Advantages of drip irrigation. Advantages and disadvantages of drip irrigation in a greenhouse, comparison with other watering systems, installation of drip irrigation in a greenhouse with your own hands

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More efficient than traditional sprinklers. In many cases this is true. Drip irrigation has a long list of advantages, however, it is not without its disadvantages.

The design ensures the effectiveness of drip irrigation

To understand the advantages and disadvantages of drip irrigation, you need to understand how it works. Its main difference is the absence of sprinklers, the function of which is performed by drip lines. They can be made in the form of tubes or tapes. Tubes are much more reliable than tapes, but they are also more expensive. Using special fittings, irrigation devices are connected to the main line, as with sprinkling.

The water passing through the drip tubes gradually flows out through tiny holes. At the same time, it all gets to its destination - to the root zone of the plants. The same pressure along the entire length of the tubes or tapes is ensured by the internal structure in the form of a labyrinth and the size of the holes. It is these design features that determine the effectiveness of drip irrigation.

Because this irrigation method does not require water to be sprayed over a long distance, the system creates much less pressure than using sprinklers.

Drip irrigation and its advantages

  1. Does not injure flowers. When irrigating using the sprinkling method, a stream of water is thrown over a long distance. If along the way she encounters blooming flowers, she can damage them or cause diseases.
  2. Does not create burns on leaves. Water splashed in different directions hits the leaves. If the sun shines brightly at this time, burns will remain on the leaves of the plants. Drip tubes, unlike sprinklers, deliver water directly to the roots, so burns are excluded.
  3. Uniformity. Moisture oozes out little by little from the drip lines, gradually saturating the soil. Changes in soil moisture are excluded, which benefits the plants.
  4. Efficiency. Almost all the water spent on irrigation is absorbed by plants. Sprinkling cannot provide such efficiency: from one third to half of the water in the form of small droplets evaporates in the air, from the leaves, the surface of the soil, and is carried away by the wind.
  5. Does not stimulate weed growth. As mentioned above, water is supplied strictly for its intended purpose, therefore weeds do not receive recharge along with watered plants.
  6. Low cost and economical. The drip system costs less than installing sprinklers, and the reduced water consumption allows you to further reduce costs and increase the efficiency of drip irrigation.
  7. Doesn't require high blood pressure. Only 2-3 atmospheres are enough instead of 4-6 required for sprinklers to operate.
  8. Allows you to evenly moisturize complex terrain. Drip tapes can be stretched across areas with hills, depressions, and level differences.
  9. Easy to move. If the location of the plants has changed since last season, moving the drip lines will not be difficult.

Drip irrigation and its disadvantages

Despite the abundance of important advantages, the drip system also has its disadvantages.

One of the main disadvantages is the high likelihood of clogging. Despite the thoughtful design, the tiny holes are easily clogged with dirt, as a result of which some of the plants stop being watered. Due to the slow flow of water, it is rarely possible to detect and eliminate the malfunction of drip tapes in time.

Another disadvantage is the fragility and unreliability of drip tubes and tapes. They are easily damaged when doing gardening work. Even with extreme care, the service life of drip lines does not exceed several years. Static and rotary sprinklers are much more reliable and durable.

Scope of application

Drip tubes are great for watering row plantings. These can be both agricultural crops and ornamental plants, including flowers. The drip irrigation method is used in greenhouses and conservatories, as well as in cases where the plants being watered are in pots or containers.

This system is not at all suitable for watering lawns, since in this case moisture is required large area, which is extremely difficult to organize using tubes.

The effectiveness of drip irrigation allows you to provide high-quality garden care without high costs means and forces. When used correctly and appropriately, this method produces superior results that are not easily achieved with conventional sprinklers.

Drip irrigation is a method when irrigation water is supplied in small doses directly under the roots of plants, using dropper dispensers, and is used most effectively. At the moment, drip irrigation is the most advanced and effective remedy glaze. In many areas, it became possible to practice gardening precisely thanks to the invention of this method - even in places where they had not even dreamed of it before due to the lack of regular watering.

Benefits of drip irrigation

There are many advantages of drip irrigation, they are obvious and confirmed by many years of practice of gardeners in most countries of the world, these are:
- earlier and more abundant harvest;
- prevention of weeds;
- prevention of soil erosion;
- preventing the spread of diseases;
- savings in irrigation water (approximately half) due to the fact that its evaporation and infiltration are eliminated;
- reducing the use of fertilizers;
- the impossibility of irrigation water getting onto the plants, which completely eliminates sunburn;
-preventing the formation of crust on the soil surface, which gives better ventilation roots;
- the possibility of continuous and uniform watering without your presence and participation, 24 hours a day, in any wind;
- actions for processing plants and harvesting can be carried out at any convenient time, without focusing on watering;
- simplicity and accessibility of installation and maintenance;
- there is no need to reposition the hose, risking maiming or breaking plants, spreading dirt along the paths (put it down once and forget);
- efficient use labor costs;
- a significant increase in the intervals between loosening and weeding;
- the shelf life of grown plants increases;
- reduction of pipeline wear;
- significant savings in money.

The history of the invention of drip irrigation

The very first state to begin experimental use of the drip irrigation system, back in the middle of the last century, was Israel, where this effective method is successfully used to this day. As you know, the local climate is quite arid, from May to September precipitation is extremely rare, so it is not surprising that there was a need to invent a system efficient watering in conditions high temperatures and shortage of irrigation water. By now, as we know, thanks to the invention of this “smart” irrigation system, the Israeli state has become one of the leading exporters of crop products.

Drip irrigation today has gained its well-deserved popularity and is successfully used for growing both vegetables and fruits, berries and grapes in open ground and in greenhouses.

Drip irrigation system and its components

Drip lines- these are either tubes or tapes. Drip lines are laid out along the rows of planted plants. They are made both for long-term use (5-6 years) and single-season (so-called disposable).

Drip tubes, usually seamless, made of polyethylene, in them, at a certain distance, both outside and inside (depending on the design), droppers for irrigation are installed, which have channels of small cross-section in a zigzag shape in order to restrain the pressure of irrigation water.

drip tapes, made from strips of polyethylene wrapped in a tube and heat welded. In this case, small filter holes are specially left inside the seam, from which water for irrigation flows into the beds. The drip tape is laid directly on top of the irrigated beds with the droppers up, straight, excluding turns and bends, along the planted rows, close to the roots. There is a plug at the end of the drip tape. This is the most acceptable and cheap option(than tubes) for large irrigation areas.

Main pipeline- this is the main hose connected either directly to the water supply or to the irrigation tank immediately after the tap, which is installed on a hill of about a meter, it is laid along the irrigation beds, and a distribution pipeline is attached to it. When installing, the hose is secured to the ground to prevent movement with conventional wire staples.

Distribution pipeline- this is a pipe, drip tubes or tapes are connected to it. It is connected to the tank with irrigation water by a main pipeline.

Irrigation water filtration unit- filters are connected to the container with irrigation water, purifying the irrigation water from various unnecessary impurities (small debris, sand, rust and algae). It is best to use a fine filter.

Water intake unit for irrigation- a faucet installed either before or after the filter, which allows you to precisely regulate both the length of watering time and the amount of irrigation water consumed.

Fertigation unit(for the use of both fertilizers and dressing agents) is a device that is connected to the main hose. With its help, a special fertilizer concentrate is evenly injected into the irrigation water, which ensures complete absorption by plants of water-soluble fertilizers and microelements, which are delivered in doses and precisely to the plants.

Drip irrigation is maximum efficiency with minimum effort!

