Painting the gables. Exterior finishing and painting of gables What equipment to find for painting a high gable

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We want to paint the gables country house. Which paint is best to use for this: oil or acrylic?

In order for the gables to remain in good condition for as long as possible, it is necessary -

Before painting, start using a base. This is a primer that penetrates deeply and has antibacterial effects.

And then use paint. We used Belinka. Lasted for more than three years. Maybe it would still be standing, but they decided to cover the house with siding. By the way, this is also a good option. And it doesn’t cause any trouble at all to maintain. These recommendations apply to wooden gables.

We chose the paint according to the instructions in the store) We also learned about the base there.

Good luck with the renovation!

You did not indicate the material from which the gables are made. So, if you have aerated concrete gables, then painting them with oil is strictly prohibited, since this type of paintwork material forms an airtight film that does not allow the wall to breathe. Most builders consider this drawback to be decisive and this is why they use this type of coating less and less.

Acrylic paints today (if you choose reputable manufacturers, of course) are an environmentally friendly, easy-to-use product that does not harm the surface being treated.

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  • How to make the gable of a frame house correctly using technology?

The pediment is the upper final part of the facade of the building, which may have different shape depending on the roof structure. The main purpose of the pediment is protection attic space from precipitation and wind. Also, this design plays a role in decorating the facade and creating a presentable appearance of the building. To accomplish these tasks, the pediment is painted regularly. You can place an order with our company for high-altitude painting work by email.

The gables are located on high altitude. Along with painting this part of the structure, you can paint the facade and roof. Industrial climbers perform pediment painting efficiently and quickly.

Climbing painters choose paint and varnish compositions taking into account the type of material from which the pediment is built. The structure of the upper part of the facade is often made of the same material as the entire facade. The application of paint and varnish materials to the surface of the pediment is preceded by the removal of the old paint layer and various kinds pollution. In addition, when working with wooden pediment specialists treat the cleaned surface with antiseptics to prevent rot and mold.

Photos of works

Prices for gable painting services

Features of painting the pediment

The composition used to paint the pediment must effectively resist wind and moisture. Experts use alkyd, silicone, latex and oil paints. Alkyd and latex compositions are the most versatile. They protect the surface from atmospheric agents and also have a wide palette of colors.

The pediment is painted in the following order:

  • choice suitable paint;
  • cleaning the gable surface;
  • increasing the adhesive properties of the surface;
  • applying new layers of paint.

Layers paint and varnish material applied using a wide brush or roller. For quick painting of the gable large area It is possible to use special devices that supply paint mechanically.

The company's specialists carry out both primary (during the construction of a building) and re-painting of gables (when the old finish wears out).

By painting the gable, you can increase its functionality and also provide a presentable appearance to your home.


15/05/2016 Natalya Kolesnikova

The Alptechnologii company carries out all types of high-rise, installation, electrical, repair and construction work. Our specialists will advise you on all issues related to the provision of services, develop a technical solution, and select the necessary materials.

Why do people order painting of gables from the Alptekhnologii company?

  • We carry out the work using full-time certified industrial climbers with construction skills and permits to perform the work.
  • We provide services to individuals and organizations.
  • We use only materials certified in Russia.
  • We accept step-by-step payments for non-cash and cash payments. For large volumes of work we provide significant discounts.
  • We provide safe and high-quality execution order.
  • We carry out work in Moscow and the Moscow region. It is possible for specialists to travel to the regions.
  • We have all the documents necessary to provide industrial climber services. We are working on concluding a contract.
  • We issue a written guarantee for the services performed.

How to order a service

On call from the customer, our employee for free will inspect the facility, draw up a design estimate and answer the client’s questions.

We couldn’t decide on the material for the exterior decoration of the House for quite some time. Over the course of several years, the most different variants: block house, unedged board, slab, herringbone or scale finish. There was only one thing we were absolutely sure of: the house would be sheathed in wood.

As a result, the material for the exterior finishing was purchased completely spontaneously, without prior study of prices and assortment, at the construction site closest to the house. “Zhenya, look at these nice thick boards, maybe we can cover them with these, huh?!” - I exclaimed at the sight of a wide and voluminous imitation of timber (185x28 mm). And the issue was resolved.

At the end of September we began finishing the exterior gables.

