Cleansing the house from negative energy with a candle. How to bring good luck to your home

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My greetings to everyone! Let's talk about how to protect our homes and families from harm. Do you think this is all nonsense? But those who encountered troubles due to failure to follow certain signs believed in their power. Therefore, the topic of our conversation is “Signs for home well-being.”

How to sweep away litter

Many sweep dirty linen towards the doorstep, but this cannot be done: you can lose money, and young ladies can lose their charm. Therefore, sweep the floor towards the kitchen.
Don't get out if the big one comes religious holiday. In a Christian way, these days the gates of heaven are open, and through them divine power comes to us. When we start waving a broom, we break it.
Keep only one broom in the house, and place it with the broom up. If you put it down, then don’t expect money to come in, or cleanliness in the house.

To cleanse rooms of evil and negativity, prepare incense or sandalwood. The Slavs traditionally fumigated all rooms in the house from damage. They lit dry twigs of juniper or wormwood and fumigated the house and livestock with smoke. For these purposes, oak leaves, twigs of St. John's wort, sage, lavender or pine are suitable.
It is necessary to spray all holy rooms more often, or even simple ones. clean water.
For cleaning, cleaning with an aerosol is suitable. Prepare the solution: 100 ml clean water add 9 drops of aromatic oil. Walk through each room only clockwise, starting from the threshold. Spray this product, stopping in the corners, here you need to spray 3 times.
To protect your home from bad energy, remove evil entities, wash the floor with salted water.

Evil can be stopped

Place a talisman over the front door, made of oak or acacia.
Hang bunches of onions, garlic, red peppers or herbs.
Place a mixture of dry herbs in the corners of the rooms: elderberry, valerian, basil, oregano, rose petals. Such a talisman will bring peace and quiet to the house, and will also provide protection from robbers and unexpected visitors.
A fishing float is a powerful amulet. Floats must be hung from front door at home in a visible place, then no evil will get into your home.

After guests leave, do not leave dirty dishes for a minute. Wash it as soon as you say goodbye to your guests. This way you will get rid of negative messages, even if they were thrown accidentally.
To avoid accumulating energy waste that you don’t need, never immediately put on something that was given to you or that you bought yourself. First, smoke it with herbs or “burn” it with a candle.
When you get home, immediately wash your shoes, take a shower, and then put on your home clothes.
What to do when the house has been cleaned?

Now start cleaning yourself, because some of the “garbage” has settled on your body! Accept orange bath for 10-15 minutes, it gives an excellent cleansing effect. Just add the juice of 1 orange or 4 slices to the water. Then take a shower.

Knead the dough clockwise.
Show the new, emerging Moon a silver coin so that money can be circulated.
Don't let us put on our slippers! You can pick up evil, someone else's envy, failure, or simply catch a fungus.
If you feel that your guest is envious of something, then immediately after he leaves, begin to cleanse the apartment with a church candle to cleanse him of the evil eye. Walk around it so that the wall is on your left as you walk around. If the candle begins to crackle in the corners, then bad energy has settled here.
Burn the candle in this place until it stops crackling. When you return to the front door, go out, stand facing your home, cross the door three times, it’s good to do this with prayer. Then, behind the threshold, put out the candle, but don’t blow it out.
Cats take away all the negativity! Do not try to keep the cat near you if it wants to leave. This means that she has absorbed a sufficient portion of negativity, and now she will not be able to take more.
More very important tips

In the old days, people followed many of the rules of living in a house unconditionally, thereby protecting their homes from negativity.
Never place a mirror opposite the entrance, so as not to turn back all the incoming energy and expel it from the house.
You should not hang a mirror in the bedroom, especially in front of the marital bed. You will attract betrayal, distort your AURA, which can lead to all sorts of illnesses.
Do not hang mirrors in your house that divide a person into separate parts, so as not to attract bad luck.
Mirrors can amplify energy, so handle them very carefully. If you accidentally break a mirror, say the following words: “The mirror breaks, the misfortune of slave (name) does not concern!” Remove the fragments from the house immediately. In general, try to reduce your reflection in mirrors to maintain your health and well-being.

