Regulation of air humidity. The norm of humidity in the apartment

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By creating the right microclimate in an apartment or house, you can avoid allergies and colds for all family members. Particularly important are indicators of indoor air humidity, which must comply with certain norms and rules (SNIP) developed state standards(GOST). The air humidity outside the window of our home depends on climatic conditions, but inside the room it is possible to artificially achieve the desired humidity levels.


  • Existing standards.
  • Determination of humidity.
  • Humid and dry air.
  • Humidity adjustment.

Existing standards

Existing regulations governing useful humidity indoor air are regulated by GOST 30494-96. According to this GOST, the optimal air humidity, which is conducive to the normal state of a person, should be 40 - 60%. That is, in other words, the air in the room should contain 40 - 60% moisture.

Note that these standards are given at an indoor air temperature of + 18 – 22 ºС.

Humidity determination

Before we begin to determine humidity, it is necessary to distinguish between its two types: absolute humidity And relative humidity.

Absolute humidity shows the moisture content in grams in one cubic meter air. This is the humidity that is contained in the air at a certain room temperature.

However, as the temperature increases, the air can absorb more moisture - this is its potential. The ratio of the actual moisture content in the air to the maximum possible is called relative humidity, measured as a percentage.

Let's give an example. At normal room temperature and pressure, one cube of air contains 8.0 g of moisture, that is, in this case absolute humidity is 8.0 g/m³. But potentially one cube of air can hold 25.0 g of moisture. That is, the relative humidity with these digital indicators will be equal to: 8.0: 25.0 100 = 32%. In practice, if you hang your clothes out to dry at an absolute humidity of 8.0 g/m³, they will dry out, since the air has a potential of 32%.

IN living conditions air humidity is determined using a device called hygrometer. For other purposes, for example, for laboratory research, it is used psychrometer, the description of which will be omitted, since this is not the topic of the article. As for hygrometers, in everyday life they are represented by the following types:

  • Weight.
  • Hairline.
  • Film.

By using weight A hygrometer measures the absolute humidity in a room. Structurally, it consists of two tubes resembling the Latin letter U, filled with a hygroscopic substance that can absorb moisture. A certain amount of air passes through the tube, the humidity of which is determined.

For determining relative humidity purchase a hair device that determines the potential of the air to absorb moisture from 30 to 100%.

The basis of the device in this version is fat-free hair, which is stretched onto a metal plate. When the humidity changes, the hair changes its length and transmits this change to an arrow moving along a graduated scale.

Likewise hair the device is working film a hygrometer, where the function of a hair is performed by a sensitive film, which changes its length when the humidity changes. Hair and film hygrometers are especially effective in winter period time to determine relative humidity

Humid and dry air

If indoor air humidity indicators go beyond standard limits, this can affect human health. Too dry air has a negative effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. This is especially true for the condition of the nasal mucosa, which dries out and forms crusts on the inner walls of the nose. Dust, microparticles of debris, various harmful microorganisms, causing an allergic reaction.

But even worse is too humid air, in which fungi and mold can multiply, the appearance of an unpleasant musty smell in the apartment, plastic windows. In people living long term cases of disease have been observed in damp rooms bronchial asthma and tuberculosis.

Humidity adjustment

In practice, the issue of too dry or humid air is resolved by taking certain measures aimed at bringing the situation back to normal.

The easiest way to increase air humidity and keep it under control is to purchase a household humidifier. But it’s not always possible to purchase a device, so there is simple ways increasing indoor humidity:

  • Watering flowers.
  • Drying washed clothes in an apartment or house.
  • In winter, heating radiators are covered with damp blankets.

  • You can build a decorative fountain indoors.
  • Get aquarium fish.
  • Just place a bucket or bowl of water in the corners of the room.

All these methods are good, but, unfortunately, if they are not controlled or unregulated, using them can lead to excess moisture in the air. Therefore, purchase an air humidifier and the problem will be solved easier.

Well, what to do if there is too much humidity? There are some tips on this matter:

  • Improve room ventilation.
  • Remove fresh flowers from the premises.
  • Remove condensation from window glass more often.

  • Replace thick curtains that impede air circulation with simpler ones.
  • Ventilate the room often.
  • If possible, install a climate-controlled system.

Air humidity is important characteristic environment, on which our health, well-being and performance depend. Respiratory system, heart, blood vessels and immune processes help us tolerate serious fluctuations in temperature and humidity. But the limits of comfort for the human body are very limited.

