Abstract: Analysis of the financial and economic activities of municipal unitary enterprise housing and communal services. Analysis of the financial and economic activities of LLC "UK "ZhKH"

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Financial activities management company is aimed at collecting and disposing of financial resources of owners for the implementation of management and maintenance. In this regard, the owners of apartment buildings can also fully control the work of the management company. In this article we will look at the content financial activities The Criminal Code and who and how can check it.

Main source of funding activities of the Housing and Communal Services Management Company - payment for housing and communal services by owners of premises in apartment buildings. According to paragraph 2 of Art. 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the fee paid by the owner of premises in an apartment building includes:

  • payment necessary for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and common property, it also includes payment for services and work related to the management of apartment buildings;
  • contributions to major renovation;
  • payment for consumed utilities.

The result of the financial activities of the management company is reflected in the estimate of income and expenses of the management company. There may be cases when the funds received from the owners are too small to fulfill the production plan. In such a situation, the management company may resort to other sources of financing.

The management company has the following structure of financial flows:

  • main flows (come from owners and tenants of premises and, through the management company, are distributed to suppliers of housing services and utilities);
  • financing of housing repairs (carried out through the reserve fund);
  • additional sources of financing (funds coming from local governments and credit institutions);
  • repayment of loans to credit institutions, payment of interest on loans.

The use of budget funds for the overhaul of apartment buildings (for example, when implementing regional programs using funds from the Housing and Communal Services Reform Assistance Fund) is provided for in Art. 15 of Federal Law No. 185-FZ of July 21, 2007. In addition, the management company can attract borrowed funds on a repayable basis in order to carry out the necessary activities.

All expenses of property owners for major repairs can be included in the housing fee. To do this, it is necessary to organize and hold a general meeting where at least 2/3 of the owners vote “for”. The overhaul is delayed over time, so the management company, when carrying out financial activities, takes measures aimed at preserving funds in specially opened bank accounts, funds, etc.

In the absence of appropriate personnel and software management companies have the right to transfer their functions in whole or in part to various organizations (credit, settlement and information centers, etc.). This allows you to minimize administrative and management costs.

An agreement can be concluded with the settlement and information center, according to which the following functions can be transferred:

  • for calculation, accrual, and acceptance of payments from premises owners and tenants for residential premises and utilities;
  • on registration and distribution of receipts for payment of services and housing;
  • for calculating penalties in case of late payments and collecting penalties along with the payment;
  • on the recalculation of payments from the population collected for residential premises and utilities:
  • if additional benefits are introduced or cancelled;
  • if tariffs for housing and communal services change;
  • if the consumer is temporarily absent from his place of residence.

How to analyze the financial and economic activities of a management company

The financial condition of a management company is its ability to finance its activities. It can be characterized as a system of indicators that reflect the production and economic activities of the enterprise, the availability, placement and use financial resources. When analyzing financial condition, the balance sheet is most often used. It allows you to assess the dynamics of changes in individual financial performance indicators, track the main directions when changing the structure of the balance sheet, and compare the data obtained by analogy with other organizations in this industry.

Conducting an external financial analysis of the management company’s activities includes an assessment of the financial condition and financial results. It is carried out by external users of information about the financial activities of the management company, based on data from the accounting financial statements.

The financial analysis The activities of the housing and communal services management company are based on:

  • assessing the solvency, liquidity, market stability of the organization;
  • attracting equity capital and borrowed funds;
  • profit indicators, absolute and relative.

There is no single methodology that allows for a financial analysis of the activities of a housing and communal services management company. Experts use different methods and methods of analysis, using absolute and relative indicators. The most common financial ratios are those obtained by comparing different items in the financial statements and balance sheet. During the financial analysis of the management company's activities, certain actions are performed.

1. Cost-benefit analysis

The profitability of a management company is the amount of profit related to the indicator of investments and costs, or a similar indicator. The balance sheet shows this profit as the net (undistributed) amount remaining after paying income taxes.

This indicator is not used when calculating profitability, since the amount of tax should not distort the value of the main result of the financial activities of the management company. The “Profit and Loss Statement” contains several items showing profit before tax and reflected in the amount accumulated during the reporting period. The balance sheet shows the amount as of the reporting date, at a time. When assessing profitability, these indicators are used in average terms.

The most common profitability indicators are:

  • Return on assets ratio- the ratio of profit before tax (page 140 “Profit and Loss Statement”) to the average value of the balance sheet asset. You can calculate the profit for every ruble invested.
  • Return on equity ratio- the ratio of profit before tax to the average equity capital. Allows you to calculate the profit for each ruble of equity capital.
  • Return on sales ratio- the ratio of profit received from sales to revenue - net. Allows you to calculate the profit for each ruble of products (works) sold.
  • Core activity profitability ratio- the ratio of profit received from sales to costs associated with the production of sold products. Allows you to calculate the profit for each ruble of costs.

2. Solvency analysis

Solvency characterizes the ability of the management company to make payments on current debts on time. This is achieved by correlating means of payment (short-term accounts receivable (S), cash (DS), inventories (Z), short-term financial investments (FC)) with payment obligations.

The conversion of different means of payment into cash occurs at different speeds, that is, assets have different degrees of liquidity. A company's solvency is also called liquidity.

Payment obligations are short-term obligations (Kk), including short-term loans, credits and accounts payable, which must be repaid within 12 months. In the balance sheet, means of payment are reflected in section II, payment obligations - in section IV.

Solvency indicators:

  • Absolute liquidity ratio demonstrates the amount of cash for each ruble of debt, equal to the ratio of DS to Kk.
  • Quick ratio demonstrates the degree to which current debts are covered by liquid assets, equal to the ratio of the sum DS + DZ + Fk to Kk.
  • Total liquidity ratio(general solvency) demonstrates possible degree covering current debts with current assets (means of payment) is equal to the ratio of (DS + DZ + Fk + Z) to Kk.

3. Financial stability analysis

Financial stability allows us to assess the independence of the management company from a financial point of view, that is, the management company should not depend on external financing. Analyzing financial stability, a specialist evaluates the structure of liabilities and their independence for individual elements of assets.

Often coefficients with established restrictions are used. If the management company complies with them, then it is considered financially independent.

  • Financial Independence Ratio:

Section III total / total liabilities

Demonstrates what share own funds make up in the total amount of sources of financing, the level of independence from sources of loans.

Normally, K1 should be in the range of 0.4 - 0.7, that is, the share of own funds should be from 40 to 70%. These are conditional restrictions that imply the possibility of repaying collection debts upon the sale of 40% of the company’s property, even if the remaining part of the property is illiquid.

  • Financial stability ratio:

(Section III total + Section II total) / total assets

Demonstrates what portion of assets is financed by sustainable liabilities.

Normally, K2 should be greater than or equal to 0.6, that is, the financial stability of the management company will be normal if more than 60% of the assets were financed from reliable, long-term sources, including own funds.

  • Funding ratio:

Result of Section III / (Result of Section IV + Result of Section V)

Demonstrates the amount of equity capital of the management company for each ruble of borrowed funds. Normally, this indicator should be greater than or equal to 0.7, optimally - 1.5, that is, for the financial stability of an organization, it is necessary that for every ruble of borrowed funds there are more than 70 kopecks of own funds, and financial independence will be ensured by the presence of 1.5 rubles of own funds funds for 1 borrowed ruble.

  • Capitalization rate, defined by the relation:

(Section IV summary + Section V summary) / Section III summary

Demonstrates the volume of borrowed funds of the management company for each ruble of its own funds. Normally, K4 should be less than or equal to 1.5, that is, borrowed funds should be 1.5 times less than own funds, otherwise the management company is financially dependent on external sources.

  • Availability ratio of own sources of financing:

(Section III summary + Section I summary) / Section II summary

Shows share current assets financed from own sources.

Normally, K5 should be greater than or equal to 0.5, that is, it is necessary that current assets can be covered by at least 50% of their sources. Otherwise, the management company will be considered financially unstable.

4. Analysis business activity

The business commercial activity of the management company is an indicator that determines the effectiveness of financial activities, which can be manifested in an increase in sales volume and the rate of turnover of funds. Analyzing business commercial activity, are based on the level and dynamics of turnover. The faster the turnover of funds occurs, the faster the management company will receive real money; its financial stability and solvency depend on this.

To determine the turnover of funds, the proceeds from sales and the volume of funds are correlated. Revenue can be calculated relative to current assets, their individual parts, own, as well as borrowed funds. Can be characterized using two indicators:

  • the turnover rate shows the number of revolutions that funds make during the billing period (the ratio of revenue to funds);
  • The turnover period shows the average period during which the organization returns funds invested in business processes (the ratio of the volume of funds to revenue multiplied by the duration of the analyzed period; when calculating the turnover period, the specified duration is taken: for a year - 360 days, for a quarter - 90 days, per month - 30 days).

Indicators of business activity are the following values.

  1. Total property turnover ratio - determined by the property used and the rate of its turnover over a period of time.
  2. Cash turnover ratio- demonstrates the speed of cash turnover.
  3. Material turnover ratio - demonstrates the amount of material turnover.
  4. Accounts receivable turnover ratio— shows how many times during the year accounts receivable became cash.
  5. Accounts receivable turnover period— shows the average period for which receivables are repaid.
  6. Capital productivity ratio— demonstrates the success of the use of fixed assets.
  7. Return on equity capital — determines the speed of its turnover and demonstrates the amount of revenue per 1 ruble of equity capital.
  8. Debt repayment period to suppliers - demonstrates the average period for which debts to suppliers and contractors are repaid.

Who checks the financial and economic activities of the management company

The State Housing Supervision Service does not check the financial and economic activities of the management company, the legality and intended use of funds received from the owners of apartment buildings.

Owners who have questioned the contents of financial statements and do not agree with how the management company distributes funds received from consumers have the right to decide to create an audit commission, which will include the owners of apartment buildings, or to attract independent auditors to check the distribution of funds. To make such a decision, it is necessary to organize and hold a general meeting with an appropriate agenda.

Should the financial and economic activities of the management company be accessible to the owners?

