The main reasons why a Stil chainsaw does not start and how to eliminate them. Causes and descriptions of breakdowns of the Stihl chainsaw The Stihl 1800 chainsaw will not start

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Don't start chainsaw 180? Reasons and solutions!

Today, the manufacturer Shtil occupies a leading position among other companies that produce equipment for agricultural and construction work. The products of this manufacturer are known not only for their high level quality, but also for optimal pricing policy and the power of its models. This is one of the world's most famous companies.

It is probably quite difficult to meet a person who does not have a chainsaw of this brand. But that out of ten it is possible that six people have them. And this is not surprising, since Calmstress chainsaws represent strength as well as sleek design. But unfortunately, such technology giants sometimes fail and require some kind of repair. Today we will pay attention to one of the moles of this manufacturer, namely the Stihl ms 180 chainsaw. Read about the stihl ms 660 chainsaw here. So let's get started.

Briefly about the main thing

This model is a pride German manufacturer and is a straight forward tool intended for minor level of work. It can be used for a maximum of twenty hours per month. This beautiful device will help you cope with the care of your garden, prepare firewood for winter period(see How to cut down a tree), clear the area and become an indispensable assistant in other areas, say, simple manipulations.

We can say that this is a mini chainsaw model because it has a small weight 3.9 kg, he does not have large mass tank, both oil and fuel. The manufacturer equips it with enough power for easy operation.

In addition, it is quite quiet, as the noise level does not exceed 98 dB during operation. To better understand the volume level, compare its noise with colloquial speech, which has an indicator of 76 dB.

The power of this model is 2.6 W. It's worth noting that this is a pretty significant level of strength considering this is not a professional chainsaw. The oil tank has a volume of only 0.145 liters, and the fuel tank. 0.25 liters. The tire measures 350mm and has a height of 0.325 inches.

Winding device

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The basis of this type of plant, like all other chainsaws, is the carburetor. But since we are talking today about the Shtil 180 chainsaw, it does not depart from the topic. So. The carburetor in this model has one adjustment screw, that is, it is a kind of screw that sets the idle speed. While the fully charged jet is motionless.

Chainsaw carburetor calm 180

Speaking in simple words, we can say that it simply cannot be adjusted (see here), while the full load setting cannot simply change. It is important that the carburetor is designed at the factory in such a way that, regardless of the conditions under which the chainsaw is operated directly, the air-fuel mixture is supplied to the engine.

Don't start sawing: reasons and solutions

First of all, it is worth noting the fact that the 180th saw of this manufacturer is one of the best in its “creations”, but also has its drawbacks. Actually, what we are talking about now.

  • Quite often the problem is that the 180 shaft saw will not start and floods the candle. The reason for this is that the oil that is poured in to lubricate the chain begins to leak. Because time is merciless and a simple leak occurs in the place where the hose itself is connected to the oil pump and the oil tank. Naturally, this problem can be solved, but given the design of this chainsaw, it will not be so easy, since you will simply need to completely disassemble the device in order, as they say, to get to the right place. The video shows more clearly: V = UOsYJBOVuwg
  • Many people are concerned about this issue: why not start the Shtil 180 chainsaw? If you believe the experts, then in this situation you need to first open and then close the cap that is on the gas cylinder. Either take it or dry the candle. Or try resetting the combustion chamber. In most cases, this kind of manipulation is enough to make the device work. But there are times when Chainsaw Steer does not start, but there is a spark
  • In the above case you need to do a straight line gasoline supply test, air filter and direct work of candles. Because the basis of this kind of failure is respite, namely its contamination. Because when it is completely clogged, there is a vacuum in the gasoline tank itself, which simply interferes with the fuel delivery process. It is not difficult to solve this problem as all you have to do is clean it using a needle.
  • In addition, there are situations when the device is basically wounded, but immediately died.

Chainsaw won't start when hot

Chainsaw won't start on hot.

The Shtil 180 chainsaw does not start. We measure the compression in the cylinder.

How to measure compression in a chainsaw.

The main reasons for this type of failure are the carburetor and filter, which can easily become clogged.

To eliminate the saloon from being damaged, you will first need to disconnect the fuel hose from the carburetor itself and ensure that no fuel is leaking out of it.