Take 5 small onions, peel them, hang them in different places. Pierce each onion with a thick needle with a red thread threaded through it, tie it around the onion. After 7 days, remove each onion, placing it on a separate piece of paper, sprinkle it well with salt, then burn it. After such a ritual evil spirits you have nothing to do!
For several weeks, at least for several days, burn church candles in all rooms. They don't like fire dark entities who came from the other world.
Place onions cut in half in all corners overnight, and in the morning collect them on a scoop (do not touch them with your hands) and bury them in the ground.
The same can be done with garlic. Everyone knows that onions and garlic are the best helpers in the fight against dark forces.
Take a dry sprig of thistle, heather or St. John's wort, light it from church candle, then fumigate everything, even the smallest rooms, with smoke. In the rooms, walk crosswise, that is, from corner to corner.

How to find out if there are dark entities in the house?

Make observations. In a house with positive energy spilled water dries very slowly, fresh flowers last a long time in vases, objects made of metal feel slightly cool to the touch, and objects made of wood give off warmth.

Dear friends! You are now armed with useful knowledge, which means that no evil will penetrate your home. Follow simple tips, and all will be well!

Watch the video below for more useful tips to cleanse your home of negativity.

How to clean the house from negative energy? There are a great many ways to clean energy. Let's look at the most common and effective of them.

Living in the world social relations, at a very close distance from each other, intersecting with other people in transport, at work, in places of recreation and entertainment, during apartment buildings, a person willy-nilly is exposed to alien influences from the outside. How to understand this? The human body is not limited to physical dimensions, it is much larger, many times larger. For example, a common person may have dimensions subtle body up to several meters (6-8), and advanced in spiritual knowledge - up to several tens of meters. The energetic body of Jesus was up to 15 km in diameter.

Allow yourself to live at a great distance from each other modern society, for some reasons, it cannot. The only thing that remains is to learn how to remove the results of energetic influence from yourself and from your home or office. No matter what kind of people surround a person - good or bad, this must be done, since when we get into each other’s biofields, we exchange thoughts, emotions, moods, etc. From some we take a little anger and hatred, from others - envy and greed, from others - gluttony and lust, and this happens all the way to the house. And the house does not always limit foreign influence, because the majority live “on top of each other” - in apartment buildings where energy is involuntarily exchanged.

At the same time, the resident begins to feel a foreign influence on himself. The main signs of this influence:

  1. Insects appear (cockroaches, ants, moths);
  2. Suddenly the windows and doors slam shut;
  3. Extraneous rustling, tapping, and noises appear;
  4. Domestic plants and (or) animals get sick or die;
  5. The rooms are filled with a stench from an unknown source;
  6. Things disappear or break;
  7. There are problems with household appliances, plumbing and sewerage (pipes and taps are leaking);
  8. Lighting fixtures burn more often than usual;
  9. All residents of the apartment feel drowsiness, fatigue and apathy;
  10. Night sleep does not restore strength, nightmares occur;
  11. Households quarrel endlessly;
  12. One of the apartment's residents died.

As a rule, these signs appear sequentially one after another and can be diagnosed without much difficulty. But cleaning will require some effort. In severe cases, you may even need the intervention of a specialist (priest, bio-energy specialist, healer or magician).

Cleansing your home of negative energy must begin with yourself and your clothes. First of all, you need to take a salty shower - wet your body and gently rub the salt in a circular motion over the entire surface counterclockwise. You don't need to salt your head. Salt is a powerful magical tool and is most suitable for cleansing fine-material dirt. Such a shower can wash away not only fresh negativity, but also that which has been accumulated over many years of life. Next, when washing off the salt, you need to ask the water sister to remove all the dirt from herself and for her to take it back to where it came from. The text is selected independently according to its meaning, the main thing is that the request comes from the heart and is sincere. Immediately after taking a shower, your mood will noticeably improve, your whole body will feel clean and light, and you may even get a feeling of getting rid of some burden.