Complaints from owners about the management company’s refusal to provide a report on the work done or to provide access to documents on the management of apartment buildings arise frequently. At the same time, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2010 No. 731 “On approval of the standard for information disclosure by organizations operating in the field of management of apartment buildings” approved a list of documentation that discloses, among other things, the financial activities of the management company.

According to the standards, the management company must provide the following data.

1. general information about the management company:

  • corporate name of the legal entity, full name of the head of the management company or full name of the individual entrepreneur;
  • details of the certificate of state registration as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur (OGRN, date of its assignment and name of the body that made the decision on registration);
  • postal address, address of the actual location of the management bodies of the management company, contact numbers, as well as (if available) official website on the Internet and e-mail;
  • operating hours of the management company, including hours of personal reception of citizens by employees of the management company and work of dispatch services;
  • a list of apartment buildings managed by a management company in accordance with the management agreement, indicating the addresses of these houses and the total area of ​​their premises;
  • a list of apartment buildings in respect of which management contracts were terminated in the previous calendar year, indicating the addresses of these buildings and the grounds for termination of management contracts;
  • information about the membership of the management company;
  • information about the membership of the management organization in a non-profit self-regulatory organization and/or other associations of management companies, indicating their names and addresses, including the official website on the Internet.

Managing organizations are not required to be members of non-profit self-regulatory organizations, this information may be missing.

2. Key financial indicators economic activity management company (in terms of execution by such management organization of management contracts):

  • annual financial statements, including the balance sheet and appendices thereto;
  • information about funds received for the provision of services for managing apartment buildings (according to separate accounting of income and expenses);
  • information on expenses in connection with the provision of services for managing apartment buildings (according to separate accounting of income and expenses).

3. Information about the work performed (services provided) related to the maintenance and repair of common property in the apartment building:

  • services provided by the management organization in relation to the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, from among the services specified in the rules for maintaining common property in an apartment building, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491;
  • services related to achieving the goals of managing an apartment building, which are provided by the management organization.

Here we consider only those works and services that the management company provides on its own.

4. The procedure and conditions for the provision of services related to the maintenance and repair of common property in the apartment building:

  • a draft management agreement concluded with the owners of apartment buildings, homeowners associations, housing, housing construction or others, which must contain all essential conditions;
  • information on the fulfillment of obligations under management agreements in relation to each apartment building.

If the management company was brought to administrative responsibility in the previous calendar year for violations in the field of management of apartment buildings, then the number of such cases is disclosed. Copies of documents on administrative measures applied to the management company and on measures taken to eliminate violations are also subject to disclosure.

5. Information on the cost of work (services) provided in connection with the maintenance and repair of common property in the apartment building:

  • content, frequency and result of each work/service, warranty period (if a guarantee of the quality of work is provided for by federal law, another regulatory legal act of the Russian Federation or it is offered by the management company), indication design features, the degree of physical wear and tear and technical condition of the common property of the apartment building, which determined the choice of specific works/services;
  • price for each work/service per unit of measurement (per 1 m² of total area of ​​premises in an apartment building, per 1 linear m utility networks, per 1 m² of area of ​​objects that belong to the common property of the apartment building, per 1 utility metering device, etc.).

6. Information about prices (tariffs) for utilities:

  • a list of utility resources purchased by the management company from organizations, which indicate specific suppliers, the volume of resources and the cost of purchase;
  • tariffs/prices for consumers established for organizations selling utility resources. The management company must indicate the details of regulatory legal acts (date, number, name of the body that adopted the act), according to which tariffs/prices are established. Information on tariffs/prices is provided as of the day of disclosure of information and is updated within the time frame in accordance with clause 16 of the information disclosure standard;
  • tariffs/prices for utility services used by the management company when calculating the amount of payments for the end consumer.

By management companies according to the disclosure standard information is provided by:

  • website of the management company;
  • website of the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, determined by the highest executive body state power subject of the Russian Federation;
  • authority website local government the municipality where the management company operates;

2) publications in official print media, where they publish acts of local government bodies, distributed in municipalities where management companies operate (official printed publications);

3) placement on information stands/racks in premises owned by the management company;

4) providing information based on requests submitted in writing or electronically.

Expert opinion

What sanctions are provided for failure to publish information?

E.V. Shereshovets,

director of the KIT company

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 14.1.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, entrepreneurial activity related to the management of apartment buildings and carried out in violation of licensing requirements entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 50,000-100,000 rubles on officials, or they are disqualified for up to 3 years; for individual entrepreneurs - 250,000 - 300,000 rubles, or they are disqualified for up to 3 years; for legal entities - 250,000-300,000 rubles. If persons carry out entrepreneurial activity, without forming a legal entity, they bear the same administrative responsibility, as a legal entity.

What is the procedure for checking the financial activities of the management company by the owners?

Stage 1. Checking the correctness of tariffs

The correctness of the tariffs indicated on the rent receipt is checked. The management company must issue, upon request from residents, a document confirming their size and indicating mandatory payments. The management company is obliged to monitor the validity of tariffs and give specific answers to questions arising in relation to the calculations and application of invoices issued for payment.

Litigation statistics show that over the course of two recent years The courts of the Russian Federation have considered over 1.5 thousand disputes to determine the correctness of the tariffs set. The total number of lawsuits against management companies amounted to over 20 thousand. This is an indicator that owners are ready to seriously defend their interests, going to court in extreme cases.

Stage 2. Providing a report on the work done

Owners have the right to demand from the management company a report on financial activities and work done. The request must contain information about the period of activity of the management company (month, quarter, year). The management company may also provide cost proposals for the following calendar year along with estimates upon request. Familiarization with the report before the start of the general house meeting will allow you to put any emerging issues on the agenda.

Reports can be provided in different shapes: copies of the report can be given to each resident, posted on bulletin boards in the entrances or on the appropriate website on the Internet. Owners must decide in what order the report will be submitted and specify this in the management agreement. In addition, this document must contain information about maintenance, repair of utility networks and other property, sanitary maintenance of common property, improvement of premises and area near the house, expenditure of funds.

Stage 3. Justification of the information contained in the report

To substantiate the information contained in the report, the owners have the right to demand the provision of estimates and documents that confirm the completion of work on the apartment building, the hiring of workers to perform the work, the income and expenses of the management company. These can be payment orders, certificates of completed work, etc. In Russia, there are many court cases to recognize as illegal the demands of management companies to pay expenses for services that were not actually provided. Over 50% of such cases are completed in favor of the owners of apartment buildings.

Stage 4. Analysis of information received by residents

The owners analyze the information received. As a rule, an initiative group is organized from among them, including people who understand accounting and jurisprudence. In the absence of such people, owners can contact an organization specializing in such activities, which will perform the necessary analysis for a fee.

Stage 5. Contacting government agencies

If an incorrect calculation of tariffs is detected or the unreasonable inclusion of some items in the bill, or if the management company carries out other illegal actions, the owners can file a complaint with the State Housing Inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor. These bodies are required to conduct an audit of the management company’s activities and, if violations are detected, apply appropriate sanctions. In addition, a complaint can be submitted to the court or prosecutor's office.

What sections should a report on the financial and economic activities of a management company consist of?

Annual report on the financial activities of the management company to the owners of the apartment buildings is a mandatory procedure; neither the director of the company nor the decision made on general meeting.

Typically specific deadlines for submission statements are stated in the report. If the management company refuses or evades to submit a report on financial activities, the owners of apartment buildings have the right to file a complaint against the management company with the housing inspectorate or the prosecutor's office. It is recommended that you first submit a complaint to the housing inspectorate. It is enough to submit two complaints; If there is no result, it’s time to prepare a statement of claim in court.

Annual report on the financial activities of the management company placed at information stands. If the management company has a website on the Internet, then the report is posted there. It may also be posted on the local government portal or other agreed resource.

The report consists of certain sections.

1. Condition of common property

Common property is any premises or equipment that serves more than one apartment.

For this item, a table is compiled, which includes three columns: 1 - name of the element, 2 - its composition or design, 3 - its condition, degree of wear, need for replacement.

Sample list of elements:

  • walls;
  • roof;
  • foundation;
  • ceilings (varieties);
  • floors;
  • finishing (location);
  • openings (varieties);
  • equipment (bathrooms, boilers, electric stoves, networks, appliances).

2. List of services and works

It is important to specify the volume and order of service provision (for example, the frequency of cleaning entrances). This will help clarify the expectations of the owners. If the conditions are not met, this will allow you to write a complaint to the housing inspectorate, based on the decision made at the general meeting. The more vague the clauses of the contract are formulated, the more difficult it is to substantiate complaints.

The report contains a table that specifically lists the services provided. One column is a list, the second is the costs of providing the service.

As a rule, 3 tables are formed:

  1. services related to home management;
  2. services related to the maintenance of common property of apartment buildings;
  3. public utilities.

Tables with other services are compiled if work was carried out or services were provided that were not covered by any of the categories listed above. The report also contains notes on the quality of services and work.

3. Estimate of income and expenses

An estimate is a generalized document that lists services and the amount of funds used to provide them. A separate line is generated for each service. Amounts can be noted quarterly or in total for the entire analyzed year.

The estimate contains the income items of the management company:

  • owner payments;
  • subsidies from the state or municipal budget;
  • payments for rent of common property.

A literal understanding of disclosure standards implies that estimates of income and expenses must be planned in advance. The management company is required to attach a report on its implementation. This can be considered a report on the financial activities of the management company to the owners.

4. Settlements with owners

The section that concerns settlements with owners contains information about the payment discipline of owners. It reveals the facts of debt: both general figures and for each individual debtor.

If many owners fail to make payments, this may explain the management company’s failure to fulfill its obligations under the management agreement. Irresponsible owners are often wary of neighbors and usually pay off the debt after publicity. Unfortunately, this method does not always work.

Throughout the year, the corresponding columns are filled out in the financial statements, so there should be no difficulties with displaying settlements with owners in the report on the financial activities of the management company.

Information about the expert and company

ShereshovetsE.V. is a director of the KIT company, a member of the Expert Council of the State Duma Committee on Housing Policy and Housing and Communal Services. Head of the department legal regulation Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the State Academy under the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

"WHALE"- Non-commercial partnership. Self-regulatory organization of real estate managers “Quality. Innovation. Technologies". The areas of activity of NP SRO UN "KIT" are the development of professionalism, competent management of the operation of the housing stock, protection of the interests and legal rights of partnership members.

