Homemade walk-behind tractor with your own hands. Homemade walk-behind tractor - do-it-yourself options! Homemade walk-behind tractors from the very beginning

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Let's assume that you have a plot of land. You want to cultivate it with a cultivator, which you do not have. Otherwise, you simply wouldn't come here. You probably want to make such a unit yourself for some reason known to you, be it a lack of money for a factory cultivator, or just an interest in making such a machine yourself. In this case, you are lucky, if you have a 1.5-2 kW electric motor and a gearbox, then you can easily make a cultivator with your own hands in just a day or two.

Do-it-yourself motor cultivator: where to start and how to make it

The main parts of a homemade motor cultivator are the gearbox and the engine. First of all, we make the frame of the future cultivator, drill holes for installing the main components, and make handles for controlling the unit from two curved pipes with a diameter of 32 mm. Between the homemade handles it is necessary to place another pipe, which will act as a spacer for us, increasing the strength of the structure. We will subsequently install a start button to one of the handles.

To make the shaft, I used unnecessary scrap, welded a sprocket from the camshaft of a VAZ engine to it, and welded the chain and both sprockets with metal to make a cover.

I connected the three-phase motor using standard scheme“triangle”, place the capacitor starter button on the handle to make it more convenient.

Grousers for a homemade motor cultivator

Our cultivator must somehow drive. Select the wheels you need. Remember that small wheels will get stuck in the ground and interfere with work. Wheels that are too large will be difficult for a homemade motor cultivator to turn. The selected wheels are secured to steel angles, which are placed on the gear housing. Attaching wheels to your homemade mechanism isn't everything. Attach lugs to the wheels. With their help, the motor cultivator will dig into the soil better.

Take car springs or just corners and cut out hooks from them required diameter. In order to receive maximum effect, set the hook angle to 120°.

When you finish connecting all the parts, you will be able to use the self-made motor cultivator for several years. If you want the unit to simply break solid soil into large pieces, you will need to go fast with it. A lower speed of passage grinds the earth into the smallest particles - it all depends on the speed of work with the cultivator. Before using it, lubricate the mechanism shaft with oil so that the homemade product will last longer without breakdowns.

Using the same principle, you can also use an engine from washing machine. Disassemble the children's bicycle and fit the sprockets and bicycle chain. The result will be a homemade electric cultivator. However, if you decide to make this unit yourself, keep in mind that the wire will constantly get tangled under your feet and get in the way. Due to the fact that the power supply of the mechanism depends on the network and cable, you cannot go further than its length allows.

Do-it-yourself cultivator: video selection

For a complete idea of ​​what awaits you after you decide to make a motor cultivator with your own hands, you can watch the video collection with a homemade unit.

How to make a cultivator with your own hands: simpler options

There is such a cultivator - “Nimble Baby”. Let's look at how you can make one at home.
Take the wooden axle. It will become the connecting elements for the remaining parts. It is necessary to attach a pipe 24 mm in diameter to this axis. It will serve as a handle, so in order not to bend too much, choose the length of the pipe to suit your height.

Attach wheels with a diameter of no more than 200 mm to the mentioned axle. the cultivator will rest on wheels, the height of the tool above the ground depends on the height of the wheels that we have adapted to it. By the way, the wheels need to be cut out of metal 2-3 mm thick. After you have connected everything indicated, you can work on the ground.

The word cultivator does not only mean motor units. You can use it at your dacha and hand tool. It is much better than a standard hoe and much easier to make at home than a motor cultivator. Have you heard about the Tornado cultivator? It looks like a defective pitchfork.

A round axle to which twisted teeth are welded in a spiral. This type of tool is easiest to make from existing forks, if you don't mind. If you still need your pitchforks, buy others from the store and make a “Tornado” out of them. Believe me, it is cheaper to buy forks and remake them than to buy a ready-made cultivator. Take a hammer and go over the teeth, letting them bend in a spiral.

