Painting hot radiators - is it possible to update radiators during the heating season? Is it possible to paint a hot radiator? How to paint a heating radiator.

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Today, our dear reader and I have to figure out how to paint a cast iron battery. We will learn what paints can be used for painting, how to prepare the surface of a radiator, and how to apply paint to the prepared surface. Let's get started.

Before we get started, let's find out: is the result worth the effort?

Painting is contraindicated

Painting cast iron batteries makes no sense in three cases:

  1. If the radiator (new or one that has been heating for several years) closes decorative screen or installed in a closed box. Painting is carried out strictly decorative purposes, since cast iron is a corrosion-resistant metal, and an extra layer of coating will only reduce heat transfer;

It is worth clarifying: the author is categorically against non-removable screens that cover most of the surface of the batteries, and even more so against installing heating devices in solid boxes. In addition to a sharp drop in heat transfer, the owner also faces serious problems with the accessibility of connections when eliminating leaks between sections and on the connections to the heating device.

  1. If the radiator is leaking between sections. The paint layer will not stop leaking, and rusty streaks will be even more noticeable on the new coating. Before application decorative covering the leak should be eliminated by changing the intersection gaskets or tightening the nipples;

  1. If some sections of the radiator do not heat for several years. The reason for this is usually silting of the outer sections, and over 10-15 years without washing, the silt acquires the strength of stone and is removed from the radiator only during annealing, which we will talk about a little later.

Painting is desirable

In what cases can painting batteries - cast iron or steel - radically change them? appearance?

  • If part of the coating has peeled off or shows signs of abrasion;

  • If the paint has turned yellow due to prolonged heating;

Help: color change is typical for paints with zinc white ZnO. Since 2007, their production has been discontinued: zinc oxide has been replaced by more stable and less toxic titanium white TiO2.

  • If repeated painting of cast iron heating radiators over the old coating resulted in untidy sagging.

Paint selection

Now let's find out how to paint cast iron batteries.

The main condition is the thermal resistance of the coating: in a centralized heating system, the temperature of the coolant during the peak of cold weather can reach 95 degrees. The compliance of the dye with this requirement is indicated by the inscription “heat-resistant” or “for radiators” on the packaging.

Look for the word “heat resistant” on the packaging

It is worth clarifying: cast iron radiators are used not only for water heating, but also for steam heating. In systems steam heating the temperature of superheated steam can reach 150-400 degrees Celsius. However, in our time, such systems have been preserved only in industrial conditions, in old-built enterprises.

Here are some examples of corresponding paints:

Packaging appearance and name Description

  • The binder is a mixture of alkyd and melamine-formaldehyde resins in an organic solvent;
  • Thinners - xylene and solvent;
  • The painted surface retains color when heated to +80 degrees, strength when heated to 120 degrees;
  • For cleaning, you can use any household detergents (except abrasive ones);
  • Protects the painted base from corrosion and can be applied over rust (after cleaning from loose corroded metal);
  • Can be applied to substrates at temperatures up to +60 degrees;
  • Drying time - no more than 6 hours per layer;
  • Consumption - up to 140 g/m2;
  • Price - from 300 RUR/kg.

  • Binder - acrylic resins;
  • Thinner - water;
  • The paint is completely odorless during application and drying;
  • Long-term operating temperature - up to +75 degrees with short-term heating up to +120°C;
  • Consumption - 100g/m2 when applied in one layer;
  • The texture of the painted surface is semi-gloss;
  • Layer drying time - up to 6 hours;
  • It takes 14 days for the coating to reach full strength;
  • The coating is resistant to household washing detergents and dry abrasion;
  • The price of a kilogram is from 280 rubles.

  • Binder - silicone resin;
  • Thinner - Tikkuril composite solvent No. 1031 (a mixture of xylene, ethylbenzene, N-butanol and 1-methoxy-2-propanol);
  • Texture - semi-matte;
  • Consumption - up to 70 g/m2 per layer;
  • Drying time - 30 minutes;
  • Full strength set - 1 hour at a temperature of +230°C;
  • Heat resistance - up to 400°C;
  • Compatible bases - steel, cast iron, non-ferrous metals (without primer);
  • Price - from 1800 RUR/kg.

