Difference between veneer and MDF. Which interior doors are better: pros and cons of products made from different materials

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Is eco-veneer a competitor to natural veneer? To answer this question, you should study information on this topic. First you need to define the terms. Natural veneer is very thin layer cut This includes southern oak, wenge. Fine-line, or reconstructed veneer, is created in a similar way, only the raw materials for its production are trees that were grown specifically for the production of this type of material. But eco-veneer, the price of which can vary from 3.5 to 10 thousand rubles, is an artificial material, but it perfectly imitates the relief and pattern of real wood.

Natural and artificial eco-veneer. Reviews

Interior doors coated with natural veneer are especially highly valued among buyers. These interior products fit perfectly into various interiors, thereby providing a stylish and sophisticated decoration of the rooms. Natural, lively tones of veneered doors bring a harmonious mood to the monastery, filling the house with warmth and comfort. They can come in a variety of designs and styles.

It is worth noting that in Lately became especially popular new type coverings for interior doors is eco-veneer. Reviews about this material are positive. Those who have already experienced products created using of this material, note that it reproduces in the smallest detail the pattern and texture of real wood, accurately conveys its relief and color. Since the moment eco-veneer doors became especially popular, manufacturers have been trying to satisfy all the expectations of their customers. They are constantly working to create better, high-quality artificial turf.

What is eco-veneer?

If we consider this type of material from a technical point of view, it is a multilayer technological plastic, characterized by wear resistance to various types abrasion, as well as increased impact resistance. Eco-veneer completely copies the texture natural wood, imitates its color and pattern. Sometimes from a distance this material is even confused with standard veneer, but up close it shows itself as it does not have such a respectable appearance. Its plastic texture still cannot fully convey the aesthetics of natural wood.

However, it is worth noting that eco-veneer easily imitates wood of any color palette. Plastic acquires special realism due to embossing and volume, however, up close it is still noticeable that it is not natural veneer. So far, there is no technology that would completely replicate the texture of wood, but this particular material is closest to this goal. It has outstripped laminate and a number of other artificial coverings and is an excellent inexpensive alternative to veneered interior doors. Its attractive price is considered one of its main advantages. Products with artificial, but similar to natural coatings are much cheaper.


If we consider the practical side, eco-veneer is not inferior to its natural competitor in a whole list of parameters, and in some positions it is even better than it. Doors made of this material do not fade and are not destroyed due to influence environment, and therefore can be installed in any room. Their coating is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and does not deform from clicks and other mechanical influences. It cannot be damaged by acids, various chemicals and detergents. So, what is eco-veneer? This is a material that can maintain its original appearance for decades. It may not need enough repairs long time.


Speaking about the advantages of eco-veneer, first of all it is worth highlighting its durability. Of course, the average person will be of little interest in the resistance of a material to acids and alkalis. This is most likely important for the use of doors with such a coating in chemical industry workshops. But the resistance of products to absolutely any detergent is already significant for the consumer. Plastic more practical than wood, more resilient.


Eco-veneer is created by using continuous double-belt presses. His technological process provides constant precise temperature control. Perfect cleanliness of the room is also important here.

Analyzing in more detail the question of what eco-veneer is, it becomes clear that this material requires strict adherence to the manufacturing sequence. First, it is fed into the working area of ​​specialized equipment, where it is pressed under pressure with a constant and continuous increase. This leads to the complete elimination of gas and air inclusions from all layers of the material. The initial product turns out to be very plastic, which in theory provides a wide range of design possibilities. But at present, the range of interior doors made from eco-veneer is much more modest than veneered ones. So far, they are inferior to the natural beauty of natural wood.

The production technology of the two types of doors indicated above differs. According to experts, it is unlikely that veneer will have a worthy competitor in the near future. But this artificial turf, like eco-veneer, has already made a significant breakthrough in this area.

Good choice

Modern manufacturers constantly surprise with innovative discoveries. This also applies to door coverings. As an alternative to traditional veneered doors, eco-veneer models have been created that are resistant to temperature changes, do not dry out, and cracks do not form on their coating.

What is eco-veneer for modern man? This is a material that fully meets all consumer expectations. It is environmentally safe and is made from natural wood fibers, which are tightly bonded together during a special technological process. structures made from such material can be installed anywhere due to their special resistance to any aggressive external environment and durability. Today, their range is constantly expanding. You can successfully choose a model for any interior of a house, apartment, or office.


When deciding what to choose: natural veneer or eco-veneer, it is advisable to be guided primarily by practical considerations. If you need a truly durable and high-quality product, lean toward the second option. Interior doors made from eco-veneer retain their excellent appearance for many years.

