Side quests. Walkthrough of the game Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

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In Deus Ex: Mankind Divided There are quite a few side missions, with some being easy to miss and others only appearing if you complete the previous side missions correctly. Below you will find a list of all the side missions in the game with a brief explanation of where you can take each mission and what you need to do to get the next side mission in the chain (if there is one).



There are quite a few side missions in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, some of which are easy to miss and others that will only appear if you complete the previous side missions correctly.

Below you will find a list of all the side missions in the game with a brief explanation of where you can take each mission and what you need to do to get the next side mission in the chain (if there is one).

Where to find side mission 00 - Neon Nights

This task can be taken at the very beginning of the game. Take a walk through Adam's house - a few floors below you will see an apartment highlighted in red on the map - this is a restricted area. You can get inside in two ways: by breaking the door or using the ventilation. You can do whatever you want with the person inside the apartment - the main thing is to inspect the computer hidden behind a box of beer in the kitchen.

Where to find side mission 01 - Golden Ticket

You can start this task at the northeastern checkpoint of the Chapek Fountain area. Approach the policeman guarding the passage and tell him that you want to get a pass. The policeman will turn out to be corrupt and will send you to a fake ID dealer.

Where to find side mission 02 - Cult of Personality

Not far from the house where Adam lives, there is a hatch leading to the sewer - you go there. After going down, turn right, then left and go forward until you see a round tunnel on the right. Walk straight until you hit a gate, then talk to the character at the gate.

Where to find side mission 03 - Mysterious Augmentations

Did Koller find out that Adam has additional implants hidden in his body? Great. Go to your apartment and call Sharif using the remote control remote control lying on the table in front of the TV. After this, you will have to wait a little - the quest will be fully activated only after you return to Prague from Golem City.

Where to find side mission 04 - Calibrator

Not far from the Palisade metro station there is a cozy courtyard with sewer hatch- it's located right behind the Tubehouse, you've probably found it. Go down into the sewer and go left along the tunnel. Quite quickly you will come across a casino, with the owner of which, Otar, you need to talk very carefully. During the conversation, speak openly with Otar three times, and then accept his invitation - the quest is in your pocket.

Where to find side mission 05 - Samizdat

This quest can be taken during your first visit to the headquarters of Squad 29, where Adam serves. To activate the task, talk to Peter Chang, he can be found at the squad headquarters.

Where to find side mission 06 - 01011000

The quest appears to appear at a random moment shortly after returning to Prague from Golem City. Look around, if you notice a glitchy advertising panel (you can't go wrong), then come closer to it - it will send you to a store not far from Capek station. Go inside, go down the stairs and use one of the computers.

Where to find side mission 07 - Fade into the Shadows

The mission will appear after you explore the network found in Miller's office (this is a story mission). Talk to the doctor of squad 29 and say that you want to help her - this will activate the task.

Where to find side mission 08 - Fix

This task will appear on your second visit to Prague, immediately after completing side task 04. Koller will call you and offer to meet - go to him.

Where to find side mission 09 - All in the Family

To begin, you must complete side quest 04. After you have dealt with Luis in Golem City and returned to Prague, you will receive a call from Otar - go to the Red Queen and meet with Masa.

Where to find side mission 10 - Reaper

After your return from Golem City, it turns out that there was a murder right next to Adam's house. Follow the alley south of the house until you come across a telltale crime scene. Talk to the bald detective, and after him, talk to the girl witness.

Where to find side mission 11 - The Last Harvest

If you did everything correctly during the previous mission, it will become clear that the murder was committed by a copycat and the person whom the police considers the main person involved has nothing to do with the murder. Tell the detective about this and wait for a call.

Where to find side mission 12 - K is for Kazdi

If you completed side quest 05, then during your third visit to Prague, a point of interest will appear on your map somewhere in the sewers. Go there and talk to K, who needs your help. Agree.

Never before have xenophobes exposed themselves to such danger! Bullets did not bounce off the Indians, and even the strongest black slave could not unbend his shackles. This time, the dissatisfied will face a most difficult test: Augs - people with mechanical prostheses. A minority that is supposed to be oppressed, and yet almost every representative of it can easily destroy any oppressor. If he doesn't chicken out. A thin wall of consciousness and fear protects humanity from bloody revenge for the shortest and still cruel period of oppression.

Marks over the heads of enemies are an inevitable genre convention, but terribly useful.

The benefit for adherents of open combat is obvious: the more convenient it is for the hero to change position, the easier it is to escape from under fire. And this will be useful to you - the enemies love attacks from the rear and generally cut Jensen off surprisingly quickly, especially if you stupidly do it a lot.

For quiet people, shelters are also useful: they help to better control the situation due to the third-person view. Augmentations such as supervision are rapidly losing their usefulness: why look through walls when sliding between covers and looking around corners is quite convenient?

