Simple instructions for laying expanded clay blocks yourself. Laying expanded clay concrete blocks How to lay expanded clay blocks with your own hands

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Expanded clay concrete products have long become a common material for the construction of not only residential, but also public buildings. Laying expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands is easy to do, but step-by-step instruction to build walls of strong and warm home, is still necessary. After all, each material has its own characteristics, without knowledge of which it simply makes no sense to begin work.

What you need to know about expanded clay concrete products

Expanded clay concrete blocks, as their name suggests, are made from a regular cement-sand mixture. Granulated expanded clay is used as the main filler, increasing thermal insulation characteristics finished material. Manufacturers produce piece products of various sizes, which must be taken into account when purchasing them. It is on this that certain circumstances and the type of technology for constructing expanded clay concrete walls will depend:

  • Solid products are a vicious and strong material. The method of laying expanded clay concrete bricks without voids is practically no different from the method of erecting brick walls.
  • Hollow products are fragile, but are superior to solid products in terms of thermal insulation characteristics. Transportation, storage and laying of expanded clay concrete blocks with voids must be done quite carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the block. It is also worth keeping in mind the fact that leveling them during masonry work is done only with a mallet; the impact of a metal hammer will be destructive and simply destroy the product.

The dimensions of expanded clay blocks are quite varied, but for the construction load-bearing structures Typically, products with dimensions of 40*190*20 cm are used. Masonry from them is equivalent to a wall thickness of 1.5 bricks. For interior partitions take narrower blocks. At standard sizes There are approximately 66 expanded clay concrete blocks in 1 m 3, 12.5 pieces in 1 m 2 of walls.

The surface of such products is quite rough, which makes it possible to use only concrete mortar for laying expanded clay concrete blocks. In this case, the seam is more than 3 cm. The use of glue is not excluded, but its consumption will be quite large, which will significantly increase construction costs.

From the general assortment of expanded clay products, products that represent combined products from an expanded clay body and a concrete facing layer stand out. It is because of this that cutting the product is quite problematic, so be careful wall blocks are manufactured with a tongue-and-groove fastening system. The masonry is made using mortar or special foam. For such solid blocks, you can purchase additional elements with a similar finish, completing the integrity of the constructed facade.

Methods for laying walls with expanded clay blocks

Laying walls from expanded clay concrete blocks can be done in several ways. Which one is applicable in certain situation, will depend on many factors.

Laying in the floor of the block

This method is ideal for lifting the box of a building that is not being used as permanent place residence, for example, a cottage, a barn, a garage. Concrete rows are reinforced with reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm every 4 rows. An armored belt is required. Insulation is carried out at will with mineral wool. The blocks are laid on the bed in one row along all the walls with the usual dressing.

Block laying

The method under consideration involves laying walls, equal to length bricks with alternate insertion of tie and spoon rows with ligation. You can build up walls in this way for both residential buildings, and for seasonal buildings. It is also necessary to provide reinforcement every 5 rows with reinforcement or mesh.

Well masonry 60 cm wide

This technology for laying expanded clay concrete blocks involves the simultaneous construction of external and partially interior walls, with the formation of voids between them, which are filled with insulation. Well masonry - very warm effective method erection of walls.

Another variation is laying two parallel walls in half a block with connecting them metal rods. Instead of expanded clay blocks, you can use brick to build external walls.

The process of laying walls with expanded clay blocks

To ensure high-quality laying of expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands, you will need both step-by-step instructions and building codes. Before starting work, you need to prepare the necessary tools:

  • measuring instruments: plumb line, tape measure, square and level;
  • mallet;
  • forests;
  • trowel;
  • durable cord;
  • grinder with cutting wheel;
  • concrete mixer and containers for concrete, if you prepare masonry mortar on one's own. The concrete mixer can be replaced with a concrete mixer.

