Orthodox names for girls in July. What do you name a boy born in July? Choosing beautiful and sonorous names

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Boys born in July are characterized by such traits as kindness, responsiveness, and shyness.

They tend to take everything to heart, are very impressionable, and often worry about even minor things. July babies, even if they try not to show their feelings to others, a storm of emotions boils in their souls.

These boys don't like to act rashly, and the decisions they make are thoughtful and balanced in an adult way. Kids are quite conservative and any changes are not for them. They prefer old and familiar activities, and it is very difficult for them to switch to another type of activity.

July crumbs will not bully other children and incite conflicts. On the contrary, they try their best to avoid unpleasant moments. It is easier for them to admit that they are wrong, even if they are sure of the opposite, in order to avoid the negativity that arises. However, this does not mean that they do not know how to achieve their goals, they just do not like to go ahead.

However, kids find ways and methods to do what they think is right and not offend anyone. This makes them very charismatic and purposeful.

These babies are very domestic, preferring comfort and coziness. And their tendency to deeply experience leads to the fact that they find support and support in the family.

Boys born in July are very romantic, but they do not like to show their feelings; they prefer the role of a secret admirer.

There are many collectors among these kids. This quiet hobby is very much to their liking and often stays with them for the rest of their lives. Risky activities, as well as gambling contrary to their nature.

What to call: happy Orthodox male names

For babies born in July, you should not choose melodic soft names. It is better to stick to something that is firm and strong-willed, as it will give the baby the missing toughness. Such boys are not characterized by particularly negative character traits, however, it won’t hurt to add determination and self-confidence to them. It is worth taking a closer look at the following names:

  • Peter from Greek. "stone";
  • Gleb from scand. "favorite of the Gods";
  • Roman from Greek. "strong";
  • Artem from Greek. "healthy";
  • Denis from Greek. "dedicated to Dionysus";
  • Stepan from Greek. "crown";
  • Fedor from Greek. "God's gift";
  • Boris from glory. "glorious in the fight."

The baby's zodiac sign also matters. If the baby was born before July 22, then he is Cancer, and if on July 23, then he is Leo. The Cancer boy is characterized by a developed imagination, romance, and sensitivity. He is a very caring and tactful child. However, qualities such as timidity and lack of independence may also appear. Such babies should be given courageous and firm names. Simple Russian ones are best suited, for example:

Leo kids are great optimists, generous and magnanimous, radiate warmth and kindness. Nevertheless, they can be a little self-confident, love to be in the center of attention and arouse everyone's admiration, and do not want to obey. Sonorous and serious names are suitable for them, namely:

  • Valery from lat. “cheerful, strong”;
  • Vladislav from glory. "possessing glory";
  • Ivan from Hebrew "the grace of God";
  • Vladimir from glory. "owning the world";
  • Kirill from Persian "Sun".

How to choose according to the Orthodox church calendar (saints)?

Currently, the tradition of naming babies after the calendar is no less widespread than before. Parents believe that the baby, named in honor of the saint, will be able to adopt spirituality and purity of thoughts from him, and that the baby will have additional protection.

If the variety of names in Orthodox calendar If your child’s birthday is big, you can choose whatever you like. If the choice is small, and parents don’t like them, then you can look at next days. The church does not recommend looking back.

