Full characteristics and purpose of hand-held wood cutters for a lathe. How to make wood cutters with your own hands? Homemade wood carving tools

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Even in ancient times, the profession of cabinetmaker was highly valued. Nowadays, specialists who are able to create beautiful carved wood products also have a special place, because for them this activity is not only an opportunity to provide themselves with a good income, but also a chance to enjoy similar work. However, in order for the work of creating wood products to actually bring pleasure, you need to take care of having a special tool.

IN modern conditions a cabinetmaker must have in his arsenal a certain set of devices that will help him fulfill the following types works:

  • thread;
  • sawing off;
  • splitting and trimming;
  • planing;
  • turning;
  • chiselling.

It is important to understand how wood processing work is carried out. You can find out about this from next material, which describes the relevant tools.

Woodworking tools

Generally speaking, the devices available today that allow you to work with wooden surfaces, are combined into a common group called incisors. This list usually includes cutting blades, saws, axes, chisels, special planes, etc. The peculiarity of any of these tools is its purpose: they are all designed to perform a special type of processing wooden product.

When deciding on a tool for work, a cabinetmaker proceeds primarily from his needs and tastes. If a person is just taking his first steps in this business and getting acquainted with the basics of wood processing, then he will benefit from the recommendations of experienced craftsmen.

Wood cutting tools

When starting to create a wooden product, the first thing you need to do is cut out the blank. Here you have to use cutters that look like sharp blades, when used to process wood, waste appears in the form of shavings or sawdust. If work with wooden surfaces is carried out manually, then most often craftsmen opt for tools such as saws, jointers, one-handed planes etc.

The peculiarity of these tools is that with their help you can do the work “on your own”. In other words, when using them, the master’s hand moves in the direction opposite to the body.

At the same time, in most foreign countries, the “pull-up” method has become most widespread, in which the main movements are carried out towards the master’s body. Most often, when performing wood processing according to this scheme, tools with the appropriate design are used. These can be specially made hacksaws, saws, etc. These can be considered double-sided cutters, two-handed plows and spoon cutters.

Features of work

At the same time, it is necessary to mention important rule which every cabinetmaker observes: if you have to deal with a wooden surface with a significant area, then for work use the “on your own” method. This allows you to spend less effort moving the tools you use - an ax, saw or plane. But it is undesirable to use an adze for this purpose, which is intended for the “pull” method.

How to cut blanks

When faced with the task of sawing wood, craftsmen most often resort to the help of multi-cutting devices, which have a special name - saws. Within these tools, several types can be distinguished:

  • longitudinal;
  • transverse;
  • universal.

For example, if we talk about saws that are designed for cross cutting, then their design includes sharp triangular teeth, and they all have two edges for right and left threads. A feature of saws designed for rip sawing, is the presence of teeth made in the form of a chisel. Using this shape makes it possible for the teeth to hold sawdust between each other, removing them from the body of the wood.

Regarding saws universal purpose, then their teeth made in the form right angle . Due to their structure, they can cut fibers in any direction - transverse, longitudinal, oblique.

Types of saws

All saws offered today can be classified into several types:

  • simple;
  • hacksaws;
  • one-handed.

Within the framework of mechanical saws, several subtypes can be distinguished:

  • tape;
  • two-handed;
  • gasoline engines;
  • circular

Most often, cross-cut saws are used when cutting out workpieces. If there is a need for cutting, then the choice is stopped on one-handed or two-handed instruments. Compass or bow-type hacksaws are usually used for processing. To perform rough processing of wood, preference is given to saws with large cutters. To perform precise machining with the highest quality, it is effective to use tools equipped with fine teeth.

Splitting and planing of wood

If a cabinetmaker is faced with the task of creating blanks from bars, logs or trunks, then it is best to use the following types of wood cutters:

  • axes;
  • cleavers.

The cleaver represents massive ax, with the help of which it is possible to effectively cut the ridge. Often, a cleaver is used in combination with steel or wooden wedges; the latter are driven into the base of the tree, thereby simplifying the procedure for splitting it. The processed workpieces are hewn, for which household light axes are used. They are attractive because they can be attached to a belt in special cases.

If it is necessary to trim the surface of a wooden workpiece, then you have to resort to the help of an adze, which is a type of ax with a blade located at right angles to the ax handle. Using this cutter it is quite effective to create concave or shaped products. In some cases, you can make an adze yourself, using a metal plate. large thickness, which should have a sharply sharpened and curved edge.

