Build a cinder block house. From the project to the finished house made of slag concrete

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How to build a house from cinder blocks?

To build a house from cinder blocks, it is not necessary to contact professional builders, you can study the cinder block construction technique and do everything yourself. First, develop a project, calculate how much material you will need, and you can get to work.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before you start creating a project and building a house, you need to learn about the pros and cons of buildings made from cinder blocks.

Advantages of cinder block houses:

  1. Saving money. This material is much cheaper than brick and wood, especially if you produce it yourself.
  2. A cinder block house does not require a massive foundation.
  3. The material does not impose any special requirements for storage and transportation.
  4. The construction is reliable and does not differ in quality from houses built from other materials.

But there is also two significant drawbacks:

  1. The material is afraid of water, so you can build a house only in dry weather, and then plaster the walls well.
  2. To ensure the required level of noise and heat insulation, it is necessary to responsibly select materials. If this stage of construction is not done correctly, moisture will seep into the cinder block.

Foundation for a cinder block house

Main requirements for the foundation: it must be high to protect the house from moisture, which cinder block is so afraid of, and well insulated. If the house is one-story and without reinforced concrete floors, then the foundation does not have to be super strong.

To build the foundation For cinder block house you will need: crushed stone, cement, gravel, reinforcement, sand, concrete mixer, cinder blocks, opata, level, hydro- and vapor barrier material.

This process is carried out in several stages:

  1. Dig a trench and make a bed of sand and gravel about 50cm high.
  2. Install the formwork and make a reinforced frame.
  3. Prepare concrete mortar: mix 3 parts sand and crushed stone and 1 part cement. Fill the prepared structure with it.

Construction of the base, if provided, can begin after 7 days, and the construction of walls can only be done after complete drying (after approximately 1 month).


First, the corners are set so that the walls are perfectly even. One cinder block is placed in each corner, then it is leveled building level. Stretch the twine along which you will lay out the walls. Before starting work, prepare:

  • a mallet for hammering cinder blocks;
  • trowel for removing excess mortar on seams;
  • plasticizer (this material is added to the solution to increase its strength and ductility);
  • circular saw or hacksaw for cutting cinder blocks;
  • orders, plumb lines and spatulas.

Cinder block is laid using one of the traditional methods:

  • tychkovy (one stone);
  • spoon (half a stone);
  • one and a half stones;
  • two stones.

Important to remember, that laying cinder blocks can only be done at temperatures above 15 degrees. After preparatory work build the first row of blocks. The height of the seam should not be more than 1.5 cm, otherwise it will lead to deterioration thermal insulation properties. Do not fill cinder block voids with cement!

When erecting the first three rows, check the wall with a level as often as possible; it must be strictly vertical. Cinder blocks are laid with an offset of ½ block.

To avoid cracks and make the structure stronger, builders advise using reinforcement. To do this, you will need fittings and electric cutters or wall chasers. Using electric cutters, recesses are made in cinder blocks, reinforcement is inserted into them and poured cement mortar. This procedure is repeated every fourth row.

Video of building a house from cinder blocks, masonry.

Once the walls are erected, you can begin building the roof. This process cannot be delayed for a long time, so as not to expose the cinder blocks to the harmful effects of precipitation. The same applies to external and internal finishing works.

How to insulate a house?

To make your home comfortable in cold weather, you need take care of the insulation of buildings And. Experts say that it is better to insulate a building from the outside, as this guarantees 70% of the effect; sometimes internal insulation is not even required.

Before internal insulation a vapor barrier layer is installed on the walls and ceiling of the building, after which you can use mineral wool or polystyrene foam. Vapor barrier is not needed for finishing external walls.

If you want to save on insulation, then use polystyrene foam. This is the most cheap material, later it is plastered and painted. You can also buy polystyrene foam, which has low level water absorption, so there is no need to install a vapor barrier layer.

