Review of modern switches and sockets. Design of electrical outlets: noticeable little things (55 photos) Color of outlets in the interior

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Every day we use switches and sockets many times, sometimes without even realizing how much the comfort and safety of our lives depends on them. I don’t want to scare anyone, but making the wrong choice can result in a wiring fire and electric shock. IN best case scenario After some time, the plug will begin to fall out of the socket, and the case will begin to fall out of the box. The safety of electrical installation equipment, which is understood as sockets with switches, is most important factor his choice, but today, when designer switches, sockets with a timer and others appear on sale interesting solutions, other parameters are also of great importance, and making a purchase becomes very difficult. Let's try to figure out how to choose the right socket and switch.

No. 1. Electrical wiring type

Electrical wiring in an apartment can be:

  • hidden type when the cable is laid in the wall. Without going into details, we note that this is the most preferable and safest option, but, alas, not always available;
  • open type when the cable is attached directly to the wall.

For hidden type Internal sockets and switches are suitable. The main part of the electrical installation equipment in this case is located in the wall, and only a nice casing is mounted outside.

For open postings external type equipment is required, i.e. overhead sockets and switches. They will stick out noticeably, but it’s still impossible to say that such details can ruin the interior. True, in this case you will have to take a more careful approach to the issue of determining the ideal location so that no one touches the socket or switch again. The advantages include simpler installation.

No. 2. Which socket to choose: degree of protection of the housing

Even a child understands that a power outlet is a source of increased danger. Adults may add that contact with water can have disastrous consequences. So now, don't use any outlets or use them at all? What then should be done in swimming pools and other rooms where contact with water cannot be avoided? For this case, protective sockets have been developed, the housing of which can prevent negative impact moisture and dust.

When choosing an outlet, you should definitely pay attention to degree of protection against moisture and small objects, which is indicated in the marking by the letters IP and the following two numbers.

The first digit shows how much the socket protected from foreign objects:

  • 0 – no protection;
  • 1 – protection from objects larger than 50 mm;
  • 2 – protection from objects larger than 12 mm;
  • 3 – protection from objects larger than 2.5 mm;
  • 4 – protected from objects larger than 1 mm;
  • 5 – protection against small particles, incl. from dust;
  • 6 – absolute dust tightness.

The second digit indicates degree of protection against moisture:

  • 0 – no protection;
  • 1 – protection from drops falling from above;
  • 2 – protection from drops falling not only strictly from above, but also at an angle of 15 degrees;
  • 3 – protection against splashes that fall at an angle of 60 degrees, incl. from the rain;
  • 4 – protection against splashes that fall at different angles;
  • 5 – protection against jets of water;
  • 6 – protection from powerful jets of water;
  • 7 – protection for short-term immersion in water;
  • 8 – protection during long-term immersion in water.

The choice of outlet depends on where will it be used, and what impacts are expected on it. For example, for living rooms An IP 20 socket is suitable, for a bathroom - IP 44, although some advise taking IP 45, and for the street it is worth looking at an IP 65 socket.

No. 3. Important technical parameters of the socket

It is better to install sockets and switches if there is even the slightest doubt in your own abilities. On the other hand, whoever undertakes the installation of such equipment needs to know the basic technical parameters.


Sockets can be with or without grounding. The choice depends on whether there is a grounding conductor in the apartment wiring:

  • socket without grounding usually marked 2K, where K is a contact, and the number is the number of contacts. Such sockets are used when grounding is not provided or is not necessary;
  • socket without grounding marked 2K+Z, externally distinguished by the presence of two metal strips in the socket with contacts. This is an option for homes that use a three-wire network.

It is worth noting that wiring without grounding is becoming less and less common today; it remains only in old houses.


Type and strength, voltage, frequency of the network are the most important parameters when choosing an outlet. Our networks use AC voltage 220 V and 50 Hz, in other countries these parameters are slightly different. It is better to choose the rated current depending on the planned load on a given outlet. For domestic conditions, it is better to take products with a voltage of 250 V and a rated current of 10 A for connection washing machine, electric stoves - 16 A. Experts recommend using the ratio 4 A - 0.88 kW when choosing.

When choosing an outlet and calculating their total number in the apartment, you should take into account the number of kilowatts that are allocated to your apartment. If powerful equipment is connected to all outlets at the same time, the cable may overheat, and this risks causing a fire. That is why electricians advise calculating the power electrical network before installing new equipment and new outlets. Such a calculation is carried out by a specialist - it is better not to waste money on this.

Screw and screwless connection

Without going into the nuances of installing the socket, we note that special screws are used to secure the core in the socket box. They are screwed into a plate that clamps the contact. If the contact becomes loose over time, you can carefully tighten the screw.