Not a single renovation, no matter what style it is performed in, is complete without replacing interior doors. But how to approach their choice? Veneered interior doors are an excellent option for an apartment, home and even office. They are endowed with special properties and unique characteristics, due to which they have become extremely widespread in all countries of the world. Veneered doors - what is it? This is exactly what we will talk about in this material. Moreover, we will highlight the main selection criteria, because the durability of the use of interior doors largely depends on this.

About veneer

Veneered interior doors are popular due to a number of advantages. And they, in turn, are provided with the properties of the main material used for their production. Veneer should be understood as a natural material; in translation this word means “sliver”. This is a thin layer of valuable wood that has managed to preserve the structure of natural fibers.

Types of veneer

Today there are several types of veneer:

  • Natural - the thinnest layer of natural wood with an aesthetic appearance, used for cladding.
  • Reconstructed - this type is made from the wood of tropical trees and is used advantageously for the manufacture of furniture and panels for interior decoration. When working with such veneer, you simply cannot do without the use of special equipment.
  • Ribbed - thin sheets wood glued together along the edges. Durability and excellent performance properties are what distinguishes this type of veneer.

Veneer production

Veneered doors - what is it? In order to fully answer this question, it is necessary to highlight some production features. The process of producing natural veneer involves the use of several basic techniques:

  • Planing - the main advantage of this method is the preservation of the natural beauty of the fibers of valuable wood species, the thickness of the material is in this case does not exceed 0.5 cm.
  • Peeling is a procedure for removing chips in a spiral, layer thickness up to 1 cm.
  • The “sawn lamella” cut is what this method of obtaining veneer is called. The production process involves sawing logs into the finest (up to 1 cm) fibers. This is the most expensive veneer, which is practically not found in mass production, used only as exclusive interior items.

What's new?

More recently, the revolutionary fine-line technology began to be used for the production of veneer. It allows you to use artificially grown tree species in the shortest possible time. The peeled fibers are then glued together into large slabs and then cut at a specific angle. This veneer conveys the structure of wood fibers as naturally and naturally as possible, being 100% natural.

For processing into veneer it is currently used as solid logs, and small segments, which allows you to save and preserve as much as possible Natural resources, making products more affordable at their cost.

Artificial veneer, represented by multilayer plastic, is also actively used. It still imitates the grain of natural wood, but at the same time gives the doors high mechanical characteristics. But upon closer examination of the doors, the difference between natural and artificial veneer is obvious even to the average person.

Design features

Let's assume you've chosen veneer doors. What it is? Structurally, they consist of a wooden frame covered with MDF sheets. By the way, less expensive ones are most often used to make frames. tree species, for example, alder or pine, to reduce the cost of production and make it more affordable.

Using the method just mentioned, the base of the future door is made; on top of this blank, the same veneer is applied in a thin layer by hot pressing, giving an exceptional appearance to each product. The back and end sides door leaf, which allows you to achieve the integrity of the coating and exceptional appearance. After veneering, the door leaves are coated with several layers of heavy-duty varnish, which gives the doors a finished appearance.


Veneered doors: what is it? What advantages do they have? If you have chosen them, it won’t hurt to find out about them in advance. strengths. Judging by the reviews, these are:

  • strength and durability - these properties are ensured by the use of natural wood in the production process;
  • ample opportunities for design experiments;
  • spectacular appearance;
  • full visual compliance with solid wood doors, while the cost is more affordable in comparison with them;
  • excellent heat and sound insulation;
  • relatively light weight and ease of installation;
  • natural, environmentally friendly clean materials, which allows the doors to be used even in rooms that have special requirements.


If you choose veneered doors, reviews about them will be a good information base. So, for those who already have them installed at home, highlight some of the disadvantages. These include difficulties in choosing a set of doors - the structure of the fibers will never be identical, you will have to come to terms with this.

Secrets of choice

Finding good veneered doors on the market is not as easy as it seems at first glance. The variety of manufacturers and the rich color palette are what lead to doubt and confusion among buyers, especially inexperienced ones. Most often, in the selection process, we focus specifically on the appearance and colors of veneer doors: walnut, oak, ash, maple, cherry - there are many options.

But we suggest focusing on other aspects, because this is what determines the service life of the door:

  • Manufacturer - trust a trusted and experienced manufacturer, do not choose a handicraft product. Be sure to request a certificate, which will confirm the quality and reliability of the door you are purchasing.
  • Pattern and structure of fibers - carefully inspect the door from all sides. Natural veneer is never repeated in a design. If you notice a repetition, this is a fake or artificial veneer that should be offered at a reduced price. A vague, imprecise pattern indicates the use of low quality wood.

