Metal painting: alkyd and oil paint, choice of composition, primer and painting. Painting metal Coat metal before painting

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Special paint for metal surfaces presented on the construction market in large assortment. But choosing it is not so easy. The composition of the metal must correspond to the type of product to be painted, the degree of its processing and the characteristics of its operation. Therefore, before you buy paint, you need to familiarize yourself with its characteristics and properties, as well as application methods.

How to choose a coating for a metal surface

When choosing a paint composition for metal, it is important to consider the characteristics of the surface to be painted and how and where it will be used.

Features of metal and choice of coating:

  1. Ferrous metal needs protection from corrosion. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase a special primer or anti-corrosion paint.
  2. A galvanized metal surface does not need additional protection, so it is enough to choose a coating with an attractive appearance and good adhesion.
  3. If there is rust, you can select a composition that does not require preliminary cleaning of the surface and adheres to the metal directly through the oxidized iron.
  4. Non-ferrous metals are rarely coated with paint, more often just varnish.

Features of operation and choice of coloring composition:

  • For outdoor and interior works. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the operating features of the coating. One is able to withstand atmospheric conditions, the other is only suitable for indoor use. For interior decoration It is preferable to choose compounds with a low level of toxicity; for outdoor work this indicator is not so important.
  • Maximum and minimum operating temperature. Not all types of metal paints are suitable, for example, for heating radiators, what can we say about metal structures in production, which are exposed to heating hundreds of times stronger. Coatings have been created specifically for such surfaces that can withstand temperatures up to 600 degrees Celsius. Some types of paints are not recommended for use in low temperatures, therefore, when choosing a composition for painting the wicket and the outer part of the gate, pay attention to minimum temperature operation.

When choosing a composition, you need to take it into account appearance. The coating can be matte, semi-matte, glossy, or hammer coated. Hammer and matte paint on metal hides some surface imperfections, while glossy requires careful leveling of the base. They come in a wide variety of shades; in addition, you can always purchase a color scheme and get any desired colors.

Indicators such as cost, consumption and duration of operation are also important. Most often, it is more profitable to purchase expensive paint that will last for decades than to apply a cheap composition and update it annually.

Types of paints for metal

Paints are classified according to composition, purpose and properties. Not only specialized coatings are suitable for metal, but also some universal ones, which can also be used for painting wood, concrete and other types of surfaces. Essential has a basis for the manufacture of the coating - it determines the strength, durability and heat resistance of the composition.

Highlight the following types paints composition:

  • Epoxy. They are extremely toxic, so they are not used for interior work. Manufactured on the basis of silicone resins with a hardener. The coating can withstand high temperatures well.
  • Oily. Less toxic. Based on the composition natural oils or drying oil. They are used for interior work, as they are not resistant to high temperatures. Unable to protect metal from corrosion. Therefore, the surface to be painted must be treated with a primer.
  • Alkyd. Have low level toxicity. Used for interior work. They adhere well to the surface even without priming. They do not withstand strong heat and are flammable.
  • Acrylic. Non-toxic, odorless. Produced on the basis of polymers. Diluted with water. Universal in use. Suitable for painting parts that are exposed to heat. Provides protection against corrosion.
  • Rubber. These paints are ideal for metal roof. Toxic, suitable for outdoor use only. Provide additional protection from leaks. If necessary, they can be easily removed.

There are specialized coatings for metal, they are divided by properties:

  • Anti-corrosion – compounds that protect metal from moisture and oxygen. No need to coat the base with a primer.
  • For rust - applied directly to oxidized iron. Such paints significantly reduce the time and financial expenses for metal processing. Quick drying. Produced on the basis of synthetic epoxy resins with the addition of anti-corrosion pigment.
  • Hammer - when dry, they form grooves on the surface, similar to hammer blows. Can be produced on alkyd, acrylic, epoxy based with the addition of small particles of glass and aluminum powder. Resistant to mechanical damage.
  • Primer enamels are compositions that combine the properties of a primer, anti-corrosion coating and enamel.
  • Nitro paints - such compositions are most often produced in cans. They are toxic, so spray paint is used only for exterior use. Its advantage is that there are no streaks left when dyeing.
  • Forging - made on the basis of polymers. One of the most wear-resistant. They are distinguished by the highest rates of adhesion to the base surface.