  • Base - modified alkyd resin, metal and mineral heat-resistant pigments;
  • Thinners - xylene, No. 650, No. 646;
  • Heat resistance - 400 degrees;
  • Consumption - up to 65 g/m2 per layer;
  • Compatible base - metal without primer;
  • Price - from 1200 rubles.

Radiator preparation

How to paint batteries correctly - cast iron or steel?

Some manufacturers' instructions for using paints (for example, the last two in our mini-review) directly indicate that they should be applied directly to the metal. And even if this requirement is absent, the old coating must be cleaned.

There are three reasons for this:

  1. The thicker the coating, the lower the heat transfer of the radiator;
  2. Paints are compatible with each other only within the same family: for example, alkyd enamel does not adhere well to a base painted with oil paint. Meanwhile, you don’t always know the type of paint applied to the battery during the previous repair;

  1. Old coatings are often decorated with untidy streaks, which are better to get rid of.

How to clean it yourself old paint? Here are several methods of varying complexity.

  • The front (visible) surface of the radiator can be cleaned down to the metal with a metal brush (manual or made in the form of an attachment for a power tool);

  • Layers of old paint can be easily removed with a spatula, having previously treated the battery with a universal remover and wrapped it in plastic wrap for ten or two minutes;

  • Instead of washing, the paint can be softened by heating each section with a hairdryer or blowtorch;

This method has a serious drawback: heating will lead to burnout of the intersection gaskets and winding of threads on the liner to the radiator. You should only use a blowtorch or hairdryer if you are going to rebuild the radiator.

  • Finally, the most radical solution is to anneal the battery in a fire. Several dismantled heating devices are lined with firewood and calcined for an hour.

In this case, the paint on the surface completely burns out, and the petrified deposits of silt inside the vertical channels and collectors turn into scale, which can be easily knocked out of the radiator with a rubber or wooden mallet.

Captain Obviousness suggests: in this case, after annealing, the cooled radiator is rebuilt and the gaskets are replaced. Annealed nipples are unscrewed with minimal effort.

If on a surface that has been stripped of paint cast iron battery If any grease or oil stains remain, they can be removed with any solvent (gasoline, acetone, solvent, etc.). Manufacturers of alkyd enamels usually recommend applying them over the ground; in this case, cast iron is primed with one or two layers of glyphthalic anti-corrosion primer GF-021.


Unless otherwise specified by the paint manufacturer, the heater is painted cold: otherwise the coating will dry too quickly and produce untidy sagging. Tool - narrow brush or spray gun; in the latter case, the battery must be removed or at least reliably protected from staining the floor and walls by covering them with polyethylene. The paint is applied in at least two thin, even layers with intermediate drying.

The video in this article will show you more clearly how to paint cast iron batteries.

Attention: if, when applying the next layer, there are drips on the battery, after drying, sand them, and then apply another layer. Drips are usually caused by paint that is too thick (not thinned before use) or applied in a thick layer. Its normal viscosity should correspond to the viscosity of liquid cream.


We hope that our material will help you restore a second youth to your old heating appliances. Good luck!

Heating batteries are an integral part of the interior of residential premises. When renovating an apartment or private house, the question arises - how to paint the battery, design it in such a way that it fits into the interior of the room without losing its performance qualities.

If you consider how much it costs to replace all heating radiators, then for families with a low income, painting will be the most acceptable option.

Simple neat painting cast iron radiators, as seen in the photo, can give the room a feeling of comfort and well-groomed. It is worth applying your skill and imagination, and old battery will be wonderful decorative decoration apartments.

Preparing cast iron batteries for painting

It is necessary to carefully prepare the battery for work, since when painting an untreated surface, it will quickly lose its appearance, all uneven places will protrude from under the freshly painted layer, and cracks will appear.

