Rules and advice for a manager on how to communicate with a subordinate. Seven rules for communicating with subordinates

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Be a leader- this is the greatest talent. This position requires tremendous endurance, stress resistance, patience and communication skills. A leader should always be an authority for his subordinates. And this cannot be achieved without the makings of a leader or elementary charisma.

Learning to communicate correctly with others, namely with subordinates, is not easy. You literally have to balance between your self and the norms of society. It is quite difficult not to lash out at an employee and tell him everything to his face. But for some, it’s the other way around: they should have lost their temper, but a treacherous smile falls from their lips and the manager with a soft heart lets the subordinate go on playing tricks. Sometimes employees seem to be an uncontrollable mass: they are late, miss deadlines and shift responsibility onto the shoulders of others. This cannot be allowed. Your task is to create a strong backbone, a real team.

Giving orders is not always easy, especially if the would-be subordinate does not listen. He may understand everything completely differently from how you present it, perform it in his own way and thereby disrupt the important project. But this is not only his fault, but also yours. Leadership skills need to be developed. You need to learn how to convey valuable information. Communication with your subordinate should be constructive, not destructive. And then both sides of the game called "company".

1. Give long orders to in writing. Don't rely on the employee's memory. Everything should be clear and at hand for a refresher.

2. Give short instructions orally in a clear and concise manner. A couple of sentences spoken in a firm tone are remembered and carried out very effectively.

3. General Directors advise to achieve an understanding of the essence. Make sure your subordinate knows exactly what you want from him. Ask him questions again. This will ensure that the task is clear. Until you hear a clear answer, do not do anything else and do not be distracted by calls. Be here now. They called the employee, gave him a task, made sure he understood, and released him to do it. No more, no less.

4. Sometimes an employee says that he understood his task, just to shrug it off and quickly leave to drink tea. This cannot be allowed to happen. Sit him down and ask him to verbally outline the implementation plan. Be strict, but polite. Be prepared to explain the complexities and sort them out. A leader is a mentor, not a despot giving orders left and right.

5. Use it mixed type orders. You can call the desired department via internal telephone, give the task orally in a concise form and a little later transfer it in writing, thereby assigning it to a specific employee.

A good leader is a good speaker

There are two types of orders: directive (hard) And democratic (softer). The first includes orders and instructions. For the latter, more loyal forms: advice, recommendation, request for volunteers. The second form gives the employee more freedom. The first one obliges. Please clarify any inaccuracies at once. If the team has existed for a long time, try to adhere to the second type of orders. The art of ordering– this is something still worth learning. Speak firmly, confidently, but without commanding. Employees' pride should not be hurt.

If the person is a particularly valuable employee who has many years of experience in his field, be respectful of him. It is not always easy for such people to give orders, as they are more confident in themselves and require equal treatment. Guide them gently, but don’t let them sit on their heads. Remember, the last word is yours, although you listen to the professionals. Invite them to your office, show them the advantages of your solution and make sure that the employee can handle this task. Timely completion of the task depends on your leadership talent. Do not rush to give an order and send them on their way, specify the goals and methods.

Those who like to avoid work

How to communicate correctly with your subordinates? First, let's divide them into 4 types and analyze each separately.

1 type Those who obviously do not want to work. It is advisable to say goodbye to such employees mercilessly, because they like to shift tasks to others. Such people often become sources of conflict within the team, because those around them feel hostility towards such smart people.

Type 2 Enthusiasts without experience. These newcomers have the greatest potential; they want to learn and develop. Direct all your strength towards them. Sometimes they too shirk. But most often the reason is personal problems. However, make sure that such problems do not permanently affect your workflow.

Type 3 Experienced masters of their craft who are already tired of everything. For such employees, it is recommended to think over a specific work scheme that would motivate them. Communication with such subordinates is usually pleasant, and if they shy away, a stern conversation is enough.

Type 4 Highly professional individuals. This is the most valuable category of employees with rich experience and knowledge. They may also shy away from work, especially if they do not respect the manager or hope that someone else will complete the task.

What does democracy lead to?

To the point that subordinates become impudent. But this only applies to companies with strict regulations. In creative teams there is no way without democracy. As someone said "You can't play chess with a good heart". A leader is needed to lead. Excessive kindness can do a disservice: they will sit on your neck and stop respecting you. You need to be objective. But at the same time, do not turn into despots who create a stressful atmosphere at work just by their presence.

Failure to lead indicates insecurity. How to communicate with subordinates correctly? You shouldn't be afraid of them. Remember who you are and why you are in this position. If you have chosen a democratic method of management, do not stoop to familiarity and do not strive to turn employees into friends. This is obviously a failed move. You will no longer yell at your friends and force them to complete a task. You’ll have to feel sorry for your feelings, and they don’t always have a place at work. Set boundaries and your own rules:

1. Do not repeat tasks many times. Twice is enough.
2. Don't leave unfinished tasks unattended.
3. Come up with a system of punishment, including dismissal. Some employees can only be motivated this way. The “ruble order” is especially useful. Fine them for wrongdoing, and then order will reign in your company.
4. Keep your distance. Communicate privately and do not touch your personal life.
5. Give up democracy if the company is large. It is simply physically impossible to take into account everyone’s opinions.
6. Delegate authority if you can’t handle it yourself. But only responsible person, whom you trust.

