About oral and written language, old and new.

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The greatest value of a people is their language, the language in which they write, speak, and think. He thinks! This must be understood thoroughly, in all the polysemy and significance of this fact. After all, this means that a person’s entire conscious life passes through his native language. Emotions, sensations - only color what we think, or push the thought in some respect, but our thoughts are all formulated in language.

The surest way get to know a person - his mental development, his moral character, his character - listen to the way he speaks.

If we notice a person’s manner of carrying himself, his gait, his behavior and judge a person by them, sometimes, however, erroneously, then a person’s language is a much more accurate indicator of his human qualities, his culture.

So, there is the language of a people, as an indicator of its culture, and the language of an individual, as an indicator of his personal qualities, the qualities of a person who uses the language of the people.

I want to write not about the Russian language in general, but about how this language is used by this or that person.

Much has been written about the Russian language as the language of the people. It is one of the most perfect languages ​​of the world, a language that has developed over more than a millennium, giving in the 19th century the best literature and poetry in the world. Turgenev spoke about the Russian language - “... it is impossible to believe that such a language was not given to a great people!”

But it also happens that a person does not speak, but “spits words.” For every common concept, he has not ordinary words, but slang expressions. When such a person speaks with his spitting words, he reveals his cynical essence.

From the very beginning, the Russian language found itself in a happy position - from the moment of its existence in the depths of a single East Slavic language, the language Ancient Rus'.

1. The Old Russian people, from which Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians later emerged, inhabited vast spaces with different natural conditions, different economies, different cultural heritage and different degrees of social advancement. And since communication even in these ancient centuries was very intense, then due to this diversity of living conditions, the language was rich - in vocabulary, first of all.
2. Already the Old Russian language (the language of Ancient Rus') joined the wealth of other languages ​​- first of all literary Old Bulgarian, then Greek (through Old Bulgarian and in direct relations), Scandinavian, Turkic, Finno-Ugric, West Slavic, etc. It not only enriched itself lexically and grammatically, he became flexible and receptive as such.

3. Thanks to the fact that literary language was created from the combination of Old Bulgarian with the folk colloquial, business, legal, “literary” language of folklore (the language of folklore is also not just colloquial), many synonyms were created in it with their shades of meaning and emotional expressiveness.

4. The language affected " internal forces"of the people - their tendency to be emotional, the diversity of their characters and types of attitude towards the world. If it is true that the language of a people reflects its national character(and this is certainly true), then the national character of the Russian people is extremely internally diverse, rich, and contradictory. And all this had to be reflected in the language.

5. It is already clear from the previous that language does not develop alone, but it also has linguistic memory. It is facilitated by the existence of thousands of years of literature and writing. And here there are so many genres, types of literary language, a variety of literary experience: chronicles (by no means uniform in nature), “The Tale of Igor’s Host”, “The Prayer of Daniel the Zatochnik”, sermons of Kirill of Turov, “Kiev-Pechersk Patericon” with its charm “simplicities and inventions,” and then - the works of Ivan the Terrible, various works about the Time of Troubles, the first records of folklore and ... Simeon of Polotsk, and at the opposite end from Simeon - Archpriest Avvakum. In the 18th century, Lomonosov, Derzhavin, Fonvizin, then Krylov, Karamzin, Zhukovsky and... Pushkin. I will not list all the writers of the 19th and early 20th centuries; I will pay attention only to such language virtuosos as Leskov and Bunin. They are all incredibly different. Exactly what they write in different languages. But poetry develops language most of all. This is why the prose of poets is so significant.<...>

What was the Church Slavonic language in Russia? It was not a universal literary language for our writing. The language of so many literary works It’s just far from Church Slavonic: the language of chronicles, the amazing language of “Russian Truth”, “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, “Prayers of Daniil the Prisoner”, not to mention the language of Avvakum. The Church Slavonic language, transferred to Rus' from Bulgaria not only through books, but also orally through worship, immediately became in Rus' a kind of indicator of the spiritual value of what was spoken and written in it. Bulgaria gave Eastern Slavs the highest layer of language, the “pole of spirituality”, which has extremely enriched our language, giving our language moral strength, the ability to elevate thoughts, concepts, ideas. This is the language in which the highest thoughts were trusted, in which they prayed, in which solemn words were written. He was always “close” to the Russian people, enriching them spiritually.
Then poetry replaced prayers. Remembering the prayerful past of our poetry, we should preserve its language and its “high spirit.”

