Suspended ceiling made of plasterboard. Methods for attaching plasterboard to the ceiling using a profile and without a frame Methods for attaching a profile for plasterboard to the ceiling

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Drywall is very easy to use facing material. In addition, the price/quality ratio is significantly ahead of that of others building materials. Often, ceilings are made from plasterboard boards, since thanks to the evenness of the material, it is possible to create perfect surface. Today we will talk about how to attach drywall to the ceiling.

Installation of plasterboard ceilings

Let's look at the arrangement of a simple single-level ceiling from plasterboard sheets. Knowing how drywall is attached to the ceiling, you can create not only ordinary single-level, but also complex multi-level structures. But for quality similar works you should know how to attach drywall to the ceiling.

Ceiling markings

Since in concrete floors If there are voids, then in order to prevent the dowels from falling into them, you can use special flared or impact dowels. But in the second case, the screw should be thicker.

After the profiles are fixed, begin wiring electrical wiring. For greater safety, the wires are hidden in a corrugated channel. Now let's look at how to attach drywall to the ceiling.

Installation of plasterboard sheets

It is necessary to take into account that drywall is a fairly large material, and therefore it is better to enlist the help of a partner. Attaching a plasterboard ceiling alone is not very convenient, especially if you are doing it for the first time.

The sheet of drywall is lifted by two people. After which one person holds the material, and the second one screws it. Please note that the outermost CD profile is used to secure two sheets, and therefore the edge of the drywall must reach the middle of the plank. The second half of the profile is designed to fix the next sheet of material.

How to attach drywall to the ceiling? To secure one sheet, as a rule, 60 self-tapping screws 25 mm long are required. They are screwed in at a distance of 30 cm from each other flush with the plane of the ceiling, but it is important not to overdo it - you cannot break through the paper of the material.

Since when attaching drywall to the ceiling it is important not to damage the paper layer, it is necessary to use a special screwdriver or screwdriver attachment. It has a special lampshade, which, when screwing in the screws, will rest against the sheet, thereby controlling the depth of recessing of the hat.

When installing the sheet, do not forget about the need to remove wiring for lighting. If during

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 4 minutes

Creation of simple and complex ceiling structures It is advantageous to produce using plasterboard sheets (GKL). The material has good specifications and relatively cheap. The easiest way is to make a single-level suspended ceiling. There is nothing complicated in this process, the main thing is to understand how to attach plasterboard to the ceiling or, in other words, with the technology of mounting the frame and installing plasterboard sheets.

There are the following methods of attaching drywall:

Fastening sheets to the ceiling with binding materials

Drywall can be glued to the ceiling and walls without a frame, which saves room space. The base surface should be prepared in advance:

  • First of all, peeling paint or plaster is removed.
  • All irregularities are eliminated using putty after pre-treatment with a primer.
  • The surface must be degreased.

If there are significant differences and defects, the adhesive method is not suitable; in this case, a frame is used. Also, you can’t do without lathing when laying communications on the ceiling.

Drywall cannot be glued to the following surfaces:

  • wooden, since wood can change sizes;
  • wet or painted with oil paint;
  • to smooth concrete surface(first, notches are made on it).

Glue mounting

Drywall is glued to the ceiling using mastic - a reliable and inexpensive adhesive material. You can buy special glue "Perlfix".

  • Creamy glue is applied to the surface of the sheet with a spatula.
  • Drywall is applied to the ceiling and pressed. To create a tight connection, holders are used.

Important! The sheets are staggered so that adjacent seams do not coincide.

  • The horizontality of the sheet surface is checked with a level; if necessary, the position of the drywall is corrected with a rubberized hammer.

Near windows and doors, glue is applied to the entire surface of the sheet.

You can glue any drywall, for rooms with high humidity choose moisture-resistant material. It is necessary to distinguish between ceiling and wall plasterboard: sheets for ceilings are thinner, lighter and more convenient to attach.

Mounting on polyurethane foam and dowels

Foam can be used to glue sheets not only to the ceiling, but also to the walls. The surface is prepared in the same way as for glue, only there is no need to level the base surface, since there is an air gap between it and the sheets.

