Why are the wallpaper joints visible? The wallpaper has come apart at the junction - how to fix it? How to make joints on vinyl wallpaper invisible.

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Home renovation is always a joy, even despite many difficulties. Wallpapering walls is essentially the easiest way to make an easy redecorating, improving housing. However, the picture in the imagination before finishing and the reality after do not always coincide. Agree, it is very unpleasant when various shortcomings come out. How to avoid grief? Of course, do everything according to the recommendations, observing proportions, but it is also important to be informed about possible problems. Then their decision will not become a stumbling block and will not cause irritation.

So, let's talk about what to do if the wallpaper comes apart at the joints. To do this, let's analyze main question, why joints appear on the wallpaper, is it possible to avoid this when gluing, what to do if immediately after gluing the wallpaper at the joints comes apart or peels off.

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And first, let's look at the main reasons why wallpaper joints become visible the next day after finishing. The most common reasons include the following problems:

Softening and swelling

Simple physics has taught us since school that paper, when exposed to moisture, tends to increase in volume and size. It follows that the joints between the wallpaper when it dries can increase by 3-5 mm, which is quite a lot. Applying adhesive composition onto the paper canvas, it will increase in volume. By placing it end-to-end and not taking this fact into account, you can end up with a gaping gap with a gap in the wall. How to avoid? It's simple: after the wallpaper is thoroughly coated with glue, you need to immediately apply it to the wall. With every minute they will swell even more, which means they will shrink after drying.

In addition, this is especially true for paper canvases: cellulose tends to swell unevenly. That is, as a result, the joints can converge and diverge, taking away all the neatness of the finish. Of course, there is less chance of getting unsightly joints on vinyl wallpaper. Since their base contains polymer materials, which do not change their size too much after soaking.

However there is one more important point this is the glue. Too much of it also leads to excessive swelling of the canvas. Therefore, special brushes and rollers are often recommended for applying glue to prevent excess layers.

For example, if you buy non-woven wallpaper, you do not need to apply glue to the canvas at all. Enough to coat the wall. Thanks to this, there will be no strong expansion of the wallpaper. This means that gluing the wallpaper joints will go more evenly and smoothly.


Sometimes the problem may not be the finishing technology, but the material itself. And then it will be very difficult to fix the wallpaper joints. This is because the rolls can be from different series. Then their joints will simply be different. For example, one edge is darker or lighter. When the roll is folded, the defect is not visible; when gluing, no attention is paid to it, but after drying it is difficult to correct anything.

Therefore, precautions must be taken when choosing wallpaper, namely: it is necessary to ensure that the canvases belong to the same series. If this does not happen, all the consequences will be unpredictable. In order to check the series, you need to carefully look at the insert on the roll. Usually all the information is indicated there. The price of wallpaper, of course, can also influence problems with joints, but you can’t blame inexpensive ones specifically, since the likelihood of seeing uneven joints in expensive wallpaper is almost the same.

Another problem with wallpaper is a damaged end of the canvas. In this case, it will not be surprising if the wallpaper peels off at the joints after gluing or if you end up with torn, noticeable stripes. Damage to the end of the wallpaper may be due to improper transportation. If such wallpaper was purchased in a store, it means that they were stored vertically, on top of each other, which led to wrinkled edges. However, there is also the possibility of damage to the adhesive. The rolls at the joints are sealed very tightly with polyethylene, as a result of which some protection is formed. If the solder joint is damaged, there is no guarantee that the edges of the wallpaper will not be torn. This leads to an important conclusion: rolls must be selected very carefully, paying attention to:

  • batch (series) number;
  • integrity of the packaging (especially at the edges of the roll);
  • no deformation of the roll and no visible damage to the wallpaper inside the packaging.

What to do if the joints are already visible?

There are two options: either re-glue new wallpaper, or slightly change the interior by adding moldings to the decoration. There are vertical narrow stripes, similar to modeling, various options execution. They can be a good decoration for joints and decorate a room in an original way. Therefore, there is no need to panic.

If the wallpaper has peeled off at the joints, this can be fixed using the same glue. It is enough to carefully apply the composition under the canvas with a syringe and iron it well with a roller or towel. For a better and more reliable result, you can use PVA glue for joints.

Then you will get a minimum of costs and a maximum of benefits from wallpapering walls. Another final recommendation would be the choice of pattern. It is advisable to give preference to those canvases that do not have clear inscriptions or pictures that need to be joined. Then you can complete all the work quickly enough and enjoy the finish.