The text is abbreviated from the book: Likhachev D. “Notes and observations: From notebooks of different years,” L.: Sov. writer, 1989, p. 410-436.


The dependence of family life makes a person more moral.
The family is the primary environment where a person must learn to do good. V.A. SUKHOMLINSKY

Over the years, emptiness and disappointment develop in those young people whose childhood and adolescence were a thoughtless satisfaction of their needs.

In ancient Russian marriage, couples were not selected based on ready-made feelings and characters, but characters and feelings were developed based on selected pairs.
The world exists not for us to understand it, but for us to educate ourselves in it.

What we mean by education is that
leads to virtue from childhood.

Old age is strong thanks to the foundations laid in youth.
Education is education for doing good. V.A. ZHUKOVSKY

The greatest value of a people is their language, the language in which they write, speak, and think. He thinks! This must be understood thoroughly, in all the polysemy and significance of this fact.


How often do we think about how important and exceptional the history of Russian speech is? In his text, D.S. Likhachev invites the reader to think about the problem of the value of the native language.

Discussing this issue, the author expresses his full interest in this topic, because a large part of the population of our planet speaks Russian, and the relevance of the problem is determined by the gradual depreciation of the greatest value of our people. The writer notes that “a person’s entire conscious life passes through his native language,” with the help of it we express our thoughts and thereby reveal our inner world. D.S. Likhachev focuses on the fact that the history of the Russian language dates back to ancient times, and the longer it developed, the more diverse its artistic and emotional component became.

The author believes that a person’s entire conscious life is connected with his native language. We use it to think, write and speak. Russian speech is an indicator of the cultural, personal, emotional, mental component of our people, and this is the value of our native language. “The language reflected the “internal forces” of the people - their tendency to be emotional, the diversity of their characters and types of attitude towards the world.”

One cannot but agree with the opinion of D.S. Likhacheva. Of course, the native language is the main indicator of how our country, and at the same time its people, developed and improved. With the help of Russian speech we speak and think, write and read, and I am convinced that in no other language can we express our feelings and emotions so clearly and so succinctly, because our language is semantically rich and developed.

D.I. discusses the problem of the value of language. Fonvizin in the comedy "Minor". The author, citing several speech portraits as examples, focuses on how succinctly the hero’s words and expressions characterize his cultural and moral character. Thus, the Prostakov family uses vernacular, abusive speech, short and monosyllabic sentences. And Pravdin and Starodum, in turn, do not use swear words, but express themselves like all educated people of that time, without unnecessary emotions and using book vocabulary. The meaning of what these characters said becomes clear from the direct meaning of these words; to reveal the meaning, the reader does not have to navigate the context and grasp the dynamics of speech, as happens with the remarks of negative characters. Thus, D.I. Fonvizin gives examples of two types of language use, focusing our attention on the fact that the development of our speech depends on ourselves, and we cannot allow such a monstrous attitude towards language as prevailed in the family of the Prostakovs and Skotinins.

M. Gorky reveals this problem in a similar way in the play “At the Bottom.” Each of the heroes “fell to the bottom” for different reasons. And despite the fact that the social gap in one way or another forced all the heroes to structure their speech in the same way, from the remarks of some characters one can identify certain aspects of their characters and details of the past. So, for example, the Actor, once educated person who respect their language, expresses their opinion sonorously and even beautifully, without swear words or negative words, often in poetic form. From this we can conclude that this hero previously belonged to a higher class, valued his language and did not lose respect for it. The tick, for example, uses short sentences, abusive language, frequent repetitions and long pauses, indicating that it is difficult for him to express his thoughts. This hero doesn’t care at all how he speaks or whether he uses words correctly.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that Russian speech is a valuable heritage of our country, and, moreover, a capacious characteristic of all its inhabitants. And therefore, the responsibility for preserving the language and its further development lies in our hands.