You will also need materials:

  • Wall piece material. It is best to purchase as many expanded clay concrete blocks as are needed to carry out the full scope of construction work;
  • Reinforcement rods with a diameter of 8 - 10 mm or metal mesh.
  • Components of mortar for laying blocks.

Laying solution

To prepare a high-quality mixture, it is best to use cement of at least M400 grade and river sand without large inclusions and clay lumps.

The ideal component ratio is: 1 part cement / 3 parts sand / water-cement ratio 0.7.

The water-cement ratio is adjusted taking into account the moisture content of the sand and the additives used to increase the plasticity of the concrete mixture.

It is best to prepare the solution in small portions. Ideally, it should be constantly stirred to avoid separation of the components and premature setting.


How to lay expanded clay products correctly? The first and most important thing is to follow the main rule - waterproofing the foundation roll material, for example, glass insulation or roofing felt. It's better to secure it thin layer solution.

To ensure that the process of building walls does not slow down before it begins, you need to prepare the required number of half-blocks, cutting them in advance with a grinder. To be able to get the material out as quickly and efficiently as possible, place the blocks in stacks along the entire perimeter of the foundation.

Instructions for laying blocks

A cord is stretched between the future corners of the building and plumb lines are hung - these are the main guidelines for even laying. Like any other masonry, ours starts from the corners.

Stage 1

A layer of mortar of no more than 2.5 cm is applied to the waterproofing and the block is laid down, while it must be pressed as firmly as possible to the base, tapped and the excess mortar removed. Its jointing is carried out immediately, the type of which depends on the type finishing. The thickness of the seams should not exceed 10 cm. Otherwise, the walls will freeze very much.

Stage 2

Subsequent ones are built next door in the same way. If slotted products with transverse arrangement of voids are used, then they need to be laid out only in bonded rows. It is important to constantly control the evenness of the stacking of blocks using plumb lines, construction or laser level. For greater accuracy, you can use a water level or level.

Stage 3

After you have managed to lay out the first row efficiently, you can safely proceed to the second, repeating the previous steps. After the third row, you can use special adhesive foam if you are building walls from combined tongue-and-groove blocks. It is better to apply it with a special gun in two parallel rows.

It is best to carry out parallel expansion of both external and interior walls. This is done in order to provide reinforcement at the same level. The dressing of the internal walls should be as follows: the blocks of interior walls should extend into the exterior walls completely through the row. To avoid “cold bridges,” the end of the inner wall is insulated with pieces of expanded polystyrene.

Stage 4

Walls are reinforced every 3 to 5 rads. To do this, grooves are hollowed out along the entire perimeter and reinforcement is placed in them. Some blocks already have technical niches. If the masonry is not carried out using the well method, then it is possible to use a metal mesh, which is simply laid on the blocks and fixed with mortar.

Stage 5

In order for the walls to withstand and evenly distribute the load of the heavy roof elements, with any method of masonry, an armored belt is installed after all the rows are laid. You can do it yourself directly on the site by making wooden formwork on the wall, laying the reinforcement cage and pouring M300 concrete. It will stand for a week under film.

It is also possible to purchase ready-made parts of the armored belt and simply install it on the solution. As an option, you can fill in the required number of reinforced belt elements yourself in advance and install them on the constructed wall.

After the work is completed, you can begin finishing cladding facade. To thoroughly study how to put expanded clay concrete blocks, watch the video.

You will need

  • – expanded clay concrete blocks;
  • – cement;
  • - sand;
  • – lime;
  • wooden slats;
  • - level;
  • – mason’s tool (trowel, pick, plumb line, etc.).


Prepare the base for laying the blocks. If it is strip foundation, ensure that its surface is horizontal, eliminate local unevenness and install waterproofing. If laying waterproofing is not required, limit yourself to ensuring horizontalness. Local unevenness will be leveled by the solution of the first seam.

