Lining the roof eaves with clapboard options. Hemming the roof overhangs

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They often plan to finish the roof overhang later or skip this stage altogether. However, such a simple manipulation will not only give the roof an aesthetically complete look, but will also help secure other structural elements more reliably. If you don’t want to bother too much, then you can resort to one of the simplest and most accessible operations - filing the roof overhangs.

Very quickly, without special effort and special skills, you can finish the decoration of the entire house yourself. After which both the roof and the house as a whole will be transformed. In addition, the entire structure will become stronger, and the facade will be protected from unnecessary sun rays and precipitation. Below we will consider in detail: what is roof overhang lining, how it is done, and what materials are needed.

Roof overhangs: main purpose

An overhang or eaves is the lower part of the roof, which necessarily protrudes beyond the walls of the house. In other words, an additional canopy over the house. They perform protective function. Firstly, overhangs protect from summer sun rays. Wherein Winter sun warms up the rooms. Secondly, they protect external walls and the foundation from wicking. And snow or icicles won’t fall on your head. As a rule, their width varies from 40 cm to 1 meter.

It is believed that this part of the house does not require mandatory filing. But it is worth considering that in this case the windage of the structure will increase, a strong gust of wind can break the eaves. And it also depends on how the overhangs were installed. In some cases, they are not specifically hemmed so that the decorative supports that serve as part of the exterior are visible. Then the work is done as carefully as possible. But it’s better to hide the rough work under a file so that friends and neighbors don’t point their fingers at the roof every time. The lining will also improve the thermal insulation of the house.

Types of overhangs: cornice and front

There are two types of eaves: they can be eaves or frontal. A design option when the overhang is formed by the lower part of a sloping roof is usually called eaves. The front overhang is formed by the side of the slope.

Eaves roof overhang

This type of construction complements the lower part of the sloped roof. It is designed in such a way that air can reach higher under the roof. As a rule, this works on attic roof options. U attic types roof air leaks through air gap roofing pie(system of several layers roofing material), right up to the ridge, ventilating the entire roof.

If air channels are not provided, the ventilation process will be completely impossible, which is extremely bad. The filing should not be done “tightly”. But it's still worth doing. Otherwise, there is a risk that mice, birds, insects or other living creatures will get under the roof. And then the rafters will have to be carefully treated with water-repellent paint, otherwise moisture will spoil them over time.

It is important! The eaves overhang must have a ventilation system.

There are several ways to install a ventilation system:

  1. The easiest thing to do is to leave a small gap between the walls of the house and the sheathing. For corrugated sheets minimum thickness the gaps are 6 mm, the maximum is 12 mm. The gap under the lining or siding should be 10-15 mm.
  2. There are special grilles that allow air to enter, which are inserted directly into the cladding material. They can be used with almost all types of hems.
  3. In cases where the overhang is sheathed with boards, it simply leaves small gaps (5-10 mm) between them.
  4. Small holes can be made in the soffit panel, which will serve to ventilate the entire roof.

Note to the master. Tip 1: the totality of ventilation holes must be at least 1/500 of the total area to be ventilated. When working with bitumen or seam roofing, the width of the holes should be larger than for clay tiled roof, since it has the ability to “breathe”.

Note to the master. Tip 2: Ventilation holes must be covered with a grille (in the case of cracks, with a mesh). Otherwise, the holes will quickly become clogged with insects, small animals, dust or anything else.

Front roof overhang

When using a frontal system, the overhang is formed by the side part of the slope, which is located on a slope. Which turns off ventilation problems. But strong wind or moisture can damage the structure. Most often in such cases, the insulation suffers. If it becomes saturated with moisture, it will not perform its function.

It is important! When working with a front canopy, everything must be done hermetically.

Roof overhang: edge treatment

Both types of overhangs have open elements at the ends. At the front overhang, the ends of the sheathing are unprotected, and at the eaves, these are the end parts of the rafters. In order to prolong the life of the entire structure, these parts should be treated. The eaves overhangs still need to install additional drainage paths along them. In this case, the protection of the end area will be the edge finishing. Protective layer manufactured depending on the roofing material used. Manufacturers usually include a special edge protection kit in the packaging.

Before installing the sheathing, one more action must be taken: all protruding rafters and fillies should be trimmed vertically (strictly along one contour). At the same time, the distance from the wall should be the same, this is important. After the ends of the stops need to be connected with strapping wooden panel, on which the frontal board is then nailed. Most often used metal board. Metal, ceramic or bitumen shingles, include a frontal board. If you don’t have one at hand, then you can make it yourself from wood. Only the board will have to be carefully treated with a water-repellent compound, since drainage paths will be installed on it.