Planing of straight and curved surfaces

The planing procedure is usually understood as the removal from the surface of wood. thin layers shavings. To cope with this task with minimal costs physical effort, it is recommended to use hand or turning tools of the following types:

  • knives;
  • two-handed plows equipped with straight or semicircular blades;
  • planers;
  • Sherhebeli.

When performing finishing planing, special planes are most often used, equipped with a single or double blade, which is fixed in a metal or wooden body.

Removable chips may have different thickness. The determining role here is played by the distance to which the blade or body is extended. By decreasing this distance, thinner wood chips can be obtained.

If the task is to create curved or rounded elements, say, rivets for a barrel, then they usually give preference to special planes, whose configuration resembles a convex knife. If you have to deal with workpieces that are curved across the plane, then the choice is on humpback planes. A special type is formed by planes designed to create edges and narrow grooves when processing panels or boards.

Types and purposes of chisels

Craftsmen who professional level engaged in wood processing, most often using tools such as chisels. Typically, wood cutting is performed using devices that have view metal rods , which differ in the presence flat surface, sharp cutting blade and shank. The last element is located on wooden handle with a ring.

Each type of chisel is designed to perform a different task. For example, with the help of straight and wide devices, it is effective to clean or cut convex or even workpieces. It makes sense to resort to narrow tools when the task arises of processing wood in narrow areas of parts. As for straight chisels equipped with round blades, they should be used in situations where you have to deal with hardwood or horny knots.

If there is a need to clean wood that has hollow or deep cavity, usually resort to using a chisel-chisel equipped with a thick steel rod. In addition to this, this operation should be performed in combination with a tool such as a mallet. It will be used to drive the chisel deep into the wood.

Although with the help of chisels it is possible to quite effectively remove unnecessary fractions from wood, these tools were originally created for cutting out complex products. If a craftsman has the task of creating gutters in the body of a workpiece, then to complete this work he will have to use cranberries. We are talking about chisels equipped with curved or grooved blades. With their help, it will be possible to make a recess of the required radius and depth. At the first stage, you need to use the widest cranberries and create a hole. After this comes a sequence of smaller cranberries, then move on to using an even smaller one, etc.

Using special cutters

The tools described above are not the only ones that should be present in the arsenal of a wood carver. Often, a cabinetmaker is faced with the task of volumetric cutting, which must be performed when creating works of art. In such situations, you cannot do without spoon incisors.

It is worth noting that these devices were created a hundred years ago. Working with these devices involves using the “pull” method, and the tool can be moved both longitudinally and transversely relative to the fibers.

But not only the spoon device is a common tool for carving masters. It is often necessary to use a double-sided cutter, "T" shaped. Most often, it is used to process workpieces when creating large-sized products. The main purpose of spoon-type cutters is to cut out wooden circles, which will later serve as the basis for creating plates, as well as other utensils and other products.


Regardless of your experience in such a matter as wood carving, first of all you need to take care of having the required tool to perform this self made. This is why you should have cutters in your arsenal for hand carving. It should be borne in mind that they differ in their design and purpose, so you should choose these devices based on the operations that you have to perform.

The general classification of devices available today for working with wooden surfaces unites them into a general group called cutters. This list includes cutting blades, saws, axes, chisels, special planes and other tools. main feature Any tool from this list is to perform a specific type of wood processing.

Wood lathe cutters

Wood turning tools are necessary for manual processing of a part that rotates in a machine. Such wood cutters consist of two main parts: a working part (metal) and a handle (most often made of wood).

The working part includes:

  • cutting part or blade. This is the part to be sharpened, it is the part that interacts with the workpiece
  • the body is the main part by which the turner holds the cutter with his “non-working” hand on the armrest of the machine
  • the shank is the narrow part into which the body smoothly passes. A handle is attached to the shank.

The handle consists of two parts:

  • base, which is the largest part that the master holds in his “working” hand
  • neck, which is a small cylindrical part with a metal fastening ring that prevents the handle from cracking when it is pressed onto the shank of the working part.

Depending on the type of processing, turning tools come in different configurations. Note that as the complexity of the work increases, their design becomes more complicated, which also determines the specific sharpening of the blade. For a young master, two types of cutters are enough: reyer and meisel.

