You need to drill a water well correctly. Well drilling technology: manual work and percussion-rope drilling

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If you are planning to equip your Vacation home autonomous water supply and acquire a well, then you need to familiarize yourself with drilling technology. This will save a lot of time when searching for drillers and funds during the drilling process.

Types of drilling technologies

When installing a water supply system in a private home, as a rule, one of three drilling technologies is used:

  • Rotary;
  • Auger;
  • Shock-rope.

The difference between these technologies lies in the methods of destroying the rock inside the well, as well as in the methods of extracting soil to the surface. Naturally, depending on the technology, the set of necessary equipment also depends.

Why does the customer need to know these technologies? This will give an understanding of how the well will be drilled, what equipment will be used for this and how long it will take. In addition, the price of the work, as well as the quality of the final result, depends on the type of technology.

In the photo - drilling a well using an auger method

Screw method

The cheapest and simple option is auger drilling. Therefore, most small-sized drilling rigs are based precisely on this technology. It is based on a conventional Archimedes screw (auger), with the help of which soil is extracted to the surface.

To make it easier to imagine this method, you should remember how fishermen drill a hole in the ice. Using this method, you can drill wells no more than 10 meters deep.

A special feature of this method is the ability to make holes only in relatively dry and soft soils. If there are hard rocks or quicksand at depth, then carry out further work screw method is not possible.

It must be said that the technology of drilling wells under water with an auger is usually used by private “drillers” who have small-sized installations. As a rule, finding organizations that provide such services is not difficult.

To make a well, it is not enough to simply drill a hole in the ground.
It is also necessary to properly protect the aquifer from high water, as required by the instructions.
Therefore, despite the fact that the process itself is not complicated, the qualifications of the performers are very important.

Rotary method

The technology of drilling a well under water using the rotary method is by far the most common. To make a hole in the ground using this method, a drill pipe is used, inside of which there is a rotating shaft with a bit at the end.

The load is transferred to the tip by a hydraulic installation. This method is attractive because it allows drilling to almost any depth, regardless of the type of rock.

The soil is washed out by constantly flushing the well with drilling fluid.

The solution can be supplied in two ways:

  • With a pump inside the drill pipe, in this case the soil with the solution flows by gravity into the annulus.
  • Gravity flow into the annulus, while the solution and rock are forcibly pumped out of the drill pipe.

It must be said that the second method, which is called backwashing, is a better way to open the aquifer, due to which the well will have a higher flow rate. However, this method is more labor-intensive and requires more complex equipment, respectively, and costs significantly more.

Therefore, the choice of technology depends on in this case, from your budget and required quantity water. As a rule, if it is necessary to provide water to one household, then drilling with direct flushing is quite sufficient.

Now let's look at this technology step by step:

  • First of all, the chisel is driven into the ground large diameter.
  • The bit then rotates under the influence of a rotor, which is driven by a motor.
  • Weighted pipes are installed between the drill pipes and the bit, which add additional load.
  • During operation, soil is removed by liquid pressure from the mud pump.
  • Having completed drilling the first section of soil, a casing so that the top layers of soil do not spill into the well.
  • For stability, the space between the soil and the first casing is filled with solution.
  • Drilling then continues with a smaller bit, after which a narrower casing pipe is inserted.

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Shock-rope method

This technology for drilling a water well is the oldest, slowest and most labor-intensive. However, the quality of such work is the highest. Its essence lies in the fact that the rock is destroyed by crushing it with a powerful heavy projectile, which first rises to a certain height, and then drops sharply.

As a result, the projectile destroys the soil with its weight, which is multiplied by the free fall coefficient. The destroyed rock is removed from the trunk using a bailer. If the ground is soft, then, as a rule, the bailer and chisel are combined into one projectile.

The main advantage of such drilling is that it does not require the use of drilling fluid or water. Thanks to this, it is possible to open the aquifer more accurately and thereby ensure the longest service life of the well and the highest possible flow rate. As a rule, wells made in this way last more than 50 years.