The procedure for processing the front overhang is as follows:

  • First, all protruding sheathing boards need to be trimmed. It is important that the edge contour is transverse to the wall.
  • The next step will be installing the end panel. We nail a board of wood or metal to the end of the ridge beam and the aligned edges of the sheathing structure.
  • Finally, the end area of ​​the board should be covered with roofing material. The length of the roofing sheet must correspond to the length of the eaves.

The most popular options for filing eaves

The roof overhang can be hemmed in different ways. To do this, they came up with a lot of ways: parallel or perpendicular to the eaves, using solid sheets or individual strips, using certain materials and fastening systems. But these are all variations of the two main filing methods.

Roof overhang: lining directly along the rafters

This method is the easiest. There is only one caveat: the lower ends of the rafters must have one common plane. As a rule, this method is used to hem structures for roofs with a slight slope (up to 30 degrees) and the offset should be 40-50 cm. We attach the sheathing to the rafter posts. Any wooden planks or beams are suitable for its manufacture. Hemming panels can be screwed transversely to the wall, along the end of the rafters, or perpendicular to the surface of the rafters. You need to look at the situation.

Sewing horizontally

This method is ideal for steeply sloped roofs. The installation process takes significantly less time and material is used more economically. To do this, you will need several pieces of beams, from which you need to twist a small structure called a box. Next, it is attached to the rafters and the wall (top and bottom). So that splashes of water that fall on the overhang drain easily. The beam, which on the wall should be 1 cm higher than the beam on the rafters. After that, boards are nailed between the corners of the roof and the house. There is important nuance: if the overhang is more than 45 cm, then an additional longitudinal beam will need to be installed in the middle. Other longitudinal beams need to be reinforced with bars, securing them with nails perpendicular to the surface of the wall.

The front overhang is hemmed exclusively along the sheathing

The roof overhang can be finished in any way. Planks or beams are attached directly to the sheathing. After this, sheathing strips are attached to them.

Choosing material for hemming

The material can be chosen at your discretion. The only thing is that you need to choose it to match the style of your home. Because white plastic will not match a wooden house in any way.

Which board is best?

It is better to give preference to planed coniferous boards, and if this is not available, then you can use edged boards of any species. The width of the board should be between 50-250 mm and a thickness of 17-22 mm. It wouldn't hurt to treat the boards with paint or varnish. Ideally, before installation, the boards should lie for 25-30 days under a canopy outside. Then they will have the optimal degree of humidity.

When covering, it is important to remember to leave gaps (10-15 mm) between the boards so that air can circulate. With perpendicular installation, the boards are attached on both sides. When the overhang is larger than usual, you can add a third screw in the center. If the installation is parallel, then the boards are fixed after 1 meter.

Board is a relatively inexpensive material. A cubic meter will cost from 6,000 rub.m3.

Wooden lining

The lining has one big advantage in front of the board - it is treated with an antiseptic. There is a moisture-resistant type of lining. Considering that it will be used outdoors, it is better to choose this one. Before installation, the lining must also remain under a canopy outside for 25-30 days. Otherwise, the installation of the lining proceeds in the same way as the boards. You just don't have to leave any air gaps. When working with lining, you can use special ventilation grates. They are placed at intervals of 1.5 m.

The lining costs from 300 rubles per sq. m.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) siding

Siding must be moisture resistant. Making hemming using siding is very convenient. Because you can purchase various fastening systems, corners, air grilles and everything you might need for it.

The roof overhang is finished with slats installed perpendicular to the walls. Depending on the width of the eaves, they are attached in several places (2-3-4). It is not advisable to install planks along the wall, since this material is not as rough as wood, so they may sag, or they may need significant amount fastenings.

Square meter of PVC planks - from 250 rubles.

Corrugated sheet (profiled sheet)

The main advantage of this material is that the installation process takes little time, since it is laid in large sheets and fastened according to the same principle as a board. The height of the corrugated sheet profile can vary from 8 mm to 20 mm. When hemming, a gap of 6-12 mm should be left. For ventilation system there is a special grille.

A square meter will cost 500 rubles.

Sheet metal

Compound metal sheets may vary. Among them there are sheets of galvanized or polymer steel, copper and aluminum. The length of such sheets is up to 6 meters. Ventilation can be done using a special grille or perforated pieces of metal. Steel sheets must be treated with an anti-corrosion coating in the cut areas. Aluminum and copper do not need this. The disadvantage of metal sheets is that they are quite difficult to cut. Would need special tool.

The price of one square meter is from 300 rubles.

