The Subtle Bodies Program and the work of star souls on Earth. Signs of the Awakening of the Stellar Body

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From book Dolores Cannon "Watchmen. Volume 2". What lies beyond the mysterious UFO abduction.

This book is a sequel to Dolores Cannon's Watchmen. Dolores is an internationally renowned hypnotherapist who uses regressive hypnosis to uncover important knowledge that has been lost to our civilization in the distant past. Familiar to Russian readers from the bestsellers “Between Life and Death”, “Jesus and the Essenes” and “Conversations with Nostradamus”.

For the past 20 years, Dolores has been an active researcher in the field of UFOs, the author of many books, which are based on reliable information received from volunteers immersed in deep hypnotic sleep and having contact with representatives of other civilizations.

The book "Keepers" is the result of 12 years of hard work. In it you will learn:

About cases of gaps in time;

ABOUT spaceships from other dimensions;

About compression or distortion of time;

About the differences and functions of various alien systems;

And much more.

Fragment about Cosmic Souls.

D: Janice wanted to ask. It seems to her that before every natural disaster she becomes ill.

J: Absolutely right. This is also one of the purposes of my visit. I know how she feels. That's how it should be. It's built into her. This happens for various reasons. First, it lets her know what needs to happen so she can protect herself. Secondly, part of the project and the work that she does is the ability to return to her original energetic state and, interacting with other energies, create containment for the planet. As a result of their interaction, energy is distributed along various ley lines (energy lines) throughout the Earth. That is, being in an energetic state, it is completely connected with the planet. Even returning to her physical body, she does not lose touch with the planet. That is why all the changes that occur on Earth have a physical impact on Janice.

D: She said that the sensations are always different. It all depends on what is going to happen: an earthquake or a plane crash and so on.

J: Absolutely right.

D.: So she is aware of the difference in sensations?

J: Yes, she can already predict something. This is part of her training. She gained this ability both through training and through participation in the project. She learns to protect the human part of herself and, at the same time, no matter what she does (whether she sleeps, wakes, eats or breathes), she takes part in a project to help the Earth.

D: But she cannot prevent these catastrophes, because when she senses something, they are already happening.

J: No. Nothing is happening yet. These sensations come before the disaster, remain during the disaster and continue after it.

D: But she can't warn anyone about what's going to happen.

J: It's not a matter of warning.

D: It cannot prevent a catastrophe.

J: It's all about energy, not about preventing disaster. She is a channel for energy, she is its recipient, energy flows pass through her. And therefore its task is to reduce the consequences of the disaster. On a planetary scale, energy influences the size of the catastrophe. And it doesn’t matter whether she is in an energetic state at a particular moment in time or is in her physical body.

D: Is there anyone else who came to Earth to work with these energies?

J: Yes. There are many people like Janice on your planet.

D: But none of them, like Janice, consciously know what they are doing?

J: Like Janice, they are aware of their purpose, and their consciousness has a certain amount of information. It’s just that the time has not yet come for them to learn the full scope of the project. After all, when you ask questions of your clients, you don't want to influence their answers. We do not let them know the entire integrity of the project, so as not to affect the final result and to prevent the human part of these beings from interfering in the implementation of the project.

D: And those others who help our planet are the energies of the Earth or came from other worlds?

J: From other worlds.

D: It seems to me that one of my clients belongs to this group of beings.

I meant Fida, whose work is described in my book “Keepers of the Garden.”

J: Yes, that's true.

D: What he saw on Earth had a huge impact on him. It was very difficult for him.

J: This is a very serious trauma for them, both physically and mentally. Every cell in their body takes part in this project. When they enter the molecular state, every atom in their body seems to experience all these events. Therefore, when they return to their material shell, every atom of their body again experiences everything that happens on the planet. Moreover, the sensitivity of these people is much higher than that of ordinary person. For some, this becomes such a serious ordeal that they cannot even get out of bed.

D: He once tried to commit suicide.

J: Many people try.

D: He just couldn't understand. He didn't want to stay here.

J: It was the same with Janice, because she didn’t understand what it was all for. Because she had spiritual memories of another life, that she was a different creature.

D: He also talked about this. He said that his home is not here.

J: Yes, Earth is not their home. This is home in the truest sense of the word. They know that the Earth can become a real home. Hence their disappointment.

D: It seems to me that these are spirits that have essentially never lived on Earth before.

J: Some of them lived on your planet before, while others came here for the first time.

D.: And they all voluntarily decided to take part in this project.

J: Absolutely right. You must understand that regardless of the fact that they are all involved in this project, all these energies are completely different. This does not mean that they are all the same or even that they all come from the same source.

D: What about the other members of Janice's family? It seems she has brothers.

