Eyelid windows installation in a wooden house. Installation of plastic windows in a wooden house

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Nowadays, with the ever-increasing prices of “life,” all sorts of thoughts about maintaining heat in our home enter our heads. Everyone knows that metal-plastic windows retain about 25% of heat, which means they will help save us a lot of money when cold weather sets in.

Installation of a plastic window in wooden house– it’s not a tricky thing. Almost everyone can do this, having in their assortment ordinary tools located in every garage. Do-it-yourself installation will help save money and nerves, since having workers in the house is not always a good thing. Let's look at the process in more detail.

Choosing a plastic window for a wooden house

First of all, you will need to take accurate measurements of the window niche. Moreover, the accuracy should be down to a centimeter, without “approximately”. If the measurements are smaller, you will have to knock off the wall; if it is larger, you will have to seal the space between the window frame and the wall. When installing PVC windows in a wooden house, the gap should be as small as possible. But it is worth considering that wood tends to expand, absorbing moisture. Subsequently, the window opening may be deformed. After all measurements have been taken and written down on your sheet of paper, we head to a specialized manufacturing company plastic windows.

When choosing a new window, you should focus your attention on 4 components of the window:

Double-glazed window. Glass is the most important component modern window. About 65% of heat loss passes through it. The most popular double-glazed windows are double-chamber ones, the chambers of which contain gas that has minimal thermal conductivity. Windows with additional film are now popular. The assortment includes transparent and darkened films. It further reduces heat transfer through the glass unit. It is better to install windows with darkened film on the sunny side.

Profile. An important role in the structure of a plastic window is played by the profile. The characteristics of the profile are determined by the number of air chambers, which serve to reduce thermal conductivity. Their quantity significantly affects the thermal conductivity of the window. If your wooden house is located in a place with a high noise level (for example, near a highway), then a six-chamber profile with double glazing will provide excellent sound insulation in the house.

Accessories. It must be made from high quality metal. The fittings can withstand considerable overloads, especially when a rotating window mechanism with ventilation is used. The fittings are made of low-quality metal and will last you a short amount of time. With further long-term use, troubles such as sash misalignment, poor closure and leaks are possible.

Seals. Also, you should pay attention to the seals. They must be made from special material, which remains elastic under any conditions, be it frost or heat. Ordinary rubber loses its elastic properties when the temperature drops, and with prolonged exposure it cracks and crumbles.

All this needs to be considered before installing a plastic window in a wooden house. If you choose all these elements correctly, then your euro-window will not let you down and will keep your home warm. And remember that expensive is not always good. We must always choose the golden mean.

Removing the old window and preparatory work

It's better to do it slowly, but first-class. Specialized workers do everything quickly, but they do not bother with the quality of the dismantling. Very often, they leave broken walls, broken old frames and glass.

When performing all the work on installing windows in a wooden house, there is no need to rush. You can do everything much more carefully, leaving all the elements safe and suitable for reuse. They will also be useful for a summer house or garage.

We remove the old window in the following sequence:

1) Remove the doors.
2) Take out the frame.
3) Remove the window sill and ebb.

Making window casing in a wooden frame

You can skip this step, but serious problems may arise later. The casing will prevent the window opening from skewing. The material must be dry and durable, the thickness of the boards must be more than 4 cm. Otherwise, they will be deformed along with the opening. The width of the casing must correspond to the thickness of the wall.
Methods for casing:

  • Spike monolith.
  • Backing beam.
  • Into the deck.

The most complex and reliable is the first type of casing. But beginners who do not have special skills in installing windows prefer to do the casing with a backing block. To do this, you need to make grooves in the middle of the window opening.

You will need a circular saw, axe, chainsaw or chisel. Optimal size furrows 5x5 cm. Place on a block of the same size edged board and is secured with self-tapping screws or bolts. If a tongue-and-groove casing is used, then T-beam cut out in advance and inserted into the furrow. The final stage is to lay the gap between the casing and the wall with polyurethane foam. Since foam tends to collapse under the influence sun rays, the outside must be covered with foam windproof membrane, inside - vapor barrier.

Installing a window frame in the house

Before final fastening of the frame, it is first necessary to try on the base in window opening. If it is inconvenient to use a building level, you can use a plumb line. Then, using wedge-shaped blocks, we fix the frame in the window frame. This will help prevent the frame from moving horizontally and will make final fastening easier.

