Standards for installing a well on a summer cottage. Distance from the septic tank to the well: what you need to consider

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The comfort of country life is largely determined by the clear planning of all structures on the site, including autonomous sewerage. Getting it right is very important. To find the optimal location, it is necessary to take into account many factors and be based on existing regulations. If construction has not yet begun, it is useful to draw up a plan in advance where the exact location for the septic tank will be determined. This is much more practical than trying to bring everything into compliance with the standards in an already built-up area.

Safety of human life and environmental protection – current issues modernity, which are regulated by legislative acts and regulatory documents. Septic tanks are potentially dangerous objects from an environmental point of view. N The forms and rules that must be followed during design are set out in the following documents:

  • SNiP 2.04.03-85; SNiP 2.04.01-85; SNiP 2.04.04-84 (construction of external sewer networks and structures; construction of internal and external water supply networks).
  • SanPiN 2.2.1/; SanPiN (sanitary protection zones near potentially environmentally hazardous objects; cleanliness of surface waters).

Before you plan your sewer system, you need to have an idea of ​​what you can and cannot do.

Distance from your home

When installing a septic tank, many try to move it away from the house. On uneven terrain, preference is given to the lowest area, because The sewage system smells unpleasant, and when water filters into the ground, it contributes to increased humidity.

Location of the septic tank on the SNiP site allowed at a distance of no closer than 5 m from the foundation of the house. This will ensure the safety of living in the house (the foundation will not be washed away) and, in the presence of a modern treatment system, will get rid of.

However, the length sewer system has a significant impact on the reliability and continuity of its operation. The longer the pipes, the higher the possibility of blockages, in such cases it will be necessary to make additional inspection wells every 5 m and at turning points. The recommended angle of inclination of the pipes is about 2 cm per 1 m of pipeline; turns of the pipeline at an angle of 90° are undesirable. Optimal length pipeline – from 5 to 8 m.

If they are close to the surface, then the direction of their flow should be taken into account, and the septic tank should be installed downstream and below the level of the house.

The standards also state that the distance from the septic tank to outbuildings there must be at least 1 m on the site.

If we talk about a cesspool, then in this case the distance to the house increases to 12-15 m (can be reduced to 8-10 m in agreement with Rospotrebnadzor and the Vodokanal Administration). To device cesspool strict requirements are imposed: depth up to 3 m, the presence of a lid with a grill, preventing the level from rising above 35 cm from the top, etc. The use of dry bleach to disinfect pits is prohibited. If it is used as a cesspool, then you will have much fewer questions, since the structure is completely sealed and you will not harm the environment.

Distance from fence

The septic tank should not create inconvenience to others. Due to this distance from the septic tank to the fence neighbors - at least 2 m.

If your fence faces a road with active traffic, then the distance to the road should be 5 m or more, because Vibrations from vehicle traffic can break the seal of the septic tank, which can lead to contamination of groundwater and soil. This is more susceptible to structures that are built from several parts, for example or. At the same time, it will be more reliable, or, which, as a rule, are solid.

Distance from neighbors' house

When designing a septic tank on a site, it is necessary to take into account not only the location of your buildings, but also carefully familiarize yourself with your neighbors’ site. It is better to take everything into account and plan in advance than to have bad relations with neighbors later. The answer to the question " How far is the septic tank from the house? neighbors can be located? embedded in general rules: at least 5 meters from housing and at least 2 meters from the neighbor’s fence.

It is also necessary to take into account the location of trees, wells, and buildings on the neighbor’s property.

Similar rules should apply to neighbors. Their structures must not violate your rights. Sometimes it is so difficult to find a place for a septic tank or cesspool on each site that it is wiser to unite and plan general building, which will comply with all norms and regulations.

Distance to well (well)

The rules that govern distance from well to septic tank, sometimes it is difficult to comply due to small area plot. It is recommended to locate the septic tank lower than the well or borehole so that wastewater does not enter the water intake system.

The further the septic tank is located from the well or well, the better. Regulated distance from septic tank to well or wells - from 30 to 50 m. This value depends on the groundwater level and the direction of its flow. If the site is not high, and the bottom of the filter well is at least 1 m higher than the groundwater level, then the distance can be reduced.