Complete rest and recovery are possible only within the narrow framework of a favorable atmosphere, which means that the air in our homes plays a major role in the comfort and health of all family members. How to create optimal indoor air humidity?

Indoor humidity level

Normal work and proper rest require air humidity from 40 to 60%, and for preschool children it is advisable to maintain the air level closer to the upper limit, and for older people - to the lower limit.

Accurate data can be obtained with a device for measuring air humidity, which is often included with a thermometer and barometer.

To definitely find out for yourself the question, you need to measure the humidity in different places of the room and apartment, high under the ceiling and on the floor, in the morning, afternoon and evening, after regular and also long-term ventilation.

You may find that one of the rooms is, as you felt, damper. You can find out that the air coming in from the street during ventilation is too hot and dry (if the window faces a hot sunlit avenue) or, conversely, overgrown trees are driving “forest” dampness into the house.

If prolonged ventilation undesirably changes the atmosphere in the room, try to update it by opening the doors to the adjacent room or creating a draft for 2-3 minutes.

If your hygrometer after measuring showed a humidity of more than 70 percent, install a humidity absorber in the room. If suddenly the humidity rises to 80–85%, it is better to renovate the room, check the joints, think about replacing the window and externally insulating the walls.

With an indicator of 40 percent or lower, especially in heating season, you will have to use a humidifier or fight dryness with folk remedies.

An electronic device will help to carry out such useful experiments. But what if you have nowhere to get it and the climate in your home is causing you concern? Read the clues and be observant.

Signs of excessive dryness or humidity

Dry and too warm air in the apartment it happens on batteries central heating, poor ventilation, permanent job room heaters and long-term electrical appliances with a heating body (TV, computer, refrigerator.

Take a closer look at the condition of the room and the plants in it: electrified sticky dust or its flying suspension, dried tips of leaves indoor flowers, dried parquet floorboards and cracked parts wooden furniture They will probably tell you about the problem.

Dampness in the room is even more noticeable: loose pieces of wallpaper on the walls, dark spots on the whitewash, mold in the corners of living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, toilets, the musty smell of clothes in wardrobe closet, wet bed sheets and pillows, blankets, mattresses.

But what is more important is the impact of moisture levels on the health of households. Objectively assess how you are feeling and ask your family if they are concerned about any of the items listed below.

Air humidity in the apartment less than 35% causes:

High humidity (more than 70%) has the following negative consequences:

  1. joint pain, especially in the older generation;
  2. low-grade body temperature (36.9–37.2);
  3. fatigue, muscle pain;
  4. poor concentration;
  5. crunching in the ears, feeling of clogged sinuses and forehead;
  6. skin and hair problems (oily, inflammation, dandruff);
  7. frequent colds, allergic rhinitis;
  8. It’s hard to breathe in such a house;
  9. For asthmatics, living in damp conditions can be deadly;
  10. There may be interruptions in the functioning of the heart - arrhythmia, accelerated pulse.

Doctors give special meaning normal humidity air in the room where the child lives. In addition to general discomfort, which children usually do not realize and therefore cannot complain about, too dry, overheated or damp stagnant air creates ideal conditions for development chronic diseases upper respiratory tract.

In such a home, it is difficult for a child to recover even from a common cold, not to mention infectious diseases.

How to increase humidity in an apartment

Having found out the nature of the problem by signs or using the device, begin to act. Decide if you need a special Appliances to correct the home climate or you will struggle on our own, the old fashioned way.

You can increase the humidity in the room in one of the following ways:

  • hang wet towels on hot radiators;
  • place a container of water under the fan;
  • spray water from a spray bottle;
  • start an aquarium;
  • install a medium-sized fountain.

If you are not satisfied with either method because it is troublesome or ineffective, install a regulator that will operate on electricity and automatically evaporate required quantity moisture.

Choosing an air humidity regulator

You can thoroughly get rid of dampness only through overhaul, which may involve laying insulating materials on the floor, ceiling (on top floors), joints, replacement of windows.

What is the normal humidity level in an apartment? Most people can easily answer what the temperature in a living room should be, but the question of humidity will baffle them. And only a few will be able to name the correct numbers. Meanwhile, humidity is one of the main indicators of the microclimate level in the house.

The norm of humidity in the apartment

Indoor air humidity is measured with a special device - a hygrometer. They vary in design (digital, hairline, wireless) and measurement range, but each is very easy to use. In any case, no more difficult than with a regular thermometer.