For correct installation For windows in a wooden house, you should install fasteners with your own hands. The gaps between the frame and the opening should be within 1 cm. Most often, anchor plates are used. They are attached to the box with self-tapping screws, about 3 - 5 cm long. Upon completion of all installation work, the gap between the frame and window frame, should be filled with foam. If the gap is more than 2 cm, then foaming should be divided into several stages. Foam drying time is 10 – 12 hours.

Installation of window sashes in the house

After installing the frame, we install the sashes. The sash is a movable component of a Euro window, which allows it to be opened or closed. It is fixed on special articulated and movable elements (hinges) of the frame.

If the frame is set correctly and level, the sashes will fit perfectly. However, there may be some issues with gaps and locks. They can be adjusted with a Phillips screwdriver. The basic rule for installing sashes is to do everything evenly. If the side needs to be raised/lowered, then turn the bolts an equal number of turns. After each manipulation, you need to open/close the doors and try on the changes.

Installation of fittings, slopes, window sills in a wooden house

They installed the frame, screwed the shutters and gave installation materials harden a little. Now we have reached the final stages of instructions for installing windows in a wooden house with our own hands. It remains to complete some finishing touches and you can celebrate the victory.
First, you need to select and install correct window sill. There are several common types of window sills

  • Plastic. A very light and relatively durable multi-chamber type of window sills, which are covered with PVC film on top. There are many color ranges and imitations various materials. But consumers prefer standard White color or "under the tree."
  • Wooden. Wooden window sills react to changes in moisture and as a result can become deformed. The advantage of wooden window sills is naturalness and appearance. At the same time – special coating protective layer Necessarily!

Let's look at how to properly install a wooden window sill in a log house.

Step 1: Material Processing. To begin with, it is necessary to thoroughly treat our window sill with a moisture-proofing compound, which will protect it from the premature appearance of rot and damage to the window sill. The window opening must be cleaned of dust and dirt deposits, and, if possible, treated with the same composition as the window sill.

Step 2. Installation of the window sill. The wooden window sill is attached to nails, which must first be driven into the bottom beam of the box. After leveling the window sill, using wedge blocks, tighten the screws, with front side window sill, all the way. Any voids that remain should be filled with foam. After drying, cut off the excess.

Choose the wood for your window sill carefully. It should not be overdried or have chips or cracks. Wooden window sills are well suited for any log house. They will also serve as a good shelf for various plants or small things.

After complete installation window sill - we proceed to installing wooden slopes. The process of installing window slopes with inside, is completely identical to installing slopes from the outside, and will not cause any problems during the work.

This is the final chord in installing windows in an old wooden house. Let's consider all the processes step by step.

Step 1: Sidebars. To begin, we attach the side panels using self-tapping screws. It is advisable to place the panel fastening points where the decorative corner will be installed, which will cover all the screws. This way we will preserve the aesthetic appearance of the panels as much as possible. Then, using the same analogy, we finish the upper window opening.

Step 2. Sealing the seams. We coat all seams and joints of panels with sealant to prevent moisture penetration. Additionally, it can be treated with a moisture protective agent.

Step 3. Installation of corners. After all the seams and joints have dried, we carry out installation decorative corners. They can be attached using “liquid” nails, construction stapler or foam. All work on the installation of the window sill and slopes should be carried out after the structure has completely dried. This means that you need to wait at least 12 hours after installing the window.

If this is your first time installing, the process may seem quite complicated. It’s better to immediately watch a video on how to install plastic windows in a wooden house. The main feature of wooden structures is their environmental friendliness. Wooden beam has the ability to “breathe”, age and shrink. This is main reason, which makes it difficult to install windows and doors in a wooden frame.

Shrinkage occurs due to loss of moisture from the wood. This is especially noticeable in the first 4 years. We need polyurethane foam to compensate for minimal shrinkage. By casing, we make the window opening independent of the walls. The socket limits the movement of the log vertically, thereby ensuring normal, uniform shrinkage and does not interfere with the breathing of the log.

So we figured out how to properly install a window in a wooden house. There is nothing complicated about it. Everything is elementary simple and clear if you do everything installation work using proven technologies and simple step-by-step instructions.

Unlike foam or reinforced concrete buildings, wooden houses have high instability. This term refers to minimal but constant shrinkage of the structure. The tree “shrinks out” not in 2-3 years, as some experts believe, but in at least 5 years. Of course, shrinkage visible to the naked eye occurs during the first 12 months, but then the home continues to decrease in volume. If you don't take into account this property and, for example, install a plastic window in a wooden house by analogy with reinforced concrete structures, you can seriously pay for a miscalculation.