  • You must remember that when proper operation chainsaws gasoline should flow out in a dense and stable stream. Additionally, it is not uncommon for a chainsaw to do a calm 180. The calm 180 does not start hot and actually stops after being turned on or at a short time holds power. In this case, the problem of breakdown lies precisely in the muffler, which can simply be clogged with any sediment that occurs during operation of the device, and which settles during the exhaust process.
  • Besides, common reason tool failure insufficient lubrication of the device circuit itself. This could be due to passages that are simply clogged, or it could be due to an oil pipe that is leaking.
  • Read also

    Chain chain lubrication

    • Connecting pipes or the connections themselves may also leak in the area of ​​the oil pump connections.
    • It happens that Chainsaw 180 launches poorly due to a cylinder that can be broken. But to determine its condition, it is enough to check visually. But if you find the formation of unevenness and splitting there, then you can be sure that you have found the cause of the splitting.
    • If after checking you find that spark plug fault, then you just need to turn it off and then do direct drying. But it's worth noting that it can't be pierced anyway, as you'll just ruin the part and it won't be used. You also need to remove excess fuel from it through a special hole.

    In addition, you must remember that immediate drying should be carried out for at least thirty minutes, and only after such manipulations can you install it back and actually try to make a straight start of the tool.

    Moreover, it could also be that your spark plug has just passed its expiration date, in which case it needs to be replaced. That's why best advice is that it is better to always have a new candle or a better set. You can then replace it at any time and actually understand whether it was the immediate cause of the device failure. In addition, the cause of the failure may be a weak contact that actually connects the high voltage wire and the end of the plug. In addition, the cause may be a failure of the ignition unit. It is worth noting that to eliminate this, the unit itself, since it cannot be repaired.

  • Equally important is the excitement of the owners of this model systematic idling after actual emptying of the first gasoline tanks. But if you believe the experts in this field, then they say that this situation does not pose any problem. But still, if this process is repeated quite often, then you just need to reduce the engine speed using the carburetor screw.
  • In addition, you can personally produce cleaning the muffler itself, because it may be the cause of the malfunction. This manipulation is not difficult. The carburetor is often a common cause of poor tool performance.
  • But it is worth noting that it is best to have experts fix it, since if you have the necessary knowledge and skills, you can simply break it and buy a new one.

    The important thing is that even if you have found the cause of the tool failure, this does not mean that you can fix it yourself. Because there are types of damage that can only be corrected by a specialist. If you have made a direct manipulation regarding checking and replacing the quality of the oil (see “Oil for a chain saw”), but, nevertheless, the chainsaw still refuses to start, in which case you need to continue the search.

    But if you have completely completed all the above-mentioned manipulations and have not missed a single nuance, but still the tool has not yet been fixed, then in this case The problem is in the group called the cylinder. But if you still cannot “revive” your iron friend, then just take a chainsaw to where you will be repaired with your device.

    Summing up

    In fact, as you see the causes of chainsaw collapse, Stil 180 is quite a lot, and at the same time, the solutions to this problem are just as good. If you are faced with such a situation, just follow all the above recommendations and, undoubtedly, you will be able to restore your device and it will delight you with your work for many more years.

    Chainsaw – worthy replacement hand saws and axes. Today this tool is available in almost every household- it is indispensable when arranging personal plot, construction and repair work. Intensive use and improper care of the tool can lead to premature failure. However, it is not at all necessary for the owner of a chainsaw to immediately contact a workshop - many of the malfunctions that can happen to it during operation can be easily eliminated on their own.

    Chainsaw design and general classification of faults

    The main condition for successful repair is correct. Therefore, in order to determine why the chainsaw failed and, most importantly, how to make it work again, you first need to know the features of its design.

    It should be noted that it is not particularly complex, as it includes:

    In order to simplify the diagnosis of faults, they are usually divided into two main categories:

    • engine malfunction;
    • malfunctions of other chainsaw components.

    Most often, failures occur in, however, other parts of the tool due to intensive use or improper care may fail at any time. How to determine exactly where the breakdown occurred? Simple logic will help us with this.

    If the problem is in the engine, it will:

    • won't start;
    • stall;
    • work unsteadily;
    • overheat;
    • smoke;
    • develop insufficient power.

    As for all other faults, as a rule they manifest themselves when the engine is running normally.

    Starting the engine: checking the spark plugs

    If the chainsaw does not start, the first thing to do is check the tank for . By the way, it must be prepared in the proportions specified by the engine manufacturer, otherwise the tool simply will not start.

    After making sure that the fuel mixture is correct and available, you should check the ignition system. To do this, you need to inspect the spark plug.

    Her condition can say a lot:

    • dry candle

    indicates that the fuel mixture does not enter the carburetor, which means the problem is not in the ignition;

    • fuel-spattered candle

    is the result of an overabundance fuel mixture, which lies either in a violation of the engine starting algorithm or in incorrect carburetor adjustment;

    • carbonated candle

    This is a signal about the presence of low-quality oil in the engine lubrication system, incorrect carburetor settings, or an incorrectly prepared fuel mixture.

    If it is splashed with fuel, it must be thoroughly wiped after removal. The fuel supply system should also be cleaned. To do this, it is closed, after which the starter is turned on. A candle covered with soot must be carefully cleaned using an awl and sandpaper.