The greatest value of the people is

his language, which he speaks, thinks.

He thinks!

D.S. Likhachev.

And we have no other property!

Know how to take care

At least to the best of my ability, in days of anger and suffering,

Our immortal gift is speech.

I. Bunin.

The Russian language is infinitely rich. The more intolerable is the verbal negligence committed by many. What are the reasons for this phenomenon? There are many of them: here is the inability to find the exact, necessary word to express a thought, and - what is much worse - the reluctance to look for such a word, and simply carelessness (“As I said, so be it”), and the habit of speaking incorrectly only because “so they say,” and the desire to flaunt foreignness inappropriately, and the fashion for meaningless words, and the rude jargon of the street, and all sorts of verbal sloppiness and just ordinary illiteracy, and much more.

2007 was declared by the President of the Russian Federation as the Year of the Russian Language. And this is no coincidence. IN Lately The problem of purity of speech is acute. Many linguistic scholars are sounding the alarm about an impending linguistic crisis.

Each teacher, regardless of the subject taught, is faced with one of the most current problems modernity - the inability to competently and accurately express one’s thoughts, discomfort in communication. Since the moral state of society is reflected primarily in language, the reason for its impoverishment is understandable - the loss of moral guidelines, a sense of pride in mastering one of the greatest languages ​​in the world. Thus, we see two interrelated problems.The relevance is obvious:

    A study within the framework of the educational institution “Our Works” showed that out of 3406 works, 3116 contain speech errors

    As part of the “Attention! SMS" it was found that every second message contains spelling errors

    Operation "Caution! CHAT" showed that all correspondence was conducted in violation of language and spelling standards.

    According to statistics of State Examination results in the Russian language for 3 years, 89% of graduates make speech errors, 56% cannot clearly express their thoughts.

    Testing on the relationship between speech culture and stress found that 62% of students experience stress from the inability to express their thoughts, and 79% have a bad mood due to their own illiteracy.

Therefore, cspruce project:

    Expand language teaching opportunities at school through extracurricular activities;

    Optimize the learning process, show the supra-subject role of the Russian language;

    Develop skills and abilities that will help them not only learn the Russian language more deeply, but also feel comfortable in a changing society;

    Through game situation to give the opportunity to feel responsibility for the fate of our language, the culture of our people.


    Filling gaps in speech culture;

    Systematization of knowledge about language norms;

    Overcoming objective difficulties (declining interest in reading, inability to use the lexical richness of the modern Russian language in one’s own speech, excessive use of foreign words in the media) that complicate learning the Russian language, with the help of modern technologies;

    Fostering pride in one of the world's greatest languages.

    Development key competencies students: social, communicative, informational, cognitive, special - language;

    Teach free communication at various levels

Project« The investigation is conducted by experts" is based on the principle of an activity approach, preference is given tointeractive technologies .

Design (open long-term project, wears problem-search, problem-research nature).

Gaming (optimizes the learning process).

Collaboration in teams (brings the guys closer together).

Dialogue. The student’s actions are analysis, selection of information, drawing conclusions, defending his point of view, exchanging opinions - developing a final common point of view. Develops qualities such as logic, flexibility of thinking, tolerance.

Information (accessing the Internet, creating presentations).

Technology modular training (each stage of the project can be used as an independent fragment in the lesson, and in extracurricular activities, For example, the blitz tournament game can be held separately during the subject week)

The project organically complements the process of teaching the Russian language at any level of education, and is as close as possible to the social needs of the student.

The activities of the participants can be represented in the form of a diagram:

Then the guys are given clear tasks - what they need to fight for.


It is important to arouse students' interest in the project.

