Why apple tree leaves curl and rust. Brown spots on apple tree leaves - why rusty spots appear on apple tree flowers

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Apple tree rust is a dangerous disease caused by a fungus. A cunning and sophisticated pathogen is Gumnosporandium tremelloides, genus Phragmidium. Leaves under its influence become incapable of photosynthesis. Disturbed water and mineral metabolism lead to a sharp decrease in yield. The plant is progressively withering. Young promising shoots suffer. They will no longer bear fruit, and the most infected will die. If you do not take action and treat the tree, the prognosis will be unfavorable. The apple tree will die in the coming years. During which, the disease will persistently progress. There can be no talk of any harvest.

What to do in the midst of illness?

Typically, the first symptoms appear in the summer during the period of active and stormy growing season. Round spots appear on the leaves - brown or rusty. As soon as you notice them, you need to urgently get down to business. All infected parts are completely removed:

  • leaves;
  • shoots;
  • branches;
  • ovaries;
  • unripe apples.

Pruning should be done 10 cm below the damage site. The pruning shears must be disinfected several times with a strong antiseptic solution.

Everything that you cut and torn off needs to be burned quickly or taken away from the garden.

Now is the time to treat the apple trees with fungicidal solutions. The choice of chemicals is quite wide. The most popular antifungal agents are:

  • "Topaz";
  • "Kuproksat";
  • "Vectra";
  • 0.4% "Zineba";
  • 1% Bordeaux mixture.

Spraying is carried out three times. The first time on the day of pruning, the second and third time every 10 days.

What anti-rust medications are there?

The huge selection of fungus control products presented in agricultural stores is divided into the following main groups. These are the following groups of drugs:

  1. copper-containing;
  2. having sulfur as a base;
  3. systemic fungicides;
  4. biological products.

Systemic fungicides

For treating rust, fungicides are the number one remedy. It is with them that you need to start treating the disease at its peak. Especially if you want to hit the bull's eye. The most top scores in this fight they bring contact and systemic-contact drugs. These primarily include:

  • "Strobe";
  • "Topaz";
  • "Vectra";
  • "Zineba";
  • “Polishing.”

All drugs work approximately the same. They destroy fungal colonies. At the same time, they infect spores, from which, after exposure, fungi will never appear. They can be easily alternated, which makes it possible to avoid addiction. Since rust fungi have an excellent ability to adapt to chemicals. To do this, they wait out the dispute in the form adverse effect. And then they attack with even greater activity. Systemic fungicides are universal preparations that allow correct use cure trees from rust infection once and for all.

What dosages should be diluted in 1 bucket of water:

  • Strobe -2g;
  • Topaz-2 ml;
  • Vectra -2g;
  • Polisher -2g.

For all of the above remedies, the rule of two applies. This way you can never go wrong when preparing a solution against pathogens. Only Zineba needs 40g.

If at the time of fighting rust, you managed to spray the apple trees, for example, against scab, then there is no need to carry out additional spraying. This will be enough to act on two types of pathogens at the same time.


The drug has a powerful antifungal effect. It is produced in liquid and powder form. The consumption for an apple tree is 2 liters per 10m2. Treatment can be carried out several times, after waiting 2 weeks.


An excellent drug with beneficial benefits. It can be used even during flowering. It is safe for bees. Spraying can be carried out in wet weather and at low temperatures. Highly effective in combating many fungi, especially rust.


A good powerful drug for treatment. The active substance is bromuconazole. A young apple tree requires up to 2 liters. An adult fruiting tree needs 10-15 liters. The maximum frequency of spraying is no more than 3 times. Do not mix with other products.

Copper-containing drugs

Spraying with Bordeaux mixture is one of the most famous ways to combat rust fungus. Use a 1% working solution. The first treatment begins when the temperature in the garden approaches positive values. It is forbidden to spray in hot weather when the temperature is high. If you neglect this rule, you will severely burn the trees. What else is suggested to be used to treat fungus?

Blue Bordeaux

Alternative replacement option Bordeaux mixture. Available in the form of convenient granules. Quickly and completely dissolves in water. Can be used even in bad weather. The drug copes not only with colonies of pathogens, but also destroys spores. Refers to contact means.

Abiga Peak

The drug contains copper as the main substance. From the group of contact antifungal agents. Has a special adhesive. Apply superficially. Does not penetrate inside the bark, acting in upper layers. Important - use only in dry weather. 50 g of the product are diluted in a bucket of water.


Contains nitrogen and copper acetate. At a concentration of 0.25%, it effectively neutralizes all spores of rust fungus. Can be used for root watering. At the same time, it combines the features of a powerful antifungal substance and a beneficial mineral.


Effective both for the prevention and treatment of rust. Forms on the leaves protective layer, preventing infection and spread of fungus throughout the tree. Fights fungus, creates negative conditions for its existence. But it doesn't completely kill. 60 g are diluted in a bucket. Do not use in hot weather.

Sulfur-containing drugs

Colloidal sulfur

Gardeners recommend a solution of colloidal sulfur as one of the best means against rust. To prepare it, take 5 liters of liquid and 40g of sulfur powder. Effective upon direct contact. When apple trees are in bloom, spraying cannot be done.


A worthy chemical based on sulfur. Available in a convenient form. It has fast and good solubility in liquid. Doesn't get dusty.

