Easter eggs: how to beautifully paint eggs for Easter with your own hands - a selection of the best master classes. How to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands - traditional and original painting methods

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Good afternoon Dear friends The bright holiday of Easter will come very soon. And you will need to decorate the table with Easter cakes and eggs. If we have sorted out the Easter cakes a bit, we haven’t figured out the eggs yet. A note on how.
And so now let's talk about ways to paint eggs. Eggs have been painted, painted and decorated for Easter for a very long time, but the real dawn and flight of thought can only be realized today when a lot of different food dyes have appeared.

In this article, we will look at several sure-fire ways to beautifully color eggs for Easter. And of course you need to prepare in advance as you need to collect all the ingredients. For example, there is not always a box with onions in the apartment and collecting onion peels in the right quantity is not so easy. In general, we will analyze everything in detail further.

Once, while looking through my wall on VK, I came across this post about painting eggs with natural dyes. All dyes are natural without added chemicals. And the colors will pleasantly surprise you.
I’ll tell you a little more about the use of natural or natural dyes, but a little later, but for now let’s look at a small reminder about determining the freshness of eggs.
Well, we checked the eggs for freshness and left the results in the comments. And we move on to food coloring. Which are sold before Easter at every turn.
These are the four packages you will find inside the main package.
Small packets may contain either tablets or ready liquid. It is, of course, better to wear gloves when working with these paints. No, not because the paint is harmful, but so as not to get dirty.

We select the first few beauties from the boiled eggs and dilute the paint according to the instructions. One can for each paint.
Most of the instructions are similar to those on my bags, the instructions stated that boiled eggs need to be washed well in soda solution(for half a liter of water, 1 tablespoon of baking soda). Paints should only be diluted in warm water. For 1 paint, half a glass of water is enough, but you will also need to pour in a tablespoon of 9% vinegar. Prepare the dye and dip the egg in it for 5-6 minutes. Carefully remove the field with a spoon and place on a plate to dry.

Just like you, I'm real creative person and it occurred to me to mix paints to get new color. For example, if you mix blue and yellow you get a turquoise color. Try it, maybe you will succeed. Or maybe you want to mix other colors. Write in the comments below the article what happened for you.
After the paint dries, it will no longer get dirty so much. And you can try decorating the eggs with beautiful stickers. Thank God they are also not a problem to buy.

And if you want to make an egg not of one color, but of several. Try to dip the egg not completely into the paint, but only a small part of it.

You can use wax to color eggs halfway. We rub wax on the part of the egg that we will not paint. We dip it in paint and the shell does not change color under the wax. This will make it easier for you to make colorful eggs.

If you have children in your family, be sure to invite them to help with coloring the eggs. But don’t leave them to their own devices, after all, this is the kitchen.
And this is how you can paint eggs using a regular whisk.
Try putting (boiled) eggs in a colander, dropping a few dyes into the water and stirring with a spatula. The output is all intricate colors.
You can also wrap a boiled egg in a regular paper napkin and drip paint on several sides. Then leave the egg in a napkin for 5-10 minutes so that the paint is properly embedded in the shell.
This is what beauty can turn out. Almost a marble egg without much effort.
You can decorate an egg for Easter without dyes. It is enough to take a special thermal film, put it on a (boiled) egg and lower it for 5-7 seconds. In boiling water, the high temperature causes the film to narrow and take the shape of an egg.
As you can see, there is no particular difficulty here. Everything is easy and simple and you don’t need to get your hands dirty and you don’t need to dilute the paint with boiling water and that’s it.

Painting eggs in onion skins

This is the oldest and the most impossible to eat traditional method or a way to paint eggs. Our grandmothers painted peas like this even under the Tsar.
The colors come out natural and there are no chemicals. Despite the large abundance of dyes, everyone in every family dyed and will dye eggs in onions every year, as this is part of a tradition that no one wants to give up. But there is one drawback to painting eggs in onions, you will need to separate the pan as the dishes can also become stained.
For a good rich color, take 3-4 parts of husk to one part of water. Just painting eggs with onions is not our thing. Need to do this with creative approach. So read on.

To creatively color eggs, take the following:

  • 1 tablespoon salt.
    Nylon stocking.
    Green leaves (dill, parsley, dandelion, cilantro, etc.)
    A skein of thread.
    Vegetable oil.

Painting process.

We take raw eggs as they need to be boiled in their shells for at least 40 minutes.
We attach a leaf to the egg. Cut a piece from the stocking and carefully place the egg in the stocking. We press the leaf to the egg and wrap the stocking with threads. It should look something like this.

Fill the husk with water and place it on the stove.
Add salt and when the water begins to boil, lower the workpiece into the husk.
Cook for 30-40 minutes. Then we take it out and if there is a second batch, cook the second one, and let the first one cool.
Once the eggs have cooled a little, remove the stockings, remove the leaves and grate the eggs vegetable oil. After which the testicles will acquire a beautiful shine.
You can also color eggs using food coloring using this method.

How to paint eggs so they look like marble

If you want to surprise old housewives or girlfriends with your painted eggs, then take a longer look. So, it’s very rare that anyone paints eggs; they do everything according to the classics and no one wants to bother further, but there’s practically no hassle here.

  • Eggs.
  • Onion peel.
  • Zelenka.
  • Water.
  • Pot.

Painting process.

The method is similar to the classic one, but with minor additions.

Take a raw egg, dip it in water and roll it over the onion peel so that it sticks to the egg. Then wrap it in a stocking or bandage. Pour plain water into a saucepan, add a spoonful of salt and place on the stove. As soon as the water starts to boil, lower the eggs, pour in the brilliant greens and cook the eggs for 30-40 minutes. After draining the water, let it cool and remove everything unnecessary.
This is what happened for me, and the same should happen for you.
The drawing turns out to be simply unusual. And the most interesting thing is that no two eggs are the same, they are all different.

