Very small bugs in the bathroom and toilet. How to deal with white insects in an apartment? Other types of insects in the bathroom and methods of combating them

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Small insects have settled in the toilet and bathroom at home, and you don’t know what to do? In most cases, they do not harm a person, but their terrible appearance frightens him, rejects him, and inspires disgust. And yet, danger comes from these creatures, although not from their appearance. They are carriers of many infections, and their appearance in a place like a bathroom causes insurmountable horror. Let's talk about the reasons for their appearance and how to get rid of them. All this and more - white insects in the bathroom.

These creatures can live in the bathroom all their lives. It is very attractive to them because it is where everything they need is moisture and warmth. Therefore, the safest place for such creatures is the bathroom or toilet. They live in walls, in crevices, in cracks, and then go out to hunt. The diet of these “monsters” is always different, but generally humans are not one of them. Just like pets. Therefore, these creatures are not dangerous to anyone. Perhaps only because they are carriers of various infections, and the appearance of these creatures is not particularly pleasant. Therefore they need to be eliminated.

Most common small insect in the bathroom these are: woodlice, silverfish, cockroach, centipede, spider. Strange insects appear in the apartment, in particular in the bathroom, for many reasons. The main one, of course, is room hygiene. The reason is always the person's fault. If a person does not clean the bathroom for a long time, this can lead to serious consequences.

Room humidity is the cause of insects, mildew, and mold. Humidity appears especially often in summer and autumn, when there is no heating in homes.

Check if the ventilation in the bathroom is working: to do this, hold a match to the ventilation hole, the flame should fluctuate towards the grille. Do not dry clothes in the bathroom if there is no heating, this will increase dampness.

Ventilate the bath and toilet often to prevent moisture. Which insects are dangerous and which are not? It is necessary to talk about the most “famous” of them.

Woodlice is a very fast insect. Like the centipede, these small insects crawl quickly, making them extremely difficult to get rid of. And yet sometimes this insect can be seen. This is a small creature gray, with a convex back and chitinous coating. Woodlice feeds mainly on plants, garbage, and organic debris.

He can safely covet indoor plants, of which not a trace will remain. Woodlice is not dangerous for humans or pets. By and large, woodlice cannot be classified as insects living in the house - these arthropods belong to the class of crustaceans. There are two types of woodlice:

  1. Woodlouse armadillo (top photo).
  2. Woodlouse is the most common woodlouse found in apartments.

Folk remedies

To combat woodlice, you can use the following folk remedies:

  • Take 0.5 liters of boiling water, add 100 grams of dry kvass powder, stir and pour into a spray bottle. Treat the places where you have seen woodlice.
  • Take 0.5 liters of water, ½ teaspoon of red pepper, ½ teaspoon of ash salt, and ½ tsp. any tobacco. Mix and pour into a container with a spray bottle. Finish all corners. After 7 - 8 hours, rinse everything with a chlorine-containing liquid (Domestos or similar).

But not only woodlice can come to visit you. One of the most unpleasant insects is silverfish. Of course, these silvery insects are also not dangerous to humans, but they constantly feed on starch, which is found in wallpaper glue or in books. Therefore, when silverfish appear, it is necessary to get rid of this insect as soon as possible. These insects can cause considerable damage to good home interior and books lying on the shelves.

Means of struggle

The fight against silverfish is similar to the fight against woodlice. You can also sprinkle it in the corners of the bathroom table salt, and when it becomes wet, collect it. You can add powder boric acid to the places where you saw silverfish. Treating problem areas with a chlorine-containing agent helps a lot.

Cockroaches are the most dangerous of these insects. Their usual habitats are: kitchen, toilet, bath. They love a humid environment and buckets of waste. They carry intestinal infections, hepatitis, tuberculosis, and so on on their paws. They enter the apartment through ventilation, cracks, and doors to the stairs. Usually they crawl from those neighbors who are disinfecting. These insects love to “inhabit” the kitchen, but can settle in the bathroom and toilet.

Now stores offer a great variety of products to combat cockroaches. Crayons “Mashenka”, “ Clean house", "Brownie" - help only for a while. There will be fewer cockroaches, but they will not disappear completely. Sprays: “Dichlorvos”, “Raptor”, “Gettyu”, “Kombat”, “Varan”.

