Simoron rituals - a chest of fairy tales. Magic matches to quickly make wishes come true

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Ritual using the simoron technique " Magic matches"Great for those who want to make their life easier, make it more joyful and bright. With the help of this Simoron ritual, you can fulfill any of your desires.

Simoron lovers recommend assigning easy tasks to their matches first. So, for example, you can easily influence traffic jams, or make your neighbor stop turning on the angle grinder at eight in the morning. In other words, with the help of this ritual you can turn the tide of events to your advantage!

Simoronsky ritual for desire

Buy a box of ordinary matches. Rid them of the advertising label, as from now on they will be used for a completely different purpose.

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Cut out a new label for your matches from paper, glue it to the box and write "Magic Matches" on it. On back side You can add your first and last name so that your matches know that they belong to you, and that it is your wishes that they will fulfill.

In order for matches to fulfill all your whims, they must be activated. How to do it? Yes, very simple! Take a match from the box and make the simplest wish that can come true immediately.

For example: “I will eat ice cream.” As soon as the match goes out, go and eat the ice cream. By doing so, you fulfill your first wish, which activates all the other matches in your box.

This Simoron ritual to fulfill a wish will help you in the most difficult and difficult situations. Of course, it is best to use it to fulfill your little whims.

However, there are people who use this ritual to realize more global and serious dreams. For example, they ask matches to pass an important interview or to return the love of a loved one.

The main secret of this wish ritual is the belief that your dream will certainly come true. Don't forget about positive attitude! Not one of your wishes will ever come true if you do not smile and enjoy every day.

Simoron rituals to fulfill wishes, this is our new magic, which is still unknown in the rest of the world.
You won’t find them on English-language sites, because Simoron’s first school was founded in Kyiv.

These are rituals that are so funny and unusual that those who perform them perceive it as a joke or pampering. That's why they work.

Fulfilling its function the right direction thoughts to fulfill a desire, an associative series and visualization, while they do not upset the balance of the Universe and do not create excessive importance, since in most cases the person performing the ritual quickly forgets about it and doesn't get hung up on desire. And this is the formula for success in materializing what you want.

So, read some interesting Simoron rituals, supplemented and enhanced by me to fulfill desires:

Magic mirror

For this ritual you will need mirror.

The most common one, maybe the one you look at every day at home. Large or small values it doesn’t, but my magical intuition tells me that it’s better that you can fully see your face in it.

You don't have to buy a new one, but make sure you know the history of your old mirror.
Mirrors have always been considered entrances to other worlds, reflectors or energy absorbers. And if you don’t know exactly who and when looked into this mirror before you, and what it saw, it’s better to get yourself a new mirror.
And if until this moment the mirror saw only you, but in great grief, I advise you to also choose another mirror for the ritual.

So, actually ritual. You can do this in two ways. For those who have the opportunity to hide the mirror and not show it to others, it should be done like this:

Take a marker or lipstick and write your wish on the mirror . It must be in the present tense and without using particles “not”, “without”. That is, the desire “I want not to get sick” should be written as “I am healthy.” Our subconscious, like the Universe, sifts out the “not” particles so as not to get the result “I want to be sick” instead of the desired one.

All you have to do is use the mirror for its intended purpose, not show it to anyone, and enjoy the fulfillment of your desire.

If other people also look in your mirror, then perform this Simoron ritual differently.

Every time you look in the mirror, repeat to yourself your desire unchanged.
In order not to forget about this, stick a small image associated with your desire on the mirror. This does not have to be your desire pure form, and a reminder that is understandable only to you, so that others who look in the mirror do not know why this sticker is on it.

Magic matches to make wishes come true

As you already understood that any thing in our life can be turned into magic , including matches. This is exactly what happens in this Simoron ritual for the fulfillment of a wish.
Let's take it new box from matches, preferably one from which you can tear off the label and all the inscriptions.
If you can't find one, just cover it with paper.
IN original text The Simoron ritual requires that you cannot seal the boxes, but from my own experience I say that it is possible. Everything works.