Plywood and OSB

When choosing plywood sheets for overhangs, use grades with water-resistant properties. The material is quite rigid, so it can be used for installation large slabs. However, you will have to assemble a wooden box from blocks, to which sheets of plywood will be screwed every 1-1.5 m. For ventilation, ready-made grilles are sewn into the sheets. Plywood does not look very attractive, so it is advisable to paint the finished overhang.

Plywood will cost 350 rubles per square meter, OSB from 600 rubles.

Fitting overhangs with soffit is the fastest and most durable way

Soffits are usually called strips made for lining overhangs, so working with them is the most convenient. They are made from various materials: metal (copper, aluminum, steel), PVC. Which have a wide color palette and rich texture, thereby allowing you to select soffits to suit any home design.

The set of spotlights consists of the following elements:

  • Soffit panels.
  • Frontal planks (chamfers).
  • Profiles with J-shaped grooves.
  • End strips.

Many manufacturers produce spotlights and their components, so they may differ in appearance.

According to their characteristics, soffit panels come with one layer, double, triple, perforated (eaves) and solid (for front-line work). Any person with minimal experience working with wood, fasteners and construction tools. You need to cut the panels and install them perpendicular to the wall of the house.

PVC planks are sold at a price of 600-700 rubles per square meter. The rest are several times cheaper.

Cost table for panels for lining overhangs

Do-it-yourself soffit filing: detailed instructions

There is no strict standard for fitting soffits, so the installation process may vary slightly. Before installation, be sure to read the instructions. Below we will discuss the installation process using vinyl soffits as an example.

As a rule, soffits are installed horizontally, but in some cases longitudinal fastening along the rafters is used. Horizontal fastening involves the construction of a special lathing frame. Instructions for its manufacture are given above in the text. Afterwards, all other elements for installation are attached to the sheathing.

Video How to make a roof overhang with soffits

  • Types of cornices
    • Hemming the cornice along the rafters
    • Finishing the cornice with soffits
  • Conclusion

Everyone dreams of building their own home. But the construction of a residential building is a complex process that requires certain skills. The final stage The construction of a house is considered to be the installation of the roof; considerable skills and knowledge are also required here - in order for the roof not to leak, to be properly ventilated and to last for a long time, it is necessary to carefully calculate all its parameters and select high-quality materials.

But you can arrange the roof eaves with your own hands - this is quite possible. In order to understand how to do this correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of cornices and choose the material for covering the overhang.

Types of cornices

Majority modern houses have gable roofs. With this design, the building has two side walls and two front walls. Moreover, the side ones are located on those sides where the roof rafters descend, while the front ones do not have overhangs.

It is necessary to install cornices both on the side walls and above the front ones too. After all, overhangs perform a number of functions:

  • decorate the house by covering the rafter structure;
  • protect the roof from wind, cold and humidity penetrating through the open ends of the rafters;
  • are part of the ventilation system of the under-roof space: through holes in the eaves, air penetrates under the roof, ventilates the layers of thermal and waterproofing, and then is discharged through the ridge;
  • cover the upper part of the walls from winds and slanting rains, preventing the house from getting wet.

Important! There are roof designs that do not include eaves, and there are also shortened versions of overhangs. However, for greater heat conservation inside the house and to protect it from moisture, it is still better to equip the roof with eaves.

Hip roofs have no frontal cornice, because here the rafters extend onto all four walls of the house. IN two pitched roofs Oh The front cornice is the side slope of the sloping roof. Such an overhang is made by attaching load-bearing crossbars to the rafters that protrude above the walls.

You can often find a design in which the overhang is a continuation of the sheathing, which is pressed onto the vapor barrier layer. Then the cornice board is attached directly to the sheathing boards.

The side cornice is formed by rafters protruding beyond the walls. All pitched roofs have such overhangs, their sizes can be different, the norm is a cornice from 40 to 70 cm. To create an overhang, the lower parts of the rafters are cut to the same size and connected by a board to which the cornice sheathing will subsequently be attached.

It is very important to observe the roof ventilation mode during the process of filing the eaves. If this is not done, warm air will begin to condense into water, thereby harming the materials of the “roofing cake” and the walls of the house.

Attention! Ventilation holes should only be at the side eaves, while the front eaves should be hemmed tightly.

How to file a roof eaves

You can hem the roof eaves with your own hands using several materials - today their range is quite large. When choosing cladding, you need to be guided not only by the aesthetic factor, but also long term service life of the material - it should be approximately equal to the service life of the roof itself.

The most commonly used materials for hemming overhangs include:

Options for lining roof eaves

There are two popular methods for lining eaves among roofers:

Hemming the cornice along the rafters

This option is applicable only for roofs with a small slope angle. The biggest difficulty with this method is the uneven size of the rafter legs. To make the cornice smooth and neat, the edges of all rafters must form one plane.