Then you can begin to cleanse your home of negativity. Let's look at the most common and effective methods.

Method No. 1. You should dress simpler, for example, a T-shirt, shorts or a robe. All jewelry must be removed and placed in a container of salted water, then washed with a brush and soap. The emotional mood should be focused and neutral, that is, no extraneous thoughts. All windows, vents and doors need to be opened so that the draft can blow out the bulk of the negative. Remove all strangers from the premises.

If possible, repair or have the broken one repaired. household appliances. Clean up the cabinets and mezzanines and wipe away dust with a damp cloth soaked in salt water. Next, wipe everything mirror surfaces. You need to wash the dust in a circular motion and always counterclockwise (only by using such movements will the fine dirt be washed away). There should be as many circles as the mirror is years old, or thirteen if you don’t remember.

Method No. 2. This method requires St. John's wort, thistle or heather. You need to prepare a container with holy or melt water in advance (tap water is excluded). Next, you should sprinkle it without exception on every corner of your home, and only after that you can wet your hands and face without wiping, allowing the water to dry naturally. After all these procedures, light the twigs magical plants and fumigate the entire dwelling, and especially the corners counterclockwise in a circle, starting from the entrance. At this time, visualize the image of dark negative energy leaving the house.

Method No. 3. To perform the ritual you will need a sheet of white paper and wax candle(paraffin wax excluded). A hole is made in the center of the sheet and a candle is inserted into it (this way the melted wax with negative energy will not be able to get on the skin). You need to close the windows and, starting from the threshold, walk around the entire house from left to right and carefully examine the corners and places where the candle will smoke and crackle. Hand movements should follow a sinusoid - up and down. All furniture, windows, mirrors, hangers, paintings, electrical appliances, clothes and shoes should also be treated with a candle. Pay special attention to the front door and threshold, as it is through them that negativity usually enters the apartment. The entrance from the outside must be processed from left to right along the perimeter. After cleaning the candle stub, immediately throw it in the trash.

After you clean your home, you need to wash off the remaining negativity from your hands using soap and salt. While your hands are drying, you can stretch them by arching your fingers. Then rub the palms of your hands clockwise and shake your hands at the end, discharging the remaining negative energy. To maintain energetic purity, do not be lazy to perform cleansing rituals at least three times a year. Your well-being, both physical and emotional, depends on it!

Energy is all around you.

It is present in the cells of your body, in the foods you eat for breakfast, in the people you meet on your way to work, and even in the walls of your apartment!

To maintain harmony and balance in your life, it is necessary that the flow of energy inside you and AROUND you proceeded unhindered.

Moreover, it is IMPORTANT that the space around you (including the people with whom you constantly intersect) matches your inner vibration.

You can work as long as you like to raise your own vibrations, clear away the rubble of the past, heal your traumas and eradicate limiting beliefs...

BUT if you return home and plunge into negativity, all your work goes down the drain.

Influencing your loved ones can be difficult and takes time, but clearing own apartment from negativity everyone can. And quickly!

How to understand that you need to clean the energy in your home

A few of the many possible signs:

  • You experience strange feelings in the house that seem to have “nowhere” to come from. For example, fear, irritability, lethargy...
  • Often children are naughty and pets behave restlessly
  • There is something like a poltergeist in the apartment - strange knocks, creaks. Either they disappear for no reason or things break.
  • To you hard to concentrate on your sense of home and family. All the time, extraneous thoughts are spinning about work, some worries, the problems of other people.
  • You are a very sensitive person and read any energy. Once the balance in your home is upset, you feel "uneasy", don't find a place for yourself.
  • Do you feel a “swamp” in your life? stopper in goals or finances. This is often a sign of energy stagnation in the home.