Install ordering slats at the corners of the walls. Their role can be played by smooth wooden slats installed strictly vertically at a distance of 5-8 mm from the corners and lines outer wall. Mark the zero points on the slats corresponding to the level of the base, and mark them with a marker to mark the divisions corresponding to the rows of the masonry. The distance between the divisions should be equal to the sum of the height of the block and the thickness of the seam (10-12 mm). Pull the cord between the divisions of the first row - so that the distance from it to outer surface the walls were 5-8 mm.

Prepare masonry mortar. You can use both lime-cement and cement-sand mixture. However, the first one is “warmer”, more flexible and retains its working qualities longer. Component ratio in cement-sand mortar can be 1:4 or 1:3 (cement:sand), in lime-cement - 1:0.2:3 or 1:0.3:4 (cement:lime:sand).

Moisten with water. It is convenient to do this by pouring them tap water from a hose in a stack. The degree of humidity should be such that there are no dry spots left on the surface of the blocks, and at the same time all the water is absorbed by the surface of the blocks.

Place the solution on the base in a bed, the width of which should be several centimeters narrower than the width of the block, the height should be about 20 mm. Apply the solution under several blocks at once; if the length of the wall is short (no more than 3 m), then over the entire wall.

Lay the first block starting from the corner of the wall. Press it into the solution, at the same time aligning its vertical edge with the position of the ordering bar, and the horizontal edge with the tensioned cord. The final seam thickness should be 10-12 mm. Use a trowel to pick up the mortar squeezed out of the seam.

When laying the second stone, apply mortar to its end surface facing the previous block and lower the stone onto the wall, simultaneously pressing it against the base and the previous block. All subsequent stones of the first row are placed according to the same pattern, with the obligatory alignment of them along the cord.

Reinstall the cord one notch higher. Start laying the second row from the place where the first row ended. Ensure the shift of the joints (ligation of seams) of the second row relative to the first by half a block. If the wall is laid as thick as a whole block, it is necessary to ensure that the dressing is also applied across the width of the wall. Those. you need to lay one row with a spoon (long side along the wall), the second - with a poke (short side along the wall). In this case, the overlap of seams in adjacent rows (in height) should be a quarter of the block. Special attention Pay attention to bandaging the seams at the corners.

Technology of laying expanded clay concrete blocks

During construction main walls, construction of agricultural buildings, utility rooms Expanded clay concrete products are used for soundproofing partitions. Laying expanded clay concrete blocks is an accessible, not very difficult operation that can be done independently.

This surface is an excellent basis for subsequent finishing. The walls are different high level thermal insulation, resistant to temperature fluctuations, easy to process.

At first glance, expanded clay concrete blocks seem fragile. However, if you follow the rules discussed in the article, know the characteristics of the material, then built in compliance technological features the walls will be able to withstand significant loads from the weight of the building.

Expanded clay concrete blocks have been used for construction for more than half a century

Types of products

Expanded clay blocks are made from Portland cement, sand, and expanded clay filler. They have proven themselves during construction as reliable, environmentally friendly material. The expanded clay included in the structure ensures the porosity of products and has a positive effect on their thermal insulation characteristics.

The geometric dimensions of expanded clay products are standardized and are:

  • wall products - 188x190x390 or 188x300x390;
  • partition elements – 90x190x390.

The standard allows for the production of composites of other sizes, depending on the specifics of production and the specifics of the equipment used. Expanded clay concrete blocks are made of hollow or solid construction. The configuration of voids located longitudinally or transversely is different.

Solid composites have increased strength. However, they have worse thermal insulation characteristics compared to hollow products.

Preparatory activities

Before laying expanded clay concrete blocks begins, prepare everything you need. When performing work you will need:

  • A special rubber hammer weighing 1 kilogram, used to compact products.
  • A construction corner used for marking products that are divided into parts.

Before you begin laying walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks, you must ensure that you have the necessary tools and materials for this work.