There are sockets with quick-release contacts, i.e. without screws. Instead of a traditional clamp, fixation here is carried out thanks to a special hole that can narrow and expand when a key is pressed. Manufacturers of such products promise that such a system does not need regular maintenance, and the mechanism is capable of independently and reliably pressing the contact. In reality, this does not always turn out to be the case, and to restore contact you will have to perform a much more complex procedure than simply tightening the screw.

In addition, experts advise choosing sockets where the plug connectors are equipped with springs - they allow the plug to be fixed more firmly. If you plan to connect several sockets with a cable, then there should be an additional pair of contacts, which will simplify the installation process and increase the security of the connection.

Types of connectors

IN different countries all over the world they use sockets in which the connectors are arranged differently. Accordingly, they have a plug of a certain shape, hence the problem of adapters. Go into various options and we will not discuss the geography of their use (this is clearly shown in the picture), but we note that we use type C (without grounding) and F (with grounding) sockets.

No. 4. Types of sockets

In our usual understanding, a socket is simply an element with holes where you can connect an electrical appliance, and after using it, you just need to remove the plug from the socket. This is the most traditional option. It is still the most popular, but new, more modern devices, which may be slightly more.

When deciding which outlet to choose, pay attention to these kinds:

  • socket with cover indispensable where there is a high probability of moisture or dust getting into the equipment. Such products are installed in bathrooms, swimming pools, etc. As long as the outlet is covered with a lid, it is protected from negative external influences;
  • socket with curtain– an ideal option for children's institutions. The design provides for the presence of special blocking elements that will not allow a wire or other thin object to be inserted into the socket. The curtains open only when an electrical plug is inserted;
  • socket with switch, which allows you to turn on and off the power of an electrical appliance, eliminating the need to constantly insert and remove the plug. This solution is aimed at extending the service life of the outlet;
  • push-out sockets facilitate the process of disconnecting electrical appliances from power, thereby extending the service life of the outlet itself and the power cable. The design involves the presence of a button on the body, when pressed, the plug literally pops out of the socket. Something similar is implemented in mixers. It is appropriate to install such sockets in places where they are actively used, for example, in hairdressing salons and kitchens;
  • socket with indicator light assumes the presence of a small light bulb in the design. Its light indicates the presence of electricity in the network and allows you to quickly navigate in the dark;
  • floor socket with a retractable mechanism will be needed when it is impossible to place it in the wall for some reason. By the way, retractable sockets of this type are sometimes mounted on countertops;
  • socket with timer. The functionality is clear, and the shutdown time can be set either using buttons and the display, or using a rotary mechanism;

  • Wi-Fi sockets used in the “ ” system, they can be controlled remotely using a special application;
  • socket block appropriate where several electrical appliances are constantly required, for example, in the kitchen;
  • special sockets may be required to connect a telephone, radio point or antenna;
  • power connectors are needed mainly at the stage of construction and repair work for connecting high power devices.

Among more original options also presented window roses, which convert solar energy into electricity, sockets with wattmeter(show how much energy the connected device consumes) and sockets withUSB output.

No. 5. Switch selection

Many parameters for choosing an outlet are also valid for a switch:

By method fastenings switches can be:

  • screw, similar to screw sockets. Experts say that such switches are best used with aluminum wiring, which does not spark or heat up;
  • screwless ones are often used with copper wiring.

Depending on the design features switches are divided into:

  • changeover– the most familiar and easiest-to-manage option;
  • rotary– this mechanism is often used in retro-style switches. To turn it on, you need to turn the lever clockwise;
  • push-button- an option that can be compared in convenience to a flip-over, but has not yet found distribution. To turn on the light, just press the button; the same button is pressed to turn it off;
  • dimmers They allow you not only to turn on the light, but also to adjust its brightness by turning the lever. This is very economical and convenient when you need to create different lighting scenarios in one room. Dimmers are usually used with incandescent and halogen lamps - it is difficult to find one that can connect to a dimmer, and it will cost a couple of times more than a regular one.

Several switches can be installed on one panel, which are responsible for turning on different groups of lamps - this is a common and quite convenient solution today. Moreover, the same lamps can be controlled from different places in the room - this requires the installation of additional switches. The system becomes more complex, but comfort increases. Smart switches with motion sensor, touch or remote control installed in smart home systems.

It is worth highlighting illuminated switches: A built-in small light will tell you that there is electricity and make it easier to find in pitch darkness. Can be installed at home a switch with a timer or a switch that will respond to a clap.

No. 6. Design and material

Elements such as sockets and switches are not usually emphasized in interior design, so they are always matched to match the walls. The style of their execution must correspond to the chosen one, and there is room to roam around. Manufacturers offer us products in both the simplest and most familiar designs, as well as real works of art.

As material of manufacture usually use shockproof and fireproof plastic. Less common and rather elite options are: wood, leather, stone, glass and even concrete, porcelain, clay and textiles. It is allowed to use steel, bronze, chrome, aluminum and other metals in switches. Despite the fact that no one focuses on sockets and switches, their design is an important touch in creating a holistic, harmonious interior.