What to do when your mood is at zero, and you wake up inexplicably anxious and even more tired than before going to bed?

How to cleanse your house of negativity and install protection

There are many ways to clear the energy space in your home. I will share the tools that I used myself at different stages of my life.

Choose the techniques that resonate most with you.

1. General cleaning of the house

Every time you clean, you are clearing your home of negative energy.

Beat the carpets, wash the curtains, wash the windows, vacuum the chandelier)
Start rearranging your furniture.

Before you start spring cleaning express your intention that you are energetically cleaning your apartment and harmonizing its energy.

2. Decluttering

Get rid of everything unnecessary, dirty, ugly - and immediately notice changes in energy.

Old things that you haven’t used for a long time not only accumulate negative energy, but also block the flow of fresh energy.

In places where unnecessary things accumulate, energy stagnates, and you observe stagnation in your life: lack of creative inspiration, dullness of everyday life and despondency.

Restore natural energy flow by getting rid of old junk!

When throwing out another item, washing away the dust, clearly imagine what unnecessary qualities and situations you are freed from.

3. Sea salt to cleanse negativity

Helps get rid of negative energy and promotes the circulation of balanced energy within your apartment.

Can be used in pure form(salt crystals) or when dissolved in water.

Salt crystals have an amazing ability to absorb negative energy.

How to cleanse your house of negativity and protect it with salt

  • Place plates of salt in all corners of the room (especially the one where the family gathers and where you sleep). Salt should be in an open space, not in a cupboard. Remember to change the salt every 2 months.
  • Scatter large crystals sea ​​salt By carpeting. After about an hour, vacuum the carpet. Be sure to dispose of the dust bag in the vacuum cleaner.
  • Make a saturated brine solution by placing 5-6 tablespoons of salt in a bucket of water. Rinse the floors in all rooms with the resulting solution.

Sea salt can also be used for balancing and cleansing for yourself personally.

Accept salt bath by adding 1-2 handfuls of bath salts to the water. You can also rub yourself with salt soap (there is such a thing) to wash away the negative energy of a hard day at work.

Rubbing with salt soap or bathing in a salt bath narrows the boundaries of your etheric field, literally returning you to your body.

4. Clearing low vibrations with sound

Sound is one of the most powerful vibrations physically felt by your body.

Loud sound can effectively destroy dense negative vibrations. Helps dissipate stagnant energy.

How to do sound cleansing

  • Walk around the perimeter of the room, clapping loudly. Approaching the corner of the room, make several energetic claps, from bottom to top. At some point you will hear an echo from the claps. This means that you have done a good job and you can finish. After clapping, be sure to wash your hands under running water.
  • Take the bell with clear sound and call them the whole apartment- from the front door to the bathroom, paying special attention to corners and furniture (see point above).

Keep the bell as close to the walls as possible, ringing at such intervals that the sound does NOT interrupt. Ring until you feel the sound of the bell become more rich and thick.

  • Use sound of Tibetan/crystal bowls to cleanse and harmonize space.

Sit in the center of the room you intend to cleanse and play the bowl until you feel the energy in the room change.

  • Hang the wind chime at the entrance to the apartment. If you live in a private home, you can hang wind chimes in several places around the house to cover more space.

Note: Whatever instrument you use, the sound should be pleasing to your ears.

5. Incense and essential oils to remove negativity

One of the few methods that even men use))

To cleanse the space, you can use incense sticks, aroma lamps, use an aerospray, or simply drop the oil onto a special stand and place it around the room.

You can choose an essential oil for cleansing and protection “wisely”, listening to the advice of experts (the infographic below will help you with this) or choose based on own feelings and preferences.

Personally, I prefer to smell them)

6. Green plants to harmonize space

Houseplants not only provide oxygen to your home, but also infect the space with positivity, enhancing the circulation of vital energy.