date Name Meaning Patron Saint
1 Leonty lion's martyr Leonty of Tripoli
Hypaty high martyr Hypatius of Tripoli
Nikanor seeing victory Venerable Martyr Nikanor (Morozkin)
Basil royal sschmch. Vasily (Smirnov)
Alexander protector of people sschmch. Alexander (Krutitsky)
Sergey highly respected sschmch. Sergius (Krotkov)
Victor winner St. Victor (Ostrovidov)
2 Zosima vital martyr Zosimas of Apolloniad
Paisiy children's St. Paisius the Great
Ivan grace of God St. John the Hermit
Varlaam God's Son St. Varlaam Pinezhsky
3 Methodius ordered sschmch. Methodius of Patarsky
Gleb favorite of the Gods Prince Gleb Vladimirsky
Andrey courageous Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky
Dmitriy related to Demeter sschmch. Dimitry Salaminsky
Afanasy immortal martyr Afanasy of Salamis
Levky white St. Leucius of Alexandria
Nikolay victorious people righteous Nicholas Cabasilah
4 Julian from the Yuli family martyr Julian of Tarsus
Terenty rubbing Tertius, apostle from the age of 70
Julius curly Presbyter Julius the Myrmidonian
Ivan grace of God sschmch. John (Budrin)
Georgiy tiller St. Georgy (Lavrov)
Alexei defender sschmch. Alexy (Skvortsov)
Paul small sschmch. Pavel (Uspensky)
Nikolay victorious people sschmch. Nikolay (Rozanov)
And she pigeon Venerable Martyr Jonah (Sankov)
Nikita winner martyr Nikita (Sukharev)
Maksim greatest St. Maxim Grek
5 Evsey pious sschmch. Eusebius of Samosata
Gregory awake St. Gregory
Fedor God's gift sschmch. Feodor (Smirnov)
Gabriel divine warrior sschmch. Gabriel (Arkhangelsky)
6 Mitrofan revealed by mother St. Mitrofan
Peter stone sschmch. Peter (Smorodintsev)
Alexei defender sschmch. Alexy (Vvedensky)
Alexander protector of people sschmch. Alexander (Miropolsky)
Hermann half-blooded St. Hermann
Artem healthy Holy Righteous Artemy Verkolsky
7 Yakov stutterer righteous youth Jacob Menuzhsky
Ivan grace of God righteous youth John of Menuzhsky
Anton acquisition in exchange St. Anthony Dymsky
8 Peter stone Holy Blessed Prince Peter of Murom
Basil royal sschmch. Vasily (Protopopov)
Nikon winning St. Nikon (Belyaev)
9 David Darling St. David of Thessalonica
Ivan grace of God St. John of Goth
Denis dedicated to Dionysus St. Dionysius
Tikhon happiness St. Tikhon Lukhovsky
Nile river in Egypt St. Neil Stolobensky
Georgiy tiller sschmch. Georgy (Stepanyuk)
10 Georgiy tiller St. Georgy Iversky
Martin Mars-like St. Martin Turovsky
Serapion Dedicated to Serapis St. Serapion Kozheezersky
Alexander protector of people sschmch. Alexander (Sidorov)
Vladimir owning the world sschmch. Vladimir (Sergeev)
Peter stone sschmch. Peter (Ostroumov)
11 Cyrus Sun martyr Cyrus of Alexandria
Ivan grace of God martyr John of Alexandria
Sergey highly respected St. Sergius of Valaam
Hermann half-blooded St. Herman Valaamsky
Paul small St. Paul the Corinthian
Basil royal sschmch. Vasily (Sitnikov)
Gregory awake sschmch. Gregory (Samarin)
12 Peter stone Apostle Peter
Paul small Apostle Paul
Gregory awake St. Gregory (Kallidos)
Paisiy children's St. Paisiy Svyatogorets
13 Peter stone Apostle Peter
Andrey courageous Apostle Andrew the First-Called
Yakov stutterer Apostle James Zebedee
Ivan grace of God Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian
Philip horse lover Philip, apostle of the 12
Thomas twin Apostle Thomas
Matvey God's gift Apostle Matthew
Simon hearing Simon the Zealot, apostle of the 12
Timofey God-worshipping sschmch. Timofey (Petropavlovsky)
14 Kuzma decoration martyr Cosmas the Roman
Damian conqueror martyr Damian Rimsky
Alexei defender sschmch. Alexy (Drozdov)
Arkady from Arcadia sschmch. Arkady (Garyaev)