And the stealth system itself has been improved. Visibility indicators have appeared, as in any decent stealth action game. Even the tricks hand-to-hand combat Finally, you can use it immediately from behind cover or, for example, right around a corner. Simply put, stealth has become much smoother and has more options.

Antivirus is powerless

A competitive mode also appeared in Mankind Divided. It was called BREACH, and it is dedicated to hackers infiltrating the servers of influential companies. It's essentially the skeleton of Deus Ex, bare mechanics immersed in virtual reality. There are no boxes with junk, no civilians, no tinsel - only white walls, information columns and security systems that need to be bypassed.

In this form, to be honest, Deus Ex is not that interesting - the value of a game without ambiance and environment is quickly lost. However, you want to compare your intellect with other virtuosos of corporate espionage? There is also leveling up of the avatar with the purchase of new augmentations (partly new, partly borrowed from the main game), inventory, weapons and different techniques a type of silent elimination.

For successful operations on other people's servers, you are rewarded with experience and packages of equipment. And if you can’t wait to upgrade your avatar to the development ceiling, exchange rubles for chipsets and buy everything you need.

This is where the dog is buried.

However, the optional nature of the BREACH mode does not allow one to swear too much about microtransactions. But it's strange to see them in Deus Ex. It's like discovering hats in or purchasable skins in Fallout.

Titan straightens its shoulders

The core mechanics have not changed. The same levels, full of secret passages and delicious nooks for storing bodies. The same endless ventilation shafts. But the opponents are more densely spaced and run away from the entire level if you raise the alarm.

A battle with such a tough enemy is noisy and dirty; it’s easier to sneak behind his back.

Because of this, it has become noticeably more difficult to play, but new experimental augmentations save the day. There are only seven of them, but each one expands the field of work of any agent, both silent and reckless. For example, Tesla is a shocker that knocks out villains at a distance of several meters. At first, nothing special, but after improvement it knocks down as many as four reptiles with one shot.

Another epic modification is the blade shot from the hand: a silent death that nails the corpse to the wall like a hunting trophy. Or the Titan armor, which absorbs a ton of damage. There's also an electromagnetic jolt, time dilation, and a jerk almost like Corvo Attano's.

Didn't this skew the mechanics? Not at all, all these augmentations simply won’t work at once. Since they are experimental and generally installed in an unknown place and when to Adam (there is a separate intrigue here), they overload the system, being activated at the same time. We have to choose whether to turn off the old implants to free up some more of Adam’s internal resources, or ignore some of the new ones. There is no need to be afraid, the new augmentations will not have a fundamental impact, but will only expand the range of possibilities in the form that you prefer.

Thus, a new Mission is obtained in which you have to go to Ruzicka station. And then, after the chip is installed correctly, Alex will inform you that it will take more time to decipher the new algorithm.

We leave the TF29 office and move to the newly designated location in the direction of the station. According to Miller, Investigator Smiley was previously sent there but never returned. Your task is to determine why he disappeared.

  • Deus Ex: Mankind Divided walkthrough - path to the station

We are going to Ruzicka. There we meet Smiley and watch the cut-scene. After it, Smiley will tell you that some important Evidence (picture) was found, it is contained in a data storage device, but the police will not let anyone in, but he will tell you where to find this Evidence and how to do it unnoticed. From this moment the action begins.

  • Deus Ex: Mankind Divided walkthrough - get evidence

We go up the stairs, on the left we find and break into the first locked door. In the room behind it we find and move plastic box so that you can climb through it into the ventilation. We get in there and in this way we bypass the police cordon. In the next room where it leads us ventilation duct, we find a couple of policemen, let them pass by, jump to the floor, turn right and go up the stairs. We come across four more guards patrolling the area. Now you need to show a little intelligence to pick up the chip. You can do it quietly, that is, without shooting and using the invisibility mode.

By the way, if there is shooting, then the alarm is raised throughout the entire location..

  • Deus Ex: Mankind Divided walkthrough - ride on Cista CTVRT

Having picked up the chip, we quickly leave this location and go to the headquarters at the Cista CTVRT station. As soon as you leave the station, Miller will contact you and puzzle you with a new request. I'll have to meet with psychiatrist Delara Ozen. We complete the passage and move on to the new part of the game “Taking care of business”.

Publication date: 09/03/2016 11:30:06

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided- This is not a shooter. On the contrary, it is role-playing game, in which you can shoot. It allows for a surprisingly deep experience: you have countless options, from how to play the game (loud, quiet, or just talking) to your individual decisions during playthrough.

In this cyberpunk world, Adam Jensen can find, study and manipulate various items. In this guide you will see some tips that will make your adventure as enjoyable as possible.

Buy it now

IN Deus Ex main feature There was always freedom of action for the player. You can play through the game the way you want, but the list of available options is very limited. Sometimes it’s completely discouraging to see a ventilation grill that you can’t reach just because you upgraded the wrong skill a couple of moments ago. If you buy the following augmentations, you will save yourself a lot of nerve cells.