We dye eggs with natural products

Well, now let's turn to natural dyes. Which are found in food products.

It is important when using such paints to be sure to add a little vinegar. It will fix the paints and make the colors more saturated.

1. Color eggs using turmeric. She will give you yellow color. We will discuss how to color eggs with turmeric below.
2. If you want to paint eggs bright orange, then carrots will help you. Take carrot juice and drop an egg into it. The color saturation will depend on the time the egg has been in the carrot juice.
3. Have you ever colored eggs in beet juice? I recommend trying it. True, the process is too long. You need to keep the boiled egg in beet juice for at least 8-10 hours. But only you will have raspberry eggs.

4. One more long way coloring in red cabbage. We also squeeze out the juice and soak the boiled eggs in it for 8-10 hours.

5. Even tea and coffee will help us color the eggs. Brew the tea stronger and keep the egg in the brew for 2-3 hours. Then remove and get tea-colored eggs. By the way, you can dye not only in black tea.

You can make it beautiful green color To do this, take a bunch of spinach, chop it and put it in a pan with water. Place on the stove and cook the eggs in it until the desired color is obtained.
This is what you can achieve with patience. As an author, I will boast about my achievements.

Emerald eggs for Easter

Consider this option for coloring eggs. The video shows all the steps; it is possible that this particular method will be more understandable to you.

How to dye eggs without dyes using turmeric

It’s not for nothing that this painting method is gaining popularity. After all, the result is so good that you can’t even believe that it’s all a natural color.
Stir 1 tablespoon of turmeric into 250 ml of warm water, let the turmeric dissolve for 2-3 minutes and put on fire. Add eggs and cook for 30-40 minutes.
You can also use the method with stockings or husks before throwing in the eggs.

Dyed eggs in fabric

Let's continue to create and wonder, now we'll try to paint eggs using a tie. No, of course, we won’t completely spoil our husband’s favorite tie, we’ll just take it and cut off a small piece.))) For this method, any colorful silk fabric will do, you can also take colorful cotton.

We take a beautiful piece of fabric, wrap an egg in it and wrap it with thread. Next, put it in a saucepan with water and cook for 15-20 minutes. Don't forget to add 1 tablespoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water. The result surprised even me.

Instead of fabric, you can take any material with a mesh and wrap the egg in it. We cook such eggs in any dye and get unusual results.

Coloring eggs for Easter in a napkin

The technology is quite young and little known. To me, this looks more like a hand-made, full-fledged craft for the holiday, rather than jelly for painting an egg.

You will need the following set:

PVA glue

Production process.

A pattern is cut out from a colorful napkin. The napkin is disassembled into layers.

Apply a layer of glue to the egg with a brush. Then the cut out design is carefully applied.
Coat the drawing on top thin layer glue. You can apply several designs on one egg. Afterwards you need to let the glue dry.
It turns out very beautiful. I remind you that we paint already boiled eggs.

We dye eggs using improvised materials at home

As you know, Easter cakes are decorated with icing and beautiful sprinkles, and why not decorate eggs with this sprinkle.
This is not a tricky thing, and the results will wonderfully surprise you. In order to glue the sprinkles onto the egg, you don’t even need special glue; the same eggs will help us.

Take the white, dip a boiled egg into it, grease it well on all sides, then roll it in the powder.
You can also use office glue, but there is no point in eating it since the glue will easily penetrate to the edible part of the egg through the pores in the shell. Of course, when using this technique, you can decorate eggs not only with powder, but also with various cereals.
For example, look at how funny an egg you get if you use cereal.

Well, since we are headed in this direction, you can also decorate eggs using nail polish. You really need to wear gloves to avoid getting your hands dirty. Take a glass of water and pour some nail polish different color draw a small pattern and dip the egg into it. But I remind you once again that it is not recommended to eat such eggs.

Try coloring eggs with markers. Markers are very suitable for these purposes. water based. And if you show a little imagination and draw eyes on the eggs, you can create a whole army.

If you are interested in the idea of ​​eyes, look for them on store shelves.
You can buy ready-made eyes and use them to create minions like these. Look how cute they are, right?

So I think now you are completely ready to paint eggs for the Easter holidays. Congratulations on the upcoming Bright Sunday of Christ. Christ is Risen!!!

I offer you several ways to color Easter eggs.

Easter eggs are a significant attribute of Easter, along with and. We have already prepared all this and even one.

Today we will look at and prepare painted Easter eggs for the celebration.

There are probably a hundred or even more ways to dye eggs.

We will look at some of the most interesting and simple ones.

How to paint eggs for Easter. Coloring Easter eggs step by step with photos

First you need to prepare the eggs. This is very important for the eggs to be beautiful.


  1. How to prepare eggs for Easter painting


1. It is best to buy white eggs because they take paint better. Eggs must be washed thoroughly.

Usually the eggs are marked with a mark, date of release, and other things. This mark must be washed off, because it will show through any paint.

If it does not wash off with a sponge and warm water, try it with baking soda powder and, as a last resort, table vinegar. This will not cause any harm to the egg, because we act on it in this way for a short time.

Do not press too hard on the egg. Since it is raw, it may crack. The egg must be washed thoroughly. Because only on a clean egg will the paint lie in an even layer.

3. And one more trick. A cotton pad should be moistened with alcohol (if you don’t have alcohol at home, use 9% table vinegar) and wipe the eggs with it. This is to remove grease stains from the eggs from your fingers. We process all the eggs in this way.

