Delicate pistachio color. Pistachio living room - rules for a successful combination in the interior of the living room (60 photo ideas)

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The soft, pleasing color of pistachio or pistachio has become an absolute trend. It got its name in honor of slightly unripe fresh nuts. A warm spring shade is created by mixing yellow and blue-green paint. If ocher or terracotta color predominates, the shade will be more dense.

Interesting! The closest neighbors of pistachio in terms of color palette are light green (predominantly yellow) and mint (predominantly rich green).

Pistachios have many shades: from light green to greenish-brown. These tones are loved by designers, they do not lend themselves to discoloration and are excellent companions, because they are combined with most tones.

Benefits of pistachio color:

  • Stable even when lighting changes, does not discolor and does not affect neighboring shades.
  • It is a dynamic, warm color that is pleasing to the human eye. According to Feng Shui skill, it symbolizes growth and progress. There is no aggressiveness or excessive intrusiveness in him.
  • Versatile. Suitable for decoration different rooms. Pistachio would be appropriate in a living room or children’s room, as well as in the interior of a cafe or dance club.
  • Has a mild soothing effect on nervous system. It is believed that in a room decorated in pistachio tones, productivity and a positive attitude remain longer.
  • Pistachio blossom is a peaceful neighbor. There will never be too much of it, it does not “eat up” other tones.

Advice! For rooms with insufficient lighting, choose light and bright shades pistachio For well-lit rooms, you can choose brown-green tones.

Interior styles

  • Minimalism. Pistachio adds lightness to the interior; it will be an excellent backdrop for minimalist furniture. Try to avoid very dark surfaces - they go worse with pistachio.

  • Mediterranean. This style is favored by bright colors. Yellow, orange, blue form a wonderful tandem with pistachio. The use of various prints is allowed, and good lighting will help highlight the advantages of the room.

  • Eco style. Pistachio is a soft natural shade that goes well with the same natural tones - yellow, brown, green and others. The main thing is not to overdo it with details. By the way, you can also experiment with textures: wicker items made of wicker, straw, and wood products will find their rightful place.

  • Classic. Here pistachio plays the role of an additional shade. In combination with light shades, it can visually expand the space, and with dark shades it can correct shortcomings. Most often this color is used in textiles or an accent wall.

  • Provence. Pistachio will go well with soft pink, lilac, blue, and gray. Complete the interior with floral motifs, wicker or artificially aged furniture - and a piece of France will settle in your home.

  • High tech. Pistachio can go well with plastic and chrome elements. Most often it is used to decorate the kitchen - the facades of cabinets are made of pistachio. However, it is quite appropriate in the living room or bedroom.

Advice! The accentual use of pistachio color is acceptable for pop art, eclectic, and contemporary styles. This shade should account for no more than 20% of the total space.

3 types of interior design

  1. Classical. It complements the basic colors - black and white or brown and beige. The accentual use of pistachio must be duplicated in other things - textiles, decor or furniture. Can also be used simply for coloring. accent wall- with its help you can smooth out room defects and visually expand the boundaries.

  1. Bright colors. Pistachio will be an advantageous background for bright and catchy tones - orange, red, pink. True, for such an interior there is an unshakable rule: do not use more than 3 bright colors, otherwise your eyes will get tired. Choose accent colors carefully; they should be in harmony with each other.

  1. Soft contrast. Pistachio with gray, brown, pale blue and other neutral shades will contrast, but not be conspicuous. You can use several shades: for example, light green and brown-green - they look completely different. If you want to enhance the contrast, play with textures; convex textures and intricate shapes cannot fail to attract attention.

Interesting! The interior is rarely done only in pistachio tones. It is difficult to maintain contrasts in these tones, and as a result the surfaces simply merge.

  • Wall surfaces. Use pistachio color for decoration only if the set is made in a contrasting color. Green shades have a bad tendency to blend into each other, so try to play with contrasts.

  • Floor and ceiling. It is better to make them calm and neutral - white, beige, gray, ivory are quite suitable. Pistachio can be used accentually: for example, if you plan multi-level ceilings, small elements can be kept in greenish tones. It is common to use warm colors and natural materials- bamboo, parquet, laminate, boards will look great! Ceramic tile used less frequently.