As a rule, the more expensive the composition, the longer it will last. The most affordable ones - oil ones - can lose their appearance and crack in just a couple of years. Nitro paints fade in the sun in one season. The hammer type has the greatest durability - even after 10 years of operation it will not change its appearance, but if necessary, it is almost impossible to remove it. Best paint for metal - blacksmith's, but taking into account it high cost and high consumption - it is not always advisable to use it.

When choosing, focus on the following indicators:

  • Purpose (for interior or exterior work);
  • Toxicity;
  • Consumption and cost;
  • Duration of operation;
  • Necessity preliminary preparation metal

The condition of the metal surface is also important. If you need to paint ferrous metal with rust, the choice of compositions is narrowed. This also applies to products that will be exposed to heat or atmospheric conditions.

Features of painting various metal products

The choice of which paint to paint metal largely depends on the operating conditions of the product. For roofing, gates, and drains, you will need metal paint for exterior use. It will protect the surface from corrosion and give the products an attractive appearance. The main requirements for a coating that is used outdoors: wear resistance, resistance to aggressive environments and temperature changes over a wide range. Acrylic, epoxy and rubber compounds are suitable for such purposes.

In some cases, the use of non-toxic weatherproof paints for metal, for example, for a greenhouse, since flowing rainwater will introduce harmful substances into the soil. In this situation, preference should be given to acrylic compositions.

In production, chemical-resistant and high-temperature resistant paint is most often required. Epoxy and acrylic paint for metal structures.

In public places, wear-resistant paint is needed that will withstand strong mechanical impacts and will not lose its appearance long time. It is best to use hammers.

For interior work, it is important to use non-toxic compounds. Will do alkyd enamel for metal, Oil paint and acrylic. For the interior decoration of the house, the main importance is decorative properties paints for metal, but it is also important not to forget about the service life. You also need to take into account that not all types of compounds are suitable for radiators. It is better to paint them with acrylic coatings.

Technology of painting metal structures

The service life and attractiveness of the coating depends not only on the quality of the paint, but also on how the metal is painted. The initial state of the surface and the method of applying the composition matter - the technology for painting the metal and the number of processing steps depend on this.

Basic methods of painting metal:

  • Brush ( convenient way for coloring small items complex shape, for example, for painting a metal staircase);
  • Roller (for large flat surfaces);
  • By dipping into a container (for small parts);
  • Spraying (painting metal products with air and airless spray using a household and professional spray gun);
  • Polymerization at high temperatures (only possible in production conditions using powder paints).

Thus, the decision on how to paint metal depends on the size of the product, the complexity of its shape and the availability of one or another method of applying the composition.

Painting of metal structures includes several stages: surface preparation, puttying, priming, coating. Depending on the initial state of the product, some steps may be omitted.

Important! When working with toxic compounds, take care to protect your skin and respiratory tract!

Product preparation

Painting metal surfaces always begins with cleaning and degreasing. This is necessary for better adhesion of the decorative layer to the base. From the base surface you need to remove dirt, rust and dust with a brush, sandpaper and scraper. You can degrease with any solvent, for example, white spirit. Read more about how it is done in a separate article.


If the surface is fairly flat, then this step can be omitted. If there are chips or dents, puttying, or as they often say, puttying, is necessary for leveling. The composition should be applied only to damaged areas. After curing, the surface must be sanded smooth.


Painting metal yourself will turn out better if you apply a primer. It improves paint adhesion to the base. And in the presence of an anti-corrosion additive, it also protects the metal from moisture and oxygen.

It is easier to apply the primer composition with a brush, and on large surfaces with a roller. You can start painting only after the primer has completely dried. Paint manufacturers recommend using decorative coating and a primer of the same brand.