Write a phrase on paper Magic matches marker or colored pencil. You can choose any color, but it is better to use magical color associations.
I would advise writing in red, since it is the most active and effective of all. Although some may think that color of luck and money(yellow) or health(green) will be better.
In general, decide on the color yourself, trust your intuition.

You can add another symbol to the box that will help make your wish come true. For myself I would draw pentagram or triskele, but only because I believe in their power. I know that many people use signs Ohm or similar. Again, your intuition should guide you.
If you don’t feel anything, then you don’t need to write anything.

So, the box is ready, all that remains is to initiate it. Based on the dates, you don’t have to worry about it, it will work anyway.If you want to strengthen it, do it on the waxing moon or use the calendar of favorable days.

Take out the first match, say your wish, and light it.
The rule is the same: present tense, only positive words without particles “not”, “without” and negatives in the text.
For the first time, it should be something that you can easily get. For example, " I have chocolate with nuts«.
They lit a match (and desire with her), throw it out onto the street ( let go of the desire), go and buy yourself a chocolate bar with nuts. This is how we program matches to fulfill wishes.

That's it, your box of matches has become magical, thanks to this Simoron ritual for the fulfillment of a wish. Now use it in the same way as the first match.
Make a wish and light a match.

Try to use this box not very often, that is, you should not make more than three wishes at a time. Or do it every day. It is better to make new wishes as old ones come true.

In any case, there are no clear rules in Simoron rituals, so always listen to yourself and you will find answers to all questions!

Happy rituals and magic in your life!

Literally while the magic match is burning. But where can you get these matches that make wishes come true? A new article by a happiness psychologist is about this.

How to make magic matches.

As with any magical item, you need to take the item and charge it with magic.

Magic matches are ordinary matches, charged with your belief in magic and magic.

Take an ordinary box of matches and turn it into a box filled with magic matches that need to be executed quickly.

Make 1 wish and light 1 match.

Magic combustion technique and your desires.

So, let's prepare a magic box:

  • We cover the matchboxes on both sides with colored paper.

  • On each piece of colored paper we write “Magic matches” or “Matches for quick fulfillment of wishes.”
  • Sprinkle the boxes with glitter or cover them with sequins.
  • We make a list of 100 short wishes. This is where it will be difficult for many people to do this.
  • Select 1 wish from the list and take 1 match out of the box.
  • We light a magic match, and while it burns, we mentally imagine ourselves rejoicing at the result of the magic.

Methods for using magic matches.

I will list the methods for using magic matches, since you now have a whole box of them!

Fulfillment of short wishes. This method is described in detail above. I will give only examples of such desires.

“A call from a friend we haven’t talked to for a long time”

"Unexpected Profit"

“Courage for some important things that you have been putting off.”

Lapel-turn. Occasionally you may have a desire to do the opposite.

“So that management doesn’t notice at work,”

“So that the annoying admirer will fade away,”

“Turning a cold into a flu epidemic.”

The magic of everyday reality. This magical rituals for you and your loved ones.

"So that everyone is healthy"

"Clear the way for big dreams"

“Burn off the envy of your neighbors or co-workers.”

Write in the comments what wishes and rituals do you use magic matches for?

Read the best materials from a happiness psychologist on this topic!

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In this article:

Fortune telling with matches is considered one of the most accurate and quite simple methods, allowing you to find out about the feelings of your beloved person. In addition, matches will help you find the answer to asked question, and will also tell you whether your wish will come true. Rooted in the ancient Persian faith, such fortune telling cannot deceive, since one of the 5 powerful elements answers the question - fire.

The power of fire was worshiped by many ancient peoples, calling it by various names and endowing it with great power. However, the most active admirers of this element were the people who lived in Iran. They built churches of fire, where they held frequent rituals, blessed newborns, treated the sick, and also made sacrifices in the form of various incense and dry plants and trees.

Fire was considered the most powerful element, the light of which permeates all living things. Hearths and altars were a kind of home guardians against various diseases and evil force. Endowing fire with divine properties and cleansing power, the people of Iran turned to it every time an important issue arose.

In our time, many of these ancient rituals have already been lost, since Christianity and Islam abandoned them, considering them a relic of time. However, most simple fortune telling are still used today. Previously, fortune telling was done using coals, flames, a splinter, and nowadays also using matches.

