Experience with white flower and ink. Coloring flowers with food coloring

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Outside the window, Spring is capricious, unpredictable, but beautiful and gentle. I love spring very much and am ready to talk about it for hours. But today is not about that. Today we will talk about exciting experiences for children. In particular, about experiments with color, their mixing and amazing properties.

I express my deep gratitude to Lisa Arya. After all, our experiments began thanks to her ideas. And I strongly recommend that you repeat everything at home!

Fun color experiences for kids

So, the first experiment was a fascinating experiment that showed how different colors are formed by mixing three primary colors: red, yellow and blue.

Dye bridges

For this experience we needed:

  • liquid dye - yellow, red and blue
  • three containers
  • disposable tissues

We dilute the paint in three bowls. Place the bowls in a circle, alternating bowls with paint with empty bowls. We connect the bowls with paper ribbons (I cut paper handkerchiefs into strips) and leave our structure for a while, not forgetting to photograph what happened at the beginning.

We carried out the experiment in the evening, and before bed Arseny called me every 10 minutes to see what was happening there. Very soon it became visible how the white paper strips were colored.

The bowls were left overnight in the kitchen. And in the morning, it became clearly visible what happened. The paint "moved" along the stripes into the empty cups. And since two strips entered each cup at once, the colors in it were mixed and new colors were obtained! Isn't this a miracle for a child?!

Colored milk, or milk drawings

This fun experience for kids— became a favorite among the experiments we conducted. After all, everything happens literally before our eyes! For amazing transformations we need:

  • flat plate
  • milk
  • liquid food coloring
  • cotton swab
  • any liquid soap or dishwashing liquid

Pour some milk onto a plate. We drip dye in several places. Dip a cotton swab into liquid soap. We used dishwashing liquid. And the fun begins: incredible color patterns are drawn on the milk and new colors appear. This experience is beyond description, so I suggest you watch our video. There are two experiments at once - lowering two sticks at the same time, and holding a cotton swab in place.

Isn't it beautiful? We have done this experiment many times in a row!

Spinning disk

This experience may remind you of an ordinary spinning top or a greeting from childhood with a button. But still very interesting.

At least three circles are drawn on thick cardboard different sizes. All circles are divided in half, the halves of the circles are painted in different colors:

We make two holes in the middle and pass a thick thread. Let's tie it up. And holding the thread in your hands, twist the disk. And when we let go, we see how the colors mix and form three circles of three different colors:

Having twisted the disk once, you can hold the twist for an indefinitely long time, relaxing and tensioning the thread.

My boys were delighted with the experiments. Arseny takes out milk every day and asks to draw patterns. Just like or, such exciting experiences for children develop their horizons, teach patience and talk about the properties of objects.

Are you familiar with these exciting experiences for children? Maybe you know others interesting experiments with mixing colors. Share with us. Thank you in advance!


State educational institution

« high school No. 14 Pinsk"

Design - research

student of 4th grade


Kosyak Maria Nikolaevna,

teacher primary classes

Pinsk, 2016

Introduction…………………………………………………………….3 CHAPTER 1…………………………………………………… …………......41.1.The role and meaning of flowers in our lives…………………………….4

1.2. How to make flowers special? Paint it! ……………………..5

CHAPTER 2…………………………………………………………………………………..6

2.1. An experiment with painting white flowers in different colors……..6

CHAPTER 3 …………………………………………………………………………………..8

3.1.Rainbow roses……………………………………………………….8


List of sources used…………………………………..10

Appendix ……………………………………………………………...11


For Christmas I was given the book “Merry scientific experiments for children". There I found a huge number of ideas, but one struck me and surprised me with its simplicity, beauty and unusualness. This is flowers unusual colors. Who can you surprise with a red rose or a white carnation today? And if they are blue, green or purple? I decided to surprise my mother and grandmother on International Women's Day with “magic” flowers.

I believe that my topic is relevant, since in our time flowers are of little value. Now is the century computer games, cell phones, equipment, and there is very little space left for flowers. I think this is a consequence of a misunderstanding that flowers are also an important gift. People give flowers with all their hearts to express their emotions, to convey that beauty that cannot be expressed in words.

Subject of research: white flowers.

Purpose of the study: obtaining flowers of different colors.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set:

    study literature and collect information on the topic of the project;

    check experimentally which flowers are capable of turning other colors;

    experiment with painting white flowers in different colors.

