Primroses - cultivation and care, use in garden design. The garden beauty has grown: transplanting primrose Primrose autumn planting and care

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When is the best time to start dividing primroses? Optimal time For this procedure, 3-5 years of cultivation are considered, provided that the primrose grows sufficiently. The division should be carried out either in early spring, or in the summer, preferably at the end of July or beginning of August. However, replanting can be done immediately after flowering. First of all, dig up the plant and shake off the rhizome thoroughly, then wash off the remaining soil with water. In principle, division is possible without such preliminary preparation, but it will be much more pleasant and comfortable for you to work with a clean plant.
It is best to plant primrose bushes right now, in August and until the end of the first half of September. If planting is done later than the specified dates, the plant may freeze, as a result of which excessive bulging in the spring will simply interfere with its development. If you do encounter bulging problems, press the plant firmly into the ground immediately after the snow melts.
The bulk of primroses bloom in the spring, because it is in April and May that they bloom. active growth. After the primrose blooms and the ripening of the seeds is completed, summer dormancy begins, which continues until the beginning of August, when the plant wakes up and the growth of the root system, foliage and the formation of flower buds begin, which transform into excellent flowers in the spring of next year. Based on this, August until the first ten days of September, or early spring is considered a favorable period for dividing primroses. Garden views primroses (tall, multicolored and Siebold) will tolerate replanting well even during the flowering period, while it is advisable to replant fine-toothed primroses in early spring or August, avoiding the flowering period that occurs in the spring.

Before flowering, you should replant blooming in summer Japanese primrose, Bees primrose and Florinda primrose due to its low resistance to cold weather conditions.
Before digging up the primrose, it needs to be well moistened. Then the plant should be divided into pieces of arbitrary size using a knife. The main thing is that on each of them there is a flowering bud, at least in a single copy. Be sure to treat the cuts with ash. And be sure to make sure that the prepared seedlings do not dry out, if you do not want to ruin all your efforts. On the contrary, the sooner you plant and water them, the better the end result will be.

So, bushes divided into rosettes are planted at intervals of 10 to 15 centimeters, which increases to 30 centimeters when larger species are planted. During planting, more than small species try not to leave open space between the seedlings to avoid drying out the soil under the bushes due to the shadow created by their leaves. Water daily for at least ten days, especially in hot, dry weather. If planting is done in the fall, be sure to cover the primrose for the winter.
Note: the purpose of division can be not only reproduction, but also rejuvenation of primroses. Prolonged growth in one place has a detrimental effect on the flowering of old bushes, contributing to the exposure of part of the root system located close to the surface of the earth. The roots become extremely vulnerable: a winter with little snow causes them to freeze, and the heat causes them to dry out. That is why we advise you to annually cover the rhizome with nutritious soil from the second year of flowering.
Some types of primrose are easy to propagate by means of rosettes of leaves, which quickly take root both in greenhouses and in garden beds, provided there is coolness and shade. Rooting is completed within 20 days. Thus the primrose hibernates, after which, in spring period, it can not be planted in the main place of growth. Large species of primrose can also be propagated using root cuttings: for this, large roots are separated, in the upper part of which a cut up to one and a half centimeters long is made, after which they are planted at a depth of three centimeters in light soil. Further care is non-specific and is produced according to standard parameters.
Primrose is well adapted for cultivation in cool and humid climates due to its unpretentiousness, cold resistance and early, but long-lasting flowering.
Recently, the cultivation of primrose in various kinds containers. If you're going to follow this example, be sure to invest in water-holding gels, which make it much easier to keep the soil moist despite being prone to drying out.

- a welcome guest in many gardens. At correct landing, skillful cultivation, reproduction and care from early spring to open ground A bright carpet will be laid out on your site. Make it from varieties of different shades, which this primrose is rich in.

Description of primrose: varieties and varieties

The herald of spring, the first plant in the garden is the primrose. Planting and caring for it require knowledge and skills, since different varieties requirements differ. In total, primrose has about 500 species, not counting varieties and hybrids. They are classified in different ways, distinguishing sections and groups.

Of all the variety in landscape design, the following primroses are most often used:

  • high - grows up to 30 cm;

Primrose perennial fine-toothed

  • finely toothed - with a ball-shaped inflorescence;
  • polyanthus - with corrugated leaves.

The palette of primrose shades is very diverse: white-yellow, blue-yellow, raspberry-yellow, etc.

Planting a plant

The best place for primrose is a shady area. But some alpine species grow well in full sun. The soil should be acidic or slightly alkaline. IN heavy soil you need to add sand and organic matter.