J: Yes, she has brothers. And they are all very special. They are just like her. But they don't know this.

D: Are you their father too? (Yes). But they're not that sensitive, right?

J: They are sensitive too, but in a different way.

D: Do you have family somewhere else?

J: Yes, there are.

D: It seems to me that you have a lot of children.

J: Yes, a lot.

D: Both on Earth and in other places? (Yes). Is the father chosen according to certain criteria? (Pause). You know what I mean?

J: No. I do not understand your question.

D: Have you been made the father of many children on Earth because you have some special characteristics?

J: Yes, my characteristics can be seen in Janice. Not all of our children, unlike yours, turn out the same. When they come to Earth, they have a choice.

D.: It’s all connected with the soul, with the essence. (Yes). What traits did Janice inherit from you?

J: Purity of intentions. Loyalty, honesty, frankness. Pure feeling of love. We know what absolute love is.

D: These are wonderful character traits. But not all of your children inherited these traits?

J: All my children inherited these traits. It’s just that some of these traits did not manifest themselves, and some abandoned them.

D: Now I understand why you are so proud of Janice.

J: I'm very proud of her.

D: Can you tell me where you are from? Where is your home?

J: I can only say that it is outside your Galaxy.

D.: This is very difficult for us to understand.

J: I know.

D: Is this a material planet?

J: Yes, this is a material planet.

D: Do you go there from time to time?

J: Yes. I just came from there.

D: Just what? (Yes). I am the wife of a military sailor. My husband spent many years away from home. Sometimes I traveled with him. You are probably also, to some extent, assigned to the ship you are on?

J: It doesn't matter what ship I'm on.

D.: So, you have some important task and you have to for a long time leave your home.

J: Not necessarily. Because interdimensional and intergalactic flights do not take place on your time.

D.: How do you travel?

J: With the help of thought.

D.: I’ve already heard about this, I just want to make sure again. What do you do on your home planet?

J: I am the ruler of the planet.

D.: Wow! This is a very high position. Perhaps that is why you were made the father of so many children?

J: If you like it that way. This is a common thing for us. We don't think we were chosen to do this.

D: So you are not the only alien who is the father of people on our planet. (No). Probably, being the ruler of an entire planet is a huge responsibility.

J: It's a big responsibility. But we don’t have the same problems that you have. I don't do things that take up most of your rulers' time. Can you imagine a planet with flowers the size of your houses?

D.: No, I can’t. So this is what your planet looks like?

J: Yes, but that's only part of it. My planet is beautiful.

D: Do you have seasons?

J: We don’t have a winter like yours.

D: You're lucky. (Laughs).

J: Our relationship to the seasons is different from yours. For us it's more about entertainment. We do not have a growing season, a harvest season, these are the events you associate with the seasons.

D: Do you consume food?

J: We feed on light. But if we want, we can eat regular food.

D: Because you have a digestive system?

J: Not in your understanding.

D: Do you feed using your senses? (Yes). Like when Janice told them about milk chocolate?

D: And when you are on a spaceship, how do you get the light that you feed on?

J: I don't have a problem with that because I am the light.

D.: It seemed to me that the supply of light needed to be replenished.

J: No. For full existence this is not required.

D: Do you differ by gender?

J: Of course!

D.: Do you also have two opposite sexes, like we do? (Yes). Do your children grow the same as ours, starting from infancy?

J: They don't have to learn how to tie their shoes.

This was said very seriously, but I felt that he wanted to joke. They probably didn't have any shoes at all.

J: All life mechanisms and needs are already invested in our children. So when the time comes to eat using, so to speak, cutlery, they don't need to learn how to do it. All knowledge is already embedded in them. This does not mean that they sit on our home planet at the table and eat with a fork and knife. It's just that when they arrive on your planet, they won't need to learn this.

D.: That is, they will do it automatically. (Yes). But are your children born small? (Yes). And they grow up the same way as our children?

J: Yes, they grow the same way, but only at a different speed.

D: Are people dying on your planet? (No). What then happens to the body?

J: The body does not die.

D: So it can live forever?

J: It can live forever. There are transitional states, but we do not consider them to be death.

D.: On our planet the material body ages, collapses and eventually must...

J: We can be old too.

D.: But the body does not die because it is exhausting its resource, that is, aging?

J: It doesn't age.

D.: It always seemed to me that immortality is an ideal. That's what all people think.

J: Yes, people are of that opinion. But it's not that we can't die. It's all about choosing the transition state.

D: What happens when you decide that you no longer want to exist in this particular body?

J: We're going back to the source.

D: What happens to the body?

J: It breaks down into molecules.

D: And this happens when you get tired of your body?

J: There are different reasons. (Janice was clearly uncomfortable.)

