. In this case, adjusting steel doors with your own hands means not only cleaning the hinge, but also adjusting the position of the door leaf.

If the door is hard to close

Proper operation of the structure means closing the sash without unnecessary effort. If the door closes too tightly, it not only causes inconvenience, but also increases the load on other elements: locks, hinges, handle.

The reasons for a too tight vestibule are:

  1. A new seal that has not yet “broken in”. Immediately after installing this protective tape, the door may be difficult to close. In this case, there is no need to do anything; literally within a week this defect will disappear by itself. The new seal is always quite hard, but over time it softens. If you hurry and cut off its “extra” layer, then gaps will soon begin to appear.
  2. Incorrect profile or thickness of seal. If the tape is too thick, it will not “spread”. In this case, it is best to replace the seal with a new one that is more suitable in density.
  3. Errors when installing the seal. If the work is done carelessly, the tape will bristle. The most problematic places are the corners. You can peel off the part where the “waves” formed, smooth it out, and re-glue it. The last option is to replace the entire insulating tape.
  4. The lock tongue touches the plate. In the case when the sash has correct position, it is not skewed, there are no problems with the hinges, then it is enough to file the plate a little with a file. If the plate has antennae, then the problem can be solved by bending them.

Rubbing the canvas

If during operation the sash rubs against the frame, from under decorative covering metal is visible, it needs to be adjusted.

In this case, adjusting the metal entrance door with your own hands is carried out as follows:

  1. Use a socket wrench to loosen the fastening of the middle canopies. You should also loosen the loop at which friction is observed.
  2. The canvas is moved to the side towards or away from the box. This depends on the direction in which the misalignment is detected. The end nut is then tightened.
  3. The sash is “rocked” a little until the hinges return to their original place.
  4. After this, tighten the fastening.
  5. Then you need to open and close the sash several times to check the effectiveness of the work done.

If the friction has decreased but remains, the procedure must be repeated. If the hinges are worn out significantly, adjustment will not help them. You need to buy new fittings.

Methods for adjusting the closer

The closer must ensure smooth closing of the sash. This is achieved by the cylinder and oil; the closing force itself is provided by the spring of the mechanism.

Each of these elements can be adjusted depending on what problem arose:

  1. If you are not satisfied with the opening angle of the blade, then to adjust iron door, you need to adjust the rotation of the nut. Turn counterclockwise to decrease the angle, clockwise to increase it.
  2. By turning the valve, you can adjust the speed of movement of the valve.
  3. The spring tension can also be adjusted. It has a special nut that can be loosened or tightened with a wrench.

In order for the door closer to function longer, you should not forcefully pull the door before it closes or fix it in the open state.

Loop adjustment

Awnings can be either adjustable or non-adjustable. The latter are considered the simplest and most reliable. The part of the mechanism that has the pin is welded to the frame, and the second is welded to the sash. Later certain time Due to its significant weight, the steel sheet begins to sag and rub. In such cases, the owners are interested in how to adjust the iron door so that it closes well? If the door rubs only a little, then you will need to pick up a washer required diameter. You just need to put it on like a gasket on the pin.

The Grover washer is made of steel and will withstand significant loads. You shouldn't take a simple one, it will quickly fray.

If the subsidence is significant, a ball bearing will be needed. It is placed inside the loop. First, you need to fill the hole in the hinge with grease, then put the ball and hang the door leaf. The ball bearing is even stronger than the grower.

Many models door designs equipped with adjustable awnings.

In such situations, adjusting the iron door with your own hands is carried out as follows:

  1. With the sash open inside the screw on the side of the canopy is visible. It should be loosened a little. To do this you will need a hexagon.
  2. After loosening the tilting screw, close the sash. Next, perform with front side loosening the adjusting screw. It is located below. The blade can then be moved left or right a few millimeters.
  3. To level the canvas, it is not at all necessary to loosen all the awnings. You can only adjust the middle hinge or the one that is causing the sash to jam.

After the adjustment of the iron entrance door has been successful, you need to do everything in the reverse order: press the adjusting screw, and then tighten the tilting screw.

Metal doors look stylish, solid, they are durable and reliable. In order for the structure to work longer, the owner needs to periodically inspect it, adjust, clean and lubricate the mechanisms. In most cases, you can do this yourself, but sometimes you need the help of a specialist or replacing worn-out fittings.

You can watch the adjustment of iron doors with your own hands in the video:

The choice of a steel entrance door is determined by factors such as reliability, durability and strength. It is extremely difficult to break into such a door, so the owner of the house is confident in the security of his property. However, not everyone immediately realizes that a metal door requires additional care.

Guaranteeing the reliability of a metal entrance door - preventing creaks, lunges and periodic adjustment.


