Assessment of the condition of the building facade. Inspection of building facades

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It is necessary to clean the glazing of skylights after heavy snowfall.

The minimum duration of effective operation of window and door fillings is 15-20 years.

Topic No. 7. Determination of the technical condition of the building facade.

At technical operation facade, it is necessary to pay attention to the reliability of fastening of architectural and structural parts (eaves, parapets, balconies, loggias, bay windows, etc.).

Base is the most moistened part of the building due to the effects of precipitation, as well as moisture penetrating through the capillaries of the foundation material. This part of the building is constantly exposed to adverse mechanical influences, which requires the use of durable and frost-resistant materials for the base.

Cornices, the crowning part of the building, are diverted from the wall by rain and melt water and perform an architectural and decorative function. The facades of the building may also have intermediate cornices, corbels, sandriks, which perform functions similar to those of the main crowning cornice.

The reliability of the building envelope depends on the technical condition of the cornices, belts, pilasters and other protruding parts of the facade.

The part of the outer wall that continues above the roof - parapet. To avoid destruction by precipitation, the upper plane of the parapet is protected with galvanized steel or concrete slabs factory made.

Architectural and structural elements of the facade also include balconies, loggias, and bay windows, which help improve performance qualities And appearance building.

Balconies are in conditions of constant atmospheric exposure, humidification, alternating freezing and thawing, therefore, earlier than other parts of the building they fail and collapse. The most critical part of balconies is the place where slabs or beams are embedded in the wall of the building, since during operation the place of embedding is subject to intense temperature and humidity effects. Figure 2 shows the pairing balcony slab with an outer wall.

Figure 2 Pairing the balcony slab with the outer wall

1-balcony slab; 2-cement mortar; 3-lining; 4-insulation; 5-embedded metal element; 6-gasket; 7-insulation; 8-anchor.

Loggia- a site surrounded on three sides by walls and fencing. In relation to the main volume of the building, the loggia can be built-in or remote.

The covering of the loggias must ensure the drainage of water from the external walls of the building. To do this, the floors of the loggias must be made with a slope of 2-3% from the plane of the facade and placed 50-70 mm below the floor of the adjacent rooms. The surface of the loggia floor is covered with waterproofing. The connections of balcony and loggia slabs with the facade wall are protected from leakage by placing the edge of a waterproofing carpet on the wall, covering it with two additional layers of waterproofing 400 mm wide and covering it with a galvanized steel apron.

Fences for loggias and balconies must be high enough to comply with safety requirements (at least 1 - 1.2 m) and made predominantly solid, with railings and flower beds.

Bay window- part of the premises located behind the plane of the facade wall can be used to accommodate vertical communications - stairs, elevators. A bay window increases the area of ​​the premises, enriches the interior, provides additional insolation, and improves lighting conditions. The bay window enriches the shape of the building and serves as an architectural means of shaping the scale of the façade composition and its division.

During the technical operation of façade elements, sections of walls located next to drainpipes, gutters, and inlet funnels must be thoroughly inspected.

All damaged areas of the finishing layer of the wall must be repelled and, after identifying and eliminating the cause of the damage, restored. In case of weathering, crumbling of fillings of vertical and horizontal joints, as well as destruction of the edges of panels and blocks, the faulty areas should be inspected, the joints should be filled and the damaged edges should be restored with appropriate materials.

Building facades are often faced with ceramic tiles, natural stone materials. If the cladding is poorly secured with metal staples and cement mortar, it will fall out. The reasons for peeling of the cladding are moisture getting into the seams between the stones and behind the cladding, alternate freezing and thawing.

If tile defects are detected, the surface of the entire facade is tapped, loose tiles are removed and repairs are carried out. restoration work.

Defects in facades are often associated with atmospheric pollution, which leads to loss of their original appearance, sooting and tarnishing of their surface.

Building facades should be cleaned and washed within the time limits established depending on the material, condition of building surfaces and operating conditions.

The facades of wooden, unplastered buildings must be periodically painted with vapor-permeable paints or compounds to prevent rotting and in accordance with fire safety standards. Improving the appearance of a building can be achieved through high-quality plastering and painting.

Drainage devices of external walls must have the necessary slopes from the walls to ensure the removal of atmospheric water. Steel fastening parts are placed at a slope from the walls. On parts that have a slope towards the wall, tightly fitting galvanized steel cuffs should be installed at a distance of 5-10 cm from the wall. All steel elements attached to the wall are regularly painted and protected from corrosion.

It is necessary to systematically check the correct use of balconies, bay windows, loggias, avoiding the placement of bulky and heavy things on them, clutter and pollution.

During operation, there is a need to restore the plaster of the facades. Defects in the plaster are caused by poor quality of the mortar, work at low temperatures, excessive moisture, etc. For minor repairs of the plaster, cracks are opened and puttied; for significant cracks, the plaster is removed and plastered again, paying special attention to Special attention ensuring adhesion of the plaster layer to the load-bearing elements.

The main causes of damage to the appearance of buildings


The use of materials of different strength, water absorption, frost resistance and durability in the same masonry (sand-lime brick, cinder blocks, etc.);

Different deformability of load-bearing longitudinal and self-supporting end walls;

Usage sand-lime brick in rooms with high humidity (baths, saunas, swimming pools, showers, washrooms, etc.);

Loosening the dressing;

Thickening of seams;

Insufficient support of structures;

Freezing of the solution;

Moistening of cornices, parapets, architectural details, balconies, loggias, wall plaster;

Violations of technology during winter laying, etc.

Topic No. 8. Protection of buildings from premature wear.

Impact of aggressive environment on building structures can lead to corrosion of concrete, reinforcement, embedded parts, as well as premature wear of stone and concrete structures, can cause destruction and rotting of wooden elements and, as a result, a decrease in the load-bearing capacity of building structures as a whole. Therefore, during the operation of buildings, it is necessary to determine areas of corrosion damage to concrete, reinforcement, the nature and extent of these damages, and also to establish the degree of wear of masonry structures, etc.

Corrosion is the destruction of building materials under the influence of the environment, accompanied by chemical, physicochemical and electrochemical processes. Depending on the nature of the corrosion process, chemical and electrochemical corrosion are distinguished. Chemical corrosion is accompanied irreversible changes structural materials as a result of interaction with an aggressive environment. Electrochemical corrosion occurs in metal structures under conditions of unfavorable contact with the atmospheric environment, water, wet soils, and aggressive gases.