When starting a renovation, we mentally imagine the ideal result of our efforts, how harmonious and beautiful everything will look, especially the new wallpaper. But, unfortunately, not everything always goes smoothly and from time to time, incidents such as the appearance of joints occur with wallpaper.


Without a doubt, wallpaper is the most commonly used and popular way to decorate walls in residential areas. However, after gluing them, joints may be visible. Why do they appear?

  • First of all, this is typical for budget options . But there are also mistakes with expensive non-woven wallpaper. By choosing wallpaper with vertical stripes or a checkered structure, you can easily hide the joints. But wallpapers that have a glossy surface, vinyl, plain, textured or thin structure always have noticeable joints.
  • Another reason for the appearance of joints is improper transportation or storage. At the time of purchase, carefully examine it to see if there is any damage to the edges of the stripes. The crumpled ends immediately become visible at the joints. If you have already removed the packaging, be sure to keep the wallpaper upright!
  • As a rule, joints occur at paper wallpaper. This is due to the fact that the paper stretches under the influence of glue and decreases in size when it dries. Therefore, after applying the glue, immediately glue the wallpaper to the wall without waiting for it to swell. Otherwise, the wallpaper will settle unevenly and tears will appear.
  • Wallpaper glue application technique can also be the culprit for the appearance of joints. If you apply glue in excess or vice versa, then the risk of joints is extremely high. A thick layer of glue will take significantly longer to set than a thin layer, while paper base has already dried, the glue underneath will still be wet and it will not hold the reduction in the width of the wallpaper. Therefore, gaps will appear between the canvases, which will definitely ruin the entire appearance.

Joints in wallpaper can occur for various reasons. But, first of all, this is non-compliance with the technique of pasting the walls. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to study all the intricacies.

After applying glue to a strip of wallpaper, it is best to fold it and roll it over it with a rubber roller. This will ensure that all excess glue spreads evenly over the surface. Then, when you have glued the canvas to the wall, carefully roll the seams with a rubber roller, then they will be tightly fixed to the plane.

To ensure a perfect joint between the wallpaper, first prepare the walls for installation: take care of puttying, sanding and applying a primer. Without this, the base for the wallpaper will become dusty and will absorb glue, which is why the canvas simply will not stick to the walls. It is advisable to prime the surface 24 hours before installation.

Rare wallpaper initially suggests the presence of joints, which are almost impossible to hide. These are glossy and vinyl, as well as silk-screen printing. Expensive and exclusive options will not save you at all from the appearance of joints.

Therefore, when choosing wallpaper, pay attention to wide canvases, and try to place the joints between them in places where you will have furniture or other interior items.

How to fix joints on wallpaper


  1. Don't buy cheap wallpaper and glue - you won't get good results from them!
  2. Choose an ornament without pronounced horizontal elements. Any unevenness will be noticeable.
  3. Dilute glue granules in water at a temperature not exceeding 30°.
  4. When drying the wallpaper, avoid drafts and rapid temperature changes.

Treat repairs with full responsibility and excellent result It will delight your loved ones for a long time!

Wallpaper is probably the most common type of wall decoration in our apartments. But very often the appearance of a freshly wallpapered wall is spoiled by visible joints. How to avoid such trouble, read this article.

  1. In fact, you should think about the final appearance of the stickers at the stage of purchasing them. Cheap products costing 200-300 rubles per roll will most likely have a visible wallpaper joint. These are low-quality paper wallpapers that, when moistened, stretch and then shrink unevenly. That's why the joints are visible on the wallpaper. However high price- is far from a guarantee that the wallpaper seams will be invisible.
  2. Wallpaper joints are not visible on vertical striped or checkered wallpaper (tiles), but are usually noticeable on glossy vinyl and plain, ornamented, thick textured wallpaper with unpainted ends.
  3. Wallpaper joints for painting are perfectly sealed with a special sealant, so they are virtually invisible. Of course, the seams must be sealed before. The joint of colored wallpaper can also be sealed with sealant, and then carefully painted over to match. Do not use putty; over time it will crack and fall out.
  4. Another important point: proper transportation and storage of wallpaper rolls. A crumpled, damaged end can result in visible joint, which will be very difficult to fix. Therefore, do not buy rolls without packaging and do not store wallpaper standing up.
  5. It is better to paint the unpainted ends of the wallpaper, especially dark colors, in advance to match the color with a colored pencil.
  6. Sometimes a colored stripe is made on the wall at the joints in the same color as the wallpaper so that the loose joint is less noticeable.
  7. All are most susceptible to deformation paper wallpaper. You need to glue them skillfully. It is very important not to let the paper swell too much, otherwise tears and uneven shrinkage may occur.
  8. An ideal wallpaper joint is only possible with a carefully prepared, even and smooth surface. Therefore, technology should not be neglected: it is imperative to sand the walls before wallpapering.
  9. Don't forget to prime the walls. Otherwise, the base for the wallpaper will be dusty, and the glue will not be able to hold it when shrinkage begins, and accordingly the joints will open. It is better to prime the day before so that there is no speck of dust on the wall.
  10. Wallpaper glue today is for the most part of very decent quality (for example, Cleo, Moment). But you need to apply it in an amount sufficient for pasting, without excess. A thick layer of glue shrinks more slowly, so when the wallpaper strip begins to shrink (and all types of wallpaper are susceptible to it to one degree or another), the glue will not be able to contain the decrease in width. This will lead to the formation of gaps between the wallpaper panels. Advice from practice: Having smeared the strip with glue, fold it in half with the glue inward on the floor or table, then roll it with a rubber roller. Excess glue will be squeezed out and will not end up on the wall.
  11. It is important to carefully roll the wallpaper seams into place. To do this, use a rubber or special seam roller.