Fortune telling for a lover - the first method

If you need to find out what feelings her loved one has for a girl, you need to select 2 matches from a new box that will symbolize the mysterious person and the girl. Then the matches should be placed vertically not far from each other (they can be secured with dough or plasticine so that they do not drown in it). After this, you should light the matches and watch how they burn:

  • if they leaned towards each other, then this means that the girl is very dear to the guy, just like he is to her;
  • if the match symbolizing the guy burned straight without bending towards the other, then, unfortunately, the man is absolutely indifferent towards the girl who loves him;
  • if the match sharply turns away from the other, then this means that the person being divined has no sympathy for the fortuneteller at all, and even on the contrary, she is unpleasant to him.

Fortune telling for a lover - the second method

Don't do it this method more than once per session

Fortune telling using matches using the second method is used if you need to find out what choice your loved one will make between 2 people. For fortune telling, you need to place 3 matches taken from a new one in a vertical position. matchbox. The 2 matches on the sides are the people between whom the choice is made, and the central one is the person who chooses.

After the matches have been installed, it is necessary to light the central one and watch: in which direction it tilts during combustion, the mysterious person will feel sympathy. If the match does not lean in either direction, then the hidden person is indifferent to both. If the match turns in the other direction altogether, then this indicates that the mysterious person loves a third person.

Fortune telling by wish

This fortune telling with matches is performed on the first night of the full moon. Any matches are suitable for fortune telling by wish: large, small, hunting, souvenir, etc. The ceremony must be performed at midnight in complete solitude.

You should light a white candle and, turning to face east, mentally draw around the border between the surrounding space and yourself. After this, you need to take a box of matches, close your eyes and make a wish. It needs to be clearly presented, expressed, etc. You should always be careful when wishing: you should only imagine what you really want to receive.

  • if there is an even number, the wish will come true;
  • if it is not even, it will not be fulfilled.

08:44 pm - Rituals of Simoron
SIMORON (40 technicians)

Simoron Ritual No. 1.

One of the best Simoron rituals is to hang red panties on the lamp! Some people's panties constantly hang on the lamp, if the rest of the household doesn't mind, but you can hang your panties to fulfill a certain desire. For example, climb onto a chair. Hang red panties on the chandelier. Make a wish, snap your fingers and jump off the chair with your eyes closed. Most often, such a ritual helps to attract money. But wearing red panties is better to attract love! By the way, in Turkey, for example, it is customary to wear red panties on New Year, if anyone was in Turkey for the New Year, go shopping for lingerie - first of all, it’s the red ones in the windows!

Simoron Ritual No. 2.

How to achieve success, fame, fame, popularity or victory in a particular endeavor? Buy bay leaves And copper wire. Using whole leaves, make yourself a wreath, and use a red or gold fabric, such as a curtain, as a tunic. Let's dress up and walk around the house as a winner!

Simoron Ritual No. 3.

If you can’t find something in the house, just jump up 2 times, clap your hands and say, for example: “find the second sock!”

Simoron Ritual No. 4.

Buy a box of matches, write “magic matches” on it and strike the match when making a wish. They say it works!

Simoron Ritual No. 5.

It is very useful to write a letter to God. The best thing to do is write about your life. For example, “I am a devil” happy man. I have good husband and nice kids. Thank you so much!" You shouldn't write about trifles. For small wishes, it is best to strike matches.

Simoron Ritual No. 6.

How to attract good luck? We take the zipper, open it, write wishes on one part, possibilities on the other and close it. We enjoy how desires coincide with possibilities!

Simoron Ritual No. 7.

How to ensure a sweet life for yourself? Before you eat another chocolate bar, write on it “My life in chocolate.” Hooray, the main thing is not to be thin, but to be happy!

Simoron Ritual No. 8.

If you need to turn to the universe to fulfill one or another desire, build an antenna on your head. How – your imagination will help.

Simoron Ritual No. 9.

Again about panties, but green ones. They say that green panties help attract money. If you buy them and they don’t help, buy others. Gradually you will learn to choose the attributes you need for rituals by intuition.

Simoron Ritual No. 10.