Hypothesis: White flowers will turn the color of food coloring.

Research methods - studying literature on the topic, collecting and selecting information on the Internet, experimenting, observing, comparing, juxtaposing, summarizing.

The practical significance of the study is the artificial change in the color of flower petals; this work can be used in “Man and the World” and fine arts lessons in primary school.

Chapter 1

1.1. The role and meaning of flowers in our lives

Flowers have always had a special place in the life of every person. Already in ancient times they were associated with the concepts of love, feelings of happiness and positive mood. In ancient times, in order to give flowers, you did not have to wait holiday. They were given for no reason on the most ordinary days, because they believed in magical effect flowers, making a person carefree and cheerful. Thanks to flowers, patients got rid of illnesses much faster.

Nature has created about two thousand of the most diverse different types plants that differ from each other external signs. Each of them is a one-of-a-kind plant, beautiful and unique. Flowers have an exceptional ability to give others joy and a sea of ​​optimism.

Flowers in all their diversity not only decorate our lives, they give their exquisite and light aroma, but also purify the air, saturating it with oxygen. According to scientists, flowers neutralize unfavorable energy and charge everything around positive energy.

It is enough to remember how happy the people who received flowers from you as a gift were, how their eyes shone with happiness. (Annex 1)

Modern medical statistics indicate that every second person is susceptible to the serious influence of stress, which negatively affects both his condition physical health, so does him peace of mind. Flowers are designed to help people deal with everyday stress. Beautiful bouquets with a fresh, delicate aroma will give you a boost of energy and a feeling of satisfaction from life, and will set your thoughts in a positive mood.

Flowers are an integral part of a positive outlook on the world; they create comfort and beauty in the home.

1.2. How to make flowers special? Paint it!

Agree, any flowers are beautiful in themselves. But sometimes we still want to add a little originality and imagination to natural beauty, not only to please a person beautiful bouquet, but also surprise him. And it's quite easy to do. To give your favorite flowers an unusual shade, you can use one of several existing methods of coloring flowers.

How can you make flowers change color?

First, create special growing conditions for them. True, this is a method for experienced breeders. Thanks to their work, we can admire tea roses, incredibly beautiful gladioli, striped chrysanthemums and dahlias. (Appendix 2)

Secondly, reduce or increase soil acidity: less acidic soil- this is a prerequisite for a color change to pink, and then to blue and dark blue. This method is effective for coloring hydrangeas and chrysanthemums.

Thirdly, you can cover the flowers with a special coloring composition from a spray bottle.

Fourth, color with chemical substances. Hold the flower whose color you want to change over the mixture ammonia and sulfuric ether.

Fifth, place the cut flowers in water colored with food coloring, which will impart color to them.

The last method - tinting - is the easiest and most common. You can use it to color flowers desired shade and at home.

Chapter 2

2.1. Experiment with dyeing white flowers in different colors

I really liked the idea of ​​coloring flowers at home using food coloring. I wanted to change the color of the plant myself. To do this, you just had to stock up on some patience and certain materials.

For this experiment you will need:

    white flowers (tulip, carnation, chrysanthemum, rose);

    food colorings;

We proceed this way:
1. Fill the containers (where we will place the flowers) with water. (Appendix 3)
2. Add food coloring to each of them.
3. Cut the stems of the flowers. Scissors are not suitable for this purpose - only sharp knife.

You need to cut the stem obliquely by 2 centimeters at an angle of 45 degrees. warm water. When moving flowers from water into containers with dyes, try to do this as quickly as possible, holding the cut with your finger, because upon contact with air, micropores of the stem form air jams, preventing water from passing freely along the stem.

4. Place one flower in each container with dye.

5. Let's wait until the colored water rises up the stems of the plants and colors their petals. (Appendix 4)

After achieving the desired color of the petals, the flower should be removed from the solution and placed in clean water, so it will stay for a few more days.

I placed the results of flower coloring in a table. (Appendix 5)

So, I concluded that tulips, chrysanthemums, and carnations can be painted in other colors. The time it takes for flowers to color depends on the structure of the stem. The tulip has a tubular stem with hollow sieve tubes, so the water moves faster and the flower turns the color of food coloring faster. Chrysanthemums and carnations have a dense stem, water reaches the leaves and flowers much more slowly, and therefore the coloring occurs less intensely. It will take much longer to color a rose. Flowers with short stems color faster than those with long stems. Coloring always occurs unevenly. The first to be colored are the thick veins through which water passes. Only then does the flower become fully colored. Not only the petals of the flower are colored, but also its leaves and stem.