Insulation of walls with foam plastic and decorative works carried out in 5 stages:

  1. The walls are being plastered.
  2. Styrofoam is attached.
  3. Reinforced mesh is being installed.
  4. Work is underway to level and finishing walls
  5. The building is being painted.

For painting it is better to choose acrylic or silicone plaster. And if you are not limited in finances, then for insulation it is better to purchase polyurethane foam - modern material, which is applied to walls by pouring or spraying. The result is a coating without seams; it does not allow cold air and moisture to pass through.

How to calculate the number of cinder blocks per house?

If you are building a house from cinder blocks, then first you need to calculate the amount of material. Those who produce the building material themselves can make the missing amount at any time, it is only important to remember that the blocks will take time to become strong.

To calculate the number of cinder blocks you need to know the thickness of the wall. It may differ depending on the climatic conditions of the region where the house is being built. IN middle lane a thickness of 20-40 cm is sufficient, and in order for the house to retain heat in harsh winters, the size must be at least 60 cm.

When calculating remember basic construction terms: half a stone (20 cm), a stone (40 cm), one and a half stones (60 cm), two stones (80 cm).

Let's carry out calculations based on the most common parameters that are used when building a house from cinder blocks. For example, you need to build a 9x7 building, the height of the walls is 3 meters. The area of ​​one cinder block is 0.08 m (0.4x0.2).

The first thing to do is calculate the number of blocks per 1 meter of wall. For this, 1/0.08 sq.m., it turns out 12.5 pieces. The wall will be built from two rows, so 12.5x2=25 cinder blocks. Now let’s calculate the area of ​​the house: (9+9+7+7)x3=96 sq.m. 9 and 7 are the length of the walls, and 3 is the height. For each square meter 25 cinder blocks are needed, which means for the construction of the entire house: 25x96 = 2400 pieces.

The calculations do not take into account openings, but this is not necessary. Cinder block is a fragile material, so you need to take it with a reserve.

House construction price

How much does it cost to build a cinder block house? You can build a house from cinder blocks with your own hands, but do not forget about developing the project. You can do this yourself or entrust it to professionals. The main thing is to take into account climatic conditions and soil characteristics, as well as the stability of the building.

The average cost of one cinder block is 35 rubles. For a 9x7 house you will need 2400 pieces, that is, this material will cost 84 thousand rubles. But this is only the construction of walls; we should also not forget about the construction of the foundation, roofing, sound and heat insulation, and finishing work.

Is it worth building?

Many of them are satisfied with the construction process, because the house can be built during the holidays. Save on the material itself and mortar, which costs half as much as brickwork. Houses made from this material look original, are warm in winter and cool in summer.

Cinder block houses- These are reliable and durable buildings. Their construction will not require a lot of time and financial expenses, especially if you produce cinder blocks yourself. But in order for the building to last a long time, and to live in it comfortably, you need to choose the right materials for insulation and finishing.

Cinder blocks were invented almost a hundred years ago. Due to their versatility of use and affordable cost, they have firmly entered the market. They are used everywhere for the construction of residential buildings and objects for various purposes.

During production, various fillers are added to the concrete solution: blast furnace or volcanic slag, gravel screenings, expanded clay, shell rock, ash, sawdust. After pouring, the molds are pressed in a vibrating machine and dried for a long time.

Finished blocks are lightweight and have a low heat transfer coefficient. Large dimensions make it possible to create lightweight structures and speed up the pace of construction. Slag concrete is actively used in design few storey buildings, garages, arrangement of basements, cellars, installation of attics, laying columnar and strip foundations.


1. Cost-effectiveness - cheap fillers and low-cost technology suggest minimum consumption binder component (cement) without loss of product quality. Cinder block walls of a house do not require heavy, expensive foundations.

2. Fire safety - withstands long-term exposure open fire and are not destroyed by high temperatures.

3. Resistance to natural disasters - houses can withstand hurricanes and earthquakes, especially if the walls are reinforced with steel reinforcement.

4. Durability - the main material does not shrink and gains strength over time. For a slag concrete house, builders set a service life of up to 100 years.