Painting of metal products

The paint must be applied evenly using any chosen method. Most often, several layers are required. You can start re-painting when the first layer stops smearing, but is still sticky. Each composition dries differently, approximate time always indicated on the packaging. Fast drying paint It sets on metal in just a few minutes.

So, if you choose a paint based on its purpose, operating characteristics and the presence of additional properties, plus prepare the surface before painting, you will get a decent and long-term result even if you do the work yourself.

Metal painting is a fairly common type of work. Due to it, the surface acquires reliable protection and excellent visual effect. But to obtain an ideal result, coloring must be carried out in compliance with all technological nuances. They include right choice material, preparation of the base and application of the coloring composition.

Suitable products are the key to success, so when working with metal bases, this factor plays the most important role.

Universal materials

Painting can be carried out by the following common types of products:

These solutions are considered classic and are used everywhere. The powder painting method stands out separately. It is complicated in that it requires the use of special equipment and tools.

On a note! When choosing suitable option consumption, toxicity level, required degree of preparation, durability, special properties and cost are also assessed.

Specialized options

To ensure reliability and durability, in some cases special materials are required:

There are other types of coloring mixtures - varnish and enamel, which are used in the processing of stoves and other similar products. They belong to heat-resistant materials.

Metal painting technology

The technological process is divided into several successive stages, which allows you to achieve the best results.

Tools and materials

First of all you need to prepare necessary tools and materials:

  • Coloring composition.
  • When processing sheet products manually, a roller is used; for complex or hard-to-reach areas, brushes are used; mechanized way– spray gun. If you need to paint a large area, then hand tools this is very difficult to do. But you need to take into account that only a composition of a certain viscosity can be applied well with a spray bottle.
  • Primer mixture. When working with a regular base, a simple metal solution will do. If the product is made of non-ferrous materials, then the appropriate primer is selected. If rust is present, a converting primer will be required. Its peculiarity is that it interacts with the damaged structure and turns it into a protective layer.
  • Separate container for paint. This can be a roller or brush container to make the process easier.

Attention! Be sure to read the instructions provided by each manufacturer. Special attention is paid to the conditions of work performance. So, the minimum permissible temperature is +5 degrees with a humidity not higher than 80%.

Preparing metal surfaces for painting

This process requires a responsible approach; any shortcomings will be noticeable. Correcting problems that arise due to poor preparation is extremely difficult, and sometimes impossible.

Algorithm of actions:

How to paint metal products correctly

Painting methods depend on the tools; a combination of devices is allowed.

The roller is convenient to work on large and flat surfaces. The technology is as follows:

  1. The composition is pre-diluted, and a suitable substance is selected as a solvent. This procedure is necessary for easier distribution.
  2. The paint is poured into a convenient container. The roller should be immersed with its wide part, and not sideways. The tool must be extremely reliable and not leave lint behind.
  3. The process begins with the selected area. It is better to move from one edge to the other, this will avoid visible transitions.
  4. The moistened tool is placed on the surface, after which rolling begins. The first movements go in the vertical direction: from bottom to top and back. An area two or three times the width of the roller is immediately grabbed. The pressure should be minimal and gradually increase.
  5. After the composition is transferred to the surface, the movements change to horizontal.

Pledge successful work– systematic distribution of material without too thick areas. The number of layers applied varies from 2 to 4.

Important! Each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has thoroughly dried. At the same time, artificial acceleration of the process is prohibited.

Painting with a brush

This is a rather monotonous task, which is carried out on complex or embossed parts of the product.

If the mixture is too viscous, then dilute it a little. You don’t need to dip the bristles completely, but 1/3 of the way, this will avoid drips; shake off the excess by tapping on the edge of the container. Movements must be unidirectional. The paint is applied to the coating with the first strokes, and rubbed with subsequent strokes. The number of layers applied depends on the type of surface.

Complex structures are painted with thin brushes, using a minimal amount of solution. This will prevent the appearance of frozen drops.

Using a spray gun

Since the absorption of metal is not very high, using a spray bottle requires experience. If not, you need to practice.