The more refined and original design has equipment, the more expensive it will cost, but in pursuit of aesthetics, do not forget about safety.

No. 7. What else is important to consider when choosing?

Considering several options in the store, it doesn’t hurt make a visual assessment:

Among manufacturers sockets and switches we note Legrand ( French company, industry leader), Schneider Electric, Jung, Bticino, ABB, Polo, Fontini. There is a little more cheap products from Polish and Turkish companies, which also has good quality: Viko, Makel, Karlik, MONO, OSPEL. From domestic producers the largest is Wessen.

Finally, we note that the standards regulate the installation of sockets and switches at a height of no more than 1 m from the floor, but there are many exceptions to this rule, especially when it comes to bathrooms and kitchens - here it is permissible to install the equipment in the most convenient place.

It is impossible to imagine a room without switches and sockets. In a modern interior, sockets and switches can be something of a fashion accessory. This is what forces manufacturers to pay great attention not only to the quality of their products, but also to develop new designs. As a result, everyone can choose electrical accessories to match the chosen interior style of the room. It can be easy to get confused when choosing from a huge selection, so it’s worth considering the design of sockets and switches before you go shopping.

IN modern world many things are different from those that were fashionable some 10 years ago. The same applies to sockets with switches. It’s worth starting with the fact that they differ in the type of installation, and there are:

  • Built-in.
  • Invoices.

And they differ in functionality. Among them are:

  • dustproof;
  • moisture-proof;
  • on remote control.

In addition, it is also worth noting that overhead options can be outdoor or indoor. For installation street lighting Only the first option should be used, as it has higher performance and protective functions.

The design of switches can also be varied, depending on the number of keys: one-, two- and three-key. Switches are classified according to their shape:

  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • round;
  • oval;
  • designer

For convenience, consider backlit options, they have built-in LEDs different colors. This is especially true in the interior of children's rooms: children can easily navigate and find the switch even in complete darkness.

Note! In modern interiors, remote-controlled systems are used, which are regulated using a remote control.

Trendy electrical accessories

Undoubtedly, quality plays a key role when choosing any product, but fashion dictates its own rules, and design is now also important. When purchasing switches and sockets, you need to pay attention to their decorative effect and harmonious integration into the interior of the apartment. Both the first and second should become a logical conclusion to the room, as well as be comfortable and practical.

Let's consider the most common options for electrical accessories housings, depending on the given style.

To make sockets and switches in country styles and discreet minimalism, natural or artificial leather is used.

Modern minimalism or hi-tech are complemented by original multi-colored frames (green, red and blue). They are made from thick frosted glass and aluminum. Also worth mentioning here are touch switches – an innovative technology.

In the loft you can also consider models made of frosted glass, but colored glass and metal are more appropriate.

For ethno style, designers suggest exploring the range made from natural wood, for example:

  • dark mahogany;
  • cherries;
  • light maple.

There is a special series that refers to the styles of the late 19th century - the rotary mechanism of the switches can be designed:

  • painting;
  • ceramics;
  • wood of different species.

For sockets and switches in Baroque and Empire styles, the task of which is to emphasize wealth and luxury, expensive materials are used. Brass, bronze and gilding will harmoniously fit into the bedroom, office or living room.

In general, the materials for making sockets and switches can be:

  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • stone;
  • tree;
  • glass and so on.

The design can also be very diverse.

Do not forget that the selected model must be installed correctly. Many manufacturers have decided to simplify the solution to this problem and include installation instructions with their products, which allows you to do the work yourself, without the involvement of specialists.

When choosing electrical accessories, you must follow important rule: it should not become the center of the room’s interior; it is more correct to harmoniously fit it into the overall style.

The first problem that arises when installing sockets and switches is the correct calculation of the height relative to the floor level. It is worth noting that this criterion is calculated for each room individually, for example, in the living room it can be any, and in the kitchen it can be away from moisture and high temperatures, that is, the working surface.

It is believed that the socket should be placed at a height of 1 m, but this figure may vary depending on the location and dimensions of the furniture or equipment. In rooms with high humidity Installation near a bathtub, shower stall and sink is prohibited.

Note! In children's rooms, sockets must have plugs. This precaution will protect children from accidents. Installation should be carried out at a height of more than one and a half meters.

When choosing a place to place switches, you should not adhere to stereotypes; you must follow the requirements of ergonomics:

  • The best option is considered to be a zone 10 cm from the doorway on the side of the door handle.
  • The height should be selected in accordance with the level of the hand lowered down (according to the floor level, this is about 85 cm).
  • When installing switches in the kitchen or bathroom, you should follow the same recommendations as in the case of sockets.
Note! When installing electrical accessories, it is important to follow safety rules. If you do not have such skills, it is better to seek help from professional electricians.