5. Simple installation - it is not necessary to involve expensive specialists for masonry; you can handle the work on your own.

6. Unpretentiousness - storage and transportation of blocks do not require special conditions.

7. Affordable design - many online resources offer free detailed plans and ready-made schemes for the construction of turnkey houses.

The porous structure facilitates masonry work, increases noise absorption and improves the thermal insulation of the house.

Review of popular projects

1. House with an attic 10x15.

The total area of ​​the cinder block building is 220 m2. About a third of the first floor is occupied by a garage and Technical buildings. On the opposite side of the house there is access to a wide terrace. The spacious living room and kitchen are located nearby, which is very convenient for receiving large quantity guests.

In the center of the attic there is a large hall with a floor-to-ceiling window. The project also includes a bedroom, an office, 2 children's rooms and 2 bathrooms. All rooms are separate, the doors open into the hall. The office and one nursery have balconies.

2. 10x10 house plan with garage.

The location of the attic is provided only above the residential part of the 1st floor. In addition to the garage, downstairs there is a narrow hall, a toilet, small kitchen. The living room has a stove, a built-in corner staircase and access to the terrace. On top floor 2 bedrooms and a bathroom.

The house is designed for small family of 2-3 people.

3. Project of a cinder block house on 2 floors 10x10.

The total area of ​​the building is 180 sq.m. The house is divided into many living rooms. It also provides the necessary technical and auxiliary premises: boiler room, kitchen, wardrobe, 3 bathrooms (one downstairs and 2 upstairs). This is a spacious, ergonomic home for a large family.

What determines the cost of building a house?

The final price of a cinder block building is made up of many factors:

  • House design taking into account engineering and communication systems. Ordering a plan from an architectural studio starts from 25,000 rubles.
  • Excavation of soil under the foundation of a house to a depth of 0.7-1 m. A cube of earth costs 400-500 rubles.
  • Monolithic device strip foundation(reinforcement + filling). For a wall 0.4 m thick, a base width of 0.5 m is required. Material costs are about 8,000 rubles per cubic meter. If you hire a team, then the project estimate needs to be increased by 10-15%. Laying a turnkey strip foundation costs 17,000-19,000 rubles per cubic meter of concrete work.
  • Filling with crushed stone and sand will cost 600-800 rubles/cube including delivery. At this stage of construction, you can include the arrangement of the basement.
  • Purchase of slag concrete 390×190×190 mm. To lay walls in one block per 1 m2 you need 12.5 pieces. If walls made of double cinder blocks are specified, then 25 pcs/m2 will be required. The approximate cost of a block is 30-35 rubles plus 8-10% for battle and defects.
  • Cement and sand. According to the laying plan, a cube of mortar is enough for 4.3 m3 of wall. To do this, you need to buy 6 bags of M400 cement and a cubic meter of sand, which will cost 1800-2000 rubles.

The estimate includes the costs of roofing, floors between floors, windows, and doors. The general list also includes materials for insulation, internal and exterior finishing. The most expensive part is the installation of heating, sewerage, gas, water and electricity.

Some nuances influence the final cost:

1. Cinder concrete walls cannot withstand the load concrete floor. Therefore, in a house project it is usually planned to install an armored belt made of longitudinal beams.

2. When constructing walls, it is necessary to reinforce every second row of blocks with steel bars. This increases the cost per cube of masonry by 300-350 rubles.

3. To make the structure lighter and cheaper, you can use hollow cinder blocks. Since they have increased fragility, they are suitable only for the construction of 1-2 storey houses, garages or installation of an attic.

Thus, approximate price a turnkey house is about 20,000-25,000 rubles per 1 sq. m. meter of area.

Whatever building material is chosen for building a house, it will certainly have positive and negative properties. If we take cinder block slabs for consideration and carefully examine this material, we will learn a lot of interesting things.

And this will be the final decision for choosing this product. Knowing all the pros and cons will allow you to protect yourself from all sorts of problems in the future.