Remote hacking – one of the most important improvements in the game. With it, you only have to look at the device to hack it for a small fee in energy (and by pressing a button at the right time). Leveling up this skill to the end will allow you to hack robots, turrets and security cameras, which is perfect for both a quiet killer and an aggressive fighter. And considering that this ability only costs 3 Praxis points, we can safely say that this is a good deal. And don’t be afraid to cut off your path to leveling up - if you complete all the side tasks (and this is worth doing!), you will always have experience, and therefore leveling up.

High jump – without the ability to jump high, you will not be able to reach the roof or do cool trick. Access to ventilation and roofs will be closed, and therefore some methods of entry will not be available to you.

Social corrector – with its help, any NPC with whom you can talk will highlight the “correct” answer options in the dialogue. By choosing the right answer, you will recognize their character, which means it will be easier to convince them of something. You won't need this very often, but when you do, you can turn the situation on its head.

Optimized Muscle – in most cases, the hole in the ventilation will be covered by a well-placed vending machine, and without muscle improvements you will only have to burn through the ventilation grille with your eyes from a distance.

Place objects on top of each other

The street environment is filled with various physical objects that are great for distracting security guards. But the best among them was the trash container. On one of the missions you need to get into the cult headquarters from the first floor to the top. Or you can go outside and build a tower that will take you to your destination. Don't forget to stop by the fourth floor along the way to complete a side quest and gain some experience.

Complete all side missions

Completing the storyline takes approximately seven hours, while you can complete it in 30 if you do everything that is given. There are a lot of hidden, extra things in the game, and without extra experience your abilities will be greatly limited, unlike if you went through everything carefully. The side quests will give you the experience you need to buy any upgrades you find useful. At later levels the game turns into a complex spy game playground, which tests every aspect of your cybernetic arsenal. There are also great stories behind these missions that add to the civil rights politics picture of the universe. Dig into your past (for which you will receive an invaluable reward) or help a scammer hack a billboard to show everyone the truth... or just for the sake of experience.

...Or ignore all missions and explore Prague

Prague is not Skyrim for you. This is a huge, densely populated center with a lot of interesting things to do. Almost every building has something hidden, from letters on a laptop that add to the storyline to a cache of weapons or upgrades. The sewer system is a whole labyrinth, exploring the smelly walls of which you can come across the entrance to the shelter, to which you could for a long time not understanding which side to approach. And of course, there, in Prague, it’s simply beautiful. Compared to any of the previous parts, here you can see that attention was paid to every detail.

Read all letters and pocket secretaries

Huge texts in small fonts can strain your eyes, but in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided reading emails and pocket secretaries is necessary for additional features penetration. Some contain access codes and passwords for computers, while others may describe alternative routes. For example, you might find a letter that describes how the leaves ended up in storage. If you go outside and follow the trail of leaves, it will lead you to a secret entrance that you would never notice in real life.

Check if there is a button under the table

You have to find a secret door at least once in your life.

If you like stealth, don't buy disguises

It turns stealth into energy distribution, which isn't very interesting and you miss interesting methods penetrations (hacking, research, reconnaissance). With the “Cloaking System” ability, the entire gameplay boils down to moving from one cover to another and sitting there waiting for the perk to recharge. It’s better to adopt the “Icarus Dash” - a clumsy version of teleportation from, and then develop your hacking skills. Try to play the role of a secretive cyberpunk.

Don't throw all augmentations into a pile

By the end of the game you will have enough points to use as you wish, but at the beginning your abilities will be limited. Of course, the idea of ​​pouring all the points into the combat or hacking branch seems tempting, and fully developed specialization in the early stages would not be superfluous, but only in selected places. There are no missions in this game where you only need to use one augmentation, so hacking is, of course, good, but if you need to flank an enemy or move freely around the map, you will be stuck in a corner. At first, distribute your points so that you can always get out of difficult situation. Become an aspiring hacker with bunny hops and bulging biceps rather than just a badass hacker.

Personalize your game

Whatever one may say, the games in the series Deus Ex are famous for their non-linearity during passage. What's interesting is how you react to a situation and deal with it. Of course, you can constantly load and beat the game silently the first time, but to make the passage truly memorable, leave everything as is. Reason based on the situation and your skills, and try to try the most extraordinary option that comes to mind. Often it works, and the impressions stay with you for a long time.

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The main advantage Human Revolution Many critics at one time called the presence of well-developed side quests in the game. Yes, there were few of them when compared with other role-playing projects (a little more than a dozen), but they were damn exciting and interesting. Among the additional tasks, there were practically no missions of the “kill and fetch” type - they all had an exciting story at their core with an unpredictable ending.

Luckily, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided follows in the footsteps of its predecessor and offers players some incredibly interesting side quests that are unlocked as they progress through the main story. Naturally, when performing them you will have to make a serious moral choice, accept important decisions and meet a considerable number of charismatic characters. Some side quests may even seem more exciting to many users than the main ones.

