Crafts from glass bottles for your garden. What can you make from a glass bottle? Interesting ideas for home and garden

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Very often to create decorative elements for the interior or territory suburban area you can use unnecessary things. Many people accumulate glass bottles, but they don’t always want to throw them away. Yes, and this is not necessary, because you can make them stylish vases or it’s interesting to decorate a flowerbed for a dacha, especially if the bottles have unusual shape.

Before you start creating interesting crafts, you need to understand how to cut a glass bottle. After all, doing this is not as easy as it seems. It is difficult to make the cut edge perfectly even using any available means, so most often the processing is carried out more in modern ways. Most often used special machine or glass cutter. But such equipment is unlikely to be available at home. Therefore, at home, glass can be cut by heating it with a flame or boiling water, or using a burning thread.

When working, be sure to follow safety precautions when working with fire and electricity; in addition, glass dust settling in the room will get into your eyes or respiratory organs. If you are sanding edges, it is best to use a sharpening stone or sandpaper. Since it is impossible to cut a glass bottle using simple methods, many turn to glass blowing workshops. Here the glass is heated to a high temperature, as a result of which it becomes soft, plastic, and the bottle can be given any shape.


The most popular and easiest to make crafts from glass bottles are a variety of tableware items. If you cut them into two halves, the first can be used as a glass or glass, and the second as plates. Of course, they are not suitable for use right away, since the edges must be processed, otherwise you can get hurt from uneven edges. If you want to make flat plates with your own hands, you will need to go to a workshop where they will be heated, after which they can be given a certain shape.


Few people think about what can be made from glass bottles. But you can create the most interesting decorative elements that will decorate not only the interior, but also the exterior. If you don’t want to throw away old bottles, we suggest making original hanging plant pots out of them. To create them, it is better to take the most voluminous products, from champagne or wine, and a 20-liter glass bottle is even better. Making a flowerpot at home is easy and simple:

Such an original flowerpot is inexpensive, and you can plant petunias, lupins and any flowering plants in it that will add variety to your garden.


Photos of crafts made from glass bottles show that this improvised material is suitable for a variety of purposes. So, an original bottle lamp will complement the interior very interestingly and effectively. It's easy to do. After thoroughly cleaning the bottle, a place for the wires is marked on it; most often, the side wall near the bottom is selected, which is neat and aesthetically pleasing. A clay cake is placed on the place where the hole for the wires will be drilled; while drilling, you need to gradually pour water into the hole so that the drill does not heat up. You need to drill very carefully, then the resulting hole is processed with sandpaper to obtain smooth edges.

We will use garlands or LED lights as lighting equipment; bottles that contain several types of lighting at the same time look especially beautiful. The wires are pushed inside the bottle, and only the part that is needed to connect to the outlet remains outside. All that remains is to connect the finished lamp. The composition can be supplemented with candles, and the neck of the bottle can be decorated with ribbons, laces, and other decorative elements.


Glass bottles are good to use to create vases. This is where you can give free rein to your imagination! These vessels are easy to make, and their design can be very different - it depends on your preferences. Let's look at the most popular ways to create vases from glass bottles.

We use wine bottles

The simplest option is the most laconic - simply cut off the neck of the vessels so that there is enough space to place the flowers. The edges are carefully processed so that you don’t get hurt when using homemade vases.

Painted vases

If you want to make interior elements more beautiful, you can decorate ordinary bottles. To do this, they need to be cleaned of labels and glue residues using vegetable oil or solvents. For painting, you should use special compositions for painting glass - they will reliably adhere to the glass surface and will not be washed off under the influence of water. There are many options for painting: some paint patterns on the outer surface, while others simply pour paint in a thin stream inside so that it covers the entire inner surface. In the latter case, the bottle must be thoroughly dried. Such bright DIY vases made from glass bottles will become a bright decorative accent in any room. They can be placed on a table or window.