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​Allows you to save money.​

​4. Minor impact on the microclimate (for industrial plantings).​​Partial wetting of the soil surface does not affect other activities, such as: spraying, treatment against plant diseases, care and harvesting.​ ​Water is supplied to a limited volume of soil where the root zone is located plant system. Regulating water flow not only allows you to significantly save energy and money spent on watering, but also minimizes the loss of nutrients in the root zone.​

Advantages and prospects for using drip irrigation

​With such irrigation, the most favorable water-air and nutrient regimes of plants are maintained in the soil, which ensures development and productivity, first of all vegetable crops. Compared to conventional sprinkling, it increases by 20–60% or more.​

Using drip irrigation for slightly saline soils

​was developed with the aim of increasing the quantity of crops in conditions of strict water conservation. The use of this type of irrigation is common in areas with different climates.​

​watering only the root zone, which increases savings by 40-70%.​

Installation work

​Drip irrigation can be carried out even in the hottest sun - water will not fall on the leaves of plants, which often, for example, when sprinkling, leads to sunburn. So drip irrigation removes all restrictions on watering time - this can be done at any convenient time.​

​Precise regulation of the water supply during drip irrigation at the dacha for each plant prevents drying out of the soil, and at the same time, the root system is maximally protected from excess moisture.​

​The drip irrigation system differs from others in its operating principle and operating features. Among the main problems that may arise during its operation are blockages, but they can be solved quite simply. All contamination can be divided into three main parts: chemical, mechanical and biological blockage of droppers and hoses.​

​Drip irrigation in the country today is very popular, as it is extremely simple and guarantees economical consumption liquids, precise supply of not only plain water, but also solutions with fertilizers, various minerals. Such a system can be equipped with a controller that will provide automatic regulation, watering will be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements, the plant will receive a strictly measured portion of water.​

​Drip irrigation provides maximum irrigation efficiency and does not require high water pressure, therefore it has relatively low energy consumption and water consumption. The drip line also reduces the amount of fertilizers and chemicals needed, since they are applied directly to the root zone of the plants and are not wasted between rows. The system itself costs significantly less than sprinkler irrigation.​

​Irrigation is sometimes used to improve local climatic conditions - reducing temperatures when they are high or increasing when there is frost. Sprinklers and sprayers create small drops and mist, which evaporate and cool the plants, and condense and release heat. This does not happen with drip irrigation.​

​11. Water distribution is possible in any weather.​

​2. Minimizing evaporation losses.​

​Drippers are usually placed on pipelines. Most often, droppers made of plastic microtubes are used in drip irrigation hoses with different frequencies of their location. The use of a particular hose depends on the water consumption for irrigation, the type of soil and the type of crop. In gardens, to supply water to one tree, 3-4 droppers or a drip irrigation hose with a distance between the built-in droppers of 20-40 cm is usually sufficient.​

​Drip irrigation is a method of watering directly to the base of trees and plant roots, used to achieve the best results while maximizing water savings.​

Features of the drip irrigation system

​labor costs for watering are significantly reduced;​

​Even a beginner can install the system; all you need to do is acquire basic knowledge and stock up necessary set tools and materials. Here, the help of specialists is not needed even when assembling automation with a timer.​

​The automatic drip irrigation system saves the owner from unnecessary hassle related to moisture saturation and feeding of plants, since these processes take place practically without human intervention and even during his absence - you just need to install a special pump and timer.​

​An example of the use of drip irrigation. The advantage of this type of watering is that the water goes directly to the roots. Due to the targeted direction of water, weeds do not develop as actively.​

  • ​When designing drip irrigation, several factors are taken into account:​
  • ​5. Limited amount of watering.​
  • ​Drip irrigation can be used in windy weather. The wind does not interfere with drip irrigation, unlike sprinkling.​

​Wetting a certain area reduces water loss due to evaporation. For those who use polycarbonate greenhouses, it becomes possible to directly influence the humidity and growth conditions of plants.​

System care rules

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​gradual water supply ensures less wear on equipment, pipelines and energy savings;​

Drip irrigation of tomatoes: advantages and benefits of use

​After installing this system, you can forget for a long time about all the problems with watering the plot that existed previously, when you had to regularly walk around the garden for a long time with a watering can or stand for several hours with a hose in your hands, watering each bed in turn. If you make the drip system fully automated, human presence will not be required at all; it will be enough only to check its operation from time to time and, as necessary, clean the elements from blockages.​

​How to water plants with drip irrigation, having built such an installation at the dacha with your own hands? It is quite simple, and its efficiency is very high. As for caring for the system, during operation it is necessary to periodically clean all its elements, eliminating blockages, preventing possible algal blooms, etc.​

​The reasons for mechanical clogging are that the system becomes clogged with silt, sand or other small particles. In order to remove them, the hoses and droppers are simply washed. Chemical blockages occur when using hard water for irrigation and fertilizers, which are necessary for fertigation. To avoid such contamination of the system, it is necessary to artificially maintain the hardness of the supplied liquid at a pH level of 5-7, using special acid additives. Biological contaminants are algae, plaque, and mucus formed in the cavities of hoses and drippers, which can be dealt with by using water chlorination or periodic flushing.​

​The principle of operation of drip irrigation is simple: the liquid is supplied through hoses in which droppers are installed.​

The operating principle of a drip irrigation system for plants

​area of ​​the site where irrigation will be installed;​

​Frequent application of water to limited soil can result in the development of a small but very dense root system. As a consequence, crops are dependent on frequent water applications and plants become more sensitive to water stress during very hot weather. For large trees with a shallow root system, strong winds become dangerous.​

​12. Low energy requirements.​

Drip irrigation technology

​3. Elimination of water losses along the edges of the irrigation zone.​

​Drip irrigation system​

​drip irrigation​

Advantages of drip irrigation on the site

​The system is practically insensitive to low pressure in the pipeline, which means watering will occur even at the weakest pressure.​

​With the drip method of watering plants, water is supplied directly to the roots, so much less is required. In addition, with this method of irrigation, water does not evaporate as intensely as, for example, with sprinkling or surface watering, and this also makes it possible to reduce its consumption. In total, water savings in this case are very significant and amount to 40-70%.​

​This irrigation system has quite a lot of advantages, although drip irrigation is not used so often in dachas. This is explained simply - many are frightened by the thought of the complexity of designing such a system, as well as practical implementation project. However, these fears are unfounded. In any case, drip irrigation has many more advantages than disadvantages.​

​The system also needs to be prepared for launch. Before the first watering, it is necessary to pre-flush the system, then turn on the supply at removed plugs. This will make it possible to remove any blockages that may be in the hoses. All filters are also carefully inspected before installing them.​ ​Water is supplied through droppers in small portions directly under the roots of the plants for a strictly allotted time.​

​soil characteristics;​

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​Due to the low operating pressure, the energy consumption of drip irrigation is significantly lower than that of other pressure irrigation technologies. For example, mechanical irrigation systems.​

Advantages of the drip method of watering plants

​Using drip irrigation, you don’t have to worry that water will flow outside the irrigated area, as happens when using sprinklers and manual watering. With the help of drippers, you can water an area of ​​any size, shape and topography.​

​does not contain complex engineering solutions, so most summer residents can install it.​

​used for irrigation various plants located in open spaces, in greenhouses, garden and country areas, as well as in vegetable gardens. In addition, it is used for irrigating vegetable and fruit plantings.​

​While drip irrigation is operating on the site, salts are leached through the drippers of the system, that is, in the root zone. If salts accumulate along the edges of the irrigation zone, this does not harm the plants, and moisture is absorbed by the plant root system only from the leached zone.​

​Drip irrigation is indispensable in a greenhouse, where during normal watering plants often suffer from excess or lack (especially on hot sunny days) of moisture. And this is very important, since seedlings and other fastidious plants that are sensitive to the amount of moisture and other factors are usually grown in greenhouses.​

​Drip irrigation on the site is beneficial in terms of both saving physical, water and energy costs, as well as effective care of crops and increasing productivity, ease of care for beds, etc. d.​

​The performance of an irrigation system is determined very simply:​

Operating principle of drip irrigation

​This is a great way of carefree watering that suits your dacha.​

​location and type of water intake source;​

​Proper organization of irrigation is a key aspect for obtaining a good harvest when growing fruit and vegetable crops both in a small summer cottage and in the extensive agricultural complex of a large agricultural producer. Different irrigation methods can be used for different types of plants, but the most popular, effective and versatile today is drip irrigation.​

How to water plants in a greenhouse and in pots using drip irrigation

​13. Reduction of fungal diseases of leaves and various diseases of fruits.​

​4. Reduced clogging.​

​For drip irrigation, there are several methods of water supply:

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​Drip irrigation​

Monarda - a fragrant decoration of the territory of any garden

​drip irrigation of crops​

Growing parsley on your own plot

​When using a drip irrigation system, these problems can be avoided, especially if, simultaneously with watering, plants are also fed through the same system. It is known from practice that greenhouse plants in greenhouses where drip irrigation is used develop twice as fast and exceed the size of their watered “relatives.” in the usual ways. This is because drip irrigation encourages plants to develop healthier roots.​

The main advantages of drip irrigation of the site

Drip irrigation principle

​When describing drip irrigation, it is necessary to mention that the gradual supply of water contributes to less wear and tear on equipment and pipelines, and also saves energy. This means that all components of the system can work for a long time without requiring replacement. In addition, since this system is practically insensitive to low pressure in the pipeline and can water even at the lowest pressure, you will not have to spend money on buying a pump.​

Main advantages of drip irrigation

Root system

​during normal operation, each individual dropper should have a small wet spot with a diameter of about 30-40 cm;​