Proven regimens, drug combinations

Experienced gardeners recommend using ready-made rust treatment regimens. Their use requires precise and correct execution. The first thing that is important to remember is that all tree treatments are carried out before and after flowering. They do this so as not to destroy beneficial insects pollinating apple trees during flowering. Take care of your helpers, do not harm them. These are bees, ladybugs, bumblebees, ground beetles.

  1. The first treatment before buds open is carried out with 1% copper sulfate. The second - copper oxychloride, as an option - ordan or oxychome. The third - back with Bordeaux mixture or “Kuprosil”. Many recommend repeating blue spraying again after 10 days.
  2. “Topaz” is sprayed only 3 times. But this is quite enough to no longer have problems with rust.
  3. The first and second spraying is “Champion”, “Kuprosil” or Bordeaux mixture. For the third, take “Tiovit” or colloidal sulfur. For the fourth, a universal fungicide or “Propi Plus”.

Protecting apple trees from rust with biological products, why is it beneficial to use them?

To grow environmentally friendly apples, you can try to defeat the enemy using biological means. They are absolutely non-toxic and do not accumulate anywhere. The effect after spraying lasts 3 weeks. Processing can be carried out as much as you like, right up to apple picking. The only conditions that must be met:

  1. Carry out treatment only at a certain temperature (12-18 degrees).
  2. Correctly follow the proportions indicated on the packages.

Basic biological products, methods of their use

Biological products increase the immunity of trees, making them more resistant to fungal pathogens. Their use does not cause any harmful effects. They are absolutely safe for:

  • person;
  • plants;
  • insects;
  • animals.

By using biological products, you get 100% natural organic apples that you can safely eat yourself and give to children.


An effective remedy for the fungus that causes brown rust. Preparation method: 50 ml per 10 liters of liquid. In addition to the antifungal effect, it causes strong growth of young shoots.


One of the most widely used fungicides. Has a wide spectrum of action. Rust is one of the indications for use. It is prepared as follows: 100 ml of working solution is diluted in 10 liters of water. The first treatment begins immediately after the buds open. Continues throughout the season. Frequency - 2 times a month. During the flowering period, treatment is not carried out.


An effective drug with a huge amount positive feedback. Apple trees are treated throughout the growing season. 15 ml are diluted in 10 liters of liquid. Not only trees are processed, but also fruits stored for storage.


Successfully fights pathogenic fungi. The effect is not inferior to Planriz. Method of preparation: 30g of Phytodoctor per 10 liters of water. Apple trees are treated every 2 weeks throughout the growing season. The starting point is the time of bud break. Finish before harvest.

Tank mixtures

Once you understand the action of biological products, you can combine them at your discretion. Tank mixtures - effective method fight against rust. To prepare them, mix in 10 liters of water:

  • Planriz - 50ml;
  • Ecoberine -50ml;
  • Trichodermin -100 ml;
  • Gaupsin -100ml;
  • Phytodoctor -30g.

In case of rust damage, treatment is carried out 2-3 times a month. From the moment the buds open until the harvest.

Be careful juniper, why is the shrub dangerous for the apple tree?

When planning an orchard at the planting stage, it is important to take into account useful advice. Never plant juniper bushes next to apple trees. If the garden has already been laid a long time ago, and you discover such a combination, immediately take up the shovel. Replant the bushes somewhere further away, preferably to a park or small forest. You can simply get rid of them if your plot is no more than 10 acres.

The juniper tree is not a comrade, not a friend, but a very dangerous roommate. It is in it that pathogens of the disease appear, multiply and persist. Spores are carried by the wind to apple trees, causing a dangerous infectious process. Insects actively flying around the garden also contribute to infection. The spores comfortably overwinter in the needles, and in the spring they begin new attacks on the trees. If this process is not interrupted, you may soon be left not only without apples, but also without all the trees. Since, having eaten and played enough in the leaves, the pathogen moves to the trunk, branches, and fruits. First year shoots are especially sensitive to it.

Decorating dachas with conifers is fraught with the spread of disease in the form of an epidemic. If you are hesitant to get rid of your favorite spruce or pine tree, inspect it for infection. Colonies of the pathogen attach to twigs coniferous plants characteristic brown-rusty color.

There is a way out in this case too. Armed with a file and pruning shears, prune conifers. Dig the soil deeply or pour boiling water over it. Treatment with fungicides brings good results. Therefore, spray your coniferous favorites every spring. And at the same time, do not forget to thoroughly cultivate the soil layer underneath them.

Remember that if you regularly care for juniper and Christmas trees, it is possible to stop the spread of the pathogen. With perseverance and perseverance, you will preserve not only apple trees, but also evergreen fuzzies.

In addition, there is evidence that even the complete destruction of juniper bushes will not save you from rust. Spores can travel enormous distances - 50 km or more. Even more so in strong winds. Therefore, the best way is to be caring owner and set aside time to care for Christmas trees.

Rust fungi are terribly afraid of wormwood. Therefore, bitter plants are absolutely safe to use. But with high efficiency. Wormwood decoction is used to combat pathogenic fungi. At the same time, do not forget to burn diseased leaves every autumn.

To defeat rust once and for all, use only proven effective fungicides. A one-time treatment may not be enough. Therefore, be patient and carry out treatment in several approaches. Don't put off spraying for too long. The sooner you take action, the less fungi will have time to multiply and take over healthy areas on the tree. If nothing is done, the apple trees may die.