Homemade cultivator "Tornado"

Tornados are easy to use thanks to the lever that the operator grabs when turning the cultivator into the ground. For the lever we need a pipe, which we need to attach to the handle. The pipe should be 50 cm in length. You can use electrical tape for fastening. As a pipe, you can use a nozzle on the handle, which is usually equipped with shovels. Such a lever will protrude 25 cm on both sides of the handle.

You can make a Tornado cultivator from spring steel. We take a plate half a meter long, 1-1.5 mm thick and 2 mm wide. Bend the steel and make a loop out of it, which you put on the handle. Watch the height of the cutting. It is important to maintain the diameter of the resulting loop - it should not be more than 20 cm in diameter in order to fit freely into the aisles.

There is another version of the cultivator - a rotary disk. We just warn you that you will need to put in a lot of effort. physical strength to make the desired convex disks. Place regular metal discs and hit them with a hammer. They should become cup-shaped during the process.

We put the main part of the mechanism - and these are the disks - on a bushing, which we attach to the axle. We attach both ends of the axle using cotter pins on a large bracket.

We make a hole in the large bracket into which we insert a pipe with handles and a crossbar between them.
We place the rod on the small bracket using a welding machine. It should be 24 mm in diameter and 25 cm in length. Then we screw a 16-diameter rod into the rod.

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If you are seriously thinking about growing any garden crops in your dacha or near a private house, you will need a motorized cultivator. This universal miracle machine can fully automate most of the agricultural activities on your site, allowing you to plow the soil, plant and dig up potatoes, remove snow, and sometimes transport some cargo, including crops and fertilizers.

It is no secret that such an indispensable device can be bought at any agricultural hypermarket, but its cost can be prohibitively high. Therefore, more and more often, summer residents are trying to make a walk-behind tractor with their own hands. But in fact it doesn't require special effort and skills, while costs are reduced to a minimum.

A walk-behind tractor, or motor-cultivator, is a self-propelled two-wheeled unit that is equipped with an engine internal combustion. The device moves freely forward, and the summer resident walks behind it, holding handles with various components and controls. Many available models have multiple gears for forward and reverse movement. . To exploit such an invention was as productive as possible, it is equipped with additional tools, including a plow, which allows plowing and cultivating the land.

The average weight of a walk-behind tractor reaches 100 kg, and the engine power often exceeds 8 horsepower. Due to such features, such a tool can become indispensable for plowing a garden area.

You should pay attention to the fact that all walk-behind tractors are equipped with a special drive for attachments, which allows you to transfer part of the engine power to a suspended mower. Basically, such a universal mechanism allows you to cope with various agricultural work, including:

  • plowing the land;
  • cultivation;
  • transportation of the crop (in this case, you need to get a small trailer);
  • cutting the grass.

With the help of such miniature trucks, residents of our regions transport firewood, fertilizers and crops. IN winter period it can be used as a snow removal tool. Even the weakest model can easily pull a load weighing up to 400 kg.

Advantages of the cultivator

Despite many advantages, not every summer resident needs the excessive versatility of a walk-behind tractor. And the rather impressive weight sometimes complicates the operation of the device when performing daily tasks. Therefore, many owners summer cottages they prefer a simplified version in the form of a cultivator. This solution is characterized by affordable cost and low energy consumption.

Most cultivators are much smaller than walk-behind tractors. Instead of wheels, which are provided in classic version, special cutters are installed here that are capable of loosening and grinding the earth while moving. They are the main working element of the cultivator. Use additional equipment powered by power plant This device, unfortunately, is not possible. This is due to the lack of an appropriate drive.

Among the possible “equipment” only “passive” tools, such as:

  • plow;
  • potato digger;
  • hillers, etc.

The weight of the cultivator does not exceed 50 kg, while on the market you can find many powerful models weighing up to 20 kg. Due to these characteristics, it is very easy to hold the car with your hands, and fuel consumption remains at a minimum level. By the way, some products are equipped with an electric motor.

The cost of cultivators differs significantly from the cost of walk-behind tractors. A relatively low-power and inexpensive walk-behind tractor with a capacity of 6 horsepower will cost twice as much as a cultivator with similar performance indicators.

