Is it necessary to remove the damage? We destroy correctly, the found lining

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If your health leaves much to be desired, sometimes it’s a doctor’s problem, sometimes it’s just vitamin deficiency, and sometimes it’s the machinations of ill-wishers. They can target you with various means, which are quite common. Or order it from a professional hereditary psychic sorceress. And as in any other matter, it all starts with a diagnosis. How to determine what exactly you have? The answer to this question will be a little later, but now a small warning. If you are not confident in your abilities, contact professional healers. The victim is not always able to cure himself of. Help Wanted. But if you are sure, then...

How to determine damage or evil eye

There is no need to run to healers, because everything can be done on your own.

There are many ways, and the simplest of them are:

Take a very ordinary cut glass glass, pour water into it (cold from the tap), and place it on your head (yourself). It's better in this place when it helps close person. He (or she) should take a fresh one egg and breaks it over a glass and the contents are poured into the water. The main thing is not to damage the yolk. Hold this “cocktail” on your head for a couple of minutes and look at the light. If the egg lies calmly at the bottom, enveloped in yolk, and the water is clear, everything is in order. It’s worse when white threads seem to go up from the yolk - this is definitely.

Take wedding ring and rub it across your cheek. If a black stripe appears, this is bad.

Using the same egg, but without breaking it, but by rolling it in the face. Then the shell is broken, the contents are poured into a glass glass and assessed by appearance. If there are no changes, everything is in order, and if not, then... move on to the next chapter.

A psychic for yourself - remove the damage

Removing damage does not require complex rituals. What everyone has in their home is enough.

We need to bring a little clarity to the question or the evil eye. Sometimes, oddly enough, you can even do it yourself. Every day a person repeats to himself that nothing works out for him, everything is useless, that things will not lead to anything good. This position forms a kind of energy field; a person codes himself for failure. This disclaimer serves as a reminder to everyone of the importance of being a positive person. And those around you are not always to blame for the fact that something is wrong with you.

So, there is a person with established damage or the evil eye. What can and should be done independently in this case?

Method 1: Take a glass or cup with clean water, as well as matches. Burn 9 matches (to the end), while the next one is ignited from the previous one. A burnt match into the water with the words “Not the ninth, not the eighth, not the seventh” and so on until the end.

Wait a minute and see. If all the matches float on the surface, there is no evil eye. And if at least one of them takes a vertical position, say “Good at the gate, evil out forever!” Fingers are dipped in water and crosses are drawn on the chest, forehead, shoulders, wrists, elbows and solar plexus. Next, take 3 sips from the cup and pour out the rest.7

Method 2: Place a glass of water at the head of the bed at night. Break it there fresh egg and say “Take away all the bad things from me.” In the morning we examine the strings in the water, stir it and pour it out.

These methods are simple, accessible and can be done by all people. However, it is worth remembering that in life it is best to do good, have a positive attitude towards the environment and those around you, and then you will not have ill-wishers.

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  • A few more ways to remove damage yourself

Often a person’s health suddenly deteriorates, a loss of strength sets in, they want to lie down on the sofa, turn to the wall and not talk to anyone. Many complain about the change in weather, magnetic storms, exacerbation chronic diseases and other unpleasant things. In fact, the cause of bad mood and well-being is often the usual evil eye.

It has been proven that the phenomenon of the evil eye is absolutely real. Moreover, a person of another, both purposefully and randomly, without meaning to. If, for no apparent reason, you are overcome by causeless weakness, yawning, everything falls out of your hands - most likely, you have become a victim of someone’s unkind eye.

Is it possible to get rid of the evil eye?

How to remove it? In fact, it is not so difficult; moreover, every person should know and be able to do it. The evil eye is a very common phenomenon, and you need to know how to help yourself and your loved ones.

The most popular method - using water and matches - is available to everyone. It consists in the fact that after sunset two people sit down at the table - the one from whom the evil eye is removed, and the one who is. The latter lights a match and holds it in front of the partner’s face, reading the “Our Father.” The match must burn out as long as possible, after which it is thrown into the water. So . If burnt matches sink in water, then the evil eye was quite strong. If all 9 matches drown, then the ritual must be repeated the next day.

