Rating of sound-absorbing slabs. Myths about sound insulation: thin sound insulation, sound insulation with cork, polystyrene foam, etc.

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Soundproofing is measured in decibels, a term used when talking about reducing the volume of outgoing/incoming noise.

Sound absorption is assessed by calculating the sound absorption coefficient and is measured from 0 to 1 (the closer to 1, the better). Sound-absorbing materials absorb sound inside the room and dampen it, resulting in the disappearance of echoes.

If you need to get rid of the noise from your neighbors, you need soundproofing materials. If you need the absence of echo in the room, sound-absorbing ones.

How to reduce noise from neighbors above/below/behind the wall? Is it possible to rid them of my noise?

Soundproofing the ceiling is obviously a losing option. The maximum reduction that can be achieved is from 3 to 9 dB. Try to come to an agreement with your neighbors and soundproof the floor for them, then you will achieve a reduction of up to 25-30 dB!

The sound insulation of a wall depends on the type of wall. They are either under construction or already existing (between rooms and apartments). For erected walls, immediately make double, independent frames. The thicker and multilayer wall, the higher the chance of achieving a noise reduction of 50-60 dB in the apartment.

For existing walls- or make a frame filled with soundproofing materials, but be prepared for it to “eat up” 10 cm of space. Or, if space is limited, attach soundproofing panels or roll material directly to the wall.

To soundproof the floor, place materials such as TOPSILENT DUO or FONOSTOP BAR under the screed. If it is not possible to raise the floor under the screed by 10 cm, then lay soundproofing materials under the floor covering. Please note that in this case the noise will decrease by no more than 10-15 dB.

Try to ensure that the screed and flooring do not come into contact with the walls of the premises. The “floating” design provides better sound insulation properties. Conversely, if the soundproofing layer extends a couple of centimeters onto the walls, this will additionally dampen the sound waves.

We made repairs, didn’t think about soundproofing and now we hear noise from our neighbors, how can we fix it?

Unfortunately, you will have to make changes to repairs that have already been made.

If soundproofing of the floor is necessary, remove the laminate (or other fine coating) and place the soundproofing membrane FONOSTOP DUO under it.

If there are walls, then, as mentioned above, the covering must be removed, a frame must be made and a material like TOPSILENT BITEX must be glued. Likewise for the ceiling.

What materials should be used to soundproof an apartment? How many do you need? How to calculate the required quantity?

Soundproofing an apartment requires an integrated approach. A structure is assembled, a “sandwich” of several materials. The thickness of a high-quality structure is about 7-10 centimeters.

For calculation required quantity, send the dimensions of the room - length, width and height, the manager will make a calculation and tell you what materials will be needed.

What materials are needed for a recording studio?

For a recording studio, both types of materials are important and needed - soundproofing and sound-absorbing. First of all, high-quality sound in a studio is achieved through the use of sound-absorbing, acoustic panels made of melamine foam or open-cell polyurethane. The cellular structure of the material “quenches” sound vibrations. We recommend using thick panels up to 100 mm, this will ensure sound absorption in a wide range of frequencies. In addition, install “bass traps” up to 200-230 mm thick.

With sound insulation, everything is simple - more layers and it is advisable to use two-layer materials with a lead layer, for example, AKUSTIK METAL SLIK.

Which sound insulation is better?

The best material is the one that solves the problem. The same soundproofing materials manifest themselves differently depending on the volume, type of walls, and ceiling of the room. We recommend that you consult with a specialist before you begin any repairs.

How is soundproofing and sound-absorbing materials installed?

The easiest way is to attach sound-absorbing acoustic panels. Take any type of glue and attach it wherever you need it. The material is light and easily adheres to the surface.

For installation soundproofing materials specially designed adhesives are used - OTTOCOLL P270 (for floors) and FONOCOLL (for walls and ceilings).

Do you deliver materials? Is there pick-up?

Yes, we deliver. Select convenient way delivery: pickup from a warehouse in Lyubertsy, delivery by van within the Moscow Ring Road and Moscow region (up to 100 km) or by a transport company if you are far from Moscow.

Where can I see prices?

The price list for soundproofing and sound-absorbing materials is in the “Price Lists” section.

If you are thinking about what soundproofing material to choose for your apartment, then you are concerned about the issue of excessive noise in the premises of your home. Just as often as the rest of the room’s surfaces, craftsmen today try to make the ceiling soundproof. This at the same time allows you to achieve more impressive thermal insulation characteristics ceilings

Types of sound absorbers for ceilings

You can choose organic and inorganic materials for soundproofing work. Among the first are those based on polystyrene foam, particle board or ecowool. The use of such noise absorbers implies ease of installation, affordable price and environmental safety.

Soundproofing material such as polystyrene foam is found today, perhaps more often than others, in insulation systems. It perfectly retains heat in the room, but is of interest to rodents.

Among inorganic materials, stone wool can be distinguished, which is durable and safe for human health. The cost of this insulation is very affordable, which acts as a positive feature. Stone wool can withstand low and high temperatures within the range from -60 to +400 degrees. This indicates that this insulation copes well with high humidity conditions.