Features of choosing a unit

If desired, select suitable model walk-behind tractor, pay attention to the row important parameters. Among them:

  • processed area;
  • type of tasks to be solved;
  • equipment power.

If the size of your plot does not exceed 10 acres, then, naturally, it is better to opt for a device for cultivating land. If you own a larger territory, it makes sense to think about buying a full-fledged walk-behind tractor.

As for power indicators, they are selected taking into account the type of work that will be carried out on the site. For seasonal plowing of soil in autumn period It is enough to purchase a unit with an engine power of 5.5-6 horsepower. However, if we are talking about processing virgin lands and dry soils, then you will need to purchase a heavier model with a stronger motor. Most likely, it will run on A92 or A95 standard gasoline fuel. There are also diesel developments that consume from 2 to 2.5 liters fuel mixture in an hour of hard work.

If you want to purchase a miniature version of a tractor, give preference to products from trusted brands. It is no secret that small European-made equipment can be equipped with “native” power plants of more famous manufacturers, so such an engine will be able to serve the future owner very for a long time. If you provide the equipment proper care and maintenance, it will work freely for about 15 years, and the same amount after overhaul in a good service center.

As for Chinese products, they cannot boast good performance power, reliability and durability. However, in this segment you can find quite a good solution. Just carefully study the company’s reputation, find out reviews from real customers on forums and portals for farmers.

Homemade walk-behind tractor according to Arkhipov’s instructions

The design of such a walk-behind tractor is made in the form of a self-propelled two-wheeled unit, which comes with an engine from a VP-150M scooter. This motor model has such a design that under increased loads the cylinder head is forced to cool using air.

If you follow Arkhipov’s instructions, then next stage you will have to make a U-shaped frame welded from a corpse, and then turn the wheel axle on a lathe. For the main and control rods, 3 hinges should be created, which will act as connecting elements between the walk-behind tractor, the steering wheel and the plow.

In turn, the frame of the unit is equipped with a steel pipe with an axle, using welding machine. This will allow tension the cables, going to the gearbox. The tension itself is provided by a rocker arm. Gear shifting is carried out using a welded section steel pipe.

As for analogues of such a development, there are indeed a lot of them, however, the original version has some undeniable advantages.

Advantages of the Arkhipov walk-behind tractor:

Step by step assembly guide

You need to start assembling the unit by arranging the drive shaft. Then it is equipped with a housing with bearings, a sprocket is welded and overrunning clutches are fixed, which act as a differential. Then the structure is equipped with wheels and a frame with a telescopic rod, a plow and a steering wheel.

A homemade version of an agricultural walk-behind tractor has at its disposal special wheels that are capable of providing maximum traction with the ground.

To connect the unit frame with the suspension and frame of the scooter, you should use two metal pipes arched appearance. A container for storing the fuel mixture is installed between them.

When arranging the power plant, a bracket is used, which is equipped with a steel axle 150 mm long. It is welded in a cantilever manner to a U-shaped frame. The axle itself is equipped with a motor and suspension, and the assembled product is connected to the frame arches. Only after this the secondary shaft is installed, pulling cables and tensioning chains.

Modernization of a homemade design

The Arkhipov walk-behind tractor is extremely popular among a wide audience of summer residents and gardeners due to its versatility. Very often it is used as a plow or cultivator. To expand the functionality, it is enough to replace the removable parts for the plow with parts with removed moldboards for the cultivator. As it moves around the garden, the device will deepen furrows into the ground, placing potato tubers there. For plowing planting material It is enough to equip the unit with dumps and walk again between the planted rows.

Hilling up of sprouted plants occurs in a similar way. The agricultural walk-behind tractor is characterized by excellent productivity and ease of use, even for purposes such as harvesting. To change the working width, it is enough to use different blades. In addition, the unit is capable of collecting missed potatoes and remaining tops in the presence of a rake or harrow.