If it is not possible to cut the rafters to the same size, you need to use an additional board, which is attached to the lower edge of the rafters, perpendicular to the wall of the house. The length of the board should correspond to the distance from the wall to the protruding edge of the rafter.

First, the boards are attached to the outer rafters of one slope, then a rope is pulled between them and the boards are mounted relative to it to the remaining rafters. Such a frame is sheathed using metal corners and screws.

Framing the roof eaves along the frame

This option is ideal for roofs with a large slope. To create an overhang, a board about four centimeters wide must be secured to the lower edge of the rafters. The other side of the board is fixed to the wall of the house, or rather to a vertical strip pre-installed there. Instead of this supporting strip, you can use a beam, which is horizontally fixed to the wall with dowels.

The result should be a frame of triangular cross-section, which after covering will resemble a box closed on all sides. Look at ready-made options designs can be shown in photos or videos.

Important! It is necessary to fasten the cornice elements using screws and corners; in this case, it is better not to use nails - the frame needs good rigidity.

Finishing the cornice with soffits

Let's consider the most modern way Do-it-yourself roof eaves lining - treating the overhang with vinyl soffits. The work must be done in the following sequence:

You can take a closer look at the installation of spotlights using the video:


No fundamental differences in filing overhangs with soffits or boards, lining, siding. A novice roofer may find this video useful. step by step description each stage of cladding work, as well as photos of finished structures.

    Roof cornice and its structure

    Gable roofs of private houses

    Windows on a gable roof

    House with a sloping roof

The overhang or eaves of the roof is the lower part of the roof, which usually protrudes from the walls by 40-80 cm.

Its main purpose is to protect the walls and foundation from rain and melt water. The design of the cornice is carried out at the final stage of construction, when the roof is installed and the finishing work on the external walls is completed.

It is recommended to hem not only the eaves overhangs, but also the ceilings of terraces and balconies, and porch canopies. Wide choose materials allows you to choose the skin for any architectural style, taking into account the type roofing.

Why is the cornice hemmed?

  1. After laying the roofing material, part of the rafters and other layers of the “roofing cake” are visible from the bottom of the ends. This does not look aesthetically pleasing - the lining of the overhangs improves the roof, covering all the internal parts, and gives a complete look to the entire structure.
  2. Except decorative function, hemming of cornices protects roofing system from damage due to strong winds.
  3. Another important task is solved - proper under-roof ventilation is ensured, thanks to which the appearance of condensation, mildew and mold is eliminated. Accordingly, the service life of the structure increases.

Types of roof overhangs - what to look for.

There are two types - cornice overhang, another name is horizontal, and pediment overhang. Let's look at how they differ and the features of filing each.

Cornice overhang.

Formed by the lower fragment of a pitched roof. Through it air masses go to the attic. In the case of a heated attic, air enters the under-roof space from below the slope, passes upward and is discharged through a ridge or aerator, this is how all elements of the “roofing pie” are ventilated.

For proper organization For air draft, the lining of the eaves overhang must be ventilated, not continuous, but with inlet openings. To do this, use one of the following methods:

  • The simplest one is to create a gap between the panel and the wall. Based on the material used, the gap should be: 1-1.5 cm for siding or wooden lining, 0.6-1.2 cm for profiled sheets.
  • Integrate aeration grilles - they are installed directly into the sheathing panel.
  • When wooden boards are chosen as the finishing material, you can leave 0.5-1 cm gaps between them during installation.
  • A more popular solution is to line the eaves overhang with perforated soffit.

When finishing a horizontal overhang, two important rules must be followed:

  1. All ventilation slots and gaps must be covered with mesh or grilles. This will prevent debris and leaves, small birds and insects from getting under the roof.
  2. The volume of the slots should not be less than 1/500 of the entire ventilated area. In addition, each type of roofing material has its own hole diameter. For example, ceramics “breathe”; ventilation gaps are needed with a smaller diameter than for flexible tiles.

What happens if you neglect the ventilation of the under-roof space and tightly close the eaves overhang?

Excess moisture contributes to the formation of condensation, wetting and destruction of insulation and rafters, and the formation of mold.

— corrosion forms on metal tiles over time, and natural tiles from excess moisture it will burst in the cold.

- overheating of the premises in hot weather and icing of the roofing in cold weather is possible; such a roof will very quickly fail and major repairs will have to be carried out.

Gable overhang.

Formed by the inclined side part of the roof slope. Here the task is the opposite - you need to protect the sheathing and insulation from getting wet and blown out, and therefore prevent the penetration of wind and rain under the roof. In this case, the filing is performed in a continuous hermetically sealed manner.

How to design the edge (end) of an overhang?