The first boards.

To make it even more decorative, we used special “lining” nails with a narrow head. cylindrical, which were driven not into the main one, but into lateral surface boards

The most problem area There were gaps between the windows, so we started with them.

The difficulty was to ensure that the ridges of the top short boards between the windows matched each other in height and fit into the tongue of the next solid board that would go above the windows.

After a series of creative research and alterations, the result was decided to be considered satisfactory.

On October 1, Zhenya’s dad came to us again for three days. By Saturday evening the joint effort had completed a significant portion of the north gable.

The most “obstinate” boards were pressed together using a special wedge.

We move on to the south gable.

Here's another way to press the boards.

We reached the top.

“Third Floor”: interior of a cold triangle.

We close the ventilation window with a specially purchased plastic grill. The south gable paneling is complete.

But the northern pediment is not yet fully completed. This is how it stood until the next weekend.

On Friday, October 8, some friends came to visit us, and we went to bed quite late. But on Saturday morning, thanks to my mother’s timely arrival, I managed to get up early enough, and construction works were continued.

The first thing Zhenya did was to paint the top part of the house so that my mother and I could paint the bottom later.

The rest, meanwhile, got busy with other things. Andryukha and I were taken to the trash heap old sofa, freeing up the eastern extension, which is to be completely dismantled next year.

Sofa loaded into Chisel

Tanya and Andrey (in addition to helping to remove the sofa and photographing what was happening) competently supervised the painting process.

Mom burned illiquid goods in a barrel...

...and Gray ran around and pestered everyone, asking them to leave him a toy.

Meanwhile, Zhenya continued painting the south gable at a good pace...

And soon I was able to replace him at the combat post.

And this time my mother was not able to participate in painting (the fact that only one of the two staircases is accessible, because

Everyone who lives in a private house knows that along with the list of advantages, there is one significant drawback that manifests itself during the renovation process. The fact is that you will have to trim not only interior interior, but also the facade of the building, and this is quite expensive.

If you are wondering how much it costs to paint a house in... construction organizations, then the amount will most likely disappoint you, which is why it is much more economical to do the work yourself.

Features of work depending on the type of facade

The instructions for carrying out the work directly depend on what material the building is made of. This determines both the choice of paint, the specifics of surface preparation and the timing of the repair.

If you are wondering how quickly you can paint a facade, then the answer to this question depends on the following factors:

  • Surface condition- the better it is, the less time it will take to prepare. For example, fresh facades are ready for finishing without additional modifications, so the finishing will go much better.
  • Season— it is extremely undesirable to carry out repairs both in rainy and hot periods. Optimal time– spring or autumn, when the air temperature is quite comfortable and the humidity is low.
  • Finishing method— the more complex the idea, the longer it will take to implement. Painting one color is much simpler than multi-color options, but it also looks simpler.
  • Type of composition, which will be used: some solutions dry for a couple of hours, and some for a couple of days. Also, drying time depends on temperature, humidity, substrate condition and many other factors.

Plastered and concrete bases

This type of facade is, without a doubt, the most popular solution these days, and decorative plasters can also be included in this group.

Applied paints and varnishes

For this purpose they are most often used the following types paints:

  • Water-based paints based on polyvinyl acetate are often used, but they are not very suitable for this type of work due to their low resistance to constant humidity. Their only advantage is low price, but due to low reliability, the costs in the end are still much higher. Therefore, it is better not to consider products from this group as an option at all if quality is important to you.
  • Water-based paints for acrylic base much more reliable and durable than the first option. Except high stability To unfavorable factors and temperature changes, the coating is vapor-permeable, that is, the walls of the building will breathe, which has a positive effect on their durability. The cost of trains is higher, but at the moment it is best option from the point of view of the ratio of price-quality factors.

  • Latex paints have even higher moisture resistance properties, providing excellent protection and durability. A very popular option that is used by both home craftsmen and professionals. The properties are similar to acrylic solutions, but the coating is more flexible, which makes it even more reliable.
  • Silicone solutions are the most modern version, which has a lot of advantages: vapor permeability, water-repellent effect, preservation of color brightness for many years. If necessary, you can simply wash the walls with a hose and freshen appearance building.
  • Another type of paint is silicate-based; such compositions have excellent vapor permeability and resistance to moisture, but are not very resistant to deformation.