  • Defects - be sure to inspect the door leaves under the light for scratches, cracks and other small defects invisible to the naked eye - the surface of the doors must be perfectly flat and smooth.
  • Odor - the presence of a strong chemical odor indicates the use of low-quality paint and varnish material for the production of veneered interior doors. Few people know that low-quality varnish can cause an allergic reaction, so you should be extremely careful.
  • End - in this case, it is worth considering not the colors of the veneered door, but the quality of the end finishing. If the veneer moves away even slightly from the canvas, you have a low-quality product.
  • Shape - the door leaf must have a strictly correct geometric shape, maximum permissible deviation is 1 mm. If the error is greater, it is better to refuse to purchase such a door.
  • Glass - if the door you choose has glass inserts, you need to carefully examine them too. The glass must be of high quality and securely fixed.
  • Strength - shake the door thoroughly: no extraneous sounds or rattling should appear.

And of course, carefully check the dimensions of the door and your opening for consistency, because if you make a mistake, you will not be able to adjust the veneer door to size.

Let's sum it up

We tried to find the answer to the question: veneered doors - what are they? We studied all the main characteristics and properties. Now we can summarize. Veneered doors are endowed with a number of advantages, which will significantly distinguish them from their closest competitors. Such a door will become excellent option for those who have started a renovation, but are limited in budget, why can’t they afford a more expensive purchase, for example, doors made of natural solid wood. Moreover, if you don’t know anything about installing interior doors, it’s better to entrust the work to professionals, because the slightest mistake can lead to deformation and subsequent breakage of the door leaf.

Today you can find veneered doors in any large hardware store. Their price, first of all, depends on the type of veneer used and the manufacturer and ranges from 2,500 to 9,000 rubles. By approaching your choice wisely, you will save yourself from mistakes and give preference to those items that will serve you for decades and will become a full-fledged decoration of the interior, no matter what style it is decorated in.

What is better veneer or eco-veneer for cladding interior and entrance doors?

In this article we will try to understand the advantages and disadvantages of imitation wooden surface(veneer), and artificial veneer substitute (eco-veneer). Veneer, just like its modern analogue, eco-veneer, has long been used for surface cladding.

The use of veneer as finishing material, as an imitation of wood, primarily solves the environmental problem. Saving resources used and preventing deforestation is not the only advantage of veneer. Veneering of structures and products leads to their significant lightweighting and cost reduction. Imitation technologies have been successfully introduced into production all over the world. Which product should you prefer?


Veneer and eco-veneer are widely used in finishing and inlaying furniture, walls, and doors. Natural veneer has a much wider range of uses than its new, economical brother, eco-veneer. Plywood is also a derivative of veneer. By the way, gluing eco-veneer onto plywood (fibreboard, chipboard) is recommended, providing additional sound insulation. Environmental friendliness, accessibility, aesthetics and durability are probably the main criteria by which the choice will be made.

Types of veneer

Veneer differs according to the manufacturing method:

  • peeled (when rotating a steamed log, a thin strip is cut parallel to the grain)
  • planed (logs are sawn into bars and the strip is cut perpendicular to the grain)
  • sawn (the method of cutting into planks is used, exclusively varieties of coniferous trees)
  • fine-line (combined painting, gluing, pressing, cutting to reproduce the texture of valuable species)

By appearance:

  • natural (non-painted veneer with natural texture)
  • colored (color change with dyes)

What is veneer

This is a material made from natural, expensive and cheap types of wood. By cutting thin layers. Depending on the application and use of the veneer, the thickness of the cut is selected. Using machines, gluing is carried out on veneered surfaces. Cladding can be done without using complex equipment at home.

What is eco-veneer

Ecoveneer is artificial material, imitating the pattern and relief of real wood. Like veneer, eco-veneer is an environmentally friendly building material. In the production of eco-veneer, safe, modern technologies are used. The absence of harmful effects on the environment and humans, resistance to external atmospheric and mechanical influences, make it a competitive material. In the production of eco-veneer, polypropylene, wood fibers and auxiliary substances are used. Excipients are used to imitate the color and texture of natural wood.

Advantages of eco-veneer

The essential qualities of eco-veneer include:

  • moisture resistance and non-hygroscopic
  • mechanical strength (no chips, cracks, abrasions, dents, etc., due to use and rough handling)
  • non-flammability
  • low cost
  • does not require additional care
  • full imitation veneer
  • solid resistance to external weather conditions
  • Eco-veneer can be glued onto the prepared surface of the door without the use of machines. Since it is made of elastic and durable material
  • huge selection of colors, textures and shapes

Advantages of natural veneer

  • environmental friendliness
  • cost (depending on the type and method of production, budget and status option)
  • impact strength
  • additional sound insulation
  • wide range of applications, not limited to interior and entrance doors
  • with the use of protective mixtures, liquids and varnishes, the impact of the environment is reduced (durability increases)

Eco-veneer, with imitation of valuable varieties, will cost much less than the original veneer, will not require additional care and will last a long time. Natural veneer produced using the fine-line method will also be cheaper than peeled and sliced ​​veneer. And processed special compounds will be no less durable.