Both types of overhang have open elements at the ends. From the side of the eaves overhang - this is the end rafter system, at the pediment - the ends of the sheathing. They are closed with special components, which can often be purchased along with the tiles.

This is done not only to give a beautiful appearance, but also to preserve the roofing materials from adverse weather factors.

Sometimes the part for finishing the edge is made of wood, pre-treated with an antiseptic and painted - but this is not the best option.

Additional components are made of metal and are more durable, as they are coated with protective anti-corrosion polymer compounds.

When shaping the edge of the eaves overhang, first the rafters are cut in one line vertically at the same distance from the wall. The ends of the rafters are connected with a strapping front board.

A metal cornice strip(dripper). A drainage system is installed along the eaves overhang.

On the side of the gable overhang, the sheathing is cut along one line parallel to the wall. A metal end strip is installed along the gables, covering the edges of the sheathing.

She is also called wind bar, in addition it protects roof structure from strong winds and prevents debris and insects from being blown through the ends.

The main methods of filing roof overhangs:

Along the rafters.

The most simple technology and is mainly used for roofs with a slope of no more than 30 degrees. and a cornice extension of 40-50 cm. A sheathing of timber is constructed to the rafters. Sheathing panels can be mounted parallel to the wall, perpendicular to the rafters or along the end.

Horizontal filing.

Suitable for roofs with a steep slope. A box is built from the bars, which is attached to the rafters and the wall. In this case, the block on the rafters must be placed 1 cm lower than the block on the wall. This way, moisture that gets on the overhang does not linger on it.

Then the bars are nailed from the corners of the house to the corners of the roof. If the overhang protrudes more than 45 cm, another longitudinal beam is additionally installed. Next, bars are added perpendicular to the wall to strengthen the longitudinal bars. This method allows you to economically hem the overhang; installation does not take much time.

Gable overhang trim.

Regardless of the technology used to hem the eaves overhang, the pediment is always framed using sheathing. The bars are attached to it, to which the cladding strips are then fixed.

Selecting material for hemming.

Which material to use primarily depends on the overall style of the house, taking into account the decoration of the walls and the type of tiles. An important factor is the price and, of course, the personal tastes of the homeowner. It is worth taking into account the practicality and durability of the material.

Wooden plank.

The tree requires special care . Before installation, it is treated with antiseptic and fire-fighting compounds, painted and varnished. From time to time you will have to repeat these operations, otherwise insects will appear in it, it will begin to become damp and deformed, appearance at the same time noticeably deteriorate.

For filing the cornice choose conifers. The board can be planed or edged, the permissible width is 2-25 cm, thickness 1.7-2.2 cm. When mounting the boards parallel to the wall, they are attached in increments of 1 m, perpendicularly - on both sides of the board, with a wide overhang also in the center . For ventilation, leave gaps between the boards of 1-1.5 cm.

Wooden lining.

The material has already been processed, unlike the board. But, like a board, before installation it is advisable to keep it in the air under a canopy for 1 month, otherwise the wood may be too wet or dry, which will subsequently lead to deformation. Installed in a similar way. It is possible to install ready-made ventilation grilles, which are located at a distance of 1.5 m from each other. The lining costs twice as much as the board.

OSB and plywood.

The boards must be moisture resistant. Installation is quick, since the dimensions and rigidity of the material make it possible to install immediately large sheets. For installation, a box of timber is erected, to which the slabs are screwed. Ventilation is carried out by inserting grilles. This type binders not durable and not aesthetically pleasing, definitely needs painting.

Sheet metal.

Rarely used, as it has a number of disadvantages: heavy weight, a special tool for cutting is required and anti-corrosion treatment is required steel sheets along the edge of the cut. Mostly galvanized steel is used polymer coating 0.6 mm thick. The length of the product can reach 6 m. Rarely do they take copper or aluminum sheet. For ventilation, grilles or perforations are used.

PVC panels are installed perpendicular to the walls, screwed in several places depending on the width of the overhang. For ease of installation, you can purchase various types of siding along with additional elements. To finish the edges, “U” shaped strips are placed, the junctions of the panels are fixed with corners, and there are ventilation grilles. PVC siding is not recommended for installation along the overhang; it does not have sufficient rigidity and can sag. Siding is mainly produced light shades, its cost is low. If you choose a material good quality, it will last quite a long time.

It stands out for its ease of installation and durability. Profiled sheet C8, C10 or NS 20mm is used. When designing a cornice, you should consider thermal expansion profiled sheet and leave a gap of 0.6-1.2 cm. Fastening is carried out in increments of 1 m. Ventilation is carried out through specially designed grilles.