Unfortunately, there are a number of wallpapers on which the seams will be visible, no matter how hard you try. For example, glossy vinyl wallpaper, including silk-screen printing, wallpaper, the thickness of which is uneven along the length or unequal on different sides. By the way, expensive collectible wallpaper in terms of joints is not too different from the budget category. Even elite Italian and German collections suffer from uneven edge trimming. And the design of the wallpaper, painted by hand, does not even involve joining; as a result, the joints of the panels are clearly visible. Therefore, give preference to wide factory wallpaper, and, if possible, place the seams where they will be covered by furniture, curtains, etc. And even if the freshly papered wall is not perfect, don’t be upset. Thanks to the richness of colors, textures and patterns, wallpaper creates a unique atmosphere home comfort, even despite small flaws.

Luxurious cozy bedroom

Imperfect wallpaper joint

At first glance, there is nothing complicated in gluing wallpaper; even a schoolchild can cope with this procedure. But things are not always so simple. Every business has its own subtleties and nuances, some of which are beyond the power of even masters. One of the main problems when gluing wallpaper remains the correct and accurate alignment of adjacent panels so that the seams between them are not noticeable.

If you hire specialists for repairs, including wallpapering, then the problem of how to properly join the panels so that the seams between them are not visible, and there are no problems with how to remove them, will be their headache. In this case, you will only need to monitor the quality of the work performed. And if apartment renovation is your doing, then it’s better to familiarize yourself with possible difficulties when gluing walls and ceilings, why not think about how to remove glue residues from the walls and make the seams between the canvases invisible.

What causes visible seams on a laminated surface?

Seams on wallpaper can be noticeable for various reasons:

  • Uneven edges of the edges in the roll;
  • Differences in edge color in one roll;
  • Traces of glue are visible on the wallpaper at the joints of the panels;
  • The seams have come apart and the wall is visible;
  • The edges peel off and curl, pulling off pieces of plaster.

In each of the listed cases, the reasons for the appearance of noticeable seams are different from each other.

If the conditions of transportation and storage of wallpaper are violated, their edges may become wrinkled and torn. Wallpaper should not be kept in a vertical position for a long time to avoid damaging the edges of the rolls. When gluing such materials, a neat and invisible seam will no longer be possible. If the left and right edges of the roll differ in color intensity, when gluing such wallpaper, differences in color will be noticeable at the joints of the seams.

Advice ! To eliminate differences in color and make sure that the seams are not visible, in case of such a problem, it is advised to alternately turn the glued panels “upside down” so that the adjacent edges match in color.

In this case, the seam will not need to be removed. In addition, when purchasing, be sure to check that the wallpaper you purchase is from the same batch, this will eliminate the problem of different colors.

The seams may come apart when the wallpaper dries, leaving the wall visible. These problems arise if the gluing technology is violated. Typically, wallpaper, like any other paper material, tends to expand when wet.

If too much glue is applied to their surface, they can swell and stretch up to 6 mm wide when glued. After drying, the paper returns to its original width, and a gap appears between the panels, which will then have to be removed. To eliminate this problem, you must carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions for gluing them correctly. It usually indicates which glue is best to use, what to spread, the wall or wallpaper, or both, and how long to wait before gluing to prevent the material from swelling.