  • Measuring tape for taking measurements.
  • Level for checking the correct construction of walls.
  • A rope plumb line designed to check verticality.
  • Trowel of rectangular configuration.
  • A mooring cord used to control the thickness of seams and the location of layers.
  • A grinding machine equipped with a stone wheel designed for cutting products and scoring.
  • A bayonet or scoop tool designed for filling and unloading a mixer.
  • Concrete mixer or container in which the mixture will be prepared.

Additionally you will need:

  • expanded clay concrete composites, according to project requirements;
  • kneading components or adhesive composition;
  • masonry mesh for reinforcement;
  • heat insulator, if it is provided for insulation by the project.

Check the geometry of the base by measuring the diagonals between the corners. If the distances are equal, then the contour is rectangular. The technology for laying expanded clay concrete blocks requires leveling the surface of the future masonry and installing waterproofing protection. Lay sheets of roofing felt in two layers or apply bitumen mastic.

Laying walls from expanded clay concrete blocks can be done different ways, depending on the planned thickness, design, insulation and wall cladding

Requirements for the solution

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Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


Use as a binder:

  • An ordinary cement mortar prepared from M400 Portland cement, quarry or river sand and process water. Mix the ingredients in a ratio of 1:3:0.7 according to the moisture content of the sand. Adjust the volume of water to obtain a plastic composition. The mixture should not spread. The use of sand mined in a quarry instead of river sand increases the elasticity of the solution, which is laid up to 9 mm thick. The introduction of plasticizers increases the plasticity of the binder composition. When working, stir the solution periodically to prevent sand from settling to the bottom.
  • A special dry adhesive composition, prepared for use by mixing with water, according to the manufacturer's recommendations. The mixture is characterized by high plasticity and allows masonry with joint thicknesses of up to 5 mm. Just 40 kilograms of the composition is enough to construct 1 m³ of expanded clay concrete masonry.

The cement-sand mixture is prepared in a concrete mixer in the volume required for two hours of masonry. Stir the solution, watch the consistency. Preparation glue mixture carried out in a special container using a power tool equipped with a special attachment.

Laying walls from expanded clay concrete blocks significantly reduces mortar consumption compared to brickwork. After all, the volume of one expanded clay concrete composite corresponds to seven ordinary ceramic bricks.

One of the features of the work technology is that simultaneously masonry of both external and internal walls or partitions from expanded clay concrete is carried out

Wall construction methods

Walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks are erected in various ways:

  • width equal to half the composite (190 mm);
  • contour thickness equal to the length of the product (390 mm);
  • masonry with a size of 60 centimeters with voids for filling with insulation;
  • by installing blocks in two parallel layers connected by reinforcement, with a gap of up to 10 cm;
  • with parallel to the blocks, walls made of facing material.

Masonry process

The technology for laying expanded clay concrete blocks requires compliance with the sequence of activities and the rules for using fragile expanded clay filled products.

All work on the construction of walls begins from the corner of the building and is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • lay the mortar in the corners of the base on the previously prepared waterproofing layer;
  • install the bottom row of corner elements;
  • press and seat the blocks by tapping with a rubberized hammer;
  • control the level of position of the corner elements that are the base;
  • use plumb lines installed at the corners of the building, raised during work.

Expanded clay concrete blocks are made by pressing from a mixture of expanded clay, sand, cement and water

The correct position of the corner elements is a guarantee of construction flat wall. After the corners are erected, expanded clay blocks are laid at a level corresponding to the cord pre-stretched between the corners.

Carry out work on laying the remaining levels by adhering to the following recommendations:

  • Fix the lower level of the wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks only to cement mortar.
  • Install the second row, controlling its position in two planes.
  • All layers above the second can be fixed with glue, along with cement mortar.
  • Compact the products using a rubber hammer.
  • Use a notched spatula to achieve an even thickness of the adhesive layer.

Performing reinforcement

The technology for laying expanded clay concrete blocks involves reinforcement using masonry mesh or reinforcement bars with a diameter of 6-10 mm.