Analysis of the financial and economic activities of LLC "UK "ZhKH"

4. Analysis of the financial and economic activities of LLC Management Company Housing and Communal Services

Financial analysis makes it possible to assess the property status of an enterprise, the degree of business risk, capital adequacy for current activities, and the rationality of attracting borrowed funds. Financial analysis determines the strengths and weaknesses of an enterprise. In what areas do you need to work?

Sustainability financial situation enterprises largely depend on the feasibility and correctness of investing financial resources in assets.

During the operation of an enterprise, the value of assets and their structure undergo constant changes. The most general idea of ​​the qualitative changes that have taken place in the structure of funds and their sources, as well as the dynamics of these changes, can be obtained using vertical and horizontal analysis of reporting.

We will analyze the structure of funds and their sources using a vertical and horizontal balance.

Vertical analysis determines the structure of the final financial indicators and determines the impact of each position on the balance sheet total.

Table 5 Vertical analysis

Indicator value, %

1. Non-current assets

Fixed assets

Construction in progress

Total for section 1

2. Current assets

Inventories incl.

raw materials

Future expenses

Value added tax on purchased assets

buyers and customers


Total for section 2

3. Capital and reserves

Authorized capital

Extra capital

Uncovered loss

Total for section 3

4. Current liabilities

Loans and credits

suppliers and contractors

Debt to extra-budgetary f.

Other creditors

Total for section 4

Table 6 Horizontal analysis

Indicator value

2008 new year, thousand rubles

2009 thousand roubles.

Changes, %

2009 thousand roubles.

Changes, %

Changes in general thousand roubles.

1.Non-current assets

Fixed assets

Construction in progress

Total for section 1

2. Current assets

Inventories incl.

raw materials

Future expenses

Value added tax

Accounts receivable, incl.

buyers and customers

Other debtors


Total for section 2

3. Capital and reserves

Authorized capital

Extra capital

Uncovered loss

Total for section 3

4.Short-term liabilities

Loans and credits

Accounts payable, incl.

suppliers and contractors

Wages owed to staff

Debt to extra-budgetary funds

Debt on taxes and fees

Other creditors

Total for section 4

Having analyzed the data from horizontal and vertical analysis, we can conclude that the share of the enterprise’s economic assets has changed over the course of two years. The share of immobile assets to the balance sheet currency at the end of 2009 was 6.43% (288 thousand rubles), mobile assets 93.62% (by the end of 2009 - 3346 thousand rubles).

Non-current assets have decreased compared to 2008, this is largely influenced by the company's fixed assets. By the end of 2009 they decreased by 201 thousand rubles. This is due to the natural wear and tear of all fixed assets, machinery and equipment, vehicles, household equipment, as well as the fact that the company did not purchase new fixed assets.

At the end of 2009, the share of unfinished construction in the territory served by Management Company Housing and Public Utilities LLC was 1.13%.

Current assets are increasing by the end of 2009. This is due to an increase in inventories, including materials and raw materials by 37.97%, the share of deferred expenses for 2008 increases in relation to the balance sheet currency by 3.39%. Expenses for repairs of fixed assets, Maintenance- the enterprise does not create a reserve fund, therefore all expenses associated with fixed assets go to deferred expenses, newspaper subscriptions, and the purchase of specialized literature.

The most liquid assets - cash - are increasing by the end of 2009, and their share is 28.85% (1031 thousand rubles).

Analyzing the sources of economic funds, we see that in dynamics over 2 years by the end of 2009 they are decreasing by 2.19%, we observe that over 2 years the size of the authorized capital has changed, there is no additional capital. Since LLC Management Company Housing and Public Utilities was formed in 2009, the authorized capital is 10 thousand rubles. The reduction in sources of economic funds is significantly influenced by the uncovered losses of previous years.

However, in 2009, losses decreased by 89.11 thousand. rub. The company has no long-term liabilities, but short-term liabilities at the end of 2009 decreased by 56,407 thousand rubles. This is largely influenced by the reduction of our organization’s accounts payable to suppliers and contractors due to an increase in funds. The main debt of LLC Management Company Housing and Public Utilities is the debt to state extra-budgetary funds, which in 2008 amounted to 61.07% (14,449 thousand rubles) by the end of 2009 it decreased by 49.06%. Towards the end of 2009, the company's debt to other creditors was practically reduced (debt to transport organizations for services, to individuals under writs of execution...). However, short-term loans and borrowings arise - 1028 thousand rubles, so the enterprise does not have enough of its own working capital to fully cover its obligations.

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In order to have an idea of ​​the results of the financial and economic activities of LLC “Management Company Dom-1”, it is necessary to consider some indicators.

TO the most important indicators, characterizing the results of the activities of LLC "Management Company Dom-1" should include: volume of work, services, cost of work, services, expenses of the organization, profit (loss).

The first indicator considered is the volume of work performed, services provided - this is the cost of services and work paid or payable by customers. This indicator depends on the capabilities of the organization, i.e. the availability of the necessary production capacity, personnel, material, monetary and other types of resources. In conditions of inflation, the indicator can give a real picture of the assessment of the production activities of the organization LLC “Management Company Dom-1”.

Appendix A.

The data in Table 01 indicates that the volume of work performed and services provided since 2012. to 2014 by 7017.7 thousand rubles. Maintenance fee local area over the course of three years it increased by 841.6 thousand rubles. The fee for servicing in-house plumbing equipment has increased by 959.9 thousand rubles over three years. The fee for servicing in-house electrical equipment has increased by 436.9 thousand rubles over three years. The fee for cleaning public areas has increased by 509.8 thousand rubles over three years. The fee for solid waste removal over three years has increased by 550.2 thousand rubles. The fee for servicing elevator equipment has increased by 472.7 thousand rubles over three years. The fee for current repairs over three years has increased by 1057.7 thousand rubles. The fee for emergency dispatch service services has increased by 753.8 thousand rubles over three years. Fees for bank services have increased by 74 thousand rubles over three years. The fee for maintaining the management company over three years increased by 578.2 thousand rubles. Service fee gas equipment over the course of three years it increased by 495.4 thousand rubles. The fee for solid waste disposal has increased by 169.9 thousand rubles over three years. The fee for the services of the settlement center has increased by 87.8 thousand rubles over three years. The fee for state verification and maintenance of IPU for three years has increased by 30 thousand rubles. The increase in household fees is explained by an increase in tariffs for servicing common property

The structure of the work performed and services provided is presented in the figures. The figures show that the largest share in the structure of the volume of work performed for these services is occupied by fees for current repairs. Over three years, the share of this indicator increased by 0.18%.

Appendix B

Appendix B

Appendix D

Table 0.2 shows that the inflation coefficient for housing maintenance and repairs has increased by 0.8 over 3 years. In 2013, compared to 2012, the inflation rate increased by 0.3.

Appendix E

Tariff for current repairs since 2012. to 2014 increased by 0.9. In 2013, compared to 2012, the inflation coefficient increased by 0.5.

To calculate the weighted average inflation rate, the shares of each type of service should be calculated.

Appendix G.

Appendix Z.

Appendix I.

From Figure 0.4 we can conclude that the rate of inflation increased every year. The weighted average inflation rate has increased by 1.07 times over three years, which means an increase in tariffs.

Based on the calculated inflation rates, it is possible to calculate the volume of work performed and services provided at comparable prices. The calculation is presented in table 0.6. The table shows that the most significant impact is had by the increase in prices, and therefore the increase in the inflation rate, on the volume of work performed and services provided in 2012 and 2014.

Appendix K

Appendix L.

The performance of work and the provision of services by the management company presupposes a ratio of resource costs, the magnitude of which has a significant impact on the level of economic development of LLC “Management Company Dom-1”. Therefore, the management company must know how much it costs to perform work and provide services. An indicator characterizing the technical and economic level of an organization and its competitiveness is cost. Costs are the monetary expression of labor, material and financial resources necessary for organizations to carry out activities related to the performance of work and the provision of services.

Let's consider the dynamics and structure of costs in LLC "Management Company House-1" for 2012-2014.

Appendix M

Appendix N.

Appendix O.

Appendix P.

When analyzing the figures, you can see that the largest share in the grouping of costs over the course of three years belongs to the costs of maintaining indoor plumbing equipment.

Appendix R

Appendix C

In Figure 0.9. The dynamics of the cost of work and services in current and comparable prices for three years is presented. The figure shows that the cost in comparable prices exceeds the cost in current prices. In 2013, there was a sharp increase in this indicator, the cost of work and services provided in comparable prices, which is explained by a sharp jump in inflation, and in 2014 it decreased, which is a positive thing and evidence that resources were used more rationally.

The final indicator of the financial and economic activity of an organization is profit (loss). Profit is essentially the difference between a business's income and expenses. Profit (loss) from the sale of products, works, services is the difference between the proceeds from the sale of products, works, services in current prices without VAT and excise taxes, export duties and other deductions established by the law of the Russian Federation and the costs of its production and sale included in cost of products, works, services. This indicator is determined by the formula 0.1, which allows you to reflect the essence of the indicator:

Ppr = Vp – C, (0.9)

C – cost of work, services,

Ppr - profit (loss) from the sale of work and services.

The calculation of profit (loss) received by the organization over five years is presented in table 0.09.

Appendix T.

Analyzing the data in the table, we can conclude that the organization LLC “Management Company Dom-1” has been carrying out profitable activities for five years, since the cost of work performed and services provided does not exceed the revenue from the provision of services and work performed by the enterprise. Revenue from the sale of works and services increased significantly in 2014 compared to 2012 by 7408.3 thousand rubles, profit in 2014 exceeded profit in 2012 by 1119.5 thousand rubles. Highest profit received by the company in 2014. The growth rate of the cost of work and services performed by the organization is lower than the growth rate of revenue received.

One of the most important ways to improve the economic activities of the LLC “Management Company House-1” organization is to organize the provision of current payments for housing services of budgetary institutions and the city population. When setting tariffs, one should take into account possible inflation, shortfalls in payments from the population and the real percentage of payment from tariffs, an increase in the need for benefits and housing subsidies, in case of changes in the rates of payments of the population for housing services.