  • Furniture. Pistachio furniture will set the tone for the entire interior. In the meantime, stick to the general concept. Try to select materials according to the style: for high-tech glass and plastic are important, for classics - wood and forged elements. The background can be plain pastel or bright.

  • Accessories. If pistachio is used accentually, stylization is indispensable. Appliances fits into any style, but beautiful textiles or interior elements need to be duplicated. For example, choose curtains and sofa cushions of a similar shade or with a similar print.

Combination of pistachio color with others

Popular colors

Interior style

Thinking about the upcoming renovation, do you want to create something original, unusual and interesting? We advise you to pay attention to pistachio shades.

Living rooms in pistachio color are a new trend. This color will add sophistication to the interior, refresh it, and bring in a piece of nature.

Pistachio color will help visually expand the room, so it can be used for. With it you can give the room lightness and airiness.

In this article we will reveal all the main advantages of pistachio color, and also tell you what colors it can be combined with.

Below are photos of pistachio living rooms that will help you create original ideas.

The main advantages of pistachio shades

In design, this color has some advantages over others:

Pistachio shades are ideal if you want to create the effect of a spacious, uncluttered room. Designers use this color to give the room a special coziness.

According to psychologists, the color of pistachio helps to relax and unwind, and has a calming effect on the psyche.

This color is great for rooms that lack daylight. It visually brightens the room.

The living room in pistachio color looks very stylish and transformed.

Interior items in this color will help you get in the mood for relaxation, and often even protect yourself from stress.

But this color also has disadvantages. If the room is oversaturated with this color, the atmosphere in it will become boring and depressing. And you need to be careful with jewelry.

Therefore, when choosing furniture and interior items in pistachio tones, it is important not to overdo it.

Pistachio color combined

When designing a living room, it is very important to correctly combine colors. Otherwise, the interior may become boring and tasteless. Pistachio color is very capricious in combinations. There are several shades in combination with which it looks most harmonious; the choice depends on the desired effect.

Pistachio in combination with salad gives the room freshness. But the salad color should be present in small quantities, in a few details, to give bright accents. Otherwise you will get a toxic acidic effect.

The color of pistachio goes very harmoniously with wood, with flowers of woody shades, with wooden objects furniture. Designers often use this combination in ethno style. It is a symbol of unity with nature. In this case, the result in which pistachio tones will be predominant will look more impressive.

The combination of pistachio color with white and coffee flowers will add sophistication and aristocracy to the interior. At the same time, there should not be a lot of pistachio, just in a few details.

The interior is incredibly beautiful and elegant, in which there is a pistachio color combined with turquoise. For example, you can choose turquoise curtains with pistachio accessories. They will look very elegant and colorful.

To soften the brightness of the pistachio interior, you can add light gray shades. This technique can also be used when you want something new, but don’t want to make repairs.

Pistachio in wall decoration

When decorating walls, you need to take into account one rule: plain walls of this color look too bright. It needs to be diluted by adding a three-dimensional pattern, or complemented with another color. Ceilings in pistachio tones are not decorated, unless as small inclusions. The floor can also be decorated with various inserts and patterns of this color.

Selection of furniture for the pistachio living room

Once the most basic details have been thought out, you can move on to choosing furniture. IN small rooms It is better not to use pistachio furniture, as it will create the effect of a bright spot, which will definitely need to be diluted.

If the room is quite spacious, pistachio furniture may be present, but not in the whole set, but in its individual parts. Perhaps it will be a closet or a slide, a sofa with pillows of other colors.

Wooden objects will fit very harmoniously into the pistachio interior.

Summarize. With the right approach, pistachio color will add zest, sophistication and elegance to the interior.

The main thing is not to forget about the main rules regarding color combinations and clearly decide what effect you want to get in the interior.

Photo of a pistachio-colored living room

When decorating any living space, a person strives to make him feel comfortable and cozy in it. To do this, in addition to thinking through the layout, choosing furniture and accessories, it is important to decide on a color scheme for a given room.

It is important to choose calm shades so that there are no annoying flashy colors in the rooms, to correctly combine colors in the interior, to harmoniously select finishing materials textiles and decorative elements.

Eat bright colors, which are more suitable for decorating children's rooms. There are calm pastel shades that work best in bedrooms and lounges. Interesting color solutions can be left to decorate the living room or dining room. It is advisable to decorate the kitchen in accordance with the wishes of the keeper of the hearth. In the bathroom, it is better to select colors depending on the area of ​​the room, so as not to make it visually smaller. However, there is a color that looks appropriate in any space, and it is called “pistachio.” How to use pistachio color in the interior of a living room, bedroom, nursery and other rooms, as well as what to combine this light green shade with.