During the operation of buildings, when inspecting structures, it is necessary to establish the degree and type of corrosion damage.

The degree of damage to metals can be uniform and local (ulcerative).

Corrosion of reinforcement is determined visually by the appearance longitudinal cracks And rust spots on the surface of the protective layer of concrete, as well as electrically.

Corrosion of underground structures, to which pipelines, embedded parts and reinforcement of underground reinforced concrete structures are susceptible, is associated with the presence of moisture and dissolved aggressive substances in the soil and soils. The process of corrosion and destruction of metal structures occurs under conditions of insufficient aeration, which causes local corrosion damage. Areas of structures that are poorly supplied with oxygen are destroyed faster.

Used for protection against underground corrosion protective coatings, carry out soil treatment and aquatic environment to reduce their corrosive activity.

At least 2 times a year, metal structures must be cleaned of dust and dirt using compressed air.

Factors that cause corrosion of concrete and reinforced concrete structures include: alternate freezing and thawing of concrete, wetting and drying, which is accompanied by shrinkage and swelling deformations, deposition of soluble salts, etc.

TO external factors, which determine the intensity of corrosion of concrete and reinforced concrete, include:

Type of medium and its chemical composition;

Temperature and humidity conditions of the building.

Internal factors that determine the resistance of a material include:

Type of binder in concrete or mortar;

Its chemical and mineral composition;

Chemical composition of aggregates;

Density and structure of concrete;

Type of fittings, etc.

All corrosion processes in concrete structures can be divided into three types.

In type I concrete corrosion, the leading factor is the leaching of soluble components cement stone and the corresponding destruction of its structural elements. Most often, this type of corrosion occurs when concrete is exposed to fast-flowing water (leaks in the roof or from a pipeline) or when filtering water with low hardness.

With the intensive development of type II corrosion in concrete, the leading process is the interaction of aggressive solutions with the solid phase of cement stone during cation exchange and the destruction of the main structural elements of cement stone. This type includes concrete corrosion processes under the action of solutions of acids, magnesium salts, ammonium salts, etc.

The main factors in type III corrosion are the processes occurring in concrete when it interacts with an aggressive environment and are accompanied by the crystallization of salts in capillaries.

The condition of their reinforcement plays a significant role in ensuring the reliability and durability of reinforced concrete structures.

Corrosion of steel in concrete occurs as a result of a violation of its passivity, caused by a decrease in alkalinity to pH≤ 2 during carbonization or corrosion of concrete. Cracks in concrete facilitate the flow of moisture, air and aggressive substances from the environment to the surface of the reinforcement, as a result of which its passive state at the locations of the cracks is disrupted. In this case, it is necessary to immediately carry out repairs or strengthening, without allowing the load-bearing capacity of the structure to be exhausted.

When operating reinforced concrete structures, there is often a need to protect reinforcement from corrosion processes. Reliable protection reinforcement is the use of shotcrete. It is necessary to clean the damaged areas of the protective layer of the structure, partially or completely expose the reinforcement, clean it of rust, attach it to a bare mesh of wire with a diameter of 2-3 mm with cells measuring 50-50 mm, wash the damaged areas under pressure and apply gunite to the wet surface. If the protective layer of concrete is insufficient to protect the reinforcement from corrosion, apply polyvinyl chloride materials(varnishes, enamels). The surface is leveled with shotcrete with a layer thickness of at least 10 mm.

Impact high temperature on reinforced concrete structures leads to a sharp decrease in the adhesion of the reinforcement to the concrete. When heated to 100°C, the adhesion of smooth reinforcement to concrete decreases by 25%, and at 450°C it is completely disrupted.

During operation, it is necessary to ensure sufficient ventilation of premises to remove aggressive gases, protect building elements from moisture from precipitation and groundwater, increase the corrosion resistance of concrete and reinforced concrete structures through surface and volumetric treatment with surfactants, and install anti-corrosion coatings.

Despite the durability of wood, wooden structures are also subject to biological destruction, which occurs as a result of its decay, which is the result of the activity of wood-destroying fungi, and is also caused by insects that destroy wood. The greatest damage is caused by rotting wood.

Rotting is a biological process that occurs slowly at temperatures from 0° to 40°C in a humid environment.

Infection wooden structures spores of wood-destroying fungi occur everywhere - one ripe fruiting body releases tens of billions of spores. Direct destruction is carried out by mushroom threads 5-6 mm thick, invisible to the naked eye, penetrating into the thickness of the wood. There are more than 1000 varieties of wood-decaying fungi. The most common mushrooms found in buildings are the true house mushroom and the porcini mushroom.

All these mushrooms destroying dead wood building elements buildings, cause destructive rot, which is characterized by the appearance of longitudinal and transverse cracks on the affected surfaces.

To avoid wood rotting, you must:

Protect wood from direct moisture from precipitation and groundwater;

Provide sufficient thermal insulation (on the cold side) and vapor barrier (on the warm side) of walls, coverings and other enclosing structures of heated buildings to prevent their freezing and condensation humidification;

Ensure systematic drying of wood and aggregates by creating a drying temperature and humidity regime.

In this regard, the following design protection measures are necessary:

Load-bearing wooden structures should be designed open, well-ventilated, accessible for inspection, located entirely either within the heated room or outside it, since condensation forms in elements with variable temperatures along their thickness or length; It is not allowed to embed support units, chords, ends of lattice elements of load-bearing structures into the thickness of walls, roofless roofs and attic floors;

Roofless wood coverings should not be used over rooms with a relative humidity of more than 70%;

Should not be used wooden floors V sanitary facilities and other wet areas of stone buildings.

Wooden floors above the underground must be protected from rotting by ventilation. Wooden parts must be separated from the masonry with waterproofing materials.

Premature wear of wooden elements can also be caused by the destructive action of insects, mainly beetles (weevils, grinders), as well as hymenoptera (horntails), lepidoptera (butterflies) and false reticulates (termites), crustaceans (sea crustaceans, woodlice).

In most cases, insects, having completed their development cycle in wet wood, do not repopulate it after drying. The main pests of wood are not the insects themselves, but their larvae, which feed on wood, gnaw holes of various sizes in it, turning it into dust.

