Prospects for the development of the Russian oil industry. Prospects for the development of the Russian oil industry in conditions of turbulence in the global oil market

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Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Chita State University.

Institute of economics and management.

Department of World Economics.

Course work

In the discipline Economic and Social Geography

Development and location of the oil and oil refining industry.

Head: Vasilchenko V.V., Performed by: Epova Ekaterina,

Candidate of Geographical Sciences, 1st year student of finance

Associate Professor of the Department of Information Faculty.

"World economy". Specialty BU-07-2.


Introduction ..................................................................................................................................3

Chapter 1: Territorial distribution of oil resources………………………...5

1.1. Oil producing areas…………………………………………………………….7

1.2. Oil pipelines and oil mains…………………………………………………………11

Chapter 2: Economic and geographical characteristics of the oil refining industry


Chapter 3: Problems and prospects for the development of the Russian oil complex………….17

3.1. Environmental problems of the industry……………………………………………………………....19

Conclusion ...........................................................................................................................22

Application: map "Regions of the oil and oil refining industry."

Literature .


The oil industry today is a large national economic complex that lives and develops according to its own laws.

What does oil mean for the national economy of the country today?

These are: raw materials for petrochemicals in the production of synthetic rubber, alcohols, polyethylene, polypropylene, a wide range of various plastics and finished products of which, artificial fabrics; source for the production of motor fuels (gasoline, kerosene, diesel and jet fuels), oils and lubricants, as well as boiler and heating oil (fuel oil), building materials(bitumen, tar, asphalt); raw materials for the production of a number of protein preparations used as additives in livestock feed to stimulate their growth.

Oil is our national wealth, the source of the country's power, the foundation of its economy.

Currently the oil industry Russian Federation ranks 3rd in the world. In terms of oil reserves as of 2006, our country is in 7th place in the world. In terms of production level, we are second only to Saudi Arabia and the USA.

The Russian oil complex includes 148 thousand oil wells, 48.3 thousand km main oil pipelines, 28 oil refineries with a total capacity of more than 300 million tons/year of oil, as well as a large number of other production facilities.

The enterprises of the oil industry and its service industries employ about 900 thousand workers, including about 20 thousand people in the field of science and scientific services.

Behind last decades There have been fundamental changes in the structure of the fuel industry associated with a decrease in the share of the coal industry and the growth of oil and gas production and processing industries. If in 1940 they amounted to 20.5%, then in 2004 - 75.3% of the total production of mineral fuel. Now natural gas and open-pit coal are coming to the fore. Oil consumption for energy purposes will be reduced; on the contrary, its use as a chemical raw material will expand. Currently, in the structure of the fuel and energy balance, oil and gas account for 74%, while the share of oil is decreasing, and the share of gas is growing and amounts to approximately 41%. The share of coal is 20%, the remaining 6% comes from electricity.

The largest Russian oil companies - TNK, LUKoil, Yukos, Rosneft and Surgutneftegaz - have oil reserves of almost 13 billion tons. The two largest large companies– LUKoil and Yukos produce about 40% of oil.
Crude oil and petroleum products account for approximately 40% of Russia's total exports; oil is a significant source of budget revenue. The Russian Federation acts as one of the leading operators in the international oil business, being the largest net exporter of oil after Saudi Arabia. In 2000, Russia exported approximately 145 million tons of crude oil and 50 million tons of petroleum products. Since 2000, exports of oil and petroleum products began to grow, and over the period since 1996 they have actually doubled. According to forecasts by the Russian Ministry of Energy, crude oil exports will increase to almost 300 million tons in 2010.

Chapter 1.

Territorial distribution of oil resources.