These two tools will help you carry out turning work at an average level of complexity. Basically, the external surface is treated. In some cases, you can work with the internal surfaces of the product.

What other wood turning tools are there? The video below clearly demonstrates the work various types turning cutters.

Working on a lathe

Today, wood lathes are often used to produce multifunctional furniture parts. In addition, this machine will help create attractive and unusual elements decor, for example, candlesticks, cups, toys, tops and more.

There are lathes different sizes. First of all, you need to choose the most suitable machine. Today, there is a fairly wide range of tabletop lathes that are ideal for small project. Larger devices are used to create balusters, which are used to make furniture and railings.

Parameters by which lathes differ:

  • bed length. It determines the longest length of the processed bar
  • the turning diameter above the bed is the maximum diameter of the bar
  • horsepower - power power unit, which determines the mass of the block for turning without load on the cutter and the machine
  • engine revolutions per minute. Most machines have a constant speed. Devices with a low speed mode can be used for processing workpieces irregular shape. And higher speeds help polish the product.

When purchasing, pay attention to the weight and material from which the machine is made. Options with a cast iron bed and steel frame are quite durable, but not mobile. They cannot be moved to another place of work.

Turning cutters have a long handle curved shape. It is designed to make it convenient for the master to hold the tool. As a result of the presence of such a handle, the master carefully controls the blade, but does not feel tired. Cutters for manual processing are not suitable for machine work because they have a short handle.

Working with wood cutters

Wood carving is complex, but quite interesting technique decorating products, which has been known since ancient times. At the beginning of work, it is necessary to create blanks, in other words, blocks or blanks. After this, rough surface treatment is carried out, during which the surface is leveled and all kinds of defects are eliminated.

After this you can start artistic work, which is carried out using wood carving cutters. In fact, this is a selection of part of the wood, which allows you to give the workpiece relief and volume. This is the main stage, because it depends on it appearance subject. Finishing decorative item consists of grinding timber and impregnating it antiseptics and paint and varnish coatings.

To implement manual work of this type, cutting devices with different blade configurations are used. Their quality has a direct impact on the purity of the ornament; for this reason, you need to carefully ensure that the chisel blade is sharp and without jagged edges.

Wood carving cutters are a must-have tool in the arsenal of a craftsman who produces decorative items from wood. These tools come various types and shapes, which affects the specific processing of certain parts.

Some people believe that master virtuosos work with one or two chisels, but in practice it turns out that it is clear what to achieve best result and provide light work Only a complete set of special carpentry tools will help, which should include chisels with blades of various shapes.

Among the tools for cutting wood are:

Sharpening wood cutters

In the wood processing process, the cutters and chisels used remove a layer of wood. After some time, the tool becomes dull, which affects the quality of processing. For this reason, tool sharpening is a very important issue.

There are two ways to sharpen a tool:

  • manual method. In this case, there is no mechanization of the process at all, that is, everything is done manually from start to finish. This method is characterized by low productivity. In addition, it is quite difficult to achieve the desired result
  • mechanical sharpening using special machines that have a stone for removing metal.

Both of these methods are used in production. Manual method You can sharpen the tool in a short time. If the cutting edge is slightly worn and there are no mechanical damage. Special machine makes it possible to restore the cutting surface and eliminate various defects.

The most popular sharpening machines are:

  • device having two grindstone. It makes it possible to install two different abrasives in order to speed up the processing procedure. To avoid the need to frequently rearrange the abrasive, these machines are equipped with two output shafts on which the wheel is mounted
  • a device with a bath for cooling the abrasive surface. This system prevents the tool from burning the metal during processing. Due to strong friction, the surface becomes very hot; the metal may change its properties during heating. performance. It is necessary to avoid burning the metal by using a cooling bath of water.

Every craftsman who works with wood has carpentry chisels in his arsenal. A wood chisel is very useful in work that involves processing wooden blanks. Perfectly sharpened blade various shapes used for carving of any complexity. In construction stores you can buy both ready-made sets of fixtures and chisels individually.

August 14

Today's video is about making a homemade wood cutter or chisel from bearing steel. Will be shown general principles, on the basis of which other tools can be made. Chisels and wood cutters are not a cheap pleasure, so using bearings you can profitably make the tool that you need.

