Presentation on the topic "ecological quiz". Methodological development (8th grade) on the topic: Ecological game for high school students

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Take care of this Earth

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    Planet Earth

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    Take care of the Earth

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    Bulgarian scientists have proven that only three such large families can provide comprehensive information about the degree of environmental pollution. And they will do this more objectively and quickly than any best-equipped environmental organization. Who is the owner of these families?

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    What medicinal plant do people call the “green travel companion”?

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    British environmentalists demanded that the current Queen Elizabeth deprive Sir Walter Raleigh of his knighthood for introducing into the country something that kills over 300 Englishmen every week. What kind of infection is he accused of, if the main culprit in this matter is X. Columbus?

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    In the 14th century The English government banned the use of coal as fuel because of its stench. Only representatives of one profession were allowed to burn coal. Which?

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    In 1918, ordinary rain caused an environmental disaster off the coast of Australia: then all life in the ocean died at a depth of 6 m. How could a week's rain do this?

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    Desalinated sea water

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    In the 1980-1990s, despite the asphalt and gas pollution, major cities In the United States, the number of mosquitoes has increased tenfold. According to environmentalists, cars were to blame for this. How?

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    Stagnant water accumulated in old tires, an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes.

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    What is the name given to thick fogs containing dust and harmful gases?

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    IN Lately The desert in Arizona (USA) began to be protected from thieves. And it's not about oil or gold. They steal that without which the desert is threatened with desolation and devastation. What do thieves take from the desert?

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    Cacti (it turns out that even deserts need protection!)

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    What common insect serves as a carrier of microbes, contaminating unsealed food products.

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    Where does acid rain come from?

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    Any rainwater has very weak degree acidity. However, during the combustion of natural fuel processing products - in automobile engines, factories and power plants - they are released chemical substances, greatly increasing the acidity of moisture contained in the atmosphere. This moisture eventually falls to the ground in the form of acid rain.

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    The science that studies the relationships of living organisms with each other and with the environment.

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    • All over the world, nature reserves are created to preserve corners of unique nature. But in the city of Kyshtym, Krasnoyarsk Territory, it was prohibited to use all the land around it for completely different purposes. Whose lives did the caring state save?

    Answer: people (there was a major accident with a leak of radioactive materials in the 60s).

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    Wolves are called forest orderlies because they destroy sick, old and weak animals. What are they called the orderlies of the sea of ​​mussels?

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    They purify the water

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    A group of ecologists who studied the ecology of Antarctica for a month came to a shocking conclusion: ocean currents are in second place in terms of environmental pollution. What's on first?

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    Activities of the group itself!

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    Complete the slogan of the medical and environmental organization of Belarus “Green Cross”: “To prevent medicine from becoming food, it is necessary that...”

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    " has become medicine."

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    As you know, the Earth's atmosphere consists of several layers. In March 1985, an international convention was adopted in Vienna to protect only one of them. Which one?

  • Answer: Pakistan (all listed countries are nuclear weapons holders).
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    • Ministry of Ecology South Korea banned the use of these items in restaurants. Numerous complaints from farmers whose pigs died eating waste from these restaurants have taken their toll. What kind of dangerous objects are these?
    • Answer: toothpicks
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    What happens to the different types of garbage that we throw away?

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    Some of it is burned, which leads to further air pollution and contributes to the process global warming. Most of it is either buried in the ground or dumped into the sea - again polluting the environment. And only a small part is recycled and reused, although glass, metals, paper and plastic are easily recycled.

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    Text content of presentation slides:
    GAME TECHNOLOGIES in the process of environmental education and upbringing Since 1997, the Children's Ecological Center of the Olekminsky District has been conducting targeted educational and educational work in the field of ecology and natural science.
    During this time, a number of original environmental games were developed: - “Thrown March across the Olekma Taiga”, - “Web of Life”, - “Taiga Landing”. These games have been tested at the regional and Russian level and include an element of movement and speed, which children really like. Questions in such games form knowledge about Yakut nature, about local species of animals and plants.

    With development information technologies it became possible to apply these innovations in teaching, including using them in conjunction with gaming technologies. As a result, a number of visual electronic environmental games appear in the activities of the DEC: “About the Lesser Brothers...”, “Health Express”, “The Earth is Our Home”, etc. They are designed for students of different ages. We would like to present one of these games to your attention today.

    GAME "ECOLOGICAL KALEIDOSCOPE" Children's environmental center. Olekminsk presents:

    Environmental protection
    List the types of protected areas known to you - Specially Protected Natural Areas? Answer: reserve, resource reserve, sanctuary, national park, a natural monument.