To combat insects you need:

Carry out a careful selection of wood for wooden structures coming from the warehouse;

Carry out accelerated uprooting of stumps at cutting sites;

Remove burnt trees and windfalls in a timely manner;

Water supply system– this is a set of measures to provide water to various consumers - the population, industrial enterprises; a complex of engineering structures and devices providing water supply (including obtaining water from natural sources, its cleaning, transportation and supply to consumers).

There are hot water supply systems and cold water supply systems.

Water supply network– this is a set of water supply lines (pipelines) for supplying water to places of consumption; one of the main elements of the water supply system.

The technical operation of the engineering equipment of buildings and structures is to ensure reliable, safe and trouble-free operation of all elements of the engineering equipment of buildings and structures and their uninterrupted supply of heat, cold, hot water and air.

To ensure the operation of engineering equipment, the operating organization must have technical documentation for long-term storage and documentation that is replaced due to the expiration of its validity period.

Part technical documentation long-term storage

Site plan on a scale of 1:1000 - 1:2000 with residential and public buildings and structures located on it;

Design and estimate documentation and as-built drawings for each building;

Certificates of technical condition of buildings;

Schemes of intra-house water supply, sewerage, waste disposal networks, central heating, heat, gas, electricity, etc.;

Boiler management certificates, boiler books;

Passports of elevator facilities;

Passports for each residential building, apartment, public building and land plot;

As-built drawings of grounding loops (for buildings,

having grounding).

Technical documentation for long-term storage is adjusted as the technical condition changes, revaluation of fixed assets, major repairs or reconstruction.

Included in the documentation replaced due to expiration

its actions include:

Estimates, inventories of work for current and major repairs;

Technical inspection reports;

Residents' application logs;

Protocols for measuring resistance of electrical networks;

measurement protocols

Maintenance of engineering equipment includes work to monitor (scheduled and unscheduled inspections) the condition of engineering equipment, maintaining its serviceability, operability, setting up and regulating engineering systems.

There are the following types of scheduled inspections of building engineering equipment:

General, during which an inspection of engineering equipment as a whole is carried out;

Partial - inspections that involve inspection individual elements engineering equipment.

General inspections are carried out 2 times a year: in spring and autumn (before the start of the heating season).

After heavy rains, hurricane winds, heavy snowfalls, floods and other natural phenomena that cause damage to individual elements of buildings, as well as in the event of accidents on external communications or when deformation of structures and malfunctions of engineering equipment are detected that violate the conditions of normal operation, extraordinary (unscheduled) ) inspections.

The results of inspections should be reflected in special documents for recording the technical condition of buildings: magazines, passports, acts.

The system of technical inspection of the condition of engineering equipment includes the following types of control depending on the purpose of the inspection and the period of operation:

Instrumental acceptance control of the technical condition of overhauled (reconstructed) engineering equipment of buildings and structures;

Instrumental monitoring of the technical condition of engineering equipment of buildings and structures during scheduled and extraordinary inspections (preventive control), as well as continuous technical inspection;

Technical inspection of engineering equipment of buildings and structures for design overhaul and reconstruction;

Technical examination (examination) of engineering equipment of buildings and structures in case of damage to elements and accidents during operation.

Instrumental monitoring of engineering equipment should be carried out on systems connected to external networks and operating in operational mode.

Checking heating systems in summer time is carried out by filling the systems and testing them with pressure, as well as heating with water circulation in the system.

After assessing the condition of the DHW and cold water systems, the results are provided in the following form:

Results of the inspection of the domestic hot water system:

1. Type of system (one-pipe or two-pipe, with top or bottom wiring, etc.)

2. Type of heated towel rails

3. Thermomechanical equipment of the hot water supply system installed at the thermal input (heating point)

4. System defects.

Results of the inspection of the cold water system:

1. System type

2. Equipment (water metering units, pumping units, regulators)

3. System defects.

Before commissioning, after all installation and repair work has been completed, water supply systems are tested using the hydrostatic or manometric method in compliance with the requirements of GOST, GOST and SNiP 3.01.01-85.

The tests are carried out as follows. A pressure gauge with an accuracy class of at least 1.5 and a hydraulic press or compressor are connected to the control valve to create pressure in the system. The internal network is filled with water, all shut-off valves are opened, all leaks are eliminated and air is removed through the highest water points. After performing these operations, the pressure rises to the required value. Cold and hot water supply networks are tested at a pressure exceeding the operating pressure by 0.5 MPa (5 kgf/cm2), but not more than 1 MPa (10 kgf/cm2) for 10 minutes; In this case, a decrease in pressure is allowed by no more than 0.1 MPa (1 kgf/cm2).

Systems are considered to have passed the tests if, within 10 minutes of being under test pressure using the hydrostatic method, no pressure drop of more than 0.05 MPa (0.5 kgf/cm2) and drops in welds, pipes, threaded connections, fittings, as well as leaks were detected water through flush devices.

Hydrostatic and manometric tests of cold and hot water supply systems are carried out before installing water fittings.

At the end of the hydrostatic test, it is necessary to release water from the internal cold and hot water supply systems.

Manometric tests of the internal cold and hot water supply system are carried out in the following sequence: the system is filled with air at a test excess pressure of 0.15 MPa (1.5 kgf/cm2); if installation defects are detected by ear, the pressure should be reduced to atmospheric pressure and the defects eliminated; then fill the system with air at a pressure of 0.1 MPa (1 kgf/cm2), maintain it under test pressure for 5 minutes.

The system is considered to have passed the test if, when it is under test pressure, the pressure drop does not exceed 0.01 MPa (0.1 kgf/cm2).

IN winter period The test is carried out only after the heating system has been put into operation.

In cases where it is difficult to carry out hydrostatic tests, a manometric test is carried out.

When operating cold and hot water supply systems, the flow of cold and hot water based on established standards SNiP. The full standards are given in the appendix. 3 SNiP 2.04.01-85*.

The quality of water supplied to the hot water supply systems of a residential building must meet the requirements of GOST and SanPiN. The temperature of water supplied to water points (taps, mixers) must be at least 60°C in open hot water supply systems and at least 50°C in closed ones. The water temperature in the hot water supply system must be maintained using an automatic regulator, the installation of which in the hot water supply system is mandatory.

Water heaters and pipelines must be constantly filled with water. The main gates and valves designed to shut off and regulate the hot water supply system must be opened and closed 2 times a month. Opening and closing of the said fittings is done slowly.