Soil aeration


​type of crops represented on the site and direction of planting rows.​


​Drip irrigation is used not only in agriculture, but also when growing ornamental plants (for example, for watering gardens and flower beds), as well as in the form of a subsurface irrigation system for irrigating lawns. It is for growing fruit and vegetable crops that drip irrigation provides greatest benefits. Here are just a few of them:​

Plant protection

​Drip irrigation irrigation does not wet the upper part of the plant, which reduces damage to leaves and fruits by fungal diseases.​

Preventing Soil Erosion

​Limited soil moisture SIGNIFICANTLY reduces the germination and development of weeds.​

Saving water

  • ​>With the help of micro-droppers, water is supplied in the form of individual drops or small streams. Suitable for greenhouses, small plants, bushes.​
  • ​used in cases where saving water resources, targeted distribution of water in a particular area, as well as regularity of watering are necessary.​

Labor and energy costs

  • ​If you decide to purchase a drip irrigation system, then you need to know all the components that are included in this system. So this is
  • ​Drip irrigation is also a salvation for plants planted in tubs and pots at the dacha. Very often, when watering the entire area, they are simply forgotten about, and these plants die because the soil in pots and tubs, especially in the open air and in the sun, quickly dries out. For these plants, you can use hoses with personal connections to the tubs or use drip irrigation from plastic bottles, dug into the ground.​
  • ​The main advantage of drip irrigation is that it provides plants with more effective hydration, preventing the roots from drying out or rotting from excess liquid.​

Video: one of the options for arranging drip irrigation

Possibility of growing crops on slightly saline soils

​If the spot diameter is smaller or completely absent, it is necessary to wash and check the droppers, which may need to be replaced;​

​For a summer cottage with slightly salty soil, drip irrigation is an excellent solution. This allows you to create excellent growing conditions for plants; during moistening, leaching occurs, that is, salts accumulate along the edges of the beds. Plants absorb water from soil that is already of normal composition, while salts simply do not enter it.​ ​Drip irrigation is perfect for both large agricultural complexes and country gardens​-​

  • ​14. Allows you to avoid leaf burns.​
  • ​5. Maintaining air-water balance.​
  • ​With the help of micro-sprinklers, a larger amount of water is delivered and, accordingly, a larger area is watered, compared to micro-drippers. Suitable for medium and large shrubs, hedges, small trees. By using multiple sources, large trees can be watered.​
  • ​The essence of the irrigation system is to install special hoses that distribute the supply of water flows throughout the entire area that must be irrigated.​
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  • ​Look at the photo:​
  • ​If there are puddles, you need to check the tightness of the connections.​

What is drip irrigation or drip irrigation, description, composition, installation.


​Usually a drip irrigation system consists of the following components: pumping station, pressure reducer, solenoid valves, drip lines. For agricultural complexes and “advanced” country systems, a mandatory part of drip irrigation is a unit for applying fertilizers.​ ​Delivers water to the root zone.​​Water droplets that fall on the leaves turn into microlenses. It's very dangerous in sunny weather, as leaf burns are possible. When using drip irrigation, water does not splash and neither it nor the dissolved fertilizers contained in it fall on the leaves. Therefore there are no burns. Mitlayer also points out this.

​With drip irrigation, it remains in the soil more air than with the surface method. This is due to the formation of a crust on the surface of the soil, which makes it difficult for air to penetrate into the ground.​​With the help of sprinklers, which water by splashing and creating a mist of water. These nozzles are used for large open areas, for example, lawns, golf courses. With this type of irrigation, water reaches the deep roots of plants, ensuring their healthy growth.

​valves regulating water supply;​ Monarda plant is not only quite cute, but also useful. Monarda decoction can be used as tea or medicine for stomach pain and fever. That is why monarda is so popular among summer residents of the country. The Monarda genus has about 20 different varieties, more

​with drip irrigation, water is supplied to the plant root zone, so it is instantly absorbed and the plant uses the incoming moisture 100%.​​After the season is over, the irrigation equipment is washed, dried and dismantled. They must be stored in an unheated room, but they can also be left directly on the ground by removing the control unit. Sensors, rubber seals, and the controller should only be stored at above-zero temperatures.​

​Layout diagram of components for drip irrigation.​

​The internal design of the drip lines provides a “labyrinth” to maintain equal pressure throughout the system, and the drip outlets are extremely small. When there are organic and inorganic particles in the water, drip lines can easily become clogged and fail. Therefore, an important part of the drip irrigation system is a filter station for water purification.​

​With sprinkler irrigation, water enters the above-ground part of the plant, which can cause sunburn of leaves or rotting of fruits (for example, tomatoes). With drip irrigation this is impossible.​

Drip irrigation system

​15. Allows the use of saltier water.​​6. Simultaneous use of water and nutrients.​ ​The basis of a drip irrigation system​​Drip irrigation is the organization of regular watering of plants by supplying a certain amount of water at a specially designated time.​

​meter, which measures the total amount of water passing through the system;​

​Summer salads, soups, cold cuts and sandwiches are never complete without fresh and fragrant greens, among which green parsley most often plays the main role. And, if you have not yet had time to sow the beds with this wonderful crop, we will tell you how to grow parsley in the country....Creating a brick patio in your yardHeuchera in the gardenPanulata paniculata: planting and careBuilding a wooden pergola with your own handsWhat you need to know to choose the right laminate Decorative artificial pond at the dacha Chainsaw for the dacha: how to choose a quality tool? Growing zucchini: varieties, planting and care, seeds, harvesting Heather: care and protection from pests

​The use of drip irrigation makes it possible to saturate each plant with a certain amount of water depending on its individual needs. The root system develops much better with this type of watering than with other methods. As you know, the bulk of the root shoots are located exactly in the place where the droppers are located, which means that water, getting directly to them, causes the roots to become more fibrous, with a large number of active root hairs. As a result, the intensity of the root system's consumption of nutrients from the soil along with moisture increases.

​Drip irrigation installed at a summer cottage is extremely simple, but the system still needs proper care. The only problem that you may encounter during operation is contamination. various parts irrigation systems, therefore it is necessary to take measures to eliminate and prevent blockages. To do this, once a year the plug is removed and the system is washed with plain water. For the winter, only the main unit is removed indoors; the remaining parts of the irrigation system can remain outdoors.​

​Drip irrigation can be done quite easily and quickly with your own hands; for this you need to purchase simple materials, a controller and sensors that will regulate the water supply. Such a system is suitable not only for watering beds on open ground, but also for greenhouses itself. various designs and size.​

​The durability of a drip irrigation system directly depends on the mineralogical composition of the water. If you use water that is unfavorable in terms of salt and calcium content, the drippers will become clogged with mineral deposits, which will require cleaning or replacing the line.​ ​Drip irrigation is the best choice for growing vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, onions, beets​

​Frequent watering using micro-drippers allows you to use irrigation water with a high salt content and not worry about plant development and yield. Frequent watering removes excess salts to the “sides” of the moistened volume of soil.​

  • ​The use of nutrients along with irrigation water allows them to be distributed throughout the entire area of ​​water distribution. This reduces fertilizer losses, improves the digestibility of substances and saves not only money, but also time for the application and high-quality distribution of fertilizers.​
  • ​is a drip tube that must dose water equally along the entire length of the tube. We would like to warn you in advance against trying to make a drip tube yourself by drilling a simple garden hose or any other tube. A tube with regular holes does not work as it should because... holes that are closer to the water source provide greater water flow, and with distance from the source, the flow rate decreases. In addition to all this, in one season the holes become clogged with dirt and overgrown with algae.​
  • ​Approximate diagram of a simple garden drip irrigation system​

​filter system - sand-gravel, mesh, disk, with automatic or manual washing (depending on the quality of the supplied water);​ ​Different from sprinkling, during drip irrigation water flows directly into the root zone, in small portions, so that washes away root system. The amount of moisture, the frequency of its receipt, the total volume - everything is clearly regulated depending on the needs of the plants that you water. Through the drip irrigation system, moisture will flow to each plant in equal quantities.​

​As the water passes through the pipes of the system, it warms up to the optimal temperature, so the roots of plants do not experience stress from too low temperatures when watering.​

​When using filters for water purification, it is necessary to regularly clean them and replace those that are no longer suitable; this will not only keep the entire system clean, but also provide the plants with water suitable for irrigation. When adding various fertilizers, bait and other liquid substances to the water, the system is checked more often in order to completely eliminate the possibility of clogging and damage.​ ​Before you begin constructing such irrigation, you must first plan the system. To do this, we draw a plan of the summer cottage with the placement of all the beds. After this, we mark the places where water conduits and drip hoses will pass, it is worth noting the locations of individual droppers. Don't forget about plugs, taps, sensors. We remember that the system should go on a slight slope.​

​Depending on the crop for which irrigation is being installed, the selection of drip lines is carried out according to such parameters as water flow, pitch (distance between droppers) and the type of droppers themselves.​

Advantages of drip irrigation.