D: I think our time is almost up. Janice gets hot and uncomfortable. I want to say that I really enjoyed our conversation. It was a great honor for me.

J: Thank you for coming to talk to me. I appreciate your patience. I couldn't fully focus on just you and your questions. I was selfish in my desire to communicate with Janice to let her know I was there.

D.: It's okay. It was I who showed selfishness in distracting you.

J: It doesn't matter. It was important to me that OHa saw that I still existed.

D: Maybe someday we can talk again.

J: We will definitely meet again. I want to thank you for the work you do with my daughter.

D: I will always take care of her. As far as in me lies.

J.: (In a commanding tone). Yes, you will do it!

D.: I always pay great attention to client safety.

J: I know. I didn't mean to be rude to you. It's just that I also protect Janice with all my might.

I was about to bring Janice back to break her trance, but he stopped me.

J: I need to talk to her.

D: Now or tonight, when she sleeps?

J: Now.

D.: Okay. You can begin. We still have some time left. Will you talk to her out loud or mentally?

J: And so, and so. (There was incredible tenderness in the voice.) My daughter, my child, know that I am always there. I promised you that you would never be alone. And I must remember that I will never leave you. I will come whenever you want. Every time you need strength to complete the next task. If you want to talk to me, you know what to do. Don’t forget that I love you, that I am always there, and we will always be one. We are one. We cannot stop our existence. Now we live in different dimensions, but you know that you can visit me at any time. I will help you. I will take care of you. You must remember this. It is very important. That's why I'm talking to you now. The time is coming when you can forget about this, just as you recently forgot that I was next to you. This is my reminder to you. It is very important. If you need me, I will always be there. I love you, Alokeya. Please don't forget this.

D.: Alokea. Thank you very much. It's time for us to leave. Janice must wake up, because she still has to go home. I ask Janice's consciousness and personality to return to her body and the other personality to go back to where it came from.

I gave all the necessary instructions. As I tried to bring Janice back to consciousness, she began to struggle and cry. She didn't want to leave this place and this creature. I reassured her, but continued to insist on returning: “You must return. You must do this. Come back."

(to be continued)

Each of us “came from the Source,” but we all have different experiences and have been incarnated for various levels consciousness. It is for this reason that now on Earth there is such a difference and stratification in the tasks that the Soul goes through.

Often, understanding what experience you have gone through helps you realize the reasons for much in the present - this is the process of synthesis and gaining integrity, connecting in the mind and heart with all aspects of oneself.


Earthlings are those Souls who first began to incarnate on Earth. There are many versions of the origin of the earthly race, the essence of which boils down to the fact that many Beings from various Star systems participated in the “birth” of this race, and the main contribution was from the Pleiades and Sirius.

The earthly race, within the Universe, is very young and, in fact, at the level of consciousness, they are children. Those hundreds of lives that the Earthly Soul could go through are a very small number of incarnations, during which quite limited experience was gained, given that the Soul undergoes the experience of incarnation only at one level of consciousness, the consciousness of the three-dimensional world.

Emotional Trauma

One of the most powerful and first collective traumas received by Earthlings is the death of Lemuria, as a result of the systematic immersion of the continent under water, and natural disasters associated with the displacement of the earth's axis. And also all the global negative events that took place on Earth left an emotional imprint on the collective consciousness: the Inquisition, world wars, as well as personal traumas of each person, left an imprint on the DNA.


Earthlings are now actively working on the three lower chakras, which are responsible for the ability to interact in society, the ability to provide for themselves, gaining confidence, and developing sexuality. Not a very large number of people have reached the level of working on the third chakra; a huge number are still concentrated on the lower two. The high demand for seminars and trainings on the topics: “how to attract money”, “learn to make wishes come true”, “seduce and manage a partner” speaks specifically about this stage of people’s development.

Earthlings have a classic task, described in many sources - the systematic opening and development of each chakra, which gradually leads to the harmonious formation of reality. This process is very long and stretches over many lives. The soul goes through experience from life to life, the task of which is to expand consciousness - the perception and understanding of the processes occurring with a person, and the processes in the surrounding world.

The process of expanding consciousness is, among other things, the systematic development of one’s chakra system, in which the upper centers will never open if the lower ones are not worked out.

For Earthlings, the chakra system works and opens precisely according to classical principle: from the bottom, root chakra, up to the crown chakra.


Clones are earthly creatures that first appeared on Earth during the Atlantean period.

At that time growth and development technical capabilities much higher than the current earthly level, the possibilities of powerful control of one’s psychic energy were developed. But the problem concentrated in the fact that many Atlanteans lost the balance between the energy of the heart and the mind. Psychic energy was concentrated in the area of ​​the third eye chakra, which led to super-discoveries in the field of science and technology. But these discoveries were used inharmoniously and unethically and were aimed at establishing power, suppression and manipulation.