Not all flowers are suitable for artificial coloring. For work you should take only fresh flowers. The longer a flower sits, the worse its color will be. You should also pay attention to the color of the petals. It is impossible to achieve the desired result with red or darker flowers, so such plants should not be taken. White or cream flowers work best. From the wide variety of flowers you can choose from roses, tulips, carnations and chrysanthemums. You can also experiment with any other white colors.

Food coloring should be used to color flowers.

Dilute in water room temperature dye. The more dye you dilute in water, the faster the flowers will color.

Use a sharp knife to trim the stems of the flowers. Cuts should be made at a 45° angle and should be 2cm long. If you are using roses, trim their stems in water. When you remove the rose stem from the water, press the cut with your finger so that it does not come into contact with air. Now place the prepared flowers overnight in a vase with water in which the dye is diluted. Already in the morning you will see some changes. It will take you to completely color different types of flowers. different time.

If desired, you can conduct several experiments with dyes. So, for this purpose, some techniques are used that make it possible to create various color effects. You can leave the flower in a container with one color of dye overnight. Then in the morning change the water and dye color. Look how intricately colored the flower petals will be. You can also use the same color of dye, but change its concentration in the water. So you can get or very bright flower, or delicate soft shades of petals.

For interesting flower coloring effects, try splitting the stem along the trunk from the base up 10-12 cm. Then quickly lower half the stem into a glass with one color of dye, and the other half into a glass with a different color (the glasses are next to each other). Also, the base of the stem can be divided into 4-6 parts, which will give the opportunity to experiment with a large number of colors and the opportunity to get several unusual ones color combinations.

Chapter 3

3.1. Rainbow roses

I saw something unusual on the Internet beautiful roses and learned that these flowers are called rainbow roses and can rightfully be called the most unique flowers. After all, their petals are painted in a variety of colors. One bud can contain yellow, pink, blue, green, red, purple, that is, almost the entire rainbow set. Such a variety of colors creates an absolutely incredible feeling. It is thanks to this variety of colors that it got its name. (Appendix 6)
The rainbow rose comes from Holland. They were created by Peter Van de Werken, who is a brilliant Dutch flower designer, and his assistants.
The path to obtaining this plant was quite long. Rainbow roses were not developed through selective breeding. They are obtained as a result of coloring. According to this technology, even during the period of flower growth, various floral dyes are added to individual capillaries. It is thanks to this technology that rainbow roses were obtained. Unlike those that were previously painted by spraying paint, plants bred using this technology do not paint hands.
Surely everyone will like rainbow roses. In any case, they will leave a lasting impression in your memory.
I really wanted to repeat this experiment, but you can’t use any paint to grow this flower. It has a certain composition, which is currently known only to one Dutch company.
By the way, it is this company that distributes rainbow roses all over the world.


My research work was very interesting and exciting. Having studied literary sources and Internet resources, I learned that you can get flowers of an unusual color, “magic” color, using the artificial coloring technique.

Based on theoretical knowledge, I conducted an experiment with dyeing white flowers in different colors using artificial coloring with food coloring.

As a result, I received a bouquet of unusually colored flowers to give amazing bright flowers to your beloved mother and grandmother on March 8th. (Appendix 7)

Using the knowledge I gained, I created a creative presentation album “Magic Flowers” ​​to introduce the wonderful flowers and unusual shades of the resulting bouquets in the lessons “Man and the World” and art.

Based on my observations, I concluded: coloring fresh flowers is not a very difficult task. The main thing is to follow the recommendations for coloring flowers.

If you use this simple coloring method, you will definitely have the brightest and most unusual flowers on March 8th.

Try it, you will definitely love these bouquets!

List of sources used

    Fun scientific experiments for children / Egor Belko; OOO

"Publishing house "PITER", 2015.-63p.

    Cognitive experiences at school and at home / Ed. Alistair Smith; Per. from English V. A. Zhukova - Moscow: Rosmen-Izdat LLC, 2001. -96 p.






Annex 1

Flowers are an important gift

Appendix 2

Unusual flowers

Appendix 3

Dyeing white flowers

Appendix 4

Magic flowers

Appendix 5

Flower coloring results


Time for first results to appear (hours)





Low intensity

Medium intensity

High intensity

Appendix 6

Rainbow roses

Rainbow roses in the colors of national flags of countries around the world

Appendix 7

Card index of experiments with color

Color exists independently of our consciousness and is reflected in it through visual sensations. Color serves as a powerful stimulantemotional and intellectual children's development.