The universal design is indispensable not only for work in the field Agriculture. It can also be used for snow removal in winter. Such a faithful assistant will become good tool when clearing paths and garden areas from leaves or debris. It is enough to equip it with a roller with a round brush and an additional star, which will allow you to clear sidewalks.

Every self-respecting summer resident sooner or later comes to the question of buying or manufacturing a motor cultivator. A similar unit - a truly valuable find for people involved organic farming. With its help you can cultivate both small gardens and large territories from 30 acres.

Despite its compact size, such a miniature “truck” It is not inferior in productivity to some tractors. The powerful engine is capable of processing the heaviest soil, and ease of use allows it to be used even without specific experience. In addition, making such a device is much simpler than it might seem at first glance. It is enough to pay attention to existing instructions and take advantage of the recommendations of professionals.

Many machines and mechanisms have been developed that help cultivate, cut furrows, weed between rows, and hill up plants. They are often quite complex, scarce and expensive. In case land small sizes with light soils, many gardeners prefer to use manual cultivator, produced by domestic industry. In this case, the work is carried out mainly by two people.

For this they use the characteristic method “one step forward, half a step back”: moving forward occurs in large jerks, with a 10-centimeter rollback. Since this method increased productivity compared to manual labor, but was physically exhausting, it was decided to equip the cultivator with the most simple engine internal combustion, that is, make a homemade motor cultivator.

How to make a homemade motor cultivator, description and drawings

Install an engine from a moped, make a two-stage power transmission, and install available bicycle ones as sprockets (so that the number of teeth is equal to 41).

First of all, we modernized the hiller frame. First, the wheel fork was cut off. Instead, a slightly elongated new plug was attached using electric welding. A pipe was welded on the front of this fork, which is an additional amplifier and at the same time serves as a supporting element for the intermediate shaft and the engine.

Since the hiller, as a result of the changes, becomes self-propelled, it is necessary to strengthen its standard wheel. To do this, a three-spoke spoke is welded onto the rim and hub. She's cut from steel sheet, 2 mm thick. The wheel itself was modernized by welding twenty lugs made from a 20x20 steel angle, 60 mm long, to it. A bicycle sprocket was installed on the wheel hub, on the left side.

The installed moped engine was equipped with forced cooling. To make this possible, a hole with a diameter of 29 mm was made in the engine clutch cover, which is located on the same axis with the socket of the crankshaft drive gear. This hole will be used to install the axle bolt and hub hub for the fan impeller.

How to make a motor cultivator with your own hands

The motorized cultivator consists of:

  • lug wheel (1),
  • bicycle sprocket (2),
  • three-beam welded spoke (3),
  • cultivator frame (4),
  • exhaust pipe with muffler (5),
  • modernized engine from a moped (6),
  • fuel tank (7),
  • tubular V-post (8),
  • intermediate shaft sprocket (9),
  • pipe reinforcing the frame (11),
  • handles with carburetor throttle and clutch control handles (12),
  • mechanism for fastening and adjusting the handles (13),
  • cultivator-hiller paw (14),
  • knot (16).

For the manufacture of the impeller, a duralumin sheet was used, the thickness of which is 0.5-1.0 mm. The workpiece was previously marked, after which the mounting holes were drilled. Then it was scored with a chisel, cut with scissors, and the resulting blades were bent. This impeller is attached to the crankshaft using a shaped nut, a hub-bushing and a special M8 bolt. To make this happen, you need to follow a simple method and partially rebuild the engine.

First we rearrange the cylinder head. It must be turned so that vertical cooling fins are installed perpendicular to the clutch cover. Then we separate the drive gear from the crankshaft journal using a standard puller. We securely fasten the latter in a vice, having first installed protection against “crushing”, and move on to the fan.

We firmly screw the impeller to the hub-hub with M4 screws. WITH reverse side Be sure to rivet the fasteners. Using the splines to the impeller, we screw the shaped nut onto the M20 thread, thereby preparing the unit for connection to the drive gear.