You can remove the evil eye from yourself using spoons and water. Fill a glass glass with two-thirds of the water and place 4 spoons in it. Scooping up water from the glass with each spoon in turn, say: “If the spoon doesn’t fit, so will (your name).” Pour the water from the spoon back into the glass. Then take 3 sips of this water and wash your face with the remaining water.

What if a child is jinxed?

If suddenly Small child becomes sleepy and moody, perhaps his. In this case, you need to wash it with holy water (if not, ordinary tap water will do), and wipe your face with the inside of the hem of your mother’s robe or dress.

These methods are very effective for... If you performed the ritual, but you do not feel better, it means that either the reason for your feeling unwell It is not someone’s negativity, but a common malaise, or the negativity is quite serious and cannot be removed on your own. In both cases, you need to turn to professionals.

How to protect yourself from other people's negativity?

How to protect yourself from the evil eye? The easiest way is to pin a simple pin, point up, to the inside of the garment in an inconspicuous place. To wear well, pendants with a Turkish evil eye icon can be damaged or lost due to negative influences, in which case the amulet should be replaced. However, the most best protection from the evil eye, which is always with you - this is your smile and positive attitude. To a happy person never mind negative impact from outside.

The negative impact exerted by ill-wishers can have the most severe consequences for a person: weakening of physical and mental health, pursuit of failure, violation material well-being. However, getting rid of damage and protecting yourself and your loved ones is not difficult: you can do it yourself.

How to determine damage

Before removing damage with your own hands, you need to establish whether you have been subjected to an energy blow from another person or whether the failures were caused by a simple coincidence. First of all, you need to analyze the “symptoms” that made you think that your life is being affected. bad influence from outside.

Signs of damage:

  • despite the fact that you make every effort to achieve your goal and circumstances are in your favor, your endeavors still fail;
  • Relationships with people don’t work out; groundless quarrels break out between you and your loved ones;
  • it is difficult for you to control negative emotions;
  • you are haunted by groundless fears that were previously not characteristic of you: for example, a spontaneous fear of the dark, a fear of interacting with other people, a fear of closed or open spaces has awakened in you;
  • nightmares haunt you almost every night;
  • you sometimes feel someone's presence when you are alone, and this fills you with fear;
  • your health condition has deteriorated, and doctors cannot diagnose you;
  • you constantly feel weakness and loss of vitality.
  • If the above symptoms are observed for a long time - at least two months - it makes sense to perform a ritual that helps determine the presence of damage.

    First, remember what people you are with Lately fate confronted. Restore in your memory how you felt in moments of communication with them. As a rule, an energetic impact can be felt by a person at the very moment when they are trying to implement it. If, while talking with someone, you feel spontaneous fear or anxiety, this is a reason to think. Perhaps the damage was already done at that moment.

    Look around the apartment. If you find items whose origin is unclear to you, this item was probably brought by an ill-wisher, and this is the source negative energy. Pay attention to the gifts that were brought to you: perhaps they were given with bad intentions. Particularly dangerous are donated mirrors, personal items (for example, a comb), household items (knives, scissors, sewing supplies), and homemade dolls. It is better to get rid of the thing that your suspicion falls on.

    Condition can tell you a lot indoor flowers that are in your home. If they began to wither and dry out without any reason, your energy has been dealt a blow. If the flowers are still in good condition, then there is no damage. By placing healthy flowering plant for one night at the head of the bed, this question can be answered with a high degree of certainty. If you are damaged, the flower will become sluggish overnight.

    You can check for negative effects using an egg. If you cross a sleeping person with a raw egg, and after a few hours the egg spoils, it turns out that Negative influence. You can also crack an egg into a bowl of water and leave it under your bed. The presence of spoilage can be judged by the changed color of the yolk.

    How to remove damage

    You can protect yourself from damage at home by discovering the way it is caused. Therefore, if you find an item at home that you shouldn’t have, take it out of the house and leave it on the street, whispering over it: “I’m taking a dark gift from the house, I’m driving away damage from myself. Amen". Before you go back into the house, cross the door. Troubles should gradually disappear from your life.