During operation, it is necessary to monitor the absence of leaks in the risers, connections to shut-off and control valves and water taps, and eliminate the causes of their malfunction and water leakage.

The operation of automatic temperature and pressure regulators of hot water supply systems is checked at least once a month.

In the modern economy, there is a need for more rational use of resources.

Therefore, in practice, resource metering devices and flow meters are now used. Their use, as experience shows, allows reducing costs for energy, energy carriers and water. Thus, the use of water meters allows you to reduce the consumption of cold and hot water by an average of 30-50%.

The main function of a water meter is to determine the amount of water that has flowed through the pipeline during metering and provide this amount in digital form.

Currently, a variety of water meters are produced. They differ in measurement method, metrological characteristics, structural and functional features, installation and operating conditions, price and other parameters.

During the operation of water supply systems, problems arise various situations unsatisfactory to the requirements of water consumers, so in practice various installations are used.

1. Pumping installations.

Pumping units used for pumping water in cold water supply systems. They provide an uninterrupted supply of water to the consumer while maintaining a given pressure in the water supply network in accordance with the actual water consumption regime and taking into account the need to minimize energy costs.

When operating pumping units, it must be ensured

a) maintaining the specified operating mode of the installation and minimum consumption electricity;

b) monitoring the condition and operating parameters of the main pumping stations
units, hydromechanical devices (gate valves, valves, check valves), hydraulic communications, electrical equipment, instrumentation, automation equipment
and dispatch control, as well as building structures;

c) preventing the occurrence of malfunctions and emergencies
situations, and in case of their occurrence - taking measures to eliminate and eliminate accidents;

d) compliance with occupational safety and health regulations;

e) maintaining proper sanitary and fire safety conditions in the premises of the pumping unit

f) timely implementation of scheduled audits, current and major repairs of equipment, as well as repairs of equipment damaged during accidents.

2. Water tanks used to create the water pressure necessary in the event of a decrease in pressure in the external water supply network, during pump shutdown hours with a constant lack of pressure, with increased burst water flow rates, as well as when it is necessary to create the required flow rates in internal water supply networks.

When operating water tanks, the quality of water coming from the city water supply may deteriorate due to the ingress of dust through loosely closed tank lids and the accumulation of iron oxide. In addition, large losses of water occur during overflow. In case of insufficient thermal insulation in summer, overheating of water is observed, and in winter time- condensation formation. Since water tanks are made of steel, over time the anti-corrosion coating may deteriorate and the tank may corrode. If there is no thermal insulation, the room for installing tanks must be warm and ventilated.

In water tanks intended for storing potable water, in order to avoid deterioration in water quality, it is necessary to ensure the exchange of all water within no more than 2 days. At an air temperature of more than 18°C ​​and no more than 3-4 days. When the air temperature is less than 18°C.

When operating water tanks, personnel must:

a) monitor the quality of incoming and outgoing

b) monitor water levels;

c) monitor the serviceability of shut-off and control valves,
pipelines, hatches, thermal insulation, pallet;

d) periodically rinse the tanks, clear their bottoms of sediment;

e) monitor water leaks from the tank.

During repairs, to maintain water quality and durability of tanks, it is necessary to use water-resistant and anti-corrosion coatings approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities.

Measures for setting up sanitary fittings.

After testing the systems, the system is adjusted to ensure the calculated water flow through the water distribution fittings.

Regulation begins with setting the pressure regulator, then during hours of maximum water consumption, valves at the base of the risers regulate the water pressure in the riser so that at the top point of the riser it does not exceed 0.05 MPa.

After regulating the pressure, determine the water flow through the water fittings of the upper floor. Consumption at full open valves should not exceed the standard value given in SNiP*.

Regulation of flush cisterns is carried out during hours of minimum water consumption. During this period, the pressure in water supply network has the maximum value.

The hot water supply system is regulated temperature regime, which begins with setting the temperature and pressure regulators. The temperature regulators on the water heater are adjusted so that the temperature of the water leaving the water heater is 60-65°C. Regulators on circulation risers and mains are adjusted to a temperature of 35-40°C. The pressure regulator is adjusted to the design pressure.

Major faults in water supply systems.

The main malfunctions in cold water supply systems are:

Long or short-term interruptions in water supply;

Excessive water loss from the system;

Insufficient pressure in the system;

Noise during system operation;

Formation of condensate on the surface of pipelines;

Overgrowing of pipes with sediments and blockages;

System equipment malfunctions.

The reason for insufficient pressure in the system is most often a decrease in pressure in the external water supply network. This leads to the fact that residents of the upper floors do not receive water in the required quantity and at the required pressure, or do not receive it at all. In this case, the pressure at the entrance to the building is checked using a pressure gauge to ensure compliance with the design value. If the pressure is insufficient, all valves in the well and at the entrance to the building, as well as the pressure regulator (if equipped), are fully opened.

Equipment malfunctions in the system include malfunctions of pipeline fittings, pumping units and water metering units.

TO pipeline fittings The cold water supply system includes shut-off, safety, control and water supply valves. Shut-off and control valves of various types have a certain direction of water passage, which is shown by an arrow on the valve body. If installed incorrectly, passing water in the opposite direction leads to breakage of the fittings and a decrease in the flow area. Failure of the fittings can be detected by the pressure drop, determined by pressure gauges installed before and after the fittings. If a malfunction is detected, the fittings are repaired or replaced.

The pumping installation of a water supply system includes pumps (working and standby) and fittings. If the pumping unit malfunctions, it is necessary to determine which element is faulty. The malfunction of the pumping unit is determined by the reading of the pressure gauge. The reading of this pressure gauge is compared with the reading of a pressure gauge installed at the entrance to the building. If the readings differ slightly, then the pumping unit has failed. In a pumping installation, the pumps or check valve most often fail. The faulty fittings of the pumping unit are disassembled, cleaned of dirt and deposits, and repaired if necessary.

The water metering unit consists of valves and a water meter. Most often, the water meter in the water metering unit is faulty, which can be determined visually or by meter readings. If the meter needle does not move or the difference in meter readings is small, then it is faulty. The cause of the meter malfunction may be its clogging and jamming of the impeller or turbine. After repair, the water meter must be verified by the relevant organization, and a verification report is drawn up.

Clogged pipelines are determined by comparing the pressure on various areas, measured by a union pressure gauge, which is placed on the spout of the fittings. A large pressure drop indicates a clogged pipeline. The location of the blockage can also be determined using a leak detector during hours of maximum water consumption.