The shrinkage of timber and logs is from 1 to 2 cm per meter of masonry. That is, a two-story wooden house can reduce its height by 10-12 cm after 5 years. If the owners decide to install plastic windows using generally accepted technologies, they will be disappointed within a year. The entire weight of the structure will put pressure on PVC products; First, the doors will stop opening, and then the frame will crack altogether, ceasing to perform thermal insulation functions. But you don’t need to take extraordinary measures to properly install plastic windows - just install a frame in the window opening.

Design Features

The purpose of the frame (otherwise called casing) is to give the windows complete independence from load-bearing walls Houses. The design has several undeniable advantages:

  • it eliminates even the minimum vertical load on the window, since it does not allow the logs to move;
  • does not interfere with the natural shrinkage of the house;
  • serves to strengthen the house in the area of ​​the window opening.

There are two types of casing. In the first case, grooves are made into which wooden blocks the same dimensions as the window opening. In the second, a ridge is cut out of the last one, onto which a gun carriage is fixed (a log hewn on opposite sides, better known as gable beam) with groove.

It is advisable to install plastic windows in log house(or timber) with an assistant, since installation of the frame requires high precision, and the weight of the double-glazed window is sometimes difficult for one person to handle.

Required Tools

to install PVC windows, will be needed basic set construction supplies, including:

  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • chisel;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • mallet (wooden hammer);
  • self-tapping screws no more than 10 cm long (extended versions will violate the integrity of logs or beams);
  • polyurethane foam;
  • spacer wedges made of wood;
  • spray bottle with water;
  • gloves.

In addition, you will need a special adjusting hexagon for window designs. On the topic of installing windows in wooden structures There are hundreds of videos made that are easy to find. However, the basic and most valuable advice are given below.

Surface preparation stage

The first thing you need to do is dismantle the old window. If its condition is not bad, it may be useful in another matter (for example, during construction country greenhouse). Window dismantling is carried out carefully so as not to damage wooden walls. After this, the opening is cleared of dust and dirt.

Measuring the parameters of a window opening must be as accurate as possible. It is advisable to record the obtained values ​​on paper. Installing a new window is simple, but just one millimeter of miscalculation can seriously warp it.

If the contour of the opening is not completely smooth, it will have to be leveled using putty or sealant. A properly prepared surface for a new PVC product is characterized by ideal geometry (right angles).

It is also necessary to maintain a reserve for shrinkage at home. This is about 6 cm in height, 2 cm in height and sides for foaming, 4 cm under the window sill.

Depending on the time of year and the current stage of construction, ordering double-glazed windows either precedes dismantling or becomes the final stage. Few people would want to install a window in a wooden house and replace it after a year or two, so some points need to be taken into account. The buyer should decide on the number of sashes, the direction of their opening, the shape, size, and color of future products. And, of course, you should order from reliable manufacturers.

Installation instructions for PVC windows

The ideal distance from the floor to the window sill will be 80-90 cm. This is slightly higher than the desk. The user must lean freely on the window sill, bending the body minimally. The further sequence of actions is given below.

  1. Accurate markings are made for the side and bottom tenons (5x5 cm), after which they are cut out.
  2. In previously prepared and well-dried boards (preferably inch), holes are cut out that will fill the tenons.
  3. The window opening and the frame blank are treated with antifungal impregnation.
  4. Insulation is attached to the spike using a construction stapler ( jute tape, tow, etc.).
  5. The casing structure is installed in the opening, starting from the window sill. Its elements are connected with self-tapping screws, and the joints are coated with sealant.

In general, the window frame is ready, all that remains is to insulate the upper landing gap. The same jute will do; the opening is caulked as tightly as possible. Now you can install a plastic window inside the opening. To do this, do the following:

  1. Insert the glass unit into the opening, perfectly aligning it with the front edge. Apply a level to make sure the geometry of the sides is correct. To make work easier, first remove the sashes from the insulation units.
  2. Fix the frame inside the opening using self-tapping screws, having previously drilled holes in it.
  3. Fill the gaps between the glass unit and the casing with polyurethane foam.
  4. Before the foam has hardened, install the window sill and screw it.
  5. After the foam has dried, waterproof it from the outside with acrylic sealant, sealing tape or a vapor-permeable membrane, and from the inside - vapor barrier tape.