After treatment with any of the listed sprays, all residents must leave the apartment for a while. Sprays help if there are few cockroaches. Reliable gels for cockroach repellents are: “Gett”, “Mole”, “Trap”. They do not act immediately, but are more effective. And the most reliable folk remedy: an egg with boric acid.

The recipe is very simple: buy a pack of 10 grams of boric acid at the pharmacy, boil one egg. Mix the yolk with boric acid powder and roll into small balls. We throw these balls under the bathtub, in the corners, behind the baseboard and around it. After 1-2 weeks, the cockroaches will disappear. An old proven method that has never let people down.

First of all, this maintaining personal hygiene. The reason why these strange insects appeared in the apartment is often cluttered rooms. That’s why it’s so important to clean regularly, not forgetting about the bathroom. IN in this case To combat insects, solutions of substances containing chlorine can help. This is why room hygiene is so important. Of course, these insects cannot tolerate dry places; their habitat is humidity. Regularly drying the places where these insects are supposed to exist using electrical appliances is not such a bad option. It is enough just to create conditions that are very unsuitable for these insects in order to destroy traces of their habitat.

You can get rid of insects in the bathroom using various chemicals. But it is recommended to use them only as a last resort, since these drugs can harm not so much the insects themselves, but the one who directed these aerosols at them. Only when there is widespread distribution is it recommended to use these drugs while wearing gloves and a respirator. In other cases, you can cope without them; try folk remedies. It is important and necessary to get rid of these terrible creatures. This is possible if a person himself regularly monitors the hygiene and cleanliness of the apartment, and in particular the bathroom.

Very often you can notice various insects in the apartment, which feel like full-fledged owners of the house. There are many fables about the benefits of having spiders and ants in your home. But we should not forget about the damage insects cause to property, and most importantly, to the health of household members. All small inhabitants of the apartment must be known “by sight” and exterminated in a timely manner.


Insects of this species feed on blood and can infect people with serious diseases:

Bed bugs

Females cause harm to humans - they spread various diseases: meningitis; malaria; Japanese encephalitis; yellow fever and others.


They are carriers of dangerous infectious diseases: hepatitis, anthrax, encephalitis, plague, brucellosis.


These types of insects can cause harm to property and human health:


Very nimble insects of the cockroach order. They lead a nocturnal, secretive lifestyle. Body sizes range from 1.7 to 9.5 centimeters. They feed on plant and animal remains, various garbage and even feces. The color is mainly yellow-brown and black. Life expectancy is about 30 weeks, and in some species even several months. Habitat - basements, garbage bins, human dwelling. Cause harm indoor plants, book bindings, spoil food, furniture.

They are carriers of infectious diseases and helminths.

House ants

Tiny insects of the Hymenoptera family. They lead an active lifestyle next to a person. Body dimensions 2-4 millimeters. House ants are omnivores, but prefer meat, fish, and sweets. The color is mainly yellow and brown. live large families, the number of individuals reaches up to 1 million in one family. Life expectancy is as follows: males live only 20 days; working ants and ordinary females - up to 2 months; female queen – 275 days. They live mainly in human housing, trade and catering establishments. They harm plants, spoil food, and are carriers of all kinds of microbes.


Insect type - arthropods, order - cryptomaxillary hexapods. They lead a secretive nocturnal lifestyle. They have a body 2-3 centimeters long. They feed on microscopic insects and living microorganisms. The color is red-brown. They live for about 1 year in damp rooms (bathroom, kitchen, etc.) They cause hostility in humans by their mere appearance, bite painfully, and damage plants, books, and furniture.


Arthropod insect order - isopods, suborder - crustaceans. They lead a hidden lifestyle (hiding under stones, lying trees) in damp places. The body length reaches 20 millimeters. Life expectancy is from 9 to 12 months. They feed on living and decaying plants. The color is gray, the abdomen is white. They do not cause harm to humans and do not pose a danger.