Do not forget! When processing eggs, they should be at room temperature.

4. Place the eggs in a saucepan and add a couple of tablespoons of salt to prevent the eggs from cracking during cooking. And fill it up cold water so that the eggs are completely covered.

By the way, can you tell old eggs from fresh ones? When we fill them with water, the old egg floats to the top, while the fresh egg remains at the bottom.

5. Let the eggs cook. We will cook on low heat. Of course we will boil it hard-boiled. After they boil, you need to cook for another 7-10 minutes if the eggs are store-bought. If the eggs are fresh village eggs, you need to cook them longer, after boiling for 13-15 minutes.

Don’t forget, when you take the boiled eggs out of the boiling water, be sure to dip them in it for a while. ice water, this is so that they can be cleaned better later. Just don't refrigerate it at all. The eggs should be warm when painting.

Well, we've cooked the eggs. Now let's move on to their coloring.

  1. How to paint beautiful eggs for Easter

1. Take a hard-boiled egg, wipe it again with alcohol or vinegar and wrap it in a paper napkin or paper towel, do not try to wrap the egg evenly, just wrap it randomly, as if you were crumpling a napkin (do not press too hard, crush the egg).

Pour a little vinegar, as if getting wet, from all sides. Press the napkin (crimp) more tightly onto the egg.

2. Take blue dye and randomly drip it onto the egg. Let the dye spread a little.

3. Take another dye, yellow. Also, in a chaotic manner, apply it to the egg.

4. Take the third dye, ours is red, and just like the first two, apply it to the egg.

5. Squeeze the egg with your palms so that the napkin sticks well to the shell. In this case, the napkin turns out to be one-color, evenly colored.

6. Before painting the egg, we need to make a stand for it. We take an ordinary sponge, stick English needles into it the size of an egg and that’s it, our stand is ready.

7. Place our egg in a napkin with dyes on a stand and let it dry a little.

8. After a couple of minutes, the egg has dried, carefully remove the napkin from it, trying not to smudge the paint.

We got such a rainbow colored egg. Place the egg on our homemade stand again and let it dry completely.

  1. How to dye Easter eggs to make them multicolored

1. We will need small but deep plastic dishes. Pour a tablespoon of vinegar into each of them.

2. Pour the dye into each of the dishes, a little at first, and then you can adjust it after diluting the dyes with water.

3. Dilute the dyes with water. You don’t need a lot of water, about less than half. You will understand when you see what we will do.

4. Take an egg and dip it 1/3 into the dye. We hold it for about 2 minutes.

5. Take out the egg and blot a drop from below. Leave the egg to dry a little on our homemade stand. Since our egg is warm, it dries out quite quickly.

6. When the egg is dry, dip it into the next dye, again about 1/3, for 2 minutes. We take it out, also blot the droplet at the bottom and set it to dry.

7. Dip the remaining uncolored part of the egg into the third dye. We take it out, not forgetting to wipe the droplet from below, and set it to dry.

This is the colorful egg we got.

  1. How to paint Easter eggs with polka dots

1. Prepare two paints in plastic cups, yellow and blue, a candle, cotton wool on sticks and an egg cup. If you still have paints from previous painting, you can use them. We light a candle. we need melted wax.

2. Dip the egg completely into yellow dye. Let's let it lie there for a couple of minutes, take it out and put it on a stand to dry.

3. The egg has dried out. Take a cotton swab, dip it in the melted wax and randomly apply dots of wax onto the egg with the stick. You can come up with something of your own. Inscription, figures, stripes, etc.

4. Literally let the wax dry for 10-15 seconds and add the egg to the second paint. Ours is blue. You can take any one you like. Let the egg sit in the paint for 2 minutes.

5. Remove from the dye, place on a stand, and let dry. Basically the egg is ready. We can leave it like this.

6. If you want to remove wax from an egg, warm it up a little next to a candle, in no case above the egg, just next to it. The wax melts and can be easily removed with a napkin.

  1. How to paint eggs for Easter with color transition

We will need an egg and dye of the same color.

1. Pour just a little dye into a plastic cup so that it only covers the tip of the egg a little more than a centimeter and lower the egg there vertically with the blunt end down. Leave it like this for 2 minutes.

2. Then use a spoon to add a little more coloring. Depending on how large the egg is and how many rings you want to make of different intensities of color on the egg, calculate how much paint you need to add. We added about 1 cm at a time. We also left it for a couple of minutes.

3. Add more dye and also leave for 2 minutes. And so on until we cover the entire egg, leaving the egg in the dye for 2 minutes after each layer.

After covering the egg completely with dye, let it stand for 2 minutes, remove it from the dye and place it on our stand to dry.

As we can see, all the stripes on the egg are visible. The egg turned out beautiful, with a gradually weakening tone of paint towards the top.

  1. How to paint striped eggs for Easter

1. Pre-color the egg blue. Next we need electrical tape. Cut off 20-25 centimeters of electrical tape and cut the electrical tape lengthwise into narrow strips.

2. Place the tape on the egg in a spiral. You can stick it however you like. You can also make the strip of electrical tape any width you want. In this way we cover the entire egg. Press the tape firmly against the egg so that there are no smudges.

3. This is what we got, covered with electrical tape. We dip it in the pre-prepared red dye, as always, for a couple of minutes. We take out the egg, put it on a stand and let it dry.

4. Our egg has dried, remove the electrical tape. As you can see, there is a blue color left under the electrical tape.

We got this striped egg in a simple way.

  1. Mosaic coloring Easter egg

1. We cut a lot of corners from electrical tape and now stick them on the egg, which was previously painted yellow. We try to glue the corners in the shape of a mosaic. Between the corners we make a gap of approximately 2 millimeters. We lay the corners in random order.