We sowed or planted most of the plants in the spring and it seems that in the middle of summer we can already relax. But experienced gardeners know that July is the time to plant vegetables to obtain a late harvest and the possibility of longer storage. This also applies to potatoes. It is better to use the early summer potato harvest quickly; it is not suitable for long-term storage. But the second harvest of potatoes is exactly what is needed for winter and spring use.

Astrakhan tomatoes ripen remarkably well lying on the ground, but this experience should not be repeated in the Moscow region. Our tomatoes need support, support, garter. My neighbors use all sorts of stakes, tie-downs, loops, ready-made plant supports and mesh fencing. Each method of fixing a plant in a vertical position has its own advantages and “ side effects" I'll tell you how I place tomato bushes on trellises and what comes out of it.

Bulgur with pumpkin is an every day dish that can be easily prepared in half an hour. Bulgur is boiled separately, the cooking time depends on the size of the grains - whole and coarse grinding takes about 20 minutes, fine grinding literally a few minutes, sometimes the cereal is simply poured with boiling water, like couscous. While the cereal is cooking, prepare the pumpkin in sour cream sauce, and then combine the ingredients. If you replace melted butter with vegetable oil and sour cream with soy cream, then it can be included in the Lenten menu.

Flies are a sign of unsanitary conditions and carriers of infectious diseases that are dangerous to both people and animals. People are constantly looking for ways to get rid of unpleasant insects. In this article we will talk about the Zlobny TED brand, which specializes in fly repellents and knows a lot about them. The manufacturer has developed a specialized line of products to get rid of flying insects anywhere quickly, safely and at no extra cost.

The summer months are the time for hydrangeas to bloom. This beautiful deciduous shrub produces luxuriously fragrant flowers from June to September. Florists readily use large inflorescences for wedding decorations and bouquets. To admire the beauty flowering bush hydrangeas in your garden, you should take care of the proper conditions for it. Unfortunately, some hydrangeas do not bloom year after year, despite the care and efforts of gardeners. We will explain why this happens in the article.

Every summer resident knows that plants need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for full development. These are the three main macronutrients, the deficiency of which significantly affects appearance and plant yield, and in advanced cases can lead to their death. But not everyone understands the importance of other macro- and microelements for plant health. And they are important not only in themselves, but also for the effective absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Garden strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, are one of the early aromatic berries that summer generously gifts us with. How happy we are about this harvest! In order for the “berry boom” to repeat every year, we need to take care of the berry bushes in the summer (after the end of fruiting). The laying of flower buds, from which ovaries will form in the spring and berries in the summer, begins approximately 30 days after the end of fruiting.

Spicy pickled watermelon is a savory appetizer for fatty meat. Watermelons and watermelon rinds have been pickled since time immemorial, but this process is labor-intensive and time-consuming. According to my recipe, you can simply prepare pickled watermelon in 10 minutes, and by the evening the spicy appetizer will be ready. Watermelon marinated with spices and chili can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Be sure to keep the jar in the refrigerator, not only for the sake of safety - when chilled, this snack is simply licking your fingers!

Among the variety of species and hybrids of philodendrons, there are many plants, both gigantic and compact. But not a single species competes in unpretentiousness with the main modest one - the blushing philodendron. True, his modesty does not concern the appearance of the plant. Blushing stems and cuttings, huge leaves, long shoots, forming, although very large, but also a strikingly elegant silhouette, look very elegant. Philodendron blushing requires only one thing - at least minimal care.

Thick chickpea soup with vegetables and egg is a simple recipe for a hearty first course, inspired by oriental cuisine. Similar thick soups are prepared in India, Morocco, and other countries South-East Asia. The tone is set by spices and seasonings - garlic, chili, ginger and a bouquet of spicy spices, which can be assembled to your taste. It is better to fry vegetables and spices in clarified butter (ghee) or mix olive oil and butter, it's certainly not the same, but it tastes similar.

Plum - well, who isn’t familiar with it?! She is loved by many gardeners. And all because it has an impressive list of varieties, surprises with excellent yields, pleases with its diversity in terms of ripening and huge selection color, shape and taste of the fruit. Yes, in some places it feels better, in others it feels worse, but almost no summer resident gives up the pleasure of growing it on his plot. Today it can be found not only in the south, in middle lane, but also in the Urals and Siberia.

Many decorative and fruit crops, except for drought-resistant ones, they suffer from the scorching sun, and conifers in the winter-spring period suffer from sunlight, enhanced by reflection from the snow. In this article we will talk about unique drug to protect plants from sunburn and drought - Sunshet Agrosuccess. The problem is relevant for most regions of Russia. In February and early March Sun rays become more active, and the plants are not yet ready for new conditions.

“Every vegetable has its time,” and every plant has its optimal time for landing. Anyone who has dealt with planting is well aware that the hot season for planting is spring and autumn. This is due to several factors: in the spring the plants have not yet begun to grow rapidly, there is no sweltering heat and precipitation often falls. However, no matter how hard we try, circumstances often develop such that planting has to be carried out in the midst of summer.

Chili con carne translated from Spanish means chili with meat. This is a Texas and Mexican dish whose main ingredients are chili peppers and shredded beef. In addition to the main products there are onions, carrots, tomatoes, and beans. This red lentil chili recipe is delicious! The dish is fiery, scalding, very filling and amazingly tasty! You can make a big pot, put it in containers and freeze - you'll have a delicious dinner for a whole week.