Stages of work

For achievement best result the workflow should be built correctly.

For simplicity, we have divided all the work into several stages:

  • If there is old coating on the base, it is best to remove it. Options for carrying out work may vary. If old layer It holds firmly, so you don’t have to remove it entirely, treating only the problem areas.
  • The surface must be cleaned of dust, dirt and various stains that can impair adhesion: bitumen, petroleum products, chemical compositions and so on.
  • If the facade is not new, it may have cracks, damage and unevenness. They should be sealed using a solution similar to that applied to the surface.
  • Next you should start applying the primer. This stage should not be neglected, since the primer not only improves adhesion, but also strengthens the surface. And the presence of antiseptic additives in the composition prevents the appearance of fungus.

The main work process begins only after the surface is completely dry.

The work is carried out as follows:

  • To prevent the question of how to paint the high gable of a house from becoming an insoluble problem, you need to stock up on either scaffolding, or stairs the right size. And the work should start from there, moving from top to bottom, so you can remove smudges and will not splash the already finished areas.

  • Most often, the work is done using a roller (corners and protrusions are processed with a brush). If you have a spray gun, that’s great, but it’s not advisable to purchase one on purpose; it will make the project more expensive.
  • You should apply at least two layers, and preferably three. This is how you can achieve best quality coating and its durability.
  • If you decide to paint the facade in two or more colors, then first paint an area of ​​one color, then apply masking tape along the line and begin working with the second shade.

If you are interested in how to paint the blind area around the house, then it should be noted that the work can be carried out on a completely dry base and use only moisture-resistant compositions, otherwise they will collapse in a very short time.

In no case do not skimp on, due to the use outside of buildings, the coating is subject to permanent adverse effects, and the use of low-grade compounds will lead to rapid destruction of the paint layer.

Wooden buildings

As you know, wood differs from concrete and plaster very, very much. This material has a very beneficial effect on human health, but it is highly susceptible to moisture, so the issue of protecting wood should be approached very responsibly.

Compositions used

The following paint options are suitable:

  • Oil compositions are an outdated finishing option today. The compositions have a rather pungent odor, take a very long time to dry and are not very durable. This option is chosen by those whose base is already covered with oil paint, and there is no desire or it is very difficult to clean the entire surface.
  • Alkyd solutions are a more advanced type that is much more durable. Their color range is wider, their strength is higher, and they dry twice as fast. But the sun destroys the layer over time, so the treatment must be repeated every few years.
  • Acrylic paints are the most attractive option today in terms of durability and ease of use. They cost much more, but their properties are much higher.
  • Another option is impregnations and stains; they reliably protect the wood, but do not hide the structure, but emphasize it and give it a particular shade.

Dyeing process

Work must be carried out in dry weather, and remember following rules preparation:

  • If the wood has been applied Oil paint, and the work will be carried out with a different composition, the coating should be completely removed.
  • To protect the base, it must be impregnated with a primer with the addition of antiseptics; this will significantly extend its service life.

Application is carried out as follows:

  • It is very important to process from top to bottom. We discussed above how to paint the gable of a house; here it is important to have at least a staircase.
  • It is best to apply 3 layers, this will ensure the necessary durability and resistance.

Surfaces must be protected from water before they dry; this is very important factor, so it’s best to carefully study the weather forecast for your area.

As you can see, decorate or paint your home Vacation home or you can have a dacha yourself. The main thing is to carry out high-quality preparation and use proven compounds.


In fact, you don’t need to be a specialist builder to do the work. It is important to carefully follow all recommendations and scrupulously carry out preparatory activities. The video in this article will help you understand the issue even more thoroughly.

The pediment is the upper (final) part of the facade of the house; depending on the roof structure, it can have a different shape. It is often lined with wood or wood-like materials, even in stone private buildings. The main task of gables is to protect the attic from harmful atmospheric influences (rain, snow, wind). But we cannot exclude the decorative component. That's why great importance given finishing gables, that is, painting.

The main task of the gables is to protect the attic from harmful atmospheric influences

Choosing façade paint for the pediment

When choosing a suitable finishing coating such points should be taken into account.