It is important to reinforce the walls of the building simultaneously along the entire contour of the building and at the same level. Reinforcement is carried out at intervals of three to four levels by laying rods in slotted grinder grooves. Possible use reinforcing mesh, if internal insulation is not installed, and with outside The surface of the house is covered with brick.

The laying of expanded clay concrete blocks occupies a large segment in the types of wall enclosures of buildings and structures. The low cost of the material significantly reduces the cost of construction. The voids inside the blocks improve the thermal insulation properties of the walls and reduce the weight of the fences. Walls are often built with facing bricks. Due to their low load-bearing capacity, expanded clay walls are used in the construction of low-rise buildings. External wall fences of multi-storey buildings are laid from expanded clay concrete blocks with cladding, when load-bearing vertical structures are reinforced concrete columns.

What is expanded clay concrete block

Expanded clay concrete blocks are made from expanded clay concrete by pouring liquid solution in special forms. The liquid mixture is prepared based on expanded clay sand (granules fraction no more than 10 mm), cement (grades 400, 500), sand and water. Manufacturers add various additives to increase the plasticity of the solution. This is necessary for more dense packing of the mixture into the molds.

After laying the mixture, it is kept in molds for 7 to 10 days. For the first 2 days, the forms are kept in special drying chambers. Drying is then continued for outdoors. In factory conditions, the solution is placed into formwork under pressure.

Standard block dimensions: length - 390 mm, width - 190 mm and height - 188 mm. Partitions are made from blocks measuring 390x90x188 mm. Basically, blocks are made hollow. Voids can be through or closed. To form them, special chambers are lowered into molds, and then raw materials are added.

Voids do different shapes. The cavities in products can be cylindrical, rectangular or slot-shaped. Solid CBs are also produced. Solid products are more durable, but are inferior to hollow blocks in terms of thermal insulation qualities.

The load-bearing capacity of the M 50 ceramic block is 50 kg per 1 cm 3.

Before you start laying walls, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities.

Preparatory activities

The procedure requires preparation. In particular, the following tools and materials are prepared:

  • measuring devices - tape measure, leveling rod, laser level, plumbs, cords;
  • trowel, trowels, shovels, rubber hammer;
  • concrete mixer or container for mixing mortar, buckets;
  • goats, forests;
  • grinder with cutting wheel, saw;
  • expanded clay concrete blocks;
  • sand, cement or ready-made dry mixture, water;
  • fittings with a diameter of 8-10 mm;
  • metal reinforcing mesh.

Masonry mortar

A solution for laying expanded clay concrete blocks is prepared in two versions: cement and sand, ready-made dry mixture. The choice is influenced by the economic availability of materials.

Ready dry mix

Step-by-step instructions printed on the packaging of the mixture will tell you the correct steps when preparing masonry mixture. Dry material can always be found at a hardware store.

The mixture is loaded into a concrete mixer and filled with water. Then the mixing device is turned on. Step-by-step instructions indicate in what proportions the solution is prepared. The rotating drum works until the mixture takes the form of a homogeneous paste.

Cement-sand mixture

Cement and sand are loaded into the mixer drum in a ratio of 1:3. While mixing, water is gradually added. When the masonry mortar takes the required form, mixing is completed. Experienced workers know exactly how much water to add and how long the solution will take to prepare.

If a concrete mixer is not available, use suitable containers: old bath, trough, etc. Mix the mixture with a mixer or shovel.


Laying expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands is accessible to every person who has even a little experience in this matter. It is better to start doing this together with an experienced mason.

Setting the corners

They begin to lay out CBs from the corners of the building. Corner fragments of fencing are made from 2 - 3 rows of design blocks. They serve as unique beacons for the construction of walls.

Expanded clay concrete blocks are placed on a layer of mortar laid on the waterproofing of the plinth or foundation. The mortar layer should not be thicker than 30 mm.