IN Lately Eco-friendly design is very popular - use natural materials. Manufacturers of sockets and switches also decided to use it to design their products. The combination of electrical appliances and living plants turned out to be quite possible. For this we use:

  • lichens.

This design will be an excellent addition to the bathroom or kitchen, as required amount they will take moisture from the air. But, nevertheless, this option is quite dangerous for families with children, so if you are an ardent fan of nature, you should consider options with a dried herbarium.

Modern electrical accessories are not just utilitarian devices, but also important decorative components that are included in the interior. For many years, classic white models have been considered the most popular, but if you want to purchase something original and unusual, explore all the options for modern switches and sockets.

If with constructively It’s clear (the socket box is embedded - we install a hidden one, if it’s not in the wall - we go for the outer one), then less noticeable details require attention. First of all, we look at contacts- two stamped brass plates, as is done on cheap sockets, are only suitable for low-current loads, even if “16 A” is proudly written on the socket. The fact is that such contacts spark and burn (turn on a powerful switching power supply - you will see for yourself), become loose with frequent switching, and therefore begin to spark and burn even more intensely. Full-fledged spring-loaded contacts are the only right choice for frequently used sockets and high-power consumers. Expensive? But we also buy an outlet for years, not for weeks.

If there are children at home or at least planned, choose sockets with protective shutters, covering the holes. Moreover, the curtains should open when both are pressed simultaneously when the plug is inserted, and not individually. Didn't you put nails in sockets as a child? The author had to. True, it was not a nail, but a wire, but it was memorable all the same, and even, it seems, prompted me to choose a specialty. These same curtains will be useful, for example, in the kitchen - there is some kind of protection against splashes, but in such conditions, of course, a full-fledged cover is definitely better.

Mechanical strength It won't be superfluous for sure. No, of course, we all know that you can’t just pull the cord out of the socket without holding it with your hand, and so on, and so on - but in practice, for some reason, this is how we break them, isn’t it? Therefore, both the fastening itself in the socket box and the fastening of the frame must be solid.

Happy shopping!

To protect your home and create an original interior, it is necessary not only to correctly position the electrical accessories, but also to consider all the ways to connect them. A significant role in this matter is played by sockets and switches, which can add completeness to the created interior. Among the huge range of models, it is worth choosing the necessary design of sockets and switches that will fit into the room in a certain style. Thanks to a little hints and advice, everyone will be able to choose the necessary version of the product, which will correspond to its intended purpose and not pose any danger to human life.

Due to the large assortment of products, you can easily get confused and choose the wrong model that does not fit the technology and design. To avoid mistakes, you should first familiarize yourself with the general classification, which is divided into 2 main groups:

  • by appointment;
  • by design.

Each category includes several items, which allows you to choose an outlet model for a specific type of room.

Don’t forget about an important criterion – price. Cheap product will be of low quality, which means the work life will be short.

Types of sockets by purpose

There are several types of sockets that have different purposes:

  1. With protective curtains. This model is perfect for apartments and houses with small children.
  2. With fork ejector. For convenience, the developers installed a special button in the corner of the socket. When it is pressed, the repulsion mechanism and the fork are activated, without special effort, is removed. The service life of such structures is several years longer.
  3. With grounding. A standard socket has 2 holes to which 2 electrical wiring contacts are connected. In models with grounding, there are 3 of these, so when turned on, the grounded contacts come into contact first, and then the current. If you follow electrical safety standards, you must install only grounded sockets in your home.
  4. For outdoor placement. Often, electricity needs to be moved outside the home or building. But open outlets can be unsafe. In this case, you should pay attention to models with a high degree of security, as well as a lid. Neither precipitation nor temperature changes will harm such a device.
  5. For rooms with high humidity. In an apartment or house there are rooms with high humidity, such as the bathroom and kitchen. Electricity is also used here, but due to high humidity, standard products cannot be put into operation. For such premises, models marked IP44 are suitable. There are rubber gaskets inside that prevent moisture from getting into the electricity.

The listed types of sockets are classified as power sockets, but there are also low-current ones. These include: satellite, antenna, computer and telephone.

Types of sockets by design

The design of the socket is also important when it comes to safety. Today the following main types are distinguished:

  • With and without screw clamp. In the first case, the contacts are placed between two plates, which are secured to each other with a screw. In the second version, the wires are clamped in special contact holes.
  • For open and indoor wiring. Surface-mounted sockets are used when installing them on walls. Most often they can be found in country houses and dachas. Built-in sockets are used when it is necessary to hide wires inside the wall. In this case, the electrical part is also hidden.

According to experts, the quality of work will be higher for sockets with screw terminals.

Today, manufacturers produce a huge range of switches that differ not only in appearance. They can be manual or automatic. In addition, there are several other characteristic differences that modern manufacturers use.