On the market building materials There are a huge variety of veneers and eco-veneers. Which successfully compete and replace each other. When choosing, you should pay attention to the manufacturer, the declared quality of the materials and environmental friendliness. There is no clear answer to the question of which is better. The choice is yours! We can give general advice.

Doors covered with a thin cut of valuable wood (veneer) are called veneered. The basis for application is an inexpensive array coniferous species and MDF. The technology is so popular and in demand that veneered doors make up the majority of model range in the middle price range.

Veneered doors... modern, beautiful, varied and so durable... - all this is true, but partly. No, they, of course, deserve the highest praises, but with the fact that they are a product modern technologies, you can argue. The fact is that methods for producing doors by applying coatings using a glueless method were developed several thousand years ago. We did this in China. Only the name of the person who worked in this direction has survived to this day - the inventor’s name was Li Peng.

At the same time, when he created hand-made canvases using then fashionable technologies, in Ancient Egypt another art arose, based on the production of veneer and its use as a finishing material. Lacquered doors appeared there for the first time. Of course, the method of applying materials itself had nothing to do with modern options processing, but, unfortunately, information about ancient finishing methods has not survived to this day.

Only the following is known - veneering (the so-called method of applying coatings to the surface of the finished canvas) was initially used for finishing those types of wood that exhibit minimal resistance to environmental factors. Moreover, for processing they took veneer from more resistant types of wood, which were less accessible for this region. Still, the main purpose of veneering was not protection, but improvement of decorative characteristics.

What is veneer made from today?

Veneer for finishing doors and furniture is obtained using two technologies:

  • Peeling.
  • Planing.

Accordingly, the resulting veneer is peeled and planed. Deciduous and coniferous wood is used:

  1. The best species for peeled veneer: beech, linden, birch or alder. Coniferous varieties they began to use later - these are pine, larch, fir and spruce.
  2. Solid wood is more suitable for sliced ​​veneer - beech, oak, ash, elm, walnut, and maple wood are often used in production. Rosewood, mahogany and exotic species such as mahogany and rosewood are also considered excellent raw materials.

The veneer obtained by processing the butt parts of the trunk (those that are closer to the base and roots), as well as its defective fragments with burls and burls, is particularly beautiful.

We anticipate the question - what is peeled and sliced ​​veneer, how are they produced, how are veneered doors made from them, which is better and more stable?

All comparative characteristics and the service lives given below refer only to high-quality interior doors manufactured in compliance with all technologies. You can choose veneered doors from trusted manufacturers, read reviews and photographs of the work in the catalog by following the link.

Peeled veneer is obtained as follows:

  1. The trunk is divided into logs - the so-called logs of length future leaf veneer
  2. Churaks are cleared of bark.
  3. The cleaned fragment is placed on the machine, and a blade is applied to the surface. When you turn on the machine, the axis on which the block is put begins to rotate in one direction, and the blade creates forward movements in the opposite direction.

The result is a spiral movement of the knife, from under which comes a thin ribbon of wood ranging from 1 to several tens, or even hundreds of meters in length. Before turning on the equipment, the blade is adjusted to the desired cut thickness parameter, thus obtaining material with a thickness of 0.3-4 mm.

Sliced ​​veneer is obtained differently:

  1. Take a straight trunk.
  2. Remove the bark.
  3. Cut into vanches.
  4. The blanks are sent to steaming chambers for heat treatment to make the material softer and more elastic.
  5. Using special machines, vanches are planed into thin strips - the thickness of each does not exceed 1 mm.

Next, the veneer is sent for drying, trimmed and packed into bundles. In the future, already in production, a whole canvas will be assembled from individual sheets, creating a specific pattern. Here you need to make sure that each package contains sections from one vanches, so that you can make several large sheets with the same pattern. Sliced ​​veneer is often used in the production of interior doors.

What conclusion do we draw from the information presented? Yes, the process of producing veneered doors is not as simple and fast as it seems. Theoretically, make a canvas by simply cutting out the base from whole piece array - much simpler and faster. Why, then, are veneered doors the most popular collection in the assortment of each manufacturer?

Why are veneer doors so popular?

Essentially, we are talking about the advantages of veneered doors, in particular what they better designs from the array. And you know - better, and sometimes even irreplaceable. Their main advantages:

  • A veneered door is cheaper than a similar model, for example, made from expensive solid oak. The savings are especially noticeable when replacing several doors at once.
  • You can refuse models with synthetic coatings: veneer is, one might say, a compromise between that very naturalness and price.
  • They exhibit a high level of moisture resistance: one cannot say that they are better than others in this indicator, but it would be wrong not to note this advantage. Manufacturers use a special veneering technology, when not the whole canvas, but its individual parts are wrapped in veneer. The cuts remain inside the grooves, which means there are no “bridges” on the surface for moisture to penetrate inside. If you are wondering whether to install a veneer door in the bathroom, the answer is yes.
  • Light weight does not create strong loads on the box and adjacent walls, so if the partition is weak or made of plasterboard, the array will have to be replaced with veneer.