Work options

Soundproofing material can form the basis of different ceiling systems, for example, mineral wool can be installed in a hollow space suspension system. The canvases fit perfectly between the frame elements. But if you decide to use polystyrene foam, it is not recommended to use glue to attach it, since the slabs have a weight under which the material can move away from the base over time and cause even more noise. You can also use glass wool, but you should remember that this material must be well protected, since its elements can pose a danger to human health. In connection with this requirement installation work using glass wool can be accompanied by more significant labor costs. When using gypsum plasterboard as a finishing coating, you should Special attention pay attention to joining the sheets, since sound penetrates well through the cracks.

Soundproofing material is usually attached between the waterproofing, which is installed on the subfloor, and the base ceiling.

Soundproofing materials for walls

If you decide to get rid of noise in a room in a comprehensive manner by also sealing the walls, you can choose soundproofing systems, which are designated by the abbreviation ZIPS. They perform several functions at once. By installing them, you prepare the surface of the walls for subsequent finishing. This material contains an insulating layer and gypsum board. The panel contains several sound insulators, namely: gypsum fiber and mineral wool, the latter is sometimes replaced with glass wool. The thickness and combination of internal components may vary. The weight is 18.5 kg, while the dimensions of one canvas are 1500x500 mm. Thickness can vary between 40-130 mm. The described soundproofing materials can be secured using structural units.

Among the natural sound absorbers, we can highlight ISOPLAAT boards, which are based on coniferous wood fibers. The size of the canvas is 2700x1200 mm, while the thickness can be equivalent to 10-25 mm. The weight is very light and limited to 4 kg.

After installing such material, you will not have to prepare the wall for finishing. It is recommended to install the described slabs using glue. They allow air to pass through perfectly, which does not create the effect of a thermos in the room.

Alternative soundproofing options for walls

When considering soundproofing materials for walls, we can highlight ISOTEX panels; they are based exclusively on natural components coniferous trees, are characterized by excellent flexibility and elasticity. If you choose this method of dealing with noise, then you will have to work with canvases whose dimensions are limited to 2700x580 mm. With a thickness of 12-25 mm, the insulation weighs 1.2 kg, which ensures ease of installation. Such soundproofing materials for an apartment look great and do not require wall finishing after installation, since their outer side is decorated in the form of vinyl wallpaper or linen fabric. Installation consists of connecting the plates using a lock, and if necessary, cutting can be done using a construction knife.

EcoZvukoIzol panels have gained quite a high popularity among private craftsmen, this is due to the fact that this material is environmentally friendly, since it is based on seven-layer cardboard and quartz sand. The canvases are somewhat heavier compared to those described above: their weight is 10.5 kg, dimensions are 1200x450 mm. But they are easy to work with, despite their impressive weight. If you need to adjust the panel to size, you can use a hacksaw, and at the time of fastening you need to use an adhesive composition intended for drywall.

If you are looking for soundproofing materials for an apartment, then you can consider Wall panels, which are known as KRAFT. They have environmentally friendly wood fiber elements that are outside covered with wax paper, while the inside - corrugated cardboard. Their weight is 5.5 kg, which facilitates the installation process, but their dimensions are 2700x580 mm, which implies the need to enlist the help of another person before starting work. It is quite simple to glue the canvas, and after the composition has dried, you can begin decorative finishing.

Cost of wall materials

The listed soundproofing materials for walls have a lot of advantages, but sometimes it makes it difficult to make a choice. Perhaps the price will affect this. If we compare the above materials, then ZIPS costs 1300 rubles/m2. But "EcoZvukoIzol" will cost less - 900 rubles/m 2. ISOTEX is even cheaper - within 600 rubles / m 2, the final cost in this case will depend on the variety decorative covering. KRAFT is the penultimate among materials in the most affordable price category - 250 rubles / m 2. And the leader in the matter of democracy is ISOPLAAST, its price is 150 rubles/m 2.

Sound absorbers for floors

When choosing sound absorbers for the floor, the consumer, as a rule, pays attention to heat and sound insulation materials. A cork substrate, which is placed under the finishing coating, copes well with such tasks. This material is based on natural cork chips, which makes the soundproofing layer completely harmless. In addition to the fact that cork will combat noise, it will last a long time, since it does not rot and mold cannot appear or develop in it. Cork does not attract rodents. The material is chemically inert and has a lifespan of 40 years. It can reduce noise levels by approximately 12 decibels.

The listed characteristics of soundproofing materials force consumers to incline their choice in their direction. As alternative solution You can choose a cork backing that contains rubber elements. Synthetic rubber in tandem with cork does the job perfectly. The degree of sound absorption here is more impressive and is approximately 18-21 decibels. But you will have to pay more for such material.

The best soundproofing material made from cork is one that contains bitumen along with the main ingredient. The advantage of the substrate in this design is that it does not require additional waterproofing work, which cannot be said about the above. But this will require certain skills, because bitumen stains hands and clothes.

Foamed polyethylene for flooring

When considering the soundproofing properties of materials, it is worth paying attention to polyethylene foam. It is also customary to lay it under a finishing coating, for example under a laminate. You can choose one of several varieties of this material. Thus, polyethylene with chemically bonded molecules and cross-linked polyethylene have more impressive sound insulation characteristics compared to non-cross-linked polyethylene. Laying this material requires mandatory waterproofing, since it can become moldy when exposed to moisture. It is advisable to lay it with some clearance, since under mechanical loads the material loses up to 2/3 of its thickness, which causes a decrease in noise-absorbing properties.