Before the revolution, almost all oil production in our country was concentrated in the Caucasus, where 97% of the oil was produced. In the 1930s, new oil fields were discovered in the Volga region and the Urals, but until the Great Patriotic War, the main oil-producing region was the Caucasus. In the 1940-1950s. Oil production in the Caucasus has decreased due to the depletion of fields (its production there is currently of local importance; in Russia it is the North Caucasus region). Oil production in the Volga-Ural region, on the contrary, increased greatly, as a result of which this region moved to first place in the oil industry of the USSR. Until recently, this was the most important area for proven oil reserves. Such famous deposits as Romashkinskoye, Bavlinskoye, Arlanskoye, Tuymazinskoye, Ishimbayevskoye, Mukhanovskoye, Kitel-Cherkasskoye, Buguruslanskoye, Korobkovskoye were discovered here. Oil production in this area is inexpensive, but Bashkortostan oil contains a lot of sulfur (up to 3%), paraffin and resins, which complicates its processing and reduces the quality of products. In the north and south they are adjacent to Perm and Orenburg.

In 1960 the first one was opened oil deposit V Western Siberia, and since the early 60s, about 300 oil and gas fields located in the vast territory of Western Siberia, from the Urals to the Yenisei. The Shaimsky, Surgutsky and Nizhnevartovsky oil-bearing areas are outlined, where such fields as Samotlorskoye, Ust-Balykskoye, Fedorovskoye, Megionskoye, Sosnitsko-Sovetskoye, Aleksandrovskoye, etc. are located. In 1964, industrial oil production began there. In subsequent years, the oil industry of Western Siberia grew at a very rapid pace and in 1974 it was ahead of all other regions of the USSR in oil production. Oil from Western Siberia is of good quality, high economic efficiency production Currently, Western Siberia is the main oil-producing region of the country.

The Ukhtinsky oil region (Tibugskoye and Vaivash fields) is located in the northeast of the European part of Russia. It supplies the north of the European part of the country with oil. Not far from it, at the confluence of the Usa River and Pechora, a group of oil fields is being developed (Timan-Pechersk oil and gas province). Part of the oil produced here is transported through a pipeline to Yaroslavl.

In addition to the main oil-producing areas, oil is produced in the north of Sakhalin Island (Okha field). From Sakhalin, oil is transported through oil pipelines to the mainland in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. There is an oil field of local importance in the Kaliningrad region.

Signs of oil potential are present in a vast territory of the North, Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

The country's oil industry has entered a qualitatively new, more complex stage of development, when there is a need to sharply increase the volume of prospecting and exploration work, especially in Eastern Siberia, in the depth zones under the gas fields of Western Siberia, in the shelf zones of the seas, the formation of the necessary production and technical bases. Oil production has begun in the Arctic, on the shelf near the island. Kolguev (Peschanoozerskoye field)

1.1. Oil producing areas.

To date, more than 60% of current oil reserves have been developed. In 2003, 421 million tons of oil were produced in Russia. As of 2003, Russia possessed 20 billion tons of proven oil. There are 840 fields under development, located in many regions of the country: from the Kaliningrad region in the west to Sakhalin Island in the east, from Kolguev Island in the Barents Sea in the north to the foothills of the Caucasus in the south. The main oil region is the West Siberian region, where more than 60% of current reserves are concentrated and 56% of Russian oil is produced. The second most important region is the Volga-Ural region, where 27% is produced, followed by the Timan-Pechersk oil and gas province - 13%, North Caucasus- 1.6%, Sakhalin - 0.5%.

West Siberian region . This is the largest oil and gas basin in the world, located within the West Siberian Plain in the Tyumen, Omsk, Kurgan, Tomsk and partially Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk regions, Krasnoyarsk and Altai territories, with an area of ​​about 3.5 million km. The oil and gas potential of the basin is associated with sediments of Jurassic and Cretaceous age. Most of the oil deposits are located at a depth of 2000-3000 meters. Oil from the West Siberian oil and gas basin is characterized by a low content of sulfur (up to 1.1%) and paraffin (less than 0.5%), a high content of gasoline fractions (40-60%), and an increased amount of volatile substances.