One of the super inventions during the time of Atlantis were Clones. The work of the chakra system among the Clones was completely different from that of the Earthlings, which explains completely various possibilities, living a different experience and sense of self.

Emotional Trauma

The purpose of the invention of the Clones was to perform additional work in Atlantis, those jobs that were considered "unskilled labor." Clones were treated as to lower beings, in this regard, literally from their first incarnations, clones experienced and received individual emotional traumas, even within one life, there were many such traumas. For example, emotional trauma associated with feelings of self-doubt, difficulty trusting oneself, lack of feeling inner strength and expression of sexual energy. As well as difficulties in adaptation to social environment, the opportunity to express yourself.

Already in their first lives, Clones were instilled with programs at the level of consciousness that they were “worse” than people, hence the powerful traumas of non-acceptance of oneself.

There are a sufficient number of those who went through their first incarnation on Earth as Clones among us; in my life alone, I met at least three people who began their incarnation on Earth in the bodies of Clones. They have very few incarnations on Earth, maybe about a dozen, but due to the difficult beginning, there are a lot of emotional traumas.


For Clones, the strongest and most activated chakra is the heart chakra. This is their strength and weakness simultaneously. These are very pure and sentient Beings. It is the activated heart center that gives them a high level of sensitivity, compassion, but at the same time vulnerability and large quantity emotional trauma.

Due to the fact that the remaining chakras of the Clones were not developed, even in the current incarnation these Souls have severe difficulties in social adaptation, it is difficult for them to choose the direction in which to express themselves, they are also highly susceptible to influence from both people and various philosophical movements. Due to the fact that the throat chakra and solar plexus chakras are not developed, it is very difficult for these Souls to discern what is true for them personally, as well as to express themselves professionally. They simply lack the inner determination and confidence to develop and deepen their talents, as well as the courage to show them in the outside world; the fear of being judged by others and not being accepted is too high.

The huge imprint of past traumas, left in the first incarnations in Atlantis, strongly activates the “fear of being bad” program in them. And if other Souls are at least aware of these programs in themselves, the Souls of the Clones try to suppress and push into the subconscious even the very thought of realizing this limiting fear.

Souls who came from other Planets and the same level of consciousness as the Earth

There are now a lot of Souls on Earth from different Planets, Star systems and levels of consciousness. The Earth is like an intergalactic station, providing opportunities for a huge number of Beings, but each Soul has its own tasks.

Souls who came from the same level of consciousness on which the Earth was located came to this Planet with such a primary task as healing injuries received on other Planets on which they began to incarnate.

Emotional Trauma

For example, on the planets Venus and Mars, the Souls suffered many injuries at the level of collective consciousness, some Planets were destroyed, on others, the collective consciousness decided to completely stop incarnation - evolution.

The inhabitants of these planets have “imprinted” traumas of feelings of unworthiness into the DNA strands. Those who came to Earth from these planets may, from birth, feel the trauma of unworthiness to live - unwillingness to live, feeling worse than others, and many other manifestations.

The Earth was “chosen” for the new stage of birth by these Souls, as the most suitable planet in terms of the level of consciousness and possibilities for further evolution.


For Souls who come from other Planets, in addition to the injuries received during incarnations on Earth, injuries received on other Planets are added. And their personal tasks include, among other things, to cleanse and heal their DNA from injuries received on other Planets.

Healing work is best started in this life, then healing past life traumas experienced on Earth, and then going deeper from there.

The characteristics of the development of chakras for Souls who came from other Planets are influenced by the experience from which planet they came. For example, Souls from Venus have a highly developed throat chakra - the chakra of creative potential, a craving for beauty and art.

Souls who come from Mars have a highly developed solar plexus chakra and can show courage, expressed will, but also aggression.

A soul that has gone through many incarnations on another Planet comes to Earth with its accumulated store of knowledge, skills, characteristics, but also additional emotional traumas.

Yes, these Souls can feel the alienness of being on Planet Earth, because DNA memory activates in them memories of their native Planet. But these Souls are not Born Stars.


This is a special category of Souls that came to Earth to help raise the vibrations of the Planet, as well as to help heal and expand the consciousness of people. These are Souls that began their incarnation in star systems and stars such as Sirius, Pleiades, Arcturus.

The first Born Star teams arrived on Earth in spaceships back in the days of Lemuria, this refers to the Pleiadian teams.

As a rule, famous scientists and writers, spiritual Teachers, discoverers are Born Stars. As a rule, those who have been healers for many lives are Born Star Souls who came to help in healing.