    If you have not figured out exactly how the damage was caused, you need to perform a ritual that will save you from this scourge. To carry it out you will need church candles and a saucer with holy water. Before performing this ritual, try to get out of a state of despair, not think about troubles and illnesses, because you are aimed at healing. Concentrate on the thought that life will soon be filled with color again, and the problems caused by negative interference will go away.

    The ritual must be performed before dawn, when it is already light outside, but the sun has not yet risen. Place the saucer on the table and face it. Pour holy water into it, and place three candles around it: two on the sides, one on top in the middle. You need to read the “Our Father” prayer three times over the saucer. After reading the prayer, take the candle that was in the center in your hand and baptize yourself with it, reading: “The light of God illuminates my path, drives out all evil from me. As the candle melts, so does the curse go away.” This must be done until the candle burns halfway. Then return it to its place, scoop up holy water and wash your face with it. With the candles burning, wait until the water dries on the skin, then extinguish the candles and repeat “Amen” three times. After the ritual, it is best to fall asleep for a few hours.

    You need to start getting rid of damage immediately after its discovery: over time, the negative impact begins to worsen, bringing even more troubles. If you perform a healing ritual on time, troubles will go away from your life and you will regain joy and hope. Protect yourself from negative influences, don't let things get out of control and remember to push the buttons and

How to remove damage, and can you do it yourself? Corruption represents negative program, which is in a person’s biofield and destroys his life and health. Sometimes, along with damage, sorcerers attach demons or souls of the deceased to a person - in this case they get rid of the negativity for a long time. Let's look at several effective rituals to help get rid of black energy at home.

How to remove damage and the evil eye at home? To do this, you need to prepare a photograph and a blank sheet of paper - A4. There should be no lines or cells on the sheet. Place your photo face down on the sheet. Then, with your right hand, make a movement as if you want to press the photo into a sheet of paper - you do not need to touch the photo. Say the words several times:

Speak as many times as you think necessary. Be guided by your inner sensations - whether you feel better or not. Afterwards, the paper must be burned, but not in the room. Do this on the balcony or outside - the smoke should not get on you. Cleaning can be done for several days in a row, as needed.

Healing from damage by earth and water

How to remove the evil eye? The black energy of an unfriendly person breaks through the protective biofield and leaves “holes” in it. Any negative information penetrates through these holes - viruses, diseases, troubles. A person becomes vulnerable to aggression environment. You can remove negativity using the cleansing power of earth, water and fire.

Take two white candles and a new cut glass. Come to the spring or natural source in a sparsely populated place, find a flat stone. Place candles on the stone and place a glass of spring water. Light the candles, hold your palms over a glass of water and say:

Hold your hands over the glass until you imagine black energy coming out of your palms. This may take three minutes, or it may last 20 minutes. You have to give it all bad water, so do not rush to remove your hands from the glass.

When you feel light inside, tip the glass over. Water should be poured onto the stone and flow from it to the ground. Put out the candles and go home. Leave all items on the stone. You can’t turn around on the way home, and you can’t talk to anyone either - you’ll interrupt the effect of the ritual.

Removing cemetery damage

How to do it yourself, made through the graveyard? To do this, you need to leave the negative in the cemetery. On the waning moon, buy a knife with a black handle (if you don’t find one, paint it with black paint). You should buy a knife on a certain day, corresponding to your gender - male or female. Women's days Wednesday, Saturday and Friday are considered. The rest are male.

It is better to purchase a knife at the market so that you can leave the change to the seller. Give money with your left hand, saying the following words to yourself:

Take the knife with your right hand and quickly leave. On the way home, you should give alms to three beggars, silently. If you utter even one word on the way home, the ceremony will not take place.

In the evening of the same day, light a simple wax candle. If you can make it yourself, it will be best. There is no need to buy a candle in church. Sit at a table covered with a clean tablecloth and take a knife - turn the blade towards you and the tip towards the floor. Hold the knife by the handle and say three times into the candle flame:

Put out the candle with your fingers, leave everything on the table and go to bed. The next evening, light a candle, take a knife in your right hand and “scrape” it across a photograph - yours or another person's - with the words:

The words must be pronounced 12 times, making scraping movements across the photograph from top to bottom. Put out the candle, leave the photo and knife on the table - and sleep. You need to clean the photograph with a knife three evenings in a row (before going to bed).