There are several dozen large deposits in Western Siberia. Among them are such famous ones as Samotlor, Megion, Ust-Balyk, Shaim, Strezhevoy. Most of them are located in the Tyumen region - a kind of core of the region.

Tyumen associated petroleum gas is processed at the Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Belozerny, Lokosovsky and Yuzhno-Balyksky gas processing plants. However, they use only about 60% of the most valuable petrochemical raw materials extracted from oil, the rest is burned in flares, which is explained by the lag in the commissioning of gas processing plants, the insufficient pace of construction of gas compressor stations and gas collection networks in oil fields.

Main problems of the oil industry The Russian Federation revealed the crisis of 2009. At the end of the beginning of the year, significant reductions occurred among works aimed at long-term development. First of all, this concerns seismic and exploratory drilling. A number of oil companies not only reduced their seismic research program, but also refused contracts. The decline in physical volumes of the seismic market in 2009 is estimated at 20 - 25%. Similar problems arose not only among small companies, but also from large ones, for example, from Tatneft. The volume of exploration drilling was reduced by almost half, supported mainly by two companies - Rosneft and Surgutneftegaz. But, with the support of the state, we should expect some stabilization of the situation; improvements should occur through government orders.

The main oil production region remains Western Siberia, where the main work is aimed at maintaining production volumes. The situation is similar in the Ural-Volga region, where the decline in production began even before the crisis. It is possible that projects to develop heavy high-viscosity oils Due to the high cost, they will most likely be frozen.

The processes in Eastern Siberia are especially painful, since the formation of a mining region is just beginning there, and a period of capital investment is underway. Drilling there is more expensive than in Western Siberia, and the infrastructure is poorly developed. The main hope lies with Gazprom, which owns the exploration tender in Yakutia.

The situation in the Timan-Pechora region is determined by the fact that the region has significant development potential and has convenient access to export routes. However, the main hydrocarbon reserves are located in hard-to-reach areas, including coastal zone or on the shelf. Many fields require active additional exploration and preparation for work.

The crisis interfered with plans for rapid development; oil industry companies faced the problem of a lack of funds. They had to significantly reduce capacity and abandon modernization and expansion programs. The main factor for survival during the crisis period was the preservation of basic capacities and competencies, diversification of the line of services, as well as the ability to reduce prices within small limits while maintaining the quality of work and services.

To the main problems modern development relate:

1. Irrational subsoil use ( low level extraction of oil reserves) and the unsatisfactory performance of most oil companies in reproducing the mineral resource base. Reproduction of the mineral resource base does not meet the objectives of developing oil production.

2. Slowing growth rates and falling oil production. In 2006-2008 for the first time in last years tendencies towards a decrease in oil production levels have emerged.

3. Unsatisfactory solution to the problems of recycling and qualified use of oil associated gas(NPG). The annual volume of associated gas combustion in Russia is about 20 billion m3. In the period from 2000 to 2008, the annual volume of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere from the combustion of associated gas increased 2.2 times, amounting in 2008 to 12% of the total annual volume of pollutant emissions in the country.

4. High degree of wear and tear on fixed assets of the oil refining industry and low quality of petroleum products. Most Russian refineries have a high degree of depreciation of fixed assets (up to 80%). As mentioned above, over the past 20 years, not a single new large modern oil refinery has been built in Russia (with the exception of the reconstruction of TAIF-NK OJSC). The refineries use outdated, energy-intensive and environmentally imperfect technologies; in the oil refining process flow there is a low proportion of deepening processes (catalytic cracking, hydrocracking, coking) and a low level of conversion of petroleum feedstock into more valuable refined products.

5. Low rates of application of new technologies and innovations. The significance of their use is determined by the increase in the share of hard-to-recover reserves (extra-viscous oils, natural bitumens) in the structure of the mineral resource base of the oil complex, the need to develop shelf fields and deep horizons in mature oil and gas provinces.

At the present stage, even despite the problems noted above, it can ensure the production of satisfactorily high-quality petroleum products, which are still noticeably inferior to the best world standards.