How to find out which veneer door is better and of higher quality

When comparing doors, as well as any other furnishings, two criteria are taken into account - beauty and quality. It depends on them how the design of the canvas will be perceived by others, as well as its durability, ability to resist scratches, moisture, and ultraviolet radiation. And if you can evaluate the beauty yourself, then we suggest you consult the seller regarding the level of performance, and also look at the technical data sheet of the product and make visual inspection to identify errors.

On our own behalf, we will only add that direct evidence of the high quality of the door is its high price. The indicator, although relative, is effective. This means, for example, that the production used expensive, well-made veneer from noble wood.

It’s also time to learn how to distinguish one type of veneer from another. As a rule, uninformed buyers do not see the difference between the three types of coatings:

  • natural veneer;
  • a product called fine-line;
  • eco-veneer.

Here is a small and clear reminder on how to distinguish one type of veneer from another:

  1. Natural veneer is an absolute copy of solid wood, because it is wood. It has the same pattern, shades, there are beautiful fragments with knots and stains.
  2. Fine-line: also made from natural wood, but using a different technology. First, the trunk is cut into several layers. After they are glued together, a sheet of plywood about 2 m thick is obtained. Next, the sheets are cut into thin layers of veneer. The design looks like parallel, ordered stripes that look unnatural - this is the main difference between a fine line and a natural product. The price of such designs is significantly lower than the cost of doors made of natural veneer, and if you want to check the seller whether he is passing off a cheap product as an expensive one, pay attention to the picture.
  3. Ecoveneer is a polymer. More precisely, waste from the pulp industry mixed with polymer and adhesive composition. You can know that you have a film in front of you by end cuts and in color: a wide palette of shades is allowed here, incl. those that do not occur in nature.

Well, don’t forget that the main signs of a quality door are:

  1. Smooth surface - check tactile sensations.
  2. The absence of pronounced chemical odors - we connect our sense of smell and do not let ourselves be deceived.

Veneered doors - differences in design, or - is it possible to veneer a relief panel?

Let's start with the main thing - veneered doors come in three types:

  • paneled - for a classic interior;

  • molded (modern with large triplex glass);

  • drawer frames (also modern, prefabricated)

As you can see, none of the listed options has a completely flat surface. That is, veneered canvases in most cases have a relief, but to cope with differences different heights, came up with several technologies for applying veneer to the surface.

Veneer can be applied using one of the following methods:

  • Cold veneering: only adhesive and press are used. Application and gluing are carried out under normal conditions.
  • Hot veneering: glue is applied to MDF panels, then veneer is applied. The workpiece is sent under a hot press for baking. The semi-finished product is carefully sanded and varnished. As a result of application adhesive compositions with a different formula ready product becomes more durable, the risk of coating peeling is minimal.
  • Membrane-vacuum veneering: the same method that allows you to apply veneer on surfaces with very complex topography. A very important technology that opens up a lot of possibilities for modeling.

It only remains to add that paneled structures - in their spirit, lines, reliefs - are close to classical interiors. Molded ones are lightweight models with glass without bottom and top bars - an original plot for modern interiors. And side doors with wooden or glass inserts offer endless possibilities for designing panels to look like natural wood.

Restoration of a veneer door

You can often hear: I scratched a veneer door - what should I do? It will not be possible to completely get rid of the defect, although we can offer this option - find a store that sells doors from the same manufacturer, and negotiate with them to take it to a workshop for repainting.

Other methods will help decorate the defect, but not get rid of it completely.


  • restoration oil to match the color of the canvas: moisten the cloth with it and rub the door. Scratches will become invisible, and the door itself will be cleaner and brighter;
  • soft wax;
  • pencil with stain;
  • spray varnish that does not leave halos.

If the veneer has peeled off from the base, then restoration, in the case of budget doors, is pointless, because the cost of this event can be comparable to the cost of a new door. Judge for yourself: you need to buy new veneer, remove the old one, prepare the canvas, glue the new veneer and paint and varnish the whole thing, so that the color matches the rest of the doors in the apartment, which are not damaged and have been standing for some time. If the doors are of artistic value or are a museum exhibit, this process is justified; in all other cases, it is better to install new door. By the way, if problems with veneer begin before completion warranty period, then the manufacturer, according to your application, will do exactly that - he will not restore anything, but will simply exchange the door for a new one.

Veneer or eco-veneer - which is better?

Door store consultants hear this question very often. We have already touched on this topic, but we will explain it again so that there are definitely no questions left.

Both are used as an external, decorative covering of the door leaf. But, veneer is natural wood, its thin cut, and eco-veneer is a polymer film. Veneer is more expensive than eco-veneer, which is why veneered doors, for the most part, are more expensive than eco-veneered ones.