Carpet beetle

Beetle, order - Coleoptera, family of leather beetles. Lives mainly in houses, apartments, in nature in bird nests and tree hollows. Body dimensions range from 2.5 to 5.5 millimeters. It feeds on organic residues in house dust. The color is uniform from light brown to black. It is a serious pest of skin, fur, wool, feathers, silk, carpets and carpets, upholstered furniture and toys, as well as all types of grains and foodstuffs.

Book louse

Arthropod insects with body sizes from 2 millimeters to 35 centimeters. The body is divided into a head and a trunk, which consists of 25-100 segments and has a number of legs from 10 to 750. It is nocturnal and a predator. The color is most often gray, brown, less often reddish. Life expectancy reaches 5-6 years.

Fur moth

Insect, order Lepidoptera, butterfly. Body dimensions 5-8 millimeters. Leads a nocturnal lifestyle. The color is golden brown. Life expectancy is from 200 to 250 days. Lives in pigeon nests and living quarters. Representative dangerous pests: destroys fur, wool, felt and products made from them.

Clothes moth

Lepidopteran insects in the form of a butterfly of straw-yellow color. Body sizes vary from 5 to 9 millimeters. They are nocturnal. They live on average 8-10 days, residential buildings And warehouses. They feed on cotton, wool, fur, carpets, and furniture upholstery, thereby harming people.

Moshkara (midge)

They are harmful because they bite painfully and carry infectious diseases (tularemia, anthrax, leprosy, glanders, plague).

Harvester spiders

Small insects, spider family. Body sizes can range from 2 to 10 millimeters, but they have very long legs up to 9 centimeters. The color is grey-brown. They are nocturnal. They like to live in dark, damp rooms, but in residential buildings they prefer dry, warm places near windows. They feed on flies and small insects, thereby benefiting people. Life expectancy 1 year. They have poison, but use it exclusively for the purpose of killing their victims caught in the web and only then eat them.


They cause harm: they bite painfully; carry all kinds of bacteria and dirt, which leads to infectious diseases.


A small wingless insect, order - bristletail. Body dimensions 0.8-1.9 centimeters. They have a very beautiful silver color. They are nocturnal. They live in rooms with high humidity (most often in bathrooms, baths, saunas, etc.) They feed on everything that comes their way. They do not cause any particular harm and do not pose a danger to humans.


White insects, order - herbivores, family - cockroaches. They have a soft white body, 1-10 millimeters in size. They lead an underground lifestyle. They live in large colonies, where the number of individuals reaches several million. The main food is cellulose. Pests cause enormous damage to forests and agriculture. Some species of termites are beneficial - they form and mix the top layers of soil and, thus, improve the yield of grain crops.

Insects in food

Insects of this species are destroyers of food supplies and can harm human health:


Small insect, order Coleoptera. Body length 1.5-2.5 millimeters. The color is red. Habitat – premises with high humidity and air temperature of at least 20 degrees (barns, granaries, mills, food warehouses). They feed on flour, all types of cereals and flour products, and do not disdain any other types of food, therefore they are malicious pests.

Bread grinder

Small beetle, family of grinders, order - Coleoptera. Body dimensions 1.7-3.8 millimeters. The color is red-brown. Leads a nocturnal lifestyle. Eats everything in the world, even some species poisonous drugs. Life expectancy 1 month.

Eating bread contaminated with this type of bug is dangerous harm for people's health.

Flour beetle

Small insect of the darkling beetle family, order Coleoptera. Body dimensions 12-18 millimeters. The color is brown. Lives in kitchen furniture, food pantries, grain barns, pasta factories. Life expectancy 1 year. Omnivorous food. The harm lies in spoiled almost all types of food.


Insect, order – Coleoptera. Body dimensions 1-30 millimeters. It can be black, yellow, brown depending on the habitat. They live inside plants and in the soil. They live from 1 to 2 years. Eating dicotyledonous plants and plant roots. Pests of agricultural and forest lands, including granary cereals.

food moth

A very hardy and tenacious insect. A small butterfly with a body size of 8-10 millimeters. The color is grey-brown. Lives in kitchen furniture. Loves high humidity. Life expectancy is 2-3 weeks. It eats dried fruits, flour, tea, coffee, baby food, cereals, all types of pasta and much more. Spoils all kinds of food products, harming people.

Only insect larvae harm products.