Any entrance door price category undergoes deformation over time. The following defects may occur:

Insufficient rebate of the canvas to door frame(loose closure).

This can be avoided if you regularly carry out simple operations: lubricate, tighten working parts, regularly change seals and remove dust from crossbars. Special attention Care should be taken to care for closers, hinges and handles.

How to adjust a metal entrance door?

But what to do if the door has ceased to inspire a sense of security and is annoying with an obsessive creak? Depending on the nature of the breakdown, there are two adjustment methods steel door.

Eliminating squeaks

If you find it unpleasant to enter your house, there may be three reasons for this: an annoying wife, an unsettled life, or... creaky door, which the entire entrance can hear. The service of a specialist or a couple of hours of extra time and a simple set of tools will help you get rid of the last awkward reason:

17 mm socket wrench;

Car key for spark plugs;

Allen key;

Mechanism lubricant WD-40.

Tool size range in in this case indicated approximately. Select the size of the keys to match the fittings of your door.

Before you begin, check preliminary diagnostics door condition. This is necessary to identify the nature of the squeak. Only by “making the correct diagnosis” will you be able to correctly adjust the door and cope with the defect that has developed.

The most common cause of unwanted sound is friction of the door leaf against the frame. This can happen in cases where the fastenings have become loose and the canvas has moved.

1. Localize the squeak. If the door is in the wrong position for a long time and a creaking sound is heard, most likely traces of a crime can already be found on its surface - abrasions in the places of the closest contact between the door leaf and the frame. If there are no traces yet, listen to the door: in the place where the sound is heard more clearly, the problem is located.

2. Adjust the position of the loops. Start by loosening one or two middle loops. Quantity depends on total number loops (3 and 4 respectively). To do this you will need the tools we listed above. You need to start from the middle to maintain the balance of the structure. Next, loosen the loop near which the creaking was clearly heard at the diagnostic stage. Now you need to make sure that the canvas moves away from the door and push it back into place. Then tighten the outer nut and shake the canvas so that all the loops are on in the right places. Then tighten all the loops.

3. Check the result. Once the hinges are fully tightened, open and close the door several times. If the squeak remains (even if it’s insignificant), perform the second step again. If after adjustment a gap appears between the blade and the box, don’t worry, it can be lubricated with graphite lubricant and it will not entail any negative consequences.

In addition to the movement of the blade, the cause of the squeak can be a blockage in the mechanism. This often happens after repair work in the apartment. In this case, you just need to blow out the hinges and lubricate them with a special product.

Fixing a bad steel door sash

  • A bad shutter, unlike a squeaking sound, is not considered a defect in all cases. New door, which was installed just yesterday, may be difficult to close. This does not mean that the master did his job poorly. The new seal may be larger than indicated for installation. This is done with the expectation that it will shrink over time. Therefore, after some time, the door will no longer close tightly, and you will get the optimal result.
  • Another reason for poor locking is the incorrect entry of the lock tongue. The problem is relevant for cheap models. Guardian doors are free of this flaw. The solution to the problem is to find a jumper with a thin plate in the recess. The plate is concave deep into the structure. Adjust its bend so that the tongue fits in smoothly.
  • Factory defect - the recess for the bolt entrance may be smaller than normal. It is easier to solve the problem by replacing the door under warranty or armed with a good old file.
  • Blowing through the door and not closing it too tightly is also a problem. It can be eliminated by replacing the seal.

Video instructions can help you adjust a steel door:

Conclusion: adjusting a steel door is a preventive procedure. If it does break down, it is better to contact the specialist who installed it. However, the main prevention of steel door failure remains its correct choice.

Today, in most cases, a metal door is installed at the entrance to an apartment or house: it looks impressive and at the same time is relatively inexpensive. But over time, shortcomings appear in its operation, the elimination of which requires the participation of the user; he must know how to adjust the metal entrance door so that it, as before, properly performs its function.

Problems that the owner of a metal entrance door has to face after some time:

  1. When turning the blade, a creaking sound is heard.
  2. When closing, the panel rubs against the box.
  3. To close the front door, you have to apply force, or, on the contrary, it does not close tightly, so that it comes through through the cracks between the door leaf and the frame.
  4. Metal fittings, such as a lock or door closer, began to work incorrectly.
  5. The fastening of individual elements has become loose.

In each of the listed methods, you can adjust the iron entrance door yourself.

Problems with the vestibule

Problems with the porch can arise from the moment the metal door is installed - it is often difficult to close. This causes the owner to suspect that he was sold a defective product, as well as a desire to bring it back to normal condition.

Thick seal

How to adjust metal entrance doors when they move slowly? First you need to inspect the seal. The reason may be its large thickness and hardness inherent in the polymer immediately after its manufacture. Any actions in this case will be unnecessary: ​​over time, the sealant will soften and settle.