A sense of the beauty of color and a taste for color in general can and should be cultivated. At an early stage of learning about color, it is important to preserve the children’s sense of surprise, delight, and celebration, so that the learning process takes place in a more interesting and memorable way. And given the fact that in preschool age children are not assiduous, often switch their attention from one type of activity to another, then experimentation is the most effective method work in this project, since it is much easier for children to explain this or that phenomenon not with the help of facts from literature or our life observations, but through a clear example.

Experiment 1: Getting a new color

During this experiment, you can observe the process of obtaining a new color by mixing two colors: yellow and blue.

Will need : Three glasses, food coloring, two napkins

Progress: Take three glasses: pour water into the first and add blue dye, and water and yellow dye into the second. Place the third (empty glass) between the glasses with dyes. Now take two napkins, fold them and lower them into the glasses so that one end is in the glass with dye, and the other is in the empty glass. We begin to monitor how the colored water, absorbed into the napkins, will move into an empty glass and mix. After a certain time, we notice that water colored in green color. This experiment will get children interested in the process of mixing paints.

Experiment 2. Painted flowers

You will need: flowers with white petals, water containers, knife, water, food coloring.

Progress: The containers need to be filled with water and a certain dye must be added to each. One flower should be set aside, and the rest should be trimmed with a sharp knife. This needs to be done in warm water, diagonally at an angle of 45 degrees, 2 cm. When moving flowers into containers with dyes, you need to hold the cut with your finger so that air pockets do not form. Having placed the flowers in containers with dyes, you need to take the set aside flowers. Cut its stem lengthwise into two parts to the center. Place one part of the stem in a red container, and the second in a blue or green container. Result: water will rise up the stems and color the petals in different colors. This will happen in about a day. Shall we talk? Examine each part of the flower to see how the water rose. Are the stem and leaves painted? How long will the color last?

Experiment 3: “Color chromatography”

It’s easy to mix colors, but is it possible to separate them? Let's try to break colors down into their components.

Will need : napkin, markers, glass of water

Move : two centimeters from the edge, draw a strip with a felt-tip pen. We lower the edge of the napkin 1 cm into the water so that the water does not directly wet the mark from the felt-tip pen. We take out the paper and hang it vertically.

Explanation: As water rises up the paper, it carries the paint with it. But different paint particles move at different speeds, and therefore the paint visually breaks down into its constituent components. In this way, we can find out which colors are used to obtain a particular shade. This method is called chromatography and is widely used in industry and scientific laboratories to break down substances into their components. It turns out that using the chromatography method, you can see what colors black, purple, brown and other complex colors are made of.

Experiment 4: “Chromatography on fabric”

Using felt-tip pens you can easily and funly create unique and amazing patterns on fabric.

Will need : glass, syringe with water, felt-tip pens, pieces of white fabric, rubber bands.

Move : Place the fabric on the glass and secure it with rubber bands. Draw patterns of dots with different colored markers. Drop a few drops of water from a syringe or a pipette into the center of the picture. Watching the colors explode before our eyes. Remarkable transformations are taking place. After a few minutes, you can remove and dry the fabric. We admire and enjoy the result.

Experience No. 5. Lava lamp

Will need : Two wine glasses, two tablets of effervescent aspirin, sunflower oil, two types of juice.

Move : The glasses are filled approximately 2/3 with juice. Then sunflower oil is added so that three centimeters remain to the edge of the glass. An aspirin tablet is thrown into each glass. Result: the contents of the glasses will begin to hiss, bubble, and foam will rise. Shall we talk? What reaction does aspirin cause? Why? Do the layers of juice and oil mix?

Experience No. 6. Colored drops

Will need : container with water, containers for mixing, BF glue, toothpicks, acrylic paints.

Move : BF glue is squeezed into containers. A specific dye is added to each container. And then they are placed in water one by one. Result: Colored drops are attracted to each other, forming multi-colored islands. Shall we talk? Liquids with the same density attract, and liquids with different densities repel.

Experiment 5: "Rain Clouds"

Children will love this simple activity that teaches them how to it's raining(schematically, of course): water first accumulates in the clouds and then spills onto the ground.