The main disadvantage of this technology for the customer is high price services. In addition to the fact that this method is labor-intensive in itself, during the work it becomes necessary to isolate all the upper aquifers. In other words, as many aquifers and quicksand are in the well, so many casing pipes need to be used, which means additional costs for material and the work of specialists.

Which technology to choose?

In reality, the customer does not have much choice, especially if site conditions do not allow the use of an auger. The percussion-contact method has been almost completely replaced from the market by rotary drilling, which most likely will have to be used.

However, it is necessary to take an interest in the technology at least in order to determine the adequacy of the cost of services. If the soil conditions are suitable and the aquifer is not deep, then it is much more profitable to use the auger method.

Is it possible to drill a well yourself?

It is quite possible to drill a well with your own hands, the only question is how much time and effort it will take from you, and also how well it will be possible to isolate the trunk from the upper aquifers.

Often, developers underestimate the complexity of the work, which results in either “puddle water” being extracted from great depths, or the work is completed by specialists. At the same time, drillers have to pay almost the full cost, as if they were doing the work “from scratch.”

Therefore, before deciding to do the work yourself, you must:

  • Study drilling technology in detail;
  • Understand what equipment you will need and Consumables;
  • Make sure that your site can be drilled with a small-sized drilling rig.

Small-sized installations come in two types:

  • Screw type - as a rule, these installations are homemade.
  • Shock-rope type - installations can have an electric motor or power unit internal combustion. This is important if there is no electricity on the site.

The installation for drilling using the percussion-rope method is considered less demanding on the soil and simpler.
With its help you can drill a well in almost any soil.


All existing technologies well drilling are fundamentally different from each other, however, if the work is carried out by professionals, then each of them allows you to achieve the desired result. At the same time, preference should be given to one or another technology in accordance with one’s own financial capabilities, soil conditions and the depth of the aquifer.

For more information on this topic, watch the video in this article.

Before ordering water well drilling, we recommend that every homeowner become familiar with the basic technologies and methods of drilling. What is it for? After all, any company has consultants who will explain how one technology for drilling water wells differs from another. First of all, this is necessary for you personally. System autonomous water supply done on long years and should all this time be a source of comfort, not anxiety. Even basic knowledge in the field of drilling will allow you to communicate competently with contractors. A more accurate understanding of the complexity of the task and how to solve it will allow not only to choose best method drilling and well development, but also to optimize costs.

Private well drilling methods

Water well drilling technology has various options implementation. Among them there are both already outdated and low-effective ones, as well as modern ones that use latest achievements sciences that require expensive and complex technology. The organization of autonomous water supply solves a very specific range of problems, which allowed private drillers and drilling companies to choose the best methods. To create individual water wells, three main drilling methods are used:

  • shock-rope

  • screw

  • rotary

Percussion-rope drilling

The drilling process involves flushing with drilling fluid. The solution performs several functions at once: it cools and lubricates the drilling tool, strengthens the walls of the well, and carries cuttings to the surface. Mud is a mixture of drilling fluid and broken rock particles. The cuttings settle in a pit dug near the drilling site, and the solution is returned to the well.

There are two types of flushing during drilling. Direct flushing - drilling fluid is fed through drill rods and exits down the wellbore, carrying cuttings to the surface. Backflushing - once in the well, the solution is taken from the lowest point and brought to the surface through the drill string. Backflushing makes it possible to better tap the aquifer, but is more expensive because it requires complex equipment.

Which drilling technology is better?

It is unlikely that you will be able to choose a drilling method based on some personal or financial preferences. The determining factors will be the type of aquifer for which they are going to drill, the characteristics of the rock and the design of the well. The auger is only suitable for drilling in soft rocks without stones and boulders to a relatively shallow depth, therefore it is mainly used when creating sand wells. Rotary drilling is universal; a roller bit can penetrate hard rocks to great depths without problems - this is the only option when drilling into limestone. Cable percussion drilling is too time-consuming, low-tech and practically unused.

Be careful when choosing a drilling company. With poor-quality drilling and casing (especially deep artesian), the water quality will deteriorate, the life of the well will be shortened, and the costs of repairing and restoring the functionality of the water supply source will be disproportionately high.

Can you drill a well yourself?