To eliminate the problem of the edges of the canvases peeling off, craftsmen advise using a special glue for gluing the edges; it is sold in construction stores. You can use PVA glue to glue the seams; use a rubber roller to press the edges; it does not stretch the material and connects the seams well. Some craftsmen recommend gluing cash register tape or narrow strips of thin white paper, up to about 5 cm wide, under the joints of the panels to connect the edges and obtain invisible seams. With this method it is easier to join the seams between the panels.

All these techniques are used in the process of pasting walls. And if some nuances were not taken into account, and after pasting the wallpaper seams became noticeable, you need to figure out the problem, how you can remove them yourself. How to approach this problem can be decided in its own way in each individual case. If the situation is really bad, and the quality of the work does not satisfy you at all, you can re-paste the wallpaper. The option is expensive and troublesome both in terms of finances and time and nerves. If you are not satisfied with it, you need to figure out how to hide or remove visible imperfections in the seams.

If traces of wallpaper glue are visible on the front side of the wallpaper, you can remove them with a damp cloth or sponge. The main thing is not to overdo it; you should not rub the wallpaper, so as not to wash off the paint and not disturb the texture of the material.

If the seams between the panels are visible due to differences in color, you can try to remove this defect by using pencils or paints and retouching to the desired color.

Can be rubbed sandpaper crumbs from the front side of the wallpaper scraps, mix with glue and carefully cover the gap between the panels with this mixture. In addition to these options, to remove cracks between thick wallpaper strips, use grout to tiles, choosing the required color.

Advice ! To remove the visible gap between the sheets, moisten the edges and try to pull them together and re-glue them.

To do this you need to wet the edges clean water, wait 10-15 minutes, carefully pry up the edges with the tip of a spatula, apply PVA glue or special glue for edges on them, then glue them, carefully connecting and ironing them with a rubber roller.

If all these methods for removing noticeable seams are not suitable for some reason, try to use your imagination and decorate the seams on the wallpaper with textile braid or cord; you can make some other material from the same material decorative element, decorate a frame or mirror with it. So you can come up with an unplanned idea new design your room, original and unique.

How to join wallpaper in corners

Seams on wallpaper are difficult to join if the walls are not level. The more irregularities there are on the surface being glued, the more likely it is that the seams will not be invisible. But if you can somehow join the wallpaper on a straight wall, then gluing the panels in the corners seems especially difficult. Perfect even corners Usually this doesn’t happen in our apartments, and all sorts of unevenness leads to the fact that the material in the corners does not stick perfectly evenly, and the problem arises of how to remove unevenness at the joints.

Problem with the material

It is especially difficult to join wallpaper panels of different quality in the corners if you plan to glue different wallpapers on adjacent walls, for example, combining non-woven and textile materials.

If the seams in the corners have come apart and unpasted walls are visible, there are several options for solving the problem of how to remove noticeable stripes. If the wallpaper is pasted for painting, you can carefully seal the cracks in the corners with a special sealant, and then paint everything. If the cracks are too wide, you can try to remove them in this way: cut thin strips from wallpaper scraps and glue them between the panels. The method is quite labor-intensive and requires time and patience.

Universal approach

To eliminate problems with gluing wallpaper strips in the corners of a room, experts recommend gluing wallpaper in the corners from two panels; a panel is glued to each adjacent wall so that they overlap in the corner and there is no gap left. Then, after drying, use a thin blade or sharp knife you need to cut the canvas in the middle of the corner, remove excess residue, pry up the edges with the tip of a sharp spatula, coat them with glue and carefully join them together. This way you can avoid problems with gluing in the corners, bubbles will not form, and you won’t have to think about how to remove distortions in the panels. This way you can easily glue internal corners in the room. And if you have to wallpaper outside corner For example, near a window or door, it is better to glue the wallpaper end-to-end. And to protect them from peeling off, tearing off the edges and eliminating other problems, it is good to glue them on top of pasted wallpaper plastic corner. So, the beautiful and neat appearance of your wallpaper will last for a long time.

Concepts such as interior design and wallpaper are simply inseparable and always go hand in hand. Wallpaper has always been, still remains and will always be an integral part of interior design. various styles. It is only important to fix them correctly on the wall, and this is what our material is about.

Docking of canvases

What you need to know in advance

In the process of preparing for renovation, each person devotes a lot of time to thinking about how to arrange everything; various pictures of the future interior are drawn in his imagination, filled with brand new furniture, with leveled ceilings, a new ideal floor covering and, of course, beautiful wallpaper.

But wallpaper becomes beautiful only if it has been glued perfectly, in accordance with all norms and rules. Not a single seam should be visible on such a finish, but if you are wondering how to hide the joints between the wallpaper, then there are reasons for this, and in this article we will try to figure out what causes such a defect and how fight him.