Soffit is a special siding for lining an overhang. Soffits are made of vinyl or metal. They have a varied texture and a large color palette. For example, wood-look metal soffits are very popular - they accurately copy the wood texture of noble wood species, such as cedar, oak, and maple.

But compared to natural wood, soffit does not require maintenance, does not require treatment or painting, does not dry out or swell, is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes, and costs several times less. Soffits are suitable for all types of tiles and can be easily matched to any architectural style.

The kit includes all the necessary components, profiles and strips, which greatly simplify and speed up installation. Soffit panels can be different types: single, double, triple, perforated or solid.

You can complete the overhang with soffit yourself; the installation procedure is very simple: the planks are cut along the width of the overhang and secured with grooves perpendicular to the walls.

Soffit is undoubtedly the most reliable and quick way cornice hems and is very popular among owners of private cottages.

Let's look at installation using a vinyl soffit as an example. All elements are screwed to a wooden frame:

  • The J-profile is placed across the overhang and measured.
  • Cut the J-profile with a grinder.
  • Attach the J-profile to the sheathing with self-tapping screws.
  • When all the profiles are fixed, measure the distance between them and cut the soffit strip to the required size.
  • The soffit is installed. To do this, the soffit strip is inserted first into the wall overhang, and then into the eaves. Fastened with self-tapping screws.
  • The front part of the cornice is sewn up with J-chamfers or a strip.

Buy soffit for lining roof overhangs favorable price in Yekaterinburg you can go to “Your Roof”. Vinyl and metal soffits from trusted manufacturers are always available. We provide warranty cards and quality certificates for all products. The service life of the soffit is from 20 to 50 years.

Single-color spotlights are available in light, bright and dark shades, as well as with imitation natural wood. You can always order professional installation of cornice soffits.

Everyone dreams of building their own home. But the construction of a residential building is a complex process that requires certain skills. The final stage of building a house is considered to be the installation of the roof; considerable skills and knowledge are also required here - in order for the roof not to leak, to be properly ventilated and to last for a long time, it is necessary to carefully calculate all its parameters and select high-quality materials.

But you can arrange the roof eaves with your own hands - this is quite possible. In order to understand how to do this correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of cornices and choose the material for covering the overhang.

Types of cornices

Most modern houses have gable roofs. With this design, the building has two side walls and two front walls. Moreover, the side ones are located on those sides where the roof rafters descend, while the front ones do not have overhangs.

It is necessary to install cornices both on the side walls and above the front ones too. After all, overhangs perform a number of functions:

  • decorate the house by covering the rafter structure;
  • protect the roof from wind, cold and humidity penetrating through the open ends of the rafters;
  • are part of the ventilation system of the under-roof space: through holes in the eaves, air penetrates under the roof, ventilates the layers of thermal and waterproofing, and then is discharged through the ridge;
  • cover the upper part of the walls from winds and slanting rains, preventing the house from getting wet.

Important! There are roof designs that do not include eaves, and there are also shortened versions of overhangs. However, for greater heat conservation inside the house and to protect it from moisture, it is still better to equip the roof with eaves.

Hip roofs have no frontal cornice, because here the rafters extend onto all four walls of the house. In gable roofs, the front cornice is the side slope of the sloping roof. Such an overhang is made by attaching load-bearing crossbars to the rafters that protrude above the walls.

You can often find a design in which the overhang is a continuation of the sheathing, which is pressed onto the vapor barrier layer. Then the cornice board is attached directly to the sheathing boards.

The side cornice is formed by rafters protruding beyond the walls. All pitched roofs have such overhangs, their sizes can be different, the norm is a cornice from 40 to 70 cm. To create an overhang, the lower parts of the rafters are cut to the same size and connected by a board to which the cornice sheathing will subsequently be attached.

It is very important to observe the roof ventilation mode during the process of filing the eaves. If this is not done, warm air will begin to condense into water, thereby damaging the materials of the “roofing cake” and the walls of the house.

Attention! Ventilation holes should only be at the side eaves, while the front eaves should be hemmed tightly.

How to file a roof eaves

You can hem the roof eaves with your own hands using several materials - today their range is quite large. When choosing cladding, you need to be guided not only by the aesthetic factor, but also by the long service life of the material - it should be approximately equal to the service life of the roof itself.

The most commonly used materials for hemming overhangs include:

Options for lining roof eaves

There are two popular methods for lining eaves among roofers:

  • along the rafters;
  • on a wooden frame (box).

Hemming the cornice along the rafters

This option is applicable only for roofs with a small slope angle. The biggest difficulty with this method is the uneven size of the rafter legs. To make the cornice smooth and neat, the edges of all rafters must form one plane.