One of the most pressing problems at Russian refineries is fastest update and modernization of outdated equipment, machines and individual processes, bringing them to the modern world level. New technologies and new equipment are needed, replacement of physically and morally obsolete technological processes to more technically advanced and environmentally cleaner non-waste processes of deep and complex processing of petroleum raw materials.

Taking into account the key problems of domestic oil refining, it is necessary to solve the following main tasks:

— a significant expansion of oil refining based on the introduction of low-waste technological processes for the production of high-quality environmentally friendly motor fuels from heavy oil residues as the most effective means of reducing its consumption;

— further improvement and optimization of the quality of petroleum products;

— further increase in the efficiency of technological processes and refineries through technical re-equipment of production facilities, improvement technological schemes, development and implementation of high-intensity resource- and energy-saving technologies, active and selective catalysts;

— rapid development of production of raw materials and petrochemical products;

— mastering technology and increasing processing volumes gas condensates, natural gases and other alternative sources of hydrocarbons and motor fuels.

It will be implemented on the basis of consolidation of unit capacities, energy-technological combination of processes and complex automation using a computer, providing the required environmental safety production These directions are the general line of technological policy of the oil refining and petrochemical industries in the country.

Important factors when developing a development strategy oil industry is the transport infrastructure of the Russian oil complex. These include:

— the emergence of new oil production centers in the Caspian region and in the east of Russia (Eastern Siberia, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the shelf of Sakhalin Island) with a decrease in production in the traditional production areas of the European part of the country (Tataria, Bashkiria, the Caucasus);

— the feasibility of creating new export routes for Russian oil and petroleum products;

— the need to increase the capacity of oil loading terminals for sea deliveries of oil for export;

— the need to have a reserve of oil transportation capacity to ensure the transit of oil through the Russian pipeline system.

The oil industry currently produces 12-14% industrial products, provides 17-18% of federal budget revenues and more than 35% of foreign exchange earnings. But over the last period there has been a sharp deterioration in the resource base of the Russian Federation. The share of hard-to-recover reserves in the country has increased, which has led to a decrease in production volumes. The main reasons for the deterioration of the resource base are the natural depletion of subsoil and a sharp reduction in the volume of investments directed into this area of ​​activity. Deterioration and decline in oil production is predicted to continue in the future. This is due to the fact that most wells are in the final stage, and new wells have small deposit volumes. In this regard, the energy strategy developed by the Russian government is aimed at increasing investment in the oil industry. The main mode of transport of oil and petroleum products is main pipelines, but their current age structure is unpromising, since more than 50% of the total length of main oil pipelines are more than 20 years old. The lack of centralized financing and the shortage of own funds of organizations for the transport of oil and petroleum products cause a sharp reduction in the pace of development of the system and the volume of work on the technical reconstruction of fixed assets. But it is important that the proposed program for the construction of new pipelines is aimed not only at creating oil and petroleum products export flows to achieve Russia’s strategic goals, but also at forming and developing the domestic oil and petroleum products market.

Fuel resources provide energy not only for the entire industry of any country in the world, but also for almost all spheres of human life. The most important part of Russia is the oil and gas sector.

The oil and gas industry is a generalized name for a complex of industrial enterprises for the production, transportation, processing and distribution of final products of oil and gas processing. This is one of the most powerful industries of the Russian Federation, largely forming the budget and balance of payments of the country, ensuring foreign exchange earnings and maintaining the exchange rate of the national currency.

History of development

The beginning of the formation of the oil field into the industrial sector is considered to be 1859, when mechanical well drilling was first used in the United States. Now almost all oil is produced through wells with only differences in production efficiency. In Russia, oil extraction from drilled wells began in 1864 in Kuban. The production debit at that time was 190 tons per day. In order to increase profits, much attention was paid to the mechanization of extraction, and already at the beginning of the 20th century, Russia took a leading place in oil production.