Some of these Souls began their incarnations at very high levels of consciousness, in etheric bodies, and were Guardians of the Planets. And then, lowering their vibrations, they began to undergo incarnations in the Star Systems, and later on Earth.

Emotional Trauma

Starborns go through their evolutionary process as follows, with high level vibrations, they begin to lower their vibrations, living the experience in physical-dense bodies. The experience of lowering vibrations is much more painful than the experience of raising vibrations that we are going through now.

The experience of raising vibrations is often also an uncomfortable process for both the physical body and consciousness, but it is an experience of healing and expansion of consciousness!

When vibrations decrease, as a rule, immediately in the first incarnation, emotional trauma is acquired! A decrease in vibrations is a collision with dense energies, in which there is a lot of fear, rejection, and a feeling of alienation. This is a difficult and painful process for the Soul.


The peculiarities of the Born Stars are that they clearly demonstrate a desire to serve - to help people, their mission is to expand consciousness in various forms.

But the lack of comfort of life on Earth is explained by the fact that the energy supply and more developed chakras of the Born Stars are precisely the upper ones, while the lower “earthly” chakras are often undeveloped.

Who you are?

This question interests many. Reading this text and having the skill of distinguishing, you could feel with the energy of the Heart which category of the described Souls you feel a special consonance with. But what is important here is the feeling of the Heart, what description is reflected, and not the energy of the mind, who one would like to be. This is where the skill of discrimination comes into play.

The ability to communicate with your Higher Self and unpack incoming packets of information also gives you a clear advantage to receive this information. It helps you in knowing yourself better.

Another tool with which you can get an answer to this question is dreams. As a rule, you may have had dreams more than once in which you could see yourself on other planets. Don’t regard this as a fantasy, trust your feelings. But dreams cannot necessarily show where you are from, your “home” planet. Dreams may show a Planet where you have passed through an incarnation and suffered emotional trauma that the Higher Self, through the dream, reveals as needing to heal.

Working with the Akashic Chronicles allows you not only to heal the traumas of this and past lives, but also trauma received on other Planets, and also gain an understanding of how the experience of the past affects you in the present.

Davydova Elena

These souls came to Earth to perform a specific task. Their actual homeland is distant other parts of the Universe. They had not incarnated many times before on earth, since the main path of their experience was on other planets. Most of these souls are involved in helping humanity, although at the same time they are closed, and even sometimes unsociable... and, sometimes, Rebels! They can be among: psychologists, doctors, astrologers, psychics, teachers, journalists, writers, politicians and other representatives social professions. They also have a basic belief that they must do everything to help humanity get through the difficult times that are approaching for everyone on the planet.

These aliens were unknown for many years, but today everything is changing... They are simple men and women of normal appearance, but in their body there are other souls - stellar ones...

They have an internal mechanism to carry out the task of preparing the world for a new era. They are charismatic individuals who intuitively understand and see ahead of their time. It's impossible not to love them. They radiate love and Light like the stars….

The key characteristics of STAR PEOPLE are the following:

- Detachment.
- These are not crowd people. Hermits.
- “White Crow” lifestyle and behavior.
- Fascinating and magnetic look.
- Temperature surges or body temperature lower than a normal person.
- Blood pressure is below normal.
- Hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields.
- They sleep little, they work better at night and alone.
- We were unexpected children from our parents. Premature birth 7-8 months.
- They want to express their love for their parents, but they feel that their mother and father are not their real parents.

- They feel and know that their ancestors were truly from another world, another dimension, another level of consciousness.
- Nostalgia for the real homeland, for the “Stars”.
- Unhurried.
- Do not fit well into generally accepted standards of social life.
- Feel a buzz or high-frequency sounds in their ears before or during events.
- Communicate with invisible childhood companions who offer them guidance, support and information...
- Have suffered serious accidents, illnesses or injuries in childhood and throughout life.
- Possess paranormal abilities, which are considered abnormal by their family members, peers and loved ones.
- Have a distinctive vision and skills in areas such as art, mathematics, music, theater, science or healing.
- Attracts small children and animals.
- They have strange and mystical crosses, spots - signs on their palms and body.
- Feel stones and crystals, natural elements.

- There are no excellent students among them.

- They often dream about flying, free movement in space.

- They are very sensitive to other people and almost do not pay attention to themselves; the interests of others come first.
- Not tied to money, pure trade is not attractive at all.
- They have a lot of deceptions, tragedies and losses in their lives.
- Next to them, you reveal your essence, communicate and reflect on various topics that you have not thought about before or could afford to do with few people.
- Most people consider themselves misunderstood here.

- They can quickly connect to the information field without having any skills. Process information quickly.