IN certain situations the homeowner is thinking about the possibility of making a water well on his own, hoping to win on several points at once - drilling, casing, etc. Basically, of course, everyone wants to save money. The main thing is that the “savings” do not affect the quality of water and the time spent on an amateur well. It is quite possible that you will be able to make a so-called Abyssinian well, or an igloo well. In this case, a narrow casing pipe with a sharp nozzle is simply driven shallow into the ground to the nearest aquifer (no deeper than 8 m). Drilling with a small-sized auger allows you to do more deep well larger diameter. Such installations are equipped with either an electric or gasoline engine.

But drilling is half the battle; the well needs to be well cased. It often happens that after going through part of the shaft, the homeowner is forced to contact specialists to finish drilling or completely casing the well. Of course, in such a situation the customer gains some experience as a driller, but this experience is not sufficient for independent work and is worth a lot of money, time and effort. If the task is to make quality work in the cottage year-round water supply based on the well, we recommend that you immediately contact a professional drilling company.

Security country house water is a top priority. Without water it is even impossible to carry out construction, not to mention a normal stay at the dacha all year round or seasonally. There are several options: connect to centralized system, dig a well or drill a well for water. The simplest option is the first one, but if it is not available, it is easier to dig a shallow well. But the quality of the water will be low, so many people prefer to make their own water well with their own hands. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the drilling technologies that are available for home use.

Drilling methods

Water wells are drilled different ways. In particular, there are such technologies:

  1. Percussion-rope drilling.
  2. Rotary drilling.
  3. Auger drilling.
  4. Hydro drilling.

Let's consider all the features of do-it-yourself well drilling technologies.

Percussion cable drilling

The rope technique involves the use special mechanism. The process of drilling water wells using this method is considered the most accessible for home use. At the same time, the process is quite lengthy. If there is no mechanism, then the lifting process impact element will also require significant labor costs.

Drilling a water well with your own hands using the shock-rope method can be done in different types soil. It is important to select the appropriate shells. Below we describe some of the devices that summer residents use to drill a well on their own site:

  • Thick-walled metal pipe. In its lower part there is a cut and cutting edge. Such a structure is also known as a drill-glass. Many craftsmen make a similar drill for drilling a well manually on their own. The best option for a non-flowing layer of clay soil.
  • If the soil is predominantly hard rock, such as crushed stone or sand, then a bailer is used. A valve is welded at the bottom of the drill. When the drill hits the ground, the valve opens and the soil falls inside the glass. At the moment of lifting, the valve closes. Thanks to this, the rock does not spill out, but is taken out.
  • In such soil, when manually drilling a water well, you can use a spoon drill. It received this name due to its specific shape.
  • If you encounter rock while manually drilling a well, a drill bit is used. First, the rock must be crushed and then removed from the source.

All these drills are based on a rope and a special installation - a tripod. To automate the process of removing the drill, a motor can be installed on the tripod. In this case, shock The rotational method will significantly speed up the entire drilling process.

Important! The heavier the projectile you have, the faster the water well will be ready. Therefore, it is recommended to put effort into making it.

Rotary drilling

In this case, special mobile MGBU equipment with a small-sized installation is used. Drilling a water well will happen much faster. Important condition– provide free access for equipment access. The rotary method is effective in cases where a well in a country house is needed in a short time.

Rotary drilling scheme

Auger drilling

In this situation, drilling a water well is carried out using an auger drill. By this we mean steel pipe, having welded blades in a spiral direction. As the auger rotates, the projectile gradually goes deeper into the ground. During its immersion, it should be regularly lifted outwards, the blades cleaned and the pipe extended for greater immersion. It is important that the bottom of the pipe has a thread and a retaining ring. In this case, it will be possible to implement manual drilling wells for quality water.

But this method of drilling water wells is effective only if the soil is soft. With loose soil, the wellbore will constantly crumble. And with rocky rock, the method is generally ineffective.

Hydro drilling

Water wells are also drilled using hydrodrilling technology. Based on the name, it becomes clear that water is used in the work process. Its exit by gravity occurs directly through the drill, where there is a special hole. Additionally, a pump is used. The technology of drilling wells using hydrodrilling does not require a large volume of water, since its circulation is observed.