In this walkthrough, we'll walk you through how to complete all of the side quests in the game, as well as show you how the choices you make will differ so you can find best option. Let us note in advance that most of the side missions can be found in the city of Prague, which is the largest location in Mankind Divided.

SM00 – Neon Nights

Neon Nights is a side quest in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. In it you will explore the Neon trade in Prague, finding yourself in the middle of a war between several gangs. There are a couple of points in this mission where you can easily get stuck, not knowing what to do next. That is why we have compiled this guide.

How to start: eavesdrop on the conversation of the drug addicts standing in the yard located to the west of the police post. They will talk about the Neon trade. Once you listen to their conversation to the end, a marker will appear on your map pointing to the dealer's house.

Flower trade

Description: The yard located right next to my house is a real trading platform, where a wide variety of drugs are sold, including Neon. Bonbon and her gang sell drugs here day and night. According to the information I received, they are using apartment 22 Zelen as their base of operations. It's just two floors down from my apartment.

We go to the building where Adam lives. You will need to get into apartment number 22, located on the first floor. There are several ways to do this. For example, you can use the ventilation hole located on landing between the first and second floors. Or you can login via front door using the access code (code – 0310). Inside you will have to deal with 2 dealers. After you knock them out, go to the kitchen and hack the laptop lying on the counter - it has level 3 security. Read email to complete the current stage and move on to the next stage of the quest.

Behind our backs

We go to the apartment building located north of the Palisade metro station. The apartment we need is on the ground floor. You can either hack the door (Security Level 2) or use a remote hacking device to open the curtains on the window and jump into the window above. Once you're inside, go to the bathroom and pick up the pocket secretary lying on the edge of the bathtub. After this, a new target will appear.


Naturally, you don't have to look for a special key card to get into the party. There are other ways to get into the desired building. Go to the marker indicated on the map, and as a result you will find yourself near the entrance to the building. If you have already opened an augmentation that increases strength, then drag the heavy steel boxes on the left to open up the path to the staff corridor. Let's warn you in advance that the floor is energized (you can simply run across it and then heal yourself if necessary).

You can also blow up the door with a frag grenade. After this, you need to run away from the building and wait until the NPC’s panic passes.

Once you're inside, find closed door and hack it. Inside you will find a corpse. Search his pockets and take the portable secretary. Read the information hidden in it to launch next stage missions.

Door of Perception

Go to apartment number 84, located in apartment building Libuse in the northeast of Prague. Go inside (you can either hack the door or go through the vent) and then find the secret room in the kitchen. To access it you will need to use a hidden switch - it is a spray bottle lying near the sink. While in a secret room, find the safe and crack it (4th security level). Inside you will find a pocket secretary, the information in which can open access to the next stage of the quest.

Where all colors come from

Go down into the sewer located near Adam's apartment. You will need to go through several locked gates (they open with the code 0311), between which there will be a turret. The place we need is guarded by half a dozen soldiers, a bunch of cameras and several turrets. The target is in the far right corner of the base, in the back room. If you manage to sneak inside, you can talk to the chemist personally. We tried to persuade her to help us, but we didn’t succeed - perhaps we should use threats.

If she still does not agree to help you, then you will have to get to the tanks on your own. You can either hack the door, or lower the ladder and climb it to the roof, where the terminal for disabling the lasers is located. Next, you should place 2 batteries in the tanks and activate the terminal inside the room to pour out the chemicals and thereby destroy them. After pressing the button you will receive the Neon Nights trophy.

SM01 – Golden Ticket

The Golden Ticket is one of the side quests in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided that can be completed at initial stage games. You can start it from the Capek Fountain, the Prague starting location. In it you will have to deal with extortionists and counterfeiters who are taking the last crumbs from the weak and disadvantaged. If you can complete this task, you will receive the “Golden Ticket” achievement.

How to start: Go to the police checkpoint located in the northeastern part of the Prague starting area and talk to one of the policemen. Tell him that you are interested in receiving a special pass.

Meet with a document agent

Description: A cop named Drahomir runs one of the most shady spots in the area. I should meet with his friend, the “document agent,” to find out more information about his affairs. Apparently, he will be waiting for me in the courtyard of a residential building located in Prekazka. I think I've already been to the place he's talking about. It was previously used as a toy factory.

You will find the agent in the courtyard located behind the house where Adam lives. He will be standing near the entrance to the toy factory. Talk to him and choose the answer option in which you do not agree to buy a pass for credit cards. This will open access to the next stage of the task.

Deal with the counterfeiters on the top floor

Now you have two options to choose from: you can either eliminate the agent and his bodyguard, or leave them alive and sneak in using your stealth skills. For those who choose the second option, we advise you to use the nearby construction site and the ledges on the buildings to get into the yard. The easiest way to get to the counterfeiter is through the use of ventilation shafts, which can be accessed from the storage room located to the left of the entrance.