Cucumber is one of my favorites garden crops our summer residents. However, not all and not always gardeners manage to really get good harvest. And although growing cucumbers requires regular attention and care, there is little secret, which will significantly increase their productivity. We are talking about pinching cucumbers. Why, how and when to pinch cucumbers, we will tell you in the article. An important point agricultural technology of cucumbers is their formation, or type of growth.

Lovers fruit trees often encounter a number of leaf diseases: the blades turn yellow, become covered with bright orange spots, and sometimes the leaves become brown and curled. The problem of fungal infestations on apple and plum trees with similar symptoms leads to crop loss, and in some cases even to the death of the tree. What to do if the leaves of the apple tree turn red and curl and how to deal with this disease?

In the summer, when the trees are green and the fruits are just beginning to set, the experienced eye of a gardener may notice the appearance of rusty spots on some leaves. With the development of this inconspicuous disease, the leaves on the apple tree or any other fruit tree will turn black, and a yellowish coating sometimes appears on the trunk. But for the tree to reach this state it is necessary to for a long time ignore the appearance of rusty plaque on the leaf blades.

To answer the question why the leaves of an apple tree turn yellow, you should consult a reference book on phytopathology. Yellowing of leaves can be associated with a number of diseases, and sometimes even with a simple failure to comply with all the physiological needs of the tree. If the leaves of your home apple tree suddenly curl, lose turgor, and acquire a yellowish tint, you most likely have problems with the mineral nutrition of the tree. This problem can be treated without drugs - provide the plant with fertilizer, water it on time, and the symptoms will weaken over time and disappear altogether.

Rust on an apple tree is a very expressive and easily recognizable disease. It is caused by fungi from the Puccinuaceae family. The disease primarily infects the leaves, and over time can spread to the trunk, shoots and even fruits. Apple tree rust has a number of expressive symptoms, such as the appearance of “rusty” spots on the leaves, which become necrotic over time. Sometimes the leaves of an apple tree curl, which is also a characteristic symptom.


The fungus develops en masse on the leaf blades and takes over most of the tree’s nutrients. As the surface area of ​​sporulation increases, it not only prevents the leaf from developing normally, but also increases the surface area for liquid evaporation, which will lead to large losses of water from the leaf. This is why the leaves of the apple tree curl. In addition, the fungus puts the tree into a mobilization state - the affected plants cannot grow, develop normally, or form juicy, healthy fruits.

In fact, rust that appears on the leaves of an apple tree is an uncharacteristic disease of this plant. The entire group of rust fungi is characterized by a complex life cycle and the presence of several hosts and types of sporulation. Since the apple tree plays an intermediate role in this cycle, attention in the treatment of the disease should be paid not only to hygiene orchard, but also on the intermediate hosts of the fungus, which is juniper.


How to treat rust and what should you use to treat your plant? Treating rust on leaves is a complex and painstaking process. In order to completely get rid of the disease, it is necessary to introduce into the apple orchard a whole scheme of treatments and measures necessary to eliminate the pathogen.

Among the agricultural techniques in the fight against this disease, it is recommended to use sparse planting of trees so that the spores of the pathogen cannot quickly infect seedlings. Attention is worth paying proper watering and fertilizing. Trees “overfed” with nitrogen fertilizers become infected with rust much more often. However, if foci of disease are detected, gardeners recommend using phosphorus and potassium fertilizers as a support agent for trees.

Don't forget about sanitary trimmings apple trees, which should be carried out in early spring and after harvest.

If rust has already appeared in your garden - you find blackened or yellowed leaves - it is too late to carry out prevention. In this case, treat the affected areas on the leaves and bark with copper or iron sulfate, covering the top with lubricant. In case of severe damage, it is recommended to trim off the affected parts.

Disease prevention

In addition to the above measures, such as timely sanitary treatment, slight planting density, distance from juniper, proper mineral feeding and proper watering, it is recommended to treat trees with fungicides in the fight against leaf rust. The simplest, most well-known and accessible remedy today is Bordeaux mixture. It consists of slaked lime and shows high efficiency in the fight against fungi of this family. Processing is carried out in dry, cool weather. Among other means, the most popular and effective are such fungicides as “Kuporoksat”, “Abiga-Pik”, “Champion”, “Strobi”, “Tsineba”, “Vectra”.

It is also common to use sulfur-based preparations. To eliminate rust, dilute the product in the recommended proportion and regularly spray against this pest. This precaution will help keep your crop healthy and strong.

Video “Rust on the leaves of fruit trees”

From this video you will learn how to fight rust on fruit trees.

Lattice rust on apple trees is widespread in the southern agricultural zone, and in conditions of abnormally hot summers it occurs in the middle zone and much further north.

Causes of infection, development and consequences

Diseases of apple trees are caused by rust fungi - Gimnosporangium juniperinum or G. tremelloides, which are characterized by a narrow phylogenetic typification, expressed in the adaptation of the phytopathogen to plants of a certain genus or family.

The spores infect the epidermis of the leaves, and as a result, the plant slows down the assimilation of carbon dioxide, which leads to malfunctions of the photosynthesis mechanism, inhibition or cessation of ovary growth and weakening of the entire tree in general.

This is the main reason why the leaves of an apple tree turn yellow. In addition, the plant’s resistance to low temperatures, and in fact all the vital processes of the plant are inhibited, and if treatment is not started in a timely manner, then the probability of getting a harvest will be zero.