Choosing a place to drill a well

Before drilling a well, it is necessary to determine the location for the work. Most The best way use all kinds of diagrams and maps of the area in your region. From them you can more likely find out whether a water well will have a good aquifer supply or not. For example, in some regions of the country only perennial water is available. It lies at a depth of 10 meters. This water can be consumed only if it is regularly submitted for analysis to the relevant authorities. In all other cases it is necessary to install the system deep cleaning. But as a rule, it is not cost-effective to drill a water well to such a depth; it is enough to make a small well.

A water well is preferably made in a place where artesian water is available. This source will provide water of excellent quality. This aquifer is located at a depth of 55 m or more. However, it is prohibited to raise this water without the appropriate permits. For domestic needs and without any permits, you can drill a hole in a free-flow well. As a rule, such sources are called needle on sand. Sand well drilling is often done independently without the use of special equipment. This aquifer is located at a depth of 5 to 20 meters. But before drinking it, you should thoroughly pump the well on the site.

As for a specific location, there are many ways to determine water on a site. For example, when planning to drill sand wells, a exploration well. There is also traditional methods. But the best thing is to find maps and diagrams of the occurrence of the aquifer in your region.

Types of wells and their features

The type or type of well on a site determines the geology of the site at a specific drilling point. So, this is influenced by several factors:

  • Depth.
  • Rock hardness.
  • Features of the geological section.

Well drilling technology also influences the specific type. Now we propose to compare 4 types of sources with each other:

  1. Industrial.
  2. Exploration.
  3. On the sand.
  4. Abyssinian well.


This is a limestone water intake well with a diameter of 600 mm. As a rule, the depth is more than 500 m and has a high flow rate of up to 100 cubic meters per hour. Drilling a water well of this type is effective for large agricultural and technological buildings and industries. It is used for cottage villages and so on. The well drilling method used is rotary.


If hydrological or geological exploration work is carried out, an exploration hole is drilled. In most cases, rotational technology is used. As a rule, the diameter is very small, and the well design is very simple. Plus, it is the cheapest investment. Thanks to this, there is a real opportunity to find out exactly where large-scale work can begin.

Well on sand

Such water well made by hand using rotational technology. A screw is used for this. In just two days you can complete all the work. It is classified as low-yield, up to 1 cubic meter per hour. Vibrating pumps are used for pumping. If you follow the technology for drilling a water well, it will last up to 10 years. In order for everything to work properly, it is recommended to use it constantly.

Abyssinian well

The Abyssinian type structure is a source that is easy to make with your own hands. It cannot even be fully called for drilling, because it is based on a special rod that is driven into the soil. A special filter mesh is attached to its lower part, allowing water to rise upward. good quality. The process uses extension rods. The connection is made via thread. Unlike other technologies for drilling wells under water, the pipe itself remains in the ground, since water will flow through it. The pipe diameter can reach up to 32 mm. It is extremely important that all connections are as tight as possible, since the needle is driven into the soil for a long time.

Water well drilling tools

If you plan to manually drill wells, then optimal technology shock-rope, it is the most common and accessible. To do this you will need the following tools and material:

  • Shovel.
  • Drill having cutting part. To increase the weight of the drill, steel screws or other metal objects can be welded onto it.
  • Wheelbarrow for transporting soil.
  • Pump.
  • Container with water.

You will also need the following material:

  • Wire.
  • Pipe.
  • Steel wire for filter.
  • Gravel or crushed stone.

Do-it-yourself water well drilling

The well at the dacha is made by hand using shock-rope technology. The essence of the technology is to drill holes in the soil using a driving glass. A tool falls from a height and breaks the rock. Afterwards, it is lifted and the soil is removed from the glass. To do this you need to create certain conditions. Now we propose to consider in detail how to make a well with your own hands.

Before you drill a well in your dacha, you need to make a pit. This means digging a shallow hole to make it easier to drill a well on the site. First of all, due to this, the drilling depth is reduced and the possibility of collapse of the top layer of soil is eliminated. Its size can have the following dimensions: 1.5 by 2.5 meters. Along the edges of the pit walls are reinforced with plywood. Thanks to this, the soil will definitely not crumble.