Use of beads and knitted inserts

If your hands are out of place, you will probably find a way to decorate an ordinary wine bottle to give it an unusual appearance. In addition, there are a huge number of design options. A simple way is to knit a bottle cover using different techniques and cut off the neck - this way you will get a very cute and romantic vase that will add zest to any interior. Using beads is another beautiful, but quite labor-intensive option, since it will take more than one week to knit the pattern.


Today this technique is very popular, since most materials are always at hand. For this technique you will need a paper ornament. PVA glue, varnish, and it is not necessary to buy a ready-made set, since improvised materials are most often at hand. You will also need paints - preferably acrylic or stained glass. When choosing a design and paper on which the ornament will be placed, pay attention to its thickness. The thinner it is, the clearer the pattern on the glass will be. It is no coincidence that many people use rice paper - thin and soft, which is especially convenient for beginners. But you can also use napkins, postcards, photographs, various drawings or illustrations. These options, by the way, are ideal if you want to decorate a bottle for the New Year for one of your friends or for another holiday when you want to highlight someone.

Decoupage technique: taking into account the features

Decoupage is an excellent technique for working on glass, since its surface does not require any preparatory work. Glass does not absorb glue or varnish, so if you carefully apply these compounds, the surface will be uniform. But it is worth remembering that a design that is placed on a smooth surface may slip off, so it needs to be attached to several points of glue throughout the bottle.

Before making crafts from glass bottles with your own hands using the decoupage technique, it is worth degreasing the surface using cologne or vodka. This will prevent the material from peeling off the surface. It is very easy to hide any inconsistencies in the layers - for this, the border is decorated with beads, rhinestones, and loose sparkles. The decoupage technique is as follows:

  1. Preparation of necessary materials and tools.
  2. Selecting a design pattern that is torn or cut out of a rice napkin.
  3. Marking control points with a marker, which will allow you to monitor the verticality of the pattern.
  4. Moistening the napkin and degreasing the surface.
  5. Applying glue to the glass surface.
  6. Applying paper, which is neatly straightened. The paper is carefully aligned so that the design adheres thoroughly.
  7. Making the background using acrylic paints. For a more dramatic surface, you can spray a coating from translucent to dense.
  8. Varnishing.
  9. “Baking” the finished product in the oven.

Making a flower bed

Glass bottles are the ideal solution if you want to make your area more interesting. Thus, many gardeners simply do not throw away glass products, but use them to frame flower beds and flower beds. Why not? First of all, it's unusual. Secondly, it looks beautiful. Thirdly, framing is easy. Fourthly, it's cheap. To create a flower bed from glass bottles, you do not need any special knowledge or skills, and you will really like the finished structures in terms of aesthetics. In addition, they will protect green spaces and flowers from animals.

Used bottles are big environmental problem For environment, especially considering that the decay time glass bottle takes . Clusters of plastic bottles on the planet are already forming real ones in the oceans.
The threat from plastic containers to the Earth’s ecology is not limited to this. It takes about .
These facts do not allow many people to sleep peacefully, and they come up with very original ways use of bottles in the household.

13. Bottle - tray

5. Plastic armor

Japanese Kosuke Tsumura “cuts” plastic outfits from plastic bottles. A durable, aesthetically pleasing plastic suit will protect your body from impacts.

4. Fantastic plastic boat

Source: A team of French researchers is set to sail from San Francisco to Australia (18,000 km) on an 18-meter boat made entirely of plastic bottles (except for the sail masts). The construction of the yacht took 16,000 two-liter plastic bottles, which were filled with dry ice (to give it hardness).

Another a budget option making a ship from plastic bottles.

Source: This is the “vessel” on which rugged Argentine fishermen go to sea. Our fishermen make rafts from plastic bottles a little more carefully.

For those who dreamed of their own island, I hasten to convey the good news. Becoming the governor of your own island is a reality.