The topics of the 1st lessons are “How we speak.” It is appropriate to quote

the answer of a modern political scientist to the question about increasing wages:

    Indexation of financial segregations depends on latently adequate majoritarian obstructions. Therefore, as you understand, one cannot instigate ambivalent innovations of correlating monitoring).

Compare with a fragment from Zoshchenko’s story:

- And what, comrade, will this be a plenary meeting or what?

- “Plenary,” the neighbor answered casually.

- “Look,” the first one was surprised, “that’s why I’m looking, what is it?” As if it were plenary.

- “Yes, be calm,” the second one answered sternly. “Today it’s very plenary and the quorum has reached such a level - just hold on.”

- Yah? - asked the neighbor. “Have we really reached a quorum?”

- By God,” said the second.

- And what is this quorum?

- “Nothing,” the neighbor answered, somewhat confused. “I got there, and that’s it.”

- Tell me, - the first neighbor shook his head with grief. - Why would it be him, huh?

2nd momentstudy of orthoepic, lexical, grammatical norms of the modern Russian language and practical use acquired knowledge.

Important! Do not replace work on projects with regular lessons! We must constantly keep the guys interested!

Non-standard tasks offered:

    competition for the most amazing rule (What association or poem can you come up with so that the rule is easier to remember, for example, a poem about verbs of exceptions, or “adverbs are surprised: how, where, where...”);

    find the most “untranslatable message” in CHAT

    find and correct mistakes in school essays

“Masterpieces of the State Archive” are quoted

GIA materials (entered into a table, the type of error is determined, corrections are made; the author's spelling and punctuation from the graduates' works are preserved).

Expected results

The value of the project is represented in the activity itself schoolchildren, as a result of which they learn to see, feel, think and gradually acquire the following qualities:

1. Independence in setting a problem, collecting and processing the information necessary to solve it

2. Formation of a personal-value attitude towards the process of acquiring knowledge

3. Mastery of experience joint activities, ability to distribute responsibilities among themselves

4. The ability to put forward hypotheses and their subsequent testing

5. The ability to organize one’s work, self-discipline, responsible attitude towards the assigned area of ​​work

6. Mastery of intellectual technologies used in solving a wide class of problems.

7. Self-criticism

8. Creative development

9. Formation of civic qualities of an individual, growth of his social activity.


Total hours






Student activities (research,

analytical, practical)


How we speak and write





Research activities: identifying the problem and its relevance. Analytical: setting goals and objectives, trying to typify speech errors. Compiling a dictionary of errors.


Chatting in Internet




Analytical: understanding the culture of communication. research: the role of slang on the Internet


Orthoepic norms modern Russian literary language




Reproductive: orthoepic five minutes in each lesson using information technologies. Working with a dictionary.


Lexical norms of the modern Russian literary language




Project activity: action “In Defense of the Russian Language” (competition of posters, creative works).


Grammatical norms of the modern Russian literary language




Campaign “Learning from other people’s mistakes.” Editing texts, exercises, working with tests, dictionaries.


Syntactic stylistics




Analysis of speech defects associated with syntactic control.


Business letter




Writing business letters and sending them over the Internet


Test structure



Preparation of tests on speech culture for subsequent tests




Control test tasks


“The greatest value of a people is their language, in which they write, speak, think”

D.S. Likhachev



Summing up the results of the action “In Defense of the Russian Language”, a competition for the best poster, leaflet, slogan

Defense of abstracts.

Topic 1, 2. How we speak and write. Chatting in Internet.

The speech we hear every day: “Politicians and announcers speak,” “ Youth slang: why we can’t understand each other”, “In order not to look funny (incidents of oral and writing; on the role of dictionaries).

The conversation about how we speak is carried out using the text by D. Lukin “What language do they speak?”(Annex 1). The video material prepared by the students, “Classmates talking on the phone,” helps you look at yourself from the outside (application 2 - video ). This organization of the lesson helps to optimize the course and understand the importance of developing language competence as an integral part of communicative competence. Together with the guys we come to the conclusion that we are unknowingly violating language norms daily.

