Correct installation of stretch multi-level ceilings. Multi-level plasterboard ceilings: instructions for self-production Schemes of multi-level plasterboard ceilings

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Today you can find in the interior of residential and public buildings a lot of level ceilings no longer uncommon. They immediately attract attention with their unusual shapes and beauty. Many people probably think that it is unrealistic to make such a structure on their own. This is a misconception. If for production suspended ceiling If you use a material such as plasterboard, then there will be no special problems with the installation of a multi-tiered ceiling. It is much more difficult, and perhaps even impossible, to mount tension panels in several tiers with your own hands.

Advantages of multi-level plasterboard structures

It should immediately be noted that all suspended ceilings made from various materials, are made with a frame structure. Therefore, between finishing coat and the floor slab, an empty space appears where you can hide all communications - numerous wires and cables, water and gas supply pipes, ventilation systems.

Extraordinary forms of multi-tiered ceiling surface will help:
  • make the interior of the room unique and unforgettable;
  • arrange original lighting;
  • divide the room into functional zones;
  • visually expand or narrow the space;
  • raise or lower the ceiling height;
  • save yourself from preparing the base surface.

The only drawback that can be noted in such designs is a significant reduction in the height of the room due to the device frame system.

If the height of the room allows the installation of a multi-level plasterboard ceiling, it will not be difficult to make it yourself if you follow the recommendations and follow the order of work

Preparatory stage

First of all, you need to decide for yourself what functions other than unique design the interior will perform your ceiling:

  • change the visual space of the room;
  • hide the unsightly appearance of the floor slab;
  • divide the room into certain zones - living room, kitchen, work area or rest area;
  • focus attention on certain interior elements.

After this, you can begin to sketch, and based on it, draw a layout plan for the future structure. Locations should be marked on the plan lighting fixtures, boundaries of tiers, their shape. Next, you should begin procuring the materials necessary for the construction of a multi-level plasterboard ceiling. You will need drywall itself, metal guides, hangers, metal screws, dowel nails, a stepladder, measuring and cutting tools, eye and respiratory protection (when cutting gypsum board sheets, a lot of fine dust is released, which penetrates the lungs and clogs the eyes).

Which gypsum board should I choose?

  • sheet thickness;
  • conditions of its operation;
  • installation location;
  • edge configurations.

Sheet thickness varies from 6.5 to 24 mm. According to operating conditions there are regular drywall(GKL), having a gray color and blue markings, moisture resistant (GKLV), and fire resistant (GKLO). In this case, fire-resistant sheets are painted in a gray or pinkish tone and are marked with red paint, and moisture-resistant products are greenish in color and marked of blue color. There are combined products (GKLVO), which combine the properties of fire and moisture resistance.

Multi-level ceilings in residential premises are mainly made from ordinary plasterboard sheets no more than 9 mm thick. For the manufacture of curved elements of a suspended structure, thinner material can be used. Depending on the installation location, ceiling, wall and arched sheets are distinguished.

But with the configuration of the edges it is more difficult due to their wide variety. Products produced:

  • PC, straight edge;
  • UK, with a thin edge;
  • With an edge having a semi-oval appearance;
  • PLUK, the edge is refined and at the same time rounded.

Products with a straight edge are used for dry installation, when the joints are not sealed with putty. Sheets with thin edges require sealing the joints with sickle tape and putty. Sheets with a rounded edge are used for subsequent sealing only with putty, without the use of serpyanka. The joints of products with the edge of the PLUK must be glued with reinforcing tape and sealed with putty.

In addition to all the listed differences, plasterboard products are produced solid and perforated. The latter are used to organize “night sky” type lighting, which is more appropriate in bedrooms or children's rooms.

Frame structure

Installation of a multi-level ceiling begins with marking the locations of the frame elements. The drawing, which was previously drawn up on paper, must be transferred directly to the surface of the base base, respecting the scale, for the convenience of constructing the frame system.

In addition to outlining the shapes of each level, on the surface draft ceiling You also need to outline where the lighting fixtures will be located, because the wiring of cables and wires must be done before the construction of the frame begins. If you have no knowledge of electrical engineering, it is better to seek help from a specialist.

First, the horizontal boundaries of the first level are marked on the walls using a laser or water level and a tapping cord. Starting guides (UD profile) are attached along the marked lines using dowel nails. Transverse metal strips (CD profile) are inserted into the main guides, which are attached to the base base by using U-shaped metal hangers. Suspensions are fixed to the base every 40-50 cm. Elements frame structure, formed by CD profiles, are connected to each other with small self-tapping screws, popularly known as “bugs”.