Peter stone St. Peter of Constantinople
15 Photius light St. Photius
16 Mark fading martyr Mark
Alexander protector of people St. Alexander of Constantinople
Anatoly Oriental St. Anatoly
Basil royal St. Basil
Konstantin constant Prince Konstantin Yaroslavsky
Ivan grace of God St. John of Yarenga
Arseny courageous St. Arseny
Tikhon happiness St. Tikhon Sokolovsky
Nikon winning St. Nikon Sokolovsky
And she pigeon martyr Jonah of Lipsia
Nicodemus victorious people St. Nikodim Kozheezersky
Anton acquisition in exchange sschmch. Anthony (Bystrov)
Sylvester forest sschmch. Sylvester (Olshevsky)
17 Andrey courageous Andrey Rublev
Simen hearing St. Simeon the Stylite
Nikolay victorious people Emperor Nicholas II (Romanov)
Alexei defender Tsarevich Alexy (Romanov)
Fedot God-given martyr Theodotus of Rome
Savva wine sschmch. Savva (Trlajic)
Dmitriy related to Demeter sschmch. Dimitry (Kazansky)
Efim complacent St. Evfimy Suzdalsky
Fedor God's gift sschmch. Theodore
18 Sergey highly respected St. Sergius of Radonezh
Afanasy Immortal St. Afanasy Afonsky
Gennady noble sschmch. Gennady (Zdorovtsev)
19 Valentine strong sschmch. Valentin the Roman
Innocent innocent martyr Innocent the Athenian
Basil royal martyr Basil the Athenian
Anton acquisition in exchange martyr Anthony of Rome
Efim complacent Venerable Martyr Euthymius (Lyubovichev)
Fedor God's gift sschmch. Theodore (Epiphany)
20 Thomas twin St. Thomas Malein
Hermann half-blooded martyr Herman of Dyrrhachia
Gerasim venerable St. Gerasim Boldinsky
Paul small sschmch. Pavel (Chernyshev)
21 Alexander protector of people sschmch. Alexander Popov)
Fedor God's gift sschmch. Feodor (Raspolov)
Nikolay victorious people sschmch. Nikolay (Bryantsev)
22 Kirill Sun sschmch. Kirill
Alexander protector of people martyr Alexander of Egypt
Fedor God's gift St. Theodore of Edessa
Konstantin constant sschmch. Konstantin (Lebedev)
23 Leonty lion's martyr Leonty Nikopolsky
Daniel judge of God martyr Daniil Nikopolsky
Anton acquisition in exchange martyr Anthony of Nikopol
Alexander protector of people martyr Alexander Nikopolsky
Basil royal sschmch. Vasily (Pobedonostsev)
Peter stone sschmch. Peter (Zefirov)
Stepan crown sschmch. Stefan (Lukanin)
Georgiy tiller sschmch. Georgy (Begma)
Nestor returned home sschmch. Nestor (Gudzovsky)
24 Hilarion quiet, joyful sschmch. Hilarion (Troitsky)
25 Michael who is like God St. Mikhail Malein
Ivan grace of God St. John Svyatogorets
Gabriel divine warrior St. Gabriel Svyatogorets
Fedor God's gift martyr Theodore Varyag
Arseny courageous St. Arseny
Simon hearing sschmch. Simon Volomsky
26 Gabriel divine warrior Archangel Gabriel
Stepan crown St. Stefan Savvait
Julian from the Yuli family St. Julian of Cenomania
Serapion dedicated to Serapis martyr Serapion
27 Stepan crown St. Stefan Makhrishchsky
Nicodemus victorious people St. Nikodim Svyatogorets
Ivan grace of God martyr John of Merv
Konstantin constant sschmch. Konstantin (Epiphany)
Nikolay victorious people sschmch. Nikolay (Poretsky)
28 Vladimir owning the world Holy Equal to the Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir
Peter stone sschmch. Peter (Troitsky)
29 Paul small martyr Paul of Caesarea
Yakov stutterer sschmch. Jacob (Maskaev)
Peter stone sschmch. Peter (Gavrilov)
Ivan grace of God sschmch. John (Mozhirin)
Fedor God's gift Venerable Martyr Theodore (Nikitin)
30 Leonid like a lion St. Leonid Ustnedumsky
Lazarus God helper Hieromonk Lazar of Galicia
31 Emelyan belonging to Emilius martyr Emilian Dorostolsky
Ivan grace of God St. John the Long-Suffering