Due to the installation of an additional structure (casing), it may seem that it is difficult to install windows in a timber or log house, but this is not so. To be confident about the durability of the structure and the reliable performance of functions by PVC products, it is better to allocate a couple of hours for additional work. The casing will allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses as the home shrinks, and will also save the plastic novelty from deformation.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6s3VKuxmy4o Video can"t be loaded: Installing a plastic window in a casing in a wooden house or log house (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6s3VKuxmy4o)

In my house, I decided to replace the windows from wooden to plastic windows. Much has already been said about the advantages and disadvantages of these windows, so we will not dwell on this issue.


This article will discuss in detail the installation of windows in a wooden house with your own hands, where the basis will be taken personal experience- I installed plastic windows in a wooden house myself. Why? There are two reasons for this:

  • If you order the installation of plastic windows from a manufacturer, then on average you will be charged a fee for dismantling old windows and installing a new window in the amount of 40-50% of the cost of the window. Why pay more when installing windows in a wooden house is not at all difficult?
  • In most cases (up to 95%), the manufacturer of plastic windows does not provide a guarantee for windows that are installed in wooden houses. So if you install windows in a wooden house yourself, you won’t lose anything (I mean guarantee period operation), but as soon as you purchase it, it’s money (you save on paying for installing windows).

Example: A plastic window costs 5,500 rubles ($184), respectively, the fee for dismantling old windows and installing new ones will be (50%) 2,750 rubles ($92). The total cost of the window is 8250 rubles ($275). I needed to install five windows, taking into account that I did the installation myself, it turned out that I saved 13,750 rubles ($459) on this.

Note: I installed the windows myself without any help; on average, it took me no more than 2.5 hours to dismantle and install the windows.

Removing old windows

Removing an old window

Installing plastic windows with your own hands in a wooden house requires solid foundation- frame. Since my window frames were installed only five years ago and had no damage: wormholes, rotten formations, cracks and chips, I decided to use them as a frame for new windows.

Note: I took measurements for the windows taking into account that the window frames remain in place.

If the window frames still have sufficient strength and have not rotted, then they can be used, for example, to build a greenhouse. So the work of dismantling them should be carried out carefully and it is advisable to first remove the glass from the sashes of the wooden window frames.

I did not remove the glass, since the frame bindings were of sufficient strength and could be easily removed (there were no distortions).

Preparing the site for installing a plastic window

Preparing the opening for window installation

With a clean, dry rag (you can use a brush), I wiped the surface of the window frame and removed the debris remaining after dismantling.

Installation of a plastic window sill

Installation of a plastic window sill

The window sill (PVC) is the base of the window when it is installed, so it is worth paying Special attention to installed window sill had the most accurate horizontal surface of longitudinal and transverse location.

To ensure the installation strength of the window sill, I made notches on the sides of the window frame, about 8 mm deep.

Installing adjusting plates under the window sill

To level the window sill, I used adjusting plastic plates; you can also use backing plates made of fiberboard or thin wooden planks, pre-treated with an antiseptic.

Controlling the horizontalness of the window sill

Control of the horizontalness of the window sill during its final installation and fastening was carried out using a building level.

The window sill was attached to bottom harness window frame using self-tapping screws, stepping back from the outer end of the window sill 2 cm, put washers under the screw head so that when tightening the screw head does not break the surface of the window sill (PVC window sill has cavities). After installing the window, the mounting points for the window sill will be hidden underneath it.

Preparing the window for installation

Preparing the window for installation

The first thing you need to do before installing the window is to install the handle. Protective film You should not remove the entire surface of the window to exclude the possibility mechanical damage window.

The protective film must be removed only at the location where the handle is installed. When installing it, the handle handle should be in a horizontal position (as can be seen in the photo) - this position of the handle means that the window sash opens to the side; if you lower the handle down, the window sash will be closed; if you turn the handle up, the window sash opens in ventilation mode .

I fixed the handle to the window with two bolts and moved the handle down (to the “closed” position).

Preparation for installation window frame

At the ends of the side window posts I made markings for drilling holes through which the window will be attached to window block. Two holes - top and bottom in the left window post and the same holes in the right window post. The distance from the holes to the bottom and top of the window is 25-35 cm.

Holes in the side frame posts

After marking, I drilled using electric drill through holes in the side window pillars. Drill diameter 6mm (screw diameter 5mm).