One of the main and important features This shade of green is considered to be universal in terms of combinations. Since pistachio is a natural color and is obtained by mixing green and yellow flowers, then it harmonizes perfectly with them. Interesting are the classic combinations of this light shade of green with white or gray flowers.

It is used quite rarely, but the combination of black and pistachio in the design of space looks very impressive. Since this is a muted shade (often called dirty green), it looks appropriate together with pastel colors: light pink, peach, beige, cream, milky, light orange, etc.

If the pistachio shade is used as the main shade in the space, pastel accessories and textiles are best combined with it. If pistachio is an auxiliary color, brighter shades can attract attention - brown, coral, raspberry, chocolate, blue, sea green, etc. Remember the natural combination of green foliage of trees with a brown trunk - this will give Summer mood and peace of mind for apartment residents.

The only thing is that combinations with pale blue or bright green do not look very good. Against the background of a pale blue shade in dark rooms, pistachio will look cloudy and dirty, and bright green will simply overshadow this light shade. Although, with proper selection of textures, sizes, existing patterns or patterns on materials, you can still think about using these shades with each other. For creative people, there will be no problems in decorating a room with this shade of green.

It is believed that any muted shades of green have a beneficial effect on a person’s condition, soothing, helping to relax and relieve fatigue. Also, a big advantage of using this particular color in the interior is that it evokes a feeling of lightness and carefreeness. In addition, this shade never causes a feeling of hostility, since it is a natural color.

Living room decoration

Pistachio color in the interior of the living room often acts as an accent, and is very rarely the main shade. IN classic interiors it can be used together with white, and stripes or panels of these colors should be alternated. For example, pistachio-colored wallpaper in the living room interior can alternate with white stripes, or the walls can be painted in half: white on top, green on bottom. This way you can create a light and airy interior even in dark rooms or rooms with low ceilings. It is worth mentioning separately about interiors in the classicism style, where a light shade of green harmonizes perfectly with gold trim.

Looks great in a room with pastel-colored walls, floors and dark wood cabinetry. cushioned furniture pistachio color. If you are decorating a bright living room, you can use bright accents of this green shade: in the form decorative pillows, panels and paintings on the walls, decorative dishes, etc. Pistachio-colored curtains look great in a minimalist interior, when various decorative details are missing, but you want to add bright details.

In the interior using this shade, fresh flowers, plant patterns, floral prints, and natural fabrics always look harmonious. Such a living room will be conducive to rest and relaxation with your family.

Kitchen decoration

Anyone in the kitchen green color tunes in healthy eating, so those who are on a diet even need to decorate the kitchen with a pistachio shade. In a snowy winter, plunging into a spring-summer interior is always very pleasant. You can safely use contrasting combinations that will charge the owners with positivity and vigor for the whole day in the morning. So, orange or red colors go well with pistachio, however, it is the contrasting colors that will attract more attention.

Pistachio color can be used in different ways in the kitchen interior. You can decorate the walls in the kitchen with this shade and combine it with any other colors, which are described in more detail above. Pistachio-colored wallpaper may look original in the kitchen interior, but it is better to choose something other than ordinary ones. paper wallpaper, but vinyl or other moisture-resistant materials. You can decorate only one free wall in this way, and decorate the walls where furniture, windows or other interior items are located in light pastel shades. In the kitchen you can also use photo wallpaper with this color - it can be either a photograph of nature, or some kind of pistachio-colored fruits and vegetables.

Also, pistachio color in the kitchen interior can be used as accent color. They can be used to decorate cabinet furniture, a built-in kitchen, or just kitchen apron. Curtains of the same shade can harmonize with them, a tablecloth on dining table, chair covers or other textiles.

Bedroom decoration

It is appropriate to use pistachio color in the bedroom interior, as it induces relaxation and tranquility, which is very important after a stormy working day. It can act as both a primary color and an additional color, which appears in various small details and textile accessories.

The pistachio color in the bedroom interior looks very appropriate on the walls when the bed and the rest of the furniture in the room are made of dark wood. Textiles in a light green shade will also be very appropriate: bedspreads, curtains, pillows, a bed rug of a similar color will enliven any coldest environment.