  • The sheet is placed against the ceiling and holes for dowels are drilled through it into the surface in increments of 0.5 m.
  • The sheet is removed, after which, at a distance of 10 cm from the holes to it, inside pieces of foam rubber of equal thickness are glued, and the spacer parts of the dowels are inserted into the ceiling holes.
  • Then the sheet is again aligned along the holes with the base surface and attached to it with dowels. A washer is installed under the head of each self-tapping screw.
  • The position of the sheet is set using a level. Due to the foam pads, a gap is formed between it and the base.
  • A hole with a diameter of 6 mm is drilled in the drywall near each fastener and foam is pumped into it. Then, using dowels and a rubberized hammer, the horizontal position of the sheet is adjusted.
  • The next day, the washers are removed and the screws are screwed back in, recessing the head. The sheet attached to the foam will be additionally fixed with dowels.

Drywall frame fastening

Installation of sheets is carried out in several stages.


This is done as follows:

  • On the base surface there is the lowest point, which should be transferred to the wall in the nearest corner. The minimum distance from the ceiling to the metal profile is 25 mm - a value corresponding to its thickness.
  • Having retreated 30 mm from the mark on the wall, you should make another mark and move it to all corners, using a building level.

If spotlights will be mounted in the ceiling, the indentation of the frame from the base surface is made taking into account their height.

  • Using a painting cord, horizontal lines are drawn along the entire perimeter of the room. The lower level of the frame will be set according to them.
  • Also, the lines for the location of the hangers are marked on the ceiling, calculating the placement of sheets 50 cm wide. The first mark is made from the wall at a distance of 30 cm.

Frame installation

Installation of plasterboard sheets

They have a lot of weight and dimensions. An assistant is needed to install them. But before attaching drywall to the ceiling, additional operations are required.

  • If the sheets were cut to size, chamfers should be made in these places for further sealing of the joints with putty.
  • In addition, holes for lamps should be cut in the sheets.

With the advent of the construction industry, the problem of ceiling repair and design began to be solved much faster, better and cheaper. There are many variations of this type of ceiling, ranging from complex and beautiful geometric shapes and ending with the installation of acrylic.
Design and decoration of acrylic stretch ceiling with plasterboard Attaching plasterboard to the ceiling can be done in several ways:

  • on a frame made of;
  • on a frame made of wooden slats;
  • in cases where the ceiling is wooden.

Before starting installation work on a suspended ceiling, you should draw up detailed drawings and a list of necessary materials. The basis of the drawings includes the placement of a lamp or partition, and so on. If there is or in the room, then this must be included in the drawing, since the ceiling frame will be assembled based on the loads.

First of all, you need to decide on the mounting method. If the choice is frame mounting made of a metal profile, then you should purchase the profile itself. Its optimal size is considered to be 60 by 27 millimeters.

Existing types and profile dimensions for mounting a plasterboard ceiling

You also need to add to the list, the dimensions of which are selected taking into account the main profile. Next, you need to purchase ones that will be screwed into wood or a concrete ceiling. They will also be needed for a concrete ceiling. In the case of a wooden ceiling, you can use a length of 3.2 cm.

In order to secure the profile to the hangers, “Bedbug” screws are used. You also need to purchase it with a special washer. They will fasten the guides to the suspended profiles without attaching them to the ceiling. For a metal frame you will need metal screws 25 millimeters long. In some varieties and shapes, there are ceilings and spokes that hold the frame together at the corners.

The main material is plasterboard sheets with standard sizes 1.20 by 2.5 meters. For finishing the ceiling, sheets with a thickness of 9 millimeters are usually used.

You can also find 12 mm thick plasterboard on sale, but it is usually installed on partitions and walls. If ceiling insulation is required, then mineral wool must be added to the list of materials.

On a note! GCR is divided into two categories: non-moisture resistant and non-moisture resistant. The first is used in rooms with high humidity, for example, bathrooms and kitchens, and the second in ordinary rooms without sudden temperature fluctuations.

It is possible to attach plasterboard to the ceiling without a metal frame in cases where the material draft ceiling consists of wood or SIP panels. This method is considered quite new and is gradually becoming popular.

The process of installing drywall sheets using glue However, it should be noted that the strength of the structure directly depends on the ceiling. In cases where the ceiling base is made of wood, the drywall is secured with screws. You can also use polyurethane foam, which is applied pointwise to the plasterboard and attached to the ceiling.

Read also

Installation of a figured plasterboard ceiling

Adhesive installation method

The adhesive method of installing drywall is used in the following cases:

  • too curved surface;
  • plane material: wooden or SIP panels;
  • manufacturing decorative overlays from gypsum board;
  • quick installation and hiding of cracks.

The technology for installing drywall with glue is not considered the simplest and requires the selection of high-quality adhesive mixtures. Typically, this method is used when there is a task, as well as on or partitions.