    When checking spark plugs, you should pay attention to the distance between the electrodes (the normal gap is 0.5-0.65 mm), as well as the condition of the gasket and the presence of a spark. A damaged or worn gasket will need to be replaced, and the spark can be checked by putting on the ignition cable, connecting the cylinder and spark plug nut, and turning the starter.

    If the discharge does not occur, the spark plug needs to be replaced. If a spark does not appear even with a new spark plug, then the problem is in the connection to the high-voltage wire or in it itself.

    DIY chainsaw repair: fuel supply system

    If the fuel mixture does not enter the cylinder, but the spark plug works normally, this may mean that:

    1. The fuel filter is clogged.

    To clean this unit, remove the fuel hose and check the flow. If it is weak, the filter must be removed through the filler hole of the fuel tank and cleaned or replaced if completely worn out.

    1. The breather is clogged.

    This is nothing more than a hole in the fuel tank cap, which is cleaned with an awl.

    1. The fuel mixture is not supplied or is supplied in insufficient quantities.

    There may be several reasons for this:

    Troubleshooting muffler problems

    If it works fine at low speeds, but starts to stall and smoke at high speeds, the problem may be hidden in the muffler.

    To check the quality of its work you should do the following:

    Dry cleaning without respiratory protection is not recommended. Carcinogens present in carbon deposits will be released into the surrounding atmosphere in the form of dust, the inhalation of which is extremely hazardous to health.

    To prevent clogging of the muffler during operation of the chainsaw, you should carefully monitor the composition of the fuel mixture and the quality of its components.

    Repair of cylinder-piston group (CPG)

    If the chainsaw engine does not start or cannot develop normal power, it is likely that there is not enough pressure in the engine cylinder to burn the fuel mixture. The reason for this may be wear and tear of elements - piston, rings, bearings, etc. In order to assess the condition of this unit, it should be visually inspected after first removing the muffler.

    For a more complete diagnosis, a compression gauge is placed in the spark plug hole of a two-stroke chainsaw engine. It is used to measure compression in the engine. Based on the results of the inspection, one can judge the condition of the CPG, but accurate facts can only be obtained by complete disassembly node.

    If the piston is chipped or scratched, it will obviously have to be replaced. The same applies to deformed or broken piston rings - for normal operation engine, they must be in full working order and free of carbon deposits.

    Checking the carburetor and signs that it needs adjustment

    Correctly working guarantees maximum efficiency operation of a chainsaw, that is, it is possible to develop full power at the most economical consumption fuel mixture. Adjustment of this unit is usually carried out by the manufacturer, but its design provides for the possibility of adjustment during operation.

    The fact that such adjustment will have to be made by the owner of the chainsaw is evidenced by:

    1. Strong vibrations or damage to the protective cap.
    2. CPG wear.
    3. Carburetor clogged.
    4. Inability to start the engine or its spontaneous stopping after starting.
    5. Increased fuel consumption and exhaust emissions with a simultaneous decrease in engine power.

    The chainsaw carburetor is adjusted in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions using three special screws, which are responsible for the maximum (“M”) and minimum (“L”) speeds, as well as engine idle speed (“T”). In order to exclude unwanted interference by an inexperienced user in the operation of the carburetor, some manufacturers install only one idle screw.

    Calibration algorithm and safety precautions when troubleshooting a chainsaw carburetor

    Carburetor adjustment is performed in two stages:

    1. Basic (carried out with the engine off).
    2. Finish (carried out with the engine running, preheated).

    For basic adjustment It is necessary to tighten screws H and L until they stop and turn them back 1.5 turns. Final adjustment requires that the engine be warmed up for 5-10 minutes at low speeds.

    The finishing is performed by turning out the idle screw until the minimum engine speed is reached (its operation must be stable and the chain must be motionless). If the engine is Idling stops, the screw must be returned back, and if saw chain is still set in motion, you should continue turning it counterclockwise.

    Calibration check is performed by test:

    1. Acceleration (when you gently press the accelerator, the engine should quickly gain speed to its maximum).
    2. Maximum speed (if there are misfires, screw H should be loosened slightly).
    3. Idling (the chain should not move, and the engine should pick up speed as quickly as possible).

    If the owner of the chainsaw is not familiar with the carburetor structure and does not have the necessary tools to calibrate it, you should contact a specialist. Carburetor - very complex knot, therefore, any incorrect action can lead to irreversible consequences, such as complete failure of the engine.

    Other chainsaw malfunctions

    If the diagnostics showed that everything is in order with the engine and its systems, then the cause of the malfunction should be sought elsewhere. The most common problems are:

    If the cause of tool failure is not visible to the naked eye, as is the case with the engine, it is necessary to carefully diagnose the faults and eliminate them in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and safety regulations.