First, brown spots appear on the leaves of the apple tree (spermogonia), surrounded by an area orange color. They are located on outside leaf, and they can be seen when the leaf blades are fully formed.

At the first stage, the spermogony looks like a small spot with black dots, under which spore carriers (aecidia) germinate, observed as red spots on the leaves of the apple tree and very clearly visible against the green background. As the spores mature, the spore carriers begin to turn red, and soon the upper cuticle of the formation bursts, and the spores enter the atmosphere.

Often, apple trees infected with rust are affected by scab, and reduced immunity helps reduce the tree's resistance to frost, and if the fight against the disease is not successful, the plant may die in the winter.

Affected trees form small fruits, which sometimes do not ripen and fall off before they become removable. It often happens that after infection with gymnosporangiums, apple trees do not bear fruit in the subsequent season. Therefore, it is important to know how to diagnose the disease, how to deal with it and what drugs to use.

Fungicides against Gimnosporangium juniperinum/ tremelloides

The application schemes for contact fungicides against rust are almost similar. The first treatment of plants is carried out in the green cone phase (unopened buds), the second - during the formation of a flower bud, the third - immediately after flowering, and the fourth, when the fruit has reached a diameter of 2-4 cm.

To combat rust infections of apple trees, synthesized organic preparations and products of inorganic origin can be used. In practice, contact pesticides are widely used - Poliram DF, Bordeaux mixture and Cumulus.

Bordeaux mixture, prepared on the basis of Bordeaux mixture, is effective against rust. Treatment with this fungicide is carried out in early spring, when the tree is in the dormant phase and the main purpose of using the liquid is to destroy the “overwintered” rust spores.

The entire plant is pollinated: from the stem to the top. The destructive properties of the drug last for 30-40 days, which eliminates damage to leaf blades at an early stage.

The method for preparing the solution is simple. In two different containers, slaked lime and copper sulfate are dissolved in two to three liters of water. Then the volume of the solutions is brought to 5 liters, after which the aqueous mixture is poured into the container with dissolved lime copper sulfate. The resulting 10-liter volume is used to irrigate trees. The consumption rate is from 2 to 5 liters per plant, which is due to the size of the crown of the apple tree.

The use of Bordeaux mixture at subsequent stages - after flowering and in the phase of fruit formation - requires a reduction in the concentration of active substances by 3-4 times.

Such requirements are caused by the ability of copper sulfate to cause burns to leaf tissue and stimulate the formation of a vascular pattern on the fruit. Plants are treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture. Treatment is carried out twice with an interval of up to 30 days.

Poliram DF is a fungicide of organic origin, which is used throughout the growing season, according to the scheme - from dormant buds to the stage of fruit formation. The release form is granules that dissolve in water.

To treat one tree, it is enough to dissolve 15 g of the compound in 10 liters of water. The frequency of garden treatment is 4-6 sprayings per season. The drug can also be used to prevent scab and other fungal infections.

The drug Culumus is used to prevent rust infection. The first treatment is carried out at the beginning of the flowering stage of the apple tree, and since the protective effect of the fungicide lasts no more than a week, the trees are treated every 7-10 days.

During the growing season, it is allowed to use Cumulus no more than 6 times. It is recommended to apply the pesticide immediately when signs of infection are detected, for example, when more than one curled leaf is found on a tree. To treat one hundred square meters of garden, you will need to create an aqueous solution of the product: dissolve 80 g of the drug in 100 liters of water.

When caring for apple trees, it is important to regularly inspect the trees, which will help you quickly respond to any infection that appears. And also do not neglect the fungicidal treatment of the plant after harvesting.

Such autumn work will be advisable if traces of the vital activity of gymnosporangiums in summer period. Exterminatory spraying of a tree after leaf fall is guaranteed to reduce overwintering colonies of telytospores from juniper.

One of the reasons why an apple tree develops symptoms of a rust infection is the common juniper, often cultivated by gardeners in one area for decorative and applied purposes - to obtain medicinal raw materials.

What to do? You can remove the plant, but if its value is great, then you need to treat the plant with fungicides: Skor, Ridomil Gold MC, Bayleton or Tilt. The consumption of the amount of the drug on diseased juniper is doubled, despite the recommendations in the instructions, and the frequency of use of pesticides is observed every 15-20 days.

And it is necessary to change the preparations during the growing season, since the telytospores and mycelium that form on the plant develop an “accustomment” to fungicides.

The development of lattice rust on the leaves of apple trees can be stopped at the stage when black spots on the leaves have just formed and active generation of spores has not yet begun. It is possible to slow down the development of infection by promptly detecting the beginning of yellowing of leaf blades and promptly carrying out extermination measures to combat the infection.

This should be done not in July, but in early spring, when the buds are at rest.

The viability of the apple tree will be maintained by spraying the tree before the flowering period and after the formation of the ovaries, and not when the leaves are already drying. Actually, it is better not to treat trees, but to carry out advanced fungicidal treatments.

When leaf curling in apple trees has become widespread, this is not yet a reason to stop protecting the plant from disease. At almost any stage of the disease, rust manifestations can be defeated: during the period when spore-bearing plants appear or leaves begin to dry out and fall off.