Control over compliance with deadlines

Control all orders, especially if a subordinate does not obey you. Encourage employees to write down lists of completed and remaining tasks at the end of the day. However, this is not always effective in a small team. Try to put as little pressure on your subordinate as possible and do not overdo it with control. To do this, sometimes it is enough to simply ask a question about whether the employee is on time or not. They are very helpful in monitoring the operation of an online program, like Outlook or Wunderlist. You will be able to clearly see who is doing what and succeeding.

Sometimes the two-folder method is useful. In one you place completed orders, and in the other unfulfilled ones. But then you will certainly have to learn how to communicate correctly with "late" subordinates. Require your employees to demonstrate work that has been completed.

What kind of whips are there or learn to punish without pain in the heart

Punishments include dismissal, demotion of the employee and imposition of a fine. The art of ordering directly related to the ability to put things in place. Most easy way regulation difficult situation- reprimand. Show what losses the company, including him, suffered. Tell us what the employee’s action led to. Just don't shout and scold. You can't always hear the essence behind the emotions. It is enough to look straight into the eyes and say that the employee has really let you down. Usually this is enough when communicating with subordinates. Just do this in your office and under no circumstances in the presence of employees. Otherwise, personal offense and discussion behind your back are guaranteed.

Competently drafting orders:

1. Give the order a clear and precise form. How to communicate correctly with subordinates executing orders? Make the task as informative and understandable as possible.
2. Write the name of the executor in the order.
3. Do not use an accusatory tone, otherwise you will encounter a situation where your subordinate does not listen to you.
4. Write specifically what should be done and do not describe prohibitions.

Proper distribution of orders:

1. The art of ordering is something that leaders learn over the years. Therefore, give them only to those who are competent and can carry out the assignment correctly.
2. Adhere to the spirit of competition, let workers reveal their personal qualities fully.
3. Communication with your subordinates is work in one direction. Provide an understanding of the essence of the task at hand.
4. Frame the order as a request, gently emphasizing the employee’s talent.

Smart ways to achieve performance:

1. Know your company's goals and communicate them to employees.
2. Learning to communicate correctly with subordinates means abandoning perfectionism in the direction of realism.
3. Believe in yourself and your employees, even if your subordinate doesn’t listen today.
4. Come up with motivation. Be creative with management.
5. Without pity, part with those who drag the company down, distract employees, and impose other people’s goals.

Every year there are more and more businesswomen occupying top positions in the modern business world. But for some reason, our attitude towards female bosses is still initially more biased. Survey from shows that most of us, regardless of gender, are more comfortable working with a male boss. What can we say, if a female boss happens to manage a male team - this is where the highest level of diplomacy and self-control is required from her (however, women's team is also fraught with difficulties). If you are a manager, these tips will tell you how to behave with subordinates, position yourself correctly in a team, and gain the respect of your colleagues.

Don't play the role of a man

It looks funny, if not sad. A woman in business has her own strengths, they need to be used in work to earn the respect of colleagues. A good leader is honest and reliable, and if you start pretending to be someone else, you are taking a big risk.

Cheek brings success

Self-confidence and fearlessness in solving problems are simply necessary for a good boss. Ladies in leadership positions need to learn to confidently express their point of view and be ready to defend it. But simply speaking beautifully is not enough - you need to have deep knowledge, experience and the ability to lead others. If you have this, your subordinates will respect you and your decisions.

Be fair

We are all someone’s mothers, wives, daughters or sisters. And since childhood, we have all become accustomed to having favorites: furry pets, best friend in the yard... But a good boss, like a good teacher, does not play favorites among his subordinates and evaluates them solely on the results of their work. Therefore, try to get rid of bias and behave the same with all subordinates, this will definitely turn out to your advantage.

Criticize when necessary

This rule is closely related to the previous one. If your subordinates fail to cope with their responsibilities and produce poor results, criticize them. And it doesn’t matter who is in front of you - a woman or a man. No honest and constructive criticism high results, alas, cannot be achieved. If you are embarrassed to criticize, question your leadership skills. Just don’t forget about the “carrots” - encourage your colleagues when they achieve high results.

Save your emotions

Of course, you shouldn’t turn into a “man in a case.” But it is better to restrain screams, accusations, tears and other manifestations of your emotional nature. Try to separate personal and business relationship. Yes, it's difficult, but possible! Inspiration in the eyes, charisma, work zeal - this is what will come in handy when communicating with colleagues. Just don't forget that we are not robots. Sometimes giving in to a little blues is just necessary!

Friendship with colleagues

Friendship between a boss and a subordinate always has two sides: both positive and negative. It can be assumed that friendly relations with a subordinate strengthen trust and reduce the need for control... But everything can end in dismissal and resentment. In order to prevent such a disastrous outcome, it is necessary to agree on how to build working relationships on the “shore”.