These Souls are incarnated on Earth for one serious purpose, to bring humanity in various ways to another level of life... The fact is that the cocoon that has held back our planet for many years is weakening and communication with other worlds and galaxies will become available... And it is the star souls that will become guides leading others to a new civilization….

When will this happen? I can’t say yet in human earthly time, but it will last several decades... This is not simple, but very interesting spiritual work... Everything will change! From cells to genomes. And to keep it gentle, star souls will become a buffer for these flows.

If, suddenly, you feel that you belong to such people, then remember that in the near future your Potential will develop by leaps and bounds and a serious transformation will occur. And your ordinary goals will develop into planetary ones. Therefore, you shouldn’t be sad about anything in advance, everything is decay, you have higher goals!

What to do with all this? I will tell you about this in the new year. For now, get ready for a lot of work.

And if there is a star soul in one of your loved ones, be respectful to such people, since such a person in your environment is a Great Gift in your life and you deserve it... appreciate it....

Sergey Finko

Publication Website " OMART.A.SATT"

The Subtle Bodies Program and the work of star souls on Earth.

Star souls are tireless workers who know how to work even during rest. The consciousness of a space alien is in constant motion, it is very fluid and mobile. The consciousness of earthlings, on the contrary, is inert and passive. Thanks to the activity of the Subtle bodies and the power of thought, embodied workers of Light are able to perform important work, which is inaccessible to the inhabitants of the Earth.
Incarnation in an earthly body gives the cosmic soul the opportunity to penetrate into any places of the dense world into which disembodied consciousness cannot descend due to its lightness and subtlety. The incarnation can be compared to a diver diving to the bottom for underwater work. Without special equipment, a person will not be able to perform underwater work. Likewise, the angelic soul cannot work on Earth without a bodily “spacesuit”, which allows it to live and actively manifest itself in the environment of dense matter.
Before we are born on Earth, we plan future life and we outline the work schedule that the soul will perform on the planet. Star souls work 24 hours a day. While we are awake, we are engaged in ordinary earthly affairs, but the stellar part of our consciousness visits the subtle layers of the near Cosmos and carries out work. The exits of the Stellar body during the daytime may be accompanied by dizziness, severe weakness, and sudden drowsiness. After the Stellar body returns to the dense shell, energy and strength are restored, and dizziness disappears.
The physical body is a very tight spacesuit for our huge Light bodies, so we cannot turn around here to our full height; we are limited in the manifestation of our cosmic power. However, this does not prevent us from carrying out the evolutionary work for which we descend into the dense world. Most of the work done by the Subtle Bodies remains unconscious, but it is still effective.
Since alien souls have much more Subtle bodies than earthlings, we are able to simultaneously send our invisible shells to different parts of the Earth and to parallel dimensions. Thanks to energy and great experience accumulated in our native cosmic worlds, our Subtle bodies act autonomously without conscious control, only thanks to the program that we put into them before incarnation.
For example, the Stellar body of one person is programmed to maintain energy balance in the lithosphere. Throughout his life, he will be drawn to metals and crystals, and his Subtle bodies will be “on duty” in seismic zones to prevent earthquakes. Another star citizen has chosen a job related to managing the water element, and his Subtle bodies in the embodied state will monitor the calm of the ocean. The third chose to be a protector of animals and plants, the fourth - a healer, the fifth - a peacemaker, and so on. Each star worker of Light programs his or her Stellar body taking into account past experience, skills and abilities acquired in the cosmic worlds.
If a catastrophe, armed conflict, terrorist attack or other disaster occurs in the world, star souls are used to the maximum. Elimination of the consequences of disasters is included in the incarnation program of all Light workers. You and I, as the Ministry of Emergency Situations, are on constant patrol, and at any moment our Subtle bodies can go on their next mission. We may not even know about the disaster that has happened, but our soul is already sending the Subtle Body to work in the affected region. On such days, a worker of Light may experience inexplicable melancholy, sadness and anxiety, there may be bodily ailments, often dizziness and heartache. The heart of an evolutionary worker absorbs and experiences the pain of the world, transforming it into love, peace and Light. For heart symptoms, it is beneficial to rest and work with the energy of the evolutionary rays to stabilize nervous system. The more stable the psyche, the greater the benefit our Subtle Bodies bring on a mission. Through the Subtle Bodies we send to desired point world cosmic energy. We are stellar essences and are conductors of cosmic vibrations that are inaccessible to the indigenous humanity of the Earth. This is important to remember, as it is the main reason and condition for the effective evolutionary work of every alien soul. Awareness of the flights of the Subtle bodies during the waking phase will come over time, when you begin to notice your mental reactions to world events. During sleep, the Subtle bodies receive greater freedom, and sometimes you bring back from night flights realistic memories of working on the Subtle Plane. The condition for increasing awareness is the goal and conscious intention to gain knowledge about the work of one’s Subtle bodies. Can tell about the direction of your evolutionary work in the spheres of the Earth Vedic horoscope. Daria Sibirskaya, 10/4/2015.