It is possible that the harvest will be uncharacteristic - in terms of quantitative and qualitative indicators - for the cultivated variety and climate. But protective measures taken this season will help the tree “survive” the winter, and next year the protected plant will again begin to bear fruit to its full potential.

» » » Apples

Every experienced gardener knows that dacha work is not easy. Illnesses are becoming a serious problem for summer residents fruit trees, especially apple trees. Instead of juicy fruits, we get sick trees with healthy pests.

Unfortunately, nowadays there are many diseases that affect apple trees. The main thing is to detect the disease as quickly as possible and start timely treatment so as not to regret later that the tree died. Let's talk about the most common diseases of apple trees.

– one of the most common and harmful diseases for your fruit pets

While the death of a tree due to apple scab is a rare occurrence, the tree suffers in another way. The yield of the apple tree decreases, the fruits turn into small, dry, twisted fruits. Reduced shelf life, loss of desired vitamins and minerals in fruits are a consequence of the presence of a harmful guest at your dacha.

Pest control methods

Scab can and should be treated. There are several options for fighting:

  1. Basic wrestling technique- This is the destruction of affected apple tree leaves.

Every autumn, summer residents rake up fallen leaves, send them to compost, and cover the ground with them to a depth of 7-8 cm. It is also necessary to remove all rotten fruits from the site. It is useful to spray trees with growth stimulants, thereby maintaining tree health.

  1. Chemical treatment scab.

Scientifically proven drugs of chemical origin: fungicide "Rayok"; systemic fungicide"Strobe"; contact preparation "Abiga-Peak"; Fitolavin solution.

Preventing the appearance of dark spots

  1. Removal of all existing weeds;
  2. Selection of extremely resistant apple tree varieties;
  3. Regular removal of deeply affected, fallen, rotten fruits;
  4. Collection of high-quality fruits intended only for seasonal storage;
  5. Separate storage of absolutely all collected fruits.

Flycatcher - dots on apples

The name is exactly that because Black dots on apples that appear during illness resemble biological waste from flies.

Elimination of the disease

In case of illness of this type apple trees need to be sprayed, and also, if possible, capture land cover. Preparations such as copper sulfate and oleocuprite can be safely used. All this needs to be done before spring. This will be the first stage of treatment. Later (second stage) spraying is carried out using copper oxychloride, phthalan. In a couple of weeks it will be time for the third final spraying. It accepts previously used drugs of your choice. It is worth knowing that apple trees need to be sprayed several times a season. The solutions can also be alternated with each other.

The best results in treatment can be achieved if only the treatment is carried out before the main causative agent of the disease penetrates the plants, so you should not let your guard down.

Powdery mildew

A fungal disease that is distinguished by its rapid spread throughout the entire dacha area. Fungal spores spread quickly through rain, wind and human factors(through country equipment).

The disease is detected by summer residents in the spring during active bud bloom. The virus spreads to the entire surface of the apple tree, settling with a white coating. The fruits spoil, lose their taste, and often die. When a tree becomes completely ill, the ovaries begin to fall off, the branches dry out and die. At the same time, the dew becomes an expressive brown color.

Prevention of occurrence

  1. For better disease prevention and protection against dew, spraying still healthy trees three times with fungicides.
  2. Healthy sulfur pollination at least four times, but only in the summer.
  3. The room with seedlings must be ventilated a sufficient number of times, maintaining a clear humidity regime and avoiding strong drafts.

If you decide to grow powdery mildew-resistant varieties of apple trees, then prerequisite is cutting off diseased shoots. They need to be removed both in winter and spring, especially at the end of flowering, when the organs of the tree become clearly visible.

How to get rid of white plaque

  1. Compliance with key agricultural practices, i.e. prevention of soil drying out.
  2. Fulfillment of all points disease prevention.

Fruit rot - why did it appear and what to do?

Apple trees are one of the most common diseases of fruit trees in general. Scientific name: apple moniliosis.

Rot is several times more harmful than scab, because it tends to infect trees en masse.


Foci of the disease appear in several places at once, spreading over the surface of the entire fetus. The fruit pulp becomes soft and unsuitable for eating. After a week, the brown spots transform into blurry yellowish circles. These are the oppressive spores of the fungus, through which the infection entered the garden.

Branches and rotten fruits left on the apple tree are also sources of infection.. If the sanitary treatment of the tree is not carried out properly, then the damage to the fruit increases. Later, the formations harden, and bacteria subsequently multiply in them. Fruit rot can visit your garden several times a season.


  • Damage and cracks in the tree bark;
  • The relationship of infected fruits with healthy individuals;
  • Damaged apple peel;
  • The presence of other diseases in the apple tree;
  • Susceptible varieties of apple trees.

How to deal with this problem

  1. Perform pruning dried branches, bad fruits and dry leaves;
  2. Recycling from an apple tree;
  3. Appropriate seasonal fruit harvesting ;
  4. Spraying crowns;
  5. Treat other diseases apple trees;
  6. Try treat all existing infections;
  7. Protect apple trees from mechanical and chemical damage.


Cytosporosis is a common fungal disease, which mostly affects only weak and old apple trees. It causes isolated focal drying of the tree bark.

The bark affected by the disease usually dies, and in its place impressive cracks appear.

Already dead pieces of bark are covered with a viral fungus, which appears in the form of small tubercles. Old branches, which cease to be part of the tree if they do not overcome the disease, are also not immune. The tree, weak from frost and scorching sun, dies after about 5 years of fighting the disease.