​-​ ​Due to the limited volume of moist soil, narrow water passages in the emitters and a huge amount necessary equipment, drip irrigation has some disadvantages.​

  • ​7. Adjustment of water and nutrients depending on the growing season.​
  • ​The factory-made drip tube has special inserts that delay the movement of water. These inserts are located at a distance of 20-30 cm, depending on the brand of tube. All you have to do is lay a pipe along the trunks of the plants and supply water to it.​
  • ​Drip irrigation (irrigation) installations are necessary for caring for gardens, parks, vegetable gardens and flower beds that require special irrigation for healthy growth. Watering has this name due to the presence of special droppers in this type of irrigation system. The water in them is under slight pressure, due to which a certain pressure appears, and the system regularly supplies the amount of water required for a particular plant. The advantages of a drip irrigation system are its small sizes and a logically constructed design that allows you to maintain any green area in order (very often they use a drip irrigation system in greenhouses, because this is always warm water and the required quantity and time in your greenhouse)
  • ​a special unit for introducing fertilizers into the soil, which ensures gradual dissolution and application of fertilizer to the irrigation site along with water;​
  • ​With drip irrigation, the root system develops much better than with other irrigation methods. The bulk of the root shoots are concentrated exactly in the place where the drip zone is located. The roots become more fibrous, with more active root hairs. The intensity of consumption of nutrients from the soil and necessary moisture by the root system increases significantly.​
  • ​Watch a video of drip irrigation at the dacha, mounted with your own hands:​
  • ​The drip irrigation system today is considered one of the most economical and convenient; it allows you to reduce the amount of water supplied to the beds, while using it more efficiently. The installation of such a system on your site is very simple; for this you need to prepare the simplest materials and a block that will ensure the correct, planned supply of water.​
  • ​When choosing a material for an irrigation system in a summer cottage, we give preference to plastic pipes, which last much longer, are more convenient to use, and do not rust. In addition, the use steel pipes It is simply unacceptable if fertigation is carried out, that is, adding various fertilizers, mineral or chemical substances.​
  • ​In vegetable growing, a drip line is laid in a row or between two rows of plantings, providing a moisture strip 25 - 30 cm wide. The location of drip lines can be above ground or underground.​
  • ​Reduces soil weeds and improves plant health​
  • ​1. Possibility of clogged passages.​
  • ​The use of Fertigation technology makes it possible to different periods For plant development, only the necessary amount of water and fertilizer is supplied. This allows you to significantly influence the quality and quantity of the harvest.​
  • ​Drip irrigation systems​
  • ​Drip irrigation (or drip irrigation)​
  • ​automatic controller with programming of water supply time, quantity and total volume of irrigation;​
  • ​Using drip irrigation systems, it is possible to keep the soil moist to the required level, this ensures air circulation and breathing of the root system during the entire growth cycle. Soil oxygen, which now penetrates more easily into the roots, allows them to function actively and at full strength.​
  • ​When supplying water to a drip irrigation system for plants, you can add fertilizers to it, which in this case are delivered faster to the roots of the plants and are better absorbed by them, so that the plants absorb active and nutrient substances faster and more intensely. This method of irrigation is the most effective when fertilizing and watering the soil in hot and dry climate conditions.​
  • ​Every living thing on this planet simply needs water; without it, living organisms cannot live even a few days. Residents in garden beds especially need watering, because it provides them with adequate nutrition and growth.​
  • ​All pipes of the drip irrigation system are laid directly on the ground, buried in it or suspended on special supports. The materials of pipes, droppers and tapes must be opaque, which avoids flowering and frequent clogging. When going deep into the soil, only thick-walled products should be used to avoid leaks and possible damage.​
  • ​When irrigating vineyards, drip lines are located at a low height above the ground​
  • ​. Drip irrigation inhibits weed growth and reduces herbicide and soil cultivation costs. Fertilizers can be applied simultaneously with water, and it is possible to strictly dose their volume.​
  • ​Narrow passages in drippers are susceptible to clogging with solid particles of organic and chemical substances. Clogging can also occur by sucking particles and roots from the soil into the dripper itself. Belts and hands are the most susceptible to clogging.​
  • ​8. Automation
  • ​designed for watering trees, shrubs, individual flower beds and fruit and berry plants for which sprinkler irrigation is either contraindicated or insufficient.​
  • ​is the most effective and economical way to water gardens, vineyards, flower and ornamental plantings, vegetables in greenhouses and greenhouses.​
  • ​special pipeline system;​
  • Fertilizers that dissolve during irrigation are applied directly to the irrigation zone, along with water. At this moment, the absorption of active and nutrients occurs more quickly and intensively. This method is the most effective among soil fertilization methods in hot and dry climate conditions.​
  • The operating principle of drip irrigation is designed in such a way that water does not fall on the leaves, fungicides and insecticides are not washed off them into the soil, which means that the possibility of the spread of various diseases among plants is reduced.
  • ​Traditional irrigation - sprinkling, furrow or flood irrigation - very often leads to negative consequences, especially in such a fastidious plant as a tomato. This is why gardeners recommend drip irrigation of tomatoes. This method ensures timely supply of water to plants, the amount they need, and also serves as an obstacle to fungal diseases. After such watering, the soil near the roots of the plants does not become crusty and the roots breathe freely. With this watering system, the foliage remains dry and the fruits practically do not rot.​

Disadvantages of drip irrigation.

​Drip lines laid on the ground can be easily moved if the planting pattern changes or replaced if they fail. They are convenient if plants are not grown in long beds, but are located on slopes at different levels. However, due to their open location, these lines may receive mechanical damage and suffer from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.​

​2.Higher cost of equipment.​

​Standard drip irrigation is semi-automatic, since you need to fill the tank with water, wait until it warms up and then open the valve and water the plants. But there is an opportunity to improve this system by creating automatic drip irrigation. On the remote control you indicate the time of filling the tank and the period and duration of watering.​

​The considered irrigation methods are used to one degree or another when maintaining plants during landscaping and landscaping of various areas. The choice of one of them is a matter, first of all, of the customer, as well as a specialist designer based on a feasibility study.​

​Drip irrigation​

​distribution pipes and mains made of metal-plastic (stationary, underground placement) and a flexible, reinforced hose for surface installation, corresponding to the required water flow;​

​With drip irrigation, you can cultivate the soil at any time, spray the plants, or even harvest the crop, since, regardless of the irrigation periods, the soil between the rows always remains dry.​

​Since the drip irrigation system moistens the soil to the required degree, normal air circulation is maintained in it, which means that the breathing of the root system will also remain normal during the entire growth cycle. At the same time, soil oxygen penetrates faster into the roots of plants, which allows them to function more actively. In addition, normal air circulation in the soil and sufficient moisture prevent soil erosion.​

​Drip irrigation of tomatoes is carried out exactly at the root of the tomato special device, which is not at all difficult to do at home. To do this, you will need a water supply source, a drip irrigation tape, a disc filter, a pressure regulator, a pipe for the distribution pipeline, fittings and taps and other peripherals for attaching all these parts. Of course, the detailed description of making a drip irrigation system is quite voluminous and complex, but the result will exceed all expectations.​

​Attention must be paid to the water supply; irrigation can be carried out from the main water pipeline or from a container specially installed for this purpose. In this case, the volume is determined based on irrigation needs. The water tank (if necessary) is installed at the highest point, raising it to a level of 1.5-2 m above the ground. The container should be protected from direct sunlight to prevent flowering.​

​Subsurface drip lines are protected from such troubles - their durability can reach 15 - 18 years. In addition, this solution can significantly reduce water consumption. But subsoil drippers also have their own drawback: the possibility of roots growing into the tubes, which causes the system to completely fail.​

Drip irrigation of fruits and vegetables - Prestige Autowatering

​Increases productivity.​

Benefits of drip irrigation

​Due to the large number of outlets and emitters, the drip irrigation system is not mobile and has a higher cost compared to the mechanical irrigation method.​

​9. Adaptability to any topographic conditions and various soils.​ ​Drip irrigation​​is that irrigation is ensured by slow (drop by drop) and long-term supply of water to the root zone of plants and maintaining optimal humidity in it throughout the growing season.​

​droppers and drip lines.​

​Drip irrigation does not wet the foliage of plants, as during sprinkler irrigation, which means that fungicides and insecticides are not washed into the soil. The possibility of the spread of plant diseases is also significantly reduced. Drip irrigation can be arranged in areas with even the most complex topography. In this case, you will not have to build any ledges or move the soil, drying it out and compromising its integrity. In addition, the drip irrigation system is used not only for watering, but also for organic fertilizer of tomatoes. In order for the irrigation system to be used for fertilizer, a special tank is connected under it, where fertilizers are actually poured.​

​A more expensive way to supply water is to install a pump, but this will save installation space water tower, therefore, it is necessary to make a decision based on the size of the dacha plot and the availability of free space. Drip irrigation lines perform excellently when used both in industrial conditions and in ordinary dacha plots. They are reliable, economical and very effective. Contact the Avtopoliv-Prestige company, and our specialists will quickly and efficiently perform a preliminary calculation for you, design a drip irrigation system and carry out its installation.​ ​The use of drip irrigation can increase productivity by more than 30%. At the same time, the quality of the harvest improves: the yield of marketable fruits almost doubles.