Pros and cons of cinder blocks

The building material made from cinder blocks can be called universal, because it is simply used in all types of construction. The construction of houses from this product was no exception. Let's consider and evaluate all the factors that are inherent in cinder blocks.


  • Electricity bills are rising rapidly. Here is the very option that will save electricity and heat. The room will have good sound and thermal insulation. This effect is achieved due to excellent properties concrete. It is he who knows how to absorb sounds from the inside, and with outside protects from cold and heat, that is, does not let them through. This means that you don’t need to spend money on air conditioning in the summer and resort to additional heating in the winter.
  • If compared with wooden houses , here, there is no threat from insects, which in the first case penetrate through the coatings.
  • In regions with strong winds, Steel rods are laid between the blocks; stones and clay can be added to the solution. This masonry method significantly affects the stability of the structure and prevents the appearance of cracks in the foundation.
  • Cinder block housing is easy to repair. A minimum number of banknotes is used. Houses built from blocks are resistant to natural disasters, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes.
  • And no less important is fire. It is not dangerous to this species, that is, losses will be minimal compared to wooden buildings.
  • Does not require a massive foundation and professional workers.
  • Short construction time, cheap compared to a stone or brick house.
  • Light block weight, thus there is no heavy load on the foundation.


  • The main disadvantage is, of course, appearance. The block house loses modern level. But even here some adjustments are possible; you should pay attention to blocks that have a decorative texture. But this is in the case that there are additional cash. Since here it will be necessary to attract professional workers who have experience with this product. And do a special project.
  • In regions with constant flooding, the house is not suitable. Because the products are afraid of water.
  • Will be required special means and tools for laying pipes, as briquettes have a high density.
  • The slabs have an uneven surface, which means they should be plastered on both sides.
  • Before construction begins, the blocks are kept in open areas, for the complete disappearance of toxic substances, even in small quantities, which are contained in impurities.

Characteristics of cinder block:

What reduces the advantages of a cinder block house?

The choice of material is influenced by its filler, since it is responsible for environmental friendliness. The best option considered crushed stone, sawdust, shell rock, expanded clay.

The integrity of the blocks and its geometry identity are also important. It is worth paying attention to blocks from different pallets.

The characteristics of the stone, which are responsible for thermal conductivity, strength, frost resistance, and density, should be checked before purchase. For example, you can check the quality of a block with an ordinary 15 mm nail. If he manually entered it, you should think about purchasing such a product.

The manufacturing method influences the strength and reliability. If the blocks are made without a vibrating machine, the indicated characteristics will be reduced.

This type of manufacturing is not suitable for the construction of residential premises. Of course, when making it yourself, you can always adjust the setting time and add the necessary components for this.

The thickness of the masonry depends on climatic conditions. For example, a solution greater than 15 mm will reduce the heat resistance of the walls. To ordinary plaster held on, preparation needed. Cinder blocks are not intended for the construction of foundations and are not used as structural materials.

Buy or make it yourself?

If the construction is planned to be extensive, the question involuntarily creeps up about whether to make cinder blocks yourself?

To do this, let's make some calculations.

For one stone, you will need 0.011 cubic meters. meters of solution, we maintain the proportion 1:7. Therefore, a full bag of cement will yield 36 pieces. Also, purchasing purchased equipment for making blocks will cost 135,000 rubles .

There is a second option, make it according to the drawings, then it will cost approximately 39,000 rubles. Selected method self-made acceptable only to those who have available a private house, garage, outbuildings, as well as certain skills.

Self-production artificial stone will allow you to choose a technology according to climatic conditions, environmental friendliness of the composition, color and size of the product. Unprofitable costs physical labor you will not be affected by large volumes.

The size of a standard stone is 188 x 199 x 399 mm and has small holes.

To get a quality block, you should know some requirements:

  • use cement grade M400 and no less;
  • blast furnace slag or coal ash, if it is difficult to obtain, can be replaced with lightweight concrete;
  • coarse sand;
  • equipment with vibrocompression.