Will need : shaving foam, glass of water, colored water, pipette.
Progress: Fill the jar with water about 2/3 full. Squeeze the foam directly on top of the water until it looks like a cumulus cloud. Now use a pipette to drop colored water onto the foam (or better yet, trust your child to do this). And now all that remains is to watch how the colored water passes through the cloud and continues its journey to the bottom of the glass.

Experiment 6: Waves in a bottle

Will need : sunflower oil, water, bottle, food coloring.

Move : water is poured into the bottle (a little more than half) and mixed with dye. Then add ¼ cup vegetable oil. The bottle is carefully twisted and placed on its side so that the oil rises to the surface. We begin to swing the bottle back and forth, thereby forming waves. Result: waves form on the oily surface, like on the sea. Shall we talk? The density of oil is less than the density of water. Therefore it is on the surface. Waves are upper layer water moving due to the direction of the wind. The lower layers of water remain motionless.

Experiment 7: Colored Ice
Will need : Colored ice cubes, glass, vegetable oil

Progress: You need to put several cubes of colored ice in a jar with vegetable or baby oil. As the ice melts, its colored droplets will sink to the bottom of the jar. The experience is very spectacular.

Experiment 8: Color in milk

You will need: milk, food coloring, cotton swab, dishwashing detergent.

Progress: Add a little food coloring to the milk. After a short wait, the milk begins to move. The results are patterns, stripes, twisted lines. You can add another color, blow on the milk. Then a cotton swab is dipped in dishwashing liquid and placed in the center of the plate. The dyes begin to move more intensely, mix, forming circles. Result: various patterns, spirals, circles, spots are formed in the plate. Shall we talk? Milk is made up of fat molecules. When the product appears, the molecules are broken, which leads to their rapid movement. That's why the dyes are mixed.

Experiment 9: Sweet and colorful

You will need: sugar, multi-colored food colors, 5 glass glasses, tablespoon, syringe

Move : added to each glass different quantities spoons of sugar. The first glass contains one spoon, the second – two, and so on. The fifth glass remains empty. 3 tablespoons of water are poured into glasses placed in order and mixed. Then a few drops of one paint are added to each glass and mixed. The first one is red, the second one is yellow, the third one is green, and the fourth one is blue. In a clean glass with clear water We begin to add the contents of the glasses, starting with red, then yellow and in order. It should be added very carefully. Result: 4 multi-colored layers are formed in the glass. Shall we talk? More sugar increases the density of water. Therefore, this layer will be the lowest in the glass. Red liquid has the least amount of sugar, so it will end up at the top.

Experiment 10: Ice and salt

You will need: ice, tray, salt, gouache

Progress: put the ice on a tray, then sprinkle it with salt and watch. Literally before our eyes, the surface becomes not smooth, but ribbed. Grains of salt burn right through the ice. We almost forgot about the colors! To enhance the effect, we paint the ice with regular gouache, and the paint begins to flow inside the ice floes. That's very beautiful!

Experiment 11: Rainbow

You will need: a sheet of white paper, a mirror, a flashlight, a container of water

Progress: A mirror is placed at the bottom of the container. The flashlight shines on the mirror. The light from it must be caught on paper. Result: a rainbow will be visible on the paper. Shall we talk? Light is the source of color. There are no paints or markers to color the water, a leaf or a flashlight, but suddenly a rainbow appears. This is a spectrum of colors. What colors do you know?

Experiment 12: Rainbow Orange

You will need: 2 oranges, food coloring and jelly bags.

Move : First, cut the oranges in half, peel the pulp, this must be done carefully so as not to damage the peel. Squeeze the juice out of the pulp, pour the resulting juice into glasses and add food coloring. Then boil this colorful juice and add jelly. Cool the resulting mixture slightly, pour into orange halves and put in the refrigerator until completely set. When everything has hardened, take out the orange halves with the jelly filling and cut them into slices with a knife. The result is these multi-colored slices, they look bright, colorful and unusual.

Experiment 13: Colored ice floes

You will need: different containers: cups, plates, gouache, cups of water, threads

Progress: Invite children to paint water with gouache in pre-prepared cups. Pour into different shapes(you can use baby dishes, candy molds, egg containers and other small containers). Place a thread folded in half into each filled mold and submerge the ends in water.