Many indoor flowers are advocates and donors. This means that they are able to process negative vibrations and return them in the form of positive radiation.

The most useful and strong plants are considered geranium(harmonizes space, protects), cactus(draws in and neutralizes negativity), ficus(extinguishes aggression), primrose(calms conflicts) rosemary(relaxes and gives good dream), cyclamen(promotes unification and understanding in the family), begonia(literally absorbs negative energy), aloe(doctor).

But! In addition to plants useful to humans, there are also vampire plants. These are those indoor flowers that deprive the space and people in it of energy.

Any plant can become a vampire if it lacks care and nutrition. Sick, drying plants also suck away strength. Try to get them out or get rid of them.

There are also indoor flowers that may not be safe to have in your home. Tradescantia causes concern fern drains a lot of energy ivy“survives” from the men’s house, it is even popularly called “muzhegon”. Some types vine create a “suffocating” atmosphere in the house.

Dangerous to have in the house monstera. This is greedy tropical plant, which draws energy from your household. Its place is in public spaces, where the flow of people is constantly changing.

Very bright or fragrant flowers ( roses, orchids) require a lot of your care and attention. If you are a soft person by nature, or energetically weakened, these plants will have a destructive effect on you.

7. Mandalas, energy pictures, faces of the Lords

Mandalas, energy pictures, faces of the Ascended Masters in themselves are not sources of energy.

They serve as channels that conduct energy through themselves.

So be careful when choosing what you hang on your bedroom wall.

At one time, I had on my wall the energy codes of Janos, mandalas drawn especially for me by friends and reproductions of the Archangel Michael.

As an illustration (from top to bottom):

Mandala Safety, made by our participant and volunteer - Maria Velichko, Mandala Tea Party - a personal gift to me from the Mystic, code Protection from Janos and Archangel Michael performed by V. Suvorov.

8. Candles to cleanse stagnant energy

Candles symbolize the element of fire. And fire is a wonderful tool energy conversion.

It is no coincidence that candles are used in rituals of liberation from the past, healing, and religious rituals.

For energetic cleaning of the house, it is best to use wax ones, but any kind will do, even aromatic ones.

The procedure is similar to sound cleaning. Walk with the candle starting from the front door and further, along the perimeter of each room, clockwise.

You can linger in the corners a little longer, doorways, as well as in places where the candle will smoke black smoke, splash wax or crackle.

A sign that it can be completed - the candle burns calmly and exactly anywhere in your home.

Now you know, how to cleanse your house of negativity and install protection the best way. It's time to act!

But don’t overdo it... knowing you, I’ll say right away: it is recommended to clean the apartment 1-2 times a year. This is quite enough.

But you can imbue it with love and light every day!

So, what will you do TODAY to cleanse your home of negativity?

Situations often occur when new residents move into new house and begin to experience discomfort. The problem is that the premises can store the negative energy of past residents for quite a long time. Therefore, if you do not clean the house in advance, it will begin to bring unpleasant situations into the lives of the new owners. It is quite possible that the guest brought bad energy. He may come to visit you with bad intentions and leave some of the negative witchcraft for you. After this, you will have to keep signs of evil in your house for a long time. It is for these reasons that the majority of modern inhabitants of the planet are thinking about how to cleanse their home of bad energy.

How can you determine that there is negativity in the house?

Determining the presence of bad energy in a room is quite simple. You just need to carefully observe everything that happens in the house. If damage or the evil eye has been sent to a house, then this can be determined by several signs.

  1. It becomes difficult to find a certain thing. It may lie in the most visible place, but you will not notice it. After some time you will only be able to find it.
  2. Residents of the house begin to feel a loss of strength. Some individuals begin to get sick. Moreover, such an impact can affect not only people, but also pets.
  3. Cats don't stay in the house. They constantly try to escape outside and not go indoors.
  4. The homeowner feels some danger. Despite the fact that your home should act as your fortress, you begin to fear for your life. A constant feeling of fear indicates that there is damage or the evil eye.
  5. You can feel that someone is always next to you.
  6. Furniture and home appliances The number of breakdowns is starting to amaze.