On the third evening after cleansing, go to the cemetery, stand with your back to the fence (not the gate!) and throw the knife over your shoulder - it should fly over the fence and end up in the cemetery. At the same time say:

The knife should be thrown through left shoulder right hand Don't mix anything up! After that, without turning around, go home silently and go to bed. The effect of cleansing will appear immediately - there will be drowsiness and loss of strength, and exacerbations of chronic ailments are possible. Rest, your strength will be restored soon. This cleansing can also be done for another person.

How to remove damage with mirror cleaning

How to remove damage from yourself at home? Negativity can be sent through the looking glass. For the ceremony, prepare the following items:

  • 4 new square mirrors;
  • your own full-length photograph;
  • 4 small church candles;
  • incense - sandalwood or incense;
  • black blanket on the table and reflective surfaces in the room.

Mirrors should be purchased on a waxing moon, and the ritual should be performed on a waning or full moon. Prepare the room for the ceremony - clean it, ventilate it well, clean it with a candle. In the evening, cover the table with a black blanket, as well as all reflective surfaces - furniture, windows. Light the candles in the candlesticks, place the photo between them - the candles should surround the photo on four sides.

Place a mirror behind each candle so that the photograph is reflected in it (you cannot look in mirrors!). Now light some incense - sandalwood stick or incense. Look at the candles and slowly repeat the spell:

Repeat the words until the candles burn out. You must be in lung condition trance and think about only one thing - freeing yourself from negativity. There should be no other lighting in the room other than candles. No one should disturb you - lock the room. At this time, the phone should not ring, animals should be removed from the room.

When the candles burn out, go to bed immediately. Don't remove anything from the table. In the morning, despite mirror surface, hide the mirrors in the box - they will be useful for the next ritual. Roll up the black cloth and put the photo in an album. Important note - these 4 mirrors cannot be used for household purposes, this is dangerous.

Ritual of removing demonic damage

Sometimes warlocks can send demons to a person. This is done by order of a client who wants to take revenge on a competitor or enemy. The life of the spoiled person becomes unbearable - all business collapses, illness overcomes, money disappears and other troubles occur. There are so many troubles that a person does not want to live. How to remove damage from yourself? A ritual with church attributes will help with this.

This ritual can be performed on certain days:

  • At Christmas;
  • on Trinity;
  • on the birthday of the Virgin Mary;
  • on your birthday;
  • on the day of the angel.

The ritual is so powerful that it will remove any black influence. The ritual also provides protection from black magic for a year - it becomes a powerful amulet. You need to prepare the following items:

  • church candles - 7 pcs;
  • mirrors on a leg - 2 pcs;
  • a vessel with holy water;
  • Thursday salt;
  • white tablecloth;
  • icon of the Almighty;
  • Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God.

Cover the table with a white tablecloth or linen. Place mirrors opposite each other so that you are reflected in them. Icons and 4 candles should be placed between the mirrors; place the remaining 3 candles close to you. Place a vessel with holy water on the right.

Now you need to make a protective circle. To do this, sprinkle holy water in a circle so that the table and chair are in it. You can sprinkle with a bunch of parsley/dill. Next, pour Thursday salt in a circle closer to you. thin line- you will get a double circle of protection. Holy water should be external, salt - internal protection.

Sit on a chair and read the plot by heart. To be on the safe side, you can write down the words on paper:

The plot must be read in a quiet voice, pronouncing the words clearly. The candles must burn out completely. The ritual should be performed in a light cotton shirt without sleeves, ideally bare to the waist, so that the holy water can dry on the body.

Special conditions: three days before the ceremony you need to fast on black bread and water. Continue the fast for three days after the ceremony. After the ceremony, go to church and put 12 candles: three each to the icons of Panteleimon the healer, the Trinity, Mother of God and Jesus.

Negative effects are easier to remove if you follow the following rules:

  1. An unbaptized person must be baptized in a church - during the ritual, every Christian receives a Guardian Angel for help.
  2. It is better for unmarried spouses to get married so as not to live in sin.
  3. Any treatment of damage should begin with reading prayers - buy a Prayer Book.
  4. Visit holy places and monasteries where there are miraculous icons and holy relics.
  5. Bless the apartment - invite a priest to perform the ceremony.
  6. When cleansing, exclude animal products from the menu - sausage, lard, meat products.
  7. You cannot smoke or drink alcohol during the process of removing damage.
  8. Take baths daily with the addition of holy water - pour a little water in a cross shape into the bath and bathe while reading prayers.
  9. Always wear a cross.
  10. Before leaving the house, wash your face with fresh water - fill a bucket with water and wash your face from it.
  11. Light church candles in your home every day and fumigate the room with incense.