Next, the water well drilling technology includes installing a tripod. This is a special shock-rope mechanism that allows you to drill a well for water. The tripod serves support installation to hold the drill bit. It is made from wood or metal profile. The length of the beam/pipe should reach up to 5 meters. Be sure to attach the winch with a cable. The drill bit is attached to the cable.

Drilling on summer cottage

The resulting installation is compact in size, does not require the use of a small-sized drilling rig for drilling wells, and is made by hand. You can drill a well in this way in different time. Speed ​​determines the nature of the soil. In one blow, the drill can travel up to one meter. If the soil is rocky, then up to 200 mm.

Advice! To speed up the process of making a well on the site, you can pour water into the hole. It will soften the rock. Moreover, the glass must be constantly cleaned.

As for the cable, it must have sufficient reserve so that the drill does not come off and remain at the very bottom of the hole. As you progress, you can immediately install the casing pipe or after drilling the water well manually.

If the first method is chosen, then drilling wells for water, the process technology will include a casing pipe having a larger diameter than the drill itself. With this method, it is important to control the depth of the well for drinking water. Otherwise, you can skip the aquifer and cover it with a pipe. Therefore, the moisture level of the soil raised outside should be strictly controlled.

You can determine this point when making a water well at your dacha using the following criteria:

  • The knot began to shrink very quickly.
  • You have discovered aquiferous rock in the wash.
  • In the storm after the clay, you discovered sand.
  • A static pressure is formed.
  • Water began to drain from the pit.
  • The drill begins to vibrate.

Therefore, when drilling a well in this way, it is important to be extremely careful.

As soon as you have reached the aquifer, a well in your dacha with your own hands requires pumping and cleaning dirty water. Thanks to this, you will be able to find out whether this well at your summer cottage will meet all the needs of your family in terms of its debit.

If during the pumping process the water is cloudy for a long time, then you should deepen the well at the dacha with your own hands.


Water well design in mandatory includes casing. For this you can use plastic or metal pipes. It is not recommended to use galvanized pipes, as they may adversely affect chemical composition water.

So, by installing a casing pipe, the following goals are achieved:

  1. The walls of the source do not crumble.
  2. The water intake does not silt.
  3. The possibility of ingress of perched water, which is not the best in the category of wells, is eliminated.
  4. The source will remain pure.

As already mentioned, a water intake well can be equipped with a casing pipe during the drilling process or after. If the pipe goes into the ground with difficulty, then it is necessary to make physical efforts and work with a sledgehammer.

Flushing a well for water after drilling

After drilling a well with your own hands and installing a casing pipe, flushing is carried out - a mandatory step. The essence of this process comes down to the fact that a pipe is lowered into the source, through which water is pumped under pressure. Due to the pressure, sand and clay will be completely removed from the hole. All this will be pumped out. As soon as I left pure water Be sure to submit it for analysis to the appropriate organization.

Advantages and disadvantages

This method of drilling a water well has its pros and cons.


  • The design of the water well allows you to create a source with a high flow rate and a long service life.
  • Equipment for drilling wells can be made with your own hands, which is a saving, as if you had to rent a small-sized installation for drilling a well.
  • The ability to control the water level and see the aquifer.
  • Designing water intake wells allows you to create an inlet with a large diameter.
  • These drilling methods allow work to be carried out even in winter time of the year.


  • There are other types of well drilling that allow work to be carried out much faster.
  • A large amount of equipment will be required to drill water wells, especially with regard to casing.
  • These types of water wells require serious physical and labor resources.
  • Before drilling a well for water, it is necessary to determine the nature of the soil; shock-rope technology is not always relevant.
  • Causing harm landscape design local area. For this reason, before drilling a well with your own hands, you should not carry out landscaping work.


So, here we have looked at all the features of how to make a water well with your own hands. Among other things, we learned about the varieties of this source, which under different circumstances receives different names, for example, absorption wells, thermometric wells, sand well and others. To consolidate the whole theory and know how to cope with the work yourself, we suggest watching the prepared video material at the end of the article.