Don't be afraid of failure

You are the boss and the boss. This means that other people will turn to you for advice, opinion, and help. Sounds scary, right? “If the ship goes down, the blame will be mine,” smart managers realize. This is fair and must be accepted. The good news is that it is no coincidence that you were at the helm. This means that with your knowledge and talents, you are truly capable of running a business. And you shouldn't be afraid of mistakes. They will happen anyway - life is so unpredictable! It’s better to spend your energy not on fear, but on finding ways to solve problems and mistakes!

Watch your image

You may be surprised, but we still meet people based on their clothes. The way you look and how you treat yourself affects how your colleagues and subordinates treat you. Your appearance should tell others that you are energetic and confident.

Develop and give employees the opportunity to develop

What really differentiates effective leader from a mediocre manager? Of course, the desire to learn and the willingness to regularly set aside time for this! By developing in your business, you thereby inspire your subordinates to move forward. Discussion of popular business literature, internal trainings, master classes in the area of ​​interest - introduce such a practice into the relationship between “manager and subordinates”, and you will not only make your business stronger and stronger, but also unite your team, directing everyone towards a common goal.

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Based on reading the book

How To Say It for First-Time Managers: Winning Words and Strategies for Earning Your Team’s Confidence

Jack Griffin
Prentice Hall Press 2010

For a novice manager, not only talent and diligence are important, but also the ability to communicate with subordinates. A manager who does not know how to convey his message to employees is like a fish who does not know how to swim.

So what should a manager who has just taken on a new position do? The best way out is to read Jack Griffin's wonderful book, which describes the most important techniques for establishing communication with subordinates. The author expertly explains what and how a leader should say at work, what words and gestures should be used and which ones should be avoided.

Anyone who cannot communicate cannot lead.

Any leader must first of all be able to communicate with subordinates. Effective communication depends on being able to speak to them in the language of leadership, which includes a range of verbal and non-verbal communication techniques. In particular, the leader is obliged to monitor his facial expressions and gestures, since in communication they mean no less than words.

By sending negative nonverbal signals, the leader ceases to inspire and motivate subordinates. To convey a feeling of calm strength, control your behavior when communicating. Don't fuss or yawn. To show interest to the conversation, nod and lean towards the interlocutor. The greeting handshake should not be too strong, but not weak either. When talking, try not to touch your nose, ears or eyes, as these gestures signal your insecurity. Scratching your head shows confusion. Don't forget to smile.

Speaking the language of business

Mastering the language of leadership allows a new leader to gain trust and authority among subordinates. However, he must be able to speak the language of business, the main concepts of which are money and time. When talking with employees, use terms such as “money spent” and “money earned,” “time spent” and “time saved” more often. There are ten principles on which communication between a manager and his subordinates should be based:

    Responsibility. No project should be started before a person has been found who will take responsibility for its implementation.

    Cooperation. In order for the team to achieve its goals, employees must work as one team.

    Making decisions. Leaders have to make difficult decisions every day - this is the essence of their work.

    Business ethics. People who are unwilling to strictly adhere to ethical standards have no place in business. Practical value. Soberly evaluate ideas, proposals and projects.

    Quality of work. Encourage your subordinates to do quality work.

    Education. Teach people to learn from experience. Constantly emphasize that they need to “learn” something, “carefully understand” and “figure out” something.

    Mission. A clear understanding of the overall goal of the company forces employees to take individual tasks more responsibly.

    Performance. Encourage employees to develop professionally.

    Impeccability. A company that does not strive to achieve excellence in its operations has no future.

Can you listen?

Effective communication requires the ability of interlocutors to listen to each other. A leader cannot afford to be a dictator. He needs a lively dialogue with his employees if he wants to gain their cooperation. When talking to a subordinate, demonstrate with gestures and facial expressions that you are listening to him attentively. Avoid crossing your arms over your chest or placing them on your hips. Repeat what your interlocutor says from time to time. For example, if an employee says: “I advised him to buy a more powerful computer,” then your reaction might be: “So you advised him to buy a more powerful computer? Not bad idea". Also follow a few other guidelines:

Lean forward slightly when speaking. This will show your interlocutor that you are interested in the conversation.

Don't shake your head. The interlocutor may think that you are expressing disagreement.

Maintain eye contact. Look carefully at your interlocutor.

Don't lower your chin. A lowered chin is a sign of a defensive reaction.

Watch your interlocutor's breathing. Rapid breathing is a sign of anxiety.

First day of a new manager

The behavior of the new manager means no less to employees than his words. Your success as a boss will largely depend on how thoroughly you prepare for your first day on the job. new position. First of all, thoroughly study the activities of your new company. When you come to work, do not rush to retire to your office. Walk around the office and meet your subordinates. Ask them what projects they are currently working on. Don't try to change the routine right away. Discuss in detail with employees only those issues in which you are well versed. If you are not sure that you have a good command of the topic, it is better to remain silent.