A German bearing was used as a donor, outside diameter 22 mm. The bearing is not running, it is for a long time worked, for 30 years it had neither exhaustion nor backlash. Here we can say for sure that the bearing is very good and of high quality. The first thing we will do is disassemble the separator, remove the balls and we will only need the outer race. From this clip you can get a workpiece 65 millimeters long. This will be enough for the cutting part and a little will be left to insert the wooden handle.

The workpiece is ready, now we will straighten it. But after it has cooled, you can separate it using a regular hammer. The length turned out to be 63 millimeters, quite enough. It is not necessary to straighten it completely. It already has a small groove for the balls; it needs to be enlarged using a drill. Diamond dental discs will be used. These are diamond coated discs.

We have obtained a semicircular inner surface for our future incisor; there is no need to make it the entire length. Now you need to make it semicircular outer surface. This should be done using a sharpener on a small stone. Now there is no need to worry about overheating, because we still have hardening to do. Now give a small finish using a fine abrasive disc. The most important thing is to process it well inner side and you can start hardening.

Hardening of bearing steel

Read more about how to harden metal for... In order to harden the bearing steel that we decided to use for a homemade cutter, we need to heat it to a temperature of 830 - 860 degrees and cool it in oil. The temperature will be determined by the color of the metal burning. It should be bright red. You can find metal heat colors online. For normal hardening, only the front part of about 10 millimeters needs to be heated. If you heat it evenly along the entire length of the workpiece, it will simply burst. You should also take into account that while you are carrying the metal to the oil, it has time to cool a little. Therefore, it is advisable to first slightly overheat, bring it to the oil, and when the metal has received desired color, dip into it. The workpiece is hardened, this is done very easily.

Now, out of curiosity, let's check for hardness. To do this, we will use a file to sharpen the chain. This is a very good hard file. Let's try what we have on cutting edge. The file does not take this steel. If we take the shank, then the file is a wonderful material.

Tempering of metal workpiece

Despite the fact that the blank for the future wood cutter is hardened, it is not finished yet. The cutter is very strong, but very fragile. If you work with such a cutter, it will definitely break. It is necessary to perform a tempering, which reduces brittleness without reducing hardness. Vacation is carried out at a temperature of 150-160 degrees. There is a slight difficulty in this, which lies in the fact that tarnish colors, for example, when heated, start from 180 to 200 - 220 degrees. This is already the temperature at which we cover the steel and its slight tempering occurs. She's losing hers mechanical properties, its hardness degrees.
How do we understand these 150 degrees? We'll need a piece of polypropylene that starts to sit at about 140 degrees and starts to melt at 160 degrees. We will use a regular iron for the holiday; we will produce it within 2 hours.
Using a clamp, secure the iron in a vertical position and plug it into a power outlet. We will add heat until the polypropylene begins to settle and leave small marks on the sole of the iron. This roughly corresponds to a temperature of 150 degrees.

Wood turning tools are intended for manual processing of a part rotating in a machine.

They consist of two main parts: a working part (metal) and a handle (usually wooden).

In turn, the working part can be divided into:

  • cutting (blade) - this is the part that is sharpened and interacts with the workpiece;
  • body - the main part by which the turner holds the cutter with his “non-working” hand on the armrest of the machine;
  • shank - a narrowed part into which the body smoothly passes. The shank is designed for attaching a handle to it.

The handle can be divided into two parts:

  • the base is the large part that the turner holds in his “working” hand;
  • neck - a small cylindrical part with a metal fastening ring that prevents the handle from cracking when it is pressed onto the shank of the working part.

Types of turning tools

Depending on the type of work performed, wood turning tools have different configurations; the more complex the product, the more sophisticated their design will be, which will determine the specific sharpening of the blade. Each master can have his own special, exclusive, highly specialized turning tools designed to perform some special work. Therefore, there is no need to study the design of each individual cutter.

For successful work For a beginner turner, two types will be enough: reyer and meisel.

Reyer - designed for rough, roughing, initial processing of the workpiece. Design feature This type of blade is shaped like a semicircle. It is made from a thick plate or from a semicircular groove. Using Reyer wooden blank give approximate outlines of the future product.

Meisel - for finishing the workpiece, giving it its final shape. Also, it can be used to cut off the product from the remains of the workpiece. The shape of a meisel resembles a jamb knife (a plate with an oblique blade, sharpened on both sides at the same angle).