Water, as the source of life for humans and all living things around, is a necessary attribute of any suburban area and at home. When it is not possible to lay a water supply system, creating a well or borehole is considered an indispensable solution for many owners.

The main advantage is the constant supply of water, which does not depend on preventive maintenance by utility services.

Let's consider the technology of drilling water wells. There are several nuances that need to be taken into account during the construction process. As a result of the error, the water in the well will be unfit for consumption.

Types of well structures

Create constant water supply on the site using one of the types of structures:

  • arrangement of an ordinary well or an Abyssinian one;
  • drilling a well on sand or limestone;
  • creation of an artesian well.

Among the advantages of a well are ease of construction and economic benefits. The created container constantly contains about 2 cubic meters soft water. Disadvantages of the design are considered to be possible contamination, drying out of water and silting of the container without constant cleaning. To avoid this, an Abyssinian well is dug up to 12 meters deep, which is capable of for a long time provide a country house with clean water.

A sand well can be from 15 to 30 meters deep and can last up to 15 years. But just like a well, it can silt up.

An artesian well helps to extract water that is located in layers of porous limestone. The design is considered durable and can provide large amounts of clean water for up to 60 years. To obtain the liquid, it is necessary to use a special drilling machine, but it may not always have access to the site. In addition, the procedure is considered very expensive.

Water well drilling technology

The technology for drilling water wells can be carried out in three ways, which differ in cost and type of equipment required:

  1. screw;
  2. shock-rope;
  3. rotary.

When drilling water wells, process technology is extremely important to determine the cost of the work, the amount of time spent and the type of equipment.

Auger drilling

The screw option is simple and low-cost. It is often used for drilling shallow containers.

Auger drilling shown

The equipment is an Archimedes screw. With its help, soil is removed to the surface during drilling. This creates structures about 10 meters deep.

In this way main problem a large boulder may appear that there is no way to get around. Then you will need to start arranging the structure in another place. Therefore, this method is only suitable for soft soils. Despite the simplicity of the process, it is important to follow all steps and protect the well from Wastewater. This manual drilling technology is very common among private specialists who have a screw equipped with an electric motor.

Percussion-rope drilling

Percussion-rope drilling is a multi-hour, but fairly high-quality process of creating a well.

The equipment is a special heavy projectile that is mounted on a tower. The part quickly sinks to the ground and destroys it. The tower resembles a tripod, which you can build yourself. , the resulting broken rock is removed.

You can construct the equipment yourself using a piece of pipe. Using this drilling option, you can get a structure that will last a long time.

In addition, this method does not use water or solution, which allows you to accurately find water deposits. Any soil can be drilled using this method, but the process takes a lot of time.

Due to the complexity of the process, the cost of the service increases. At the moment, this method is not very popular among owners of personal plots.

The essence of the rotary method

Rotary Drilling Process

The rotary method is considered effective, but expensive. A well is created using a drill string that can penetrate any rock formation. This option is one of the most popular today.

With the help of drilling fluid, which is poured into the well, the soil is washed out. The resulting liquid is taken out by the pump. During drilling, it is necessary to isolate surface aquifers from entering clean waters.

Using the rotary method, wells of almost any depth are created.

Let's take a step-by-step look at the process of drilling wells

To fully understand the process, it is better to look at several types of well drilling.

During manual method a winch, drill and casing should be used. The winch must be mounted above the location of the future well. Its height should be 1.5 meters greater than the length of the drill.

At the site of the well, a small depression is dug with a shovel. The drill is placed in the recess, the first turns are made clockwise.

Tip: Using water makes drilling easier.

During the drilling process, it may be difficult for one person. It's better to work in pairs. Every 0.5 m the drill is raised and cleared from the ground. When the equipment is completely immersed in the soil, its height is increased using an additional elbow.

While drilling, it is advisable to try to lift a large number of soil to reduce working time. For soft soil, it is necessary to install casing pipes so that the sand does not spill out, but groundwater didn't get clogged. The parts are installed on top of each other and secured with brackets.