If you are constantly haunted by a feeling of depression, then you need to take action. If at least half of these signs are present in your home, then you should think about how to cleanse your home of bad energy.

How to prepare yourself for rituals yourself at home

Cleaning should be done quite often. It should be remembered that it should be carried out once every three months. Before you start cleaning your home, you need to take care of the preparation. First of all, you should immerse yourself in the bathroom and stay there for a while. After this, take a small amount of kitchen salt and start moving it over your body. Once your entire body is covered in salt, you can begin to wash it off.

As soon as you start washing off the salt with water, you need to read a special spell:

“Let the water I am using now take away all the negativity from me. The evil eye and damage must leave my house. I, the servant of God (name), wish that my crowbar becomes a strength for me and not an irritant. I cannot live normally in it, because the constant feeling of fear and the presence of otherworldly forces scares me. Please cleanse me of negative energy. Energy protection should be ideal downtime. I saw it recently prophetic dream, who told me that I should decide to cleanse my house of negative energy. I carry out the cleansing according to all the rules. I read the words of prayer so that energy protection becomes much more effective. I want to protect myself from everything bad. Let the person who decided to bring me hardships suffer from them himself. Amen".

How to prepare your own home to get rid of bad and evil energy

First of all, you should use loose clothing. Choose only loose items that have pastel shades. The face needs to be cleaned of makeup, and the hair must be collected in a regular bun. You can put a scarf on your head to keep it covered.

Open all windows and doorways, because with the help of a draft, the negative energy component should leave your home. If you are the only one from your family who performs the ritual, then drive other residents out of the house.

You need to clear the entire room of old things. If you have not used any devices or things for a year, then you should get rid of them, because all the bad energy can accumulate in them, which you will get rid of. Pay attention to faulty household appliances or chipped dishes. You should also get rid of such devices.

How to clean your house for a long time yourself at home

For this ritual you will need a regular church candle. You need to light it and walk through all the rooms of the house. If the candle begins to smoke and crack very heavily, it means that the energy protection of the home has been broken and there is negativity in it. After this, you need to carry out a general wet cleaning.

Getting rid of negative energy on your own at home is not that difficult. You should take an ordinary church candle and walk with it through all the rooms. At the same time, do not forget to read special prayers addressed to the Lord or the Blessed Virgin Mary. In order to enhance the effect of the ritual, you can ask the Lord to forgive you all your sins. You can be sure that he will hear your words. Experts say that pure energy only enhances the magical effect.

How can you use holy water?

Many people think about how to cleanse the energy at home. There is a ritual that involves using church water and a candle. You should light a candle and walk with it throughout your home. Remember that everything should start from the front door. Special attention need to pay attention to the corners. Our ancestors were also sure of this. What negative impact located in the corners of the room. Also, do not forget about mirrors, because they are considered a portal to another world. It is from mirrors that dark spirits can enter your home.

After the circumambulation is completed, you should cross the most main door in the house. But on its upper part you need to draw a Christian cross with candle fire. Please note that you will need an assistant in this ritual, because he must be with you and sprinkle holy water in all rooms. You need to water everything down to the smallest detail. Everything should be cleaned, right down to the cabinets and kitchen utensils. Nothing should go unnoticed.

People associate own house with a place where they are safe and their comfort is not threatened. Your home gives you protection, peace and warmth in your soul. The consecrated house of an Orthodox family is a small prototype of the Church of Christ, so there can be no place for evil here. At a minimum, this is what we should strive for.

In order not to forget about reverence, to cultivate a Christian worldview and strengthen oneself in prayer, there is a pious tradition of cleansing one’s home with the help of a church candle.