The main ways to increase the financial and economic activities of LLC "Management Company Dom-1" are:

1) establishing new relationships between the management company and residents, homeowners. To create a positive image, the employees of the management company need to be a bit of psychologists and lawyers, and, of course, have an excellent knowledge of the legislation and competently maintain documentation, notify residents about possible works and so on.

2) an increase in the overall structure of the enterprise’s property, which will make it possible to measure whether the enterprise is financially stable enough to operate smoothly;

3) achieving the optimal ratio of own and borrowed funds. The excess of the former over the latter means the independence of the enterprise and independence from external sources.


Work on the topic “Analysis of the financial and economic activities of LLC “Management Company Dom-1” and measures to improve its efficiency” based on materials from LLC “Management Company Dom-1”.

Management companies today are in a rather difficult situation caused by many factors. Today, industry enterprises face two problems: on the one hand, Russian banks, faced with the difficulties of the financial crisis, without going into details of the functioning of the housing and communal services sector, they prefer to stop or suspend lending; on the other hand, in the near future, enterprises in the industry will face a sharp reduction in revenue from the end consumer. The continuing rise in unemployment, which has affected not just one or two sectors of the economy, but has a sector-wide scope, will lead to the fact that the level of payment collection will gradually return to the pre-reform level.

Improving the system of managing the financial resources of public utilities, which is the most important sector of life support, can be achieved only under the condition of a comprehensive, systemic reform of the financial mechanism of housing and communal services through the development of conceptual approaches to improving tariff setting, strengthening control over cash flows, searching for non-traditional sources of financing through institutional reforms, streamlining the taxation of industry enterprises. In addition, the elimination of those shortcomings in the organization of financial and economic activities of utility companies that were laid down in the pre-reform period, as well as those identified during the reform process, should increase the efficiency of use of the industry’s financial resources and improve the financial condition of utility companies.

Improving the financial and economic activities of each management company is impossible without reforming the entire industry as a whole, since the problems of the industry affect each enterprise and its financial position. Application modern mechanisms financial and economic activity is practically impossible in the current economic conditions accepted in the housing and communal services industry, therefore the introduction of new methods at individual enterprises often turns out to be ineffective.

Financial analysis makes it possible to assess the property status of an enterprise, the degree of business risk, capital adequacy for current activities, and the rationality of attracting borrowed funds. Financial analysis determines the strengths and weaknesses of an enterprise. In what areas do you need to work?

The stability of the financial position of an enterprise largely depends on the feasibility and correctness of investing financial resources in assets.

During the operation of an enterprise, the value of assets and their structure undergo constant changes. The most general idea of ​​the qualitative changes that have taken place in the structure of funds and their sources, as well as the dynamics of these changes, can be obtained using vertical and horizontal analysis of reporting.

We will analyze the structure of funds and their sources using a vertical and horizontal balance.

Vertical analysis determines the structure of the final financial indicators and determines the impact of each position on the balance sheet.

Table 5 Vertical analysis

Indicator value, %

1. Non-current assets

Fixed assets

Construction in progress

Total for section 1

2. Current assets

Inventories incl.

raw materials

Future expenses

Value added tax on purchased assets

Accounts receivable, incl.

buyers and customers


Total for section 2

3. Capital and reserves

Authorized capital

Extra capital

Uncovered loss

Total for section 3

4. Current liabilities

Loans and credits

Accounts payable, incl.

suppliers and contractors

Wages owed to staff

Debt to extra-budgetary f.

Debt on taxes and fees

Other creditors

Total for section 4


1. Initial information about the enterprise………………………………...…3

2. Source of information for analysis…………………………………...…4

3. general characteristics property and sources

financing. Net working capital…………………………..…7

Structure of the enterprise’s property……………………………………………………….7

Analysis of the structure of assets and liabilities of the balance sheet…………………..…...7

4. Liquidity analysis……………………………………..………...…13

5. Financial stability analysis……………………………..……...….17

6. Turnover analysis………………………………………………………...…...20

7. Cost-benefit analysis…………………………………………………………….....…28

8. Analysis of recognition indicators of the balance sheet structure


9. Main conclusions and proposals……………………………………...36



1. Basic information about the enterprise.

The Municipal Unitary Enterprise of Housing and Communal Services "Peskovsky Kommunalnik" was created in 1992. The company is located at: Kirov region, Omutninsky district, Peskovka village, st. New, 10.

The main activity of the organization is providing utilities to the population and enterprises - heat supply, hot and cold water supply, water disposal, as well as maintenance and repair of heating networks, water supply and sewerage.

Municipal Unitary Enterprise Housing and Communal Services "Peskovsky Communal" is a state enterprise with the right of a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet and current account.

During its activity, this enterprise put into operation a large number of various objects:

· 7 boiler houses operating at solid fuel,

· bathhouse building,

· wastewater treatment plants,

· pumping station,

water intake that lifts water from artesian well.

In 2005, a logging team was created at the enterprise in connection with the transfer of municipal boiler houses to wood fuel.

This site is engaged in the procurement of firewood and commercial timber.

2. Source of information for analysis.

An analysis of the financial activities of the municipal unitary enterprise housing and communal services "Peskovsky Kommunalnik" for the period 2005 - 2006 was carried out according to the balance sheet, report on financial results and their use (Form 2 appendix to the balance sheet).

The basis of the analysis is a system of indicators and analytical tables.

Economic potential can be characterized from two sides: from the position of property status and from the position of its financial position. Both of these sides of financial and economic activity are interconnected - the irrational structure of property, it is not high-quality composition may lead to a deterioration in your financial situation.

A necessary link in the system of a market economy is the institution of insolvency (bankruptcy) of economic entities. Therefore, the issue of assessing the structure of the balance sheet is of particular relevance, since based on the unsatisfactory structure of the balance sheet, a decision is made about the insolvency of the enterprise.

Below are the technical and economic indicators of the enterprise’s operation for 2005–2006 and are being carried out comparative analysis(Table 1)

Table 1. Technical and economic indicators for 2005 – 2006.



Increase, decrease %

Revenue from sales (works, services)

Incl. services to the population, public sector and other organizations


Profit from products sold

Cost (of work, services)

Incl. population


Costs per 1 ruble of revenue from all sales

Costs per 1 ruble

Labor productivity

Labor costs

Fixed assets

Capital productivity

Average headcount

As a result of a comparative analysis of technical and economic indicators, it is clear that sales revenue increased by the end of 2006 by 27941.36 thousand rubles, i.e. by 130%. Including from core activities for 30,379.80 thousand rubles. During the period of 2006, services for the sale of timber were provided in the amount of 979.36 thousand rubles, which is 2444.13 thousand rubles less than last year. The company's profit increased by 9110.79 thousand rubles, respectively by 117%. The cost of work in 2006 increased by 18,824.88 thousand rubles or 137.4%, which is 3.4 times more than in the previous year, including an increase in costs for main production by 242.4%.

The increase in production costs led to a decrease in the enterprise's profitability from 56.7% to 51.9% by the end of 2006, including the profitability of core activities decreased by 19 points from 43.1% to 34.8%.

Costs per ruble of sales revenue amounted to 0.66 rubles in 2006, which is 3.1% more than in 2005, that is, production costs increased in price.

Costs per ruble of revenue from core activities increased by 26.9%, which means that in core activities the company received a surplus from work performed, which resulted in a decrease in profits and profitability of production. There was a decrease in the enterprise's fixed assets by 343.32 thousand rubles.

In 2006, there was a reduction in workers from 123 to 96 people, in connection with which labor productivity increased by 2.4 times and labor costs amounted to 12,761.02 thousand rubles, which is 237.3% higher than in 2005 .

But comparative analysis will not be objective without taking into account the influence of inflationary processes. Therefore, a noticeable increase in many indicators, for example, cost up to 24.2%, is due to the influence of rising prices over the year.

To get more objective picture, some key indicators are recalculated taking into account consumer price coefficients, the growth of which was 122% in 2006, and not paid services, which will be more relevant for the organization, the growth was about 150% per year.

Table 2. Technical and economic indicator taking into account the growth of the consumer price coefficient for paid services.

The table shows that the technical and economic indicators of the enterprise at the end of the year, taking into account the growth of the coefficient for paid work and services, differ significantly from the balance sheet data and have a lower growth rate in reality.

3. General characteristics of property and sources of financing. Net working capital.

3.1. Structure of the enterprise's property.

The property value structure gives a general idea of financial condition enterprise, shows the share of each element in assets and the ratio of borrowed and equity funds covering them in liabilities.

The stability of the financial position of an enterprise largely depends on the feasibility and correctness of investing financial resources in assets. Assets are dynamic in nature. According to the data given in the balance sheet appendix, the dynamics of the property status of the enterprise can be characterized as follows (Table 3)

Table 3 Changes in the property status of the enterprise

From the above data it is clear that over the past year the company has changed its balance sheet structure. The company's property increased by 4,718.56 thousand rubles, which is 17% more than at the beginning of the year. Most of the 97.9% increase was allocated to inventories, which increased the share of hard-to-sell assets. Cash, as the most liquid, decreased its value by 16.46%. Based on this, we can judge a significant decrease in the solvency of the enterprise as a whole at the end of 2006.

3.2. Analysis of the structure of assets and liabilities of the balance sheet.

Criteria for qualitative changes in the property status of an enterprise and the degree of their progress are also indicators such as the share of the active part of fixed assets, serviceability coefficients, renewal of disposal and depreciation. In this regard, the characteristics of the enterprise's fixed assets, which are essential elements production potential (Table 4).

Table 4 Characteristics of the enterprise's fixed assets.


At the beginning of 2006

At the end of 2006

Deviation %

Initial cost of the OS, including:

Active part

Residual value of fixed assets

Usability factor

Renewal factor

Attrition rate

Wear rate

The given data show that the share of the active part of fixed assets increased by 3.14% compared to the beginning of the year, which is a slight increase. The structure of fixed assets has practically not changed for the better. During the reporting period, practically no new equipment was purchased, the serviceability coefficient decreased from 0.67% to 0.64% at the end of the year, and the wear rate increased. This means that at the moment the enterprise has a weak material and technical base, so one of the most important tasks is to increase the production potential of the enterprise.