Depends on the type of room. For example, in bakeries, in fermentation rooms, in poultry houses, in cold warehouses for storing food, it is 70-80%. In greenhouses for growing tulips it can reach 95%, and this is considered the norm. But for rooms with computers, telephone nodes and office equipment, the figures should not exceed 50%.

The level of humidity in an apartment also depends on the type of room. On average, the numbers range from 40-60%. According to living rooms and in interior corridor The optimal humidity during the cold season should be 30-45%. Acceptable indicators for these types of premises are up to 60%.

During the warm season, the optimal humidity in the apartment is 30-60%. Acceptable - up to 65%. However, in regions from the air (above 75% on the street), the permissible indicators are increased to 75%.

In the kitchen, toilet, bathroom, lobby, on and in the pantry this indicator is not standardized.

Various indicators and the need to use special instruments - all this may seem too complex for ordinary person. Therefore, to find out whether the humidity in the apartment is high or low, you can conduct an experiment with a glass. Take a glass or shot glass (any glass vessel), pour water into it, cool to 3-4 ° C in the refrigerator. Then you need to place the vessel in the room and observe:

  • the walls of the vessel fogged up, and then dried out in 5 minutes - the humidity was low, the air was dry;
  • after 5 minutes the walls are wet - optimal performance;
  • after 5 minutes streams run along the walls of the vessel - high humidity.

This is how you can easily find out the microclimate in the room, but for the purity of the experiment, the glass must be placed away from heating devices.

Why is high humidity harmful?

High humidity means foggy windows, laundry that takes several days to dry, clothes with an unpleasant moldy smell, fungi and mold. These factors alone make the house unsuitable for living. It’s also worth adding that such a microclimate does not have a very good effect on human health: fungal spores when
If they come into contact with food, they can cause poisoning and allergies, disrupt heat exchange processes, and increase the risk of developing infection. A person living in a house with high humidity, gets sick more often and longer.

How does low humidity affect the human body?

Low humidity also causes a number of problems. The intensity of evaporation increases from everything that contains water: from human skin, from plants. The latter dry out, and the skin loses its elasticity and ages. The nasal mucosa dries out, which means there is a risk of a runny nose and acute respiratory infections. The respiratory system suffers, especially in asthmatics and allergy sufferers.

The norm of humidity in an apartment is not an abstract concept. This real numbers, which allow you to understand how safe the indoor microclimate is. And if the air humidity is greatly reduced or increased, it is necessary to ensure that it corresponds to normal values.

Ways to reduce humidity

There are two main methods of dehumidifying air.

  1. Find and eliminate the cause high humidity. This could be a temporary increase in indicators due to cooking, showering or drying things, lack of sunlight, lack of normal ventilation, sealed PVC windows, etc. For each reason, you can choose a way to eliminate it: do good ventilation, ventilate rooms more often, increase batteries, etc.
  2. Forced dehumidification using special dehumidifiers, chemicals, absorbing moisture, and climate control units.

Ideally, you should use only the first method, but if this is impossible to do or involves serious financial costs, then you can use the second one.

Methods for increasing humidity

Most often, dry indoor air is formed in the winter, when heating devices work intensively, and the premises are rarely ventilated. However, you can get rid of this problem too. The level of humidity in an apartment with dry air is achieved through the following measures:

  1. The presence of an aquarium in the room or
  2. Presence large quantity plants.
  3. Installation of a household humidifier.
  4. Reducing the frequency of use of any household appliances, especially heating ones.
  5. Frequent ventilation.

In an apartment, this is the key to preserving your health and ensuring the desired level of comfort in your home. But you shouldn’t skimp on your health. Therefore, try to maintain normal humidity levels, even if forcibly.

An incubator is a necessary attribute of modern poultry farming. The current market for agricultural goods provides a variety of models to choose from, differing in functional characteristics and price. In Russia, the household incubator Cinderella is by no means the last place on it. Produced in Novosibirsk by the OLSA-Service company, it is highly valued by experienced and novice breeders of chickens, geese, turkeys and ducks.

Household incubator Cinderella: description

The body of the device is made of polystyrene foam, which has decent thermal insulation. Thanks to it, optimal temperature conditions are ensured inside the incubator. The inside of the incubator is heated using metal heating elements specially designed for this purpose. There is a sensor (thermostat) on the lid of the device, with the help of which the temperature inside is properly regulated. As soon as she goes lower permissible value During the incubation process, heating is immediately turned on.