By following these simple rules, you can independently get rid of the negativity sent.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Behind last years people have “learned” to blame all their failures or bad events on others. Yes, sometimes this is understandable. For example, if you have been damaged, then it will be main reason, the “engine” of all bad, negative events in your reality. Bad luck, tragedies, bad events, various kinds health problems, among other things - all this can be “justified” by damage.

But first, you need to correctly define it in yourself, clearly make a “diagnosis”. Next, you need to remove this evil eye, the hex. You also need to know how to do this. There are some (deadly) damages that an untrained person cannot remove on his own. You will have to turn to a professional - a magician, sorcerer, psychic.

Eniology is a science that studies energy metabolism. In it you can find absolutely everything on issues of magic, the bioenergy field, various evil eyes and slander. Human thoughts, as everyone knows, tend to materialize. Therefore, it is always important to monitor what you think about and how you make plans in your head. Any thought is already half an action.

If you have thought about something at least once, you can confidently say that you will do it in the future. And no one knows what consequences this case will have. After all, not everything always turns out the way we thought or planned. There are also extraneous factors, external events, circumstances that can greatly influence the outcome of a particular case.

Many people nowadays possess magical knowledge that was previously considered secret. Anyone who has never experienced magical influence is unlikely to understand how terrible the condition of a person who has been damaged is. Negative consequences damage, both physical and psychologically do not hesitate to manifest. It is quite easy to determine the presence of damage on yourself.

There are many signs that confirm one hundred percent damage. It’s good if a person knows how to protect himself and knows some defense techniques. But what should those who have no idea about how to remove damage do? Who should I turn to for help and is it really as safe as the magic masters say?

Who can remove the damage?

It is not at all difficult to cause damage, but with its neutralization the issue is more serious. If we talk about methods of causing damage, then even an amateur can cope with some of them. There are damages different categories. If the damage caused to you was done by a master, then you need to turn to a professional for help.

A strong black magician can create such damage that literally in a matter of days “eat” a person from the inside. It’s sad, but in such cases, even candles lit in church for health and confession from a clergyman do not have any effect.

In general, it should be admitted that, unfortunately, in most cases, black magic has greater power than church prayers. That is why, in solving complex issues, people are accustomed to turning to psychics, rather than going to church.

And so, if you have already decided to “knock out a wedge with a wedge,” that is, remove the magical effect in the same way, then it is better to turn to light magicians. The dark ones, of course, can also provide quality assistance. But before you “conclude a contract” with the forces that dark magicians turn to, think about whether you need consequences from such actions in your life.

The damage can be removed by the one who caused it, or by an outsider who practices magic. If a person who has suffered from magical influence himself has some knowledge, then he can try to get rid of such influence on his own.

Often in the practice of magicians there are cases when both the “customer” and the injured party address the same issue. Black magicians believe that acting as an executor of someone’s will in causing damage, they are not responsible for the consequences. Therefore, they willingly take on both guidance and rollback.

White magicians have the same knowledge as black ones. The difference is that the former never use such knowledge in practice. They need them to help people get rid of influence dark forces and provide reliable protection.

People often wonder: can a clergyman (priest) remove damage? The clear answer is no. He will never undertake such an action, since he considers everything connected with the world of magic and extrasensory perception “demonic” and wrong. In such cases, church ministers recommend communion, prayer and fasting. But for some reason such actions do not always help solve main question. A person can go to church for several weeks and light candles for health, but continue to get sick and suffer from lack of money.

Diagnosis of damage

The presence of damage can be determined by people who own different types of magic. You can see a negative influence on a person’s biofield using runes, Tarot cards, pendulums or frames. There are magicians who are able to see a person’s biofield without the help of magical attributes. To determine damage, black sorcerers use blood or mirrors into which a person must look.