First you need to think about the volume and sequence of work, determine the degree of contamination, decide whether it is worth removing the paint that was applied earlier, and how much will be required Supplies. Then stock up necessary tools and materials.

The first stage of work is to free the batteries from the old coating.

There are two methods for removing paint:

  • wire brush;
  • chemical solvents.

A metal brush fits onto the drill and effectively removes old coating. Special washing solutions also work well, they destroy only the paint layer without affecting the metal surface. But it is worth remembering that such solvents require compliance with safety precautions. When working with them, it is better to ventilate the room and wear a respirator.

The washing solution is applied with a brush to the entire area of ​​the radiator, then the battery is covered with film. After some time, about an hour, the paint can be removed with a spatula.

After removing it, you need to clean the surface to ensure that it is smooth. This stage is quite labor-intensive, but the effort will not be in vain - the smoother the surface of the battery, the better it fits into the interior of the room. At the end of the preparatory work, it is necessary to degrease the radiator area with white spirit or soda and apply an anti-corrosion primer.

Even if the heating radiators are new, and you need to paint them a different color, then preliminary preparation must also be carried out: removing dirt and dust, cleaning sandpaper and solvent treatment.

Paint selection

There are the same requirements for all types of paint for radiators. It should serve as protection against metal corrosion, be heat-resistant to high temperatures, withstand 70-80 degrees Celsius, not peel off or change the original color from heating, and also be environmentally friendly.

If it is not possible to turn off the heating, especially in winter, then you need to choose the right paint that is intended for application to surfaces with high temperatures. Otherwise, when it dries quickly, it may lie unevenly and lose its color.

  • Acrylic enamels have a beautiful gloss, they are colorfast, but at the same time they have a pungent odor.
  • Alkyd paint is durable; it applies evenly to the entire area of ​​the surface being painted, but it also has a peculiar odor that can remain after drying.
  • Water-dispersed emulsions dry quickly, but they must be carefully selected for metal.

Color selection

White color is traditional when choosing paint for radiators, but sometimes you can deviate from tradition and make the heating device beautiful and original. If you paint the batteries to match the color of the walls or the corresponding range of shades in the interior, then they will be visually invisible.

Some craftsmen, on the contrary, transform the radiator into a beautiful piece of room decoration - they use a stencil to apply small designs to the surface: leaves, flowers, or make herringbone patterns. The main thing is not to overdo it and correctly maintain the style of the room.

Painting old cast iron radiators in bronze or silver color, if they are carefully polished, will be a worthy addition to the “antique” interior.

When painting a battery in a children's room, it is better to abandon standard design solutions. It would be appropriate to paint the radiator in cheerful colors, the color of the rainbow, or, for example, decorate it as an element of a panel, painting it in the form of a picket fence, with butterflies, flowers or dragonflies painted above it on the wall. You can use all your imagination and make your baby’s nursery bright and cheerful.

You can decorate your home with an elegant addition to the design of the premises by correctly applying tips on painting and designing heating radiators. To avoid staining the wall while working, cover it with plastic wrap.

Many people believe that with reverse side It’s not necessary to paint, they say, you can’t see it from behind anyway, and they make a big mistake.

If you paint the battery only from the “face”, then after some time the rust from the back side will definitely creep out onto the front side.

To paint the battery on all sides, the best thing to do is to remove it. But not everyone has such an opportunity to do dismantling without additional hassle, including applying for a dismantling permit. Only in apartments and own homes With autonomous heating You can remove and install the battery without any problems.

The rest will have to make do with improvised means. Curved brushes with a long handle are best for painting the back of batteries.

To do this, you need to sew a piece of fur fabric onto the palm of a simple work mitten, first placing cellophane under it so that your hands don’t get dirty with paint.

Pour the paint onto a flat plate and, having dipped the mitt, paint those places where your hand can fit through, and finish painting the remaining places with a curved brush. The work will go much faster.

Don't forget to protect the wall with some kind of screen to prevent it from getting dirty.