The cytospora fungus is the main causative agent of this disease. Its size is very small, no larger than an ordinary bacterium. The virus overwinters in cracks in the bark or in clots called spores. Rain and wind carry it to other trees, where he also settles down in the blink of an eye. A person can infect his tree with cytosporosis simply by using garden shears.

Prevention and treatment

It is important to follow a number of rules when treating apple tree cytosporosis:

  1. Man needs to maintain the health of his trees, increasing their resistance to disease.
  2. Fertilize with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers trees known to be susceptible to disease
  3. Preventive spraying trees with fungicides.
  4. Usage resistant varieties of apple trees.

Agricultural and technical measures play a huge role in the fight against cytosporosis, because effective pruning of branches, application necessary fertilizers, regular watering can save a tree's life.

For the prevention of cytosporosis whitewashing of trunks and skeletal branches is required (for 10.5 liters of water: 3 kg of lime, 300 g of vitriol and 1 kg of clay).


Bacteriosis is a very serious disease caused by specific types of bacteria. It can attack a tree abruptly and unexpectedly, killing it within one season.

In sick trees, the bark becomes covered with dark spots, which will later cause the bark to die. The depressions formed by the disease guarantee cracking and peeling of the bark. The buds begin to turn black, completely taking on the color, and the leaves are framed at the edges. All the foliage eventually curls, withers and hangs on the tree in black icicles. The disease can occur quickly and chronically.

In a quick scenario, the tree dies in one summer. In the chronic version, the tree becomes sick and dies gradually over the next few years.

It is easiest to detect the disease or its prerequisites in May.

Measures to combat bacteriosis of apple trees

  • At the very beginning of the development of this disease, it is recommended treat the wood with 50% zinc chloride three times with an interval of 3-4 days.
  • Autumn and spring cut out the affected branches with capture of 7-8 cm of healthy tissue.
  • Disinfect the cut 1% solution of copper sulfate, or 3% solution of iron sulfate, or 5% carbolic acid with mandatory coating with garden putty.
  • Most the best optionprevent bacteriosis in early spring, then when the hated disputes are actively multiplying.

milky shine

Milky sheen is a little-studied disease, and methods of combating it are little known to scientists and breeders. There is a version that the shine appears due to freezing of the tree trunk or acute starvation of the plant (water or mineral).

It is believed that infection occurs through poisonous mushroom , whose spores penetrate into the tree through cracks or other damage in the bark. The shine itself is a gray metallic color, but this is only on the upper side of the sheet. On the bottom, the color changes from purple to brown during the period of illness.

Fungal spores infect wood mainly in damp, wet weather. At such times, it is better to refrain from pruning, so as not to replenish the mechanical wounds of the apple tree trunk. The disease spreads from one branch to entire hollow parts of the tree over several years.

Signs of milky shine

At the same time, science does not know exactly what kind of fungus infects trees and what control methods to use against it. It is known that the virus penetrates wood, destroying it. Externally, the disease is invisible until the leaves are covered with a metal curtain. As a result of this disease, the fruits become tasteless and unsuitable for storage and consumption.

How to fight?

You should grow zoned trees, purchase disease-resistant species, and monitor the winter hardiness of the individual, that is:

  • do not grow trees in wet, swampy areas;
  • do not deprive the apple tree of a range of fertilizers to increase immunity;
  • water trees abundantly only in the first half of the growing season;
  • in autumn and spring, the trunks should be coated with lime milk (2 kg of lime per 10 liters of water) with the addition of copper sulfate;
  • trim and burn severely affected parts of the tree;
  • clear the bark from mechanical damage and cracks, disinfect them with a solution of copper sulfate (10-20 g per 1 liter of water).

If all efforts to combat the disease are in vain, then it is advisable to destroy the infected trees.

IN Lately The phenomenon of black crayfish is becoming more and more widespread in gardens. Apple trees are the most susceptible to this disease. can rake entire massifs, so it is considered an extremely dangerous and serious incident.

“Antonov fire” - the second name of black cancer has a basis fungal disease , which affects weakened and old trees, slowing down its development so much that it cannot heal itself.

First, brown spots appear on the painful area, pressed into the cortex. At the very beginning of the development of the disease, the tubercles are very small. It is precisely them that gardeners do not notice, missing the opportunity to cure the tree ahead of schedule. Subsequently, the bark begins to crack, char, and eventually falls off.


  • Spots on leaves. In early spring, when the leaves bloom, strange spots appear on them. The lesion appears mild, but later increases in size. Purple spots are covered with a black crust, the bodies of a black virus.
  • Leaves fall prematurely. Shortly before the fruit ripens, the apple tree begins to shed cancer-affected leaves. The yield decreases, the quality deteriorates - the changes are noticeable immediately.
  • Fruit rot. Instead of the long-awaited harvest, you get rotten fruits covered with brown spots.

Why does the trunk of an apple tree turn black with black cancer?

Symptoms of black cancer:

  • The formation of brown spots on the bark, which are initially invisible,
  • Sooty black coating on the bark,
  • Charring of the affected area on the tree trunk,
  • Healthy bark rises, peels off,
  • Cracks and other damage are located throughout the surface of the bark,
  • Over time, the condition of the tree only worsens.

How to treat?