Is it possible to get rid of damage and protect yourself once and for all?

No one will give you a definite answer to this question. It all depends, as we wrote above, on the type of damage. If this is a family curse, then only an experienced specialist can remove it (and this is not a fact). He will also provide you with protection, with your consent. If you have a simple evil eye, then you can remove it at home by performing all the prescribed actions, saying the words of the ritual that you have chosen.

Positive thinking always has a beneficial effect on a person’s life and consciousness. But it’s better to stay away from negative thoughts. Moreover, this applies not only to your own thoughts (about yourself), but also to what you say, think, and wish for other people.

This is exactly how the evil eye is induced: they had a fight, blurted out something in their hearts, wished a lot of tragic things on another person. The same thing can happen to you - a stranger or acquaintance, being angry, said a bunch of nasty things to you. Since then, life has not gone the way you wanted; everything bad began to happen to you, there is no way to get rid of it.

Try to protect yourself from negative people and their bad influence. Such relationships and communication usually do not lead to anything good. Watch what you say and what you wish for others. It is almost impossible to protect yourself from the evil eye. If you do not have magical protection placed by the sorcerer. You can, of course, go to church, take communion and confess, but in this case no one will give you a guarantee that the damage will be removed.

All processes take place at the bioenergetic level, not at the physical level. Therefore, damage and evil eyes, negative influences are removed only by strong energy. Experienced magicians have a large biofield; they are able to remove almost any damage. Of course, we still need to find a good “wizard”. There are a dime a dozen charlatans now!

Plus, removing any damage is the same work. The sorcerer will have to pay, and the prices for such services are always high. Be prepared for the fact that the magician will demand a considerable amount of money for his services.

Remove spoilage yourself using salt

In principle, this ritual is well known in narrow circles. It is in great demand because of its ease of execution and effectiveness. You can do it at home yourself.

If you have already clearly identified damage to yourself, and it has a number of characteristics and symptoms, then the negative impact must be removed as quickly as possible. The salt ritual will help you. Salt is quite strong and powerful energy product. To get rid of demons, back in Ancient Times they scattered salt around themselves. So now, many sorcerers and sorcerers advise always having salt at home. Not for cooking, but specifically for protection purposes. So, a ritual against spoilage using salt. Let's talk about it in more detail.

You will immediately have to prepare yourself for the fact that you will not achieve anything in one session. The ritual with salt will need to be carried out for a whole week, seven days. You can’t pause, you’ll have to “work” for seven days in a row! Take salt in your hands and read from memory (you need to learn it in advance) the text of the conspiracy. It will be like this:

“Save me, save me, white salt, pure salt! Amen!".

You need to say these words exactly three times.

Then throw the salt out, preferably out the window. You need to get rid of it immediately, don’t keep it in the house. The charmed salt is believed to absorb all the negative things that are in you. After the first session of the salt ritual, you should feel some relief. It will feel like it’s “easier to breathe.” However, it is important to remember that the duration of the ceremony is seven days. To completely get rid of the negative impact, do everything as expected. After just a week, you will feel noticeably better.

Anti-damage ritual using water

This ritual is also widespread in magical circles. It can be carried out a common person, without leaving home. The main thing is to have water, salt, and learn the words of the ritual. It is better, of course, if the water is not ordinary, from the tap, but church water, illuminated, or even spring water.

You also need three matches, the box must be new. The time for the ritual to remove damage is the waning moon, night. If you missed this day, then you can spend magic ritual on Sunday. It is better, again, to do this at night. At midnight.

At exactly noon, you pour (small) holy water into a jar and over it at night, or you can do it right away, you should read the words of the conspiracy. They are:

“Clean water, pure blood, save and preserve the servant of God (name of the corrupted one) from the evil eye, from the bad hour, from the hated and bad. Amen!".

Light one match, cross the water with it, then throw it into the liquid. Do this with all three matches. Drink charged water three times a day until it runs out.

How do light magicians remove damage?

Exactly how the damage will be removed for you depends on which magician you turned to. There are bright soothsayers who remove negative effects (and this practice is dominant) using knives, pouring wax on water and rolling eggs.