Special glue is applied to the pre-. In order to speed up adhesion to the material, the glue should stick slightly on the surface, only then should the gypsum sheet be applied.

On a note! If you decide to use glue method fastening the gypsum boards, you must remember to lay down the chandeliers before installation.

If the task is to glue sheets of drywall to a concrete or brick surface, then you should follow some rules:

  1. The brick wall must be free of dust.
  2. The adhesive composition should penetrate between the bricks, thereby enhancing the bonding.
  3. The plastered surface should not peel off from the wall, and there should be no voids between the plaster and the masonry.
  4. Adhesive fastening to concrete ceilings is not recommended.

Mounted metal frame for mounting drywall. Please note that when installing gypsum board on a surface with glue, it must be pressed firmly to avoid bending of the seams and other consequences. In order to determine whether the sheet is installed evenly, you can use a long, even strip.

How to properly attach plasterboard to a framed ceiling

Methods of attaching drywall to the ceiling can differ significantly from each other, depending on its shape and complexity of the design. Should be considered classic scheme installation of a single-level ceiling without a partition or other reinforcements. Drywall can be attached to two types of frames: wooden slats or a metal profile. The two options should be considered separately.

Metal carcass

For installation profile frame First of all, you need to make markings for the guide profiles that are placed on the walls. For suspensions, you can make markings on the ceiling. In order to find out how much the gypsum board will recede from the ceiling, you should find its lowest point using laser level. 4 centimeters are taken from the lowest point. Three centimeters are spent on the thickness of the frame, and one centimeter is left for the convenience of attaching the profile. Next, you can use a painter's cord and mark colored lines for the guide profile and hangers.

After completing the marking, you need to attach the guides along horizontal lines to Wall. They are fastened using dowel nails in increments of 15-20 centimeters.

An example of installing drywall to a metal frame Next, holes are drilled on the marked lines of the ceiling and hangers are attached, after which the hanging profiles are inserted into the guides and fixed with metal screws. And it is also worth considering the routing of cables above the frame.

If this is not done, the joint will hang in the air and eventually crack. Crabs can be used to connect the jumpers.

Important! If you plan to mount the chandelier to a plasterboard ceiling or partition, then you should strengthen the frame in additional places fastenings

Wooden frame

This is done to save space with low ceilings. However, it should be taken into account that such installation is allowed in rooms with normal humidity. You also need to know that if it is planned, then in these places the frame must be reinforced with additional slats. Before installing sheets of drywall, a fastening pattern is marked on it, which depends on the distance between the frame slats.

Scheme for attaching drywall to a wooden frame Next, the drywall is attached to the frame using self-tapping screws. The length of the screws depends on the thickness of the frame board. The fastening pitch may vary, but on average should not exceed 15 centimeters.

Even the most beautiful and fashion design modern interior could ruin uneven ceiling, so the first thing to do during repairs is leveling the ceiling surface. There are many ways to do this, but independent work two options are optimal - installation plastic panels or installation of a plasterboard ceiling. The second solution gives more options for further decoration. Let's consider whether it is possible to build a plasterboard structure yourself, without involving outside help.

What to prepare for installing a plasterboard ceiling

Preparatory work For convenience, it is better to divide it into several stages. Before installing the frame and cutting the HA panels, you must perform the following steps:

  • draw up a repair plan;
  • calculate the number of sheets, profiles, fasteners;
  • purchase required material;
  • pick up necessary tools;
  • clean the ceiling surface;
  • make markings according to the diagram.

Plasterboard structures differ in shape, complexity, lighting design and decoration

On a regular piece of squared paper, draw a diagram of the room in which you are planning to renovate. Mark the places where the profile is attached, the distances between the guides, count the number consumables. A correctly drawn up scheme for installing a ceiling made of plasterboard panels will make it possible not only to save money allocated for repairs, but also to more clearly imagine the plan for further measures.

Decide on the purpose - why the structure is needed in the first place: for simple alignment or, after all, for masking communications. In the first case, it is enough to mark at a distance of 10 cm from the ceiling, in the second - preferably lower, in order to leave enough space for cables, pipes or insulation.

One of the options for placing plasterboard sheets on the ceiling

Here is an approximate set of tools required for cutting a metal profile and gypsum board, as well as attaching the profile to the ceiling, and sheets to the profile:

  • tape measure, level, marker for marking;
  • drill or hammer drill;
  • hacksaw, jigsaw or circular saw;
  • screwdriver

For finishing works You will need putty, a spatula and a grouting pad.