Sometimes it is necessary to make a curved frame. For this purpose, metal profile shelves with inside cut in several places depending on the bending radius every 5-15 mm to obtain a smooth rounding. The cuts can be straight or triangular. If you want to make a concave structure, a cut is made; for a convex structure, triangles are cut out in the profile. This is easy to do with the use of metal scissors, which come in left and right, you need to stock up on both.

When installing the frame, it is necessary to use a level, plumb line and other measuring and control devices, since the strength, reliability and beauty of the entire structure of a suspended multi-level ceiling depends on the accuracy of the first level device.

Before you do multi-level ceiling, those places of the frame where it is supposed to install elements of the second or third tier, the guides must be reinforced so that they can withstand the weight of the drywall. In the case where the dimensions of the second and third tiers are small, the profile does not need to be reinforced.

Installation of plasterboard elements

After the frame for all levels is completely ready, the sheets of the first tier are mounted on it.


But before that you need to install the lighting system. The electrical wire connecting the lamps to the electric meter must be laid in corrugated pipes and fixed to the base using special clamps. The wires can, if they are not heavy, be attached to U-shaped hangers.

In this regard, you should note the places where spotlights will be located or a chandelier will hang. The holes for them in the plasterboard elements are cut out with a special attachment on an electric drill - a “crown”.

Correctly selected and installed lamps can radically change the interior of a room, giving it a completely unique look.

Sheathing tiers with plasterboard

The horizontal parts of the first level are cut out according to the sketch from whole sheets of plasterboard and attached to the frame elements using metal screws. After this, proceed to the construction of the second tier and cladding vertical structures, the so-called steps, which are the hallmark of multi-level ceilings. With elements of strict geometric shape There are no problems, which cannot be said about the installation and production of curved elements from plasterboard.

To obtain curved shape steps, cut according the right sizes gypsum board tape and wet it hot water. When moistened, the material easily takes the desired shape.

Another method for obtaining a curved element is to make shallow cuts on the workpiece a few centimeters from the wrong side, along which to bend the strip into in the required form. You just need to not overdo it with moisture, so as not to completely soak the gypsum, which is the basis of the material, otherwise it will be impossible to screw the strip to the frame with self-tapping screws.

Elements of the second and subsequent tiers are often of the most bizarre shape. You can cut such shapes from a sheet of plasterboard using a jigsaw. It is in this case that you will need eye and respiratory protection, because when cutting gypsum boards with this device, there is so much dust that sometimes it is difficult to even see a person in it.

Rough ceiling finish

All joints of plasterboard elements are sealed with putty. If necessary, sickle tape is used, which is attached to the putty if it is not self-adhesive. Corner connections framed with a perforated metal profile or plastic profile. For curved and curved forms of a suspended multi-level ceiling, it is better to use plastic products. Dried putty will need to be cleaned with fine sandpaper with grain size 0. The ceiling structure is ready for finishing decorative finishing.

There is another option for installing a multi-level ceiling, where a film or fabric panel is used. But it’s unlikely to be possible to make such a structure with your own hands without the skills and experience of such work. For the manufacture of similar design You will also need guide profiles called baguettes, special spring hangers, a heat gun and one or two assistants. The heated cloth is pulled from the corners, after which the edges of the material are tucked around the perimeter of the room. Plasterboard construction- this is the most best option for the home craftsman.

The main point of the article

Suspended multi-level ceilings are created for decoration interior design. Their design begins with drawing up a sketch, drawing and creating a frame structure. Due to the excellent characteristics of plasterboard and the ease of working with it, this material is most often chosen for the manufacture of suspended ceiling coverings.

Recently it has become very stylish to use home interior multi-level plasterboard ceilings. This design looks interesting and unusual. The design of such a ceiling allows you to select and combine any lighting. An individual color is selected for each level, or you can do everything in one tone. If there is an opportunity, talent or simply funds allow, many people order artistic painting for the ceiling. An interestingly designed ceiling surface can become the highlight of any living space.

The multi-level ceiling structure is made of plasterboard.

Some features

If you approach the installation of this structure correctly, you can visually play up the space and height of the room. If a specialist deals with this issue, he will be able to divide the room into zones only with the help of the correct structure and exterior design multi-level ceiling.