Schumanet for floors

When considering the types of soundproofing materials, you will probably come across the Schumanet soundproofer. It is a composite substrate based on a multicomponent material. It contains three layers, the first of which is polyethylene, which protects against water, the second is polystyrene foam granules, while the third is a film that allows moisture particles to penetrate into the polystyrene foam. Afterwards it is discharged around the perimeter of the room through the ventilation slots. The lifespan of the material is about twenty years. It should be installed using the rolling method, adhesive compositions are not used.

In addition to those listed, extruded polystyrene foam is used to combat noise, which acts as the densest type of foam. It is practically like wood, it does not absorb moisture at all, it is easy to work with during the installation process, in addition, it is easy to cut using a knife. It will last about half a century. When considering soundproofing materials for walls or floors, you can choose this one.

Speaking of the above, the most impressive degree of noise absorption is provided by Schumanet-100 gaskets. At 3mm thick they can reduce noise levels by as much as 23 decibels, while if you want even more impressive results, you can use 5mm material and the sound will be reduced by 27 decibels. The gaskets described are based on fiberglass, which has a special weave. If the manufacturer used staple weave, the noise will be reduced by 42 decibels. If you decide to cover these pads, then you need to provide a gap around the perimeter of the walls, the width of which is 1 cm, which will be necessary to remove moisture.

Universal sound absorbers

When choosing soundproofing materials for the ceiling, floor and walls, you can also select fiberboard. It can be used in premises of any purpose. This material is based on wood fiber and cement. In addition to the above ingredients, you can also use synthetic fibers. In order to form an acoustic surface, acoustic fiberboard should be used. It is characterized by an increased noise absorption coefficient, the level of which is 40 percent.

Stone wool also does an excellent job of absorbing noise; the sound absorption coefficient can be equal to 99 percent. It copes well with changes in temperature and humidity, so it can be used in almost any room.

Methods for suppressing impact noise

Soundproofing materials for apartment walls, which were described above, can cope with airborne noise. But if there is a need to eliminate impact noise, then you can use a floating floor system that is not rigidly connected to the subfloor. The basis of this system is used insulating layer, it could be the one described above stone wool. If the sound insulation of all surfaces of the room was not enough, then special attention should be paid to doors and windows. At the same time they come to the rescue PVC profiles, which have very good noise-absorbing qualities. As a rule, there is an inert gas between two windows in the hollow space. The most common of these is argon.

The range of modern sound absorbers is large, but it is worth remembering that they should be used comprehensively, in addition, sometimes the quality of sound absorption depends on the correct installation of the material. Only by following the installation technology will it be possible to achieve a positive result, and your neighbors will not disturb you, just as you will not disturb them, which is very important, especially in apartment buildings.

As the quality of housing improves, when the issue of the number of square meters has ceased to be the only determining factor, the problem of soundproofing residential premises is becoming increasingly relevant. However, due to the fact that this question is quite specific, i.e. in the theory of acoustics there are a lot of implicit features and “illogical” conclusions from the point of view of common sense; a large number of myths and misconceptions have arisen and become established in this area.

This leads to the fact that large quantity people have formed a stable stereotype about what materials, if necessary, can solve all the problems of insufficient sound insulation. However practical use similar materials in best case scenario will leave the situation without visible changes, at worst - will lead to increased noise in the room. As a first example:

The myth about the soundproofing properties of cork

What cork covering- a good sound insulator, almost everyone believes. Statements of this kind can be found on many construction forums. And the “technology” of application is “developed” down to the smallest detail. If you can hear your neighbor behind the wall, you need to cover the wall you share with your neighbor with cork; if the noise is coming from the ceiling, then the ceiling. And the resulting acoustic effect is amazing... by its absence! But what's the matter? After all, the seller showed data from acoustic tests, where the effect of sound insulation was indicated, and not a small effect - about 20 dB! Is it really a scam?!

Not really. The numbers are true. But the fact is that such figures were obtained not for “sound insulation in general”, but only for the so-called isolation impact noise . Besides, specified values valid only for the case when this cork covering is laid under a concrete screed or parquet board at the neighbor's upstairs. Then you really hear your neighbor’s steps 20 dB quieter compared to if your neighbor didn’t have this pad under his feet. But for music or the sound of a neighbor’s voice, as well as for all other cases of using cork covering in other options, these “sound insulation” figures, unfortunately, have nothing to do with it. The effect is not just barely noticeable, it is zero! Of course, cork is environmentally friendly and warm material, but it is not worth attributing all possible soundproofing properties to it.

All of the above also applies to polystyrene foam, polyethylene foam (PPE), polyurethane foam and other similar materials that have different trade marks starting with “peno-” and ending with “-fol”, “-fom” and “-lon”. Even with an increase in the thickness of these materials to 50 mm, their sound insulation properties (with the exception of impact noise insulation) leave much to be desired.

Another misconception, closely related to the first. Let's denote it as:

The myth of thin sound insulation

The basis for this misconception is the struggle to improve the acoustic comfort of the room along with the desire to preserve the original square meters. It is quite understandable to want to maintain the height of the ceiling and the area of ​​the room, and also for standard apartments with a small footage and a low ceiling. According to statistical observations, the vast majority of people are willing to sacrifice “for sound insulation” by increasing the thickness of the wall and ceiling by no more than 10 - 20 mm. In addition to this, there is a requirement to obtain a hard front surface ready for painting or wallpapering.