Important! Each model has an electronic thermometer that runs on ordinary AA batteries.

Inside the device there is a device for turning (auto-rotating) eggs, which turns them 10 times a day by 180⁰, but there is also a manual mode.

The incubator operates from a 220 V network, but if the electricity suddenly goes out, the equipment will automatically switch to the built-in 12 V battery. In addition, the incubator has a special mode for this case, which allows you to maintain desired temperature use hot water instead of electricity. The device can operate in this mode for 10 hours. The water prepared for this purpose must be heated and after about 3.5 hours poured into a container specially designed for this purpose in the device.

Important! The Cinderella egg incubator has high levels of efficiency - 90% of the chicks hatch from the eggs. Not all manufacturers can boast of such good results.

Automatic incubators for eggs Cinderella for 28, 45, 70, 98 eggs

The most simplified and cheap option holds 28 eggs, which will have to be turned manually. For novice poultry breeders, it will come in handy, but experienced bird breeders will have to look for more serious equipment.

The option is more expensive, but generally as economical as the first - an incubator for 45 eggs. The weight of such a device is 3 kg. It has a fairly simple assembly.

Incubator Cinderella

The Cinderella incubator for 70 eggs is an average device in terms of capacity and price. Egg turning is automatic. You can raise chickens, ducklings and goslings in this type of incubator. Incubator weight 3.8 kg.

An incubator for 98 eggs is the most expensive and spacious option. Like the previous model, it has automatic rotation eggs The weight of the device is 4.5 kg. Suitable for raising birds of any type and breed. In terms of reliability and ease of use, it meets all expectations.

Instructions for use

The work of the Cinderella incubator is extremely simple. Absolutely anyone can master it, and you don’t need to have any special knowledge for this. All you need to do is properly prepare the incubator for operation, load the eggs inside, start the machine and carefully monitor the temperature and humidity levels inside to minimize the risk of overheating or hypothermia of the eggs.

There will be no severe overheating

Operating diagram of the Cinderella incubator

Safety rules when working with an incubator are as follows:

  • The incubator must be installed on a horizontal surface without flaws and try not to move it from its place during the incubation process.
  • Before starting, you need to disinfect the inside of the device with a manganese solution (pale pink).
  • Place plastic trays on the bottom of the device (if the air in the room is dry, you will need 5-6 pieces, if the air in the room is humid, two will be enough), fill them with water and carefully ensure that the liquid does not evaporate.
  • Place a plastic grid at the top of the incubator.
  • It would be a good idea to buy a 12V battery and connect it to the device, so that in the event of a power outage, it can continue to work for at least another day.

Turning and laying new eggs

Egg laying is the most an important stage during the incubation process. A device such as an ovoscope will help ensure a decent result. It is better to check all available eggs in advance in order to discard unsuitable ones and not waste time on incubation that will not live up to expectations.

An ovoscope is a device with which you can not only determine whether eggs are suitable for incubation in terms of quality, but also be used to observe chicken embryos.

Incubation of eggs

A place with as little extraneous noise as possible is selected for the incubator. Before laying the eggs, special distinctive marks are made on opposite sides of each of them, thanks to which it becomes much easier to monitor their turning over. All eggs should be laid in such a way that identical marks are located on each upper and lower pole. When dealing with auto-flip, eggs need to be placed in cells specially designed for this.

Place eggs in specially designated cells

The thermostat is installed in a vertical position, then the lid is placed. 1 liter of water at a temperature of 90⁰C is poured into each chamber. If the incubator is not completely filled, 70⁰C will be enough. A thermometer is placed between the thermostat and the hole, the sensor of which should be located slightly above the level of the eggs. Connects to the mains swivel mechanism. After 30 minutes, according to the instructions, you can put the device into operation.

Next, you need to constantly ensure that the temperature inside the device is maintained around 38.5⁰C. Exceeding 39⁰C will result in bad consequences, therefore, as soon as there is a risk of overheating of the eggs, the temperature should be urgently lowered. The incubator lid should be opened only when absolutely necessary and for no more than 4 minutes.

If all necessary conditions at the beginning and in the process of incubation, chicks will appear 3 weeks after laying the eggs in the apparatus. 2 days before this, the rotating mechanism is turned off and the grille is pulled out.