2. This is the glued egg we got. Dip it in red dye to get a roughly orange color.

3. Remove from the dye and place on a stand to dry.

This is the egg we got. Now all that remains is to remove the electrical tape.

  1. How to dye Easter eggs in onion skins

1. We will need onion peels, preferably from red and yellow onions. Eggs with already defatted shells. If you have not degreased them yet, wipe them with alcohol or vinegar. Squares of gauze measuring approximately 20 x 20 cm. Threads for tying gauze, a saucepan. There is a problem with the saucepan. After cooking onion skins, the pan is very difficult to wash, so choose a pan that is not needed or that you paint in every year. Or you will paint it.

2. For decoration, we will add various leaves and figures cut out of parchment so that the eggs are not so boring.

3. The husks need to be placed in a pan and mashed to crush. The size of the pan and the amount of peeling depends on how many eggs you want to dye. Fill the husk with water and put it on the stove to cook for 1-1.5 hours.

4. We begin to prepare the eggs. Take gauze, put a piece of paper on it, front side up, carefully straighten all the tips of the leaf. Place an egg on a piece of paper. Carefully gather all the ends of the gauze into a pile and tighten it, pressing the leaf firmly against the egg. We twist the collected ends of the gauze into a tourniquet, then pull the leaf to the egg and tie it with threads.

5. We also make the following eggs. You can even lay out some composition of leaves on gauze. Place the egg in the center and tighten the gauze again. And here are the figures from parchment paper, it’s best to dip them in water so that they stick to the egg, and then put the egg in cheesecloth and also gently tighten.

6. Add salt to the boiling onion skins and place the eggs there.

7. Cover them all completely with husks and let them cook for 10-12 minutes over low heat. Remember that the eggs must be at room temperature, otherwise they will burst.

8. We take the eggs out of the husks and transfer them immediately into cold water to make them easier to clean later.

We cut off the gauze, rinse it with water and see how beautiful it is.

To make the eggs shiny, brush them with vegetable oil. The most convenient way to do this is by pouring a little oil onto cotton pads.

Well, the eggs are ready. They are perhaps not inferior in beauty to painted eggs.

  1. Original DIY Easter eggs

We took:

  • Eggs - 12 pcs.
  • Water - 2 liters
  • Vinegar - 2 or 3 tbsp.
  • Silk fabric (with different patterns)
  • Any white fabric
  • Rubber bands

1. To color the eggs, we took unnecessary men's silk ties, of which we had a lot. If you don't have unnecessary ties, just take pieces of multi-colored silk.

2. We cut the fabric into squares. Take the egg and place it on the front side of the silk fabric.

3. Wrap tightly so that the fabric does not move around the egg. We twist the resulting tail of the fabric at the top, thus tightening the egg even tighter.

4. Place the same piece of white fabric on top of the colored fabric. We also curl the tail. We secure everything by putting an elastic band on the tail, twisting it several times. We do the same with all eggs.

5. When all the eggs are prepared, put them in a saucepan.

6. Fill with water, add vinegar and put on fire. After the water boils, cook for another 15 minutes. Turn down the heat so they don't jump around in the pan. If only they would slowly boil.

7. After 15 minutes, take out the eggs and place them on a dish. Leave on a plate until completely cooled.

8. When the eggs have cooled completely, remove the elastic bands and unfold the fabric. Look at the beauty that appears from under the fabric. In this way we unwrap all the eggs.

These are the most beautiful eggs we got. Surprise your friends. Enjoy yourself.

  1. Very beautiful Easter eggs

1. Take hard-boiled eggs, ordinary colored napkins and egg white. We tear the napkin into 4 parts. Separate the top colored layer from the napkins.

2. Dip the egg into the white and swirl to moisten the entire area of ​​the egg. Place the egg on the wrong side of the napkin and wrap it. We tear off the excess napkin.

3. Dip the brush into the white and grease the egg on top, thus distributing the napkin evenly over the entire egg, while simultaneously pressing the napkin more tightly to the shell.

4. Everything is carefully distributed, the egg is ready. We make all the eggs in the same way. You can take different napkins. Accordingly, the eggs will be different.


11. Video - 5 ways to decorate eggs for Easter in an original way

Good day everyone! The approaching Easter holiday, Bright Sunday of Christ, is one of the most beloved Christian holidays. Solemn, bright and joyful, it symbolizes the salvation of the world and soul, the possibility of eternal life. Easter comes at the end of winter, when nature awakens. For Orthodox Russians, Easter is associated not only with the end of Lent and with the Easter festive church service, but also with a special Easter table. For experienced housewives The preparation period is already in full swing. Recipes are collected and carefully copied, and egg dyes are selected.

Painted eggs are an invariable attribute of the approaching Easter. They decorate the table, they are given to each other with the words “Christ is Risen!”, and we can no longer imagine this bright spring holiday without colored eggs.

The tradition of painting eggs appeared in ancient times, long before the advent of Christianity, and carries a mythical and sacred meaning. Our distant ancestors believed that the world hatched from an egg. They gave him sacred properties. It served as a talisman, helped in the treatment of infertility, and protected the home and family.

Previously, Easter eggs were painted exclusively red, as it symbolizes the blood shed on the cross, but then they moved away from strict canons. It is now possible to color and decorate eggs various colors, methods and techniques. It all depends on people's tastes and preferences.

Have you already decided what and how you will decorate your Easter eggs? Today I want to invite you to consider some options for painting these holiday attributes and hope that you will find something new and interesting for yourself.

If you have children, be sure to involve them in this process. This is both useful and entertaining and educational at once.