To make the bottom cover of the fan casing, use sheet metal. Next, it is installed on the clutch cover and connected with an M6 screw. Make sure that both parts are aligned as much as possible. The centers of additional mounting holes are installed in the coupling cover using the holes in the casing cover for this purpose. After this, both parts are removed from the engine again to cut the M5 thread and drill the missing holes. Once the clutch cover is in place, the fan cover is screwed onto it.

Next we work with the crankshaft journal. A gear assembly with a hub-bushing, an impeller and a shaped nut is placed on it. Using a special M8 bolt, everything is firmly fixed together. And using a shaped nut, they are pushed “tightly”. The latter can be screwed onto the threaded section of the hub-bushing.

To make the upper part of the fan casing, use a sheet of tinplate or roofing iron, the thickness of which is 0.3-0.5 mm. The workpiece is bent along thin lines, and the “tongues” are folded inward. Then you need to solder the seams and install the casing on the engine. The mounting holes in the bottom cover and the holes in the casing for the spark plug are made during installation, “in situ”.

The countershaft axle is re-milled using 45 steel. This is done in such a way that it is easier to fit welded sprockets onto it on one side, and the drive pulley on the other. The intermediate shaft assembly is assembled from a pedal or bicycle shaft.

For the manufacture of all tubular elements of the power structure of the motor cultivator, sections of water-gas-conducting pipes are used. To avoid cracks and breakages during bending, it is recommended to fill the internal cavity with sand. For these purposes, in winter you can use water, followed by freezing, which guarantees the pipes high smoothness and bending quality.

The gasoline tank is taken from the Riga moped, from which fuel flows by gravity to the engine. The tank is mounted on two tubular struts, which are welded to the intermediate shaft hub.

Control of the carburetor throttle and clutch is taken from the motorcycle. The cables are taken from a motor scooter. A 4 mm hole is drilled in the handrail, behind the clutch handle. The lever fixing bracket is inserted there in the released position. During manufacturing, the handles are made removable, so the cultivator can be easily placed in the trunk of a car.

During the test, when cultivating potatoes, processing productivity was achieved - fifteen hundred square meters in one hour.

Manually cultivating land plots is time-consuming and labor-intensive; it’s better to hire someone to help you. mechanical device- walk-behind tractor or cultivator. It can be purchased at the store, or you can also make it yourself. To purchase a factory-made device you will need a lot of money, but a homemade one will cost much less, but of course it will require a lot of free time.

To assemble it and, as a result, get a full-fledged small-sized agricultural machinery, you will need components, tools, basic skills and, of course, patience.

Preparing to create a homemade product

To make a homemade agricultural machine, craftsmen use scrap materials and used motor vehicle components. Thus, the basis of a walk-behind tractor is often a chainsaw, a motor scooter or a moped, and when you need to get a powerful and more functional unit, an outdated model of a motorcycle (“Voskhod”, “Java”, “Minsk”).

Before starting to assemble a walk-behind tractor or cultivator, watch a thematic video on the Internet and look for necessary information in magazines and other publications. Then the tools and material are prepared, sketches and drawings are developed, which clearly depict all the functioning organs of the homemade product, including the power and chassis, control and aggregation systems. The drawing below shows what it looks like standard design one-wheel motor cultivator.

1- power unit cultivator; 2- metal protective cover; 3- fuel tank; 4- ignition bobbin; 5- switch; 6- pin that fixes the tilt of the hitch; 7- bolt M-16; 8-axis for mounting the hitch; 9- mounted plow; 10- bracket; 11- bed; 12- handles; wheel with grousers.

It would be useful to make a kinematic diagram of the homemade product, reflecting in it the order of interaction of the working mechanisms and showing how the transmission is organized.

To make a light motor cultivator or more heavy walk-behind tractor- use the following tool:

  • electric drill with a set of drills;
  • grinder and metal discs;
  • wrenches (open-end, spanner);
  • welding machine;
  • vice.

The materials for homemade products are high-strength channels, steel plates and pipes.