Verticality of masonry and correct position the walls in the building plan are controlled using geodetic instruments, plumb lines and control rope covering. They also use a water level - a hose filled with water with two transparent tubes at its ends.

Laying the first row

A string is pulled between the corner beacons around the perimeter of the house. The string allows you to control the evenness of the vertical plane of the first row of masonry. As the wall space is filled, the corners are increased, and the string is fixed at a new height. If the walls are erected using a special adhesive composition, then the first row of CBs is laid on a cement-sand mixture.

To the extent that the masonry of the first row is completed correctly, the process of constructing walls from the 2nd row and above will be carried out efficiently.

Technology of laying expanded clay concrete blocks

Masonry includes several ways to form walls depending on their thickness. The main methods for forming the thickness of CB fencing:

  • half a block;
  • block;
  • two rows of half a block with a gap for laying insulation;
  • two rows of half a block or a block with a gap between them made of insulation.

Half a block

The thickness of the wall is equal to the width of the block - 190 mm. Such masonry of walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks is usually done during construction country houses, utility buildings, boathouses and garages.

The CB is laid with the long side along the axis of the wall. The masonry is made with bandaging and reinforcement of the rows. A reinforcing layer of masonry made of expanded clay concrete blocks is laid every 3 to 5 rows. Used as reinforcement metal mesh or periodic steel reinforcement with a diameter of 8 - 10 mm.


The construction of walls is carried out by laying blocks with the long part perpendicular to the axis of the wall. The wall thickness will be 390 mm. Dressing is carried out by alternating spoon rows (the position of the block with the long side along the axis) and butt rows (the long side is perpendicular to the axis of the wall). The walls are insulated from the outside with polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene or slabs of mineral wool.

The thickness of the insulation must be at least 50 mm. The reinforcing mesh is laid in the same way as in the previous case.

Laying in two rows

The wall is erected in two parallel rows of design blocks half a block thick. The gap between the walls is left 50 - 100 mm wide. Insulation made of polystyrene foam, mineral wool or expanded polystyrene sheets is placed between the walls. In some cases, cavities are filled with granulated expanded clay or blast furnace slag. This method of wall insulation is much cheaper than laying sheet material.

Every 3 - 5 rows, bandage the parallel walls. At the same time, you need to lay out a reinforcing belt.

This method of masonry makes it possible to save masonry material compared to erecting a block-wide wall of the same thickness.

Masonry with facing bricks

The method for constructing this type of masonry is similar to the method described above. Only in this case, the role of the external wall is played by masonry with facing bricks.

Finishing with facing bricks solves the issue of external finishing coating walls. The outer wall must be laid out half a brick thick. Bandaging of fences from different materials carried out by laying reinforcing mesh or reinforcing bars of a periodic profile.

Solution consumption

Before starting construction, you need to know the need for certain materials. Mortar consumption significantly affects the costs associated with the purchase of cement and sand. At large volume construction, water delivery will also cost a certain amount of money.

The amount of mortar for laying KB walls depends on the thickness of the vertical and horizontal joints between the blocks and the width of the walls. Standard thickness seams range from 6 to 8 mm. Laying CB on adhesive compositions allows you to make seams 3 mm thinner.

Having calculated total area when laying the mortar, multiply it by the average thickness of the seam. The total volume of consumption of the binder mixture is obtained. Taking into account involuntary losses of the binder mixture, the solution consumption is increased by 7 - 10%.

Knowing specific gravity and the proportions of the components determine the total need for cement, sand, water or the finished adhesive mixture.

Installation of reinforced belt

Whatever the type of CB masonry, it is necessary to erect a reinforced concrete belt along the entire top of the walls of each floor, which takes the load from the roof structures and interfloor ceilings.

The reinforced concrete belt is made with a height of 200 to 400 mm. The formwork is held in place by through fastenings between its sides. Reinforcement frame arranged from 4 longitudinal rods of a periodic profile with a diameter of 8 - 10 mm. The longitudinal reinforcement is a box-shaped structure connected with wire.