Thus, parents have a very large choice and can often get confused. However It is important to remember that the baby acquires a name for the rest of his life. Therefore, you should not chase fashion trends and give your baby too much original name. It is also worth choosing in combination with a surname and patronymic, because if, for example, the patronymic is “Vasilievich,” then the name “Apollo” will look quite ridiculous.

- “rubbing with incense” or “alien from evil” - “protector of people” - “resurrected”, “returned to life” - “bringer of joy” Asklipiad - “non-Greek”, “barbarian”, “foreigner” Barnabas Vasilisa () - “royal ", "queen" Vassa - "bringer of victory" Golindukha - "precious" Dominata - "favor" Eutropia Euphemia Euphrosyne Elizabeth () - "God's oath", "God's help" Iaroya - " torrent" - “given by God” Juliania () - “from the family of the Julians” Iulitta Julia () - “from the family of the Julians” or “fluffy”, “curly” Cyprilla Kyriacia - “like a lion” Livia () - “olive”, “olive tree" Luka () - "clear" - "clear" - "sea" Marionilla - "bitter", "beloved", "stubborn" Marcellina Markia () - "hammer" - "mistress", "mistress" Matrona Nikita - " saint" Pamva Perpetua Potenziana Sarah () - "noble", "princess" Sebastiana Seia Tatiana () - "founder", "organizer" Fevronia Theodora () - "owner of the good" Theodosia Theodotia Thomas Chionia

What to name a girl born in July

If your daughter was born in July, and you want to give her the name of the Saint, then we advise you to open the church calendar and study the names of girls according to the Saints: July. Choosing names according to the Saints is not difficult; there are two options for choosing girls' names according to church calendar. The first is to give the name of the Saint who falls on the baby’s birthday. The second is to choose names from the Saints, look up their meaning and then give them to the child. The main thing is not to take names whose day has already passed.

The character and fate of girls born in July

Girls born in July grow up to be women - real custodians of the home. They really appreciate home comfort, so they prefer to keep the house clean and tidy. Unlike the flighty June girls, they do not strive for frequent changes and prefer constancy and stability. It is somewhat difficult for them to get used to new things in life. Moreover, not only the constant environment in the house is important for them, but also the environment of loved ones. Girls born in July are often influenced by childhood fears. They are very impressionable and react strongly to emotional condition the people around them and change their mood, depending on this.

Since July girls are children who are quite shy and shy in nature, it is not recommended to choose soft and gentle names so as not to emphasize these qualities. The best option will choose names for them that are tough enough to brighten up their natural indecision and timidity.

Author of the article: website 2017-09-22

One of the main events in the life of any family is the expectation and birth of a child. Bustle before birth is common to everyone, because there is so much to do and prepare before birth. The item that includes the child's name is very important.

Come up with beautiful name It’s not difficult, the problem may arise in how to choose a name that would suit the child comprehensively, emphasize his strong qualities and help hide his shortcomings, because everyone knows that a person’s future fate depends on his name. And this question is quite delicate, because you want to provide a decent life for your child.

The main thing when choosing is the relationship between the name and month of birth. After all, knowing the supposed zodiac sign, you can imagine the character of the future person and thereby choose suitable name. But you should not forget that the month is occupied by 2 zodiac signs, and their characteristics may turn out to be completely opposite to each other, so you not only need to pay attention to the month of birth, but also to the date. In the astrological horoscope, the gender of a person also differs from each other.

For girls, born in the first half of July characterized by homeliness, humility, creating comfort and warmth around oneself. Does not like to take risks, prefers a calm, measured life. The following names are ideal for such qualities: Olga, Sophia, Chloe, Lydia, Elizaveta, Olesya, Diana, Elena, Lilia, Magdalena, Milana, Bogdana.