Here all the same materials come to the rescue: cork, PPE, polyurethane foam up to 10 mm thick. Thermal and sound insulation is added to them as a separate line. But in this case, these materials are covered with a layer of plasterboard, which acts as a rigid wall, ready for finishing.

Since the acoustic properties of cork and PPE for sound insulation of walls and ceilings were discussed above, we will focus on thermal and sound insulation.

Thermosound insulation (TZI) is a rolled material, where it is used as a shell (like a duvet cover) polymer material"Lutrasil", and super-thin fiberglass fibers are used as padding (blanket). The thickness of this material ranges from 5-8 mm. I don’t presume to discuss the thermal insulation qualities of TZI, but as for sound insulation:

Firstly, TZI is not a sound-proofing material, but a sound-absorbing material. Thus, we cannot talk about its own sound insulation. We can only talk about sound insulation of a structure in which it is used as a filler.

Secondly, the sound insulation of such a design largely depends on the thickness of the sound-absorbing material located inside. The thickness of the TZI, at which this material will be effective in a soundproofing structure, must be at least 40 - 50 mm. And this is 5 - 7 layers. With a layer thickness of 8 mm, the acoustic effect of this material VERY SMALL. As, indeed, any other materials the same thickness. There's nothing you can do about it - the law of acoustics!

ZIPS panels can be recommended as a truly effective material for additional sound insulation of walls and ceilings. For example, ZIPS-Vector panels with a structure thickness of 53 mm increase noise insulation by 9-11 dB, and the latest ZIPS-III-Ultra with the same thickness - by 11-13 dB. The panels are patented and currently have no analogues in the world.

Thus, with a total thickness of the additional sound insulation structure of 20 - 30 mm (including a layer of plasterboard), one should not expect any noticeable increase in sound insulation.

In addition to these, perhaps the most common misconceptions, there are others, less known, but no less significant. Therefore, in matters of ensuring the required noise insulation of premises, it is best to immediately contact specialists. Sometimes one glance is enough for an acoustics professional to immediately assess the ineffectiveness of the proposed measures or materials used. But the most unpleasant thing is to waste time, effort and money, and not feel the results of your work.

By sound insulation of airborne noise (and there is also structural noise and vibration) we correctly understand the property of a structure (not a material) not to allow sound to pass through itself. Obviously, brick itself does not have sound insulation, but Brick wall The materials themselves can be divided into sound-absorbing and sound-reflecting, depending on what predominates in them. At the same time, both are often used in soundproofing structures. In general, the principle of alternating sound-reflecting and sound-absorbing layers to increase sound insulation can be called one of the main ones in acoustics.

An example of an absorbent material is fiberglass board or polyurethane foam (foam rubber) with open pores; sound reflecting materials include concrete, glass, drywall, etc.

Therefore, the term “soundproofing materials” or “soundproofing materials” is correctly understood as materials for improving (increasing) the sound insulation of an existing barrier by installing an additional structure. For walls, this can be a gypsum plasterboard partition on a frame base with filling; for ceilings, it can also be a frame structure in the form of a suspended ceiling.

On the one hand, we see that to solve sound insulation problems, conventional building materials (gypsum plasterboard, metallic profile, fasteners, etc.), but in order to really get the maximum effect, it is important to understand the following. Firstly, in addition to conventional materials, it is necessary to additionally use special “sound-proofing materials” - vibration-isolating pads to reduce the transmission of structural noise, sound-proofing materials inside the frame, and much more. Secondly, it is important to know the technology of the design itself, correct location materials relative to each other. It would be appropriate to give the following analogy: soundproofing materials are medicines for a disease, but only a professional doctor knows how, using them in combination, to cure the disease without harming the patient. In our case, the doctor is an acoustic engineer who, having made the correct diagnosis, will suggest a “course of treatment” for the “patient.”

So, now we can move on to a brief overview of “soundproofing materials”.

"ZIPS" - Sound Insulating Panel System, consisting of sandwich panels (GVL and glass/mineral fiber), fastening elements, vibration-insulating cushioning materials (Vibrosil\Vibrostek) and special technology installation Characteristic feature system is its “vibration isolation” and “frameless” nature, which makes it possible to obtain higher values ​​of additional sound insulation at the same thickness in comparison with frame structures.

"Shumanet-BM" is a sound-absorbing (unfinished) mineral wool slab on a basalt base. In terms of physical and technical characteristics, it is comparable to basalt slabs with a synthetic binder. A distinctive feature is guaranteed acoustic properties, a constant density of 45 kg/m3 and a lot of experimentally confirmed data on the high soundproofing properties of structures using Schumanet-BM.

"Shumanet-100" is a rolled soundproofing gasket material. It consists of a special elastic multilayer fiberglass material, impregnated on one side with a layer of bitumen covered with polyethylene film. Unlike foam cushioning materials, also used to insulate impact noise, “Shumnaet-100” is distinguished by two important features- high acoustic efficiency and durability combined with acoustic stability, namely:

"Shumanet-100" with a thickness of 3 mm has an index of additional impact noise insulation of at least 23 dB, and with a thickness of 4 mm - at least 27 dB, respectively. The 8 mm thick extruded polyethylene foam pad has an additional impact noise insulation index of only 19 dB.

For foamed materials, after 5-10 years, due to the partial disintegration of molecules, the acoustic and strength properties are significantly reduced, and the amount of residual deformation increases. Fiberglass materials, on the contrary, do not age; their guaranteed service life is up to 25 years. In addition, additional static and dynamic loads (the weight of the floor, furniture, movement of objects and people) accelerate the aging process of foam materials (collapse of air bubbles in polyethylene foam pads), which also leads to a decrease in the effective thickness of the material and loss of elastic properties.