This design has several functions:

  1. The standard geometry of the room is changed to the necessary shapes, you can create a feeling of increased space.
  2. If the base of the ceiling is uneven and has defects, then this design will cover them, especially if plasterboard ceilings are used. In this case, there is no need to think about standard leveling methods - plaster, putty, etc.
  3. Each tier can serve as a niche for utilities, especially when it comes to electrical wiring. It's easy to hide pipes there too ventilation systems, plumbing.
  4. Tall and low levels can visually divide a room into zones. This helps a lot if this design is used in a one-room apartment.

Some people feel more comfortable when they are in a room with low ceilings, others - the opposite. Thanks to the system, everyone can solve this issue in a way that is more convenient for them. And the lighting itself - in the plane itself or on the ceiling step - will help solve this problem. You can add other components, such as glass or mirror. There are many options, everything is limited by imagination.

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Multi-level plasterboard ceiling technology

Drywall is a frequently used finishing material. This is due to the fact that it is quite simple to install and allows you to save working time. GCRs do not require special preparation of the base surface, after which the surface is ready for finishing work. Plasterboard ceilings are constructed much faster than they are finally brought into proper shape.

Multi-level ceilings are designed in several stages:

  1. Markings are made on the base surface.
  2. Fastening a U-shaped metal profile.
  3. Fastening a C-shaped metal profile.
  4. Installation of drywall on the first tier of ceilings.
  5. Consolidation metal profiles next level or next levels.
  6. Plasterboard ceilings.
  7. Puttying the surface and preparing it for finishing work.

Before you start making plasterboard ceilings with your own hands, you should know that this design is only permissible in rooms where the overall humidity level does not exceed 70%. Otherwise, you should take care of a brand of material that will be more moisture resistant, or simply use gypsum fiber. The humidity of the working base itself should be no more than 8%.

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Preparatory moments

In order for plasterboard ceilings and the structure itself to serve for a long time and reliably, it is necessary to take into account some preparation points:

  1. Depending on the operating conditions of multi-level ceilings, a certain regime must be followed during finishing. If installation is carried out during the cold season, then ventilation and heating must be constantly running.
  2. Before proceeding with the installation of multi-level ceilings, it is necessary to complete all work related to utilities, cement screeds, plaster, etc.

Care should be taken to ensure that ventilation and electrical wiring have already been installed as desired. The output of the lamps from the drywall must correspond to the presence of wiring there. The hoses of ventilation and air conditioning systems must also be in place. Once the sheathing sheets are installed, it will be difficult to make any changes.

When working with drywall, there is a danger of dust getting into your eyes and respiratory tract. Therefore, simple respiratory masks and safety glasses are used for this purpose. It is also necessary that work room it was constantly ventilated, so the dust would not stagnate in the room for a long time, which means causing inconvenience.

When using certain tools, you should know their correct purpose. For example, if the instrument is meant to be electric, then it is necessary to minimize the humidity around it.

Drywall sheets are screwed with self-tapping screws to the metal frame.

To make high-quality cuts, the blades must be sharpened, which means handling them must be very careful so as not to damage yourself.

If the room is characterized by an increased fire hazard, then the electricity should be turned off.

Application scaffolding, ladders, stepladders and other similar equipment requires careful work. Their feet should always be firmly placed on a support or surface.

For ease of installation of a multi-level ceiling, the workplace must be clean. The accumulation of foreign objects and debris on a construction site guarantees a delay in work, and in some cases can lead to unpleasant moments.

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Multi-level ceiling system

The first thing you need to start work with is drawing up a design drawing. If you make do-it-yourself plasterboard ceilings on several tiers, then a drawing is a must. It will serve as a support in the work, and it can also be used to calculate potential errors at the planning level.

The first thing you need to know is the size of the room where multi-level plasterboard ceilings are planned. At this stage, the presence of all additional details that will later need to be hidden is taken into account: ventilation duct, lighting wires, decorative elements and others engineering Communication. A schematic drawing is drawn on paper.

To make the task easier, professional construction crews transfer the diagram to the floor in life size. This makes the job much easier.

On paper you should mark the desired lighting points where the lamps will be mounted. The location of the electrical wires will directly depend on this.

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Installation instructions for a multi-level ceiling

This design consists of a frame base on which panels and modules are attached. Due to the fact that they will be fixed at different levels, the impression of free space will be created.

To install ceilings you must have the following tools:

  • mites;
  • edging and roughing plane with a blade of 250 mm;
  • profile cutter;
  • needle roller;
  • screwdriver or drill;
  • construction tape;
  • building level;
  • painting cord;
  • self-tapping screws

Experts recommend using whole sheets of drywall; cutting them should be kept to a minimum. Long sections are used when there is a need to work with crossbars, racks and support beams. In this case, the sheet is cut to length.