Think carefully about your approach to your first business meeting. When it's your turn to speak, pause for a few seconds to allow those present to pay attention to you. This pause will give them time to prepare to listen to you. Start speaking only after making eye contact with the people sitting in front of you.

When communicating one-on-one with someone from your subordinates, use words and expressions that facilitate mutual understanding. For example, if an employee is talking about an unpleasant situation, then instead of “It looks like you have a problem,” tell him: “I see that we have a problem.” By doing this, you will let your subordinate know that you are ready to come to his aid.

How to achieve clarity in communication

When communicating with employees in writing, communicate clearly, clearly and to the point. In conversations with them, focus on the values ​​you share - this will arouse their interest. When requiring subordinates to provide certain information, always clarify what type of data you need and in what time frame. When instructing staff, remember that all your instructions must answer the five questions: who, what, when, where and why. Don't try to control every step of your subordinates. Your instructions don't have to be verbose - present them in the form of step-by-step directions in chronological order. Try to regulate your work in writing, not forgetting to indicate the practical benefits of implementing each new rule that you introduce.

Employees will perform better when you communicate with them using language such as “support,” “let's talk together,” “let's rethink together,” and “have to take responsibility.” Some words and phrases are best excluded from your vocabulary, for example: “complete confusion”, “ serious mistake”, “flaw”, “catastrophe” and “incompetence”. When assigning a task to your subordinates, structure the conversation as follows:

Describe in detail the goal you want to achieve.

Explain how achieving this goal will benefit the company.

Explain how this goal fits into the company's overall strategy.

List the tasks that will have to be completed to achieve the goal.

Break these tasks down into individual tasks.

Assign these tasks to specific employees.

Explain what needs to be done and in what time frame to complete each task.

Consider a system of indicators that will help you monitor the progress of each task. When planning your work schedule, be as specific as possible. For example, a task might read: “Interview ten clients by the third of June.”

Coaching and Mentoring

A good leader not only distributes tasks, but also takes on the role of coach and mentor. It is necessary to distinguish between these most important functions of a leader. Coaching is focused on developing a specific skill or skill. Managers often act as coaches, explaining their goals, objectives and responsibilities to subordinates. Mentoring is based on an individual agreement between the leader, acting as a teacher, and his subordinate, whom he takes under his tutelage for a limited time. certain time. A mentor guides his professional development, shares his experience and helps to establish useful business connections. In addition, the mentor helps the mentee articulate problems and ideas that the mentee has. Meetings between the mentor and the mentee should occur regularly according to a predetermined schedule. As a coach or mentor, encourage employees to set important goals that require serious effort to achieve.

Coaches should use encouraging words and phrases in their vocabulary such as “let's start again,” “get over it,” and “take the initiative.” There are also phrases that he should avoid, such as “just do what you’re told” or “I’m your boss.”

The importance of a positive attitude

A leader must constantly radiate optimism, instill in his subordinates a cheerful attitude and faith in success. Try to look for the positive in everything. Get into the habit of saying “challenge” instead of “problem,” “opinion” instead of “criticize,” “investment” instead of “cost.” When discussing the results of their work with employees, show them that you appreciate their efforts and leave criticism for later. You should not hope that the employee will immediately understand everything you tell him. Therefore, in a conversation, you should regularly ask if everything is clear to him. Your communication style can be both positive and bad influence on morale a team. Always remember that a leader's job is to inspire his subordinates to do their jobs flawlessly. Show passion for what you do. Don’t hush up problems, but talk about them openly, not forgetting to offer options for solving them. Any manager should know how to deal with problem employees. There are four main types of problem employees, each of which requires a special approach:

  • Badasses. It is better to correspond with such employees via e-mail, and not communicate in person, so as not to provoke a conflict.
  • Employees with passive-aggressive behavior. Distinctive feature The problem with these employees is that they cannot be relied upon. Such people love to talk about important work: “Everything will be fine!”, but they don’t do it right. The manager must constantly monitor the quality of work of such employees. Don't try to understand their psychology, just make them work as they should.
  • Chronic complainers. Ignore the dissatisfaction of such employees while they cope with their responsibilities. Don't take their complaints to heart. When dealing with such people, it is important to adhere to the principle: “Work comes first.”
  • Rude people. You should not tolerate people who verbally abuse others. Eliminate curse words from your own speech. To cool down such employees, make timely comments to them.

Sometimes circumstances force you to say “no” in response to requests from subordinates. In this case, follow a few simple recommendations:

  • Speak clearly so that the person does not needlessly expect a positive answer from you.
  • Explain the reasons for your refusal.
  • Offer something in return. Move from discussing what cannot be done to discussing what can be done.
  • When saying “no,” be consistent. Try to satisfy the employee's request at least partially.

There are no perfect leaders - we all make mistakes from time to time. If you make a mistake, admit your guilt in the presence of your subordinates and superiors. However, do not get carried away with self-flagellation. Be objective when assessing the consequences of a mistake. Take steps to fix it. There is nothing worse than shifting the blame for your failure onto someone else.