Do you remember one of the Travelers Club programs about the inhabitants of the floating islands of Lake Titicaca? The program talked about South American Indians who, by piling reeds into huge piles, built large islands. These islands roamed freely on the waters of the great Lake Titicaca. On the islands, the Indians built huts, farmed, and raised livestock. Many inhabitants were born and died on such islands, never setting foot on solid land.

Why not use plastic bottles instead of reeds, British eco-pioneer Richart thought and set out to build his own island. To do this, he filled the nets with plastic bottles. The British ecologist covered the surface of the island with plywood and bamboo, on which lay a layer of sand and soil. Mangrove trees were planted on the island to protect the island's inhabitants from the scorching rays of the sun. In addition, a two-storey house, a “solar oven”, a dry toilet, and three beaches have been “landscaped”.

1. A million bottles for the construction of a temple

Glass bottles accumulate in every home and family over time. Make useful things out of them, and bottles will no longer be trash for you.

Candlesticks made from the top and bottom halves of bottles

Cut the bottle in half. Place the candles on a table or shelf and cover them with the top halves of the bottles. Glass will give beautiful reflections and a more even flame.

You can also make candlesticks from the bottom halves of bottles. To do this, sand the edges of the lower halves so as not to cut yourself. You can decorate the cut beautifully. For example like this. Pour into a saucer thin layer sweet water (for half a glass of water - two tablespoons of sugar). Prepare a deep plate with granulated sugar nearby.

Now immerse the bottle glasses in the saucer and immediately dip into the plate with sugar. An even thin trace of sugar forms on the glass. When it dries, there will be a beautiful snow border.

Place a candle in the prepared glass and light it.


Prepare the material for the wick. Fill the bottle 1/3 full with decorative stones. Fill it with fuel. Insert and secure the wick. You can complement the torch with different decorative elements. Make sure the wick is wet with your fuel. Light it up.

You can use this torch to illuminate a gazebo in your garden.

Bird feeders

Feeders can be made from upside down bottles and cans. Fill bottles or jars with food (grain, seeds, cereal). Cover with a saucer and turn upside down. Some of the food will spill out onto the saucer. As the birds peck at the food, it will gradually be added again until the container is completely gone.

Another version of the feeder requires you to drill a hole large enough (maybe more than one) so that a small bird can stick its head through it and peck the food directly in the bottle.

Such feeders can be beautifully decorated and hung on trees in the garden. They will become a true decoration of your site.

Fencing beds with bottles

Fencing garden beds with bottles looks very impressive and decorative. It is better if the bottles are the same color. To do beautiful fencing, dig a ditch along the contour of the bed.

Insert the bottles with their necks down and compact the soil around them.

Glowing paths in the garden

Interesting solution- decorating paths in the garden with bottles. In design it is similar to fencing beds. But there is an important addition here. An LED garland is laid along the bottom of the groove intended for fencing. As the bottles are installed, an LED light turns on. The earth around the bottles should then be compacted.

This creates a fence for the path made of glowing bottles. It looks especially impressive at night.

Sunny bunnies

From the bottoms of bottles you can make hanging sun reflectors - sunbeam catchers. This will create a play of light and a festive mood.

They are made simply - ordinary water clamps, only of a large diameter, are attached to the bottoms.

And a rope is already attached to them and the bottoms are suspended from trees. If desired, the bottoms can be painted and decorated.

Bottle vases

There is a huge field for imagination here. Vases can be made tabletop. Or attach it to the wall.

You can further decorate the bottles, for example with salt or glitter.

The bottle is coated with some kind of glue (for example, Bustilat or PVA). Then it is rolled on the table over a pile of salt or sprinkled with glitter on top.

You can decorate a bottle with jewelry and it will turn into a bottle of treasures.

Money box

Champagne bottles are good for piggy banks. It’s especially great to start saving for New Year, and at the end of the year break the filled bottle for good luck and use the accumulated funds to purchase some gift.