If you agree to deliver the permits to the clients, the mission will continue. Milena will also give you the access code to the safe (2489) where the counterfeiters keep their money.

Meet Edward and Irenka

Irenka is hiding in the basement of the Vincent Van Aug gallery, not far from Jensen's apartment. Edward is located in the Minimarket Praha, located behind the Fontan Čapek metro station. The bandit will hold him at gunpoint, so you have to choose how to deal with the villain and at the same time prevent him from shooting Edward. You can, for example, sneak up on him from behind and knock him out with an instant knockout.

Deal with Dragomir

The easiest stage. You just need to go to the checkpoint and talk to one of the armored policemen - a young girl. Tell her about all the dirty deeds of Dragomir. The police themselves will eliminate their corrupt colleague.

Activate passes

Now it is necessary to confirm the permissions that Milena made for Edward and Irenka. Go to the Monument metro station. Once you are in this area, go to the State Registration Office, located south of the station. Go to the back room (access code - 6788) and use the computer to access the registration console. Approach one of the staff and ask them to confirm permissions. After this, you will be given the Golden Ticket trophy.

SM02 – Cult of Personality

The Cult of Personality is one of many other side quests in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. In it you have to investigate a mysterious religious cult operating in the sewers under the Capek Fountain. You will have to confront a powerful hypnotist, and as a reward you will receive good prizes. If you don't kill anyone, then you will have to face a lot of difficulties. After completing the mission, you will receive the “Cult of Personality” achievement.

How to start: Talk to Viznik in the sewers located under the building where Adam lives. Go to the hatch located in the alley south of apartment building, and then go down the stairs. Next you need to turn right. Follow the left tunnel until you find a man standing next to a locked door.

Infiltrate a restricted area

Description: Viznik looks worn out. He was greatly frightened by a certain person named Richard. I agreed to meet this man and find out what he was doing.

Viznik will give you a key card. Use it to open the large door and enter the place where the cult meetings are taking place. As you approach the pedestal, Richard will begin his speech. Listen to it to the end so that the next stage of the task begins.

Find a way to reveal Richard

Climb under the giant screen and find a crumpled poster lying on the container. The poster will point you to Liberio, Richard's longtime partner.

Find a Libero

You can find Libero and his magic shop in the eastern part of the square, where the Palisade metro station is located. Talk to him about Richard and he will tell you how to stop him. The Libero will ask you not to harm Richard, but the final decision will be yours. He'll give you some signal jammers to place in Richard's lair.

Install mufflers

You need to find three emitters in the complex and install signal blockers on them. They are all located behind the podium, which can be reached by stairs. The emitters look like small metal boxes hanging on the walls.

Reveal Richard to people

Go down to the podium and start a dialogue with Richard. If you want to resolve the conflict peacefully, then you should choose the following answer options:

  1. Pity
  2. Softening (Miltgate)

By doing so, Richard will realize his mistakes and stop deceiving people. He will open the door to his room, giving you the opportunity to satisfy your sadistic tendencies and kill him. However, we still recommend leaving him alive, otherwise your conscience will torment you later. However, this does not mean that you cannot rob the old hypnotist. In his little room you can find a lot of useful things, including a panel with Breach Software. After talking with Richard, you will unlock the “Cult of Personality” trophy.

SM03 – Mysterious Augmentations

Mysterious Augmentations is a side quest in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, during which you can learn about augmentations hidden in Jensen's body that he had no idea about. It includes a lot useful information. In addition, you will receive a good reward for completing this task.

How to start: It will start automatically after Jensen is examined by Vaclav Koller.

Talk to Sharif

Description: David Sharif developed my augmentation system. If I want to know where I got these strange augmentations that Koller discovered inside my body, then I need to ask Sharif about it.

You simply walk into your apartment and use the remote control on your desk to initiate a video call. After talking with Sharif, you will have to wait a bit before the next stage of the mission starts. It will begin after you return to Prague from Golem City.

Explore the scientist's apartment

Description: Sharif believes that my new augmentations were created by a scientist named Vadim Orlov. When Sharif tried to find Orlov, he discovered that he was now in Prague and living in an apartment not far from OG29. Something tells me this isn't just a coincidence.

After some time, Sharif will call you and advise you to look at Vadim Orlov’s apartments, located in the northern part of the Palisade area. The easiest way to reach them is as follows: enter the Rose Garden cafe, take the stairs to top floor and go out onto the terrace. Then jump in open door to quickly get to the roof. Walk along the roof of the building where Orlov's apartment is located, and then move along the ledge until you reach the scientist's balcony.

Once inside, find the scientist's corpse and pick up the key card for the Tai Yong medical vault from him. Hack the safe located in the wall (access code: 3608) and take the confidential medical report and the Breach Software from it. Now you need to wait for Sharif's next call. It will happen during your third visit to Prague.

Contact Sharif

After you land in Prague for the third time, Sharif will call you again. Go to your apartment and call your ex-boss on the phone. After talking with Sharif, the mission will move to the completed section.