In the process of operation of the enterprise, the size of assets and their structure undergo structural changes. Most general ideas qualitative changes in the structure of funds from their sources can be obtained using vertical and horizontal analysis of reporting (Table 5).

Table 5. Vertical analysis of the balance sheet for 2005 - 2006

Balance sheet asset structure.

Balance sheet items

At the beginning of 2006

At the end of 2006

Gain (+)

Decrease (-)

Fixed assets and other fixed assets, incl.

Intangible assets

Fixed assets

Unfinished capital investments

Working capital

Industrial inventories, including:

Raw materials

VAT on purchased assets

Settlements with debtors

Settlements with consumers and customers

By bills

For goods shipped

Other debtors

Cash, including:

Checking account

Other cash

Balance currency




Table 6 Structure of balance sheet liabilities for 2005 - 2006

Balance sheet items

At the beginning of 2006

At the end of 2006

Gain (+)

Decrease (-)


Authorized and additional capital

Funds special purpose

Involved funds

Bank loans and loans

Accounts payable, including:

By commodity transactions

For non-commodity transactions

For wages

For social insurance

With a budget

With other creditors

Balance currency




Horizontal and vertical analysis complement each other. Therefore, in practice, analytical tables are often built that characterize both the structure of the balance sheet and the dynamics of its individual indicators. Below is an analytical table - a version of horizontal analysis taking into account the growth of the consumer price ratio (Table 7).

Table 7 Horizontal balance sheet analysis

Balance sheet items

At the beginning of 2006

At the end of 2006

Change at the end of the year taking into account K price increases


Fixed assets

Working capital, including:

Productive reserves

Settlements with debtors



The increase in consumer prices for 2006 has a value of 121.8%, but due to the difference in the functional structure of the enterprise’s funds, some indicators would be correct, such as working capital, own funds and accounts payable (since due to settlements with creditors, working capital) should be adjusted taking into account the growth of the coefficient of paid work and services, which is slightly different from the general coefficient of growth in prices for goods and services and amounts to 148.4% per year.

According to the balance sheet, the share of fixed assets of the enterprise's assets decreased by 11.9% over the year. No fixed assets were purchased during the year. Unfinished capital investments increased by 239.51 thousand rubles. and were purchased intangible assets in the amount of 15.28 thousand rubles. The share of fixed assets decreased due to accrued depreciation.

The company's working capital increased by almost 12% and amounted to 12,517.09 at the end of the year, which is 5,061.88 more, and taking into account the consumer price growth rate, this amount takes on a lower, real value of 2,804.69 thousand rubles. The results reflecting the difference between balance sheet data and data taking into account annual inflation can be found in Table 7.

In the composition of the property mass of current assets, the share of industrial inventories sharply increased from 7.38% at the beginning of the year to 20.8 at the end of the year.

The share of accounts receivable increased by 0.8 points and amounted to 16.7% by the end of the year compared to the beginning.

The absolutely liquid part - cash decreased over the past year by 12.11 thousand rubles. and amounted to less than 2% of total assets, which is 0.8% less than the base.

In the passive part of the balance sheet, it can be seen that in the composition of the enterprise’s sources of funds, the share of equity capital increased by 8.45% (6.43% taking into account the consumer price growth rate) or by 6423.95 thousand rubles.

As part of the company's own funds, the special-purpose funds of the enterprise increased significantly and amounted to almost 1/4 of the total amount of all sources.

The share of authorized and additional capital decreased by 11% by the end of the year, and the company’s funds raised on a borrowed basis also decreased significantly. Among them, accounts payable for commodity transactions stand out. If at the beginning of the year it did not exist, then at the end of the reporting period it amounted to 3.5%.

Payroll calculations, social insurance from the budget and extra-budgetary funds decreased by more than 2 times and amounted to 2584.20 thousand rubles.

Summarizing the considered indicators, we can conclude:

1. The assets of the enterprise increased mainly due to an increase in inventories, primarily raw materials, which could not but affect the liquidity of the enterprise, since the enterprise's warehouses were overstocked.

2. More liquid funds - accounts receivable and cash by share decreased in the assets of the enterprise, amounting to 18.64% at the end of the year, compared to the beginning of the period, when they totaled 20.3%. According to the horizontal analysis of cash at the end of the year, they amounted to 83.5%, and if we take into account that during the year the consumer price index increased by 122%, then cash at absolute value at the end of the year amounted to 503.69 thousand rubles, which actually amounted to 68.5% compared to the beginning of the period. This confirms that the solvency of the enterprise has decreased over the year.

3. The immobilized property of the enterprise decreased by 12% during the reporting year. Despite the fact that during the year intangible assets were acquired in the amount of 15.28 thousand rubles. and capital investments increased more than 11 times, the share of fixed assets decreased by 12.7% due to their obsolescence, which cannot affect the development prospects of the enterprise.

4. When analyzing the passive part of the balance sheet, attention is drawn to the increase in the share of the enterprise’s own funds at the expense of special-purpose funds. Among the funds raised, debts to buyers and customers increased at the end of the year, and debt on commodity transactions decreased by almost 3 times.

Summarizing the chapter discussed above, we can say that at this enterprise over the year there has been an increase in the property potential of the enterprise. To talk about the effectiveness of this potential, it is necessary to analyze this enterprise for liquidity and solvency, and find out whether the enterprise can pay off all its short-term obligations without violating the repayment terms, and whether the enterprise has a sufficient amount of cash and cash equivalents sufficient to pay accounts payable requiring immediate repayment.

4. Liquidity analysis.

The purpose of this analysis is to determine the company's ability to pay its short-term obligations within a year.

A detailed analysis of the liquidity and solvency of an enterprise can be carried out using absolute and relative indicators.

Important for the calculation of a number of analytical coefficients, it has an indicator of the value of its own working capital, which characterizes that part of the enterprise’s own capital, which is the source of covering current assets. The amount of own working capital is numerically equal to the excess of current assets over current liabilities, therefore any changes in the composition of its components directly or indirectly affect the size and quality of this value. A reasonable increase in own working capital is seen as a positive trend, but there may be exceptions. For example, an increase in this indicator due to an increase in bad debtors is unlikely to improve the qualitative composition of own working capital. The calculations are shown in Table 8.

Table 8 Compacted net balance.


For the beginning of the year

At the end of the year


Current assets, incl.


Settlements with debtors

Inventories and costs

Fixed assets and other non-current assets, including:

Fixed assets and capital investments

Long-term financial investments

Other noncurrent assets


Raised capital, including:

Trade accounts payable





Based on the above table, a number of absolute indicators were calculated (Table 9).

Table 9 Share of own working capital in current assets.

During the period of 2006, the company's own working capital increased noticeably and amounted to 8823.87 thousand rubles at the end of the year, which is 6767.27 thousand rubles more than at the beginning of the year. The share of own working capital in the assets of the enterprise also increased, which is a positive thing, despite the fact that the share of industrial inventories in current assets increased significantly by 26.13%, all inventories are fully covered by its own working capital, that is, the enterprise is sufficiently provided these sources of funds for the development of economic activities and regardless of external creditors. But this situation can hardly be considered ideal, since it suggests that the administration is unable, unwilling, or simply does not have the ability to use external sources of funds to develop production activities.

An analysis of the solvency of the enterprise is carried out using a generalizing absolute indicator- sufficiency of own working capital and sources of reserve formation to cover them. For analysis purposes, here is multi-level scheme covering inventories and costs. Depending on what source of funds is used to cover inventories and production costs, it is possible to judge with a certain degree of conditionality the level of solvency of an economic entity (Table 10).

Table 10 Inventory and cost coverage.

Types of current financial stability and liquidity

1. Absolute financial stability of the plant<СОС.

2. Normal financial stability of the SOS<ЗЗ<ИФ ПЗ.

3. Unstable financial position of ZZ>IF and PZ.

The table shows that the enterprise in question belongs to the type that determines absolute financial stability. This confirms that the enterprise is pursuing an unreasonable financial policy, or is actually experiencing difficulties associated with the main production activities of the analyzed enterprise.

As part of an in-depth analysis, in addition to absolute indicators, a number of analytical indicators are calculated - liquidity ratios (Table 11).

Table 11 Dynamics of liquidity ratios.

The coverage ratio reflects whether the company has enough working capital to pay off its short-term liabilities during the year. The generally accepted standard for the value of this indicator is in the range from 1 to 2. That is, this company has enough working capital to pay off short-term obligations, this once again confirms the current liquidity ratio.

A partial indicator of the current liquidity ratio is the adjusted liquidity ratio, which reveals the ratio of the most liquid part of current assets (excluding inventories) to short-term liabilities. The need to calculate this indicator is due to the fact that the liquidity of individual categories of working capital is far from the same, and if, for example, cash can serve as a direct source of repayment of current liabilities, then inventories can be used for this purpose immediately after their sale, and often at a reduced price. And this procedure presupposes not only the presence of a buyer, but also the availability of funds.

Summarizing the data for calculating the quick liquidity ratio, we can say that with the help of accounts receivable, an enterprise is able to pay off its debts, but on the condition that settlements with debtors are made within the stipulated time frame.

It is obvious that, according to the financial statements, the main debtors of this enterprise are budgetary organizations, these are the main counterparties of the municipal unitary enterprise housing and communal services "Peskovsky Kommunalnik". The receivables of this entity to the analyzed enterprise amount to 3781.37 thousand rubles at the end of the year, which is 71.2% of the total amount of receivables. And if we take into account the fact that budgetary organizations are currently in an extremely difficult financial situation, we can assume that this debt to the contractor may soon become overdue. In most cases, it is more reliable and objective to assess liquidity only by the cash indicator.

It is obvious that the absolute liquidity ratio decreased to 0.09 by the end of the period. This means that the company will not be able to urgently repay all its debt obligations. Industry features - the significant duration of the production cycle of circulation and production at the enterprise, inflation conditions, depreciating the return funds, expressed in due weight, worsen the already low solvency of the business entity under study.

5. Analysis of financial stability.

One of the most important characteristics of the financial condition of an enterprise is the stability of its production and economic activities. The stability of an enterprise's activities is related to the overall capital structure and the degree of its dependence on creditors and investors. Many companies prefer to invest a minimum of their own funds into the business and finance it with borrowed money. Having a stable financial structure of its own funds, the company has the opportunity to attract investors.