Primrose feels great in shady places

The hole should be watered before planting. Depending on the size of the variety, the distance between the bushes is from 15 to 30 cm. There should be no gaps between the rosettes. The soil near the plant is compacted and watered.

Advice. Plant primrose in cool, cloudy weather. The plant should not be flowering.

Plant care

The soil around the primrose should be moist all the time. Watering frequency is 2 times a week, more on hot days. Avoid getting the leaves wet. Make sure that the water does not stagnate: the primrose may rot.

Maintain optimal soil moisture for primrose

Before wintering, the soil should be dry. The plant itself is covered with leaves in the fall, with a layer of at least 10 cm. If the roots of the primrose are slightly exposed, add soil. Remove weeds and loosen the soil regularly.

Attention! Study the properties of the species you want to grow. The features of planting and care will depend on this.

Fertilizer and feeding of primrose

During the dormant period, when primrose does not bloom, there is no need to apply fertilizer. Feed the plants 2-3 times per season:

  1. In early spring - a mineral complex.
  2. Use organics in June.
  3. Apply ammonium nitrate in August.

In order for the crop to develop well, it needs to be fed several times a season.

The last fertilizing can be replaced with superphosphate and potassium. It is believed that they increase the winter hardiness of primroses. For 10 liters of water, take 20 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium. You can use these fertilizers during other feedings.

Primrose propagation

This perennial primrose is usually propagated using seeds, rosettes or dividing the bush.

Reproduction by rosettes(cuttings). In May-June, cut rosettes with pieces of root and plant them in a shaded bed. Next spring root them in a permanent place.

Reproduction by dividing the bush. It is required in early spring or summer for the 3-5th year of primrose’s life, since by this time the bush usually grows. The root must be divided into parts with rosettes or buds. Before transplanting, the bush needs watering. Do not allow it to dry out during the entire procedure.

You can divide the primrose bush before the plant blooms.

Propagation by seeds. Most the hard way, requiring knowledge and skills. Primrose is sown in open ground:

  • in the spring. In February, seedlings are planted in a greenhouse and transferred to the site when the snow melts;
  • in summer. The seeds are planted immediately after they have ripened in boxes. When planting and caring during this period, it is important to ensure sufficient moisture;
  • in October-December. Pre-winter sowing considered the most effective.

Advice. If you sow primrose for seedlings, first keep the seeds in the cold. When sowing directly into open ground, you can often do without this, but it all depends on the variety.

Diseases and pests

One of the disadvantages of this primrose is its susceptibility to numerous diseases. Most often, primrose suffers from:

Among the pests that plague the primrose are:

Advice. If any diseases or pests are detected, it is better not to simply remove damaged plants, but to burn them. Preventive care of the remaining bushes consists of treating them with a solution copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture.

Perennial primrose: combination with other plants

This primrose looks good under tall bushes. Harmonious in combination with hostas, ferns, astilbes, heucheras. Dwarf conifers make good company for him. You can create a picturesque ensemble of primrose and irises, marigolds, soapwort (saponaria), and ornamental cereals.

Primrose with daffodils and tulips

This plant gets along well with other primroses. Gets along well with daffodils, muscari, and tulips. When planting, you can experiment with color scheme, for example, combine pink primrose with purple weigela or barberry leaves. Yellow or orange flowers Heuchera growing nearby, for example, the “Caramel” variety, will provide good shade.

Perennial primrose in landscape design

Due to its brightness and color variety, perennial primrose actively used in landscape design. When combined different varieties you can create a beautiful bright flower bed. It will bloom from April until the end of summer. Decorate your lawn, rock garden or rock garden with these primroses.

Primrose in landscape design

You can decorate ponds with primrose, creating small, neat compositions. Specialists in landscape design It is recommended to plant the plant along garden paths and in rabatkas (narrow flower beds rectangular shape), near fences and fences. Often this primrose is grown not only in open ground, but also in flowerpots or containers. They are placed near gazebos, near the entrance, etc.

Having planted primrose, you will no longer be able to imagine your plot without this magnificent primrose. Huge selection varieties and colors will awaken your imagination and desire to create, inspiring you to create unique compositions in your garden.

Primrose in the garden: video

Varieties of perennial primrose: photo

One of the first spring plants blooming in the garden is a delicate primrose, planting and caring for it in the open ground does not require too much effort and knowledge. From Latin, the name of this charming culture is translated as “first, early.” The plant will delight lovers of flowering crops not only early flowering, unpretentiousness, but also a variety of bright and delicate colors.

This perennial. Primrose flowers not only look beautiful visually, but also have pleasant aroma. There are about 500 varietal varieties of the plant, which allows flower growers and landscape designers to choose a suitable and spectacular variety. At the same time, some varieties of primrose begin to bloom with the first rays of warm, spring sun, and others - only in the middle of summer.