SM04 – Calibrator

The Calibrator is a side mission in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided that will begin immediately after you speak to Koller at the end of the third main story quest "Bring Yourself to better shape" The task is quite straightforward, but it is interesting due to the dialogue with Otar Botkoveli, as it has a lot of answer options. Depending on the path you choose, you will be able to receive the “Honor Unites Us” achievement. However, we will warn you in advance that every choice you make carries with it certain consequences.

You will need to go to the Palisade metro station in Prague, located in the northwestern part of the city. After leaving the station, go straight to the metro building and turn right. Go through the first door on the left, move past the subway building to the wall, and then jump over it. You will find yourself in a small courtyard. Look for the manhole cover. Open it and go down into the sewer. Go south to reach the Otara Casino.

Dialogue options with Otar Botkoveli

You can skip the conversation with Otar, but then you definitely won’t get the “Honor Unites Us” trophy (needed to get the “Family Matters” achievement). After entering the casino, you will hear a conversation between Otar and his assistant - the old bandit complains about people, saying that they have ceased to be sincere and polite. This is a hint on how to behave when talking with the casino owner.

During the dialogue with the bandit, you will have to choose a conversation style three times: Frank conversation, Flattery or Evasion. At the end of the conversation (if you get to it), you will need to agree or refuse the deal with Otar. Even if you refuse, you will receive the "Honor Unites Us" achievement, but in this case you will have to steal the Calibrator and you will not be able to get the "Family Matters" trophy. Select the following options when talking with the casino owner to receive the achievement:

  1. Straight Talk
  2. Straight Talk – some players note that here you need to choose to avoid answering, but in our case the conversation was immediately interrupted by Otar.
  3. Accept

Spoiler: if you agree to help Otaru, he will ask you to kill someone in Golem City. If you decide to complete the game without a single kill or simply do not want to kill an innocent person, you can warn the victim that there is a price on his head. high price. In this case, she will simply disappear from the city, and you will complete the mission and receive the “Family Matters” trophy.

Steal the calibrator

If you don’t like doing business with bandits or helping them eliminate debtors, you’ll have to get the calibrator in other ways. One of them is related to theft. However, you can always turn on Rambo mode and simply kill all the thugs in the building. However, in this case, your resume will be replenished with twenty new murders. Therefore, we recommend that you choose the path of the thief.

As soon as you find yourself in the Polisad sewers, go to the casino, but before entering it, look up. There you will see pipes near the ceiling and small niche, where you can crawl. Jump on them and crawl forward to the entrance ventilation system. Climb inside and move on. You will end up in the casino toilet.

Exit the toilet and go through the first door on the left without attracting the attention of strangers. Then turn right and go down the stairs. Above the pipes you will notice another ventilation grill. Climb through it and move forward (there you will find the Triangle Code) until you get to Otar's office. This location will be patrolled by three thugs, so either knock them out or try not to catch their eye. The safe is located in the northeast corner of the room. You will need to hack it to get the calibrator.

This will complete the mission. Koller will contact you and say that he does not have time now to help you with its installation, but he will definitely take care of it later (during your second visit to Prague).

SM05 – Samizdat

Self-Publishing is a side quest in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. During this mission, you will be able to help or, conversely, hinder the work of a small group of journalists who do not recognize the powers that be and conduct their activities in the sewers. When choosing one of the quest paths, you will have to solve a difficult mechanical puzzle. You can get the “Samizdat” achievement only if you help young revolutionaries in their fight against the corrupt government.

How to start: you need to chat with an agent named Peter Chang, located in the OG29 building on the second floor.

Find the source of the hack

Someone began to become interested in the cover for OG29 - the front company Prague Davoz. Cheng will ask you to find out who is behind this. He was able to track the signal, so you'll know where to start. Go to the location indicated on the map and break open the locked door. If you don't have enough high level Hacking, then you can try to get into the apartment through the window, using the ledges on the building.

Inside you will find a laptop with which you can use messenger to talk to a mysterious person hiding under the nickname “K”. You need to stall for time a little, and then, as if by chance, ask him about where the next meeting should take place.

Find Samizdat

You will need to go down into the sewer through a hatch located near The Music Box store. Then turn right, go forward, turn left and follow the tunnel. In it you will find a hole in the wall, blocked metal boxes. Clear the path, use the code on the access panel you received from "K" and go inside.

Don't let Samizdat expose OG29

During a dialogue with “K” there is no need to threaten him. Select the following answer options:

  1. Convince
  2. To work together

In this way, you will convince journalists to leave Interpol behind and move on to other material. However, in this case, you will have to help them get the information.

Note: if you wish, you can refuse the fighters for freedom of speech and simply kill them all, but in this case you will not be able to get the achievement, and your karma will suffer (it is a sin to kill virtual people).