"Shumostop-S2" - slabs made of staple fiberglass. They are used as an elastic soundproofing gasket in building structures when installing “floating floors” with increased requirements for insulation of airborne and impact noise. See below for information on technology of use.

"Shumostop-K2" - basalt slabs mineral fiber. They are used as an elastic edge soundproofing gasket in building structures when constructing “floating floors” using “Shumostop-S2” slabs. See below for information on technology of use.

"Vibrostek-V300" is an elastic multilayer fiberglass. It is the basis for "Shumanet-100Super". Has the same acoustic characteristics. Used as an elastic gasket to reduce the transmission of impact and structural noise.

"Vibrostek-M" is an elastic multilayer fiberglass in rolls 100 mm wide and 30 meters long. Used as an elastic gasket to reduce the transmission of impact and structural noise. Used when installing the ZIPS panel system, as well as when installing frame structures soundproof ceilings, partitions and cladding made of gypsum plasterboard and gypsum fiber board.

"Lutrasil" (spunbond) is a non-woven sound-permeable fabric. Used as a cushion layer when using glass/mineral wool mats/boards to prevent the emission of particles into environment.

Thus, it should be concluded that soundproofing materials themselves are not finishing materials and the acoustic purpose and characteristics are completely different. In addition, their use in soundproofing structures can only be justified on the basis of the opinion of an expert in the field of architectural and construction acoustics (acoustics engineer) with extensive professional experience in this activity.

Noise stop

Soundproofing slabs for the installation of “floating” floors


High soundproofing characteristics SHUMOSTOP slab systems (ΔLn,w = 42 dB) for almost any interfloor ceiling structure provide an impact noise level 20 dB lower than required by SNiP. This allows us to talk about real acoustic comfort, when the sound of a bottle falling on the floor in the room above is perceived in the room below as the fall of a light coin.

Application area

SHUMOSTOP slabs are used as an elastic sound-proofing layer in building structures when constructing “floating floors” with increased requirements for impact noise insulation. In this case, Shumostop-S2 slabs act as the main working layer, and high-density Shumostop-K2 slabs act as an edge layer designed to increase the stability of the floor base along the perimeter of the room and around the columns.


Shumostop-S2 slabs: hydrophobized staple fiberglass of the URSA GLASSWOOL type.
Shumostop-K2 slabs: basalt fiber

Distinctive features

  • Maximum values ​​of the impact noise reduction index;
  • Stable dynamic characteristics material under loads of 200 - 700 kg/m2.

Slab dimensions and physical characteristics

slabs, mm
Slab width, mm Plate thickness, mm Bulk density, kg/m3 Package weight, kg Volume
packaging, m3
Quantity per package
Shumostop-S2 1250 600 20 70 11,0 0,15 10pcs/7.5 m2
Shumostop-K2 1200 300 20 90-100 8,8 0,072 10pcs/3.6 m2

Impact noise insulation

frequency Hz 100 125 160 200 250 320 400 500
14,4 19,6 23,1 21,7 27,8 32,7 34,3 33,0
frequency Hz 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3200
Reduction of the reduced impact noise level ΔLn by a floating screed laid on one layer NOISE STOP, dB 37,4 35,8 40,8 43,4 45,5 50,0 57,3 61,0

Impact noise level reduction index ΔLn,w with one layer Noise stop = 39 dB, with two layers Noise stop = 43 dB

Installation technology

To ensure the stability of the floor base, made using Shumostop-S2 slabs, Shumostop-K2 edge slabs with a width of 300 mm are laid around the perimeter of the room, as well as around the columns. To prevent the leveling screed from coming into contact with the surface of the walls, a cushioning material (for example, Vibrostek or Shumostop-K2) is used along the entire perimeter of the floor along the walls, the height of which should be slightly greater than the thickness of the screed being installed. Shumostop-C2 slabs are laid on the floor slab close to each other, without a gap. A waterproofing layer (reinforced plastic film) with its lifting along the wall to the height of the edge of the cushioning material. Then they arrange a reinforced concrete screed thickness of at least 60 mm (with one layer of SHUMOSTOP) and 80 mm with two layers. The construction of the finished floor is performed on the screed. The plinth is mounted only to one of the surfaces - to the floor or to the walls.

Entry-level soundproofing panel system


Basic level soundproofing panel system - effective solution problems of additional sound insulation of existing walls and ceilings. With its help, most problems of increasing sound insulation in residential as well as public spaces with moderate noise levels are solved: shops, restaurants, cafes, etc. (system operating range is from 100 Hz).

Application area

The sound insulation system is used in the construction and reconstruction of buildings to increase the sound insulation of single-layer building structures: gypsum, brick and concrete walls and partitions, as well as ceilings. It is used in premises of any type and purpose (for additional sound insulation in apartments, cottages, offices, etc.).


The panel soundproofing system consists of sandwich panels and finishing gypsum board cladding sheets with a thickness of 12.5 mm. The sandwich panel consists of a combination of a “hard” GVL layer and a “soft” layer of basalt-based mineral fiber.