A person's home is constantly attacked by various insects. They can settle in any part of the room. Some prefer the bedroom, others the kitchen and closet, while others settle in the bathroom and toilet. The reason lies in favorable conditions and the availability of food. There are much fewer “settlers” in a clean apartment. However, it is not a fact that they will not be able to settle there. White insects in the bathroom cause outrage, bewilderment and fear. Who are they? And what to expect from them?

The most common guest in the bathroom and toilet is silverfish. Small insects that run and hide very quickly when the light is turned on. If you have settled, then for a long time. They don’t go away on their own, but over time they only become more numerous. Able to penetrate even the narrowest gap.

Silverfish can be of different shades: with a tint of yellow, green, brown. But most often found in the apartment is silver. And sometimes it seems that she is white. It belongs to the order of crustaceans and is very similar to woodlice. The oblong small body is surrounded by many legs: 4 pairs of main ones and 8 pairs of short ones. There are long straight processes on the head and at the end of the body. In the front they are mistaken for whiskers, in the back - tails.

As food products, she is interested in wallpaper glue, sugar-containing substances, book bindings, and natural fabric. Settles in the bathroom or toilet. Since these rooms in the apartment are deprived of bright light. Bugs are nocturnal. During the day they hide from human eyes and crawl out to hunt in the evening. Small creatures love dampness, moisture and water. Silverfish are different high speed reproduction, so you can’t hesitate to take action. It is possible to get rid of it, but you need to make an effort.

Danger and harm

Silverfish are not dangerous to humans or domestic animals. She does not bite because people do not interest her and her oral apparatus does not allow her to do so. The only thing it affects is nervous system. At the sight of vile creatures in the bathroom, screams and squeals break out. But property may be damaged. Food supplies will be used, especially sugar. Book bindings, leather goods, wallpaper.

Fighting methods

Physical methods

Silverfish loves warmth, moisture and darkness. Taking this into account, you can take several measures that will correct the situation in the bathroom. It is necessary to carry out general cleaning. Clean out all plaque and dirt that has formed under the bathtub, sink, toilet, and near water pipes. Treat everything in the room with a product containing bleach. After the layer has dried, apply a solution of copper sulfate. You can reduce the amount of moisture using a fireplace or normal ventilation after taking bath procedures.

Traps and bait

  1. Traps help get rid of insects. For these purposes, place wet birch brooms in the corners and leave them overnight. In the morning they throw it away because small creatures are entangled in the bars. If possible, it is better to burn it.
  2. Glass jar traps will help reduce the number of insects. The outside is wrapped with paper or tape. On such a surface, silverfish will easily crawl up. Place a piece of sweet apple, berry or sugar inside. The little bugs won't be able to get back out.
  3. The roll of paper is moistened and left overnight. Since insects love moisture, they will rush to get into the house. Throw away or burn the trap without unfolding it.


You can use aerosols that are designed to kill insects. You can get rid of uninvited guests in 1 month. Every week, carry out disinfection in the bathroom and throughout the apartment. Small insects may end up in the kitchen, bedroom, or hallway. Especially if in the house high humidity. You can use aerosols:

  1. Raid;
  2. Raptor;
  3. Clean house;
  4. Dichlorvos;
  5. Battalion commander

During processing, you should protect your respiratory system with a mask or respirator, and your hands with gloves. Close windows and doors. After the procedure, wash in those places where your hands may touch. And also a bathroom and sinks. The kitchen can be treated with products that are used to combat moths. It will help you get rid of:

  1. Antimol;
  2. Armol.
  3. Mosquitall;
  4. Extramit;
  5. Raptor.

Folk remedies

The domestic silverfish has been known to mankind for a long time. You can get rid of insects using folk remedies.

  • In closets and dark places sprinkle with diatomaceous earth. This is a food powder that kills crawling creatures. The product is used to treat baseboards, cracks in the wall, on the floor and between the tiles.
  • In the apartment you can sprinkle zest shavings. Insects really don't like this smell. After 5 days, the protection needs to be updated.
  • Crush the spices in the kitchen cabinet. Silverfish especially do not like carnations. The aroma will not harm people in any way, but will drive away pests.
  • Essential oils of citrus and lavender. Add to water and then wash cabinets with the solution.
  • Boric acid is sprinkled on the pipes around the sink and toilet. The solution is applied to the surface of the pipes.