Applying paint using a spray gun
  1. Spraying occurs without stopping. The first movements should be smooth and slow. The layer is laid parallel.
  2. After the initial coating, the process is accelerated, the same area is treated in different directions. It is important to maintain the same distance.

This device makes DIY work much easier. With some skill, even difficult areas can be painted.

On a note! If you want to get a surface with an antique effect, then resort to various methods. Bronze staining and glazing are considered the simplest.

Powder coating

At home, such a process is very difficult to carry out, since a paint booth and special tools. But the advantage of this method is that after applying the paint, the product is subjected to heat treatment, and this makes the coating more reliable and durable.

– a critical process on which the lifespan of the product depends. High quality painting metal structures are impossible without surface preparation.

Before painting, complete cleaning and degreasing of the surface is required to achieve high adhesion of the paint to the metal. The application of paints and varnishes occurs according to a certain technology in several stages. On initial stage The surface is primed. A primer is necessary to improve the adhesion of the painted surface, increase anti-corrosion protection and to reduce the overall paint consumption. Typically priming is done in one or two layers. At the final stage, the primed metal structure is coated paint and varnish material. The paintwork is applied to the surface using a spray gun. Using a spray gun ensures the most uniform application of enamel. Depending on the technology, painting in one, two or more layers is used. The painting of each layer is completed by drying.

We offer painting services for metal structures and metal products of any complexity in a painting and drying chamber in a factory environment.

Our equipment

Our production uses a walk-through painting and drying booth ColorTech CT 15000 and a sliding paint booth for long metal structures.

The ColorTech CT 15000 walk-through painting and drying chamber is a specially equipped closed room, in which painting and painting work can be carried out in compliance with all standards fire safety and sanitary and hygienic requirements. The camera makes it possible to quickly and in accordance with technological requirements paint and dry the paint applied to the surface. Drying temperature – 60°C.

The painting and drying chamber is designed for painting, blowing, drying and cooling large-sized products. The chamber consists of a housing, air preparation and removal units and a control panel for all systems. Painting in the painting and drying chamber occurs in strict accordance with temperature conditions paint manufacturing companies. Depending on the painting technology, the camera can operate in the following modes: “painting”, “blowing”, “drying”, “cooling”.

Technical characteristics of the painting and drying chamber ColorTech CT 15000

The mobile sliding spray booth is a structure made of U-shaped frames. Inner perimeter working area made of transparent PVC material that encloses the painting area. The camera is used for painting long metal structures, as well as in cases where the metal product cannot be fed into the ColorTech camera. The length of the sliding spray booth is 37 m.

Technology of painting metal structures

The technology for painting metal structures includes the following processes:

  • preparation for painting
  • primer
  • applying paintwork
  • drying

Before painting, the surface is completely cleaned and degreased - the surface is cleared of rust, scale, oil, dirt, moisture and other contaminants. Cleaning of rolled metal in our production is carried out using a Gostol TST P-2000x500 shot blasting machine. This machine cleans the metal surface with a directed stream of shot. To clean metal structures, a hand-held abrasive tool is used.

After cleaning and degreasing, the surface to be painted is coated with a primer 0.04–0.05 mm thick. The soil is the basis paint coating. It ensures proper adhesion between the metal and subsequent layers of paint and varnish. The primer also serves to increase the anti-corrosion protection and water resistance of the product.

On next stage The metal structure is coated with paint and varnish material. For painting, oil paints, enamels, varnishes, nitro enamels, perchlorovinyl and glyphthalic enamels, nitro varnishes, etc. are used. Painting is carried out using a spray gun (spray method) and is the most advanced method. Depending on the technology, the surface is painted in one or several layers. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous layer has completely dried. Painting and drying of metal products takes place in a painting and drying chamber.

Modern technologies for painting metal products are developing rapidly. Application liquid paints is gradually receding into the background, and most manufacturers of steel or aluminum structures are increasingly giving preference to powder products. Their use guarantees better quality protective covering, capable of serving for a long time.