Search the office

The journalists will send you to the Palisade Bank. You will need to get to the 3rd floor - that is where the chief’s office is located. To do this, you need to go to the basement and break open the door to the room located next to the elevator. The pass will be on the table.

Let us immediately note that the 3rd floor is a restricted area, so it is better for you not to catch the eye of security. As soon as you exit the elevator, immediately go through the door on the left. Wait until the guard leaves his post and then go up the stairs. Watch the camera carefully so that it doesn't detect you.

Next you will need to break the door. We advise you to use an electronic master key, as there is a possibility that you may be detected by a camera if you break in manually. Then you have to solve a very difficult mechanical puzzle. Instructions for solving it:

  1. Raise the first pillar 2 spaces.
  2. Lower the first pillar completely down, and then raise it 1 cell.
  3. Rotate the platform.
  4. Raise the second pillar 1 cell.
  5. Rotate the platform again.
  6. Raise 2 pillars 1 cell.
  7. Rotate the platform 2 times.
  8. Lower the pole all the way down.

The puzzle is solved, and you can safely sneak into the secret room. There you should find a painting hanging on the wall. Remove it to gain access to the wall safe. Hack it, take it necessary documents, and then turn off the cameras using the computer on the table.

Note: If the puzzle is too difficult for you, you can sneak into the secret room through the ventilation passage. Needed ventilation grille located behind a large screen. However, to reach it you must have an augmentation that improves jumping.

Return to K

We go back to the sewer and give all the found documents to “K”.

Spread the word

The journalist will ask us to spread this information throughout the city, and maybe the world. To do this, we need to go to the Autodily store and use a lift to climb to the roof of the building. There we use the City Server News Corrector. That's it, the task is completed.

SM06 – 01011000

01011000 is a side quest in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Thanks to him, you will go on an unusual journey, get your hands on an important data disk and get acquainted with the mysterious Halle. This task cannot be called difficult, but you can easily miss its starting point. After completing the mission you will receive achievement 01011000.

How to start: you can start completing it after the start of the eighth story mission, when you leave the OG29 headquarters. There will be an explosion in the distance, and a strange glitch will appear on the nearby panel. It is possible that the task could start earlier, but we managed to start it only on our second visit to Prague. In addition, a glitch can occur on various panels. As soon as you see a bug, immediately head to the panel. Information should appear on it that you need to come to a pawnshop located near the Capek station. Go down to the basement and turn on the messenger on one of the computers.

Get missing data

Description: A mysterious contact named Hell wants me to pick up a certain package and deliver it to a nearby tourist center. The office access code is 1591. Supposedly he knows what I need to do with “old memories.”

Should go to tourist information Center, located near Adam's apartment. Enter it and go straight. Ahead you should notice a grate hidden behind a large metal container. Break the grate and go through the hole you made. Turn right and climb into the vent. Once outside, deal with 3 well-equipped mercenaries. Then open the door on the left using the code. Take the disk from the table.

Find the reader

Go to the antique store located near Pilgrim Station. Talk to the clerk - you must convince him to tell you the whole truth. Here are the answer options you need to choose for this:

  1. Ask
  2. Future-Last
  3. Buyer Question
  4. Suspect the clerk
  5. You're in danger
  6. You can leave

When you begin to suspect the clerk, he will pick up a gun. The last two answer options will calm him down, and you will be able to complete the quest without killing.

Activate data

Go to Adam's apartment and use the reader on the table in front of the huge TV. Talk to Hell and help her understand all the things that are unclear to her. After this you will receive achievement 01011000.

SM07 – Going dark

Fade into the Shadows is the seventh additional task in the game. If you agree to carry it out, you will be able to find out what happened to one of the OG29 agents who was undercover. At the end of the task, a very unexpected twist awaits you. Completing this mission will reward you with the "Flight into Darkness" achievement.

How to start: the task will become available upon your second visit to the capital of the Czech Republic. When completing the story mission "Who's in charge?" after completing all matters with NPC Miller, you can meet Dr. Delara Ozen in his office. She will tell you that an undercover agent named Vincent Blake has not been in touch for a long time, and therefore will ask you to find out what happened to him.

Search Vincent Blake's office

The first step is to explore the office of the missing agent, located on the second level of OG29 in the room where the workplace Peter Chen. We hack his computer (second level of security) or enter the access code, which can be found on the first floor in the room with servers. Then we read his emails. You can also hack Blake's safe to get an extra silencer.

Interrogate informant Blake

Now you should go to the Red Queen nightclub, located in the Red Light District. We go up the stairs and talk with a blonde with short hair. You can pretend to be Blake or speak directly without prevarication. Better choose the second option. In the latter case, you will also need to kiss her on the neck. She will then inform you that she will be waiting elsewhere. We head to the subway.

Go to a meeting

We meet again with Dobromila in the backyard of the building (here it began side mission Neon Nights). Those who refused to kiss the girl will have to deal with two bandits. We knock out the thugs, and then talk with the girl.