​3. Vulnerability of tapes.​​Drip irrigation works successfully on steep slopes, shallow and compacted soils with low water penetration rates and sandy soils with low water retention capacity.​ ​has many advantages over other types of irrigation. Drip irrigation significantly increases water use efficiency and improves the growth conditions of irrigated plants.​

Drip irrigation device for fruits and vegetables

​Water is supplied through a pipeline system to the irrigation zone and through special water outlets - droppers - under each plant or row of plants. Simultaneously with water, a fertilizer solution can also be supplied to the soil.​

  • ​Drip irrigation has become popular for quite some time. The reasons for this are described above. This is a real saving in labor costs and time that each person spends on watering, saving water and energy, and therefore personal funds, as well as full automation of watering, which ensures healthy growth of crops with minimal control of the site owner. Installing this system will help you forget about the irrigation problems that existed before for a long time and provide the plants in your dacha, country house or even an ordinary garden with a timely supply of moisture and fertilizers, which are so necessary for the health and fertility of crops.​
  • ​It is possible to arrange special irrigation in areas even with the most complex topography. To do this, there is no need to build any ledges or move the soil, drying it out and compromising its integrity.​
  • ​Given the principle of operation of drip irrigation, this system is indicated for growing crops on slightly saline soils. A feature of this type of irrigation is the leaching of salts from the soil. But at the same time, even if salts accumulate along the edges of the irrigation zone, this will not cause harm to the plants, since moisture will be absorbed by the plant root system only from the leached zone.​
  • ​Drip watering of plants is the most optimal way to saturate the root system with moisture, negating the risk of soil erosion. At first glance, drip irrigation technology may seem too sophisticated to some gardeners, and many ignore this method precisely for this reason. And it’s completely in vain - you will see the advantages of drip irrigation at the very first harvest.​

A universal and low-cost method of irrigation is increasing the number of its supporters every day. Today we will talk about how to make drip irrigation with your own hands and how to use this irrigation technique correctly.

There is a lot of talk about the benefits of drip moistening the soil. This watering device is effective and convenient in greenhouses and open ground. This type of irrigation increases the useful water consumption to almost one hundred percent. For which crops can spot irrigation be used? Full soil moisture is beneficial for tomatoes and other vegetables, which will delight you with flowering and fresh herbs.

Facts for those who doubt whether a spot watering method is needed for the garden:

  • commercial output of tomatoes, cabbage, bell pepper, carrots and other vegetables increases by almost ninety percent;
  • water consumption for irrigation is reduced by half, you can clearly regulate how much to water;
  • plantings in the garden are less susceptible to disease;
  • fertilizers are delivered directly to the roots of plants, which increases their effectiveness several times.

For your information! Drip irrigation significantly saves water consumption. It will be indispensable in areas with low pressure in the water supply. The system can even operate by gravity; to do this, you will need to install a storage tank (barrel) on the site and throw hoses from it to the beds.

In this material we will try to figure out how to make a drip irrigation system, how to assemble it with your own hands and how to choose components of suitable quality from manufacturers for irrigation. We will find out how much water which plants need, which one is needed, whether a filter is needed and what pressure needs to be maintained in the pipes. In conclusion, we will tell you how to use spot irrigation and how to properly care for the structure.

The photo shows an example of the system:

Effective types of watering in the garden

In the list of the most popular methods of watering plants, sprinkling takes first place. Such systems do not require special investments and are very easy to use. They consist of a hose and a sprayer (sprinkler). In addition to the manual method of watering, there are also devices for automatic sprinkling. There are types of sprinklers that rotate around an axis and thus cover a large irrigation radius. They are also called sprinklers.

For your information! A pump for pumping water into a garden irrigation system is installed at a well or borehole. There are units that connect directly to the water tap and create increased pressure, pumping out its contents.

To moisten the soil at the roots of trees, a subsurface irrigation system is more effective. A targeted drip supply of moisture directly to the root system will have a beneficial effect on the plants in the greenhouse. This type of watering can also be automated.

We have listed the main types of field irrigation, but modern manufacturers are offering more and more new complexes that use latest systems automation. They use sensors that measure soil moisture and precipitation, and programmable timers.

It is quite possible to make a watering mechanism yourself. There are various types of hoses and all components of automated systems on sale.

Pros and cons of drip irrigation in a greenhouse

Any plant care system has its disadvantages and advantages. Drip irrigation is no exception.

pros Minuses
Reducing water consumption by half compared to sprinkling. The drip irrigation technique was first invented and tested in Israel, where water is of great value.The system's droppers are constantly becoming clogged. To resolve this issue, you must use filtering.
Another advantage is significant. Spot watering is especially useful for tomatoes and cucumbers.
With the help of such irrigation, it is possible to deliver nutrients and fertilizers directly to the roots of plants. In addition, pest control agents can be added using this method; they will be extremely effective.Thin drip lines are often damaged by rodents or pets.
Drip irrigation prevents the formation of a hard crust on the soil surface. Loose soil allows oxygen to pass through, which is essential for plant roots.
Watering can be carried out even on hot sunny days, without fear that drops of water will lead to burns on the leaves.The service life of a set for spot irrigation is no more than two years. Afterwards you will have to buy a new one.
With spot irrigation, it is possible to regulate the temperature and water the plants warm water, avoiding shock.
The system can operate even in the absence of pressure in the water supply.Installing the system requires financial investment, as does its timely updating.
Drip irrigation significantly saves time and effort.

Drip irrigation: what does the system consist of?

All elements of a point irrigation system can be purchased separately and assembled with your own hands:

  1. Droppers or drip tapes– carry out a gradual supply of moisture to the roots of plants. Droppers can be non-separable or collapsible (the latter are convenient for cleaning). In some versions, they have adjustments that allow you to control the intensity of watering.
  2. Supply hose– supplies water to the systems.
  3. Switch taps- connect and disconnect water to different directions systems.
  4. Masterblock– a device with a set of filters and a pressure regulator.

Important! Before purchasing materials for drip irrigation, it is necessary to make careful calculations, or even better, draw a diagram of the entire system. This way you can save a lot on materials.

How to choose the right tapes for drip irrigation

There are three main types of drip tapes:

  • tape Labyrinth;
  • emitter type tape;
  • slot tape.

Let's look at each of these types:

Types of watering tapes Description


Labyrinthine channels are formed on the tape material. They reduce the speed of water flow. Labyrinthine canals are very fragile and are easily damaged during installation. In addition, it is important to know how to properly lay such watering hoses.

In this option, labyrinth partitions are not located along the entire length of the hose, but in places where there are laser-cut exits. Installation of such a system is much simpler. Please note that a slot system requires good filtration. Such a device can be inexpensively installed with your own hands.


This tape irrigation uses individual drippers built into the hose. They practically do not become clogged during operation due to the self-cleaning process. This quality directly affects the price of the product. Their production requires significant costs. An example of such material is Tuboflex tapes.

Answering the question of which drip tape is better is not easy. User opinions in reviews vary. The choice in most cases depends on the financial capabilities of the summer resident. And yet, many consider emitter hoses to be the best, despite their decent cost.

For your information! A little about the characteristics of the water supply channel. The tapes are available in two standard diameters - 16 and 22 millimeters. The most commonly used hose is 16 mm in diameter. Its maximum working length is two hundred and fifty meters. When calculating the length of the drip tape, it should be taken into account that twenty-two-millimeter hoses cannot have a length of more than four hundred and fifty meters.

The strength of the tape depends on the thickness of the material. It ranges from 0.125 mm to 0.4 mm.