Blockages in pipelines are eliminated by flushing and cleaning. Blockages in fittings can also be removed by washing.

When water freezes in pipelines, the pipes are heated with hot water or electric shock. It is not advisable to use an open flame. To prevent pipes from freezing again, thermal insulation is used in this area.

Water losses consist of leaks and waste. They are determined by water meter readings as the excess of actual water consumption over the calculated one. Water leaks are constant losses that occur as a result of leakage of pipelines, fittings and joints. If water losses exceed 10-15%, maintenance is carried out, during which pipelines, fittings and joints are inspected. Water leaks are determined by the wetting of the pipe or by the presence of drops, streams of water and sweating on the fitting bodies. Water leaks are eliminated by repairing and, if necessary, replacing individual sections of pipelines and fittings.

It is quite difficult to determine water leaks when pipelines are laid hidden. In this case, the visible parts of the pipes are periodically inspected for the appearance of water leaks on them.

The location of water leaks in risers can be determined at night using a leak detector. To do this, first turn off all the risers, and then open them one by one. The riser that makes the loudest noise has a water leak.

Leaks in the main pipeline are determined using a cylinder with compressed air, while air is supplied through the control valve of the water meter unit. A leak is determined by the release of air through the damage site along with water.

Water leakage in the system is also determined by the water meter readings, and it must be ensured that all water taps are closed.

To reduce unproductive water costs, it is advisable to install stabilizers and pressure regulators or diaphragms, while unproductive costs are reduced as much as possible when they are installed on the supply lines in the apartment. Under operating conditions, it is more convenient to diaphragm the water fittings; if clogged, the diaphragm can be easily cleaned.

In areas with overpressure, as well as in multi-storey buildings, to reduce pressure and reduce wasteful water consumption, it is recommended to install:

At fixed costs water - disk diaphragms with a central hole;

Noise in pipelines appears for the following reasons:

Water movement speeds are higher than calculated values ​​(3 m/s);

High speeds of water movement in narrowed sections;

Poor fastening of pipelines to building structures.

Narrowing of pipe sections can occur due to clogging, in places where pipes are welded and poor-quality threaded and flange connections, under union nuts. To eliminate these sources of noise, it is necessary to clean the pipes and re-examine the connections, eliminating defects.

The causes of noise during operation of a pumping unit may be wear of the bearings of pumps and electric motors, as well as wear of the coupling, rotating parts, shock absorbers, flexible inserts, and as a result of misalignment of the shafts of the electric motor and pump. The characteristics of the pump are checked; in case of deviation, the operating mode of the pumps is adjusted; if necessary, the pump is replaced with another one with design characteristics at which the noise is below the permissible limits.

The formation of condensation on the surface of pipelines, fittings and flush tanks occurs when there is high humidity in the room and low temperature on the surface. Reducing humidity can be achieved through effective ventilation. At low pipe surface temperatures and constant formation of condensate, the pipes are insulated with a layer of thermal insulation.

Main malfunctions in DHW systems:

Faults in hot water supply systems are similar to faults in cold water supply systems. In addition, malfunctions in hot water supply systems include:

· rupture of the water heater due to an increase in pressure above the calculated one;

· temperature difference of hot water at water taps

· hot water leaks;

· corrosion of system elements;

· disruption of water circulation in the system;

· the water heater does not provide the required hot water temperature at the design temperature of the heating medium.

A water heater rupture is determined visually by the presence of water on it. outer surface. A rupture may occur due to a missing or faulty safety valve. Safety valve must operate at the design pressure specified in the water heater data sheet.

The reasons for the difference in hot water temperatures may be blockages in the lower part of the risers and air jams at their top. In addition, unregulated risers of systems with dead-end wiring can lead to this phenomenon. To prevent heat loss, hot risers and main pipelines must have thermal insulation.

Water leaks in the system can occur through hidden sections of risers, through hidden risers in walls and panels, and through fittings.

Hot water leaks through fittings are detected and eliminated in the same way as in cold water supply systems.

Leakage of hot water into cold water supply or vice versa occurs at different pressures in the systems and defects in the partitions or mixer gaskets. To detect a malfunction, close the valve on the cold water supply and open the cold water valve head on the mixer. If there is a malfunction, hot water comes out of the mixer.

Leaks in hot water pipes due to corrosion occur more often than in cold water systems. The most significant factors in the occurrence of corrosion of system elements are water temperature, the presence of oxygen and air bags in the water.

The presence of air bags also leads to disruption of water circulation in the system. The rate of corrosion increases with increasing water temperature. In the most unfavorable conditions, supply risers and connections to water fittings operate. In this regard, it is necessary to limit the water temperature using temperature regulators. To eliminate air pockets in the pipelines of a hot water supply system, the water pressure must be 5-7 m greater than the geometric height of the system.

The reasons for insufficient temperature at water fittings are:

Reduced heat transfer of water heater surfaces due to deposits of scale and dirt;

Impaired circulation in the system due to its deregulation;

Disruption circulation pumps;

Blockages in supply and circulation risers;

Flow of cold water into the hot water supply system.
A decrease in temperature below 40°C leads to an increase

water and heat consumption. The deterioration of heat transfer is associated with overgrowing of the water heater tubes, their sagging and sticking together. In this case, it is necessary to clean the water heater. At normal temperature At the entrance to the water heater, the thermal automatics are inspected and adjusted.

If circulation is disrupted, the system is regulated by closing the valves on the circulation risers between the water heater and the place where the temperature drops. Regulation is carried out during hours of minimum water consumption.

Pump malfunctions are eliminated in the same way as in cold water supply systems.

Blockages in supply risers are determined similarly to blockages in the risers of cold water supply systems. Blockages can be removed by cleaning or flushing.

Interruptions in the water supply in the hot water supply system when normal operation Cold water supply systems are mainly associated with the growth of pipelines and their clogging as a result of corrosion and the formation of deposits. Detection of blockages and overgrowths in hot water supply systems is carried out similarly to cold water supply systems. In circulation systems, when installing circulation pumps of increased power, interruptions in the water supply to the pump may also occur. upper floors. In this case, you create an increased circulation flow in the main pipelines and risers, which leads to an increase in pressure losses and a decrease in pressure at the end points of the main pipelines and risers. To eliminate this malfunction, it is necessary to reduce the circulation flow by closing the pump valve or replacing it with a pump of lower power.