The first main areas for oil extraction in Soviet Russia were the North Caucasus (Maykop, Grozny) and Baku (Azerbaijan). These depleting older deposits did not meet the needs of the developing industry, and significant efforts were made to discover new deposits. As a result, several fields were put into operation in Central Asia, Bashkiria, Perm and Kuibyshev regions, and the so-called Volga-Ural base was created.

The volume of oil produced reached 31 million tons. In the 60s, the amount of black gold mined increased to 148 million tons, of which 71% came from the Volga-Ural region. In the 70s, fields in the West Siberian basin were discovered and put into operation. With oil exploration, large quantities of gas deposits were discovered.

The importance of the oil and gas industry for the Russian economy

The oil and gas industry has a significant impact on the Russian economy. Currently, it is the basis for budget formation and ensuring the functioning of many other sectors of the economy. The value of the national currency largely depends on world oil prices. Carbon energy resources extracted in the Russian Federation make it possible to fully satisfy domestic demand for fuel, ensure the country's energy security, and also make a significant contribution to the global energy resource economy.

The Russian Federation has enormous hydrocarbon potential. The Russian oil and gas industry is one of the leading in the world, fully meeting domestic current and future needs for oil and their processed products. A significant amount of hydrocarbon resources and their products are exported, ensuring the replenishment of foreign exchange reserves. Russia ranks second in the world in terms of liquid hydrocarbon reserves with a share of about 10%. Oil reserves have been explored and developed in the depths of 35 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Oil and gas industry: structure

There are several structural core processes that make up the oil and gas industry: oil and gas production, transportation and refining industries.

  • Hydrocarbon production is a complex process that includes exploration of deposits, drilling of wells, direct production and primary purification from water, sulfur and other impurities. The production and pumping of oil and gas to the commercial metering station is carried out by enterprises or structural divisions, the infrastructure of which includes booster and cluster pumping stations, water discharge installations and oil pipelines.
  • Transportation of oil and gas from production sites to metering centers, to processing plants and the final consumer is carried out using pipeline, water, road and rail transport. and main lines) are the most economical way to transport hydrocarbons, despite very expensive structures and maintenance. Oil and gas are transported by pipeline transport over long distances, including across different continents. Transportation by waterways using tankers and barges with a displacement of up to 320 thousand tons is carried out in intercity and international communications. Rail and truck transport can also be used to transport crude oil over long distances, but is most cost effective on relatively short routes.
  • Processing of raw hydrocarbon energy carriers is carried out in order to obtain various types petroleum products. First of all, this different types fuels and raw materials for subsequent chemical processing. The process is carried out at oil refineries of refineries. Final products of processing, depending on chemical composition, are divided into different brands. The final stage of production is the mixing of the various components obtained in order to obtain the required composition corresponding to a specific

Deposits of the Russian Federation

The Russian oil and gas industry includes 2,352 developing oil fields. The largest oil and gas region in Russia is Western Siberia, which accounts for 60% of all black gold produced. A significant part of oil and gas is produced in the Khanty-Mansi and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs. Volume of product production in other regions of the Russian Federation:

  • Volga-Ural base - 22%.
  • Eastern Siberia - 12%.
  • Northern deposits - 5%.
  • Caucasus - 1%.

The share of Western Siberia in natural gas production reaches almost 90%. The largest deposits (about 10 trillion cubic meters) are located in the Urengoyskoye field in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Volume of gas production in other regions of the Russian Federation:

  • Far East - 4.3%.
  • Volga-Ural deposits - 3.5%.
  • Yakutia and Eastern Siberia - 2.8%.
  • Caucasus - 2.1%.

and gas

The goal of refining is to turn crude oil and gas into marketable products. Refined petroleum products include heating oil, gasoline for vehicles, jet fuel, and diesel fuel. The petroleum refining process includes distillation, vacuum distillation, catalytic reforming, cracking, alkylation, isomerization and hydrotreating.