Born in the second half of July On the contrary, they have a stubborn character, are very fond of their own reflection in the mirror, are capricious, arrogant and strive to be better and higher than everyone else. They love adventure, never give up on various adventures, are always in the center of attention and have many friends. The following names would fit this description: Alexandra, Varvara, Nadezhda, Alla, Margarita, Natalya, Zhanna, Emma.

Orthodox names of July for girls

If you would like to refer to the church calendar, then in July they celebrate the day named after Inna, Rimma, Agripina, Angelina, Marfa, Ulyana, Elena, Olga, Margarita, Yulia, Alevtina. It is believed that by choosing a name according to the calendar, you give your child a guardian for life who will accompany the child on his journey.

Celebrities born in July for choosing a girl's name

If both methods of choosing a name seem uninteresting, then you should remember famous people, born in July. These include: Anna Akhmatova, Liya Akhedzhakova, Maria Arbatova, Princess Diana, Zhanna Aguzarova, Yana Poplavskaya, Alsou. All of these girls achieved fame in life, and perhaps by naming a child after them, you can expect similar fame.

If you don’t want to name your child after a celebrity, you can simply pay attention to good people who are surrounded, you may want to please your loved one by naming your child after him. You need to carefully approach the choice of name, but do not forget about the patronymic, because the sound of the name together with the patronymic is important.

What is Christmas time? What date are they in 2019? How were Christmastide celebrated in Rus'? What were the traditions? Read about it in our article!

Christmas time in 2019

Christmastide begins immediately after the celebration of the Nativity of Christ.

  • Dates in 2019: from 7 to 17 January.
  • Dates in 2020: from 7 to 17 January.
  • Dates in 2021: January 7 to 17.
  • Dates in 2022: from 7 to 17 January.

What are Christmastide?

What do we associate with Christmastide? With laughing, rosy faces, sleigh rides, gifts and other simple, joyful and cheerful things. With only one caveat: as a rule, all these pictures are not painted for us. personal experience, but literary classics of past centuries. The heroes of Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy take part in the Christmas games, and they come from completely different walks of life. Our ancestors knew how to rejoice. Maybe we should learn from them?

How old are Christmastide?

The tradition of celebrating Christmastide is rooted in such deep antiquity that not even oral traditions remain from those times. When Prince Vladimir threw pagan idols into the Dnieper, the custom was already five hundred years old. And even when Rurik founded Novgorod, Christmastide was no longer young.

Employees of the Russian Ethnographic Museum claim that in pre-Christian Rus', Christmastide was associated with the name of the god Svyatovit. What kind of god this is and why he was given a special two-week holiday, scientists are still arguing. It is believed that “Svyatovit” is just one of the names supreme god Perun. Be that as it may, the Slavs tried in every possible way to please this god, first of all so that he would send bountiful harvest. On Christmastide, Svyatovit was supposed to leave some festive food, which was thrown into the oven especially for him. The Slavs believed that at the beginning of winter, the spirits of the gods and the souls of ancestors descend to earth, and at this moment you can “beg” from them a bountiful harvest, a handsome husband, money, and in general anything you want.

The Christian tradition of celebrating Christmastide has also been known since ancient times. Back in the 4th century, Greek Christians rested, had fun and celebrated strictly for two weeks after (according to one version, the word “Yuletide” comes from the verb “to hallow”, since on Christmastide the people “sanctify”, that is, they glorify Christ and the Birth of Christ). Special attention The focus was on ensuring that everyone had a joyful mood: the poor, slaves, prisoners. In Byzantium, it became a custom at Christmas time to bring food and gifts to prisons and hospitals, and to help the poor. We find mention of Christmastide as a special post-Christmas celebration in Ambrose of Milan, Gregory of Nyssa and Ephraim the Syrian.