Areas of application of powder paints

Powder paints are among the high-tech materials that have unique characteristics that are not characteristic of liquid paints. Their composition consists of coloring pigments, catalysts and resins necessary for the formation of a durable layer. Catalysts play the role of an accelerator for the hardening of the composition. Unlike liquid analogues, powder-based products do not contain a solvent, and air plays the role of a dispersion medium. This makes it possible to reduce their toxicity and significantly save on their production.

The application method for these materials is not suitable for all purposes. It has found application in cases where it is necessary to ensure reliable protection from the effects of corrosion. In certain cases, this method will help improve electrical insulation.

In industry, the application of such materials is used for the following purposes:

  • painting of forged products, galvanized and aluminum profiles;
  • work with medical and laboratory equipment;
  • furniture manufacturing;
  • production of household appliances;

This method is also often used in the manufacturing process sports equipment. Often the technology for applying such products is used by well-known automakers.

Advantages and disadvantages of modern technology

Advantages powder coating enough. Firstly, as a result of the work, a minimum of waste is generated. Working with high-quality equipment is as efficient as possible.

Secondly, the work is performed in the best sanitary and hygienic conditions. This technique is environmentally friendly. Even inside the specialized oven that is used to harden the paint, the amount of toxins does not exceed the maximum permissible limit,

Thirdly, no solvents are used during the work, due to which shrinkage is reduced, and there are practically no pores on the surface of painted metals.

The use of compositions is considered a fairly economical painting method. It will take no more than 30 minutes for the layer to harden, resulting in a hard coating on the surface. Thanks to this, you will not need to apply additional layers of material, and during transportation you will spend less money on packaging.

The painted surface is highly resistant to sun rays and moisture. In addition, painted products are less susceptible to direct fire.

Among the disadvantages is the melting of powder paints at temperatures above 150 °C. Because of this, you cannot paint plastic and wood with them. Apply thin layer composition is quite problematic. It is important to remember that you will need to use separate containers to prepare and use each shade. It is quite difficult to paint objects of non-standard shape with this coloring agent. In addition, if scratches do form on the surface, it will not be possible to remove them locally - you will need to paint a large area. There are no tinting products in stores, so only standard factory colors can be used.

Classification of powder compositions

Depending on the type of film formed, powder compositions are divided into thermosetting and thermoplastic. In the first case, the coating is formed as a result of certain chemical reactions. In the second, powder coating of prepared metal objects is carried out under conditions of exposure to high temperatures, without the participation of chemicals.

Thermosetting compounds are more popular. In their production, epoxy, polyester and acrylic resins. Their main advantage is that the painted surface will not melt or deform when heated again. This type of paint is suitable for working with objects that are intended to be used in extreme conditions.

In the manufacture of thermoplastic compounds, the role of resins is played by vinyls, nylons and polyesters. The hard coating is formed when the layer cools and finally hardens. When reheated, the paint will melt.

Common paint application methods

Powder coating of various metal products can be done in several ways. The first of them is atomization with an air stream. To do this, the object being processed should be heated, after which the particles are evenly distributed over its surface. To improve quality, it is necessary to heat the object to be painted to the highest temperature possible at home.

Electrostatic treatment involves the adhesion of material particles caused by electrostatic stress. At the end of polymerization, the item should be left to dry naturally. This technology is well suited for painting small and simple-shaped objects.

The third method is based on the use of flame. For work, special guns are used, which are equipped with a propane burner. During the application process, particles passing through the flame melt and fall on the surface of the product in a semi-liquid state. The surface of the product itself does not heat up. As a result of using this technology, the applied layer is uniform and thin. This method is used exclusively for painting large objects.

Painting equipment – ​​what tools are needed?

In the powder coating procedure, applying the coloring agent is not the final stage. In order for the composition to reliably adhere to the surface, the product will need to be heated in a special oven.

To apply paint, you will need a sealed chamber in which to do the work. For spraying you will need an electrostatic sprayer. Due to the presence of static electricity, the paint will be evenly distributed over any structure.