    2. How many nature reserves are there in Yakutia? Name them. Two: Olekminsky and Ust-Lensky.

    3. What documents are adopted for the protection of animals and plants? Answer: Red Book and Green Book

    4. Name three species of animals of Yakutia listed in the Red Book.
    5. Name three species of plants of Yakutia listed in the Red Book.
    Animal ecology
    Why do frogs squint their eyes when swallowing food? Answer: By pressing in the eyeballs, they help push food in.
    style.rotation 2. The down of this bird combines unique thermal insulation properties. In 1961, the King of Norway founded the first reserve for these birds. By his order, he ordered that the head of anyone who kills it be cut off. What kind of bird is this? Answer: eider bird and eider down
    3. This herbivorous animal, small in stature, living in Yakutia, has impressive fangs. What kind of animal is this and why does it have fangs? Answer: Musk deer. It uses its fangs to obtain food for itself, scraping off lichens, and they also serve as a tournament weapon.

    style.rotation 4. Cartoons often depict a hedgehog carrying apples or mushrooms on its needles. What do hedgehogs actually eat? Answer: Hedgehogs are insectivores.
    5. Why don’t birds eat ladybugs and how does this relate to their color? Answer: ladybugs are bright red, which means: attention, danger! And there really is danger, because. they secrete a toxic liquid.
    Laws of ecology
    1. What rule was formulated by the English microbiologist R. Lindeman while studying the trophic levels of the ecological pyramid? Answer: 10% rule: no more than 10% of energy passes from one trophic level to another.
    2. What are “soft” and “hard” environmental management? Answer: soft environmental management is aimed at restoring the ecological balance; it is indirect, indirect, and gentle. Harsh - without observing the laws of nature, leading to its degradation.
    3. Barry Commoner’s first ecological law states: “Everything is connected to everything.” Explain what he meant. Answer: Any change made by man in nature causes a chain of consequences, usually unfavorable.
    4. Barry Commoner’s second law: “Everything has to go somewhere.” Explain what he is talking about. The law says that any pollution of nature returns to humans in the form of an “ecological boomerang.”
    Ecological theater
    Arrange the components of the chain correctly and depict the food chain by role: WOLF, BACTERIA, PROTEIN, VULTURE, PINE NUT Depict the symbiosis of sea anemone and hermit crab Depict the symbiosis of ants and aphids Plant ecology
    1. What common property do plants that live in very cold and very dry climates have and why? Answer: plants in cold regions often experience drought, and therefore have similar characteristics to plants in dry zones. For example, needle-shaped leaves (cacti and conifers), essential oils
    2. This plant of the umbrella family is found everywhere along roads, is very prolific and tenacious. Previously, it was used as food to prepare a very popular Russian dish. Answer: this plant is Hogweed

    3. Which tree is called the “tree of mists” and why? Answer: Siberian pine or cedar. Does not tolerate dry air at all.
    4. Is it true that everything in the tundra is dwarf? Justify your answer. Answer: no, it's not true. In the tundra, only trees take a dwarf form. This is due to the fact that the soils there are cold, waterlogged and infertile.
    5. What plants are called indicators and why? Answer: these are plants that are characterized by pronounced adaptation to certain conditions environment. For example: nettle grows only on nitrogen-rich soil, and common slipper grows only on limestone soils.

    Goals: acquaintance with natural objects; testing theoretical knowledge and skills; nurturing a love for nature.

    Progress of the game

    The game involves students in grades 7-8. Participants gather in assembly hall, a line is drawn. The organizers of the game speak with parting words and wishes for success. Team captains receive route sheets, which consist of several pages: a title page, information pages about the team’s progress through the stages of the game, indicating the composition of the participants, the number of points scored and their maximum quantity at each stage, referee's notes, penalty points, total points, jury members' notes.

    The referee plays an important role in the conduct of the game. These are high school students who themselves have participated in such a game before; they have good knowledge and experience. Each of them has instructions for the stage that he is judging. When a team comes to the next stage, the referee is required to read out the instructions for the stage, that is, explain the task. At the end of the game, the results are summed up and the winners are awarded.

    Class route sheet

    1st stage. Do you know the geographical map?

    At this stage, knowledge is tested geographical map. Students should know geographical features and be able to show them on the map.

    2nd stage. Captains competition.

    Team captains must answer questions, that is, confirm or deny, saying “yes” or “no”. Only the first answer is counted.

    Correct answer - 1 point, incorrect answer - 0 points.

    Captains competition.

    2. The shape of planet Earth. (Ball.)

    3. The coldest ocean. (North Arctic.)

    4. The largest state by area. (Russia.)

    5. The nightingale is a bird that moves along a vertical trunk only upside down.

    6. Does a poisonous snake sting or bite? (Bites.)

    7. The oriole is the smallest bird.

    8. The fox is beneficial.

    9. Plantain is a medicinal plant.

    10. A housefly is an animal. (Yes.)

    11. Ecology is a science...

    12. Smog is the wind.

    13. Photosynthesis is plant nutrition.

    14. The budget is funds for nature conservation.

    15. Brand - currency unit.

    16. Taxes are necessary payments.

    17. Currency is the monetary unit of another country.

    18. The price of a product depends on supply and demand for it.

    19. Money is the cost of goods and services.

    20. Forests, fields, rivers are state property.

    21. Is a reserve different from a nature reserve?

    22. Volga is the largest river in Europe.

    23. Australia is the most polluted continent on the planet.

    24. Uncontrolled fishing leads to a reduction in the species composition of the seas and oceans.

    25. The Nile is the longest river in the world.

    26. Human influence on plant and animal world- This is an anthropogenic factor.

    27. Consumers are plants that can create organic matter.

    28. Bond, share - securities.

    29. To clean the river, you can take out a loan from a bank.

    30. Criminal liability is applied to violators and poachers.

    3rd stage. Help yourself.