    DIY chainsaw repair, video

    Chainsaws are simple in design and reliable in operation.

    At correct handling breakdowns rarely occur and are quickly eliminated if the owner knows where to look for the cause.

    And yet, the question of why the chainsaw won’t start cannot be answered unequivocally. This tool is basically a regular two-stroke engine. internal combustion. For its normal operation, four conditions are required: fuel, air, spark and lubrication.

    The carburetor is responsible for preparing the air-fuel mixture, the air cleans the filter from dust, the spark is created by the ignition unit and spark plug, and the lubricant is found in gasoline.

    Reasons why a chainsaw refuses to start, you need to search sequentially, starting from simple ones and moving on to more complex ones. Anyone who immediately rushes to disassemble the carburetor when the chainsaw has trouble starting when hot is taking a big risk. It is better to repair and adjust this unit in a specialized workshop, and not on your knee.

    By the way, some manufacturers of chainsaws, in order to prevent users from getting into the carburetor to change the composition of the fuel mixture, make the jets unregulated.

    For trouble-free operation of a chainsaw you need to pay attention Special attention fuel. If the fuel mixture is not prepared correctly, then even a reliable Husqvarna will not start. In this case, the owner will begin to look for the cause of the malfunction anywhere, but not in the fuel. To eliminate this factor, you should always prepare a fuel mixture from high-quality gasoline and the brand of oil specified in the instructions.

    It needs to be done in such quantity that it is completely developed in 1-2 weeks.. If you keep it in a canister for a month, the gasoline will lose its octane qualities and problems with the operation of the saw are guaranteed.

    Quite often, chainsaw malfunctions occur due to flooded spark plugs. gasoline at startup. This problem is eliminated by turning out and drying the spark plug (without calcination!) The excess fuel is drained through the spark plug hole, after which they take a 20-30 minute break, then put the spark plug in place and repeat the start. A good owner always has new spark plugs in stock so that when troubleshooting, this part can be eliminated from the list of suspects.

    Lack of spark is often caused by more than just spark plug failure., but also poor contact between its tip and the high-voltage wire. If this connection does not cause suspicion when checked, but a spark does not appear when the starter is turned on, it is the culprit the electronic unit ignition This unit is not repaired, but replaced with a new one.

    Remember that inspection of the spark plug gives important information. If it is dry, it means that fuel is not entering the cylinder and you need to check the entire supply chain, starting from the carburetor. Black carbon deposits indicate that the carburetor is not properly adjusted, that too much fuel is being supplied to the mixture, or that oil has been poured into the gasoline.

    If the chainsaw starts and stalls when you press the gas, this indicates poor fuel supply. The cause may be a clogged fuel filter or carburetor jet. The first unit can be checked and cleaned very quickly, but in the second case it is better to trust the specialists.

    Disassembling and cleaning a chainsaw carburetor requires experience and accuracy.. Therefore, it is usually undertaken only by those owners who have already repeatedly and successfully performed this procedure.

    The air filter should also be given attention, so as not to look for the cause of malfunctions of the chainsaw in the wrong direction. If it is clogged with dust, then an easy start and stable work you can't count.

    Each chainsaw model has its own characteristic and easily fixable faults. Therefore, do not rush to disassemble and repair, but rather read the reviews of the owners on the forums. For example, Stihl chainsaws may not start due to a simple clogged breather.

    This valve equalizes the pressure in the gas tank as fuel is consumed. When it becomes clogged, a vacuum forms in the tank and fuel stops flowing to the carburetor. This disease is treated by cleaning the breather using a regular sewing needle.

    It’s easy to exclude breather from the list of suspects. To do this, you need to disconnect the fuel hose from the carburetor and see if fuel flows out of it. When gasoline flows in a full stream, the breather is clean, but if fuel does not flow from the gas line or flows out very slowly, then the cause of the malfunction has been identified.

    Many owners of new Shtil chainsaws are frightened by the increase in idle speed after the first tanks of gasoline have been used up. Experts consider this behavior of the saw to be normal and indicating that the engine and carburetor are running normally. Therefore, do not rush to contact the service center, but simply slightly reduce the engine speed with the carburetor idle screw.

    If the power drops and the chainsaw stalls at idle, do not forget to check the muffler, which may be clogged with tarry exhaust deposits. Cleaning the exhaust channel and muffler eliminates these problems.

    It is especially unpleasant for the owner when everything possible reasons seem to have been fixed: a new working spark plug has been installed, the carburetor has been carefully and properly cleaned, the fuel is normal, but the chainsaw still doesn’t want to start.