The resulting product is used for the construction of walls. And it contains such substances as: filler, water and binder.

The filler is:

  • slag;
  • brick fight;
  • gypsum;
  • granite;
  • perlite;
  • sawdust;
  • gravel.

And the binder is cement. It is mainly responsible for the characteristics of the future stone: moisture resistance, thermal conductivity, weight, density.

If we talk about the composition of the solution, you can get a product from light and heavy concrete. The question arises, which one is better to do?

The first type differs in composition and includes ash, expanded clay, slag, sawdust, and sand. Therefore, it is quite light and environmentally friendly. It is easy to work with because it is light in weight. This leads to a reduction in construction time and saving money.

The second type is distinguished by its excellent ability to maintain its amazing characteristics during water elements. Water procedures he is not afraid. This product is distinguished by its durability and contains the following components: sand, crushed stone, pebbles. It has high thermal conductivity, that is, it heats up quickly, but cools down just as quickly. Having significant weight, working with it is more labor-intensive and time-consuming.

  • When making blocks yourself, should be used closed premises, in the form of garages, extensions. The building must be equipped with good ventilation and a level floor.
  • To prevent construction from being delayed, it is worth monitoring the geometry of the stone. Make as few flaws as possible in the resulting product. This is achieved by completely filling the vibration mold, even with a slide, which will disappear during vibration.
  • Monitor the composition of the solution, supplements make a big difference.
  • Window openings and doors are not taken into account during calculation, since losses during construction take up to 15%.
  • When erecting a roof, it is worth taking care of vapor and waterproofing. This will maintain the proper level of humidity.

Currently, there is a huge variety of building materials. They all have their advantages and disadvantages. And many people who want to build their own home have a question: what is the best material to build a house from? Relatively recently, a material such as cinder block appeared on the building materials market.

Unfortunately, ideal materials for building a house does not exist. Many factors influence which material to choose. It is necessary to understand that, no matter what material is chosen, proper insulation at home will help you save on heating costs in the future.

Cinder block houses

Houses made of cinder block, like other building materials, have their pros and cons. The biggest advantage is its low cost and availability of material.. But the disadvantages are very significant.

It is better to build a cinder block house with your own hands, it will be cheaper. In addition, this material itself is one of the cheapest building materials. Moreover, you can make cinder blocks yourself. Moreover you will only have to spend money on cement; all other components can be found for free or very inexpensively.

To make high-quality cinder blocks yourself, it is better to get a vibrating machine

The composition includes the following materials:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • slag, which can be almost any construction and industrial waste: broken bricks, crushed stone screenings, broken glass, metallurgical waste, metal shavings, etc.

If we talk about a house made of cinder blocks for permanent residence, then the reviews of the owners of such houses are completely different. However, this material has quite a lot more disadvantages than advantages, and they are very significant.

Because cinder block contains many wastes from various industries, it it can be assumed that this material is not environmentally friendly. Therefore, it is mainly used in the construction of low-rise non-residential buildings, outbuildings and various outbuildings. For example, for building a garage, such material is simply ideal.

But everyone comes from their own preferences. For those who do not consider the disadvantages significant, they can easily build a house from cinder blocks.

If you buy industrially produced cinder blocks, the manufacturer must indicate the characteristics of the material. But Most of the blocks are produced by handicraft methods on a small vibrating machine operated by one or more people. Naturally, it is almost impossible to predict the characteristics of a material obtained in this way, because different manufacturers use different components and different method production.

In addition, if components are used that deteriorate over time, the material will not last long. AND it is impossible to say how durable this or that cinder block will be.

Since the block is not environmentally friendly pure material and cinder block walls can release harmful substances. Because harmful substances can negatively affect organs respiratory system and the body as a whole.

Cinder blocks industrial production are free from the above disadvantages and have parameters guaranteed by the manufacturer

There are several types of blocks:

  • full-bodied;
  • hollow;
  • half blocks;
  • decorative blocks.