  1. High agricultural technology- This effective protection from black cancer of apple trees

The main thing is not to forget about:

Therapeutic measures are based on point No. 1 (agricultural technology). Preventing a disease is easier than curing a tree.

Active treatment is carried out in the spring. It consists of cleaning the wounds of the diseased and healthy cortex. Diseased bark should be disinfected with a 2% solution of copper sulfate. Copper-based eco-paints for bark are also effective.

Root cancer

Root cancer is a bacterial disease. Nodules and growths form on the roots of the tree different sizes that are starting to rot. Bacteria penetrate through soil pests.

Appearance of root cancer

They look like whitish tumors, soft in structure. The growths can reach 12 cm in diameter, compacting to a hard wooden state.

It is noted that the diseased tree sharply increases in growth, after which it begins to sag.


Root growths create a nutritional deficiency for the tree, reduce its resistance to the environment and durability, and also delay sap flow, reducing productivity.

Measures to combat root cancer

  • Before planting seedlings, they need carefully inspect for defects or external signs of illness.
  • If growths are found, they should be removed, and disinfect the root area.

It is better to plant seedlings of new trees in place of grain or legumes. It is this soil that will provide a good basis for growth. Also, planting mustard next to the apple orchard is a good prevention against root cancer.

Rust on an apple tree

Apple tree rust is a common and very dangerous plant disease in the garden.. It is not difficult to unravel rust - formations (pustules) appear on the apple tree. They have a variety of sizes and shapes, but when cracked, they are showered with a rusty-colored powder. This is a viral fungus.

Signs of rust on an apple tree

  1. Raised spots and stripes rusty color with a characteristic powder.
  2. Drying and falling off leaves.
  3. Star-shaped growths yellowish tint on the leaves.

Rust fungi spend the winter on juniper bushes, so it is better to avoid such a pleasant neighborhood.

Why is rust dangerous?

  1. Causes complete death of leaves, and then other parts of the tree.
  2. Reduced winter hardiness, fruit quality, yield in general, loss of the tree as a whole.
  3. Loss of moisture, which means slowing down photosynthesis in plants.


  • Protect the apple tree from juniper in general or with greenery.
  • Remove all diseased parts of the tree if it is already infected.
  • Spray the damaged areas with chemicals.
  • In the spring, resume cleaning the affected areas followed by disinfection.

Brown spot (phyllostictosis)

It affects the leaves of not only apple trees, but also pears, plums, and quinces. Angular, rounded spots with a brown rim appear on the leaves.

The spots can blend in with the color of the leaves, covering the entire surface. In the center of the pigments there are clear black dots, the mushrooms themselves. The affected tissue (leaves) peels off in the form of a transparent film and then dies.

Brown spot damage occurs when trees are treated with concentrates, so summer residents think that the spots are a specific reaction of trees to pesticides. Young leaves are infected to a greater extent, which then lose their elasticity and rich color.

The disease develops in conditions of humidity and poor ventilation, where the air is stale.

Protective measures against leaf disease

  • Preference is given to disease-resistant apple tree species;
  • Compliance with agrotechnical and chemical care rules;
  • Application of fertilizers, fertilizing, spraying and natural solutions.

Measures to combat the disease

  1. Growing resistant varieties.
  2. On personal plots- collecting and burning fallen leaves.
  3. In industrial gardens - plowing to destroy affected leaves.

Prevention of apple tree diseases

It is necessary to carry out prevention of any diseases, both in young and adult plantings. Special attention should be given to apple trees that do not have biological protection from pathogens. And, of course, it is important to purchase new garden crops full of health and beauty. To Apple orchard If you are pleased with the harvest, you need to know the general rules for caring for it, as well as the dangers that can be avoided.

  1. Viruses.

To prevent viral diseases prematurely, a system is implemented to protect apple trees from pests. It includes sprays against aphids and cicadas. To do this, use insecticides available in your stores.

  1. When to spray an apple tree?

In early spring before the buds open, and also in mid-autumn until the first cold weather. This prevention destroys insects and fungal plants that encroach on the health of apple trees or, conversely, develops the tree’s immune system against them.

  1. Natural immunity.

The main prerequisite for the normal growth and development of a tree is the presence of stable immunity. This can be achieved by following the rules of caring for the apple tree: fertilizers, fertilizing, watering, pruning the crown, killing weeds, cultivating the soil, spraying against bugs. All these procedures will guarantee the good health of your garden pet.

  1. Small leaves.

To prevent your garden from becoming small-leaved among the trees, you can plant alfalfa near the apple tree, which provides nearby plants with phosphates, zinc and copper.

  1. Whitewashing an apple tree.

The schedule for whitewashing apple trees is 2 times a year. At the same time, remember that you need to whiten not only the tree trunk, but also the branches of the lower tier.

  1. Fertilizing the apple tree.

Feeding is carried out 3-4 times per season. Root feeding is intended for soil penetration, and external fertilizing is a spraying method. The rule is that in dry weather we use liquid fertilizer, and in wet weather we use dry fertilizer.

  1. Pruning branches and processing the trunk.

Sanitary pruning is the removal of broken and diseased branches. Bark cleaning is carried out in mandatory, after which all cracks in the bark are treated with varnish.

  1. Digging the soil.

After removing weeds and excess plants, begin digging the soil to a depth of 10 cm. Try not to injure the roots of the tree. While digging around the perimeter, scatter mineral fertilizers, which are perfectly absorbed by the roots during this period.


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