Advice! If you plan to use the tape for one season, purchase material from maximum thickness walls

The distance between the emitters is also an important factor when choosing. For different types of plantings, the correct number of outlet holes should be selected. Carrots, onion sets and other densely planted crops need tapes with closely spaced emitters. Tomatoes, cucumbers and other plants planted at a large distance will benefit from a tape with a distance between holes of 30 centimeters or more. How to lay tapes and what distance between tapes must be maintained in the following video:

For your information! A hole pitch of 10 to 20 centimeters is used for watering sandy soils and, if necessary, wetting plantings in a continuous line. Thirty-centimeter distances are suitable for planting potatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers. Forty centimeters and more - for melons.

How to select the moisture consumption of the emitter:

How to mount pieces of tape together? How to connect a water control and supply system to it? Fittings will be required for this purpose. They are selected according to the diameter of the tape.

One last thing: how much does the tape cost? Its price starts from three rubles per meter and can reach ten to fifteen rubles. Tapes are sold in coils by the meter.

What are start connectors for drip irrigation and how to use them

The starting connector is also called a fitting. It serves to connect parts of the irrigation system into one whole. You can buy connectors with a tap, rotating, branched. All these parts are necessary for installation.

Advice! Before purchasing fittings, draw up a connection diagram for all parts of the drip irrigation structure. Mark the places where the starting valve, splitter and other elements should be located.

Fitting connection options:

Fitting connection options Description

Threaded connectors are designed to connect to standard water pipes with ¾ or ½ threads.

Designed to connect the system with PVC pipes or soft hose. Especially in demand by summer residents, as they are used as a temporary connection

Connector for connecting PVC pipes of the same diameter

With seal
Suitable for connection through a hole drilled in the pipe wall. Equipped with a rubber sealing ring.

All fittings listed are suitable for the system Tuboflex and other kits for point irrigation.

An important element of the system: drippers for irrigation

The main thing in spot watering is a dropper, which directly supplies moisture to the roots of plants. This element of the system is mounted in a tape or hose.

Important! Installing droppers with your own hands means that each of them will be directed directly to the roots of flowers and vegetable crops.

Over time, any dripper becomes clogged and tiny particles of soil fall into the hole. If the device can be disassembled, do periodic cleaning. If not, you can try to blow out the system with an air pump.

Types of drippers in greenhouses:

Types of droppers Description
AdjustableThey have a removable lid for cleaning and regulate the flow of liquid from drops to streams.
UnregulatedAn irrigation system from drippers of this type does not make it possible to increase or decrease the liquid supply according to at will. The intensity of irrigation depends only on the pressure in the pipes. For uniform watering it is necessary to use compensators.
CompensatedThe complex design of such drippers with silicone membranes makes it possible to consume a strictly defined amount of moisture, regardless of the pressure in the water supply.
UncompensatedThey are based on a regular labyrinth, which reduces the speed of passage of the water flow.

All these devices can be used for drip irrigation, greenhouse crops and open ground plantings.

Basic principles for selecting droppers:

  • they should be easy to clean from clogging. Removable caps are very convenient; they allow you to quickly and easily return the dropper to service;
  • The device's throughput is important. The bigger it is, the better. In this case, for cleaning it is enough to increase the liquid flow;
  • the use of high-quality polymers that do not react with chemical fertilizers.

You can make an external drip for irrigation yourself. Many gardeners use medical devices for these purposes; you can make a simple device from a plastic bottle. Price homemade device will be several times less, especially if you use available materials. The following video shows an example of how to make a drip irrigation system for cucumbers:

Automatic types of drip irrigation, where they can be purchased

An automatic self-watering system greatly facilitates the gardener’s work. Modern manufacturers offer the best systems with timers, sensors and programmable controls. The price of the machine starts from two and a half thousand rubles. Where can I buy ready-made kits for greenhouses? They are offered by numerous online providers. There are systems for several greenhouses or irrigation of large areas. In this case, it is better to entrust the installation of the watering complex to professionals.

What is included in the irrigation complex and how the system works:

Component of the complex Description

You can use water from a barrel or plastic tank. It should be located in such a container. Plants in a greenhouse need warm water.

A device that includes watering right time day and regulating its intensity. This device effectively controls water flow.

Sensor system
The devices control water heating, soil moisture and temperature conditions.

Pipe and dripper system
Directly supply water to the plants.

What is the best automatic watering system? For greenhouses made of polycarbonate or other materials, there are several options for automatic irrigation:

  1. Drip point– protects plantings from the first frosts, optimally consumes moisture.
  2. Sprinkling– water is supplied from above using special sprayers. This option is not bad for a greenhouse, but don’t expect any water savings in this case.
  3. In-ground- requires high expenses for arrangement, since it is necessary to bury perforated pipes in the soil. Used in large greenhouse farms.

Which system to choose? In each case, the approach is purely individual. In-ground irrigation is considered more effective than spot irrigation, but requires greater costs; sprinkling reduces costs to a minimum, but is inferior in efficiency.

You can assemble automatic systems with your own hands; for this, all the elements necessary for installation are on sale. You can stop at ready-made options from manufacturers, for example, or .

Advice! To decide on the automatic watering system that is most suitable for you, take the time to study the reviews that buyers post online. As a rule, it is in them that all the advantages and disadvantages of devices are objectively assessed.

Drip irrigation system for the Zhuk greenhouse: features and cost

Kit for automatic system Irrigation "Bug" is connected to a container with water. If necessary, you can take water not from a barrel, but directly from a water pipe. Installation of the device is extremely simple. To automate watering, you can install it with a timer; it is sold separately.

Non-toxic materials were used to manufacture system elements. You can buy such a set at a price of 1600 rubles. The timer will cost two and a half thousand. The device is designed to water six dozen plants on two.

Automatic drip irrigation set "Aquadusya"

The Aquadusya system can be used not only in greenhouses, but also in open ground. It is available in two versions: full automatic and semi-automatic. Currently, semi-automatic kits marked 60 and 50 have been discontinued and what is being sold are remnants of batches. Modern models "Aquadusi", Start And Water Tap, can work both without automation and with it. The difference between the Start and Water Tap models is that the first uses warm water from a barrel, and the second uses cold water from plumbing system. Greenhouse plants need warm water. Cold water can be used to water flowers and vegetables planted in open ground.

An automatic irrigation kit allows you to leave the area unattended for a week. This is very convenient for summer residents visiting country estates on weekends.

For your information! To pump water, Aquadusya uses a battery-powered pump. For this reason, there is no need to lift the container with liquid onto a high stand to ensure pressure.

In the set "Start" there is a float. If you install it on a water pipe going into a barrel, after filling the liquid supply will be stopped. The principle is the same as in cistern toilet.

But Water Tap will only work if the pressure is at least 0.3 atmospheres, and this does not always work out, especially during the season.

Greenhouse drip irrigation kits: reviews of popular models

Olga, 38 years old, Tver:“I tried the kit last year. We used it in conjunction with a thousand-liter barrel. Mostly satisfied. The only problem is that it often gets clogged, but my husband read that you need to use filters. This is correct, we draw water into the tank from a well. This year we are purchasing filters and a timer.”

Sergey, 64 years old, Novgorod: We had to replace all the taps; they leaked on the first day. After changing the fittings everything worked just fine. Installing the Beetle is as easy as shelling pears, it’s worth cleaning it up for the winter, that’s not difficult either. Overall satisfied."

Evgeniy, 47 years old, Bryansk: We installed the system for a grandmother in the village; she is no longer old enough to stand with a watering can every morning. There is no end to the delights. And the yield has increased, and there is no need to constantly draw from the barrel and fill it again. Everything works automatically."

Ekaterina, 39 years old, Rostov:“We went broke on this device, one might say, forcedly. We planted a vegetable garden, and then we had to family matters leave for ten days. The summer was very hot. My husband installed the system and turned it on, but there wasn’t much hope. Upon returning home, a real surprise awaited us. Not a single plant died, despite the heat! Very happy with the purchase!”

Egor, 52 years old, Smolensk:“I noticed that after installing the system, the tomatoes began to hurt less. If you haven’t decided which set is best for a greenhouse, take this one. I installed it in literally an hour, no difficulties arose.”

Ksenia, 33 years old, Tver:“Immediately after installing the Water meter, I was worried that very little water was coming out. Usually you stand with a hose all morning, and there is little use, but then there are some drops. Out of curiosity, I picked up the soil at the roots of the peppers. Surprisingly, the ground is moist, and it does not dry out, as usually happens under the sun during the day. The results were calculated at the end of the season. In all crops, the yield increased by 30-40 percent.”