Using a tape measure, the necessary parameters of the elements are measured on the canvas. Using a knife, cuts are made along the marks. Drywall is enough soft material, since when you press it, the required part will easily separate from the canvas. If some places are not separated, this can be easily corrected using the same knife.

Next, you need to calculate the number of profiles. Based on the drawing, the profile is attached 8-10 cm wider, while it is advisable to maintain a step of 40 cm. In this way, the frame of the first tier is created. But not the entire surface is covered with plasterboard. The canvas is attached only to visible parts. This saves both time spent on work and the material itself.

The main profile must be fixed along the entire perimeter of the room on the walls so that additional ones can be attached to it.

For correct measurements, you need to find the lowest point of the ceiling, and then add another 25 mm to this value.

Next, we measure the resulting value onto the walls, not forgetting to mark it in the corners. Since drywall has its own thickness, 15 mm is added for safety. This way you can see at what level the first tier will be located.

Next, the first tier is covered with plasterboard, but only so that there is a margin of 10-15 cm. In order for the self-tapping screw to fit exactly on the profile, indicative lines are drawn on the plasterboard, which will indicate the location of the fastening. The first level is the base, so it is mainly sewn up in solid sheets. About 60 screws should be used for one canvas. This is the only way to achieve reliable fastening.

If the conversation turns to apartment renovation, plasterboard ceilings have become, perhaps, “the talk of the town” for the average citizen of our vast Motherland. Many people complain that this is a very expensive pleasure, but there is a real opportunity to save money - to make multi-level ceilings.

If you think that it is impossible to do this with your own hands, then you are very mistaken - stay with us, and you can do it!

Suspended plasterboard ceiling

Multi-level plasterboard ceilings? Do it yourself

To make a suspended ceiling from plasterboard with your own hands, it is not at all necessary to study each individual design; by the way, one of such options is contained in the video clip on this page.

You just need to understand the principles of construction metal frame, as for flat ceiling, and for a ceiling with shaped elements, where the lines bend, and this must be done from a flat metal profile.

Ceiling markings for the first level frame

  • First of all, you must remember that regardless of the height of the ceilings in the room minimum depth the first-level frame can be at least 25 mm, since this is the thickness of the CD profile on which plasterboard sheets (gypsum plasterboard) are hung.

  • To mark, you will need a water level, and try to get one that is several meters longer than the diagonal of your ceiling.
    Make a mark in one of the corners indicating the lower level of the metal frame and, using your water level, transfer this mark to all corners of the room.

Advice. I would like to talk about the use of a water level under the ceiling.

If you need to place the marks too close to the ceiling, then the plastic level tubes will be a hindrance, so it is better to remove them altogether and use one tube.

Installation of a metal frame

  • For installation you will need at least two types of metal profiles for drywall - CD and UD. In this case, take the UD and screw it to the marked wall, and the line should coincide with the bottom of the profile.
    Multi-tiered ceilings will thus receive a first level.
  • For installation, it is best to use a plastic dummy dowel with a diameter of 6 mm and a screw for it with a diameter of 4-5 mm.
    The factory-installed dowel-screw package is not suitable, since due to the small diameter of the screw, the dowel does not fit well into the wall and can come out.

  • Now along the lines on the ceiling you need to install U-shaped suspensions or pawns. The distance between them should not exceed 50-60 cm.
  • The diameter requirements for the dowel-screw set remain the same as for the wall, but there is one nuance here - since there are voids in concrete, the dowel usually falls into them, so you need a dowel with a flared sleeve or an impact dowel, but with a different , a thicker screw.

  • Now it's time to install the CD profiles. To do this, we cut them to the required length (5 mm shorter so that the CD does not bend when installed in the UD) and insert the CD into the UD under the already screwed hangers.

  • Multi-level plasterboard ceilings must be level, so to level the CD profiles under them you need to pull a thread, but sagging profiles will pull it back, so each CD should be pulled up with one hanger, tucking the ears under the profile.
    Fix the thread under the UD profiles, screwing it with self-tapping screws.

  • If you need to install CD profiles on a ceiling of more than 4 m, then use the connecting element for extension.
    You can also make such an element yourself - just insert a piece inside the profiles wooden block, and tighten from below with wood screws.