    You find yourself in an unpleasant situation while hiking. Your comrades felt unwell. Using medicinal plants, put them on their feet (be able to identify plants from postcards and herbariums and know about their medicinal properties).

    The correct answer is 2 points for one medicinal plant.

    4th stage. Along protected paths.

    Students must talk about one of the reserves of our country, be able to show them on a map and answer questions.

    The maximum number of points is 10 points.

    1. What is a reserve?

    2. What is the difference between a nature reserve and a nature reserve?

    3. When was the first reserve created?

    4. Where is the Stolby Nature Reserve located? What is he famous for?

    5. What are they? National parks? Give examples.

    6. Name the protected areas in our region,

    7. Tell us about the Chapurnikovskaya beam in the Volgograd region.

    8. Why is Lake Elton called a miracle of nature?

    6th stage. Your choice.

    Students must find a way out of various proposed situations, analyze them and voice their decision.

    The maximum number of points is 15 points.

    1. “The creation of nature reserves is our moral duty to the Motherland, science and humanity,” wrote academician I. Borodin. Explain why it is necessary to create nature reserves.

    2. There are two lakes in the area. A garage was built on the bank of one of them, and on the bank of the other they poured mineral fertilizers. As a result, oil products entered the first lake, and fertilizers were washed away into the second lake by rain. What processes began in the lakes? How will they end?

    3. Economic restructuring and transition to intensive technology requires more active use of waste as secondary resources. Recycling recycled materials helps reduce environmental pollution. You have decided to create a small enterprise using waste. What waste will you use? What products will you receive?

    4. You are the organizers of an enterprise that has undertaken to clean up a small river. What activities will you implement? Where will you get finance?

    5. You are the mayor of the city. An oil tanker shipwrecked on the river in your city. What environmental consequences might occur? Determine your actions.

    6. Make an environmental and economic forecast regarding the construction of another power plant on the Volga River. What are the pros and cons? Justify your answer.

    7th stage. Check yourself.

    Teams are invited to solve one of the proposed biological problems with economic content.

    The maximum number is 10 points.

    Problem 1

    On every meter of the 30-kilometer journey to the elevator, a car loses 20 grains of wheat, which is 1 gram. Determine how much grain (in kg) or (in c) the machine loses in 10 trips.

    Problem 2

    Pigs were bred on neighboring farms, each farmer having 200 pigs. Each pig requires 2 tons of grain to raise. To deliver 1 ton of grain per 1 km, 2 rubles are spent, the distance from the granary to the 1st farm is 1 km, to the 2nd farm is 5 km. How much more money will the second farmer spend on raising pigs than the first?

    Problem No. 3

    In the southern regions of Ukraine, the most common cows are the Red Steppe breed. To maintain life, a cow needs to receive 4.5 kg of feed units per day. An animal requires 0.5 kg of feed units per liter of milk.

    Question: You have 9 kg of feed at your disposal. How much can you get per day if you feed this feed equally to two cows, or give it entirely to one cow?

    Problem No. 4

    In the Stavropol Territory, prices for purchased sugar beets are set as follows. For each additional % increase in sugar content compared to the base price for 1 ton it increases by 3000 rubles; and for 1 ton of beets received above the plan - by 4,500 rubles.

    What is more profitable: getting an additional harvest or achieving an increase in sugar content? Is the farm interested in improving the quality of its products?

    Problem No. 5

    Neighboring farms sowed 100 hectares of land with the same grain crops. Their lands are identical in fertility, but are located at different distances from the elevator: the first is 10 km, the second is 40 km.

    Transporting 1 ton of grain to an elevator over a distance of 10 km costs 40 rubles. The yield on both farms is the same - 2 t/ha. The costs of growing grain are also the same. Determine the profit received first farming due to its proximity to the elevator.

    Problem 6

    Analyze the following information: one student notebook weighs 40 g; 60 kg of paper are produced from one mature tree; On average, about 500 mature trees grow on one hectare of forest.

    Determine how much forest area (in hectares) can be saved if each family (on average 4 people) in our city saves one student notebook per month.

    8th stage. Musical.

    Teams present a song repertoire, instrumental accompaniment, etc. in any field.

    Environmental quizzes for high school. Quizzes with answers.

    Quizzes for grades 10, 11 on the topic “Ecology around us”

    Quiz “Organism and habitat”

    1. What is ecology? (Ecology is the science of the interaction of living organisms and their communities with each other and with the environment in which they live. A living organism is a microbe, an animal, and a person. Habitat is soil, forest, air, water - everything that surrounds organism, with what it interacts.)

    2. What is the biosphere? (The definition of “biosphere” belongs to the Austrian geologist Eduard Suess (19th century). The doctrine of the biosphere was created by V.I. Vernadsky, an outstanding Russian scientist. The biosphere, according to Vernadsky, is a special active shell of the Earth. It is inhabited by living organisms. In the biosphere, the activities of all living beings together with the person is the most important factor, which transforms the planet.)

    4. One day, a naturalist scientist who was studying the life of birds noticed a very large nest on tall pine near the lake. He climbed a tree and saw in the nest big fish. It was fresh pike. What bird settled in this nest? (This nest belongs to a large bird of prey - an osprey. It hunts for fish, like an experienced diver: it rushes down, dives and grabs its prey.)