Holding meetings

Each meeting should have an agenda, which should indicate its purpose and list the issues to be discussed. Decide in advance how much time you will allocate to each agenda item. Should not be present at the meeting more people than needed. If you are going to hold a meeting for the purpose of briefing, the number of participants should not exceed 30. If the meeting is about current problems, 12 participants will be enough. If you are going to look for a solution to these problems, gather no more than 5 people. However, if the meeting is held to strengthen staff motivation or find a way out of a crisis situation, there should be as many participants as the room can accommodate. A business meeting must include an unambiguous call to action, for example: “Tasks X, Y and Z must be completed immediately.” When conducting a brainstorming meeting, focus on the following plan:

State a theme or purpose.

Encourage participants to express any ideas, no matter how strange they may seem. Refrain from critical comments.

Ask one of the participants to write down their ideas on the board for everyone to see.

In subsequent meetings, discuss the selected ideas in detail.

Jack Griffin is the author of books on business communication issues.

The role of business culture and interaction between management and subordinates currently plays a huge role. It is important not only to be able to competently perform your duties, but also to properly build relationships with employees.

Standard of business relationships

Today, the culture of business relationships has reached great heights. This is due to the fact that in the process of official activity, people increasingly switch to formal relationships and do not concentrate on personal sympathies and impressions of people. Special requirements are placed on communication between a manager and a subordinate.
The manager is always the most key figure in the work team. Much depends on his behavior, reward and punishment policies, as well as attitude towards employees.
Experts believe that being a worthy leader largely means having good relationships with subordinates. Employees will work harder and produce greater results if their boss manages them correctly. With poor leadership, work turns into hell, which subordinates experience every day, as a result of which their interest fades and their effectiveness leaves much to be desired.

Rules of conduct for a leader

We must always remember that relationships are influenced by personal, cultural, social characteristics individuals. The microclimate in the office and the relationships between employees of the organization depend on these and many other factors.
Patience and endurance are needed for success in any business; these factors, together with correctness, create a favorable business atmosphere in the team.
That's why you need to remember a few simple rules to build adequate relationships between superiors and subordinates.

  • The manager must treat all employees equally and impartially, regardless of likes or dislikes.
  • In case of questions and initiatives, it is necessary to provide free access to the general manager to discuss any problems and criticism from management.
  • The head of an organization has the right to independently make responsible decisions, demand their execution and delegate his responsibilities to subordinates.
  • If a manager wants to improve the work of employees, he needs to constantly demand that current tasks be completed.
  • Another rule is the use of profanity in the presence of subordinates. Unfortunately, not everyone has a good upbringing. The use of strong expressions is regarded by some as gaining authority. We hasten to dissuade you - this is not so. Man allowing himself to talk in the office curse words not worthy of any respect. This applies equally to management and acting employees.
  • The next rule of etiquette for a leader is intransigence to flattering remarks and compliments. There is no better way to control a person and lull his vigilance than using flattery. Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish between showing respect and praising human dignity from overt and rude flattery. An experienced leader always stops this kind of talk and remarks.

The irresponsibility of management disorganizes the work of the office and leads to low productivity of subordinates.

Office etiquette in the relationship between a manager and a subordinate

The manager's official etiquette forces him to organize the course of work in such a way that the responsibilities of all subordinates are clearly delineated. Official powers should be distributed evenly, regardless of the individual preferences of employees and the personal attitude of the boss.
No matter how much trust an employee has, performance monitoring is always necessary. The behavior of employees will also depend on the general manager of the company. You should not repeat and explain tasks many times and “stand over the soul” of your subordinates. Everyone is an adult and responsible worker, so competent assignment of responsibilities should be combined with ongoing supervision.
A serious attitude towards work can be spiced up with the use of jokes and Have a good mood. However, you need to be extremely careful when using humor. After all, a too cheerful mood kills discipline, and sharp and offensive remarks can turn more than one person against you. It must be remembered that jokes with representatives of the older generation are inappropriate; this may be perceived as a violation of due respect and respect for them. Corporate ethics must always be observed.

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Typical situations of interaction between a boss and an employee

Below, we present some situations that may arise when establishing personal relationships. Perhaps most managers are able to adequately assess their behavior and character flaws. Therefore, if an overly hot temper is affecting your relationships with people, try to get rid of them, or follow these rules:

      • Observe when communicating with whom and in what situations negative character traits appear;
      • Avoid such situations and minimize your time communicating with such people;
      • Warn people in advance about existing shortcomings;
      • Apologize immediately if you had to lose your temper or offend someone.

It happens that among subordinates there are people with complex characters or negative behavior. They are difficult to communicate with and almost impossible to find mutual language. In such cases, an effective and competent leader can:

      • Call your subordinate for a conversation and find out the reasons for his behavior. This may be enough for a person to reconsider his actions;
      • If the employee's character affects the performance official duties Essentially, it is worth warning him about sanctions for poor results;
      • To consider the situation as a whole, you need to solve the issue not alone, but with the involvement of experienced employees and authoritative colleagues to influence the “problem” employee.