For the construction of walls, hollow cinder blocks are usually used so that the load on the foundation is less. A a solid block can weigh 22-28 kg, therefore, such a cinder block is used in the construction of the foundation, ground floors, columns, load-bearing structures.

This leads to another significant drawback - the large weight of the block. Even hollow blocks weigh 18-22 kg, which is a lot during construction, compared to cellular concrete . Firstly, there will be a large load on the foundation, so the foundation must be made very massive and, therefore, expensive. Secondly, working with the material is very difficult, because during construction high wall it will be difficult to lift it up.

The final advantages and disadvantages of cinder block houses.


  • cheapness and availability;
  • masonry can be done with your own hands;
  • can be made independently;
  • high speed of construction. Since the block is large, the speed of construction increases several times, compared, for example, with ordinary brick;
  • a house made of such material is not subject to combustion;
  • good block geometry.


  • the heavy weight of the blocks, which can place an increased load on the foundation;
  • expensive foundation;
  • walls can “radioactively”;
  • cinder block house is not environmentally friendly;
  • low frost resistance - F15-35;
  • unattractive appearance. Therefore, cladding is required various materials what will affect the budget;
  • any, even the slightest, movement of the foundation can affect the structure as a whole, which will lead to cracking of the material;
  • plaster can fall off cinder block walls over time.

The outer sides of cinder block walls are subject to mandatory thermal insulation and moisture protection

The disadvantages are quite serious, so you should think several times before starting to build a house from blocks. It is also necessary to understand what the house will be used for - for permanent or temporary residence.

Foundation for a cinder block house

When choosing the type of foundation for a cinder block house, you need pay attention to the following factors:

  • soil type;
  • soil freezing depth;
  • number of storeys of the building;
  • type and purpose of the building;
  • ground water level.

Since a cinder block house is susceptible to moisture, the foundation must be high to prevent moisture from affecting the house. The foundation should rise above the ground by approximately 0.7 meters. In addition, it must be well insulated.

If future home will have one floor, then there is no need to build an overly powerful foundation, because the pressure on it will not be very strong.

Typically, the foundation for a cinder block house is made as follows:

  • a trench is dug, 50 cm deep;
  • a sand and gravel cushion is poured into the trench;
  • formwork is being installed, which will rise above the ground level by 0.7 meters;
  • mounted reinforcement cage by calculation;
  • The formwork is filled with concrete mortar.

Cinder blocks are laid on the hardened cement mortar of the foundation, which was previously insulated.

Price category

As for the financial side of the issue, a house made of cinder blocks will cost a fairly low price compared to other materials.

Price for 1 piece of cinder block:

Homemade cinder blocks will cost even less, but their quality and performance characteristics will be unpredictable

Before building a house from cinder blocks, it is necessary to draw up appropriate house plans. This procedure is half the success.

To save even more on building a house, You can make cinder blocks yourself. In this case, the costs will only go to the purchase of cement; other materials can be obtained for free. If you get a special vibrating machine, you can make cinder blocks even faster.

When facing a cinder block house with brick, it is necessary to leave a small air gap between the brick and the cinder block to prevent moisture from getting into the cinder block. Otherwise, the moisture that evaporates from the wall will be reflected from the brick and go back into the cinder block. And this one the material does not tolerate moisture and is destroyed under its influence.

Before purchasing a cinder block, it is necessary to measure the level of radioactivity of the material. Otherwise, harmful substances will be released from the walls and negatively affect health.


Building a house from cinder blocks is considered profitable, but at the same time, we must not forget that this material is not environmentally friendly, and moreover, it has many disadvantages. Therefore, when choosing material for building a house, you need to proceed from your own needs.