Mounting holes

In order for the head of the self-tapping screw to have a rigid stop in the metal frame of the window, on the inside of the side posts, I drilled out the mounting holes with a drill of a larger diameter - 10 mm, up to metal frame. The diameter of the hole should allow the head of the screw to pass freely into the cavity of the window post.

Installation of a plastic window

Installation of a plastic window

After preparation, we install windows in a wooden house. To do this, install it in the window opening. I checked the center of the window installation by measuring with a tape measure from the edge of the window to the surface of the window frame on each side, the distance turned out to be the same - 1 cm. The window was installed on the surface of the window sill, and since the window sill was already installed exactly relative to the horizon line, the window could not be checked for horizontal installation required.

Installing a level between siding and window

In order to install the window parallel to the wall of the house, I installed a building level between the siding and the wall of the house as a stop. If your house is lined with clapboard or other finishing material, which fits tightly to the wall of the house, and there is no way to carry out control in the same way as I did, then you will need to use a plumb line.

Installing a spacer bar

Between the window and the window frame I installed a spacer block 1 cm wide (it is necessary that the block fits tightly between the window and the window frame). This block is necessary as a stop when attaching the window to the window opening using self-tapping screws. Otherwise, the window post, when fastened, may simply be pulled away and the mechanism for opening and closing the window will work poorly or casement It won't open at all.

Securing the window with self-tapping screws

When the stop bars are installed and the window is aligned parallel to the wall of the house, I secured it with self-tapping screws. The window was fixed to the window frame only at the top and bottom of the side posts so that the self-tapping screw was free in the space between the window and the frame.

Such window fastening provides not only reliable fastening, but such a mount turns out to be “floating”. In case of seasonal movements of the house and possible distortion window openings the window, not having a rigid connection to the window frame, practically does not warp, since most of the screw is in free space and the screw moves arbitrarily from the window towards the warp of the window frame.

Installation of double-glazed windows

Before installing double-glazed windows, it is necessary to install adjusting plastic plates between drain holes. This is necessary so that the glass unit does not cover the openings and does not interfere with the drainage of condensate through these openings.

Installation of double-glazed windows into the frame

Carefully installed the glass unit into the window opening. The glass unit should not fit tightly between the window posts, since in the event of a possible skew of the window frame, the glass may crack, without having free space to move inside the window frame.

So if your double-glazed window fits tightly, and there is no necessary gap between it and the window mullions (at least 5 mm), contact the company where you placed the order for the manufacture of windows and demand that this deficiency be eliminated.

Note: The gaps between the glass unit and the frame must be checked immediately before dismantling the old windows.

Fixing the glass unit with plastic beads

After installation, the double-glazed window was secured with plastic beads. The glazing bead has a profile tenon, which is inserted into the groove of the window frame; when you lightly tap the glazing bead, the tenon goes deeper into the groove; if you hear a click, this means that the glazing bead is securely installed.

Filling the space between the window and the opening with foam

After installing the window, I filled the space between the window and the window frame with mounting foam - from the inside and outside of the house.

Removing excess polyurethane foam using a knife

When the polyurethane foam had hardened, I trimmed off the excess with a knife.

That's it, the window is installed and you can start finishing with fittings, trim and drainage.

Attention: Prices are as of 2011.

Shrinkage is a natural process that inevitably occurs with any wooden structures. Therefore, installing plastic windows in a wooden house is much more difficult than in other buildings.

Note! Wood dries out the most in the first couple of years after construction of a house is completed. As a rule, the height of the walls becomes less by about 1-1.5 cm, which falls on each meter of masonry.

If you are wondering how to properly install a plastic window in a wooden house, first decide on the installation steps and select the necessary tools.

Casing before work

The main step in installing double-glazed windows in a wooden house is fixing the casing in the window opening. It is aimed at ensuring the independence of windows from the load-bearing walls of the building. To put it another way, at the moment the frame shrinks, the window remains intact and is not susceptible to deformation changes. The casing takes on all the loads that arise during shrinkage and ensures the strengthening of the walls in the area of ​​the window opening.

An element such as casing is a kind of box made of boards with large thickness. It is mounted in the window opening, and then installation is carried out plastic double glazed windows. Fixation is ensured by grooves located in the racks on the side.

Note! Do not use fasteners or polyurethane foam.

It is necessary to leave a compensation gap above the structure, which takes into account the maximum possible shrinkage rate of the logs.