Students receive an assignment for the final seminar: select material for posters, create presentations, prepare abstracts, essays (“Does the language need norms?”, “Who will protect our language?”, “Beware of borrowings!”, “Guardian of the Russian language: classics”) O careful attitude To native language", "The most difficult, the most beautiful...").

Special attention is given research work:

    “The role of etiquette words in the work of F.M. Dostoevsky “The Idiot” - part 1 (Myshkin’s Arrival);

    “Linguistic childhood (Comparative analysis of the reasons for the appearance of distorted words: biological childhood - Chukovsky “From two to five”, teenage slang, student slang; social childhood - the formation of a new state with the complete denial of everything previous experience, Zoshchenko “Monkey Language”; technological childhood - mastering the Internet, CHAT slang.");

    “He swears like a cab driver (By his speech, one can determine a person’s social affiliation, his level of culture, and relationships in the family, Pushkin’s “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman”),”

The first lesson discusses the project"Dictionary of errors" Students are given the task of “collecting speech errors” that are made by others, speech incidents in the media. The children are invited not only to identify facts of violation of the norms of the Russian literary language, but also to classify errors (example -appendix3) . The results are discussed, analyzed, students identify the problem, set goals and objectives. The results are presented at the seminar. This implements the activity-based approach of the course, which requires students to self-use knowledge and creative comprehension of the material, awareness of one’s own speech culture.

Listeners are invited to divide into groups and conduct research, then analyze the results:

    Research within the framework of the educational institution “Our Essays” - collect notebooks on speech development from grades 5 to 11, calculate the number and percentage of speech errors made by the teacher.

    Campaign “Attention! SMS”, record all incoming messages for a month, monitor the content of spelling errors

    Carry out operation “Caution! CHAT”, select from the correspondence the most ridiculous ones from the point of view of norms.

    According to the statistics of the State Examination results in the Russian language for 3 years: how many% of graduates make speech errors, put emphasis incorrectly, and cannot clearly express their thoughts (criterion K6 of task C).

    Develop tests and conduct testing on the relationship between speech culture and stress, identify what% of students experience stress from the inability to express their thoughts, and what% of the children have a bad mood due to their own illiteracy (for example: 1) Your speech is perfect - YES/NO 2) You frustrating inability to express your thoughts - YES/NO 3) You speak as best you can and don’t see anything wrong with it - YES/NO, etc. Then the number of respondents and the number of negative and positive answers are calculated).

Example assignment (observation of correspondence on the Internet):

Hedgehog to the rabbit:

Krolya priv J I won’t explain everything according to ace heavy J) even I’m bad with the report current

no comments(: smack you thanks

Rabbit to hedgehog:

Ahha! right now J take it from Google on the topic (: smack you, S N


Hello rabbit! I can’t explain everything in a short correspondence, but everything is bad!

For some reason my report doesn’t work, just without comments and ridicule

I kiss you, thank you in advance.

Funny! go to the search engine now GOOGL E.Download


Good night, kisses

Usually, course participants easily come up with a problem, formulate it, and offer solutions.Probleminability to competently and accurately express one’s thoughts, discomfort in communication, impoverishment of the Russian language; solutions - working on a project to preserve the Russian language, to improve your literacy

Topic 3. Orthoepic norms

Orthoepy as a branch of linguistics. The main trends in setting stress in various parts speech.

Test tasks for the Unified State Examination related to stress placement. Orthoepic minimum. Working with a spelling dictionary.

This topic requires not only the involvement of students in an active cognitive process (the ability to gain access to necessary information), but also high-quality reproductive activity (learning the spelling minimum and applying the acquired knowledge in test tasks). The use of information technology helps to avoid tedious monotony and facilitate the memorization process. With the presentation “Orthoepic minimum”(Appendix4) you can work on each lesson (words gradually appear on the slides, the student must pronounce them correctly, then the correct option is shown). Entertaining tasks are also offered - to rhyme the most common or most difficult words; such associative rhymes are remembered for a long time.