Bottles for automatic watering of plants

Take an empty bottle with a narrow neck and fill it with water. While standing next to the plant you want to water, quickly turn the bottle over and stick the neck into the soil next to the plant. Make sure the bottle fits well into the soil up to its hangers. The water will seep into the soil over several days, keeping the soil evenly moist.

garden lamp

Take a tin can and carefully cut off the lid completely. Attach it to a pole of the desired length.

Paint everything with dark paint. Secure the pole in the place you need.

Cut the bottom from a beautiful decorative bottle or jar. Attach it to tin can so that it can be removed if necessary. Place a candle in the tin bin, light it and cover it with the prepared glass.

Usually it accumulates at the dacha or in the pantry. a large number of garbage. For example, glass bottles for juice, soda, alcoholic drinks. If you show a little imagination, they will gain a second life. This article is for those who are wondering what can be made from a glass bottle.


It often happens that it is a pity to throw away the bottle interesting shape or with an original drawing. In this case, you can think about various options finishing. For example, use the decoupage technique. It is very simple to make, but looks beautiful. These bottles will fit well into the kitchen interior.

In addition to the “garbage” you will need: PVA glue, a napkin with a pattern, a brush, a roller, and varnish. First the bottle is primed. Then, the selected pattern is glued to the dried surface. If the PVA glue is very thick, then it can be diluted a little. If napkins are used, you only need to leave upper layer. Pictures from magazines should be kept in water for a while to soften them. You need to apply another layer of glue on top of the drawing. After this, the bottle is varnished several times. After this finishing, you can wet it without fear that the design will get wet and “peel off”. However, you should not scrub with a metal sponge.

Other finishing options

You can make the bottle elegant using any other materials. For example, cover with paints. In this case, the drawing will be limited only by flights of fancy. You will need to apply several layers of varnish on top.

Another design option is to cover the bottle with threads. different colors, twine, shells, pasta, etc. Can be done three-dimensional image from polymer clay.

How to use glass bottle crafts at home

The first thing that comes to mind is that this is for flowers. They can also be used for their intended purpose: for storing various liquids (alcoholic drinks, juices, oils, etc.). Such bottles look especially advantageous when setting a table. They can also serve as candlesticks.

With filler

There is another option for how to use glass bottles in the interior. A new fashionable trend is to fill them with various bulk contents. Some craftsmen even create paintings. You can try to create such a decoration yourself.

One of the most simple options- cereals, seeds or dried vegetables poured in rows. The alternation of contrasting colors, as well as large and small elements, looks good.

Another way is to use fresh fruits and vegetables. They need to be cut into cubes and placed in a bottle. To prevent the contents from disappearing, you must add vinegar or glycerin - they will act as a preservative. To prevent liquids from evaporating, each bottle must be tightly sealed.

You can try creating a composition with colored salt. To do this, you need to paint it with gouache diluted in water and pour it into the bottle in any order.

Lamps and candlesticks

What can you make from a glass bottle to beautifully decorate a room or area? From waste material easy to make original lamps. For example, by type of burner or torch. Oil is poured into the bottle, and a sleeve with a wick is inserted into the neck. It should be long enough to reach the bottom. This burner can be installed on the ground or hung on special fasteners.

Bottles also look good as a chandelier or stand for a table lamp.

Walls, fences

Crafts made from glass bottles look original when decorated summer cottage. If you wish, you can build a house all from the same glass. But this is quite a troublesome task. To begin with, you can try to build large and not very large fences. A bottle wall will look very interesting when decorating a summer cottage. It's quite simple to do.

The common element is taken as a connecting element. concrete mortar. It can be added to provide strength and weather resistance. Bottles can be used different color And different shapes. This will create interesting pattern. You can simply stack them all in a row, because... the bottles will play in the sun, and the fence will still turn out bright and beautiful.

And it’s easier to make paths on the site. It is enough just to dig the bottles into the ground and press it down thoroughly. To add a festive touch, you can entangle the fence with a garland or pass it inside.