    5. What do you know about Biosphere-2? (It is located in the Arizona desert. This is a huge structure. Created by American scientists. It is isolated from the environment. The purpose of the experiment is to obtain the information necessary for scientists to improve the state of affairs in the large biosphere. All systems of Biosphere-2 operate in accordance with the laws functioning of natural ecosystems based on closed cycles.)

    6. Which plant is called a living traffic light? (This is a lungwort that is listed in the Red Book. Like all snowdrops, it is in a hurry to attract the attention of pollinating insects. It regulates insect visits like a traffic light, that is, it changes its color: it becomes alternately blue, purple and pink. Pink color informs insects that the sweet treat, nectar, has ended.)

    7. What is the most important substance on Earth? (Water is a liquid without taste, color and odor. Water is part of all living substances, it is found in soil and air. No form of living organism can exist without water. Plants and animals contain from 50 to 99 percent water. Water - source of oxygen in the atmosphere (photosynthesis). Water is a factor that determines climate (it warms and cools slowly, hence the moderating effect on climate). The hydrosphere contains about 1.4 billion cubic kilometers of water; 5 thousand cubic kilometers of water are used annually and are polluted (due to the active technological activity of mankind) almost 10 times more.Some countries are experiencing a shortage fresh water. There is a lot of it on Earth, but people have not learned to use water rationally.)

    8. What did Leonardo da Vinci call water? (He called water the juice of life on Earth.)

    9. How much water does an adult need per day? (70 kilograms of human body weight contains 50 kilograms of water (70%!). If a person loses 12 percent of moisture, he may die. An adult’s body needs up to 10 liters of water daily. Of this, most of the body’s tissues create themselves (endogenous water), and a person should receive 2 liters of water as part of food or in its pure form.)

    10. A unique lake in our country. (This is Lake Baikal. Its approximate age is 25 million years. The lake is fresh. In a clean and clear water Lake Baikal, you can observe objects with the naked eye at a depth of more than 40 meters. The inhabitants of this lake are Baikal omul, golomyanka, seal, sturgeon, taimen. The life of Baikal depends on phytoplankton (a community of algae), zooplankton (representative - the crustacean epischur) and the small fish golomyanka. The golomyanka accounts for 70 percent of the mass of all Baikal fish (about 200 thousand tons). Golomyanka is viviparous. It is in constant movement from top to bottom, to the deepest points of the lake. Thanks to its constant movement, the mass of water moves and is enriched with oxygen. Recently, scientists and environmentalists have increasingly had to raise their voices in defense of Lake Baikal.)

    Quiz “Man and the Biosphere”

    1. What is pollution? (Pollution is the entry of harmful substances into the environment. Some pollutants have bad influence for the development of the entire biosphere. Anthropogenic pollution (the result of active human activity) exceeds natural pollution, which can be caused by floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc. Types of pollution: chemical, biological, electromagnetic, radiation, noise, thermal.)

    2. Why is the climate changing? (Causes of climate change - Greenhouse effect, a decrease in the water-regulating capabilities of the land, which occurred due to deforestation large territory forests, draining swamps, plowing large steppe areas, building cities and roads. The control of water evaporation from the land surface is disrupted. Forests have the best water-regulating properties.)

    3. Which sea is dying? (The Aral Sea. The beginning of this process is the 50s of the 20th century. This is all due to the increase in areas for cotton and rice crops. An extensive network of irrigation canals took water for crops from the Amu Darya and Syr Darya. The volume of water in the sea has decreased. The surface of the Aral Sea has become three times smaller. The water became salty, the fish died. Even the climate has changed. From the former seabed, the wind lifts dried salt into the air. The result of human activity is an environmental disaster. The yield of fields has decreased, and people’s health has deteriorated.)

    4. What is one of the most dangerous sea pollutants? (This is oil. It goes into environment as a result of the mining process and various accidents. People and sea creatures suffer. But some bacteria find it tasty. These are oil-eating bacteria. But during accidents, an amount of oil spills out that bacteria cannot cope with. People have learned to artificially grow “healing” bacteria for the sea. They are stored dry. In case of accidents, they are sown on the oil slick.)

    5. What are the dangers of increased energy use? (Increasing energy use is dangerous due to heating earth's surface and ground layers of the atmosphere. Modern technologies are such that approximately one third of the energy of thermal power plants and up to half of nuclear power plants is lost when the units are cooled. Waste water pollutes water bodies. Electromagnetic fields influence the development of living organisms. Average temperature Greenhouse gases also increase the earth's surface. Energy production pollutes the air with nitrogen and sulfur oxides. This contributes to the formation of acid rain.)

    6. What is the most environmentally friendly source of energy? (This source is energy saving (opinion of the German scientist D. Seifried). To do this, it is necessary to build and produce houses and appliances with high thermal insulation.)

    7. Why are synthetic detergents so dangerous? ( Washing powder, soap, shampoo, soda are serious pollutants of water and soil. They change the surface tension of water, disrupting the life of many organisms that live at the interface between water and air. Getting into water bodies, they impede the access of oxygen. Detergents have a detrimental effect on fish eggs and the development of amphibians. Phosphorus, which is so rich in detergents, promotes the growth of algae (water blooms). Detergents are made from synthetic substances, which makes them difficult to decompose in the natural environment.)