If there is a stream or reservoir near the site, then the distance from the septic tank to such an object is at least 10 m, and if it is a reservoir - 30 m.

The distance to water pipes is also clearly standardized:

Distance to trees, garden

Creates a septic tank high humidity around you. In such conditions, the roots of the tree begin to rot, the tree becomes sick and ultimately dies.

Distance from septic tank to big trees should be at least 4 m, to bushes - at least 1 m.

Other rules when planning a septic tank

In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to ensure that the septic tank is accessible for cleaning, i.e. convenient way for the access of a sewage truck.

Planning and design of a septic tank on the site

A septic tank has the potential to harm human health and the environment, so the construction of such a structure is controlled by the relevant authorities.

To determine the future location of the septic tank, draw up a detailed plan diagram of the site with a scale of 1:100. Draw on the diagram a house, outbuildings, a well, trees, bushes, paths, fences, indicating the exact distance between all objects. Lay out a water supply diagram, indicate the direction of groundwater flow. Using a compass, you need to draw circles from the intended location of the septic tank:

  • With a radius of 5 cm (if it is a cesspool, then 12 cm), this circle should not cross the boundaries of the house.
  • With a radius of 30 cm, a well or borehole should not get here.
  • With a radius of 2 cm, it should not cross fences.
  • The same procedure must be done for all objects: water pipes, reservoirs, gardens, etc.

If everything is in order, you have found a good place for the septic tank.

Having planned a septic tank on the site, it is necessary, having drawn up a project, to contact the SES for its approval and obtaining a building permit.

The septic tank must be installed in full accordance with the declared project; regulatory authorities always have the right to carry out an inspection.

If, and on a construction site, then the approval of the local BTI will be required. If it is not there, then the structure acquires the status of illegal, and various measures may be taken against the owner: fines, and repeated ones, and even a lawsuit may be filed demanding the dismantling of the illegal structure.

To avoid such consequences, choose the location of the septic tank on the site responsibly, take into account all the rules and regulations, coordinate your plans with your neighbors and the relevant authorities. In this case, your septic tank will be legal and safe for you and the environment.

In the territory of holiday villages there is usually no central sewerage system. Safe and sometimes the only possible solution for residents country houses is a septic tank device. Installing the equipment is quite simple, but it is important to follow all installation rules.

A cesspool today is a sealed tank where household and household waste is temporarily stored. After reading the regulatory documentation, you can find out what the distance from the septic tank to the well is. In general, a certain step must be maintained from the cesspool to other objects. Work on and cesspool should be carried out with reference to each other.

The need to maintain a step between the sewer and the well

When a cleaning system is installed, one of the main factors is its correct location in connection with the well or borehole. If the septic tank is located incorrectly, it may get into drinking water untreated wastewater. If a well is contaminated, it can cause serious illnesses for humans.

Many people wonder what is the likelihood of sewage leaving the purification system. If a factory septic tank has been installed, it has a sealed body and provides good protection from penetration of waste into the soil. However, emergency situations cannot be ruled out. They may include depressurization of seams, burst pipes, or damage to system connections.

Causes of water source pollution

Untreated wastewater can leave the tank if the structural parts have been poorly connected, the installation has been carried out incorrectly, or the housing is leaking. In this regard, it is extremely important to maintain the distance from the septic tank to the well. This parameter is determined taking into account the presence of filter soil between the ground and aquifers. The layer is used to filter purified water obtained from wastewater.

Distance between the cleaning system and the well

By referring to the documentation where it is mentioned established standards, you can find out that a distance of 20 m must be maintained from the septic tank to the well. This is true if there is no interaction between the systems. In order to find out whether there are filter sites in the territory, it is necessary to carry out hydrogeological studies. They will allow you to assess the composition of the soil and its quality. This is true for the area around the house.

The distance from the septic tank to the well should be increased to 50-80 m if the property is built on soil with good filtering capacity. This should include sandy loam and sand. When setting up a septic tank, you must consider the location plumbing systems. The minimum gap between the pipes and the tank should be 10 m.