  1. With or without backlight. Are universal classic models old style without backlight. Manufacturers have installed LEDs into the housing of modern switches. Thanks to this, the interior dark rooms(hallway, corridor and bathroom) you can easily find the switch.
  2. Regulators. If we are talking about incandescent lamps, then it is worth considering designs with dimmers. They can be of two types: sensory and mechanical. Most often, a remote control may be included in the package. remote control glow intensity.
  3. Passing. Modern designers plan several light sources simultaneously in one room. To control several groups, pass-through switches are used.

As with sockets, switches can be divided into 2 types depending on the wiring: external and internal.

Types of switches depending on the design features of the mechanism

The most popular are key switches. Their cost is affordable for everyone, so they are used in the interior of houses and apartments. To improve the model, manufacturers have developed one-, two- and three-key switches. The first option is used to turn on and off one electrical circuit. The second is for adjusting multi-lamp lamps. The third one is installed when there are several groups of lamps that will be controlled in one place.

Among modern switches, it is worth highlighting newer models:

  • rotary;
  • push-button;
  • sensory.

Another type of switch stands out - cord switches. It is used in portable lighting fixtures (floor lamps).

Today, manufacturers produce a wide range of electrical accessories, which are made from high-strength materials. Thanks to a variety of shapes, designs and colors, everyone can choose switches and sockets to suit any style. When choosing, you should take into account the style, for example, plain options are suitable for the classic, and the Empire or Provence style involves imitation of precious metals. There are separate collections for children's rooms, which are made in the shapes of animals and brightly colored toys.

In line with the modern trend, high-tech, electrical accessories with frames made of frosted or colored glass are selected. If we are talking about a girl’s bedroom, then decorating with Swarovski stones is acceptable. Some manufacturers develop and produce exclusively retro sockets.

To create an original interior, you can purchase single-color switches on which film patterns are applied. In addition, color is of great importance. Not everyone will go well with finishing materials, so experts advise taking into account even the color of the furniture.

There is no need to use exclusively white, identical sockets and switches in all rooms. Thanks to large assortment you can safely experiment and select original combinations. For example, in the kitchen, the decoration contains either wood or plastic, so the body must be made of such materials or imitate them.

In addition, it is worth considering that if gloss predominates in the room, then the use of matte elements will be unsuccessful, and vice versa. When choosing colored products, you should not take into account the shade of the walls, as it will be difficult to find an identity.

Pure white switches have not been popular for a long time, even when it comes to light finishes. In this case, the electrical accessories will be lost.

Recently, everyone is concerned about saving energy. A modern smart home system will help in this matter. The program will automatically adjust not only the intensity of the glow, but also without the need to turn off the power. You can install such a system with your own hands, but first it is important to familiarize yourself with all the intricacies, as well as get advice from a specialist.

The system is based on passive infrared sensors or photocells, which will control all processes automatically. In this case there is no need to install a large number of switches, since the “smart home” will clearly fulfill the parameters specified by the user. The design of sockets and switches will be different.

Thanks to the innovative system, you can not only save energy consumption, but also avoid fire. If a person forgets to turn off the iron, the system will automatically turn off the power at the outlet.

Among fashion trends Ecology and naturalness occupy a leading place. Manufacturers of sockets and switches also decided to use this trend to create an original “living” design. Some companies have managed to combine plants with sockets and switches.

Live mosses and lichens were used for decoration. It is worth noting that this invention requires care and caution, since the plants need to be fed with water, which can lead to a short circuit.

Big fans of vegetation and lovers of ecology can decorate their switches and sockets with a herbarium.

In order not to lose your money and buy high-quality products, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. All parameters must be indicated on the inner surface of the socket or switch. Study them carefully.
  2. Signs of quality and international certification are also important.
  3. Inspect the product carefully. If low-quality materials were used for manufacturing, this will be immediately obvious. The build level is also checked.

All imported products must have a certification mark. Otherwise, such a product is considered counterfeit.

Undoubtedly, the range of electrical accessories is very large. But even with such variety, you can easily get confused and buy the wrong socket or switch. Only high-quality products can last long term and not be dangerous. Do not forget that the final stage is the installation of products. It is better to entrust this work to specialists.


From the provided video material, you will learn about the correct location and selection of sockets and switches in the interior of a living space:

The choice is quite difficult. Electrical products of Russian and foreign manufacturers are presented on the market in a wide range and in different price ranges. Safety and quality are the main parameters of electrical appliances. You should not rely only on external design. We have analyzed the market for electrical goods in terms of price-quality ratio and offer the most reliable sockets and. The best brands of manufacturers by expert assessments construction companies are presented in this review.

When choosing the best manufacturers, in addition to the basic price-quality ratio, attention was paid to the quality of materials, maintainability, external design, and functional features. Manufacturers of exclusive samples did not participate in the selection. Only classic and traditional.