Stanislav, 61 years old, Ulyanovsk:“Age doesn’t allow me to care for my garden the way I used to. My son bought the irrigation system. They set it up in the beds in two hours. It’s good that the hoses are flexible and can be laid out as needed. Now there are no problems with the spill. We’re just harvesting.”

Kristina, 28 years old, Maykop:“I have two greenhouses for early cucumbers and greens. We installed Gardena complete with a still barrel. The water is heated by a heating element, watering goes directly to the roots. The vegetables are developing very well and I am now planting a second batch in late summer. I get another harvest, everything is green, even when the temperature outside is approaching zero.”

How to make your own drip irrigation system for a greenhouse

You can make a device for spot irrigation yourself. It's not as difficult as it seems. Homemade kit will cost much less than the factory version.

Some important tips for configuring and using equipment:

  1. The reservoir for the watering system must be made of plastic. Metal barrels They rust quickly, the smallest particles of rust instantly clog the droppers.
  2. The barrel should be filled with cleaned and. This way you will save yourself from the need to frequently clean the micro-irrigation system.
  3. At least once every ten days it is necessary to check the functioning of the system and the cleanliness of the filters.
  4. Dissolve fertilizers thoroughly before adding them to a container of water. After adding chemicals, the barrel and belts must be washed.
  5. Disassemble the capillary irrigation kit for the winter.

How to make a device yourself? To work you will need a drip tape, a tank, water pipe, fittings for connecting parts, mortise tap, .

The photo shows a diagram of the organization of self-watering:

Before installation, you need to decide where the water tank will be located. This is an important issue because the location of the tank affects the pressure in the belts. The higher the barrel stands, the faster its contents are consumed. Do not get carried away with high stands: on hot days the water will drain too quickly, and besides, a high stand will require additional installation efforts.

The tap for connection must be embedded not into the bottom of the barrel, but at a height of five to ten centimeters from the bottom. All sediment will accumulate there and will not fall into the drip irrigation.

Advice! As nozzles for subsoil watering of tomatoes and other garden crops You can use medical droppers. The diameter of their tubes is only one and a half to two millimeters.

All that remains is to install the pipe for the main liquid supply and plug it at the ends.

Idea! If you still have questions about how to make the device yourself, try a mini-model that can be used in a greenhouse for seedlings.

If you do everything correctly, watering will work without your participation.

Installation diagram for drip irrigation in a greenhouse: what is important to remember

To irrigate plants in a greenhouse, the simplest system with one main channel and drippers connected to it is sufficient. The irrigation barrel can be located in the greenhouse itself or outside. The first option is convenient because on cool days the barrel cools down less. In the second, free access will be provided to the container, which will facilitate its timely cleaning and filling. So think carefully about how to install the tank. To estimate the minimum tank volume, multiply the area of ​​the greenhouse by 20 (the required amount of water per square meter). For example, for a greenhouse with an area of ​​30 square meters You will need to install a container with a volume of at least 600 liters.

Advice! Use plastic pipes to organize the main channel.

The distance between the droppers in the diagram should be at least thirty centimeters. Drip irrigation lasts 2-3 hours a day. This is the time required to fully supply plant roots with moisture. If you leave watering for a longer period of time, the roots may rot.

Advice! The length of the drip lines should not be more than one meter.

To understand how to organize drip irrigation, develop detailed drawing. Indicate on it all the joints, points and fastenings.

Video example of how to properly do drip irrigation in a greenhouse:

Requirements for the main pipe for drip irrigation

HDPE pipes with a diameter of 32 or 16 mm are used as the main line. You can also make a line from PVC pipe or metal-plastic pipes. How to choose something most suitable? It is difficult to say which pipe is better, they are all quite strong, durable and excellent for irrigation. And their price is almost the same.

When deciding which diameter to choose, consider the size of the area being irrigated. In a greenhouse it makes sense to make a main supply from polypropylene pipes smaller diameter.

Practice advice! To easily insert pipe fittings, use a screwdriver and a wood drill for drilling. They do an excellent job with polyethylene pipes.

Before inserting the drip hose, rubber seals must be inserted into the drilled holes. Without them, the oozing hose will lose a lot of precious moisture.

How to make a main pipeline with your own hands in this video:

Venturi injector or plant feeding unit

Timely application of fertilizers is a condition for good yield. Scientifically, the process of applying fertilizers during irrigation is called fertigation, and the source from which dissolved chemicals are supplied to the roots of plants is called a fertigation unit or a feeding unit.

To apply fertilizers, you can choose periodic or continuous mode. The simplest calculation is a concentration of three to ten kilograms per hectare.

How to dose chemicals for drip irrigation? For this purpose you will need a fertilizer tank and a Venturi dispenser.

The dissolved chemicals are placed in a separate container. They enter the drip irrigation system in parallel with the main moisture, mixing with it. At first glance, the installation is very primitive. But how to choose the right proportion for mixing and maintain the required concentration?

The principle of operation of the Venturi injector lies in the specificity of the movement of liquid under a pressure difference. Water passing through the dispenser forms a vacuum, which carries the chemical solution with it. Thus, the two liquids are mixed in the main main channel and evenly flow to the roots of the plants. The injector can be connected to a 1" or 2" pipe. You can buy Venturi at any gardening store.

Dispenser device in the diagram:

For your information! The dispenser is made of resistant to chemical exposure materials.

Another option for maintaining the necessary concentration of chemicals is the use of dosatron. This is a more advanced and accurate control system. It is not difficult to install it directly into a drip irrigation system with your own hands. There is a turbine inside the device, which is driven by liquid pressure in the pipeline. The dosatron adjustment is carried out only when it is installed. Further, the device does not need your attention. There are many videos on the Internet on how to properly use and install the dispenser.

Main characteristics of the fertigation process:

  • fertilizing should begin no earlier than half an hour after the start of irrigation;
  • feeding duration is 30 minutes plus another half hour for rinsing with clean water;
  • the amount of chemicals to be added is one kilogram per thousand liters of liquid, no more;
  • When applying chemicals, care must be taken and personal protective equipment is required.

Using filters for drip irrigation

Without a filter, a homemade or factory-made drip installation will clog literally in a matter of days, and if the quality of water for irrigation leaves much to be desired, then in a matter of hours.

Things to consider when choosing a filter:

  • what degree of water purification is required;
  • device throughput level;
  • possible pressure loss in the system due to the use of a filter;
  • Dimensions of connections for connecting the filter device.

Which filter to choose for a drip irrigation system:

Filter types Peculiarities

A simple device that can be used if the area receives water from central water supply. This device has a minimal price and small size.

Fits . Plastic disc cartridges are used for filtering. Enough big device, is more expensive than the mesh one, but has numerous positive reviews from users.

An expensive device with a cyclonic self-cleaning system. Suitable for large greenhouse farms.

In principle, you can make a filtration system yourself. A simple garden filter for water from a well is made with gravel and sand filler. Such a system is usually placed at the outlet of water from a well, and a second fine filter is installed in the barrel.

It is installed indoors, therefore, you will need to install a drip irrigation installation line from the tank to the irrigation system through the house or.

Not everyone is ready for such expenses. You can make an automatic watering system with your own hands. To do this, a water tank is placed at an elevation sufficient to create the necessary pressure in the line.

All the most important things about drip irrigation materials

We have already talked about how to plan an irrigation system in a greenhouse. The water tank should be made of plastic and located on a high stand. In this case, the water will flow by gravity and you can do without a pump.

Advice! How to make a reliable stand for a tank with your own hands? For this purpose it is better to use a columnar base or screw piles. Such a strong foundation will not allow a heavy barrel to tip over. Four screw piles are screwed to the required depth, connected with a grillage, on which, in turn, a platform for the container is mounted. In this option, even if you use a two thousand liter tank for water, you can be sure of its stable position.

A main pipe comes from the barrel, supplying liquid to the droppers. For this element of the system you need to buy plastic pipes. If the system provides for pumping water with a pump, it is installed at the very beginning of the main line. The feeding unit with an injector is also connected to the same line. For chemicals, a second container is installed next to the main tank. All this equipment is located on a common platform. You can assemble the components separately, but it’s easier to buy ready-made kits, which include injectors, nozzles, drippers and valves for the greenhouse.

If drip tapes are used for irrigation, they are connected to the main line using tees. You don't need any special tools for this job. Plastic fittings are easy to insert by hand.

Advice! To irrigate plants under covering material, it is better to use drip tape.