    9. When did running water appear? (The Indians kept water in copper vessels. This was about 4 thousand years ago. In Ancient Egypt laid wooden and copper pipes. IN Ancient Rome there was a system of aqueducts. In the 11th century, a real water supply system was built in Novgorod. In the 15th century, a spring water supply system was installed for the Moscow Kremlin. A real water supply system in Russia was built in St. Petersburg in the second half of the 19th century.)

    10. What do you know about radioactive fallout? (The polluted atmosphere returns to us the most dangerous consequences human activity (accidents at nuclear power plants, nuclear weapons testing) in the form of radioactive fallout. They are dust and drops of atmospheric moisture. Radioactive atoms (radionuclides) settle as dust on the soil. They also get into our homes, reservoirs, on the skin of animals and people, on the leaves of plants, etc. Radionuclides enter the human body and destroy living cells, weaken its resistance to disease, destroying the genetic apparatus.)

    11. What do you know about ozone holes? (Ozone is a form of oxygen. The formula of oxygen consists of two atoms, and ozone - of three. Ozone, which is formed near the surface of the Earth, is harmful (formed during a thunderstorm, the operation of an X-ray machine, etc.). Sun rays, acting on ozone oxides, cause such a dangerous phenomenon as photochemical smog. Widespread use of freon leads to the appearance of ozone holes. The proportion of ozone in some places of the ozone shield is reduced by up to 50 percent. Ozone holes can move. And their existence was first established in the 80s of the 20th century. The holes allow excessive levels of ultraviolet radiation to pass through, leading to skin cancer.)

    12. What are pesticides and nitrates? (Pesticides are pesticides that are used to protect plants from pests. Modern Agriculture uses up to 2 million tons of various types of pesticides. They pollute the soil, water and air. They also enter the human body and disrupt vital processes (cancer, allergies, kidney, liver, and stomach diseases). Nitrates are salts of nitric acid. Used as fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers increase crop yields. But their excess is deposited in plants in reserve and, together with food, enters the human body. Nitrates help form nitrosamine in the body, an active carcinogen that causes cancer.)

    13. Why are accidents at nuclear power plants so dangerous? (Accidents at nuclear power plants are real environmental disasters. They harm the health of millions of people. During accidents, a huge amount of radioactive substances enter the air (isotopes of cesium, strontium - during the Chernobyl accident). The consequences of such accidents affect many decades. The soil is polluted, forest, water. Genetic changes occur in the bodies of animals and people. The human immune system and gene pool are under threat.)

    Quiz "Nature Conservation"

    1. When did the idea of ​​creating the Red Book arise? (In the 20th century, at the end of the 50s. The International Red Book was first published in 1966, the USSR Red Book in 1978 (six years later - a new, updated edition). The purpose of the Red Book is to identify endangered species of organisms, those that require special protection measures. There is also a Black Book for those species that have disappeared from the face of the Earth forever.)

    2. Name a nature reserve near the Pacific Ocean. (This is the Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve with its Ussuri taiga. The forest occupies more than 90 percent of the area of ​​the reserve. Here you can find rare plants and animals that are listed in the Red Book. Unfortunately, the taiga is being intensively inhabited by humans, which negatively affects its inhabitants.)

    3. What do you know about tropical forests? (Their flora and fauna number up to 3 million species, of which only a sixth are described. More than 4 thousand scientists are studying. Tropical forests are rain forests. This is a storehouse of medicinal drugs, many chemical compounds which have great biological activity. The destruction of tropical forests will negatively affect the climate, clean air, water bodies and even food production.)

    4. What do you know about folk traditions nature conservation? (Such traditions appeared in ancient times and were passed on from generation to generation. Many peoples, for example, have especially revered trees. For Russians this is birch. And in ancient times the Slavs revered oak. Entire groves were declared sacred. Until relatively recently, Arkhangelsk and Siberian peasants gathered at gatherings. At these gatherings they announced a ban on cutting down trees in forest lands for several years. The ban was called a reserve. This is where the word “reserve” comes from.)

    5. Where is the largest nature reserve? (Antarctica is considered the largest reserve. Any human activity is prohibited on the continent and the adjacent expanse of water (according to international treaties). Despite the thickness of the ice, almost 800 plant species were discovered on the continent that were able to adapt to difficult and unfavorable living conditions (frosts up to 70 degrees). Bryozoan and Antarctic amulus are two species of flowering plants in Antarctica. Plants, including lichens, actively develop only a few weeks a year.)

    6. Why do we need zoos? (Some people believe that a zoo is a prison for animals. But if you adhere to all the rules for keeping animals in captivity, then they can live in the zoo longer than in the wild. Many animals in the zoo give birth. In this way, a person saves rare animals. This way Moscow Zoo employees preserved the sable.)

    7. What is the Noahide principle? (The Noah principle is the name of the theory of species conservation. The criterion of value is the existence of the species itself. This gives it the right to life. Man learns to see the beautiful and amazing on the planet. People have decided that the destruction of biological diversity is not profitable for them. The population of the Earth is growing. And it is necessary feed. And also solve many environmental problems.)

    8. What do you know about the bird zoo? (It is located in the Canary Islands. Its area is more than 20 hectares. The zoo is specially equipped so that 300 species of animals and almost 500 species of plants can thrive there. The bird zoo is very popular among tourists.)