The procedure will also require a compressor, which should be connected to the painting chamber. In large production facilities, devices for moving painted objects are also needed. This is necessary in cases of painting large and heavy structures.

Procedure for applying coloring agent

Painting of products is carried out in a specially prepared chamber, to which a compressor is connected to pump out air. Large objects are painted in walk-through rooms, and small objects are painted in dead-end rooms. In more technologically advanced production, paint is applied with special guns controlled by people from outside.

The entire spraying procedure is performed using a gun. In it, paint particles are charged, after which they are sprayed onto the surface of the product and stick. The work algorithm looks like this:

  1. 1. In a special hopper, the paint is mixed with air. Valves are used to adjust the proportion;
  2. 2. The mixture passes through a sprayer equipped with a high-voltage source;
  3. 3. As a result, positively charged particles are sprayed over the product and quickly adhere to its surface.

During operation of the air pumping system, particles that have not had time to charge are sucked out of the chamber. From the outside, they go into a special bin so that they can be used again or disposed of.

How does the polymerization process occur?

After applying paint, the product must be placed in an oven, where, under high temperature conditions, the part will heat up and the paint on it will begin to harden. The particles of the composition will melt, resulting in the formation of a film. Immediately after this, the product should cool down. The polymerization procedure will take no more than 20–35 minutes.

Temperature is very important factor for successful paint drying. It should reach 170–200 °C. With its help, molten particles will fill all microcracks, forming a perfectly smooth and durable film.

The coloring composition will begin to acquire all its properties during the hardening process. It will take at least 20 minutes for the product to cool completely. In this case, the structure should cool naturally, but the use of any cooling devices is strictly prohibited.

High-quality painting of metal products involves a number of operations that must be performed, since the quality as a whole depends on them.

Pre-treatment of the product

The product to be painted must be properly prepared. Rust, dirt, old paint- all this should not happen! It must be perfectly clean, only then is it suitable for further use.

Chemical degreasing

Proper painting of metal products with powder suspension is impossible without degreasing. Even if there is no dirt or corrosion on the surface, it is necessary to carry out chemical degreasing and achieve ideal cleanliness.


Direct painting begins with the object being placed in a specialized chamber where the powder is sprayed.

After this, the part with the applied paint is moved to another chamber, where the paint is fixed (polymerized). Under the influence electric field the powder turns into a polymer film that penetrates even into the pores of the metal and covers it with an even layer.

Quality control

Good painting of metal products is impossible without careful quality control. The part with the paint cools down and a special device is used to check how even the layer has been applied.

Powder coating price

Basic price

No. Name of works and services Price*
1 Painting a flat surface 189 RUR/m2
2 Profile painting various systems(R<300мм) 50,32 rub./m.running
3 Painting profiles of various systems (P>300 mm) 189 RUR/m2
4 Painting the cover, corner (>20x20), approx. up to 150 mm 33,7 rub./m.running
5 Painting glazing bead, corner (20x20), approx. up to 80 mm 30,27 rub./m.running
6 Painting of fittings, small parts, etc. 12,6 RUR/piece
7 Painting the grille (one side) 225 RUR/m2
8 Painting of volumetric structures Negotiable
9 Painting heavy structures Negotiable
10 Repaint from one color to another +25%
11 Painting in antique, metallic colors +15%
12 Varnish painting +25%
13 Painting in two colors +100%
14 Urgency surcharge +25%
15 Surcharge for cut profile +25%

Aluminum profile painting

# Servicem2p.m.
1 Powder painting aluminum profile 189 RUR RUB 50.32
2 Powder painting of aluminum profiles in antique and metallic colors RUR 217.35 RUB 57.87
3 Powder painting of aluminum profiles to look like varnish or wood RUB 236.25 62.90 RUR
4 Powder painting of aluminum profile in two colors 378 RUR RUB 100.64
5 Powder painting of aluminum profiles + extra charge for urgency RUB 236.25 62.90 RUR
# Volume discountDiscountp.m.
1 Powder painting of aluminum profile 500-999 lm. 3% RUR 48.81
2 Powder painting of aluminum profile 1000-1499 l.m. 5% RUB 47.80
3 Powder painting of aluminum profile 1500-2000 l.m. 7% RUB 46.80
4 Powder painting of aluminum profiles over 2000 linear meters. 10% RUR 45.29