There are several ways to perform casing:

  • cutting a groove in the log and placing a block of wood there, after which it is necessary to screw self-tapping screws into this block through the racks on the side;
  • sawing out an element such as a tenon on the end part of a log in a window opening to perform the “in-deck” installation method; for this, it is also necessary to make grooves in the side posts of this box;
  • sawing out a tenon in the area of ​​the side pillars of the structure, and the groove is located in the end part of the window opening log.

Carrying out preparatory work

In order to complete high-quality installation plastic windows in openings wooden house do it yourself, you must adhere to the basic installation rules. Namely, fully comply with the sequence of all actions and take into account all the features of your structure.

If you are not yet entirely sure that you can correctly install plastic windows in a wooden house, a video review of all this work will help you understand this process in more detail.

The installation begins with taking measurements of the distance from the window to the floor. The most optimal parameters are 80-90 cm.

Note! The ideal result is one in which the window sill is higher than desk with standard height at 80 cm.

Marking along the upper and lower boundaries of the window opening is carried out using a water level. At the same time, its height exceeds the corresponding window parameters by 13 cm, and the width by approximately 14 cm. In addition, another 1.5 cm is allowed on each side in order to seal using polyurethane foam.

Using a building level, you need to make markings for cutting. The greatest possible accuracy should be observed when taking all measurements and installing the casing, since this is the basis for successful implementation all installation work.

After you have prepared the window opening, a tenon is cut out on the end zones of the logs. And the side and bottom parts of the draft window must be sheathed with jute.

Note! The casing is made from well-dried bars and mounted from the window sill. All structural parts must be connected using self-tapping screws, and the joint areas must be treated with sealant. Tow is used to fill small gaps.

As a rule, the window is installed either with the most accurate alignment along the front edge, or with a slight recess. The frame is fixed to a structure pre-fixed with self-tapping screws.

Note! Not only the markings must be accurate, but also the choice of all materials. To secure the window, do not use long self-tapping screws. Maximum permissible length- 12 cm, otherwise you will not only break through the casing, but also violate the integrity of the masonry, which is an unacceptable violation that can make the operation of the housing unsafe.

The external waterproofing layer can be made in various ways.

Suitable for this:

  • vapor-permeable film;
  • one-component acrylic-based sealant;
  • self-expanding tape (sealing).

Thanks to this, you can protect the polyurethane foam from the harmful effects of direct sunlight and humidity. Internal waterproofing performed using vapor barrier tape. It is glued with a thin strip before the foam is applied to the end area of ​​the window frame.

After you fill the seams with foam, the protective paper should be separated from the adhesive strip and glued to the casing. The window sill is installed, and the profile is fixed to the frame at the edge until the sealant has completely dried.

Not the most minor issue when building a house made of wood is the installation of plastic windows in a wooden house. The videos presented in the article will help you figure it out, but some minimum theoretical knowledge won’t hurt to get started.

The fact is that the construction of a wooden house initially has its own specific features. Namely: if a building made of conventional materials shrinks within about a year, then the wood remains unstable physical properties much longer period (from five years and above). When it dries, the height of the walls decreases on average by about 15 mm per meter of masonry. But the height of our wall is far from a meter.

What could happen in the end? A rigidly fixed plastic window in a wooden house with a gap of 25 mm on the mounting foam simply will not work; it will jam. So how to install a plastic window in a wooden house?

The solution is the following: make the entire structure (window with adjacent periphery) slide relative to the wall. How to achieve this?

The simplest option is to cut a groove with a geometry of 50x50 mm at the ends of the desired window opening and insert a block of similar dimensions into it (the connection is not blind). As a result, the mounted unit will gain mobility relative to the walls.

The option is good, but, unfortunately, it is only suitable for installing wooden windows.

The technology for installing plastic windows in a wooden house, alas, requires a different solution. A special structure is installed in the window opening - casing (window). You can see its options here:

To put it even more simply, a spike (ridge) is made at the ends of the window opening, along which the following structure slides:

It is assembled from vertical beams 100×150 mm and boards 50×150 mm (horizontal lintels).

The assembled unit should be 75-80 mm smaller than the window opening.

This video shows the installation of plastic windows in a wooden house step by step:

The quality of the shooting is a little poor in terms of quiet viewing, but all operations are shown.

This video in a more relaxed mode shows almost the same actions:

These are the main features of installing plastic windows in a wooden house.


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