Why keep the distance?

This standard must be met to protect the source of drinking water from the penetration of sewage if water pipes rupture. The purification system should be located lower along the natural slope compared to a well or borehole.

Distance according to SNiP

The distance from the septic tank to the well is specified in sanitary standards and regulations. When determining optimal step you should be guided by SNiP 2.04.02-84 and 2.04.01-85. According to these documents, certain distances must be maintained. For example, if the equipment capacity reaches 15,000 liters per day, then the distance should be 15 m in conditions of underground filtration fields. If we are talking about a trench and a sand and gravel filter, then the numbers will be different. They depend on the capabilities of the septic tank, which are expressed in the amount of waste per day. If this value is 1000 l, then the distance should be 8 m. The step increases to 10 m if the output is 2000 l per day. The distance will be 15 m and 20 m if the capacity is 4000 and 8000 l respectively. The maximum distance is 25 m, it is relevant for a septic tank capacity of 15,000 liters per day. For a septic product the step will be 8 m, while for a septic product it will be 5 m.

Additional information about how distance depends on other conditions

When biological filtration equipment is installed with a capacity of 50 m3 per day, the distance increases to 110 m. Sometimes it becomes necessary to install biological treatment structures, which provide the ability to dry the sludge at silt site. It's important to consider performance. If it is 200,000 liters per day, the distance will be 150 m. For aeration plants with full oxidation, the step will be 50 m, which is true if the volume of waste processed is 700,000 liters per day.

Features of the septic tank device

When the distance between the septic tank and the well is selected, you can begin work. It is important to remove the treatment system from the house at least 7 m. It is important to follow this rule to prevent erosion of the basement and building foundation. The septic tank should be located on the site, taking care of the possibility of access for sewage disposal equipment, which will clean the equipment. The transport has impressive dimensions, but can carry out work at a distance of 50 m. For this, a hose is used that is lowered into the sewer.

For a successful result, it is important to know not only at what distance the septic tank from the well should be located, but also in what sequence the work should be carried out. One of the first steps is choosing the soil. Modern containers are located in any soil, but it is better to choose soft, dry soil for this, which will greatly facilitate the work of digging trenches and pits. A distance of 7 m is usually maintained between the living space and the tank. If this distance is increased, it can cause blockages. When the gap between the wastewater treatment system and the house is more than 15 m, an intermediate well must be installed.

Now you know the standards for the distance from the septic tank to the well. But this rule is not the only one that should be followed. Among others it is necessary to highlight correct gasket tracks. For example, the pipeline from a residential building to a tank must be straight. If this is not possible, rotary wells should be installed at the turning points. This reduces the reliability of the system and further complicates it.

To prevent tree roots from rotting, a distance of 4 m is kept away from them. This is especially true for crops with a developed root system. But flower beds can be located on the territory of filtration sites and at any distance from the septic tank. Quite often, novice craftsmen wonder at what distance to make a septic tank from the well. Now you know this too. But it is also important to observe the step between the treatment system and the reservoirs. So, between the lake, stream and septic tank you should maintain a minimum distance of 10 m. Before installing a treatment station, you must coordinate its location with your neighbors so as not to encounter problems with the system being close to a well or fence.

It is very important to observe the distance from the septic tank to the well, as well as the fence and public road, according to SNiP. The system should be removed 2 m from the fences, and 5 m from the roadway. If these rules are not followed, this may lead to problems with the SES. An incorrectly located installation can be dismantled by decision of the inspection authorities. Such work will certainly entail financial expenses, so it is recommended to do everything right the first time.


Minimum distance from the well to the septic tank must be observed, as well as the step between the water station and this parameter is 30 m. It will be relevant if aquifers with a continuous impermeable surface are used to obtain drinking water. Extraction of water from unprotected underground or surface sources should be excluded. When two aquifers are used, the distance increases to 50 m.

There is also a rule regarding maintaining the distance to drainage well. Between him and cleaning structure maintained at a minimum of 10 m. The well is removed from the well by 25 m. But the distance between the trenches drainage system equals 1.5 m.