  1. What type of base materials are there?
  2. Total scope of work: area, number of layers.
  3. Type of paint, consumption and other technical characteristics, operational features.
  4. Financial ability of the consumer (some façade paints are quite expensive, but at the same time very, very reliable).

As mentioned before, you need to apply a primer before painting. This stage facade finishing should not be overlooked, since primer mixtures perform several important functions:

  • raise protective properties paints;
  • improve the adhesion of paint to the surface of the base;
  • reduce the consumption of finishing coating.

As for paint, it should be a material intended for facade work. This means that maximum inertness to the aggressive influence of atmospheric phenomena is mandatory.

Oil paints have good mechanical resistance

The gables of houses are painted with the following paints:

  1. Alkyd - produced on the basis natural oils and synthetic low molecular weight substances (polymers). A durable, moisture-resistant film is formed on the surface of the base, slightly susceptible to abrasion and mechanical stress. The coating is relatively durable if all the subtleties of painting are observed during operation. At the same time, the paint fades and fades over time.
  2. Oil based – contains natural or artificial oils. On the surface of the base they form a durable, waterproof film, but at the same time vapor permeable. Such paints are characterized by good resistance to mechanical stress. However, they are not among the durable ones protective coatings, because under the influence of sunlight and heat they peel off and fade. That's why Lately for outdoor work they are used less often, although they are affordable.
  3. Silicone – modern word V . A strong but elastic film is formed on the surface of the base due to the unique micropore structure, which allows the walls to “breathe”. Along with this, such paints are hydrophobic. The material interacts well with others finishing materials. The result of the work is always positive (no defects). It is worth highlighting such positive traits, such as antistatic properties (repellent dirt) and antibacterial properties (protection against fungus and mold). In addition: durability, resistance to fading, peeling and crumbling, acid-base tolerance, non-flammability and fire safety, heat resistance, non-toxicity. If desired, you can always update or completely change the color of the coating: fresh paint fits well over the old one.
  4. Latex.
  5. Polyvinyl acetate.
  6. Acrylic.

Water-dispersed facade paint For interior and exterior use

The last three varieties are more often combined into a group of aqueous dispersions, although formulations for organic solvents. Water-dispersion mixtures are preferable due to their environmental friendliness. Among the positive characteristics, we highlight non-susceptibility to influence environment, hydrophobicity, durability. Such paints are often called “breathable”, since they form a vapor-permeable protective film on the facade of the house.

A significant disadvantage of aqueous dispersions is their weak resistance to mechanical stress and tendency to rapid abrasion. If we take into account that gables rarely come under such influence during operation, then these means are the most suitable in our case.

Professional builders prefer alkyd and latex compositions, since, along with amazing protective properties, the materials are presented in a large selection of colors and shades. Painting can be done using one of the traditional painting tools - a brush or roller. Experts often resort to mechanized methods painting using special spray guns.

Execution of work

You need to buy just enough paint to paint the gables of the house in several layers. The purchase volume is determined as follows:

  1. The area of ​​the working surface is measured.
  2. The area value is multiplied by the average consumption of the selected paint (see technical specifications in the “consumption” column - ml/m2).
  3. The result obtained is multiplied by the number of layers (minimum two).

You can paint the pediment yourself, but if in doubt, it is better to entrust it to professionals

It is recommended to stir the paint thoroughly before use. Note that the viscosity of the substance is also important. So more liquid solutions They form a thinner layer than thick ones, but the protective properties do not decrease. In the same technical specifications products, you can obtain information about the possibility of diluting the working mixture.

Please pay attention to the operating temperature and weather, because Painting works made on the street.

Subsequent layers are applied only after the previous one has completely dried, except in cases where shorter waiting periods are allowed. To avoid leaks, work should begin from the top of the gable, gradually descending. More often, painting begins with processing the perimeter. Strokes are made both vertically and horizontally.

To avoid getting the solution on your hands, use gloves. And in general, personal protective equipment is never superfluous.

Please note that the color of the working solution and the dried coating will be slightly different. This should be taken into account when.

Painting everyone or individual elements the facade of a building is a labor-intensive issue, often requiring a competent approach to the matter. Finally, let’s add that if you are not sure that you can paint the house yourself, entrust this task to qualified builders. They will be able to pick up best materials, A exterior decoration will be performed at a high professional level.


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