Shot glasses, glasses

What can you make from a glass bottle if you cut it? The possibilities will expand significantly. Now it will be possible to make various stands, vases, glasses, complex candlesticks, etc. One way to cut glass carefully is to first mark the cut line. To make it even, you can use tape. Then they go along the line with a glass cutter. However, the glass of the bottles is thick, so it won’t cut off so easily. You need to heat the product over a candle or burner, and then lower it into cold water. Due to a sharp temperature change, the glass will burst along the cut line. That’s it, the blank for the glass or vase is ready, you can decorate it.

The list of options for what can be made from a glass bottle does not end here. The scope for flight of fancy is simply enormous. Some are already assembling furniture, others are decorating stained glass windows. There would be time and desire to do this.

Glass bottles have long been perceived by people as ordinary garbage that should be thrown away, but this is far from the case. Few people know that glass bottles can be used to make many interesting and, most importantly, useful things for decorating the interior of your home or original design summer cottage plot. You just need to show your imagination and spend a little time.

Second life of glass bottles

Giving a second life to a seemingly unnecessary bottle is within the power of every person. You don't have to be a professional artist or designer to do this. If you use a little imagination, you can turn it into an unusual art object without spending a penny.

Most people always have beautiful but unnecessary beads, trimmings of braid, ribbons and many other little things at home that can be used for decoration. Anything that can be used as improvised material to turn a bottle into designer item. Conventionally, all crafts made from glass containers can be divided into three groups:

  1. Interior decorations.
  2. Exterior design for a personal plot.
  3. Useful gadgets.

Glass is considered environmentally friendly pure material, incapable of harming human health. It is stored for a long time, tolerates heat and cold well, so use it as a basis for various crafts very comfortably.

Crafts for interior decoration

This group includes all crafts that are intended to decorate the interior of a room. If you want to make your home cozy and beautiful, you don’t have to buy expensive things. You can make them yourself, the main thing is that they look original and beautiful.

Vase from a bottle

What else can you use an empty glass container for, if not for a vase? Such a remodel will not only decorate the interior, but also useful thing in the house, while the cost of its production is practically not required. There are quite a variety of ways to turn a bottle into a vase yourself.. For example:

Original candlestick

Making glass candlesticks has been practiced all over the world for quite some time. But why shouldn't candles burn in glass bottles? Crafts of this type will not only decorate any interior, but will also protect your home from fire.

In order to make a candlestick, you will need to cut off the bottom of the bottle. This can be done using a glass cutter or a burning rope. Many people know how to use a glass cutter, but one problem often arises: it is very difficult to make an even cut, even if the tool is sharp.

It is much more convenient to tie the bottle around the bottom with a rope soaked in gasoline or alcohol. It needs to be set on fire. When the thread burns out, place the bottle in cold water. The bottom will fall off on its own, and the cut will be smooth and neat. All that remains is to clean up the edge sandpaper so that you can’t cut yourself on it, and the exclusive candlestick is ready. You just need to put a candle inside it. The bottle can be decorated with stars cut out of foil, then instead of the usually dim candle light, stars will twinkle in the room.

Furniture supports and legs

Oddly enough, but bottles can be used as load-bearing supports or legs for production original furniture. Despite the apparent fragility, empty container made of glass can withstand quite a large load. It can be used in the manufacture of such interior items as:

  • coffee table;
  • shelves and racks of various types;
  • tabletop rotating dishes-trays.

In order to design a coffee table, you should cut out a pre-prepared tabletop round holes for legs. There can be three or more, depending on the size and shape of the table. You need to insert the bottles with their necks up into the holes, and the mini-table is ready. Shelves and racks are made in a similar way. If desired, they can be made multi-tiered, using bottles as supports.

A round dish-tray, which is sure to please all guests, can also be made using regular bottle. To do this, a soft limiter should be attached to its neck (where it begins to expand). It can be an elastic band or simply wound in several layers beautiful thread. The bottom should be glued to a stable round surface.