Distinctive features

  • The product is protected by RF patent No. 2140498
  • High performance additional sound insulation
  • Frameless method fastenings
  • Special vibration-isolating fastening units and tongue-and-groove joints in sandwich panel construction

Technical, acoustic and operational characteristics


Working size (excluding ridge area) of panels: 1500 x 500 mm. Panel thickness: 70 mm. System thickness: 83 mm.

physical characteristics

Panel weight: 19.0 kg. Surface density of the system: 37.5 kg/m2.

Airborne noise insulation

Acoustic measurements were carried out by the Department of Acoustics of NNGASU, Nizhny Novgorod

frequency Hz

























frequency Hz









Value of additional sound insulation using a panel system, dB









Total sound insulation brick partition 120 mm thick, lined with panel system, dB









Index of additional airborne noise insulation of the panel system: ?Rw = 12 - 14 dB

Installation technology: The panel system is installed in strict accordance with the Installation Instructions.


Sound-absorbing mineral wool board


Basalt-based mineral slabs SCHUMANET-BM are one of the most effective sound-absorbing slabs building materials. Mandatory quality control of each slab ensures consistently high acoustic and consumer properties of this product.

Application area

SCHUMANET-BM slabs are used as an effective middle layer in soundproofing structures frame partitions or cladding from gypsum plasterboard/gypsum plasterboard sheets, chipboard, plywood, as well as in systems of acoustic perforated screens or suspended ceilings.


Hydrophobized mineral wool slab based on basalt rocks.

Distinctive features:

  • Quality control of each slab;
  • High acoustic properties guaranteed;
  • Non-combustible material (NG).


Plate length: 1000 mm. Slab width: 600 mm. Plate thickness: 50 mm.

physical characteristics

Bulk density: 40 kg/m3. Number of slabs per package: 4 pcs. Package quantity: 2.4 m2.
Packaging volume: 0.12 m3. Package weight: 5.5 kg.

Reverberation sound absorption coefficients

Acoustic tests were carried out by the laboratory of acoustic measurements of NIISF RAASN, Moscow

frequency Hz 100 125 160 200 250 320 400 500 630
SCHUMANET-BM slabs without reference 0,14 0,26 0,40 0,56 0,67 0,82 1,00 1,00 1,00
0,45 0,54 0,68 0,76 0,92 0,96 0,99 1,00 1,00
frequency Hz 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3200 4000 5000
SCHUMANET-BM slabs without reference 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 0,99 0,99 0,93 0,90 0,90
SCHUMANET-BM slabs with a distance of 50 mm from a hard surface 1,00 1,00 0,98 0,95 0,90 0,88 0,85 0,83 0,80

Average sound absorption coefficient NRC: 0.9

Technology of use

In the designs of sound-absorbing cladding and multilayer frame partitions, the rack profile (or timber) of the frame is mounted, as a rule, in increments of 600 mm. SCHUMANET-BM slabs are laid in the cells of the sheathing. In acoustic suspended ceiling designs, the slabs are mounted in the space between the suspended ceiling and the floor slab. SCHUMANET-BM is placed behind suspended ceiling, or mounted to floor slabs using plastic “mushrooms” for fastening thermal insulation boards. When used in non-hermetic structures, to prevent the emission of material particles into the environment, it is recommended that SCHUMANET-BM slabs be first wrapped in a sound-permeable spunbond non-woven fabric.

Shumoplast (POLYTERM)

Soundproofing leveling coating for floating floors


The sound-proof leveling coating SHUMOPLAST (POLYTERM) is a ready-to-use granular mixture of elastic vibration-insulating material POLYTERM, which, after being applied to the surface of the ceiling, acts as a sound-proofing gasket under the leveling screed in the construction of floating floors.

Application area

The SHUMOPLAST (POLYTERM) coating is specially designed for the installation of floating floors in buildings large area for floors with uneven surfaces. A coating with a thickness of 15-30 mm is applied manually or mechanically directly onto the ceiling and allows you to maintain the stability of the acoustic characteristics of the soundproofing floor, despite factors such as the presence of construction debris, protrusions, burrs of reinforcement, as well as shells on the surface of the ceiling.


The coating consists of polystyrene foam granulate processed using a special technology, a compensating rubber-rubber additive and an acrylic-based synthetic binder.

Distinctive features

  • The coating is patented in the Russian Federation and CIS countries;
  • Permissible unevenness of the floor surface is up to 15 mm locally;
  • Simplicity and high speed of application - complete polymerization after 24 hours;
  • Shrinkage no more than 5% under a load of 5 kPa.

Impact noise insulation

Acoustic tests were carried out by the acoustic measurement laboratory of the NIISF RAASN, Moscow.


The ready-to-use SHUMOPLAST mixture is packaged in plastic bags volume 0.08 m3.
The weight of the box (2 plastic bags in the box) is about 15 kg. Box size 1300 x 350 x 450 mm.

With a layer thickness of 20 mm, the material consumption is one plastic bag per 4 sq.m of surface.
The primer mass for treating vertical surfaces SHUMOPLAST-GRUNT is supplied in plastic buckets weighing 3/8/15 kg.
When treating a surface with a width of 100 mm, the consumption of primer mass is 120 g per 1 linear meter

Accessories and components

Vibrostek-M Tape soundproofing gasket

  • Durability

Vibrosil Vibroacoustic sealant

Silomer Polyurethane elastomer for vibration isolation

Vibronet profile Vibro-damped element metal frame

  • Metal thickness 0.9 mm

Installation technology

Before installing the coating standard thickness 20 mm from the surface of the ceiling must be removed construction garbage with a fraction size of more than 10 mm. The SHUMOPLAST coating is applied to the ceiling manually or mechanically. The SHUMOPLAST coating is applied to all adjacent walls and columns to a height slightly greater than the level of the leveling screed to prevent the formation of sound bridges during its installation. To increase adhesion, the surfaces of walls and columns are pre-primed with SHUMOPLAST-GRUNT before treatment with the coating. A leveling screed with a thickness of at least 50 mm is laid directly on the SHUMOPLAST covering, and must be reinforced metal structures to give it increased mechanical strength.