To self-tapping screw for plasterboard profile screwed in without any problems, it should stick well to the nozzle.

To do this, when buying self-tapping screws, ask the seller for attachment No. 2 and put on the self-tapping screw - if in a horizontal position and even slightly lower it does not fly off the cross, then everything is in order.

Installation of gypsum boards

Second level

  • We are considering a multi-level ceiling and for clarity we will resort to classic options with a circle in the middle.
    To do this, first of all, let's draw this circle on the ceiling.
    We screw a screw into the center and use a thin wire with a pencil tied at the end as the radial rod of the compass (a thread cannot be used, as it stretches).

  • At the level of the circle profile, we screw the UD profile to the wall and insert the CD profiles into them. In places where the CD is longer than 50 cm, we strengthen the profile with a suspension.

  • Cover the second level with drywall. The sheets need to be cut in a circle after they have already been screwed - this is much more accurate.
    In order to cover the vertical plane, cut out a strip of the required width and, after 5-7 cm, trim the paper on it from the convex side of the bend.
  • Don't forget to route the wires for the lights. If the ceiling design includes lamps in a vertical plane, then in these places you can make a pass when installing the profile.


Now you have an understanding of the basics for installing drywall on the ceiling, and you now know how to install a figured caisson, since you learned how to make a circle. Multi-tiered ceilings, which you can make with your own hands, can be of very different configurations, and there are more complex devices, but you already have the basic knowledge about installation.

Ceiling design today is one of the most convenient and affordable options to radically change the interior appearance of a room. Walls and floors perform more technological functions, while ceilings rely on two directions at once. Due to the combination finishing materials and new technologies, it has become possible to create suspended structures of stunning beauty and originality, characterized by high technology. Double ceiling is becoming a common occurrence in the field of apartment design, especially when it comes to the desire to create a unique and original interior.

Two-level ceilings made of plasterboard sheets with backlighting - great option transform the room. In addition, by creating several levels, you can successfully emphasize the zoning inside the room, individual elements house structures. In each individual case, two-level ceiling surfaces solve a number of problems, thanks to which apartment design has reached a completely new level. new level. Let's take a closer look at how to make a two-level ceiling on our own and what you should, first of all, pay attention to during work.

Purpose of multi-level ceilings. Design Features

Using drywall in finishing works ah it opened ample opportunities to improve the interior and optimize the design. Thanks to the technological capabilities of plasterboard, this consumable material has become actively used for working with ceilings, performing two functions at once - technological and aesthetic. With technological functions the situation is more or less clear. A plasterboard slab allows you to quickly level a curved base surface and hide imperfections and defects on the floors. When constructing single-level suspended ceiling structures, the problem with communications is also solved. All cables and ventilation are successfully hidden in the inter-ceiling space, leaving the ceiling surface flat and smooth.

A multi-level plasterboard ceiling with lighting is a completely different approach to solving problems ceiling design. The smooth and even surface of the main ceiling is complemented by steps and other elements in which lighting equipment can be installed. Due to the step-shaped design hanging type amazing is created visual effect, improving visual perception internal space. Using two levels you can achieve several goals at once:

On a note: For large premises, 2-level ceilings will be quite appropriate. For large interior spaces and a huge ceiling part, multi-level complex ceiling structures look good, where, along with lighting, original fragments and elements of ceiling decor are present.

It should immediately be noted that for apartments small area with standard ceilings, suspension systems of two or more levels are not acceptable. Average height single-level ceiling is 7-10 cm, while the thickness of a multi-level structure is often more than 20 cm. This depth of the suspension system is critical for rooms where the ceiling height is only 240-250 cm.

Calculations and drawing of a multi-level ceiling structure

In order to build a beautiful and original multi-level plasterboard ceiling with your own hands, also with lighting, you will need more time and appropriate preparation. In this situation, it is best to start with calculations and drawing up a drawing. Having at hand a sketch with the dimensions of each area, indicating required quantity profiles, hangers and fasteners, work is always easier.

Leveling the ceiling horizontally using drywall is not a difficult task. It’s another matter to build the subsequent levels correctly and correctly arrange the lamps. The backlight in this case is key element the entire suspended structure, so it would be best if you have both a drawing and a lighting diagram on hand. Thanks to the drawing, it will become easier to mount complex radii in the future and to correctly place curved elements and volumetric figures in the upper part of the room. The proposed diagram clearly shows what a suspended multi-level ceiling, equipped with hidden light, should look like. LED backlight.