The manager was faced with the fact that he had established personal friendly relations with some employee. In this case, there are pros and cons of close communication:

      • The positive side is formed by the fact that there is trust between the subordinate and the boss, transparency on both sides and open dialogue;
      • Negative factors include the manager’s inability to objectively evaluate the employee, his dependence on his subordinates, and the derogation of the boss’s respect.

The etiquette of a leader and a subordinate plays a big role today. At the core good manners lies the principle of the golden rule of morality, “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” Relations between colleagues should be based on mutual respect, subordination and responsible attitude towards the common cause.

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Communication with subordinates

How to avoid mistakes when influencing a subordinate

The most common mistakes when influencing a subordinate include:

Stereotypical reaction. Instead of comprehending the situation, the manager often uses stereotypical statements: “This is like you,” “You can’t rely on anyone else here.”

A hasty decision under the influence of passion. The boss is so infuriated by the mistake of one of his employees that he is no longer able to rationally weigh certain methods of behavior. Try during critical situations keep a clear head.

Making a decision without understanding the situation. Certain situations often cause unpleasant associations (memories). In such cases, people react without understanding what's what. But the more accurately you understand the situation, the better you can react to it.

Incorrect assessment of the significance of the problem. How important a person considers a particular problem may depend on his mood, state of mind, and unpleasant associations that this problem has already caused. Employees are especially dissatisfied if the manager evaluates the same problem differently at different times.

Insufficient error analysis. One of the employees is performing a new task. The boss tells him: “Finally, get your act together!” But at the same time he didn’t really understand why this employee does the job slowly. Always try to find out the background of what is happening.

Insufficient consideration of various targets. What goals are of decisive importance when a manager takes action: the goals of the enterprise, the personal goals of the manager, the goals of the team as a whole? Determine what goal you are going to achieve using specific measures. Set priorities as necessary.

Insufficient consideration of the consequences of actions taken. When making decisions, a manager must constantly ask the question: “What undesirable collateral impacts might this behavior have on my employees?”

Insufficient consideration of the different points of view of the manager and employees. It is known that a person most willingly does what he decides to do on his own. Therefore, whenever possible, involve your subordinates in the decision-making process.

Unrealistic self-esteem. The subjective assessment of our own success is influenced by the selectivity of perception, i.e. when assessing our own success, we especially highlight the positive aspects and retouch the negative ones. We tend to later justify our decisions in our own eyes. Based on this, the leader usually feels that his actions are confirmed, and therefore they manifest themselves with even greater force. Discuss with your colleagues from time to time the measures you take as a leader.

Schroeder G.A. Lead according to the situation:
Per. with him. - M.: JSC "Interexpert", 1994. - (Workshop business man

Barriers to a boss' understanding of a subordinate

One of the problems that managers face is the inability and ignorance of the ways of knowing another person. One of the most simple ways understanding another - identification, likening oneself to another, i.e., the desire to put oneself in his place. The study of a person becomes more complete when identification is supported by sympathy and empathy. And not only compassion, which is relatively common, but also joy, which is much less common. It is not often that one encounters a manager’s willingness to actively intervene in a situation not related to work, the desire to help a subordinate in a difficult moment and sincerely rejoice with him in his successes. Interest in the affairs of a subordinate is not idle curiosity, but a psychological connection, participation in normal human relationships.

Psychological connection requires the manager to be able to “read” the face of a subordinate.

With the help of intuition and imagination, an experienced manager, based on the slightest nuances, records the mood, attitude to work, well-being of a subordinate, whether he has a tendency to engage in this activity or not, etc. But unfortunately, this does not happen often.

Unable to correctly evaluate a person and identify the motives for his behavior, the manager often resorts to attribution - attributing motives for behavior. This process is extremely subjective. Quite common are cases where only negative motives of behavior and character traits are attributed to a “bad” employee, and only positive ones to a “good” employee. This approach to a subordinate in psychology is called the “halo effect.” He can seriously let a leader down. The effects of novelty and primacy are close to the “halo”. When perceiving a well-known person, the latest information about him plays an important role. And previous information, often more significant, is ignored. When perceiving stranger Previously received information about him leaves a greater impression. Such stereotypes lead to prejudice when, based on limited information or past experience, an incorrect impression is created about a person; stereotypes become an obstacle to understanding people and establishing normal relationships with them.

In some cases, stereotypes are useful for a leader.

They facilitate the study of subordinates by classifying forms of behavior and interpreting their causes from the perspective of already known phenomena and facts. They are necessary so as not to drown in the endless sea of ​​information. However, we should not forget that the stereotyped characteristics contained in stereotypes ignore individual personality traits; they prevent us from seeing a person in all his fullness and diversity.

However, it is not only subordinates who suffer from the prejudices of their superiors. Managers, in turn, often face biased attitudes towards them from employees. Subordinates most often have a biased attitude towards the new boss, towards changes in the organization of work, a change of place of work, towards a low assessment of their work and discipline.