IN wildlife Primrose can be found in forests and mountainous regions of Eurasia and America. Some varieties of the flower are protected by the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

Features of planting primrose in open ground

To the question of novice gardeners “When to plant primrose in open ground?” experienced summer residents They answer unequivocally that primroses are planted in open ground both in spring and autumn. If the flower is planted in the spring, then it is best to postpone planting until last days May.

It is also important to choose the right place for planting. It is better if it is a shaded area. You can choose a place under trees or bushes so that direct rays of the sun do not fall on the flowers. However, in the northern regions, when planting, it is advisable to choose, on the contrary, a sunny area.

The soil for growing crops must be loose, drained and breathable. Stagnant moisture is dangerous for the plant. Clay soil also suitable for planting crops. If the soil is too heavy, then it is recommended to add sand and manure. Vermiculite or crushed sphagnum moss are also suitable. The soil reaction is required to be slightly acidic or neutral.

If large varieties are planted, then it is recommended to leave a distance of about 25 cm between them. If compact, then at least 15 cm. However, there should not be excess space or gaps between the bushes; primroses prefer dense plantings.

The photo shows a perennial primrose. Planting into the ground is carried out using seedlings of this crop. Growing from seeds is a long and difficult process. Usually on garden plot Seedlings are planted no earlier than two years after the first shoots appear.

Features of caring for primrose

Primrose is an unpretentious perennial plant. It can tolerate both drought and excessive sun exposure, but you should not neglect the rules of planting and care.

When caring for garden primrose, you need to follow a number of recommendations that will help you grow a healthy, abundantly flowering crop:

Planting primrose in open ground is possible in Siberia and other regions with harsh climates. Plant care is not much different there. However, there it is better to plant the plant in the sun, and in winter it is necessary to protect the crop from freezing. Dry leaves are suitable as cover.

Primrose in garden design

Landscape designers fell in love with primrose for its bright and spectacular flowering and excellent compatibility with other flowering crops. While creating landscape compositions The timing of plant flowering should be taken into account.

Cultural partners can be:

  • daffodils;
  • peonies;
  • periwinkle;
  • astilbe;
  • spring umbilical;
  • host;
  • and others.

Primroses can become a decoration for garden ponds, where they harmonize perfectly with daylilies, water lilies and marsh forget-me-nots. Primroses are also suitable for creating rockeries and rock gardens. Also an excellent option is to plant primrose near low-growing coniferous crops.

Even planted next to greenery, for example, sorrel, primrose looks more than impressive due to its bright, variegated flowers.

Primrose is a primrose that attracts the attention of florists and landscape designers. Planting and caring for primrose is not difficult, but bright, but at the same time delicate spring flowers will not leave you without a pleasant impression.

Video about planting primrose in open ground

Which are collected from the seeds that appear after flowering and immediately placed in the soil. Usually this process occurs at the end of September, beginning of October, it is at this time that the seeds fully ripen.

Features of care in the autumn

As soon as garden plant will bloom, all care consists of removing all dried foliage and weeds around the bushes, and loosening the soil. After this, the plants are left until winter without touching. It is at this time that leaf plates begin to grow, which will become a natural shelter for the plant’s root system.

Necessary steps to prepare the plant for winter

Before snow falls, it is necessary to make timely. It is worth noting that many varieties garden primroses resistant to frost and does not require special shelter, but there is hybrid plants It is advisable to dig it up and place it indoors in special storage containers.

Concerning frost-resistant varieties, then they need to be prepared for wintering:

Soil and fertilizers

What to feed? Primrose loves fertile, light soil, and if the soil on the site is clayey, then you need to add to it (calculation per 1 square meter):

  • river sand – 3 buckets;
  • humus - 0.5 buckets;
  • superphosphate – 40 g;

If the soils are sandy, then they can freeze in winter, so they add (calculation per 1 m2):

  • humus - 2-3 buckets;
  • potassium and phosphorus – 20-30 g;
  • clay - 0.25 buckets.

Features of planting a perennial plant

It is worth remembering that to decorate a site you need to do it correctly, how to do it is the answer below.

Reference. The distance between small bushes should be at least 25 cm, and for large plants– 45 cm, otherwise as the bushes grow they will interfere with each other.


Growing primrose in autumn period has some features that should definitely be taken into account in order to obtain strong plants that are gorgeous and lush flowering bushes. If done correctly, your garden will look great for a long time.

A very popular plant landscape designers, since with help you can recreate unique flower beds that can decorate any square, park or square.

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