This method is also good because it paints cylindrical surfaces (pipes, metal fence bars, etc.) beautifully and evenly: move your hand back and forth - and you’re done.

But before you paint the battery, you need to prepare it. Under no circumstances should you paint a battery over old paint. If the surface is not prepared, cracking and peeling of the paint may subsequently occur.

First of all, you need to remove old layer. You can remove the old coating in 2 ways - mechanical or chemical. In the first method, paint is removed using metal brushes, scrapers and sandpaper, and in the second, using special removers of old coatings.

A special brush attachment for the drill will significantly speed up and facilitate the work.

After the old paint and rust have been removed, the surface of the battery must be primed, having first cleaned it of dust.

After waiting for the primer to dry completely, you can begin painting. Heating radiators need paints that will not smell when heated. Water-based acrylic and silicone paints. Can be applied alkyd enamels, for example, PF-223 or its analogues.

There are two reasons why you need to paint a heating radiator: if the old paint is irradiated and cracked. They also repaint it if it is necessary to change its color: it has turned yellow, but has no defects. It just doesn't fit in new decor. In the first case, the procedure is as follows: first you need to remove the old paint and only then paint. If the paint is in good condition and there are less than three layers, then it does not need to be removed.

Painting the battery

Works when painting important rule: two or three thin layers of paint are better than one thick one. And don’t try to paint it perfectly the first time. If you put more paint on your brush, you'll likely end up with a greasy drip that won't be easy to get rid of. At the same time, it will be no closer to the ideal original surface than to painting. Therefore, we take the paint a little at a time and rub it thoroughly. Even if the metal or old paint is a little visible. Everything will be fixed by subsequent layers.

First we paint the internal surfaces. A brush with a curved handle can help with this. You may need several of them: from quite thick to the thinnest. Some places can only be reached with an old toothbrush, so find that too. We start painting from top to bottom from the outermost section. Where the extreme one comes from - on the right or on the left - as it suits you.

After you've painted everything inside, you start painting. outer surface. The sequence is the same: from one edge to the other, top to bottom. Why not the other way around? Because when painting from below, drops will fall on the already painted surface, they will need to be rubbed with a brush again. Extra labor and time.

After applying the first layer, wait until it dries completely. The drying time before applying the next coat is usually indicated on the label. Then apply the second one in the same sequence. Then decide whether you need to paint again.

One more point: if after the first layer lays down unevenly, there are streaks and uneven spots, after drying, take the sandpaper and smooth them out. The second time there will be more experience and everything will turn out better.

Painting a radiator with a normal paint coating

If the paint is in normal condition without visible flaws, if there is only one layer (or two) and they lie flat, you can paint on top without removing the old coating. Only pre-treatment is required.

Painting an aluminum and bimetallic battery

If you want to paint aluminum or in which you are not satisfied only with the color, think carefully about whether it is worth spoiling good coverage. Maybe it's worth closing the radiator in this case? And one more thing: if your radiators are under warranty, then after painting the factory (or seller) will refuse warranty repairs. Even if the reason is completely different.

If you want to get a color similar to the “factory” one, contact a specialized service station. They paint cars using the same technology. Maybe they will agree to paint your radiators

If there is a need to paint aluminum or bimetallic radiator Still, it is better to contact a specialized auto repair shop. Only they can help professionally. If you want to do everything yourself, you can use spray paint for cars. But with this option, there is a possibility that in those places where the radiator is often touched, upper layer will wear off, although it depends on the quality of the car enamel and the starting coating of the radiator.

If you still decide to use auto enamel, you need to work on hot batteries. And the hotter the better. Drying time at 130 o C is 20 minutes, at 60 o C - 40 minutes, and at 20 o C - a month.

Important condition: during work and all the time while the paint dries, the window must be open, the doors to other rooms must be closed. Please wear a mask and gloves when working.

Everything around will have to be covered with paper and old rags. The can is a good thing, but it was almost turned in the wrong direction, and everything is painted to match the radiators... While working, keep the distance required for uniform spraying - it’s about 20-30 cm, but it’s written exactly on the packaging. And in general, even before purchasing, carefully read the instructions and recommendations for use. This way you will understand whether you can provide the required conditions for applying paint.