For example:

We want to tell you a secret!

The language is pleasant and easy to learn!

Try to rhyme everything

To make it easier to remember.

Now without fear and doubt

Let's master the normsaccents.

Wardrobes, scarves, bows, cakes...

We will send the ships to ports!

We call them, they call,

Everyone is talking about KatalOg!

Apostrophe, asymmetry,

Dispensary, dramaturgy

Pear and blinds...

Got it, got it - teach!

Topic 4. Lexical norms

Speech accuracy. Combination of lexical units

Tasks of a search nature, problematic nature, tasks in which you need to turn to classical works are offered.

Example assignment

Comment on the statement of N.V. Gogol: “The Russian people are expressing themselves strongly! and if he rewards someone with a word, then it will go to his family and posterity, he will drag it with him into service, and into retirement, and to Petersburg, and to the ends of the world. And no matter how cunning or ennobled your nickname is then, even if you force the writing people to derive it for a hire from the ancient princely family, nothing will help: the nickname will caw for itself at the top of its crow’s throat and say clearly where the bird flew from. What is accurately spoken is the same as what is written; it cannot be cut down with an axe.”

Remember what work the fragment is from, what episode it precedes, how a “clever word” reveals the character of the hero (“ Dead Souls", Chichikov’s meeting with the men from Plyushkin’s estate:

Oh you! A and gray hair still shook! Don’t you know the miser Plyushkin, the one who feeds people poorly?

A! patched, patched! – the man screamed).

The special course involves the use active forms training that expands the classroom-lesson system: seminar, project activities... The action “In Defense of the Russian Language” is carried out throughout the course, the results are summarized at the last lesson

Gradually, the guys come to the conclusion that language is a social mirror, and an illiterate person can easily be recognized by his speech, that incorrect speech causes ridicule, that at all times writers and thinkers have tried to maintain purity national language and that today this problem worries many. It is very important to realize:preserving the Russian language is a national task ... Understanding that they themselves are participating in such an important process evokes a feeling of satisfaction and pride, and fosters patriotism.

Topic 7. Business letter

Lesson-presentation. Students become familiar with the competent composition of a business letter, traditional and electronic, with its composition and etiquette rules. There are also entertaining tasks: Analyze a letter to the police from the hero of Zoshchenko’s story “Honest Citizen”(Appendix 10), imagine yourself on a desert island without a telephone or the Internet, make a call for help, etc.(Appendix 10 – presentation “Business Letter”)

Topic 8. Test structure

Types of tests are studied, including “online tests”, the children themselves create tests on speech culture, which are used in the next lesson test

Topic 9. Test.

Test work on all covered topics is offered in the form of test tasks.

Topic 10 . The greatest value of a people is their language, in which they write, speak, and think.

The final lesson is held in the form of a seminar (2 hours), at which students give abstracts, reports, defend posters, and presentations. The results of the action “In Defense of the Russian Language” are summed up and a dictionary of irregularities is demonstrated. Posters are placed in the school recreation area. Best projects presented subsequently during Russian Language Week, published in the school newspaper

Based on the results of the seminar, graduates are preparing a script for a propaganda team of students in grades 5-6 “Speak correctly!”, a game in the Russian language(Appendix 11 ), where district schools participate. The project is being drawn up. This year, the children and a group of teachers prepared an integrated socially significant project “Eco Galaxy” (briefly about the activities)

Significant results can be considered an increase in general culture, a gradual change in the consciousness of the children. An example is the essays that students wrote at the beginning and at the end of classes:

“Yes, the language is becoming simpler every year. We speak as we please. It's easier to say, "He's a cool guy." And everything is clear to everyone without explanation. Who needs hard-to-understand rules? They complicate our already difficult life!”

“Gradually we stop noticing what language we speak. All these “chelas”, “smacks”, “losers”, “suckers” are slowly being introduced not only into our speech, but also into our lives. At first you get used to the fact that you are “a guy and a sidekick without a boss,” and then you live the same way... On the one hand, it seems easier to communicate in slang, but when you look at yourself from the outside, sometimes you realize that we look somehow pathetic. We belittle ourselves. We recently read Dostoevsky. I remember the phrase: “What an upturned face you have...”. They argued, because, perhaps, there’s no better way to describe confusion and despair.”