    In this case, you need to look into the cylinder-piston group. Visual inspection cylinder and piston in this case helps to find the cause. If chips or scuffs are noticeable on them, the saw will work normally only after replacing these components. This problem can be eliminated by boring the cylinder for a new repair size piston.

    If there are no visible defects on the cylinder and piston, then the piston rings are checked. To do this, the piston is inserted into the cylinder and slightly rocked by the connecting rod. If play is felt, it means the rings are worn out and require replacement.

    Often chainsaw breakdowns occur due to insufficient chain lubrication. due to leaking oil lines and clogged channels. Therefore, if the chain becomes dry, you urgently need to clean the channels supplying oil to the tire. Then the connections between the tubes and the oil pump fittings are inspected. If severe oil leakage is detected from the contact points or cracks in the oil line, the tubes are replaced and the joints are sealed with high-quality sealant.

    Some parts of chainsaws definitely need to be changed upon expiration of the passport service life. Therefore, do not forget to look at the instructions, where they are clearly stated. Such parts include a tire, drive sprocket, chain, and parts of the anti-vibration system.

    If replacement is not done on time, wear of these components will negatively affect the serviceable parts of the chainsaw. For example, a long delay in replacing the drive sprocket leads to increased vibration, which quickly breaks the crankshaft bearings.

    Therefore, you need to regularly check the depth of the teeth, which should not exceed 0.5 mm. The bus resource is usually enough for 3-4 chains, after which it also needs to be replaced.

    Useful video on correct operation chainsaws:

    Gasoline chain saws Calm is a true standard of quality garden equipment. Tools of this brand have earned enormous popularity due to their ease of use, excellent technical characteristics and versatility. We propose to consider the features of working with these chainsaws, as well as the most popular models from this manufacturer.

    Stihl chainsaw malfunctions and how to fix them

    Like any other quality garden tools, the Stihl chainsaw can last quite a long time long time. However, to do this, you must adhere to operating rules and perform timely maintenance. Below we will give answers to the most frequently asked questions that arise from both beginners and experienced gardeners.

    How to start a Shtil chainsaw - the correct procedure for starting the tool

    Running in the Shtil chainsaw must be carried out strictly in accordance with the operating instructions for the tool. In this way, you will extend the life of the main spare parts of the unit and protect its main components from breakdowns.

    Each Stihl chainsaw is started for the first time after purchase in this order:

    1. First of all, you need to remove the protective cover and activate the chain brake of the saw by pressing it away from you;
    2. Next, you will need to press the decompression valve to make it easier to start the engine;
    3. After this, press the fuel pump several times;
    4. Move the combination lever to the cold start position;
    5. Place the saw on a flat surface, lay left hand on the saw handle, and with your right hand, sharply pull out the starter cable;
    6. As soon as the engine starts and stalls, move the combination lever to the middle position;
    7. Pull out the starter cable again;
    8. As soon as the engine starts again, sharply press the throttle lever to the full throttle position;
    9. Release the brake by pulling the lever towards you;
    10. Start cutting down the branches.

    Each time you start working, start the saw only in this order. This will protect the tool from malfunctions and increase its service life.

    What kind of gasoline to pour into a Shtil chainsaw - follow the instructions

    This question often worries people who have no experience working with chainsaws. According to the instruction manual, the optimal fuel for refueling saws of this brand is gasoline with an octane number of at least 90. It is very important to buy really high-quality fuel, otherwise you will often encounter gearbox and clutch breakdowns.

    Another question is how to dilute gasoline for a Shtil chainsaw to 1 liter. According to the instructions, the ratio of oil to gasoline should be 1:50, that is, 20 ml. oil for 1 liter. fuel.

    Without adhering to the proportions specified by the manufacturer, the owner of the saw will eventually notice that the tool does not start well when cold. This is due to the settling of oil residues on the cylinder walls, which block the formation of a spark.

    Each Stihl chainsaw has a lot of advantages. However, even such equipment can fail and simply won’t start. Below are examples of breakdowns that prevent the starting of tools of this brand:

    • Oil floods the spark plug - incorrect proportion of oil and gasoline for a chainsaw Calmness or the use of a low-quality chain lubricant causes oil to get on the spark plug, which creates a spark. The place where the lubricant flows out is the junction of the oil tank hose and the pump. In this case, the leakage area should be sealed with sealant and allowed to dry;
    • No fuel mixture is supplied to the engine. This breakdown is associated with a malfunction of the breather. If a plug has formed in it, you will need to remove it and clean the walls of the breather from accumulations;
    • A Stihl chainsaw may not start if the chain is not lubricated. In this case, you will need to inspect the lubricant reservoir for holes. If a crack has formed in the tank, it should be replaced immediately to avoid problems with the carburetor. Lack of oil supply also causes the chain on the chainsaw to break. The fact is that in the absence of oil, the chain begins to wear out and eventually breaks.