Signs of awakening of the Stellar body.

Activation of the Stellar body in embodied aliens occurs spontaneously and spasmodically. The impetus that triggers the process of awakening is often life shocks that introduce a person into an altered state of consciousness and allow him to realize the presence of Divine Energy. Less often, awakening occurs from diligent practices and conscious work on oneself. Basically, people do not bother themselves with hard work on self-improvement, or they work in the wrong direction, so as a rule they receive a “magic push” from the Universe under the first chakra smile And so, when a person receives an activation impulse from the Cosmos, processes begin in his soul and body that lead to awakening Spiritual body and the revival of stellar memory. And this is the way Home, to the stars.

Internal signs of awakening of the Stellar body
1. The appearance of vivid and realistic dreams.
2. The presence of light and rich color in visions and dreams.
3. Internal separation of oneself from the earthly personality, abstraction from worldly activities, spontaneous entry into the Observer state, when a person, while doing something, seems to leave the body and observe himself from the outside.
4. Strengthening the anticipation of danger, developing intuition (this activates the body of Karma)
5. Remembering fragments of past incarnations on Earth and other worlds through insight, spontaneous visions or in dreams.
6. Attacks of inexplicable spiritual longing for the native and distant world, where you want to return.
7. Increased energy sensitivity of the head and back (the area between the shoulder blades, the upper part of the spine).
8. Episodes of insomnia due to hard work upper chakras
9. Spontaneous exit from the physical body or entering the space of the Interworld, when you maintain the consciousness of two worlds, being in both the dense world and the subtle one at the same time. Moreover, you demonstrate both physical and energetic capacity.
10. The feeling of the invisible presence of someone dear and close, longing and craving for kindred souls.

External signs of awakening of the Stellar body
1. Acceleration of materialization of thoughts. Those. the power of thought increases. What you thought comes true very quickly.
2. The emergence of a power with which you can control the weather, the elements of nature, and have a beneficial effect on people.
3. Shy animals and insects begin to gravitate toward you without causing harm. They feel your good energy.
4. The appearance of changing patterns and patterns on the body due to increased magnetism and high hemoglobin (activation of the Prana body).
5. Electrical and electronics problems in your presence. The equipment refuses to work normally due to the influence of your auric field.
6. In your life, events are maximally synchronized with each other; the cosmic rhythm of your home planet and your individual rhythm are combined. You become a conductor of cosmic energy on Earth.

From now on, you go on a mission of incarnation and all the events that happen in your destiny come from Space as part of a single plan for the Evolution of the Universe. This is the stage of the birth of the god-man - the ruler of the star worlds. Your strength increases if you lead a righteous lifestyle. If you use cosmic power for harm, physical illnesses appear. Always remember that your responsibility for the fate of the world is much higher than that of unconscious people. The greater the power and the higher the responsibility, the more difficult life is and not the other way around. The burden of the world is heavy, and the one who is spiritually stronger takes on this burden voluntarily - from the beginning of the incarnation to the very end. The process is irreversible and there is no turning back. We ourselves have taken on this mission. Now our task is to complete it WORTHY.

Types of earthly tasks performed by space workers in the embodied world:

1. Working off the karma of kindred souls or atonement for the sins of the people of the Earth. Often, bright star souls dropped to Earth by airborne troops take on part of the karmic burden of kindred souls who have large debts. This is a selfless feat of love - to take responsibility for actions that you did not commit, and to answer before cosmic law for the mistakes of your loved ones. With the permission of the Lords of Karma, the strongest and bravest souls undertake this. It’s the hardest thing on Earth for them, misfortunes rain down on them like from a cornucopia, and it seems like there will never be an end to them. Most of their life consists of an obstacle course, but the ending is usually happy, as a reward for passing the tests. An example of such work is the work of Jesus Christ.

2. Conducting star souls into the world of Earth is a very common function of women. A woman is the gateway for the soul to the embodied world, therefore motherhood is one of the sacred and noble functions of star women on Earth. A spiritual woman is capable of giving an earthly body to the souls of future spiritual masters, saints and prophets. Less often, the function of a guide of souls to Earth is performed by male fathers if their spiritual level is higher than that of their spouse. Now is the era of the Mother of the World, so women of the new era can become Mother of God in the literal sense of the word - i.e. they can give birth to gods - give life to bodies for high cosmic hierarchs. This function was performed by the mothers of all prophets and saints - Mary (mother of Jesus), Maya (mother of Buddha), etc.