If it is not possible to cut the rafters to the same size, you need to use an additional board, which is attached to the lower edge of the rafters, perpendicular to the wall of the house. The length of the board should correspond to the distance from the wall to the protruding edge of the rafter.

First, the boards are attached to the outer rafters of one slope, then a rope is pulled between them and the boards are mounted relative to it to the remaining rafters. Such a frame is sheathed using metal corners and screws.

Framing the roof eaves along the frame

This option is ideal for roofs with a large slope. To create an overhang, a board about four centimeters wide must be secured to the lower edge of the rafters. The other side of the board is fixed to the wall of the house, or rather to a vertical strip pre-installed there. Instead of this supporting strip, you can use a beam, which is horizontally fixed to the wall with dowels.

The result should be a frame of triangular cross-section, which after covering will resemble a box closed on all sides. You can look at the finished design options in the photo or video.

When the installation of the roof covering has come to an end, work begins on sheathing the roof overhang. This is done not only to ensure ventilation of the roof and protection of the facade, but also to give the final appearance of the building. The roof edge plays a special role in the efficient functioning of the entire roof. What is a roof eaves? How to make a roof cornice? How to hem a cornice? The answers to these questions are extremely important for those who are looking forward to filing the roof eaves with their own hands, so their consideration should be given special attention.

There are now many options for lining roof eaves, but before that it is worth recalling what it is – a cornice. The eaves overhang is the protrusion of the rafters beyond the façade of the building. It can be simple or take-out. The first option is simpler to implement, but in strong winds it can hum quite noisily; overhangs with extensions do not have such problems. There are 2 types of eaves overhang - frontal and side.

Front roof eaves

This type of overhang perfectly protects the facade of the house. It is presented in the form of the lateral edges of the inclined roof slopes, at hip roof Accordingly, they are not. Standard front overhang device gable roof is created by releasing load-bearing beams fixed to the rafters. Quite often you can see a frontal cornice formed by sheathing boards that are placed on a vapor barrier under the roofing material. The cornice board is fixed on them, which is later sheathed with soffit or corrugated sheeting.

Side roof cornice

All sloping roofs have a side overhang. It is performed using rafters that extend beyond the walls of the building. The distance of their protrusion is calculated from the width of the blind area and the height of the house, usually it is about 0.5-0.7 meters, sometimes there are bevels of more narrow sizes. IN in this case The wall of the building must be well protected from the wind, because otherwise, under slanting rain, it will not be able to avoid getting very wet. Another option to correct the situation is to install fillets, this way you can increase the length of the rafters. Such a process is extremely labor-intensive, and with a roof already completed, few people would want to open it again and redo everything. So it is especially important to initial stage construction to provide right size roof overhang. The rafters are connected to each other by boards along the entire length of the cornice. Subsequently, they are covered with facing material.

Selecting materials for lining roof eaves

What does roof siding look like? How is the roof eaves finished with siding? What should you consider before starting work on the roof? This is just a small part of the questions that people ask themselves before choosing a material for cladding. Today on the market there is a huge assortment of various materials with which the cornice is finished. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, but they can all fully protect against moisture, provide insulation and ventilation of the roof.

Important! When choosing a particular material, you should pay attention not only to its beautiful appearance, you also need to take into account the length of its service life.

Corrugated sheet

This material is galvanized steel with a polymer coating various colors. Well resistant to temperature changes and mechanical damage, corrugated sheeting has the necessary rigidity and is able to withstand significant wind loads. To ensure effective ventilation, a gap of wave height is made between the corrugated sheeting and the wall of the building.


This material is designed specifically for lining the eaves on the roof. This is, in essence, plastic panels, which look like siding, but they already have ventilation holes. And covering the eaves with siding is now very common. In addition, they differ from conventional siding in that they contain ultraviolet stabilizers that protect the coating from negative impact sun rays.

Worth considering various materials used for the manufacture of spotlights:

  • Copper soffits. This externally aesthetic and presentable material is quite durable, but its price is higher than most similar materials. Copper soffits are highly resistant to fire and durable, which makes them even more attractive to choose.
  • Aluminum soffits. As befits products from of this material, aluminum soffits are lightweight, they are also fire-resistant, elastic, and easy to replace during repairs. Due to the high paint resistance, the color saturation of such soffits does not change under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Their only drawback is their scarcity color range– it includes only white and brown colors.
  • Galvanized soffits. They don't need additional care and are extremely durable, strong, and besides, these soffits are not afraid of fire and moisture. They weigh quite a lot, so installing such spotlights will take more time.
  • Vinyl soffits. This is the cheapest and most popular option for soffits for lining roofing eaves. They are light in weight, perfectly protect from the influence of the external environment, are visually attractive, easy to install, and also create a fabric without seams, thereby ensuring optimal ventilation spaces under the roof. Today they are made of fire-resistant plastic that can withstand heavy loads.