Causes of defective joints in finishing

The photo shows an example of imperfect finishing

The answer to the question of why joints on the wallpaper are visible may be one of the reasons presented in the following list:

  • The sheets of glued material were separated by some distance from each other;
  • The adhesive composition got on front side the canvas is just in the seam area;
  • The edges of the canvases in this area curl slightly along with the plaster mixture;
  • One edge of the canvas has a darker shade;
  • The sheets have poorly painted or obliquely cut edges.

The panels parted at the junction

When moisturizing, which occurs after applying glue to the wrong side of the canvas, wallpaper following types tend to swell:

  • Vinyl;
  • Paper;
  • Textile.

This means that as the glue is absorbed, they increase their size slightly. So, for example, if we take paper sheet, the width of which is 52 cm, and wet, then its parameters will certainly change, and the width after getting wet will become 2, or even 6 mm larger.

Even some types of non-woven wallpaper swell a little after treatment with glue, which should definitely be taken into account when working.

During the process of pasting the walls, the joints will not be visible at all due to the swelling effect described above. But during the drying process, the material will tend to its previous dimensions, and accordingly reduce its width. It is this behavior of the material during operation that leads to the wallpaper joints becoming visible.

Scheme proper finishing end-to-end walls

There are several ways to answer the question of how to remove joints on wallpaper:

  • Avoid excessive soaking of the material during operation..
    In order to comply this condition you should understand when the canvas has reached the necessary moisture, and begin the gluing process, without waiting for the moment when the canvas reaches the stage of soaking, at which its dimensions will be difficult to predict;

Do not forget that paper is a material created not from fibers of synthetic origin, but a product made from cellulose and wood, and therefore it may soak unevenly.

This property means that after drying, uneven divergence of the seam may be observed, because it will diverge in certain areas and converge in others. This will give the impression that the edge of the material has a wave-like shape.

  • Apply glue to the canvas in sufficient quantities, avoiding excess of this substance on the wallpaper.
    This is a separate art of applying enough glue so that it has time to grab the canvas before it begins to narrow. Often, the canvas simply begins to narrow when there is a lot of glue under it, which does not allow it to grab the material while maintaining its dimensions;
  • Fix the position of the edges of the material.
    In order to use this method, you can use the tip of a plastic spatula, a specialized rubber roller or a special glue for gluing joints and borders, although the price of such glue is quite high.

Fixing with special glue

  • Before wallpapering, paint the joints with paint..
    In some cases, a craftsman who glues wallpaper with his own hands, and is unsure that the joints will not separate, paints the areas of the supposed seams with paint of the appropriate shade. Thus, the joints on the surface are not so noticeable.

Adhesive on the front side of the trim

If glue from a joint gets onto the front side of the canvas, it can change its color or damage the coating. If you rub the joint with a rag to remove the glue, you can completely ruin the finish. The instructions on the packaging of wallpaper glue very often stipulate that it should not come into contact with the front side of the material.

In order to avoid this effect, it is necessary to ensure that there is not a lot of glue, and then its excess will not protrude in the area of ​​​​the joints.

Advice. If glue does get onto the front side, try to wash the area with a damp, clean rag, but do not rub too hard.

Curling the edge together with putty

This problem is a consequence of:

  • Incorrect execution of plastering technology;
  • Use of low quality materials.

Often this defect is observed in textile wallpaper due to the fact that not only the base, but also the textile fabric of this finish narrows.

Color difference between the edges of the canvas

Often joints become visible due to the fact that during the gluing process they did not take into account that the wallpaper has different colors or shades on different sides.

In order to avoid such an effect as wallpaper joint different color Manufacturers recommend making reverse gluing from two different rolls.

Unpainted or cut edges

Joining wallpaper of different colors

In order to answer the question of how to design a joint different wallpapers If the edge of the canvas is not painted or is cut at an angle, you will have to turn to a children's pencil case. Before you start wallpapering, try to find a pencil or felt-tip pen the desired shade and after the canvas has dried, the defect can be eliminated simply by finishing the edge by hand.

Real professionals in working with wallpaper are able to close the edges of the canvases without additional tricks in such a way that this effect will not be noticeable.


Working with a rubber roller

When trying to solve the problem of joints, we should also not forget that each type of material varies from different manufacturers may have its own individual specificity. So on some surfaces it will be very difficult to find joints, but on others they will be visible in any case.

Well, even more interesting ways The video in this article will show you how to combat unsightly joints.


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