The pros and cons of a cinder block house based on the owner’s review are presented in the video:

Cinder block is a relatively inexpensive type building material, which has long been loved by Russian consumers. Inter-apartment floors are also erected from cinder blocks; it is often used in the construction of dachas and. Today the editors of the site will tell you about the disadvantages and advantages of this type of material, and will also introduce you to the algorithm of work.

Cinder block houses are built very quickly

Read in the article

What is a cinder block, and what do cinder block houses look like in the photo

A cinder block is a kind of block made from a mixture and additives. It is known that the raw material for this building material is crushed stone, crushed and heated in a special way. Also used to create bricks broken glass or, expanded clay, shavings and sawdust, ash, ash, as well as ordinary river sand.

Such a characteristic as the strength of a cinder block depends on its brand. The range of values ​​varies from 35 to 125 kg/cm².

The lower value of the indicator means that this type cinder block can be used as an additional structure when strengthening non-load-bearing and low structures. For example, fence, or highlight. Brand 50-75 kg/cm² suitable for internal partitions, 100-125 kg/cm² - material for and load-bearing walls OK. The strongest solid bricks can be used in the construction of structures that are partially submerged in water.

Important! Granite can produce an unpleasant radioactive background. It is better not to buy blocks with such fillers. To control the quality of the product, you can rent a Geiger counter while purchasing the material.

Select a level block or section of blocks, paying attention to geometric shape. Chips in a batch may indicate a technological defect and a violation of production technology.

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Team leader of the repair and construction company "Dom Premium"

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“It’s better not to use soft blocks. If you're planning on purchasing a cinder block, don't hesitate to bring a nail. If you managed to stick it into the material without using a hammer, then it is better not to consider such a cinder block for purchase.”

Use pallets to transport blocks

Characteristics and sizes of different types of cinder blocks

Used for different tasks different types blocks. Separate type building structures used for insulation, another for the construction of strong walls, and a third for decoration.

Durable solid cinder blocks

For the construction of load-bearing walls and ceilings, use only solid blocks. They must be selected according to their strength class. Especially in demand foundation blocks from slag concrete. But you need to remember that they can shrink and need a reliable one.

Lightweight hollow cinder blocks

Hollow cinder blocks are often used to build lightweight interiors. Voids can be oval, round, square or rectangular. The size of such voids is approximately a third of the volume of the building element.

Typically, blocks of the following sizes are used: 39 × 19 × 18.8 cm. If compared with bricks, then 12 bricks “fit” in the volume of one cinder block.

Decorative cinder blocks

Decorative material is rarely used for the construction of large structures. Typically, colored bricks are used in the construction of fencing, as well as supports.

Important! Do not forget that the foundation must be settled before building the walls. At least a month. Only after this can you begin next stage works

How to properly lay a cinder block on a foundation: video instructions

Laying begins from the corners. In each of them special fasteners are attached, which are leveled. Then a cord or rope is pulled through.

For an example of laying a cinder block wall, see the video below:

How to build the walls of a house yourself - features of laying cinder blocks

It is better to build a house made of cinder blocks in the warm season. According to the technology, use at temperatures below +15°C is not allowed. It is recommended to leave a seam no larger than one or one and a half centimeters. The elements are laid offset by half a stone.

Again we check ourselves with the level

Reinforcement needs to be done in every fourth row. To do this, indentations are made using an electric milling machine, and pieces are inserted. This technique allows you to make the walls much stronger.

Roofing and interior finishing

What is better to choose for construction: brick or cinder block

Cinder block has a porous structure and holds heat much better than brick. Brick also has excellent thermal insulation qualities, but to heat cold house from this material, it will take a very long time.

A slag concrete wall weighs less than a brick wall, which means there is no need for a reinforced foundation. For construction brick walls it will take longer and the cost of the work will be much higher.

How to calculate the cost if you decide to build a house from cinder blocks yourself

At this stage, it is important to understand that the cost of construction is not only the cost of erecting walls and foundations. This is communication Finishing work and so on. All this, naturally, increases the estimate. The need for exterior finishing and insulation plays a role. In addition, prices for materials are different in each region.


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