A hole is made in the middle of a round dish (you can make it yourself or buy a ready-made one). The dish is placed over the neck and secured with an elastic band or decorative rope above. You can place fruits or sweets on it and place it in the center of the table. Since the tray will rotate, it will be convenient for any guest to take everything they need from it. To achieve greater effect, the entire structure can be painted in the same style.

Registration of a personal plot

Many gardeners know that glass bottles can be successfully used for original garden design. Some people even deliberately collect empty containers all winter in order to realize their ideas in the summer.

Fencing for flower beds and beds

It’s very easy to make low fences for dividing beds or decorating a border for a flower bed from bottles. Usually two methods are used - neck up or down.

In the first case, you need to dig a shallow groove (about 10-15 cm) around the perimeter of the future fence and place the bottles in a row with their necks up. Then fill the ditch with earth and compact it. The glass mini-picket fence is ready.

The second option is quite simple. Simply stick the bottles into the soil with their necks down about halfway. The fence can be made multi-colored or monochromatic; in any case, glass always plays well with Sun rays, which gives the flowerbed design an unusual look.

Such fences personal plot not only look beautiful, but also protect the plants in the flowerbed from external weeds. They do not require maintenance, do not rot and do not lose their original appearance. If the owner wishes, such a fence can last for more than one summer season without replacement.

Glass mosaic

Decorating facades with glass mosaics is an original and not very expensive way to decorate the appearance country house. To work you will need:

  • broken bottle glass medium size (quantity depends on the area of ​​decoration);
  • mortar (cement or alabaster);
  • grout material.

The solution is applied to the selected surface. Glass is pressed inwards into it with sharp edges. How to arrange the fragments depends on the imagination of the master. There are known cases when entire paintings were laid out from glass mosaics or the facade of a house was completely finished. When the solution begins to harden, it should be rubbed finished surface. This will smooth out any rough edges and secure any broken pieces. Such a mosaic can be designed in the process repair work, which will make this activity more enjoyable and creative. The finished finish looks very original.

Useful devices

Homemade items made from glass bottles can be not only beautiful, but also useful. There are several options useful devices where this cookware is used. For example:

  • unbreakable thermos;
  • mug;
  • bird feeders.

Homemade thermos

To make a thermos you will need a block of foam plastic rectangular shape and some foil (you can use food grade). The bottle must have a screw cap. The foam is cut into two parts. A hole is cut out in the lower part to the size of the bottle without taking into account the neck. The upper half will be the lid; you should also cut a hole in it for the neck with a stopper.

The bottle is covered with several layers of foil, then fixed inside the foam using the same glue. The properties of foil have been known for a long time: it retains heat well, and the foam lid enhances the effect. The outside of the foam can be painted with paints to give the craft an original look.

Certainly, homemade thermos In many ways it is inferior to a purchased product, but it is simply irreplaceable in situations where there is a risk of breaking it. Even if this happens, it will always be without extra costs you can make a new copy.

Transparent mug

A homemade mug can always come in handy. If you decorate it beautifully, it will not only serve its intended purpose, but will also help create a unique style in the kitchen. In order to make it, you need to cut off the neck (the upper round part) and the bottom about ten centimeters high from the bottle.

The cuts should be cleaned well. The round part of the neck should be glued to the resulting glass instead of a handle. To decorate a mug, you can only use special paints that will not harm human health, but even without decoration, the product looks very original.

Dining room for feathered friends

To make a convenient feeder for your feathered neighbors, you should attach a bottle of food to wooden base neck down. You need to place a saucer almost right under it. Thanks to this design, the grains will always remain dry and be added to the saucer as needed.

Such feeders can be hung in your garden. It’s good if children take an active part in making and placing them. Such crafts will not only help birds survive the harsh winter, but will also become a good visual aid to instill in children a sense of responsibility for a living being.

If you show a little diligence and use your imagination, then any glass bottles can be turned into designer items. And if you do this professionally, it will provide you with good additional income.


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