Newborn chicks should be given 6-7 minutes. to dry, and then transplant into a place previously prepared for this with an air temperature of 37⁰C.

Incubation table for chicken eggs in the Cinderella incubator

DaysTemperature (°C)Humidity (%)Number of turns (minimum)
01.11.2018 37.6 65 4
01.12.2017 37.3 53 4
18-19 37.2 47 4
20-21 37 75 -

Frequently asked questions about the Cinderella incubator

How to regulate humidity

You can increase the indicators in two ways: using a heating element or a pump. In the first case, in addition to the heating element, an additional metal bath with water heated inside is purchased, which helps to humidify the air in the incubator. The device is mounted in it. The resulting structure is placed inside the incubator under the eggs.

In order to inject water with a pump, you will additionally need a sprayer attached to it. Spraying occurs over the entire area of ​​the incubator, at a distance of at least 20 cm from the eggs.

Currently, there are a huge number of humidity regulators for incubators on the market. The ultrasonic humidifier is the best selling of them all. In addition to it, models such as Fog Maker 16 mm Fogger and AC100-240V are in demand. The cost of such a device ranges around 600-800 rubles*.

Humidity regulators

Is it possible to repair an incubator heater with your own hands?

The thermostat helps maintain the proper temperature in the device, therefore it is one of the most important details. Its failure will definitely negatively affect the operation of the entire device. What types of malfunctions can affect the heater:

  • temperature sensor failure;
  • temperature control function failure;
  • broken wires supplying electricity.

Chick embryos can easily die with any of them, so it is extremely important to monitor the health of the thermostat. While replacing the temperature sensor, as well as restoring the electrical wires, can be done with your own hands, repairing the incubator regarding temperature adjustment is unlikely to be possible without the involvement of specialists.

In order for the poultry farming process to be successful and without surprises, incubation must be carried out with maximum dedication. The Cinderella incubator is capable of providing its owner with exactly this level of work. The most important thing is to make sure that its operation follows the rules presented above, and not to delay repairs if any of the sensors fail.

*Prices are current as of August 2018.


In order for a chick to be born, you need to create special conditions. Only under favorable conditions can an egg turn into a chicken. Humidity in the incubator is one of the most important components of the general regime. A decrease or increase in the indicator can lead to the death of the bird's offspring.

Norms and standards

Air humidity level in the incubator – important condition for the proper development of the embryo in the egg. Together with the right temperature conditions, the percentage of water in the air ensures the correct incubation regime. Experts have proven that for everyone separate stage Incubation rate will change.

What humidity should be in the incubator when breeding poultry at home?

Every owner must remember three basic rules:

  • at first incubation period humidity should be higher;
  • in the middle phase of the term it is reduced;
  • In the last few days the temperature has been rising again.

In the first 6 days after the eggs are placed in the incubator, it is important to set the humidity level to an average level. The most optimal indicator is 50-65%. It promotes the development of the embryo in the egg and accelerates its growth process.

But, if you use such humidity in the second half of the incubation period, you can lose the entire brood. Chicks will die both before and after hatching, since their bodies are poorly formed. Constant high air humidity reduces the weight of the egg itself, which limits the supply of necessary substances to the embryo.

Scientists have proven that constant high level water in the air during incubation increases chick mortality by 15-20%. Therefore, after the first week, the moisture level is reduced to 50-55%. This regimen is used from 7 to 16 days.

The reduced temperature at the second stage promotes the accumulation of dry substances by the embryo. At elevated rates, the process becomes impossible. Therefore, in order for the chick to grow correctly, it is important to give it the opportunity to receive essential vitamins and minerals.

From day 17, experts recommend raising the humidity to 70%. This mode promotes the hatching of the chick from the egg. If you leave the previous level, this threatens to compact the shell under the shell. Accordingly, it will be difficult for the bird to get out of the egg; there is a risk of losing about 10-15% of the eggs.

You can often find other opinions. For example, it is widely believed that high humidity is necessary for the entire incubation period. This decision leads to the fact that the moisture from the egg evaporates too quickly at the first stage, increasing air bubble. As a result, the bird does not receive the necessary substances, as well as space for development.

Low moisture levels are no less dangerous. First of all, this affects the duration of incubation itself, which is significantly delayed. Also, chicks hatch too weak and about 15% of them die in the first days of life.