The differences in price are due not only to the different cost of the coating; as a rule, in more expensive, veneered doors, the manufacturer deliberately makes a more expensive base. The door leaf itself is heavier, it does not have cavities or honeycomb filling, it feels more expensive when closing, and has better sound insulation. Here, as everywhere else, for example, in cars - if you take a more powerful engine, you automatically get a more expensive package.

In terms of beauty, naturally, natural veneer is more interesting than eco-veneer. Of course, there are very high-quality films, with very beautiful multi-color patterns and reliable relief. But in any case, natural wood, which is veneer, is better. How is that solid board and laminate - sometimes you can’t tell the difference, but in 90% of cases you can see it right away.

There is no difference in wear resistance and ease of use in everyday life. But only if both options are made with high quality and the eco-veneer is really a polymer film and not paper. No special care they don’t need it, both options can be installed in the bathroom.

Because veneered doors appeared on the market much earlier, about them we can say for sure that they last a long time, more than 10 years - easily, if you don’t break them on purpose. Eco-veneer doors appeared relatively recently and it is difficult to talk about such dates. And they differ greatly in quality, because... the price range in which similar products are presented: from the cheapest canvases - for 2500 rubles, to 6000 rubles. Doors costing from 4,000 rubles can be compared correctly with veneer. Everything else is a product in which the manufacturer saved on everything.

As a result, all other things being equal, except for price, you will have to choose based on appearance door design. It is important to take into account all other elements of the interior. If there are wooden parts in furniture, floors, etc., then veneer is better. If everything is covered with films: kitchen facades, cabinets, laminate flooring, then there is no point in overpaying if you are satisfied with the design of the door leaf.

Veneer or PVC - how to choose?

If you haven't read the previous paragraph, be sure to read it! Eco-veneer and PVC film are essentially the same thing. They differ only in composition: eco-veneer is based on polypropylene; the second coating, in a bound form, contains chloride. In color and relief they can be generally the same. Therefore, when compared with veneer, all of the above about eco-veneer is true.

Why does one coating have the prefix “eco”, but the other does not, and does it sound somehow very “synthetic” - PVC? In short, this is marketing ploy. The “eco-veneer” film, based on polypropylene, is safe - it doesn’t emit anything, so it’s “eco”. And there is a story about PVC film that it emits some form of chlorine compound, so it is not “eco-friendly”. Decorative coatings based on PVC appeared a long time ago, and eco-veneer based on polypropylene - relatively recently. To increase demand for new material and this information appeared.

In fact, chlorine is not released from PVC film in its normal state, and the coatings themselves evolve and become more beautifully textured, similar to natural wood. Finishing film suppliers offer door factories huge selection materials: PVC films and polypropylene (eco-veneer), which are now generally indistinguishable from each other. The only difference is in the method of application to the surface of the door leaf and the equipment necessary for this. This is exactly what door manufacturers come from.

Veneer or solid wood - a difficult choice

Solid wood doors are called that way because they are made entirely of some type of wood. In veneered doors, the frame is made of cheap softwood, then there is an MDF backing, and on top there is a thin layer of expensive wood (veneer). The difference in approaches is obvious and each has its advantages.

A normal veneered door costs approximately 8,000-12,000 rubles. Doors made of solid pine can be purchased starting from 4,500 rubles, solid alder - from 12,000 rubles, solid wood: ash, oak, beech - from 20,000 rubles. So we will compare, because it is obvious that a comparison “in general” is useless, given the completely different properties different varieties wood.

Doors made of pine or veneer

The pine is very beautiful, with large streaks, if the knots are left, suitable for popular styles such as country, chalet or Provence, especially under white wax. The material exudes “naturalness” and even creates a certain aroma in the room. But that's where the positives end and begin back side medals: a very soft surface quickly collects damage, and a “living” tree can significantly change size with changing seasons and even crack. On Finnish doors, for example, around the panels, unpainted areas may appear, because The canvas is painted assembled in production, and in the apartment, when the humidity changes, the panel shrinks. There is nothing like this in veneered doors, although they consist half of the same solid pine. The MDF layer perfectly holds the geometry, regardless of the importance in the apartment, being an ideal basis for veneer. On such a substrate, solid veneer becomes even stronger, maintaining its impeccable appearance for quite a long time.

Alder or veneer doors

Alder is a little harder than pine, not as loose, but has an inexpressive pattern. Its wood is not as resinous as pine and strongly absorbs moisture, so coatings for alder are chosen to be denser, and they are often coated with opaque enamels. It is scary to paint pine with enamels - cracks may appear. In general, if you fundamentally need doors made of 100% solid wood, but there is no money for expensive, beautiful and very durable oak or ash, alder can be a good option. At the same time, for this money you can get doors with oak or ash veneer, and they will definitely be more interesting in terms of beauty, but not in terms of strength and durability.