This happens as follows: a person who has been damaged, when going to an appointment with a magician, must take with him two raw eggs, two candles and a new scarf. Before the rollback process itself, the magician gives one egg to the client’s hand, and holds the second one in his own hand. right hand. While reading a prayer, he moves this egg over the client’s body and expels negative energy from him.

Candles in this ritual are necessary to diagnose the client’s condition. One candle represents the client himself, and the second – his significant other (husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend). If there is a close connection between representatives of a married or loving couple, damage from one person can “spread” to the other, so that during the rollback the prayer is read for both.

Such procedures must be carried out for three days in a row while the moon is in its waxing phase. After each session, the eggs and candles are tied into a scarf and “sealed” until the next rollback. After three rollback procedures, the eggs are disassembled, a prayer is read over them, and judging by the way they spread throughout the vessel, it can be said who exactly did the damage and why.

There is another way to remove damage using a candle and an egg. A candle brought by the client is lit in front of the icon of the Mother of God and the magician uses an egg to “roll out” all the negativity from the person’s body. This action is accompanied by prayer:

“Mother Theotokos walked the earth, washing away all evil with the waters of the Jordan. Mary Magdalene poured out the water, driving away all evil from her black eyebrows, from her white face, from her scarlet lips. I protect with a silver cross, I protect with a holy icon, I command by Jesus Christ: there should not be evil in this body, do not torment it with unclean things, do not reduce it to evil demons!”

Professional magicians and sorcerers know many ways to remove damage. But bright magicians always advise visiting church in parallel with their sessions. To protect yourself from evil magic, you need to visit three churches and in each order Sorokaust for the health of your enemies. Confession with the priest will also help you cleanse yourself of sins. After all these procedures, the light magician will advise you to independently carry out protective rituals at home or invite a priest to sprinkle and fumigate the house.

Damage is the deliberate infliction of harm on a specific person. If there is a desire to take revenge for something or envy lurks in their souls, then some people decide to use damage, completely not understanding how this could turn out for themselves. It happens that a person is very interested in magical means, for which his children have to pay. No one has the right to influence the life and path of a stranger.

How to recognize

Before removing damage from a person, you should learn about its signs.

There are many types of magical influences, each of them has a different effect, and, therefore, their symptoms will also be different.

If you notice the symptoms listed below, but you have no health problems, then you are faced with damage.

There are special rituals that help even to find out exact name your enemy who was damaged. However, you should not rush to use magic, because there are other, more simple options. First, you should think for yourself who would be angry enough to do such a thing. Think about who you recently had a conflict with. Here you should not immediately exclude relatives and close friends, because sometimes the motives can be implicit.

As for magical methods, to perform the most simple ritual To identify the enemy, you will need the following:

  • take a candle from the nearest church;
  • set it on fire and wait until it burns completely;
  • collect the wax and boil it for two to three minutes over low heat;
  • place the wax in a white container flat shape(plate) and say the following:

“I pour wax onto a plate so I can quickly find out the enemy’s name.”

Then you need to wait for the wax to harden and take a closer look at the resulting image. IN ideal the wax will form the first letters of the last name or first name of the person who dared to harm you. If no symbols appear, then just try to look more closely at the picture, because it just might remind you of something related to this person.

How to remove damage from a person yourself

In order to get rid of damage, you need to adhere to certain rules. Most effective prayer considered "Our Father". It is precisely this that must be read when performing a ritual to remove damage. If you are of a different religion, then you can simply say something good and bright. In this case, you should light church candle and be baptized with it.

Such a ritual helps not only to remove damage, but also helps to strengthen the biofield.

Ordinary prayers are powerless against corruption unless special actions are performed. Therefore, if you do not have confidence in your abilities or faith, it is better to turn to an experienced to the white magician, which will solve all your problems.

How to remove damage to death

If you are faced with damage to quick death, then you do not need to immediately draw up a will and panic. Having learned how to remove damage from a person or from oneself, there will be no problems with this.

The ritual is not difficult to perform. For this purpose you will need packaging table salt. First, it needs to be consecrated in the church. At night, leave the house and move away from it. Try to find a place where no one can disturb you or even see you. Light seven candles, placing them in a circle, in the center of which you need to sit with salt. Undress and sprinkle yourself with it while reciting the Lord's Prayer. After finishing the ritual, get dressed and go home.

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