Painting galvanized and sheet metal

Painting the picket fence

# Volume discountp.m.
1 Powder painting of picket fence 500-999 l.m. RUR 48.81
2 Powder painting of picket fence 1000-1499 lm. RUB 47.80
3 Powder painting of picket fence 1500-2000 linear meters. RUB 46.80
4 Powder painting of picket fences over 2000 linear meters. RUR 45.29

Painting of fittings and hardware

# Volume discountPC.
1 Powder painting of fittings and hardware 500-999 pcs. RUB 12.22
2 Powder painting of fittings and hardware 1000-1499 pcs. 11.97 RUR
3 Powder painting of fittings and hardware 1500-2000 pcs. RUB 11.72
4 Powder painting of fittings and hardware over 2000 pcs. RUB 11.34

Prices for manufacturing picket fences

The cost of the service includes loading and unloading operations, standard surface preparation (degreasing), as well as packaging of painted products. In addition, the price for powder coating depends on the volume, specifics of the work, as well as on the characteristics of the metal products themselves. The nature of the surface and area, weight and size, the need for additional processing and other factors are taken into account.

In particular, the price in one direction or another is determined by such features as:

  1. flat or corrugated surfaces;
  2. flat or volumetric products;
  3. length of molded products (pipes, profiles, etc.);
  4. configuration of small products (price depends on its complexity);
  5. urgency (urgent painting on the day of treatment is possible).

The cost is also affected by the need for pre-treatment and preparation (cleaning of oxides, drilling technological holes etc.). An extra charge is applied for urgent work, painting in metallic, antique, wood, varnish, as well as for painting in two colors (for example, car wheels).

What influences the choice of powder paint

Paint based on polymer powder is characterized by several parameters:

  • chemical composition (thermosetting and thermoplastic based);
  • type of film former (epoxy, polyester, polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene paints);
  • purpose.

All three parameters determine where and what kind of paint is suitable for obtaining best result. For example:

  • Epoxy paints provide excellent adhesion to the metal surface. They are characterized by high mechanical strength and resistance to aggressive environments. They are a good dielectric. However, resistance to UV rays is lower than that of other varieties. They are recommended for indoor use. Besides decorative effect they provide metal products reliable anti-corrosion and chemical protection.
  • Polyester paints are highly resistant to abrasion, precipitation and, unlike epoxy paints, to sunlight. However, unlike them, they are less resistant to alkalis and have lower dielectric values. Widely used for painting products located on outdoors under conditions of exposure to precipitation. They are highly decorative (glossy).
  • Epoxy-polyester paints - they combine many of the advantages characteristic of epoxy and polyester paints: resistance to moisture, salt solutions, diluted acids and alkalis. The primary use is for products used indoors.

Areas of use

This dyeing method is used only for materials that are resistant to the temperature at which polymerization occurs. The lion's share of such products are made of metal (made of steel, alloys, aluminum, cast iron, etc.) and their list is almost endless. Due to their characteristics and coloring results, powder paints find wide application in various fields.

  • Construction and Decoration Materials- doors, window profile, blinds, fences, gates, roofing materials And so on.
  • Home Appliancesgas stoves, dishwashers, dryers, refrigerators, water heaters, washing machines etc.
  • Metal furniture, plumbing, kitchen tables and chairs, office and warehouse shelving, office partitions.
  • Electrical equipment - electrical cabinets, transformers, motor and housing windings, distribution boxes, connectors, etc.
  • Transport and special equipment - cars (wheels, etc.), motorcycles, excavators, forklifts, etc.
  • Sports equipment and much more.

The Diline company provides painting services in Moscow for all of the above and other products using advanced Austrian Henkel technology. We not only guarantee excellent quality results, but also provide an extended warranty on our work.


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