Small creatures can spread throughout the apartment. If the reason for the appearance of such unwanted guests has not been established, it is better to seek help from specialists. The best option– inform the state sanitary and epidemiological service and get them to come. If there is a large infestation at home, independent results will not bring success.


Not a single house is immune from the appearance of silverfish. However, cleanliness and order can make insects choose another apartment in this room.

  1. The bathroom should be dry. Ventilate, dry, carry out general cleaning once a week. Use a product containing bleach.
  2. Check supplies in the kitchen periodically. Do not leave crumbs or spilled grains. When cleaning cabinets, add: ammonia or essential oils lavender, citrus.
  3. Eliminate high humidity in the apartment. There are special devices for this. They are not very expensive.
  4. Conduct redecorating. Seal all cracks in the walls, between slabs, and in the floor. Fix taps and prevent water from accumulating.
  5. Remove unnecessary things, boxes, and prevent the accumulation of garbage.

It would be a good idea to go around your neighbors and find out the situation regarding the spread of bugs.. For multi-storey building- this is a common problem. Everyone will become infected in a circle. To prevent insect infestations, we need to work together.

Surely, every housewife is capable of falling into a frenzy at the sight of ugly small insects in the bathroom or toilet. This is not a spider, which no, no, and will weave its web on someone else’s territory, even in the most tidy house. This is completely unacceptable in the opinion of most housewives. Although in fact, the fact that insects have appeared in the bathtub only indicates that the conditions of the room have changed or that a favorable environment.


Let’s say right away that insects in the bathroom are not cockroaches! They do not appear from a high degree of pollution and will not disappear without certain measures. Let's consider what types of creeping insects are most often found in bathrooms, as well as ways to combat them.

  • Woodlouse. This is the most common insect in the bathroom. The photo shows that it is a small creature with an oval body and many short legs. A repulsive gray-brown color is enough. Woodlice - inhabitants of the dark wet places. Where there is condensation and its consequences, you will definitely find this enemy. Insects settle in the toilet and bathroom, since there are the most favorable conditions: a constant level of moisture and sufficient warmth. However, they can also be observed in other rooms.
  • Silverfish. This is not a white insect in the bathroom, but its color can be quite light, most often from light gray and golden to dark brown. The body of the insect is in the form of a drop with a small tail. These are crawling insects that have never had wings. They love damp and warm places. They can feed on various organic compounds: from natural wallpaper glue to food. At the same time, they really like to absorb fungal formations that appear on the walls of the bathroom due to its specificity. Sometimes you can find very small transparent individuals, but they crawl out before they grow up extremely rarely. This is a nocturnal insect; it is impossible to see it during the day. At the same time, at night, when the light is turned on, they will run away very quickly, since they cannot tolerate lighting at all. It must also be said that silverfish are happy to feast on paper products, natural and synthetic fabrics, remains of other insects.
  • Centipede. An unpleasant medium-sized insect, which is also not averse to settling in the bathroom, where the air temperature is above 21 degrees, is absent daylight and enough high humidity.
  • Worms. Yes, how unpleasant, but common annelids can also be inhabitants of the bathroom. Most often they are located under it, in clogged bathroom siphons. They have a reddish-burgundy appearance, like an ordinary earthworm, but are much thinner in thickness.

So, all of the above types of insects are harmless from a health point of view, but terribly unpleasant. And some can significantly spoil various things. Therefore, it is worth getting rid of such a nuisance, and as soon as possible. But first you need to decide on the reasons why insects are crawling or running in the bathroom.


Small crawling, brown gray and white insects appear in the bathroom only when a favorable environment has been created for their life. Let's see what is the main reason for the appearance:

  • high room humidity;
  • lack of natural light;
  • the presence of uninsulated dark areas in the walls (cracks, chips, etc.);
  • room air above 21 degrees;
  • the presence of black mold, fungal infections of the surface;
  • internal contamination of pipelines and sewer outlets.