The greatest value of a people is their language, the language in which they write, speak, and think. He thinks! This must be understood thoroughly, in all the polysemy and significance of this fact. After all, this means that a person’s entire conscious life passes through his native language. Emotions, sensations - only color what we think, or push the thought in some respect, but our thoughts are all formulated in language.

The surest way to know a person is to mental development, his moral character, his character - listen to how he speaks.

If we notice a person’s manner of carrying himself, his gait, his behavior and judge a person by them, sometimes, however, erroneously, then a person’s language is a much more accurate indicator of his human qualities, his culture.

So, there is the language of a people, as an indicator of its culture, and the language of an individual, as an indicator of his personal qualities, the qualities of a person who uses the language of the people.

Much has been written about the Russian language as the language of the people. It is one of the most perfect languages ​​of the world, a language that has developed over more than a millennium, giving in the 19th century the best literature and poetry in the world. Turgenev spoke about the Russian language - “... it is impossible to believe that such a language was not given to a great people!”

From the very beginning, the Russian language found itself in a happy position - from the moment of its existence in the depths of a single East Slavic language, the language of Ancient Rus'.

1. The Old Russian people, from which Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians later emerged, inhabited vast spaces with different natural conditions, different economies, different cultural heritage and different degrees of social advancement. And since communication even in these ancient centuries was very intense, then due to this diversity of living conditions, the language was rich - in vocabulary, first of all.
2. Already the Old Russian language (the language of Ancient Rus') joined the wealth of other languages ​​- first of all literary Old Bulgarian, then Greek (through Old Bulgarian and in direct relations), Scandinavian, Turkic, Finno-Ugric, West Slavic, etc. It not only enriched itself lexically and grammatically, he became flexible and receptive as such.

3. Due to the fact that the literary language was created from the combination of Old Bulgarian with the folk colloquial, business, legal, “literary” language of folklore (the language of folklore is also not just colloquial), many synonyms were created in it with their shades of meaning and emotional expressiveness.

4. The language reflected the “inner strengths” of the people - their tendency towards emotionality, the diversity of their characters and types of attitude towards the world. If it is true that the language of a people reflects its national character (and this is certainly true), then the national character of the Russian people is extremely internally diverse, rich, and contradictory. And all this had to be reflected in the language.

It is clear that language does not develop alone, but it has linguistic memory. It is facilitated by the existence of thousands of years of literature and writing. And here there are so many genres, types of literary language, a variety of literary experience! But poetry develops language most of all. This is why the prose of poets is so significant.

Yes, a language needs its history, you need to understand at least a little the history of words and expressions, know idiomatic expressions, know sayings and proverbs. There must be a background of folklore and dialects, a background of literature and poetry. A language torn away from the history of a people will become sand in the mouth.

(According to D.S. Likhachev)

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The Russian language takes its origins from ancient times. Throughout its more than thousand-year history, it has been constantly evolving. The focus of publicist D.S. Likhachev is on the problem of the relationship between the language and culture of the people.

In his In the text, the author tells us about the development of the Russian language. D.S. Likhachev notes that our language has absorbed the culture of ancient Russian peoples, “enriched lexically and grammatically.” The writer also believes that our speech accumulates the literary experience of generations and is a reflection of the Russian character, which is “extremely internally diverse, rich, and contradictory.”

About oral and written language, old and new

Russian language

The greatest value of a people is its language - the language in which it writes, speaks, and thinks. He thinks! This must be understood thoroughly, in all the polysemy and significance of this fact. After all, this means that a person’s entire conscious life passes through his native language. Emotions and sensations only color what we think or push the thought in some way, but our thoughts are all formulated in language.

The surest way to know a person - his mental development, his moral character, his character - is to listen to the way he speaks.