Manufacturer/Photo Brief description, overview of advantages and disadvantages

French company with more than 100 years of history. The products are known all over the world.Advantages:
  • high quality;
  • various the lineup;
  • new products are made according to advanced scientific developments.

The only disadvantage we can note is the high price, which is fully justified by the high quality.

First Italian manufacturer began to pay attention to product design. The company has been owned by Legrand, a manufacturer from France, since 1989. Up to 1,000 new products are produced annually. Advantages:
  • availability of certificates of compliance with international standards;
  • The products are made in a unique design, in which the style of the manufacturer can be easily recognized. Products can be selected for any interior;
  • used in production processes Newest technologies, with the help of which home wiring is automated;
  • simple device, installation of devices is carried out independently;
  • a varied, constantly updated assortment.

The only downside is the cost. This did not stop the manufacturer from bringing the products to second place.


The manufacturer is from Germany, the company was founded in 1836, but they began producing electrical products from the end of the 19th century. The main workshops are located in France. Pros:
  • products are only of excellent quality, which is confirmed by international tests;
  • stylish, recognizable design;
  • products meet safety requirements;
  • easy installation;
  • Combined designs can be made thanks to interchangeable frames;
  • wide product range.

There are no shortcomings noted, except for the high price.

Manufacturer from South Korea. The date of foundation is the middle of the last century. The brand currently represents Legrand in the middle price category.Advantages:
  • budget cost;
  • high quality consistent with the entire Legrand product line;
  • reliability;
  • simple installation;
  • clear geometry, color design in neutral shades;
  • modularity allows for independent combination;
  • The manufacturer produces automated systems and devices designed to protect premises.

The company produces sockets with and without grounding. The design of the box is made in the form of a rectangle or oval. Disadvantages:

  • limited design. However, the new collections slightly diversify the range of budget products.

A manufacturer from Germany produces high-quality German sockets and switches in a budget price range. Rounded lines in the design of the cases, color variety allows them to fit into any room design. Pros:
  • affordable price;
  • High-quality materials are used in production;
  • thanks to interchangeable frames, you can create interesting combinations of products;
  • easy installation, all wires are sealed very neatly;
  • wide model range.


  • It is difficult to install two contacts in ceramic bases, there is not enough space;
  • fragility.

Representative of the Schneider-Electric company. In Russia, products are presented in the budget price category. The high quality of the materials used puts the company in the top ten.Advantages:
  • quality;
  • low cost;
  • use of high-quality plastic in production;
  • the product meets all safety requirements;
  • neutral, color scheme, interesting design and shape;
  • modular products can be combined thanks to interchangeable frames;
  • Child protection is provided.

Devices are produced without it. Modern models supplemented with lighting. Possible hidden installation. Disadvantages:

  • modest design. External design confirms the budget price.

Turkish manufacturer, subsidiary of DernekGROUP. In the electrical products market since 2007.Advantages:
  • goods of decent quality;
  • the materials used in production comply with all environmental safety requirements;
  • Thanks to interchangeable frames, you can diversify your design;
  • moderate cost.


  • weak clamps;
  • ill-conceived fastenings;
  • fragility.

The company from Turkey has been known on the market since 1990. Advantages:
  • quality;
  • functionality;
  • simple installation;
  • wide color scheme;
  • meets high safety requirements;

Products in the mid-price segment have gained wide recognition among home craftsmen due to their excellent quality and easy installation.

A group of companies from Russia, in collaboration with French and German manufacturers, entered the electrical products market in 1999. The main trump card is cost. Color solution Available in neutral or white shades. A collection with a textured design has been released, with which you can decorate any modern interior.Advantages:
  • the lowest cost on the market for similar products;
  • replaceable frames;
  • wide range of colors;


  • Before installation, all contact connections must be checked. In these places, weak fixation is possible.

Russian manufacturer, founded in 1998. There are more than 10,000 products in the product catalog.Advantages:
  • easy installation;
  • possibility of combining models;
  • interesting design;
  • high quality modular systems.

The negative aspects include the low range. This is due to the fact that these products are not the main focus of the manufacturer. In addition, the products are quite expensive.

Which sockets are best to install in an apartment: basic recommendations

The main requirements for choosing sockets and switches are reliability and convenient operation, since we use electrical appliances every day in everyday life. In addition, the time of its operation depends on the quality of the product. The use of low-quality products is fraught with significant consequences:

  • fire;
  • unreliable fastening entails the case jumping out of the box;
  • electric shock;

These negative aspects are characteristic of sockets. For switches, the consequences are not so fraught. When choosing them, it is important to consider compatibility with other light sources, for example with diode strips. Flickering may occur if the alignment is incorrect.

The range of electrical products is quite large; you should not opt ​​for the first model that a home craftsman or salesperson at a retail outlet recommends. It is necessary to independently calculate all compliance with the required parameters.