Stankin M.I. Stereotyping or the main barrier to a superior's understanding of a subordinate/Human Resource Management. - N 3, 1997

Is punishment effective?

Punishment - the hardest way activation of a person, but some managers believe that this is the best and simplest means of mobilizing labor efforts. Punishment is applied to prevent future misconduct.

Basis for application of punishment - conflict situation. However, not every violation of discipline should punish subordinates. It is often enough to limit yourself to a demand, a joke addressed to those who violate discipline, or a stern look. The measure of punishment is always strictly individual, just as the mental characteristics of people and the reasons for their offenses are individual. Often, when punishing, managers show rudeness and tactlessness: endless reproaches, threats and reminders of old misdeeds, strict demands to correct all shortcomings at once, poorly hidden antipathy towards subordinates who dare to have their own opinion. All these shortcomings disrupt the manager’s contact with his subordinates.

When applying punishment, it is very important to show as much respect as possible for the subordinate and at the same time be as demanding as possible towards him. This means that you can and should be angry with negligent performers, you can be indignant and indignant at one or another of their actions, but you should never take out evil or insult people. If the manager begins to get angry and shout, he must be prepared for a response from his subordinate.

The weight of punishment depends on the relationship between the subordinate and the leader. Even mild reprimand from an authoritative, respected boss is treated painfully. Conversely, deserved punishment from a low-authority leader is perceived as pickiness and injustice.

The constant use of one form of punishment dulls its power; unexpected, unusual punishment usually works better than the most severe but familiar one. It must be taken into account that different workers must be punished differently for the same thing. In this case, one should take into account the level of their general culture, knowledge, individual characteristics.

Unlike rewards, punishment is often announced not immediately after the offense has been committed, but after some time to allow the offender to calm down and think about his behavior. When imposing a punishment, it is necessary to make specific comments on a specific issue.

But we should never forget that encouragement is a more significant measure of influence than punishment. Regular use of rewards prevents the need for punishment.

Stankin M. Algorithms for stimulation by punishment./ Personnel management. - N 8, 1996

What games do your subordinates play?

IN Lately The phenomenon of psychological games is quite widely discussed in the literature. Individual members of the team use this method of a kind of self-defense, hoping to secure privileges in the team and receive certain benefits. Here are examples of the most common psychological games in a team:

"Kazan Orphan":

Among several techniques of this method to make your life easier, the following should be highlighted: the subordinate avoids the boss, which, if necessary, allows him to claim that he was abandoned and was not supervised; provokes the elder into rudeness and illegal actions, and then takes the position of the offended. Often complains to his immediate superiors; flirtatiously declares that the assigned task cannot be completed. At the same time, the person tries to look weak, incapable of serious work.

"I'm being torn apart"

Fans of this game strive to get as much social workload as possible, without thinking about how they will cope with the increasing volume of administrative responsibilities and social work. Overload with work allows them, on the one hand, not to seriously fulfill any of their duties, and on the other hand, to refuse difficult tasks performed by most of their comrades, citing being busy.

"Holy simplicity"

Fans of this game demonstrate to others their naivety and inability to complete what they have started. The purpose of such a game is to create a natural desire in others to help, and, in the end, they try to shift their responsibilities to others. Unfortunately, not understanding the meaning of the game, one or another leader begins to sincerely support the subordinate, doing the lion's share of the work for him.

"The Dispossessed Boss"

An employee refuses to lead a group of people created for a certain period of time to solve an urgent episodic task, citing the fact that he does not have the right to punish people who are temporarily subordinate to him, and without this it is supposedly impossible to lead.

There are fans of this game in almost every educational or work group. The clown seeks to prove that he is an eccentric, not from this world, science or work are difficult for him, and he simply does not need it. He laughs, entertains everyone and does no harm to anyone. This gives him confidence, and he stops working fully, drawing satisfaction and joy from the revival of his comrades when he appears.

"Oh, how good I am"

In order to raise their authority and evoke the respect of others, they use different variants this game. This could be a casually thrown phrase about your successes, names are called famous people, supposedly close to the narrator. It is not uncommon to hear from an applicant of high authority that he is widely knowledgeable.

Most often, psychological games interfere with the establishment good relations between people, slow down any business, reduce the effectiveness of collective efforts. But people play them because they help maintain a certain level of self-esteem, and sometimes gain the right to be irresponsible.

How should a manager react to the performance of his subordinates? It is advisable, ignoring the position occupied by the employee, to discover the area of ​​​​activity where he is stronger than his colleagues, and to show him sincere respect for real successes.
Eat psychological advice- in order to influence others, you need to talk about what they want. Self-expression is the dominant need of human nature. So, talk sympathetically to the “Kazan orphan”, convince her that the responsible assignment that is given to her is feasible for her. Give the highest possible recommendation to a "player" and he will live up to it. Express confidence that he will cope with the task and achieve success. Almost every person makes efforts to maintain the reputation with which he is honored.