On cutting board or take it out into the cold on a tray.
When the water freezes, remove it from the containers. We do this carefully, as thin ice is fragile and can break. And if you drop it, the ice will break into small pieces of ice on impact.
We examine colored pieces of ice - cold, smooth, slippery, taking the shape of a container
Why do the strings stick? (frozen)
Offer to decorate the area with colored pieces of ice.

Create a simple and visually stunning scientific experiment join your kids to explore how water moves through a plant! It's easy enough Scientific research, which even a preschooler can handle.

I conducted this experiment with children when I taught natural history in elementary grades. The result of the experiment always delighted the children and comments were often heard in the class: “Wow!” The students clearly saw that plants absorb water through the stem, take it to the leaves and petals of the flower, moistening them. The colored water that the flower sits in can turn the bright white flowers the same color as the water in a short period of time! The short duration of the experience is very popular with kids who are not patient with long-term experiments.

So, are you ready to experiment? Then let's get started!


- several stems of white flowers, such as chrysanthemum, gerbera or carnation

- jars, at least half a liter

- powdered, gel or liquid food coloring.

Experiment execution process:

— Fill the jars with water. Add dye to the water. If you want to paint flowers in different colors, then place the flowers in several jars filled with water of different colors.

Over the course of an hour or so, some of the flower's petals will change color. Blue and green dyes are the most pronounced. As it turns out, they are the strongest when coloring flowers.

— The next day the whole flower is painted in the color tone of the water. For example, purple dye made the petals of a flower purple.

— I presented the results of the experiment in the photo!

- Older children can take notes on test results and draw pictures of what they saw.

This experiment teaches children to make predictions, study the movement of water through a plant, and analyze the results.


In nature there is a special amazing world, fascinating with its beauty, unusual shapes and mystery - the world of flowers. The presence of flowers in Everyday life a person brings brightness and color and complements its essence. Flowers represent beauty, joy and perfection of nature to people. People always decorate the festive, solemn days of their lives, and everyday life with these amazing gifts of nature.

Since ancient times, flowers have been considered a beautiful plant and decoration of people's lives. Man decorated his home with various plants, trying to bring home a piece of living nature. Someone grows flowers to create a special microclimate in a city apartment, having learned from school that plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, thereby improving the composition of the air. In addition, they moisten it by evaporating moisture from the surface of the leaves, which is why it is so easy to breathe among plants. Others grow flowers solely for their beauty. Flowers have always been associated with love, joy, good mood and cheerfulness.

Among national characteristics of the Belarusian people, which cannot but attract attention is their commitment to fresh flowers, to their cultivation, breeding, care, and their widespread use in the form of decoration.

The world of flowers with their endless variety of colors and shapes, enchanting beauty, and the sublime feelings they awaken in humans have always been an inexhaustible source of inspiration for poets of all times. Our gaze will quickly find blue flowers cornflowers, yellow-eyed daisies, fluffy clover inflorescences, bright yellow dandelions. This colorful and fragrant variety of colors creates the atmosphere of a spring and summer holiday.

Object of my research: Absorption of food coloring.

Subject of study: white carnation and rose.

Purpose of the study: get different colors of roses and carnations when interacting with a food coloring solution

Research methods: work with literary sources, theoretical analysis, empirical methods(experiment, comparison, observation), analytical (comparison of data obtained), situation modeling.


1. Study the structure of the plant stem based on an analysis of the literature on the topic;

2. Conduct an experiment and compare artificial coloring with natural species diversity;

3. Find out the practical significance of the ability to absorb water by plants without roots.

HypothesesA: The white carnations will turn the color of the food coloring.

Chapter 1. Theoretical part

1.1 Description of the research object

Generic Latin name Dianthus comes from the Greek. δῖος - “divine” and ἄνθος - “flower”: flower of Zeus, Jupiter; given to the plant by C. Linnaeus based on beautiful flowers

The flowers are solitary or 2-3 at the ends of the branches. The calyx is cylindrical or cylindrical-conical, with numerous longitudinal veins and (1)2-4(5) pairs of scale-like, imbricate overlapping bracts. There are five petals, with long nails and a jagged, fringed, sometimes whole limb. There are ten stamens. There are two columns.

The fruit is a cylindrical capsule, sessile or on a short carpophorus, unilocular, opening with four teeth. The seeds are numerous, flattened, oval, black, finely blunt-tubercular.

About 300-350 species in Europe, Asia, Africa, and partly in North America. The genus is most richly represented in the Mediterranean. Many species have been introduced into culture as ornamental plants and are sometimes naturalized.