Vibration stack-V300

Soundproofing substrate made of multi-layer fiberglass


The elastic properties of porous-fibrous materials, which include the soundproofing substrate VIBROSTEK-V300, are ensured physical properties the fibers of the material themselves. This determines the significantly more stable behavior of the material under static and dynamic loads and the preservation of the declared acoustic properties for a long time.

Application area

VIBROSTEK-V300 is used as an elastic soundproofing substrate when installing “floating floors” directly under floor covering(parquet boards, linoleum, carpet), as well as under cement-sand screed when using an additional moisture-proof separating layer.


Multilayer soundproofing fiberglass LB300, based on type “C” fiberglass.

Distinctive features

  • High efficiency with low thickness
  • Stability of characteristics under the influence of static and dynamic loads
  • Durability

Roll sizes

Roll width: 1 m. Roll length: up to 450 m. Thickness: 4 mm.

physical characteristics

Surface density: 300 g/m2. Dynamic modulus of elasticity Unit: 0.18 MPa at a load of 2 kPa, 0.35 MPa at a load of 5 kPa.
Relative compression coefficient εd: 0.25 at a load of 2 kPa, 0.35 at a load of 5 kPa.

Impact noise insulation

Acoustic tests were carried out by the acoustic measurement laboratory of the NIISF RAASN, Moscow.

frequency Hz 100 125 160 200 250 320 400 500
5,2 7,2 7,0 6,4 10,5 15,0 17,1 23,6
frequency Hz 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3200
Reduction of the reduced impact noise level ΔLn by a PVC linoleum floor laid on a layer of VIBROSTEK-V300, dB 31,9 39,0 48,6 57,2 61,5 62,6 63,9 65,7

Impact noise reduction index using VIBROSTEK-V300 material under a layer of PVC linoleum: ΔLn,w = 29 dB

Technology of use

When installing a “floating” floor from a parquet board or when laying it under linoleum, VIBROSTEK-V300 is laid without overlap, pressing the panels against each other. The seams are glued together with 50 mm wide tape. The panels are cut along the contour of the floor and are not placed on the wall. When laying parquet boards, 10 mm gaps are left near the walls, which are then covered with plinths. This ensures moisture circulation. When installing a “floating” screed to prevent it from coming into contact with the surface of the walls, cut strips of VIBROSTEK-V300 are laid along the entire perimeter of the floor along them. A separating layer (reinforced polyethylene film) is placed on top of the substrate and placed on the wall to the height of the edge of the material. For cutting and cutting VIBROSTEK-V300 should be used sharp knives, used in laying carpets.


Soundproofing underlay for floor coverings


"Akuflex" is a specialized soundproofing fibrous roll material developed on the basis modern requirements to building acoustics.


The Akuflex material is used as an elastic soundproofing layer in the construction of “floating” floors in the form of a lining under finished floor coverings: laminate, parquet boards, linoleum, as well as under a leveling screed in order to reduce the level of impact noise under the floor slab.


Polyester fiber processed using special technology to obtain durable, stable elastic properties.

Distinctive features

    • Ecologically safe material
    • High acoustic efficiency
    • Increases the service life of the floor covering due to the circulation of air and moisture under the floor covering
    • Has low hygroscopicity compared to other synthetic fibrous materials


Roll width: 1 m. Roll length: 15 m. Thickness: 4 mm (at 1.8 kPa load)
Roll weight: 5.0 kg.

Physical and technical characteristics

  • Surface density: 300 g/m2
  • Breaking load along length and width: not less than 750 N
  • Thermal conductivity coefficient (λ), W/m ̊С: 0.036

Reduction of reduced impact noise level:
Impact Noise Reduction:

  • under a parquet board 15 mm: ΔLn,w=17 dB
  • under 8 mm thick laminate: ΔLn,w=20 dB
  • under a cement-sand screed with a surface density of 120 kg/m2 ΔLn,w = 27 dB

Tests were carried out by the laboratory of acoustic measurements of NIISF RAASN, Moscow

Accessories and components

Vibrostek-M\Tape soundproofing gasket

  • High efficiency with low thickness
  • Stability of characteristics under the influence of static and dynamic loads
  • Durability

Vibrosil\ Vibroacoustic sealant

  • Reliably seals seams and joints of any thickness
  • Has the best vibroacoustic properties
  • Neutral (does not cause metal corrosion)
  • Has increased moisture and heat resistance
  • Excellent adhesion to most building materials
  • Weather and UV resistance

Silomer\ Polyurethane elastomer for vibration isolation

  • Not susceptible to hydrolysis, as well as to dilute alkalis, acids, solvents and oils
  • Withstands long-term cyclic loads (more than 2 million load cycles)
  • Accepts significant overloads
  • When exposed to a static load, the material does not lose its properties for 10 years or more

VIbronet-profile\ Vibration-damped element of a metal frame

  • Absolutely “blind” metal profile
  • Metal thickness 0.9 mm
  • Refractory material (class KM1)
  • High degree of flatness (compared to wooden frame)
  • Stability of geometry over time (compared to a wooden frame)

Contact our specialists and we will advise you on SOUND INSULATION issues; You can purchase the necessary materials from us.