With the advent of Christianity, Christmastide in Rus' also began to be filled with new meaning. Nevertheless, the attitude of the Russian Church towards Christmas festivities has always been ambiguous. Many hierarchs spoke out not only against fortune telling, but also against caroling and the custom of “dressing up” on the basis of the resolution of the VI Ecumenical Council, which reads: “Those who resort to wizards or others like that in order to learn something secret from them, are subject to the rule of six years of penance ( i.e., they are excluded from Communion for six years)... we reject dances and rituals performed according to an ancient and alien to Christian life ritual and determine: none of the husbands should dress in women's clothing, not characteristic of a husband; don't wear masks." Then the supporters of Christmastide came up with an ingenious “solution” to the problem: on Epiphany, an ice hole in the shape of a cross was made in the ice of a river or lake, and the entire population of the village plunged into it, washing away the sins committed on Christmastide.

Over time, the religious meaning of pagan traditions was completely forgotten, and Christmastide became a time when people especially glorify Christmas and the mercy of the Lord, who sent Jesus Christ to Earth. All that remains from the ancient pre-Christian Christmastide is winter, purely Russian irrepressible fun.

Christmastide in Rus'. About the tradition of celebrating Christmastide

Hooliganism sanctified by tradition

Christmastide has always been a national holiday, at this time class boundaries seemed to disappear, everyone was united by a common joy. According to the number of customs and folk signs Perhaps only Maslenitsa can compare with this period of the year.

In the ancient times, pre-Petrine times there was a custom on Christmas Day in every village to light a fire, which with its light in the darkness winter night symbolized the Star of Bethlehem and burned until baptism.

The people's favorite pastime during Christmas time is dressing up and caroling. In Rus', and then in Russian Empire On Christmas Eve, young people gathered together, dressed up as animals or mythological characters like Ivan the Fool, and went caroling around the village or city. By the way, this is one of the few Yuletide traditions that survived in the post-Petrine era, despite the fact that most of the population moved to the cities. The main character among carolers has always been a bear. They tried to dress the fattest guy in the village or neighborhood with it. The mummers entered one by one each hut where the light was on. Teenagers and children sang Christmas troparion, spiritual songs, carols... Carols are something like Winnie the Pooh chants, in which the owner of the house is praised and through which treats are begged from this very owner. Songs were often composed on the spot, but there were traditional rules in this art that came from ancient times. The owner, for example, was called nothing less than “the bright moon,” the hostess — “the red sun,” and their children — “pure stars.” However, those who knew how came up with more expressive dignifications: “The master of the house is like Adam in heaven; the mistress of the house is like pancakes with honey; Little children are like red-green grapes...” The carolers promised a rich harvest and a happy life to those who give treats, and all sorts of disasters to the stingy. Sometimes there were even threats in the songs: “Whoever doesn’t give me a pie, we’ll lead the cow by the horns, and if he doesn’t give me ham, we’ll split the cast iron...” All this, of course, was in jest. Sometimes they sang absolutely, even deliberately meaningless sentences. The owners received guests and gave whatever they could.

It is extremely difficult to establish where the word “kolyada” itself came from. IN different parts In Russia this word has different meanings. In the north it’s just “Christmas Eve”, in the villages Novgorod region"Kolyada" - gifts received at Christmas. In Belarus, “caroling” means “glorifying Christ.” But ethnographic scientists believe that the ancient Slavs used this word to call the winter solstice holiday.

Another Christmas custom is to get the whole family together in the evenings, invite guests (as many as possible), tell fairy tales and ask riddles (as complex as possible). This tradition, like caroling, lived not only in villages, but also among the urban nobility. Literary critic Yu. M. Lotman in his comments to “Eugene Onegin” writes that it was customary to separate “holy evenings” and “terrible evenings” (the first and second weeks after Christmas respectively). On “holy evenings” they held cheerful night gatherings, on “terrible evenings” they told fortunes. The young people were going to dance, during the day - to ride a sleigh, and play snowballs. By the way, after Christmas there were always a lot of weddings. “In gatherings, fortune-telling, games, songs, everything is aimed at one goal - to bring the betrothed closer together. Only on holy days do boys and girls easily sit hand in hand,” wrote folklorist I. Snegirev in the book “Songs of the Russian People.”