Some types of carnations are cultivated as annuals and bloom in the year of sowing, while others are cultivated as biennials, that is, in the year of sowing they develop only rosette leaves and bloom in the second year. Numerous hybrids are currently used in ornamental gardening. This plant was especially popular in the Soviet Union, where these flowers became a symbol of the October Revolution, and subsequently victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Some researchers claim that the smell of cloves “helps smooth out internal contradictions” and “stimulates positive emotions.”

1.2 Why do the petals change color?

Water enters the plant from the soil through root hairs and young parts of roots and is carried through vessels throughout its entire above-ground part. Absorbed by the roots, they are carried throughout the plant by moving water. minerals. The flowers we use in the experiment are rootless. However, the plant does not lose the ability to absorb colored water. This is possible thanks to the process of transpiration - the evaporation of water by the plant. The main organ of transpiration is the leaf. As a result of the loss of water during transpiration, the suction force in the leaf cells increases. Transpiration saves the plant from overheating. In addition, transpiration is involved in creating a continuous flow of water with dissolved mineral and organic compounds from the root system to the above-ground organs of the plant.

Plants have two types of vessels. Tube vessels, which are xylem, transfer water and nutrients from bottom to top - from roots to leaves. Nutrients formed in the leaves during photosynthesis go from top to bottom to the roots through other vessels - the phloem. Xylem is located along the edge of the stem, and phloem is located at its center. This system is a bit like the circulatory system of animals. The structure of this system is similar in all plants - from huge trees to humble flower. slice.gif

Damage to blood vessels can kill the plant. This is why the bark of trees should not be damaged, since the vessels are located close to it...

Chapter 2. Practical part

2.1 Paint fresh flowers (description of experience)

To conduct the experiment we will need:

· any flowers with white petals, I used white roses and carnations.

· water containers, such as glasses.

· food colors of different colors

· knife


Work plan:

1. Fill the containers with water.

3. Set one flower aside and trim the stems of the remaining flowers. Scissors are not suitable for this purpose - only a sharp knife. You need to cut the stem obliquely by 2 centimeters at an angle of 45 degrees in warm water. The flowers were transferred from water to containers with dyes as quickly as possible, holding the cut with a finger, because upon contact with air, air plugs form in the micropores of the stem, preventing water from freely passing through the stem.

4. Place one flower in each container with dye.

5. They took the flower that they had put aside. We cut (split) its stem lengthwise from the center into two parts. We repeated the procedure described in point 3 with it. After that, we placed one part of the stem in a container with a dye (green), and the other part of the stem in a container with a dye of a different color (red).

6. We waited until the colored water rose up the stems of the plants and painted their petals in different colors. It took about 4 days. At the end of the experiment, they did not forget to examine each part of the flower (stem, leaves, petals) to see the path of the water.

2.2 Explanation of experience (conclusion):

Water enters the plant from the soil through root hairs and young parts of roots and is carried through vessels throughout its entire above-ground part. With moving water, minerals absorbed by the roots are carried throughout the plant. The flowers we use in the experiment are rootless. However, the plant does not lose its ability to absorb water. This is possible thanks to the process of transpiration - the evaporation of water by the plant. The main organ of transpiration is the leaf. As a result of the loss of water during transpiration, the suction force in the leaf cells increases. Transpiration saves the plant from overheating. In addition, transpiration is involved in creating a continuous flow of water with dissolved mineral and organic compounds from the root system to the above-ground organs of the plant.

Plants have two types of vessels. Tube vessels, which are xylem, transfer water and nutrients from the bottom up - from the roots to the leaves. Nutrients formed in the leaves during photosynthesis go from top to bottom to the roots through other vessels - the phloem. Xylem is located along the edge of the stem, and phloem is located at its center. This system is a bit like the circulatory system of animals. The structure of this system is similar in all plants - from huge trees to a modest flower

Damage to blood vessels can kill the plant. That is why the bark of trees should not be damaged, since the vessels are located close to it.


This research work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography and an appendix.

In the first chapter, the literature on the research topic was studied and analyzed, the structure and history of the chrysanthemum, as well as the reasons for the change in the color of the petals, were studied.

In the second chapter, a technology for coloring fresh flowers is developed. Recommendations for coloring flowers are given. The experiment was carried out at home with parents.

The tasks assigned to us have been completed.

In my future work, I plan to paint the flower in more colors, to get a blue rose.


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