Natural gas processing includes compression, amine treatment, and glycol dehydration. The fractionation process involves dividing a liquefied natural gas stream into its component parts: ethane, propane, butane, isobutane and natural gas gasoline.

The largest companies in Russia

Initially, all the largest oil and gas fields were developed exclusively by the state. Today, these facilities are available for use by private companies. In total, the Russian oil and gas industry includes more than 15 large production enterprises, including the well-known Gazprom, Rosneft, Lukoil, and Surgutneftegaz.

The oil and gas industry in the world allows solving important economic, political and social objectives. Given favorable conditions on world energy markets, many oil and gas suppliers are making significant investments in the national economy using export revenues and demonstrating exceptional growth dynamics. Most clear examples can be considered the countries of South-West Asia, as well as Norway, which, with low industrial development, thanks to hydrocarbon reserves, has become one of the most prosperous countries in Europe.

Development prospects

The oil and gas industry of the Russian Federation largely depends on the market behavior of its main production competitors: Saudi Arabia and the United States. The total amount of hydrocarbons produced does not in itself determine world prices. The dominant indicator is the percentage of production in a particular oil country. The cost of production in different leading countries in production varies significantly: the lowest in the Middle East, the highest in the United States. When the volume of oil production is unbalanced, prices can change in one direction or the other.

The Russian oil industry (photos below) is the largest source of financial revenue to the country's budget. This is not surprising, since " black gold» considered one of the most expensive domestic natural resources. In terms of the volume of its production, our state occupies a leading position on the planet. Here its share, according to analytical data, is about 13%.

Discovery of the first deposits

Most researchers argue that the history of the Russian oil industry dates back to the fifteenth century. It was then that reserves of “black gold” were first discovered in Ukhta. The first production for its extraction was founded by a resident of Arkhangelsk F. S. Pryadunov in 1745. For a whole century, oil production was a very unprofitable activity, which was explained by the narrow scope of its application. Only after the invention of the kerosene lamp in 1853 did the demand for this mineral increase many times over.

Start of production

The Russian oil industry began to actively develop with the advent of the first exploration oil well, which was drilled on the Apshera Peninsula in 1847, and seventeen years later industrial production began on the Kudako River (Kuban). In 1879, the Nobel Brothers Oil Production Partnership began to function in the city of Baku, which specialized not only in the extraction of raw materials, but also in their processing. The company has created its own network for the transportation and sale of “black gold”, which included oil pipelines, wagons, oil depots with an approach railway tracks and tankers. The rapid development of the Russian oil industry led to the fact that already at the end of the nineteenth century the first foreign investors appeared in it, who became the Rothschilds and Rockefeller.

Revolutionary period

The revolutionary events that took place in the country at the beginning of the last century led to a crisis in all sectors of the economy. Hydrocarbon production was no exception. The coup d'état led to an outflow of foreign investment and a reduction in oil production by several times. The problems of the Russian oil industry at this time are also related to the fact that most of the industry’s workers were diverted to participate in revolutionary processes. Only after the stabilization of the state in the twenties political system The development of mining and processing of “black gold” began to gradually return to its previous course. During Soviet times it constantly developed.

General state of the industry today

As noted above, as of today, the most profitable sector of the economy is the Russian oil industry. A map showing the largest deposits of this mineral is presented below.

Western Siberia has become the main center of the industry. Due to the implementation modern technologies here is the volume of raw material production in Lately has grown significantly and now amounts to about 117 million tons per year (61% of the entire country). At the same time, due to the constant development of other fields, its share in production is gradually decreasing. The most significant regions in the European part of the country, which accounts for a third of the industry, are the Volga region, the Urals and the North Caucasus.