Solid oak and ash or veneer

Now let’s compare doors made of oak and ash with veneered ones, and this comparison is very interesting, because Oak and ash veneers are the most popular.

Doors made entirely of oak or ash are very heavy and durable. In terms of this parameter, they are, of course, better than veneered ones, but this is not always appropriate, especially in flimsy urban plasterboard partitions.

The second point that may influence the choice in favor of cheaper analogues is the frequency and quality of all repairs. The average repair will require updating after exactly 15 years, and veneer doors are designed for exactly this period. But solid doors can last for several decades, but they may not survive repairs.

And of course, veneer is all just an imitation, albeit natural. Real wood has much greater possibilities for decoration. Big changes heights, beautiful edges, carving, surface brushing - all this is not available with veneer technology. But it must be said that creating such doors from solid wood will cost far from the minimum 20,000 rubles.

We hope that the information presented was useful to you and will help you in your choice. The materials for the article were prepared by specialists from the Into the House interior door store.

Today we will talk about which kitchen façade is best to choose and consider the pros and cons of each type. There are not so few of them, but the most popular ones, for some reason, are made from MDF and chipboard, that is, from sawdust... Let's find out why.

What properties should kitchen facades have?

It is desirable that the facade be like this: set it once and forget it! It stands, does not deteriorate, does not scratch, does not fade, does not turn pale, does not get wet. In general, it serves until you get tired of it.

And on top of all this, it’s very good for it to be fashionable and impress the eyes of the guests. But combining all this into one whole is almost impossible.

That's why, the best way out here is this: consider all possible facades, identify their pros and cons, and based on this knowledge, simply choose the lesser evil.

Well then, let's get started! The description is presented in the form of a list, with the worst options at the bottom. That is, we start from the best of the best and move in descending order.

Natural wood facades

Natural wood facades are almost impossible to decorate in such a way that they look ultra-modern.

Wood is a classic and calm interior, without any high-tech features or modern trends. Country, Provence, Scandinavian style, Mediterranean, classic - these are the styles where natural wood looks the best.

And this is, without a doubt, the best option. But if you prefer wooden facades, then you need to understand that they weigh much more than those made from particle boards.

This means that the base of the kitchen must also be made of wood, otherwise, over time, the heavy facades will simply tear out the fastenings from the flimsy glued slabs.

Also, it would not hurt to consider the properties of several types of wood. Because the difference between a pine facade and an oak one is huge. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, now you can read everything yourself.


Pine is the most inexpensive wood. It is easy to process and costs little more slabs made of sawdust, but at the same time, it is not very good in operation.

In particular, because pine is soft wood, which can be easily scratched. Even a cat's claws can cause noticeable damage, not to mention... kitchen knives and other household damage.

Yes, the pine facade is subject to restoration, like any other tree. But that's extra money! It is better to make the inner part from pine, and not the doors that are visible.


Ash is a hard wood and is great for facades because it is durable. At the same time, its price is two and a half times more than pine and one and a half times less than oak.

That is, if you do not have a goal for the facade to look natural, classic color oak, then ash is a good alternative.

His design and color are simpler, of course, but no worse. Sometimes it’s even better when it comes to decorating a Scandinavian-style kitchen, where the yellowish colors of natural wood are a priority.


The oak facade is a classic. Looking at such furniture, especially if it is not painted on top with colored paint, no one will have any doubt that it is natural wood. An oak is an oak. But, for some, its natural color looks a little gloomy.

Bottom line: the pros and cons of wooden facades


  • Durability
  • Environmental friendliness
  • Natural and solid look
  • Possibility of restoration


  • Not a cheap pleasure
  • Mandatory presence of an internal wood box
  • A small maneuver in style
  • There is a high probability of buying poorly dried wood, which is why the structure will quickly “lead” and cracks will appear.

Metal facades

Metal facade – a good thing. They are durable, very easy to care for, they are not afraid of scratches, steam, shock, or fire.

But, the cost of such a kitchen will be quite high, and it will also not have a very cozy appearance.

Metal kitchen facades look more organic in businesses than at home.

It is very unpleasant to touch them, as they are always cold. But, if your interior is in any modern style, such as minimalism, then this material is quite suitable and will look appropriate.

If we are talking about metal, there is one more thing to consider: glossy facades get dirty very easily and need to be wiped endlessly. There are fingerprints on them, stains from a not very clean rag, and every drop of water is very noticeable.

So, if cleaning is not your thing, don’t get excited and choose such facades.

Stainless steel

Stainless steel facades are eternal. But, this is if you don’t save money and choose a good, thick sheet of metal. It should be no thinner than 4mm. And those that are thinner have a lot of disadvantages.

They do not hold their shape and are easy to bend if you hit something on the door. Also, their corners may become deformed, which makes them dangerous.