Thanks to the drawing, you get a complete picture of how the zoning of the internal space will be carried out using the suspension system. On the sketch you can always pre-calculate how much the ceiling will be lowered, and where in the room steps or ledges should be made. In addition, a preliminary calculation will allow you to save money when purchasing Supplies and components. Profile trims and excess drywall may no longer be useful, so it is better to rely on exact amount parts and material.

Important! Having no experience similar works, it is best to limit yourself to the construction of a simpler structure. The minimum difference in height between two or more planes is the thickness of the gypsum board. As a rule, this is 8-10cm - the average thickness of sheets used for ceiling work.

The drawing should indicate optimal height all vertical elements of the suspended structure. It corresponds to the width of the guides and longitudinal profiles - 50-60mm. The maximum height of a multi-level ceiling can reach 20cm, no more. The proposed drawing shows approximate dimensions for a two-level plasterboard ceiling of medium complexity.

When drawing up a drawing, all reference points should be taken from the corner of the room where the base ceiling surface is lowest. In the drawing, this place is marked in a different color, and further calculations are based on this height value.

When creating a drawing, we can conclude that building a suspended ceiling in two or three levels is not so difficult. The only condition is that all the work will take more time.

Step-by-step work on installing multi-tiered suspended ceilings

You can choose a simpler installation option, focusing on two levels of the new ceiling. However, if you have sufficient experience and assistants, you don’t have to limit the flight of design ideas. It is enough to understand the structure of a two-level illuminated ceiling, its design and how the plasterboard sheets are laid.

What tools and consumables will be needed for the job?

For work you will need ordinary drywall 8-9 mm thick. For the kitchen and dining room, where there is a high probability of increased humidity levels, you can use moisture-resistant gypsum board. As consumables for the construction of a multi-level ceiling surface, you will need: aluminum or galvanized profiles of two types, ceiling C-shaped and U-shaped guides. The jumpers for assembling the frame are crabs. Spring hangers are used to secure the frame.

On a note: spring suspensions were not chosen by chance. Due to depreciation, movements of the suspension system and additional dynamic load are compensated.

To install suspensions in concrete, dowels are used; to install suspensions in the first level, assembled from plasterboard, anchors are used. Drywall sheets are attached to the guides using self-tapping screws.

Concerning finishing, then here you will additionally need putty, fugenfüller, sickle, and damper tape.

The following tools will help you make a two-level ceiling:

  • screwdriver;
  • impact drill or hammer drill;
  • grinder or hacksaw;
  • mounting knife;
  • roulette and level.

Decorative elements to complete the work will require internal spotlights or LED strip.

On a note: For decorative lighting or creating primary sources artificial lighting Halogen or LED lamps should be used. These lighting fixtures do not produce intense heat, which is characteristic feature for ordinary incandescent lamps.

Preparatory work

Before proceeding with the installation of the frame, it is necessary to install electrical wiring, other communication lines and ventilation. For better convenience, you must immediately indicate the location distribution box, the installation locations of first-level luminaires are indicated. The surface of the concrete floor is cleaned of debris and dust, and old plaster is removed if it is in unsatisfactory condition. A two-level ceiling is already a heavy structure in itself, so if you use plasterboard with reverse side will crumble old plaster, it may happen that suspended structure will not support the extra weight and will collapse.

In addition to the ceiling, the walls also require preparation. The upper edges of the walls, half a meter from the ceiling surface, are leveled. Work on the ceilings should begin only after finishing the finishing work on other parts of the room. At this stage, it is important to make a final decision on what the first level will be - concrete or covered with plasterboard.

Installation of multi-level ceilings

The work begins using the same method when it comes to the construction of a two-level ceiling, assembled from plasterboard, without lamps or with a diode suspension. All subsequent work can be divided into next steps:

  • ceiling markings;
  • installation of guides and longitudinal profiles of the first level;
  • plating plasterboard sheets first level structures;
  • installation of the frame for the next levels;
  • cladding of structures decorative elements from plasterboard;
  • finishing work on ceilings;
  • installation lighting equipment or LED strip.

The first level is done similarly to the technology for laying single-level ceiling structures. First, the guide and longitudinal profiles go into work, which are attached to hangers fixed to the concrete floor. Next, cut pieces of gypsum board are attached to the prepared frame.

A two-level plasterboard ceiling with lighting is the simplest option. Once you have experience in carrying out such work, you can begin installing more complex structures with three levels and additional volumetric figures.