How to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands?

On the eve of the great Easter celebrations, almost every home traditionally makes beautiful and symbolic attributes of this bright spring holiday - Easter eggs. Making them beautiful with your own hands is not as difficult as many might imagine. To color eggs, you can buy special food dyes, decorating kits, paints or markers for painting, stickers, iron-on adhesives, napkins, or use the recipes of our great-grandmothers, gifts of Mother Nature, that is, natural dyes.

The most common coloring method is using special food coloring. To do this, you just need to buy the dyes that are suitable for you, which are sold in any supermarket and, following the instructions, make everything come true.

When using this method, keep the following tips and cautions in mind:

  • Be careful when dyeing eggs, as dyes are difficult to remove from clothing.
  • The longer you keep the eggs in the food coloring solution, the brighter they will turn out. Start with a few minutes, then increase the coloring time. This will be a great experiment for the kids!
  • To make it easier for you to dip the eggs into the dyes, use a kitchen whisk. This simple idea will help you and your children keep their hands and clothes cleaner.

There is another interesting way to color eggs using food coloring and wax. The idea is that you rub some part of the egg with wax, dip it in the dye and it is colored only in the part where there is no wax. This way you can create similar patterns.

For those who know how to draw well, you can make murals with food paints or permanent markers. Moreover, the painting will look great both on painted eggs and on simply boiled eggs.

The most basic and least labor-intensive way to decorate easter eggs is using regular or thermal stickers. To do this, you just need to buy stickers, put them on boiled eggs and put them in boiling water for a few seconds.

The most common method, perhaps, remains painting with natural dyes. You can use the following cheat sheet as a basis.

We will discuss the methods of painting eggs in more detail below, but now I would like to give you some tips on preparing them for coloring.

  • To prevent the eggs from bursting during cooking, they must be removed from the refrigerator an hour in advance so that they reach room temperature.
  • Before painting, paints must be washed with soapy water or alcohol, then the paint will lie evenly.
  • Add a spoonful of salt to the water or solution where the eggs will be boiled. This way, even from a cracked shell, the contents will not spill out.
  • If you want the paints to have a shiny appearance, rub them with vegetable oil after painting.

After you have prepared the material and chosen the most suitable suitable way, you can start creating a masterpiece.

Step-by-step painting in onion skins

The most traditional and time-tested method of coloring eggs is considered to be a decoction of onion peels. The more raw materials you can collect, the brighter the finished color will be. For a beautiful rich red Brown eggs, you need to collect the peels from 6 large onions. If you don't like such a rich color, you can collect less husks and then the finished product will be light yellow or light brown. It all depends on the variety and color of the onion peel. I will show you how to achieve a rich red-brown color.

1. Fill the husk with water and boil for 20 minutes, then strain - the solution for coloring is ready.

2. Add 2 tbsp to the cooled broth. l. vinegar, place the prepared eggs there and cook for 7-10 minutes. Please note that the egg must be completely immersed in the liquid and it must not boil.

3. Carefully remove the eggs with a spoon and place them on a paper towel to cool. Cooled and dry paints can be greased with vegetable oil.

4. If the resulting color seems insufficiently saturated to you, return the eggs to the broth and keep them there until you get the color you want.

In onion peel with patterns

This method is for those who want to get a little creative with their paints. We will use the same decoction of onion peels, but we will use flowers and herbs as stencils to create beautiful designs.

For a more golden color of the finished product, I recommend using red and yellow onion skins.

To create designs, you can use anything: from dill leaves, parsley, fern, to flower petals or flowers. The possibilities are endless.

To color eggs we will need:

  • Red and yellow onion peels - from 6-7 onions
  • Vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 2-3 tbsp.
  • Herbs and flowers
  • Nylon stocking

Stages of work:

1. Cut the nylon stocking into 15 x 15 cm squares.

2. Wet small sprigs of dill, parsley, blades of grass or flowers and attach them to the eggs. Then carefully place each egg in a separate nylon blank, wrap tightly and tie the ends with thread.

Before you start cooking the onion skins, soak them in cold water for a few hours or overnight. Thanks to this, the eggs will color faster, and the color will be more beautiful and vibrant.

3. Add vinegar to a container with pre-soaked onion peels and put on fire. Bring to a boil and simmer for about 10 minutes.

4. Add the prepared eggs to boiling water and boil for 8-10 minutes. After this time, the eggs can be placed on a napkin or you can leave them to cool in onion broth overnight for a more intense color.

5. Once the eggs have cooled, you can cut the nylon bags, remove all twigs, leaves, flowers and wipe them with a paper towel. To add shine, you can rub them with sunflower oil.

Original marble eggs for Easter

There is an opinion that colored eggs in onion skins leave no options - there is only one color. But as practice shows, you can paint with onion skins with a twist. Now I want to show you this marble method.

1. To marbleize Easter eggs, you need to take several large onion scales, wet them with water and wrap them around each egg.

3. Carefully place our preparations in nylon bags, tighten them tightly and send them to cook.

As a result, the egg will be unevenly colored, and the folds of the onion peel will form a marble-like pattern.

Marble eggs in onion peels and brilliant green

Marble eggs according to this recipe are very beautiful, original in design and shiny. They are made easily and from affordable means. Most importantly, they turn out to be harmless, since onion peels and medicinal brilliant green are used. Such marble beauties will be a wonderful decoration for the festive Easter table.