These are the main reasons, and by eliminating them, the consequences in the form of unpleasant small crawling insects must be eliminated. But first, let’s take a look at the means of combating insects specifically:

  • chlorine;
  • copper sulfate;
  • boric acid, lime;
  • special products (aerosols, gels, powders, etc.).

These are the most effective chemicals, which will quickly destroy any insect. But! If not eliminated for them favorable conditions, very soon they will be neighbors again. Therefore, it is important to pay attention not only to the means of actually eliminating the insect.

So, the first thing is high humidity. How can you fight it in the bathroom? It would seem that these are rooms in which it is impossible to reduce humidity, but in fact everything can be solved, and much easier and faster than it seems at first glance. The following conditions will need to be met:

  1. Carry out waterproofing to eliminate any sources of dampness.
  2. Install devices for drying the room, this can be either an ordinary heater or a “warm floor” system.
  3. Install powerful ventilation. If necessary, you can use a special internal fan that will maintain a dry microclimate in the room.
  4. Repair plumbing. Check it for leaks in the connections.

Lack of lighting. This problem is more difficult to cope with, since it is not possible to bring natural sunlight into most bathrooms. But you can install more powerful artificial lighting.

The presence of open areas in the walls is also solved quite simply. They are sealed with polymer putty or cement mortar- depending on the size.

Warm air is also easy to remove. And this does not mean living in a cold room. After all other procedures, in cold weather it is enough to open all the windows and cool the room for a while. Most insects leave or die, unable to tolerate such a climate.

Mold and mildew are removed either with special means or with the same bleach, copper sulfate or vinegar and soda.

The sewer pipes in the apartment are cleaned using special means. It is enough to fall asleep inside through the drain special remedy, let it begin to act, leaving it for several hours or, for example, overnight. After this, you can turn on the water, then adding a disinfectant.

But only after completing all the steps in a complex and making sure of the quality of execution, you can count on the complete destruction of insects. The most important of all this will be drying the room. This applies to floors, walls, ceilings and hard to reach places, for example, under the bathtub. To do this, you can use a special hair dryer or a small heater.

Woodlice in the bathroom is a fairly common problem for residents of apartments located on the lower floors and houses built in areas with high humidity. If your home is damp, sooner or later “uninvited guests” will settle there. Insects appear unexpectedly in the bathroom and toilet, and getting rid of them is quite difficult. They are a signal that it is time to start fighting dampness.

In fact, small bugs are not insects, but small crustaceans, the backs of which are covered with scaly black shells. Don't panic if you encounter these creatures in the toilet or bathroom. The rumor that they carry various infections and are dangerous to the inhabitants of the home is somewhat exaggerated. Perhaps this is due to their unsightly appearance, frightening the family.

Insects may appear in the bathroom for the following reasons:

  • insufficient compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • penetration through existing cracks from neighboring apartments, basement;
  • high level of humidity in the home.

Those who buy housing on the secondary market often encounter “uninvited guests”. Before moving into a purchased apartment, check it for “neighbors”. Old buildings and damp basements are often the cause of the appearance of “lovers” of dampness.

Woodlice are not dangerous at all. Their appearance indicates that a serious problem may arise in the home - mold, which is much more dangerous for the body and much more difficult to combat.

Silverfish and the fight against them

Have white unfamiliar bugs appeared in the bathroom? Unfortunately, it's a silverfish. It looks less attractive and scares people with its three thin thread-like tails. You can see this miracle of nature more often when it is dark. Dealing with them is much more difficult. This is a subspecies of woodlice that is not so easy to deal with. The problem is that they like to penetrate into rooms far from bathrooms, destroying book bindings, old paper, and substances containing starch. A library or kitchen can become a habitat for silverfish.


Their appearance is a serious problem. Minimal sanitary treatment of a small room is not enough. You will have to poison unwanted residents throughout the entire house, otherwise there will be no point in carrying out disinfestation.

How to get rid of “uninvited guests”

Insects in the bathroom are not a death sentence at all. This is rather a signal that it is time to get rid of the dampness. You can, of course, call exterminators who can easily deal with this problem. But not each of us wants to answer questions from curious neighbors and become an object of gossip from grandmothers sitting at the entrance.