    9. Tell us about the Askania-Nova nature reserve. (It is located in Ukraine (Kherson region). The area is 11 thousand hectares; 400 species of plants, more than 150 species of shrubs, peacocks, pheasants, eagles, parrots and ostriches feel good among the steppes. The water surface is for black swans, pink flamingos, geese and ducks. In the pastures you can meet Przewalski's horse and buffalo, camel and zebra, roe deer and deer. Scientists are working on creating new breeds of domestic animals.)

    10. What do you know about the reserve in western Russia? (The Russian nature reserve in the southern part of the Bryansk forest has been protecting nature (since 1987). Area - 12 thousand hectares. All living things in the forest are protected by law. There are many species of mammals and fish in the reserve, almost 200 species of birds and about 20 species of reptiles and amphibians. Here black storks live - honorary members of the Red Book. Outsiders are prohibited from entering the reserve.)

    11. What is the Children's Rainforest? (A 12-year-old Swedish boy named Roland Tiendsuu decided to make an attempt to save the rainforests. He really wanted them not to be lost while he grew up. Together with their classmates and their teacher, the guys began selling cookies for local residents. Things were going well, and they managed to buy 4 hectares of tropical forest in South America. This forest was purchased for a nature reserve in Costa Rica. Other Swedish schoolchildren followed suit and bought another 7 hectares. The grateful management of the reserve called this part of the forest “Children's Forest Forever.” The guys have followers in other countries.)

    Tournament of environmental experts at school.

    Development of an ecology event for high school students.

    I. Organizational moment.
    II. Introduction.

    Against the background of the music “Wanderers” the poem sounds:

    We cut down forests, arrange landfills,
    But who will take everything under protection?
    The streams are empty, there are only sticks in the forest.
    Think about it, what awaits us next?
    It's time for humanity to understand
    Wealth from nature, taking away,
    That the Earth also needs to be protected:
    She is just like us - alive!

    In recent years, the word “ecology” has been heard more and more often, more and more alarmingly. If earlier we did not really delve into the meaning of this concept, today we shudder at the terrifying facts of criminal persecution and murder of nature, and this means ourselves. This information bombards us daily, hourly, every minute. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the foods we eat do not in any way correspond to what eliminates illness, lifts our spirits, and gives us confidence in the future. Alas, the situation in Russia is so alarming that I want to shout: “Come to your senses, people, rumors about a global environmental disaster not exaggerated at all!” And in response there is silence...

    Poem to the sound of bells:

    There is just a temple
    There is a temple of science.
    And there is also a temple of nature -
    With scaffolding reaching out
    To meet the sun and winds.
    He is light at any time of the day,
    Open to us in the heat and cold,
    Come here, be a little hearty,
    Do not desecrate her shrines!

    Today I suggest you hold a tournament of experts on nature, its protection and conservation. Three teams will participate in our tournament. The jury will judge the correctness of answers and completion of tasks. (jury presentation)

    III. Main part.Round 1. Presentation of teams.
    We will begin our tournament with the introduction of the teams. The name and motto will be evaluated, which must be on an environmental theme. Maximum score 5 points.

    Round 2. Warm-up.
    Each team is given four clues in turn.

    If a team answers with 1 clue, it gets 4 points, if with 2 - 3, if with 3 - 2, if with 4 - 1 point. If a team does not answer a question, but another team does, it receives 1 point.

    1. It can live up to 2000 thousand years.
    2. The trunk does not rot in water, but only turns black and becomes stronger.
    3. Barrels and parquet are made from it.
    4. Pushkin wrote that a mermaid was sitting there.(Oak)

    1. It is always green or blue.
    2. Stringed musical instruments are made from it.
    3. In winter, birds build nests on it and hatch chicks.
    4. It is shade-tolerant. In such a forest it is always dark and damp. There are a lot of lichens there.(Spruce)

    1. It releases phytoncides that kill pathogenic bacteria.
    2. It makes the best firewood.
    3. Many useful things are made from its bark.
    4. This is the most beloved Russian tree.(Birch)

    1. Its leaves are green on top and velvety and silver underneath.
    2. It “sucks out” negative energy, so it is useful for sick people to stand under it.
    3. It populates the bet the fastest.
    4. Beavers love it and store it for the winter.(Aspen)

    1. The berry is good to eat with honey, but after frost it is delicious on its own.
    2. There are many songs written about her.
    3. The bark is more healing than the berry.
    4. She has a relative with shiny black fruits - gorodik.(Kalina)

    1. Spoons and bast shoes are made from it.
    2. The best honey comes from its flowers.
    3. Blooms in summer and is very fragrant.
    4. A decoction of flowers cannot be replaced for a cold.(Linden)

    This concludes our warm-up.

    Round 3. Baba-Yaga's story.

    Let's move on to the third round. (The appearance of Baba Yaga.)

    B.Ya. Hello, here I am.
    Q. Where did you come from?
    B.Ya. Guess where it came from. Now I’ll tell you a riddle.
    Its spring and summer
    We saw him dressed.
    And in the fall from the poor thing
    All the shirts were torn off.
    B.Ya. Of course I came to you from the forest.