With the help of a reyer and a meisel, you can easily perform turning work of medium complexity. Processing the workpiece on the outer surface. In some cases, it is possible to work with the internal surfaces of a part.

All other wood turning tools can be classified as shaped tools. Among them, the most popular types are:

  • chisel-scraper - for leveling the cylindrical surface of the workpiece. The shape resembles a straight chisel with one-sided sharpening;
  • comb - designed for carving and applying decorative grooves and marks;
  • hook – for turning cavities in the workpiece;
  • ring - has the same purpose as the hook;
  • for rough processing - has a blade shape in the form of a triangle. Designed to give the workpiece cylindrical. This type is the safest of all others due to the small contact area between the tool and the workpiece.

How to make wood turning tools yourself

Homemade wood turning tools are something of a talisman for craftsmen. Therefore, they prefer to make working tools with their own hands rather than purchase them from regular store. Although those purchased fully meet their requirements, technical specifications and safe work practices.

Making reyer and meisel yourself is not difficult. To make them with your own hands, yourself suitable material there will be files and rasps that have already “outlived” their usefulness. This decommissioned tool has the required dimensions, strength, material quality, and steel grade. By using sharpening machine the file is given the required shape in terms of the blade and shank. Then a machined handle with a fastening ring is stuffed. And that’s it, the tool for making wood turning products is ready.

To make wood turning tools, you can use, in addition to files and rasps, as a material, car springs or reinforcement bars. They have the necessary hardness. But after making the tool with your own hands, you need to be extremely careful. Its tests must be carried out on soft wood (linden, poplar), after which the blade must be inspected for chips and cracks. And only after such a check can turning tools made by yourself be used when working with harder wood (birch, oak, beech).

Video about homemade cutters

At self-production cutting tool need to remember:

  • The shorter the working part, the more difficult and inconvenient it is to hold it while turning. The length of the body should provide full grip with the hand, plus support on the armrest, plus the distance from the armrest to the workpiece, plus margin for wear and sharpening. Therefore, the initial length of the working part should be at least 20 cm, but a size exceeding 40 cm will cause inconvenience in work. Optimal length should be 20 – 30 cm;
  • The shorter the shank, the greater the possibility that it can be torn out of the handle. Therefore, when a cutting tool is made from files or rasps, the shanks are lengthened by 1.5 - 2 times;
  • The thinner and narrower the working part of the tool, the greater the likelihood of it being damaged by the workpiece during the turning process. Therefore, at the initial stages of processing, when the workpiece does not yet have an absolute cylindrical shape and runout on the blade occurs, as well as at large diameters, when the cutting force has great importance, it is necessary to use cutters with sufficient thickness.
  • wood turning tools must have a handle no shorter than 25 cm. If it is much smaller, then during the turning process it will be difficult to hold the tool in your hands, not to mention the quality of the work performed.

Do-it-yourself sharpening of cutters

The quality of the treated surface largely depends on the correct sharpening of the working tool.

To do this, you will need an electric sharpening machine with a set of wheels of different grain sizes and a velvet block for manual editing blades.

Video of sharpening cutters

Each craftsman chooses the sharpening angle independently, focusing on his skill as a turner, the hardness of the wood, the quality of the working tool and the final desired appearance of the surface being processed.

For a novice turner, the optimal sharpening angle options will be:

  • for Meisel - the bevel itself should be 40° relative to the axis work surface and 40° for each side of the blade;
  • for reyer – 50° – 60°.

Over time, as the turner's skill level increases, sharpening angles can be reduced to 20° - 35°.

Ideally, in addition to a set of different styles, it is desirable to have cutters of the same type, same size, nose different angles sharpening. This will make the turner’s work much faster and easier, and will also extend their service life, because there will be no need to constantly resharpen the blades depending on the type of wood being processed.

Blunt sharpening angles are intended for: hard wood, initial (rough) processing.

Sharper corners of the cutting tool allow for better surface treatment and speed up the turning process, but at the same time there is a high probability of chipping the workpiece and damaging the blade. And such a tool has to be sharpened and adjusted much more often than with more obtuse angles.

The approximate sharpening angle of the blade is formed at the stage of making cutters with your own hands, before starting heat treatment- hardening.