Therefore, if there are bugs in the toilet or bathroom, do not panic. You can get rid of them on your own. First of all, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning of the room using a strong disinfectant.

The best way to avoid insects in your bathroom is to keep it clean.

Bugs appear from dampness, so the room needs to be ventilated more often. If trouble has already happened, it is necessary to dry the room. Woodlice cannot withstand warm and fresh air, die or run away from the premises. Check ventilation pipes and install to inside dense mesh. This way you will protect yourself from the return of these “extra tenants”. Make sure there are no gaps or cracks. Their absence will help prevent the return of "guests".

Ventilate the room

Check ventilation

Methods for killing woodlice

Uninvited “neighbors” in the bathroom do not cause trouble, but they frighten the inhabitants of the home with their unsightly appearance. When trying to remove them, you need to know that you can get rid of woodlice yourself by following several steps:

  • the toilet or bathroom must be “provided” with dry, warm air. You will have to temporarily install a fan, a heater, and keep the doors open if possible;
  • Often we do not notice that pipes hidden from our view have faults or simply leak. It is necessary to carry out a thorough check and get rid of possible pockets of moisture;
  • will help get rid of woodlice quicklime. This can be done before the weekend, since you will have to place a bucket of the mixture diluted with water in the room, close the door tightly, and not open it for three days;
  • There is an effective and efficient “grandmother’s” method. Mix red pepper, soda ash, tobacco. The resulting mixture is dissolved per liter of water, sprayed on the walls, focusing Special attention « problem areas" The room should be isolated for about 7-8 hours. A time-tested and effective option. To do this, you will have to leave your home, since after treatment you will need to clean it using water with a strong concentration of chlorine. It is clear that its fumes are harmful to health, especially if you have small children;

Mix red pepper, soda ash, tobacco

  • Today there are special baits and compositions that help get rid of woodlice. Their effectiveness has been tested and proven, however, according to professional exterminators, their use rather consolidates the result obtained after bullying.

Folk remedies for woodlice

Install fan

Chemistry against woodlice

Quicklime helps in the fight against woodlice.

Check if the pipes are leaking

Are woodlice dangerous?

There is no need to panic if these nasty crustaceans appear in your home. Despite their appearance, they will not cause harm to the health of the inhabitants of the home. Amateur flower growers will have to worry. If you grow orchids or other tropical plants, woodlice can cause them to die. The reason for the danger is simply simple. This kind indoor flowers They are not grown in simple soil, but in a mixture of moss, fallen leaves and tree bark. This is a favorable moist environment for woodlice, so experienced flower growers They recommend regularly replanting your “favorites”. In addition to eating roots and leaves, woodlice contribute to soil compaction. Their presence in the soil mixture can cause oxygen starvation of plants, which usually leads to death.

This problem prompted experts to create soil preparations that help get rid of “amateurs.” tropical plants. If you notice woodlice in a fern, orchid or palm tree, do not be discouraged. Buy products such as “Thunder”, “Ideal” or “Aktara”. They will help save your favorite plants.

Preventing the appearance of unwanted “guests”

The most the best way Prevention is the key to combating any problem. You should not wait for ants, cockroaches or woodlice to appear in your home. We should not forget about elementary rules, compliance with which will help you never recognize these unwanted “neighbors”:

  • observe basic rules of hygiene and cleanliness;
  • if you notice that there is excessive accumulation of moisture in the room, find the source of the problem and try to localize it in time;
  • Do you understand that the amount of moisture in your home is much higher than normal? Do not forget about existing dehumidifiers, but do not overdo them if children live in the house, as well as patients with respiratory problems;
  • amateur flower growers should take care that no moisture or soil particles remain in the stands under the flowerpots;
  • Don’t forget to wash the dishes on time and take out the trash as the bucket is filled;
  • If there is an opportunity not to dry clothes indoors, it is better to use it.

“Forewarned is forearmed” is an appropriate expression for this situation. You should not be afraid of the appearance of “unexpected guests”. The occurrence of a problem is easier to prevent by observing basic hygiene rules. The appearance of woodlice will help prevent serious trouble. Dampness causes mold, which is too dangerous for health.

Don't dry your laundry

Keep the bathroom clean



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