If the user hurries and cuts the rubber, then after further shrinkage the metal entrance door will not close tightly. As a result, there will be blowing from the cracks between the canvas and the box.

Sometimes entrance structure It closes poorly not because of problems with the seal: the product is actively used, but the situation does not improve. In this case, you need to look for other violations.

Required Tools

In all other cases, to restore functionality metal structure appropriate measures will be required. If the deadline warranty service has not yet come out, you need to invite a specialist, since otherwise, if you try to fix the problem yourself, the product may be removed from the warranty. If the warranty has expired and you plan to adjust the metal entrance door yourself, then you need to prepare the following:

  • a set of metal keys with a hexagonal profile;
  • socket wrenches (most often a 17mm wrench is required);
  • spark plug key;
  • file;
  • oiler with machine oil;
  • pliers;
  • screwdriver.

Types of problems and their elimination

Let's analyze how the metal entrance door is adjusted if any malfunctions are detected.

Closes tightly or too loosely: how to get rid of the problem?

How to adjust the front door if it doesn't close well? You need to take a closer look at the plate attached to the box, into which the lock tongue fits. The long edges of the hole in this plate are concave inward. The ease of closing a metal door depends on their position. If it fits tightly or does not fit at all to the box, these elements must be adjusted by bending it in one direction or another.

The door lets in cold and drafts

The opposite situation: when closed, there is a gap between the canvas and the seal, through which it blows into the apartment. If manipulating the plate does not help, you will have to resort to replacing the sealing tape. You can purchase it at any specialty or hardware store. It is self-adhesive, so nothing is needed for installation. The old seal simply comes off.

Before replacing the seal, it is important to check how different the gap between the sheet and the frame is around the perimeter of the opening. This is done using a sheet of paper:

  1. insert the sheet between the canvas and the box;
  2. then close the entrance structure and pull the sheet towards you.

In places where the pressure is weakened, the sheet will be removed easily. Here, under the seal, you need to place a thin plastic gasket.

Misalignment of lock tongue and plate

This problem occurs in budget class products. At the same time, the front door closes with difficulty.

Solution: in such a situation, you need to slightly enlarge the hole with a file, removing the metal from the side where the tongue clings to it.

Sometimes the discrepancies are so great that even filing does not help. In this case, you will have to return the purchase to the store as defective.

Makes a creaking sound

Creak when opening metal sheet may be due to several reasons:

  • The amount of lubricant in the hinges is insufficient: from time to time they must be lubricated by applying oil using an oiler. The use of special products with a penetrating effect, for example WD-40, is not required - ordinary machine oil, after several swings of the panel, will easily penetrate to all rubbing parts metal surfaces.
  • The reason may be that the hinges are clogged: this often happens if the apartment is major renovation accompanied by education large quantity dust. The canopies are thoroughly ventilated. The operation is conveniently performed with a car pump through a narrow nozzle, which is included in the kit.
  • The metallic grinding noise is caused by the friction of the door leaf against the frame. A similar phenomenon is revealed by inspection: abrasions will be found at the place of their contact. In this case, resort to adjusting the loops.

General steps

Adjustment of metal entrance doors in case of friction between the door leaf and the frame is carried out in the following order:

  1. Use a wrench with a suitable profile (most often a socket is required) to loosen the fastening of the middle hinges.
  2. In a similar way, slightly release the loop at the level of which friction is detected (upper or lower).
  3. Move the canvas slightly away from the box or towards it, depending on which direction it is skewed. Then tighten the end nut.
  4. By gently rocking the metal panel, you need to ensure that the loops return to their place, after which their fastening is tightened.
  5. Having opened and closed the canvas several times, check how effective the above-described manipulations were. If friction on the metal entrance door is still observed, the procedure is repeated.

If the canopies are significantly worn, adjustment may be useless. In such a situation, the only thing left to do is replace them.

Along with traditional hinges, hidden ones are used, which are equipped with metal fillings of more expensive entrance openings. Adjustment of such loops is carried out using special tool. Hidden canopies are reliable, so the likelihood that they are the reason for the incorrect operation of the product is small.

The metal entrance structure can be equipped with hinges with an adjusting screw, through which the entrance door leaf can be raised and lowered. A sign of such canopies is the presence of a steel ball in the structure. To rotate the adjusting screw, you need to prepare a hex key.

DIY ways to adjust the door closer

There is a cylinder with oil inside the closer - it ensures smooth closing of the panel, while the closing force is created by the existing spring.

The opening angle can be changed by turning the nut:

  • clockwise - to increase it;
  • against - to reduce.

The speed of movement of the metal blade is regulated by rotation of the valve.

The tension of the spring in the closer can also be adjusted. To do this, there is a nut on it that can be tightened or loosened wrench.


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