How to prepare to clean your home

Quarrels and frequent scandals create a depressing environment in the room, which is bad for health. Orthodox Christian must, first of all, cleanse his own soul from sins and passions, and only after that think about the room in which he lives.

People believe in some kind of negative energy that is transmitted from one person to another, through objects, conversations and even thoughts. This is a kind of damage, the evil eye and other devilish slander. To combat such “negative energy” at home, it is often recommended to use church candles, icons, prayers, and holy water.

It must be remembered that such practices have always been condemned by our Church. Firstly, the attitude towards damage and the evil eye in Orthodoxy is unambiguous - if a person is a church member, goes to church, participates in the Sacraments, then he is under the roof of God and should not be afraid of damage.

Secondly, the use of consecrated church objects and Orthodox shrines is blasphemy, blasphemy and is considered a grave sin. Therefore cleaning own home using a church candle should not be considered as magic ritual to remove damage and negativity, but only as a reverent Christian tradition.

About other superstitions:

In order to protect your home from evil forces, there is a practice of consecrating a house Orthodox priest, who needs to be invited to the temple.

Church candles for cleansing the home

How to use church candles for cleansing

Of course, there is no sin in walking around your home with a burning church candle in prayer and reverence. Orthodox priests recommend doing this to strengthen your faith. The house in which believers live will always be shrouded in special comfort, warmth and the atmosphere of God's presence.

Having bought a candle in a temple, you can cleanse your home something like this (there is no strict sequence of actions):

  • First, you need to sprinkle all the corners with holy water, and also wet your hands and wash with it.
  • The procedure starts with outside front door. The burning candle flame must be held several times, drawing a cross. The sign of the cross is made three times over the peephole, door handle and a call.
  • Next, the ritual is repeated with inside doors.
  • The home itself is cleansed with a church candle from left to right. The walls are outlined in wave-like movements, and the handles interior doors- cruciform. The candle should go near all corners and furniture.
  • You cannot believe that in the most “polluted” place of the house, the flame of a church candle burns hotter, crackles and smokes with a black hue. Differences in the strength of the fire and how the candle burns are due to different composition wax mixture from which it is made.
  • Finally, you need to return to the front door and illuminate it again. Used candles should not be thrown into the trash; they should be stored separately. It is best to take such remains, along with broken crosses, old icons and other consecrated objects, to the temple for disposal.
  • Having completed the ritual, you can begin your usual prayer. In a clean apartment, a person will certainly feel the long-awaited calm.

About prayer:

About the housing of an Orthodox Christian

A person who lives according to Christian commandments protects himself and his home from all evil slander.

  • Do not forget about ordinary hygienic cleaning. It is difficult to combine a prayerful attitude and dirt around. An Orthodox home must be kept clean and tidy.
  • An excellent practice is not to store or throw away unnecessary items. This should be done not because trash accumulates “negative energy”, but to combat moss picking. In addition, a cluttered home is simply impossible to keep clean and tidy.
  • Prayer chants, recordings of a church choir, Christian music are an excellent addition to the atmosphere of an Orthodox home.
  • Green plants release oxygen and fill the room with coziness.
  • Of course, not a single home of an Orthodox family can do without icons and a home iconostasis. This is a place of prayer, solitude with the Lord, and spiritual reflection. As a rule, there is only one main iconostasis in an apartment, and separate favorite and revered icons are hung in each room.
  • The home iconostasis is a place of spiritual reflection, repentance, and search for the path to God. It should always be kept clean; candles and lamps can be lit in front of it.
Advice! A person should carefully monitor his spiritual life, fight passions and sins - they are the cause of the appearance of evil around us.

Excessive fear of negativity from the outside, the belief that people can come to our home and bring negative energy, pollute the aura and all the like - these are pagan relics that have nothing in common with the Orthodox worldview. With the help of a church candle and prayers, a person is able to cleanse space and restore harmony, which will lead to physical and spiritual healing.

Watch a video about cleaning your home


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