    Oh, how I remember. Recently Leshiy and I went to a nearby forest for a picnic. We had such a great time.
    Q. I have already heard your story and was horrified. What did you do in the forest? The children will have the task of listening carefully to the story and finding out what Baba Yaga and Leshy did in the forest. Whoever finds the most errors wins. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.
    B.Ya. So it is!

    With cheerful music we notified the forest that we had arrived.(Loud music scares away animals and birds). The days were hot, but the heat was not felt so much in the forest. A familiar path led us to a birch grove. Along the way we often came across mushrooms - porcini, boletus, russula. The goblin and I pulled mushrooms out of the ground for distillation. All the mushrooms that we didn’t know were knocked down with sticks.(You should not pull out or knock down mushrooms - the mycelium is destroyed). Halt. We quickly broke branches and lit a fire. (Dry wood is collected for the fire. Fires should not be lit in hot and dry weather.)We brewed tea in a pot, had a snack and moved on. Before leaving, Leshiy and I had a competition to see who could throw away the empty cans and plastic bags next. Well, the microbes will destroy them anyway.(These substances take 100-200 years to break down)the burning coals of the fire winked at us goodbye.(The coals should be covered with earth or filled with water)in the bushes we found a nest of some bird. They held the warm bluish testicles and put them back.(You should not touch bird eggs)the sun rose higher above the horizon. It was getting hotter. We found a small hedgehog at the edge of the forest. Deciding that his mother had abandoned him, they took him with them, maybe he would come in handy.(There is no need to take chicks and animals from the forest)We're already pretty tired. There are quite a lot of anthills in the forest. Leshy decided to show how formic acid is extracted. He planed some sticks and began to pierce the entire anthill with them. A few minutes later we were already happily sucking on ant sticks.. (You should not push anything into the anthill.)Gradually, clouds began to roll in, it began to get dark, lightning flashed, and thunder roared. Went pretty heavy rain. But we were no longer afraid - we managed to run to the lonely standing tree and hide under it.(hiding under a lonely tree during a thunderstorm is dangerous.)We returned to our forest with armfuls of meadow and forest flowers.(Meadow and forest flowers should not be picked.)It was a fun day.

    B. Fill out the answer sheets and turn them in to the jury. In the meantime, while the jury is checking the answers, let's say all the mistakes out loud one by one.

    B.Ya. I realized what Leshiy and I had done. I’ll run to him right now and tell him everything.

    Competition for fans

    Fans of each team are invited to sing ditties on an environmental theme. Maximum score is 5 points.

    You and I didn't know before
    Ecology my friend
    Now at school we study -
    Everything around became clear.

    On the way past us
    You can't stop the cars rushing,
    Exhaust fumes are everywhere
    The air cannot be breathed.

    Who will clean our rivers?
    Who is that kind person?
    Is it really forever?
    Will we leave a terrible mark?

    Are our children really
    Will they suffer because of us?
    What will happen to the whole planet?
    Slowly die.

    Ecology is important
    People all need it.
    Take proper care of nature

    ROUND 4. Hide and seek game.

    Find the hidden flower and bird in each expression given. This can be done only by connecting and separating words in a line, but without changing their places. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point. Time for the task is limited.

    1. We will go along the path past the fence, are you Pierre? (mimosa, bittern)
    2. We thought about walking for twenty minutes, but there was a mistake - at least forty. (chamomile, magpie)
    3. I look out the window: I don’t want to read or draw. Cozy in the compartment. The night will fly by and you will be home. (iris, warbler)
    4. We sail to Zhiguli. There is a thunderstorm over the mountains, the Volga is moving in waves. (rose, oriole)
    5. Who are you today? I'm a spy today, - Password? - U-two, shell. (peony, bluethroat)
    6.But the problems are good. Get over it, get over it - this is no joke. (rose hips, ducks)

    Playing with the audience. Is it true...

    Each correct answer will earn teams 1 point.

    1. Can crocodiles climb trees? (Yes)
    2. Snakes can jump up to a meter in height. (Yes)
    3. Do swifts even sleep on the fly? (Yes)
    4. Blue roses grow only in China? (No, they don't exist at all).
    5. Are green potatoes so poisonous that they can kill a child? (Yes)
    6. Do zebras have striped fleas? (No)
    7. Are orchids used to make ice cream? (somewhat yes)
    8. Do butterflies live only one day? (No)
    9. Can a rooster call itself a bird? (No, because he can't talk.)
    10. When is a bird’s body temperature higher in winter or summer? (Same all year round)
    11. Which bird determines the number of children in a family? (from the stork)

    12. Does the tree grow in winter? (No)

    TOUR 5. “Guess the melody”
    Each team through certain time take turns singing lines from a song that mentions plants, flowers, trees, animals.

    For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.

    ROUND 6. Flower - seven flowers.

    Teams take turns answering questions. For each correct answer 1 point. (participants take turns tearing off daisy petals with questions on them)
    1. Natural resources located deep in the earth that people use in farming? (fossils)
    2. A common substance found on earth in 3 states? (water)
    3. upper layer land in which plants grow? (the soil)
    4. A living creature that actively and consciously influences living and inanimate nature? (Human)
    5. Organisms found in all natural areas that cannot live without light and air? (plants)
    6. What is the name of the line that limits the visible part of the earth's surface? (horizon)
    7. What device can you use to navigate in any weather? (compass)
    8. What is the ability to find the sides of the horizon called? (orientation)
    9. Which side of the horizon can be found using the shadow at noon? (north)

    TOUR 7. Legends.