3. Illumination of the embodied world and its thin layers. This is a multifaceted work to cleanse the mental and astral layers of the Earth by processing the emotions of people around us with the help of the Heart Chakra. The heart of a Light worker plays the role of an alchemical reactor in which pain, sorrow, suffering, fears, anger and other negative emotions of earthly people are transformed. Sensitive star souls automatically absorb the emotions of those around them, experiencing acute heartache and melting negativity into feelings of love, mercy and compassion. The darkness and dirt that unconscious earthlings throw into space, passing through the heart of a worker of Light, become pure energy of Light. This is very difficult work, sometimes leading to disorders of the cardiovascular and nervous system. In big cities, the mental atmosphere is very difficult, people constantly poison the space with their negative mental “exhausts”; sensitive star souls sometimes find it unbearable to be in such places. They automatically cleanse space, burning negativity in their fiery aura. This certainly requires energy costs and affects their psycho-emotional state. To successfully perform this work, you need strong nerves, a philosophical attitude to life and self-confidence.

4. Healing of living nature. This function is available to star souls who have accumulated great energy potential in past lives. They literally radiate vitality and share it with others, helping to restore health and integrity to all living beings. It happens that in the process of intense healing work, star souls deplete their reserves, because the energy of one person is not enough for everyone. Here you need to stop in time and replenish your strength through cleansing and merging with the forces of nature. If this is not done, the healer’s aura may be depleted, since in the world of Earth energy is consumed quickly and gained slowly. Therefore, for healing work it is important to maintain energy balance and hygiene of the Subtle Bodies. As lightening occurs, a person’s aura transforms, and he gains sensitivity to energies environment. Star souls who came to Earth with a healing function may not work as healers, but they automatically cleanse the energy of space and the auras of the people with whom they communicate. Such purifying star people feel the pain of other people on themselves, as if it were their own pain. This is how they recycle negative energy, partially freeing sick people from bodily suffering. This leads to improved well-being and health of all living beings with whom the star person comes into contact.

5. Messenger. Explorer of information from higher spheres Space. This function was performed in ancient times by prophets, conveying good news from the Hierarchy of Light to the people of Earth. The work of a guide is related to communication, education, training, and dissemination of information. Messengers can bring not only spiritual knowledge to the embodied world. By drawing ideas from the Subtle World, one can make improvements to different areas human life through invention, innovation, high art and creativity. This is also a multifaceted work that contributes to the development of the Spirit, Mind and Soul.

6. Protection of life. This is a function that is undertaken by the most experienced and strongest star souls who have undergone serious spiritual training. The Protectors of the Earth, with their powerful energy of Will and Spirit, create a Shield over the planet, which helps preserve world integrity. Defenders are directly involved in repelling attacks from aggressive forces of cosmic and terrestrial origin. They cover tender, fragile souls with their shields based on the energies of Will and Spirit, so that they do not feel or notice the blows of hostile forces. This is the most thankless job of all. Young souls flutter in the energies of Love, and the blows intended for them are taken by stellar human protectors. As a result, young souls, who are the majority, believe that there are no battles and nothing to fear, they humiliate their guardians and consider them unworthy of the highest Grace.

7. Construction and maintenance of the integrity of the subtle structures of the Earth. Builders are star souls, on whose energies the framework of the Earth’s crystalline grid is supported. Humanity, through uncontrolled use of natural resources, constantly violates the structure of earth's crust and natural biocenoses. To protect the world from a global catastrophe, stellar people-builders, with their energies, patch up the holes in the nodes of the world crystal lattice, restoring energetic integrity. Such people often travel, healing the wounds of the Earth with their powerful energy. Thanks to the builders, many destructive disasters were avoided and natural disasters that had already occurred were mitigated.

8. Guide of souls to higher worlds. Spiritual master. This function is performed by a few star souls who have a depth of knowledge of the laws of evolution. A spiritual master is an earthly teacher who guides other people on the spiritual path, helping them understand themselves and know the essence of things in order to fulfill their destiny and leave the circle of incarnations forever. Often spiritual masters work in lucid dreams, freeing souls stuck in the dense layers of the Astral. Thanks to such work, many earthly and cosmic consciousnesses gain freedom and a chance for accelerated evolution.

Sometimes a star person in the incarnate world performs several of the above functions. This depends on the experience of his previous incarnations and individual earthly karma.

THE GENERAL TASK of star souls in the embodied world is the SPIRITUALIZATION of dense matter as an aid to the process of the Earth's Transition to a higher dimension. We all act as CONDUCTORS of SPIRITUAL ENERGY into the dense layers of the Earth. The more spiritual energy, the more Light each of us brings into this world, the sooner the complete cleansing and transformation of the planet will occur.


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