Current financial stability, as in the long term, is characterized by the ratio of equity and borrowed funds. This indicator provides only a general assessment of financial stability. Therefore, the analysis is carried out using the following extended system:

1. The coefficient of concentration of equity capital - characterizes the share of the owners of the enterprise in the total amount of funds advanced into its activities. The higher the value of this coefficient, the more financially sound and stable the enterprise. Creditors are more willing to invest in a company with a high share of equity capital because it is more likely to be able to repay its debts using its own funds.

2. The financial dependence ratio is the inverse of the equity capital concentration ratio. The growth of this indicator in dynamics means an increase in the share of borrowed funds in the financing of the enterprise. If its value is equal to one (100%), this means that the owners fully finance their enterprise.

3. The equity capital flexibility ratio shows what part of the equity capital is used to finance current activities, that is, invested in working capital, and what part is capitalized. The value of this indicator may vary depending on the capital structure and industry sector of the enterprise.

4. The ratio of own and borrowed funds, like the above indicators, this ratio gives the most general assessment of the financial stability of the enterprise. It has a fairly simple interpretation - how much borrowed funds account for each ruble of equity capital. The growth of the indicator in dynamics indicates the increasing dependence of the enterprise on external investors and creditors.

There are no uniform normative criteria for the considered indicators. They depend on many factors: the industry of the enterprise, the principles of lending, the existing structure of sources of funds, the turnover of working capital, the reputation of the enterprise, etc. The owners of the enterprise prefer reasonable growth in the dynamics of the share of borrowed funds and, on the contrary, creditors (suppliers of raw materials, banks, counterparties, etc.) d.) give preference to enterprises with a high share of equity capital.

Below is a table of the dynamics of financial stability indicators of the municipal unitary enterprise housing and communal services "Peskovsky Kommunalnik" (Table 12).

Table 12 Dynamics of financial stability indicators.

Based on the results presented in the table above (Table 12), the following conclusions were made.

1. The coefficient of concentration of equity capital (the lower limit of 60% is indicated) increased during the reporting year from 0.78 to 0.88, but if we consider this indicator in dynamics over 2 years, it can be seen that the share of equity capital in sources of funds decreased by 8%, although it remains at a fairly high level.

2. The financial dependence coefficient indicates that the share of borrowed funds in the financing of the enterprise has increased in the dynamics considered. If at the beginning of 2005, in every thousand rubles of the enterprise's property - 0.39 rubles were borrowed, then at the end of 2006, in every thousand rubles of all economic assets, the amount of borrowed funds increased to 0.11 rubles. This suggests that the financial dependence of the enterprise has increased.

If we take into account that the enterprise in question is capital-intensive and asset turnover for the reporting period decreased, and also if we take into account that the value of the absolute liquidity ratio indicator is low at the end of the reporting period (0.09 at the end of 2006), we can say that this trend can lead an enterprise to the brink of bankruptcy if several large loans simultaneously require urgent repayment of debts. The equity capital flexibility ratio decreased significantly in 2005, and taking into account the revaluation, the share of fixed assets in equity at the beginning of 2006 amounted to 9%. By the end of 2006, the value of this coefficient increased to almost 1/3. But according to the results of a previous analysis, most of the company's own working capital was capitalized into inventories, which have low liquidity. Therefore, the growth of this indicator cannot be regarded as an improvement in financial stability in general.

As the attracted capital ratio shows, the share of borrowed funds has increased significantly compared to the beginning of 2006. An increase in the ratio of attracted and own funds in dynamics indicates an increase in the enterprise’s dependence on external investors and creditors, that is, it indicates a slight decrease in the financial stability of this enterprise. Having carried out the above analysis of the financial stability of the municipal unitary enterprise housing and communal services "Peskovsky Kommunalnik", we can say that in general the enterprise as a whole is experiencing negative trends in its general financial condition. With a drop in liquidity and a fairly low solvency, in the future, if necessary, it will be increasingly difficult for a given production and economic entity to be able to use funds on a borrowed basis.

6. Turnover analysis.

The indicators of this group characterize the results and effectiveness of the current core activities of the enterprise; such analysis can be carried out both at a qualitative level and using quantitative criteria.

Since the course work consists of analyzing the financial condition of an enterprise, the production and economic activities of the analyzed enterprise are examined in this aspect, and a quantitative assessment is taken that allows one to analyze how effectively the enterprise uses its resources.

To implement this direction, various indicators can be calculated that characterize the efficiency of using material, labor and financial resources. The main ones are indicators of production, capital productivity and turnover. These indicators are of great importance for assessing the financial position of the enterprise, since the speed of turnover of funds, that is, the speed of their conversion into cash, has a direct impact on solvency, in addition, an increase in the speed of turnover of funds is reflected in increasing the production potential of the company, which generally affects efficiency of the entire production.

We are assessing the current production activities of the municipal unitary enterprise housing and communal services "Peskovsky Kommunalnik" using turnover indicators and determining the level of efficiency in the use of own and borrowed funds by the enterprise. To facilitate calculations, below is an auxiliary table of the average values ​​of the enterprise's own and borrowed funds for the analyzed period 2005–2006 (Table 13).

Table 13 Sum of average values ​​of own and borrowed funds.


Average value


Current assets, incl.


Settlements with debtors

Productive reserves

Fixed assets and other non-current assets


Raised capital (accounts payable)





Based on Table 13, the total capital turnover ratios are calculated, giving a general idea of ​​the economic activity of the enterprise (Table 14).

Table 14 Capital turnover ratios.

Based on Table 14, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. The asset turnover indicator characterizes the efficiency of using all available resources of the enterprise, regardless of the sources of their attraction, that is, it shows how many monetary units of sold products each value unit of assets brought. Judging by the calculation results, there was an increase in the turnover of the enterprise's assets. Equity turnover also increased. The indicators given in recalculation, taking into account the consumer price growth index, show that in reality there is a decrease in turnover for all points considered.

2. The results of calculating the capital productivity indicator indicate that this fact (decrease in the turnover of fixed assets) may be associated with obsolescence and wear and tear of production equipment - the technical level of fixed assets of the object under study is at a low level.

3. The economic growth sustainability coefficient shows the average rate at which an enterprise can develop in the future, without changing the already established relationship between various sources of financing.

If the management of a given enterprise intends to increase its production potential in order to increase production volumes, it is necessary to change its financial policy. For example, by increasing turnover, reducing production costs, or increasing the share of raised funds in the total amount of advanced capital.

Having examined the general turnover indicators, it was noted that these results (although they have significant errors due to the distorting effect of various factors: inflation, revaluation, etc.) can be the basis for making management decisions.

To clarify conclusions about the turnover of funds and the financial condition as a whole of this subject under study, a number of particular indicators of the turnover of current assets and current liabilities are considered (Table 15).

Table 15 Indicators of turnover of current assets and liabilities.

Table 15 shows that the turnover of current assets increased by 1.09 times. In general, this trend is positive, but in the case when this turnover is due to an increase in the turnover of funds in calculations and the turnover of inventories, while simultaneously reducing or somewhat restraining the turnover of accounts payable. However, the overall turnover of current assets was affected by the influence of multidirectional factors, such as the turnover of receivables, which increased by almost 1.5 times and the turnover of inventories, which decreased by 1.6 times, increasing from 73.5 to 119 days in the reporting period . The turnover of current assets is greatly influenced by cash flow. There are optimal periods for storing funds in the current accounts of an enterprise. As further analysis will show, the period of storage of funds at the analyzed enterprise for the reporting year, compared to the previous year, sharply decreased, which caused an insufficiency of the absolutely liquid part of working capital for current payments.

Based on the indicators discussed above, indicators were calculated that characterize the main stages of cash circulation during the production activities of the enterprise.

These indicators are:

operating cycle duration

· duration of the financial cycle.

The operating cycle characterizes the total time during which financial resources are stored in inventories and accounts receivable. The financial cycle, or cash circulation cycle, represents the time during which funds are withdrawn from circulation, that is, the financial cycle is less than the average time of circulation of accounts payable. The reduction in operating and financial cycles over time is considered a positive trend. Table 16 shows the calculations of these indicators.

Table 16 Indicators characterizing the main stages of funds.

The calculation results given in Table 16 suggest that at the analyzed enterprise there was a significant increase in the full production cycle and circulation in general. The duration of the operating cycle increased by more than 1.2 times, and the duration of the financial cycle almost doubled. This state of affairs was negatively affected by the factor of a significant slowdown in inventory turnover.

An increase in the full production cycle in the future may entail negative trends in the development of the enterprise as a whole, since this factor will affect the amount of profit received, which is reflected in the increase in the efficiency of the entire production.

Different types of current assets have different liquidity, which refers to the time period required to convert a given asset into cash and the costs of ensuring this conversion. Only cash has absolute liquidity. In order to pay suppliers' bills on time, an enterprise must have a certain level of absolute liquidity. As studies of the liquidity of this enterprise have shown, the object under study has a fairly low solvency, due to the small share of cash in assets, so a small additional influx could be extremely useful.

In support of the above, it makes sense to conduct a more detailed examination of this enterprise through cash flow analysis.

Sometimes there are situations when an enterprise is profitable, but does not have the means to pay its employees and contractors. Analysis of cash flows allows us to explain, with a certain degree of accuracy, the discrepancies between the amount of cash flow that occurred at the enterprise in the reporting period and the profit received during this period. The logic of the analysis is quite obvious - it is necessary to highlight, if possible, all transactions affecting cash flow. This can be done in various ways, in particular by analyzing all turnover in cash accounts (accounts 50, 51) or using direct or indirect methods of cash flow analysis. All of the above methods are discussed below. The direct method is based on calculating the inflow (revenue from the sale of products, works and services, advances received, etc.) and outflow (payment of supplier bills, return of short-term loans received, etc.) of funds, that is, the initial element is revenue ( Table 17).

Table 17 Cash flow by type of activity

Direct method.