A reinforced belt around the entire perimeter of the building significantly increases bearing capacity wall fencing.

A house built from expanded clay concrete blocks will cost less than a building built from brick or precast reinforced concrete. Due to their thermal insulation properties Expanded clay fencing contributes to effective heat retention inside the building.

They are used in the construction of external walls, soundproofing partitions, filling frames in reinforced concrete housing construction, construction of agricultural buildings and utility rooms, in the field of creating decorative elements. Expanded clay concrete masonry is an excellent base for further finishing. It has good thermal insulation, frost resistance and can be easily processed.

To work you will need:

  • building level;
  • rubber hammer weighing up to 1 kg;
  • roulette;
  • square;
  • jointing;
  • ordering with marks every 200 mm;
  • mooring cord;
  • grinding machine with a wheel 230 mm in diameter;
  • trowel with a rectangular platform;
  • reinforcement or reinforced mesh;
  • container for stirring the solution.

A solution or special glue can be used as a binding component. When laying expanded clay concrete blocks, the consumption of mortar is much less than when laying brick, since one block replaces 7 ceramic bricks.

If ordinary cement mortar is made, then 1 part of cement is mixed with 3 parts quarry sand. river sand makes the solution too elastic. You can increase the plasticity of the mixture using a special plasticizer. To prevent the sand from settling to the bottom, the mixture must be stirred periodically.

If cement glue is used, per 1 cu. m, about 40 kg of dry mixture is consumed. It is diluted with water according to the instructions.

Before starting masonry, the surface is leveled. To install waterproofing, two layers of roofing material are laid on the base. A layer of mortar with the addition of lime no more than 30 mm is placed on top of the insulation. Glue can be used only starting from the second row.

Do-it-yourself masonry

Laying expanded clay concrete blocks is somewhat similar to how children assemble a LEGO-type construction set. Since the size of the blocks is much larger than that of bricks, and the weight is significantly less, the laying process does not take much effort and time.

How to lay expanded clay blocks correctly

Construction of the wall starts from the corner. First, the first row is completely built. Wherein internal partitions are done simultaneously with external ones. So that at the end of the block included in external wall, there were no cold bridges; it was separated by a foam rectangle 50 mm thick. After completing the first row, you need to make sure with a level that the surface is level.

The video will tell you how to lay corners from expanded clay blocks:

The block laying technology is as follows:

  • using a new block, the solution is smoothed out to create a uniform layer;
  • the block is pushed towards the edge of the adjacent block, leaving a gap of 5 cm;
  • the block is applied to the place where it should lie, so that a little glue or cement mortar forms in the vertical seam;
  • The block is fixed with a rubber hammer.

The thickness of the seam should not be more than 6-7 mm. If special glue is added to the solution, a seam thickness of about 3 mm is allowed. If the seams are too thick, the masonry will lose its strength. At the same time, if the layer of mortar is too thin, the blocks will not be fastened securely enough.

The correct seam must be completed before the mortar hardens.

There are the following types of seams:

  • undercut;
  • empty
  • embroidered convex;
  • embroidered concave.

If the wall is subsequently plastered, the blocks are laid “empty”. This means that at the edges the seams are not filled by 5-8 mm. If the wall is facing, the seams are usually made “undercut”, completely filling them.

In addition, to increase the thermal capacity of the building, the blocks can be laid in two rows. Thanks to this, the thickness of the wall increases, and after insulating the house from the outside, it will not be afraid of any frost. The only disadvantage of this installation is the increased consumption of blocks and the total cost of work.

In the video - laying a wall of expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands

Masonry reinforcement

To prevent the walls from collapsing under the weight of the roof, you need to fill the armored belt. Reinforcement is done using reinforcement about 10 mm in diameter or reinforced (masonry) mesh. It should be done every 2-3 rows. The mesh or reinforcement is placed on the top row in grooves, a solution is applied on top and another row of blocks is made.