Largest mining enterprises

As of today, approximately 320 companies are engaged in oil production in the state. It should be noted that about 180 of them are independent enterprises. At the same time, the remaining part of the operators is part of the vertically integrated structure of oil and gas companies. The Russian oil and gas industry is heavily dependent on companies such as Rosneft, Surgutneftegaz, Gazprom Group, TNK-BP, Lukoil, Tatneft, Russ Neft and Bashneft. The fact is that these eight companies account for about 90% of hydrocarbon production. The largest producer Oil not only in our country, but throughout the world is the Rosneft company, which controls more than 37% of the domestic market and annually produces approximately 195 million tons of “black gold”.

Oil refining

In terms of volume of primary oil refining, the Russian Federation is second only to the United States and China. Our country's total capacity in this industry averages 280 million tons per year. It is impossible not to focus on the fact that there is currently a tendency towards a slight reduction in this area of ​​activity. This can be explained by the fact that the entire oil industry in Russia is now experiencing a period of active modernization existing installations. Its result should be to bring fuel production to a level not lower than Euro-3. The need for improvement is caused by the constant growth in demand for aviation kerosene and motor gasoline, as well as increasing requirements for them in terms of quality. Be that as it may, in 2012 the maximum volume of primary processing of “black gold” was achieved in the entire history of the industry. At the same time, the installations involved in it operated at 95% capacity.

Structure of petroleum products output

Speaking about the structure of petroleum products production, it should be noted that the production of medium and heavy fractions now dominates among them. Heating oil accounts for approximately 37% of the market, petroleum fuels and oils - 35%, motor gasoline - 19%, other - 9%. Interesting feature is that the share of high-octane gasoline grades (A-92 and A-95) in the production of this type of fuel is almost 93%.


As noted above, the development of the Russian oil industry is the key to rapid economic growth state, since it accounts for a significant share of financial revenues to the treasury. This is due to the large total volumes of exports of raw materials and finished products, which, according to statistics, is about 240 million tons per year. At the same time, about 12% of products are transported to neighboring countries, and 88% to non-CIS countries. An interesting feature in the structure of oil and petroleum products exports is that almost 80% of them go to the states of the Atlantic region, while the Pacific region receives only 20%. It is much more profitable to process diesel fuel and fuel oil in recipient countries than to constantly increase the rates of deep oil refining in our country. Since domestically produced gasoline is inferior in quality to European products, the bulk of it is supplied to its own market. At the same time, more than 78% of fuel oil and diesel fuel are sold abroad.

The main problems of the oil industry

According to various sources, the total reserve of “black gold” in the domestic subsoil ranges from 20 to 35 billion tons. In general, in recent years, the Russian oil industry has been characterized by a gradual deterioration of the raw material base. This is due not only to a reduction in reserves, but also to a deterioration in the quality of extracted raw materials. The fact is that the percentage of difficult-to-recover oil is growing all the time. And the volume of financial investments in the industry is not sufficient to cope with current and future challenges. If a similar trend continues, then in the next few decades the country may be left without ready-made sites for mining. This is the main problem of the Russian oil industry. Their presence is indicated by a number of signs. Among them, we can note a decrease in the volume of proven reserves (in absolute terms), a slowdown in the pace of commissioning of new wells, a reduction in the number of drilling operations, an increase in the stock of inactive wells, as well as severe wear and tear of fixed assets.

Development prospects

So, what are the prospects for the development of the Russian oil industry? First of all, it is necessary to focus on the fact that the extraction of raw materials in the next ten years, according to scientists’ calculations, will decrease by almost 20%. Even development on the shelf and in Eastern Siberia will not be able to significantly affect this situation. At the same time, the decrease in production occurs against the backdrop of a huge supply of resources to domestic processing companies. For example, the balance of reserves at TNK-BP will last for 50 years, and at Lukoil for 40 years. Some analysts are very optimistic about the prospects for the development of the Russian oil industry. According to the forecasts of the domestic Ministry of Energy, it is quite possible to reach the “black gold” production rate of 530 million tons by 2030. It should be achieved through new fields, which are currently being developed in Eastern Siberia, Yakutia and Yamal. Great hopes are also placed on projects that should be implemented on the shelf of the Pechora, Kara, Black, Okhotsk and Barents Seas.