Basic criteria for choosing sockets

  • For internal wiring in a room, you need to choose an internal model. Its installation is carried out in mounting box, for which a corresponding hole is first made in the wall surface. The housing remains on the wall;
  • for external wiring, it is necessary to install a socket that is completely located on the wall surface;
  • an important selection criterion is the presence or absence. If there is a grounding conductor in the wiring, you should choose a grounded outlet;
  • the presence of additional springs in the socket connectors will provide a more rigid connection when the plug is turned on;
  • if you need to constantly turn on several electrical appliances, it is recommended to install a socket block;
  • screw connection of conductors. It's more reliable way fixing the wire with screws;
  • screwless connection into special contact holes - may loosen over time.

In addition to the basic parameters, you can select from individual characteristics. Models with special protection against children's pranks, additionally equipped with curtains, which are squeezed out with a plug when turned on. Or sockets with a special push-out of the electrical appliance plug using a key. Especially relevant for the kitchen. They completely eliminate direct contact with dirty and wet hands.

How interesting option, you can consider devices with a light indicator, which is very important for use in dark time days. The built-in timer allows you to accurately set the time, for example, until the end of cooking.

If necessary, you should choose a floor-mounted retractable model, which will decorate any interior with its design.

A non-standard solution is a window installation option powered by sunlight. This is an expensive product, but over time the project pays for itself in full.

Basic criteria for selecting switches

You should also be as prepared as possible when choosing a switch. The basic parameters are the same as when choosing sockets. First of all, it is important to establish what type of electrical wiring they will be intended for. When installed concealed on a wall surface, only . Installation in open installation remains completely on the surface.

Symbols are marked on the body. Care should be taken when selecting parameters taking into account the degree of protection.

A wide range of models and colors allows you to effortlessly select products to suit any interior design.

Base material

Currently, sockets are made from ceramic or thermoplastic. Each of these materials is good in its own way. But safety is affected not only by the base material, but also by the reliability of fastening.


  • meets all fire safety requirements, the material is resistant to elevated temperatures;
  • the material has a porous base, which facilitates the penetration of dust and moisture. This may cause a short circuit;
  • fragile, damage may occur if dropped.


  • non-flammable, resistant to high temperatures;
  • the structure of the material is dense, retains moisture and water on the surface without changing its dielectric properties;
  • Durable housing, low risk of damage if dropped.

Thermoplastic sockets are more reliable than ceramic ones, which lose their dielectric properties over time.

Rated current

Before choosing sockets and switches for your apartment, you should clarify the operating parameters: the magnitude and type of current, voltage indicators, and surges. The household network has an alternating voltage of 220 V, the frequency of which is 50 Hertz.

For the rated current, the load from the operation of electrical appliances in a particular outlet is important. If the data sheet for an electrical appliance indicates a load of 12 amperes, you cannot choose an outlet rated for 6 or 10 amperes. She just might melt. You should purchase a model with a 12 amp parameter.

Correctly labeled for this example will look like this: ~type of current is alternating, rated current 16 A, voltage 220 V.

Important! If the socket is not marked symbols and labeling, you should refuse such a purchase.

Correctly selected parameters will extend the life of the outlet.

Degree of protection

This is one of the most important criteria. Exists general classification designation standards, knowing which you can easily select the required model. Designations on the IPAB housing, where “A” are digital designations of the diameter and type of object from which the electrical device is protected. "B" - moisture protection.

Designation of parameter “A”
Parameter Diameter, mm, item type
1 From 50, palm.
2 From 12 to 50, palm and fingers.
3 From 2.5 to 12, palm, fingers, tool for manual use.
4 From 1 to 2.5, all of the above plus small fasteners and conductors.
5 Reliable protection of the housing from dust and mechanical impact of objects.
6 Dust-proof housing, complete protection from mechanical influences.
0 The case is not protected
Parameter designation “B”
Number Moisture protection
1 Protection against vertical isolated drops
2 Protection against isolated droplets in vertical contact and at an angle of 15°.
3 Protection against drops similar to rain.
4 Protection against splashing water from various angles.
5 Protected against jet water.
0 The case is not protected from moisture

In an example it looks like this. Sockets marked IP 20 are suitable for a regular room; IP 44 models should be used for the bathroom.

Rating of sockets and switches of a high price category

The rating of premium-class electrical installation products includes devices costing the equivalent of $5 or more. Their quality is confirmed international standards security. Manufacturers with long history strive for the high quality of each product. A lot of time is devoted to the release of new collections. It should be noted that the recognized leaders are Lergrand, Bticino and Schneider-Electric.

As an example, you can pay attention to the latest models and collections of manufacturers.

Legrand sockets and switches: CELIANE collection - innovation in the present

When not in use, the housing is in line with the frame, excluding contact with the wiring. This is designed to reduce dust settling.