In order to color the eggs, we will need:

  • Onion peel
  • Egg - 5 pcs.
  • Bowl of cold water
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Zelenka - 20 ml.
  • Scissors
  • Threads
  • Nylon stocking or piece of gauze
  • Sunflower oil

Stages of work:

1. First, we need to cut the onion skins into small pieces. This is very convenient to do with scissors.

3. Wrap the eggs tightly in gauze or nylon blanks and secure with thread. Place the prepared products in a pan with cold water so that they are completely covered with water. Add salt and send to simmer. From the moment it boils, cook for 5 minutes.

4. 5 minutes after boiling, add the green stuff and cook for another 10 minutes. Drain the water and rinse each egg with cold running water. Remove the gauze and husks from the cooled eggs. Lubricate dry, cooled eggs with sunflower oil using a cotton pad. This is how beautiful it should turn out.

How to color paints with natural dyes?

Every housewife always dyes eggs before Easter. This centuries-old tradition is currently taking on new forms, but more and more often we are returning to our grandmother’s old, environmentally friendly and safe methods of coloring. Natural dyes surround us and are present in the kitchen of every housewife. The main thing is not to be lazy and prepare the right paint given to us by nature. What can you use? At the beginning of the article I gave you a small cheat sheet, and now I suggest you take a closer look.

In the video, each proportion is for 3 eggs. I hope you liked these natural dyes and can easily recreate them.

We dye eggs with beets at home

Have you already tried coloring Easter eggs? natural products that you have in your pantry or kitchen? If you're looking for a safe, easy, and fun way to color eggs on... festive table, I suggest you use this method in different interpretations.

1. Peel and cut the beets into small pieces. Pour in water, bring to a boil and simmer for 15-60 minutes until you get the desired color of the broth. Cool it to room temperature, strain through a sieve and add vinegar. Add vinegar at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 glass. Place the egg in a glass with dye and refrigerate until the desired color is achieved.

For this method For coloring, it is best to use a white egg.

2. Peel fresh beets, pass through a juicer or grate on a coarse grater and squeeze through cheesecloth. After our juice is ready, add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and dip in it egg for 4-5 hours. If after this time the color is not beautiful enough, you can leave it on for a few more hours.

3. Fill the chicken egg, brought to room temperature, with cool water, add 0.5 tbsp. l. salt and place grated beets on top. To maintain better color, you can add 1/3 tsp. vinegar. We send our broth to a small fire and cook for 1-2 hours.

4. Grate the peeled beets on a coarse grater, wrap hot boiled eggs in it and wrap in a paper napkin. We put it in the refrigerator overnight, and in the morning you will get this beauty.

Decoupage eggs for Easter with napkins

Decorating Easter eggs is one of my favorite pastimes, because here the flight of imagination is not limited. Currently, there are a huge variety of ways to color, decorate, decorate, and paint Easter eggs. Now I want to show you a very simple decoration method that takes no more than five minutes. Plus it requires zero artistic preparation and it always works!

To decorate Easter eggs with napkins we will need:

  • Chicken boiled egg
  • Paper napkins with a beautiful pattern
  • Egg white
  • Brush
  • Scissors

Stages of work:

1. I tried different methods of decoupage with paper napkins and through trial and error I realized that it is best to cut out each picture separately. In this case, you will not have bubbles and folds when you glue them to the egg.

2. If you have multi-layer napkins, you only need to glue the top layer with the pattern. Attach the workpiece to the egg and coat the top with egg white using a brush. To ensure that the design lies evenly, smooth it out carefully with your fingers. Do not overdo it so as not to tear the part.

3. Once you have decorated all the eggs, leave them to dry. Now you have Easter paraphernalia with designs that look like they were painted directly on the egg!

Painted Easter eggs in fabric

Did you know that eggs can be dyed with silk or chiffon fabric with a bright pattern? I bring to your attention another quick and very beautiful way decorating Easter eggs. They turn out so bright and unique that you can at least put them on display.

The finished product turns out better and more beautiful when the fabric patterns contain dark blue, purple and red colors.

The interesting thing is that you never know how much color and design will be imprinted on the egg during the dyeing process. Sometimes patterns that you may think are amazing will look ugly on the finished product and vice versa.

In order to create such masterpieces we will need:

  • 100% silk fabric
  • Scissors
  • Cotton thread or elastic bands
  • White cotton fabric
  • Vinegar

Stages of work:

1. First of all, we need to prepare the fabric in which we will wrap the eggs. To do this, measure and cut silk and cotton fabrics into pieces measuring 18 x 18 cm. Tightly wrap a raw chicken egg in each piece and tie it. Make sure the front of the design is on the inside and not the outside!

2. After you have wrapped the eggs in silk fabric, they need to be wrapped in cotton fabric and tied.

3. Place these little beauties in a saucepan, fill with water, add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and cook for 20-30 minutes. Vinegar helps better coloring. The longer you cook the eggs, the brighter the designs will be.

4. After the eggs are boiled, they must be removed from the water and cooled naturally or under cold running water. You can remove the cloth from the cooled eggs.

If you have chosen light and dark patterns for coloring, then it is better to paint them separately. Otherwise, the finished crumbs will have the effect of a “dirty” pattern.

Look what beauty can be achieved using this simple method!

Original methods using improvised means

Every year we want to try some new ways of coloring Easter eggs in order to surprise our family and friends and delight the kids with an interesting coloring process. Let's look at some interesting decor options using available materials.

1. For this method we will need: boiled eggs, shaving foam, food coloring, wooden sticks and a cardboard box or other container to create the base. Squeeze the shaving foam into a container, spread it over the surface with a stick, drip dyes on top, spread it with a stick, creating a pattern, dip the egg in the foam, place it on a napkin and leave for 15 minutes.

Then we wipe the eggs with a paper napkin and get original marble attributes of the Easter feast.

2. This coloring option will appeal to children who love to draw and create crafts. For this we will need: boiled eggs, paper towels and colored wax crayons.