Aluminum – soft material. But it is lighter than stainless steel and sometimes looks more interesting. And the cost of aluminum facades is significantly lower.

But aluminum gets scratched and restoring a metal façade is quite problematic. Although, it is quite possible. In the case of aluminum, you should also choose thicker sheets to avoid dents in the future.

Aluminum frame

Perhaps this is the best of all options for metal facades. Only the frame is made of aluminum, and almost any filler can be placed inside it: MDF, tempered glass, plastic.

Of course, in combination with natural wood, an aluminum frame will look very ridiculous. Still, metal obliges modern design.


  • Durability
  • Stylish look


  • Cold to the touch
  • Can be dangerous at corners
  • Scratches and dents may appear that are difficult to repair.
  • The price is not very reasonable

Acrylic (plastic) facades

Acrylic is a relatively new material in the creation of kitchen facades. In fact, acrylic is just a polymer that became famous thanks to acrylic plumbing fixtures and... extended nails.

Their acrylic kitchens look very modern and bright. Their surface is mirror-glossy, uniform and very pleasant to the touch.

The only thing is that acrylic is a non-plastic material, it cannot be used to design curved, radius and shaped facades. But, by and large, for design styles like “minimalism” this doesn’t matter, since strict, straight forms are held in high esteem there.

As for practicality, it all depends on the type of acrylic plates, which we will now consider.

The only thing they have in common is a glossy shine, which is quite difficult to maintain in its original form all the time. Even fingerprints are clearly visible on this coating, not to mention more significant dirt.

Acrylic in a metal frame

In this case, the acrylic sheet is thick enough and does not overlap with any support, such as chipboard or MDF. But despite this, he is afraid of being hit.

That is, if you hit such a facade well, it will certainly crack and the edges edged with aluminum will not save you.

The metal edging only protects the edge from damage.

Acrylic based on MDF board

Here acrylic is applied in a small layer and such a facade has all the properties of a regular sawdust slab. That is, if its edge is slightly damaged, then such furniture begins to absorb liquid like a sponge, and the acrylic film warps and lags behind.

As you understand, such furniture cannot be restored.


  • Stylish and glossy look
  • Pleasant to the touch
  • More affordable than metal and wood


  • Difficult to care for
  • The surface is scratch-resistant
  • The surface is afraid of impact
  • Not subject to restoration

MDF facades

Today, probably 85% of modern kitchens are made from this material. MDF is quite affordable, has great design and color options, and at the same time lasts much longer than chipboard furniture.

But even among MDF there is various options top coating, on which their service life depends.

Painted MDF

The painted MDF facade has one, an undeniable advantage: It doesn't look plastic and has a more cozy look.

But such a surface must be washed very carefully, since the coating sometimes simply washes away under the sponge and traces of paint remain on it, and, accordingly, stains on the facades.

True, the painted surface is easy to restore; you just need to sand it and cover the facade with a fresh coat of paint. For the rest, from the main cons of MDF this furniture is not protected. We are talking about damage to the edges and chips of the edge, under which water gets in and the slab begins to “inflate”.

MDF covered with PVC film

MDF covered with such a film does not look very expensive. But on the other hand, you can wash it as much as you like. He is not afraid of abrasives. On the other hand, he is afraid of blows and this can cause chips, which cannot be removed with anything later.

Such facades are not subject to restoration.

Veneered MDF

Veneer is the finest shavings of natural wood. From a practical point of view, veneer is no better than PVC film, and in many ways, even worse, since it is softer.

But on the other hand, veneered MDF is very difficult to distinguish by eye from natural wood. This explains its popularity.


  • Inexpensive
  • Wide range of design options
  • Possibility of creating paneled and radius facades
  • Easy to care for


  • They don’t last that long, after about 5 years the edges definitely start to “swell”
  • Not all MDF facades can be restored

Chipboard facades

And finally, we come to the worst of the worst. Kitchen facades made of chipboard are so bad that there is no point in describing these disgraces.

They please the buyer for a couple of years, and then the edges begin to swell, chips appear on the surface, the fittings become loose, the locks and hinges sag because the base is too flimsy... No, no and NO.

So which kitchen fronts are ultimately better?

Let's now try to draw a conclusion from the information described above. Which kitchen facades are better: PVC film, MDF, plastic or more expensive options?

Of course, wood and metal are the best. But, if you choose from the available options, which are similar in appearance, then most practical option– MDF, as it is the best value for money.

Negative customer reviews about popular types of facades

And here we have collected some negative reviews about kitchen facades from those who have already had experience using this or that material.

We deliberately did not choose laudatory posts, because we believe that the best adviser is a critic.

We really hope that our article was useful to you. After all, after this detailed analysis, you should no longer have a shadow of doubt about which kitchen façade is best to choose.


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