Pistachio-colored curtains in the bedroom interior can protect from direct rays of the sun in the morning, and these can be either ordinary thick curtains or filament curtains, which can be combined with lampshades, decorative panels at the head of the bed or as a decorative braid on a bedspread or blanket.

Bedrooms made in eco style using this shade of green look very nice. Light walls made of wood, wicker furniture, natural fabrics go well with pistachio-colored decorative accessories.

The green color scheme in the interior of the house maintains an atmosphere of optimism - this is the property of this palette. Pistachio, refers to complex, composite flowers. The color of young greenery, the joyful awakening of nature, filling with life, such emotions are evoked by green colors in the house. It is pleasing to the eye and the desire to receive desired shade pushes many to experiment in coloring. How to mix paints and get the coveted pistachio color for the walls of your living room, kitchen, bedroom, in short, in those places where you most often visit? Simple and difficult at the same time. You need patience, time, inspiration and a photo of the ideal interior design for you.

The magic of mixing paint colors

The color gets its name from the nuts, whose shells are cracked to reveal a pleasant green color. The palette varies from brown-green, slightly withered to a joyful light color. It is worth understanding what shade you need to get in the interior. In any case, you will need certain colors paints, and the question of how to get pistachio color will be solved in practice.

The palette ranges from brown-green, slightly withered to a joyful light color!

What is needed for work:

  • color sample (interior photo, piece of wallpaper, illustration);
  • paints: blue-green, yellow (ochre, terracotta);
  • brush; paper;
  • palette for mixing paints;
  • glass of water.

Secure the sample in the middle of the Whatman paper. Start mixing paints. Gradually adding color, carefully mix until smooth and paint near the sample. By varying the amount of one color or another, color saturation, texture density, strive for a perfect match with the selected sample. Write down the proportions of mixed paints; to paint the walls you need to know the exact dosage of each color. Enjoy the process, because the walls in your house will be painted in your favorite shade. Make several samples from light pastel to dark rich colors.

If the speed of getting what you want is more important to you, then visit a hardware store. In the paint and varnish department, you will be offered pigments, mixing them with the base color to create the desired pistachio color for walls or other surfaces. With this approach, you can vary the intensity, density, and compatibility with other shades.

The easiest selection option is to purchase ready-made, graded paint in the required volume. You should choose a shade according to the ral palette. By examining the proposed palette, it is easy to understand what saturation and density of shade you need for your interior, and choose color combinations in the design of the room. Take a closer look at catalogs that contain photos of interiors using the selected palette.

The easiest selection option is to purchase ready-made, graded paint in the required volume!

Pistachio in the interior

Interior design in green tones belongs to the natural, eco-friendly line; most often it is chosen by life-lovers and optimists. For walls use pistachio-colored paint or wallpaper. It is ideal for the kitchen, where the positive influence on all family members is most noticeable, the housewife in the interior pistachio cuisine easily cope with household chores. Numerous photos of interiors indicate the demand for thematic design, tied to the color scheme.

Light pistachio, pleasant for any room and combined with white, brown, yellow. It is enough to put a laminate or natural board on the floor in a room where the walls have a pistachio green tint to feel the atmosphere of comfort. This combination is most in demand for the kitchen: bright and at the same time calming. Photos from exhibitions prove the interest of professionals in these color duets.

Pistachio-colored wallpaper will be appropriate in any room, be it a hallway, an office or a nursery. The optimism of this color is charged with creativity and can be combined with almost the entire spectrum of warm shades of the palette. Brown, caramel, turquoise, yellow, cream, peach shades are ideal companions for pistachio variety from light pastel to dense color filling.

Pistachio-colored wallpaper will be appropriate in any room, be it a hallway, an office or a nursery!

If the kitchen design is in neutral shades, but you love the pistachio color, bring it into the interior with color accents: textiles, accessories, photo frames and other ways. Using several photos of interiors whose design you like, make a collage to understand the idea of ​​​​your own home.

Kitchens with a positive pistachio color in their interiors are very easy to visual perception . The entire interior can be filled with only one color, because the variety of shades allows you to move within the chosen framework.

Combination of pistachio with other colors

  • White and pistachio . Eternal spring- this is how you can characterize the design of a green and white interior. The combination visually expands the space and brings in the freshness of young shoots.