The most “antisocial” Yuletide tradition is “pampering.” Children and teenagers gathered in large groups at night and played as mischievously as they could. A classic joke was to nail up the outside gate of a house or to stir up a pile of firewood. Another entertainment is the ritual theft of something. You could steal anything, but always with noise and songs, and not secretly. IN Soviet times, despite all the prohibitions, collective farm tractors were often “stolen.” Immediately after the holidays, of course, they were returned to their place.

The last days of Christmastide were devoted to preparing for Epiphany. The best village craftsmen cut a cross-shaped hole in frozen reservoirs and decorated it with patterns made of ice.

July girls love constancy and stability; they are family and home keepers of the hearth. They are flexible and soft girls who find it difficult to get used to new things. Girls born in July should be protected for as long as possible, because their timidity and kindness sometimes complicate their lives, although this is exceptional good qualities. When choosing a name, look for names with a strong energy, tough and confident to give your July girl confidence. Astrologers recommend a whole list of such names, check them out in this article, as well as some church names.

What to name a girl born in July - astrology

For shy and shy Cancers, choose the following names:

  • Inna,
  • Ulyana,
  • Catherine,
  • Agrippina,
  • Zhanna,
  • Olesya,
  • Angelina,
  • Marfa,
  • Anna,
  • Julia,
  • Evdokia,
  • Irina,
  • Olga,
  • Agatha,
  • Sarah,
  • Valentina.

Names that bring good luck are Antonina, Sophia, Anna, Lyudmila, Daria, Valeria, Marina, Inna, Marina, Elena, Inna, Margarita. This way you will not only highlight the July girl’s insecurities, but also give her good fortune.

How to name a girl born in July - church names

Pay attention to the interpretation of each name, as well as the date it is associated with.

  • July 1 – Angelina, which is from Greek “news, message”, and from Latin “angel”.
  • July 9 – Paula, Paula, Paulina or Peacock, these names are translated from Latin as “modesty”.
    Polina, translated from ancient Greek as “strong in spirit.”
  • July 17 – Martha, which is translated from Syriac as “ruling.”
    Anastasia literally translates as “resurrected souls.”
    Maria, a name derived from the name of the ancient Slavic totem goddess of winter Mara.
  • July 24 – Elena, from the Greek “sun”, “fiery”.
    Alyona, Slavic name, derived from the name of the Slavic tribes Alyonov.
    Ilona – “sun”, “fire”.
    Christina or Christina.
    Louise, in Celtic dialect, meant “light”.
    Teresa, which is translated from Greek as “protection”, “breadwinner”.

A church name will give the girl guardianship and protection.

How to name a girl born in July after a famous person

By naming a child after a great and illustrious person, you are giving good example the girl already from birth. In this case, the object does not necessarily have to be a woman, for example, if you wanted to name a girl in honor of Tsar Alexander, then the girl will bear the name “Alexandra” or “Alexandrina”. Check out some of July's standouts:

  • On the first day of the month, the famous Soviet sculptor and architect Vera Mukhina was born.
  • The whole world knows July 5th as the date of birth. great woman– Clara Zetkin, this is the most famous name in the history of the struggle for women’s rights, thanks to her we celebrate the day of March 8th. For a girl, such a personality will become iconic.
  • On July 15, you can name a girl in honor of actress Maria Ermolova, also Nadezhda.
  • July 24 is the day of the death of Princess Olga, who tried to baptize Rus'. Also on this day the birthday of the singer Iya and Agata is celebrated.
  • On the last day of the month, July 31, the name of the Soviet theatergoer, Vera, would be perfect.

Choose a name for the girl that will go perfectly with her middle name, because a harmonious combination will not only be pleasant for you to hear, but will also have a good effect on the fate of the child.


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