    Very often, saw owners are faced with a problem in which the tool starts and stalls - the reason for this lies in a clogged carburetor. Repairs are carried out with the obligatory dismantling of the element and its complete cleaning of debris;

    If the tool does not start, this may be due to the fact that there is no spark on the Stihl chainsaw. In this case, experts advise immediately replacing the spark plug;

    If your Stihl chainsaw stalls when you press the gas, this is due to a faulty cylinder. Fixing the problem yourself includes inspecting the cylinder and replacing it if it becomes chipped or scratched.

    Adjusting the carburetor of a Stihl chainsaw - a detailed algorithm of actions

    If your chainsaw stalls when you press the gas, you should adjust the tool's carburetor. Before this, it must be cleaned of contaminants, the spark plug changed, the air filter cleaned and the idle speed adjusted.

    The adjustment procedure is as follows:

    • Stop the saw and tighten screws L and H until they stop;
    • Next, unscrew both screws 1 full turn;
    • Start the saw and warm it up;
    • Press and hold the gas lever, while turning screw H until the engine speed becomes stable;
    • Then turn the LA screw until the chain begins to move, and then immediately turn the screw a quarter turn counterclockwise.

    After completing these simple manipulations, you can continue working with the chainsaw. If immediately after adjustment you notice that the instrument does not muffle, then you will need to turn the LA screw counterclockwise a little more.

    The range of Shtil chainsaws is quite large, and in addition, Chinese copies of the tools of this type are often found on the market. famous brand. To avoid getting caught with a non-original saw, you should follow several rules:

    • Carefully review the instrument documentation. The country of origin of most Stihl models is Germany, and it is this country that must be indicated in the unit passport;
    • Inspect the body of the chainsaw - a high-quality original tool should not be scratched, but paintwork must be distributed evenly and without blemishes;
    • Make sure the drive sprocket is installed straight and without distortion. Manufacturers from China often “sin” by mounting this part with slight deviations from the vertical axis;
    • Examine the fasteners on the chainsaw - they should be screwed in evenly and have intact “hats”;
    • When first started, an original Stihl chainsaw should not make an incomprehensible knock from the motor, but, on the contrary, should operate smoothly and stably.

    Only after making sure that the model you have chosen fully meets all the described requirements can you buy it.

    Homemade products from Shtil chainsaws - learning from folk craftsmen

    The high power and simple structure of the Shtil chainsaw allows its owners to use the tool for making various useful homemade products. Among the most popular chainsaw products it is necessary to highlight:

    • Grinder – this design is based on a shaft with a bearing unit. One end of the shaft is equipped with a driven pulley, which is driven by a V-belt. The other end of the shaft is equipped with a mandrel to which cutting wheels are attached. This unit can be used for cutting stones, bricks and metal;
    • Wood splitter - to make it you will need to weld a strong metal frame that will hold the saw suspended. The saw element will be fed to the firewood using a guide located in a vertical position. This tool will allow you to cut a large amount of firewood without holding the chainsaw in your hands;
    • Ice screw - you will need to ensure a low auger speed. To do this, use a worm or V-belt gearbox. This motor drill will help you make holes in the ground during construction. pile foundation, and can also be used for making holes in winter fishing;
    • The sawmill is another unit that requires the manufacture of a frame and fastening of guides. But unlike a wood splitter, firewood will be fed to the saw element in a horizontal position.

    Each of the described devices has found wide application in the household. If necessary, these units can always be disassembled and the engine and other spare parts can be installed back on the chainsaw.

    Saw Stihl MS 180 - the best option for a gardener

    The design of the saw includes such useful elements as a system automatic feeding lubricant, inertial brake and vibration damping system.

    Among the characteristics of the unit are:

    • Power – 1.5 kW or 2.1 l. With.;
    • Cylinder volume – 32 cm3;
    • Oil tank capacity – 140 ml;
    • Fuel tank volume – 250 ml;
    • Working weight – 5.1 kg.

    This saw is distinguished by its high reliability and durability. The tool kit includes a 50-link chain, a bar, a case and documentation.

    Models Stihl MS 210 and MS 310 – features and equipment

    These tools have almost identical characteristics and are used for harvesting large quantity firewood for further storage or construction.

    Technical indicators of the models include:

    • Cylinder volume – 35.5 cm3;
    • Power – 1.7 W or 2.4 l. With.;
    • The capacity of the fuel tank is 470 and 500 ml, respectively;
    • The volume of the oil tank is 250 and 300 ml, respectively;
    • Weight – 6.3 and 7 kg, respectively.