Safety, stylish appearance and natural purity are the main standards of the premium Legrand line

Switch from the “Living Light Air” collection from the manufacturer “Bticino” - a breakthrough into the future

The thinnest frames up to 5 mm thick. Anthracite color will highlight the uniqueness of each room. Within the frame you can install a housing with 1 or 3 keys.

Frames are the main focus of the collection. The finest material in a range of 11 colors. You can choose beautiful switches and sockets for any decoration of your beloved home.

Sockets and switches “Schneider-Electric” Unica TOP collection - energy of modernity

The collection was created for true connoisseurs of beauty. Natural wood and metal, heat and cold. The products are suitable for both classic and high-tech styles.

Rating of sockets and switches in the mid-price category

It is quite difficult to choose a leader in electrical products in the budget price segment. Many manufacturers produce products in the mid-price category. Here the choice should be made based on the design and color scheme of the models. You can brighten up the interior with non-standard round switches and sockets. For a reasonable price you will get a unique performance.

It is important to consider that the brand’s line may not have the required frame or filling option for the device.

Socket outlet “Makel” Siva

Additionally - grounding. Can be used in a summer house or, if the wiring in the apartment has been changed, after renovation work

Switch "Vico" Karre

Two keys on the body can control multiple light sources. For this model, you should purchase a frame for 1 slot. Frames from this collection can be purchased for 2-6 slots.

ABB sockets and switches: BUSCH JAEGER LEVIT collection

The colorful design will enliven even the most puritanical interior. The coating consists of two layers, giving a visual sense of design movement.

Sockets and switches: the best brands of 2017-2018

Products are presented on the domestic market different manufacturers in a wide price range. There are designer sockets and switches that are produced to order only in a minimum quantity. The cost of such products will be significantly higher than average. Additionally, production and delivery may take a long time.

If you choose from a wide range famous manufacturers and judging by consumer reviews on well-known Internet sites, the distribution can be compiled as follows.

Manufacturer "Schneider Electric" - only premium class

The world leader in the production of electrical products has been occupying a leading position for many years. The standard of quality and value. The products always stand out for their simple installation and comfortable operation.

Manufacturer "Legrand" - variability of models

The products of this manufacturer are among the top leaders, as they are of the highest quality. One of the few Legrand supports wide pricing policy. A special feature of the products is the release additional elements, with the help of which the service life of the fittings is extended.

Manufacturer "Vico" - national brand

The manufacturer from Turkey has been gaining the authority of home craftsmen and professionals since 1990. A wide range of colors and variety of shapes, affordable prices, quality, and compliance with all safety requirements place the manufacturer among the top well-known leaders.

Manufacturer "Bticino" - unique design

The manufacturer produces unique premium models, the cost of which reaches several thousand rubles per unit. The basic collection is constantly maintained, designed for different wallets.

Manufacturer "Anam": budget sockets and switches

Manufacturer of sockets and switches "Anam" in the middle price segment. Since the end of the last century it was bought by Legrand, which significantly improved specifications products.

Unusual models of sockets and switches

Manufacturers constantly surprise consumers with their new products, offering non-standard solutions. Such specimens are not often found in the retail chain. If desired, you can order the product you like. We invite you to see what kind of sockets there are; you will see some of the unusual designs for the first time.

Photo Description

Built-in Wi-Fi router in the socket housing. Color options are available in black, white and beige.

Models supplemented with a watt meter.

Built-in extension cord, the length of which reaches one and a half meters.

Tee socket manufactured by Legrand. Cost from $30.

Safe sockets. To turn them on, you need to insert the plug and turn it. Recommended for installation in homes with small children.

Socket with built-in switch.

Nutrition from solar energy. Installation is performed on the window block.

Cache - imitation socket

Artwork in the form of a mouse house, cabinet. The designers' imaginations in ideas from cartoon series are limitless in this solution.

Installation of sockets and switches - main points

Fulfill independent connection sockets and switches without basic information is not recommended. At first glance, this is a fairly simple process, but it requires primary knowledge of electrophysics.

Peculiarities preliminary preparation installation of products during repairs.

  • In hard wall surfaces made of concrete or brick, it is necessary to prepare mounting holes with a diameter of no more than 50 mm using a hammer drill or impact drill;
  • then you should lay a groove from the shield or from the place of transfer to the place where the box is secured. The groove is performed only at right angles along a line parallel or perpendicular to the floor;
  • then the cable is laid in the groove, after which it should be fixed with alabaster. For switches, a cable with a cross-section of 1.5 square is suitable, for sockets - 2.5;
  • to connect wires of different materials (aluminum to copper) should be used. From ordinary twisting, the wires can oxidize, which will become an obstacle to the passage of current;
  • Before installing the socket, it is necessary to secure it in mounting hole using alabaster for a socket. Alabaster should fill all the voids.

These are the main ones preparatory work before installing sockets and switches. It will take some time for the alabaster to completely harden.



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