Malfunctions of elements of cold and hot water supply systems in accordance with GOST are eliminated in a timely manner (from the moment of their discovery or application from consumers):

Leaks in water taps and cistern taps - within 1 day;

Emergency malfunctions of pipelines and their connections (with fittings, fittings and sanitary fixtures) - immediately;

Malfunctions of cold and hot water meters - within 5 days.

By special types engineering and technological equipment of municipal and socio-cultural facilities, deadlines for troubleshooting are established by the relevant ministries and departments.

Timing of current and major repairs

Current repairs are carried out at a frequency that ensures the effective operation of the engineering equipment of cold and hot water supply systems from the moment of commissioning (or major repairs) until the moment of commissioning for the next major repairs (reconstruction). In this case, natural and climatic conditions, design solutions, technical condition and operating mode of the building or facility are taken into account.

Current repairs are carried out according to five-year (with the distribution of buildings by year) and annual plans.

The frequency of inspections of engineering equipment of cold and hot water supply systems is once every 3-6 months.

In production current repairs engineering equipment for cold and hot water supply systems, the following work is performed:

1) sealing connections, eliminating leaks, insulation, strengthening pipelines, replacing individual sections of pipelines, fittings, restoring damaged thermal insulation of pipelines, hydraulic testing of the system;

2) replacement of individual water taps, mixers, showers, shut-off valves;

3) insulation and replacement of fittings for water tanks in attics, cleaning and washing them;

4) replacement of individual sections and extension of external water supply outlets for watering courtyards and streets;

5) replacement of internal fire hydrants;

6) repair and replacement of individual pumps and low-power electric motors;

7) replacement of individual components or water heating devices for baths, strengthening and replacement of smoke exhaust pipes, cleaning of water heaters and coils from scale and deposits;

8) anti-corrosion coating, marking;

9) repair or replacement of control valves;

10) flushing of water supply systems;

11) replacement of control and measuring instruments;

12) descaling of shut-off valves;

13) adjustment and adjustment of systems automatic control engineering equipment.

Overhaul of engineering equipment of water supply systems is carried out when physical wear is 61% or more and depending on the duration of operation before the overhaul.

During a major overhaul, malfunctions of all worn-out elements are eliminated, they are restored or replaced with more durable and economical ones that improve the performance of systems, equipment of cold and hot water supply systems. At the same time, economically feasible modernization of engineering equipment of systems can be carried out: automation and dispatch of engineering equipment, replacement of existing and installation of new technological equipment, equipping with missing types of engineering equipment that ensure energy saving, measurement and regulation of heat consumption for hot water supply, cold and hot water consumption.

After current and major repairs of the internal cold and hot water supply system, the tests described above are carried out.

Topic No. 2. Technical operation of water drainage and waste disposal systems.

Methodology for assessing the technical condition of water drainage and waste disposal systems.

To ensure technical operation of water drainage and waste disposal systems, it is necessary to assess the technical condition of these systems.

The following parameters are checked in drainage and waste disposal systems:

Designs and measured parameter

Measurement volume

Methods and controls

System sewer, internal gutters, waste removal

Pipeline slopes

In control apartments

Level (inclinometer)


and premises, in the technical underground

Verticality of risers

In control apartments

Steel plumb line

and garbage chute trunks

and premises, in technical


underground, on staircases

GOST 7948-80

Exhaust height

On the roof

Line GOST 427-75,

risers and trunk

tape measure GOST 7502-80

The results of the examination are presented in the following form:

1. Design features of the system

2. System defects

After installation and major repairs of the sewerage system, internal drains and waste chutes are checked for compliance with the design and requirements:

in drainage systems:

Research Group "Safety and Reliability"

Construction expertise, Building inspection, Energy audit, Land management, Design

Inspection of building facades is carried out to identify the condition of the facades. Also, inspection of building facades is carried out in emergency conditions of the building. The methodology for examining building facades is reflected in GOST. Various methods are used to inspect building facades.

Construction examination is a study of certain objects in order to establish their technical condition, identify and display in the conclusion the presence of defects and various kinds damage.

During such studies, building facades may be examined. This involves studying external walls building. At the same time, the examination of facades is carried out using a number of special techniques.

The façade survey results in obtaining specific and clear conclusions about whether the building's façade needs repairs and, if so, how extensive such repairs should be.

Why is it necessary to inspect building facades?

As a rule, the inspection of the walls of buildings and structures is associated with the presence of any controversial issues, the resolution of which is impossible without an expert opinion. Often such disputes are at the judicial stage, and the conclusions of the expert determine what decision the court will make on the claim.

A procedure such as an inspection of the façade of a building may be required in the following cases:

  • It is impossible to recognize a house as unsafe without conducting a construction examination, within the framework of which the facade is examined. At the same time, its condition, ability to withstand loads and withstand external influences are determined;
  • If the house receives damage as a result of domestic fires or mechanical impact. In this case, an inspection of the facade is necessary to find out how serious the damage is and what work will be required to eliminate it. This procedure involves assessing the extent of damage and the costs involved;
  • During structural changes to the structure. Subsidence of the building foundation, impact on it groundwater or a breakthrough in communications, detection of its tilt and other similar circumstances require determining the degree of criticality of the changes. To do this, you need to examine the facade and take all the necessary measurements.

In any case, these activities serve one purpose - to establish and record changes to the facade. It may have general deformation as well as damage.

Such damage can be expressed in the form of cracks, chips, the absence of certain fragments, and so on.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that when resolving disputes related to compensation for harm caused, confirmation of such harm and its scale is always required. Only a façade inspection can answer these questions and determine specific conclusions of a city authority or court. The findings will be presented in the appropriate expert report.

How is such an examination carried out?

In expert practice, there are two ways to conduct façade inspections:

1. By visual inspection. In this case, the use of photo and video recording equipment is mandatory. This will preserve an image of the damage to the building and will be useful in preparing a report. In addition, these materials are in all cases attached to the conclusion and serve as confirmation of the objectivity and validity of expert conclusions.

Despite the apparent primitiveness, a visual examination is important, since it is based on its results that attention is drawn to certain problem areas facade;

2. Using special equipment and tools. This way the length, width and depth are measured mechanical damage– cracks, chips or swelling. Using instruments, the structural condition of the walls and their suitability for further use are assessed.