If we notice a person’s manner of carrying himself, his gait, his behavior, and judge a person by them, sometimes, however, erroneously, then a person’s language is a much more accurate indicator of his human qualities, his culture.

So, there is the language of a people as an indicator of its culture and the language of an individual as an indicator of his personal qualities - the qualities of a person who uses the language of the people.

I want to write not about the Russian language in general, but about how this language is used by this or that person.

Much has been written about the Russian language as the language of the people. It is one of the most perfect languages ​​of the world, a language that has developed over more than a millennium, giving in the 19th century the best literature and poetry in the world. Turgenev spoke about the Russian language: “... it is impossible to believe that such a language was not given to a great people!”

But it also happens that a person does not speak, but “spits words.” For every common concept he does not have ordinary words, but slang expressions. When such a person speaks with his spitting words, he reveals his cynical essence.

The Russian language found itself in a happy position from the very beginning - from the moment of its existence together in the depths of a single East Slavic language, the language of Ancient Rus'.

1. The Old Russian people, from which Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians later emerged, inhabited vast spaces with different natural conditions, different economies, different cultural heritage and different degrees of social advancement. And since communication even in these ancient centuries was very intense, then due to this diversity of living conditions, the language was rich - in vocabulary, first of all.

2. Already the Old Russian language (the language of Ancient Rus') joined the wealth of other languages ​​- first of all, literary Old Bulgarian, then Greek (through Old Bulgarian and in direct relations), Scandinavian, Turkic, Finno-Ugric, West Slavic, etc. It not only enriched itself lexically and grammatically, he became flexible and receptive as such.

3. Due to the fact that the literary language was created from the combination of Old Bulgarian with the folk colloquial, business, legal, “literary” language of folklore (the language of folklore is also not just colloquial), many synonyms were created in it with their shades of meaning and emotional expressiveness.

4. The language reflected the “inner strengths” of the people - their tendency towards emotionality, the diversity of their characters and types of attitude towards the world. If it is true that the language of a people reflects its national character (and this is certainly true), then the national character of the Russian people is extremely internally diverse, rich, and contradictory. And all this had to be reflected in the language.

5. It is already clear from the previous that language does not develop alone, but it also has linguistic memory. It is facilitated by the existence of thousands of years of literature and writing. And here there are so many genres, types of literary language, a variety of literary experience: chronicles (by no means uniform in nature), “The Tale of Igor’s Host”, “The Prayer of Daniel the Zatochnik”, sermons of Kirill of Turov, “Kiev-Pechersk Patericon” with its charm “simplicities and inventions,” and then - the works of Ivan the Terrible, various works about the Time of Troubles, the first records of folklore and ... Simeon of Polotsk, and at the opposite end from Simeon, Archpriest Avvakum. In the 18th century, Lomonosov, Derzhavin, Fonvizin, then Krylov, Karamzin, Zhukovsky and... Pushkin. I will not list all the writers of the 19th and early 20th centuries; I will pay attention only to such language virtuosos as Leskov and Bunin. They are all incredibly different. They definitely write in different languages. But poetry develops language most of all. This is why the prose of poets is so significant.

What an important task it is to compile dictionaries of the language of Russian writers from ancient times!

The Tale of Bygone Years contains 3,729 words; Of these, 2000 words were used once. Therefore, how many words are missing. If you think about Kyiv literature, you might think that even more literary works have disappeared since that time. Only those that were needed for repeated use (in church or secular use) were preserved.

What was the Church Slavonic language in Russia? It was not a universal literary language for our writing. The language of so many literary works is simply far from Church Slavonic: the language of chronicles, the amazing language of “Russian Truth”, “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, “Prayers of Daniel the Zatochnik”, not to mention the language of Avvakum. This is the language in which the highest thoughts were trusted, in which they prayed, in which solemn words were written. He was always “close” to the Russian people, enriching them spiritually.

Then poetry replaced prayers. Remembering the prayerful past of our poetry, we should preserve its language and its “high spirit.”

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