Then, when they are completely ready, the sharpening process is carried out using abrasive wheel and finished by hand finishing on a velvet block.

How to make a wood carving tool.

Making knives (cutters)

Find good tool For wood carvings, especially in small town, there is practically no possibility. If only on order with an incredible increase in price. Yes, you can make simple cutters yourself.

A good tool is the key to pleasant and high-quality work.

From this conclusion it follows that knowledge of tool manufacturing and sharpening(cutters, knives, chisels).

What can a carving knife be made from?

After some digging, I found several options.

Making a knife for wood carving. Option #1.

The knife can be made from metal cutting blade for machine tools. Where can I find such a canvas?

I went to the market to see the men who sell all sorts of old things. A short survey made it clear that finding him would not be so easy. They said that the canvas was being bought in batches and taken to Ukraine. What they do with him there, no one knows. But he who seeks will always find. After some delays, the seller was very drunk, I took it with a reserve (4 canvases).

If someone has a machine shop at work, I think for a reasonable fee you can get a few broken pieces.

Knife for wood carving made of metal cloth for machine tools.

The most labor-intensive task is making a knife from canvas. a lot of time is spent processing metal. Very durable metal and strong.

I sawed the canvas with a grinder. Of course, I burned the edges of the metal and had to remove it using sandpaper.

My canvas was thick and I made it a little thinner (for a small incisor).

Large power knife. Now I’m thinking about making Bogorodsky.

Making a knife for wood carving. Option #2.

Also good material The metal from a straight razor can serve as a cutter. Having searched the whole city (markets) and even advertised in “From Hand to Hand”, I was unable to find razors. But again, who is looking...

In general, I found razors at the auction http://ay.by. For 15,000 ($1=2700) per razor, I bought two pieces. Now I'm waiting for a parcel from the city of Glubokoe.

Wood carving knife made from a straight razor.

The metal of straight razors is very strong, but fragile. making a knife out of a straight razor is not that difficult. The metal has already given the shape of the knife; it just needs to be adjusted a little.

Separate the handle from the blade.

I did not describe the process of creating a cutter in detail (in the next post there will be detailed description creation of a cutter with a handle). I think everything is clear.

Here I made several cutters for wood carving. Now I will look at which forms are more acceptable. I didn’t particularly choose the sharpening angles and didn’t turn them up, I’ll be looking for the optimal one in the process. If you burn the metal (it turns purple), then it will no longer be suitable for the cutter. It will become soft. It needs to be completely sanded off. For myself, I came to the conclusion that it is better to sharpen it by hand more slowly and reliably than to try to quickly sharpen the knife on sandpaper (at high speeds) and burn the knife to the ground. I had one more metal. A two-sided saw is said to be used in meat processing plants for cutting bones, but it is very soft and turns into foil when sharpened.

Making a knife for wood carving. Option #3.

Anyone who has the opportunity can simply buy it in online stores. Stores give a good choice. But personally, I’m interested in trying to make a knife myself. I think it will be a useful experience. Although chisels complex shape I'll most likely buy it.

P.S. If you need very small incisors, then you can make them from needle files.

Knife for wood carving from a needle file.

The first and easiest thing I decided make a knife (cutter) for small woodworking from a needle file. Slightly sharpening the needle file under required angle, I sharpened it and it turned out to be a very sharp cutter. Sharpening was done by hand.

It cuts great. Only, for some reason it turned out to be very fragile, and I already broke the nose of the knife twice

Or something else...

1. Tool made from scrap materials, for wood carving

2. The remains of high-quality tool steel can be used as a blade for a future cutting tool. For example: worn blades of mechanical saws for metal, broken cutters for metal, worn straight razor blades, unused blades for cutting tenons on wood products, cutters for knives, broken blades of hacksaws, etc.

3. For example, you need make a knife (knife-jamb).

4. The handle is made from two wooden planks (birch, pine, linden, beech, etc.). It doesn’t matter what kind of rock will be used to make the handle, but soft rock is easier to process. The blanks are made in the following sizes: 120 x 30 x 7 mm

5. We use a spare cutter for a knife (retractable) as a blade. If there is none, use any of the items listed earlier.

6. Using a cutting disc or electric sharpener, we give the workpiece the required shape and size. During operation, the metal must be periodically moistened with water to prevent the workpiece from overheating. Those areas that are blackened should be removed as they have not been hardened.


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