Therefore, it is important to follow the parameters. Also, minimum and maximum humidity levels have been established, violation of which threatens loss of output:

  • lower limit at 43%;
  • the upper limit is 82%.

Even an hour of the egg remaining outside these boundaries can cause the death of the embryo.

How to measure air humidity?

It is worth adjusting the humidity in the incubator based on the specifics of the apparatus itself. Most of them have special measuring devices installed, some require additional equipment.

How to determine the moisture level in a laying hen incubator? This model very popular in subsidiary plot. The instructions for the device indicate that the main indicator for the moisture level is the climatic conditions of the area and the room in which the chicks are hatched.

Therefore, water is poured into the bottom of the device, which sets the humidity during the operation of the incubator. It is recommended to measure it using two thermometers. The instructions are as follows:

  • The measuring tip of one of the thermometers is wrapped in cotton wool or cloth and dipped into water. It is important to remove excess liquid;
  • the incubator is turned off for a while and both thermometers are placed in it at the same level close to each other. After this, the device is turned back on;
  • after 15-20 minutes, take readings from both thermometers and insert them into the table.

Incubator humidity measurement table

In order to measure the humidity in the Cinderella incubator, there are also recommendations. General scheme The action is the same as for the previous device, but there are some nuances:

  • You will need one thermometer, which is wrapped in cotton wool or cloth. You need to moisten with warm water;
  • such a thermometer is placed near the temperature sensor of the Cinderella incubator itself;
  • To measure, leave the thermometer for 15 minutes. Then they take readings from it and the electronic thermometer of the incubator.

The data is calculated using a standard table, which is also used for the Layer apparatus.

Measuring humidity without moisture meters

Some models are not equipped with special instruments for determining water in the air or temperatures, so the question arises: how to find out the humidity level without a moisture meter? To do this, you can make a special device with your own hands minimal costs forces and materials, e.g.

How to regulate humidity levels?

The main two problems when incubating eggs in relation to air humidity are the need to:

  • increase moisture levels;
  • lower the performance.

As practice shows, it is difficult to maintain the percentage of water in the air at the required level. Therefore, from time to time you need to resort to additional actions. You can increase your performance using the following methods:

  • special bath and heating element;
  • injection by pump.

In the first case, an additional container is used, the liquid in which is constantly heated. This allows for increased evaporation of water into the incubator, increasing overall air humidification.

Increase in humidity

It’s easy to make the device yourself. Enough to take metal container and heating element. A heating element (200 Watt) is installed in the vessel and water is poured. The structure is placed directly into the incubator itself, down under the trays with eggs.

Bath with heating element

Pump injection involves additional humidification due to water entering from above. To make such a device you will need a pump and a spray nozzle for cleaning products.

Water enters the pump from the bath and sprays the eggs from the nozzle by spraying the liquid over the entire area of ​​the incubator.

It is important to install such an air humidifier for the incubator at a level of at least 20 cm from the tray with the eggs to ensure even water ingress.

You can also use purchased equipment. There are many products on the market today that allow you to regulate the humidity in your incubator. The most popular option is ultrasonic humidifier air.

Models in demand:

  • AC100-240V;
  • Fog Maker 16mm Fogger.

Such a humidifier for an incubator will cost around 600-800 rubles.

Reducing humidity

If the increase in humidity level is easier to correct, then how can this indicator be reduced without damage to the apparatus itself and the poultry population? Most simple methods that you can do with your own hands become:

  • decrease in level in automated devices. New generation devices independently regulate what humidity should be in the incubator. But, the mode of different eggs may differ from the one programmed into the equipment. Therefore, intervention in the operation of the machine will be required. It is necessary to enter the data yourself and constantly ensure that it corresponds to the incubation period;
  • Most incubators have baths filled with water. Therefore, in order to reduce humidity, it will be enough to lower the water level in such a container. It is important before starting such a task to turn off the incubator itself for the duration of the work;
  • in the most radical cases, when the level has reached 82%, it is recommended to remove the water tank from the incubator altogether until it decreases. If due to the design of the device this is not possible, then the liquid is simply pumped out;
  • To more quickly reduce moisture, you can use improvised means that absorb moisture (fabric, washcloth, cotton wool). They are placed in an incubator for 30-40 minutes to draw out excess water.

How to reduce humidity more in a fast way? You can purchase special regulators, such as:

  • VRD-1;
  • RV-16/P.

The cost of such devices varies from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles.


Watch a video about air humidity in the incubator:

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