For example, a sclerometer is used to measure the condition and strength properties of concrete and brickwork. The research is carried out using pulses emitted by this equipment.

In general, an examination of facades in relation to construction expertise is necessary to resolve questions about the suitability of residential buildings for human habitation, the need for their demolition or repairs, the degree of deterioration of buildings, and the level of damage caused. The data obtained during such a survey serve as the basis for further calculations and determine the expert’s conclusions.

Expert assessment of the condition of facades

In accordance with the provisions of SP 13-102-2003 “Rules for inspection of carriers building structures buildings and structures", depending on the number of defects and the degree of damage, the technical condition of building structures is assessed according to the following categories (see Chapter 3 “Terms and Definitions” SP 13-102-2003).

Technical condition load-bearing walls buildings made of ceramic bricks in areas with the formation of cracks, peeling of the finishing layer and getting wet in accordance with the provisions of SP 13-102-2003 are assessed as a limited operable condition.

Conclusions of façade inspection

No factors indicating the occurrence of an emergency condition of the building envelope, in accordance with the provisions of SP 13-102-2003, were recorded as a result of the visual and instrumental examination.

To prevent further destruction of the walls it is necessary:

  • carry out measures to strengthen the brickwork in places where cracks form in accordance with the technology of concreting (Fig. 2) or injecting brickwork with polymer-cement compositions or compositions based on liquid glass.
  • conduct constant monitoring of the condition of external walls by installing beacons.
  • If progressive destruction of walls is detected under the influence of differences in deformations of enclosing structures and floors, it is necessary to carry out large-scale work to strengthen the external walls. Work should be carried out in accordance with the developed project.
  • Work should be carried out to restore the plaster and protective layer of the parapet.
  • work should be carried out to restore the plaster layer and decorative covering base

Technical examination of cracks

The result of the technical examination is cracks and destruction of the brickwork and plaster layer in the corners of the building at the level of intermediate floors

Expertise commentary on the inspection of buildings - to compensate for the difference in vertical deformations of the external and inner layers External walls, as well as the building frame, must have horizontal expansion joints. Their absence or poor-quality execution leads to the destruction of the facing layer of brick at the floor level, as well as the destruction of the finishing layer of the floors.

Technical inspection comment - horizontal expansion joints are either missing or poorly executed.

Quality surveys of plastering works

The result of the technical examination is the destruction of the plaster layer and waterproofing of the parapet walls (photos 26-29)

Commentary from the technical examination - the destruction of the plaster layer and waterproofing occurred as a result of poor quality plaster mixture and completed work.

Technical expertise masonry

The result of the technical examination is when technical inspection areas of soaking of brickwork at the parapet level were identified

Inspection of building facades, examination commentary

Soaking of walls occurs as a result of them getting wet. The main reason for getting wet is the unsatisfactory quality of the seams and, as a consequence, their poor sealing. When the masonry is moistened, frost destruction occurs. For a thin face layer of hollow brick this is especially dangerous. If cracks and chips form in the facing layer of masonry, atmospheric moisture also penetrates there.

Soaking the enclosing structures is a violation of the requirements of SNiP 02/31/2001 “Single-apartment residential houses”, Chapter 10:

"10.4. Structures and parts must be made of materials that are resistant to moisture, low temperatures, aggressive environments, biological and other adverse factors.

If necessary, appropriate measures must be taken to prevent the penetration of rain, melt, and groundwater into the thickness of the load-bearing and enclosing structures of the house, as well as the formation of an unacceptable amount of condensation moisture in the external enclosing structures by sufficiently sealing the structures or installing ventilation of enclosed spaces and air spaces.

In accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documents the necessary protective compounds and coatings."

  • Brickwork quality - Soaking areas of building brickwork at parapet level
  • Quality of plaster work - Destruction of the plaster layer and waterproofing occurred as a result of the poor quality of the plaster mixture and the work performed.
  • Construction examination of the facade of a building - Construction examination of a residential building apartment building. Construction survey in order to determine the technical condition of the facade of the house
  • Through cracks - Numerous through cracks and destruction in the corners of bay windows at the level of the parapet and technical floor.
  • Construction examination of the house - The expert carried out an external inspection of the object, with selective recording on a digital camera, which complies with the requirements of SP 13-102-2003, clause 7.2. The basis of the preliminary examination is the inspection of the building or structure and individual structures using measuring instruments and instruments (binoculars, cameras , tape measures, calipers, probes, etc.).
  • Cracks on the building facade - To compensate for the difference in vertical deformations of the outer and inner layers of the external walls, as well as the building frame, horizontal expansion joints must be made. Their absence or poor-quality execution leads to the destruction of the facing layer of brick at the floor level, as well as the destruction of the finishing layer of the floors.

During the technical operation of the facade, it is necessary to pay attention to the reliability of fastening of architectural and structural parts, which provide static and dynamic resistance to the influence of natural and climatic factors.

The basement is the most moistened part of the building due to the effects of precipitation, as well as moisture penetrating through the capillaries of the foundation material.

This part of the building is constantly exposed to adverse mechanical influences, which requires the use of durable and frost-resistant materials for the base.

The cornices, the crowning part of the building, drain rain and melt water from the wall and perform an architectural and decorative function in the same way as other architectural and structural elements of the building’s facade. The facades of the building may also have intermediate cornices, corbels, sandriks, which perform functions similar to those of the main crowning cornice.

The reliability of the building envelope depends on the technical condition of the cornices, belts, pilasters and other protruding parts of the facade.

The part of the outer wall that continues above the roof is the parapet. To avoid destruction by precipitation, the upper plane of the parapet is protected with galvanized steel or factory-made concrete slabs.

On the roofs of buildings for safety repair work parapet fences are installed in the form metal gratings and continuous brick walls. It is necessary to maintain the tightness of the junctions roofing coverings to elements of parapet fences.

Architectural and structural elements of the facade also include balconies, loggias, and bay windows, which help improve the performance and appearance of the building. Depending on their purpose, balconies have various shapes and sizes. With well-performed waterproofing, balconies protect the walls of the building from moisture. Balconies are exposed to constant weathering, humidification, alternating freezing and thawing, so they fail and collapse before other parts of the building. The most critical part of balconies is the place where slabs or beams are embedded in the wall of the building, since during operation the place of embedding is subject to intense temperature and humidity effects. In Fig. Figure 3.4 shows the connection between the balcony slab and the outer wall. In buildings of the 50-60s. XX century Typically, crushed stone from broken bricks served as concrete filler, which did not provide the required density and frost resistance of balconies. Due to low corrosion resistance, balcony designs with metal beams turned out to be unjustified.