    The design of the chainsaws includes an automatic fuel supply system and an improved inertia brake. The complete set of models consists of a chain, a bar, a cover, an instruction manual and a warranty card.

    Saw Stihl MS 360 and MS 231 16 - technical specifications of the model

    Each professional chainsaw of these two models has gained popularity among experienced gardeners with large garden plots.

    Model specifications include:

    • Cylinder volume – 59.5 and 45 cm 3, respectively;
    • Saw power – 4.6 and 3 liters. c. respectively;
    • Each model has a unique chainsaw sharpening level;
    • The volume of the fuel mixture tank is 565 and 400 ml, respectively;
    • Weight in assembled form– 7 and 5 kg respectively.

    Stihl MS 150 TC E and MS 170 14 – areas of application and equipment

    These models are designed with an effective inertia brake that quickly stops the tire during a kickback.

    Among the technical characteristics of the units, the following stand out:

    • Cylinder volume is 23.5 and 30 cm 3, respectively;
    • Model power is 1.35 and 1.8 liters. With. respectively;
    • Tank capacity for fuel mixture – 210 ml in MS 150 and 250 ml in MS 170:
    • Oil tank volume – 150 ml;
    • Working weight – 4 kg and 4 kg respectively.

    The saw package includes a bar, chain, instructions and a warranty card.

    Models Stihl MS 181 and MS 192 T – features and applications

    These units have a simple design and a set of all functions necessary for operation - automatic chain lubrication, inertial brake, easy starting system.

    Among the characteristics of chainsaws it is necessary to highlight:

    • Cylinder volume – 32 cm3;
    • The power of the models is 2 and 2.5 liters. With. respectively;
    • The volume of the fuel tank is 280 and 350 ml, respectively;
    • The capacity of the oil tank is 180 and 230 ml, respectively;
    • Working weight – 5.5 and 6.2 kg, respectively.

    If desired, these models can be used in other areas. Using attachments on a Stihl chainsaw, each of these models can be used for cutting stone and brick, as well as for cleaning wood.

    Stihl MS 261 and MS 270 – areas of application for chainsaws

    Both of these models are an excellent choice for those who want to get quality equipment for little money.

    Model specifications include:

    • Cylinder volume – 50.2 and 51 cm 3, respectively;
    • Power – 3.7 and 4 liters. With. respectively;
    • Fuel tank volume – 500 ml:
    • The tank capacity for chain lubrication is 275 ml;
    • Working weight – 5.5 and 7 kg, respectively.

    Both models cope successfully with regular sawing of large logs, harvesting wood and lightening forests.

    Models Stihl MS 271 and MS 280 - characteristics and equipment

    These models are universal units. They have sufficient power for operation in difficult conditions when cutting down trees in the forest and garden.

    Key saw features include:

    • Cylinder volume – 51 and 53 cm3, respectively;
    • Power – 3.9 and 4.1 liters. With. respectively;
    • Fuel tank capacity – 500 ml;
    • Oil tank volume – 250 ml;

    Both models come with durable tires, covers, chains and instruction manuals.

    Stihl MS 290 and MS 341 – design and applications

    These powerful models can be used in a wide variety of applications. They are used for domestic needs, in construction with a bark beetle attachment and other devices. The design of the models includes a vibration damping system, an inertia brake and an easy start system.

    Among the characteristics of saws it is necessary to highlight:

    • Cylinder volume – 57 and 59 cm3, respectively;
    • The power of the models is 4.1 and 4.5 liters. With. respectively;
    • The volume of the fuel tank is 560 and 600 ml, respectively;
    • The capacity of the oil tank is 250 and 300 ml, respectively;
    • Weight – 7 and 7.8 kg, respectively.

    These models are quite popular, so you can always buy a high-quality branded bag for their safe storage. If you want to save money, model owners can purchase a chain sharpening machine.

    Stihl MS 362 and MS 440 – characteristics and equipment

    These models belong to the class professional chainsaws for working in the forest. In addition, the MC 440 model is also widely used in construction for harvesting large quantities of wood.

    Unit characteristics include:

    • Cylinder volume – 59 and 61 cm3, respectively;
    • The power of the models is 4.6 and 5 liters. With. respectively;
    • The volume of the fuel tank is 600 ml;
    • Oil tank capacity – 325 ml;
    • Working weight – 7 and 7.5 kg, respectively.

    Each model includes a tire, cover, chain and documentation.

    Chainsaws Stihl MS 441 and MS 461 – areas of tool use

    These models are regularly used for felling timber and sawing thick logs for construction. They can withstand significant loads and can be used both in hot weather and at extremely low temperatures.