A drip irrigation system can also be made from scrap materials. What you need for this: plastic bottles. One container is used for one or two plants. Holes are made in the plastic using a thin awl. The bottle is buried next to the plant. Moisture gradually flows from plastic bottles to the roots. The photo shows a diagram of how to equip watering via bottles:

The disadvantage of such a device is that you will have to constantly fill the containers, and this is a rather labor-intensive task. With a barrel and drippers, you need to spend more time on installation, but the labor costs will quickly pay off in the complete absence of hassle with watering.

The nuances of drip irrigation

In order for the irrigation system to function properly, you must follow simple rules:

  • Water for irrigation should be as free of impurities as possible. You can use water from a well, natural reservoir or tap. If the intake comes from a lake or well, install the pump at an average depth, do not raise turbidity and silt from the bottom. Please note that natural reservoirs are inhabited by fry, eggs, larvae and algae, so no matter how clean the moisture may seem, it must be carefully filtered. It is justified to install several filters - at the inlet and outlet of water into the storage tank.
  • After assembling the irrigation device in the greenhouse, it is necessary to conduct a trial run and check the operation of the automation. Before starting, check the tightness of all connections; to do this, blow out the hoses and injectors with a pump.
  • After startup, determine optimal time system operation. Most optimal mode work - evening. During a sunny day, the water in the storage tank will warm up, watering will be carried out with warm moisture, the plants will appreciate it.
  • Once every seven to ten days, carry out preventative cleaning of the system using pressurized air pump.

That's all the operating principles of the drip irrigation complex.


Drip irrigation system

Using the most advanced technologies allows you to increase productivity and, consequently, business profitability.

Drip irrigation systems can be used in greenhouses and outdoor areas.
Drip irrigation systems in greenhouses:

If you want to grow vegetables in your small greenhouse using modern high-performance technologies, then our systems are for you. The system allows watering to be carried out automatically, without the participation of personnel.
Drip irrigation systems for container growing:

Our company has developed and uses container growing systems for tomatoes and roses.

This method of cultivation makes it easier to maintain plants, reduces the spread of diseases in the greenhouse, facilitates harvesting, and reduces the main costs of cultivation.

The container data is connected to the solution unit, which controls all watering and the supply of necessary fertilizers and microelements.
Drip irrigation of open areas

For drip irrigation, we use drip lines or tapes, tube thickness from 0.105 mm or 0.3 mm, diameter from 16 to 20 mm. The number of drip lines per 1 hectare is approximately 14 km.

With such thickness of drip lines and appropriate care for them. The service life of the system is 3 years.

We can supply drip irrigation systems both turnkey and individual components.

Drip irrigation

It is worth noting that drip irrigation was invented in countries where water is worth its weight in gold, and therefore it is not surprising that this method can significantly save water consumption. Practice shows that when using the method you can achieve high results savings, up to 60% of the previous volume. In desert areas, water is valued very highly, much higher than our usual measure of gold. At the same time, gold, no matter what the attitude towards it, is just a metal. As for water, it can save a person, because it’s not for nothing that our body consists of 80-90% water. Moreover, the more water in the body, the better a person looks, and the younger he is.

It is also worth noting that, in addition to saving water, drip irrigation makes it possible to supply plants with mineral and organic substances, which are so necessary for their growth. Today, scientists are well aware of what substances plants need in order to produce greater yields. Meanwhile, the main problem This is not the point, but rather the delivery of these substances to the plant in full. Since water is supplied directly to the root system, it is possible to specifically deliver nutrients to the plant, avoiding overuse of fertilizers.

All over the world, drip irrigation is preferred by an increasing number of people, since its advantages that these irrigation systems have are obvious to professionals. And it is quite possible that the transition from the unstable state of agriculture that exists today to a state of colossal prosperity is much easier than it might seem at first glance.

So let's take a closer look pros and cons of drip irrigation

Advantage 1: root watering method
Everyone knows that daytime is not the best time for watering plants. If you use the sprinkling method on a sunny day, this will only lead to steaming of the plants. In addition, as a result of spraying, drops are formed on the leaves, which serve as natural lenses for receiving ultraviolet rays. And this, in turn, can lead to burns. Thus, the only effect that can be expected with this watering method will be the presence of a large number of black and brown spots on the leaves of the plant. As for drip irrigation, it gives unique opportunity stop sprinkling plants. Since water gets exclusively into the root zone of the plant, it moisturizes the root system, which means the whole plant feels great.

Advantage 2: low pressure
The drip irrigation system has huge advantages before the classical method, which lies in the peculiarities of the working pressure that is necessary for the operation of the entire system.
In the summer, summer residents and all those who live in rural areas, are faced with the fact that there is insufficient water pressure in the water supply for irrigation. This problem is especially relevant on weekends, when most of the population goes out of town to relax. And if the water supply system is shared, then it is not surprising that the pressure in it these days leaves much to be desired. The reason is simple - pumping stations are simply not designed to supply so many people and their needs. What to do in this case? Most people do it the old fashioned way, installing additional pumps in their garden. Meanwhile, a drip irrigation system can be created on the site, which will allow the irrigation system to operate even with a low pressure of 0.2-0.3 atm.

Advantage 3: water temperature
Using drip irrigation on the site provides another advantage - a suitable water temperature for plants. If a suitable container is installed for the system, in which you will draw water from the general water supply system, the water in the container will be heated to air temperature. As a result, the water will have a temperature that is ideal for plants in the range of 18 to 28 degrees. You can protect your plants from temperature shock, as happens every time water is supplied directly from a well. Low water temperatures for irrigation, while the air temperature is quite high, is undesirable.

Advantage 4: night watering
All those who have at least a little experience working with plants know that the viability and productivity of plants is largely influenced by the time of day at which watering is carried out. And everyone knows that it is best to water plants at night or early in the morning. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to fulfill these conditions. Therefore, many people have only one option - watering in the evening or at night, which is also not always convenient. For the most part, people do not water their plants systematically, but when they have time for it.
In fact, there is nothing complicated about evening or morning watering. You just need to install drip irrigation on the site. It is powered by a storage tank, the volume of which must be set individually depending on the size of your plot. However, in general, we can say that a volume of 1000 liters is suitable for watering 2 acres. In the morning, water is filled into the container, which is heated to required temperature, after which watering can be carried out in the evening. It is important to remember to turn off the water supply to the side. As a result, water will flow into the droppers for several hours and water the plants. Thus, it is more than possible to achieve ideal watering of plants.

Advantage 5: saving water
Even if you have your own well, you probably have a water meter installed, which means there is a natural need to save water. Most often, excessive water consumption is quite expensive, and therefore most people tend to save it. In this case, drip irrigation, which was invented in Israel, a country that is not very rich in water resources, will help save the situation, and will also allow you to always support the life of plants without overusing water. It is guaranteed that the yield of the plant will also increase by 2-2.5 times.

Advantage 6: increasing the efficiency of fertilizer application
In order to improve the quality of grown products, as well as improve productivity, it is recommended to feed the plants - mineral and organic fertilizers. If you use only natural fertilizers, you are guaranteed to increase your yield. As for drip irrigation, it is indispensable in order to deliver the necessary nutrients to plants, since in this case the digestibility increases to 60%. Warm water also facilitates easier absorption of vitamins, since it penetrates into the root system more easily.

Advantage 7: Physical labor costs
All those who have ever watered a garden or country cottage area, they probably know that this is a very labor-intensive and complex job, which, moreover, requires a lot of time. In turn, drip irrigation allows you to save as much energy as possible, allowing yourself to spend time in the fresh air relaxing, rather than getting even more tired.

Advantage 8: Automation of the irrigation system
The drip irrigation system can be automated using a specially installed controller that has electric valves. You simply set the watering time, after which the area can be left for any time you need. Using a rain sensor, the controller will turn on watering only when it is really necessary. This type of watering gives you a lot of free time, since you can leave the area even for a month without worrying about the plants.

Advantage 10: increase in productivity
According to the results of recent studies, drip irrigation can increase yields from 1.8 to 3.5 times. And this is quite real.

Disadvantages of drip irrigation: truth and fallacy

High cost of the system
If you use a kit, installation is very simple, as detailed instructions are available.

Difficulty of installation
Anyone can install systems on a standard plot of 6 acres within one day.

Droppers quickly become clogged and require replacement
It cannot be denied that drippers are a very fragile component of the system and can easily become clogged. To avoid an unpleasant situation, it is worth installing a water purification filter in advance, which will need to be cleaned occasionally. This way the problem can be solved very quickly.

If you are interested in this method, you should definitely try to use it, as this will significantly save water consumption, and will also provide a number of invaluable advantages that are simply not available with regular watering.


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