Installation of spotlights from any material is quite simple and can be done by one person.

Edged boards and wooden lining

Wood is still often used for lining roof eaves. Since it is installed outside the house, the influence environment in this case, it is large, so the choice of this material must be approached especially responsibly. The thickness of the lining must be at least 2 cm, and it must have average humidity.

Important! To ensure good ventilation, the boards should be nailed with a distance of 2 cm from the wall.

Options for lining roof eaves

The edge of the roof can be hemmed in different ways; it’s worth dwelling a little on each of the options.

Fitting cornices along rafters

This method is only suitable for roofs with a slight slope. With this type of cladding, all edges of the rafters should form a flat plane. For the durability of the structure, you will need to fasten small boards to the rafters, the length of which is the distance from the edge of the overhang to the wall of the house. To install them evenly, first screw one board onto each edge of the cornice and stretch twine between them. All other boards are already attached according to the guideline made. The sheathing to this type of frame is fixed with metal corners or screws.

Lining the roof overhang on a wooden frame

This option is optimal for roofs with a large slope. To arrange the box they take edged board 4 cm thick and fasten it between the edge of the rafters and the wall of the house. If one of its edges is installed directly to rafter leg, then fixing the second edge will require the installation of a board adjacent to the wall, which is screwed to the rafters from above. Sometimes, instead of an additional board, a beam is attached vertically to the wall of the house with dowels. At this point, the arrangement of the box frame can be considered complete - then they begin to attach the sheathing. The best fasteners for this design will also be screws and corners.

Lining the eaves overhang with soffits (siding)

How to cover the eaves of a house with siding? Hemming the cornice with siding already for a long time very popular. Correctly installed siding transforms the roof and reliably protects it. Soffits are equipped with two special strips made in the shape of the letters J or F. One of them is attached to a pre-prepared wooden slats on the wall of the house, and the second is mounted on the eaves side. Self-tapping screws are used for fastenings. All these strips must be secured absolutely evenly relative to each other, so it is recommended to make markings first.

Then measure the width of the roof eaves and subtract 6 mm from the result obtained. This is done to create the required gap that will compensate thermal expansion material. Next, the soffits are cut into strips of the required length. The prepared plates are slightly bent and inserted into the grooves of the installed profiles, where they are fixed with self-tapping screws. In order to hem the edge of the roof, the length of the soffit strips is gradually reduced by cutting off one of the sides at an angle of 45 degrees.

Hemming the roof with siding is relatively simple process. With such material as siding, the cornice will be protected for a long time, and visually it looks very attractive.

Hemming cornices with corrugated sheets

When the edge of the roof is sheathed with corrugated sheeting, first a block is nailed to the wall in a horizontal position at the level of the edge of the overhang. The second block is attached to it at the same level along the edge of the rafters. The corrugated sheeting is cut to the required length, taking into account the thermal reserve and ventilation gap, and secured to the installed bars using self-tapping screws. The junction of the wall and the corrugated sheet is covered with a plank internal corner, and the place where the outer edge and rafters connect is decorated with the same strip external corner. Now the installation of corrugated sheets can be considered complete.

Lining the cornices with a wooden board or clapboard

In this case, it is most convenient to hem the edge of the roof from below, while on a stepladder or scaffolding. This should be done only after the outside walls of the building have been completely insulated, a vapor barrier has been completed and the installation has been completed facing material. Before starting to cover the eaves with clapboard, it is important to check that the rafters on the side eaves are not only the same length, but also parallel to the wall of the house. Wind strapping boards are attached to them. After all this, you can begin installing the sheathing fastenings. First, one board is screwed vertically to the wall, with its lower edge being level with the edge of the rafters. The second board is fixed between the rafters and the first board along their lower edges. It should be parallel to the ground. This creates a base on which the sheathing will then be installed. After preparing the frame, installation of the sheathing itself begins.

When covering the roof eaves with boards, it is necessary to leave a gap small size between the wall and them. The boards themselves are chosen to be smooth, of decent quality, their thickness should be about 1-2 cm. To ensure the necessary ventilation of the space under the roof when covering the perimeter with clapboard, it is worth installing ventilation grilles, the distance between them is about one and a half meters. However, often builders, relying on the properties of wood, do not take into account the above rule.

It is better to check with specialists how to properly hem the eaves of a roof without having any experience in this matter. Decoration Materials are very important and the service life of the entire structure will depend on their quality. Nowadays you can find a lot of photos and instructions on the Internet with step-by-step stages of arranging the cornice hemming, so even a beginner can cope with this task, the main thing is to follow all the necessary working rules.


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