How to attract love? To attract love if there are a lot of rituals. Here is one of them - you need to throw potatoes out of the window. Don't forget that you're not just wasting food. Imagine throwing away your loneliness.

Simoron Ritual No. 11.

A ritual for raising something. Need to cheer up? Or something else? We write the word mood on pieces of paper, scatter it around the apartment, walk around and pick up the pieces of paper and at the same time our mood.

Simoron Ritual No. 12.

I used to always think that picking up money on the street was wrong. Because then you will lose more. It turns out that everything is quite the opposite! These are signs of fate! Be sure to pick up the money and say something like - money is on the way or money is coming to us!

Simoron Ritual No. 13.

How to get rid of an obsessive person (girl) whom you no longer love? Take a tomato, put it out of the refrigerator and let it spoil properly, mentally remembering the phrase, love has passed, the tomatoes have wilted.

Simoron Ritual No. 14.

How to use a toilet for your benefit? According to Feng Shui, if there are such situations, you can’t keep the toilet lid open so that money doesn’t flow out, and so on. And here’s what one simoronka suggested. I wrote a phrase on the toilet - converter of waste into money, you can develop your imagination by gluing the word - convert - to the flushing function, and next to it on the trash can - for money. although then it’s better not to throw garbage in it or throw it away?

Simoron Ritual No. 15.

How to calm down or calm someone down? Put a sedative somewhere in your pocket, for example, but don’t drink it. Putting it and carrying it nearby will be enough!

Simoron Ritual No. 16.

How to improve relationships with your loved one? Take an apple, cut it, write or scratch his name on one half, and yours on the other. Spread with honey, glue and eat. The main thing in simoronism is to abandon stereotypes and all sorts of signs. For example, everyone is familiar with the phrase - apple of discord. So here it’s just the opposite! No discord, only love!

Simoron Ritual No. 17.

Write a problematic word on a piece of paper, for example “sadness”, wash it in washing machine with things. Sadness will be washed away from you!

Simoron Ritual No. 18.

If someone needs to clear their brains, or even yourself, take some object and clean it with diligence. When doing this, you need to say something like “I’m cleaning, I’m cleaning, I’m clearing my husband’s brains,” or so on.

Simoron Ritual No. 19.

The phrase Bayu Bayushki Bayu is magical. Sing it and finish singing what you need - Bayushki Bayu, tomorrow on new job I'm coming. As an example.

Simoron Ritual No. 20.

How to find a job. We write the word work on a piece of paper, put the piece of paper in the box. We ask someone to hide the box. We look for the box and find it. But finding a job is not enough. You also need to get a job for her. Let's get comfortable on the box. We are waiting for the results!

SIMORON (40 technicians) - continued

Simoron Ritual No. 21.

How to make an appointment? We take soap and soap up our meeting. Depending on the type of soap, scent or shower gel, you can soap yourself when you meet your loved one, business meeting with the client and so on.

Simoron Ritual No. 22.

When things don't go well, it's time to use glue, but better, like the moment! Stick to your health!

Simoron Ritual No. 23.

Granting wishes by a genie. If you are not afraid to call a genie, then you can use his services. Find a lamp, a jug, or an object similar to them and rub it! Then make a wish and go to bed with a calm conscience. If your desire does not let you sleep and again persistently creeps into your head, remind him that now this desire is fulfilled by the genie. You did everything you needed to do. Jeans are also suitable for fulfilling your wishes. Rub your blue jeans and make a wish!

Simoron Ritual No. 24.

Often on Simoron forums you can find information about rinsing your feet and head in the toilet. Toilet in general magic item. Especially in terms of money. Just remember that you dream of excrement as a symbol of money. But let's not attract the fool's attention to ourselves. Just write the required amount of money on a piece of paper. And flush it down the toilet, she will definitely come!

Simoron Ritual No. 25.

How to get married? Write the word “get married” on paper and stick it to the door. Go through this door more often.

Simoron Ritual No. 26.

How to pay off debts? I already wrote about this in my collection on how to attract money. You need to write the word debts with soda and pay it off with vinegar!

Simoron Ritual No. 27.