A homemade frame for a walk-behind tractor or motor-cultivator is made welded, but at the same time very durable, since all the homemade components will subsequently be attached to it. Iron pipes or channels are used to construct the frame.

Sometimes, to assemble a homemade walk-behind tractor or cultivator, they use a converted motorcycle frame.

Fig.2. Converted motorcycle frame

1- steering wheel; 2- instrument panel holder; 3- platform for installing the battery; 4- channel (spar); 5- crankcase; 6- bed; 7- chain tensioner; 8- chain tensioner stop; 9- strut; 10- subframe mounting holder; 11- bracket connecting the cultivator to the adapter or trailer; 12- cross member.

The front fork and other elements are cut off from the previous design so that they do not interfere with the installation of attachments on the future cultivator. At the rear, a homemade mechanism is attached by welding to couple the motor-cultivator with equipment and a trailed trolley. You should watch the video to see how to make the hitch yourself correctly.


When constructing a homemade motor cultivator, some make do with a drive from a scooter or moped. But to assemble a more productive walk-behind tractor, the power of the moped engine will not be enough. It will require a 16-18 horsepower diesel engine from a motorcycle. It is “customized” to the required parameters through a series of alterations.

First, the cooling system is rebuilt into an active air one in order to improve the technical performance of the motorcycle. This is easy to do using a 12-volt electric motor with a small iron impeller. At the same time, the valve is replaced with a reed valve, which helps facilitate starting, increase traction and reduce fuel consumption.

The prepared engine is mounted in rigid clamps. They are first welded to the front of the homemade frame, then securely bolted together (the whole process is clearly shown in the video).

Be sure to ensure that the clamps cover the journal of the output shaft of the diesel motor of the walk-behind tractor and hold it firmly.

To KP homemade device attach a lever, which can easily be made from an iron rod by welding a ball at the end. The length of the handle is left such that, being behind the control handles of a walk-behind tractor or cultivator, you can easily reach it.

Next, an air purification filter is assembled for homemade products, using available materials, for example, tin can, metal tube. Then prepare the fuel tank of the homemade motor unit. You can make it yourself from any sealed container or take it from a broken motorized stroller.


For a homemade diesel walk-behind tractor, just like a motor-cultivator, you will need chains, sprockets, and an adapter shaft. They are mainly borrowed from decommissioned motorcycle, auto, and agricultural equipment. Sprocket hubs are not difficult to make yourself using pieces of iron and lathe, fortunately, this topic is easy to find on the Internet detailed drawing or video. A ready-made gearbox for a homemade product can be taken from any model of moped. In preparation homemade gearbox use steel plates and cylindrical discs with teeth.

The kinematic diagram of the homemade product is created as simple as possible in order to ensure greater reliability of the functioning of its mechanisms. The transmission of torque from the engine to the intermediate shaft is organized using a standard roller chain with drive and driven sprockets. At the same time, the intermediate gear ratio is increased and the speed of rotation of the output shafts is reduced.

Sometimes the transmission of a walk-behind tractor or cultivator includes a so-called creeper. This is a reduction gearbox, which is necessary to obtain slow operating speeds (you can see how to assemble a creeper in the video).

Installing this device allows you to improve the control of the homemade product and make its operation safe for humans. The creeper is purchased or assembled on your own. How to make a creeper yourself and what you will need for this, you can watch both in the video and inquire on thematic forums organized by skilled technicians.


Wheels with a diameter of up to 10 inches, taken from decommissioned agricultural machines and motorized strollers, are best suited to a diesel walk-behind tractor with a creeper made by yourself. Sometimes they take them from passenger cars if they need to increase cross-country ability homemade equipment. And when operating the walk-behind tractor at heavy soils they are replaced with iron ones (you can see how they behave in practice in the video).

When creating a homemade motor cultivator, a rototiller is installed instead of wheels to allow digging and loosening the soil. Thanks to the use of such a soil improver, compaction of the soil over which the motor cultivator has recently passed does not occur.