Alexei 03.11.2014 Septic tanks

Time outdoor toilets long gone. They were replaced modern equipment, which does not require such frequent pumping, and some models do not need it at all.

Today, most owners of private houses and summer cottages choose an on-site septic tank. This equipment is much more aesthetically pleasing, environmentally friendly and easy to maintain.

What are treatment systems?

Let's start getting acquainted with this equipment with its purpose. So, a septic tank is a sealed container used to collect and treat sewage. Depending on what material it is made of, there are:

The former can be either monolithic or prefabricated from concrete rings. Although sometimes there are models made of brick.

But they are quite problematic to install, so such septic tanks are not widely used.

Watch the video, how it works:

Classification is carried out according to the following criteria:

  • Operating principle;
  • Shape;
  • Location.

According to the principle of operation, they are distinguished: accumulative, with biological treatment and with soil filtration.

According to their shape, they are divided into vertical and horizontal. And according to the method of location of the septic tank in a given area, there are:

  1. Superficial;
  2. Underground.

There are also volatile and stand-alone installations. Which one will be installed on your site depends on many factors. Typically, the septic tank model is selected taking into account the regulatory requirements for its installation.

What are the consequences of incorrect placement?

soil freezing table

Since a septic tank is a reservoir where sewage is accumulated and treated, special requirements are placed on it. Before proceeding with installation, you will have to complete the project and approve it with the SES. This will allow you to obtain permission to carry out installation work. However, only if the project fully complies with all standards for installing a septic tank in a given area.

The main issue is the correct site for the equipment. So, where on the site to place a septic tank? This is determined taking into account the current standards prescribed in:

  • SNiP 2.04.03-85;
  • Sanpin 2.2.1/

They indicate distances to water intakes, residential buildings and other objects. An important condition is compliance with the standards for installing a septic tank near a well with drinking water. It is very important that waste does not get into the water. Otherwise, it will not only lead to pollution, but also pose a threat to human health. There should be the maximum possible distance between the container and the well. It is determined by the height of the layers between the aquifers and the soil used as a filter for treated wastewater.

Installation Standards

If there is no connection between them, then a gap of at least 20 m is allowed. This can be determined using hydrogeological studies. According to experts, light soils are considered the best natural filters. If you have such soil, then the gap between the septic tank is summer cottage and the well must be more than 50 m.

Installation standards

The septic tank is built according to sanitary standards. They regulate the location of water supply pipes. So, according to regulatory requirements the gap between them and the sewer should be more than 10 m. Moreover, it is usually located lower than the well, so that in the event of a breakthrough, the wastewater does not get into the water.

The gap between the treatment system and the house is also established in accordance with the standards for the location of the septic tank on the SNiP site. It must be more than 5 m from the foundation. Then, when wastewater flows out of the septic tank, it will not wash away the walls of the building, and the smell will not bother the residents.

Let's watch the video, the rules for the location of equipment:

However, the distance from the house to the treatment system should not be very large. This is due to the difficulty of providing normal operation very extended sewer pipeline. After all, blockages may occur in it, which will be quite difficult to remove when long length. If you still have to construct such a system, then for every 15 m you need to install 1 inspection well.

The regulations also regulate following rules septic tank installations:

  • The distance from your treatment system to the road is at least 5 m;
  • The fence that is installed between you and your neighbors and the septic tank can be left 2 m.


Except above the listed rules There are other regulating locations of the septic tank on the site. This is what you need:

  • Plan installation on soft ground - this will facilitate the process of preparing the pit;
  • Provide convenient access to the well of the treatment system, since it will have to be cleaned of solid residues.

As you can see, the requirements for installing septic tanks on a summer cottage are quite simple and everyone should follow them. This will not only help to avoid accidents and environmental pollution, but also various diseases that can result from wastewater getting into drinking water.

Correct distance

What should you pay attention to when installing a treatment system? The main thing is where to start installation work– this is the preparation of a pit and trenches for pipes. Where should the septic tank be located on the site area? Firstly, it is installed below the freezing level, only then the system can operate year-round. If this is impossible to do for some reason, then you will have to insulate the pipes with one of thermal insulation materials or install a heating cable.