Amount, thousand rubles

Revenue from product sales, advances received from customers

Budgetary allocations or other targeted funding

From the bank to the organization's cash desk

Other receipts (settlements with accountable persons, settlements with debtors)

Total funds received


Settlements with suppliers

For wages

Deduction for social needs

Issuance of accountable amounts

Calculations with the budget

Delivered to the bank from the company's cash desk

Other payments

Total cash outflow

Total change in cash for the period

Cash at the beginning of the period

Cash at the end of the period

The main outflow and inflow of money supply occurred within the framework of the main production and economic activities carried out by the enterprise. There were no cash flows related to investing and financing activities.

The considered method allows us to judge the liquidity of an enterprise by revealing the flow of funds in its accounts. Based on this, we can say that by the end of the year the liquidity of this enterprise decreased, since the total reduction in cash during the analyzed period amounted to 121.11 thousand rubles (81987.24 - 82108.35 = -121.11).

The direct method does not reveal the relationship between the obtained financial result and the change in the amount of funds in the accounts of the enterprise. To determine this relationship, an indirect method was used, which is based on the identification and accounting of transactions related to cash flows and the sequential adjustment of net profit, that is, the initial element is profit.

As was revealed earlier, the enterprise in the reporting year made a profit in the amount of 10,319.95 thousand rubles (data from report form No. 2 “report of financial results”). At the same time, the balance sheet recorded a reduction in the company’s funds by the end of the reporting period in the amount of 121.11 thousand rubles. To explain this fact, an indirect method of cash flow analysis was used (Table 18).

Table 18 Cash flow. Indirect method.


Amount, thousand rubles

Capital investments

Acquisition of fixed assets

Disposal of fixed assets

Accrued depreciation of fixed assets

Acquisition of intangible assets

Accrued depreciation of intangible assets

Change in inventories

Accrual of depreciation for material assets and interbank goods

Change in accounts payable

Change in accounts payable for non-commodity transactions

Changes in accounts payable to suppliers and other counterparties

Use of profits for various purposes (penalties, fines)

In the course of production activities, there may be significant income and expenses that affect profits, but do not affect the amount of cash of the enterprise. In the process of analysis, net profit is adjusted by this amount. For example, the disposal of fixed assets is associated with a loss in the amount of their residual value. The amount of cash does not change, so the under-depreciated cost must be added to the amount of net income. Depreciation does not cause cash outflow.

As can be seen from Table 18, as a result of the economic activities of the enterprise, the decrease in the amount of net profit when linked to cash was influenced, first of all, by the acquisition of inventories, low-value wearable items and fixed assets, as well as the repayment of accounts payable and the payment of penalties.

In addition to the methods discussed above, an analysis of the cash flow in account 51 was carried out. This analysis does not have significant errors, especially since the movement of monetary units in this account has the largest share in the company’s cash flow, on average more than 80%.

Table 19 Turnover of monetary units in account 51.


Average balances for account 51

Loan turnover

Internal turnover

Turnaround period (days)









Based on the above tables, cash turnover was calculated, and the results obtained are reflected in table 20.

Table 20 Cash turnover.

As follows from the table, the cash turnover period during 2005 fluctuated within 31 days, which means that a little more than a month passed from the moment money arrived in the company’s accounts until the moment it was withdrawn. This circumstance allows us to judge that this enterprise had sufficient funds to carry out current payments. For example, payment of labor, material assets, settlements with the budget, etc. Any delay in the 2005 payment in the short term could not bring the enterprise out of financial stability. The situation changed dramatically in 2006. The turnover period of the most liquid funds during the year varied from 0.04 to 17.5 days. The average chronological value during the period of storage of money in the accounts of the enterprise was 7.5 days. This fact indicates that the company, despite its apparent prosperity, was experiencing a serious shortage of funds. They lasted a little over a week.

To summarize the above analysis, we can draw the following conclusion: the enterprise under study is in an extremely unstable financial position, since any significant increase in accounts payable with the current settlement structure can lead the enterprise to the brink of bankruptcy.

7. Cost-benefit analysis.

The effectiveness and economic feasibility of the operation of an enterprise can be assessed using absolute and relative indicators.

Absolute indicators allow you to analyze the dynamics of various profit indicators over a number of years. To obtain more objective results, these indicators should be calculated taking into account inflationary processes.

Relative indicators are less affected by inflation, since they represent different ratios of profit and invested capital, or profit and production costs.

Using the algorithms given in Appendix No. 2, calculations were made of the main general indicators of profitability of the analyzed enterprise in Table 21.

Table 21 General indicator of profitability.

Based on the results of this table, the following comes out:

In the reporting period, the Peskovsky Communal Municipal Unitary Enterprise received a profit of 13,047.49 thousand rubles, which is 80.4% more than in the previous year. The profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise has increased in the same proportion. This fact is due to the receipt of net revenue from services provided, the value of which by the end of 2006 amounted to 40,486.15 thousand rubles, which is 88.7% more than in 2005, taking into account the price growth index.

The observed increase in profits was due to an increase in prices by the enterprise administration for the work performed and services provided to the population. The level of costs at the enterprise increased significantly - by 31.2%, which was reflected in a decrease in the level of profitability in general and affected the level of profit received.

The return on equity indicator shows how many rubles of profit fall on one ruble of equity. The results of calculations of this indicator indicate a decrease in the profit received from each unit of money invested by the owners of the enterprise.

Depending on the direction of the invested funds, different profitability indicators are used.

Table 22 shows the results of calculations of a number of more in-depth profitability indicators for the period 2005 - 2006. taking into account rising consumer prices.

Table 22 Profitability indicators.

The table above shows that the profitability of the enterprise's total assets by the end of 2006 increased slightly. In the reporting year, the company made better use of its assets. Return on current assets increased significantly and amounted to 103.3%, which is 21% more than in the previous year. The growth in the dynamics of this indicator is a positive trend, however, this increase in the profitability of current assets is not the result of effective production and economic activities of the enterprise. Most likely, the fundamental factor in the growth of this indicator is an almost 2-fold increase in profits. But the results of an earlier study: lack of funds, a significant increase in the storage period of inventories, as well as a decrease in the natural volumes of work performed and services provided did not allow us to evaluate this fact positively.

The profitability of core activities, as well as the profitability of providing services (logging) decreased significantly - by 4.8% and 19%, respectively.

The calculated profitability ratios indicate the need for a radical revision of the production policy of farming. In the future, the enterprise needs to increase production volume not by increasing prices for work performed, but by reducing costs, improving quality and diversifying production, that is, expanding the range of services offered, as well as accelerating inventory turnover.

In Table 22, the considered values ​​of product profitability over time indicate that there was a drop in sales profitability in the reporting year. This fact could be caused by the following changes: the structure of sales, changes in the share of income and expenses from other sales and non-sales operations, the level of taxation, etc. To identify the reasons that influenced the change in the share of profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise, a simple but very effective analysis was carried out its analytical capabilities, vertical analysis of the statement of financial results and their use (Table 23).

Table 23 Vertical analysis of financial results.


Income tax

Profit at the disposal of the enterprise

Total income and receipts, including:

Revenues from sales

Income from other sales and non-operating operations

Enterprise costs, including:

Cost of goods sold

Expenses from other sales and non-operating operations

Balance sheet profit, including:

Result from product sales

Balance from non-operating transactions and other sales

Income tax

Profit at the disposal of the enterprise

The essence of this analysis is to identify changes in the share of production costs, or changes in sales results as part of revenue. These indicators most accurately characterize the possibility of obtaining a stable income. This means that the dynamics of the ratio of costs and income as part of revenue from the sale of products depends not only on the efficiency of resource use, but also on the accounting principles developed at the enterprise. Within the framework of the adopted accounting policy, the enterprise has the opportunity to increase or decrease the amount of profit by choosing the method of assessing assets, establishing the period of use and the procedure for their write-off, as well as choosing the procedure for assigning certain types of expenses to the cost of goods sold by directly writing them off to production as they are incurred. expenses or with their preliminary inclusion in the composition of upcoming expenses and payments, etc.

A change in accounting policy in this aspect has a great impact on the ratio of income and expenses, so this point should be taken into account in the analysis of profitability of sales.

As follows from Table 23, there was a decrease in the share of revenue from product sales in total income by 11%, an increase in costs for main production, a decrease in the share of balance sheet profit and a decrease in the share of profit received by the enterprise at its disposal by 3.6%. The change in the product profitability indicator (the decrease in this indicator by the end of 2006 was 5.4%) was influenced by a 2% increase in product costs and a negative result from other operations (loss from non-sales operations and other sales in 2006 amounted to 958.77 thousand . rub.), which led to a reduction in the share of balance sheet profit in total sales revenue by 5% in 2006 compared to the previous year.

Next, we consider another important relationship between return on assets, asset turnover and return on sales. The enterprise's profit received from each ruble of funds invested in assets depends on the rate of turnover of funds and on the share of net profit in revenue. A high value of product profitability does not mean that the enterprise will receive a high return on the total capital used; on the other hand, a small share of profit in sales revenue does not necessarily indicate a low return on investment in the enterprise’s assets. In this case, the rate of asset turnover plays a decisive role. The higher the asset turnover, the lower the amount of profit required to ensure the required return on assets.

Table 24 Relationship between return on assets indicators.

From the data in Table 24 it follows that the return on current assets in the reporting year was 102.4%, and in 2005 it was 81.7%. If the ratio of costs and profits had not changed, then the return on current assets in the reporting year would have been 108.2% (4.9 x 22.1). Due to the increase in turnover of working capital, the return on each ruble of current assets increased by 0.27 kopecks. But in reality, the return on current assets turned out to be 5.8% (102.4 - 108.2) lower and the return on each ruble of current assets was only 0.21 kopecks.

This increase in the profitability of current assets was associated with the multidirectional influence of return on sales and turnover of current assets. Since accounts receivable account for more than half of current assets, and the settlement time increased by 3.5 turns, these favorable conditions were reflected in the overall acceleration of the turnover of current assets by 1.2 turns. In turn, the general acceleration of current assets was also affected by the deterioration in the turnover of inventories, which constitute more than 40% of all working capital.

8. Analysis of indicators for recognizing the balance sheet structure as unsatisfactory.

At the end of the analysis of the financial condition, a final table of the main ratios of economic indicators characterizing the financial position of the municipal unitary enterprise housing and communal services "Peskovsky Kommunalnik" for the analyzed period is presented (Table 25).