The attachment point is hidden using stainless steel strips. Drilling is carried out to the waterproof layer, which follows the aquifer. At first, the water will be dirty and you will need a pump to pump it out. After pumping out several liters, clear liquid appears.

The very first pipe that is lowered into the well must have a fine mesh. It will serve as a filter. On the surface, the pipe is closed with a caisson, which protects the structure from contamination. If the water is at great depth, you can’t do without rotary drilling.

The technology for drilling water wells is shown in detail in the video below.

Each type of drilling differs in cost and type of equipment. Therefore, before starting work, you should identify the depth of the water, determine the size of the budget and you can begin construction work. If the water depth does not exceed 10 meters, you can make a well yourself.

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In order for a country house or dacha located far from centralized networks water supply, were not deprived of the benefits of civilization, namely water, it is worth drilling a well on the site to provide household and drinking water consumption needs. The main advantage of such a hydraulic structure is stable supply water all year round. The first thing that needs to be done at the stage of constructing such a source is to drill a tunnel. In this case it can be used different technology drilling wells. Each method has its own nuances, advantages and disadvantages. To make it easier for you to understand the features of drilling a water well, we offer you a video of the process.

To ensure water supply to the house from the underground water horizon, you can use different types wells:

  • Abyssinian well-needle or well;
  • excavation into sand;
  • construction of an artesian well.

The main advantage of building a well is the simplicity of the process, the possibility of self-execution and financial benefits. In such a structure, about two cubic meters of water are constantly present. The disadvantages of wells include the need for constant cleaning, otherwise the water will begin to silt, the likelihood of contamination and drying out.

An Abyssinian well can be a good inexpensive alternative to a well. Its depth reaches 15 m. However, this structure is also short-lived. Hydraulic structures are drilled into sand to a depth of 15-30 m. They can last a couple of decades. However, such a well can also silt up.

The purest and highest quality water is obtained from an artesian well. Such aquifers lie at a considerable depth (over 50 m) among layers of porous limestone. The service life of this hydraulic structure is the most impressive (up to 50 years).

Drilling methods

To construct a hydraulic structure, one of the following drilling methods can be used:

  1. Rotary drilling technology water wells borrowed from oil industry. The drilling process takes place by destroying the rock using a roller bit. To rotate it, an internal combustion drive located on the machine is used. This drilling method is suitable in cases where the well must pass through hard rock and limestone. A special washing solution is used to lift the destroyed rock to the surface.
  2. Percussion-rope drilling technique was borrowed from the Chinese. To destroy the rock, a special weight with a pointed end is used, which is dropped into the well from a considerable height. The load is located in a special tube. In addition to this, bailers or glasses are used. The glass is used on clay soils, since the rock adheres well to its walls. The bailer holds loose and loose rock well due to the presence of a valve that opens when it hits the ground. This is the most labor-intensive and slowest drilling method. Among the advantages are ease of implementation and the minimum number of necessary devices.
  3. Hydro drilling is suitable for loose and sandy rocks. This method is divided into two varieties:
    • In one case, the process takes place without a tap. Drilling occurs due to water flowing down under high pressure. The method is considered the fastest, provided that there are no large stones or hard rocks in the way. The maximum depth of the face is 15-20 m. But the choice of well diameter is quite large, from 5 cm to 30 cm. The choice of pumping equipment is also easier.
    • The second type of hydraulic drilling involves the use of a drill bit, which is equipped with a hollow rod. In this case, not pure water is used for drilling, but a mixture of water and bentonite clay. This solution allows you to further strengthen the walls of the well. The destroyed rock is washed into the sludge pit. The depth of the slaughter can be any. However, the shaft of the mine will have a telescopic shape due to the need to use hollow pipes.
  1. Auger drilling technology wells is the most inexpensive and simplest method of excavation. The only drawback is that this method is only suitable for sandy soils. Drilling occurs due to the rotation of the core drill. Since the drilling speed is impressive, casing pipes are installed as the face deepens to prevent the walls of the mine from crumbling.
  2. Perforation drilling. This method is suitable for constructing Abyssinian wells. A needle hole is made using a spear mounted on iron rods. The small depth of the face and small diameter make it possible to carry out work without the use of special equipment. Drilling is performed using a headstock or a rod. The second tool is preferable because threaded connection You will only have to withstand tensile loads.