  • Gray and pistachio . The combination is truly respectable, allowing you to play with shades of two colors, the range of which is almost endless: combinations from lightly joyful to deeply emotional, give scope for creative ideas.

  • Brown and pistachio . The most natural combination of colors, comfortable for life and peace of mind.
  • Yellow and pistachio . Positivity at its peak. Filled with light, such an interior does not allow you to become discouraged or depressed. The expressiveness of the combination is softened by the intensity of one or both colors. In interior design, one of the colors is used as a companion to the main one. Which one plays first fiddle is not so important; measured use will give a boost of energy in any case.

  • Peach and pistachio . fresh, requires the occasional addition of a neutral shade of beige for balance. Two composite shades in one interior make a claim to exclusivity, because the range of both colors is so diverse that their play can be endless.

  • Turquoise and pistachio . A range of distant shores and otherworldly beauty. The East, travel, bliss and sophistication are reflected in this combination. The interior in these colors is free of banal solutions and filled with air and freedom of expression. Light turquoise shades give a harmonious combination with pastel shades of greenery, and rich colors will make the design luxurious.

You can combine pistachio color with almost any other color; in your perception it is non-conflicting. Playing with shades of green, it is brought into the design of any interior, creating unique images, styles and even new directions in the design of rooms, interiors, and objects.

You can combine pistachio color with almost any other color; in your perception it is non-conflicting!

Video gallery

Pastel colors in clothing are most often limited to light pink, beige, cream and light blue. However, there is a whole palette of shades that turned out to be underestimated for some reason - a palette of green shades. The most used of them is pistachio. How pistachio color is used in clothes, what colors it is combined with, who suits pistachio-colored clothes - you can learn about this and much more from this article.

Pistachio color has cool and warm shades, and its variations depend on the ratio of yellow and green. The more yellow a color has, the warmer it is; the more green, the cooler it is. A wide palette of pistachio shades appears in clothing, but the most popular are yellow-pistachio, light green-pistachio, dark pistachio, pistachio and light pistachio.

Most often, summer and autumn clothing collections are produced in this color, since pastel shades directly associated with freshness and summer. It happens that winter clothing items are worn in this shade of green, but at this time of year it has a completely different function - pistachio sweaters, jumpers, cardigans, blouses and dresses look elegant and sophisticated, most often they are worn on holidays or on special occasions.

Who is pistachio suitable for?

Unfortunately, pistachio color has its own characteristics, and it does not suit everyone. Fortunately he has a large number of shades, among which you can choose the right one.

To find out which shade is right for you, you first need to understand whether warm or cool shades suit you. This can be understood by the color of the skin - owners of light or pale skin should pay attention to bright, rich, warm shades with a predominance of yellow. If your skin is dark or dark, try to stick to cool shades - they will highlight your skin tone.
Pistachio looks especially good on girls and women with blond, light brown and red hair, but brunettes can also try light green and yellow pistachio.

It is important to note that this shade of green is youthful, so it is often recommended to women who have problems with their age.

Combinations of pistachio color in clothes

As mentioned earlier, pistachio is ideal for creating romantic, summer looks. Successful combinations of this color with others for this style have already been formed, and we will now get acquainted with them, so as not to wonder in the future: what color goes with pistachio in clothes?

  • Pistachio + white

This combination can already be considered a classic for summer. Most often it can be found in a look with a white top and trousers, shorts or skirts in pistachio shades. However, sets with a white bottom and top in light green shades look no less bright and harmonious. This combination looks bold and is especially suitable for young girls. You should also not avoid dresses made in white and pistachio tones.

  • Pistachio + beige

Often both of these colors in images are considered complementary to other, more saturated colors. However, they look harmonious in a duet and are ideal for a casual and formal look for spring. It is worth paying attention to beige sets with a skirt and jacket, complemented by a light pistachio blouse. Due to the wide palette of shades of both colors, you can create both calm and bright and daring images.

  • Pistachio + blue

This unexpected color combination is perfect for young girls who want to emphasize their individuality. Summer dresses or overalls look especially good in this range, but you can also often see sets of a skirt or shorts and a light top or blouse. Diversify this bright image glass or made of glass also help. epoxy resin decorations.

There are many other, less expected combinations. Their examples are presented in the photo:


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