The second level is mounted according to the principle of the first. The lowest point of the first level is the starting point for subsequent marking and installation of second-level profiles. A mark is made on the walls at the height desired, taking into account the width of the next tier. Suspensions are placed on the already finished first level using anchors. Used to obtain steps corner profile, into which drywall elements cut to size are placed. To install the figured part, a template is made, with which the location of the figured part is marked on the finished first level. Subsequent installation of straight and curved profiles allows you to achieve almost any shape of the second-level ceiling covering. Sheathing with plasterboard is done in the same way as in the previous version, starting laying the sheets from the corner or fixing the shaped part. Ceilings with LED lighting are a little simpler in their design and design.


In conclusion, it should be said that creating multi-level ceilings is not much more complicated than creating single-level ceilings. A double plasterboard ceiling with LED lighting can be made quite quickly. Observing the geometry and correctness of the lines, such a design is not very difficult. Typically, ceilings with LED lighting are rectangular ceiling surfaces, where the second level serves purely as a decorative purposes to improve the interior of the room. Let's summarize:

  1. Multi-level ceilings are suitable for large and spacious rooms
  2. The main task of multi-level ceilings is to increase the aesthetic properties of the room
  3. Technologically, 2-level ceilings allow you to create decorative lighting
  4. Spotlights and LED lights are the main decorative elements of multi-level ceiling surfaces
  5. Do not overweight the structure

An original method of finishing the ceiling is the installation of a multi-level structure. The market offers an extensive list of materials for this type of cladding. One of them is drywall. Beginners are interested in the question of how to make a multi-level ceiling from plasterboard with their own hands, how to correctly form the “skeleton” of the building?

Multi-tiered ceilings are popular. Since one of the advantages of this type of coating is the abundance of configurations that drywall can acquire. Thanks to these properties of the material, any design masterpiece can be constructed. On the Internet, you can find a huge number of professional videos that describe all aspects of editing.

Multi-level ceiling - characteristics, pros and cons

Among the abundance of building materials, the best and most affordable is plasterboard.

For a multi-tiered ceiling, the first level is the main one ceiling covering or a single-tier plasterboard ceiling. It should be taken into account that each further tier should have a smaller footage than the previous one. The installation of a multi-level ceiling is done by attaching a frame. The frame is made as for the first level. It is important to remember that the base is no longer the main ceiling covering, but the frame of the previous level.

Single-tier ceilings do not always require bending of plasterboard, while multi-level buildings are created from a curved frame structure and bent building materials.

Traditionally, multi-level ceilings are divided into:

  • on frame;
  • to diagonal;
  • to zonal.

A multi-level plasterboard ceiling has its advantages:

  • This kind of structure visually increases the area of ​​the room.
  • The multi-tiered structure hides defects in the existing ceiling. Under it you can place the necessary wires and ventilation.
  • Thanks to the design, they make room zoning without additional partitions.
  • All levels can create a reflective effect.

Disadvantages of multi-level design:

  • Installing a multi-level ceiling is labor-intensive, and beginners are not always able to master this technology on their own.
  • Heavy weight.
  • Installation of this type of ceiling requires a lot of time.
  • The multi-level ceiling is not moisture resistant.


This type of ceiling is an ideal niche for implementing the most extraordinary design ideas. The different layers of the ceiling covering can be easily separated using color palette. Exquisite lighting is also used.

Important! It is much more difficult to install complex ceiling coverings with curved lines yourself than with rectangular ones.

The difficulty is in drawing various contours along which the frame of waves and bends will be subsequently mounted. To facilitate the procedure, diagrams are drawn up. The better the sketch (project), the fewer problems.


The construction of a complex ceiling covering cannot be realized without a project, since it makes it possible to evaluate the pros and cons and how the ceiling covering will fit into the interior of the room.

The sketch should show all the details of the room, since the future shape of the ceiling covering depends on this. When making a plan, it is important to maintain scope.


In the project, you need to clarify the number of proposed tiers, based on the height of the room. It should be remembered: the more tiers, the lower the ceiling covering will be. If the room has a low ceiling, you will have to abandon the construction of a complex covering with several tiers.

Sample multi-level ceiling

When the goal is to make a wear-resistant multi-level plasterboard ceiling, first draw up a design diagram. You can learn how to make such a scheme correctly by watching a professional video. You can draw such a model yourself, or you can use a special program. To draw up the diagram, the exact parameters of the room are used. Such data will help to correctly position profiles of all levels.

This preliminary stage helps to take into account all the nuances of the future design.