Today you can purchase soundproofing materials at almost any hardware store. They are presented on the market in a huge variety from foreign and domestic manufacturers. And those who decide to purchase these materials for the first time face a rather big problem. the right choice. It’s difficult to understand all this, and you can’t do it without the help of a specialist. Therefore, our article is to help those who want to figure it out.

So where do you start? Firstly, it should be noted that the variety of modern soundproofing materials has thrown aside the old methods of soundproofing. These include the use of insulation different types. Practice has shown that most often for these purposes it was used mineral wool in slabs. It performed the functions of both heat and sound insulation.

Secondly, the process of laying sound insulators has become much simpler. And this is one of important criteria choice, because nowadays consumers are trying to carry out some construction work with their own hands in order to save the budget allocated for repairs. AND modern materials This can be done for soundproofing.

The third selection criterion is the cost of materials. Although it should be noted that in in this case The price range is not very wide, so it is best to choose based on other criteria.

Classification of soundproofing materials

Soundproofing materials are divided into three main groups:

  • Sound-absorbing.
  • Soundproof against shock vibrations.
  • Soundproof against air vibrations.

What is the difference between these groups? Let's start with the fact that sound is energy. When it falls on the enclosing structure, it is partially reflected from it, partially absorbed by it and partially passes through it. So, those representatives of the group that mainly absorb sound energy are called noise-absorbing materials or sound-absorbing materials. Those that mainly reflect sound waves are called soundproofing.


Sound-absorbing materials

There is such a thing in acoustics as sound field. Essentially, this is the area of ​​propagation of sound waves from the source. So in the field there are two types of sound - direct from the source and reflected from various items. So the latter are distorted, their intensity is increased, and the sound character goes into a worse range. Noise-absorbing materials reduce the energy of the reflected signal to a minimum. That is, the sound field is stabilized.

Important. Materials of this type must therefore be porous. And the higher this indicator, the better. And if, in order to retain heat, it is necessary to use materials with closed pores, then in sound insulation, on the contrary, they must be open (communicating). Plus, heat is retained better if there are pores big size, and sound is absorbed better if they are small.

Why is this happening? The thing is that a wave passing through the air located in the pores of the soundproofing material causes this air to vibrate. Small pores create better resistance to them than large pores. This is the first. Secondly, the noise flow is inhibited inside the material. The friction of air against the pore walls converts mechanical energy into heat. That is, the intensity and power of noise decreases.

There is another indicator of soundproofing materials - elasticity. If the soundproofing structure has a flexible frame, then this is another noise reduction barrier. The waves hitting it do not transmit vibrations to the entire material. This means the noise level is reduced.

Absorption coefficient

Absorption coefficient

Materials for sound insulation of the absorbing type are determined by efficiency, or more precisely, by absorption coefficient. The coefficient itself is the ratio of the absorbed energy to the energy of the entire incident sound on the material. This indicator is based on one square meter open window. This is "1". All soundproofing materials with a coefficient below “0.4” are sound-absorbing. In this case, the condition is set that the noise frequency should not exceed 1000 Hz.

There is another value - noise level. Essentially, this is the time during which the reflected wave sounds. This indicator is otherwise called reverberation time. For example, we can give the following test. If you create a signal in an empty room with bare walls, the reverberation time will be about 8 seconds. If soundproofing material is laid on the walls, this indicator will be reduced to one second.

Soundproofing against shock sound vibrations

This type of soundproofing materials is a porous product with a low elasticity coefficient. Essentially, these are noise-insulating cushioning materials that also retain heat well.

But their main purpose is to prevent shock vibrations. Therefore, their production is based on the technology of creating a structure in which the speed of sound propagation was the lowest. Everyone knows that the denser the material, the faster sound travels through it. Eg:

  • In metal, the propagation speed is 5050 m/s.
  • In concrete – 4150 m/s.
  • In a tree – 1550 m/s.
  • In porous type rubber, only 30 m/s.

Therefore, this type of soundproofing gasket material is mainly used as gaskets. They are most often laid between finishing structures and load-bearing elements of the building, between the building elements themselves, between floating floors and walls.

Soundproof against air waves

Firstly, it must be said that the house structures themselves can act as sound insulators. The greater the density of the product, the greater its mass, the greater soundproofing properties they have. True, all this increases the cost of the building, so experts recommend organizing multilayer structures with air gaps. It is the gap that must be filled with sound-absorbing insulation, that is, filled or installed with porous materials. By the way, such a soundproofing system perfectly retains heat.

Advice. The best option soundproofing structure is a system consisting of different materials, which have different densities, rigidity, and tightness.

Other classification criteria

By appearance:

  • Piece - slabs, panels, mats, rolls and so on.
  • Bulk.

By porosity:

  • Cellular.
  • Fibrous.
  • Combined.

Soundproofing products must be non-flammable, with low water absorption, low hygroscopicity, and bioresistant. The thing is that sound insulation is practically a finish installed from the inside of the premises. So she is also subject to quite stringent requirements.


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