Before you start drilling holes for dowels, you need to prepare the ceiling surface: repair cracks, remove remnants of old finishing, decide on the wiring for lighting. If installation is planned standard ceiling made of plasterboard with backlighting, at the preliminary stage you should outline the mounting locations for the lamps.

Green plasterboard sheets are moisture resistant, more durable and thicker

Installation of a suspended structure made of gypsum plasterboard

The process of constructing a new gypsum board ceiling can be divided into 3 main stages.

Stage 1 – fastening the profile

Initially, we fix the guide profile to the walls along the entire perimeter. For dowels, it is necessary to drill holes at intervals of 50-55 cm. We insert the ceiling profile into the grooves of the guides, using extension connectors if the length of the slats is insufficient. The distance between the ceiling profile depends on the type of plasterboard: for ordinary plasterboard, 60 cm is enough, while for moisture-resistant, the interval must be reduced to 40 cm.

To protect the planks from sagging and make them more rigid, we use hangers. We attach straight hangers directly to the ceiling, bending the free ends. In addition to long longitudinal slats, we also install transverse ones in order to install fragile plasterboard on the ceiling with your own hands and along the short side.

Metallic profile differs in size and purpose

Stage 2 – installation of plasterboard panels

Professionals know several secrets on how to properly install drywall on the ceiling. For example, they recommend fastening the panels so that their joints do not coincide. This means that the first row consists of whole sheets, the second - of cut sheets, perhaps vice versa.

We fasten the panels to the longitudinal and transverse profiles with self-tapping screws, the pitch between which is no more than 20 cm. At the junction of two sheets, we shift the fastening slightly, increasing strength. The main parts will have straight sides: cut the sheet with a knife, then break it by hand. It is better to cut a complex element with a jigsaw or hacksaw. Installing the panels one by one, we cover the entire ceiling.

A screwdriver is great for tightening screws

Stage 3 – putty

We do it in two passes. First, we putty only the joints and recessed heads of the screws. To strengthen the seams we use sickle tape. We wait until it dries and putty a second time, but this time on the entire surface. We eliminate irregularities sandpaper or a sander. The result is a homogeneous, flat surface. white, ready for priming, painting and further finishing.

5 ways to install gypsum boards on the ceiling alone

If you make repairs in small room, installation of ceilings from any type of plasterboard does not cause difficulties: it is enough to cut the panels into small fragments that are light and convenient for installation. But in large rooms it is irrational to use pieces of gypsum board; the process will take a long time and the amount of work will increase several times. To attach to the profile large sheets, for mounting plasterboard panels on the ceiling alone, various homemade designs and devices. Let's consider how convenient they are for working at home.

  • Method 1 – “two supports”

Perhaps the most convenient option For self-repair in an apartment with a small working area. From wooden blocks and a pole, you need to put together two devices for installing drywall on the ceiling, which look like a mop. The width of the bottom bar is 80-90 cm, the pole is 8-10 centimeters longer than the height of the ceiling.

The procedure is simple. Place the mop with the crossbar facing up towards the wall so that there is a gap between the bar and the ceiling. One edge of the plasterboard panel must be inserted into this gap. Lift the opposite edge up, and then lift it to the ceiling with a block prepared in advance. When the sheet is completely lifted, also support the opposite end with the second device. The sheet is pressed to the profile, you can start screwing in the screws.

To work alone, use basic devices - supports

  • Method 2 – “wooden frame”

We put together a frame from the beams, the length of which is slightly less than the length of the entire room. Screw to one end door hinges. We attach the hinges under the ceiling, directly under the profile frame. Thus, one end of the frame is under the ceiling, the other on the floor. We place a sheet of drywall on the frame and lift the second end up, securing it with a support. After this, you can slowly level the sheet and secure it with self-tapping screws. WITH homemade frame It is not difficult to install drywall on the ceiling alone, without the help of others.

  • Method 3 – “ironing board principle”

A device with crossed “legs”, reminiscent of an ironing board, is knocked together from thick beams and a chipboard panel. The height of the structure can be adjusted by moving the “legs”. The sheet is placed on top panel and lifted to the ceiling, where they are secured.

There are quite a lot of lighting options - from exclusive spotlights to elegant chandeliers

  • Method 4 – “winch”

The design of the device is similar to regular table, with the difference that a special device, similar to a winch, is capable of lifting the “table” lid up.

  • Method 5 – “platform on rollers”

Movable mobile platform is good for large premises- gym or swimming pool. It moves on rollers, and on the top it has rotating racks on which the sheet is placed and lifted up.