When the drawing is ready, the markings are transferred to the surface in the following sequence:

  • transfer the markings using a ruler, level, tapping cord;
  • the contours of fastening of load-bearing special profiles are marked directly on the walls (10-15 cm from the corner point, and the lowest level);

Important! When using a multi-level plasterboard ceiling it is necessary to hide communications, in such a situation the distance can be increased.

  • The next step is to mark the masonry of the supporting profiles and mount the hangers on the frame for their fastening.

DIY ceiling marking

On the eve of the actual manipulations, you need to perform preparatory work. Everything that is not useful during the direct installation of the ceiling is removed from the room.

The marking involves marking all corners of the structure.

The orientation of the profile device along the circle should be marked with a continuous line. Holes are drilled in the wall in increments of 20-30 cm to attach the control profile. Dowels are fixed in the holes, into which guide profiles are fastened with self-tapping screws.

Important! Proper marking will help save time and building materials.

DIY frame installation

The frame is the foundation of the ceiling, and therefore the installation is approached responsibly. There are many videos on the World Wide Web that describe the step-by-step process of DIY installation complex ceilings. After watching the video, you can understand how and in what sequence the work is done.

The photo shows the making of the frame.

The work of installing a multi-level ceiling looks like this:

  • A special guide profile is installed. The profiles are fastened using dowels.
  • Hangers are placed.
  • CD profiles should be inserted into the regulatory ones. Their fastening to the hangers is done with self-tapping screws.
  • Jumpers are installed.

Important! In places where steps are needed, the profile should be lowered to the required height.

Installation of electrical wiring, cladding

At this stage of work, you should not lose sight of the wiring. Therefore, after installing the frame, you should not rush and move on to its cladding. When doing the work yourself, they think about the layout of the ceiling lighting, in particular, the placement of lighting fixtures, and make the wiring.

After this, you can safely hem the sheets of drywall to the frame. The photo shows the cladding of the frame.

The cladding work can be done partially. That is, sheets can extend beyond the boundaries of the next level.

Second level installation

Installation of subsequent levels is complicated. The marking is done directly on the first level drywall.

Frame installation involves the following steps:

  • After determining the contour of the second tier of the ceiling, it is worth deciding on the height and marking the level on the walls.

Important! When the next level of the suspended ceiling is adjacent to the walls, then the guide profile should be attached around the circumference.

  • To make the correct circular shape from plasterboard, it is better to watch the video and understand in which direction to make the cuts, since they depend on the radius of the structure.

Bending drywall is done in the following sequence:

  • The curved profile is attached to the sheet of the first level after 15-20 cm. If a step of 15-20 cm does not allow you to fit into the profile, it is made a little smaller, or the profile is simply attached to the sheet at small intervals.
  • It is necessary to make small sections from the profile. 3-5 cm is cut off on the sides of each.
  • The segments are attached to the profile vertically (step 20-25 cm), and a second profile is screwed to them.

This completes the complex process of erecting the second tier of the ceiling.

Important! A step of 15-20 cm does not allow you to get into the profile, in which case it can be made a little shorter. Or simply attach the profile to the sheet at small intervals.

Installation of sheets on the ceiling

The second tier should be sewn up with sheets so that the seams do not coincide with the joints on the first. The sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws so that the seams fall on the profiles.

  • Before working with sheets of material, it is recommended:
  • Identify all places for lighting fixtures and make holes. The edges of the sheets must be processed with an edge plane.

These manipulations are possible after installation, but working on the floor will be much more convenient.

Ceiling finishing

It is primarily necessary to pay attention to finishing all sheet joints using reinforcing tape. After doing this work, you can proceed to securing the corners. The photo shows the use of reinforcing tape.

Important! All finishing is done from top to bottom.

After fixing the corners, they are checked for defects. It is better to eliminate errors made during work immediately.

After eliminating the defects, they proceed to applying the first layer of putty to the ceiling sheets. The first layer does not require special care. The next step is to clean the dried ceiling covering. After this, a primer is applied. After it dries, fiberglass or spider web is applied to the ceiling.

The next step is application finishing putty. After it dries, a deep impregnation primer is applied to the ceiling. When it dries, move on to painting the ceiling directly. It is painted from top to bottom.

Important! Fiberglass is used for additional ceiling reinforcement. Cobwebs are used in work to prevent possible cracks in the ceiling.

Self-installation of a multi-tiered covering is not an easy task. The main thing is not to neglect the requirements of technology, otherwise the work will not give a positive result.


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