Particularly susceptible to destruction are the edges of the balcony slab, which freeze on three sides and are exposed to moisture and corrosion.

Loggia is a platform surrounded on three sides by walls and fencing. In relation to the main volume of the building, the loggia can be built-in or remote.

The covering of the loggias must ensure the drainage of water from the external walls of the building. To do this, the floors of the loggias must be made with a slope of 2-3% from the plane of the facade and placed 50-70 mm below the floor of the adjacent rooms. The surface of the loggia floor is covered with waterproofing. The connections of balcony and loggia slabs with the facade wall are protected from leakage by placing the edge of a waterproofing carpet on the wall, covering it with two additional layers of waterproofing 400 mm wide and covering it with a galvanized steel apron.

Fences for loggias and balconies must be high enough to comply with safety requirements (at least 1-1.2 m) and made predominantly solid, with railings and flower beds.

A bay window is a part of the premises located behind the plane of the facade wall that can be used to accommodate vertical communications - stairs, elevators. A bay window increases the area of ​​the premises, enriches the interior, provides additional insolation, and improves lighting conditions. The bay window enriches the shape of the building and serves as an architectural means of shaping the scale of the façade composition and its division.

During the technical operation of façade elements, sections of walls located next to drainpipes, trays, receiving funnels. All damaged areas of the finishing layer of the wall must be repelled and, after identifying and eliminating the cause of the damage, restored. In case of weathering, crumbling of the fillings of vertical and horizontal joints, as well as destruction of the edges of panels and blocks, you should inspect the faulty places, fill the joints and restore the damaged edges with appropriate materials, having previously removed the collapsed mortar and carefully caulked the joints with an oiled tourniquet, wiping them with hard cement mortar with painting the corrected areas to match the color of the wall surfaces.

The facades of buildings are often faced with ceramic tiles and natural stone materials. If the cladding is poorly secured with metal staples and cement mortar, it will fall out. The reasons for peeling of the cladding are moisture getting into the seams between the stones and behind the cladding, alternate freezing and thawing.

On facades lined ceramic tiles, you should pay attention to places where swelling of the cladding is observed, individual tiles coming out of the plane of the wall, the formation of cracks, spalling in the corners of the tiles; in this case, it is necessary to tap the surface of the entire facade, remove loose tiles and perform restoration work.

After cleaning, facades lined with ceramic products are treated with hydrophobic or other special solutions.

Defects in facades are often associated with atmospheric pollution, which leads to loss of their original appearance, sooting and tarnishing of their surface. By effective means cleaning are application sandblasting machines, cleaning with wet rags, etc.

To clean facades finished with glazed ceramic tiles, special compounds are used. Building facades should be cleaned and washed within the time limits established depending on the material, condition of building surfaces and operating conditions. It is not allowed to clean architectural details or plastering surfaces made of soft stones by sandblasting. The facades of wooden unplastered buildings must be periodically painted with vapor-permeable paints or compounds to prevent rotting and in accordance with fire safety standards. Improving the appearance of a building can be achieved through high-quality plastering and painting. Painting of facades must be done after completion of repairs to walls, parapets, protruding parts and architectural moldings, entrance devices, sandriks, window sills, etc.

Coloring metal stairs, fastening elements for electrical network cables and roof fencing should be done with oil paints after 5-6 years, depending on operating conditions.

Drainage devices of external walls must have the necessary slopes from the walls to ensure the removal of atmospheric water. Steel fastening parts are placed at a slope from the walls. On parts that have a slope towards the wall, tightly fitting galvanized steel cuffs should be installed at a distance of 5-10 cm from the wall. All steel elements attached to the wall are regularly painted and protected from corrosion.

It is necessary to systematically check the correct use of balconies, bay windows, loggias, avoiding the placement of bulky and heavy things on them, clutter and pollution.

To prevent the destruction of the edges of the slabs of balconies and loggias, as well as the occurrence of cracks between the slab and the walls due to precipitation, a metal drain is installed in a groove in the box with a width of at least 1.5 times the thickness of the slab. The metal drain must be placed under the waterproofing layer. The slope of the slabs of balconies and loggias is at least 3% from the walls of the building with the organization of water drainage with a metal apron or behind an iron plate with a drip, with its removal of 3-5 cm; At the end, the drain is embedded in the body of the panel. In the event of an emergency condition of balconies, loggias and bay windows, the entrances to them must be closed and restoration work must be carried out, which must be carried out according to the project.

During inspections, it is necessary to pay attention to the absence or faulty connection of drains and the waterproofing layer with structures, to loosening of fastenings and

damage to fencing of balconies and loggias. Damage must be repaired. Destruction of cantilever beams and slabs, chipping support platforms under the consoles, peeling and destruction are eliminated during major repairs.

In concrete steel beams check the adhesion strength of concrete to metal. Loose concrete is removed and restored protective layer. The location, shape and fastening of flower boxes must correspond architectural solution building.

Flower boxes and metal fencing painted with weather-resistant paints in the color specified in the color passport of the facade.

Flower boxes are installed on pallets, with a gap from the wall of at least 50 mm. Depending on the materials used for the main structures of balconies and loggias, the minimum duration of their effective operation is 10-40 years.

During operation, there is a need to restore the plaster of the facades. Defects in plaster are caused by poor quality of the mortar, work at low temperatures, excessive moisture, etc. For minor plaster repairs, cracks are expanded and filled; for significant cracks, the plaster is removed and plastered again, paying special attention to ensuring adhesion of the plaster layer to the load-bearing elements.

The main reasons for damage to the appearance of buildings are:
- use in the same masonry of materials of different strength, water absorption, frost resistance and durability (sand-lime brick, cinder blocks, etc.);
- different deformability of load-bearing longitudinal and self-supporting end walls;
- use of sand-lime bricks in rooms with high humidity(baths, saunas, swimming pools, showers, washrooms, etc.);
- weakening of the dressing;
- thickening of seams;
- insufficient support of structures;
- freezing of the solution;
- moistening of cornices, parapets, architectural details, balconies, loggias, wall plaster;
- violations of technology during winter laying, etc.


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