Fig.3. Cultivator chassis

1 and 2 wheels; 3 - gear; 4 - drive shaft; 5 - gearbox; 6 - drive gear; 7 - bushing; 8 - locking screw; 9 - drive shaft housing; 10 - axle box flange; 11 - nut and bolt M-8; 12 - splined bushing; 13 - shaft; 14 - M-14 nuts; 15 - washer; 16 - oil seal; 17 and 18 - wheel bearings; 19 - motor.

When making a homemade cultivator axis, it is recommended to use a monolithic piece of steel. A welded pipe will not work, as it may not withstand the load.

Control device

The operation of a homemade walk-behind tractor or cultivator, like any machine, needs to be controlled. The control devices for such homemade products are usually handles - they are attached directly to the frame frame. They are made from two thick-walled pipes, which are bent to give a convenient shape (the video demonstrates this well).

At their ends, gas handles and clutches are installed, removed, for example, from an old moped.

The gearbox and kickstarter levers of a motor-cultivator are made of a metal rod with a diameter of 10 mm. The homemade Kickstarter is brought back, closer to the operator, thereby making it easier to start the diesel engine. Also in convenient location secure the brake and gear levers.

In a self-propelled walk-behind tractor, you can make a convenient steering adapter instead of handles. A car steering column with a bipod or removed from a tractor is ideal for this. In such a mechanism, the bipod acts as a hitch, combining the cart with the homemade product. A ball joint is used in the assembly of the steering adapter - it allows you to make the coupling independent. The entire process of preparing a homemade hitch is best viewed in the video.


A homemade walk-behind tractor or motor-cultivator is complemented with all kinds of attachments. This is done in order to expand:

  • functional;
  • application area;
  • seasonality of work performed.

Thanks to the possibility of layout, the homemade product can be used in any season, even in winter, which allows all year round use technology. In addition to plowing and cultivating with attached equipment, they plow the land, plant and hill up crops, dig up potatoes, as well as clean up areas and prepare haylage. If, in addition to the walk-behind tractor, you make a trailed trolley, then it will also be able to perform transport functions, helping to transport heavy, bulky loads. Due to the high cost of mounting equipment, many try to make it themselves, using drawings, sketches, and author’s videos.

Potato Digger

Making a homemade potato digger begins with preparing the carriage body, welded from wire and thin twigs. The sketch presented here will help you understand this process (you can also use the video).

Fig.4. Potato Digger

A shovel made of a steel sheet and repeating the shape of the potato digger body is installed on the homemade axis in front of the carriage. At the back, twigs are welded to it, slightly bent to the bottom.


To make a plow, high-strength alloy steel or sheet steel with a thickness of at least 3 mm is used for the motor cultivator.

Fig.5. Homemade plow

First, based on the drawing, a pattern is prepared and transferred to cardboard, and then to metal, after which it is cut out using a grinder. It is recommended to strengthen the plowshare high-strength metal, for example, from circular saw. The blade and the stand can first be made separately and then joined together. This design is less vulnerable and if any element breaks, it will be easy to replace it.


Many people try to make a ready-made walk-behind tractor homemade trailer or an adapter equipped with a driver's seat.

Fig.6. Trailer device

1- holder of mounted implements; 2- console; 3- carrier; 4- footrest; 5- driver's seat; 6- frame; 7- body; 8- support beam; 9- bolt M-8; 10 - thrust ring; 11th wheel.

The frame for such a trailer is made of pipes and angles of any section. For the wheel axle use metal rod with a diameter of 30 mm. The body of a homemade device can be made from boards, corrugated sheets or sheets of metal 1.2-1.5 mm thick. To increase strength wooden trailer in the corners they are reinforced with metal plates, and those made of corrugated sheets are supplemented with stiffening ribs.

Inexpensive device with great functionality

A homemade walk-behind tractor or walk-behind cultivator is an economical and very useful walk-behind tractor unit. It is capable of performing all kinds of agricultural operations, thereby freeing a person from tedious physical labor. In the video below you can see all the functionality of this miracle machine.