Table 25 Summary table of the financial condition of the municipal unitary enterprise housing and communal services "Peskovsky Kommunalnik".

I Assessment of economic potential



Assessment of property status

The amount of fixed assets and non-current assets in total assets

The amount of working capital in total assets

Total amount of business assets

Financial position assessment

The amount of equity capital and its share in the total amount of sources

The amount of borrowed funds in the total amount of sources

Share of own working capital

Overall coverage ratio

Quick ratio

Absolute liquidity ratio

Share of inventories in current assets

Share of receivables in current assets

Share of cash in current assets

II Assessment of the effectiveness of financial and economic activities.



Assessing Profitability and Profitability

Profit at the disposal of the enterprise

Overall profitability

Return on total assets

Return on current assets

Profitability of core activities

Return on sales

Total asset turnover

Current asset turnover

Accounts receivable turnover

Inventory turnover

Cash turnover

Accounts payable turnover

Operating cycle time

Duration of the financial cycle

Return on equity

The data from table 25 constitutes an analytical conclusion about the financial condition of the analyzed enterprise. The structure of property in the reporting year is characterized by the largest weight of long-term assets amounting to 58.3% of the total amount of economic assets of the enterprise, which increased by 8.9% compared to 2005.

Own capital prevailed in the structure of the enterprise’s sources of funds, with its share increasing by 6.4% in the reporting year. The share of borrowed funds decreased from 25.4% in 2005 to 19% in 2006.

The liquidity of an enterprise is characterized by the fact that current assets fully cover its liabilities. The coverage ratio increased slightly in 2006 - by 0.1%. However, evidence of insufficient solvency is the ratio of an enterprise's funds to its liabilities. The absolute liquidity ratio decreased its value from 0.25 to 0.14. There was an inability of the enterprise to urgently pay off its debts; the financial stability of the enterprise noticeably deteriorated in 2006.

During the reporting year, the company experienced an acceleration in turnover of working capital by 17.8%, current assets by 23.8%, but the shelf life of inventory increased by 45 days. It is necessary to look for a direction for the sale of these assets, possibly by attracting new counterparties.

The outflow of funds from the company's current account significantly reduced the time of their use from 319 days in 2005 to 7.5 days in 2006. A significant slowdown in inventory turnover indicates that most of them are not being used. The length of the operating and financial cycles has also increased.

Return on equity and sales indicators decreased compared to last year, which caused a lower return on the ruble of invested funds.

There is a tendency to reduce the financial stability of the enterprise. In the current situation, a survey of this enterprise is being carried out to determine the likelihood of bankruptcy in the near future.

There are various techniques and methods for predicting bankruptcy. Below we consider a method using a system of formalized and informal criteria for predicting bankruptcy, proposed by the Committee for the Generalization of Auditing Practices (UK).

The analysis of the criteria under consideration within the framework of the proposed methodology was carried out using Table 26. The analyzed period is 2005 – 2006.

Table 26 Criteria for predicting bankruptcy.


(+) satisfactory factor

(-) unsatisfactory factor

Recurring significant losses in core production activities

Exceeding the critical level of overdue accounts payable

Relatively low liquidity ratios

Chronic shortage of working capital

Incorrect investment policy

Exceeding the amount of borrowed funds over the established limits

Chronic failure to fulfill obligations to investors and creditors

High share of overdue receivables

Availability of excess, stale production reserves

Deterioration of relations with banks

Use of expired equipment

Potential losses of long-term contracts

Adverse changes in the order book

Forced stops and disturbances in the rhythm of production

Insufficient diversification of the enterprise's activities

Participation of the enterprise in legal proceedings

Loss of key counterparties

Underestimation of the need for technical renewal of the enterprise

Ineffective long-term agreements

Political risk

9. Main conclusions and proposals.

The problem of bankruptcy of many existing enterprises in various sectors of the economy and fields of activity is becoming quite relevant at this point in time. Hundreds of banks and other financial companies, thousands of manufacturing and commercial firms, especially small and medium-sized ones, have already ceased to exist. The analysis showed that the main reason for this was their inept management, that is, the low qualifications of the majority of managers, both middle and senior management.

Organizing means defining a goal, knowing and soberly assessing available resources and being able to use them to achieve goals. To organize means to be able to formulate a task, bring it to the immediate attention of the executor and control its execution. To organize means to be able to make decisions, to be able to distribute duties and responsibilities. Intuition and even talent alone are not enough here; knowledge is needed.

The knowledge necessary in the field of human resource management, finance and production in general is provided by a science called management.

Modern management is characterized by:

· stable desire to improve production efficiency;

· broad economic independence, ensuring freedom of decision-making;

· constant adjustment of goals and programs depending on market conditions and changes in the external environment;

· orientation towards achieving the planned final result of the enterprise’s activities;

· use of a modern information base for multivariate calculations when making management decisions;

· changing the planning function - from current to long-term;

· emphasis on all the main factors for improving the company’s performance;

· assessment of work management as a whole only on the basis of actually achieved final results;

· maximum use of mathematical methods and achievements of computer science;

· involvement of all employees of the company in its management;

· management based on anticipation of changes and flexible solutions;

· conducting a deep economic (decision) analysis of each management decision;

· ability to take reasonable risks;

If the municipal unitary enterprise housing and communal services "Peskovsky Kommunalnik" intends not only to survive, but also to be active in the development of its production, changing the principles of managing the enterprise's activities, then it needs to reconsider the overall management structure of the enterprise. The business entity in question is recommended to create a management structure in which the basis for the right to make decisions is competence, and not the occupation of an official position.

As was revealed earlier, with the help of an analysis of the financial condition of the municipal unitary enterprise housing and communal services "Peskovsky Kommunalnik", this economic entity experienced difficulties in terms of offering its services. At the beginning of 2007, the enterprise lost its main counterparty, for whose service the main production and technical potential of the enterprise was involved. This circumstance will entail a significant decrease in the gross income of the enterprise, which will affect the financial results of operations.

Municipal Unitary Enterprise Housing and Communal Services "Peskovsky Kommunalnik" found itself in an extremely unstable financial position due to the loss of its main customer, which is complicated by the fact that the state does not cover losses, the bank does not provide loans on preferential terms, and competitors have appeared. All these factors lean towards the inevitable ruin of this structure. To get out of such a situation, management needs not only to master new management methods and techniques, but also to change the strategy as a whole. To do this you need:

· if possible, participate as widely as possible in government programs for the development and production of goods and services, funded by budgetary allocations;

· carry out active commercial activities (for example, renting out empty premises and territories, etc.);

· reducing production costs and overheads for the goods and services produced by the company.

As the analysis showed, the municipal unitary enterprise housing and communal services "Peskovsky Kommunalnik" has a significant inventory base and sufficient production potential to conduct business activities. Having lost the main part of its sources of income at the beginning of 2007, the enterprise acquired huge balance sheet ballast in the form of production inventories and unused fixed assets. Therefore, the management of the enterprise urgently needs to look for ways out of the current situation, so as not to end up in a debt trap in the near future. The solution to this survival problem can be achieved in various ways. One of them is getting rid of unused fixed assets, inventories, reducing the number of personnel, leasing production premises, etc. This policy will not improve the financial situation, it will only allow the enterprise to exist for some time, but the likelihood of potential the possibility of economic growth with the implementation of these events will be significantly reduced.

The management of the municipal unitary enterprise housing and communal services "Peskovsky Kommunalnik" needs to develop a program aimed at attracting funds from the population, budgetary and other organizations. The company today has the necessary specialists, supplies, transport and equipment to implement this direction.

An indicator of the market stability of an enterprise is its ability to develop successfully in conditions of transformation of the external and internal environment. To do this, it is necessary to have a flexible structure of financial resources and, when the need arises, to be able to attract borrowed funds, that is, to be creditworthy.

The need to attract external sources of financing is not always associated with the insufficiency of internal sources of financing. These sources are retained earnings and depreciation charges. Sources of self-financing are stable, but limited by the cost and period of use of equipment, the speed of cash turnover, the rate of product sales, and the amount of current expenses. Therefore, free money is often in short supply, and an additional injection of it aimed at increasing asset turnover will be extremely useful.

All enterprises sooner or later, to a greater or lesser extent, experience a shortage of free cash flows. One solution to this problem may be for the enterprise to obtain a loan from a State or commercial bank. But applying to a bank for a loan does not guarantee that you will receive it. The bank must be confident in the financial strength of its client. A special department of the bank in charge of business lending reviews and analyzes the data provided by the enterprise (liquidity, turnover, profitability and profitability indicators) and makes a conclusion about the possibility of providing a short-term loan to this business entity.

As the financial analysis showed, the enterprise in question had a real opportunity to count on receiving a short-term loan. In the structure of sources of funds for the municipal unitary enterprise housing and communal services "Peskovsky Kommunalnik", equity capital predominates; the liquidity of the enterprise is characterized by the fact that current assets fully cover its liabilities.

During the work, the real state of affairs at the enterprise was established; Changes in financial condition and the factors that caused these changes were identified.

Research has shown that the enterprise's activities are financed from its own funds. The balance sheet of the enterprise can be considered sufficiently liquid, although it constantly lacks cash. Calculations of the turnover of elements of current assets led to the conclusion that the management of the enterprise does not sufficiently use the available reserves, since the change in the turnover rate does not reflect an increase in the production and technical potential of the enterprise.

An unreasonably high level of inventory, significantly affecting the overall turnover of the enterprise’s assets; an inflexible policy of settlements with the customer and the client on terms of mutual benefit, including, in particular, a system of discounts - all this speaks of inept capital management. The analysis showed that the return on equity decreased in the reporting year. This caused a decrease in the return on each ruble of invested funds over the past year.

There is a tendency towards a decrease in the financial stability of the company. Therefore, in order to stabilize the financial condition of the enterprise at least to the level of previous years, it is proposed to carry out the following measures:

· improve the management structure,

· improve personnel policy,

· think over and carefully plan pricing policies,

· seek reserves to reduce production costs,

· actively engage in planning and forecasting of enterprise financial management.


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