The blonde will tell us where we should go next to find out Vincent's fate. You can pay her 350 credits.

Search Vlasta's warehouse

After the dialogue with Dobromila, we open the inventory, go to the section with quest items and examine the map that the girl gave us (it will be drawn on the other side of the check). We head to the subway.

The place we need will be located in the northern region of Prague. To get inside you will need an access code, which, fortunately, we already have. Inside we find the switch, hidden behind the picture hanging on the left wall. We press the switch and gain access to the secret door. We open it and go into the corridor. We go forward until we get to the warehouse.

There will be a young girl Olivi in ​​the room. We talk with her, and then wait for the warehouse owner and his two thugs to arrive. If you don't want to fight uninvited guests, then you should pretend to know Olivi, and then convince Vlasta using KASI. You can also deal with the bandits. To do this, we immediately knock out the leader with instant neutralization, and then take on his henchmen. If your reflexes are pumped up and you have a large supply of energy, you can knock them out in the same way as the leader. Two more bandits will be waiting for you at the entrance. You don't have to fight them and go out through the ventilation (located behind Olivi).

Find Vince's apartment

The undercover agent can be found near the Red Light District in one of the buildings - he will be sitting in the basement. We talk to him and contact Delara. After this you will receive an achievement.

SM08 – Fix

The fix is ​​an additional mission, access to which will only open if you have previously completed side quest"Calibrator". It will allow you to remove the restriction from your new augmentations.

How to start: During your second visit to Prague and after completing the story mission “Robbery”, Koller will contact you, who will inform you that he has time to install the Calibrator in your body.

We go to Vaclav Koller and wait until he performs the operation we need. After this, we will be able to use our special augmentations without fear of them overheating. Note also that the conversation with Koller will have a direct impact on the next mission called “All in the Family”.

SM09 – All in the Family

All in the Family is a minor quest in this RPG, access to which will only open if a number of conditions are met and certain decisions are made that could be made in previous quests. When completing this task, you will have to kidnap a person from Dvali's hideout. Upon completion of the mission, you will receive the "Family Matters" achievement.

How to start: you can access this task if you agreed to help Batkoveli in solving one problem in the Calibrator mission. When visiting Golem City, Otar will contact you and demand that you fulfill your part of the deal, namely: eliminate Louis Galois (you met him during one of the story missions). It is not necessary to kill the merchant - tell him that there is a reward on his head and then he will simply leave the city. When you return to Prague, Otar will call you again and ask you to meet Masa.

Talk to Masa Kadlec

Kidnap Dominic

You can find our target in the closed area of ​​​​Dvali, located in another area of ​​​​Prague. There are several ways to get into the courtyard, but we advise you to climb the wall to the right of the gate, and then climb onto the lift and jump down to the balcony.

Inside you will have to face a large number of opponents. It is best to neutralize them immediately. Kadler will ask you not to kill people, so we will either knock them out or knock them out with tranquilizers.

You will find Dominic in the laundry room located on the lower level. We send him into an unconscious state, and then we lift the body and carry it to the street along the same path from which we came. If the cameras are still activated, we try to avoid them.

In the same location where the lift is located, there is a warehouse. We take Dominic there and leave him inside, not forgetting to close the hinged door. After this, you will receive the “Family Matters” achievement.

SM10 - Reaper

The Reaper is a side quest in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided that allows you to take on the role of a local detective for an hour and find the killer of several Prague residents, while exonerating two suspects. In this mission you will have to look for evidence and talk to witnesses, thereby building a chain leading to the real killer. If you can justify both innocent people, you will receive the “Reaper” achievement.

How to start: this task will become available to you only on your second visit to Prague, when you fly to the capital of the Czech Republic from Golem City. You can immediately go to the alley located south of Adam's house to stumble upon a crime scene, or wait for a call from Aria Agento, who will inform you about the murder (the call will occur after completing the eighth side quest).

Examine all the evidence

Before you start interviewing the suspect, we advise you to examine all 7 clues presented at the crime scene, namely: "game", "bruises" and "marks" on the dead body; “electromagnetic cartridge particle”, “ID card” and “broken glasses” on the floor”; bloody "augmentation" mark on the wall next to the body.

We talk with the detective again, after which we will have two new goals.

Interrogate Johnny Gunn

You need to talk to the main suspect in the case to find out whether he is guilty or not. Those who have KASI installed will be able to extract more useful information from the guy, so we advise you to open this augmentation at the very beginning of the passage.

Examine Smolinski's evidence

We go to the police station. This area is an open area, so you can enter the building without any problems. The place we need is located in the basement of the building. The door to the lower level will be secured with a lock. You can't hack in front of everyone, so you should wait until the patrolman leaves his post. The lock has quite high security, and therefore if you are not able to open it, then break it first computer system, which contains the password to the door.

We go inside and find personalized lockers. Hack the one with the name Smolinski on it. Although you can open all the other cabinets in order to pick up various useful things from them.


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