Such homemade products are applicable not only as an assistant in agricultural work. They are successfully used when cleaning local area, and in winter - for clearing snow. If you make a high-quality homemade walk-behind tractor or motor-cultivator, then the operational parameters of the homemade product will be no worse than those of an expensive factory analogue.

An avid gardener and gardener has to dig large plots, which is very tiring, especially when a person is already retired. Moreover, this monotonous work is quite boring for most people. Digging, loosening and weeding will take much less time if you do not use the simplest tools, but use a homemade walk-behind tractor, which will make things more fun!

Application of cultivators

Since for processing even small area land requires a lot of effort, summer residents are thinking about making a motorized hoe. These workers come to the idea of ​​making a homemade walk-behind tractor with their own hands because factory-made walk-behind cultivators are expensive.

Homemade walk-behind tractors are used to carry out the following procedures:

  • plowing;
  • hilling,
  • mowing,
  • application of fertilizers.

Also, a do-it-yourself motorized plow will help with snow removal and weeding. weed, and if you add a trailer, you can use it to transport goods weighing up to 200 kg. A light walk-behind tractor usually includes only a cutter and a weeder. On a medium-weight product you can find a milling cutter, a plow, a mower and a hiller. Heavy products are reliable, have high maneuverability and non-removable wheels. With this design of the walk-behind tractor, it is possible to use the following equipment:

Advantages of homemade structures

The main advantage is saving money. Enough to assemble a walk-behind tractor the following materials and tools:

  • Motorcycle engine or chainsaw engine, welding machine.
  • Steel pipes.
  • Wheels from a car or sheet metal for making lugs.
  • Parts for connecting the motor to the frame.

For example, you can make a walk-behind tractor with your own hands if you have a drawing and necessary equipment. In this case, the motorized trimmer will perform all the functions of the factory models. If you choose a powerful engine for a milling cutter, the product will not be inferior even to modern factory walk-behind tractors.

Attachments can also be made independently: a single-wheel unit will not need a differential.

Frame making

The frame is a supporting structure on which the parts and components of the walk-behind tractor are mounted. Manufacturing algorithm:

Power section

When manufacturing the power unit, compliance is required following conditions:

The engine is mounted on the finished frame.

Features of handling equipment

The most widely used is the Arkhipov walk-behind tractor with an articulated connection between the attachment and the tractor. This feature allows you to expend less effort during operation, and the furrow created remains uniform when turning. The plowing depth provided by the unit is the same throughout the entire area, and no additional effort is required to complete the operation.

Motoblock Arkhipova

A self-propelled vehicle on two wheels with an engine from a VP-150 M scooter. This power unit is selected for design reasons: for forced air cooling of the cylinder head.

A steel pipe is attached to the frame of the unit by welding, which ends with an axis necessary for tensioning the cables going to the engine gearbox. The tension is carried out by a swinging rocker arm, the gear shift knob of which is a welded section of steel pipe. Chain pitch is 12.7 mm and 15.9 mm. Number of teeth on sprockets: running axle - 40, secondary shaft - 20 and 60, output shaft - 11.

There are enough analogues of the model, but original design there is a Kaluga master undeniable advantages:

Optional equipment

Attachments often is:

  • plow;
  • cutter;
  • rake;
  • harrow.

These tools are secured to a special bracket mounted behind the engine.

Potatoes are dug up using a special digger, which removes the tubers from the ground without damage. A rake canopy is used to collect mown grass or tops.

WITH additional equipment The walk-behind tractor not only cultivates the soil, but can also be used for cleaning the area. If you attach a bulldozer blade to a block, it will effectively remove snow; he will sweep with a roller and brush garden paths.

Trailer for walk-behind tractor

The walk-behind tractor is also used for transporting goods if it has a trailer.

You can also make a trailer yourself u. Manufacturing stages:

It is noteworthy that the walk-behind tractor can be turned into a mini-tractor.

So, you can make reliable equipment yourself, and at the same time do it practically without financial costs.


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