    We have all known for a long time
    What since the birth of the planet.
    They write poems and songs about everything,
    But above all was the legend.

    Now the teams will receive a task - legends. They must guess what these legends are about.
    1. According to legend, these flowers arose from the tears of Eve, who was expelled along with Adam from the Garden of Eden. The ancestor of the human race wept bitterly, and wherever her tears fell, these flowers bloomed. It was with this flower in his hand that the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary on the day of the Annunciation to announce to her the birth of a Son who would be great and would be called the Son of the Most High. This flower was on the banners of the French knights. (lily)

    2. Its name comes from the word “dulbash” - Turkish turban. In the 17th century, these flowers came to Holland. Their bulbs were terribly expensive. In England, it was believed that their flowers served as cradles for little elves and fairy children, who were rocked and lulled by the wind in these flower cradles. (tulip)

    3. Ancient Greek legend narrates: Pan, the god of forests and meadows, once met the beautiful river nymph Sirina, the gentle messenger of the morning dawn. And I was so enchanted by her gentle grace and beauty that I forgot about everything. Pan decided to speak to Sirina, but she got scared and ran away. Pan ran up behind her, wanting to calm her down, but the nymph suddenly turned into a fragrant bush with tender flowers. purple flowers. These bushes are beautiful at night, when it seems that spring itself has plunged into their fragrant sea. They are also good at dawn, when the furry clusters seem to grow from dawn to fog. Lilac.

    IV. Final part. Summarizing.

    Annex 1Baba Yaga's story

    With cheerful music we notified the forest that we had arrived. The days were hot, but the heat was not felt so much in the forest. A familiar path led us to a birch grove. Along the way we often came across mushrooms - porcini, boletus, russula. The goblin and I pulled mushrooms out of the ground for distillation. All the mushrooms that we didn’t know were knocked down with sticks. Halt. We quickly broke branches and lit a fire. We brewed tea in a pot, had a snack and moved on. Before leaving, Leshiy and I had a competition to see who could throw away the empty cans and plastic bags next. Well, the microbes will destroy them anyway. The burning coals of the fire winked at us goodbye.In the bushes we found the nest of some bird. They held the warm bluish testicles and put them back. The sun rose higher above the horizon. It was getting hotter. We found a small hedgehog at the edge of the forest. Deciding that his mother had abandoned him, they took him with them, maybe he would come in handy. We are already pretty tired. There are quite a lot of anthills in the forest. Leshy decided to show how formic acid is extracted. He planed some sticks and began to pierce the entire anthill with them. A few minutes later we were already happily sucking on ant sticks.. Gradually, clouds began to roll in, it began to get dark, lightning flashed, and thunder roared. It started to rain quite heavily. But we were no longer afraid - we managed to run to a lonely tree and hide under it. We returned to our forest with armfuls of meadow and forest flowers. It was a fun day.

    Appendix 2 environmental ditties

    You and I didn't know before
    Ecology my friend
    Now at school we study -
    Everything around became clear.

    On the way past us
    You can't stop the cars rushing,
    Exhaust fumes are everywhere
    The air cannot be breathed.

    Who will clean our rivers?
    Who is that kind person?
    Is it really forever?
    Will we leave a terrible mark?

    Are our children really
    Will they suffer because of us?
    What will happen to the whole planet?
    Slowly die.

    Ecology is important
    People all need it.
    Take proper care of nature
    Fortunately, it is coming back into fashion.

    Oh, you little river,

    You won't catch a bass.

    Can only be caught with a hook

    Either a package or a shoe.

    Oh alive read in the water,

    Where can I get one?

    If you drink from the tap,

    You will go to the doctor!

    Look here and there -

    Where people are, there is rubbish and disgrace.

    We ourselves suffer from this,

    That we offend nature.

    We guys are without water

    Not here and not here

    Mother, take care of nature,

    Love her from childhood.

    Appendix 3 hide and seek game

    1. We will go along the path past the fence, are you Pierre?

    2. We thought about walking for twenty minutes, but there was a mistake - at least forty.

    4. We sail to Zhiguli. There is a thunderstorm over the mountains, the Volga is moving in waves.

    5. Who are you today? I'm a spy today, - Password? - U-two, shell.

    6.But the problems are good. Get over it, get over it - this is no joke.

    1. We will go along the pathpast behindboron, inYou Pyer? (mimosa, bittern)
    2. We thought we’d walk for about twenty minutes, but
    chamomilecame out - no lessmagpie. (chamomile, magpie)
    3. I look out the window: neither read nor
    and riceI don’t want to yell. Cozy in the kune. Nightflies by - and at home. (iris, warbler)
    4. We sail to Zhiguli. Above the mountains
    rose, walks the wavesand Volga. (rose, oriole)
    5. Who are you today? I'm today
    peony, - Password? - U-dwow, shell. (peony, bluethroat)
    6. And the problems are good
    shi. Povnikah, listen - this is not for youducks. (rose hips, ducks)

    Appendix 4 legends



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