Stankin M. I. Psychological games/ Personnel Management. - N4, 1997

Ten attributes of a good employee

I am often asked how to be a good manager, but much less often asked is another important question, what makes an employee a good employee? There are ten qualities that I find "best and brightest" in employees that need to be developed and maintained. If you have all of these attributes, you are probably a terrific employee.

First, you need to be deeply curious about your company or group's products or programs. You must be able to use the products or programs independently. This doesn't just apply to the computer world. This also holds weight in other knowledge-based fields where technology and practice advance so quickly that it is imperative to keep your knowledge and skills up to date. If you don't have this, you can fall hopelessly behind and become ineffective pretty quickly.

Secondly, you need to have a genuine interest in engaging customers in discussions about how they use the products (software) - what they like and what they find not so attractive. You have to be a bit of a missionary with customers, while at the same time being realistic about where your company's products (programs) are ineffective but could be better.

Third, once you understand your customer's needs, you must think about how the product (software) can help. For example, if you work in the industry software You might be asking yourself: "How can this product (program) make work more interesting? How can you make learning about this product (program) more interesting? How can you use it at home in a more interesting way?" interesting form?"

These first three points are interconnected. Success comes from understanding and caring deeply about your products, your technology, and your customers' needs.

Fourth, employees should focus on individual long-term goals such as developing their own skills and motivating the people they work with to do the same. This type of self-motivation requires discipline, but it can be very rewarding. The financial incentive system is, of course, also a good incentive. If you are in sales, various allowances and bonuses are important tools to regulate efficiency, but it is much better when employees rise above these incentives. If skyrocketing your next bonus or salary increase is all that motivates you, then you are probably outside the scope of group work and developing your group, which creates true success in the long term.

Fifthly, you need to have specialized knowledge and skills with a view to the future. Large companies, for example, they select employees who can quickly learn specialized knowledge. No one should rely on the expertise they have today to meet the needs of tomorrow, so a willingness to learn is a very important trait.

Sixth, you must be flexible enough to use various possibilities, which may be promising for you. At Microsoft we offer people a large number of various types activities during a career. Anyone interested in participating in management is encouraged to work with different customers, even if this means moving to another location within the organization or to another part of the world.

We have many people in our US division from other countries, and we have many US employees who work for affiliates in other countries. It helps us understand global markets better, and while we're doing a pretty good job of moving people around, it's still not as good as I'd like it to be.

Seventh, a good employee wants to know business economics. Why does the company do what it does? What are its business models? How does it make money?

I'm always surprised at a company that doesn't train employees in the basic financial knowledge of their industry.

Eighth, you must focus on your competitors. I like employees who think about what is happening in the market. What are our competitors doing, how interesting is it? What can we learn from them? How can we avoid their mistakes?

Ninth, you must use your head. Analyze problems, but don't become a paralytic analyst. Understand the implications of potential deals of all types, including deals with insufficient information.

Use your head for practical purposes too. Use your time effectively. Think about what good things you can recommend to other groups.

Finally, don't overlook obvious qualities such as honesty, ethics and diligence in your work. These important qualities go without explanation.

Bill Gates Founder and Chairman of the Board of Microsoft Corp.

Why don't your subordinates follow your orders?

Many managers are concerned about the unsatisfactory level of performance discipline among subordinates, when work is either not completed on time or is not performed properly. Managers usually see the main means of influencing undisciplined subordinates in strengthening control and exactingness, in punishing those who are guilty. However, practice shows that these measures of influence on subordinates do not bring lasting positive results.

So that the manager can find best remedy to solve the management problem facing him, it is necessary to better understand what the level of executive discipline of their subordinates ultimately depends on and what means of influence can help in increasing its level.
Among the reasons for the unsatisfactory level of performance discipline are the following:

· low level performers' qualifications

· low level of qualifications of managers

· unsatisfactory quality of the manager’s preparation of the decision itself, on the basis of which the performer is assigned the task

· unclear assignment to the performer of tasks requiring execution

lack of employee interest in solving the task

· traditions and rules established in the organization negatively affect the attitude of employees towards performing the assigned work

· unsatisfactory level of control that managers exercise over the work of performers

· lack of resources at the disposal of performers necessary for high-quality performance of work (time, information, equipment, human resources of the necessary qualifications and numbers, finances, etc.)

In order to achieve a high level of performance of the assigned work, a number of conditions must be met:

1. Selection of performers, the best way suitable for the job (experience, knowledge, motivation).

2. A thorough study of the problem to be solved is necessary (who is responsible for completing the work, performers, clear definition of the task, deadlines, necessary resources, what assistance should be provided to the performer).

3. The manager needs to receive confirmation from the performer of how he understood the assignment, how ready he is to carry it out, what difficulties he sees in completing the assigned work.

4. It is necessary to ensure the proper level of motivation for the performer. It is important that positive incentives outweigh negative ones in volume.

5. It is necessary to clearly indicate how control will be carried out, what forms of feedback from the immediate supervisor are provided.

Magura M. I. How to increase the level of performance discipline among subordinates? / Personnel Management. – No. 6, 1997


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