The order is the same: start with the inner surfaces, then go over the outer ones from top to bottom. Don't try to get the color perfect the first time. This is almost unrealistic, especially if the base color is white, and some kind of bright shade. If you keep the stream in one place for too long, sagging and drips will appear. They are much more difficult to deal with than unpainted areas. It is better to apply one or two more layers after complete drying. The result will be better.

Changing the color of cast iron

Most often, old-style cast iron batteries need painting. It is definitely better to carry out the work after the end of the heating season: it will be safer for you and the painting will be of better quality. Then the order is:

Painting a panel radiator

There may be two options here. If there is a factory sprayed enamel, it is better to use a can of auto enamel. If the paint is ordinary, the procedure is the same as for cast iron. The only difference is that it will be easier to paint the front panel with a roller rather than with brushes.

But in panel radiators you also need to change the color of the grilles. They will need to be painted with brushes. If there is rust on the gratings, they should first be cleaned, then treated with a rust converter, primed (with a composition with an anti-corrosion effect), and only then painted. The easiest way to buy all these products is at the car market - there are a lot of them in different packaging.

How to remove old paint from a battery

Often the question is not how to paint, but how to remove old paint. There are several ways.


You can remove paint from the radiator using a drill and a special attachment. More to mechanical methods This includes treating the radiator with sandpaper. But this is a very long process that will take a lot of time and no less effort. If you don’t have a drill, you can pay to rent one and remove all the layers of paint down to the metal in a few hours. You will have to spend a whole day doing this manually, or maybe more than one - it depends on the size of the battery and the amount of paint on it.


A special paste is often used to remove paint. It looks like a gel. Take a clean brush and apply the composition to all surfaces. If there is a lot of paint, the treatment must be repeated after 20 minutes (directly on top of the previous layer). Then it is recommended to cover the radiator with a film - this way the impact will be more intense. After waiting the period of time specified in the instructions, put on a mask, gloves, and arm yourself with a spatula and a brush with metal bristles. First, remove the paint with a spatula, then clean off the remaining residue with a brush. Particularly harmful or hard to reach places can be sanded with sandpaper.

Thermal method

The paint coating on batteries is thermally resistant, but it also begins to peel off at certain temperatures. Therefore, in order to remove old paint from the radiator, it needs to be heated.

A metal radiator will heat up enough construction hairdryer or a blowtorch. When the temperature of the metal exceeds the critical point for the paint (this is usually 120-140 o C), it will swell and begin to bubble. This is where you need to remove it with a spatula.

A cast iron battery will have to be heated in this way for a long time, it will take a lot of time, and the effect will be insignificant. Cast iron has a very high heat capacity; it is very difficult to heat it with a hair dryer to 120-140 o C. Alternatively: partially use chemical method, partially thermal, in some places cleaning with hands or a drill.

There is one way, but only for old “accordions”. It will also remove all the deposits that have accumulated inside. But to do this, the battery will need to be removed and then completely repackaged. And right away about the sad thing: when using this method, casting flaws can be revealed. During the cleaning process, rusted particles fall off and fistulas may appear. But on the other hand, it is better to immediately eliminate all leaky sections than to repair the damage later during the heating season. Moreover, you still have to go through the entire radiator.

Now about the method itself. Remove the radiator and throw it into the fire. All the paint burns off; all you have to do is clean the surface with a wire brush or drill with an attachment. The cooled battery must be disassembled into sections, and the burnt gaskets on the collectors must be removed. Then tap each section with a mallet and pour out all the debris that has accumulated there over the years. When assembling, install new gaskets, you can use new nipples, or you can use old ones if they are in good condition. The assembled battery is pressed and then painted. It takes a lot of time, but this is not only painting, but also “general cleaning”.