Selection of drilling technology

The technology for drilling water wells is selected depending on the required depth of the face and the composition of the soil. In any case, geological exploration work is required to obtain complete data. Based on the results obtained, you can select the appropriate drilling method.

It is important to know: the rotary method is used for the construction of artesian wells. Such drilling allows you to drill to the required depth and diameter. The method is also suitable for economic and environmental reasons. Drilling can be carried out in loose rocks with rock inclusions.

To construct a shallow well for sand in sandy or loose soil, you can choose the hydrodrilling method. Also, auger drilling technology can cope well with this task. This is the simplest and affordable way construction of wells for sand. Let's look at the features technological process the most popular drilling methods.

Rotary drilling method

This is the most common technology. The work is carried out using a drill pipe with a rotating shaft located inside. At the end of the shaft there is a chisel. A hydraulic installation is used to create the required load. You can learn how the rotary drilling process works in the video provided at the end of the article. To briefly describe the drilling procedure, it is as follows:

  1. A chisel is driven into the soil big size. The unit is driven by an internal combustion engine.
  2. Weight pipes are installed between the bit and the drill string to increase the load.
  3. During operation, a flushing solution is supplied into the well under pressure. It facilitates the exit of crushed rock to the surface through the rotor channel. That is why the second name of this technology is drilling with circulation.
  4. When the first part of the excavation is completed, casing is installed to prevent the walls from collapsing. The gap between the casing and the walls of the penetration is cemented.
  5. Further work is carried out with a chisel of smaller diameter. After completing the second section, a casing pipe of smaller diameter is installed.
  6. When the drilling work is completed, the excavation is “declared.” This is necessary so that the flushing solution does not clog the pores of the well and does not interfere with the flow of artesian water.

To flush out soil from a well, the bore is flushed with drilling fluid. It can be submitted in two ways:

  1. Direct flush. Using a pump directly into inner space drill pipe. The exit of the solution with the rock occurs by gravity through the annulus.
  2. If the drilling fluid is supplied to the annulus, it exits through the drill pipe, from where it is pumped out using a pump. This method is called backwashing. It is considered the best because it allows for better penetration of the water layer, which will increase the productivity of the well in the future. However, its labor intensity and price are higher.

Advantages of rotary drilling:

  • This method has the highest speed of work.
  • Drilling can be done to any depth in any rock.
  • There is no need to prepare a large number of casing pipes in advance.
  • Compared to other methods, the cost of work is significantly lower.
  • This drilling technique allows you to reach the required water horizon even if there are limestone deposits along the way.
  • The method allows you to equip sand filters. To do this, you need to pour sand into the space between the walls of the penetration and the casing pipe.

Screw method

Typically, small-sized drilling rigs operate using this technology due to its simplicity and low cost. An auger or Archimedes screw is used to destroy the rock and extract it to the surface.

The depth of the hydraulic structure in this case can reach up to 60 m. The main limitations with this drilling technique are the ability to work only in dry and soft soils. If there is hard rock and quicksand in the path of the auger, further drilling will be impossible.

Attention: although auger drilling is quite simple technology, it is important not only to drill a well, but also to properly protect it from high water, which can pollute the water at the source.

Shock-rope technique

This is the most labor-intensive and slow technology. However, the quality of penetration is the highest. The essence of the technology is as follows:

  1. A pointed, powerful projectile rises to a certain height and is abruptly released.
  2. The crushed rock is removed from the mine using a bailer. To work in soft ground, the bailer and chisel can be combined into one tool.

The main advantage is that this dry drilling does not require the use of water or drilling fluid. Thanks to this, high precision in opening the aquifer is achieved, and the service life of the hydraulic structure is significantly increased (up to 50 years), which will provide maximum productivity.

The disadvantage is the high cost of the method. Also, during drilling, it is necessary to constantly isolate the overlying aquifers, which requires the preparation of a lot of casing pipes.

How to drill water wells (video):


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