How to lift a sheet of drywall alone

Single-level suspended ceiling made of plasterboard - installation lesson

I would like to note that installation plasterboard construction doing it alone is a difficult and longer task, so at the stage of attaching the panels to the profile it is better to invite 1-2 assistants.

Drywall is used in repair work of various volumes and purposes, and this is the case when two birds with one stone are killed at once. That is, the practicality and cost-effectiveness of the design, all this is ensured by plasterboard. But maybe you don’t know how to work with it, and what methods there are for installing drywall to the ceiling.

The composition of a plasterboard board includes gypsum filler, which contains various binding additives, and layers of cardboard for facing purposes. The weight of one sheet will be from 12 to 35 kg, it depends on the thickness of the material. There is six-millimeter plasterboard, nine-millimeter plasterboard, and twelve and a half mm thick plasterboard.

Why plasterboard sheet so popular in repairs:

  • If you fix it on the ceiling surface, it will become perfectly flat;
  • Communication systems can be hidden under plasterboard - such installation is not possible in all cases, but plasterboard does an excellent job of this;
  • It provides sound insulation and thermal insulation;
  • It can be mounted on the ceiling different rooms, there is classic drywall, moisture-resistant, fire-resistant, universal;
  • Laying it down is not difficult, assembling the frame is also quite a feasible undertaking for non-professionals.

Finally, it is drywall that will allow you to realize complex design projects. It can be cut, it will correctly take the given shape. That is, with it you can really build the ceiling of your dreams.

How to attach drywall to a wood ceiling

Drywall to wooden surface can be mounted in three ways: on adhesive composition, on wooden slats, on a metal frame. The adhesive method is not possible in all cases - the surface to be glued must be perfectly flat. Gypsum mastic is used as an adhesive mass (it combines bone glue and crumbs gypsum stone). The mixture is applied starting from the edges of the sheet, in small cakes 30 cm apart, and gradually moving towards the center. Well, after that the plate is pressed onto the finished surface.

The second method is a slatted wooden frame. It is used in the construction of single-level surfaces. When installing it, you will need a well-dried timber, otherwise the supporting elements will very soon become covered with mold.

The main beam is placed along the entire plane of the ceiling, the interval is 80 cm. Then, relative to it, at an angle of 90 degrees, load-bearing partitions are attached at a distance of half a meter from each other. They will then become the holding base for the drywall.

When the installation of the frame is completed, the slabs can be directly attached. Self-tapping screws are screwed in around the perimeter of the sheet in increments of 15 cm, and precisely in a checkerboard pattern. In this case, the head of the rod should sink slightly into the material. Then these places will be puttied, and the entire surface will be smooth.

What fasteners are used for drywall to the ceiling?

The third method of fastening is a metal frame. It is used not only for fixing gypsum boards on wooden ceiling, but also on a standard concrete ceiling. The technology is actually the same as in the case of wooden frame, but there are some nuances.

Guide profiles must be attached at intervals of 40 cm, and this is done so that one standard plate 120 cm long and mounted on four metal slats. When the guide bases are equipped, you need to fix the hangers. These devices are attached to the ceiling with dowel nails at a distance of 40 cm from one another. After this it is fixed load-bearing profile, its ends should be strictly on the guide rail at an angle of 90 degrees, and its body should be in suspensions.

All frame elements are fastened to each other with special metal screws. When are they performed? installation work, the horizontality of the profiles is always checked with a level, and places of possible load are reinforced with jumpers or anchor fasteners.

Diagram: how to screw drywall to the ceiling with your own hands

Typically, you need to use two pairs of hands to lay drywall on the ceiling. Working together is both convenient and fast, and there is no such burden that a person experiences alone. But it happens that you have to do everything yourself. In this case you need special devices- usually this is a platform and supports.

This situation involves the construction of a small structure from hinges, a pair of boards, and supports. And when opened, the retractable platform is six centimeters high below the ceiling level. This gap also includes the width of the plasterboard sheet along with the structure.

The slab is raised in several stages: first place the first support at hand height, then the main one. Then climb onto the scaffolding prepared in advance and begin attaching plasterboard sheets to the frame.

How to fix drywall to the ceiling (video)

It is worth noting that although such work is difficult, do not simplify it with the adhesive fastening method. In case on base ceiling If there are any unevenness, they will be noticeable even under the drywall. Because frame method fastenings are the most reliable, and a metal frame is more suitable for this.

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