How to get rid of problems? It's very good to get rid of problems balloon. We blow all our problems into the balloon, maybe even debts. And then boom! we make it burst, and with it burst all the problems or what we want to get rid of!

Simoron Ritual No. 28.

How to make your wish come true? Make a wish on an onion, plant it in a jar of water, and as soon as it sprouts, eat it without leaving a trace! Can be done without peel

Simoron Ritual No. 29.

Semolina and luring with semolina are also classics. You can lure money, a man and clients with semolina! If you need to attract clients for trading, you can feed pigeons, ducks and other birds!

Simoron Ritual No. 30.

To sell something, you need to walk and knock on the item like at an auction and say sold. 100 percent result according to reviews on many forums. This ritual has always helped me in selling a car. But here’s what’s important to know during such a ritual. You have to realize that you really want to sell it. Here's an example. Recently we needed to sell a car. Well, it’s not for sale and that’s it. And she already knocked and put a cross on the photo and wrote sold. Well, not which one. But in the end, after a few days, everything turned out so well that there was no longer any need to sell the car, and it was even impossible, otherwise some events would have greatly harmed us! That's how! If something doesn't work out for you. Sit down and think about it, maybe this will lead to bad consequences? Maybe there are options that will help you avoid a sale that you really don’t want, but only sell because you really need the money?

Simoron Ritual No. 31.

Place a passionate photo with your loved one on your phone screen. When you charge your phone, your love will automatically charge too.

Simoron Ritual No. 32.

How to win the lottery? Buy a lottery ticket and green candles in an amount equal to the numbers you need to guess. Light the candles and peer into the flames. Choose the numbers that appear to you in the flame. Blow out the candles and do not touch them for 3 days.

Simoron Ritual No. 33.

You need to write the word “Holy Place” on a piece of paper and put it in your wallet. As you can imagine, the place will begin to fill with money.

Simoron Ritual No. 34.

How to get something material. Find something that spins, spin it and say: I spin it, I spin it - I’ll spin you for new shoes! I'm spinning and spinning - I'll get new shoes soon!

Simoron Ritual No. 35.

Make a universal accelerator (you can use it from your favorite shoe box). Put photos and pictures of what you want to achieve there. Such a universal accelerator will speed up the fulfillment of all your desires.

Simoron Ritual No. 36.

How to get rid of dandruff? Getting rid of dandruff is as easy as shelling pears. Take a piece of paper and write - The order is this and that. Dandruff is expelled from school for doing very well in school. Now she doesn't have to go to school and can go wherever she wants.

Simoron Ritual No. 37.

How to get rid of hair on your legs or at least reduce their amount? We all know about such a cosmetic procedure as photoepilation. We take a cell phone or a camera or take pictures of our beautiful legs! The result will take time, but it will come!

Simoron Ritual No. 38.

How to get rid of acne? Mix cocoa powder with water until it reaches the consistency of a mask. Acne will begin to disappear after the 4th procedure. In general, chocolate in simoron is also a classic. Apparently because we mostly have a sweet tooth and love chocolate very much. Chocolate is a symbol of the sweet life, and chocolate is a great way to attract money and love!

Simoron Ritual No. 39.

Happy flower. We have all already heard about Money Tree, Crassula, and now is the time to get one lucky flower. Whether it is a violet or a ficus, or maybe even a cactus, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that when buying a flower you take your time, choose the one that catches your fancy, purrs, and becomes your pet. At home you will have to care for and love the flower. But how will he reciprocate your feelings! He will establish a good atmosphere in the family, attract love and prosperity! After all, even the words flower and prosperity are so similar! By the way, you need to water the flower periodically with 27 drops of water. It is also advisable to rename yourself and water yourself, saying, for example, this phrase, I am the one who waters the flower of love!

Simoron Ritual No. 40.

How to enlarge breasts? It has already been proven that breasts can be enlarged with the power of thought. You need to close your eyes and imagine how your breasts grow, how your skin becomes elastic, how you like it new form. The problem is where to find time for such activities, because 5 minutes is not enough? You can do this on the bus, subway, or just while you are waiting for someone or something for a long time. For example, you are sitting in line to see a doctor.


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