If a pit is dug in clay or loam, then its bottom should have a concrete pad to which a storage tank is attached. This is necessary in order to avoid pushing out the septic tank when it is completely cleaned.

Filtration fields or a well must be equipped. But if groundwater are high, it is better to choose the latter option. The water level in the well is easier to control, and water from it can be pumped out if necessary.

Of course, it is possible to install a septic tank with any soil, but it is better if it is dry and softer samples. This is due to the work on preparing the pit for the equipment. It is much more difficult to dig in heavy soil.

Let's watch the video, installation nuances:

Because the treatment systems are located underground, but it is necessary to organize air exchange inside the tank. For the normal development and functioning of microorganisms, oxygen is needed. So this point should also be taken into account when performing installation work.

Bottom line

In our article, we examined all the basic requirements for the location of a septic tank on a summer cottage. Only strict adherence to them will allow achieving comfortable conditions living outside the city.

After all, modern wastewater is saturated with various chemicals, which have a detrimental effect on nature, which means they must be airtight. In addition, from correct location septic tank on site according to existing standards depends on the efficiency and safety of its operation. The more accurately all requirements are met, the less problems you will have problems with the maintenance of the treatment system.

Every suburban or country house must have its own sewer system, but connection to the city sewer network, unfortunately, is not always possible. There is only one option left - the use of an autonomous sewer system with a septic tank, that is, with a special local treatment facility that is necessary for the collection and further treatment of wastewater.

But installing a septic tank is not so easy, and the point is not even in the complexity of installation, but in the choice of location. The fact is that the installation of septic tanks requires special requirements, because some of them even produce dangerous substances, for example, sulfur dioxide or even methane. Almost everything modern requirements to such treatment facilities are set out in Federal law number 52 – “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.” Also, the rules related to choosing a place to install a septic tank are in SanPiN 42-128-4690-88, as well as in SNiP 30-02-97. If you completely follow the guidelines described there, the septic tank will definitely be installed correctly. If the laws are violated, then administrative liability will certainly follow, and we should not forget that the comfort of living on the territory will also be violated.

Septic tank and requirements for its installation

Let's summarize the information contained in these documents and make a list of all the rules regarding the installation of a septic tank.

  • From your country house or cottage, the septic tank should be located at a distance of more than 5 meters. This rule is aimed at preventing errors when installing septic tanks. If you install a septic tank under the windows, then it will be almost impossible to open them, since there will be a sharp and bad smell. But you also need to know when to stop, because if the septic tank is located remotely, problems associated with cleaning and installing sewer pipes may also arise.
  • The septic tank should be located at a distance of more than 2 meters from the fence connecting your site with the neighboring one. Situations happen when the smell from your septic tank reaches your neighbors, they definitely won’t like it, and you will be attracted, as mentioned earlier, to administrative responsibility, but troubles can be easily avoided if you follow the rules.
  • The septic tank should be located at a distance of more than 1 meter from the foundations of outbuildings (for example, barns). This rule was introduced only because of possible unforeseen situations associated with the breakdown of a low-quality septic tank.
  • The septic tank should be located at a distance of more than 10 meters from the water pipe. Such a huge restriction was introduced in order to accurately prevent the possible entry of wastewater into water pipe. This can happen if the pipe seal is broken.
  • The septic tank should be located at a distance of more than 4 meters from trees or bushes. This restriction is introduced to protect the environment from excessive humidity.
  • The septic tank should be located at a distance of more than 30 meters from an open reservoir. This restriction is also aimed at protecting the environment, or more precisely, water bodies from the possible ingress of wastewater and contaminated substances in the event of any unforeseen situations.
  • The septic tank should be located at a distance of more than 50 meters from sources of drinking water (for example, from a well). This restriction was introduced for a reason that is clear to everyone, but it can be avoided if the land on your site has low permeability. But the chance that the area will contain, for example, dense clays is extremely small, so you should focus on 50 meters.