How to paint a cast iron radiator

After the old paint is removed, the battery is sanded to a metallic shine (with a drill and a cord brush). Then they are carefully treated with a “non-greasy” solvent, for example, acetone or pure gasoline. You need to wipe everything until a rag soaked in solvent is clean.

After drying, coat the entire surface, both inside and outside, with primer. For a cast iron battery, be sure to use a composition that provides anti-corrosion protection. Otherwise, after some time they will appear on the surface rust spots and drips. You can (and even need) to use primers for cars. They provide quality protection. The method of applying paint is described above: we start with the internal parts, starting from the top and moving down. Then we process the outer surfaces using the same principle. Apply thin layers. Each time we wait until it is completely dry. We clean up the flaws, then go through it a second, and if necessary, a third time. This is the only way to achieve high-quality coloring.

How to paint only an area

There are times when you only need to paint some small area. There is no point in removing all the paint and repainting the battery (or pipe). Then anyone needs in an accessible way clear required area, capturing a few “adjacent territories”. Sand it down to metal, treat it with a solvent until it’s a “clean rag,” and apply a primer. After the primer has dried, apply paint.

If there is a difference in levels between the painted and cleaned surface, you need to even out the difference using metal putties. They come in epoxy and polyester. They are also sold in auto stores. Despite the fact that these are auto enamels, the heating temperatures “keep” normal. Smooth the surface with fine-grain sandpaper, then prime and apply several layers of paint.

Is it possible to paint a hot battery?

In principle, it is possible. But then you need to select paint with a suitable application mode, and they cost twice as much, require compliance with safety measures (respirator and open windows), “smell” much more strongly, and are available in a much smaller range. So it's a controversial decision.

Is it possible to apply it to a hot battery? regular paint? This is not recommended. But, as usual, many people do this. The smell is much stronger then, but when working with a mask and open window, the risk of poisoning is minimal. But that's not all trouble. Some types of paints change color when applied “hot”; there is a risk of getting a white battery instead of


The second trouble is that the paint on a hot radiator dries very quickly. You cannot break away or be distracted; you need to work intensively with your brush all the time. And it will still be difficult to achieve an even color. If you only need to “update” the color, this is still possible, but completely changing it is unrealistic. Wait until the end of the heating season or turn off the battery using ball valves.

There are several types of paints that are preferably applied to hot radiators. These are some types of car enamels. More acrylic enamel"Rainbow" for metal and heating radiators. It is advisable to apply it to a hot battery or pipe. In cold weather, cracks will appear after drying. But before starting work, read the instructions carefully and follow them exactly. The enamel is good, odorless. If repairs are needed urgently, look for one in a suitable color.

Read more about paints for radiators here.


Painting a battery is a seemingly simple process, but there are many subtleties. From methods of removing old coating to the order of applying new layers.

Heating radiators are an inconspicuous element of our home and fit harmoniously into its interior if they are new, shining with fresh paint. But if the batteries are already old, the paint on them is faded and swollen, then in this state they are striking and are unlikely to decorate the house. The problem can be resolved by replacing the batteries. But this is expensive and not always justified, so there is another option - to repaint the batteries. For this purpose, special paint for heating radiators is used. Its purpose is to protect the surface of the batteries from corrosion, giving them the desired color, as well as a decent appearance. And if previously pipelines were painted only in White color, then currently they are painted in the color that best suits the design of the room. Our article will discuss what paint to choose for heating radiators and how to paint them correctly.

Rules for choosing the right paint

From the right choice The paint depends on the final result. Here you should take into account the requirements for paint for batteries and heating pipes. This:

  • high heat resistance (at least 100°C);
  • abrasion resistance;
  • resistance to aggressive environments;
  • no toxicity.

Paints specifically designed for painting heating radiators are of the following types:

  1. Acrylic enamels. Produced at organic solvents Therefore, their drying is accompanied by the release of a characteristic solvent odor. But the result is a pleasant glossy shine that lasts for many years.
  2. Alkyd enamels. The surface painted with this paint is resistant to high temperatures and abrasion. This paint is available in a fairly wide range color scheme, it is possible to choose any color you like, so it is very popular among consumers. The disadvantage is also bad smell, which lasts several days after painting, but when high temperatures may resume.
  3. Water-dispersion paints. This choice is considered optimal, since these compositions do not have a specific odor and dry much faster. You just need to pay attention that the packaging is marked: for painting heating radiators and pipelines.