3. Older children can be asked to paint eggs with acrylic paints.

4. For fans of cartoon characters, you can create such funny minions. To do this, you will need appropriate food coloring, a black marker, black thread and eyes, which can be purchased at a craft store.

5. And for fans of ninja turtles, such wonderful crumbs would be an excellent option.

6. This simple and time-consuming method will help you create beautiful lines on Easter eggs. To do this, you need to prepare food coloring, rubber bands of different thicknesses and paper napkins. Wrap the egg with rubber bands as shown in the picture below and dip into the dye you want until completely colored. Place the egg on a napkin and leave to dry. When the paint is completely dry, the rubber bands can be removed. You should get paints like this.

7. Decorating Easter eggs with natural, ecological products, as opposed to artificial ones, guarantees that the product will be edible. In addition, the costs for this are minimal. Pour water into three saucepans, bring to a boil, put a bag in each of them different varieties tea of ​​tea and leave them for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, remove the tea bags and add 1-2 tsp. vinegar into each container, drop one hard-boiled egg into it and put it in the refrigerator overnight. The next day you can admire the work done.

That's all for me today. I tried to choose for you as much as possible more options dyeing Easter eggs at home and I hope that this article will be useful to you. Having this basic knowledge in stock, you can always supplement it using your imagination.

And now I want to wish you good health, happiness and congratulations on the upcoming holiday of Happy Easter!

One of the brightest and kindest holidays is Easter. Orthodox and Catholics prepare for it in advance. The main attribute of the holiday is the Easter egg. There are many ways to color eggs. We offer many interesting and original ways to decorate Easter eggs. You can create by yourself, or you can create together with your children. So, we look at the options and choose the best ones.

We paint Easter eggs beautifully with food coloring or watercolors

If you love everything tender and sensual, then this method of coloring eggs is for you. You don't have to be a professional artist to do this. All you have to do is follow our instructions. And if you show creativity, then it’s just wonderful, you’ll get a masterpiece.

Easter eggs painted with food coloring in watercolor style

To work we will need:
- liquid food coloring or watercolor paints;
- brush;
- black marker;
- small disposable cups.

Pour into a small disposable cup 25 drops of food coloring. Add a little water to make the paint more fluid.

In our work we will use red, yellow, blue and green paint. Do not dilute a lot of dyes; 5 ml will be enough.

We paint eggs in watercolor style. To do this, put a dot on the egg with a brush with food coloring or watercolor. Then we smear it. Next, we do the same thing again on the painted surface, but do not touch the edges. This is how we create an imitation of flower petals.

We wait until the paint dries and draw the core of the flower in the center with yellow paint. Remove excess dye with a dry cloth. Thus, we draw three flowers of different colors: red (as in the photo), yellow and blue. Then we draw green leaves.

Use a marker to draw the outlines of the flowers. In the middle of the flower we draw pistils and stamens.

After the paints have completely dried, we carry out The final stage— drawing small details and outlines of colors with a marker. And don’t worry if you once again go beyond the contour or draw the line unevenly, on the contrary, it will be even more interesting. Because there shouldn't be perfection here. There is only creativity here.

A floral watercolor drawing is the answer to the question: How to paint eggs in an original way for Easter?

So we got beautiful picturesque eggs for Easter in watercolor style.

Bright and unusual eggs. Paint with food coloring

This is an interesting way to paint eggs for Easter, thanks to which the holiday eggs will turn out bright and colorful. Children will really enjoy the painting process itself. And what, you will understand for yourself when you watch to the end.

Bright Easter eggs in batik style

To paint eggs we will need:
- hard-boiled eggs;
- liquid food coloring;
- vinegar;
- water;
- paper towels;
- rubber bands, gloves, sprayer, glass baking dish.

Pour water and vinegar into the sprayer in a ratio of 50 to 50%.

IN glass mold For baking, lay out three paper towels. Spray the top with pre-diluted vinegar and water in equal proportions.

Wrap the egg in the top paper towel. We fix it with an elastic band. Drop food coloring onto a damp towel. The dye spreads over the paper surface and gets into all the folds. Feel free to add other colors. Next, spray the dyed towel again with water and vinegar. Then we take the egg in our hands and squeeze it so that the paint fills all the voids and the entire egg is colored.

Now be patient and leave the eggs in paper towels for 1 hour. The longer the eggs sit, the brighter the color will be.

Remove the finished egg from the napkin. If there are white spots on it, then simply rub the egg with the remaining paper towel. This is the textured batik style egg we got.

Beautiful starry sky on Easter eggs

A very deep and rich color that resembles a starry sky and let’s not even be afraid of this word - GALAXY. Plastic eggs were used for the work. You can, of course, use real eggs, but the transformation work is long and painstaking. And it would be a pity to “destroy” her so quickly at the festive table.

What a unique way to paint eggs for Easter. Deep rich pattern on Easter eggs

We will briefly describe and show how to make eggs for Easter with your own hands with a photo. More detailed instructions look .
To work you will need:
- plastic eggs;
- acrylic paints of different colors;
- hard brush, sponge.

Photo collage “How to paint eggs for Easter”

We paint the eggs black with acrylic paints, apply 2 layers, this will take about 15 minutes. The paints we will use are visible on the palette. We paint the eggs with blue paint. We tried to make our own unique pattern on each egg. You can make swirls with a brush, apply the paint in different directions, do not move the brush too much, otherwise the pattern will turn out muddy.