Let's sum it up

In addition to the obvious rules, it is also necessary to think about convenience. For example, we recommend measuring the wind direction that is most common in summer. This is necessary so as not to accidentally install a septic tank on the windy side. Also think about access to a septic tank. The fact is that it will need constant maintenance; special vehicles will have to drive to it.

Even at the stage of designing a private house, you need to take into account the availability of future amenities. The water that will be used must go somewhere, and waste must not poison environment, therefore, the location of the septic tank on the site must be provided for in advance. This question is also relevant for those whose house has already been built, because it is not always possible to connect your home to the central sewer system.

The priority requirement for a storage septic tank is its tightness. In addition, there are a number of rules officially established by the relevant authorities and they must be observed.

Note! Under no circumstances should sewage be allowed to mix with drinking water! This can lead to serious illness.

It is better to place the septic tank on your territory, if its area allows, on the back side of the house, where there are no windows. The fact is that the septic tank must have a ventilation pipe through which gas escapes - the result of rotting. In this case, you need to maintain a sufficient distance from your neighbors. It must be at least 2 m before their fence.

Considering that such a septic tank is emptied more often than others, it is necessary to provide access to it for heavy vehicles. Sewage equipment must easily get to the septic tank, especially for residential buildings. If the area is very large, you should not install a septic tank in the farthest corner.

Before constructing a structure that will purify wastewater, its location must be selected more carefully.

If it is artificial filtration in a sealed container, the place where the water will be discharged must be determined in accordance with the norms. This can be a well or a ditch if the drainage is sufficiently treated.

If a septic tank with natural filtration is built independently from concrete rings or other heavy material, it must fully meet the requirements of SNIP ( building regulations and rules). When choosing a site for digging a pit, it is also better to take into account the opinions of neighbors in order to avoid spoiled relationships.

Linking septic tanks to distances

When choosing a location for installing almost any type of septic tank, certain distances must be observed:

  • From the foundation The septic tank must be located at least 5 m away from the building, otherwise there is a possibility that the building will be washed away by water. The consequences of this can be devastating, and if there is basement, it will constantly “suffer” from humidity.
  • Well or well with drinking water must be protected from the septic tank by a distance of at least 30 m, provided that the soil allows the purified wastewater to flow freely deep into the ground. Depending on this, the distance can be increased.
  • From the fence, bordering the neighboring territory, the septic tank is installed 2 m.
  • Plantings, especially trees, it is better to “leave it away” from the septic tank, but this does not apply to small bushes and flowers. Unlike trees, their roots will not rot from large quantity moisture, since they are located in the upper part of the soil and vice versa, will mask the nondescript appearance of the hatch. The distance from the septic tank to the trees varies from 3 m or more.
  • If the plot borders the river or flows through it Creek, the distance from the septic tank to them must be at least 10 m. household chemicals. If it penetrates a body of water, it will harm its inhabitants.
  • If the territory passes water pipes, the septic tank should be located 10 m from it. Cases of damage to such lines are common, which can result in the risk of harmful bacteria entering the water.

Linking septic tanks to the terrain

Entire cities and towns are often located on hilly terrain. What can I say if this is, for example, a summer cottage. Difficulties arise when choosing a place for your septic tank on a “clumsy” surface, but here you need to build on three main indicators:

  1. The septic tank must be located so that equipment can “reach” it. If this does not happen, then all the contents of your container will have to be taken out and placed somewhere manually. Despite the high-quality absorption of liquid by the soil and multi-level sewage treatment, someday the tanks will become clogged, and the time will come to empty them of heavy precipitation.
  2. The septic tank must be located at some elevation above the lowlands of the site. Only in this case will it “work” only with what it should, and not with rainwater and melted snow. In other words, the septic tank will not flood.
  3. If there is a water well with drinking water and it is located on a hillside, the septic tank is installed below it, in the direction of the slope. This will prevent any nasty stuff from the sewer from getting into your drinking water.

If you take into account all the requirements and standards and correctly position the septic tank on the site, there will be no problems with its operation.


This video explains how to install a septic tank in a small area:


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