Role in the economy

According to statistics, as of 2001, oil workers provided one tenth of the total production capacity our country. Due to the high competitiveness of products, even during the global economic crisis The decline in production volumes of domestic companies operating in the industry was much smaller compared to other areas of the economy. The Russian oil industry still remains the main supplier of funds to the budget, where its share has reached 13%. According to the Ministry of Finance, according to the results of last year, oil and petroleum products were sold at total amount, exceeding 194 billion US dollars.


Based on scientists’ forecasts, reserves of “black gold” will dry up in the bowels of the Earth in about forty years. Not all experts agree with this. Many argue that a huge number of deposits with unknown reserves of this mineral still remain undiscovered. Be that as it may, the Russian government has no plans to reduce oil exports in the near future. Moreover, the oil industry faces the goal of increasing production volumes. Thus, we can only hope that the actual reserves of raw materials will be sufficient at least until such time as other sources of energy and fuel come to the fore not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

Prospects for the development of the Russian oil and gas industry include constant and economically effective compensation of internal and external demand for hydrocarbon raw materials, compiling the financial demand of spheres of the domestic economy.

In addition to the above factors, this also includes balanced taxes in the financial treasury of the state, provision of security in the energy complex, and the formation of political interests.

Resolving issues regarding the development prospects of the Russian oil and gas industry

Based on the energy policy of the Russian Federation, further prospects for the development of the oil and gas industry need to address the following issues:

  • Ensuring the restoration of the resource base of the oil and gas industry;

  • Proper use of gas and oil reserves;

  • Security of the energy complex;

  • Reducing costs and losses at all stages of processes;

  • Expanding the number of domestic oil and gas enterprises on foreign market platforms;

  • High-quality processing of minerals;

  • Development and modernization of new fields.

Prospects for the development of the oil and gas industry in Russia will be based on international prices, tax payments, quantities internal use, promotion of the transport sector, technological solutions in the exploration of new deposits. The global cost of hydrocarbon resources will depend on the degree of development of the international economy and the activity of introducing other energy sources.

Promotion oil and gas industry in the near future includes the solution of two tasks - increasing the long-term stability and efficiency of activities in this industry. This also includes providing the required investment in the oil and gas sector, which will provide opportunities for new avenues for economic development. These tasks are completely interconnected.

The oil and gas segment has great importance in solving domestic problems and significantly depends on the development and size of the economy.

Prospects for the development of the oil and gas industry in the near future include solving the following problems of Russian energy policy:

  • Promotion of domestic oil and gas trade;

  • Regulation by the Federal Resource Fund;

  • Creating stability in this area;

  • Innovative, scientific, technical and social policy in the oil and gas field.

The solution to these problems depends on the stable and long-term advancement of the oil and gas industry. This significantly increases the likelihood of failure to complete the assigned tasks. Therefore, it is necessary to attract the domestic authorities and government bodies government. Only in this way can the promotion of the oil and gas segment achieve maximum effectiveness and all mineral reserves will be effectively used.

Prospects for the development of the oil and gas industry at the exhibition

All existing problems in the oil and gas industry will be discussed in detail at the Neftegaz exposition, which is organized at the Expocentre Fairgrounds. The event also provides an opportunity to obtain information about the prospects for the development of the oil and gas industry.

"Neftegaz" is great chance for advanced global manufacturing enterprises to demonstrate their own mining and processing equipment, as well as form direct market contracts and solve other marketing issues. This is an ideal way for foreign and domestic specialists in the oil and gas industry to carry out business negotiations, start new projects, and gain information about global prospects and promotion trends.

Expocentre holds more and more exhibition events every year. The exhibition center organizes exhibitions of any scale, so over the course of the year, more than 800 lectures, conferences, seminars, business projects and exhibitions are held as part of the company’s activities. All this attracts a huge number of interested parties. It is estimated that approximately 2 million people visit the complex annually.

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