Now a regular sponge will be used. Blot it in the darkest color - dark blue and leave marks on the egg. We wait until the painted areas dry out and use lighter paint to do the same, covering the unpainted areas as well. We move on to pink paint, then to gold. Then we dip the brush in black paint and, using light movements, not strokes, add specks. You get small black islands. The last stage remains - working with white paint. We apply the paint by spraying (dip the brush into the paint, then spray it onto the egg. You can use an old toothbrush and a fine-toothed comb. Dip the brush into the paint and run it over the comb, and small splashes from the drops cover the egg).

Galactic eggs for Easter

Decorating eggs for Easter with confectionery beads

Children really like these eggs. And even more they like to decorate them. After all, the decoration is based on confectionery powder. Colors may vary; ours is yellow.

Easter eggs decorated with confectionery beads

To work, we take boiled eggs, PVA glue, and confectionery powder. All stages are visible in the photo below. The only thing that needs to be explained to the children is that they cannot eat the shells, and what is left after decorating the eggs, because it came into contact with the glue.

Easter eggs and decorative tape

This method of decorating Easter eggs does not require food coloring. You can call it clean, but not fast. To work you need imagination.

Easter eggs decorated with decorative tape

For work, we take pre-boiled eggs, decorative tape, and scissors. We cut out various shapes from tape and glue them to the egg.

Golden Easter eggs and golden marble effect

The eggs are very impressive and chic. The method, of course, is not easy and takes a long time, but the result is worth it.

Golden eggs for Easter

Very beautiful and unusual eggs for Easter. The work is long and painstaking, but as a result we will get a great result and enthusiastic reviews from friends.

Easter eggs with golden marble effect.

To work, take foam plastic, matches, boiled eggs, food coloring, vinegar, gold leaf, glue.

We will need foam plastic and matches in order to dry the painted eggs.

Be sure to add two tablespoons of vinegar to the food coloring water to help set the food coloring.

After the eggs are completely dry, we begin the painstaking work. Tear the gold leaf into small pieces, because for the marble effect you only need to partially cover the egg. Spread the egg with glue, but not the entire surface.

Glue the pieces of gold leaf to the egg and smooth them out thoroughly. We are waiting for it to dry completely. That's all, beautiful and spectacular eggs are ready.

Easter eggs in gilding. original article and photo.

Marble eggs for Easter

The decoration is based on regular nail polish. Everything is very simple, but at the same time beautiful.

Marble eggs from nail polish on eggs

The process of dyeing eggs is very simple. We take a plastic cup that you don’t mind getting dirty. Pour water at room temperature. Add a few drops of varnish to the water; it will not sink or mix with the water, but will form a thin film on it. Mix the varnish with a stick, make swirls, patterns and dip the egg.

You can use one varnish or several in your work. You can take a wide variety of colors and shades. We spotted the idea with blue marble eggs

Easter eggs with geometric patterns

A very simple and painstaking way to decorate Easter eggs. You can use colored eggs, or you can use regular eggs with a dark shell. To work, we take a white marker, or you can also use a corrector pencil, with which we draw various patterns.

To create a festive mood for children, just color raw eggs and put them back in the tray in the refrigerator. Children will be happy to open the refrigerator and look for new painted eggs.

Painting eggs with children with acrylic paints

This is the simplest idea you can come up with. Suitable for babies! This perfect way Easter egg coloring for kids, even from 9 months. Fast, simple, and most importantly purely. No stains on clothes or carpet, and most importantly a happy baby and mother.

Everything is very simple. IN plastic bag add a pre-boiled egg and a teaspoon acrylic paint(one or two colors). We seal the bag and give it to the baby.

No dirty hands, there are no glasses, spoons, or puddles of water. Only clean hands and a sea of ​​positive emotions.

And still crumpling the package, child develops fine motor skills, tactile sensations. Develops observation and color perception.

When the entire egg is covered in paint, remove it and leave to dry.

If desired, you can apply shaped stickers to the eggs before coloring. And when the paint dries, just remove them.

How to dye eggs in soda?

Next method coloring eggs for Easter Children will absolutely love it. After all, coloring is based on chemical reactions that are safe and interesting.

So, How to paint eggs, and even in baking soda? And it's very simple!
For this we need:
- Baking soda
- Vinegar
— Dry food paints
— Container for dyeing
- Hard-boiled eggs.

Pour baking soda into the container. You can take several containers at once. Next, add dry food coloring, approximately 1 tablespoon per container. The more paint, the richer the color. Mix baking soda and paint until the color is uniform.

Have your child carefully place the egg in the container. Then pour the vinegar into a glass and ask to slowly pour it over the egg. The child will be amazed when he sees what happens. Vinegar and soda will come into contact chemical reaction, forming a sea of ​​bubbles and a slight hiss. We wait for the bubbles to go away, take out the colored egg and place it to dry.

After complete drying, specks will remain on the egg, which will give the Easter egg an interesting texture.

How to paint eggs with wax crayons?

It turns out to be very easy and simple to paint eggs with ordinary wax crayons. The method is simple and at the same time the Easter eggs turn out bright and original.

Boil the eggs, take them out, put them in a tray and start coloring. The egg should be dry and hot. The wax crayon melts on the egg, leaving beautiful, rich colors. Then put the eggs in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Then we clean the egg from small pieces of wax. That's all.

You can complicate this process a little and get a drawing like this.

To do this, just dip the eggs in liquid food coloring. Mini master class on coloring Easter eggs in the photo below.

Here's another interesting option coloring eggs for Easter.

Draw on a hot hard-boiled egg with white chalk. Then put the eggs in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Then soak the egg in vinegar and until it dries, pour liquid food coloring on it. This is how you get beautiful eggs with a white, unpainted mark.

Like these ones interesting ideas on coloring Easter eggs. The main thing is good mood and your imagination. Create for your health and be happy!


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