    Saw features include:

    • Cylinder volume – 72 and 75 cm3, respectively;
    • The power of the models is 5.5 and 6 liters. With. respectively;
    • Fuel tank capacity – 725 and 800 ml;
    • The capacity of the oil tank is 360 and 400 ml, respectively;
    • Working weight – 7.5 and 8 kg, respectively.

    Both models are equipped with a modified inertia brake, effective system vibration damping and a device for easy engine starting.

    Models Stihl MS 650 and MS 880 – characteristics and equipment

    These models are popular due to their absolute versatility. They are among the most powerful in the class professional tools. These units are used primarily for felling timber and construction, as they high price does not allow these models to be used in everyday life.

    Among the technical characteristics of the saw it is necessary to highlight:

    • Cylinder volume – 85 and 90 cm3, respectively;
    • Power – 6.4 and 7 liters. With. respectively;
    • Fuel tank volume – 820 ml;
    • Oil tank capacity – 500 ml;
    • Working weight – 8 and 8.5 kg, respectively.

    The saw package includes a durable chain, bar, cover, instructions and warranty card.

    Saw Stiga SP 405 Q – description and applications

    This model belongs to the class of semi-professional units. With good performance, it can be used not only in the garden, but also for the purpose of irregular felling of trees.

    Model characteristics include:

    • Cylinder volume – 40 cm3;
    • Saw power – 2 l. With. or 1500 Watt;
    • Fuel tank volume – 410 ml;
    • Oil tank capacity – 200 ml;
    • Operating weight – 6 kg.

    The saw does an excellent job of sawing logs, both in winter and summer. The unit includes instructions, a chain, a tire, a container for preparing fuel and a warranty card.

    Chainsaw til MC 180 does not start. I washed the spark plug with acetone and sanded it with fine sandpaper. Several months It was not used, the gasoline and oil remained in the tank, but it had previously started from the 50th time. Tell me where to look and what to do. And please also send the repair instructions if available.

    Because If you have gasoline left in the tank, then 80 percent of the time you need to clean the carburetor - this is the first thing. Secondly, the saw starts if fuel is supplied to the cylinder, there is a spark and compression. The lack of fuel supply can be seen by a dry spark plug (we disassemble and clean the carburetor, change the fuel filter, clean the pulse channel). If there is no spark, then change the spark plug; if the replacement does not help, then you need to change the magneto. If there is no compression, then the piston, cylinder and seals must be replaced. I advise you to first remove the muffler and look at the condition of the piston (whether there are scuffs on the piston or not).

    I have the exact same saw for three years now, it has been working properly and starts normally. If it started like this before, change the spark plug, you were caught with a low-quality spark plug. Don’t skimp on candles, buy branded ones from the catalogue. Good luck.

    This is, at your request, instructions for starting the saw, but as for what you can do wrong, if the saw didn’t start well, and now it won’t start at all - most likely the rings have already come to an end and there is no compression, which is why, if it starts miraculously, After working, it heats up the piston, reducing the gap and then it works normally. Needs renovation! It is not necessary to change the rings or piston.

    The second option - if the chainsaw, according to the norm, should not be so used that there is no compression, then the problem is in the carburetor settings, you need to clean and adjust the carburetor, then what are you doing? sandpaper Rubbing a candle won't do much good!

    • I almost forgot, a chainsaw can be difficult to start if a lot of oil is poured into the gasoline, or the oil is of low quality The oil mixed with gasoline is special, not ordinary motor oil!

    Therefore, advice - if you yourself are not afraid, you need to surf the Internet and find information on repairing the piston and setting up the carburetor, if you are afraid, then take it to the service center, I will say that there is nothing wrong with disassembling and repairing the chainsaw, and there are spare parts in bulk in special stores for all models, and There are plenty of online stores!

    If you saw for a long time was filled with gasoline, but did not start, then pour the old gasoline out of the tank and pour new one, the first time the saw will not start very quickly, and then it will start working normally. If the spark plug is normal, then don’t forget to check the spark, otherwise it’s clean, but it’s of no use. Next, clean the air filter or replace it with a new one, and special attention should be paid to the inconspicuous gap, which should always be clean, otherwise the saw will start with great difficulty, I marked this place with an arrow

    Well, it wouldn’t hurt to check gasoline filter, which is located in the tank, remove it from there and clean it if it is dirty. If these measures do not help, then you will have to take Shtil to a specialist, which means something serious has happened.

    If it has previously started up after the fiftieth time, then it is worth giving it for service, since servicing of all systems is necessary. But the company and model are not bad. That is, cleaning the carburetor itself and checking the condition of the pistons and rings. If, for example, oil is thrown into the combustion chamber, then, as you understand, there is nothing good about it. The fact is that Gas engine A chainsaw is not much different from a car engine, and if it doesn't start, it needs to be rebuilt, worst case scenario.


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