There is also Oil paint, but in Lately it is rarely used for this purpose; this option has become obsolete. Which paint is best for radiators? Each of them has its pros and cons, so the choice ultimately remains with the consumer.

Paint for heating radiators must be heat-resistant, abrasion-resistant and free of harmful substances

Preparing batteries for processing

To achieve high-quality painting of batteries, you need to properly prepare their surface for painting. Preparatory work Before painting they take longer than the painting itself.

Preparing batteries for painting is carried out in the following order:

  1. Thoroughly clean the surface before painting: remove the old layer of paint, and clean the places where rust has appeared to a metallic shine. Dust and dirt are wiped off with a wet cloth, and old paint is removed using a spatula and special wash-off solutions.
  2. The washing solution is applied to the surface of the battery and covered with a film to soften it. After this, the paint is easily removed with a spatula, grinder or a wire brush attached to a drill. In this case, it is advisable to put on construction gloves and protect the respiratory tract with a respirator or gauze bandage.
  3. Next, the surface of the battery is sanded with sandpaper, then degreased with white spirit or any slightly alkaline solution.
  4. An anti-corrosion primer is applied to a well-cleaned surface, which will not only protect it from corrosion, but also increase the adhesion of the paint to the surface of the battery. An alkyd-based primer is best for this.

It is imperative to choose a primer that has anti-corrosion properties (this is usually indicated on the can), otherwise after a while rust will appear again. The paint will adhere perfectly to a well-prepared surface.

In order for the battery to be painted with high quality, it is necessary to carefully prepare its surface - wipe off the old paint, remove rust, wash off dust and dirt

Modern construction stores offer big choice paints that already contain a primer and a rust converter. They are convenient because they are applied to heating batteries without preliminary preparation basics.

Painting process technology

Now let's look at how to paint a radiator to achieve good result. This must be done with the heating turned off, otherwise separate areas the paint will dry too quickly, lay down in an uneven layer, and smudges will form, which will look unsightly. Of course, there is a special paint on sale that is intended for use on hot radiators, but it can also go unevenly if the heating is not turned off.

Currently, heating radiators are painted in colors that best suit the overall interior design of the room.

If there is no other way out and you have to paint the heating device during the heating period, then you need to at least turn off the supply hot water yourself or make this request to the housing office employees. In this case, the temperature at the radiator will drop significantly.

So, if you have already decided which paint is best to paint radiators, you can proceed directly to the painting process:

  1. First of all, you need to take care to protect the floor from contamination with paint stains. To do this, lay unnecessary paper or fabric under the batteries.
  2. Choose small brushes with soft bristles, one straight and the other curved, to paint hard-to-reach areas.
  3. Apply paint first to the top of the battery and move towards the bottom. Paint the battery on all sides: first internal floors, then external ones to avoid staining hands and clothes. After the 1st layer of paint has dried, apply the second. You need to remember the rule that two thin layers of paint are better than one thick one. After all, only in the first case will a uniform and smooth paint coating be guaranteed.

The radiator can also be painted with a spray gun or from a spray can.

Painting a heating radiator with heat-resistant paint from a spray can is convenient and quick, while the paint lays down in a thin, uniform layer

When using a spray gun, it is recommended to remove the battery so that you can paint all hard-to-reach areas. Painting using a can filled with heat-resistant paint is done very quickly and efficiently. Usually detailed instructions Information about painting surfaces with a spray can is given on its packaging. The basic rule: perform zigzag movements from top to bottom at approximately a distance of 30 cm from the surface to be painted.

Before painting heating radiators, it is important to study the technology of this process, because following it will ensure an attractive appearance heating device and its reliability.


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