Longitudinal reinforcement makes it possible to increase the safety of a structure to the required level. Do not forget about the need to bandage the spoon and butt rows. Window and door openings are reinforced using U-shaped blocks of concrete and reinforcement.

Attaching the Mauerlat to the blocks

The masonry of the walls is completed with U-shaped blocks, which are used to create a reinforced concrete belt. This belt is used to attach the Mauerlat to expanded clay concrete. Mauerlat – wooden beam, which is attached to the walls to evenly distribute the load from the roof material, snow and wind.

IN upper blocks Threaded rods are installed every 1.6-2 m. Their height should exceed the cross-section of the beam by 4-6 cm. Holes are made in the beams for the studs and the Mauerlat is attached, pulling it to the walls with nuts and washers.

Insulation and wall finishing

It is necessary to insulate the wall immediately after laying. For this purpose, sheathing with siding or oilcloth is used. Another option is to build insulating material between the blocks during the construction process.

Expanded clay concrete masonry does not provide sufficient ventilation. Its arrangement should be taken care of in advance.

You can finish expanded clay concrete walls using a variety of materials. They lend themselves well to plastering, facing with bricks or tiles. Since the blocks have the correct shape, there is no need to level them with plaster.

To reduce heat loss, you can create a ventilated façade. The inside of the surface can be finished using a “dry” or “wet” method; how exactly to plaster the walls made of expanded clay blocks must be decided depending on the purpose of the building and your financial capabilities.

Methods for laying blocks

How to make a particular masonry depends on the type of material. For example, if masonry is made from insulated blocks, there is no need to provide additional thermal insulation. Typically, such blocks have a decorative side, which makes the finishing process easier.

Laying expanded clay concrete blocks can be done in different ways. The choice of a specific method is determined by the thickness of the walls, the purpose of the room and the material used for finishing.

  • When constructing a warehouse, garage or other utility room. The wall is laid with a thickness the width of the block (approximately 200 mm). The inside of the wall is plastered, and the outside is insulated with a layer of mineral wool, expanded polystyrene or polystyrene foam 100 mm thick.
  • When building a bathhouse or other small structure. The wall is erected as thick as the width of the block, and the blocks are tied together. Finishing from the inside and outside is carried out in the same way as in the first option, but the insulation layer is about 50 mm.
  • During the construction of a country house. The walls are made with interlocking blocks, with voids between them. The thickness of the masonry is 600 mm. Insulation is placed in the voids, and the inside of the wall is plastered.
  • When constructing buildings in areas with cold climates. To make the outer wall, two thin partitions are made parallel to each other. They are connected using reinforcement. The gap between the partitions is filled insulation material. Both sides of the wall are plastered. This option is the most complex, but has the highest level of thermal protection.

Advantages of masonry using expanded clay blocks

How much does laying expanded clay block cost?

Standard wall blocks have parameters of 390*190*188 mm, blocks for installing partitions – 390*190*90 mm.

For masonry 1 cubic. m of wall, 65 standard blocks are used. Material consumption per 1 cubic meter m of masonry is equal to 0.075 cubic meters. m, including:

  • cement - about 15 kg;
  • sand – about 45 kg;
  • water – 10-15 liters.

To calculate the number of blocks per masonry, you can use online calculators building materials.

The average cost of masonry made of expanded clay blocks is about 2,300 rubles. for 1 cubic m. To build a wall of the same area from bricks, you will have to spend from 5 to 6 thousand rubles. Laying foam concrete will also cost a little more - about 2,700 rubles. for 1 cubic m.

Thus, expanded clay concrete is a material that is affordable and easy to install. Among its advantages are low concrete consumption, low weight (blocks are half the weight of bricks), ease of installation (one block is equal in area to seven bricks). It is easy to store and transport. Therefore it is becoming more and more common.


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